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ignatius joseph estroga
History of

    ignatius joseph estroga
1.a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pa
ntomime a story involving conflict more contrast of character,
especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.
2.the art dealing with the writing and production of plays.
3.any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, con
flicting, or striking interest or results: the
drama of a murder trial.
4. A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently
overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign
                          ignatius joseph estroga
History of

    ignatius joseph estroga
Little information about the origin of theatre has survived. The
information we do have comes from wall paintings, decorations,
artifacts, and hieroglyphics that show the importance of successful
hunts, seasonal changes, life cycles, and stories of the gods.

                              ignatius joseph estroga
From these we see the
necessity of passing
along the experiences
of the old to the young
through art,
storytelling, and
dramatizing events. This
practice gave the youth
of a culture a guide and
a plan for their own

                      ignatius joseph estroga
Theatre emerged from myth, ritual, and ceremony. Early
societies perceived connections between certain actions performed by
the group or leaders in the group and the desired results of the whole
society. These actions moved from habit, to tradition, and then on to
ceremony and ritual. The formulation of these actions, and the
consequent repetition and rehearsal, broke the ground for theatre.

                           ignatius joseph estroga
Rituals are related to three basic
concerns: pleasure, power, and duty.

                                         Joseph Cambell
               ignatius joseph estroga
• Power- influencing and controlling events-
  were often the intention of rituals such as
  ceremonies to guarantee a successful crop or
  to please the gods.
                   ignatius joseph estroga
• Usually societies had rituals that glorified supernatural
  powers, victories, and heroes. Often supernatural
  forms would be represented using costumes and
  masks. Rituals that were practiced as duty to the gods,
  also brought entertainment and pleasure.

                        ignatius joseph estroga
• These rituals are accompanied by myths. The
  myths enter the storytelling tradition, gaining a life
  beyond the original rites. This new life allows the
  myths to move towards entertainment and the
  aesthetic. These stories now are performed for
  their own sake and move towards theatre.

                       ignatius joseph estroga
• Through these rituals, leaders, or actors of sorts,
  emerged. These acting/leadership roles were
  often filled by elders and priests. In addition, the
  beginnings of acting spaces or auditoriums
  developed as a result of more elaborate rituals.
                      ignatius joseph estroga
• "Pyramid texts" dating
                                                        from 2800 to 2400 B.C.,
                                                        contain dramas sending
                                                        the dead pharaoh off to
                                                        the underworld. These
                                                        dramas also the
                                                        continuity of life and the
                                                        pharaoh's power.
• Memphite Drama, recounting the story of
  the death and resurection of the god
  Osiris, and the coronation of his son
• Abydos -play concerns the story of Osiris.
  The paramont egyptian myth, this drama
  was enacted at the most sacred place in
  Egypt, Abydos- the burial site of Osiris. .

                                   ignatius joseph estroga
Ancient Greece
ignatius joseph estroga
-Began in 700 B.C. festivals honoring their many
 -Dionysus-was honored with an unusual festival
 called the City Dionysia. The revelry-filled festival
 was led by drunken men dressed up in rough goat
 skins (because goats were thought sexually
 potent) who would sing and play in choruses to
 welcome Dionysus.

• Tribes competed against one another in performances, and the best
show would have the honour of winning the contest. Historians believe
that the Greeks patterned their celebrations after the traditional
Egyptian pageants honouring Osiris.
                              ignatius joseph estroga
• At the early Greek festivals, the actors, directors,
  and dramatists were all the same person.
• Later, only three actors could be used in each
• After some time, non-speaking roles were
  allowed to perform on-stage. Because of the
  limited number of actors allowed on-stage, the
  chorus evolved into a very active part of Greek
• Though the number of people in the chorus is
  not clear, the chorus was given as many as one-
  half the total lines of the play. Music was often
  played during the chorus' delivery of its lines.
                      ignatius joseph estroga

                    Pyramus and Thisbe

                                                       Orpheus and Eurydice

• Although few tragedies written from this time actually
  remain, the themes and accomplishments of Greek
  tragedy still resonate to contemporary audiences. The
  term tragedy (tragos and ode) literally means "goat
  song," after the festival participants' goat-like dancing
  around sacrificial goats for prizes. Most Greek
  tragedies are based on mythology or history and deal
  with characters' search for the meaning of life and the
  nature of the gods.        ignatius joseph estroga
Three well-known Greek tragedy
playwrights are Sophocles,
Euripedes and Aeschylus, wrote
some of the oldest tragedies in the
              ignatius joseph estroga
• Comedy was also an important part of
  ancient Greek theatre. No one is quite
  sure of the origins of comedy, but it is
  said that they derived from imitation.
• All comedies of note during this time are
  by Aristophanes, who competed in the
  major Athenian festivals, wrote 40 plays,
  11 of which survived--including the most
  controversial piece of literature to come
  from ancient Greece, Lysistrata, a
  humorous tale about a strong woman
  who leads a female coalition to end war
  in Greece
            ignatius joseph estroga
Roman and Byzantine
ignatius joseph estroga
• Roman Theatre derived from religious festivals. The Romans'
  carnival-like festivals included acting, flute playing, dancing,
  and prize-fighting.
• Almost all festivals used music, dance, and masks in their
• The first Roman performance occurred in Rome around 364
  B.C. The Romans have been known for using other cultures
  and practices and improving on them, and the same can be
  said of their approach to the theatre. Romans borrowed
  Greek and Etruscan methods in their own theatre, but made
  them distinctly Roman by improving and modifying those

                           ignatius joseph estroga
• In contrast to ancient Greece, comedy was more
  popular in Rome than tragedy. Titus Maccius
  Plautus was an extremely popular Roman comedy
  writer. He is attributed with 130 plays including The
  Braggart Warrior, The Casket and Pot of Gold.
• Only three names of Roman playwrights of tragedy
  are known from the early times: Quintus Ennius,
  Marcus Pascuvius, and Lucius Accius.

                       ignatius joseph estroga
• The theatre was certainly not the only form of entertainment in
  Rome. Roman theatrical entertainment included the popular
  chariot racing, horse racing, foot races, wrestling, and fights
  between men, or gladiators.
• Venationes- fights between wild animals
• Naumachiae or sea battles in which lakes were dug or
  amphitheatres like the Colosseum were flooded for the
  occasion. Christians were often the victims of the Romans'
  thirst for blood, and many were sentenced to battle to the
  death in the Colosseum.

                           ignatius joseph estroga
European Theatre and Drama in the
                     Middle Ages
          ignatius joseph estroga
• After the fall of the Roman
  Empire, small nomadic bands
  travelled around performing
  wherever there was an audience.
  They consisted of storytellers,
  jesters, jugglers and many other
  performers. Later, festivals
  cropped up where entertainers
  would show their talents.
  However, the powerful Catholic
  Church made headway during the
  Middle Ages to stamp out such
  performances and convert the
    ignatius joseph estroga
• Despite its insistence that
  acting and traveling
  performances were sinful,
  the Church was actually
  instrumental in reviving
  theatre in the Middle
  Ages. In one type of
  church service, called The
• Bible stories were
  dramatized. Music often
  would be incorporated into
                   ignatius joseph estroga
ignatius joseph estroga
• The man known as the greatest dramatist of all
  time is William Shakespeare.
• He was involved in all aspects of theatre, more
  than any other writer of his day. Shakespeare is
  said to have written 38 plays – histories, tragedies
  and comedies- including Comedy of errors,
  Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar and Macbeth. No
  writer has been more effective and powerful with
  the use of the language as Shakespeare.
• Emotions, pride, attitudes are all incorporated
  into Shakespeare's dramatic situation. He was
  effective and at the same time sensitive to needs
  of his audiences and actors. Although well-known
  during his life, Shakespeare's popularity didn't
  flower until after his death. estroga
                           ignatius joseph
• The years between 1642 and 1660 (also known as the
  Interregnum, or period between kings) saw very
  little theatrical activity in England as the Puritans
  worked to drive out "sinful" theatre.
• A law was passed in 1642 that suspended
  performances for five years. After the law expired,
  Oliver Cromwell's government passed another law
  declaring that all actors were to be considered rogues.
  Many theatres were even dismantled.

                       ignatius joseph estroga
The Spanish Theatre
ignatius joseph estroga
• During the 16th & 17th centuries the Spanish
  Theatre flourished--with religion as its primary
  source. During the 16th century, Spain held a
  religious festival three times annually called
  the Corpus Christie festival which emphasized
  the power of the Church. At the festival, they
  performed plays called autos sacramentales.
                    ignatius joseph estroga
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1547.                  Don Quixote

                          ignatius joseph estroga
• In Spain, Comedia was the word used to describe
  any full-length play, whether it was serious or
  comic. Most Comedias were divided into three
  acts and began with a loa, or prologue. The most
  well-known Spanish playwright is Lope Felix de
  Voga Carpio. Vega is believed to have written 800
  comedies, 450 of which survived. His plays have
  clearly defined actions which keep the audience
  interested, and most of his plays deal with the
  theme of love and honor.

                     ignatius joseph estroga
Italian Theatre and Drama
    ignatius joseph estroga
• Around 1485, Italian rulers began to finance
   productions of Roman plays and imitations of them.
   This prompted interest in rewriting Roman plays into
   Italian as well as the writing of new plays. One of first
   important vernacular tragedy was Sofonisha by
   Giangiorgio Trissino.
• Between the 14th and 16th centuries
Renaissance Drama developed in Italy,
marking an end to medieval practices
and a release of traditional Roman ways
 of presenting drama.

                          ignatius joseph estroga
The Theatre of the Orient

  ignatius joseph estroga
• Indian drama was spoken in Sanskrit which was
  the most commonly spoken language in India.
• Sanskrit performances were usually given on
  special occasions such as religious festivals,
  marriages, coronations, or victory celebrations.
  No scenery was used but the stage had painting
  or carvings that would have symbolic value.
• Two famous Indian plays which deal with the
  Rasa were The Little Clay
  Cart by Bhasa and Sakuntala written by Kalidasa

                      ignatius joseph estroga
• In Japan, three classical forms of theatre
  exist: Noh, Bunraku and, Kabuki.
• Kabuki is a highly stylized form of theatre that
  employed lots of scenery and elaborate sets and
  costumes. Kabuki, like most oriental theatre, did
  not use women in its theatre performances.

                       ignatius joseph estroga
• Another classical form,
  Bunraku, is puppet theatre.
  Each puppet had three
  operators, but only the
  master puppeteer's face could
  be seen.

                    ignatius joseph estroga
• The classic form of Noh, however, started as religious
  ritual. It had a shite, who was the lead actor, and
  waki, who was the sidekick or confidante of the
  shite. Noh theatre utilized an orchestra which had a
  special position on-stage, but Noh, like Kabuki, did
  not use women in its performances. Besides the
  enduring influences of its stylized classical theatre,
  the Japanese also introduced to the world the
  revolving stage, a design which is used worldwide.
                       ignatius joseph estroga
The Beginnings of Modern Theatre,
• Richard Wagner was an innovator who injected
  theatre with the contemporary trend toward
  realism, calling for many changes to take place in
  the theatre world. Wagner is probably best
  known for his concept of a new type of theatre
  structure--the festival theatre. He designed the
  structure to fulfill his ambition of a classless
  theatre. Famous throughout the world, the
  architectural design of the festival was fan-
  shaped, making all seats equal in sight lines, as
  well as equally priced.

                     ignatius joseph estroga
• The theatrical evolution during this period included the emergence
  of the modern director. Germany's Georg II, Duke of Saxe-
  Meiningen was one of the most famous early modern directors. He
  produced plays that were the most historically accurate of the 19th
  century. He designed all the costumes, scenery, and properties used
  by his troupe. Georg also adopted the practice of long rehearsal
  schedules and the idea of ensemble acting. He created carefully
  blocked crowd scenes and family groups, which made a small
  number of actors seem like a large gathering.
• The United States' Belasco was another famous director known for
  creating realist plays and sets. He was also a noteworthy designer
  for his creation of the most modern lighting instruments of the
  time. Other designers were Craig who prominently featured
  drapery in his designs, and Appia, a Swiss designer who used three-
  dimensional scenery and used the stage floor as a part of his set.

                            ignatius joseph estroga
• The prolific and controversial playwright Heinrich Ibsen wrote 25
  plays during the late 19th century, two of which are the oft-
  produced A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler. Ibsen is known as the
  father of modern realism. His greatest talent was giving the
  audience background on people and situations, without making the
  exposition boring or obvious. His plays were very symbolic, and
  some of his subject matters were thought scandalous for their time.
  Four other plays by Ibsen are Ghosts, Peergynt, The Wild
  Duck, and The Master Builder. Another well-known playwright of
  the time was Russian comedy writer Anton Chekhov , who
  wrote The Seagull and The Cherry Orchard. German playwrights
  included Gerhart Hauptmann who wroteThe Weavers, the first play
  with a group protagonist. An associate of Hauptmann, Maxim
  Gorky, wrote The Lower Depths, which also had a working class

                            ignatius joseph estroga
•   France also had a wealth of modern playwright talent, such as Alexandre Dumas who wrote The
    Demi-Monde and The Lady of the Camellias, now usually referred to as Camille, a realistic story
    about a "prostitute with a heart of gold." Considering himself a realist, Dumas wrote about
    contemporary social problems. Other noteworthy French writers included Emile Augier, who
    wrote Olympe's Marriage and Madame Poirier's Son-in-Law; and Eugene Scribe. Scribe developed
    what's known as the well-made play. His plays, including A Glass of Water andMarriage for Money,
    had five full acts, clear exposition of situation, and logical resolutions. French theorist Emile Zola
    railed against Scribe's concept of the well-made play. Zola wrote on two types of subjects, scientific
    findings and things recorded about natural life. He became famous for his novels, The Experimental
    Novel and Naturalism in the Theatre.
•   English playwrights of the time included Arthur Pinero who wrote The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith and
    William Butler Yeats who wrote Purgatory. The brilliant satirist George Bernard Shawwas one of the
    most prominent writers of late 19th and early 20th century England. Shaw, a vocal writer on social
    problems, wrote satiric plays such as Pygmalion and Arms and the Man.
•   This period also witnessed the beginnings of the independent theatre movement. A few of the
    theatres involved in this movement were the Independent Theatre in England, the Moscow Art
    Theatre in Russia, and Theatre du Vieux Colombier in France.

                                           ignatius joseph estroga
ignatius joseph estroga
ignatius joseph estroga
• Scott R. Robinson.
• http://www.usu.edu/markdamen/ClasDram/c
• http://www.tctwebstage.com/ancient.htm
• http://anarchon.tripod.com/indexGREEKTH.ht

                  ignatius joseph estroga

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History of Drama

  • 2. The History of atre ignatius joseph estroga
  • 3. Drama-defined. 1.a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pa ntomime a story involving conflict more contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play. 2.the art dealing with the writing and production of plays. 3.any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, con flicting, or striking interest or results: the drama of a murder trial. 4. A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 4. The History of atre ignatius joseph estroga
  • 5. Little information about the origin of theatre has survived. The information we do have comes from wall paintings, decorations, artifacts, and hieroglyphics that show the importance of successful hunts, seasonal changes, life cycles, and stories of the gods. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 6. From these we see the necessity of passing along the experiences of the old to the young through art, storytelling, and dramatizing events. This practice gave the youth of a culture a guide and a plan for their own lives ignatius joseph estroga
  • 7. Theatre emerged from myth, ritual, and ceremony. Early societies perceived connections between certain actions performed by the group or leaders in the group and the desired results of the whole society. These actions moved from habit, to tradition, and then on to ceremony and ritual. The formulation of these actions, and the consequent repetition and rehearsal, broke the ground for theatre. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 8. Rituals are related to three basic concerns: pleasure, power, and duty. Joseph Cambell ignatius joseph estroga
  • 9. • Power- influencing and controlling events- were often the intention of rituals such as ceremonies to guarantee a successful crop or to please the gods. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 10. • Usually societies had rituals that glorified supernatural powers, victories, and heroes. Often supernatural forms would be represented using costumes and masks. Rituals that were practiced as duty to the gods, also brought entertainment and pleasure. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 11. • These rituals are accompanied by myths. The myths enter the storytelling tradition, gaining a life beyond the original rites. This new life allows the myths to move towards entertainment and the aesthetic. These stories now are performed for their own sake and move towards theatre. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 12. • Through these rituals, leaders, or actors of sorts, emerged. These acting/leadership roles were often filled by elders and priests. In addition, the beginnings of acting spaces or auditoriums developed as a result of more elaborate rituals. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 13. • "Pyramid texts" dating from 2800 to 2400 B.C., contain dramas sending the dead pharaoh off to the underworld. These dramas also the continuity of life and the pharaoh's power. • Memphite Drama, recounting the story of the death and resurection of the god Osiris, and the coronation of his son Horus. • Abydos -play concerns the story of Osiris. The paramont egyptian myth, this drama was enacted at the most sacred place in Egypt, Abydos- the burial site of Osiris. . ignatius joseph estroga
  • 15. -Began in 700 B.C. festivals honoring their many gods. -Dionysus-was honored with an unusual festival called the City Dionysia. The revelry-filled festival was led by drunken men dressed up in rough goat skins (because goats were thought sexually potent) who would sing and play in choruses to welcome Dionysus. • Tribes competed against one another in performances, and the best show would have the honour of winning the contest. Historians believe that the Greeks patterned their celebrations after the traditional Egyptian pageants honouring Osiris. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 16. • At the early Greek festivals, the actors, directors, and dramatists were all the same person. • Later, only three actors could be used in each play. • After some time, non-speaking roles were allowed to perform on-stage. Because of the limited number of actors allowed on-stage, the chorus evolved into a very active part of Greek theatre. • Though the number of people in the chorus is not clear, the chorus was given as many as one- half the total lines of the play. Music was often played during the chorus' delivery of its lines. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 17. Icarus Pyramus and Thisbe Orpheus and Eurydice • Although few tragedies written from this time actually remain, the themes and accomplishments of Greek tragedy still resonate to contemporary audiences. The term tragedy (tragos and ode) literally means "goat song," after the festival participants' goat-like dancing around sacrificial goats for prizes. Most Greek tragedies are based on mythology or history and deal with characters' search for the meaning of life and the nature of the gods. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 18. Three well-known Greek tragedy playwrights are Sophocles, Euripedes and Aeschylus, wrote some of the oldest tragedies in the world. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 19. • Comedy was also an important part of ancient Greek theatre. No one is quite sure of the origins of comedy, but it is said that they derived from imitation. • All comedies of note during this time are by Aristophanes, who competed in the major Athenian festivals, wrote 40 plays, 11 of which survived--including the most controversial piece of literature to come from ancient Greece, Lysistrata, a humorous tale about a strong woman who leads a female coalition to end war in Greece ignatius joseph estroga
  • 21. • Roman Theatre derived from religious festivals. The Romans' carnival-like festivals included acting, flute playing, dancing, and prize-fighting. • Almost all festivals used music, dance, and masks in their ceremonies. • The first Roman performance occurred in Rome around 364 B.C. The Romans have been known for using other cultures and practices and improving on them, and the same can be said of their approach to the theatre. Romans borrowed Greek and Etruscan methods in their own theatre, but made them distinctly Roman by improving and modifying those methods. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 22. • In contrast to ancient Greece, comedy was more popular in Rome than tragedy. Titus Maccius Plautus was an extremely popular Roman comedy writer. He is attributed with 130 plays including The Braggart Warrior, The Casket and Pot of Gold. • Only three names of Roman playwrights of tragedy are known from the early times: Quintus Ennius, Marcus Pascuvius, and Lucius Accius. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 23. • The theatre was certainly not the only form of entertainment in Rome. Roman theatrical entertainment included the popular chariot racing, horse racing, foot races, wrestling, and fights between men, or gladiators. • Venationes- fights between wild animals • Naumachiae or sea battles in which lakes were dug or amphitheatres like the Colosseum were flooded for the occasion. Christians were often the victims of the Romans' thirst for blood, and many were sentenced to battle to the death in the Colosseum. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 24. European Theatre and Drama in the Middle Ages ignatius joseph estroga
  • 25. • After the fall of the Roman Empire, small nomadic bands travelled around performing wherever there was an audience. They consisted of storytellers, jesters, jugglers and many other performers. Later, festivals cropped up where entertainers would show their talents. However, the powerful Catholic Church made headway during the Middle Ages to stamp out such performances and convert the entertainers. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 26. • Despite its insistence that acting and traveling performances were sinful, the Church was actually instrumental in reviving theatre in the Middle Ages. In one type of church service, called The Hours. • Bible stories were dramatized. Music often would be incorporated into ignatius joseph estroga
  • 28. • The man known as the greatest dramatist of all time is William Shakespeare. • He was involved in all aspects of theatre, more than any other writer of his day. Shakespeare is said to have written 38 plays – histories, tragedies and comedies- including Comedy of errors, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar and Macbeth. No writer has been more effective and powerful with the use of the language as Shakespeare. • Emotions, pride, attitudes are all incorporated into Shakespeare's dramatic situation. He was effective and at the same time sensitive to needs of his audiences and actors. Although well-known during his life, Shakespeare's popularity didn't flower until after his death. estroga ignatius joseph
  • 29. • The years between 1642 and 1660 (also known as the Interregnum, or period between kings) saw very little theatrical activity in England as the Puritans worked to drive out "sinful" theatre. • A law was passed in 1642 that suspended performances for five years. After the law expired, Oliver Cromwell's government passed another law declaring that all actors were to be considered rogues. Many theatres were even dismantled. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 31. • During the 16th & 17th centuries the Spanish Theatre flourished--with religion as its primary source. During the 16th century, Spain held a religious festival three times annually called the Corpus Christie festival which emphasized the power of the Church. At the festival, they performed plays called autos sacramentales. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 32. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1547. Don Quixote ignatius joseph estroga
  • 33. • In Spain, Comedia was the word used to describe any full-length play, whether it was serious or comic. Most Comedias were divided into three acts and began with a loa, or prologue. The most well-known Spanish playwright is Lope Felix de Voga Carpio. Vega is believed to have written 800 comedies, 450 of which survived. His plays have clearly defined actions which keep the audience interested, and most of his plays deal with the theme of love and honor. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 34. Italian Theatre and Drama ignatius joseph estroga
  • 35. • Around 1485, Italian rulers began to finance productions of Roman plays and imitations of them. This prompted interest in rewriting Roman plays into Italian as well as the writing of new plays. One of first important vernacular tragedy was Sofonisha by Giangiorgio Trissino. • Between the 14th and 16th centuries Renaissance Drama developed in Italy, marking an end to medieval practices and a release of traditional Roman ways of presenting drama. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 36. The Theatre of the Orient ignatius joseph estroga
  • 37. • Indian drama was spoken in Sanskrit which was the most commonly spoken language in India. • Sanskrit performances were usually given on special occasions such as religious festivals, marriages, coronations, or victory celebrations. No scenery was used but the stage had painting or carvings that would have symbolic value. • Two famous Indian plays which deal with the Rasa were The Little Clay Cart by Bhasa and Sakuntala written by Kalidasa ignatius joseph estroga
  • 38. • In Japan, three classical forms of theatre exist: Noh, Bunraku and, Kabuki. • Kabuki is a highly stylized form of theatre that employed lots of scenery and elaborate sets and costumes. Kabuki, like most oriental theatre, did not use women in its theatre performances. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 39. • Another classical form, Bunraku, is puppet theatre. Each puppet had three operators, but only the master puppeteer's face could be seen. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 40. • The classic form of Noh, however, started as religious ritual. It had a shite, who was the lead actor, and waki, who was the sidekick or confidante of the shite. Noh theatre utilized an orchestra which had a special position on-stage, but Noh, like Kabuki, did not use women in its performances. Besides the enduring influences of its stylized classical theatre, the Japanese also introduced to the world the revolving stage, a design which is used worldwide. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 41. The Beginnings of Modern Theatre, 1875-1915 • Richard Wagner was an innovator who injected theatre with the contemporary trend toward realism, calling for many changes to take place in the theatre world. Wagner is probably best known for his concept of a new type of theatre structure--the festival theatre. He designed the structure to fulfill his ambition of a classless theatre. Famous throughout the world, the architectural design of the festival was fan- shaped, making all seats equal in sight lines, as well as equally priced. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 42. • The theatrical evolution during this period included the emergence of the modern director. Germany's Georg II, Duke of Saxe- Meiningen was one of the most famous early modern directors. He produced plays that were the most historically accurate of the 19th century. He designed all the costumes, scenery, and properties used by his troupe. Georg also adopted the practice of long rehearsal schedules and the idea of ensemble acting. He created carefully blocked crowd scenes and family groups, which made a small number of actors seem like a large gathering. • The United States' Belasco was another famous director known for creating realist plays and sets. He was also a noteworthy designer for his creation of the most modern lighting instruments of the time. Other designers were Craig who prominently featured drapery in his designs, and Appia, a Swiss designer who used three- dimensional scenery and used the stage floor as a part of his set. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 43. • The prolific and controversial playwright Heinrich Ibsen wrote 25 plays during the late 19th century, two of which are the oft- produced A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler. Ibsen is known as the father of modern realism. His greatest talent was giving the audience background on people and situations, without making the exposition boring or obvious. His plays were very symbolic, and some of his subject matters were thought scandalous for their time. Four other plays by Ibsen are Ghosts, Peergynt, The Wild Duck, and The Master Builder. Another well-known playwright of the time was Russian comedy writer Anton Chekhov , who wrote The Seagull and The Cherry Orchard. German playwrights included Gerhart Hauptmann who wroteThe Weavers, the first play with a group protagonist. An associate of Hauptmann, Maxim Gorky, wrote The Lower Depths, which also had a working class hero. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 44. France also had a wealth of modern playwright talent, such as Alexandre Dumas who wrote The Demi-Monde and The Lady of the Camellias, now usually referred to as Camille, a realistic story about a "prostitute with a heart of gold." Considering himself a realist, Dumas wrote about contemporary social problems. Other noteworthy French writers included Emile Augier, who wrote Olympe's Marriage and Madame Poirier's Son-in-Law; and Eugene Scribe. Scribe developed what's known as the well-made play. His plays, including A Glass of Water andMarriage for Money, had five full acts, clear exposition of situation, and logical resolutions. French theorist Emile Zola railed against Scribe's concept of the well-made play. Zola wrote on two types of subjects, scientific findings and things recorded about natural life. He became famous for his novels, The Experimental Novel and Naturalism in the Theatre. • English playwrights of the time included Arthur Pinero who wrote The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith and William Butler Yeats who wrote Purgatory. The brilliant satirist George Bernard Shawwas one of the most prominent writers of late 19th and early 20th century England. Shaw, a vocal writer on social problems, wrote satiric plays such as Pygmalion and Arms and the Man. • This period also witnessed the beginnings of the independent theatre movement. A few of the theatres involved in this movement were the Independent Theatre in England, the Moscow Art Theatre in Russia, and Theatre du Vieux Colombier in France. ignatius joseph estroga
  • 47. • Scott R. Robinson. http://www.cwu.edu/~robinsos/ppages/resou rces/Theatre_History/Theahis_7.html • http://www.usu.edu/markdamen/ClasDram/c hapters/011intro.htm • http://www.tctwebstage.com/ancient.htm • http://anarchon.tripod.com/indexGREEKTH.ht ml ignatius joseph estroga