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Learn more
GlobalSchoolNet engages
teachers and students in
"project learning exchanges"
with people around the
ThinkQuest.org A learning
platform where teachers and
students can create learning
projects, participate in a
website competition, and
browse a library of student
Web-based professional
development and classroom
activities aimed at infusing
technology into the curricula.
The Buck Institute provides a
project-based learning model
which draws on research,
teacher experience and
instructional models.
Don't put it down, put it up!:
In a fifth grade classroom
based around projects,
everything has its place. This
classroom profile shows you
the design and purpose of
Debra Harwell-Braun's fifth-
grade classroom.
Wall-to-wall project-based
learning: A conversation
Project-based learning
Project-based learning is a teaching approach that engages students in sustained,
collaborative real-world investigations. Projects are organized around a driving question,
and students participate in a variety of tasks that seek to meaningfully address this
History of project-based learning
According to the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), project-based learning has its roots
in experiential education and the philosophy of John Dewey. The method of project-
based learning emerged due to developments in learning theory in the past 25 years. The
BIE suggests, “Research in neuroscience and psychology has extended cognitive and
behavioral models of learning — which support traditional direct instruction — to show
that knowledge, thinking, doing, and the contexts for learning are inextricably tied.”1
Because learning is a social activity, teaching methods can scaffold on students’ prior
experiences and include a focus on community and culture. Furthermore, because we live
in an increasingly more technological and global society, teachers realize that they must
prepare students not only to think about new information, but they also must engage them
in tasks that prepare them for this global citizenship. Based on the developments in
cognitive research and the changing modern educational environment in the latter part of
the 20th Century, project-based learning has gained popularity.
Project-based learning defined
BIE defines project-based learning as “a systematic teaching method that engages
students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured
around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks.” This
process can last for varying time periods and can extend over multiple content areas.
John Thomas (2000) explains that project-based learning requires “complex tasks,
based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem-
solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give students the opportunity to
work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in realistic
products or presentations.”2
According to Ronald Marx et. al. (1994), project-based instruction often has a
“‘driving question’ encompassing worthwhile content that is anchored in a real-world
problem; investigations and artifacts that allow students to learn concepts, apply
Page 1 of 3Project-based learning
with biology teacher Kelley
Yonce: This article explains
the process of project-based
learning (PBL) as it is
practiced by Kelley Yonce, a
high-school biology teacher
who uses PBL throughout
the school year. Concrete
guidelines for a DNA project
are included, as well as
rubrics, assessment criteria,
and other relevant
Managing a classroom with
brain food: Tina Maples'
eighth-grade language arts
students are serious about
their work they do. When
students work on projects
they care about — what
Maples calls "brain food" —
they manage the classroom
Learn more about project-
based learning and teaching
The text of this page is copyright
©2008. See terms of use. Images
and other media may be licensed
separately; see captions for more
information and read the fine
information, and represent knowledge in a variety of ways; collaboration among students,
teachers, and others in the community so that participants can learn from one another;
and use of cognitive tools that help learners represent ideas by using technology…”3
Methods of using project-based learning
The project-based learning approach is often used in small school settings, like charter
and magnet schools, because they are affected to a lesser degree by the high-stakes state-
mandated testing movement. Although project-based learning can be done in
combination with the national standardized testing model, it is often difficult for teachers
to effectively interweave these two seemingly different types of instruction.
In order to create effective project-based learning units, professional development
organizers suggest using the following guidelines:
Begin with the end in mind and plan for this end result.
Craft the driving question; select and refine a central question.
Plan the assessment and define outcomes and assessment criteria.
Map the project: Decide how to structure the project.
Manage the process: Find tools and strategies for successful projects.4
Project-based learning can involve, but is not limited to:
Asking and refining questions
Debating ideas
Making predictions
Designing plans and/or experiments
Collecting and analyzing data
Drawing conclusions
Communicating ideas and findings to others
Asking new questions
Creating artifacts 5
Teacher role in project-based learning
Project-based learning is only possible in classrooms where teachers support students by
giving sufficient guidance and feedback. The teacher must thoroughly explain all tasks
that are to be completed, provide detailed directions for how to develop the project, and
circulate within the classroom in order to answer questions and encourage student
motivation. In order to create successful units focused on project-based learning, teachers
must plan well and be flexible. In this approach to instruction, teachers often find
themselves in the role of learner and peer with the students. Teachers can assess project-
based learning with a combination of objective tests, checklists, and rubrics; however,
these often only measure task completion. The inclusion of a reflective writing
component provides for self-evaluation of student learning.
Page 2 of 3Project-based learning
Student role in project-based learning
Students generally work in small, collaborative groups in the project-based learning
model. They find sources, conduct research, and hold each other responsible for learning
and the completion of tasks. Essentially, students must be “self-managers” in this
approach to instruction.6
Results of project-based learning research is mixed. Some studies suggest that it is
an engaging instructional approach, but numerous studies have also claimed that students
are not motivated by this type of learning, and that it places a great amount of stress on
“Project-based learning.” http://www.bie.org/index.php/site/PBL/pbl_handbook_introduction/#history. Buck Institute
for Education. Date Accessed: 12 November 2008. [return]
Thomas, J. (2000). A Review of the Research on Project-Based Learning. The Autodesk Foundation. [return]2.
Marx, R. W., Blumenfeld, P. C., Krajcik, J. S., Blunk, M., Crawford, B., Kelley, B., & Meyer, K. M. (1994). Enacting
project-based science: Experiences of four middle grade teachers. Elementary School Journal. 94(5): p. 518. [return]
Ravitz, J., Mergendoller, J., Markham, T., Thorsen, C., Rice, K., Snelson, C., & Reberry, S. (2004). Online
professional development for project based learning: Pathways to systematic improvement. Association for
Educational Communications and Technology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. [return]
Blumenfeld, P. C., Soloway, E., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A. (1991). Motivating project-
based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning. Educational Psychologist, 26 (3 & 4), 369-398. [return]
Mergendoller, J. & Thomas, J. (2000). Managing project based learning: Principles from the field. Date accessed: 13
November 2008. http://www.bie.org/index.php/site/RE/pbl_research/29. [return]
LEARN NC, a program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of
Education, finds the most innovative and successful practices in K–12 education and
makes them available to the teachers and students of North Carolina — and the world.
For more great resources for K–12 teaching and learning, visit us on the web at
Page 3 of 3Project-based learning

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History of pbl

  • 1. Learn more GlobalSchoolNet.org GlobalSchoolNet engages teachers and students in "project learning exchanges" with people around the world. ThinkQuest.org A learning platform where teachers and students can create learning projects, participate in a website competition, and browse a library of student projects. OnlineInternetInstitute.org Web-based professional development and classroom activities aimed at infusing technology into the curricula. BuckInstituteforEducation.org The Buck Institute provides a project-based learning model which draws on research, teacher experience and instructional models. RELATED PAGES Don't put it down, put it up!: In a fifth grade classroom based around projects, everything has its place. This classroom profile shows you the design and purpose of Debra Harwell-Braun's fifth- grade classroom. Wall-to-wall project-based learning: A conversation LEARN NC Project-based learning BY HEATHER COFFEY Project-based learning is a teaching approach that engages students in sustained, collaborative real-world investigations. Projects are organized around a driving question, and students participate in a variety of tasks that seek to meaningfully address this question. History of project-based learning According to the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), project-based learning has its roots in experiential education and the philosophy of John Dewey. The method of project- based learning emerged due to developments in learning theory in the past 25 years. The BIE suggests, “Research in neuroscience and psychology has extended cognitive and behavioral models of learning — which support traditional direct instruction — to show that knowledge, thinking, doing, and the contexts for learning are inextricably tied.”1 Because learning is a social activity, teaching methods can scaffold on students’ prior experiences and include a focus on community and culture. Furthermore, because we live in an increasingly more technological and global society, teachers realize that they must prepare students not only to think about new information, but they also must engage them in tasks that prepare them for this global citizenship. Based on the developments in cognitive research and the changing modern educational environment in the latter part of the 20th Century, project-based learning has gained popularity. Project-based learning defined BIE defines project-based learning as “a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks.” This process can last for varying time periods and can extend over multiple content areas. John Thomas (2000) explains that project-based learning requires “complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem- solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in realistic products or presentations.”2 According to Ronald Marx et. al. (1994), project-based instruction often has a “‘driving question’ encompassing worthwhile content that is anchored in a real-world problem; investigations and artifacts that allow students to learn concepts, apply Page 1 of 3Project-based learning 5/17/2010http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/4753
  • 2. with biology teacher Kelley Yonce: This article explains the process of project-based learning (PBL) as it is practiced by Kelley Yonce, a high-school biology teacher who uses PBL throughout the school year. Concrete guidelines for a DNA project are included, as well as rubrics, assessment criteria, and other relevant documents. Managing a classroom with brain food: Tina Maples' eighth-grade language arts students are serious about their work they do. When students work on projects they care about — what Maples calls "brain food" — they manage the classroom themselves. RELATED TOPICS Learn more about project- based learning and teaching methods. Legal The text of this page is copyright ©2008. See terms of use. Images and other media may be licensed separately; see captions for more information and read the fine print. information, and represent knowledge in a variety of ways; collaboration among students, teachers, and others in the community so that participants can learn from one another; and use of cognitive tools that help learners represent ideas by using technology…”3 Methods of using project-based learning The project-based learning approach is often used in small school settings, like charter and magnet schools, because they are affected to a lesser degree by the high-stakes state- mandated testing movement. Although project-based learning can be done in combination with the national standardized testing model, it is often difficult for teachers to effectively interweave these two seemingly different types of instruction. In order to create effective project-based learning units, professional development organizers suggest using the following guidelines: Begin with the end in mind and plan for this end result. Craft the driving question; select and refine a central question. Plan the assessment and define outcomes and assessment criteria. Map the project: Decide how to structure the project. Manage the process: Find tools and strategies for successful projects.4 Project-based learning can involve, but is not limited to: Asking and refining questions Debating ideas Making predictions Designing plans and/or experiments Collecting and analyzing data Drawing conclusions Communicating ideas and findings to others Asking new questions Creating artifacts 5 Teacher role in project-based learning Project-based learning is only possible in classrooms where teachers support students by giving sufficient guidance and feedback. The teacher must thoroughly explain all tasks that are to be completed, provide detailed directions for how to develop the project, and circulate within the classroom in order to answer questions and encourage student motivation. In order to create successful units focused on project-based learning, teachers must plan well and be flexible. In this approach to instruction, teachers often find themselves in the role of learner and peer with the students. Teachers can assess project- based learning with a combination of objective tests, checklists, and rubrics; however, these often only measure task completion. The inclusion of a reflective writing component provides for self-evaluation of student learning. Page 2 of 3Project-based learning 5/17/2010http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/4753
  • 3. Student role in project-based learning Students generally work in small, collaborative groups in the project-based learning model. They find sources, conduct research, and hold each other responsible for learning and the completion of tasks. Essentially, students must be “self-managers” in this approach to instruction.6 Results of project-based learning research is mixed. Some studies suggest that it is an engaging instructional approach, but numerous studies have also claimed that students are not motivated by this type of learning, and that it places a great amount of stress on teachers. Notes “Project-based learning.” http://www.bie.org/index.php/site/PBL/pbl_handbook_introduction/#history. Buck Institute for Education. Date Accessed: 12 November 2008. [return] 1. Thomas, J. (2000). A Review of the Research on Project-Based Learning. The Autodesk Foundation. [return]2. Marx, R. W., Blumenfeld, P. C., Krajcik, J. S., Blunk, M., Crawford, B., Kelley, B., & Meyer, K. M. (1994). Enacting project-based science: Experiences of four middle grade teachers. Elementary School Journal. 94(5): p. 518. [return] 3. Ravitz, J., Mergendoller, J., Markham, T., Thorsen, C., Rice, K., Snelson, C., & Reberry, S. (2004). Online professional development for project based learning: Pathways to systematic improvement. Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. [return] 4. Blumenfeld, P. C., Soloway, E., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S., Guzdial, M., & Palincsar, A. (1991). Motivating project- based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning. Educational Psychologist, 26 (3 & 4), 369-398. [return] 5. Mergendoller, J. & Thomas, J. (2000). Managing project based learning: Principles from the field. Date accessed: 13 November 2008. http://www.bie.org/index.php/site/RE/pbl_research/29. [return] 6. LEARN NC, a program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education, finds the most innovative and successful practices in K–12 education and makes them available to the teachers and students of North Carolina — and the world. For more great resources for K–12 teaching and learning, visit us on the web at www.learnnc.org. Page 3 of 3Project-based learning 5/17/2010http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/4753