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Information about project and
Introduction to Interreg Europe
Interreg Europe basic understanding (1)
Programme objective: To improve implementation of policies & programmes
under the Structural Funds Programmes (i.e. Investment for Growth and Jobs
and other relevant ETC programmes)
- Promoting exchange of experience & policy learning among actors of
regional relevance
- Individual staff members & organisations – better equipped to propose
new policies/implement improved techniques
- Institutions on regional/national/EU levels – more effective in
implementing regional policies & programmes
Rationale – Capitalization = process of collecting, analysing, dissemination
and transferring good practices and policy experience in a particular field of
regional policy
- Objective – exploiting & deploying in policy the results
achieved by the regions in field
Interreg Europe basic understanding (2)
Specific objectives:
1) To facilitate ongoing EU wide policy learning and the capitalisation of
practices among actors of regional relevance in order to strengthen
regional policies, implementation of programmes and implementation
of programmes
2) To support exchange of experience & sharing of practices among
actors of regional relevance
- aim: integrating and deploying the lessons learnt by cooperation
within mainstream regional policies instruments
Intervention logic
Policy learning platforms (1)
What is platform?
= service for project partners and other organisations involved in regional
policy around Europe to promote continuous policy learning and
capitalisation of good regional policy practices
- 1 policy platform per thematic objective (our is: Strengthening research,
technological development and innovation
- Each platform consists of:
• An international team of experts, specialised in the thematic policy
fields addressed by the programmes´ investment priorities,
contracted to organise activities & provide information and support
to the regions of Europe for improving the planning &
implementation of their policies
• An interactive web interface designed to facilitate networking,
information sharing & knowledge management & exchange
Policy learning platforms (2)
Why to have platforms?
- To contribute to EU-wide capacity building and policy learning
- To exploit results of interregional cooperation projects & make them
available to a wider audience of regional policy stakeholders across Europe
- To improve the quality of the programme´s content
Who can benefit from the platforms?
- Regions & stakeholders involved in the management & implementation of
Structural Funds programmes
- Other institutional stakeholders whose policy mandates are relevant for
the topics addressed by the platforms (e.g. EC, the Committee of Regions,
the European Environment Agency, the OECD...)
Policy learning platforms (3)
Services offered:
- Knowledge and education Centre
- Networking and partnering opportunities
- Expert policy helpdesk
- Expert support for policy change
Advice to projects:
- Invite projects to join the platform activities,
share knowledge and contribute to thematic
& networking events, peer reviews & other
relevant workshops
- Advice projects on relevant findings from content analysis policy
recommendations and other interesting thematic initiatives
- Ensure synergies within the projects by circulating relevant information
among the projects
Examples of activities:
- organise & facilitate
- thematic, networking, capacity building
and policy learning events, workshops and
meetings for the community of
stakeholders registered on the platforms;
- peer reviews between European regions in
support of policy improvement and
capacity building;
- monitor, as far as possible, the developments
of Structural Funds programmes and other
relevant sources around Europe on topics
related to the four thematic objectives so as to
identify possible interesting experiences,
synergies and links
Introduction to project
Quadruple helix approach in HC
Deployment versus delivery
Samples of delivery of innovative home care solutions:
- Project led by SME aiming to develop highly innovative solution for virtual
coaching of mild-dementia patients
- Project led by SME aiming to develop home care preventive care solution
for COPD patients
- Project led by SME in home care industry aiming to develop IP strategy
inside the organization
Samples of deployment of innovative home care solutions:
- Project led by Ministry of health aiming to equip mild-dementia patients
in 1 region by virtual coach
- Project led by Regional hospital aiming to introduce Home care preventive
solutions for their COPD patients
Where delivery meets deployement
HoCare under Interreg Europe
Project objective: to boost generation of innovative Home Care solutions in
regional innovation chains by strengthening of cooperation of actors in
regional innovation ecosystems using Quadruple-Helix approach
1) Addressing unmet needs of users (formal x informal)
2) Public driven innovation process
3) Bringing HoCare solutions quicker to the market using Quadruple-Helix
HoCare Innovation
1) Focus on improvement of Structural funds – promise high multiplication of
effect, plus direct impact on the efficiency of tackled policy instruments
2) Quadruple helix - better for identifying needs of target groups and proper
generation of innovation through public driven innovation by boosting
adaption of innovative solutions to meet these needs (+ bringing
innovative Home Care solutions quicker to the market)
3) Narrow theme: Home care Solutions promises well targeted impact
4) Project partners represent regions at similar level of innovation
performance. Experiences from past project show, that the transfer
between regions with significantly different level of innovation
performance is not working well.
Whole IMPACT / CHANGE is going to be done through SF improvement
No. of Growth & Jobs or ETC programmes addressed by the project
where measures inspired by the project will be implemented
Estimated amount of Structural Funds (from Growth & Jobs and/or
ETC) influenced by the project (in EUR)
Practical implementation (1)
How to make change in SF?
1st level: Implementation of new projects
Sample: transfer of SMART4MD project
2nd level Change in management: evaluations system changed
Sample: Inclusion of measuring of addressing the needs for
3rd level Change in strategic focus
→ there will be call which will specifically introduce using of
Quadruple Helix approach for product definition
→ call for PPI in HoCare
Practical implementation (2)
Project phases
Phase 1 – Interregional Learning
2 years
1 014 967 EUR
- Exchange of experiences
- Communication and dissemination
- Project management
Phase 2 – Monitoring of action plan
2 years
232 706 EUR
- Action plan implementation follow-up
- Communication and dissemination
- Project management
Practical implementation (3)
Exchange of experiences activities
The base 8 Regional Analysis including good practices identification
The activities → 3 Interregional thematic Workshops
- Each targeting 1 specific objectives
→ 3 Thema c Studies (1 per sub-objective)
- Include knowledge from Policy learning process
- Knowledge ideal for transfer
- 30 transferable Good practices (10 per sub-objective)
→ 3 HoCare Transfer Reports (1 per sub-objective)
Practical implementation (4)
Exchange of experiences activities
→ 4 Stakeholders’ meetings (obligatory)
- Multistakeholder group in all countries – at least 20 different
institutions (1 to 2 representatives per each), while it´s
obligatory, that representatives of whole Quadruple Helix
ecosystem will be represented in each Group
- Owner of the tackled policy instrument (if different from PP),
representatives of Research sector, Formal Carers (hospitals,
social services providers, seniors houses, Informal Carers
(associations, NGOs), industry (SMEs, LMEs from regions),
senior representatives of Health or Social care Regulators, and
Health Insurance Companies and mainly representatives
(senior policy officers or policy decision makers) of other
relevant policy actors
Practical implementation (4)
Exchange of experiences activities
→ 8 Action plans (obligatory)
- Action plan has to be produced in all regions
- It provides details, how the lessons learnt from the
cooperation will be implemented in order to improve
respective Structural Funds
- It specifies the nature of the actions, their timeframe, the
players involved, the costs (if any) and funding sources (if any)
→ Par cipa on in the policy learning pla orm ac vi es (obligatory)
Policy learning as core of Exchange of
We don´t address external/EU level learning.
Thank you very much for
your attention 

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HoCare Interreg Europe project

  • 2. HoCare Introduction to Interreg Europe programme 2
  • 3. 3 Interreg Europe basic understanding (1) Programme objective: To improve implementation of policies & programmes under the Structural Funds Programmes (i.e. Investment for Growth and Jobs and other relevant ETC programmes) - Promoting exchange of experience & policy learning among actors of regional relevance Change: - Individual staff members & organisations – better equipped to propose new policies/implement improved techniques - Institutions on regional/national/EU levels – more effective in implementing regional policies & programmes Rationale – Capitalization = process of collecting, analysing, dissemination and transferring good practices and policy experience in a particular field of regional policy - Objective – exploiting & deploying in policy the results achieved by the regions in field
  • 4. 4 Interreg Europe basic understanding (2) Specific objectives: 1) To facilitate ongoing EU wide policy learning and the capitalisation of practices among actors of regional relevance in order to strengthen regional policies, implementation of programmes and implementation of programmes 2) To support exchange of experience & sharing of practices among actors of regional relevance - aim: integrating and deploying the lessons learnt by cooperation within mainstream regional policies instruments
  • 6. 6 Policy learning platforms (1) What is platform? = service for project partners and other organisations involved in regional policy around Europe to promote continuous policy learning and capitalisation of good regional policy practices - 1 policy platform per thematic objective (our is: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation - Each platform consists of: • An international team of experts, specialised in the thematic policy fields addressed by the programmes´ investment priorities, contracted to organise activities & provide information and support to the regions of Europe for improving the planning & implementation of their policies • An interactive web interface designed to facilitate networking, information sharing & knowledge management & exchange
  • 7. 7 Policy learning platforms (2) Why to have platforms? - To contribute to EU-wide capacity building and policy learning - To exploit results of interregional cooperation projects & make them available to a wider audience of regional policy stakeholders across Europe - To improve the quality of the programme´s content Who can benefit from the platforms? - Regions & stakeholders involved in the management & implementation of Structural Funds programmes - Other institutional stakeholders whose policy mandates are relevant for the topics addressed by the platforms (e.g. EC, the Committee of Regions, the European Environment Agency, the OECD...)
  • 8. 8 Policy learning platforms (3) Services offered: - Knowledge and education Centre - Networking and partnering opportunities - Expert policy helpdesk - Expert support for policy change Advice to projects: - Invite projects to join the platform activities, share knowledge and contribute to thematic & networking events, peer reviews & other relevant workshops - Advice projects on relevant findings from content analysis policy recommendations and other interesting thematic initiatives - Ensure synergies within the projects by circulating relevant information among the projects Examples of activities: - organise & facilitate - thematic, networking, capacity building and policy learning events, workshops and meetings for the community of stakeholders registered on the platforms; - peer reviews between European regions in support of policy improvement and capacity building; - monitor, as far as possible, the developments of Structural Funds programmes and other relevant sources around Europe on topics related to the four thematic objectives so as to identify possible interesting experiences, synergies and links
  • 10. 10 Quadruple helix approach in HC RTD SMEs PUBLIC ACTORS CITIZENS/END USERS
  • 11. 11 Deployment versus delivery Samples of delivery of innovative home care solutions: - Project led by SME aiming to develop highly innovative solution for virtual coaching of mild-dementia patients - Project led by SME aiming to develop home care preventive care solution for COPD patients - Project led by SME in home care industry aiming to develop IP strategy inside the organization Samples of deployment of innovative home care solutions: - Project led by Ministry of health aiming to equip mild-dementia patients in 1 region by virtual coach - Project led by Regional hospital aiming to introduce Home care preventive solutions for their COPD patients
  • 12. 12 Where delivery meets deployement
  • 13. 13 HoCare under Interreg Europe Project objective: to boost generation of innovative Home Care solutions in regional innovation chains by strengthening of cooperation of actors in regional innovation ecosystems using Quadruple-Helix approach Sub-objectives: 1) Addressing unmet needs of users (formal x informal) 2) Public driven innovation process 3) Bringing HoCare solutions quicker to the market using Quadruple-Helix approach
  • 14. 14 HoCare Innovation 1) Focus on improvement of Structural funds – promise high multiplication of effect, plus direct impact on the efficiency of tackled policy instruments 2) Quadruple helix - better for identifying needs of target groups and proper generation of innovation through public driven innovation by boosting adaption of innovative solutions to meet these needs (+ bringing innovative Home Care solutions quicker to the market) 3) Narrow theme: Home care Solutions promises well targeted impact 4) Project partners represent regions at similar level of innovation performance. Experiences from past project show, that the transfer between regions with significantly different level of innovation performance is not working well.
  • 15. 15 Change Whole IMPACT / CHANGE is going to be done through SF improvement No. of Growth & Jobs or ETC programmes addressed by the project where measures inspired by the project will be implemented 8 Estimated amount of Structural Funds (from Growth & Jobs and/or ETC) influenced by the project (in EUR) 22500000
  • 16. 16 Practical implementation (1) How to make change in SF? 1st level: Implementation of new projects Sample: transfer of SMART4MD project 2nd level Change in management: evaluations system changed Sample: Inclusion of measuring of addressing the needs for innovation 3rd level Change in strategic focus Samples: → there will be call which will specifically introduce using of Quadruple Helix approach for product definition → call for PPI in HoCare
  • 17. 17 Practical implementation (2) Project phases Phase 1 – Interregional Learning 2 years 1 014 967 EUR - Exchange of experiences - Communication and dissemination - Project management Phase 2 – Monitoring of action plan implementation 2 years 232 706 EUR - Action plan implementation follow-up - Communication and dissemination - Project management
  • 18. 18 Practical implementation (3) Exchange of experiences activities The base 8 Regional Analysis including good practices identification The activities → 3 Interregional thematic Workshops - Each targeting 1 specific objectives → 3 Thema c Studies (1 per sub-objective) - Include knowledge from Policy learning process - Knowledge ideal for transfer - 30 transferable Good practices (10 per sub-objective) → 3 HoCare Transfer Reports (1 per sub-objective)
  • 19. 19 Practical implementation (4) Exchange of experiences activities → 4 Stakeholders’ meetings (obligatory) - Multistakeholder group in all countries – at least 20 different institutions (1 to 2 representatives per each), while it´s obligatory, that representatives of whole Quadruple Helix ecosystem will be represented in each Group - Owner of the tackled policy instrument (if different from PP), representatives of Research sector, Formal Carers (hospitals, social services providers, seniors houses, Informal Carers (associations, NGOs), industry (SMEs, LMEs from regions), senior representatives of Health or Social care Regulators, and Health Insurance Companies and mainly representatives (senior policy officers or policy decision makers) of other relevant policy actors
  • 20. 20 Practical implementation (4) Exchange of experiences activities → 8 Action plans (obligatory) - Action plan has to be produced in all regions - It provides details, how the lessons learnt from the cooperation will be implemented in order to improve respective Structural Funds - It specifies the nature of the actions, their timeframe, the players involved, the costs (if any) and funding sources (if any) → Par cipa on in the policy learning pla orm ac vi es (obligatory)
  • 21. 21 Policy learning as core of Exchange of experiences We don´t address external/EU level learning.
  • 22. 22 Thank you very much for your attention 