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  Invite others to come unto Christ by
helping them receive the restored gospel
  through faith in Jesus Christ and His
Atonement, repentance, baptism, receivi
    ng the gift of the Holy Ghost, and
          enduring to the end.

                        with a
How Do We Use the Holy Spirit in
      Missionary Work?

Joseph Smith said: “Salvation cannot
come without revelation; it is in vain
for anyone to minister without it. HC
Truth No. 1: Investigators Do Not Remember
       Much of What you Say to them.
 We teach the Restoration of the
 We teach the Book of Mormon
 We teach the Plan of Salvation
 We teach the commandments
When conversion takes place, it is
through the power of the Spirit.      (PMG p.92)

Elder Ballard said “True conversion
comes through the power of the
Spirit. When the Spirit touches the
heart, hearts are changed.
                         (PMG p.93)
How Do Our Investigators Receive
the Converting Power of the Spirit?
Our investigators can have the Spirit before baptism:
“the spiritual influence begins with ‘the light of
Christ, which is given to every man, that he may know
good from evil.’” (pmg 90 moroni 7:16)
It’s influence is preliminary to and preparatory to
one’s receiving the Holy Ghost. The light of Christ will
lead the honest soul who ‘hearkeneth to the voice’ to
find the true gospel and the true Church and thereby
receive the Holy Ghost.’ (pmg 90 Bible dictionary D & C 84:46047)
Truth No. 2: Everything we do with an Investigator
       leads to helping them feel the Spirit.
Our JOB is to help them to remember those truths that they
already knew: “The gospel will have a familiar ring to
them.” (pmg 90)
“The power of the Holy Ghost can come upon one before
baptism, and is the convincing witness that the gospel is
true.” (pmg 90)
“By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of
all things.” Moroni 10:5
PLAN ways for your Investigator to feel the spirit.

The Investigator usually feels the spirit when you
are there with them (if you do not stay too long.)
The Investigator feels the spirit WHEN THEY PRAY
The Investigator feels the spirit WHEN THEY READ
a PAMPHLET, SCRIPTURES and especially the BOOK
The Investigator feels the spirit when they
meetings, firesides, baptisms, missionary lessons.

H ermanos
O rar
L eer       HOLA!!
A sistir
Now that you know WHAT THEY
NEED, you need to know WHEN!!
“Make frequent contact, DAILY IF POSSIBLE, to find
out how people are progressing with their
commitments, answer questions, teach additional
lessons, read together from the Book of
Mormon, share passages of scripture, or use
audiovisual materials.” PMG 200

D & C 112: 5

Contend thou, therefore, morning by
morning; and day after day let thy
warning voice go forth; and when the
night cometh let not the inhabitants of
the earth slumber, because of thy
      missionaries, or members?
1.   Satan is real.
2.   Change can be HARD. (pmg 200)
3.   We are in a battle for souls. Satan knows
     that if he can win at these critical times
     (like baptism, going to the temple to be
     sealed, getting prepared for the mission)
     then he has you. This is when the battle is
     most real and most intense.

   ELDER HOLLAND missionary talk
      August 2010 Provo MTC
This is war. This is the battle between good and evil that started in the
councils of Heaven before this world was. It’s still on, and it’s going to
be on until the Captain comes fully and universally. When He says the
war is over, then it’s over, but until then, we’re the troops. We’re it. It’s
us. We are all enlisted. Got it? Someday when you’ve got a
minute, you can take Sister Mayer’s hymn book and thumb through it
and ask yourself, “Why are so many hymns in here about going to
war?” Onward, Christian Soldiers. It’s because it is war. Thank Heavens
you get to be the good guys. Thank Heavens you get to be the Red
Cross in this war. You’re not shooting bullets, you’re bringing
bandages. You’re not causing blood, you’re stopping the blood. You’re
not taking life, you’re saving life. But it’s war.
Be patient but persistent. Pmg 200
Make sure people know that you will make
brief, daily visits between teaching appointments.
Explain that your purpose is to support and help
them. Give them an idea of what you will do during
these visits. PMG 200
Tell them the truth, people are going to
die, someone will lose a job, relatives will come and
cut them off, their friends will abandon them.
How do we set these meetings up?
       Technique: “What would be best for you for another
       brief lesson, Tuesday at 7:00 or Wednesday at 8:00?”
O--    Will you pray and ask God whether Joseph Smith
       was a prophet? I know that….I testify that…
L---   Will you read 3 Nephi 11 or Moroni 10:3-5 before
       our visit tomorrow at 7:00? I know that if will do
       that you will…I testify that the book is true… (pgm 197)
A--    Will you attend church with us Sunday at 9:00. We
       will be by at 8:30 you we can show you where the
       meeting is and help you to feel comfortable.
After the opening prayer in the first contact, the
investigator should pray every time.

Father in Heaven……..          Nuestro Padre Celestial…
We Thank thee                 Te damos gracias…
We Ask thee….                 Te Pedimos…
In the Name of Jesus Christ   En el nombre de Jesucristo
Joseph Smith said regarding the Book of Mormon: “ a man
would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
any other book.” pmg 108
“..the first question for an investigator to answer is
whether Joseph Smith was a prophet, and he or she can
answer this question by reading and praying about the
Book of Mormon.” pmg 109
We also have pamphlets, talks, and other written material
that will be helpful to the investigator.
If the investigator has a strong background in the
Bible, you can study and find the same concepts, principles
and answers for the investigator using their own Bibles.
And the church did meet together oft, to fast
and to pray, and to speak one with another
concerning the welfare of their souls.
And they did meet together oft to partake of bread
and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.”
Moroni 6:5, 6
D & C 109:13. “And that all people who shall enter
upon the threshold of the Lord’s house may feel
thy power, and feel constrained to acknowledge
that thou hast sanctified it, and that it is thy
house, a place of thy holiness. (our buildings have
We should not underestimate the power of the
chapels, seminary buildings and temples to help
people to feel the spirit. When an investigator is
physically in a dedicated building of the
Church, they will likely feel the spirit.
Invite them to meetings. Invite them to baptismal
services. Invite them to a tour of the facilities.
Invite them to the family history center. Invite
them to play sports. Invite them to the temple
grounds. Invite them in the home of good
members, whose homes are where the pure in
Investigators, Converts, Members and the 12 Apostles
          have to do the same things to feel the spirit:…

O rar
L eer

All objections, whether they be on abortion, plural
marriage, seventh day worship, etc., basically hinge on
whether Joseph Smith and his successors were and are
prophets of God receiving divine revelation PMG 108
The only problem the objector has to resolve for himself
is whether the Book of Mormon is true. For if the Book of
Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith
was his prophet, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet
receiving revelation.
Our main task is to declare the gospel and do it
effectively. We are not obligated to answer every
objection. PMG 109
Seek first to understand their concerns by asking
questions and listening. PMG 187
Often concerns are more social than doctrinal.
PMG 188. Investigators might fear opposition
from family members
They might fear rejection from their friends PMG
They might fear change PMG 188
They might have addictions PMG 187-189
They may suffer from heavy sinful practices

Music has a power to bring the spirit.
               Use It.
              Sis Olsen
           Elder Obregon
    Primary Children’s Meeting
Old Quote: “Every time we knock a door in
 Europe, someone in South America is baptized?

Number 1: Whether this is true or
not, the fact remains that many of the
elect, believing blood live in these
Number 2: If the above quote is
correct, what have you against baptizing
South Americans here in Europe?
This was our Mission Theme
Very Simple—TEACH and BAPTIZE
How did we get so many baptisms:
With HOLA and
Every Day, Every Investigator
We figured out a way to get the Investigator to feel the
spirit every day until they were baptized.
“Fundamentals from Preach My Gospel: Teaching More Effectively.”

1. The Doctrine of Christ-- The Missionary
2. The Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion
3. Revelation through Prayer
4. Revelation through the Book of Mormon
5. Revelation through Church Attendance
6. Teach People, Not lessons
7. We Invite, They Commit, We follow up
8. How to Begin Teaching
• And who are we gathering to Zion? A remnant of
  that seed, with a considerable mixture of
  grizzly, grey, and all kinds. But Jesus said, My
  sheep hear my voice, and they know me, and a
  stranger they will not follow, because they know
  not the voice of a stranger. And why do not the
  millions of the inhabitants of the earth embrace
  the Gospel? Because they are not sheep; that is
  all. And if the goats kick up and cut a few
  antics, you need not be astonished. It is the
  nature of goats, is it not? (Laughter.)JD 22:306 -
  p.307, John Taylor, August 28, 1881

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  • 2. THE PURPOSE OF MISSIONARY WORK Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receivi ng the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
  • 3. CONVERT BAPTISMS=GOAL Elder Michael Earl, with a Baptism in Paraguay
  • 4. How Do We Use the Holy Spirit in Missionary Work? Joseph Smith said: “Salvation cannot come without revelation; it is in vain for anyone to minister without it. HC 5:135
  • 5. Truth No. 1: Investigators Do Not Remember Much of What you Say to them. We teach the Restoration of the Gospel We teach the Book of Mormon We teach the Plan of Salvation We teach the commandments BUT IT IS NOT THE MESSAGE SO MUCH AS IT IS THE …
  • 6. HOLY GHOST When conversion takes place, it is through the power of the Spirit. (PMG p.92) Elder Ballard said “True conversion comes through the power of the Spirit. When the Spirit touches the heart, hearts are changed. (PMG p.93)
  • 7. How Do Our Investigators Receive the Converting Power of the Spirit? Our investigators can have the Spirit before baptism: “the spiritual influence begins with ‘the light of Christ, which is given to every man, that he may know good from evil.’” (pmg 90 moroni 7:16) It’s influence is preliminary to and preparatory to one’s receiving the Holy Ghost. The light of Christ will lead the honest soul who ‘hearkeneth to the voice’ to find the true gospel and the true Church and thereby receive the Holy Ghost.’ (pmg 90 Bible dictionary D & C 84:46047)
  • 8. Truth No. 2: Everything we do with an Investigator leads to helping them feel the Spirit. Our JOB is to help them to remember those truths that they already knew: “The gospel will have a familiar ring to them.” (pmg 90) “The power of the Holy Ghost can come upon one before baptism, and is the convincing witness that the gospel is true.” (pmg 90) “By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” Moroni 10:5 PLAN ways for your Investigator to feel the spirit.
  • 9. 4 MAIN TIMES WHEN THEY FEEL THE SPIRIT WHEN DO PEOPLE FEEL THE SPIRIT? The Investigator usually feels the spirit when you are there with them (if you do not stay too long.) The Investigator feels the spirit WHEN THEY PRAY The Investigator feels the spirit WHEN THEY READ a PAMPHLET, SCRIPTURES and especially the BOOK of MORMON The Investigator feels the spirit when they ATTEND Church meetings, firesides, baptisms, missionary lessons.
  • 10. HOW can YOU REMEMBER THIS? H ermanos O rar L eer HOLA!! A sistir
  • 11. Now that you know WHAT THEY NEED, you need to know WHEN!! “Make frequent contact, DAILY IF POSSIBLE, to find out how people are progressing with their commitments, answer questions, teach additional lessons, read together from the Book of Mormon, share passages of scripture, or use audiovisual materials.” PMG 200 “THIS SUSTAINING INFLUENCE OF THE SPIRIT IS VITAL.” PMG 200 WE SAY: CADA DIA, CADA INVESTIGADOR
  • 12. EVERY DAY, EVERY INVESTIGATOR D & C 112: 5 Contend thou, therefore, morning by morning; and day after day let thy warning voice go forth; and when the night cometh let not the inhabitants of the earth slumber, because of thy speech.
  • 13. WHY DAILY CONTACT for the missionaries, or members? 1. Satan is real. 2. Change can be HARD. (pmg 200) 3. We are in a battle for souls. Satan knows that if he can win at these critical times (like baptism, going to the temple to be sealed, getting prepared for the mission) then he has you. This is when the battle is most real and most intense.
  • 14. WE ARE IN A WAR WITH SATAN… ELDER HOLLAND missionary talk August 2010 Provo MTC This is war. This is the battle between good and evil that started in the councils of Heaven before this world was. It’s still on, and it’s going to be on until the Captain comes fully and universally. When He says the war is over, then it’s over, but until then, we’re the troops. We’re it. It’s us. We are all enlisted. Got it? Someday when you’ve got a minute, you can take Sister Mayer’s hymn book and thumb through it and ask yourself, “Why are so many hymns in here about going to war?” Onward, Christian Soldiers. It’s because it is war. Thank Heavens you get to be the good guys. Thank Heavens you get to be the Red Cross in this war. You’re not shooting bullets, you’re bringing bandages. You’re not causing blood, you’re stopping the blood. You’re not taking life, you’re saving life. But it’s war.
  • 15. OTHER VISIT CONCEPTS Be patient but persistent. Pmg 200 Make sure people know that you will make brief, daily visits between teaching appointments. Explain that your purpose is to support and help them. Give them an idea of what you will do during these visits. PMG 200 Tell them the truth, people are going to die, someone will lose a job, relatives will come and cut them off, their friends will abandon them.
  • 16. How do we set these meetings up? H Technique: “What would be best for you for another brief lesson, Tuesday at 7:00 or Wednesday at 8:00?” O-- Will you pray and ask God whether Joseph Smith was a prophet? I know that….I testify that… L--- Will you read 3 Nephi 11 or Moroni 10:3-5 before our visit tomorrow at 7:00? I know that if will do that you will…I testify that the book is true… (pgm 197) A-- Will you attend church with us Sunday at 9:00. We will be by at 8:30 you we can show you where the meeting is and help you to feel comfortable.
  • 17. PRAY After the opening prayer in the first contact, the investigator should pray every time. Kneeling: Father in Heaven…….. Nuestro Padre Celestial… We Thank thee Te damos gracias… We Ask thee…. Te Pedimos… In the Name of Jesus Christ En el nombre de Jesucristo
  • 18. READ Joseph Smith said regarding the Book of Mormon: “ a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” pmg 108 “..the first question for an investigator to answer is whether Joseph Smith was a prophet, and he or she can answer this question by reading and praying about the Book of Mormon.” pmg 109 We also have pamphlets, talks, and other written material that will be helpful to the investigator. If the investigator has a strong background in the Bible, you can study and find the same concepts, principles and answers for the investigator using their own Bibles.
  • 19. ATTEND And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls. And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.” Moroni 6:5, 6 D & C 109:13. “And that all people who shall enter upon the threshold of the Lord’s house may feel thy power, and feel constrained to acknowledge that thou hast sanctified it, and that it is thy house, a place of thy holiness. (our buildings have
  • 20. ATTEND We should not underestimate the power of the chapels, seminary buildings and temples to help people to feel the spirit. When an investigator is physically in a dedicated building of the Church, they will likely feel the spirit. Invite them to meetings. Invite them to baptismal services. Invite them to a tour of the facilities. Invite them to the family history center. Invite them to play sports. Invite them to the temple grounds. Invite them in the home of good members, whose homes are where the pure in
  • 21. Investigators, Converts, Members and the 12 Apostles have to do the same things to feel the spirit:… 1. PRAY 2. STUDY THE SCRIPTURES 3. ATTEND THEIR MEETINGS H O rar L eer Asistir
  • 22. RESOLVE DOCTRINAL CONCERNS All objections, whether they be on abortion, plural marriage, seventh day worship, etc., basically hinge on whether Joseph Smith and his successors were and are prophets of God receiving divine revelation PMG 108 The only problem the objector has to resolve for himself is whether the Book of Mormon is true. For if the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith was his prophet, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation. Our main task is to declare the gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. PMG 109
  • 23. RESOLVE SOCIAL CONCERNS Seek first to understand their concerns by asking questions and listening. PMG 187 Often concerns are more social than doctrinal. PMG 188. Investigators might fear opposition from family members They might fear rejection from their friends PMG 188 They might fear change PMG 188 They might have addictions PMG 187-189 They may suffer from heavy sinful practices
  • 24. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF MUSIC? Music has a power to bring the spirit. Use It. Sis Olsen Elder Obregon Primary Children’s Meeting
  • 25. Old Quote: “Every time we knock a door in Europe, someone in South America is baptized? Number 1: Whether this is true or not, the fact remains that many of the elect, believing blood live in these countries. Number 2: If the above quote is correct, what have you against baptizing South Americans here in Europe?
  • 26. TEACH and BAPTIZE This was our Mission Theme Very Simple—TEACH and BAPTIZE How did we get so many baptisms: With HOLA and CADA DIA, CADA INVESTIGADOR Every Day, Every Investigator We figured out a way to get the Investigator to feel the spirit every day until they were baptized.
  • 27. “Fundamentals from Preach My Gospel: Teaching More Effectively.” 1. The Doctrine of Christ-- The Missionary Purpose 2. The Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion 3. Revelation through Prayer 4. Revelation through the Book of Mormon 5. Revelation through Church Attendance 6. Teach People, Not lessons 7. We Invite, They Commit, We follow up 8. How to Begin Teaching HAND OUT PAMPHLETS WITH HOLA
  • 28. • And who are we gathering to Zion? A remnant of that seed, with a considerable mixture of grizzly, grey, and all kinds. But Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice, and they know me, and a stranger they will not follow, because they know not the voice of a stranger. And why do not the millions of the inhabitants of the earth embrace the Gospel? Because they are not sheep; that is all. And if the goats kick up and cut a few antics, you need not be astonished. It is the nature of goats, is it not? (Laughter.)JD 22:306 - p.307, John Taylor, August 28, 1881