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Fourth Quarter / Full Year 2007
Earnings Release
January 25, 2008
Forward Looking Statements
    This report contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section
    21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than
    statements of fact, that address activities, events or developments that we or
    our management intend, expect, project, believe or anticipate will or may occur
    in the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are
    based on management’s assumptions and assessments in light of past
    experience and trends, current conditions, expected future developments and
    other relevant factors. They are not guarantees of future performance, and
    actual results, developments and business decisions may differ from those
    envisaged by our forward-looking statements. Our forward-looking statements
    are also subject to risks and uncertainties, which can affect our performance in
    both the near- and long-term. We identify the principal risks and uncertainties
    that affect our performance in our Form 10-K and other filings with the
    Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                                                             4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                     January 25, 2008
2007 Summary

    • Strong Financial Performance
      – 10% Sales Growth

      – 25% EPS Growth

      – 129% Free Cash Flow Conversion

    • Effective Capital Allocation
      – $1.2B Acquisitions, $4.0B Repurchases, 10% Dividend Increase

    • Gaining Traction on Key Initiatives
      – HOS, FT, VPD™

    • Confident in Outlook for 2008

    Strong 2007 Performance; Well Positioned For 2008
                                                                       4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                               January 25, 2008
2007 Financial Summary
                                     4Q                                    FY
                       2006         2007         V            2006        2007        V
    Sales             $ 8,276      $ 9,275      12%         $ 31,367    $ 34,589     10%

    Segment Profit        1,097        1,274     16%            4,080       4,654     14%
     Margin               13.2%        13.7%   +50 bps          13.0%       13.5%   +50 bps

    EPS               $     0.72   $    0.91    26%         $    2.52   $    3.16    25%

    Free Cash Flow    $      941   $ 1,130      20%         $ 2,478     $ 3,144      27%
      Conversion            161%     164%                     119%        129%

    4Q Financial Highlights                        2007 Summary
    • Sales up 12% (Acq. / Div. +1%, FX +3%)      • Sales up 10% (Acq. / Div. +1%, FX +2%)
    • Repositioning: $41M                         • Repositioning: $191M
    • Shares Repurchased: 3.5M                    • Shares Repurchased: 74.2M
    • Effective Tax Rate: 26.5%                   • Effective Tax Rate: 26.4%

                              Another Terrific Year
                                                                                     4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                             January 25, 2008
                                          4Q                                         FY
                           2006          2007         V               2006          2007          V
    Sales                 $ 2,955       $ 3,267      11%            $ 11,124      $ 12,236       10%

    Segment Profit              538           614     14%              1,892         2,197   16%
     Margin                   18.2%         18.8%   +60 bps            17.0%         18.0% +100 bps

    4Q Financial Highlights                             2007 Summary
    • Sales up 11% (Acq. +2%)                           • Sales up 10% (Acq. +1%)
       – Air Transport and Regional up 7%                  – Air Transport and Regional up 9%
            OE +4%, AM +8%                                      OE +10%, AM +8%
       – Business and General Aviation up 23%              – Business and General Aviation up 16%
            OE +31%, AM +15%                                    OE +16%, AM +16%
       – Defense and Space up 9%                           – Defense and Space up 8%
    • Segment Profit up 14%                             • Segment Profit up 16%
       – Productivity + Price > Inflation                  – Productivity + Price > Inflation

                            Strong 4Q And 2007 Results
                                                                                                4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                        January 25, 2008
Automation And Control Solutions
                                        4Q                                          FY
                           2006        2007           V              2006          2007           V
    Sales                 $ 3,045     $ 3,442        13%           $ 11,020      $ 12,478        13%

    Segment Profit              385        425       10%               1,223        1,405       15%
     Margin                   12.6%      12.4%     (20) bps            11.1%        11.3%     +20 bps

    4Q Financial Highlights                             2007 Summary
    • Sales up 13% (Acq. / Div. +2%, FX +6%)           • Sales up 13% (Acq. / Div. +2%, FX +4%)
       – Products +9%, Growth in Environmental             – Products +11%, New Products and
         Controls, Security and Life Safety                  Emerging Region Strength
       – Solutions +20%, Continued Emerging                – Solutions +17%, Global Infrastructure and
         Region Strength                                     Refining Growth
            Orders +30%                                          Orders +13%
    • Segment Profit up 10%                            • Segment Profit up 15%
       – Productivity and Price More Than Offset           – Productivity and Price Offset Inflation, Mix
         by Inflation, ERP and Mix Impact                    and Acquisition Impact

                           Continued Good Momentum
                                                                                                4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                        January 25, 2008
Transportation Systems
                                          4Q                                       FY
                            2006         2007          V             2006         2007            V
    Sales                  $ 1,193      $ 1,326       11%           $ 4,592      $ 5,009         9%

    Segment Profit              138         146      6%                  574          583       2%
     Margin                   11.6%       11.0%   (60) bps             12.5%        11.6%    (90) bps

    4Q Financial Highlights                             2007 Summary
    • Sales up 11% (FX +8%)                            • Sales up 9% (FX +5%)

       – Turbo +17%, PV Strength Offset by CV               – Turbo +12%, Increased Diesel Penetration
           Softness                                          and New Platform Wins

       – CPG +3%, Price and FX Offset Volume                – CPG +4%, Price and FX Offset Volume
           Decline                                           Decline

    • Segment Profit up 6%                             • Segment Profit up 2%

       – Productivity and Price More Than Offset by         – Productivity and Price More Than Offset by
           Investments and Inflation                         Inflation, Investments and CPG Challenges

                                       Mixed Performance
                                                                                               4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                       January 25, 2008
Specialty Materials
                                         4Q                                       FY
                            2006        2007         V             2006          2007             V
    Sales                  $ 1,083     $ 1,240      14%           $ 4,631       $ 4,866          5%

    Segment Profit               79           134   70%                 568          658   16%
     Margin                    7.3%         10.8% +350 bps            12.3%        13.5% +120 bps

    4Q Financial Highlights                            2007 Summary
                                                      • Sales up 5% (Acq./Div. -1%, FX +1%)
    • Sales up 14% (Acq./Div. -2%, FX +1%)
                                                          – UOP +16%, Refining and Petrochemical
       – UOP +27%, Broad Based Growth Across
           Products and Projects
                                                          – Specialty Products +4%, Healthcare
       – Resins and Chemicals +10%, Pricing and
                                                            Products Growth
           Global Demand
                                                          – Fluorine Products -6%, Refrigerant Pricing
             Caprolactam Demand > Supply                    and Impact of Weak US Residential
    • Segment Profit up 70%                           • Segment Profit up 16%
                                                          – Price + Productivity > Inflation
       – Price + Productivity > Inflation

                                     Another Good Year
                                                                                               4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                       January 25, 2008
2008 Financial Guidance Summary
         Consolidated                        2008                     Growth
                                       Financial Outlook          2008E vs. 2007A
         Revenues                      $   36.1 - 36.7               4% - 6%
         Segment Profit                     5.0 - 5.2                8% - 13%
           Segment Margin                  14.0% - 14.3%           50 bps - 80 bps

         Net Income                         2.8 - 2.9                14% - 18%
         EPS                           $   3.65 - 3.80               16% - 21%
         Free Cash Flow                $    3.2 - 3.4                2% - 8%
                  Low End                                          High End
    – Lower Global Growth                           + Stronger Global Growth
    – Unfavorable Mix - Aero OE / AM,               + Favorable Mix - Aero OE / AM, ACS
      ACS Products / Solutions                        Products / Solutions
    – Inflation / Productivity Worse                + Inflation / Productivity Better
    – Lower Pension Discount Rate                   + Higher Pension Discount Rate
    – Euro < $1.40                                  + Euro > $1.40

                     Maintaining Guidance For 2008
                                                                                        4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                January 25, 2008
1Q08 Preview

                            Sales   Comments
                                    • Growth in AT&R, B&GA, and D&S
     Aerospace              ~$3.0   • Flight Hours +5%

                                    • Products and Solutions Growth
     Automation & Control    ~3.1   • Continued Mix Impact

                                    • Turbo Growth
     Transportation          ~1.3
                                    • Some CPG Improvement

                                    • Broad Based Growth, UOP Strong
     Specialty Materials     ~1.3   • Continued Global Demand

                        1Q08 Sales ~$8.7B
                   EPS $0.80 – 0.83, Up 21 – 26%
                                                                       4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                               January 25, 2008

      • Strong Finish to 2007

      • Continuing to Build Performance Track Record

      • Company Well Positioned for 2008

      • Investor Meeting February 25th

           Delivering In A Tougher Environment
                                                  4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                          January 25, 2008
     Reconciliation of non-GAAP Measures
              to GAAP Measures

                                       4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                               January 25, 2008
Reconciliation of Segment Profit to Operating Income and
     Calculation of Segment Profit and Operating Income Margin

                                                                                                             4Q06      4Q07
           ($M )
                Sales                                                                                        $8,276    $9,275
                Cost of Products and Services Sold                                                           (6,358)   (7,013)
                Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                                                 (1,085)   (1,205)
                Operating Income                                                                              $833     $1,057

                Stock Based Compensation                                                                      $16       $11
                Repositioning and Other Charges (1)                                                           133       135
                Pension and OPEB Expense(1)                                                                   115        71

                Segment Profit                                                                               $1,097    $1,274

            Operating Income                                                                                  $833     $1,057
          ÷ Sales                                                                                            $8,276    $9,275
            Operating Income Margin %                                                                         10.1%     11.4%

            Segment Profit                                                                                   $1,097    $1,274
          ÷ Sales                                                                                            $8,276    $9,275
            Segment Profit Margin %                                                                           13.2%     13.7%
       (1) Included in cost of products and services sold and selling, general and administrative expenses

                                                                                                                              4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                                                      January 25, 2008
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Cash Provided by Operating
     Activities and Calculation of Cash Flow Conversion

                                                           4Q06     4Q07
        ($M )
          Cash Provided by Operating Activities            $1,241   $1,440
          Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment   (300)     (310)
          Free Cash Flow                                   $941     $1,130

          Cash Provided by Operating Activities            $1,241   $1,440
       ÷ Net Income                                        $585     $689
          Operating Cash Flow Conversion %                 212%     209%

         Free Cash Flow                                    $941     $1,130
       ÷ Net Income                                        $585      $689
         Free Cash Flow Conversion %                       161%      164%

                                                                             4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                     January 25, 2008
Reconciliation of Segment Profit to Operating Income and
     Calculation of Segment Profit and Operating Income Margin

                                                                                                             2006     2007
              Sales                                                                                          $31.4    $34.6
              Cost of Products and Services Sold                                                             (24.1)   (26.3)
              Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                                                    (4.2)    (4.6)
              Operating Income                                                                                $3.1     $3.7

              Stock Based Compensation                                                                        $0.1    $0.1
              Repositioning and Other Charges                                                                  0.5     0.6
              Pension and OPEB Expense (1)                                                                     0.4     0.3

              Segment Profit                                                                                  $4.1     $4.7

           Operating Income                                                                                   $3.1    $3.7
         ÷ Sales                                                                                             $31.4    $34.6
           Operating Income Margin %                                                                          9.9%    10.7%

           Segment Profit                                                                                     $4.1    $4.7
         ÷ Sales                                                                                             $31.4    $34.6
           Segment Profit Margin %                                                                           13.0%    13.5%
       (1) Included in cost of products and services sold and selling, general and administrative expenses

                                                                                                                               4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                                                       January 25, 2008
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Cash Provided by Operating
     Activities and Calculation of Cash Flow Conversion

                                                           2006     2007
          Cash Provided by Operating Activities             $3.2     $3.9
          Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment    (0.7)    (0.8)
          Free Cash Flow                                    $2.5     $3.1

          Cash Provided by Operating Activities             $3.2     $3.9
       ÷ Net Income                                        $2.1     $2.4
          Operating Cash Flow Conversion %                 154%     160%

         Free Cash Flow                                    $2.5     $3.1
       ÷ Net Income                                        $2.1     $2.4
         Free Cash Flow Conversion %                       119%     129%

                                                                             4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                     January 25, 2008
Reconciliation of Segment Profit to Operating Income and
     Calculation of Segment Profit and Operating Income Margin

                                                                                                              2007      2008E
              Sales                                                                                           $34.6    $36.1 - 36.7
              Cost of Products and Services Sold                                                              (26.3)   (27.2) - (27.5)
              Selling, General and Administrative Expenses                                                     (4.6)    (4.7) - (4.9)
              Operating Income                                                                                 $3.7      $4.2 - 4.3

              Stock Based Compensation                                                                        $0.1         ~0.1
              Repositioning and Other Charges                                                                  0.6       0.5 - 0.6
              Pension and OPEB Expense (1)                                                                     0.3         ~0.2

              Segment Profit                                                                                   $4.7      $5.0 - 5.2

           Operating Income                                                                                   $3.7      $4.2 - 4.3
         ÷ Sales                                                                                              $34.6    $36.1 - 36.7
           Operating Income Margin %                                                                          10.7%    11.6 - 11.7%

            Segment Profit                                                                                    $4.7      $5.0 - 5.2
          ÷ Sales                                                                                             $34.6    $36.1 - 36.7
            Segment Profit Margin %                                                                           13.5%    14.0 - 14.3%
       (1) Included in costs of products and services sold and selling, general and administrative expenses

                                                                                                                                     4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                                                                             January 25, 2008
Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Cash Provided by Operating
     Activities and Calculation of Cash Flow Conversion

                                                          2007     2008E
         Cash Provided by Operating Activities             $3.9    $4.1 - 4.3
         Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment    (0.8)    ~(0.9)
         Free Cash Flow                                    $3.1    $3.2 - 3.4

         Cash Provided by Operating Activities             $3.9    $4.1 - 4.3
      ÷ Net Income                                        $2.4     $2.8 - 2.9
         Operating Cash Flow Conversion %                 160%      ~147%

        Free Cash Flow                                    $3.1     $3.2 - 3.4
      ÷ Net Income                                        $2.4     $2.8 - 2.9
        Free Cash Flow Conversion %                       129%      ~116%

                                                                          4Q 2007 Earnings Release
                                                                                  January 25, 2008
4Q 2007 Earnings Release
             January 25, 2008

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  • 1. Fourth Quarter / Full Year 2007 Earnings Release January 25, 2008
  • 2. Forward Looking Statements This report contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of fact, that address activities, events or developments that we or our management intend, expect, project, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on management’s assumptions and assessments in light of past experience and trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other relevant factors. They are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results, developments and business decisions may differ from those envisaged by our forward-looking statements. Our forward-looking statements are also subject to risks and uncertainties, which can affect our performance in both the near- and long-term. We identify the principal risks and uncertainties that affect our performance in our Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 2 January 25, 2008
  • 3. 2007 Summary • Strong Financial Performance – 10% Sales Growth – 25% EPS Growth – 129% Free Cash Flow Conversion • Effective Capital Allocation – $1.2B Acquisitions, $4.0B Repurchases, 10% Dividend Increase • Gaining Traction on Key Initiatives – HOS, FT, VPD™ • Confident in Outlook for 2008 Strong 2007 Performance; Well Positioned For 2008 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 3 January 25, 2008
  • 4. 2007 Financial Summary 4Q FY ($M) 2006 2007 V 2006 2007 V Sales $ 8,276 $ 9,275 12% $ 31,367 $ 34,589 10% Segment Profit 1,097 1,274 16% 4,080 4,654 14% Margin 13.2% 13.7% +50 bps 13.0% 13.5% +50 bps EPS $ 0.72 $ 0.91 26% $ 2.52 $ 3.16 25% Free Cash Flow $ 941 $ 1,130 20% $ 2,478 $ 3,144 27% Conversion 161% 164% 119% 129% 4Q Financial Highlights 2007 Summary • Sales up 12% (Acq. / Div. +1%, FX +3%) • Sales up 10% (Acq. / Div. +1%, FX +2%) • Repositioning: $41M • Repositioning: $191M • Shares Repurchased: 3.5M • Shares Repurchased: 74.2M • Effective Tax Rate: 26.5% • Effective Tax Rate: 26.4% Another Terrific Year 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 4 January 25, 2008
  • 5. Aerospace 4Q FY ($M) 2006 2007 V 2006 2007 V Sales $ 2,955 $ 3,267 11% $ 11,124 $ 12,236 10% Segment Profit 538 614 14% 1,892 2,197 16% Margin 18.2% 18.8% +60 bps 17.0% 18.0% +100 bps 4Q Financial Highlights 2007 Summary • Sales up 11% (Acq. +2%) • Sales up 10% (Acq. +1%) – Air Transport and Regional up 7% – Air Transport and Regional up 9% OE +4%, AM +8% OE +10%, AM +8% – Business and General Aviation up 23% – Business and General Aviation up 16% OE +31%, AM +15% OE +16%, AM +16% – Defense and Space up 9% – Defense and Space up 8% • Segment Profit up 14% • Segment Profit up 16% – Productivity + Price > Inflation – Productivity + Price > Inflation Strong 4Q And 2007 Results 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 5 January 25, 2008
  • 6. Automation And Control Solutions 4Q FY ($M) 2006 2007 V 2006 2007 V Sales $ 3,045 $ 3,442 13% $ 11,020 $ 12,478 13% Segment Profit 385 425 10% 1,223 1,405 15% Margin 12.6% 12.4% (20) bps 11.1% 11.3% +20 bps 4Q Financial Highlights 2007 Summary • Sales up 13% (Acq. / Div. +2%, FX +6%) • Sales up 13% (Acq. / Div. +2%, FX +4%) – Products +9%, Growth in Environmental – Products +11%, New Products and Controls, Security and Life Safety Emerging Region Strength – Solutions +20%, Continued Emerging – Solutions +17%, Global Infrastructure and Region Strength Refining Growth Orders +30% Orders +13% • Segment Profit up 10% • Segment Profit up 15% – Productivity and Price More Than Offset – Productivity and Price Offset Inflation, Mix by Inflation, ERP and Mix Impact and Acquisition Impact Continued Good Momentum 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 6 January 25, 2008
  • 7. Transportation Systems 4Q FY ($M) 2006 2007 V 2006 2007 V Sales $ 1,193 $ 1,326 11% $ 4,592 $ 5,009 9% Segment Profit 138 146 6% 574 583 2% Margin 11.6% 11.0% (60) bps 12.5% 11.6% (90) bps 4Q Financial Highlights 2007 Summary • Sales up 11% (FX +8%) • Sales up 9% (FX +5%) – Turbo +17%, PV Strength Offset by CV – Turbo +12%, Increased Diesel Penetration Softness and New Platform Wins – CPG +3%, Price and FX Offset Volume – CPG +4%, Price and FX Offset Volume Decline Decline • Segment Profit up 6% • Segment Profit up 2% – Productivity and Price More Than Offset by – Productivity and Price More Than Offset by Investments and Inflation Inflation, Investments and CPG Challenges Mixed Performance 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 7 January 25, 2008
  • 8. Specialty Materials 4Q FY ($M) 2006 2007 V 2006 2007 V Sales $ 1,083 $ 1,240 14% $ 4,631 $ 4,866 5% Segment Profit 79 134 70% 568 658 16% Margin 7.3% 10.8% +350 bps 12.3% 13.5% +120 bps 4Q Financial Highlights 2007 Summary • Sales up 5% (Acq./Div. -1%, FX +1%) • Sales up 14% (Acq./Div. -2%, FX +1%) – UOP +16%, Refining and Petrochemical – UOP +27%, Broad Based Growth Across Strength Products and Projects – Specialty Products +4%, Healthcare – Resins and Chemicals +10%, Pricing and Products Growth Global Demand – Fluorine Products -6%, Refrigerant Pricing Caprolactam Demand > Supply and Impact of Weak US Residential • Segment Profit up 70% • Segment Profit up 16% – Price + Productivity > Inflation – Price + Productivity > Inflation Another Good Year 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 8 January 25, 2008
  • 9. 2008 Financial Guidance Summary Consolidated 2008 Growth Financial Outlook 2008E vs. 2007A ($B) Revenues $ 36.1 - 36.7 4% - 6% Segment Profit 5.0 - 5.2 8% - 13% Segment Margin 14.0% - 14.3% 50 bps - 80 bps Net Income 2.8 - 2.9 14% - 18% EPS $ 3.65 - 3.80 16% - 21% Free Cash Flow $ 3.2 - 3.4 2% - 8% Low End High End – Lower Global Growth + Stronger Global Growth – Unfavorable Mix - Aero OE / AM, + Favorable Mix - Aero OE / AM, ACS ACS Products / Solutions Products / Solutions – Inflation / Productivity Worse + Inflation / Productivity Better – Lower Pension Discount Rate + Higher Pension Discount Rate – Euro < $1.40 + Euro > $1.40 Maintaining Guidance For 2008 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 9 January 25, 2008
  • 10. 1Q08 Preview ($B) Sales Comments • Growth in AT&R, B&GA, and D&S Aerospace ~$3.0 • Flight Hours +5% • Products and Solutions Growth Automation & Control ~3.1 • Continued Mix Impact • Turbo Growth Transportation ~1.3 • Some CPG Improvement • Broad Based Growth, UOP Strong Specialty Materials ~1.3 • Continued Global Demand 1Q08 Sales ~$8.7B EPS $0.80 – 0.83, Up 21 – 26% 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 10 January 25, 2008
  • 11. Summary • Strong Finish to 2007 • Continuing to Build Performance Track Record • Company Well Positioned for 2008 • Investor Meeting February 25th Delivering In A Tougher Environment 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 11 January 25, 2008
  • 12. Appendix Reconciliation of non-GAAP Measures to GAAP Measures 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 12 January 25, 2008
  • 13. Reconciliation of Segment Profit to Operating Income and Calculation of Segment Profit and Operating Income Margin 4Q06 4Q07 ($M ) Sales $8,276 $9,275 Cost of Products and Services Sold (6,358) (7,013) Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (1,085) (1,205) Operating Income $833 $1,057 (1) Stock Based Compensation $16 $11 Repositioning and Other Charges (1) 133 135 Pension and OPEB Expense(1) 115 71 Segment Profit $1,097 $1,274 Operating Income $833 $1,057 ÷ Sales $8,276 $9,275 Operating Income Margin % 10.1% 11.4% Segment Profit $1,097 $1,274 ÷ Sales $8,276 $9,275 Segment Profit Margin % 13.2% 13.7% (1) Included in cost of products and services sold and selling, general and administrative expenses 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 13 January 25, 2008
  • 14. Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Cash Provided by Operating Activities and Calculation of Cash Flow Conversion 4Q06 4Q07 ($M ) Cash Provided by Operating Activities $1,241 $1,440 Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment (300) (310) Free Cash Flow $941 $1,130 Cash Provided by Operating Activities $1,241 $1,440 ÷ Net Income $585 $689 Operating Cash Flow Conversion % 212% 209% Free Cash Flow $941 $1,130 ÷ Net Income $585 $689 Free Cash Flow Conversion % 161% 164% 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 14 January 25, 2008
  • 15. Reconciliation of Segment Profit to Operating Income and Calculation of Segment Profit and Operating Income Margin 2006 2007 ($B) Sales $31.4 $34.6 Cost of Products and Services Sold (24.1) (26.3) Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (4.2) (4.6) Operating Income $3.1 $3.7 (1) Stock Based Compensation $0.1 $0.1 (1) Repositioning and Other Charges 0.5 0.6 Pension and OPEB Expense (1) 0.4 0.3 Segment Profit $4.1 $4.7 Operating Income $3.1 $3.7 ÷ Sales $31.4 $34.6 Operating Income Margin % 9.9% 10.7% Segment Profit $4.1 $4.7 ÷ Sales $31.4 $34.6 Segment Profit Margin % 13.0% 13.5% (1) Included in cost of products and services sold and selling, general and administrative expenses 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 15 January 25, 2008
  • 16. Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Cash Provided by Operating Activities and Calculation of Cash Flow Conversion 2006 2007 ($B) Cash Provided by Operating Activities $3.2 $3.9 Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment (0.7) (0.8) Free Cash Flow $2.5 $3.1 Cash Provided by Operating Activities $3.2 $3.9 ÷ Net Income $2.1 $2.4 Operating Cash Flow Conversion % 154% 160% Free Cash Flow $2.5 $3.1 ÷ Net Income $2.1 $2.4 Free Cash Flow Conversion % 119% 129% 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 16 January 25, 2008
  • 17. Reconciliation of Segment Profit to Operating Income and Calculation of Segment Profit and Operating Income Margin 2007 2008E ($B) Sales $34.6 $36.1 - 36.7 Cost of Products and Services Sold (26.3) (27.2) - (27.5) Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (4.6) (4.7) - (4.9) Operating Income $3.7 $4.2 - 4.3 (1) Stock Based Compensation $0.1 ~0.1 (1) Repositioning and Other Charges 0.6 0.5 - 0.6 Pension and OPEB Expense (1) 0.3 ~0.2 Segment Profit $4.7 $5.0 - 5.2 Operating Income $3.7 $4.2 - 4.3 ÷ Sales $34.6 $36.1 - 36.7 Operating Income Margin % 10.7% 11.6 - 11.7% Segment Profit $4.7 $5.0 - 5.2 ÷ Sales $34.6 $36.1 - 36.7 Segment Profit Margin % 13.5% 14.0 - 14.3% (1) Included in costs of products and services sold and selling, general and administrative expenses 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 17 January 25, 2008
  • 18. Reconciliation of Free Cash Flow to Cash Provided by Operating Activities and Calculation of Cash Flow Conversion 2007 2008E ($B) Cash Provided by Operating Activities $3.9 $4.1 - 4.3 Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment (0.8) ~(0.9) Free Cash Flow $3.1 $3.2 - 3.4 Cash Provided by Operating Activities $3.9 $4.1 - 4.3 ÷ Net Income $2.4 $2.8 - 2.9 Operating Cash Flow Conversion % 160% ~147% Free Cash Flow $3.1 $3.2 - 3.4 ÷ Net Income $2.4 $2.8 - 2.9 Free Cash Flow Conversion % 129% ~116% 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 18 January 25, 2008
  • 19. 4Q 2007 Earnings Release 19 January 25, 2008