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Honors Project Proposal
My Honors Project proposal is an academic paper on the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China.The paper is to have a minimum of eight pages
and must be backed by various credible sources. I must examine the many forces at play the two to three countries that existed in China during this
period. I must take into account the economic, military and governmental difference along with the cultural changes that happened in this time between
the Jin dynasty that ended in 420 CE and the Sui that started in 581 CE. Analyze the differences that occurred in the countries, and explain their
similarities. Lastly I will analyze the rise of the Sui. I will also show briefly explain what events were happening outside of china when they influence
some aspect
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"Stories about architecture are stories about people," said David Macaulay, author of Cathedral (4). The intention of cathedrals was to draw people, and
in turn inspire those who came to pray, learn, and worship (Macaulay, Cathedral 4). Cathedrals remain inspirational in their enormous scale and
overpowering beauty, and that these places of worship are still standing after many centuries show a level of determination and integrity in those that
built the edifices (Macaulay, Cathedral 4). Architect Vitruvius wrote, "All the buildings have two components: The building itself and an idea that its
architecture tried to express" (McNamara 6). People build churches because they believed in something (McNamara 6). In David Macaulay's book,
Built to Last, he says the mindset behind building cathedrals was that of honor and dedication. Macaulay's research noted that, "The new cathedral
would be built to the glory of God, and it mattered little that it might take more than one hundred years to construct it" (Macaulay, Built to Last 98).
However, there is more to cathedrals than just building something grand and beautiful to honor God. Churches and cathedrals were built to be packed
with meaning (Taylor 1), and were used to illustrate key points of Christian teaching through the use of imagery (Taylor 5). Cathedrals were a place to
immerse individuals in worship. Religious parents encourage their children to pray, take them to church and to religious events (Newberg and
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This essay looks at the opposing views of Macaulay and Gandhi on improving both the social and political structure of India. Macaulay suggested
that education in english will produce colonial subjects that will produce a class of Indian men to think like the British. This ultimately aids in the
goal to have British rule in India. Thomas Macaulay was the chair of the Committee of Public Instruction in 1835 British India. He has argued in his
minute that the traditional Sanskrit and Arabic education in India is useless, and thus education in English language and literature should be
introduced. He believed that by introducing English literature studies in India, British would be aiding Indians to see and understand a new world
beyond the Vedas and Shastras which only taught religion. He also believed that English education would provide skills to young men to make a
living for themselves so they can live independent of the state. From Gandhi's point of view, he believed that Indians should be able to rule themselves
without English monarchy. Macaulay 's proposition goes against Gandhi's satyagraha (i.e. passive resistance) practice because he believed that by
obeying the British, Indians were voluntarily becoming their slaves. The satyagraha movement was one of the leading reasons for the British rule to
end in India as the satyagrahis practiced non–violence as a method of rebellion against the British and their laws. Ultimately both Macaulay and Gandhi
wanted the nation to
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Essay On Suny Stoony Brook Honor College
The Suny Stony Brook Honors College would be a perfect fit for me for a wide array of reasons. Even though I may not seem like a suitable
candidate for this program by being part of this program I will gain the extra motivation to work harder at my work. The Honors College provides its
students the opportunity to participate in research at its highest level. This is very important to me because in High school I did research at a university
and this helped me learn a great deal about the topic and by doing research in Stony Brook I can better understand my major. Also in the honorscollege
these students are given the chance to be close with the faculty. This will greatly give beneficial to me because it will help me learn much better when I
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The Honors Program Essay
The Honors Program is a selective program where students need to be academically successful for a chance to get in. However, if I was an
admissions director, I would ask questions to get to know the student personally. The question I want to ask to an applicant is "How has your past
experiences shape who you are now?" With nearly twenty years on Earth, two countries, and one ethnicity, I have had some interesting experiences.
My most interesting experiences, though, have occurred at Drexel. With more than four thousand freshmen, it was a chance for me to meet new
people. I was very eager to make friends, so I attended every single social event during the Welcome Week. However, confronted with statements
such as "Your English is really good!" and "Can you say something in Chinese?" repeatedly, it made me rethink how people view me. I was slightly
shocked, since nobody has ever judged my English solely by my ethnicity....show more content...
However, even these people were unsettling. Most of the Asians I met went to churches, but I did not. And as soon as they realized that, they tried
to "convert me" so that I will dedicate my life to God. I knew that religion was a great part of the Asian life, but it was the first time I had a
firsthand experience of religiously dedicated people. With these experiences, I realized that it is very hard to meet a "perfect" friend. All in all,
Honors Program is a great opportunity for me to meet new people, connect with them, and share insights. I appreciate the experiences that I have
acquired so far because I can learn from them; but I believe that I can learn more by joining the Honors Program. By learning from past experiences, I
can gain skills that will better our community. I am grateful for this opportunity and I sincerely hope that I get
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National Honor Society Analysis
After being inducted into National Honor Society my junior year, I have been working with children at Matoaca Elementary School on a weekly basis
to gain the community service hours the honor society requires. I work alongside the computer teacher to assist in helping kindergarteners learn how to
use a computer. Many of these children had never used a mouse or a keyboard, and some didn't know all of their numbers and letters. The progress
they have made since September has made me very proud of them, and the educational activities they do on the computer has helped them improve
their math and reading skills. Before I started to volunteer there, I had never been exposed to an environment where I was to fill the role of an
educator and role model
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Reflection Of The Macaulay Honors College Course
I am teaching this Macaulay Honors College course – this content will evolve a bit organically, and I would greatly appreciate your suggestions
/comments/corrections – this CCNY course is only for Macaulay undergrads, and I think that they would be very inspired if they could get a chance to
hear new concepts and interdisciplinary (nanoscience & biophysical chemistry) ideas from you. My class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings
(9:30am–10: 45 am), and the classroom (equipped with new audiovisual systems) in Shepard Hall provides a very refreshing and intimate setting to
teach this bunch of 18 sophomores (science and engineering majors) – the room gets lots of sunlight, too. I was wondering if you would be available to
give one seminar
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Macaulay Honors College At Baruch College
My experience at the Macaulay Honors College at Baruch College will be one filled with a plethora of experiences and personal growth that will
help me strive towards what I want to become after college. Over the course four years, I will be able to maintain a 3.9 GPA, while taking the most
challenging courses for my business major. Also, I will be able to hone in on what I want to major in and get valuable job experience through
different internships that offer important knowledge and insight about various jobs and positions in the business world. Macaulay's opportunity fund
will allow me immerse myself in the cultures of others and gain a greater realization of my role as a citizen of the world. In Copenhagen, Denmark I
will be able to perhaps
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English Honor Society Research Paper
The National English Honor Society would let me interact with a diverse group of students. Joining the Society would give me a chance to take trips
to colleges and other places to learn new things. If accepted to the Society I would dedicate my time to it and not be distracted by anything that will
take away from my education. Writing has always inspired me which is a big part of English it is a good way to express yourself it is the way I express
myself. Joining the English Honor Society would all around help me stay in track with my education.
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Galileo Galilei Honor
Honor means high respect; esteem, or to regard with great respect. Honor to me means to have earned great respect or to have done something
positive for others. Galileo Galilei is said to have set the foundation for modern science he even earned the nickname of "The Father of Modern
Science", he supported the copernican theory, which states that the planets revolve around the sun, and later found evidence that supported that theory.
Galileo also invented a telescope which he was given a salary to manufacture several of them for Venetian merchants. And even though he was
accused twice of heresy by the church for his beliefs, he wrote books about his finds and his beliefs. He made major contributions to many fields of
science such as physics,...show more content...
Galileo's contributions to the world of science changed the face or modern science and if he hadn't done what he had some of the things we know
today would still be unknown. Honor like respect isn't given it's earned and i think that the world's view of honor will always be different than a
personal view they might be close in comparison but they mean two completely different things. He has done things for the world because science
is unavoidable it's in your everyday life but most of us choose to ignore it for the most part. I also think that he's honorable because even though he
had people telling him that he was wrong and constantly downing on him. He stuck with what he believed and that's something that not very many
people in our society do anymore we tend to follow the crowd. When we talk about telescopes and the planets you don't hear his name pop up all
that much. He was recognized by the people who believed what he did back then but he also got the unwanted attention from those who did not. He
has the nickname of the Father of modern science and i could maybe count five times when i have ever heard his name. I think we could probably
recognize him a little more in the school
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The men researched in the chapters; Macaulay, Ranke, and Marx all contributed to the modern study that we know of today as historiography. These
men were all at one time students, but they all brought something incredible to the table. Marx wrote two novels, Das Kapital, and the Communist
Manifesto. Thomas Macaulay wrote essays on British history, and Leopold von Ranke who was regarded as one of the men who shaped the way we
see history and other topics today. Karl Marx was a German philosopher, and economist who would in due time, come to establish the government
system that we know of today, to be Marxism. "Marx's most famous work s were the Communist Manifesto, (1848) and Das Kapital (1867), but he
developed his theories in a large
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An Essay On An Honorable Person
Honor is a good quality person who respects others. In my opinion, honor is someone always trying to do what's right, are respectful toward others and
themselves, good reputation, good character judgement. People who are honorable were able to change things for the better. Charles Birdseye was an
American inventor entrepreneur. His invention of finding how to flash–freeze food was a big contribution to the industry and because of this, Charles
Birdseye is an honorable person. The first freezing methods were frequently done at higher temperatures and this was how freezing was produced.
Although they were done at high temperatures, freezing was also done at a slower rate causing the ice crystals to grow more. Now it is understood that
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Essay on Honor
It is better to die with honor than to live with shame
It has been said, "I would rather die standing than live on my knees!" (Emiliano Zapata). All things are possible to a person who stands on
the foundation of honor. The definition of honor is a high regard or respect; personal integrity; reputation; privilege (Webster's Dictionary). The word
honor comes from Latin Honos. Honor shapes lives everyday, and provides the glue that holds a family, community and country together.
To have a fantastic family is the best honor a person can have. Parents always teach their children to be good to other and make a well name for
themselves but it is in them whether or not they will truly do it. Being proud of where you came from and then...show more content...
If they did not have family to lean back on during troublesome times they would not be the family they are now; strong and reputable. Honor is what
keeps our families striving to do better.
The price of honor can be great, and can even cost a person his or her life. A brilliant orator by the name of Malcolm X helped to break the prejudiced
way of life. He came to America with a new message to all the people. Even in his death he is still a much honored man not only by the African
Americans but also by anyone who has been affected by any type of prejudice. How honor shaped this Islamic leader's life is clear; he lived what he
preached, and fought for his community.
September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day but at the same time a very heart shaping experience. The men and women who ran into burning building
trying to help the helpless had great courage and personal honor. Every person that had been hurt or killed during this horrific ordeal were rescued
and treated as needed. The fallen rescuers did not even think of their own lives, just the people who needed the help. The personal honor that drives a
man to search for up to 18 hours straight, looking for any sign of life, honors those lost, and honors his country.
Honor can be from saluting a flag to helping the helpless, but to me the greatest honor is being able to honor my family wherever life takes me. With
honor, a person has a fixed place from which to create a life. Though it may not be the fastest, the
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Thomas Macaulay wrote a biography on how Oliver Cromwell's army became so powerful so quickly. Because of the disunity of the country at the
time Cromwell was able to build one of the most rigid and disciplined armies of the time. Macaulay decides to highlight the positives of Cromwell's
army, instead of how this new brigade may have caused friction between the common people and the government. Macaulay praises Cromwell for not
just looking for mere mercenaries, however looking for those of upstanding character with a fear of God and zealous for public liberty. Macaulay says
that because these men decided to put their lives at stake for England, they were more inclined to fight with everything they had. Macaulay uses
accounts from the soldiers
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Why Are Honor Standards Important
An honor course is a class where students who feel as though they need a challenge are located. A majority of the students placed in honors courses
feel that regular classes are way too easy. While some students prefer no challenges, others crave challenges. I believe honors standards are very
necessary because it sets specific standard for students to reach, making them push to achieve. The honor standards located in this lesson are used in the
real world in many ways. For example, when baking, you use math to measure the substances needed to make the product. Also, scientists use math to
accurately measure chemicals in the lab. The honors endorsement is valuable enough that scarce educational funding should be spent on the program
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Honors And Scholars Essay
A.Why do you want to be an Honors & Scholars Ambassador and what strengths would you bring to the organization? * Biological Science
scholar's events and Biomedical Science Honors classes are an influential chunk of my time, and I am grateful for the experiences they have
imparted on me. Honors and Scholars has solidified strengths in me that are relevant to my interest in the medical field. Among these strengths, such
as discipline, critical thinking skills, etc. my passion for helping people is my dearest one, and also one that drives me to give back to the H&S
community. Since elementary school, my fellow peers have sought help from me. I began aiding my peers with homework on a regular basis, and
realized that I loved every minute of...show more content...
If you had one million dollars to change something about Ohio State or plan an event on campus, what would you do and why? * A million dollars is
a large sum of money, and any event planned with a million dollars better be a good one. Coming up with a new, unique event is challenging because
OSU has a diverse student population that holds a multitude of events. The event has to attract all kinds of students and enrich their academic
experience. That is why I think the campus–wide burning of multiple huge wooden effigies or art is the perfect event. Before I answer the why, let me
briefly answer the how. This event takes careful planning and discipline to be safe, and as a result, might seem ridiculous. But I believe if there is any
community with the planning–skills and intelligence to pull this off, it is the OSU community. Now let me answer the why; Burning has been a part of
cultures since the beginning of humanity. Hindus annually burn a giant demon effigy, and people in Black Rock Desert, Nevada burn a giant man
every year. Through an OSU burning event, we can build structures tall and small and reduce them to ashes. We can explore cultures that have similar
practices. We can endeavor to fathom why it is our human nature to revel in flames engulfing a structure. We can analyze our intrinsic attraction to fire.
We can create an irresistible, academically enriching experience that students reminisce about long after they graduate
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The writings of Thomas Babington Macaulay and George Bancroft are in my view, bias perspectives of history. Both of their writings are similar in
style and themes. Macaulay writes selections of The Task of the Modern Historian and The Revolution of 1688 with a nationalistic approach. While
Bancroft, writes History of the United States of America from the Discovery of the Continent, with almost the same nationalistic themes as Macaulay
does. After reading their works, I believe they are nationalistic and are not works of history, and they missed an opportunity to present scholarly
work. Thomas Macaulay is an English historian who writes about early English history and The Revolution of 1688. In the beginning of Macaulay's
selection he talks about the Reformation and England's schism from the Catholic Church under Henry the 8th. Macaulay, writes that we should not
perceive Henry's "gradual progress of selfish and tyrannical passions in a mind not naturally insensible or ungenerous." Rather we detect the "noble
temper which endeared him to a people whim he oppressed." After reading those statements I felt Macaulay was bias, as he is basically saying to
look past the tyrannical aspects of Henry and look at the goodness that allowed him to be tyrannical. Further reading into Macaulay's selections I notice
that in his description of The Revolution of 1688, he does not mention that William of Orange was born in the Dutch Republic. Therefore, from his
writing and omission of
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David Maclay Building A Roman City Summary
In the article "Building a Roman City" by David Macaulay, the author describes the design and building process of Verbonia, a Roman city. Building
Verbonia required both intelligence and physical strength. Intelligence and physical strength contributed to the building of Verbonia equally because
of the elaborate ways the workers built the city and the equally complex way the city was designed. In the article "Building a Roman City", the
author, David Macaulay, tells the reader how physical strength was used to build the Roman city Verbonia. One example of how physical strength was
used to build the city is how the unskilled workers separated and lifted rocks to the city and cut the stone with a saw. This is told to the reader when
the author
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Essay on The Value of Honor
The Value of Honor There is a priceless respect that everyone in the world possesses, and that is the respect of a person's honor. A person's honor is
something that can not be bought, sold, or traded it's something that must be gained by the respect of your peers. An example of how honor is seen in
everyday life in through a persons word. A persons honor is supported by their word, and if they do not uphold their word then they are left with
nothing. To try and explain the personal trait of honor is something that can not be done in a few words, or a sentence. I feel as though honor is made
up of different combinations of personal traits depending on the individual. Some of these characteristics of honor can...show more content...
The medal of honor was first awarded during the civil war in the year 1861. Since the medal of honor's creation there has been some 3,400 medals
awarded to the different divisions of the armed forces. Until this day there has only been one woman who has received this honor for her service.
During World War II there was a black medal of honor awarded for extraordinary heroism in the face of combat. The next instance that I feel honor
plays a big role in is in the presidency of The
United States of America. This is probably the greatest honor that anyone could obtain in the United States of America. When our president is looked
upon as controlling the most powerful country in the world they are looked up to as the strength that makes us a world power. Even in situations
where a person who did not vote for the individual that becomes elected to the presidential office, there is an unspoken bond that brings all
Americans together as a whole. In such instances as this I feel as though there is more reverence, and respect for the president than there is for any
other elected official in the
United States. The honor that develops over time in a friendship is one that should never be toyed around with. A good example of this would be two
friends losing their friendship because of a woman. A friend is someone that you can trust, someone who's word means something, and a friend is
someone that you should not have to question
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Honors Project Proposal

  • 1. Honors Project Proposal My Honors Project proposal is an academic paper on the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China.The paper is to have a minimum of eight pages and must be backed by various credible sources. I must examine the many forces at play the two to three countries that existed in China during this period. I must take into account the economic, military and governmental difference along with the cultural changes that happened in this time between the Jin dynasty that ended in 420 CE and the Sui that started in 581 CE. Analyze the differences that occurred in the countries, and explain their similarities. Lastly I will analyze the rise of the Sui. I will also show briefly explain what events were happening outside of china when they influence some aspect Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. "Stories about architecture are stories about people," said David Macaulay, author of Cathedral (4). The intention of cathedrals was to draw people, and in turn inspire those who came to pray, learn, and worship (Macaulay, Cathedral 4). Cathedrals remain inspirational in their enormous scale and overpowering beauty, and that these places of worship are still standing after many centuries show a level of determination and integrity in those that built the edifices (Macaulay, Cathedral 4). Architect Vitruvius wrote, "All the buildings have two components: The building itself and an idea that its architecture tried to express" (McNamara 6). People build churches because they believed in something (McNamara 6). In David Macaulay's book, Built to Last, he says the mindset behind building cathedrals was that of honor and dedication. Macaulay's research noted that, "The new cathedral would be built to the glory of God, and it mattered little that it might take more than one hundred years to construct it" (Macaulay, Built to Last 98). However, there is more to cathedrals than just building something grand and beautiful to honor God. Churches and cathedrals were built to be packed with meaning (Taylor 1), and were used to illustrate key points of Christian teaching through the use of imagery (Taylor 5). Cathedrals were a place to immerse individuals in worship. Religious parents encourage their children to pray, take them to church and to religious events (Newberg and Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. This essay looks at the opposing views of Macaulay and Gandhi on improving both the social and political structure of India. Macaulay suggested that education in english will produce colonial subjects that will produce a class of Indian men to think like the British. This ultimately aids in the goal to have British rule in India. Thomas Macaulay was the chair of the Committee of Public Instruction in 1835 British India. He has argued in his minute that the traditional Sanskrit and Arabic education in India is useless, and thus education in English language and literature should be introduced. He believed that by introducing English literature studies in India, British would be aiding Indians to see and understand a new world beyond the Vedas and Shastras which only taught religion. He also believed that English education would provide skills to young men to make a living for themselves so they can live independent of the state. From Gandhi's point of view, he believed that Indians should be able to rule themselves without English monarchy. Macaulay 's proposition goes against Gandhi's satyagraha (i.e. passive resistance) practice because he believed that by obeying the British, Indians were voluntarily becoming their slaves. The satyagraha movement was one of the leading reasons for the British rule to end in India as the satyagrahis practiced non–violence as a method of rebellion against the British and their laws. Ultimately both Macaulay and Gandhi wanted the nation to Get more content on HelpWriting.net
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  • 5. The Honors Program Essay The Honors Program is a selective program where students need to be academically successful for a chance to get in. However, if I was an admissions director, I would ask questions to get to know the student personally. The question I want to ask to an applicant is "How has your past experiences shape who you are now?" With nearly twenty years on Earth, two countries, and one ethnicity, I have had some interesting experiences. My most interesting experiences, though, have occurred at Drexel. With more than four thousand freshmen, it was a chance for me to meet new people. I was very eager to make friends, so I attended every single social event during the Welcome Week. However, confronted with statements such as "Your English is really good!" and "Can you say something in Chinese?" repeatedly, it made me rethink how people view me. I was slightly shocked, since nobody has ever judged my English solely by my ethnicity....show more content... However, even these people were unsettling. Most of the Asians I met went to churches, but I did not. And as soon as they realized that, they tried to "convert me" so that I will dedicate my life to God. I knew that religion was a great part of the Asian life, but it was the first time I had a firsthand experience of religiously dedicated people. With these experiences, I realized that it is very hard to meet a "perfect" friend. All in all, Honors Program is a great opportunity for me to meet new people, connect with them, and share insights. I appreciate the experiences that I have acquired so far because I can learn from them; but I believe that I can learn more by joining the Honors Program. By learning from past experiences, I can gain skills that will better our community. I am grateful for this opportunity and I sincerely hope that I get Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. National Honor Society Analysis After being inducted into National Honor Society my junior year, I have been working with children at Matoaca Elementary School on a weekly basis to gain the community service hours the honor society requires. I work alongside the computer teacher to assist in helping kindergarteners learn how to use a computer. Many of these children had never used a mouse or a keyboard, and some didn't know all of their numbers and letters. The progress they have made since September has made me very proud of them, and the educational activities they do on the computer has helped them improve their math and reading skills. Before I started to volunteer there, I had never been exposed to an environment where I was to fill the role of an educator and role model Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Reflection Of The Macaulay Honors College Course I am teaching this Macaulay Honors College course – this content will evolve a bit organically, and I would greatly appreciate your suggestions /comments/corrections – this CCNY course is only for Macaulay undergrads, and I think that they would be very inspired if they could get a chance to hear new concepts and interdisciplinary (nanoscience & biophysical chemistry) ideas from you. My class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (9:30am–10: 45 am), and the classroom (equipped with new audiovisual systems) in Shepard Hall provides a very refreshing and intimate setting to teach this bunch of 18 sophomores (science and engineering majors) – the room gets lots of sunlight, too. I was wondering if you would be available to give one seminar Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Macaulay Honors College At Baruch College My experience at the Macaulay Honors College at Baruch College will be one filled with a plethora of experiences and personal growth that will help me strive towards what I want to become after college. Over the course four years, I will be able to maintain a 3.9 GPA, while taking the most challenging courses for my business major. Also, I will be able to hone in on what I want to major in and get valuable job experience through different internships that offer important knowledge and insight about various jobs and positions in the business world. Macaulay's opportunity fund will allow me immerse myself in the cultures of others and gain a greater realization of my role as a citizen of the world. In Copenhagen, Denmark I will be able to perhaps Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. English Honor Society Research Paper The National English Honor Society would let me interact with a diverse group of students. Joining the Society would give me a chance to take trips to colleges and other places to learn new things. If accepted to the Society I would dedicate my time to it and not be distracted by anything that will take away from my education. Writing has always inspired me which is a big part of English it is a good way to express yourself it is the way I express myself. Joining the English Honor Society would all around help me stay in track with my education. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. Galileo Galilei Honor Honor means high respect; esteem, or to regard with great respect. Honor to me means to have earned great respect or to have done something positive for others. Galileo Galilei is said to have set the foundation for modern science he even earned the nickname of "The Father of Modern Science", he supported the copernican theory, which states that the planets revolve around the sun, and later found evidence that supported that theory. Galileo also invented a telescope which he was given a salary to manufacture several of them for Venetian merchants. And even though he was accused twice of heresy by the church for his beliefs, he wrote books about his finds and his beliefs. He made major contributions to many fields of science such as physics,...show more content... Galileo's contributions to the world of science changed the face or modern science and if he hadn't done what he had some of the things we know today would still be unknown. Honor like respect isn't given it's earned and i think that the world's view of honor will always be different than a personal view they might be close in comparison but they mean two completely different things. He has done things for the world because science is unavoidable it's in your everyday life but most of us choose to ignore it for the most part. I also think that he's honorable because even though he had people telling him that he was wrong and constantly downing on him. He stuck with what he believed and that's something that not very many people in our society do anymore we tend to follow the crowd. When we talk about telescopes and the planets you don't hear his name pop up all that much. He was recognized by the people who believed what he did back then but he also got the unwanted attention from those who did not. He has the nickname of the Father of modern science and i could maybe count five times when i have ever heard his name. I think we could probably recognize him a little more in the school Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 11. The men researched in the chapters; Macaulay, Ranke, and Marx all contributed to the modern study that we know of today as historiography. These men were all at one time students, but they all brought something incredible to the table. Marx wrote two novels, Das Kapital, and the Communist Manifesto. Thomas Macaulay wrote essays on British history, and Leopold von Ranke who was regarded as one of the men who shaped the way we see history and other topics today. Karl Marx was a German philosopher, and economist who would in due time, come to establish the government system that we know of today, to be Marxism. "Marx's most famous work s were the Communist Manifesto, (1848) and Das Kapital (1867), but he developed his theories in a large Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 12. An Essay On An Honorable Person Honor is a good quality person who respects others. In my opinion, honor is someone always trying to do what's right, are respectful toward others and themselves, good reputation, good character judgement. People who are honorable were able to change things for the better. Charles Birdseye was an American inventor entrepreneur. His invention of finding how to flash–freeze food was a big contribution to the industry and because of this, Charles Birdseye is an honorable person. The first freezing methods were frequently done at higher temperatures and this was how freezing was produced. Although they were done at high temperatures, freezing was also done at a slower rate causing the ice crystals to grow more. Now it is understood that using Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 13. Essay on Honor It is better to die with honor than to live with shame It has been said, "I would rather die standing than live on my knees!" (Emiliano Zapata). All things are possible to a person who stands on the foundation of honor. The definition of honor is a high regard or respect; personal integrity; reputation; privilege (Webster's Dictionary). The word honor comes from Latin Honos. Honor shapes lives everyday, and provides the glue that holds a family, community and country together. To have a fantastic family is the best honor a person can have. Parents always teach their children to be good to other and make a well name for themselves but it is in them whether or not they will truly do it. Being proud of where you came from and then...show more content... If they did not have family to lean back on during troublesome times they would not be the family they are now; strong and reputable. Honor is what keeps our families striving to do better. The price of honor can be great, and can even cost a person his or her life. A brilliant orator by the name of Malcolm X helped to break the prejudiced way of life. He came to America with a new message to all the people. Even in his death he is still a much honored man not only by the African Americans but also by anyone who has been affected by any type of prejudice. How honor shaped this Islamic leader's life is clear; he lived what he preached, and fought for his community. September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day but at the same time a very heart shaping experience. The men and women who ran into burning building trying to help the helpless had great courage and personal honor. Every person that had been hurt or killed during this horrific ordeal were rescued and treated as needed. The fallen rescuers did not even think of their own lives, just the people who needed the help. The personal honor that drives a man to search for up to 18 hours straight, looking for any sign of life, honors those lost, and honors his country. Honor can be from saluting a flag to helping the helpless, but to me the greatest honor is being able to honor my family wherever life takes me. With honor, a person has a fixed place from which to create a life. Though it may not be the fastest, the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 14. Thomas Macaulay wrote a biography on how Oliver Cromwell's army became so powerful so quickly. Because of the disunity of the country at the time Cromwell was able to build one of the most rigid and disciplined armies of the time. Macaulay decides to highlight the positives of Cromwell's army, instead of how this new brigade may have caused friction between the common people and the government. Macaulay praises Cromwell for not just looking for mere mercenaries, however looking for those of upstanding character with a fear of God and zealous for public liberty. Macaulay says that because these men decided to put their lives at stake for England, they were more inclined to fight with everything they had. Macaulay uses accounts from the soldiers Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 15. Why Are Honor Standards Important An honor course is a class where students who feel as though they need a challenge are located. A majority of the students placed in honors courses feel that regular classes are way too easy. While some students prefer no challenges, others crave challenges. I believe honors standards are very necessary because it sets specific standard for students to reach, making them push to achieve. The honor standards located in this lesson are used in the real world in many ways. For example, when baking, you use math to measure the substances needed to make the product. Also, scientists use math to accurately measure chemicals in the lab. The honors endorsement is valuable enough that scarce educational funding should be spent on the program because Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 16. Honors And Scholars Essay A.Why do you want to be an Honors & Scholars Ambassador and what strengths would you bring to the organization? * Biological Science scholar's events and Biomedical Science Honors classes are an influential chunk of my time, and I am grateful for the experiences they have imparted on me. Honors and Scholars has solidified strengths in me that are relevant to my interest in the medical field. Among these strengths, such as discipline, critical thinking skills, etc. my passion for helping people is my dearest one, and also one that drives me to give back to the H&S community. Since elementary school, my fellow peers have sought help from me. I began aiding my peers with homework on a regular basis, and realized that I loved every minute of...show more content... If you had one million dollars to change something about Ohio State or plan an event on campus, what would you do and why? * A million dollars is a large sum of money, and any event planned with a million dollars better be a good one. Coming up with a new, unique event is challenging because OSU has a diverse student population that holds a multitude of events. The event has to attract all kinds of students and enrich their academic experience. That is why I think the campus–wide burning of multiple huge wooden effigies or art is the perfect event. Before I answer the why, let me briefly answer the how. This event takes careful planning and discipline to be safe, and as a result, might seem ridiculous. But I believe if there is any community with the planning–skills and intelligence to pull this off, it is the OSU community. Now let me answer the why; Burning has been a part of cultures since the beginning of humanity. Hindus annually burn a giant demon effigy, and people in Black Rock Desert, Nevada burn a giant man every year. Through an OSU burning event, we can build structures tall and small and reduce them to ashes. We can explore cultures that have similar practices. We can endeavor to fathom why it is our human nature to revel in flames engulfing a structure. We can analyze our intrinsic attraction to fire. We can create an irresistible, academically enriching experience that students reminisce about long after they graduate Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 17. The writings of Thomas Babington Macaulay and George Bancroft are in my view, bias perspectives of history. Both of their writings are similar in style and themes. Macaulay writes selections of The Task of the Modern Historian and The Revolution of 1688 with a nationalistic approach. While Bancroft, writes History of the United States of America from the Discovery of the Continent, with almost the same nationalistic themes as Macaulay does. After reading their works, I believe they are nationalistic and are not works of history, and they missed an opportunity to present scholarly work. Thomas Macaulay is an English historian who writes about early English history and The Revolution of 1688. In the beginning of Macaulay's selection he talks about the Reformation and England's schism from the Catholic Church under Henry the 8th. Macaulay, writes that we should not perceive Henry's "gradual progress of selfish and tyrannical passions in a mind not naturally insensible or ungenerous." Rather we detect the "noble temper which endeared him to a people whim he oppressed." After reading those statements I felt Macaulay was bias, as he is basically saying to look past the tyrannical aspects of Henry and look at the goodness that allowed him to be tyrannical. Further reading into Macaulay's selections I notice that in his description of The Revolution of 1688, he does not mention that William of Orange was born in the Dutch Republic. Therefore, from his writing and omission of Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 18. David Maclay Building A Roman City Summary In the article "Building a Roman City" by David Macaulay, the author describes the design and building process of Verbonia, a Roman city. Building Verbonia required both intelligence and physical strength. Intelligence and physical strength contributed to the building of Verbonia equally because of the elaborate ways the workers built the city and the equally complex way the city was designed. In the article "Building a Roman City", the author, David Macaulay, tells the reader how physical strength was used to build the Roman city Verbonia. One example of how physical strength was used to build the city is how the unskilled workers separated and lifted rocks to the city and cut the stone with a saw. This is told to the reader when the author Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 19. Essay on The Value of Honor The Value of Honor There is a priceless respect that everyone in the world possesses, and that is the respect of a person's honor. A person's honor is something that can not be bought, sold, or traded it's something that must be gained by the respect of your peers. An example of how honor is seen in everyday life in through a persons word. A persons honor is supported by their word, and if they do not uphold their word then they are left with nothing. To try and explain the personal trait of honor is something that can not be done in a few words, or a sentence. I feel as though honor is made up of different combinations of personal traits depending on the individual. Some of these characteristics of honor can...show more content... The medal of honor was first awarded during the civil war in the year 1861. Since the medal of honor's creation there has been some 3,400 medals awarded to the different divisions of the armed forces. Until this day there has only been one woman who has received this honor for her service. During World War II there was a black medal of honor awarded for extraordinary heroism in the face of combat. The next instance that I feel honor plays a big role in is in the presidency of The United States of America. This is probably the greatest honor that anyone could obtain in the United States of America. When our president is looked upon as controlling the most powerful country in the world they are looked up to as the strength that makes us a world power. Even in situations where a person who did not vote for the individual that becomes elected to the presidential office, there is an unspoken bond that brings all Americans together as a whole. In such instances as this I feel as though there is more reverence, and respect for the president than there is for any other elected official in the United States. The honor that develops over time in a friendship is one that should never be toyed around with. A good example of this would be two friends losing their friendship because of a woman. A friend is someone that you can trust, someone who's word means something, and a friend is someone that you should not have to question Get more content on HelpWriting.net