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Horse gram 
( Macrotyloma 
Macrotyloma uniflorum 
Kingdom: Plantae 
Phylum Tracheophyta 
Class Magnolyopsida 
Order Fabales 
Family: Fabaceae 
Genus: Macrotyloma 
Species M. uniflorum 
Chromosome no. 20, 22, 24
 It is also grown as a forage and green 
 Plant habitat is climbing herb with stems 
up to 60 cm tall 
 It has a perennial fibrous rhizome 
 Stem are annual, sparsely to densely 
covered with spreading or appressed 
whitish hairs
 alternate, tri-foliolate, stipules lanceolate, 4– 
10 mm long, striated 
 petiole 1–7 cm long, rachis 2.5–10 mm long, 
leaflets ovate-rhombic, obovate or 
elliptical, apex rounded to acute, base 
rounded, lateral leaflets asymmetric, 
 hairy to glabrescent 
on both surfaces.
 Inflorescence an axillary 
 bracts up to 3 mm long. 
 Flowers bisexual, papilionaceous; calyx 
pubescent, lobes triangular-lanceolate, 
upper pair entirely fused 
 corolla with cream, yellow or greenish 
yellow standard, often with a small purple 
blotch inside, obovate-oblong, 
 wings and keel greenish yellow, 
 stamens 10, 9 fused and 1 free; 
 ovary superior, stiped, 1-celled.
Horse gram flowers
 Fruit a linear-oblong pod 3–8 cm × 4–8 
mm, upcurved towards apex, acuminate, 
densely hairy when young 
 later more sparsely, margins glabrous, 
smooth or warty 
 Fruits are dehiscent, 5–10-seeded. 
 Seeds are trapezoidal, oblong or 
 They are pale to dark reddish brown, 
speckled or mottled with black and 
orange-brown or all black.
Horse gram pods
4 varieties have been distinguished: 
M. uniflorum – var. uniflorum 
M. uniflorum – var. stenocarpum 
M. uniflorum – var. verrucosum 
M. uniflorum – var. benadirianum
 Requires temperature of 20–30°C and 
does not tolerate frost. 
 Drought-resistant, grows even in low 
rainfall areas. 
 Grows on a wide range of soils with pH 5– 
7.5, including poor soils. 
 It does not tolerate waterlogging.
 Horse gram is sharp, bitter and hot. 
 Beneficial in cough breathing problem 
due to phlegms, flatulation, hicups, stones 
and fever. 
 Also eliminates germs and worms. 
 It causes impurities of bile and blood. 
 Also causes inflammation and checks 
 Used as a food ingredient 
 Drinking semi liquid solution of horse gram 
powder cures flatulation. 
 Horse beans mixed with powdered dry 
ginger, asafoetida and "veed salt" is taken 
it cures the pain of the stomach. 
 Cures disease of the stomach. 
 If the water in which horse gram had 
been soaked for the whole night is taken 
daily, taken twice then it cures gall 
 The use of horse gram in the diet relieves 
the pain of dry piles. 
 Drinking the semi liquid mixture of 
powdered horse gram and powdered 
black pepper cures sore throat. 
 Its use in the diet is good for women as 
their menstruation is purified. 
 It is harmful for pregnant woman, or a 
person suffering from plethora or 
tuberculosis. It also causes the formation 
of excessive bile.

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  • 1. Horse gram ( Macrotyloma uniflorum)
  • 2. Macrotyloma uniflorum Kingdom: Plantae Phylum Tracheophyta Class Magnolyopsida Order Fabales Family: Fabaceae Genus: Macrotyloma Species M. uniflorum Chromosome no. 20, 22, 24
  • 3. Botany:  It is also grown as a forage and green manure  Plant habitat is climbing herb with stems up to 60 cm tall  It has a perennial fibrous rhizome  Stem are annual, sparsely to densely covered with spreading or appressed whitish hairs
  • 5. Leaves  alternate, tri-foliolate, stipules lanceolate, 4– 10 mm long, striated  petiole 1–7 cm long, rachis 2.5–10 mm long, leaflets ovate-rhombic, obovate or elliptical, apex rounded to acute, base rounded, lateral leaflets asymmetric,  hairy to glabrescent on both surfaces.
  • 6. Inflorescence  Inflorescence an axillary  bracts up to 3 mm long.  Flowers bisexual, papilionaceous; calyx pubescent, lobes triangular-lanceolate, upper pair entirely fused  corolla with cream, yellow or greenish yellow standard, often with a small purple blotch inside, obovate-oblong,  wings and keel greenish yellow,  stamens 10, 9 fused and 1 free;  ovary superior, stiped, 1-celled.
  • 8. Fruits  Fruit a linear-oblong pod 3–8 cm × 4–8 mm, upcurved towards apex, acuminate, densely hairy when young  later more sparsely, margins glabrous, smooth or warty  Fruits are dehiscent, 5–10-seeded.  Seeds are trapezoidal, oblong or rounded-reniform,  They are pale to dark reddish brown, speckled or mottled with black and orange-brown or all black.
  • 10. Varieties 4 varieties have been distinguished: M. uniflorum – var. uniflorum M. uniflorum – var. stenocarpum M. uniflorum – var. verrucosum M. uniflorum – var. benadirianum
  • 11. Ecology  Requires temperature of 20–30°C and does not tolerate frost.  Drought-resistant, grows even in low rainfall areas.  Grows on a wide range of soils with pH 5– 7.5, including poor soils.  It does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • 12. Properties  Horse gram is sharp, bitter and hot.  Beneficial in cough breathing problem due to phlegms, flatulation, hicups, stones and fever.  Also eliminates germs and worms.  It causes impurities of bile and blood.  Also causes inflammation and checks sweating.
  • 13. Uses  Used as a food ingredient  Drinking semi liquid solution of horse gram powder cures flatulation.  Horse beans mixed with powdered dry ginger, asafoetida and "veed salt" is taken it cures the pain of the stomach.  Cures disease of the stomach.  If the water in which horse gram had been soaked for the whole night is taken daily, taken twice then it cures gall stones.
  • 14.  The use of horse gram in the diet relieves the pain of dry piles.  Drinking the semi liquid mixture of powdered horse gram and powdered black pepper cures sore throat.  Its use in the diet is good for women as their menstruation is purified.  It is harmful for pregnant woman, or a person suffering from plethora or tuberculosis. It also causes the formation of excessive bile.