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CITE Research Symposium 2010

         Mike H.L. Chui
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
 Students have experience on using CMS/ LMS but they
  have little governance on the functions
   Little chance to tailor for pedagogical purposes
 Students generally perceive administering on the
  server side is difficult
   Dynamic data exchange: PHP + Apache server + MySQL
 ICT industry rarely designs tools for specific
  pedagogical applications (Muwanga-Zake, Parkes and
  Gregory, 2010)
 Free Web hosting services blogs as e-portfolios
   Easy setup at the server side is the KEY

 Installing blog platform
   Easy setup and maintenance (WordPress)
   Easy add/ remove features (Plug-ins)
   Aesthetic considerations (Themes)
 An experimental study +focus group (proposed)
 Population
     FT PGDE(S) – 2009-2010 (128 students)
     43 out of 128 students voluntarily are participating the study , from the second
       semester of 2009/2010
 Student-teachers (STs) are advised to 1) download the learning material; 2)
    complete the self-evaluation checklist; and 3) post issues encountered
    from instructor’s Moodle system
   Totally 8 weeks will be involved (ongoing since Feb 2010)
   STs are advised to 1) apply WordPress blog during the teaching practice;
    and 2) write a reflection afterward
   A questionnaire will be adopted for this blended learning initiative at the
    end of 8 weeks
   Students might be invited for the focus group for in-depth interview
 Week 1: Installing WordPress
     register a free Web space
     change theme
     post message
 Week 2: Basic customisation
     adding plug-ins and themes (FTP)
     updating plug-ins from dashboard
     understanding WordPress security basics
   Week 3: Managing widgets in dashboard for learning
   Week 4: Introducing plug-in for pedagogical applications (part1)
   Week 5: Introducing plug-in for pedagogical applications (part2)
   Week 6: Exporting and importing blog posts – knowledge management
   Week 7: Managing learning materials in WordPress with your students
   Week 8: Sharing experience on selecting plug-ins and theme customisation
    for better communication
 Learning is defined as a basic, adaptive function of
  human (Bransford et al., 1999)
 Steve Jobs proposed 7 key tasks of people in iPad
  keynote (Jan 27, 2010):
     Browsing (Web browsing)
     Email
     Photos (Enjoying and sharing photographs)
     Video (Video, watch videos)
     Music (Enjoy your music collections)
     Games (Playing games)
     eBooks (Reading eBooks)

 Could the tasks be transformed to “Learning”?
 How “Learning” can be actualised by blog?
7 key tasks of people   Learning with blog
Browsing                Basic Internet operations/ RSS/ Blogrolls
Email                   Receiving comments from blogposts/ New subscribers
                        to your blog
Photos                  Embedding Flickr/ Webshots/ Picasa  Photo story
                        telling/ Project-based learning
Video                   Embedding YouTube/ Animoto by screencasting your
                        own instructions and experiences/ Embedding eTVs
Music                   Subscribing/ Embedding podcasting materials
Games                   Embedding blog widgets  instructional games/ drill-
                        and-practice/ simulation
eBooks                  Creating and embedding your own literatures 
                        Google Docs/ SlideShare/ Scribe/ Docstoc
 Required features for hosting WordPress (WP)
   Support FTP client (third party software like FileZilla
    FTP Client http://filezilla-project.org/ )
   Allow WP theme/ plug-in installation (FTP)
   Support PHP + MySQL + Apache server
   At least 100 Mb capacity

 Registration of a free Web hosting
   http://getfreehosting.co.uk/
   http://www.erufa.com/wp/ (Traditional Chinese)
 After registration, the following screen will be shown:
 Go to control panel: http://cpanel.erufa.com

   Username: erufa_36270xx(refer: Control panel user name)
   Password: xxxxxxxx(refer: Control panel password)

 Click on the MySQL databases link
 Enter demo in Your current databases field, and click
 on the Create Database button

                                    Sooner or later, you will see a
                                    is created.
 Go to http://wordpress.org/download to download the
  latest version of WordPress

 Unzip the file into a folder in your local drive (e.g.
 Open the file named wp-config-sample.php in
 Notepad or any ASCII editor (e.g. Notepad++ at
 change the bold words as below (Remark: DO NOT
 use MS WORD):

 Save the file as wp-config.php
 Use FileZilla FTP Client to upload the whole stuff
 (under wordpress folder locally) under the htdocs
 folder in the remote directory
   Host: ftp.erufa.com
   User: erufa_36270xx
   Password: refer FTP password
 Go to http://mikechui.erufa.com/wp-
 admin/install.php , enter the following information
 and click on Install WordPress button
   Remark: "mikechui" is a variable, change to your log in
 Copy the password, click on the Log In button to get into the

 Remark: Next time, go to http://mikechui.erufa.com/wp-
  login.php to log in (with user name: admin)
 In dashboard, click on Users

 Click on the admin link to change Admin password
 (MUST DO!!), paste the original password you just
 Change the New Password, click on Update Profile
 button to continue

 Change Settings as you like, click on Save Changes
 button to proceed
 Posts > Add New
 Single-discipline/ Personal learning environment (PLE)
   Student-teacher (ST) who blogs with reflection from a
    single discipline could form a circle with the other STs
    within the same discipline
 Cross-discipline/ Computer-supported collaborative
 learning (CSCL)
   ST can collaborate by sharing resources/ reflections with
    the other disciplines (e.g. Chinese x English; Science x
    Liberal Studies)
   Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. and Cocking, R.R. (eds.) (1999) How people learn: brain, mind, experience,
    and school. Washington: National Academy Press.
   Jobs, S. (2010) Announces iPad. [online] Available from:
    http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/1001q3f8hhr/event/index.html [Accessed 27 January 2010]
   Muwanga-Zake, J.W.F., Parkes, M. and Gregory, S. (2010) Blogging at university as a case study in
    instructional design: Challenges and suggestions towards professional development. International
    Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT),
    Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp.(to be confirmed).
Thank you very much for your

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Hosting a dynamic blog - a paradigm shift of collaborative knowledge construction by applying WordPress themes and plug-ins

  • 1. CITE Research Symposium 2010 Mike H.L. Chui mikechui@ied.edu.hk The Hong Kong Institute of Education
  • 2.  Students have experience on using CMS/ LMS but they have little governance on the functions  Little chance to tailor for pedagogical purposes  Students generally perceive administering on the server side is difficult  Dynamic data exchange: PHP + Apache server + MySQL database  ICT industry rarely designs tools for specific pedagogical applications (Muwanga-Zake, Parkes and Gregory, 2010)
  • 3.  Free Web hosting services blogs as e-portfolios  Easy setup at the server side is the KEY  Installing blog platform  Easy setup and maintenance (WordPress)  Easy add/ remove features (Plug-ins)  Aesthetic considerations (Themes)
  • 4.  An experimental study +focus group (proposed)  Population  FT PGDE(S) – 2009-2010 (128 students)  43 out of 128 students voluntarily are participating the study , from the second semester of 2009/2010  Student-teachers (STs) are advised to 1) download the learning material; 2) complete the self-evaluation checklist; and 3) post issues encountered from instructor’s Moodle system  Totally 8 weeks will be involved (ongoing since Feb 2010)  STs are advised to 1) apply WordPress blog during the teaching practice; and 2) write a reflection afterward  A questionnaire will be adopted for this blended learning initiative at the end of 8 weeks  Students might be invited for the focus group for in-depth interview
  • 5.  Week 1: Installing WordPress  register a free Web space  change theme  post message  Week 2: Basic customisation  adding plug-ins and themes (FTP)  updating plug-ins from dashboard  understanding WordPress security basics  Week 3: Managing widgets in dashboard for learning  Week 4: Introducing plug-in for pedagogical applications (part1)  Week 5: Introducing plug-in for pedagogical applications (part2)  Week 6: Exporting and importing blog posts – knowledge management  Week 7: Managing learning materials in WordPress with your students  Week 8: Sharing experience on selecting plug-ins and theme customisation for better communication
  • 6.  Learning is defined as a basic, adaptive function of human (Bransford et al., 1999)  Steve Jobs proposed 7 key tasks of people in iPad keynote (Jan 27, 2010):  Browsing (Web browsing)  Email  Photos (Enjoying and sharing photographs)  Video (Video, watch videos)  Music (Enjoy your music collections)  Games (Playing games)  eBooks (Reading eBooks)  Could the tasks be transformed to “Learning”?  How “Learning” can be actualised by blog?
  • 7. 7 key tasks of people Learning with blog Browsing Basic Internet operations/ RSS/ Blogrolls Email Receiving comments from blogposts/ New subscribers to your blog Photos Embedding Flickr/ Webshots/ Picasa  Photo story telling/ Project-based learning Video Embedding YouTube/ Animoto by screencasting your own instructions and experiences/ Embedding eTVs Music Subscribing/ Embedding podcasting materials Games Embedding blog widgets  instructional games/ drill- and-practice/ simulation eBooks Creating and embedding your own literatures  Google Docs/ SlideShare/ Scribe/ Docstoc
  • 8.  Required features for hosting WordPress (WP)  Support FTP client (third party software like FileZilla FTP Client http://filezilla-project.org/ )  Allow WP theme/ plug-in installation (FTP)  Support PHP + MySQL + Apache server  At least 100 Mb capacity  Registration of a free Web hosting  http://getfreehosting.co.uk/  http://www.erufa.com/wp/ (Traditional Chinese)
  • 9.  After registration, the following screen will be shown:
  • 10.  Go to control panel: http://cpanel.erufa.com  Username: erufa_36270xx(refer: Control panel user name)  Password: xxxxxxxx(refer: Control panel password)  Click on the MySQL databases link
  • 11.  Enter demo in Your current databases field, and click on the Create Database button Sooner or later, you will see a database erufa_xxxxxxx_demo is created.
  • 12.  Go to http://wordpress.org/download to download the latest version of WordPress  Unzip the file into a folder in your local drive (e.g. d:/wordpress)
  • 13.  Open the file named wp-config-sample.php in Notepad or any ASCII editor (e.g. Notepad++ at http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-plus/), change the bold words as below (Remark: DO NOT use MS WORD):  Save the file as wp-config.php
  • 14.  Use FileZilla FTP Client to upload the whole stuff (under wordpress folder locally) under the htdocs folder in the remote directory  Host: ftp.erufa.com  User: erufa_36270xx  Password: refer FTP password
  • 15.  Go to http://mikechui.erufa.com/wp- admin/install.php , enter the following information and click on Install WordPress button  Remark: "mikechui" is a variable, change to your log in name
  • 16.  Copy the password, click on the Log In button to get into the Dashboard  Remark: Next time, go to http://mikechui.erufa.com/wp- login.php to log in (with user name: admin)
  • 17.  In dashboard, click on Users  Click on the admin link to change Admin password (MUST DO!!), paste the original password you just copied
  • 18.  Change the New Password, click on Update Profile button to continue  Change Settings as you like, click on Save Changes button to proceed
  • 19.  Posts > Add New
  • 20.  Single-discipline/ Personal learning environment (PLE)  Student-teacher (ST) who blogs with reflection from a single discipline could form a circle with the other STs within the same discipline  Cross-discipline/ Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)  ST can collaborate by sharing resources/ reflections with the other disciplines (e.g. Chinese x English; Science x Liberal Studies)
  • 21. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. and Cocking, R.R. (eds.) (1999) How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington: National Academy Press.  Jobs, S. (2010) Announces iPad. [online] Available from: http://events.apple.com.edgesuite.net/1001q3f8hhr/event/index.html [Accessed 27 January 2010]  Muwanga-Zake, J.W.F., Parkes, M. and Gregory, S. (2010) Blogging at university as a case study in instructional design: Challenges and suggestions towards professional development. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp.(to be confirmed).
  • 22. Thank you very much for your participation