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How Celtra Optimizes its Advertising Platformwith Databricks
Grega Kešpret, Director of Engineering, Analytics – Celtra
Denny Lee, Technology Evangelist – Databricks
December 9th, 2015
How Celtra Optimizes its
Advertising Platform
with Databricks
About Me: Grega Kešpret
Grega Kešpret is the Director of Engineering for Analytics. He works at
Celtra since 2012, where he helped build analytics pipeline and
optimization systems. Grega also leads the team of engineers and data
scientists at San Francisco and Ljubljana, working on their analytics
platform. Prior to Celtra, Grega worked at IBM, helping enterprise
customers adopt WebSphere Application Server and before that did a 8-
month internship at SANYO (Panasonic) in Japan, working on battery
systems. His current technical interests include databases, distributed
systems, functional programming and machine learning.
About Me: Denny Lee
Denny is a Technology Evangelist with Databricks; he is a hands-on data
sciences engineer with more than 15 years of experience developing
internet-scale infrastructure, data platforms, and distributed systems for
both on-premises and cloud. His key focuses surround solving complex
large scale data problems – providing not only architectural direction but
the hands-on implementation of these systems. He has extensive
experience in building greenfield teams as well as turn around / change
catalyst. Prior to joining Databricks, Denny worked as a Senior Director of
Data Sciences Engineering at Concur and was part of the incubation team
that built Hadoop on Windows and Azure (currently known as HDInsight).
How Celtra Optimizes its Advertising Platformwith Databricks
•  About Celtra & AdCreator
•  Event Data
•  AdTech Problems (Sessionization, Funnel Analytics)
•  Databricks Use Cases
•  Data Analysis Evolutionary Path
•  Main pain points from the past
•  Demo
•  Q&A
The analytics platform at Celtra has experienced tremendous growth
over the past few years in terms of size, complexity, number of users,
and variety of use cases.
Business Data Volume Data Complexity
Leading creative technology
company for data-driven brand
display and video advertising
across mobile, tablets and desktop
Powering the creative side of
advertising campaigns
SaaS platform to allow clients easily
create, manage, and traffic data-
driven dynamic ads, optimize them
on the go, and track their
performance with insightful
Celtra AdCreator
About Celtra & AdCreator
Trusted by +5000 brands
and agencies.
Unparalleled Distribution Options
Reach across endless list of large publishers and media owners, DSP’s and ad networks.
Certified and partnered with the top 25 global Ad Networks and
over 50 premium publishers
AdCreator is the most widely used creative, analytics and
optimization technology for display and video advertising
•  Bread and butter of our analytics data
•  Facts about what happened
•  creative X was served on placement Y at time Z
•  user A interacted with creative X at time Q
•  Automatically tracked
•  Behavioral data from users
•  ~2 billion events per day
•  1 TB new data per day (uncompressed)
•  Very sparse
•  Complex relationships between events
Event data
•  Combining discrete events into sessions
•  In first version, we used to compute simple counts of events
•  But, no “holistic” view over the whole session:
•  Very hard to troubleshoot/debug
•  Cannot check for/enforce causality (if X happened, Y must also have
•  Duplication leading to skewed rates (e.g. one user interacting)
•  Later events make you understand earlier arriving events better (e.g.
session duration, attribution, identity, etc.)
Why Spark for Event Analytics
One of the first companies to use Spark in production (v0.5)
Nice API
Expressive computation layer
Speed of innovation
Seamless integration with S3
Analytics data
Event data
Funnel Analytics
Celtra Analytics Funnel View
•  Multi-step process
•  Enabled by sessionization
•  Originally developed in the context of e-commerce sites
•  Ad was requested, then served, then shown, then interacted with, then the
user expanded the ad, then watched a video, …
•  Not just whether X happened; but whether A, B and X happened
Funnel Analytics
Production Use Case
But that’s just
the beginning
Consider the following sample questions:
•  When do users engage with creatives?
•  Do different groups of users behave differently?
•  Why is a certain rate low or high?
•  What is the adoption of recently rolled out feature?
•  Does it correlate with engagement?
•  What features are important when detect environment we run in?
In a traditional data warehouse, you’d figure out all the needed reports/questions in
advance, design the schema and that’s it.
Questions & Answers
Insight generation lifecycle
1. Ad-hoc queries for campaigns
•  Databricks allows us to easily run our increasingly complex ad-hoc queries
2. Exploratory data analysis
•  Derive value from data as soon as possible
3. Troubleshooting
•  The bar for reliability and correctness is very high
•  Why something broke? Why is certain rate low/high?
•  Quickly identify the root cause of production failures and minimize system downtime
Use cases
4. Compliance jobs
•  Regularly scheduled jobs that make various checks for compliance purposes (e.g. non-human
5. Supporting product decisions with data
•  Some of this is not “Big Data”, but visualizations, precomputing different views, etc.
•  Example: pricing model analysis
•  Connecting to Databricks with Tableau
6. Predictive analytics
•  Example: dynamically detect environment in which
our tags run (in-app, mobile web)
Use cases
•  Need flexibility, not provided by precomputed aggregates (uniques, order
statistics, etc.)
•  Answers to questions that existing data model does not support (Demo)
•  Short development cycles and faster experimentation
•  Complex ecosystem + Wide creative capabilities = Diverse data
•  Data focused on the engagements of consumers with our clients’ ads
•  Constantly exploring new ways to leverage this information to improve our offering
•  Visualizations
•  Important aspect of big data mining
•  In 9 out of 10 notebooks, there is at least one visualization
Exploratory data analysis
Complex ecosystem / environment
•  Support all major mobile
platforms (IOS, Android,
Windows Phone) and desktop
•  Work on mobile web & in-app
•  Device fragmentation,
browser specifics
•  Errors will happen
Error in log parsing
Wrong tags being trafficked
Custom (wrong) code being executed
Internal service call failures
•  When stuff doesn’t work, we need to be able to
dig into the data easily and quickly
•  To understand the problem, we need to check:
ELB logs, event logs, operational data, creative structure, machine logs
Resulting in
Bad user experience
Wrong insights (wrong metrics)
Data analysis evolutionary path
Solution progression
•  Downloading event logs from S3
on a single machine, “grepping”,
doing simple counts in bash. Using
R or Python for analysis.
•  But: Slow download (single core,
one machine)
•  Solution: Written Logcat – Scala,
multi-threaded downloading from
S3, scale horizontally
Version 1 (with Bash)
Data analysis evolutionary path
Solution progression
•  Can download large amount of
•  But: no shuffle, i.e. no
grouping/joining events
•  Solution: use Spark
Version 2 (with Logcat)
Data analysis evolutionary path
Solution progression
•  Can download large amounts,
do shuffle and perform data
•  But: package code into jar,
submit jar to the cluster, not
really interactive
•  Solution: spark-shell to the
Version 3 (with Spark)
Data analysis evolutionary path
Solution progression
•  Can download large amounts,
do shuffle and perform data
analysis interactively
•  But: need to provision clusters,
cannot do any statistical
processing, cannot visualize
results without moving data
•  Solution: some ideas, but then
saw Databricks demo at Spark
Summit 2014
Version 4 (with spark-shell)
Data analysis evolutionary path
Solution progression
•  Can download large amounts,
do shuffle and perform data
analysis interactively, visualize
results and perform statistical
•  We can focus on drilling down
into the raw events, quickly
verify hypotheses and visualize
results, all of which would be
very difficult if not impossible
one year ago.
Version 5 (Databricks)
•  Complex setup and configuration required
•  Requires effort and experience
•  Analyses not reproducible and repeatable
•  No collaboration
•  Moving data between different stages in troubleshooting/analysis lifecycle
•  For example: Scala for aggregations, R for statistics and visualization
•  Heterogeneity of the various components (Spark in production, something
else for exploratory data analysis)
•  Analytics team (3-5 people) bottleneck
Main pain points from the past
•  Reduced the load on the analytics engineering team by expanding
access to the number of people able to work with the data directly by
a factor of four.
•  Before: Engineers, Analytics team (5 people)
•  Today: Engineers, Analysts, Ad ops, Support team, QA, Product (35 people, 20 active)
•  Increased the amount of ad-hoc analysis done six-fold, leading to
better informed product design and quicker issue detection and
•  Increased collaboration and improved reproducibility and
repeatability of analyses.
Scaling Big Data Analysis Projects Six-Fold
Event data
+ + +
Databricks TableauBusiness
Access logsAggregated
analytics data
BambooHR CircleCI
CloudWatch DynamoDB MongoDB Snowflake
•  Notebook sharing
•  public/ and private/ folders within each user’s home directory
•  Database default, tables called u_<username>_*	
•  problems with per-user databases (only works with Hive tables)
•  Always prefer Spot instances for ad-hoc clusters	
•  Name the cluster <username>, <username>2, <username>3, etc.
•  Prefer DBFS mounts over s3a:// URLs to get the benefits of Tachyon
Tips for using Databricks
•  If you want to preserve state, save it to a table (by e.g. CREATE	
  ...) or to Parquet files on S3
•  Another option is to downscale the cluster to 1 node (all variables,
temporary tables etc. will be retained).
•  Prefer using Jobs for longer/larger tasks
•  Avoid high cardinality joins in Tableau, instead join the data in Spark/
Tips for using Databricks

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How Celtra Optimizes its Advertising Platform with Databricks

  • 2. Grega Kešpret, Director of Engineering, Analytics – Celtra Denny Lee, Technology Evangelist – Databricks December 9th, 2015 How Celtra Optimizes its Advertising Platform with Databricks
  • 3. About Me: Grega Kešpret Grega Kešpret is the Director of Engineering for Analytics. He works at Celtra since 2012, where he helped build analytics pipeline and optimization systems. Grega also leads the team of engineers and data scientists at San Francisco and Ljubljana, working on their analytics platform. Prior to Celtra, Grega worked at IBM, helping enterprise customers adopt WebSphere Application Server and before that did a 8- month internship at SANYO (Panasonic) in Japan, working on battery systems. His current technical interests include databases, distributed systems, functional programming and machine learning.
  • 4. About Me: Denny Lee Denny is a Technology Evangelist with Databricks; he is a hands-on data sciences engineer with more than 15 years of experience developing internet-scale infrastructure, data platforms, and distributed systems for both on-premises and cloud. His key focuses surround solving complex large scale data problems – providing not only architectural direction but the hands-on implementation of these systems. He has extensive experience in building greenfield teams as well as turn around / change catalyst. Prior to joining Databricks, Denny worked as a Senior Director of Data Sciences Engineering at Concur and was part of the incubation team that built Hadoop on Windows and Azure (currently known as HDInsight).
  • 6. •  About Celtra & AdCreator •  Event Data •  AdTech Problems (Sessionization, Funnel Analytics) •  Databricks Use Cases •  Data Analysis Evolutionary Path •  Main pain points from the past •  Demo •  Q&A Agenda
  • 7. Motivation The analytics platform at Celtra has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years in terms of size, complexity, number of users, and variety of use cases. Business Data Volume Data Complexity
  • 8. Leading creative technology company for data-driven brand display and video advertising across mobile, tablets and desktop Powering the creative side of advertising campaigns SaaS platform to allow clients easily create, manage, and traffic data- driven dynamic ads, optimize them on the go, and track their performance with insightful analytics Celtra AdCreator About Celtra & AdCreator
  • 9. Trusted by +5000 brands and agencies.
  • 10. Unparalleled Distribution Options Reach across endless list of large publishers and media owners, DSP’s and ad networks. Certified and partnered with the top 25 global Ad Networks and over 50 premium publishers AdCreator is the most widely used creative, analytics and optimization technology for display and video advertising
  • 11. •  Bread and butter of our analytics data •  Facts about what happened •  creative X was served on placement Y at time Z •  user A interacted with creative X at time Q •  Automatically tracked •  Behavioral data from users •  ~2 billion events per day •  1 TB new data per day (uncompressed) •  Very sparse •  Complex relationships between events Event data
  • 12. •  Combining discrete events into sessions •  In first version, we used to compute simple counts of events •  But, no “holistic” view over the whole session: •  Very hard to troubleshoot/debug •  Cannot check for/enforce causality (if X happened, Y must also have happened) •  Duplication leading to skewed rates (e.g. one user interacting) •  Later events make you understand earlier arriving events better (e.g. session duration, attribution, identity, etc.) Sessionization
  • 13. Why Spark for Event Analytics One of the first companies to use Spark in production (v0.5) Sessionization Nice API Expressive computation layer Speed of innovation Seamless integration with S3 Aggregated Analytics data Event data + Operational data Trackers
  • 15. •  Multi-step process •  Enabled by sessionization •  Originally developed in the context of e-commerce sites •  Ad was requested, then served, then shown, then interacted with, then the user expanded the ad, then watched a video, … •  Not just whether X happened; but whether A, B and X happened Funnel Analytics XA B
  • 18. Consider the following sample questions: •  When do users engage with creatives? •  Do different groups of users behave differently? •  Why is a certain rate low or high? •  What is the adoption of recently rolled out feature? •  Does it correlate with engagement? •  What features are important when detect environment we run in? In a traditional data warehouse, you’d figure out all the needed reports/questions in advance, design the schema and that’s it. Questions & Answers
  • 20. 1. Ad-hoc queries for campaigns •  Databricks allows us to easily run our increasingly complex ad-hoc queries 2. Exploratory data analysis •  Derive value from data as soon as possible 3. Troubleshooting •  The bar for reliability and correctness is very high •  Why something broke? Why is certain rate low/high? •  Quickly identify the root cause of production failures and minimize system downtime Use cases
  • 21. 4. Compliance jobs •  Regularly scheduled jobs that make various checks for compliance purposes (e.g. non-human traffic) 5. Supporting product decisions with data •  Some of this is not “Big Data”, but visualizations, precomputing different views, etc. •  Example: pricing model analysis •  Connecting to Databricks with Tableau 6. Predictive analytics •  Example: dynamically detect environment in which our tags run (in-app, mobile web) Use cases
  • 22. •  Need flexibility, not provided by precomputed aggregates (uniques, order statistics, etc.) •  Answers to questions that existing data model does not support (Demo) •  Short development cycles and faster experimentation •  Complex ecosystem + Wide creative capabilities = Diverse data •  Data focused on the engagements of consumers with our clients’ ads •  Constantly exploring new ways to leverage this information to improve our offering •  Visualizations •  Important aspect of big data mining •  In 9 out of 10 notebooks, there is at least one visualization Exploratory data analysis
  • 23. Complex ecosystem / environment •  Support all major mobile platforms (IOS, Android, Windows Phone) and desktop •  Work on mobile web & in-app •  Device fragmentation, browser specifics
  • 24. •  Errors will happen Error in log parsing Wrong tags being trafficked Custom (wrong) code being executed Internal service call failures •  When stuff doesn’t work, we need to be able to dig into the data easily and quickly •  To understand the problem, we need to check: ELB logs, event logs, operational data, creative structure, machine logs Troubleshooting Resulting in Bad user experience Wrong insights (wrong metrics)
  • 25. Data analysis evolutionary path Solution progression Bash Logcat Spark Spark-Shell Databricks •  Downloading event logs from S3 on a single machine, “grepping”, doing simple counts in bash. Using R or Python for analysis. •  But: Slow download (single core, one machine) •  Solution: Written Logcat – Scala, multi-threaded downloading from S3, scale horizontally Version 1 (with Bash)
  • 26. Bash Logcat Spark Spark-Shell Databricks Data analysis evolutionary path Solution progression •  Can download large amount of logs •  But: no shuffle, i.e. no grouping/joining events •  Solution: use Spark Version 2 (with Logcat)
  • 27. Bash Logcat Spark Spark-Shell Databricks Data analysis evolutionary path Solution progression •  Can download large amounts, do shuffle and perform data analysis •  But: package code into jar, submit jar to the cluster, not really interactive •  Solution: spark-shell to the rescue Version 3 (with Spark)
  • 28. Bash Logcat Spark Spark-Shell Databricks Data analysis evolutionary path Solution progression •  Can download large amounts, do shuffle and perform data analysis interactively •  But: need to provision clusters, cannot do any statistical processing, cannot visualize results without moving data (again) •  Solution: some ideas, but then saw Databricks demo at Spark Summit 2014 Version 4 (with spark-shell)
  • 29. Bash Logcat Spark Spark-Shell Databricks Data analysis evolutionary path Solution progression •  Can download large amounts, do shuffle and perform data analysis interactively, visualize results and perform statistical processing •  We can focus on drilling down into the raw events, quickly verify hypotheses and visualize results, all of which would be very difficult if not impossible one year ago. Version 5 (Databricks)
  • 30. •  Complex setup and configuration required •  Requires effort and experience •  Analyses not reproducible and repeatable •  No collaboration •  Moving data between different stages in troubleshooting/analysis lifecycle •  For example: Scala for aggregations, R for statistics and visualization •  Heterogeneity of the various components (Spark in production, something else for exploratory data analysis) •  Analytics team (3-5 people) bottleneck Main pain points from the past
  • 31. •  Reduced the load on the analytics engineering team by expanding access to the number of people able to work with the data directly by a factor of four. •  Before: Engineers, Analytics team (5 people) •  Today: Engineers, Analysts, Ad ops, Support team, QA, Product (35 people, 20 active) •  Increased the amount of ad-hoc analysis done six-fold, leading to better informed product design and quicker issue detection and resolution. •  Increased collaboration and improved reproducibility and repeatability of analyses. Scaling Big Data Analysis Projects Six-Fold
  • 32. Demo Event data + + + + Operational data Databricks TableauBusiness intelligence Job/analysis results Access logsAggregated analytics data SumoLogic BambooHR CircleCI + CloudWatch DynamoDB MongoDB Snowflake
  • 33. Q&A
  • 35. •  Notebook sharing •  public/ and private/ folders within each user’s home directory •  Database default, tables called u_<username>_*   •  problems with per-user databases (only works with Hive tables) •  Always prefer Spot instances for ad-hoc clusters   •  Name the cluster <username>, <username>2, <username>3, etc. •  Prefer DBFS mounts over s3a:// URLs to get the benefits of Tachyon Tips for using Databricks
  • 36. •  If you want to preserve state, save it to a table (by e.g. CREATE  TABLE   AS  SELECT  ...  FROM  ...) or to Parquet files on S3 •  Another option is to downscale the cluster to 1 node (all variables, temporary tables etc. will be retained). •  Prefer using Jobs for longer/larger tasks •  Avoid high cardinality joins in Tableau, instead join the data in Spark/ Databricks Tips for using Databricks