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How Mobile Innovation Is Changing
the Face of Data Intelligence


Christina Trampota Mark Salsberry
President, QuestionPro CX
Mobile Marketing Professor, SFSU




1. Going Mobile
2. Mobile Messaging
3. Mobile Surveys
4. Mobile Content
5. Mobile Web
6. Mobile Apps


Smartphone Adoption


Smartphone Maturity Metrics - 2016


Webinar - How Mobile Innovation Is Changing the Face of Data Intelligence


Mobile – What is Required for the new channel
Are you ready to bring mobile
into your business?
Is it a new product or service?
Is it simply a new method of
Marketing Developme


Mobile Messaging and SMS
OpenMarket 2015 E2P Global SMS


SMS for Survey Initiation
SMS invitations
API integration to be closer to Moment of Truth
Higher response rate
SMS Auto-responder
● Text ‘survey’ to 99999
● Consumer-initiated


Mobile Content – Where to Begin
Mobile Web
Mobile browser traffic 2x bigger
than app traffic and growing faster


Mobile Web
Mobile Search
Google prioritizes websites
with mobile friendly content
Directory Listings
Mobile+ Location Details = Success


Mobile Optimized Surveys


Global iOS vs Android Market Share3 Android users for every iOS user as of Q4 2015
Survey conducted by Global Web Index : Question: What operating
system runs on your mobile? User base: Ages 16-64


Mobile Apps
App Downloads & Ratings + Ease in Uninstalls = Increased Importance in Mobile
How do you stay relevant and stay on the device?


QP Native App Feedback
# Times
Support Page
# of


Offline data collection
Push notifications
Kiosk mode
45+ languages


Sharing and Wearing – Mobile Data


Accelerometer GPS App Usage App Census Battery Memory
WiFi Network Compass Decibel Level Disk Space Gyroscope
IP Address Operating System Retina Display SSID


1. Mobile Messaging
2. Mobile Surveys
3. Mobile Content
4. Mobile Web
5. Mobile Apps
6. Mobile Data
6 Point Checklist for Going


Mark Salsberry
Christina Trampota

More Related Content

Webinar - How Mobile Innovation Is Changing the Face of Data Intelligence

Editor's Notes

  1. Clean this up and format however you design your agenda slide- I have outlined the basic flow of what we have in the presentation
  2. DynaTAC introduced in 1984 for $3,995; In perspective, this is about $10,000 in today’s dollars 30-min talk time and a 10-hour charge was manufactured by Motorola until 1994; MicroTAC came out in 1989 today smartphones are considered obsolete in months, not years Today, over 40% of Internet consumption happens on mobile devices Velocity of technology adoption: time to 25% adoption in the US: Electricity = 46 years PCs in the past, businesses have had more time to adapt to technologies, including taking advantage of those technologies today, the speed of change has increased consumers have moved and many businesses are still standing where consumers WERE, not where they ARE
  3. Mobile is part of our everyday lives, from the fact that we spend more time with our mobile devices than many others in our personal lives on a daily average, or the fact that there have been more mobile devices in existence than humans on the planet since 2014 http://www.cnet.com/news/there-are-now-more-gadgets-on-earth-than-people/ Smartphone penetration continues to increase around the world. I think many of us can take a moment and pause and think of when you saw and used your first smartphone. Was it a candybar phone from Nokia? A Flip phone from Motorola like the RAZR? As you can see on this slide, the acceleration especially took off in 2007 – which was the year of the iphone launching. Where were you at that time? Did you buy one, or did you follow the android or windows phone direction. Regardless, we are here today, with a marketplace where android and iOS are the last two standing, with Android having a clear advantage on a global basis, concerning the specific battle between iOS and Android, Meeker shared that over the past six years iOS has seen just a two percentage point increase in market share, while Android has exploded from a 4 percent presence in the industry in 2009 to a massive 81 percent in 2015. The pattern is expected to continue, with Meeker projecting iOS will see a year-over-year loss of 11 percent in unit shipments as Android climbs another 7 percent in 2016. The interesting thing to highlight on where we are today is the smartphone penetration and the acceleration over the years. Global smartphone user growth is seeing a similar slow-down; understandably, the largest markets with the least amount of smartphone proliferation have the biggest upticks in year-over-year increments. These include Asia-Pacific, which has seen a nearly 20-percentage-point increase in smartphone user share over the last seven years and now accounts for over half of the total market. Apple has been attempting to gain a larger foothold in these countries, notably seeing strong performance in China in recent years and looking toward India as its next area of focus. Low-cost devices -- and a larger number of potential customers without a smartphone -- in areas like the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America also presumably helped those territories come out on top in the total rankings for global smartphone user growth.
  4. This slide highlights what is required for you to move forward with the new channel (Mobile). Consider this a quick scope/scale outlook for you to consider if you are ready to bring mobile into your business? Design - Development- Management - Maintenance - Marketing Is it a completely new product or service for your business? Or simply a new method of communication? Think about this and it will help you think of this from budget, team resources, technology resources and of course time! With that, I would like to pass it back to Mark to start with this from a research angle.
  5. Christina: Today’s connected consumers are looking to communicate with your business or brand via mobile. Based on a Comscore report in late 2015, 91% of our online time on desktops and mobile is spent on messaging apps. The popular preferences we have seen around the globe in the past year range from apps such as whatsapp, wechat or snapchat with variation in options, response time and user experience in what they are sharing and learning in that channel. The identification used in those channels can sometimes be as simple as your name and mobile number, or as creative as emoticons and avatars where your identity is what you desire. The combined user base of the top four chat apps is larger than the combined user base of the top four social networks... WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook's Messenger, and Viber One thing is for sure as a business priority- and that is timely response and attention to the mobile customers that are present today. Real time is impactful and effective. While there are all types of creativity and artificial intelligence starting with bots and more - the thing that matters is that the message or response is complete and closed from the sender to the receiver. While the messaging apps are quite popular, studies have shown that consumers, especially the younger generations such as the millenials, prefer SMS over apps. Texting is the most widely used and frequently used app on a smartphone for some time now, with 97% of Americans using it at least once per day (Pew Internet Research). On a worldwide basis, there are almost 23 billion messages sent per day, or almost 16 million per minute (Portio research) . The growth is especially seen in the Enterprise to consumer messaging space, which aligns with all of us in this discussion today. The tried and true, and well established channel of SMS can shine and show through the others in this situation. The numbers here present emerging markets and growth in the last 12 months. The business messaging that you are providing, from the initial advertising or exposure of the message or call to action should be through a common communication channel. Use cases can range from two factor authentication, order and delivery alerts, reminders for appointments, customer service and fraud alerts to the marketing promotions or employee communications Highlighted in this report it shows the global variation, but still positive growth ahead according to Portio Research. Why SMS is a winner includes some fast facts to wrap this up with: Text messages have a 98% open rate, while email has only a 20% open rate. (Mobile Marketing Watch) Text messaging has a 45% response rate, while email only has a 6% response rate. (Velocify) 90% of all text messages are read in under 3 minutes. (Connect Mogul) Text messages are read on average in under five seconds. (SlickText) Source links: http://www.openmarket.com/blog/enterprise-to-person-e2p-mobile-messaging-growing-globally/ https://onereach.com/blog/45-texting-statistics-that-prove-businesses-need-to-start-taking-sms-seriously/
  6. Mark MTNs are validated identity, vs email Stay away from noise of email inbox Must have opt-in from consumer Surveys MUST be optimized for mobile to leverage the benefits of SMS
  7. It is a known fact that mobile browser traffic is 2x bigger than app traffic and growing faster on a global basis. This is a study released by Morgan Stanley near the end of last year (2015). It shows that actually the mobile web and browser traffic is winning over the apps Specifically, only 12 of the top 50 mobile properties have more traffic coming from apps than the browser. (this includes many of the google apps such as search, youtube and gmail, instagram, yahoo mail and snapchat to name a few of them) The discussion argues for the focus of the mobile browser for most publishers, brands and marketers.
  8. Standard websites clearly don’t render well on the devices, whether they are an iphone, android device or tablet. Addressing this on your website is critical - from the navigation and design, to the development. Updates and changes begin with things as simple as the text, size of the copy, touch friendly buttons and controls on the experience, and faster download speed based on changing the images used on the site compared to the web days and priorities. Mobile First companies - especially in the startup space have been around. List out and speak to those This started years ago, with Google emphasizing the importance of mobile Does anyone know the importance of what took place in April 2015? Pause….. No.. it was not the normal tax day here in the US, but rather I am referring to April 20, 2015 when Google began prioritizing the websites that were mobile optimized. That’s right - the search results and prioritization now had a significant weight based on the way they were presented via mobile. That clearly pushed many websites to change in a timely manner. Aside from improved search, the experience, the brand identity and lead generation. Assuming your website was coded well with a content management system already there, it simply required updates to your page templates. Others however decided it might be time for a brand new website overall and decided to go responsive or adaptive from there to be mobile friendly. The final area of improving your mobile web results is in the directory listings. Asid from making sure they are current and correct information on there, the focus should be to think of the information and content for those looking at this from a mobile device. Specifically - it should not only be mobile friendly and complete, but also have the location details to navigate to the store and click to call for the phone number, that way someone in a moving, mobile scenario can take action to visit your location, contact you and likely result in a sale for your business.
  9. Mobile optimized does NOT mean shrinking a desktop survey to the size of a small screen; this is what a lot of survey providers do Shorter surveys Mobile optimized increases response rate 40-50% of survey responses come from mobile devices
  10. Christina : Consumer behavior with mobile apps is changing now. While the amount of time and attention is still very high on mobile, this increases the importance and prioritization of what matters or not. There are millions of mobile apps out there, so with fierce competition, the user experience matters even more. It is the first thing the user judges your app from. From the listing in the app store and the screenshot experiences shared there, to the first few screens upon downloading the app and the recurring home screen. Here in the United States, many think of apple as the first in mobile. This is not true. Actually it was after the others, but the user experience and simplicity of use made such a difference and drove the decision in that direction. Clearly today, many other types of mobile devices have created a very similar user experiences in mobile, and standards for a clean and simple user experience. It might not be an issue if you have 32 gigabytes of memory on your device, but now there are many with only 16 or even 8 ! That makes it a real issue to consider. Along with the evolution of app development and experience however has come the variety of devices and storage space available for the apps. It is so much of an issue now as apps have often increased in the requirements for them to be on the device in terms of memory space,as well as performance on the device if you have overloaded it with apps. The mobile operating systems took it into their own hands by making it easier to uninstall the apps! That’s right. The second screen you see here is the experience that shows you which apps you don’t use often, and the amount of storage space required, making it easier to unistall What does this mean for you? Well, it increases the importance of the mobile UX. That’s the user experience. It begins from the moment they learn about your app in an ad, whether digital or print, and then visiting the app store to view the general screens and experience. Then, continues into the main screens as a user, from the sign up to the general entry screen and navigation on a regular basis. What makes you like, love or dislike the app? What makes you come back? This links into the actions of app ratings and how much it can impact the success or failure of your app going forward. Investing in the in app feedback can help this from the date of the install to the ongoing check ins and engagement with your customers, collecting that insight and information before they take it out to the public places such as the app stores. And now I’d like to pass it back to Mark to talk further on in-app feedback and more about this opportunity and the best practices (Mark jumps in to take the conversation into the next slide)
  11. Mark old way is linking to survey OUTSIDE of app in browser - talk about why this is bad
  12. Retail audits, intercepts, conventions and tradeshows
  13. Consumers ongoing acceptance to share more through mobile. How did this begin and where is it evolving? Well, Initially there was minimal personalization…. Then it was clear that consumers were willing to share more through social profiles and linking of profiles to the login experience for another site or program. The one that has been the most successful and broadly used is the facebook profile and data used to simplify the sign up and/or login process. Clearly this has continued to expand as we move forward with mobile wearables from those like the google glass, to watches, bands tracking the exercise to other adventures. All of these are of course linked back to your mobile phone, even if it is simply back to the apps that stores the data and information from your profile. Last but not least let’s look at where this is evolving in our daily lives. We are always connected, anywhere, anytime. This snapshot shows the experience of someone with their laptop and mobile phone, on the go somewhere. Regardless of the setting or scenario, the home, the workplace or travel location - - today’s consumers are always connected via a digital and mobile. Mobile data is used in three different business objectives today: momentum , management and measurements With that, I’d like to pass it back to Mark….and speak about metrics, measurements and the related offerings
  14. Consumers have a difficult time self-reporting behavior. LifeMetrix gives you unprecedented vision into consumers’ daily lives by collecting moment-to-moment data from their mobile devices. LifeMetrix is an opt-in solution to collect ongoing mobile data that helps you make business decisions. Client Industry: Gaming LifeMetrix Variable(s): Battery, Memory, 3G, Wifi Use Case: A company producing mobile games collects data about consumers' usage of battery, memory, 3G and Wifi Client Industry: Travel & Tourism LifeMetrix Variable(s): GPS Use Case: A tourism board measures the travel patterns of consumers while they are vacationing