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Presented by 
How Puppet Enables 
the Use of Lightweight 
Virtualized Containers 
Jeff McCune 
Software Developer | Puppet Labs 
What we’ll cover 
Compare and contrasts a Jenkins+LDAP deployed onto 
virtual machines and onto lightweight containers. 
Presented by 
Jenkins and LDAP Puppet Forge Modules 
Migrating from a shared VM to containers 
Common Problems with Service Management 
Summary of Lessons Learned
Presented by 
Starting Point 
Traditional VM 
Puppet deploys Jenkins with LDAP security 
Presented by 
Shared VM 
Vagrant VM 
Jenkins OpenLDAP 
Puppet configures Jenkins 
and OpenLDAP 
Vagrant Puppet 
Presented by 
Migrating to Containers 
Vagrant VM 
Puppet at runtime 
Jenkins OpenLDAP 
Docker Host 
Puppet at 
build ! 
Puppet at 
build time
Puppet Forge module re-use 
It is faster to deploy Jenkins with LDAP using forge modules: 
rtyler/jenkins module 
90% code re-use: 831 lines from the Forge, 88 lines added 
camptocamp/openldap module 
85% code re-use: 584 lines from the Forge, 108 lines added 
Presented by
Presented by 
Site Specific Customizations 
Initialize LDAP for dc=jeffmccune,dc=net 
Configure LDAP admin account and password 
Load initial schema and base OU’s into LDAP 
Configure Jenkins to use LDAP security
Moving from a VM to a Container 
Challenges in Puppet: 
Service resources fail and must be overridden 
Downstream resources require the service resource 
LDAP initial schema load requires Service[slapd] 
Presented by
Why do service resources fail? 
Two different models of containers: 
Those with and without a service management framework. 
In either case there is no service management framework 
running during the image build phase. 
Presented by
Presented by 
Two Models of Containers: 
OS Virtualization Model - Heavy 
(Solaris Zones, FreeBSD Jails, IBM WPAR’s) 
Microservice Model - Light 
(Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes)
False Dichotomy over “Light” 
Weight is a range, not a boolean. 
Single-process image 
Multi-process image 
Full-os image 
Runtime manageability decreases as processes decrease 
Presented by
Single-process Microservices 
In general: 
Executes the application process directly, no init system 
startup time comparable to normal process startup 
Puppet does not operate at runtime 
Difficult to manage with volumes and sidekick processes 
Presented by
Multi-process Microservices 
In general: 
Start an init system (SysV init, systemd, upstart) 
The service management framework manages services 
Runs ~5 or more processes per container 
Puppet works at runtime without modification 
Presented by
Full OS Virtualization Containers 
Run everything a traditional OS would run 
Dozens of running processes in the container 
Long startup time (> 30 seconds) 
Easier to manage at runtime 
Better for some situations, e.g. mimicking a full running OS 
Presented by
Container Images 
Microservice containers have a distinct build phase 
The result of the build step is an image, ideally immutable 
Instances execute from a built base image 
The Dockerfile is an example of a build script 
Presented by
FROM centos:centos7 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules  
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] 
Presented by
FROM centos:centos7 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules  
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] 
Presented by
FROM centos:centos7 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules  
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] 
Presented by
FROM centos:centos7 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules  
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] 
Presented by
Presented by 
docker build 
$ docker build --tag base_image . 
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB 
Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 
---> 3236320e3562 
Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
---> bc9aa11de092 
Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … 
---> Running in efdda7633bfc
docker build 
$ docker build --tag base_image . 
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB 
Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 
---> 3236320e3562 
Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
---> bc9aa11de092 
Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … 
---> Running in efdda7633bfc 
Presented by
Presented by 
docker build 
$ docker build --tag base_image . 
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB 
Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 
---> 3236320e3562 
Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
---> bc9aa11de092 
Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … 
---> Running in efdda7633bfc
Presented by 
docker build 
$ docker build --tag base_image . 
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB 
Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 
---> 3236320e3562 
Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
---> bc9aa11de092 
Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … 
---> Running in efdda7633bfc
Docker Build with Puppet Try #1 
Error: /Service[slapd]: Could not evaluate: 
Could not find init script for 'slapd' 
Warning: Openldap_database[dc=jeffmccune,dc=net]: 
Skipping because of failed dependencies 
Warning: Exec[inetorgperson schema]: 
Skipping because of failed dependencies 
And so on for all dependent resources… 
Presented by
systemd is not installed 
The error, Could not find init script for ‘slapd’ is caused by 
a fake systemd in the base centos image 
$ docker run -i -t centos rpm -qa | grep systemd 
Presented by
Fix #1 Install the real systemd 
Replace fakesystemd with the real deal 
microservice => virtualized os model 
Start a minimum number of services with systemd 
New base image: centos7vps with systemd 
Presented by
Presented by 
Fix #1 Dockerfile 
FROM centos:centos7 
RUN yum -y swap  
-- remove fakesystemd  
-- install systemd systemd-libs 
# RUN rm unit files in /{lib,etc}/systemd/system 
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"]
Presented by 
Build new base image 
$ docker build -t centos7vps . 
This base image has the real systemd installed.
New Dockerfile 
FROM centos7vps # <= was centos:centos7 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules  
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] 
Presented by
Presented by 
Working for docker run… 
Puppet works inside a running docker container 
systemd is running
Presented by 
Working for docker run… 
Start the systemd container 
$ CID=$(docker run --privileged -d centos7vps) 
Enter the container 
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-enter $CID
Presented by 
Working for docker run… 
Run Puppet: 
bash-4.2# puppet apply /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp 
Compiled catalog for ldap in 1.05 seconds 
Service[slapd]/ensure: 'stopped' => 'running' 
Finished catalog run in 30.15 seconds
Not working for docker build 
systemd is present, but not running during the build phase 
$ docker build -t ldap:vps . 
Error: Could not start Service[slapd]: 
Execution of '/usr/bin/systemctl start slapd' 
returned 1: Failed to get D-Bus connection: 
No connection to service manager. 
Presented by
Moving ahead 
We could stop now and simply run puppet every time the 
container starts prior to the application starting. 
This would increase service start time. 
Application images become mutable, managed by Puppet. 
Doesn’t fit the microservice model very well. 
Presented by
Goal: Puppet configured images 
Puppet configures immutable pre-configured base 
application images 
Immutable images provide known good state 
Closer to the microservice model 
Compatible with the os virtualization model 
Presented by
Docker build with Puppet Try #2 
Override the Service[slapd] to avoid systemd at build time 
class ldap_override inherits openldap::server::service { 
Service[slapd] { 
Presented by 
ensure => running, 
enable => undef, 
start => '/usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h "ldapi:/// ldap:///" 
We’re able to build an immutable application image fully 
configured by Puppet. 
Presented by
Presented by 
LDAP running in systemd 
/usr/bin/docker -d --selinux-enabled 
_ /usr/sbin/init 
_ /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald 
_ /bin/dbus-daemon --system 
_ /usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h ldapi:/// ldap:///
Moving further ahead 
We could stop here, but there are a number of trade-offs 
systemd requires the container to run in privileged mode 
More processes: systemd, journald, dbus, application 
Slower startup / tear-down time (~5 seconds) 
Still faster than a VM (~30+ seconds) 
Presented by
Presented by 
Final Dockerfile 
FROM centos7vps 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp 
CMD ["/usr/sbin/slapd", "-u", "ldap",  
"-h", "ldapi:/// ldap:///", "-d", "0"]
Presented by 
Final Dockerfile 
FROM centos7vps 
ADD puppet.tar.gz / 
RUN puppet apply -v /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp 
CMD ["/usr/sbin/slapd", "-u", "ldap",  
"-h", "ldapi:/// ldap:///", "-d", "0"]
docker build ldap:microservice 
Build is required for deployment 
$ docker build -t ldap:microservice . 
Presented by
Presented by 
Single-process Microservice 
Only one process running in the container: 
/usr/bin/docker -d --selinux-enabled 
_ /usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h ldapi:/// ldap:/// -d 0 
Start / Stop time: ~1 second
Puppetized Microservice 
The application image is immutable 
Changes to the application require a new image build 
Centralized reporting via Puppet 
version control via Puppet code 
Re-usable modules from the Puppet forge 
Presented by
Putting it together 
Link the jenkins microservice with the ldap microservice 
$ docker run -d --name ldap ldap:microservice 
$ docker run -d --name jenkins  
--link ldap:ldap  
--publish 18080:8080  
Presented by
Presented by 
The application (jenkins) is now isolated 
With isolated dependencies included (ldap) 
The applications are immutable 
Multiple copies can easily be deployed 
Difficult to change running instances
Making a change to LDAP 
Need to modify the LDAP indexes as an optimization 
1: Update Puppet Configuration 
2: Rebuild LDAP image 
3: Re-deploy LDAP 
4: Re-deploy Jenkins (The link to LDAP is static) 
Presented by
Advantages and Disadvantages 
Immutable known good state 
Deployment is highly repeatable and consistent 
App and Dependency are tightly coupled 
Ambassador Pattern decouples services (with tedium) 
Presented by 
Forge modules are re-usable in Docker containers 
Service resources pose a challenge 
Override the service resource to build immutable images 
Multi-process images with systemd are an option 
Presented by
Presented by 
Thank you! 
David Lutterkort’s Dockercon talk: 

More Related Content

How Puppet Enables the Use of Lightweight Virtualized Containers - PuppetConf 2014

  • 1. 2014 Presented by How Puppet Enables the Use of Lightweight Virtualized Containers Jeff McCune Software Developer | Puppet Labs @0xEFF
  • 2. What we’ll cover Compare and contrasts a Jenkins+LDAP deployed onto virtual machines and onto lightweight containers. Presented by ! Jenkins and LDAP Puppet Forge Modules Migrating from a shared VM to containers Common Problems with Service Management Summary of Lessons Learned
  • 3. Presented by Starting Point https://github.com/jeffmccune/puppetconf2014 Traditional VM Puppet deploys Jenkins with LDAP security http://sharedvm:18080
  • 4. Presented by Shared VM Vagrant VM Puppet Jenkins OpenLDAP Puppet configures Jenkins and OpenLDAP Vagrant Puppet provisioner
  • 5. Presented by Migrating to Containers Vagrant VM Puppet at runtime Jenkins OpenLDAP Docker Host ! ! OpenLDAP Container Puppet at build ! time ! Jenkins Container Puppet at build time
  • 6. Puppet Forge module re-use It is faster to deploy Jenkins with LDAP using forge modules: rtyler/jenkins module 90% code re-use: 831 lines from the Forge, 88 lines added camptocamp/openldap module 85% code re-use: 584 lines from the Forge, 108 lines added Presented by
  • 7. Presented by Site Specific Customizations Initialize LDAP for dc=jeffmccune,dc=net Configure LDAP admin account and password Load initial schema and base OU’s into LDAP Configure Jenkins to use LDAP security
  • 8. Moving from a VM to a Container Challenges in Puppet: Service resources fail and must be overridden Downstream resources require the service resource LDAP initial schema load requires Service[slapd] Presented by
  • 9. Why do service resources fail? Two different models of containers: Those with and without a service management framework. In either case there is no service management framework running during the image build phase. Presented by
  • 10. Presented by Containers Two Models of Containers: OS Virtualization Model - Heavy (Solaris Zones, FreeBSD Jails, IBM WPAR’s) Microservice Model - Light (Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes)
  • 11. False Dichotomy over “Light” Weight is a range, not a boolean. Single-process image Multi-process image Full-os image Runtime manageability decreases as processes decrease Presented by
  • 12. Single-process Microservices In general: Executes the application process directly, no init system startup time comparable to normal process startup Puppet does not operate at runtime Difficult to manage with volumes and sidekick processes Presented by
  • 13. Multi-process Microservices In general: Start an init system (SysV init, systemd, upstart) The service management framework manages services Runs ~5 or more processes per container Puppet works at runtime without modification Presented by
  • 14. Full OS Virtualization Containers Run everything a traditional OS would run Dozens of running processes in the container Long startup time (> 30 seconds) Easier to manage at runtime Better for some situations, e.g. mimicking a full running OS Presented by
  • 15. Container Images Microservice containers have a distinct build phase The result of the build step is an image, ideally immutable Instances execute from a built base image The Dockerfile is an example of a build script Presented by
  • 16. Dockerfile FROM centos:centos7 ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] Presented by
  • 17. Dockerfile FROM centos:centos7 ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] Presented by
  • 18. Dockerfile FROM centos:centos7 ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] Presented by
  • 19. Dockerfile FROM centos:centos7 ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] Presented by
  • 20. Presented by docker build $ docker build --tag base_image . Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 ---> 3236320e3562 Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / ---> bc9aa11de092 Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … ---> Running in efdda7633bfc
  • 21. docker build $ docker build --tag base_image . Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 ---> 3236320e3562 Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / ---> bc9aa11de092 Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … ---> Running in efdda7633bfc Presented by
  • 22. Presented by docker build $ docker build --tag base_image . Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 ---> 3236320e3562 Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / ---> bc9aa11de092 Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … ---> Running in efdda7633bfc
  • 23. Presented by docker build $ docker build --tag base_image . Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.718 MB Step 0 : FROM centos:centos7 ---> 3236320e3562 Step 1 : ADD puppet.tar.gz / ---> bc9aa11de092 Step 2 : RUN puppet apply … ---> Running in efdda7633bfc
  • 24. Docker Build with Puppet Try #1 Error: /Service[slapd]: Could not evaluate: Could not find init script for 'slapd' Warning: Openldap_database[dc=jeffmccune,dc=net]: Skipping because of failed dependencies Warning: Exec[inetorgperson schema]: Skipping because of failed dependencies And so on for all dependent resources… Presented by
  • 25. systemd is not installed The error, Could not find init script for ‘slapd’ is caused by a fake systemd in the base centos image $ docker run -i -t centos rpm -qa | grep systemd fakesystemd-1-15.el7.centos.noarch systemd-libs-208-11.el7_0.2.x86_64 Presented by
  • 26. Fix #1 Install the real systemd Replace fakesystemd with the real deal microservice => virtualized os model Start a minimum number of services with systemd New base image: centos7vps with systemd Presented by
  • 27. Presented by Fix #1 Dockerfile FROM centos:centos7 RUN yum -y swap -- remove fakesystemd -- install systemd systemd-libs # RUN rm unit files in /{lib,etc}/systemd/system CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"]
  • 28. Presented by Build new base image $ docker build -t centos7vps . This base image has the real systemd installed.
  • 29. New Dockerfile FROM centos7vps # <= was centos:centos7 ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v --modulepath=/puppet/modules /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"] Presented by
  • 30. Presented by Working for docker run… Puppet works inside a running docker container systemd is running
  • 31. Presented by Working for docker run… Start the systemd container $ CID=$(docker run --privileged -d centos7vps) Enter the container $ sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-enter $CID
  • 32. Presented by Working for docker run… Run Puppet: bash-4.2# puppet apply /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp Compiled catalog for ldap in 1.05 seconds Service[slapd]/ensure: 'stopped' => 'running' Finished catalog run in 30.15 seconds
  • 33. Not working for docker build systemd is present, but not running during the build phase $ docker build -t ldap:vps . … Error: Could not start Service[slapd]: Execution of '/usr/bin/systemctl start slapd' returned 1: Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager. Presented by
  • 34. Moving ahead We could stop now and simply run puppet every time the container starts prior to the application starting. This would increase service start time. Application images become mutable, managed by Puppet. Doesn’t fit the microservice model very well. Presented by
  • 35. Goal: Puppet configured images Puppet configures immutable pre-configured base application images Immutable images provide known good state Closer to the microservice model Compatible with the os virtualization model Presented by
  • 36. Docker build with Puppet Try #2 Override the Service[slapd] to avoid systemd at build time class ldap_override inherits openldap::server::service { Service[slapd] { Presented by ensure => running, enable => undef, start => '/usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h "ldapi:/// ldap:///" } }
  • 37. Success! We’re able to build an immutable application image fully configured by Puppet. Presented by
  • 38. Presented by LDAP running in systemd /usr/bin/docker -d --selinux-enabled _ /usr/sbin/init _ /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald _ /bin/dbus-daemon --system _ /usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h ldapi:/// ldap:///
  • 39. Moving further ahead We could stop here, but there are a number of trade-offs systemd requires the container to run in privileged mode More processes: systemd, journald, dbus, application Slower startup / tear-down time (~5 seconds) Still faster than a VM (~30+ seconds) Presented by
  • 40. Presented by Final Dockerfile FROM centos7vps ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/slapd", "-u", "ldap", "-h", "ldapi:/// ldap:///", "-d", "0"]
  • 41. Presented by Final Dockerfile FROM centos7vps ADD puppet.tar.gz / RUN puppet apply -v /puppet/manifests/ldap.pp EXPOSE 389 CMD ["/usr/sbin/slapd", "-u", "ldap", "-h", "ldapi:/// ldap:///", "-d", "0"]
  • 42. docker build ldap:microservice Build is required for deployment $ docker build -t ldap:microservice . Presented by
  • 43. Presented by Single-process Microservice Only one process running in the container: /usr/bin/docker -d --selinux-enabled _ /usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h ldapi:/// ldap:/// -d 0 Start / Stop time: ~1 second
  • 44. Puppetized Microservice The application image is immutable Changes to the application require a new image build Centralized reporting via Puppet version control via Puppet code Re-usable modules from the Puppet forge Presented by
  • 45. Putting it together Link the jenkins microservice with the ldap microservice $ docker run -d --name ldap ldap:microservice $ docker run -d --name jenkins --link ldap:ldap --publish 18080:8080 jenkins:microservice Presented by
  • 46. Presented by Results The application (jenkins) is now isolated With isolated dependencies included (ldap) The applications are immutable Multiple copies can easily be deployed Difficult to change running instances
  • 47. Making a change to LDAP Need to modify the LDAP indexes as an optimization 1: Update Puppet Configuration 2: Rebuild LDAP image 3: Re-deploy LDAP 4: Re-deploy Jenkins (The link to LDAP is static) Presented by
  • 48. Advantages and Disadvantages Immutable known good state Deployment is highly repeatable and consistent App and Dependency are tightly coupled Ambassador Pattern decouples services (with tedium) Presented by !
  • 49. Summary Forge modules are re-usable in Docker containers Service resources pose a challenge Override the service resource to build immutable images Multi-process images with systemd are an option Presented by
  • 50. Presented by Thank you! Code: github.com/jeffmccune/puppetconf2014 David Lutterkort’s Dockercon talk: http://links.puppetlabs.com/lutter-docker !