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😍How To Create A Thesis
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😍How To Create A Thesis Statement For An Essay. Ho 😍How To Create A Thesis Statement For An Essay. Ho


How Does Shakespeare Present The Theme Of Isolation
heme of Isolation through their use of form, structure and language and show how The Outsider has
illuminated this.
Julian Barnes postmodern, Booker prize award winning novel The Sense of an Ending (2011),
William Shakespeare s Sonnets (1609) and Albert Camus The Outsider(1942) all present the central
theme of the isolation that, given circumstance, any individual can be subjected to. Barnes presents
this theme of isolation through the retrospective voice of Barnes first person narrator Tony Webster,
who by the conclusion of the novel has managed to agitate and isolate himself from those who he once
knew well. Similarly, Shakespeare s sonnet series demonstrates a gripping narrative of a love triangle;
an intimate tale of the fair youth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When she ends up ends up copulating with Tony soon after their breakup, she may have meant for it to
be one last attempt to express her love for Tony, but Tony interpreted this action as some form of
manipulation from Veronica. The ambiguousness of the pronoun it connotes that there could be more
that there be more for Barnes creation, Tony Webster, to get than the concluding part of the novel.
Perhaps Tony fails to comprehend the increased social status of women in 2011. It could be argued
that Tony has become accustomed to the idea of the 1960s woman, which is suggested by his brief
affair with Annie which reflects the sexual revolution of the 1960s in which women were seen as
sexual objects rather than the independent gender which they are today. The dwelling of his past, of
the 60s, has led to the deterioration of his relationships with the other women in the novel as in 2011
women have gained much more independence since the 1960s. Margaret, the woman who Tony
married, stood by his side at first but abruptly left him on his own now after she noted his obsession
for Adrian. This could explain why the latter part of the novel focuses on the aftermath of Adrian s
suicide, an event which occurred when Tony was in his 20s as Tony s obsession
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Social Work In The Military
Social work is a profession which seeks to better the lives of those in need. The need can look like
anything from political advocacy to those who are hungry. A social worker can be found in an
organization which has a purpose that is enhanced or aided by the work we do which is guided by the
ethics and values of the profession. From social workers in a clinical setting to those in public
libraries, these ethics and values unite professionals in a variety of places and roles. The accountability
and standards social work has aids the individual and profession to keep the best candidates in the
different positions we take. A social worker is like a medic in the military. A medic is part of a unit
that is there to assist the mission and provide medical aide when necessary. The thread of social work
connects good people to a common goal. I have not had a specific moment in my life that has led me
to social work, however I have had culminating incidents throughout my life which have made my
calling to this field clear. The first incident I recall was a time I felt regret for not doing something. I
attended public school for all but two years of my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Military issues have gotten more attention than in the past. People are aware of PTSD and TBI as
common issues among the military, suicide and sexual abuse get attention as well. These issues should
continue to receive public attention and more common issues should be spotlighted as well. For many
soldiers the military is their first job, first time being on their own away from family and the first time
they have had to deal with their finances. Many soldiers are only legally adults and still have a lot of
growing up to do. Soldiers step into a machine that will get everything it can from them and get spit
out when it is satisfied. The military will also provide food, clothing, shelter and support to help
young soldiers become great
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Lungworm Research Paper
Angiostrongylus vasorum is the scientific name for the parasite we call the lungworm. If these tiny
worms go undetected, the dog will die. They are also skinny and pink, and around 14 to 20 millimeters
long .Found not just in dogs but also the red fox,african desert fox,crab eating zorro, horay fox and
finally the dog. The general life cycle of a lungworm begins with an ingestion of infective larvae. The
infective larvae then penetrate the intestinal wall . From here larvae migrate into the lungs through the
bloodstream. The infected larvae reside in the lungs until the development into an adult lungworm It
changes behavior of the dog. The animal can start having breathing problems, poor blood clotting, and
general sickness. Because the
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America s Justification For Surveillance And Spy Activity
The National Security Agency of the United States has created a confidential surveillance program
named PRISM, operating as the world s largest Planning Tool for Resource Integration,
Synchronization, and Management . This program is designed to gather and process foreign
intelligence that travels through the United States, by extracting data from some of the world s largest
tech companies and its users. The United States describes itself as the Worlds telecommunications
backbone , which was explicitly listed in the leaked PowerPoint presentation of PRISM s operation.
By going undercover and secretively accessing file transfers, e mails, videos, call logs and numerous
other types of data, the United States government is enabling a watch dog on its citizens and creating
the largest terrorist regime. These PowerPoint slides behold some very disturbing information in how
U.S citizens are being deprived of privacy, leading to loss of agency. Restricting individuals to be
watched all the time turns the human race into robots, as individuality is lost, and liberty and freedom
begins to diminish. America s justification for surveillance and spy activity since 9/11 was to fight
terrorism and protect the population, but these documents have nothing to do with capturing foreign
terrorists or improving national security. They are a means of control, and instead of indicating those
as the elected and the elector, meaning that congress and this government was only created through
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The Sunflower Simon Wiesenthal Response
The Holocaust was a genocide that occured from 1933 1945, and one of its survivors was Simon
Wiesenthal. Wiesenthal was an architect before he was captured by the Nazis. After he was set free, he
dedicated his life to finding Nazi war criminals and persecuting them in court. Later on in his life, he
wrote a memoir, The Sunflower. It was about one of his many experiences at the Lemberg
concentration camp where he got roped in to listening to a dynig SS soldier, Karl. Right before,
Wiesenthal leaves Karl s room, Karl asks for Wiesenthal, on behalf of all the Jews he persecuted, for
forgiveness. Wiesenthal left Karl s room without forgiving him, and then asks the readers, What would
I have done? At the end of The Sunflower, people who Wiesenthal picked to respond to his question,
had their answers published. The most interesting response was Jose Hobday s. Hobday believed that
Wiesenthal should have apologized to Karl because it would have given Karl a sense of peace, making
it easier for him to pass on. Hobday has the correct answer to Wiesenthal s question because even
though all of the Jews that Karl persecuted are dead and will not be able to apologize to him in person,
Karl just wants someone to know that he is sorry for his actions. Jose Hobday was a Franciscan nun of
Seneca, Iroquois, and Seminole descent. She wrote about Catholic and Native American spirituality,
and her writings have appeared in many publications such as Parabola, Cross Currents, The National
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King Henry Carnmer
Everyone know the basic refomers for example Martin Luther John Calvin.But does anyone know
Thomas Cranmer.Thomas was the archbishop of canterbury after William Warham the previous
archbishop. He took his holy orders 1523 after his wife dided in child birth*.But after this event he
fled the city because of a plague. After he fled he caught the attention of Henry VIII who was close to
where he was. Henry saw that Thomas was on the same ground as of Henry s marriage to Catherine of
Aragon. And by order of King Henry Carnmer was later on sent to Germany to learn more about the
Lutheran movement, where he met Andreas Osiander, a Lutheran reformer whose ideas appealed to
him. Osiander s niece also appealed to him. So Cranmer and the niece, Margaret, were married that
year. On March 30, 1533, he became Archbishop of Canterbury, and forced him to hide his marriage.
Once his interview was approved by the Pope, Cranmer declared King Henry s marriage to Catherine
void**. and four months later Henry was married to Anne ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For some time he stood against the Marian reforms but it was doomed that he would become a victim
of the new melitia . He was charged with treason and imprisoned but not sentenced to death . Instead it
was for heresy that Cranmer was tried and executed. It took a long time to break the peace loving man
but after threats and promises, deprivation and long imprisonment Cranmer did break and signed a
recantation of his firmly held beliefs. Realising that he had been deceived, and would not be released,
Cranmer set about having the last word. As he stood before the pyre he used his final public prayer to
profess his reformed faith, to repudiate the error of transubstantiation and to denounce the Pope .
Then, as the flames licked around him he put the hand that had signed his recantation into the fire first
with his famous last words This hand hath
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Red Blood Molecules Permeability Lab
The purpose of this lab was to understand the effect of molecular size and polarity on the ability of
certain molecules to pass through the membrane of red blood cells. The lab involved a series of
propanol test solutions containing 4 mL of 0.3M propanol, propanediol, or propanetriol, and 12 mL of
bovine blood. The test tube was held up in front of a slit lamp to measure the hemolysis time of the
bovine blood. The slit lamp consisted of a light source positioned behind a piece of cardboard with a
hole in which a thread was suspended. The light from the lamp illuminates the culture tube, allowing
the thread to be seen once hemolysis occurs. The results are shown in Figure 1. Hemolysis is the
breaking apart of blood cells due to their hypertonic environment which causes the extracellular
solutes to diffuse into the cell, in turn, results in swelling of the cell and eventually cell rupture.
Molecules primarily cross cellular membranes by three methods; those being through lipid bilayers,
aqueous channels, and carrier channels. The size, polarity, and charge of a particular molecule have a
direct effect on the rate of diffusion of that molecule. As it relates to the diffusion of propanol, the
number of hydroxyl groups within the molecules increased which caused the polarity of the to
increase, which also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Propanol, propanediol, and propanetriol all have different amounts of hydroxyl groups: one, two, and
three in their respected order listed. Therefore, the propanol with the most hydroxyl groups,
propanetriol, caused hemolysis to occur slower as the molecule is larger and more polar than the
others. This is evident in figure
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Ethical Relativism In The Film The Civil Action
In the movie The Civil Action Jan is a lawyer at a law firm which uses Ethical Relativism in most of
the movie because they think that the more money they get for their clients, the happier they will
become or just because they get a large settlement, it s going to solve their clients problems. After
seeing the a contaminated water and the damage done to the families he was representing, Jan thought
he was going to strike gold and win a massive amount of money from the company he was going
against. The families didn t care about the money because they all lost something to the polluted water
the factory was giving off, and all they wanted was an apology and and for the company to clean up
the place so no more children would die. Progressing
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The Future Of The Us Dollar
The Future of the US Dollar in the International Market A society based on trade was established as
early as 4000 B.C.E. (Hunt 6). However, the end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a new
stage, an economy fully supported by globalization (Gilpin 10 12). This new beginning for the
economy made the international markets the central focus of the economy. Since the gold standard had
crushed, the US dollar became the official exchange standard and also the most used currency in the
world. Currently, its status of international currency remains the same, but the international market has
changed so much that there are factors that leave its future uncertain. The role of the US dollar as an
international currency is at risk because of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This decrease can be due to the economic problems that the United States faced during the decade of
the 2000 s, the Financial Market Crisis, and is still battling to recover from, or due to the increase of
power and popularity of other countries and their currencies, such as the countries that make up the
European Union (Goldberg). The concept of the world money is organically linked to an
understanding of the world market as the fundamental framework of global capitalism where profit
rates are equalized and an average world market rate of profit is established (Ivanova 51 52). The
world market became the main focus of the world s super power countries as well as developing
countries. As Karl Marx s theory of money establishes, money is not only a measure of value or a
medium of change, when it becomes world money, it becomes the absolute social materialization of
wealth as such (universal wealth) (qtd. in Ivanova 51). One of the main characteristics of world money
that applies to the US dollar today is that it is a dominant currency in international financial markets
that is also used hand to hand in foreign countries (Auboin). Bitcoin was created in 2009 as an
international currency to make digital transactions easier and faster(Yellin). This computerized money
exists only as strings of digital code ( A New Specie ). This currency is used without intermediaries
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White Elephants Communication
Communication is inarguably the most effective way of understanding and interacting with one
another. In the stories Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, and My Son the Fanatic by
Hanif Kureishi, the main characters communicate verbally. The American guy and the girl who are
presumably dating each other in Hills Like White Elephants , as well as Parvez a Pakistani immigrant
to England and his teenage son Ali in My Son the Fanatic , communicate throughout the stories. The
characters communication tells their characteristics, we can acknowledge the broken relationship
between the American and the girl, and between Parvez and Ali through their communication. On the
other hand, the characters in both the stories have different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In Hills Like White Elephants , both the American and the girl speak in short sentences. Hemingway
opens up the story with the girl asking the American What should we drink? , it s pretty hot, the man
said. Let s drink beer (page 1). The girl often uses indirect words, everything tastes of liquorice.
Especially all the things you ve waited so long for, like absinthe (page 2) the girl wants a baby but
does not want to be pregnant. They don t really look like white elephants. I just meant the colouring of
their skin through the trees. (page 2), she is giving a hint that she changes her mind about not keeping
the baby. She also uses sarcastic tone, the American asks do you feel better? , the girl replies I feel
fine, there s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine. (page 5). Yet, the American often talks in a convincing
tone in the assertive style ... but I don t want anybody but you. I don t want anyone else. And I know it
s perfecly simple. (page 4). Whereas in My Son the Fanatic Parvez and Ali often use direct words. Ali
has the assertive style of communication. At the beginning of the story, Parvez asks Ali you don t play
your guitar anymore , Ali replies there are more important things to be done (page 1). Ali is also
indirectly aggressive towards his father and Bettina don t you know it s wrong to drink alcohol? , but
it is forbidden , and so is gambling, isn t it? (page 4). Ali asks Bettina who are you to ask me these
questions? (page 7), he is indirectly referring to Bettina in a negative way. Parvez mostly talks to Ali
with the aggressive style, but what I object to, is being told by my own son that I am going to Hell!
(page 6). After Parvez and Ali s discussion about their beliefs, Parvez says but while I am here on
earth I want to make the best of it. And I want you to, as well! .... but still life is for living! (page
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Abortion As A Medical Or Surgical Procedure
Abortion is described as a medical or surgical procedure to remove a fetus and the placenta from a
woman s uterus by a trained healthcare worker (Nih.gov.2014). After hearing a case named Roe vs.
Wade the Supreme Court, abortion was made legal in the United States in 1973. For a very long time,
I was against abortion due to lack of information and exposure to other cultures. Because I grow up in
a very religious household, the word abortion was definitely not part of the vocabulary. My parents
taught me to believe that abortion was a sin against God and that removing a pregnancy equals to
committing a murder. However, since my move to the United States I learned that in life, it is not
always black or white; therefore my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people have different views about abortion and they feel strongly about the debate. I believe
that everyone views are individual and mostly feel motivated because of religious beliefs or personal
experiences. Prior to watching the videos, I did not realize how much people struggle to make
abortion legal in the United States. However I did know about illegal abortions because they are
frequently done in West Africa where I grew up. Moreover the video showed when times women were
having pregnancies removed against the law. Nonetheless women who decided not to carry an
unwanted pregnancy due to one reason or other have found ways to have an abortion. Being in
desperate situations basically made them resort to dangerous and sometimes deadly methods. Many of
these women had to be hospitalized for complications or lost their lives too ashamed to seek for help
or for fear of criminal charges. Before being legalized, it was estimated that over a million of illegal
abortions was done and over a thousand of women have died due to complications and infections.
(Castle .M. A 2011). The things that impressed me the most in the video are the fact that the country
saw was the rise of the women movement to fight against the inequalities and unfair treatments toward
them. According to video, young activist marched the streets, organized public speeches to demand
the legal right to abortion in many States. In addition, the things that I did not agree with
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Essay On Retrograde Amnesia
What is Retrograde Amnesia? Retrograde Amnesia is, being a common type of Amnesia, is the one
most people are familiar with. Retrograde Amnesia is the loss of past memories. If someone falls and
hits their head, the damage caused by that accident could cause the person to forget that the accident
even occurred. For example, a friend once decided to try snowboarding, and did not learn how to stop
before she went to the top of the hill. She went down, picking up speed, and did not notice the small
cliff at the bottom until it was too late to turn away. She decided to fall so she would not go over the
cliff, and while she was successful at that, she unfortunately hit her head on a patch of ice as she fell.
She remained conscience, but lost not only the memory of the accident, she lost her memory of the
entire week of the trip. Since this type of Amnesia usually happens when trauma occurs to the brain, it
seems likely that the accident causes failure in the brains ability to retrieve information. Information is
stored in many different parts of the brain, so retrieval must also be in more than one part to occur.
When a blow occurs to the head, the brain essentially is bounced, from one end to the other. Since the
brain is floating in fluid, typically damage occurs in more area s than where the hit actually happened.
Because damage occurs to several parts of the brain, the risk
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The Differences Between Stocks And Bonds
First Personal Assignment
Americans have a lot of options when it comes to where they put their money. Two of these options
are stocks and bonds. This paper will serve as a discussion on the topic of the advantages and the
disadvantages of both stocks and bonds. This discourse will attempt to compare the differences
between stocks and bonds, as well as incorporating various advantages and disadvantages to each
investment. Some of the basic differences between a stock and a bond include would be that stocks are
normally issues by a company or corporation. Bonds, however, can be issued by corporations and
companies or they can be issued by the government. Stocks can pose more of a risk because they pay
their investors dividends, which are not always guaranteed. The only way a bonds would not pay out
dividends to its investors is if the company or organization had to go bankrupt. Overall, there is more
safety in bonds than what one would receive with stocks.
Advantages of investing in stocks
One of the primary reasons why stock prices go up or down, is essentially, the profitability of the
company. LearninMarkets.com (2009) lists four advantages of investing in stocks. The first advantage
is compound interest. Compound interest is a miracle of the financial world. Compound interest, when
given time, helps your money grow faster and faster (learningmarkets.com, 2009, pg.1). According to
Herbert Mayo (2012), the definition of interest that compounds is the process by which
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Aquinas s Argument On The Universe
order. The divine order and harmony of the universe further support Aquinas s argument. The
intelligent designer is the final cause of all things. Psalm 19:3 4 makes a valid point as well. It states,
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the
earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun. [18] These
two verses also discredits Hume s argument by saying the universe has no creative attributes of an
intelligent designer. Though, the universe cannot speak with a voice, they speak without using words.
God s power is revealed and proclaimed through heavens presentence. Not only is God s attributes
revealed through the universe, the heavens
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Iliad Women
The women of the Iliad play significant roles in the Trojan war, regardless of whether or not their role
is active. Although they do not take up arms and fight, Chryseis, Briseis, Helen, and Andromache all
impact both the outcome of the war as well as the lives and reputations of those in it.
Chryseis, the first woman to be mentioned in the Iliad, is the one who inadvertently sets off a chain of
events that would ultimately determine the outcome of the war. Because Agamemnon refused to return
her to her father when asked, despite all of his men agreeing that he should, Apollo sent down a plague
to ravage the Greeks (1: 11 55). When Agamemnon finally agrees to give her back to her father, he
only does so on the condition that Briseis, Achilles woman, be given to him to make up for his loss (1:
178 185). Chryseis is part of the gera of Agamemnon, and because one s rewards should equal one s
excellence (deserved or not), Agamemnon is not willing to let her go without some sort of
Briseis, the woman taken by Achilles as his prize after the sacking of Thebes, is the catalyst for
Achille s rage (1: 351 380). She represents his aristeia, his kleos, his tíme; she is his geras for their
victory over Thebes. Achilles refusal to give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What s more, there would have been no unified Greek army without her and the oaths sworn to
Menelaus. She is an embodiment of Menelaus kleos, and her theft is an insult and a blow to his
reputation as both a husband and a leader. During the events of the Iliad, she serves to remind Paris of
his cowardice (3: 427 435). She also begins to see the error in what she has done/what has happened
to her and looks upon Menelaus in a favorable light (3: 142 145). It is said that this is because the
goddess Iris placed those feelings in her heart but it serves to imply that a great warrior and leader is
much more favorable than a cowardly
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Retailer Branded Products Essay
1. Introduction In the 21 century, thanks to the developments of technology and economy, world retail
receives a new opportunity for developing. To understand and predict the situation and developments
of world retail industry in 21 century, firstly, this report will evaluate the major situation of retail
within the first decade of 21 century by evaluating the development of retailers branded products;
then, the article will predict the future changes of retail industry. 2 .Development of retailer branded
products The development of retailer branded products can be evaluated from three aspects: the
reasons for retailers to develop it; the achievements over last ten years; the changes of relationship
between manufactures and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As the description of Figure3, the percentage of customers who prefer the retail brands increased from
45% to 48% in U.S., within last decade. Figure3. Percentage of customers who prefer the retail brands
in USA market (Sources: Customer Research North America, 2009; Kumar, Benedict and Steenkamp,
2007) 2.3 Changes of relationship between manufacturers and retailers Due to retailers branded
products, the main relationship between manufactures and retailers has changed. Compare with the
traditional relationship that the cooperation of suppliers and distributors, the new relationship is
complex. The new relationships between manufacturers and retailers are win win relationship and
competition relationship (Ailawadi and Keller, 2004). 2.3.1 Win Win relationship Retailers branded
products create win win relationship between manufacturers and retailers. Both parties can get more
benefits. The retailers can get more benefits. Firstly the retailers get differentiation. Traditionally, the
products which manufacturers provide for each retailer are same. However, under model of retailers
branded products, the retailer could require manufacturers produce specific products based on retailer
s requirements. Therefore, these specific
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The Sykes Picot Document Analysis
In the Sykes Picot Document, Sir Edward Grey proposes to Paul Cambon that the Arab confederate
states that were under Ottoman empire be separated by controlled by the British and France. Great
Britain would have control over the ports in Haifa and Acre, the permission to trade in the port of
Alexanretta as they wish, gain access to Tigris and Euphrates for water supply, the ability to trade
without any custom tariffs on their goods or in designated areas; given the right to build their own
railroads and finally govern and make decisions with the confederate states along with other third
parties. France will own Haifa and use that port to trade with all the rights to protect their trade as well
as have rights to govern the confederate states with Great Britain. In terms of winning, Great Britain
seems to have more of a control than France in terms of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Jews seem to have more support over the arabs in terms of re establishing their national homeland
than the Arab s protecting their land even if the Great Britain protects their faith and rights as citizens
in Palestine. In the Husayn/McMahon Correspondence, the Arabs promised that if the England sees
Arab countries in a designated areas as independent, then they are allowed to economic interests as
well as military and naval prospects. The British agree to see these Arab states independent except for
all places controlled by the French. The winners in this agreement were the British because when
Husayn disagreed with McMahon s decision to protect French interests as well as the in Baghdad and
Basra, McMahon passed on this part of the discussion for the later talks. Therefore Hysayn, the Arabs,
are at a loss because they need the support of the British in order to be victorious in their
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Raymond Carr Summit Events
Summit Event Essay The event that was held in Moody Coliseum, September 22, 2015, was
conducted by Raymond Carr, his sermon was over, Lost in Knowledge of Christ. He pulls from
Philippians 3:1 11, where Paul challenges us to lose our religion; and choose a relationship. Paul uses
two directives that lead to a right relationship with Christ. Raymond Carr first comments on how Paul
emphasizes the theme of joy. Carr tells us that Paul repeats this a couple of times. Paul emphasizes
that, whatever your circumstance, you should always rejoice in God s attributes and His provisions.
Paul continues by saying: To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for
you. Paul s frequent saying to rejoice during affliction, because if he continues to tell us this we can
work to rejoice and not forget it, or even cynical. Paul wants for the believer to stand strong in their
time of need, to be steady and secure in their faith as well. Carr hints at that the simple reason for
repetition is that: Words sink in over time. Truths need to be emphasized, impact, and retention. Carr
then goes to 3:2 6, where Paul explores the danger of religion and religious people. He warns about
the Judaizers, by saying, Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false
circumcision. Paul is warning the church to look over your shoulder because people in the church aren
t really what they say they are. Paul calls the Judaizers dogs. Dogs were not the cute
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Transformational Leadership Essay
A Call for Transformational Leaders in Today s Corporate Structures Leadership styles have evolved
with mankind since the beginning. Tribal leaders in the past were responsible for almost every facet of
their clan s well being, including basic life necessities. As times evolved leaders took on more of a
political role and the ruled kingdoms and became responsible for their civilizations continued
existence. These leaders demanded loyalty from their subjects as their empire s very existence relied
on it. In today s corporate landscapes, leadership demands innovation as this is the life source which
propels a company forward and guarantees its existence in the future. The ability to engage and
captivate a workforce is only something true ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
68) This organization often times is represented by one s own manager or leader. It is therefore
incumbent on them to embody these characteristics of a highly emotionally intelligent individual. Two
main categories of leader exist in the workforce: transformational and transactional. Both have the
ability to develop high levels of emotional intelligence and perhaps an emotionally intelligent super
star will default to one leadership style over the other depending on the situation. Each style has its
own characteristics but this however doesn t mean that one is right or wrong or that they are
completely unrelated. In actuality This means a leader can be both transactional and transformational
and that hat transformational leadership builds on transactional leadership (Bryman, 1993, p. 459)
Does this then imply that a transformational leader outperforms and is more desired by a corporation
and subordinates than a transactional leader? According to a study by Hartog, Muijan, and Koopman
(1997) Transformational leaders when compared to transactional leaders were shown to have
subordinates who report greater satisfaction (p. 23) This in turn leads to higher functioning groups
who consistently show increase performance and effectiveness scores. This implies that
transformational leaders are more pleasant to work with but lacks the backing to definitively state that
they always produce
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Brief History Of Terrorism In The 19th Century
The history of terrorism is well known as a historically significant personalities, entities and incidents
associated whether rightly or wrongly with terrorism. Scholars agree that terrorism is a uncertain term
and very few of those considered terrorists describe themselves as such. It is common for opponents in
a violent battle to describe the other side as terrorist or as practicing terrorism. Scholars dispute
whether the roots of terrorism date back to the 1st century and the Sicarii Zealots to the 11th century
and the Al Hashshashin to the 19th century and the Fenian Brotherhood and Narodnaya Volya or to
other eras. The Sicarii and the Hashshashin are described below while the Fenian Brotherhood and
Narodnaya Volya are discussed in the 19th Century sub section. Other control of Terror historical
events sometimes associated with terrorism contain the Gunpowder Plot an attempt to destroy the
English Parliament in 1605. Terrorism was also linked with state terror and the Reign of Terror in
France until the mid19th century when the term also began to be associated with nongovernmental
groups. Lawlessness often in league with rising nationalism was the most projecting ideology linked
with terrorism. Attacks by various revolutionary groups led to the assassination of a Russian Tsar and
a U.S. President.
In the 19th century ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A terrorism expert Walter Loqueur also has calculated over 100 definations and achieves that the only
general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of
violence yet terrorism is hardly the only creativity involving violence and the threat of violence. So
does war coercive diplomacy and bar room
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Alfred Adler s Life Of Profound Psychologist
This research paper goes into depth about the life of profound psychologist, Alfred Adler. Through
research, we uncover the complete lifespan of Adler s existence. Other topics that research focused on
includes the education he acquired in which assisted towards his success and contributions regarding
personality psychology. Adler s major concepts and theories, as well as the assessments used are
thoroughly explained. Research also revealed studies that have been conducted of which both support
and oppose Alder s theories. Overall, there is still not enough data that is sufficient enough to support
Adler s theories.
Alfred Adler Research Paper
Alfred Adler was the founder of Individual Psychology. He lived a life full of a number of obstacles of
which he had to face at a very young age. (Wintle, 2007) These obstacles were overcome by the power
of motivation. Adler did not allow his imperfections to define him; instead he went on to become an
educated psychologist. Through his education and work, Adler created and established many major
concepts and theories that are still frequently used today. His major concepts include; inferiority
feelings, striving for superiority or perfection, the style of life, social interest and birth order. (Schultz
Schultz, 2013)
Though Adler never created a form of measuring and assessing his theories, a number of psychologists
after him created several assessments that helped measure the accuracy of his theory. These tests
included; the
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Frankenstein vs. Bladerunner
As society changes around us, we spot things we never noticed before: high divorce rates, murder
rates, and drug use just to name a few. James Riddley Scott and Mary Shelley noticed and had a fear
of child abandonment. In Frankenstein, Shelley explores this subject through the viewpoint of a man,
Victor, who creates a child so hideous that he cannot bear to look at it, and consequently deserts it. In
Blade Runner Scott explores this matter through a businessman, Tyrell, who makes replicants of
humans, the Nexus 6, gives them only four years to live, and sells them as slaves. The children of
these creators turn out to be smarter and more human than expected, and revolt against the way
society treats them, giving us all a lesson in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Blade Runner, Roy befriends J.F. Sebastian, a geneticist that happily states, gI create my own
friends.h After Sebastian has smuggled Roy into the Tyrell bedroom, and Roy has convinced himself
that Tyrell can be of no use to him, he kills both of them. This type of despair that Roy shows us is
significant because it portrays his anger toward his creator, who has neglected him since his
conception. The created beings in these tales become smarter than expected, and soon realize that they
have been mistreated. Victorfs monster is smart enough to understand that he has been discarded,
and children that have been abandoned can easily become devilish in nature. The monster pleads again
and again with his audience that he was born good, but compelled by others to do evil. He even argues
that if only one person would have been nice to him, he would have changed his ways when he says,
gIf any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them an hundred and an
hundredfold; for that one creatures sake, I would make peace with the whole kind!h (105). The
monster is put in a place that makes him angry with all of society, and this makes him put very little
value on human life. Likewise, the Nexus 6 have little regard for the humans that have made them
slaves. Human life to these robot like creatures is nothing, because human society has put such little
emotional value on the replicants as a race. The mindset of these
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Finding The Magic Cure On Shredding Body Fat
Losing body fat is one of the most common goal out there that everyone has! For most, too much body
fat will always hold us back. But does it have to be? Sure you could try some crazy diet that makes
you eat like a rabbit and you can not even enjoy what you are eating. You have to enjoy what you are
doing in order to stick with it. Over the years of finding the magical cure on shredding body fat, I have
realized that it is not as hard as you think it is. We just make it extremely hard! Summer is coming
upon us and now is the time to try out some simple tips for shredding body fat. 5 Tips on Shredding
Body Fat If you hate running around in circles, make it fun!! This has always been a trend for me. I
used to hate doing cardio, running for long periods of time have never been amusing for me. I would
run for a month and then not run for 6 months. What makes cardio not fun for people is they either are
impatient about getting in shape or they just go too hard too fast. Starting out slow and building up
more and more every week or so really helped me enjoy doing cardio. Mixing up your cardio routine
is also a must when trying to build muscle and shred fat. People tend to think that more is better such
as you need to run miles upon miles every day. When you are incorporating HIIT (High Intensity
Interval Training) is designed to help keep your metabolism burning fat for you hours after working
out. A great way you can do HIIT is performing 8 10 x :20/:10 Tabata runs.
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Essay The Myopia of Dystopia
The Myopia of Dystopia Throughout human history, matters not which civilization; humanity has
endeavored to attain a sociality in which one can live with freedom, enjoyment, justice, and happiness.
It is human nature to see oneself in a place where it is flourishing and enjoyable, and unfortunately
that is often elsewhere then where one is; after all isn t the grass always greener on the other side
(Eng. Proverb). Countless writers have crafted utopian worlds for the reader to consider and explore
and many of those novelists don t deem the modern day world as the good place (Hermon, Holman)
but rather one of the indescribable atrocities of war, disease, hunger etc #8230; A utopian world is a
difficult, if not impossible, one to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
White creates a utopian world where the idea of equality, peace, fairness, and happiness appears as a
result of King Arthur s influence. Novel shows how one individual tries his whole life striving to
achieve utopia. The novel shows that the lifetime of one person is not enough to obtain this utopia as
King Arthur has to past his ideas for the future generations. In Edward Bellamy s Looking Backward,
constructs the perfect utopia where the individual, love, and knowledge are practice unlike the other
worlds. Looking Backward, and Once and Future King, did what the other novels did not; it strives for
utopia and reaches it, at least for a time. Novels that reach utopia keeps and works the ideas of
individualism, love, and knowledge into the society; whereas the dystopian novels eliminate such
ideas believing it will lead to utopia. George Orwell presents a world to the reader where there is no
chance for a utopia whereas the citizens of that world see their world as a utopia due to telescreens,
propaganda and brainwashing that leads to a society of no desires or thoughts. Citizens are not
allowed to have personal thoughts or feelings due to the telescreens that destroys the individual mind.
Telescreens is a design that is, in every sense, a two way interacting television set that the Party uses
to keep people from thinking. A force called the Thought Police monitors the telescreens. Thought
police plugged in on any individual wire... in the assumption
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Juvenile Crime And Crime Rates
Juvenile crime is one of the nation s most serious problems. Concerns about it are generally
broadcasted by federal, state, and local government officials and by the public. In years prior, the
burden developed beginning with the dramatic rise in juvenile violence in the eighties reaching an all
time peak in the first part of the nineties. Even though juvenile crime rates seem to have lowered since
the mid nineties, the reduction has not eased the concern. Many states began taking strict statutory
stances toward juveniles in the late seventies and early eighties. This was an era in which juvenile
crime rates were steady or dropping slightly, while federal reformers were commending prevention
and less disciplinary actions. Some of the conflict between the federal program and what was
happening in the states at that time may have been initiated by substantial changes in legal measures
that made juvenile court procedures more similar, however not equal to those in adult (criminal) court.
The reaction to the most recent spike in vicious juvenile crime has been a portrayal of laws that
uphold blurred differences between juvenile courts and adult courts. Some states continued to
strengthen their juvenile crime laws over the years first by making sentencing more severe, two by
increasing allowable transfers to criminal court, or doing away with some of the discretion protections
of juvenile court. Many such changes were enacted after the juvenile violent crime rate had already
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Ehlers Dalos Syndrome Case Study
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type) Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type) is a
genetic connective tissue disorder characterized by joint laxity, velvety skin, joint pain, and other
widespread complications of the body. It can be inherited from a parent with the same faulty gene, or
it can be a newly developed mutation. Connective tissue is infused with collagen protein that provides
strength and elasticity. It is spread abundantly throughout the human body in skin, muscles, tendons,
ligaments, blood vessels, and surrounding the internal organs. In the individual with EDS HT,
abnormal collagen formation in the connective tissue causes the tissue to stretch beyond what is
normal, resulting in damage and other multi systemic problems. Ehler Danlos Syndrome is named for
Edward Ehlers and Henri Alexandria Danlos, two physicians from the early 1900 s. Both published
case studies with patients suffering from common features of joint laxity and skin hyper extensibility
(Gazit et al 1 2). Considered a heritable connective tissue disorder, there is no known cause and
currently no genetic or biochemical testing available for EDS HT. Currently, diagnosis by the medical
professional relies on the ruling out of Marfan Syndrome ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many patients are labeled as psychosomatic or told the symptoms they are reporting are all in the
mind (Clark and Knight 2). Patients are not believed nor taken seriously, possibly due to the normal
MRI s, unremarkable lab results, and immeasurable symptoms of the sufferer. Early diagnosis and
treatment could help prevent unnecessary long term suffering and possible disability. Due to the
unrecognized nature of EDS, patients are often made to feel discredited and isolated, and should be
offered therapeutic support (Cohen and Markham
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Julius Caesar Noblest
At the end of the play, Antony refers to Brutus by saying, This was the noblest Roman of them all.
Who do you think was the noblest character in the play? Write an essay discussing the strengths and
weaknesses of your choice of character. The play Julius Caesar, end with Antony refers to Brutus by
Saying This was the noblest Roman of them all. This was the noblest Roman of them all , refers to
Octavian. Octavian was strong smart, ambitious and .irrational. Octavian was young and had a lot of
good characteristic. Octavian strengths and weakness will be told so he can be the noblest Roman of
them all.
First, Octavian appears to be a very strong individual. Octavian was the adopted son of Julius Caesar.
Just being the adopted
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Cornell Convocation Address Essay
Members of Cornell s Class of 2016 have responded with enthusiasm to the Cornell Convocation
Committee s announcement that actor and director James Franco will deliver its convocation address.
Franco s illustrious and varied career in Hollywood, complemented by his noteworthy achievements
in academia, has won him approval from some members of the senior class.
We know he can be hilarious, we know he can be serious, we know he s brilliant and a very talented
writer; I can t wait to see how all of these different things will be reflected in his speech said Grace
Hurley 16.
John Salvagno 16 added that Franco brings a lot to the table with respect to his creativity and life
Being from a distinguished academic background ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Last year, former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords M.R.P. 96 delivered the convocation address to the
Class of 2015, and Sen. Cory Booker (D N.J.), then Mayor of Newark, delivered it to the Class of
However, this year s departure from political convocation speakers appears insignificant to the Class
of 2016. Indeed, Salvagno, who witnessed Sen. Booker s 2013 speech, reminds that Sen. Booker
hardly talked politics and instead discussed his upbringing and the life experiences he found most
memorable. For Salvagno, a good convocation speaker should have a story to tell, and Franco s
creativity and life experiences satisfy this criterion.
For Hurley, the speaker s relevance to the senior class is more important than his or her career field.
When it comes to celebrating such a milestone in our lives, many of us were just hoping for a
convocation speaker who could really relate specifically to our generation. ... As Hurley approvingly
notes, Franco s many degrees reflect a commitment to a well rounded education with both breadth and
depth, and this is something that we all, regardless of school or major, have learned to value
throughout our time here at
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Japan s World And Technology Leadership
Although Japan is considered to be the second richest country in the world and technology leadership,
notably a unique culture. Japanese cultural progress can not be achieved this height is not affected by
the outside world. Using the example in the history of Japan, and it shows, as an isolated country,
Japan s cultural evolution is slow compared to the cultural transmission in their history have played a
significant role in other countries.
The first big customer of cultural transmission as Japanese culture, which can be found in the recorded
history of Japan, during the time of 206 to 700 AD and Japan s Yayoi Yamato period, AD 200 Japan
gradually began trade negotiations with China in the vicinity. There there is a big contrast between
Japan and the more modern trading partners. Japan s Yayoi who is a tribal society, with different tribes
distributed in Japan. The main method of food procurement is through simple agricultural, with
wooden tools with a simple method of bronze or iron smelting. A key feature of the Yayoi people is its
unique pottery style; pottery is pottery wheel, which at the time was a part of the advanced technology
to create, but also by a rope pottery clay called Yayoi s shares, cultural named (Japan 101). This is
relative to China. Around 200 AD, when the trading day period, the Chinese civil war is an attempt to
unite the three Territories independent kingdom between them; with many public works procurement
better water supply, there is also a
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Impact Of The Automobile Industry On The Economy Due The...
The automobile industry plays an outsized role in the economy due the industry s cyclicality and the
multiplier effect. For instance, a gearbox is purchased from a supplier that has to employ labor,
purchase raw materials such as, copper, steel, wire, and other related components and services to
support the activity. All of these parts are in turn purchased from other suppliers with costs to support
their businesses. Therefore, as each supplier purchases components and services that they need, an
increasing propensity to consume and invest in the economy raises. For over 10 years, the government
of China had tried to develop a car industry. The government s starting steps included the production
of joint endeavors in which government possessed firms got to be accomplices of remote exclusive
enterprises. The greater part of these joint endeavors were amazingly effective fiscally. Then again,
progressing contrasts in administration inclinations made a consistent pressure inside of the joint
ventures. One of the specific concerns for the Chinese government was to guarantee that its new car
industry would receive the most recent advances in innovations. This subject of innovation exchange,
and how the government of China could best support it, turned into a main issue of concern in China s
car industry. From the point of view of the government of China, Geely s acquiring of Volvo would be
a major stride in accomplishing innovation transfer on a continuous premise. Geely s
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Symbolism In The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath uses many literary devices to convey her purpose in The Bell Jar such as symbolism. The
Bell Jar itself is used as symbolic representation of the emotional state Esther is in. The glass jar
distorts her image of the world as she feels trapped under the glass. It represents mental illness , a
confining jar that descends over her mind and doesn t allow her to live and think freely. Symbols and
images of life and death pervade The Bell Jar. Esther experiences psychological distress which is a
motif in the novel. The death of Esther s father and the relationship with her mother is a possible
reason for her illness. Sylvia Plath expresses the difficulties Esther faces and parallels her struggle
with depression and illustrates it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She can t find the will or courage to kill herself. When she tries to drown herself, her heart beats, I am
I am I am. It repeats the same phrase when Esther attends Joan s funeral. I lay, trying to slow the
beating of my heart, as every beat pushed forth another gush of blood (Plath, Chapter 19.) She tries to
suppress her body s natural reaction to pump blood, which is actually threatening her life. The beating
heart is an important symbol in this novel, because it shows the readers a soft side of Esther because
her heart still wants to live, but her mind is the one that s hurting her, which goes along the theme of
Mind Vs. Body. After Esther s treatment under Dr. Nolan, the readers can see that she s finally
allowing herself to live.
For Esther, the bell jar symbolizes madness. She is inside an airless jar that gives her a negative look
at the world and prevents her from connecting with the people around her. She feels as if she is
trapped under the jar and people from the outside world are watching and judging her. Sylvia Plath
titled the book Bell Jar because it symbolizes how Esther feels, and it shows how she feels, being cut
off from the normal world. It is Esther s own metaphor for describing what she feels like while she is
suffering her nervous breakdowns. Even though Esther can see through the bell jar to the outside
world, the glass jar changes the image of the world for her. Leaving her with the suffering view of a
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Newcomer Pre-Employment Program Essay
Newcomer Pre Employment Program (PEP) This program is made up of two comprehensive Modules,
each with their own focus on different parts of the job search process. The first portion of the program
is focused on identifying skills and qualifications that companies look for, as well as identifying a list
of companies and other organizations that newcomers should engage with. This Module is completed
over several days, each day having its own in depth session based on a particular challenge or question
that newcomers may face. These include identifying one s experience and how it is relevant to a
Canadian company, finding relevant work opportunities as close as possible to an individual, who the
newcomer should get into contact with, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The workshop focuses on topics such as networking and applying to jobs, English language skills,
workers safety, rights and responsibilities, understanding pay cheque deductions, Canadian workplace
culture as well as interviews and resume writing sessions (Kitchener Waterloo Multicultural Centre,
2017d). WR Connectors Program The WR Connectors Program is a joint venture between the Greater
Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce and the KWMC. The main goal of this program is
growing the local economy by expanding professional networks of highly qualified newcomers to
Canada. This is a brief, informal networking session. Through these sessions, the connector (Canadian
professional) gains access to diverse pools of qualified talent, and the connectee (newcomer) gains the
beginnings of a professional network and possible career opportunities. In order to qualify as a
connector, one must meet for 30 minutes with a newcomer to Canada who is a good fit, based on
shared professional experiences. Then, based on the impressions of the newcomer, refer them to three
other people that they believe could be helpful for the newcomer to meet (WR Connectors, 2017a). In
order to qualify as a connectee, one must be a permanent resident of Canada and live in the Waterloo
Region. One must also hold a professional qualification, skilled trade certificate, undergraduate or
graduate degree from outside of Canada, and also speak English at a CLB Level 7 or higher
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History Of St. Albans Sanatorium
St. Albans Sanatorium has a beautiful Sphinx like presence that literally vibrates with remarkable
energy. She will often call out to certain people, pulling them into her arms and into her service. I
know, because she chose me to help save her and I am not alone. When I first came to St. Albans I was
working with merchandising. At that time I was afraid of the dark hallways and empty rooms of the
old asylum. I quickly overcame my fear of the place and it was replaced by a love of the building and
what it had meant for so many who had come before me. We are its caretakers. Those of us, both paid
and volunteer who strive to keep the doors open to a place worth saving, a place that was once the
caretaker to so many within its care. Those of us who are now here carry on the vision of people like
Don Hanauer, former Director of Operations for St. Albans. He saw the beauty in this building and
had a vision of restoring it to its former glory. As outlined in the final chapter of this book, we have
worked on a number of special events developed to generate funding for the structure s restoration. At
some point, Don s vision for St. Albans became mine. After Don left I knew that I would need to lead
the effort to take the sanatorium from disrepair back into wholeness. The beauty and Spirit of this
historic landmark now draws paranormal investigators from all over America and beyond, to walk the
hallways with the intent of encountering its remaining residents. No one, paranormal
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Gathering Cues And Coming For Know The Patient
Noticing Gathering Cues Coming to Know the Patient
Provide a synopsis/summary of the salient information you have learned about your patient as an
individual patient and as a person Synopsis of Patient
My patient was a 68 year old female that was brought to ER via EMS on Feb 15 with nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea x2 days. The pt had not been able to eat or drink for the last 1.5 days, and felt
weak and dizzy for the past 2 days. The patient lives at home alone in Kitchener, her spouse resides in
a long term care home as he suffers from advanced dementia, they have no children. For IADL s the
client is able to cook her own meals, drive, and do her own shopping. However she receives help with
heavy items and house cleaning from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the same date an abdominal x ray was also completed which revealed no small bowel dilation, no
free gas, with a few small pelvis phleboliths (venous calcifications) noted. My involvement and care
of the patient occurred Feb 22nd. On this date her lab work was: BUN 6.3, Cr 64, Na 138, K+ 3.5, Cl
107, C02 22, WBC 8.2 (15.4 Feb 15, 4.1 Feb 17), Hgb 93 (106 Feb 15, 80 Feb 16, 73 Feb 17), Hct
.291, Plts 305. On assessment the client was still on contact plus isolation, but both a stool C+S and C
Diff tests were negative. Vitals: T 35.8, P 68 reg, RR 18, BP 94/52, Spo2 98% room air, Pain 0/10 (did
receive 650mg acetaminophen @ 0630 for chronic Lt arm/hand pain).
Interpreting Clinical Reasoning
Describe the relationships between the pieces of information and why they are significant for your
patient at this time.
Identify the possible alternatives to choose from in caring for your patient. Significance of Findings
On auscultation her lungs were clear with slightly diminished breath sounds to the bases bilaterally.
She states that she does cough on occasion throughout the day which produces a scant amount of
clear/yellowish sputum. She advises that she is a smoker of 3 cigarettes per day for apx 45yrs (7pack
year hx). Given the pleural effusion seen on xray on Feb 16, smoking, COPD, and recent course of
ABX (Clavulin) may be the cause of the sputum (not purulent, not green,
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Religion and Politics in the Modern Period
What is distinctive about the relationship between religion and politics in the modern period?
I esteem it above all things necessary to distinguish exactly the Business of Civil government from
that of religion. As John Locke makes evident in his Letter Concerning Toleration, it is most important
and fundamentally essential to define the limits of both religion and politics their proper places in civil
society. Only with government sponsored toleration is religion allowed to prosper in the modern
period; it fits neatly within the mechanisms of modern politics. As human beings, we are inclined to be
in a constant state of competition and conflict. Equality and a limited supply of goods make this
conflict inevitable, and it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both situations are dangerous for an unstable sovereign. In modern society, our lack of toleration is
not rooted in religion. For us, toleration becomes questionable when such practices as marriage,
pornography, animal sacrifice and bigotry are called into question. At what point does a government
need to intervene? Should the government not protect all of these under its mission of liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness? These questions cannot be answered. I believe that a government will not
intervene until its own foundations become threatened. When it does feel threatened, as Hobbes will
suggest, it might embrace such an element. Religion, once a significant part of society, played a large
role in government. Rulers who feared the power of religion frequently embraced it, gaining much
support and littler resentment: These [religious institutions] have developed to such a pitch of strength
they can support their rulers in power no matter how they live and behave. Only ecclesiastical rulers
have states, but no need to defend them; subjects, but no need to govern them; their subjects, though
they do no govern them, do not resent them, and they neither think of replacing their rulers nor are
they in a position to do so.
In a
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The Pros and Cons of Ethanol Essay
A large part of the alternative fuels boom has been a part of civilization for thousands of years:
ethanol. The same substance that makes alcoholic beverages intoxicating is also a useful fuel. Ethanol
s potential as a motor fuel has been known since the first internal combustion engines were made; The
Ford Model T was able to run on gasoline, ethanol or any mix of the two (Bettelheim 802). As the use
of automobiles grew from the 1900 s to the 1920 s, it was found that petroleum was a cheaper fuel
source than ethanol (Bettelheim 802). Ethanol was mixed with gasoline to improve the fuel s octane
rating until the 1920 s, when oil companies stopped using it because fear of being labeled as
bootleggers. Ethanol had a brief resurgence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The 2007 Energy Act also adds a requirement that a portion of the RFS is met with biofuels other than
ethanol from corn starch. The amount mandated for 2006 is four billion gallons of corn ethanol, and
this will gradually expand to thirty six billion gallons in 2022, of which twenty one billion gallons
must be from sources other than corn starch (19). To provide a basis for comparison, in 2004 about
136 billion gallons of gasoline were consumed in the US and about two billion gallons of ethanol
(Yacobucci 8). Ethanol is mainly consumed in two forms in the US. Most ethanol sold in the US is in
a mix of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline called E10 (Yacobucci 8). Any car is able to run on this, and it
is currently being sold in much of the country. The ethanol works as an additive to help the gasoline
burn more cleanly, improves performance, and provides energy as a fuel. The other less common form
is E85, which contains 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Modern cars must be specially designed to run
on E85. Many newer models of cars are designed as such, and these are called flex fuel vehicles.
There are two common methods to make ethanol from corn (Rendleman 6). They mostly differ in the
way that the corn is prepared. The first step is to grind the corn. In wet milling, the starch containing
kernels of corn are separated from the other parts before grinding, since the starch is the only part of
the corn that will convert to ethanol
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How To Create A Thesis Statement For An Essay. Ho

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  • 2. How Does Shakespeare Present The Theme Of Isolation heme of Isolation through their use of form, structure and language and show how The Outsider has illuminated this. Julian Barnes postmodern, Booker prize award winning novel The Sense of an Ending (2011), William Shakespeare s Sonnets (1609) and Albert Camus The Outsider(1942) all present the central theme of the isolation that, given circumstance, any individual can be subjected to. Barnes presents this theme of isolation through the retrospective voice of Barnes first person narrator Tony Webster, who by the conclusion of the novel has managed to agitate and isolate himself from those who he once knew well. Similarly, Shakespeare s sonnet series demonstrates a gripping narrative of a love triangle; an intimate tale of the fair youth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When she ends up ends up copulating with Tony soon after their breakup, she may have meant for it to be one last attempt to express her love for Tony, but Tony interpreted this action as some form of manipulation from Veronica. The ambiguousness of the pronoun it connotes that there could be more that there be more for Barnes creation, Tony Webster, to get than the concluding part of the novel. Perhaps Tony fails to comprehend the increased social status of women in 2011. It could be argued that Tony has become accustomed to the idea of the 1960s woman, which is suggested by his brief affair with Annie which reflects the sexual revolution of the 1960s in which women were seen as sexual objects rather than the independent gender which they are today. The dwelling of his past, of the 60s, has led to the deterioration of his relationships with the other women in the novel as in 2011 women have gained much more independence since the 1960s. Margaret, the woman who Tony married, stood by his side at first but abruptly left him on his own now after she noted his obsession for Adrian. This could explain why the latter part of the novel focuses on the aftermath of Adrian s suicide, an event which occurred when Tony was in his 20s as Tony s obsession ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Social Work In The Military Social work is a profession which seeks to better the lives of those in need. The need can look like anything from political advocacy to those who are hungry. A social worker can be found in an organization which has a purpose that is enhanced or aided by the work we do which is guided by the ethics and values of the profession. From social workers in a clinical setting to those in public libraries, these ethics and values unite professionals in a variety of places and roles. The accountability and standards social work has aids the individual and profession to keep the best candidates in the different positions we take. A social worker is like a medic in the military. A medic is part of a unit that is there to assist the mission and provide medical aide when necessary. The thread of social work connects good people to a common goal. I have not had a specific moment in my life that has led me to social work, however I have had culminating incidents throughout my life which have made my calling to this field clear. The first incident I recall was a time I felt regret for not doing something. I attended public school for all but two years of my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Military issues have gotten more attention than in the past. People are aware of PTSD and TBI as common issues among the military, suicide and sexual abuse get attention as well. These issues should continue to receive public attention and more common issues should be spotlighted as well. For many soldiers the military is their first job, first time being on their own away from family and the first time they have had to deal with their finances. Many soldiers are only legally adults and still have a lot of growing up to do. Soldiers step into a machine that will get everything it can from them and get spit out when it is satisfied. The military will also provide food, clothing, shelter and support to help young soldiers become great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Lungworm Research Paper Angiostrongylus vasorum is the scientific name for the parasite we call the lungworm. If these tiny worms go undetected, the dog will die. They are also skinny and pink, and around 14 to 20 millimeters long .Found not just in dogs but also the red fox,african desert fox,crab eating zorro, horay fox and finally the dog. The general life cycle of a lungworm begins with an ingestion of infective larvae. The infective larvae then penetrate the intestinal wall . From here larvae migrate into the lungs through the bloodstream. The infected larvae reside in the lungs until the development into an adult lungworm It changes behavior of the dog. The animal can start having breathing problems, poor blood clotting, and general sickness. Because the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. America s Justification For Surveillance And Spy Activity The National Security Agency of the United States has created a confidential surveillance program named PRISM, operating as the world s largest Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management . This program is designed to gather and process foreign intelligence that travels through the United States, by extracting data from some of the world s largest tech companies and its users. The United States describes itself as the Worlds telecommunications backbone , which was explicitly listed in the leaked PowerPoint presentation of PRISM s operation. By going undercover and secretively accessing file transfers, e mails, videos, call logs and numerous other types of data, the United States government is enabling a watch dog on its citizens and creating the largest terrorist regime. These PowerPoint slides behold some very disturbing information in how U.S citizens are being deprived of privacy, leading to loss of agency. Restricting individuals to be watched all the time turns the human race into robots, as individuality is lost, and liberty and freedom begins to diminish. America s justification for surveillance and spy activity since 9/11 was to fight terrorism and protect the population, but these documents have nothing to do with capturing foreign terrorists or improving national security. They are a means of control, and instead of indicating those as the elected and the elector, meaning that congress and this government was only created through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Sunflower Simon Wiesenthal Response The Holocaust was a genocide that occured from 1933 1945, and one of its survivors was Simon Wiesenthal. Wiesenthal was an architect before he was captured by the Nazis. After he was set free, he dedicated his life to finding Nazi war criminals and persecuting them in court. Later on in his life, he wrote a memoir, The Sunflower. It was about one of his many experiences at the Lemberg concentration camp where he got roped in to listening to a dynig SS soldier, Karl. Right before, Wiesenthal leaves Karl s room, Karl asks for Wiesenthal, on behalf of all the Jews he persecuted, for forgiveness. Wiesenthal left Karl s room without forgiving him, and then asks the readers, What would I have done? At the end of The Sunflower, people who Wiesenthal picked to respond to his question, had their answers published. The most interesting response was Jose Hobday s. Hobday believed that Wiesenthal should have apologized to Karl because it would have given Karl a sense of peace, making it easier for him to pass on. Hobday has the correct answer to Wiesenthal s question because even though all of the Jews that Karl persecuted are dead and will not be able to apologize to him in person, Karl just wants someone to know that he is sorry for his actions. Jose Hobday was a Franciscan nun of Seneca, Iroquois, and Seminole descent. She wrote about Catholic and Native American spirituality, and her writings have appeared in many publications such as Parabola, Cross Currents, The National ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. King Henry Carnmer Everyone know the basic refomers for example Martin Luther John Calvin.But does anyone know Thomas Cranmer.Thomas was the archbishop of canterbury after William Warham the previous archbishop. He took his holy orders 1523 after his wife dided in child birth*.But after this event he fled the city because of a plague. After he fled he caught the attention of Henry VIII who was close to where he was. Henry saw that Thomas was on the same ground as of Henry s marriage to Catherine of Aragon. And by order of King Henry Carnmer was later on sent to Germany to learn more about the Lutheran movement, where he met Andreas Osiander, a Lutheran reformer whose ideas appealed to him. Osiander s niece also appealed to him. So Cranmer and the niece, Margaret, were married that year. On March 30, 1533, he became Archbishop of Canterbury, and forced him to hide his marriage. Once his interview was approved by the Pope, Cranmer declared King Henry s marriage to Catherine void**. and four months later Henry was married to Anne ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For some time he stood against the Marian reforms but it was doomed that he would become a victim of the new melitia . He was charged with treason and imprisoned but not sentenced to death . Instead it was for heresy that Cranmer was tried and executed. It took a long time to break the peace loving man but after threats and promises, deprivation and long imprisonment Cranmer did break and signed a recantation of his firmly held beliefs. Realising that he had been deceived, and would not be released, Cranmer set about having the last word. As he stood before the pyre he used his final public prayer to profess his reformed faith, to repudiate the error of transubstantiation and to denounce the Pope . Then, as the flames licked around him he put the hand that had signed his recantation into the fire first with his famous last words This hand hath ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Red Blood Molecules Permeability Lab The purpose of this lab was to understand the effect of molecular size and polarity on the ability of certain molecules to pass through the membrane of red blood cells. The lab involved a series of propanol test solutions containing 4 mL of 0.3M propanol, propanediol, or propanetriol, and 12 mL of bovine blood. The test tube was held up in front of a slit lamp to measure the hemolysis time of the bovine blood. The slit lamp consisted of a light source positioned behind a piece of cardboard with a hole in which a thread was suspended. The light from the lamp illuminates the culture tube, allowing the thread to be seen once hemolysis occurs. The results are shown in Figure 1. Hemolysis is the breaking apart of blood cells due to their hypertonic environment which causes the extracellular solutes to diffuse into the cell, in turn, results in swelling of the cell and eventually cell rupture. Molecules primarily cross cellular membranes by three methods; those being through lipid bilayers, aqueous channels, and carrier channels. The size, polarity, and charge of a particular molecule have a direct effect on the rate of diffusion of that molecule. As it relates to the diffusion of propanol, the number of hydroxyl groups within the molecules increased which caused the polarity of the to increase, which also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Propanol, propanediol, and propanetriol all have different amounts of hydroxyl groups: one, two, and three in their respected order listed. Therefore, the propanol with the most hydroxyl groups, propanetriol, caused hemolysis to occur slower as the molecule is larger and more polar than the others. This is evident in figure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Ethical Relativism In The Film The Civil Action In the movie The Civil Action Jan is a lawyer at a law firm which uses Ethical Relativism in most of the movie because they think that the more money they get for their clients, the happier they will become or just because they get a large settlement, it s going to solve their clients problems. After seeing the a contaminated water and the damage done to the families he was representing, Jan thought he was going to strike gold and win a massive amount of money from the company he was going against. The families didn t care about the money because they all lost something to the polluted water the factory was giving off, and all they wanted was an apology and and for the company to clean up the place so no more children would die. Progressing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Future Of The Us Dollar The Future of the US Dollar in the International Market A society based on trade was established as early as 4000 B.C.E. (Hunt 6). However, the end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a new stage, an economy fully supported by globalization (Gilpin 10 12). This new beginning for the economy made the international markets the central focus of the economy. Since the gold standard had crushed, the US dollar became the official exchange standard and also the most used currency in the world. Currently, its status of international currency remains the same, but the international market has changed so much that there are factors that leave its future uncertain. The role of the US dollar as an international currency is at risk because of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This decrease can be due to the economic problems that the United States faced during the decade of the 2000 s, the Financial Market Crisis, and is still battling to recover from, or due to the increase of power and popularity of other countries and their currencies, such as the countries that make up the European Union (Goldberg). The concept of the world money is organically linked to an understanding of the world market as the fundamental framework of global capitalism where profit rates are equalized and an average world market rate of profit is established (Ivanova 51 52). The world market became the main focus of the world s super power countries as well as developing countries. As Karl Marx s theory of money establishes, money is not only a measure of value or a medium of change, when it becomes world money, it becomes the absolute social materialization of wealth as such (universal wealth) (qtd. in Ivanova 51). One of the main characteristics of world money that applies to the US dollar today is that it is a dominant currency in international financial markets that is also used hand to hand in foreign countries (Auboin). Bitcoin was created in 2009 as an international currency to make digital transactions easier and faster(Yellin). This computerized money exists only as strings of digital code ( A New Specie ). This currency is used without intermediaries ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. White Elephants Communication Communication is inarguably the most effective way of understanding and interacting with one another. In the stories Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway, and My Son the Fanatic by Hanif Kureishi, the main characters communicate verbally. The American guy and the girl who are presumably dating each other in Hills Like White Elephants , as well as Parvez a Pakistani immigrant to England and his teenage son Ali in My Son the Fanatic , communicate throughout the stories. The characters communication tells their characteristics, we can acknowledge the broken relationship between the American and the girl, and between Parvez and Ali through their communication. On the other hand, the characters in both the stories have different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Hills Like White Elephants , both the American and the girl speak in short sentences. Hemingway opens up the story with the girl asking the American What should we drink? , it s pretty hot, the man said. Let s drink beer (page 1). The girl often uses indirect words, everything tastes of liquorice. Especially all the things you ve waited so long for, like absinthe (page 2) the girl wants a baby but does not want to be pregnant. They don t really look like white elephants. I just meant the colouring of their skin through the trees. (page 2), she is giving a hint that she changes her mind about not keeping the baby. She also uses sarcastic tone, the American asks do you feel better? , the girl replies I feel fine, there s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine. (page 5). Yet, the American often talks in a convincing tone in the assertive style ... but I don t want anybody but you. I don t want anyone else. And I know it s perfecly simple. (page 4). Whereas in My Son the Fanatic Parvez and Ali often use direct words. Ali has the assertive style of communication. At the beginning of the story, Parvez asks Ali you don t play your guitar anymore , Ali replies there are more important things to be done (page 1). Ali is also indirectly aggressive towards his father and Bettina don t you know it s wrong to drink alcohol? , but it is forbidden , and so is gambling, isn t it? (page 4). Ali asks Bettina who are you to ask me these questions? (page 7), he is indirectly referring to Bettina in a negative way. Parvez mostly talks to Ali with the aggressive style, but what I object to, is being told by my own son that I am going to Hell! (page 6). After Parvez and Ali s discussion about their beliefs, Parvez says but while I am here on earth I want to make the best of it. And I want you to, as well! .... but still life is for living! (page ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Abortion As A Medical Or Surgical Procedure Abortion is described as a medical or surgical procedure to remove a fetus and the placenta from a woman s uterus by a trained healthcare worker (Nih.gov.2014). After hearing a case named Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court, abortion was made legal in the United States in 1973. For a very long time, I was against abortion due to lack of information and exposure to other cultures. Because I grow up in a very religious household, the word abortion was definitely not part of the vocabulary. My parents taught me to believe that abortion was a sin against God and that removing a pregnancy equals to committing a murder. However, since my move to the United States I learned that in life, it is not always black or white; therefore my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people have different views about abortion and they feel strongly about the debate. I believe that everyone views are individual and mostly feel motivated because of religious beliefs or personal experiences. Prior to watching the videos, I did not realize how much people struggle to make abortion legal in the United States. However I did know about illegal abortions because they are frequently done in West Africa where I grew up. Moreover the video showed when times women were having pregnancies removed against the law. Nonetheless women who decided not to carry an unwanted pregnancy due to one reason or other have found ways to have an abortion. Being in desperate situations basically made them resort to dangerous and sometimes deadly methods. Many of these women had to be hospitalized for complications or lost their lives too ashamed to seek for help or for fear of criminal charges. Before being legalized, it was estimated that over a million of illegal abortions was done and over a thousand of women have died due to complications and infections. (Castle .M. A 2011). The things that impressed me the most in the video are the fact that the country saw was the rise of the women movement to fight against the inequalities and unfair treatments toward them. According to video, young activist marched the streets, organized public speeches to demand the legal right to abortion in many States. In addition, the things that I did not agree with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Essay On Retrograde Amnesia What is Retrograde Amnesia? Retrograde Amnesia is, being a common type of Amnesia, is the one most people are familiar with. Retrograde Amnesia is the loss of past memories. If someone falls and hits their head, the damage caused by that accident could cause the person to forget that the accident even occurred. For example, a friend once decided to try snowboarding, and did not learn how to stop before she went to the top of the hill. She went down, picking up speed, and did not notice the small cliff at the bottom until it was too late to turn away. She decided to fall so she would not go over the cliff, and while she was successful at that, she unfortunately hit her head on a patch of ice as she fell. She remained conscience, but lost not only the memory of the accident, she lost her memory of the entire week of the trip. Since this type of Amnesia usually happens when trauma occurs to the brain, it seems likely that the accident causes failure in the brains ability to retrieve information. Information is stored in many different parts of the brain, so retrieval must also be in more than one part to occur. When a blow occurs to the head, the brain essentially is bounced, from one end to the other. Since the brain is floating in fluid, typically damage occurs in more area s than where the hit actually happened. Because damage occurs to several parts of the brain, the risk ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Differences Between Stocks And Bonds First Personal Assignment Americans have a lot of options when it comes to where they put their money. Two of these options are stocks and bonds. This paper will serve as a discussion on the topic of the advantages and the disadvantages of both stocks and bonds. This discourse will attempt to compare the differences between stocks and bonds, as well as incorporating various advantages and disadvantages to each investment. Some of the basic differences between a stock and a bond include would be that stocks are normally issues by a company or corporation. Bonds, however, can be issued by corporations and companies or they can be issued by the government. Stocks can pose more of a risk because they pay their investors dividends, which are not always guaranteed. The only way a bonds would not pay out dividends to its investors is if the company or organization had to go bankrupt. Overall, there is more safety in bonds than what one would receive with stocks. Advantages of investing in stocks One of the primary reasons why stock prices go up or down, is essentially, the profitability of the company. LearninMarkets.com (2009) lists four advantages of investing in stocks. The first advantage is compound interest. Compound interest is a miracle of the financial world. Compound interest, when given time, helps your money grow faster and faster (learningmarkets.com, 2009, pg.1). According to Herbert Mayo (2012), the definition of interest that compounds is the process by which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Aquinas s Argument On The Universe order. The divine order and harmony of the universe further support Aquinas s argument. The intelligent designer is the final cause of all things. Psalm 19:3 4 makes a valid point as well. It states, There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun. [18] These two verses also discredits Hume s argument by saying the universe has no creative attributes of an intelligent designer. Though, the universe cannot speak with a voice, they speak without using words. God s power is revealed and proclaimed through heavens presentence. Not only is God s attributes revealed through the universe, the heavens ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Iliad Women The women of the Iliad play significant roles in the Trojan war, regardless of whether or not their role is active. Although they do not take up arms and fight, Chryseis, Briseis, Helen, and Andromache all impact both the outcome of the war as well as the lives and reputations of those in it. Chryseis, the first woman to be mentioned in the Iliad, is the one who inadvertently sets off a chain of events that would ultimately determine the outcome of the war. Because Agamemnon refused to return her to her father when asked, despite all of his men agreeing that he should, Apollo sent down a plague to ravage the Greeks (1: 11 55). When Agamemnon finally agrees to give her back to her father, he only does so on the condition that Briseis, Achilles woman, be given to him to make up for his loss (1: 178 185). Chryseis is part of the gera of Agamemnon, and because one s rewards should equal one s excellence (deserved or not), Agamemnon is not willing to let her go without some sort of compensation. Briseis, the woman taken by Achilles as his prize after the sacking of Thebes, is the catalyst for Achille s rage (1: 351 380). She represents his aristeia, his kleos, his tíme; she is his geras for their victory over Thebes. Achilles refusal to give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What s more, there would have been no unified Greek army without her and the oaths sworn to Menelaus. She is an embodiment of Menelaus kleos, and her theft is an insult and a blow to his reputation as both a husband and a leader. During the events of the Iliad, she serves to remind Paris of his cowardice (3: 427 435). She also begins to see the error in what she has done/what has happened to her and looks upon Menelaus in a favorable light (3: 142 145). It is said that this is because the goddess Iris placed those feelings in her heart but it serves to imply that a great warrior and leader is much more favorable than a cowardly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Retailer Branded Products Essay 1. Introduction In the 21 century, thanks to the developments of technology and economy, world retail receives a new opportunity for developing. To understand and predict the situation and developments of world retail industry in 21 century, firstly, this report will evaluate the major situation of retail within the first decade of 21 century by evaluating the development of retailers branded products; then, the article will predict the future changes of retail industry. 2 .Development of retailer branded products The development of retailer branded products can be evaluated from three aspects: the reasons for retailers to develop it; the achievements over last ten years; the changes of relationship between manufactures and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the description of Figure3, the percentage of customers who prefer the retail brands increased from 45% to 48% in U.S., within last decade. Figure3. Percentage of customers who prefer the retail brands in USA market (Sources: Customer Research North America, 2009; Kumar, Benedict and Steenkamp, 2007) 2.3 Changes of relationship between manufacturers and retailers Due to retailers branded products, the main relationship between manufactures and retailers has changed. Compare with the traditional relationship that the cooperation of suppliers and distributors, the new relationship is complex. The new relationships between manufacturers and retailers are win win relationship and competition relationship (Ailawadi and Keller, 2004). 2.3.1 Win Win relationship Retailers branded products create win win relationship between manufacturers and retailers. Both parties can get more benefits. The retailers can get more benefits. Firstly the retailers get differentiation. Traditionally, the products which manufacturers provide for each retailer are same. However, under model of retailers branded products, the retailer could require manufacturers produce specific products based on retailer s requirements. Therefore, these specific ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Sykes Picot Document Analysis In the Sykes Picot Document, Sir Edward Grey proposes to Paul Cambon that the Arab confederate states that were under Ottoman empire be separated by controlled by the British and France. Great Britain would have control over the ports in Haifa and Acre, the permission to trade in the port of Alexanretta as they wish, gain access to Tigris and Euphrates for water supply, the ability to trade without any custom tariffs on their goods or in designated areas; given the right to build their own railroads and finally govern and make decisions with the confederate states along with other third parties. France will own Haifa and use that port to trade with all the rights to protect their trade as well as have rights to govern the confederate states with Great Britain. In terms of winning, Great Britain seems to have more of a control than France in terms of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Jews seem to have more support over the arabs in terms of re establishing their national homeland than the Arab s protecting their land even if the Great Britain protects their faith and rights as citizens in Palestine. In the Husayn/McMahon Correspondence, the Arabs promised that if the England sees Arab countries in a designated areas as independent, then they are allowed to economic interests as well as military and naval prospects. The British agree to see these Arab states independent except for all places controlled by the French. The winners in this agreement were the British because when Husayn disagreed with McMahon s decision to protect French interests as well as the in Baghdad and Basra, McMahon passed on this part of the discussion for the later talks. Therefore Hysayn, the Arabs, are at a loss because they need the support of the British in order to be victorious in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Raymond Carr Summit Events Summit Event Essay The event that was held in Moody Coliseum, September 22, 2015, was conducted by Raymond Carr, his sermon was over, Lost in Knowledge of Christ. He pulls from Philippians 3:1 11, where Paul challenges us to lose our religion; and choose a relationship. Paul uses two directives that lead to a right relationship with Christ. Raymond Carr first comments on how Paul emphasizes the theme of joy. Carr tells us that Paul repeats this a couple of times. Paul emphasizes that, whatever your circumstance, you should always rejoice in God s attributes and His provisions. Paul continues by saying: To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you. Paul s frequent saying to rejoice during affliction, because if he continues to tell us this we can work to rejoice and not forget it, or even cynical. Paul wants for the believer to stand strong in their time of need, to be steady and secure in their faith as well. Carr hints at that the simple reason for repetition is that: Words sink in over time. Truths need to be emphasized, impact, and retention. Carr then goes to 3:2 6, where Paul explores the danger of religion and religious people. He warns about the Judaizers, by saying, Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision. Paul is warning the church to look over your shoulder because people in the church aren t really what they say they are. Paul calls the Judaizers dogs. Dogs were not the cute ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Transformational Leadership Essay A Call for Transformational Leaders in Today s Corporate Structures Leadership styles have evolved with mankind since the beginning. Tribal leaders in the past were responsible for almost every facet of their clan s well being, including basic life necessities. As times evolved leaders took on more of a political role and the ruled kingdoms and became responsible for their civilizations continued existence. These leaders demanded loyalty from their subjects as their empire s very existence relied on it. In today s corporate landscapes, leadership demands innovation as this is the life source which propels a company forward and guarantees its existence in the future. The ability to engage and captivate a workforce is only something true ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 68) This organization often times is represented by one s own manager or leader. It is therefore incumbent on them to embody these characteristics of a highly emotionally intelligent individual. Two main categories of leader exist in the workforce: transformational and transactional. Both have the ability to develop high levels of emotional intelligence and perhaps an emotionally intelligent super star will default to one leadership style over the other depending on the situation. Each style has its own characteristics but this however doesn t mean that one is right or wrong or that they are completely unrelated. In actuality This means a leader can be both transactional and transformational and that hat transformational leadership builds on transactional leadership (Bryman, 1993, p. 459) Does this then imply that a transformational leader outperforms and is more desired by a corporation and subordinates than a transactional leader? According to a study by Hartog, Muijan, and Koopman (1997) Transformational leaders when compared to transactional leaders were shown to have subordinates who report greater satisfaction (p. 23) This in turn leads to higher functioning groups who consistently show increase performance and effectiveness scores. This implies that transformational leaders are more pleasant to work with but lacks the backing to definitively state that they always produce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Brief History Of Terrorism In The 19th Century The history of terrorism is well known as a historically significant personalities, entities and incidents associated whether rightly or wrongly with terrorism. Scholars agree that terrorism is a uncertain term and very few of those considered terrorists describe themselves as such. It is common for opponents in a violent battle to describe the other side as terrorist or as practicing terrorism. Scholars dispute whether the roots of terrorism date back to the 1st century and the Sicarii Zealots to the 11th century and the Al Hashshashin to the 19th century and the Fenian Brotherhood and Narodnaya Volya or to other eras. The Sicarii and the Hashshashin are described below while the Fenian Brotherhood and Narodnaya Volya are discussed in the 19th Century sub section. Other control of Terror historical events sometimes associated with terrorism contain the Gunpowder Plot an attempt to destroy the English Parliament in 1605. Terrorism was also linked with state terror and the Reign of Terror in France until the mid19th century when the term also began to be associated with nongovernmental groups. Lawlessness often in league with rising nationalism was the most projecting ideology linked with terrorism. Attacks by various revolutionary groups led to the assassination of a Russian Tsar and a U.S. President. In the 19th century ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A terrorism expert Walter Loqueur also has calculated over 100 definations and achieves that the only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence yet terrorism is hardly the only creativity involving violence and the threat of violence. So does war coercive diplomacy and bar room ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Alfred Adler s Life Of Profound Psychologist This research paper goes into depth about the life of profound psychologist, Alfred Adler. Through research, we uncover the complete lifespan of Adler s existence. Other topics that research focused on includes the education he acquired in which assisted towards his success and contributions regarding personality psychology. Adler s major concepts and theories, as well as the assessments used are thoroughly explained. Research also revealed studies that have been conducted of which both support and oppose Alder s theories. Overall, there is still not enough data that is sufficient enough to support Adler s theories. Alfred Adler Research Paper Alfred Adler was the founder of Individual Psychology. He lived a life full of a number of obstacles of which he had to face at a very young age. (Wintle, 2007) These obstacles were overcome by the power of motivation. Adler did not allow his imperfections to define him; instead he went on to become an educated psychologist. Through his education and work, Adler created and established many major concepts and theories that are still frequently used today. His major concepts include; inferiority feelings, striving for superiority or perfection, the style of life, social interest and birth order. (Schultz Schultz, 2013) Though Adler never created a form of measuring and assessing his theories, a number of psychologists after him created several assessments that helped measure the accuracy of his theory. These tests included; the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Frankenstein vs. Bladerunner As society changes around us, we spot things we never noticed before: high divorce rates, murder rates, and drug use just to name a few. James Riddley Scott and Mary Shelley noticed and had a fear of child abandonment. In Frankenstein, Shelley explores this subject through the viewpoint of a man, Victor, who creates a child so hideous that he cannot bear to look at it, and consequently deserts it. In Blade Runner Scott explores this matter through a businessman, Tyrell, who makes replicants of humans, the Nexus 6, gives them only four years to live, and sells them as slaves. The children of these creators turn out to be smarter and more human than expected, and revolt against the way society treats them, giving us all a lesson in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Blade Runner, Roy befriends J.F. Sebastian, a geneticist that happily states, gI create my own friends.h After Sebastian has smuggled Roy into the Tyrell bedroom, and Roy has convinced himself that Tyrell can be of no use to him, he kills both of them. This type of despair that Roy shows us is significant because it portrays his anger toward his creator, who has neglected him since his conception. The created beings in these tales become smarter than expected, and soon realize that they have been mistreated. Victorfs monster is smart enough to understand that he has been discarded, and children that have been abandoned can easily become devilish in nature. The monster pleads again and again with his audience that he was born good, but compelled by others to do evil. He even argues that if only one person would have been nice to him, he would have changed his ways when he says, gIf any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them an hundred and an hundredfold; for that one creatures sake, I would make peace with the whole kind!h (105). The monster is put in a place that makes him angry with all of society, and this makes him put very little value on human life. Likewise, the Nexus 6 have little regard for the humans that have made them slaves. Human life to these robot like creatures is nothing, because human society has put such little emotional value on the replicants as a race. The mindset of these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Finding The Magic Cure On Shredding Body Fat Losing body fat is one of the most common goal out there that everyone has! For most, too much body fat will always hold us back. But does it have to be? Sure you could try some crazy diet that makes you eat like a rabbit and you can not even enjoy what you are eating. You have to enjoy what you are doing in order to stick with it. Over the years of finding the magical cure on shredding body fat, I have realized that it is not as hard as you think it is. We just make it extremely hard! Summer is coming upon us and now is the time to try out some simple tips for shredding body fat. 5 Tips on Shredding Body Fat If you hate running around in circles, make it fun!! This has always been a trend for me. I used to hate doing cardio, running for long periods of time have never been amusing for me. I would run for a month and then not run for 6 months. What makes cardio not fun for people is they either are impatient about getting in shape or they just go too hard too fast. Starting out slow and building up more and more every week or so really helped me enjoy doing cardio. Mixing up your cardio routine is also a must when trying to build muscle and shred fat. People tend to think that more is better such as you need to run miles upon miles every day. When you are incorporating HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is designed to help keep your metabolism burning fat for you hours after working out. A great way you can do HIIT is performing 8 10 x :20/:10 Tabata runs. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Essay The Myopia of Dystopia The Myopia of Dystopia Throughout human history, matters not which civilization; humanity has endeavored to attain a sociality in which one can live with freedom, enjoyment, justice, and happiness. It is human nature to see oneself in a place where it is flourishing and enjoyable, and unfortunately that is often elsewhere then where one is; after all isn t the grass always greener on the other side (Eng. Proverb). Countless writers have crafted utopian worlds for the reader to consider and explore and many of those novelists don t deem the modern day world as the good place (Hermon, Holman) but rather one of the indescribable atrocities of war, disease, hunger etc #8230; A utopian world is a difficult, if not impossible, one to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... White creates a utopian world where the idea of equality, peace, fairness, and happiness appears as a result of King Arthur s influence. Novel shows how one individual tries his whole life striving to achieve utopia. The novel shows that the lifetime of one person is not enough to obtain this utopia as King Arthur has to past his ideas for the future generations. In Edward Bellamy s Looking Backward, constructs the perfect utopia where the individual, love, and knowledge are practice unlike the other worlds. Looking Backward, and Once and Future King, did what the other novels did not; it strives for utopia and reaches it, at least for a time. Novels that reach utopia keeps and works the ideas of individualism, love, and knowledge into the society; whereas the dystopian novels eliminate such ideas believing it will lead to utopia. George Orwell presents a world to the reader where there is no chance for a utopia whereas the citizens of that world see their world as a utopia due to telescreens, propaganda and brainwashing that leads to a society of no desires or thoughts. Citizens are not allowed to have personal thoughts or feelings due to the telescreens that destroys the individual mind. Telescreens is a design that is, in every sense, a two way interacting television set that the Party uses to keep people from thinking. A force called the Thought Police monitors the telescreens. Thought police plugged in on any individual wire... in the assumption ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Juvenile Crime And Crime Rates Juvenile crime is one of the nation s most serious problems. Concerns about it are generally broadcasted by federal, state, and local government officials and by the public. In years prior, the burden developed beginning with the dramatic rise in juvenile violence in the eighties reaching an all time peak in the first part of the nineties. Even though juvenile crime rates seem to have lowered since the mid nineties, the reduction has not eased the concern. Many states began taking strict statutory stances toward juveniles in the late seventies and early eighties. This was an era in which juvenile crime rates were steady or dropping slightly, while federal reformers were commending prevention and less disciplinary actions. Some of the conflict between the federal program and what was happening in the states at that time may have been initiated by substantial changes in legal measures that made juvenile court procedures more similar, however not equal to those in adult (criminal) court. The reaction to the most recent spike in vicious juvenile crime has been a portrayal of laws that uphold blurred differences between juvenile courts and adult courts. Some states continued to strengthen their juvenile crime laws over the years first by making sentencing more severe, two by increasing allowable transfers to criminal court, or doing away with some of the discretion protections of juvenile court. Many such changes were enacted after the juvenile violent crime rate had already ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Ehlers Dalos Syndrome Case Study Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type) Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type) is a genetic connective tissue disorder characterized by joint laxity, velvety skin, joint pain, and other widespread complications of the body. It can be inherited from a parent with the same faulty gene, or it can be a newly developed mutation. Connective tissue is infused with collagen protein that provides strength and elasticity. It is spread abundantly throughout the human body in skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and surrounding the internal organs. In the individual with EDS HT, abnormal collagen formation in the connective tissue causes the tissue to stretch beyond what is normal, resulting in damage and other multi systemic problems. Ehler Danlos Syndrome is named for Edward Ehlers and Henri Alexandria Danlos, two physicians from the early 1900 s. Both published case studies with patients suffering from common features of joint laxity and skin hyper extensibility (Gazit et al 1 2). Considered a heritable connective tissue disorder, there is no known cause and currently no genetic or biochemical testing available for EDS HT. Currently, diagnosis by the medical professional relies on the ruling out of Marfan Syndrome ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many patients are labeled as psychosomatic or told the symptoms they are reporting are all in the mind (Clark and Knight 2). Patients are not believed nor taken seriously, possibly due to the normal MRI s, unremarkable lab results, and immeasurable symptoms of the sufferer. Early diagnosis and treatment could help prevent unnecessary long term suffering and possible disability. Due to the unrecognized nature of EDS, patients are often made to feel discredited and isolated, and should be offered therapeutic support (Cohen and Markham ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Julius Caesar Noblest At the end of the play, Antony refers to Brutus by saying, This was the noblest Roman of them all. Who do you think was the noblest character in the play? Write an essay discussing the strengths and weaknesses of your choice of character. The play Julius Caesar, end with Antony refers to Brutus by Saying This was the noblest Roman of them all. This was the noblest Roman of them all , refers to Octavian. Octavian was strong smart, ambitious and .irrational. Octavian was young and had a lot of good characteristic. Octavian strengths and weakness will be told so he can be the noblest Roman of them all. First, Octavian appears to be a very strong individual. Octavian was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Just being the adopted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Cornell Convocation Address Essay Members of Cornell s Class of 2016 have responded with enthusiasm to the Cornell Convocation Committee s announcement that actor and director James Franco will deliver its convocation address. Franco s illustrious and varied career in Hollywood, complemented by his noteworthy achievements in academia, has won him approval from some members of the senior class. We know he can be hilarious, we know he can be serious, we know he s brilliant and a very talented writer; I can t wait to see how all of these different things will be reflected in his speech said Grace Hurley 16. John Salvagno 16 added that Franco brings a lot to the table with respect to his creativity and life experiences. Being from a distinguished academic background ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Last year, former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords M.R.P. 96 delivered the convocation address to the Class of 2015, and Sen. Cory Booker (D N.J.), then Mayor of Newark, delivered it to the Class of 2013. However, this year s departure from political convocation speakers appears insignificant to the Class of 2016. Indeed, Salvagno, who witnessed Sen. Booker s 2013 speech, reminds that Sen. Booker hardly talked politics and instead discussed his upbringing and the life experiences he found most memorable. For Salvagno, a good convocation speaker should have a story to tell, and Franco s creativity and life experiences satisfy this criterion. For Hurley, the speaker s relevance to the senior class is more important than his or her career field. When it comes to celebrating such a milestone in our lives, many of us were just hoping for a convocation speaker who could really relate specifically to our generation. ... As Hurley approvingly notes, Franco s many degrees reflect a commitment to a well rounded education with both breadth and depth, and this is something that we all, regardless of school or major, have learned to value throughout our time here at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Japan s World And Technology Leadership Although Japan is considered to be the second richest country in the world and technology leadership, notably a unique culture. Japanese cultural progress can not be achieved this height is not affected by the outside world. Using the example in the history of Japan, and it shows, as an isolated country, Japan s cultural evolution is slow compared to the cultural transmission in their history have played a significant role in other countries. The first big customer of cultural transmission as Japanese culture, which can be found in the recorded history of Japan, during the time of 206 to 700 AD and Japan s Yayoi Yamato period, AD 200 Japan gradually began trade negotiations with China in the vicinity. There there is a big contrast between Japan and the more modern trading partners. Japan s Yayoi who is a tribal society, with different tribes distributed in Japan. The main method of food procurement is through simple agricultural, with wooden tools with a simple method of bronze or iron smelting. A key feature of the Yayoi people is its unique pottery style; pottery is pottery wheel, which at the time was a part of the advanced technology to create, but also by a rope pottery clay called Yayoi s shares, cultural named (Japan 101). This is relative to China. Around 200 AD, when the trading day period, the Chinese civil war is an attempt to unite the three Territories independent kingdom between them; with many public works procurement better water supply, there is also a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Impact Of The Automobile Industry On The Economy Due The... The automobile industry plays an outsized role in the economy due the industry s cyclicality and the multiplier effect. For instance, a gearbox is purchased from a supplier that has to employ labor, purchase raw materials such as, copper, steel, wire, and other related components and services to support the activity. All of these parts are in turn purchased from other suppliers with costs to support their businesses. Therefore, as each supplier purchases components and services that they need, an increasing propensity to consume and invest in the economy raises. For over 10 years, the government of China had tried to develop a car industry. The government s starting steps included the production of joint endeavors in which government possessed firms got to be accomplices of remote exclusive enterprises. The greater part of these joint endeavors were amazingly effective fiscally. Then again, progressing contrasts in administration inclinations made a consistent pressure inside of the joint ventures. One of the specific concerns for the Chinese government was to guarantee that its new car industry would receive the most recent advances in innovations. This subject of innovation exchange, and how the government of China could best support it, turned into a main issue of concern in China s car industry. From the point of view of the government of China, Geely s acquiring of Volvo would be a major stride in accomplishing innovation transfer on a continuous premise. Geely s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Symbolism In The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath uses many literary devices to convey her purpose in The Bell Jar such as symbolism. The Bell Jar itself is used as symbolic representation of the emotional state Esther is in. The glass jar distorts her image of the world as she feels trapped under the glass. It represents mental illness , a confining jar that descends over her mind and doesn t allow her to live and think freely. Symbols and images of life and death pervade The Bell Jar. Esther experiences psychological distress which is a motif in the novel. The death of Esther s father and the relationship with her mother is a possible reason for her illness. Sylvia Plath expresses the difficulties Esther faces and parallels her struggle with depression and illustrates it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She can t find the will or courage to kill herself. When she tries to drown herself, her heart beats, I am I am I am. It repeats the same phrase when Esther attends Joan s funeral. I lay, trying to slow the beating of my heart, as every beat pushed forth another gush of blood (Plath, Chapter 19.) She tries to suppress her body s natural reaction to pump blood, which is actually threatening her life. The beating heart is an important symbol in this novel, because it shows the readers a soft side of Esther because her heart still wants to live, but her mind is the one that s hurting her, which goes along the theme of Mind Vs. Body. After Esther s treatment under Dr. Nolan, the readers can see that she s finally allowing herself to live. For Esther, the bell jar symbolizes madness. She is inside an airless jar that gives her a negative look at the world and prevents her from connecting with the people around her. She feels as if she is trapped under the jar and people from the outside world are watching and judging her. Sylvia Plath titled the book Bell Jar because it symbolizes how Esther feels, and it shows how she feels, being cut off from the normal world. It is Esther s own metaphor for describing what she feels like while she is suffering her nervous breakdowns. Even though Esther can see through the bell jar to the outside world, the glass jar changes the image of the world for her. Leaving her with the suffering view of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Newcomer Pre-Employment Program Essay Newcomer Pre Employment Program (PEP) This program is made up of two comprehensive Modules, each with their own focus on different parts of the job search process. The first portion of the program is focused on identifying skills and qualifications that companies look for, as well as identifying a list of companies and other organizations that newcomers should engage with. This Module is completed over several days, each day having its own in depth session based on a particular challenge or question that newcomers may face. These include identifying one s experience and how it is relevant to a Canadian company, finding relevant work opportunities as close as possible to an individual, who the newcomer should get into contact with, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The workshop focuses on topics such as networking and applying to jobs, English language skills, workers safety, rights and responsibilities, understanding pay cheque deductions, Canadian workplace culture as well as interviews and resume writing sessions (Kitchener Waterloo Multicultural Centre, 2017d). WR Connectors Program The WR Connectors Program is a joint venture between the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce and the KWMC. The main goal of this program is growing the local economy by expanding professional networks of highly qualified newcomers to Canada. This is a brief, informal networking session. Through these sessions, the connector (Canadian professional) gains access to diverse pools of qualified talent, and the connectee (newcomer) gains the beginnings of a professional network and possible career opportunities. In order to qualify as a connector, one must meet for 30 minutes with a newcomer to Canada who is a good fit, based on shared professional experiences. Then, based on the impressions of the newcomer, refer them to three other people that they believe could be helpful for the newcomer to meet (WR Connectors, 2017a). In order to qualify as a connectee, one must be a permanent resident of Canada and live in the Waterloo Region. One must also hold a professional qualification, skilled trade certificate, undergraduate or graduate degree from outside of Canada, and also speak English at a CLB Level 7 or higher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. History Of St. Albans Sanatorium St. Albans Sanatorium has a beautiful Sphinx like presence that literally vibrates with remarkable energy. She will often call out to certain people, pulling them into her arms and into her service. I know, because she chose me to help save her and I am not alone. When I first came to St. Albans I was working with merchandising. At that time I was afraid of the dark hallways and empty rooms of the old asylum. I quickly overcame my fear of the place and it was replaced by a love of the building and what it had meant for so many who had come before me. We are its caretakers. Those of us, both paid and volunteer who strive to keep the doors open to a place worth saving, a place that was once the caretaker to so many within its care. Those of us who are now here carry on the vision of people like Don Hanauer, former Director of Operations for St. Albans. He saw the beauty in this building and had a vision of restoring it to its former glory. As outlined in the final chapter of this book, we have worked on a number of special events developed to generate funding for the structure s restoration. At some point, Don s vision for St. Albans became mine. After Don left I knew that I would need to lead the effort to take the sanatorium from disrepair back into wholeness. The beauty and Spirit of this historic landmark now draws paranormal investigators from all over America and beyond, to walk the hallways with the intent of encountering its remaining residents. No one, paranormal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Gathering Cues And Coming For Know The Patient Noticing Gathering Cues Coming to Know the Patient Provide a synopsis/summary of the salient information you have learned about your patient as an individual patient and as a person Synopsis of Patient My patient was a 68 year old female that was brought to ER via EMS on Feb 15 with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea x2 days. The pt had not been able to eat or drink for the last 1.5 days, and felt weak and dizzy for the past 2 days. The patient lives at home alone in Kitchener, her spouse resides in a long term care home as he suffers from advanced dementia, they have no children. For IADL s the client is able to cook her own meals, drive, and do her own shopping. However she receives help with heavy items and house cleaning from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the same date an abdominal x ray was also completed which revealed no small bowel dilation, no free gas, with a few small pelvis phleboliths (venous calcifications) noted. My involvement and care of the patient occurred Feb 22nd. On this date her lab work was: BUN 6.3, Cr 64, Na 138, K+ 3.5, Cl 107, C02 22, WBC 8.2 (15.4 Feb 15, 4.1 Feb 17), Hgb 93 (106 Feb 15, 80 Feb 16, 73 Feb 17), Hct .291, Plts 305. On assessment the client was still on contact plus isolation, but both a stool C+S and C Diff tests were negative. Vitals: T 35.8, P 68 reg, RR 18, BP 94/52, Spo2 98% room air, Pain 0/10 (did receive 650mg acetaminophen @ 0630 for chronic Lt arm/hand pain). Interpreting Clinical Reasoning Describe the relationships between the pieces of information and why they are significant for your patient at this time. Identify the possible alternatives to choose from in caring for your patient. Significance of Findings On auscultation her lungs were clear with slightly diminished breath sounds to the bases bilaterally. She states that she does cough on occasion throughout the day which produces a scant amount of clear/yellowish sputum. She advises that she is a smoker of 3 cigarettes per day for apx 45yrs (7pack year hx). Given the pleural effusion seen on xray on Feb 16, smoking, COPD, and recent course of ABX (Clavulin) may be the cause of the sputum (not purulent, not green, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Religion and Politics in the Modern Period What is distinctive about the relationship between religion and politics in the modern period? I esteem it above all things necessary to distinguish exactly the Business of Civil government from that of religion. As John Locke makes evident in his Letter Concerning Toleration, it is most important and fundamentally essential to define the limits of both religion and politics their proper places in civil society. Only with government sponsored toleration is religion allowed to prosper in the modern period; it fits neatly within the mechanisms of modern politics. As human beings, we are inclined to be in a constant state of competition and conflict. Equality and a limited supply of goods make this conflict inevitable, and it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both situations are dangerous for an unstable sovereign. In modern society, our lack of toleration is not rooted in religion. For us, toleration becomes questionable when such practices as marriage, pornography, animal sacrifice and bigotry are called into question. At what point does a government need to intervene? Should the government not protect all of these under its mission of liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? These questions cannot be answered. I believe that a government will not intervene until its own foundations become threatened. When it does feel threatened, as Hobbes will suggest, it might embrace such an element. Religion, once a significant part of society, played a large role in government. Rulers who feared the power of religion frequently embraced it, gaining much support and littler resentment: These [religious institutions] have developed to such a pitch of strength they can support their rulers in power no matter how they live and behave. Only ecclesiastical rulers have states, but no need to defend them; subjects, but no need to govern them; their subjects, though they do no govern them, do not resent them, and they neither think of replacing their rulers nor are they in a position to do so. In a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Pros and Cons of Ethanol Essay A large part of the alternative fuels boom has been a part of civilization for thousands of years: ethanol. The same substance that makes alcoholic beverages intoxicating is also a useful fuel. Ethanol s potential as a motor fuel has been known since the first internal combustion engines were made; The Ford Model T was able to run on gasoline, ethanol or any mix of the two (Bettelheim 802). As the use of automobiles grew from the 1900 s to the 1920 s, it was found that petroleum was a cheaper fuel source than ethanol (Bettelheim 802). Ethanol was mixed with gasoline to improve the fuel s octane rating until the 1920 s, when oil companies stopped using it because fear of being labeled as bootleggers. Ethanol had a brief resurgence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 2007 Energy Act also adds a requirement that a portion of the RFS is met with biofuels other than ethanol from corn starch. The amount mandated for 2006 is four billion gallons of corn ethanol, and this will gradually expand to thirty six billion gallons in 2022, of which twenty one billion gallons must be from sources other than corn starch (19). To provide a basis for comparison, in 2004 about 136 billion gallons of gasoline were consumed in the US and about two billion gallons of ethanol (Yacobucci 8). Ethanol is mainly consumed in two forms in the US. Most ethanol sold in the US is in a mix of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline called E10 (Yacobucci 8). Any car is able to run on this, and it is currently being sold in much of the country. The ethanol works as an additive to help the gasoline burn more cleanly, improves performance, and provides energy as a fuel. The other less common form is E85, which contains 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Modern cars must be specially designed to run on E85. Many newer models of cars are designed as such, and these are called flex fuel vehicles. There are two common methods to make ethanol from corn (Rendleman 6). They mostly differ in the way that the corn is prepared. The first step is to grind the corn. In wet milling, the starch containing kernels of corn are separated from the other parts before grinding, since the starch is the only part of the corn that will convert to ethanol ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...