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Introduction For An Essay.
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😀How To Do A Good Introduction For An Essay. 😀How To Do A Good Introduction For An Essay.
Modern Family Myth Essay
Debunking the Modern Family Myth
According to Stephanie Coontz in What We Really Miss About The 1950 s , the 1950 s were symbolic
in terms of the nuclear American family. The typical nuclear American family structure consisted of an
unemployed stay at home mom, working dad, a child or two, and a suburban home. In her article, she
refers to the 1950 s as being the optimal time period for family s where the ideology in television
shows such as Father Knows Best and Leave It To Beaver was not just a depiction of how life was
supposed to be lived, but an accurate portrayal of how life actually was back then. Today, the once
commonly known family structure has been modified and tweaked and the standard image of a
modern day family is no ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Today s culture seems to not be able to accept anything that is out of the norm. As a result, gay
marriage has been under constant backlash due to the idea that the true marriage and a real family is
constituted by the union of a male and a female. Although the model family was previously seen as the
union of a male and female back in the 1950 s, things change over time and with it news things are
formed. With gay couples increasingly coming out and demanding their rights, the definition of the
traditional family is being altered and along with it the disappearance of some American myths and
traditions. We now live in the year 2013, and the same ideals that we possessed back in the 1950 s no
longer function the same way today; many people are choosing not marry until a later age, and the
divorce rate is at the highest it s ever been, so how do we really define what a real and traditional
American family is and who should be able to get a say in who gets to marry or not.
With gay marriage becoming an increasingly popular discussion topic there exist constant feuding
between which is right or not. We must think through it logically and ask ourselves: how does a
homosexual couple not constitute as much of a family as a heterosexual couple? Gay marriage in
American culture but more closely religious culture is primarily not accepted but in Evan Wolfson s
What is Marriage , what really constitutes a marriage these days
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of AFTA
Becoming part of AFTA can also give negative impact to Brunei because:
1. The main drawback of AFTA is incredible rates or CEPT. These rates do not apply to all imports.
There are fees and tariffs on imported goods, which do not benefit from the customer s viewpoint.
2. With the introduction of AFTA, tariffs on 20% and below will be reduced to 0 5% in 7 years
(effective 1 January 2000). This means that all trade barriers will be removed and have negative
implications for the future development of the local automotive industry.
3. Small companies are less efficient in operation will fail because it cannot compete with others.
4. In addition, with the rapid technological advances, many traditional industries ... Show more
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EAGA also offers the diverse land and water based tourist attractions that can parallel the world s best.
As we know among those four countries of BIMP EAGA, Brunei is one of the less tourist attractions
but by joining BIMP EAGA, Brunei can get benefits from it and slowly can attract more tourist
coming into Brunei.
3. The BIMP EAGA agreed to adopt the strategic direction to establish BIMP EAGA as a food basket
for ASEAN and the rest of Asia and a premier ecotourism destination. By this it gives huge benefits to
BIMP EAGA and BIMP EAGA can earn more income and have free excess of trade all around
ASEAN based on the terms and conditions given.
4. Brunei Darussalam being the only nation with it s territory solely in BIMP EAGA was chosen as the
principle communication and transport focal point. Brunei s national air carrier Royal Brunei Airlines
is the only national airline with its nation s capital city in BIMP EAGA, and therefore, directs
connections to and from BIMP EAGA to the rest of the world. .
5. Brunei can promote their business development throughout the region and this can create jobs,
income and an improved quality of life in Brunei. 2.3.2 DISADVANTAGES OF BRUNEI
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How Gardening Affects The World Of Science
Science offers children, many different hands on, mind on experiences, allowing them to explore and
engage in the world around them. This report covers how gardening allows students to immerse in the
world of Science. Exposing children to the different stages of gardening allows them to explore and
connect how and why things happen, and help them to build awareness towards the environment in
which they live in. There are three different gardening experiences in this report, which were observed
and documented weekly. The three plants in this report include; a black bean, which was planted from
seeds, a celery offcut and radish, which was planted from seeds. Each had different stages of
development, which were investigated, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each lesson is designed to allow students to have a hands on mind on experience by connecting what
was learnt and with the world around them.
Growing a garden
The black bean seeds were planted in a pot, which contained soil from the backyard vegetable garden
and cow manure. The pot was placed outside, in the shade of other plants in the backyard. By day
eight the seeds had not germinated; therefore the pot was moved where it would get more than six
hours of direct sunlight a day, which was the suggested amount required (Grow This, 2016, para. 3).
With enough sunlight and the soil being watered each day the seeds germinated by day sixteen. The
growth then became very rapid; however, there were signs of bugs eating the leaves due to the holes
that could be seen. A bug spray was applied to the plant in the hope that the plant will survive. This
spray was used twice a week and helped keep the bugs away and allowed the leaves to continue to
The black bean plant was exposed to a hot and dry Summer. By planting the black bean in a pot, it
meant that shade could be applied when the harsh weather was due to arrive (Tuton, 2010, para. 3).
The pot was relocated on days which would damage the growth of the plant and then returned to the
previous location when the weather cooled down.
The stems of the black bean plant measured in at 15 centimetres and sticks were added to help with
the growth. However,
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Gold Standard Pros And Cons Essay
Gold standard means tying the value of the dollar to the price of gold. Gold standard provides some
significant pros for the economics. Firstly, the amount of gold that a country owns limits the amount
of paper money it can print. Therefore, the limited supply of money might prevent inflation. Under the
gold standard, it is difficult to inflate prices by excess issuance of paper currency. In addition, the gold
standard helps to keep prices stable and dollar fixed in terms of gold also has the property of stability.
More specific, the gold standard limits the rate of money which could constrain the government s
ability to abuse the money. Transitioning back to the gold standard dose not only provide the
significant benefits for the economics, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In present, the U.S. gross domestic product is about $15 trillion, while the gold owned by the
government is about $405 billion dollars. This gold can t support the $15 trillion economy. What s
more, the supply and demand of gold is also a problem. When the demand of gold goes up, it will
encourage people to search for more gold, and that will devalue the existing money and waste the
resources. Also, when there is a shortage of the supply of gold, people will worry that their bank
couldn t exchange paper money to gold. That would be a terrible effect to the economy. Great
Depression is an example shows that the gold standard could put more people out of work and cause
instability to economy. Gold standard was a reason that caused the deflation and unemployment
during the Great Depression. According to Mark Thoma, an economics professor at the University of
Oregon, he stated on the New York Times that A gold standard would mean that monetary policy
could no longer be used to stabilize the economy. (Thoma, 2011). And James D. Hamilton, a professor
of economics at the University of California, San Diego, also supported that Recovery from the Great
Depression typically began only after the country abandoned the gold standard, which led to wage and
price deflation. (Hamilton,
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Low Income And Lower Class Families Struggle With...
Education today is a very important need for a successful, prosperous, and respectable life. Almost
every job a person seeks to find in the work force requires a degree of some form. More and more
every day, people are needing a good education to make enough of a living to survive. Low income
and lower class families struggle with providing their children with necessary educational needs. They
do not have the funds to provide educational needs to help them excel in their adulthood. Most of the
lower class society is brought up in rundown neighborhoods, which means they do not have the means
to attend an upper class school. In a lower class education setting, more often than not, you find that
the teachers are failing because the system is failing. The higher class institutions teach a more in
depth curriculum, while the lower class institutions teach a more practical curriculum. The families in
these lower class societies make barely enough to live, causing them to put their children s education
at the low end of priorities. It can be hard for a lower class person to get an education because of all of
the hardships that come along with it, but some prevail through all of that hardship and come out on
top. The educational system can easily be defined by our social rankings; such a ranking can cause
many to receive incomplete learnings, and allow them to fall through the cracks of society. Many
teachers in the lower class spectrum of society aren t giving the necessary
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Why Should Animals Be Treated Animals
Animals are treated like non living things by some people. People seem to forget that animals are
living beings and that humans are not that different from animals. Humans are classified as animals
actually. In my opinion animals should be treated as living individuals, not just soulless robots as
Descartes claims them to be. Of course this does not mean that we are supposed to get married with
dogs or give them the right to vote. We just have to respect their dignity and stop behaving as if they
were created to be our slaves. Animals are capable of complex thoughts just like us. They are not just
walking food or cute looking plush toys. They are sentient beings. We interact with them almost every
day. So we have several obligations towards them.
27 million ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some people kill animals as a sport. They shoot animals to prove their shooting skills. There is no
competition in hunting. Animals cannot win in this so called sport. There is only one thing we can tell
to these people. Do your shooting in the shooting range. Animals are not wooden targets people can
practice on. They are sentient beings just like us. We must try to convince the hunters around us of the
immorality of their acts. If we consider animals as persons, then street animals can be considered as
homeless people desperate for help. It is our duty to help them in every way possible. We should put
some food and water on our doorsteps for them to consume. We should offer shelter to them in cold
winter days. Some people hurt street animals for fun. There are laws that prohibit harming animals but
they are not enforced. We should struggle for these laws to be enforced.
Next generation should be educated to respect animals. If we start giving proper education about how
to behave towards animals in schools, next generations will be a lot more animal friendly than the
previous ones. Almost no information on animal rights or animal welfare is given in schools
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A Study of Water Quality Near to a Coral Reef Site in the...
Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering Technology Vol. 3 No. 3, April 2012
A Study of Water Quality
Near to a Coral Reef Site in the Region of
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Rami El Khatib, Adnan Falah, Golaleh Tavakoli, Christine D cruz and Jasmine Pereira
Abstract The water quality near to a coral reef site in
Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) was studied.
Many Physico Chemical parameters for water samples taken at two different depths (0.5 m and 1.0 m)
parallel to a coral reef site were measured and analyzed. The data showed that the pH is equal to 6.4,
6.1 respectively which indicates an acidic environment. The average of total dissolved solids (TDS) is
approximately equal to 43,600 mg/L and 43,200 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Coastal engineering, land reclamation and dredging have also caused severe damage to corals along
the mainland coast, especially in UAE and Bahrain.
Rami El Khatib (Correspondence), Adnan Falah, Golaleh
Tavakoli, Christine D cruz and Jasmine Pereira, School of
Environment and Health Sciences, Canadian University of Dubai,
Dubai, UAE.
Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering Technology Vol. 3 No. 3, April 2012
Chemicals, reagents used for water analysis experiment were of Hana, HPLC grade and were stored
under dry conditions.
HANA Spectroquant tests Kits are used to measure the concentration of inorganic species in water
spectrophotometrically. Instruments, HI 83200 Multiparameter Bench Photometer was used to
measure the concentration of inorganic species in water at specific wavelength (λnm), using
appropriate reagents
HANA Spectroquant test Kits plus spectrometer in the wavelength range 190 1100 nm using 1 cm
matched quartz cells. Sample collection, sea water samples were collected from six points parallel to
the coral reef. Three samples were taken 8m from the shore at a depth of 0.5 m and three samples were
taken 15m from the shore at a depth of 1.0 m (Fig. 3). Samples were then analyzed within one week
from the time of collection. Water samples collected were subjected to:
Fig.1 United Arab
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Andy Griffith Show Research Paper
The Andy Griffith Show and I Love Lucy There are many American shows that are considered
classics. Two of these shows are The Andy Griffith Show created by Arthur Stander and I Love Lucy
created by Jess Oppenheimer et al. Although there are many similarities between the two shows there
were also a number of important differences. In this essay it will be argued that many of the
differences between the two shows are the result of their different settings and the fact that they were
produced a many years apart. This resulted in a number of film making innovations that were present
in The Andy Griffith Show that had not been present during the production of I Love Lucy. The most
important differences between the two shows was their settings. The Andy Griffith Show was set in
the small town of Mayberry in North Carolina. The sets within this town include a number of
locations like the Sherriff station, the barber shop, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Andy Griffith show took place in a community that was usually in harmony. Most of the stories
involved something that disrupted the harmony of that community. This was usually something like a
stranger in town or a conflict between community members(Stander). I Love Lucy tended to deal
primarily with the struggles between Lucy and Ricky. On a wider level it can be considered a show
about the relationships between men and women. Also because the show takes place in an urban
center issues like jobs, going out and modern appliances were all important. The addition of new
people did not appear to be an issue in this urban setting(Oppenheimer et al). The settings of the
shows result in very different tones and pacing. The tone of The Andy Griffith Show is very
harmonious largely because it is set in a small rural community. The pace of life in this community is
very slow and relaxed so the show as a whole has a very slow very relaxed
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Men s Wearhouse By George Zimmer
Men s Wearhouse Men s Wearhouse was founded about in 1973 by one individual named George
Zimmer. No one would ever think that a company started from literally a shoebox would be as
successful as it is now. He was the free standing Chief Executive Officer until to the company until
2013. During the time closer to the end of his career with Men s Wearhouse, Zimmer though
becoming a publically traded company was a bad idea. However, with more people rooting for a
publically traded company he was out numbered. On June 19, 2013, The Men s Wearhouse board
dismissed Zimmer for unspecified reasons and declined to offer any explanation in its press release.
The press release stated that terms of Zimmer s severance were still to be discussed ... Show more
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It took some time and some adjusting but we eventually got used to it. At this time Doug Ewart holds
the title of Chief Executive officer. Mr. Douglas S. Ewert, also known as Doug, has been the Chief
Executive Officer of Jos. A Bank Clothiers since June 18, 2014. Mr. Ewert has been the Chief
Executive Officer and President of The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., since June 15, 2011 and January 2008
respectively. He served as the Chief Operating Officer of The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., from February
1, 2005 to June 15, 2011. He joined The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., in 1995 and served as General
Merchandise Manager from 1996 to 1999 and served as its Executive Vice President and General
Merchandise Manager from March 2002 to December 1, 2005. He served as an Executive Vice
President of K G Mens Company Inc., from March 2001 to March 2002 and its Chief Operating
Officer since March 2001. From 1999 to 2000, he served as Vice President of Merchandising and
General Merchandise Manager for K G Mens Company. Since April 2000, he served as Senior Vice
President of Merchandising and Chief Operating Officer of K G Men s Company and its General
Merchandise Manager from 1996 to 1999. Mr. Ewert has been a Director of The Men s Wearhouse,
Inc., since June 15, 2011; Jos. A Bank Clothiers Inc., since June 18, 2014 and Mwuk Holding
Company Ltd. since August 2, 2010. With all of the background changes within the company, Men s
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Essay on The Immune System
The Immune System
The immune system is a network of organs that contain cells which recognize foreign substances and
destroys them. All living organisms are exposed to harmful substances and most can protect
themselves in several ways, either with physical barriers or chemicals that repel and kill them. It
protects vertebrates against viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites. These viruses are called
The immune system is known to help in the fight against cancer. A type of white cell, which is called
the killer cells, is able to identify tumour cells simply by its change in its surface membrane. Other
cells, called the helper cells, assist the killers to multiply and they then ... Show more content on
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Inflammatory response
Diseased organisms trigger the inflammatory response off in the affected tissues. It is a non specific
defence which attacks invading organisms. Blood flow increases and neutrophil cells ingest and
destroy organisms.
The invading organisms damage the tissues so they release prostaglandins and histamine. They not
only attract neutrophil cells they also cause pain and swelling.
The neutrophils in other parts of the body are attracted by poisons which are produced by organisms.
They can get through the tiniest of places in the blood vessel walls to enable it to reach the injured
Antibodies are proteins which are specially created to attach themselves to the invading organisms.
Antibodies are recognized by their receptors, the antibody and the diseased organisms attach
themselves to the neutrophils. The neutrophils form pseudopods which swallow up the organisms.
Once ingested the organisms become isolated in the phagolysosome, which is a type of cell. This is
known as phagocytosis.
The substances which have broken down the organisms drain into the phagolysosome. The undigested
parts of organisms can be either excreted at the cell membrane or stored.
The non specific inflammatory response can prevent the spread of infection. However, if infection
does spreads there are two defences an antibody or
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Chemical Weapons Essay examples
The following research paper has been compiled to provide an insight into Chemical Weapons (CW).
It deals with the description and the usage of various chemical reagents used by various countries and
their negative effects. The following also shows the policies of countries towards chemical weapons,
their stockpiles and their lethality and disposal. The following report also shows the history of
chemical warfare, their demilitarisation, proliferation and the various councils set up to reduce their
use. It also includes a news release by the sunshine project on the use of chemical weapons by the US
military. All in all it tells you everything about chemical weapons and explosives.
Chemical Warfare
Chemical warfare (CW) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The offensive use of living organisms (such as anthrax) is considered biological warfare rather than
chemical warfare; however, the use of nonliving toxic products produced by living organisms (e.g.
toxins such as botulinum toxin, ricin, and saxitoxin) is considered chemical warfare under the
provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Under this Convention, any toxic chemical,
regardless of its origin, is considered a chemical weapon unless it is used for purposes that are not
prohibited (an important legal definition known as the General Purpose Criterion).
About 70 different chemicals have been used or stockpiled as chemical warfare agents during the 20th
century. The entire class known as Lethal Unitary Chemical Agents and Munitions have been
scheduled for elimination by the CWC.
Under the Convention, chemicals that are toxic enough to be used as chemical weapons, or that may
be used to manufacture such chemicals, are divided into three groups according to their purpose and
treatment: * Schedule 1 Have few, if any, legitimate uses. These may only be produced or used for
research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective purposes (i.e. testing of chemical weapons sensors and
protective clothing). Examples include nerve agents, ricin, lewisite and mustard gas. Any production
over 100 g must be notified to the OPCW and a country can have a
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Research Paper On Travel And Tourism
India is one of the most beautiful locations in south Asia is also among the popular countries of the
world. Tourist hub welcomes more than 5 million tourists from different locations of the world. A trip
to this beautiful country can reveal numerous mystic things regarding its culture, art, tradition, history
etc. Tourists are more attracted towards the cultural diversity of this country from Kashmir to
Kanyakumari. Each tradition symbolizes the flavour and aura of the place.
India is a beautiful and bamboozling place, an endlessly fascinating country that is often challenging
and always surprising.
Stretched between the golden beaches of the Indian ocean and the snow capped peaks of the
Himalayan mountains lies an incredible tapestry of natural and man made wonders astounding
temples, mystical monasteries, frenetic cities, pristine national parks and some of the most iconic
Visiting India is an assault on the sense. Sights, sounds, smells and sensations are all experienced at
maximum intensity. India is the one of the world s greatest melting pot s where an incredible diversity
of cultures, religions and ethnicities live in surprising harmony.
1. Hospitality
The hospitality industry is a part of larger enterprise known as travel and tourism industry. The travel
and tourism is a vast group of business with one goal in common providing necessary and desired
products services to customers and travels.
Accommodation facilities
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A Research Study On Umbilical Cord Blood
Umbilical cord blood (UCB) contains a substantial number of stem cells that have the potential to be
used in various transplants to treat a variety of immunodeficiency, oncologic, hematologic and/or
genetic disorders. UCB is found most commonly in the blood of newborn babies. Once the baby is
born, the blood that remains (that was previously thrown away as medical waste ) in the umbilical
cord and placenta can be taken and stored, to be used later for transplantation or research (Pandey,
Kaur Kamath, 2016). Recent studies in the last decade have shown that UCB is a great source of stem
cells, which makes it a valuable resource in the field of stem cell therapy. Stem cells have amazing
potential for therapeutic use in tissue repair and regeneration.
In October 1988, the first umbilical cord blood transplant was done on a young five year old boy
named Matthew Farrow in France, who was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia due to Fanconi
anemia. The umbilical cord blood was collected at birth from Matthew s newborn sister who, through
prenatal testing, had been found to be unaffected by Fanconi anemia and was HLA identical to
Matthew. The UCB was cryopreserved and taken from Indiana to France, where it was then thawed
and injected into Matthew. There was no evidence of graft versus host disease, and according to
Ballen, Gluckman and Broxmeyer, as of 2013, Matthew is healthy with complete long term
hematological and immunological donor reconstitution 25 years after
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Crawfish Suck The Head Pinch The Tails
How To Eat Crawfish Suck the Head Pinch the Tails
It s almost Mardi Gras time, and we can t think of a way we like to celebrate better than a big old
crawfish boil (or crayfish, or crawdads, or mudbugs, or whatever you call them). These tiny,
freshwater crustaceans are basically tiny lobsters, but that doesn t stop them from perplexing people
from outside Fat Tuesday s homeland year after year.
The truth is, getting the best, meatiest part of the crawfish is simple. And yes, sucking the head really
does matter, and no, that doesn t mean you are eating crawfish brains (first of all, you re sort of
sucking the body, not really the head and second of all, crawfish brains are about the size of a pin head
so you would absolutely not know if you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Along with the juices, there is a yellow substance, or the fat which is the most prized. Hardcore
Cajuns actually pinch the head a little as they suck, to savor every last drop. Cajuns being Cajuns and
not astacologists (crawfish biologists), called it fat at some point in time. This very rich and super
flavorful fat is really the hepatopancreatic tissue, which functions as the primary energy storage organ
within the crawfish.
If you have eaten crawfish before, but they were not from Louisiana, you have not tasted the fat.
Chinese crawfish tailmeat, the most commercially available crawfish product in the U.S., is rinsed free
of fat prior to cryovac packaging. This extends the shelf life of the crawfish, as extended contact with
the fat will cause the meat to spoil faster.
Commercially packaged Louisiana crawfish tails are almost always sold in their fresh form, and
contain this vibrant orange yellow fat. In addition to adding visual appeal, the fat contributes to the
unmistakable richness of the meat, similar to the rich flavor profiles found in shrimp and
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The Three Causes And Effects Of Corruption In Kenya
Kenya is one of the most corrupt countries in the world due to a long legacy of corrupt leaders
according to the recent transparency international standings(145/176). It is so visible, that it is
impossible for a citizen or even a visitor to deny its presence. Corruption is a problem that is engulfed
everywhere around the globe, in some countries more than others and it was not until a few years ago
that the international donor community recognized corruption as one of the main responsibilities for
the failure of development in Africa .Corruption hinders economic development and gradually slows
down the democratic process and stability within a political system. The money gained out from
corruption does not trickle down to the people nor is it used to make any development, instead is it
used for private gain and to fund luxurious living. Corruption in Africa can be seen as both systemic
and generalized, systemic since it is more of a rule than an exception and generalized since it is not
limited to just one sector. There are three types of corruption that are found in a society, but will only
mention two of them. The first type of corruption is described as grand corruption: which is corruption
acts done by the political elite. They use their powers to gain private themselves, it is known as the
worst form of corruption as it s responsible for destroying communities at large. The second type of
corruption is bureaucratic corruption, also known as petty corruption. In this
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Understanding The Intricacies Of Ministry
A Practical Approach to Understanding the Intricacies of Ministry
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle, The
Nicomachean Ethics
Like any other profession, the call to ministry requires intense preparation. In fact, the process of
personal and professional development of clerical leaders demands the necessary interplay between
theory and praxis. Certainly, while courses in exegesis, ethics, systematic theology and critical
interpretation among others are designed to expand the theoretical, supervised ministry transports the
budding theologian directly into the practical realm of ministry through practice .
Over the course of the semester I have gleaned valuable insights through baptism by emersion into the
often unseen realities that shape ministry within the context of local congregations. Often the external
structures visible to members of the laity do not accurately reveal the internal elements of planning,
organizing, and coordination required for effective ministry. Certainly, my experience has reaffirmed
the notion that ministry can be demanding. In other words, I have come to the conclusion that the call
to ministry is a call to challenging, yet meaningful work. At the very onset of the supervised ministry
process, I relished the opportunity to increase my understanding of the life, and work, of the 21st
century minister, I had a myriad of questions concerning issues such as the daily demands on the
minister s
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Veever s Speech On Women Equality
Without economic opportunities and freedom women remain impoverished and are unable to secure
any type of social mobility. According to statistics from the UN, poverty has a women s face and that
70 per cent of the world s poor were female... poverty is lack of income, but it also consists of lack of
access to services and opportunities for human development, lack of a voice in political life and
decision making, and social subordination and exclusion (Bhat 639). When women have access to
financial security they can improve their quality of life, their newfound economic independence
allows them to create a new lifestyle where they will not be disappointed by unreliable people. Veever
s speech uses specific stories to highlight the importance of investing in women so they can feel
successful and independent. Zora Rakhmatullaeva was a disabled woman who used to sit at home
feeling useless, but when she was given the opportunity to create a viable business she gained
confidence in her ability to do something productive. She is now the head of the Association of
Business Disabled Women demonstrating how investing in women results in important social and
economic mobility for vulnerable women (Veever 1). Economic independence is not the only solution
for fighting gender equality, but it is an important first step that will allow for future major changes to
occur. Achieving economic success motivates women to push for more advancements in society
including changes
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Creating A Full Fledged Website For Matrimony
The commercial scope involved in developing and implementing the project matrimony site. The main
aim of this project is creating a full fledged website for matrimony. This project involves viewing the
details of bride, bridegroom or both. The user can just browse the site and can submit their details by
registering him/herself as a valid user. They can upload their profiles without any cost. This website
gives a colorful life and make you forget past and you can have a good path through this is matrimony
site. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose Matrimony websites have revolutionized the Indian Marriage
System gives birth to an internet marriage era. Now a days, large number of people are depending on
popular matrimonial sites to find the probable bride/groom. Matrimonial portals will not only prove
beneficial for early marriages and second marriages, but also for the people who take enough of time
in selecting their soul mate according to their wish, which results in delay marriages. Matrimonial
sites are growing, tying overdue matrimonial join in India. Knowing the word matrimonial sites, one
can depend on the web resources and get over with their opinions. 1.2. Scope Matrimony sites are
usually available 24/7, and many customers have Internet access both at work and at home. Browsing
an online matches can be easier and quicker than browsing the aisles of a physical contact. Some
customers prefer interacting with people rather than computers because they
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Peekay s Camouflage In The Great Gatsby
Peekay s camouflage is a symbol of growth that diminishes as he begins to grow and accept himself.
When he starts at the boarding school, Peekay s camouflage grows very extreme. He is learning that
the more he stands out, the more harm will come to him. After he returns to the school, Peekay
realizes he has forgotten an essential rule to surviving. The holidays had blunted my sense of survival:
adapt, blend, become part of the landscape, develop a camouflage, be a rock or a leaf or a stick insect,
try in every way to be an Afrikaner (Courtenay 23). This quote puts the reader in Peekay s shoes and
helps them realize how much he yearns to be like the other boys. During his time at boarding school,
things may be looking pretty poor for Peekay,
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Aspects Of Object Relations Theory Essay
In this essay I am going to be examining all aspects of Object Relations Theory. I am also going to be
explaining the shortcomings of this theory. Presenting evidence that proves this theory to be strong
and relevant to adolescent development into adulthood. Object Relations Theory is a theory that was
developed from a therapist client relationship this theory examines the interpersonal relationships that
you have and how they shape you into an adult thinker. (Scharff, D.E. 1992). This theory reflects the
care that the mother had for the infant during the time of adolescences and how that individual now
feels about attachment Scharff, D.E. (1992).This theory shows how the mother infant relationship is
the start of personality development for individuals. Scharff, D.E. (1992). This theory comes from the
late Sigmund Freud, Freud had many theories on development. Going further into that the sexual
development of adolescents into adulthood (Corey, 2015). This theory is very much so like Freud s
past theory. The object relation s theory is one that compares ones separation and attachment in such a
way that, we get to see how an individual s childhood relationships with love ones could have affected
their ability to either form relationships or become detached from others (Corey 2015). When
speaking of childhood family interactions this is a very important part of development especially when
referring to Object relation s theory. Interaction is key when a child is at a young
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A Raisin in the Sun
Though there was a heightened sense of tension over civil rights in the late 1950s when A Raisin in the
Sun was written, racial inequality is still a problem today. It affects minorities of every age and
dynamic, in more ways than one. Though nowadays it may go unnoticed, race in every aspect alters
the way African Americans think, behave, and react as human beings. This is shown in many ways in
the play as we watch the characters interact. We see big ideas, failures, and family values through the
eyes of a disadvantaged group during an unfortunate time in history. As Martin Luther King said,
Blacks are ...harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at
tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Toward the end of the play his spirit is broken, and he behaves almost like a madman, plotting to give
in to Lindner and accept his offer; this action greatly worries his mother. The whole time, Walter wasn
t simply looking for a chance to follow through with his plans. He was seeking support from the
system that he found himself subject to. This idea comes up in Gertrude Samuels Even More Crucial
Than in the South. ...the real drive that is now rising ominously is a demand for personal dignity
(Samuels 1546). His personal dignity is at stake repeatedly throughout the story when he finds himself
battling against a troubled family and a corrupt system. The racism steeped social system negatively
affects African American males and females, causing deeply rooted issues. The three women in the
story, Beneatha, Ruth, and Mama, represent the different views Black women took during these
troublesome times. There were women like Beneatha, who didn t want to live the typical life of a wife
and mother, and openly disapproved the assimilation of Blacks into American culture as well: Because
I hate assimilationist Negroes! (Hansberry 1500). She wanted to become highly educated, and to
change the world somehow. She wanted to be something. Beneatha is a very strong willed, hard
headed character. This could very well have been caused by the unfair rules of her time constantly
being reiterated to her through several mediums. Over and over again she is told that she must
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Part Of A Community In John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men
Traveling around California are two best friends, George Milton and Lennie Smalls. Their relationship
demonstrates the various characteristics that are shown in a community. In the novella Of Mice and
Men by John Steinbeck, there are numerous examples that establish what it means to be part of a
community; which proves it exemplifies the important traits shown in a community the best out of
other books read. Throughout the novella, there are countless examples that demonstrate what it
means to be part of a community; this includes friendships, the American dream, and teamwork.
George and Lennie have a strong friendship and throughout the book, it is easy to tell that their
friendship gets stronger day after day. While the Great Depression was taking place, Men would travel
to find a job; but it was uncommon for Men to stick by each other s side. I hardly never seen two guys
travel together (67). Slim is stating that normally guys tend to travel alone to look for a job so that
they can earn some money to support themselves. This is an excellent example of friendship because
although it is uncommon to travel together, George and Lennie still stick by each other s side. Since
Lennie often has a hard time to make the right decisions, George always has to remind him to do the
right thing. Lennie if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come
right here an hide in the brush. (54). George has told Lennie that if he does something
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Pros And Cons Of A Just War
Can participating in war ever be morally acceptable? Many people in history have asked this question
and attempted to answered it. This has resulted in different theories and opinions on the topic, the
most widely known being Just War position. It explains when a country should go to war, why they
should go to war, and what they should be permitted to do during wartime (Demy). Many wars in
history have show the devastation that man s cruelty to one another can cause. The best example of
this is World War 2, in which many millions of people were killed. Many atrocities were committed
during the war, the worst, of course, was the holocaust. Had all sides to this war followed the Just War
position, the devastation would not have been as great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His mother married Civil war veteran John London, shortly after, his family moved to Oakland. He
grew up working hard and did a lot of reading in his spare time. London s writing career began when
his mother urged him to write and submit a book about a voyage in which London encountered a
typhoon. Following his victory, London dedicated his life to writing. At first he had a problem with
lack of willing publishers, so he went to the East coast. But than he went back to California and
attended college there. Soon afterwards he went to the Yukon in Canada to search out fortune, where
he received inspiration for some of his works. London went back to California at age 22 where he
soon started writing for the Overland Monthly, from which he received discipline as a writer. Then he
started his habit to write at least 1,000 words a day. When Jack London wrote The Call of the Wild,
which takes place in the Yukon, it was successful and earned London fame. In the last 16 years of his
life, London published 50 books, most of which were a success. In 1900 London had married Bess
Maddern, then had two daughters, Joan and Bess. In 1905 he divorced Bess and married Charmian
Kittredge. In his last years London suffered from health problems, and he died November 22, 1916, at
his ranch in California (Jack London
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The Characteristics Of Marriage In The Medieval Era
Marriage In the medieval era is certainly a difficult one to study, as evidence often lies within the
realm of poetry, or a narrative tale. Sometimes one can look into non narrative prose, like written laws,
or contracts, however, these documents do not always provide the entire scope of social structure.
When looking into certain characteristics of marriage in Western Europe, specifically in the timeframe
of ca. 1000 through ca. 1300, there are many characteristics of marriage that one may find to have a
progressive nature. During this time, marriage seems to transcend from political ideals, to that of a
purer construct. We will begin by looking into certain traits of marriage in Western European medieval
times that I believe to be the most important aspects of marriage, not only for woman, but also for
society as a whole. Before I begin, I would like to note that when I speak of marriage, I m specifically
referring to that of Western Europe during the timeframe stated above. The process of finding a spouse
to marry begins to change dramatically during this time. While we have strict laws today regarding
that of a potential spouse, marrying a cousin or close relative was that of the norm during medieval
times, as many aristocrats wanted to keep their property and power within their own kin. However,
this common practice begins to change, as Canon law provided rules as to how closely bride and
groom could be related. In 1215, the Fourth Lateran Council prohibited
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Oscar Show Research Paper
Imagine four cute, cuddly, crime fighting penguins going on various adventures and completing
missions in order to protect their beloved home. They narrowly escape death and act as if they are
immortal. This is reality on the Penguins of Madagascar show, but not all penguins can be like these
special four, moreover be immortal. Penguins have different lifespans, and do not stay alive forever.
Throughout their lives, they give birth, but also see some of their closest friends pass away. For
example, the Falkland Islands started with 1000 penguins, but with the births and deaths each year, the
population is becoming hard to keep track of. This is where math comes in handy. A formula can be
used to calculate the population each year. If each couple has a chick every spring, and the penguins
only die due to natural causes, a formula to keep track of the population is 1000 multiplied by the
quantity of 1.2 raised to the power x. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If each of the 1000 penguins mate, 500 chicks will be born. Adding 1000 and 500 will get 1500, the
total number of penguins after birth. It is known that 0.2 of the penguins die, or 0.8 of them stay alive.
If 0.8 is multiplied by 1500, the total is 1200. This represents the penguin population for the first year
after the births and deaths are accounted for. Going through one more year can make the formula
clearer. The next year starts with a population of 1200. After mating, 600 chicks are born. Adding
1200 and 600 will get 1800. Multiplying this by 0.8 will get 1440 penguins, the population for the
second year. Taking a closer look, one can see that 1440 is 1200 multiplied by 1.2, and 1200 is 1000
multiplied by 1.2. Cleaning this up, one can conclude that 1440 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2 squared, and
1200 is 1000 multiplied by
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Essay On Bilingual Education
2.3. Bilingual education and its types
Bilingual education is a simple label to describe a very complex phenomenon. It should be a
distinction between education that uses and promotes two languages, and the relatively monolingual
education in a second language. There is a difference between the kind where the formal instruction
develops the bilingualism and another in the classroom where the bilingual child is present, but the
curriculum does not promote bilingualism, i.e. the end is not bilingualism (C. Baker, 2011: 207).
Mackey (1970) believes that bilingual education should be as wide as possible in order to
accommodate all the ways in which researchers could have used the definition in the past.
Bilingual education should be limited to creating educational programs that encourage the use of two
languages as a medium of instruction rather than the language of instruction itself. Bilingual education
is a generic term used to describe education in schools that have in common the use of two languages.
This would be bilingual education that goes from this work: an education whose objective is to
encourage and promote the use of bilingualism. We discard the other distinction as bilingualism is not
the end in our Curriculum and bilingual child is not present in our classrooms. ... Show more content
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The complexity of bilingual education becomes more apparent.
The management of two languages is essential in today s society, and most of the teachers agree that
the sooner you start to study a language, easier and faster will be your purchase. It is necessary to deal
with that the schools have a good range of foreign languages and to do so we will know the types of
bilingual education. Bilingual teaching models differ in several
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The Great Philosophers During The Era Of Intellectual...
The great philosophers, during the era of intellectual enlightenment and self awareness, posed a
question: what is knowledge? This concept, defining knowledge what it is and isn t and where it
comes from, came to be known as epistemology. Epistemology sorted out knowledge from belief;
belief being lined with prejudice and thus being discredited for truth. Much of epistemology is
concentrated on the mind and its absorption and formulation of this knowledge. Although there is a
brief overlap between mind and body within the category of perception (one of the sources of
knowledge) there is still a clear preference of the mind over the body to the extent that even if we
perceive an object s existence through our senses that object is not considered in existence until it is
verified by our mind. (Stanford, 2005) Is this outlook true, and if so what is the purpose of our bodies?
Some anthropologists within the field of ethnography seek to rebuttal stating that the body is an equal,
if not greater, source of knowledge.
Bronislaw Malinowski, an anthropologist who studied the Papou Melanesians of New Guinea,
strongly states that a published work within the field of ethnography is not considered valid until the
ethnographer has fully immersed him/herself within the culture; this means living in the community
and participating in daily activities. (Malinowski 1915: 18) According to Malinowski implanting one s
self within a culture is the only way to properly and completely
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Examine and Assess the Influence of Other People on Human...
Option B essay question
Examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance.
This essay will examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and
performance, starting with Adorno et al (1950) s large scale study on the authoritarian personality with
it s focus on the parental and family influence as well as alternative explanations, including evidence
that multiple factors influence the formation of authoritarianism. It will then go on to examine the
influence of peers in friendship choices and the significance of cultural differences as explored by
Gonzalez et al (2004) in today s technologically advanced society. Finally, the essay will use the
research done by Loftus and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The importance of different cultural values as an external factor in shaping people s behaviour was
explored by Gonzalez et al (2004) whereby they asked 300 Cuban and 294 Canadian teenagers to
write an essay describing the features they look for in their best friend. Cuba and Canada were chosen
for their different cultural characteristics of collectivism (Cuban culture is focussed on values of
interdependence and harmonious relationships) and individualism (Canadian culture is focussed on
values of independence and individual achievement) and the results were compared. Basic values of
genuineness and trustworthiness were common expectations for friendship in both countries but
cultural differences were noted between the two, for example the Cuban adolescents prioritised mutual
support in contrast to the Canadian responses of common shared interests, which Brownlow (2010, p
260) quotes reflected many aspects of the cultural values of the society within which the adolescents
grew up , showing that as well as the influence of other people, culture has a significant role to play in
shaping human behaviour. However, cultural variations are no barrier to friendship with the advent of
new technologies like the internet which is transforming human behaviour and interaction. The
massive popularity of online social networking sites, where traditional face to face interaction and
geographical closeness do not appear to be such important factors, many Western
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Light On Photosynthesis
This lab allowed the experimenters to understand the effect of light on the producer s photosynthesis.
Once understanding how the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis worked, the experimenters
can make predictions on how the light will affect the photosynthesis. For example, a low amount of
light will affect the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis because light is essential for those
reactions. The question the experimenters asked was, Does having more or less exposure to light cause
a faster rate of photosynthesis? The experimenters first had to know that the leaf tissue of a producer
contains gas filled intercellular spaces. Since the leaf have these spaces, they float when placed in a
solution. When the leaf disks are put into a vacuum pump, the gases leave the intercellular spaces and
the liquid fills these spaces. In doing so, the leaf disks sink to the bottom. This is because the liquid
have a higher density than the gases that were in those spaces. As oxygen is made by photosynthesis,
it diffuses into the intercellular spaces. When there is enough oxygen in the intercellular spaces, ...
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However, the amount of time the experimenters waited before looking at each petri dish was not exact.
Having this could ve caused an experimental error because each petri dish could ve have more or less
time under their light amount. This would affect how many reactions of photosynthesis the leaf disks
would ve done, causing the number of leaf disks floating to be incorrect. A way to fix is to have a
timer, so that way each petri dish could have to same time of light exposure. In conclusion, the
experimenters learned that the higher amount of light caused more leaf disk to be floating. This is
supported by what the experimenters learn in class, because light is used in the light dependent
reactions of photosynthesis. Therefore, having more light would have to produce more
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Financial Ratios Analysis and Comparison Paper
Financial Ratios Analysis and Comparison Paper
Dianne Davis
MHA 612
Professor Johnson
June 7, 2014
It is important for healthcare organizations to understand their present performance and weak areas in
order to generate more effective operational strategies. Financial ratio analysis is an effective tool to
determine hospital s performance on several indicators such as ability to pay debt, capability to
generate revenue, and sales performance etc. The objective of this paper is to describe role of different
financial ratios in understanding organizational performance and in developing new strategy. The
paper also presents comparative ratio analysis of local healthcare organization and industry ... Show
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According to the authors, ratio analysis is very effective way to measure financial performance of
hospitals (Burkhardt Wheeler, 2013). The authors mentioned about two major types of ratios
important in healthcare industry i.e. return on investment and operating profit. Generally financial
ratios can be divided in four major categories: liquidity ratios; assets turnover ratios; debt ratios; and
profitability ratios. These financial ratios cover all major dimensions of business performance; hence a
manager should include these ratios in his report (Cleverley et al., 2011).
Liquidity Ratios:
These ratios help company in determining its capability to pay short term debts. Liquidity ratios
inform about, how quickly a firm can obtain cash by liquidating its current assets in order to pay its
liabilities. General liquidity ratios are: current ratio and quick ratio. Current ration can be obtain by
dividing company s current assets by its current liabilities. Generally a current ratio of two is
considered as good (Cleverley et al., 2011). Quick ratio also known as acid test determines company s
liabilities that need to be fulfilled on urgent basis. Quick ratio can be obtained by dividing quick assets
by current liabilities. Quick ratio is considered as stricter because it excludes inventories from current
assets. Generally a quick ratio of 1:1 is considered as good for the company. Higher quick
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  • 6. Low Income And Lower Class Families Struggle With... Education today is a very important need for a successful, prosperous, and respectable life. Almost every job a person seeks to find in the work force requires a degree of some form. More and more every day, people are needing a good education to make enough of a living to survive. Low income and lower class families struggle with providing their children with necessary educational needs. They do not have the funds to provide educational needs to help them excel in their adulthood. Most of the lower class society is brought up in rundown neighborhoods, which means they do not have the means to attend an upper class school. In a lower class education setting, more often than not, you find that the teachers are failing because the system is failing. The higher class institutions teach a more in depth curriculum, while the lower class institutions teach a more practical curriculum. The families in these lower class societies make barely enough to live, causing them to put their children s education at the low end of priorities. It can be hard for a lower class person to get an education because of all of the hardships that come along with it, but some prevail through all of that hardship and come out on top. The educational system can easily be defined by our social rankings; such a ranking can cause many to receive incomplete learnings, and allow them to fall through the cracks of society. Many teachers in the lower class spectrum of society aren t giving the necessary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Why Should Animals Be Treated Animals Animals are treated like non living things by some people. People seem to forget that animals are living beings and that humans are not that different from animals. Humans are classified as animals actually. In my opinion animals should be treated as living individuals, not just soulless robots as Descartes claims them to be. Of course this does not mean that we are supposed to get married with dogs or give them the right to vote. We just have to respect their dignity and stop behaving as if they were created to be our slaves. Animals are capable of complex thoughts just like us. They are not just walking food or cute looking plush toys. They are sentient beings. We interact with them almost every day. So we have several obligations towards them. 27 million ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some people kill animals as a sport. They shoot animals to prove their shooting skills. There is no competition in hunting. Animals cannot win in this so called sport. There is only one thing we can tell to these people. Do your shooting in the shooting range. Animals are not wooden targets people can practice on. They are sentient beings just like us. We must try to convince the hunters around us of the immorality of their acts. If we consider animals as persons, then street animals can be considered as homeless people desperate for help. It is our duty to help them in every way possible. We should put some food and water on our doorsteps for them to consume. We should offer shelter to them in cold winter days. Some people hurt street animals for fun. There are laws that prohibit harming animals but they are not enforced. We should struggle for these laws to be enforced. Next generation should be educated to respect animals. If we start giving proper education about how to behave towards animals in schools, next generations will be a lot more animal friendly than the previous ones. Almost no information on animal rights or animal welfare is given in schools ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. A Study of Water Quality Near to a Coral Reef Site in the... Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering Technology Vol. 3 No. 3, April 2012 A Study of Water Quality Near to a Coral Reef Site in the Region of Dubai, United Arab Emirates Rami El Khatib, Adnan Falah, Golaleh Tavakoli, Christine D cruz and Jasmine Pereira Abstract The water quality near to a coral reef site in Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) was studied. Many Physico Chemical parameters for water samples taken at two different depths (0.5 m and 1.0 m) parallel to a coral reef site were measured and analyzed. The data showed that the pH is equal to 6.4, 6.1 respectively which indicates an acidic environment. The average of total dissolved solids (TDS) is approximately equal to 43,600 mg/L and 43,200 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coastal engineering, land reclamation and dredging have also caused severe damage to corals along the mainland coast, especially in UAE and Bahrain. Authors: Rami El Khatib (Correspondence), Adnan Falah, Golaleh Tavakoli, Christine D cruz and Jasmine Pereira, School of Environment and Health Sciences, Canadian University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE. 54 Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering Technology Vol. 3 No. 3, April 2012 II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals, reagents used for water analysis experiment were of Hana, HPLC grade and were stored under dry conditions. HANA Spectroquant tests Kits are used to measure the concentration of inorganic species in water spectrophotometrically. Instruments, HI 83200 Multiparameter Bench Photometer was used to measure the concentration of inorganic species in water at specific wavelength (λnm), using appropriate reagents HANA Spectroquant test Kits plus spectrometer in the wavelength range 190 1100 nm using 1 cm matched quartz cells. Sample collection, sea water samples were collected from six points parallel to the coral reef. Three samples were taken 8m from the shore at a depth of 0.5 m and three samples were taken 15m from the shore at a depth of 1.0 m (Fig. 3). Samples were then analyzed within one week from the time of collection. Water samples collected were subjected to:
  • 9. Fig.1 United Arab ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Andy Griffith Show Research Paper The Andy Griffith Show and I Love Lucy There are many American shows that are considered classics. Two of these shows are The Andy Griffith Show created by Arthur Stander and I Love Lucy created by Jess Oppenheimer et al. Although there are many similarities between the two shows there were also a number of important differences. In this essay it will be argued that many of the differences between the two shows are the result of their different settings and the fact that they were produced a many years apart. This resulted in a number of film making innovations that were present in The Andy Griffith Show that had not been present during the production of I Love Lucy. The most important differences between the two shows was their settings. The Andy Griffith Show was set in the small town of Mayberry in North Carolina. The sets within this town include a number of locations like the Sherriff station, the barber shop, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Andy Griffith show took place in a community that was usually in harmony. Most of the stories involved something that disrupted the harmony of that community. This was usually something like a stranger in town or a conflict between community members(Stander). I Love Lucy tended to deal primarily with the struggles between Lucy and Ricky. On a wider level it can be considered a show about the relationships between men and women. Also because the show takes place in an urban center issues like jobs, going out and modern appliances were all important. The addition of new people did not appear to be an issue in this urban setting(Oppenheimer et al). The settings of the shows result in very different tones and pacing. The tone of The Andy Griffith Show is very harmonious largely because it is set in a small rural community. The pace of life in this community is very slow and relaxed so the show as a whole has a very slow very relaxed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Men s Wearhouse By George Zimmer Men s Wearhouse Men s Wearhouse was founded about in 1973 by one individual named George Zimmer. No one would ever think that a company started from literally a shoebox would be as successful as it is now. He was the free standing Chief Executive Officer until to the company until 2013. During the time closer to the end of his career with Men s Wearhouse, Zimmer though becoming a publically traded company was a bad idea. However, with more people rooting for a publically traded company he was out numbered. On June 19, 2013, The Men s Wearhouse board dismissed Zimmer for unspecified reasons and declined to offer any explanation in its press release. The press release stated that terms of Zimmer s severance were still to be discussed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It took some time and some adjusting but we eventually got used to it. At this time Doug Ewart holds the title of Chief Executive officer. Mr. Douglas S. Ewert, also known as Doug, has been the Chief Executive Officer of Jos. A Bank Clothiers since June 18, 2014. Mr. Ewert has been the Chief Executive Officer and President of The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., since June 15, 2011 and January 2008 respectively. He served as the Chief Operating Officer of The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., from February 1, 2005 to June 15, 2011. He joined The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., in 1995 and served as General Merchandise Manager from 1996 to 1999 and served as its Executive Vice President and General Merchandise Manager from March 2002 to December 1, 2005. He served as an Executive Vice President of K G Mens Company Inc., from March 2001 to March 2002 and its Chief Operating Officer since March 2001. From 1999 to 2000, he served as Vice President of Merchandising and General Merchandise Manager for K G Mens Company. Since April 2000, he served as Senior Vice President of Merchandising and Chief Operating Officer of K G Men s Company and its General Merchandise Manager from 1996 to 1999. Mr. Ewert has been a Director of The Men s Wearhouse, Inc., since June 15, 2011; Jos. A Bank Clothiers Inc., since June 18, 2014 and Mwuk Holding Company Ltd. since August 2, 2010. With all of the background changes within the company, Men s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Essay on The Immune System The Immune System The immune system is a network of organs that contain cells which recognize foreign substances and destroys them. All living organisms are exposed to harmful substances and most can protect themselves in several ways, either with physical barriers or chemicals that repel and kill them. It protects vertebrates against viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites. These viruses are called pathogens. The immune system is known to help in the fight against cancer. A type of white cell, which is called the killer cells, is able to identify tumour cells simply by its change in its surface membrane. Other cells, called the helper cells, assist the killers to multiply and they then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Inflammatory response Diseased organisms trigger the inflammatory response off in the affected tissues. It is a non specific defence which attacks invading organisms. Blood flow increases and neutrophil cells ingest and destroy organisms. The invading organisms damage the tissues so they release prostaglandins and histamine. They not only attract neutrophil cells they also cause pain and swelling. The neutrophils in other parts of the body are attracted by poisons which are produced by organisms. They can get through the tiniest of places in the blood vessel walls to enable it to reach the injured tissues. Antibodies are proteins which are specially created to attach themselves to the invading organisms. Antibodies are recognized by their receptors, the antibody and the diseased organisms attach themselves to the neutrophils. The neutrophils form pseudopods which swallow up the organisms. Once ingested the organisms become isolated in the phagolysosome, which is a type of cell. This is known as phagocytosis. The substances which have broken down the organisms drain into the phagolysosome. The undigested parts of organisms can be either excreted at the cell membrane or stored. The non specific inflammatory response can prevent the spread of infection. However, if infection does spreads there are two defences an antibody or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Chemical Weapons Essay examples INTRODUCTION The following research paper has been compiled to provide an insight into Chemical Weapons (CW). It deals with the description and the usage of various chemical reagents used by various countries and their negative effects. The following also shows the policies of countries towards chemical weapons, their stockpiles and their lethality and disposal. The following report also shows the history of chemical warfare, their demilitarisation, proliferation and the various councils set up to reduce their use. It also includes a news release by the sunshine project on the use of chemical weapons by the US military. All in all it tells you everything about chemical weapons and explosives. Chemical Warfare Chemical warfare (CW) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The offensive use of living organisms (such as anthrax) is considered biological warfare rather than chemical warfare; however, the use of nonliving toxic products produced by living organisms (e.g. toxins such as botulinum toxin, ricin, and saxitoxin) is considered chemical warfare under the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Under this Convention, any toxic chemical, regardless of its origin, is considered a chemical weapon unless it is used for purposes that are not prohibited (an important legal definition known as the General Purpose Criterion). About 70 different chemicals have been used or stockpiled as chemical warfare agents during the 20th century. The entire class known as Lethal Unitary Chemical Agents and Munitions have been scheduled for elimination by the CWC. Under the Convention, chemicals that are toxic enough to be used as chemical weapons, or that may be used to manufacture such chemicals, are divided into three groups according to their purpose and treatment: * Schedule 1 Have few, if any, legitimate uses. These may only be produced or used for research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective purposes (i.e. testing of chemical weapons sensors and protective clothing). Examples include nerve agents, ricin, lewisite and mustard gas. Any production over 100 g must be notified to the OPCW and a country can have a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Research Paper On Travel And Tourism Introduction: India is one of the most beautiful locations in south Asia is also among the popular countries of the world. Tourist hub welcomes more than 5 million tourists from different locations of the world. A trip to this beautiful country can reveal numerous mystic things regarding its culture, art, tradition, history etc. Tourists are more attracted towards the cultural diversity of this country from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Each tradition symbolizes the flavour and aura of the place. India: India is a beautiful and bamboozling place, an endlessly fascinating country that is often challenging and always surprising. Stretched between the golden beaches of the Indian ocean and the snow capped peaks of the Himalayan mountains lies an incredible tapestry of natural and man made wonders astounding temples, mystical monasteries, frenetic cities, pristine national parks and some of the most iconic monuments. Visiting India is an assault on the sense. Sights, sounds, smells and sensations are all experienced at maximum intensity. India is the one of the world s greatest melting pot s where an incredible diversity of cultures, religions and ethnicities live in surprising harmony. 1. Hospitality The hospitality industry is a part of larger enterprise known as travel and tourism industry. The travel and tourism is a vast group of business with one goal in common providing necessary and desired products services to customers and travels. Accommodation facilities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. A Research Study On Umbilical Cord Blood Umbilical cord blood (UCB) contains a substantial number of stem cells that have the potential to be used in various transplants to treat a variety of immunodeficiency, oncologic, hematologic and/or genetic disorders. UCB is found most commonly in the blood of newborn babies. Once the baby is born, the blood that remains (that was previously thrown away as medical waste ) in the umbilical cord and placenta can be taken and stored, to be used later for transplantation or research (Pandey, Kaur Kamath, 2016). Recent studies in the last decade have shown that UCB is a great source of stem cells, which makes it a valuable resource in the field of stem cell therapy. Stem cells have amazing potential for therapeutic use in tissue repair and regeneration. In October 1988, the first umbilical cord blood transplant was done on a young five year old boy named Matthew Farrow in France, who was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia due to Fanconi anemia. The umbilical cord blood was collected at birth from Matthew s newborn sister who, through prenatal testing, had been found to be unaffected by Fanconi anemia and was HLA identical to Matthew. The UCB was cryopreserved and taken from Indiana to France, where it was then thawed and injected into Matthew. There was no evidence of graft versus host disease, and according to Ballen, Gluckman and Broxmeyer, as of 2013, Matthew is healthy with complete long term hematological and immunological donor reconstitution 25 years after ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Crawfish Suck The Head Pinch The Tails How To Eat Crawfish Suck the Head Pinch the Tails It s almost Mardi Gras time, and we can t think of a way we like to celebrate better than a big old crawfish boil (or crayfish, or crawdads, or mudbugs, or whatever you call them). These tiny, freshwater crustaceans are basically tiny lobsters, but that doesn t stop them from perplexing people from outside Fat Tuesday s homeland year after year. The truth is, getting the best, meatiest part of the crawfish is simple. And yes, sucking the head really does matter, and no, that doesn t mean you are eating crawfish brains (first of all, you re sort of sucking the body, not really the head and second of all, crawfish brains are about the size of a pin head so you would absolutely not know if you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along with the juices, there is a yellow substance, or the fat which is the most prized. Hardcore Cajuns actually pinch the head a little as they suck, to savor every last drop. Cajuns being Cajuns and not astacologists (crawfish biologists), called it fat at some point in time. This very rich and super flavorful fat is really the hepatopancreatic tissue, which functions as the primary energy storage organ within the crawfish. If you have eaten crawfish before, but they were not from Louisiana, you have not tasted the fat. Chinese crawfish tailmeat, the most commercially available crawfish product in the U.S., is rinsed free of fat prior to cryovac packaging. This extends the shelf life of the crawfish, as extended contact with the fat will cause the meat to spoil faster. Commercially packaged Louisiana crawfish tails are almost always sold in their fresh form, and contain this vibrant orange yellow fat. In addition to adding visual appeal, the fat contributes to the unmistakable richness of the meat, similar to the rich flavor profiles found in shrimp and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Three Causes And Effects Of Corruption In Kenya Kenya is one of the most corrupt countries in the world due to a long legacy of corrupt leaders according to the recent transparency international standings(145/176). It is so visible, that it is impossible for a citizen or even a visitor to deny its presence. Corruption is a problem that is engulfed everywhere around the globe, in some countries more than others and it was not until a few years ago that the international donor community recognized corruption as one of the main responsibilities for the failure of development in Africa .Corruption hinders economic development and gradually slows down the democratic process and stability within a political system. The money gained out from corruption does not trickle down to the people nor is it used to make any development, instead is it used for private gain and to fund luxurious living. Corruption in Africa can be seen as both systemic and generalized, systemic since it is more of a rule than an exception and generalized since it is not limited to just one sector. There are three types of corruption that are found in a society, but will only mention two of them. The first type of corruption is described as grand corruption: which is corruption acts done by the political elite. They use their powers to gain private themselves, it is known as the worst form of corruption as it s responsible for destroying communities at large. The second type of corruption is bureaucratic corruption, also known as petty corruption. In this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Understanding The Intricacies Of Ministry A Practical Approach to Understanding the Intricacies of Ministry For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Like any other profession, the call to ministry requires intense preparation. In fact, the process of personal and professional development of clerical leaders demands the necessary interplay between theory and praxis. Certainly, while courses in exegesis, ethics, systematic theology and critical interpretation among others are designed to expand the theoretical, supervised ministry transports the budding theologian directly into the practical realm of ministry through practice . Over the course of the semester I have gleaned valuable insights through baptism by emersion into the often unseen realities that shape ministry within the context of local congregations. Often the external structures visible to members of the laity do not accurately reveal the internal elements of planning, organizing, and coordination required for effective ministry. Certainly, my experience has reaffirmed the notion that ministry can be demanding. In other words, I have come to the conclusion that the call to ministry is a call to challenging, yet meaningful work. At the very onset of the supervised ministry process, I relished the opportunity to increase my understanding of the life, and work, of the 21st century minister, I had a myriad of questions concerning issues such as the daily demands on the minister s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Veever s Speech On Women Equality Without economic opportunities and freedom women remain impoverished and are unable to secure any type of social mobility. According to statistics from the UN, poverty has a women s face and that 70 per cent of the world s poor were female... poverty is lack of income, but it also consists of lack of access to services and opportunities for human development, lack of a voice in political life and decision making, and social subordination and exclusion (Bhat 639). When women have access to financial security they can improve their quality of life, their newfound economic independence allows them to create a new lifestyle where they will not be disappointed by unreliable people. Veever s speech uses specific stories to highlight the importance of investing in women so they can feel successful and independent. Zora Rakhmatullaeva was a disabled woman who used to sit at home feeling useless, but when she was given the opportunity to create a viable business she gained confidence in her ability to do something productive. She is now the head of the Association of Business Disabled Women demonstrating how investing in women results in important social and economic mobility for vulnerable women (Veever 1). Economic independence is not the only solution for fighting gender equality, but it is an important first step that will allow for future major changes to occur. Achieving economic success motivates women to push for more advancements in society including changes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Creating A Full Fledged Website For Matrimony The commercial scope involved in developing and implementing the project matrimony site. The main aim of this project is creating a full fledged website for matrimony. This project involves viewing the details of bride, bridegroom or both. The user can just browse the site and can submit their details by registering him/herself as a valid user. They can upload their profiles without any cost. This website gives a colorful life and make you forget past and you can have a good path through this is matrimony site. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose Matrimony websites have revolutionized the Indian Marriage System gives birth to an internet marriage era. Now a days, large number of people are depending on popular matrimonial sites to find the probable bride/groom. Matrimonial portals will not only prove beneficial for early marriages and second marriages, but also for the people who take enough of time in selecting their soul mate according to their wish, which results in delay marriages. Matrimonial sites are growing, tying overdue matrimonial join in India. Knowing the word matrimonial sites, one can depend on the web resources and get over with their opinions. 1.2. Scope Matrimony sites are usually available 24/7, and many customers have Internet access both at work and at home. Browsing an online matches can be easier and quicker than browsing the aisles of a physical contact. Some customers prefer interacting with people rather than computers because they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Peekay s Camouflage In The Great Gatsby Peekay s camouflage is a symbol of growth that diminishes as he begins to grow and accept himself. When he starts at the boarding school, Peekay s camouflage grows very extreme. He is learning that the more he stands out, the more harm will come to him. After he returns to the school, Peekay realizes he has forgotten an essential rule to surviving. The holidays had blunted my sense of survival: adapt, blend, become part of the landscape, develop a camouflage, be a rock or a leaf or a stick insect, try in every way to be an Afrikaner (Courtenay 23). This quote puts the reader in Peekay s shoes and helps them realize how much he yearns to be like the other boys. During his time at boarding school, things may be looking pretty poor for Peekay, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Aspects Of Object Relations Theory Essay In this essay I am going to be examining all aspects of Object Relations Theory. I am also going to be explaining the shortcomings of this theory. Presenting evidence that proves this theory to be strong and relevant to adolescent development into adulthood. Object Relations Theory is a theory that was developed from a therapist client relationship this theory examines the interpersonal relationships that you have and how they shape you into an adult thinker. (Scharff, D.E. 1992). This theory reflects the care that the mother had for the infant during the time of adolescences and how that individual now feels about attachment Scharff, D.E. (1992).This theory shows how the mother infant relationship is the start of personality development for individuals. Scharff, D.E. (1992). This theory comes from the late Sigmund Freud, Freud had many theories on development. Going further into that the sexual development of adolescents into adulthood (Corey, 2015). This theory is very much so like Freud s past theory. The object relation s theory is one that compares ones separation and attachment in such a way that, we get to see how an individual s childhood relationships with love ones could have affected their ability to either form relationships or become detached from others (Corey 2015). When speaking of childhood family interactions this is a very important part of development especially when referring to Object relation s theory. Interaction is key when a child is at a young ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. A Raisin in the Sun Though there was a heightened sense of tension over civil rights in the late 1950s when A Raisin in the Sun was written, racial inequality is still a problem today. It affects minorities of every age and dynamic, in more ways than one. Though nowadays it may go unnoticed, race in every aspect alters the way African Americans think, behave, and react as human beings. This is shown in many ways in the play as we watch the characters interact. We see big ideas, failures, and family values through the eyes of a disadvantaged group during an unfortunate time in history. As Martin Luther King said, Blacks are ...harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Toward the end of the play his spirit is broken, and he behaves almost like a madman, plotting to give in to Lindner and accept his offer; this action greatly worries his mother. The whole time, Walter wasn t simply looking for a chance to follow through with his plans. He was seeking support from the system that he found himself subject to. This idea comes up in Gertrude Samuels Even More Crucial Than in the South. ...the real drive that is now rising ominously is a demand for personal dignity (Samuels 1546). His personal dignity is at stake repeatedly throughout the story when he finds himself battling against a troubled family and a corrupt system. The racism steeped social system negatively affects African American males and females, causing deeply rooted issues. The three women in the story, Beneatha, Ruth, and Mama, represent the different views Black women took during these troublesome times. There were women like Beneatha, who didn t want to live the typical life of a wife and mother, and openly disapproved the assimilation of Blacks into American culture as well: Because I hate assimilationist Negroes! (Hansberry 1500). She wanted to become highly educated, and to change the world somehow. She wanted to be something. Beneatha is a very strong willed, hard headed character. This could very well have been caused by the unfair rules of her time constantly being reiterated to her through several mediums. Over and over again she is told that she must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Part Of A Community In John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men Traveling around California are two best friends, George Milton and Lennie Smalls. Their relationship demonstrates the various characteristics that are shown in a community. In the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, there are numerous examples that establish what it means to be part of a community; which proves it exemplifies the important traits shown in a community the best out of other books read. Throughout the novella, there are countless examples that demonstrate what it means to be part of a community; this includes friendships, the American dream, and teamwork. George and Lennie have a strong friendship and throughout the book, it is easy to tell that their friendship gets stronger day after day. While the Great Depression was taking place, Men would travel to find a job; but it was uncommon for Men to stick by each other s side. I hardly never seen two guys travel together (67). Slim is stating that normally guys tend to travel alone to look for a job so that they can earn some money to support themselves. This is an excellent example of friendship because although it is uncommon to travel together, George and Lennie still stick by each other s side. Since Lennie often has a hard time to make the right decisions, George always has to remind him to do the right thing. Lennie if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brush. (54). George has told Lennie that if he does something ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of A Just War Can participating in war ever be morally acceptable? Many people in history have asked this question and attempted to answered it. This has resulted in different theories and opinions on the topic, the most widely known being Just War position. It explains when a country should go to war, why they should go to war, and what they should be permitted to do during wartime (Demy). Many wars in history have show the devastation that man s cruelty to one another can cause. The best example of this is World War 2, in which many millions of people were killed. Many atrocities were committed during the war, the worst, of course, was the holocaust. Had all sides to this war followed the Just War position, the devastation would not have been as great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His mother married Civil war veteran John London, shortly after, his family moved to Oakland. He grew up working hard and did a lot of reading in his spare time. London s writing career began when his mother urged him to write and submit a book about a voyage in which London encountered a typhoon. Following his victory, London dedicated his life to writing. At first he had a problem with lack of willing publishers, so he went to the East coast. But than he went back to California and attended college there. Soon afterwards he went to the Yukon in Canada to search out fortune, where he received inspiration for some of his works. London went back to California at age 22 where he soon started writing for the Overland Monthly, from which he received discipline as a writer. Then he started his habit to write at least 1,000 words a day. When Jack London wrote The Call of the Wild, which takes place in the Yukon, it was successful and earned London fame. In the last 16 years of his life, London published 50 books, most of which were a success. In 1900 London had married Bess Maddern, then had two daughters, Joan and Bess. In 1905 he divorced Bess and married Charmian Kittredge. In his last years London suffered from health problems, and he died November 22, 1916, at his ranch in California (Jack London ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Characteristics Of Marriage In The Medieval Era Marriage In the medieval era is certainly a difficult one to study, as evidence often lies within the realm of poetry, or a narrative tale. Sometimes one can look into non narrative prose, like written laws, or contracts, however, these documents do not always provide the entire scope of social structure. When looking into certain characteristics of marriage in Western Europe, specifically in the timeframe of ca. 1000 through ca. 1300, there are many characteristics of marriage that one may find to have a progressive nature. During this time, marriage seems to transcend from political ideals, to that of a purer construct. We will begin by looking into certain traits of marriage in Western European medieval times that I believe to be the most important aspects of marriage, not only for woman, but also for society as a whole. Before I begin, I would like to note that when I speak of marriage, I m specifically referring to that of Western Europe during the timeframe stated above. The process of finding a spouse to marry begins to change dramatically during this time. While we have strict laws today regarding that of a potential spouse, marrying a cousin or close relative was that of the norm during medieval times, as many aristocrats wanted to keep their property and power within their own kin. However, this common practice begins to change, as Canon law provided rules as to how closely bride and groom could be related. In 1215, the Fourth Lateran Council prohibited ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Oscar Show Research Paper Imagine four cute, cuddly, crime fighting penguins going on various adventures and completing missions in order to protect their beloved home. They narrowly escape death and act as if they are immortal. This is reality on the Penguins of Madagascar show, but not all penguins can be like these special four, moreover be immortal. Penguins have different lifespans, and do not stay alive forever. Throughout their lives, they give birth, but also see some of their closest friends pass away. For example, the Falkland Islands started with 1000 penguins, but with the births and deaths each year, the population is becoming hard to keep track of. This is where math comes in handy. A formula can be used to calculate the population each year. If each couple has a chick every spring, and the penguins only die due to natural causes, a formula to keep track of the population is 1000 multiplied by the quantity of 1.2 raised to the power x. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If each of the 1000 penguins mate, 500 chicks will be born. Adding 1000 and 500 will get 1500, the total number of penguins after birth. It is known that 0.2 of the penguins die, or 0.8 of them stay alive. If 0.8 is multiplied by 1500, the total is 1200. This represents the penguin population for the first year after the births and deaths are accounted for. Going through one more year can make the formula clearer. The next year starts with a population of 1200. After mating, 600 chicks are born. Adding 1200 and 600 will get 1800. Multiplying this by 0.8 will get 1440 penguins, the population for the second year. Taking a closer look, one can see that 1440 is 1200 multiplied by 1.2, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2. Cleaning this up, one can conclude that 1440 is 1000 multiplied by 1.2 squared, and 1200 is 1000 multiplied by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay On Bilingual Education 2.3. Bilingual education and its types Bilingual education is a simple label to describe a very complex phenomenon. It should be a distinction between education that uses and promotes two languages, and the relatively monolingual education in a second language. There is a difference between the kind where the formal instruction develops the bilingualism and another in the classroom where the bilingual child is present, but the curriculum does not promote bilingualism, i.e. the end is not bilingualism (C. Baker, 2011: 207). Mackey (1970) believes that bilingual education should be as wide as possible in order to accommodate all the ways in which researchers could have used the definition in the past. Bilingual education should be limited to creating educational programs that encourage the use of two languages as a medium of instruction rather than the language of instruction itself. Bilingual education is a generic term used to describe education in schools that have in common the use of two languages. This would be bilingual education that goes from this work: an education whose objective is to encourage and promote the use of bilingualism. We discard the other distinction as bilingualism is not the end in our Curriculum and bilingual child is not present in our classrooms. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The complexity of bilingual education becomes more apparent. The management of two languages is essential in today s society, and most of the teachers agree that the sooner you start to study a language, easier and faster will be your purchase. It is necessary to deal with that the schools have a good range of foreign languages and to do so we will know the types of bilingual education. Bilingual teaching models differ in several ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Great Philosophers During The Era Of Intellectual... The great philosophers, during the era of intellectual enlightenment and self awareness, posed a question: what is knowledge? This concept, defining knowledge what it is and isn t and where it comes from, came to be known as epistemology. Epistemology sorted out knowledge from belief; belief being lined with prejudice and thus being discredited for truth. Much of epistemology is concentrated on the mind and its absorption and formulation of this knowledge. Although there is a brief overlap between mind and body within the category of perception (one of the sources of knowledge) there is still a clear preference of the mind over the body to the extent that even if we perceive an object s existence through our senses that object is not considered in existence until it is verified by our mind. (Stanford, 2005) Is this outlook true, and if so what is the purpose of our bodies? Some anthropologists within the field of ethnography seek to rebuttal stating that the body is an equal, if not greater, source of knowledge. Bronislaw Malinowski, an anthropologist who studied the Papou Melanesians of New Guinea, strongly states that a published work within the field of ethnography is not considered valid until the ethnographer has fully immersed him/herself within the culture; this means living in the community and participating in daily activities. (Malinowski 1915: 18) According to Malinowski implanting one s self within a culture is the only way to properly and completely ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Examine and Assess the Influence of Other People on Human... Option B essay question Examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance. This essay will examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance, starting with Adorno et al (1950) s large scale study on the authoritarian personality with it s focus on the parental and family influence as well as alternative explanations, including evidence that multiple factors influence the formation of authoritarianism. It will then go on to examine the influence of peers in friendship choices and the significance of cultural differences as explored by Gonzalez et al (2004) in today s technologically advanced society. Finally, the essay will use the research done by Loftus and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The importance of different cultural values as an external factor in shaping people s behaviour was explored by Gonzalez et al (2004) whereby they asked 300 Cuban and 294 Canadian teenagers to write an essay describing the features they look for in their best friend. Cuba and Canada were chosen for their different cultural characteristics of collectivism (Cuban culture is focussed on values of interdependence and harmonious relationships) and individualism (Canadian culture is focussed on values of independence and individual achievement) and the results were compared. Basic values of genuineness and trustworthiness were common expectations for friendship in both countries but cultural differences were noted between the two, for example the Cuban adolescents prioritised mutual support in contrast to the Canadian responses of common shared interests, which Brownlow (2010, p 260) quotes reflected many aspects of the cultural values of the society within which the adolescents grew up , showing that as well as the influence of other people, culture has a significant role to play in shaping human behaviour. However, cultural variations are no barrier to friendship with the advent of new technologies like the internet which is transforming human behaviour and interaction. The massive popularity of online social networking sites, where traditional face to face interaction and geographical closeness do not appear to be such important factors, many Western ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Light On Photosynthesis This lab allowed the experimenters to understand the effect of light on the producer s photosynthesis. Once understanding how the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis worked, the experimenters can make predictions on how the light will affect the photosynthesis. For example, a low amount of light will affect the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis because light is essential for those reactions. The question the experimenters asked was, Does having more or less exposure to light cause a faster rate of photosynthesis? The experimenters first had to know that the leaf tissue of a producer contains gas filled intercellular spaces. Since the leaf have these spaces, they float when placed in a solution. When the leaf disks are put into a vacuum pump, the gases leave the intercellular spaces and the liquid fills these spaces. In doing so, the leaf disks sink to the bottom. This is because the liquid have a higher density than the gases that were in those spaces. As oxygen is made by photosynthesis, it diffuses into the intercellular spaces. When there is enough oxygen in the intercellular spaces, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, the amount of time the experimenters waited before looking at each petri dish was not exact. Having this could ve caused an experimental error because each petri dish could ve have more or less time under their light amount. This would affect how many reactions of photosynthesis the leaf disks would ve done, causing the number of leaf disks floating to be incorrect. A way to fix is to have a timer, so that way each petri dish could have to same time of light exposure. In conclusion, the experimenters learned that the higher amount of light caused more leaf disk to be floating. This is supported by what the experimenters learn in class, because light is used in the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis. Therefore, having more light would have to produce more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Financial Ratios Analysis and Comparison Paper Financial Ratios Analysis and Comparison Paper Dianne Davis MHA 612 Professor Johnson June 7, 2014 Abstract It is important for healthcare organizations to understand their present performance and weak areas in order to generate more effective operational strategies. Financial ratio analysis is an effective tool to determine hospital s performance on several indicators such as ability to pay debt, capability to generate revenue, and sales performance etc. The objective of this paper is to describe role of different financial ratios in understanding organizational performance and in developing new strategy. The paper also presents comparative ratio analysis of local healthcare organization and industry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the authors, ratio analysis is very effective way to measure financial performance of hospitals (Burkhardt Wheeler, 2013). The authors mentioned about two major types of ratios important in healthcare industry i.e. return on investment and operating profit. Generally financial ratios can be divided in four major categories: liquidity ratios; assets turnover ratios; debt ratios; and profitability ratios. These financial ratios cover all major dimensions of business performance; hence a manager should include these ratios in his report (Cleverley et al., 2011). Liquidity Ratios: These ratios help company in determining its capability to pay short term debts. Liquidity ratios inform about, how quickly a firm can obtain cash by liquidating its current assets in order to pay its liabilities. General liquidity ratios are: current ratio and quick ratio. Current ration can be obtain by dividing company s current assets by its current liabilities. Generally a current ratio of two is considered as good (Cleverley et al., 2011). Quick ratio also known as acid test determines company s liabilities that need to be fulfilled on urgent basis. Quick ratio can be obtained by dividing quick assets by current liabilities. Quick ratio is considered as stricter because it excludes inventories from current assets. Generally a quick ratio of 1:1 is considered as good for the company. Higher quick ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...