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Go to Market Strategies/Early Channels of Revenue
About Us
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Marketing Manager
BMC Software
Inside Sales
Started Consulting Business
Launch Pad Solutions
15 16 17 18 19 20
Published The SMART
Sales System
Get your copy here https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578615762
Introduction to SMART and Consultative Selling (Chapters 1 - 3)
Building Your Consultative Sales Message (Chapters 4 - 9)
Creating Sales Scripts, Emails, Voicemails, and Objection Responses (Chapters 10 - 15)
Managing the Sales Process (Chapter 16)
Cold Calling (Chapter 17)
Voicemail Strategy (Chapter 19)
Getting into New Accounts (Chapter 20)
Dealing with Objections (Chapter 21)
Getting Around Gatekeepers (Chapter 22)
Qualifying the Prospect (Chapter 23)
Closing (Chapter 24)
Networking (Chapter 25)
Prospecting on LinkedIn (Chapter 26)
Improving Mental Strength (Chapter 27)
Get your copy here https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578615762
Introduction to SMART and Consultative Selling (Chapters 1 - 3)
Building Your Consultative Sales Message (Chapters 4 - 9)
Creating Sales Scripts, Emails, Voicemails, and Objection Responses (Chapters 10 - 15)
Managing the Sales Process (Chapter 16)
Cold Calling (Chapter 17)
Voicemail Strategy (Chapter 19)
Getting into New Accounts (Chapter 20)
Dealing with Objections (Chapter 21)
Getting Around Gatekeepers (Chapter 22)
Qualifying the Prospect (Chapter 23)
Closing (Chapter 24)
Networking (Chapter 25)
Prospecting on LinkedIn (Chapter 26)
Improving Mental Strength (Chapter 27)
You Have Help to Offer
Potential Customer
Needs Help
Goal: Establishing this Connection
Not Potential Customer
Has Already Been Helped
Not Potential Customer
Does Not Need Help
Direct Competition
Helps in Same Way
Indirect Competition
Helps in a Different Way
You Have Help to Offer Needs Help
Potential Customer
What You Communicate
How You Communicate
Goal: Establishing this Connection
How to Communicate
What to Communicate
Getting Started Checklist
You Have Help to Offer Needs Help
Potential Customer
Search Engine Optimization
Email Marketing
Social Media
Direct Mail
Physical Mail
Cold Walking
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
How to Get Your First Customers
How to Communicate
What to Communicate
Getting Started Checklist
Sales Tools (Scripts)
Call Scripts
Sales Message (Sales Pitch)
Sales Tactics and Processes (Tips)
Cold Calling
Dealing with
Meeting with
Networking Closing
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
• This is what you are ultimately trying to
sell to the prospect
• Brainstorm the main features
• Identify how you differ from the
• Identify if you have any company
bragging points
• Health and fitness club
• Weights
• Exercise equipment
• Classes
• Pool
• Sauna
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Needs Help
Potential Customer
Size: Revenue, Employees, Sites, etc.
Type: Business, Consumer, Individual
Geography: East coast, Texas, North America, etc.
Industries: Manufacturing, Energy, Retail, etc.
Department: Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc.
Title: CXO, VP, Director, etc.
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
• Health and fitness club
• Weights
• Exercise equipment
• Classes
• Pool
• Sauna
Target Buyer Type
• Individuals looking to get healthier
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Technical Value
• Processes
• Systems
• People
Automate manual tasks
Make something work better
Decrease the amount of time or effort required to do something
Make something easier
Increase visibility or access to information
Improve communications or connectivity
Improve the performance of systems, processes, or people
Improve the reliability of systems, processes, or people
Business Value
• Revenue
• Costs
• Delivery of services
Improve revenue, market share, close rate, conversion rate,
profitability etc.
Decrease cost of goods sold, inventory costs, labor costs, etc.
Decrease risk
Improve decision-making
Decrease product delivery time
Improve the delivery of services
Improve product quality
Improve customer satisfaction
Increase customer retention
Personal Value
• Income
• Career
• Workload
Increase personal income, bonuses, commissions, etc.
Decrease personal expenses
Create opportunities for career advancement
Increase recognition for performance
Decrease workload
Decrease stress level
Increase level of happiness
Improve work/life balance
Improve personal relationships
• Health and fitness club
• Weights
• Exercise equipment
• Classes
• Pool
• Sauna
Target Buyer Type
• Individuals looking to get healthier
Value Points
• Become healthier
• Decrease stress
• Feel better
• Become more confident
• Improve personal
• Decrease medical costs
• Transform one’s life
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Technical Value Brainstorming Questions
Does [Your Product] help [Target Buyer Type] to:
• Improve any processes? How?
• Make anything work better? How?
• Make anything easier? How?
• Save time? How?
• Improve visibility or access to information? How?
• Improve communications or connectivity? How?
• Make anything more reliable? How?
• Reduce the effort, energy, or manpower needed to do something? How?
• Automate anything? How?
Business Value Brainstorming Questions
Does [Your Product] help [Target Buyer Type] to:
• Decrease costs? How?
• Increase revenue? How?
• Increase profitability? How?
• Improve decision-making? How?
• Decrease risk? How?
• Improve the quality their products or services? How?
• Improve customer satisfaction? How?
Personal Value Brainstorming Questions
Does [Your Product] help [Target Buyer Type] to:
• Increase personal income? How?
• Decrease personal expenses? How?
• Increase the potential for a promotion? How?
• Increase the potential for job performance recognition? How?
• Improve work/life balance? How?
• Decrease stress? How?
• Improve happiness? How?
• Be more comfortable? How?
• Improve job security? How?
• Improve the workplace atmosphere? How?
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Technical Pain
• Processes
• Systems
• People
Tasks are manual and time-consuming
Things are not working well
It takes a lot of time or effort to do something
Current processes are difficult
It is difficult to see what is going on and access information
Connectivity or communicating is difficult
Performance of systems, processes, or people is not what it
needs to be
Reliability of systems, processes, or people is not what it needs
to be
Business Pain
• Revenue
• Costs
• Delivery of Services
Difficult to find ways to increase revenue, market share,
profitability, etc.
Difficult to close sales and leads
Conversion rates are not what they need to be
Decision-making process is slow and not as good as it
needs to be
Difficult to decrease cost of goods sold, inventory costs,
labor costs, etc.
Long product delivery time
Poor product or service quality
Customer satisfaction is not what it needs to be
Customer retention is not what it needs to be
Personal Pain
• Income
• Career
• Work Environment
Not making enough income, bonuses, commissions, etc.
Lack of financial strength
Need to get promoted or advance career
Not getting enough recognition
Working too much or too much of a workload
Job is extremely stressful and chaotic
Not a good work/life balance
Not happy
Value Points
• Become healthier
• Decrease stress
• Feel better
• Become more confident
• Improve personal
• Decrease medical costs
• Transform one’s life
Pain Points
• Not as healthy as they should be
• A lot of stress in daily life
• Don’t feel well overall
• Don’t have self-confidence
• Wanting better personal relationships
• Spending too much on medical expenses
• Not happy and enjoying life
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Pain Points
• Not as healthy as they should be
• A lot of stress in daily life
• Don’t feel well overall
• Don’t have self-confidence
• Wanting better personal relationships
• Spending too much on medical expenses
• Not happy and enjoying life
Pain Questions
• How important is it for you to lose weight or get
in better shape?
• How much of a priority is it for you to get
healthier or live a healthier lifestyle?
• How do you feel about your level of self-
• On a scale from 1 to 10, how stressful do you
think your daily life is?
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Pain Points
• Not as healthy as they should be
• A lot of stress in daily life
• Don’t feel well overall
• Don’t have self-confidence
• Wanting better personal relationships
• Spending too much on medical expenses
• Not happy and enjoying life
Current Environment Questions
• Who are you currently using today?
• How long have you been with them?
• How is everything going?
• What are some of the things you like about
what they provide?
• What are some things that you think could be
• If you could change one thing about their
product/service, what would it be?
• When was the last time you considered other
options in this area? (Sizing Question)
• How many _____ do you currently have?
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Value Points
• Become healthier
• Decrease stress
• Feel better
• Become more confident
• Improve personal relationships
• Decrease medical costs
• Transform one’s life
Name Drop Example
• We worked with a 35-year old man that was about
30 pounds overweight.
• We provided him with a membership, personal
trainer, and nutrition counseling.
• This helped him to successfully adopt a workout
routine and a healthier diet.
• After only 6 months, he lost 30 pounds and felt
better both physically and mentally. This helped
him not only improve his performance at work, he
also ended up finding a new romantic relationship.
Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
Sales Tools (Scripts)
Call Scripts
Sales Message (Sales Pitch)
Sales Tactics and Processes (Tips)
Cold Calling
Dealing with
Meeting with
Networking Closing
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Call Scripts
Cold Call Script
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Hello, [Contact’s Name]. This is [Your Name] with [Your
Company]. Have I caught you in the middle of anything?
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Value Points
Great. The reason for my call is that we help [Target
Buyer Type] to:
• Value Point 1
• Value Point 2
• Value Point 3
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Pain Points
Great. The reason for my call is that we help [Target
Buyer Type] to improve the challenges of:
• Pain Point 1
• Pain Point 2
• Pain Point 3
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Name Drop
Great. The reason for my call is that:
• We worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to
[Technical Improvement].
• This ultimately helped them to [insert business
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Sales Takeaway
• I don't know if those are areas that you want to improve and that is
why I wanted to call you with a question or two.
• I don't know if you are concerned about any of those areas and that is
why I wanted to call you with a question or two.
• I don't know if we can help you in the same way or not and that is why
I wanted to call you with a question or two.
• I don’t know if you are the right person for me to speak with or not.
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Pain Questions
If I could ask you real quick:
• Pain Question 1
• Pain Question 2
• Pain Question 3
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Current Environment Questions
• Who are you currently using today?
• How long have you been with them?
• How is everything going?
• What are some things you like about what they provide?
• What are some things that you think could be better?
• If you could change one thing about their product/service,
what would it be?
• When was the last time you considered other options in
this area?
• (Sizing Question) How many _____ do you currently
• Are you the right person to discuss this area with?
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Pain Points
When I talk with other [Target Buyer Type], they often have
challenges with:
• Pain Point 1
• Pain Point 2
• Pain Point 3
Are you concerned about any of those areas?
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
We provide [Product Name] and that includes:
• Feature 1
• Feature 2
• Feature 3
Our [Product Name] can help [Target Buyer Type] to:
• Value Point 1
• Value Point 2
• Value Point 3
Some ways that we differ from other options out there are:
• Differentiation 1
• Differentiation 2
• Differentiation 3
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Impact of Doing Nothing
Some things to be concerned about when not doing anything
in this area are:
• Pain Point 1
• Pain Point 2
• Pain Point 3
Company Bragging Points
Other key details about us are:
• Company Fact 1
• Company Fact 2
• Company Fact 3
Name Drop
• We worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to
[Technical Improvement].
• We were able to do this by providing our [Product Name].
• This ultimately helped them to [Business Improvement].
Opening the Call
State the Purpose of Your Call
Product and Company Details
Deliver a Sales Takeaway
Share Pain Points
Cold Call Close
But I have called you out of the blue and I am not sure if this is
the best time to discuss this.
Are you interested in discussing this a little more?
Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I
can share some examples of how we have helped other
[Target Buyer Type] to:
• Value Point 1
• Value Point 2
• Value Point 3
Or are you available to continue talking about this now?
Email Templates
Cold Email – Value PointsSubject Line: [Value Point]
Hello [Contact First Name],
The reason for the email is that we help [Target Buyer Type] to:
• Value Point 1
• Value Point 2
• Value Point 3
I don't know if you want to improve those areas and that is why I am reaching out.
Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have
helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]?
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Cold Email – Pain PointsSubject Line: [Pain Point]
Hello [Contact First Name],
The reason for the email is that we help [Target Buyer Type] with the challenges of:
• Pain Point 1
• Pain Point 2
• Pain Point 3
I don't know if you are concerned about any of those areas and that is why I am reaching out.
Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have
helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]?
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Cold Email – Name DropSubject Line: [Technical or Business Improvement Realized]
Hello [Contact First Name],
The reason for the email is that we worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to [Technical
This ultimately led to them being able to [Business Improvement].
I don't know if we can help you in the same way and that is why I am reaching out.
Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have
helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]?
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Cold Email – Pain QuestionsSubject Line: [Pain Question]
Hello [Contact First Name],
I am trying to determine if we can help you in the same way that have helped our other clients. These are
some of the questions that I would ask you to figure that out:
• Pain Question 1
• Pain Question 2
• Pain Question 3
Do any of those connect with a challenge or interest that you have?
If so, let’s put a few minutes on the calendar to have a brief conversation.
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Cold Email – ProductSubject Line: [Product Name]
Hello [Contact First Name],
The reason for the email is that we provide [Product Name] and that includes:
• Feature 1
• Feature 2
• Feature 3
Some ways we differ from other options out there are:
• Differentiation 1
• Differentiation 2
• Differentiation 3
Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have helped other
[Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]?
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Last Attempt Cold Email – Value PointsSubject Line: Checking In
Hello [Contact First Name],
I never heard back from you and I thought I would follow up with you one last time. The reason I am trying
to connect with you is that we help [Target Buyer Type] with:
• Value Point 1
• Value Point 2
• Value Point 3
If I don't hear back from you, I will assume you are not interested in those improvements or that you are the
not right person to speak with and I will close the file.
If I should be contacting someone else regarding this, any pointing in the right direction would be greatly
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Keep Me In Mind – ProductSubject Line: Keep us in mind - [Product Name or Area]
Hello [Contact First Name],
Since you are a [Target Buyer Type], you might need or purchase [Product Name or Area] from time-to-
We provide [Product Name or Area], so please keep us in mind when you are ready to make a purchase or
Some ways that we differ from your other options are:
• Differentiation 1
• Differentiation 2
• Differentiation 3
Let me know if you reach a point where you would like to schedule a brief call to discuss.
Best Regards,
[Email Signature]
Voicemail Messages
Voicemail Message – Value Points
Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company].
The reason for my call is that we help [Target Buyer Type] to:
(Share 1 to 3 benefits)
• Value Point 1
• Value Point 2
• Value Point 3
I don’t know if you want to improve those areas and that is why I am reaching out.
I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number].
Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again].
Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
Voicemail Message – Pain Points
Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company].
The reason for my call is that we help [Target Buyer Type] with the challenges of:
(Share 1 to 3 pain points)
• Pain Point 1
• Pain Point 2
• Pain Point 3
I don’t know if you are concerned about those areas and that is why I am reaching out.
I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number].
Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again].
Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
Voicemail Message – Name Drop
Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company].
The reason for my call is that we worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to [Technical
This ultimately led to them being able to [Business Improvement].
I don't know if we can help you in the same way and that is why I am reaching out.
I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number].
Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again].
Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
Voicemail Message – Product
Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company].
The reason for my call is that we provide [Product Name] and that includes:
• Feature 1
• Feature 2
• Feature 3
Some ways that we differ from other options out there are:
• Differentiation 1
• Differentiation 2
• Differentiation 3
I don't know if you are a good fit with what we provide and that is why I am reaching out.
I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number].
Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again].
Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
Objection Responses
What is this in regards to?
Deflect to Value Points
Well, the purpose for my call is that we businesses to:
• Improve the design, traffic, and conversion rates for their website
• Improve website conversion rates
• Increase website traffic
• Improve search engine optimization (SEO)
• Generate more leads through their website
• Increase the amount of revenue that they are able to generate through their website
Is this a sales call?
Deflect to Value Points
Well, the purpose for my call is that we businesses to:
• Improve the design, traffic, and conversion rates for their website
• Improve website conversion rates
• Increase website traffic
• Improve search engine optimization (SEO)
• Generate more leads through their website
• Increase the amount of revenue that they are able to generate through their website
I am not interested.
Deflect to Pain Questions
I understand. If I could ask you real quick:
• How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website?
• How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates?
• How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic?
• How well is your website doing with being found through search engines?
• How important is it for you to get more leads through your website?
• How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
I am not interested.
Deflect to Pain Points
I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with:
• Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed
• Website conversion rate could be better
• Need to find a way to increase website traffic
• There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO
• It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads
• It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic
Are you concerned about any of those areas?
Just send me your information.
Deflect to Pain Questions
I can certainly do that. So that I know what best to send to you, can I ask you real quick.
• How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website?
• How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates?
• How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic?
• How well is your website doing with being found through search engines?
• How important is it for you to get more leads through your website?
• How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
Just send me your information.
Deflect to Current Environment Questions
I can certainly do that. So that I know what best to send to you, can I ask you real quick.
• Who are you currently using today?
• How long have you been with them?
• How is everything going?
• What are some things you like about what they provide?
• What are some things that you think could be better?
• If you could change one thing about their product/service, what would it be?
• When was the last time you considered other options in this area?
• (Sizing Question) How many _____ do you currently have?
• Are you the right person to discuss this area with?
Just send me your information.
(late in a call)
Deflect to Sales Process
Sure, I definitely can. Actually, there is a lot of information that I can send over to you. If
you have some questions about anything, it might be easier and quicker to have a brief
conversation with over the phone on another day instead of me sending over a bunch of
We already use someone for that.
Deflect to Current Environment Questions
Oh, great.
• Who are you currently using today?
• How long have you been with them?
• How is everything going?
• What are some things you like about what they provide?
• What are some things that you think could be better?
• If you could change one thing about their product/service, what would it be?
• When was the last time you considered other options in this area?
• (Sizing Question) How many _____ do you currently have?
• Are you the right person to discuss this area with?
We already use someone for that.
Deflect to Pain Questions
Oh, great.
• How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website?
• How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates?
• How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic?
• How well is your website doing with being found through search engines?
• How important is it for you to get more leads through your website?
• How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
We already use someone for that.
Deflect to Pain Points
I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with:
• Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed
• Website conversion rate could be better
• Need to find a way to increase website traffic
• There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO
• It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads
• It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic
Are you concerned about any of those areas?
We do not have budget/money to spend right now.
Deflect to Sales Process
I understand. And I want you to know that I am not reaching out to you to try to sign you up
or sell you anything. More so, we are just looking to open the dialogue between our two
companies and have an initial conversation.
We would like to learn a little more about you and possibly share some information about
us. That way, when you begin your budget planning or when your budget opens back up,
you can know who we are and how we can help.
Are you open to having a brief conversation at some point? It does not have to be this week
or next, we are not going anywhere.
We do not have budget/money to spend right now.
Deflect to Pain Questions
I understand. If I could ask you real quick:
• How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website?
• How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates?
• How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic?
• How well is your website doing with being found through search engines?
• How important is it for you to get more leads through your website?
• How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
We do not have budget/money to spend right now.
Deflect to Pain Points
I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with:
• Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed
• Website conversion rate could be better
• Need to find a way to increase website traffic
• There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO
• It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads
• It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic
Are you concerned about any of those areas?
We are not looking to make any changes right now.
Deflect to Pain Questions
I understand. If I could ask you real quick:
• How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website?
• How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates?
• How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic?
• How well is your website doing with being found through search engines?
• How important is it for you to get more leads through your website?
• How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
We are not looking to make any changes right now.
Deflect to Pain Points
I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with:
• Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed
• Website conversion rate could be better
• Need to find a way to increase website traffic
• There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO
• It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads
• It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic
Are you concerned about any of those areas?
We are not looking to make any changes right now.
Deflect to Sales Process
I understand. And I want you to know, I am not reaching out to you to try to sign you up or
sell you anything. More so, we are just looking to open the dialogue between our two
companies and have an initial conversation.
We would like to learn a little more about you and possibly share some information about us
if it makes sense. That way, when you ready to look closer at this, you can know who we
are and how we can help.
Are you open to having a brief conversation at some point? It does not have to be this week
or next, we are not going anywhere.
Call me back in X months.
Deflect to Sales Process
I can certainly do that. But I want you to know that I am not reaching out to you to try to sign
you up or sell you anything. More so, we are just looking to open the dialogue between our
two companies and have an initial conversation.
We would like to learn a little more about you and possibly share some information about
us. That way, when you ready to look closer at this, you can know who we are and how we
can help.
Are you open to having a brief conversation at some point? It does not have to be this week
or next, we are not going anywhere.
Call me back in X months.
Deflect to Pain Points
I can certainly do that. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with:
• Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed
• Website conversion rate could be better
• Need to find a way to increase website traffic
• There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO
• It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads
• It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic
Are you concerned about any of those areas?
How to Communicate
What to Communicate
Getting Started Checklist
1. Create your sales message
2. Create scripts and emails
3. Start creating content
4. Set up pay-per-click ads
5. Network
6. Build an attack list
7. Pick up the phone
8. Set up email marketing
9. Develop social media strategy
Additional Resources
• SMART Sales System YouTube Playlist -
• Download these slides on SlideShare - https://www.slideshare.net/mikehalper/go-to-market-
• The SMART Sales System book - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578615762
• SalesScripter blog - https://salesscripter.com/blog/
• Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhalper/
• Follow me on Twitter - @michael_halper

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  • 2. About Us 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Marketing Manager Schlumberger Sales BMC Software Inside Sales COMPAQ Sales Kronos Started Consulting Business Launch Pad Solutions Started SalesScripter 15 16 17 18 19 20 Published The SMART Sales System Sales Ceridian
  • 3. Get your copy here https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578615762 Introduction to SMART and Consultative Selling (Chapters 1 - 3) Building Your Consultative Sales Message (Chapters 4 - 9) Creating Sales Scripts, Emails, Voicemails, and Objection Responses (Chapters 10 - 15) Managing the Sales Process (Chapter 16) Cold Calling (Chapter 17) Voicemail Strategy (Chapter 19) Getting into New Accounts (Chapter 20) Dealing with Objections (Chapter 21) Getting Around Gatekeepers (Chapter 22) Qualifying the Prospect (Chapter 23) Closing (Chapter 24) Networking (Chapter 25) Prospecting on LinkedIn (Chapter 26) Improving Mental Strength (Chapter 27)
  • 4. Get your copy here https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578615762 Introduction to SMART and Consultative Selling (Chapters 1 - 3) Building Your Consultative Sales Message (Chapters 4 - 9) Creating Sales Scripts, Emails, Voicemails, and Objection Responses (Chapters 10 - 15) Managing the Sales Process (Chapter 16) Cold Calling (Chapter 17) Voicemail Strategy (Chapter 19) Getting into New Accounts (Chapter 20) Dealing with Objections (Chapter 21) Getting Around Gatekeepers (Chapter 22) Qualifying the Prospect (Chapter 23) Closing (Chapter 24) Networking (Chapter 25) Prospecting on LinkedIn (Chapter 26) Improving Mental Strength (Chapter 27)
  • 5. You You Have Help to Offer Potential Customer Needs Help Goal: Establishing this Connection Not Potential Customer Has Already Been Helped Not Potential Customer Does Not Need Help Direct Competition Helps in Same Way Indirect Competition Helps in a Different Way
  • 6. You You Have Help to Offer Needs Help Potential Customer What You Communicate How You Communicate Goal: Establishing this Connection
  • 7. How to Communicate What to Communicate Getting Started Checklist
  • 8. You You Have Help to Offer Needs Help Potential Customer Phone Email Voicemail Search Engine Optimization Email Marketing Networking Social Media Direct Mail Physical Mail Cold Walking Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  • 10. How to Communicate What to Communicate Getting Started Checklist
  • 12. Sales Tools (Scripts) Call Scripts Email Messages Voicemail Scripts Objection Responses Meeting Scripts Sales Presentation Sales Message (Sales Pitch) Product Target Buyer Type Value Points Pain Points Pain Questions Name Drop Examples Sales Tactics and Processes (Tips) Cold Calling Cold Emailing Voicemail Strategy Objection Handling Dealing with Gatekeepers Meeting with Prospects Qualifying Sales Process Networking Closing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
  • 13. Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop • This is what you are ultimately trying to sell to the prospect • Brainstorm the main features • Identify how you differ from the competition • Identify if you have any company bragging points Product • Health and fitness club Features • Weights • Exercise equipment • Classes • Pool • Sauna
  • 14. Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop Needs Help Potential Customer Size: Revenue, Employees, Sites, etc. Type: Business, Consumer, Individual Geography: East coast, Texas, North America, etc. Industries: Manufacturing, Energy, Retail, etc. Department: Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc. Title: CXO, VP, Director, etc.
  • 15. Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop Product • Health and fitness club Features • Weights • Exercise equipment • Classes • Pool • Sauna Target Buyer Type • Individuals looking to get healthier
  • 16. Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 17. Technical Value • Processes • Systems • People Automate manual tasks Make something work better Decrease the amount of time or effort required to do something Make something easier Increase visibility or access to information Improve communications or connectivity Improve the performance of systems, processes, or people Improve the reliability of systems, processes, or people Business Value • Revenue • Costs • Delivery of services Improve revenue, market share, close rate, conversion rate, profitability etc. Decrease cost of goods sold, inventory costs, labor costs, etc. Decrease risk Improve decision-making Decrease product delivery time Improve the delivery of services Improve product quality Improve customer satisfaction Increase customer retention Personal Value • Income • Career • Workload Increase personal income, bonuses, commissions, etc. Decrease personal expenses Create opportunities for career advancement Increase recognition for performance Decrease workload Decrease stress level Increase level of happiness Improve work/life balance Improve personal relationships
  • 18. Product • Health and fitness club Features • Weights • Exercise equipment • Classes • Pool • Sauna Target Buyer Type • Individuals looking to get healthier Value Points • Become healthier • Decrease stress • Feel better • Become more confident • Improve personal relationships • Decrease medical costs • Transform one’s life Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 19. Technical Value Brainstorming Questions Does [Your Product] help [Target Buyer Type] to: • Improve any processes? How? • Make anything work better? How? • Make anything easier? How? • Save time? How? • Improve visibility or access to information? How? • Improve communications or connectivity? How? • Make anything more reliable? How? • Reduce the effort, energy, or manpower needed to do something? How? • Automate anything? How?
  • 20. Business Value Brainstorming Questions Does [Your Product] help [Target Buyer Type] to: • Decrease costs? How? • Increase revenue? How? • Increase profitability? How? • Improve decision-making? How? • Decrease risk? How? • Improve the quality their products or services? How? • Improve customer satisfaction? How?
  • 21. Personal Value Brainstorming Questions Does [Your Product] help [Target Buyer Type] to: • Increase personal income? How? • Decrease personal expenses? How? • Increase the potential for a promotion? How? • Increase the potential for job performance recognition? How? • Improve work/life balance? How? • Decrease stress? How? • Improve happiness? How? • Be more comfortable? How? • Improve job security? How? • Improve the workplace atmosphere? How?
  • 22. Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 23. Technical Pain • Processes • Systems • People Tasks are manual and time-consuming Things are not working well It takes a lot of time or effort to do something Current processes are difficult It is difficult to see what is going on and access information Connectivity or communicating is difficult Performance of systems, processes, or people is not what it needs to be Reliability of systems, processes, or people is not what it needs to be Business Pain • Revenue • Costs • Delivery of Services Difficult to find ways to increase revenue, market share, profitability, etc. Difficult to close sales and leads Conversion rates are not what they need to be Decision-making process is slow and not as good as it needs to be Difficult to decrease cost of goods sold, inventory costs, labor costs, etc. Long product delivery time Poor product or service quality Customer satisfaction is not what it needs to be Customer retention is not what it needs to be Personal Pain • Income • Career • Work Environment Not making enough income, bonuses, commissions, etc. Lack of financial strength Need to get promoted or advance career Not getting enough recognition Working too much or too much of a workload Job is extremely stressful and chaotic Not a good work/life balance Not happy
  • 24. Value Points • Become healthier • Decrease stress • Feel better • Become more confident • Improve personal relationships • Decrease medical costs • Transform one’s life Pain Points • Not as healthy as they should be • A lot of stress in daily life • Don’t feel well overall • Don’t have self-confidence • Wanting better personal relationships • Spending too much on medical expenses • Not happy and enjoying life Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 25. Pain Points • Not as healthy as they should be • A lot of stress in daily life • Don’t feel well overall • Don’t have self-confidence • Wanting better personal relationships • Spending too much on medical expenses • Not happy and enjoying life Pain Questions • How important is it for you to lose weight or get in better shape? • How much of a priority is it for you to get healthier or live a healthier lifestyle? • How do you feel about your level of self- confidence? • On a scale from 1 to 10, how stressful do you think your daily life is? Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 26. Pain Points • Not as healthy as they should be • A lot of stress in daily life • Don’t feel well overall • Don’t have self-confidence • Wanting better personal relationships • Spending too much on medical expenses • Not happy and enjoying life Current Environment Questions • Who are you currently using today? • How long have you been with them? • How is everything going? • What are some of the things you like about what they provide? • What are some things that you think could be better? • If you could change one thing about their product/service, what would it be? • When was the last time you considered other options in this area? (Sizing Question) • How many _____ do you currently have? Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 27. Value Points • Become healthier • Decrease stress • Feel better • Become more confident • Improve personal relationships • Decrease medical costs • Transform one’s life Name Drop Example • We worked with a 35-year old man that was about 30 pounds overweight. • We provided him with a membership, personal trainer, and nutrition counseling. • This helped him to successfully adopt a workout routine and a healthier diet. • After only 6 months, he lost 30 pounds and felt better both physically and mentally. This helped him not only improve his performance at work, he also ended up finding a new romantic relationship. Product Target Value Pain Questions Name Drop
  • 28. Sales Tools (Scripts) Call Scripts Email Messages Voicemail Scripts Objection Responses Meeting Scripts Sales Presentation Sales Message (Sales Pitch) Product Target Buyer Type Value Points Pain Points Pain Questions Name Drop Examples Sales Tactics and Processes (Tips) Cold Calling Cold Emailing Voicemail Strategy Objection Handling Dealing with Gatekeepers Meeting with Prospects Qualifying Sales Process Networking Closing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
  • 30. Cold Call Script Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points
  • 31. Hello, [Contact’s Name]. This is [Your Name] with [Your Company]. Have I caught you in the middle of anything? Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points
  • 32. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Value Points Great. The reason for my call is that we help [Target Buyer Type] to: • Value Point 1 • Value Point 2 • Value Point 3
  • 33. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Pain Points Great. The reason for my call is that we help [Target Buyer Type] to improve the challenges of: • Pain Point 1 • Pain Point 2 • Pain Point 3
  • 34. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Name Drop Great. The reason for my call is that: • We worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to [Technical Improvement]. • This ultimately helped them to [insert business improvement].
  • 35. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Sales Takeaway • I don't know if those are areas that you want to improve and that is why I wanted to call you with a question or two. • I don't know if you are concerned about any of those areas and that is why I wanted to call you with a question or two. • I don't know if we can help you in the same way or not and that is why I wanted to call you with a question or two. • I don’t know if you are the right person for me to speak with or not.
  • 36. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Pain Questions If I could ask you real quick: • Pain Question 1 • Pain Question 2 • Pain Question 3
  • 37. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Current Environment Questions • Who are you currently using today? • How long have you been with them? • How is everything going? • What are some things you like about what they provide? • What are some things that you think could be better? • If you could change one thing about their product/service, what would it be? • When was the last time you considered other options in this area? • (Sizing Question) How many _____ do you currently have? • Are you the right person to discuss this area with?
  • 38. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Pain Points When I talk with other [Target Buyer Type], they often have challenges with: • Pain Point 1 • Pain Point 2 • Pain Point 3 Are you concerned about any of those areas?
  • 39. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Product We provide [Product Name] and that includes: • Feature 1 • Feature 2 • Feature 3 Benefits Our [Product Name] can help [Target Buyer Type] to: • Value Point 1 • Value Point 2 • Value Point 3 Differentiation Some ways that we differ from other options out there are: • Differentiation 1 • Differentiation 2 • Differentiation 3
  • 40. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Impact of Doing Nothing Some things to be concerned about when not doing anything in this area are: • Pain Point 1 • Pain Point 2 • Pain Point 3 Company Bragging Points Other key details about us are: • Company Fact 1 • Company Fact 2 • Company Fact 3 Name Drop • We worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to [Technical Improvement]. • We were able to do this by providing our [Product Name]. • This ultimately helped them to [Business Improvement].
  • 41. Opening the Call State the Purpose of Your Call Pre-Qualify Product and Company Details Close Deliver a Sales Takeaway Share Pain Points Cold Call Close But I have called you out of the blue and I am not sure if this is the best time to discuss this. Are you interested in discussing this a little more? Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have helped other [Target Buyer Type] to: • Value Point 1 • Value Point 2 • Value Point 3 Or are you available to continue talking about this now?
  • 43. Cold Email – Value PointsSubject Line: [Value Point] Hello [Contact First Name], The reason for the email is that we help [Target Buyer Type] to: • Value Point 1 • Value Point 2 • Value Point 3 I don't know if you want to improve those areas and that is why I am reaching out. Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]? Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 44. Cold Email – Pain PointsSubject Line: [Pain Point] Hello [Contact First Name], The reason for the email is that we help [Target Buyer Type] with the challenges of: • Pain Point 1 • Pain Point 2 • Pain Point 3 I don't know if you are concerned about any of those areas and that is why I am reaching out. Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]? Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 45. Cold Email – Name DropSubject Line: [Technical or Business Improvement Realized] Hello [Contact First Name], The reason for the email is that we worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to [Technical Improvement]. This ultimately led to them being able to [Business Improvement]. I don't know if we can help you in the same way and that is why I am reaching out. Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]? Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 46. Cold Email – Pain QuestionsSubject Line: [Pain Question] Hello [Contact First Name], I am trying to determine if we can help you in the same way that have helped our other clients. These are some of the questions that I would ask you to figure that out: • Pain Question 1 • Pain Question 2 • Pain Question 3 Do any of those connect with a challenge or interest that you have? If so, let’s put a few minutes on the calendar to have a brief conversation. Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 47. Cold Email – ProductSubject Line: [Product Name] Hello [Contact First Name], The reason for the email is that we provide [Product Name] and that includes: • Feature 1 • Feature 2 • Feature 3 Some ways we differ from other options out there are: • Differentiation 1 • Differentiation 2 • Differentiation 3 Are you available for a brief 15 to 20-minute meeting where I can share some examples of how we have helped other [Target Buyer Type] to [Value Point]? Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 48. Last Attempt Cold Email – Value PointsSubject Line: Checking In Hello [Contact First Name], I never heard back from you and I thought I would follow up with you one last time. The reason I am trying to connect with you is that we help [Target Buyer Type] with: • Value Point 1 • Value Point 2 • Value Point 3 If I don't hear back from you, I will assume you are not interested in those improvements or that you are the not right person to speak with and I will close the file. If I should be contacting someone else regarding this, any pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 49. Keep Me In Mind – ProductSubject Line: Keep us in mind - [Product Name or Area] Hello [Contact First Name], Since you are a [Target Buyer Type], you might need or purchase [Product Name or Area] from time-to- time. We provide [Product Name or Area], so please keep us in mind when you are ready to make a purchase or change. Some ways that we differ from your other options are: • Differentiation 1 • Differentiation 2 • Differentiation 3 Let me know if you reach a point where you would like to schedule a brief call to discuss. Best Regards, [Email Signature]
  • 51. Voicemail Message – Value Points Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company]. The reason for my call is that we help [Target Buyer Type] to: (Share 1 to 3 benefits) • Value Point 1 • Value Point 2 • Value Point 3 I don’t know if you want to improve those areas and that is why I am reaching out. I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number]. Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again]. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
  • 52. Voicemail Message – Pain Points Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company]. The reason for my call is that we help [Target Buyer Type] with the challenges of: (Share 1 to 3 pain points) • Pain Point 1 • Pain Point 2 • Pain Point 3 I don’t know if you are concerned about those areas and that is why I am reaching out. I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number]. Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again]. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
  • 53. Voicemail Message – Name Drop Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company]. The reason for my call is that we worked with [Customer Name] and helped them to [Technical Improvement]. This ultimately led to them being able to [Business Improvement]. I don't know if we can help you in the same way and that is why I am reaching out. I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number]. Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again]. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
  • 54. Voicemail Message – Product Hello [Prospect Name], this is [Your Name] and I am with [Your Company]. The reason for my call is that we provide [Product Name] and that includes: • Feature 1 • Feature 2 • Feature 3 Some ways that we differ from other options out there are: • Differentiation 1 • Differentiation 2 • Differentiation 3 I don't know if you are a good fit with what we provide and that is why I am reaching out. I will try you again next week. If you would like to reach me in the meantime, my number is [Your Number]. Again, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company], [Your Number Again]. Thank you and I look forward to talking with you soon.
  • 56. What is this in regards to? Deflect to Value Points Well, the purpose for my call is that we businesses to: • Improve the design, traffic, and conversion rates for their website • Improve website conversion rates • Increase website traffic • Improve search engine optimization (SEO) • Generate more leads through their website • Increase the amount of revenue that they are able to generate through their website
  • 57. Is this a sales call? Deflect to Value Points Well, the purpose for my call is that we businesses to: • Improve the design, traffic, and conversion rates for their website • Improve website conversion rates • Increase website traffic • Improve search engine optimization (SEO) • Generate more leads through their website • Increase the amount of revenue that they are able to generate through their website
  • 58. I am not interested. Deflect to Pain Questions I understand. If I could ask you real quick: • How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website? • How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates? • How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic? • How well is your website doing with being found through search engines? • How important is it for you to get more leads through your website? • How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
  • 59. I am not interested. Deflect to Pain Points I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with: • Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed • Website conversion rate could be better • Need to find a way to increase website traffic • There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO • It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads • It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic Are you concerned about any of those areas?
  • 60. Just send me your information. Deflect to Pain Questions I can certainly do that. So that I know what best to send to you, can I ask you real quick. • How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website? • How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates? • How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic? • How well is your website doing with being found through search engines? • How important is it for you to get more leads through your website? • How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
  • 61. Just send me your information. Deflect to Current Environment Questions I can certainly do that. So that I know what best to send to you, can I ask you real quick. • Who are you currently using today? • How long have you been with them? • How is everything going? • What are some things you like about what they provide? • What are some things that you think could be better? • If you could change one thing about their product/service, what would it be? • When was the last time you considered other options in this area? • (Sizing Question) How many _____ do you currently have? • Are you the right person to discuss this area with?
  • 62. Just send me your information. (late in a call) Deflect to Sales Process Sure, I definitely can. Actually, there is a lot of information that I can send over to you. If you have some questions about anything, it might be easier and quicker to have a brief conversation with over the phone on another day instead of me sending over a bunch of information.
  • 63. We already use someone for that. Deflect to Current Environment Questions Oh, great. • Who are you currently using today? • How long have you been with them? • How is everything going? • What are some things you like about what they provide? • What are some things that you think could be better? • If you could change one thing about their product/service, what would it be? • When was the last time you considered other options in this area? • (Sizing Question) How many _____ do you currently have? • Are you the right person to discuss this area with?
  • 64. We already use someone for that. Deflect to Pain Questions Oh, great. • How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website? • How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates? • How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic? • How well is your website doing with being found through search engines? • How important is it for you to get more leads through your website? • How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
  • 65. We already use someone for that. Deflect to Pain Points I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with: • Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed • Website conversion rate could be better • Need to find a way to increase website traffic • There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO • It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads • It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic Are you concerned about any of those areas?
  • 66. We do not have budget/money to spend right now. Deflect to Sales Process I understand. And I want you to know that I am not reaching out to you to try to sign you up or sell you anything. More so, we are just looking to open the dialogue between our two companies and have an initial conversation. We would like to learn a little more about you and possibly share some information about us. That way, when you begin your budget planning or when your budget opens back up, you can know who we are and how we can help. Are you open to having a brief conversation at some point? It does not have to be this week or next, we are not going anywhere.
  • 67. We do not have budget/money to spend right now. Deflect to Pain Questions I understand. If I could ask you real quick: • How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website? • How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates? • How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic? • How well is your website doing with being found through search engines? • How important is it for you to get more leads through your website? • How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
  • 68. We do not have budget/money to spend right now. Deflect to Pain Points I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with: • Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed • Website conversion rate could be better • Need to find a way to increase website traffic • There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO • It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads • It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic Are you concerned about any of those areas?
  • 69. We are not looking to make any changes right now. Deflect to Pain Questions I understand. If I could ask you real quick: • How do you feel about the current design and layout of your website? • How important is it for you to improve your website conversion rates? • How much of a priority is it for you to increase your website traffic? • How well is your website doing with being found through search engines? • How important is it for you to get more leads through your website? • How motivated are you to find new ways to get more revenue out of your website traffic?
  • 70. We are not looking to make any changes right now. Deflect to Pain Points I understand. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with: • Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed • Website conversion rate could be better • Need to find a way to increase website traffic • There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO • It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads • It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic Are you concerned about any of those areas?
  • 71. We are not looking to make any changes right now. Deflect to Sales Process I understand. And I want you to know, I am not reaching out to you to try to sign you up or sell you anything. More so, we are just looking to open the dialogue between our two companies and have an initial conversation. We would like to learn a little more about you and possibly share some information about us if it makes sense. That way, when you ready to look closer at this, you can know who we are and how we can help. Are you open to having a brief conversation at some point? It does not have to be this week or next, we are not going anywhere.
  • 72. Call me back in X months. Deflect to Sales Process I can certainly do that. But I want you to know that I am not reaching out to you to try to sign you up or sell you anything. More so, we are just looking to open the dialogue between our two companies and have an initial conversation. We would like to learn a little more about you and possibly share some information about us. That way, when you ready to look closer at this, you can know who we are and how we can help. Are you open to having a brief conversation at some point? It does not have to be this week or next, we are not going anywhere.
  • 73. Call me back in X months. Deflect to Pain Points I can certainly do that. When I talk with other businesses, they often have challenges with: • Website is not performing and producing the type of results that are needed • Website conversion rate could be better • Need to find a way to increase website traffic • There is not enough traffic coming to the website through organic SEO • It can be difficult to get the website to generate enough leads • It can be difficult to find ways to get more revenue out of web traffic Are you concerned about any of those areas?
  • 74. How to Communicate What to Communicate Getting Started Checklist
  • 75. 1. Create your sales message 2. Create scripts and emails 3. Start creating content 4. Set up pay-per-click ads 5. Network 6. Build an attack list 7. Pick up the phone 8. Set up email marketing 9. Develop social media strategy
  • 76. Additional Resources • SMART Sales System YouTube Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoUVJsDQgZIIDinZ2l865qEhABzjBrndf • Download these slides on SlideShare - https://www.slideshare.net/mikehalper/go-to-market- strategies-early-channels-of-revenue • The SMART Sales System book - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578615762 • SalesScripter blog - https://salesscripter.com/blog/ • Connect with me on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhalper/ • Follow me on Twitter - @michael_halper

Editor's Notes

  1. The value that we deliver can typically impact our clients on three different levels. At the lowest level, we offer technical value. These are the benefits and improvements that we can deliver that make things work better and are realized in the areas of processes, systems, and people. Examples are helping a business to save time, automate certain tasks, improve performance, improve reliability, etc. As a business begins to realize value at the technical level, those benefits will trickle up and be realized at the business level and be seen as a decrease in costs, increase in revenue, or decrease in risk. For example, if manual processes are able to be automated, that will lead to a decrease in the labor that is needed and as a result, there could be a decrease labor costs and this is an example of realizing business value. When we help clients to realize business value, that can also continue to trickle up to impact the clients on a personal level and be realized in the form of recognition, compensation, decreased work load, etc. For example, if processes are automated and that decreases costs, that could lead to a promotion for the person that is responsible for that area. Or they could get an extra bonus for the year. Or maybe it means that they no longer have to work over the weekend and are able to spend more time with their family and this is realizing personal value. So when your clients consume your products and services, they are likely going to realize some sort of value and benefits in these three areas.
  2. Now let’s dig a little deeper into what pain can look like. There are actually three levels of pain. At the lowest level, you have technical pain. This is when things are technically not working well or could be better, and can be often found at the areas of systems, processes, or people. When pain is experienced at the technical level, that will usually trickle up and cause pain at the business level. This is where a prospect begins to feel negative impacts in the areas of revenue, costs, and the delivery of services. The pain does not stop their as it can continue on work its way up to impact your prospects at a personal level. This is when the technical and business pain starts to impact the individuals in areas like workload, compensation, job security, career growth, and even spill over into their personal life as well.