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How to give an Extraordinary
Presenter :
Moulik Dhade
Why do we give a Presentation ?
1. Is it For Self Upliftment ?
2. Is it for Sessional Marks ?
3. Someone asked you to give one ?
4. To disseminate(spread) your knowledge to
Audience ?
Giving a presentation is
just like Democracy :
Democracy :
“It is of the people, by the people, for the
Presentation :
“It is of the ideas, by the presenter, for the
Definition of Presentation,
according to a typical Student.
“It is of the bullcrap, by the student,
for the Sessionals.”
List Of Fears :
 Speaking to a Group : 41%
 Heights : 32%
 Insects & Bugs : 24%
 Financial Problems : 23%
 Deep water : 22%
 Sickness : 20%
 Death : 19%
 Needle and Getting shots: 11%
 Flying : 8%
List Of Fears :
 Speaking to a Group : 41%
 Death : 19%
And who deals with Public
Speaking and Presentations :
 Politicians.
 Innovators/Scientists.
 Students.
 People in Show Business.
 And Pretty much everybody else important to run a
 How to select a good presentation topic ?
 What key points a genuine presentation
should contain :
a. Introduction.
b. Body.
c. Conclusion.
d. Q&A.
 Making your .ppt effective.
 During Presentation:
a. Eye.
b. Hands.
c. Stance-Pace.
e. Ummms & Ahhs.
 Conclusion.
 A Surprise 2-minute lesson…if I like the
How to Select a good
Presentation topic ?
 There are 2 Methods of Selecting an
Appropriate PresentationTopic.
1. Consider Yourself :
 Pick a topic that you're :
a. passionate about.
b. knowledgeable about
c. and interested about.
Make a List:
1. Consider Yourself :
 Choose something timely.
 Choose something that relates to your
personal experience.
 Pick a topic that you have the ability to speak
2. Consider your Audience :
 Know your Audience
2. Consider your Audience :
 Consider the knowledge of your audience
 Consider the level of education of your
 Consider the needs and interests of your
2. Consider your Audience :
 Consider the demographics of your audience
2. Consider your Audience:
 Consider the audience's relationship to you.
It is easy to make a .ppt
slide show.
However it is a little hard
to make it effective.
2.Making your.ppt
effective :
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
Slide Structure - Bad
 Random stuff..bla bla bla blah….you know
what..I am gonna over do this…Bla bla bla
blah…blah…It feels good to mess with you
all..lol..xD :D lol
 IgNoRe whAtever’s wRitten Up tHere..^^
 Yay !! More random words…
 I Really likethis font..HellzYeah..
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
SHOW them, don't Tell them..
 Don’t be afraid of using theVisuals…
Use a GREAT DEAL of Pictures.
 Picture Representation should be able to
defend your point.
 AlwaysTry use Pictures of High Resolution.
 Limit usage of humorous Pictures to 1 or 2.
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
Key Points in a
How to handle your :
Presentation Matter.
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
First Impression is always
the last impression :
 “Introduction is the most important part of
your presentation, even more than the real
 Grabbing the attention in starting 15 seconds
of your presentation is MUST for an effective
Start off with…
 Who are you? (Name + Qualifications)
 What is your topic?
 Why is it important?
How it can help the Audience ?
To get attention,you can…
 Tell’em a Story.
 Tell’em a Personal Experience.
 Crack a Joke…
 Tell’em an interesting, relevant quote
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
Presentation Matter :
 One thing…Be Precise…Don’t give them
huge chunks of insubstantial knowledge.
Concluding your Presentation:
 Ending should always connect your
Beginning and the content.
 Conclusion is a short summary of your
 A Good Ending is just as important as a Good
Conclusion Layout :
 “AndThat Is..” (Your Subject)
 “What I talked about was..” (Summarize key
 “Now that you have the required knowledge
you can..” (Call to Action)
 “Thank-you.”
Handling Q&As :
 Embrace the questions..never run away from
You Should be like “BRING IT ON”
Not like “Jeez…I am outta here”
Q&A :
 On Being asked a question you must :
1.Listen to it carefully.
2.Maintain Eye Contact and Nod to the Guy
who asked it.
3.If Question is legit..then repeat it and share
it with the rest of the Audience.
Q&A :
4.Compliment the asker :
“That’s a good question” and
“I really appreciate your concern about this
5. Now Finally Answer the Question.
Q&A :
 In case you don’t know the answer:
Compliment the asker and tell him/her that
you will get back to it.
“That’s a really good question you asked
me…I really appreciate your concern…I’ll get
back to you soon”
Q&A DON’Ts :
 Never Insult the Questioner or the Question.
 Never Say :
“You can Google that..Right?”
 Never Argue.
 Never Over do the “Compliment thing". Not
every question is good.
Body Language During
Presentation :
If You’re trying
doing it wrong.
Reflect your words in your
actions :
Not like :
Reflect your words in your
actions :
LikeThis :
Maintaining Eye-Contact :
 To Gain Someone’s trust you have to look
him/her in the Eye.
 Eye contact is the key to a Successful
interactive Presentation.
Eye-Contact :
 Look at every single individual present in a
Room..for 3-5 seconds during your
 It Helps in engaging them and generating the
confidence within.
 You need not to hurry..keep your calm and
make eye contact.
All you have to do is:
Lock, talk and Pause
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
Pausing :
 People only start listening to you when you
stop talking.
 Because Silence is the best Attention
 Duration of pause can be from 5 to 20
Keep your mind clear :
 Don’t think what you’re going to say “NEXT”
 Always think when you’re going to “PAUSE”
If u do this..you’ll get a lot of time to think.
Tone/Inflection :
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
Tone/Inflection :
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
 I didn’t say he stole the money.
Stance-Pace :
 FACE the Audience not your Power point
 Power point isn’t for you…it is for your
Stance-Pace : Dos and Don’ts
Let your Hands do the
Ummms & Ahhs :
 Just Replace “Ummms & Ahhs” with a
 Never make use of words like:
“Sort of”
“kind of”
“yeah maybe..probably”
Now it’s your
turn to
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
I want your Feedback..
How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?
Thank you

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How to give an extraordinary Presentation ?

  • 2. How to give an Extraordinary Presentation. Presenter : Moulik Dhade
  • 3. Why do we give a Presentation ? 1. Is it For Self Upliftment ? 2. Is it for Sessional Marks ? 3. Someone asked you to give one ? 4. To disseminate(spread) your knowledge to Audience ?
  • 4. Giving a presentation is just like Democracy : Democracy : “It is of the people, by the people, for the people.” Presentation : “It is of the ideas, by the presenter, for the audience.”
  • 5. Definition of Presentation, according to a typical Student. “It is of the bullcrap, by the student, for the Sessionals.”
  • 6. List Of Fears :  Speaking to a Group : 41%  Heights : 32%  Insects & Bugs : 24%  Financial Problems : 23%  Deep water : 22%  Sickness : 20%  Death : 19%  Needle and Getting shots: 11%  Flying : 8%
  • 7. List Of Fears :  Speaking to a Group : 41%       Death : 19%  
  • 8. And who deals with Public Speaking and Presentations :  Politicians.  Innovators/Scientists.  Students.  People in Show Business.  And Pretty much everybody else important to run a society.
  • 9. Overview:  How to select a good presentation topic ?  What key points a genuine presentation should contain : a. Introduction. b. Body. c. Conclusion. d. Q&A.
  • 10. Overview:  Making your .ppt effective.  During Presentation: a. Eye. b. Hands. c. Stance-Pace. d.Volume/Inflection. e. Ummms & Ahhs.
  • 11. Overview:  Conclusion.  A Surprise 2-minute lesson…if I like the response…
  • 12. And All THIS IS ABSOLUTELY :
  • 13. How to Select a good Presentation topic ?  There are 2 Methods of Selecting an Appropriate PresentationTopic.
  • 14. 1. Consider Yourself :  Pick a topic that you're : a. passionate about. b. knowledgeable about c. and interested about.
  • 16. 1. Consider Yourself :  Choose something timely.  Choose something that relates to your personal experience.  Pick a topic that you have the ability to speak about.
  • 17. 2. Consider your Audience :  Know your Audience
  • 18. 2. Consider your Audience :  Consider the knowledge of your audience  Consider the level of education of your audience  Consider the needs and interests of your audience.
  • 19. 2. Consider your Audience :  Consider the demographics of your audience
  • 20. 2. Consider your Audience:  Consider the audience's relationship to you.
  • 21. It is easy to make a .ppt slide show. However it is a little hard to make it effective.
  • 24. Slide Structure - Bad  Random stuff..bla bla bla blah….you know what..I am gonna over do this…Bla bla bla blah…blah…It feels good to mess with you all..lol..xD :D lol  IgNoRe whAtever’s wRitten Up tHere..^^  Yay !! More random words…  I Really likethis font..HellzYeah..
  • 26. SHOW them, don't Tell them..  Don’t be afraid of using theVisuals… Use a GREAT DEAL of Pictures.
  • 27. USE LEGIT IMAGES..  Picture Representation should be able to defend your point.  AlwaysTry use Pictures of High Resolution.  Limit usage of humorous Pictures to 1 or 2.
  • 29. Key Points in a Presentation: How to handle your : Introduction. Presentation Matter. Conclusion. Q&A.
  • 31. First Impression is always the last impression :  “Introduction is the most important part of your presentation, even more than the real matter”  Grabbing the attention in starting 15 seconds of your presentation is MUST for an effective presentation.
  • 32. Start off with…  Who are you? (Name + Qualifications)  What is your topic?  Why is it important? How it can help the Audience ?
  • 33. To get attention,you can…  Tell’em a Story.  Tell’em a Personal Experience.  Crack a Joke…  Tell’em an interesting, relevant quote
  • 35. Presentation Matter :  One thing…Be Precise…Don’t give them huge chunks of insubstantial knowledge.
  • 36. Concluding your Presentation:  Ending should always connect your Beginning and the content.  Conclusion is a short summary of your presentation.  A Good Ending is just as important as a Good Introduction.
  • 37. Conclusion Layout :  “AndThat Is..” (Your Subject)  “What I talked about was..” (Summarize key points)  “Now that you have the required knowledge you can..” (Call to Action)  “Thank-you.”
  • 38. Handling Q&As :  Embrace the questions..never run away from them. You Should be like “BRING IT ON” Not like “Jeez…I am outta here”
  • 39. Q&A :  On Being asked a question you must : 1.Listen to it carefully. 2.Maintain Eye Contact and Nod to the Guy who asked it. 3.If Question is legit..then repeat it and share it with the rest of the Audience.
  • 40. Q&A : 4.Compliment the asker : “That’s a good question” and “I really appreciate your concern about this point” 5. Now Finally Answer the Question.
  • 41. Q&A :  In case you don’t know the answer: Compliment the asker and tell him/her that you will get back to it. “That’s a really good question you asked me…I really appreciate your concern…I’ll get back to you soon”
  • 42. Q&A DON’Ts :  Never Insult the Questioner or the Question.  Never Say : “You can Google that..Right?”  Never Argue.  Never Over do the “Compliment thing". Not every question is good.
  • 45. Reflect your words in your actions : Not like :
  • 46. Reflect your words in your actions : LikeThis :
  • 47. Maintaining Eye-Contact :  To Gain Someone’s trust you have to look him/her in the Eye.  Eye contact is the key to a Successful interactive Presentation.
  • 48. Eye-Contact :  Look at every single individual present in a Room..for 3-5 seconds during your presentation.  It Helps in engaging them and generating the confidence within.  You need not to hurry..keep your calm and make eye contact.
  • 49. All you have to do is: Lock, talk and Pause
  • 51. Pausing :  People only start listening to you when you stop talking.  Because Silence is the best Attention Grabber.  Duration of pause can be from 5 to 20 seconds.
  • 52. Keep your mind clear :  Don’t think what you’re going to say “NEXT”  Always think when you’re going to “PAUSE” If u do this..you’ll get a lot of time to think.
  • 53. Tone/Inflection :  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.
  • 54. Tone/Inflection :  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.  I didn’t say he stole the money.
  • 55. Stance-Pace :  FACE the Audience not your Power point presentation.  Power point isn’t for you…it is for your Audience.
  • 56. Stance-Pace : Dos and Don’ts
  • 57. Let your Hands do the talking
  • 58. Ummms & Ahhs :  Just Replace “Ummms & Ahhs” with a “PAUSE”.  Never make use of words like: “Sort of” “kind of” “yeah maybe..probably”
  • 60. Now it’s your turn to “NAIL IT”
  • 62. I want your Feedback..