36. The magic of combinatory
I'm only using three
still but here colors
can make many nations
37. When in doubt, use Primary colors
Red Yellow Green Blue
#c5000b #ffd320 #008000 #0084d1
In LibreOffice: Chart 11, Chart 3, Green, Chart12
These are awesome for diagrams
38. Color is great for Stress or Status
Wrong Right
OK OK Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK OK
OK Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK
39. Color is not great for lines
Wrong Right
More easily seen from far away
40. Use bright background colors
Wrong Right
Some projectors don't handle dark slides well
41. Don't use pale colors in foreground
Wrong Right
Gray 10% Gray >20%
To projectors, any pale color = white
42. Printing: Black and White
OK OK Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK OK Alert OK OK
OK Alert OK OK Alert OK
Black and White = information loss
43. Printing: Graceful Degradation
OK OK Alert
Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK OK
OK Alert
Alert OK OK Alert
Alert OK
Use contrast and borders to compensate