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How To Write A Compare And
Contrast Literary Analysis Essay
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How To Write A Compare And Contrast Literary Analysis EssayHow To Write A Compare And Contrast
Literary Analysis Essay
Russel Westbrook Research Paper
Russell Westbrook is one of the most exciting players to watch as he electrifies the building with
his ferocious dunks. After being left by Kevin Durant, Westbrook has been breaking all kinds of
records and leading the Thunder to the playoffs. Next time you see number zero on your T.V
screen, grab your popcorn and take a seat, because it s showtime! (Jenkins) Durant entered the
league a year before Westbrook did. They started their careers together and eventually became
one of the most dynamic duos in the league. In 2012 they led their team to the NBA Finals
against the Miami Heat but were blown out in five games. A union that lasted over eight years
was finally over, Durant had a new home and was off to a new journey. Westbrook s rampage
began after hearing he signed with the Warriors. Westbrook was in disbelief, of all things Durant
was a Warrior. He had left to the team that had just beat them. Many saw this as a downfall for the
Thunder, but all... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Westbrook had previously tied the fifty five year old record for most triple doubles in a single
season on April 4 against Milwaukee. Then on April 10, at Denver, Westbrook was finally able
to accomplish what everyone was hoping he did. He broke Oscar Robertson s fifty five year old
record. Not only did he do that, but he also scored the game winning shot! In a close game he put
up a thirty foot shot and ended the game 106 105 (Anderson). There was no better way to end the
season. Next up is the playoffs. The Thunder are facing off against the Rockets in the first round.
Both teams superstars are MVP candidates this year and have been the center of attention. James
Harden and Russell Westbrook are former teammates, and this series might just be the most
interesting one of the playoffs. Although, his team isn t very strong due to two of their most
important players leaving, this young team is looking to rebuild behind the lead of Westbrook. This
can be the star of something
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Role Of The United States On The Age Of Globalization
INTRODUCTION This paper will examine the role of the United States in textile and apparel
production in the age of globalization and will provide an overview of trade agreements enacted in
the textile and apparel industry. A discussion of the different trade agreements and how the U.S.
textile and apparel industry has been affected by those agreements will be given along with ideas
about what the United States can do to continue to operate in the domestic market of textiles and
American textile industry has been around for as long as the country has been in existence. In the
beginning, most textile and apparel items were created by artisans, who worked mainly in their
homes. In the 18th century, the country was hit with the industrial revolution which brought many
changes to the textile industry. The local artisans were replaced by textile industries and
manufactures. With the invention of the spinning jenny, spinning frame, water frame and power
loom, the textile industry was revolutionized. Later, with the use of electrical power, these
inventions were made more efficient. Fabric production was mechanized with machines powered
by waterwheels and steam engines. Production was shifting from the small cottage based
production into a mass production in various factories. (Kunz) Sewing machines were emerging in
the 19th century which further streamlined clothing production. During the post
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Essay on Campaigns and Elections
Campaigns and Elections Political campaigns are very significant in American politics and
elections. It is the period before the electorate makes political decisions in the form of elections.
The attention of the citizens towards politics intensifies as the date of the elections draws near. The
salience of voters improves as the electiondate draws near and could manifest in the form of
increased media attention. Political discussions, campaign interest, strength of the intention to vote,
and knowledge about the candidates are other manifestations of increased salience of voters.
Another indication of improved intensity is the effort put by the candidates and their political
parties in the campaigns. Parties increase their efforts in the... Show more content on
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Candidates have a chance to present their ideas to the citizens through debates and other platforms
that are available for the candidates. It provides a platform for the citizens to debate important
issues with the candidates and among themselves. Reform agendas presented by the candidates
result in vibrant democratic politics, which requires the conscious participation of citizens. It
provides a chance for citizens to engage in political activity with others. Political campaigns enable
the citizens to contribute to the nomination process thus choosing the best candidate in their party.
American politics involves candidates who mostly make unambiguous statements thus conveying
their message to the citizens effectively. This means that the citizens have a solid basis on which to
make decisions during the nominations and the elections. Distortions in communication due to
misstatements are reduced by the accuracy and lack of ambiguity in information communicated the
candidates (Schmidt, Shelley, Bardes, 2009). The campaigns are effective since they result in the
election of candidate with the most promising policies and reforms. The focus of the campaigns is
national and social issues, which results in election and nomination of candidates that are
nationalistic and with ideologies that are acceptable by most of the citizens. Because of the high
level of attention accorded to the campaigns and the exposure of citizens to different forms of
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The Importance Of School Sports In High School
In high school, there are many opportunities to become involved in activities throughout the school
year. Whether it s a club such as Chess Club or a sport in which athletes can compete, students have
numerous opportunities to get involved. These opportunities help prepare students for life by
teaching them important lessons. Although clubs can teach students some major life skills, they do
not teach the students as much as a student actively involved in high schoolsports. High school
athletics teach students valuable life lessons, they teach students how to manage what is important
in their life, and they teach students to remain physically active throughout life. High school sports
are an important key to teens becoming successful in life and should not be taken for granted.
To start off, high school athletics teach students valuable life lessons. In sports, to become not
only an excellent athlete, but a great team as well, athletes need to work hard. Whether it is by
practicing or training to become better in the weight room, athletes know it takes hard work to
acquire their goals. For anything to become its best, it takes hard work and dedication. This is
also true in life. Whether it is for work or just tending to a garden, it takes hard work to get where
you want to go or be where you want to be. This is a very important life lesson that can and should
be used throughout a person s life. Another important lesson learned through high school athletics is
to never give
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Symphony Orchestra Reflection
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Texas State Symphony Orchestra Recital at Evans
Auditorium. The performance was made up of two pieces: Overture to Nabucco composed by
Giuseppe Verdi and Symphony No. 5 E minor op. 64 composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky with
its 4 movements. The theme of the overall performance was Fifth and Fate , depicting the ideas of
life and destiny. Despite its flaws, the concert very well exemplified this theme and overall put on a
delightful and memorable performance. Now, while the performance in its entirety was something
spectacular, like every piece of art, it had its flaws. One thing I noticed throughout the recital was
the lack of balance. At some points, the string section overpowered the horns almost entirely to
where it was nearly impossible to hear them. Granted, the string section was almost three times the
size of the brass, but that is no excuse. A good director would notice this imbalance and make an
attempt to conduct the sections to fix this unequal sound. Simply stating, the strings needed to be
quieter and the horns could ve made an attempt to be louder. A more obvious fault to the untrained
ear was the timing of the orchestra. On occasion, after rests, when an entire section was cued to
come in, they did not come in in unison. There would be a lone bassoon or viola that would come
sometimes as soon as a beat before the rest of the ensemble. This hindered the sense of unity and
harmony the orchestra attempted
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Woman In The Odyssey
In the beginning there was darkness, and then magically God came to bring light. This light he
brought on Earth would be day, when the light disappears it will be called night. Genesis is a
crucial part of the bible because through this people could understand how the world was created.
Not only does it answer how the world was created, but also it answer the question of how man and
womanwere created as well. When Godcreated humans he wanted us to stay pure. This did not
happen because a snake manipulated Eve to eat the fruit off the tree she was forbidden from.
Although she knew it was wrong Eve ate the fruit hoping it would make her wise. This story
depicts woman as being curious beings, which most people might view as her being foolish.
Proverbs is somewhat different since it is more of a list a woman should fulfill; these tasks
however are not to be belittled. A woman does a lot more than what society thinks. They are wise
creatures capable of a lot more than they are given credit... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For Genesis most people would characterize Eve as being foolish for listening to a snake,
however, I see it as being curious. The snake is described as being more subtil than any beast of
the field (Genesis 1.1). She cannot be blamed for being a fool since the snake was clearly more
cleaver than she was. Adam however committed the same crime as Eve, but he was convinced
by his equal to do so. When God created man and woman he made them clueless, they were
unaware of good and evil. Eve saw the opportunity the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
had to offer her. The tree would make her wise and although God said they would die from eating
the fruit they did not. By acting independently Eve was able to open her eyes to the truth of her
surroundings. In Proverb they describe everything a woman does more than just bare children. They
are smart individuals who have the ability to achieve
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How The Utilities Industry Changed The Us And Gis Essay
Utilities in the US and GIS
GIS is critical to the utilities industry in the US. It allows them to perform mundane tasks that
they are required to perform with new levels of ROI (return on investment), safety, and man hour
efficiency. It also allows them to save the taxpayer a substantial sum of money yearly, and also the
ability to remain profitable while billing for less. In this paper, I will first discuss some of the
basic ways that the utilities industry in the US is using GIS to achieving all of these things, then
into each part of the electrical utilities industry and then delve into some of the more technical items
used by the industry and their function within the industry as a whole. Geography, as defined in the
Cambridge dictionary is the study of features and systems of the earth s surface, including
continents, mountains, seas, weather, and plant life, and of the ways in which countries and people
organize life within an area. (3) Therefore, I think it is important to define the history of electricity
to give perspective, and its physical properties on a smaller scale to help understand larger concepts
from a power engineering perspective. Unfortunately, there is a lot of relevant information to cover
before GIS is brought into fruition.
Electricity had always been in a rather elementary and simple form of static electricity, until people
discovered we could harness its properties to conduct work, light spaces and various other uses.
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The Side Effect Of Loneliness
Charmi Patel Barrett English 208 17 December 2014 Codependency: The Side Effect of
Loneliness Sam Keen once wrote, There are two questions a man must ask himself: The first is
Where am I going? and the second is Who will go with me? If you ever get these questions in the
wrong order you are in trouble (Keen 12). It is the time of Great Depression and it is every man
for himself. In this society it is typical to live and travel alone but some are unable to handle this
life of loneliness and develop a reliance on codependency. Codependency is a psychological
condition in which someone is in an unhealthy relationship that involves living with and providing
care for another person with a pathological condition. Whether it is George codependent on
Lennie or Candy dependent on his companions, the characters form a codependent relationship to
avoid a life of misery. Analyzing Of Mice and Men through a psychoanalytic lens, Steinbeck
elucidates the characters formation of unhealthy relationships, through their ego and superego, in
order to satisfy their loneliness. Loneliness causes an individual to seek the company of another.
George and Lennie became aware of this early on in their lives leading them to form a mutual
dependence on each other. At the ranch, after being asked by Slim, George opens up about the
incident in Weed, [George] Well, that girl rabbits in an tells the law she been raped. The guys in
Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie (Steinbeck 44). In
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Characteristics Of Abdul Sattar Edhi
ABDUL SATTAR EDHI Abdul sattar edhi was born on January 01, 1928 in a small town named
Gujarat, a state in India. At the age of 11, his mother was suffering from paralysis and he has to
face many hardships in life. After partition he migrated to Karachi in and set out to work as a cloth
peddler to fulfill his needs. this was the time he came to knew about the sufferings of people in
Pakistan. Impressionable age did not deter him; in fact, it only strengthened in him to resolve the
problem and help people through their suffering, which was actually the job of government. After
his migration to Karachi, he observed that the government support was virtually nonexistent. With a
strong will and motivation to uplift those needy people, a man... Show more content on
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Physically, he indeed was very hard working, solidly lbuild and enthusiastic type of person
which made him able to do something for human welfare. Secondly, he shows a trait of drive , as
he was measured as a persistent leader who was completely dedicated and focused on his work
and his contribution toward society shows his devotation for his nation. He is very achievement
oriented and ambitious. Thirdly, he also exibits a trait of job relevant knowledge. As he has all
the knowledge about his organization. He seldom visits his organizations personally and spend
time with people living over there and listents to their matters and also tries to resolve them.
Last but not the least he showed a trait of extravasation, as he was assertive, energetic and social.
Edhi influences others his followers by giving them own examples. He is always interested in
other people and their well beings. He is a big thinker and dreamer and have high level of ethics
and sensitivity, he is a risk taker a decision maker and encourages individual who is determine to
fullfil his vision. All these traits and behaviours makes him an effective
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Single Sex Classrooms Helps Increase Self Esteem
Single Sex Education is considered to be a teaching system that has been implemented in schools
all over world, from long ago and little still today. That means that girls and boys are instructed in
separate schools or classrooms. How does single sex education benefits students? That is the
question that some parents make themselves when their sons enter school. Researches demonstrate
that single sex classrooms helps increase self esteem; offer an environment that students feel more
confortable in which will lead to better classroom discussions; Increases in subjects that certain
genders are usually not interested can also be beneficial. Nowadays very few schools apply this
system, for it is well known the benefits that Co educationoffers. Co Education is another teaching
system that gained popularity some years ago and it is about that male and female are in mixed
classrooms. What is the importance of co education in our society? That has become a vital part of
every institution, helping students from both genders to construct a mutual understanding between
them. Some benefits of co education are: it helps and teaches how to be successful by working
together; removes thoughts of superiority and inferiority between students from single sex
education; students in co educational schools grow to be confident expressing their view in the
presence of the opposite sex; for both genders co education provides more realistic way for
students to face their places in the wider
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Supply Chain Management in Wallmart
Term paper submission on
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Air transportation is costly, but fast and reliable. Other modes of transportation may be cheaper, but
the sacrifice has to hold inventories due to delays that may occur. If the above decisions are made
with careful and strategic thought as well as with concern for integration, the supply chain should
be efficient and successful.
The complete goal of SCM is to optimize supply chains in an endeavor to provide more accurate
and time sensitive information that can be used to improve process times and cut costs. Supply
chains have been around for decades and a constantly being improved. The newest opportunity for
improvement is the introduction of Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. RFID technology
will provide real time information that will allow manufacturers to get better readings of customers
and markets thus further improving supply chains. RFID will help retailers provide the right
products at the right places at the right times. Finally, maximizing sales and profits.
Wal Mart has been leading the charge with RFID technology. Having the largest retailer adopt and
begin to use RFID technology has given strong backing to the technology and will only further and
quicken the expansion of RFID. They have begun requiring all their major suppliers to implement
RFID technology on all products supplied to Wal Mart.
One example of what Wal Mart has done with SCM and its suppliers is that of its relationship with
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John Reid Quotes
The revolutionary war started in 1775 between United States Of America and Great Britain.One
family is caught in the middle of the war.In the book Time Enough For Drums written by Ann
Rinaldi. John Reid is one of the character s tutor and is loving,brave and cruel. John Reid Has
risked his life every time he stepped into enemy territory and spied for Washington as an American
spy. The first Charactertrait that John Reid showed is that he was cruel. In the beginning of the
book he was a tough strict tutor who did not show really any feelings towards Jemima. He would
often lose his temper and patience regularly and often make Jemima cry. He took away her
favorite riding horse bleu for absolutely no reason what so ever and
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School Cafeteria Food Essay
Have you ever tasted school cafeteria food? I don t think you would want to. In school story books,
do you have characters saying that the food tasted good at school cafeterias? Nope. Why is this?
Cafeteria food is often cheap, bought in bulk, high in calories, malnutritious, and microwaved.
Student polls and opinions prove this. Therefore, this leads to a suggestion: Healthier, tastier foods
and a better, advanced lunch system should be implemented. First of all, students aren t motivated
to eat unhealthy, not tasty food. If you observed students buying lunch in the cafeteria, you don t
often see them buying these kinds, but not limited to, foodstuffs: burritos (which are just beans
wrapped in tortillas), burgers (meat slapped on two... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A simple salad bar and healthier, tastier foods (such as soup, sandwiches, pasta, etc.) would be
the key to flourishing and happy or happier students. On the other hand, you may be thinking,
$3.75 $4.75 is cheap for a school lunch , Who would pay for it? , or If it s good enough for
school standards, then it MUST be healthy . $3.75 $4.75 is not cheap with the economy failing
and families having to stretch their dollars. About a year ago, the lunch was $2.50. If a student
bought a $4.75 lunch every day for a month, about thirty days, the total would be $142.50.
Multiply that by twelve months and it is $1,710 a YEAR. Compared to the $900 a year with the
$2.50 meal, lunch prices ARE pretty darn expensive. Secondly, if enhanced foods and lunch
system were implemented, some might say it would take a huge amount of money to actually
start the project. However, if tax dollars are enough to pay for billion dollar roads, then it s
enough to start a respectable lunch system. A portion of the tax dollars could be used instead of
it all going to highway and road construction. Finally, the food may fit school standards, but it
may not be such a good choice. Most people eat 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day, depending on their
needs. How healthy could a tortilla with beans, or a piece of meat slapped between two slices of
bread, be? Not to mention the amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, and salt! If you checked the
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The M M Theorem
This paper explores the M M theorem. It relates to the financial structure we learned from BUS 132
Research results
The basic M M proposition is based on some key assumptions. Apart from some fundamental
assumptions that are always shown in the financial articles such as competitive markets, no taxes,
there are also some other important assumptions: No bankrupt costs:
There are two kinds of bankruptcy costs: direct costs and indirect costs. Direct bankruptcy costs can
significantly affect a company s cost of capital. When a company has debt, the company needs to
service that debt through making required interest payments. Interest payments alter a company s
earnings as well as cash flow. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Handling of Excess Cash
One of the theorem s underlying assumptions is that when a corporation gets hold of extra money,
it will not squander the cash. No matter how much free cash it has sitting in the bank, the firm will
invest if there are worthy investment opportunities; but if there aren t, it will return the money to
shareholders in the form of dividends. This assumption doesn t always pan out in the real world of
corporate finance as well. Experience shows that firms do tend to squander excess cash, often taking
on extremely risky projects with the free cash at hand. Symmetry of market information
A condition in which all relevant information is known to all parties involved. For example, in the
stock market, stock information has a full public disclosure, and all investors are in the same
position to share information. And it effectively reduces some internal unnecessary cost in the
transactions and avoids some situations caused by the information asymmetry such as adverse
selection and moral hazard.
M M theorem implies that conditions under which diverse corporate financing decisions are
irrelevant. The earning power and the risk of underlying assets determine the market value of a
firm, while the financing methods do not affect the value.
In the absence of tax, the M M proposition I focus on the irrelevancy between the value and capital
structure. The value of the levered firm must equal to the value of
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The Economic Crisis Of Iceland
Even though freedom for the private sector is a virtue, there should be government regulation in
place due to corporate official s inability to satiate their hunger for personal wealth endangering the
global economy and the event in 2008 which was the global economic crisis occurring which could
have been prevented or at least lessened.
Iceland is known for its beautiful landscapes and vast expanses of nature. Human civilization
sparsely dots the land creating an aura of solitude everywhere you go. Iceland can boast that it
has good education, clean air, and barely any crime. However, in 2000 the government in Iceland
initiated a plan for a broad policy of deregulation. Which would begin a set of disastrous events.
Iceland began with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
American accounting firms audited the Icelandic banks and investment firms which found nothing
to be out of the ordinary. Credit rating agencies reported that Iceland was blooming in the economy.
Credit rating agencies promoted the banks to the highest possible rating of Triple A in 2007.
Then in 2008 Iceland s banks collapsed causing countless people to lose their savings.
Unemployment tripled in the six months. Government regulators, whose job was to ensure
financial stability, had done nothing. One third of Iceland s regulators worked at those banks. This
problem exists the U.S.
In September of 2008 the U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and the
collapse of AIG, the world s largest insurance company, initiated the global financial crisis. The
effect this had on shares globally was catastrophic. This in turn cost the world tens of trillions of
dollars, doubling the national debt of the Unites States and rendering thirty million people
unemployed. This crisis was not an accident. It was caused by an industry which had no supervision.
Since the 1980 s the rise of the U.S. financial sector has led to a series of increasingly dire
financial crisis. Each one of them causing more damage while the industry has made more and
more money.
After the Great Depression the U.S. had forty years of economic growth without another crisis.
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Essay on Flood Legends From Around the World
There are flood stories from many cultures. The flood stories usually consist of a higher power
that floods a civilization due to some act that has made the higher power angry. The stories talk
about one specific family and how the flood consumes the entire globe. So many cultures have a
story about a great flood that have many similar details that it is hard to not believe that it is not
true, but whether the story of a great flood is true or not, it is up to the individual to decide.
Judaism is religion that many Hebrews are a part of. Many Christian religions like Catholicism
also believe the same story that the Jews do about the great flood. They believe that God had
become so upset with mankind s evil ways, he wanted to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He then sent out a dove that came back without anything. A week later Noah sent the dove out
again, and the dove returned with an olive branch. The next week the dove did not return to the
ark. After a year and ten days of being in the ark, Noah and his family emerged with the animals.
Noah sacrificed some of the animals to God, and God was so pleased he vowed to never destroy
all of the living creatures with a flood again. The rainbow that appeared was like the signature to
an agreement that he would never do it again. The animals ran wild and began to produce and God
told Noah s family to repopulate the earth (Genesis 6 9).
In Greek mythology, Zeus wanted to destroy the men of the Bronze Age so he sent a flood. He
thought the people of this age were very wicked. Prometheus advised his son Deucalion to build
a chest. All other men perished except for a few who escaped to high mountains (). After
Deucalion and his wife floated in the chest for nine days they land on Parnassus. Then, he made
a sacrifice to Zeus in which he threw stones and they became men. Then his wife threw stones
and they became women. This story focuses on one family in particular, Deucalion and his wife.
There is a great flood that wipes everyone out but them, and a great higher power, Zeus, did this to
the earth. In Roman mythology, which is very similar to Greek mythology, there is a flood story as
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Emerson Individualism
Emphasis on the Individual
During the 19th century Romantic period, an intellectual movement known as Transcendentalism
emerged. Individualism was one of the fundamental ideas of Transcendentalists. This new group
believed that the individual s purity would be corrupted by organized religious and political parties.
Literature in this period was affected by tenets of Transcendentalism. Many of the authors who
believed in this movement expressed their ideas in their works. Transcendentalist writers supported
individualism by advocating self reliance, nonconformity, and resistance to unjust government.
Individualism was often shown in transcendentalist s works by insisting that oneself must be self
reliant. Writer Ralph Waldo Emersonwas a key leader in the Transcendental movement. In his
work, Self Reliance , Emerson advocated self reliance when he wrote To believe your own
thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius
(1334). In this piece, Emerson also preached Insist of yourself; never imitate (1348) to his readers.
He believed that an individual was truly their best when they had independent thinking and relied
only on their own thoughts. Emerson claimed that an individual s true genius cannot be taught or
learned from another person. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Henry David Thoreau believed in prioritizing one s conscience thoughts over the ideas and laws of
government. He argued that people should do what they feel is right and not conform to an unjust
institution just because the majority is. In his essay Civil Disobedience , Thoreau claimed to agree
with the mottos That government is best which governs least; (1577) and That government is best
which governs not at all; (1577). Thoreau did not resist government entirely, but only the specific
parts that he deemed immoral or
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My Block Vs Tupac
Hip hop songs are an expression of the songwriter or the artist reality. In this essay I would like
to compare and show the contrast between two hip hop songs that relate in substance but are of
two different time periods. The first song is The Message by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious
Five (1982) and the other song is My Block by Tupac Shakur (1995). The Message was recorded by
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five on the Sugar Hill Record label. Released July 1,1982 as a
single was later featured on the group s first studio album titled The Message. The lyrics were
written and performed by Melle Mel and Ed Duke Bootee Fletcher with Grandmaster Flash as the
DJ. At that time in Melle Mel s life his lyrics subject matter reflected his belief in being socially
aware. The Message was one of the first song to later be known as what we today call conscious rap.
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Released August 15,1995 on the soundtrack for Russel Simmons film The Show. The lyrics were
written and performed by Tupac, and featured Richie Rich. Tupac s subject matter reflected his
view of the hardships and hassles of the inner city, violence, racism, and other social issues.
Shakur s beliefs reflected in his songs were molded by his exposure to The Black Liberation
Army and The Panther Party thru family and close family friends. Both The Message and My
Block are songs of the artist consciousness and social awareness. These songs display the
hardships and hassles faced in the inner city streets and how it affected them. The Message focuses
on the struggles of the 80 s like poverty, unemployment, the effects of drug life, crime, and
violence. My Block, reflects social inequality, effects of gang life on the community, and a sense of
hopelessness in the
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Methods Of Inquiry . The Main Focus Of This Paper Is The
Methods of Inquiry The main focus of this paper is the impact of parking ticket s students
receives and how might it be altered to better accommodate them. We are looking at ways to not
only look out for the UNH students but also everyone that this issue involves. Question Routes:
1.My main focus will be on parking tickets and the focus around how it is really impacting
students with the fines they receive. One of my first questions to the interviewee(s) will be to find
out how exactly they determine the price for the tickets. Why are some areas more expensive than
the others? What are the criteria in which you determine how much the fine will be? I want to
crack down on why they ticket the way they do. 2.Once I have an idea of the... Show more content
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What is your greatest struggle with parking at the meters on the UNH campus? Do you ever get
ticketed? How many tickets have you gotten while attending UNH? What has that amount been?
I want to know typically what students are spending and how it is impacting them. 5.Are there
any suggestions you have to help improve the parking system to prevent the amount of parking
tickets being given out? How does it make you feel when you get fined? I want an idea of how
students feel, and if they can essentially afford these extra fines. What do you do once you are
fined? Do you appeal the ticket? Is UNH accommodating towards your appeal? Stakeholder
Contact Information: 1.The Students of UNH, I am thinking of creating a survey of questions and
submitting it to each class on the Facebook page to get input. It will be quite difficult to interview
each student individually so I am thinking by doing an survey where they can answer questions
anonymously could get them to answer all the questions as honestly as possible without worrying
about their personal information being shared to the public. 2.Another thought I have is posting in
each of these class groups and asking if there is anyone who would like to meet in person to
discuss these questions and gain more input on their feelings. 3.Department of Transportation: 603
862 1010 number and then speak to Jeff Parsons who works for the parking services.
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The Musical Segments Of The Film Snow White And The...
There have been many animated movies that were very popular during the 1940 s and 50 s. Some
are still watched and have been recreated in today s times: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,
Pinocchio, and Dumbo. Although not the first animated movie to be created, Fantasia (1940) was
the first movie to connect classical music with animations. Directed by James Algar and released in
1940, this movie was the first of its kind, using classical music and creating scenes with animations
around that music or vice versa. This movie contains eight musical segments all narrated by Deems
Taylor with different music and animations like Mickey Mouse, fairies, flowers, dinosaurs, figures
from mythology, animals, and spirits for each of the scenes. As... Show more content on
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After falling asleep, the brooms had the room overflowed with water and Mickey could not find or
remember how to make them stop. As a matter of fact, in this case the story came first...and the
composer wrote the music to go with it. (Grant). In contrast to what Joe Grant wrote, none of the
other segments in Fantasia had the music created for the animation, the music was there first and
then created the animations based off of the music. Throughout the creation of this film, there
were over 700 animators that worked closely with director, James Algar to make sure every
detail of the animations were perfect. These animations were extraordinarily precise as objects
came to life or moved on the exact beats going along with the music. It simply takes the audience
into a magical world of what is going on throughout the segments whether it be with spirits or
dinosaurs. Starting out as a failure after being released and barely making any money, this movie
is one of a kind as it rose to fame and reached its peak as the 22nd most grossing film. Fantasia was
the result of many great relationships and collaborations in the Disney film industry, between the
animators, composers, musicians, producers, and directors. Fantasia was the first commercial film
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Sand County Almanac Review
Part A: Aldo Leopold wrote about the connection humans should have with land and/or nature.
In part 1 of the book A Sand County Almanac reveals what Leopold family sees and does on a
weekend refuges from the shack . The shack is a national historic landmark which was a rebuilt
chicken coop along the Wisconsin River. The theme in part 1 of Leopold s book is to have
respect for small things. In order to understand the meaning of Leopold s theme it is important to
know the meanings to all the words. The definition of respect is a feeling of deep admiration for
someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements (Dictionary, 2015).
When referring to the small things; Leopold is giving a sense of wonder that helps us to... Show
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If everyone thought this way our wildlife, animals, nature, and environment would be in better
the way you would want them to be treated. This saying is simply stating to people love to have
nice things and when we get them we like to keep it that way. So in relation to Leopold we have a
nice beautiful environment in which we should keep it that way. Think of our environment as a
condition than what it is now. Aldo Leopold was right when he said A thing is right when it tends
to preserve the integrity, stability, and the beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends
otherwise. (Sand CountyAlmanac, pg. 224 225). It is important for people to reach and follow the
values of Leopold explaining that beauty is not just scenery, stability does not mean unchanging for
change is essential to nature and the natural world and integrity is wholeness, having all the parts.
These three simple values will change our perspective of the
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Essay On Filial Piety
YoungHyun Lee
Rebecca Ehrenwirth
Global perspective on society
26 September 2017
Significant differences Filial Piety is a widespread custom belief that is prominent within a
confucianism community. The whole idea of filial piety is to teach younger generations to
commence with the service of parents; it proceeds to the service of the ruler (Jing 58). In a society,
filial piety has more than a function of simply teaching people to respect their elders: the ideals of
Confucian s teachings help to create certain social standards within a community. According to
Jing, high ministers and great officers exemplify [their people through] virtuous ways, and as long
as none of their actions [are] contrary to the right way [then] they can then ... Show more content on
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His texts claims that while love is what is chiefly rendered to the mother, and reverence is what
is chiefly rendered to the ruler, [both] of these things are given to the father. The belief of filial
piety has a clear distinction on a patriarchal society that emphasizes respect and praise towards a
mature generation. However, in Mill s The Racial Contract, Mills makes the point that people s
social discipline usually leans toward respecting the white race. As mentioned, the Racial Contract
has asked many people s perception on equal distribution of power by letting white people take
advantage of the status quo (Mills 40). The clear distinction between these two texts is clear:
although both argue that people pay their respects to anyone but themselves in a society, Jing
makes it clear that the kindred plays a role in exemplifying privilege whereas Mills argue that
the privilege has already been established due to European conquest. The real difference is that
within the readings of filial piety, the mandates of heaven are also required follow a certain
guideline in which they serve as an honorary example for their people (Jing 60). However, Mills
explains that the whole social contract idea is that people give up their rights to serve underneath
people who are just as equal as them: the only difference is that their countries were able to
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Separation of a Carboxylic Acid, a Phenol, and a Neutral...
Objective: The objective of this experiment is to use acid base extraction techniques to separate a
mixture of organic compounds based on acidity and/or basicity. After the three compounds are
separated we will recover them into their salt forms and then purify them by recrystallization and
identify them by their melting points.
Extraction of Carboxylic Acid
A pre weighed (0.315g) mixture of Carboxylic acid, a phenol, and neutral substance was placed into
a reaction tube (tube 1). tert Butyl methyl ether (2ml) was added to the tube and the solid mixture
was dissolved. Next, 1 ml of saturated NaHCO3 solution was added to the tube and the contents
were mixed separating the contents into three layers. Once this was completed ... Show more
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Next, add concentrated HCl drop wise until the litmus paper indicates that it is acidic. During this
procedure, I added to much HCl because many CO2 gas bubbles evolved. This error in the
experiment will cause the recovery % to be lower.
Recovery of Phenol by Acidification
To tube 3 a piece of litmus paper was placed into the tube. Then as is tube 2 concentrated HCl was
added drop wise until the litmus paper indicated that it is acidic. No CO2 gas will evolve.
Purification of neutral substance
Tube 4 now should only have crude solid in the tube and it is then weighed. The tube is placed into
a 50в„ѓ water bath and then approximately 0.5 1 ml of methanol is added, as well as H2O until the
solution gets cloudy, once the solution is dissolved it is cooled to room temperature and then iced.
The crystals are then collected using a Hirsh funnel. Next a small amount (~ 0.1g) of the crystals are
placed into a melting point tube and placed into the melting point machine to record the unknown
neutral substances melting point.
Purification of Carboxylic Acid and Phenol
To tube 2 and tube 3 a boiling chip is added. The two tubes are boiled to remove any residual ether.
Next, the tubes are cooled to room temperature and placed into an ice bath to allow for
crystallization. The solution is then removed from the solid in each tube and discarded. To tube 2
and 3 ~0.5 ml of H2O is added for recrystallization, the tubes
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The Seventh Man
On average Japan is severely hit with three typhoons a year. In The Seventh Man the main
character the seventh man was ten years old and living in a seaside town in Japan. The seventh
man lost his nine year old best friend to one of these typhoons. He was there and watched as his
best friend K. was carried away by a wave. The death of K. was not the seventh man s fault
therefore he should not have survivor guilt. The seventh man was only ten years old when it
happened, he would nt have been able to save K. no matter how hard he tried. K. walked out of
his house when he saw the seventh man walking down the road while their town was in the midst
of a typhoon, they walked down to the beach together and K. was caught up looking at something
on the beach. The seventh man told K. that he needed to move because it was not safe, but K. was
not paying attention to the wave coming up behind him. The seventh man ran away from K.
yelling. Then the wave came. The seventh man barely had enough time to make it away himself,
and with him only being ten he would not have been able to run and save K. without risking his
own life too.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
but he was not listening. K. was too caught up in looking at something that he blocked out the rest
of the world. The seventh man continued yelling to K. but still could not get K. s attention. K. is
the one who is at fault in this situation he is the one who did not pay attention. The seventh man
tried his hardest to get K. to listen to him. But he wouldn t
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How Has Nursing Changed Essay
Nursing today is at the heart of healthcare provision in the United Kingdom, and nurses are the
largest group of clinical employees in the NHS (The Royal Marsden, 2011). This essay will
illustrate a discussion on how nursing has changed in the past twenty or so years with regards to
how the public health needs have changed and in particular, at how the role of the nursehas adapted
to ensure that high quality care is provided. Fluctuating demographics and an upsurge in life
expectancy has had increased demand on the NHS services, which in turn has resulted in
variations in the roles of healthcare professionals. In particular this, and a change in education, has
led to new and more complex roles for nurses who are now taking on more responsibility... Show
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When the Labour government came into power in 1997 they initiated many policies which in
result has helped nursing develop and grow in professionalism, skills and leadership (Booker,
2010) .
Nurse education was a comparative new arrival to higher education. Until the early 1990s the larger
part of student nurses embarked on a hospital based apprentice style course of nursing education
(Willis Commission Report, 2012). Project 2000 seen that nurse education was transformed and the
programme established. This type of nursing was university based and students who embarked on
this course were supernumerary (Kozier, 2012).
In 1999 the UKCC set up a Commission for Nursing and Midwifery Education, which suggested
that more emphasis should be placed on the development of competency in clinical skills within
pre registration nursing courses. Following this a new curriculum was developed, known as
Fitness for Practice. This new curriculum consisted of a one year Common Foundation Programme
followed by a two year Branch Programme (Kozier 2012). According to the Fundamentals of
Nursing by Kozier, 2012 this type of nurse education reduced the amount of clinical experience
student nurses were exposed to, but concentrated on social sciences and
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Godspell Play Analysis
Godspell is originally produce for the first time Off Broadway in 1976 by college students
attending Carnegie Mellon University.The collaboration aming team members is what bright
to life the Godspell play. Godspell highlight intrigue the audience to asked themselves, How
would the Gospel look like if jesus showed up to a group of theatrical clowns. The content of the
Godspell is based on biblical context. Is composed of anecdotes told throughout the Gospels.
Moreover the play is organized in two parts. First it starts of with many lessons in a particular order
from the begining of Jesus ministry. The stories are told and acted out among members like a live
movie on stage. Jesus is portray as a an teacher also his role is to analogy of a clown.... Show more
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Except during the last Supper, Jesus used a script to translate to Hebrew John 5:26 Whoever eats
my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. (NIV) There was 8 disciples and
Jesus. The disciples were always with Jesus and acted like his friends. The gestures of each
action served as nonverbal communication, for example when Judas was running around with a
sad face it demonstrated that he was frustrated and with a sense of regret. Also symbolism using
colors were prevalent. For example in many occasions the background changed colors like red
warned about danger, smoke and gray meat death and colorfully confetti dispersed in the room
brought an amicable atmosphere. Moreover Entertaining media was used for songs played during
simultaneously acting seen a lot on group choreography. In all the play was not only a play instead
it was a sermon presented in a different method. The Godspell play is appealing as the number of
the original performances revivals/tours increases in the U.S and internationally. Additionally the
play is repeated by many other groups with the same theme that has not been recorder the amount of
Lives that had surrender their life to
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Stimulant Development
Talk about what drug stimulant effects on growth. Given the deficit / hyperactivity and control of
population based birth cohort, the growth and development of the association between stimulant
treatment were studied. Children with ADHD treated raising questions about whether they grow.
Stimulant medications, such as methylphenidate and amphetamines is safe and effective in
children and adolescents with attention deficit disorder. Research on the issue of lack of growth
suppression is mainly due to inadequate follow up of patients at final height. In general, the rate of
loss appears to be relatively small height and possibly reversible with withdrawal of treatment.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a developmental ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
According to the article, considerable variation in the parameters used for the analysis of growth,
making it difficult to compare results from different studies. The method used most consistently
showed poor growth in height and height deficit was possible to compare between studies.
Implications for physician
Been hypothesized that weight gain and growth in height, the height of the other to adjust to a new
equilibrium in stimulating drugs. Some of the data presented in support of this. The limited of data
on stimulant drugs to stop the growth is hypothesized that a similar mechanism applies.
Implications for future research
Although the driver of a favorable risk benefit, they carry potential risks for children using them.
Appetite suppression and weight loss is usually about side effects. Sudden death has been reported
in children using stimulant. A thorough history and physical examination with emphasis on the
identification of risk factors for sudden death exist before starting stimulant medications. However,
no routine screening electrocardiogram and heart specialist advice is
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Darwin Vs Lamarck Analysis
It s a thursday night and the weirdest things has just happened to me a bunch of scientists had
just arrived at my door and i am confused and shocked at the same time right now i m wondering
if they will be joining us for dinner but first i m going to go grab a tape recorder so i have proof
to show that i did meet these people. Later that night we were having a good laugh, somehow we
ended up talking about evolutioncharles and lamarck were arguing about inherited traits and
acquired characteristics. lamarck was saying that if an organism needed a certain trait that they
were able to obtain it and how that once it is obtained it can be passed onto the offspring. Then
charles darwinstarts to argue by saying that organisms cannot pass on acquired... Show more content
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Eventually ernst mayr says that he is going back home then, linnaeus starts to go then as the
night progresses most of them go back home except for lamarck and charles darwin. Then all of
the sudden we hear a knock on the door knock, knock,knock i ask them to wait i walk over to see
that it is walt disney and then that is when everyone else starts to come back i asked him what is
he doing at my house he says that sometimes the littlest things can have an impact on the biggest
things that go around. I start to freak out i went to the bathroom to throw cold water at my face
just to see if everything is real then since it is all happening i ask for a million dollars sadly but i
saw ten dollars and fifty cents but at least i had some cash because i was almost broke. I start to
talk to walt disney and ask him why did he built the theme park and how he was even standing in
my house. I was having the time of my life then i got scared because i had thought what if the tape
recorder wasn t recording i look into my pocket relieved that it was recording the whole
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Evaluation Of A Training On Embedded Instruction
Recruited teachers will be randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Participants in the first
condition will receive continued coaching on embedded instruction. Teachers in this condition will
receive training by their coach for one hour per week, be observed by their coach one hour per
week, and will receive feedback through email or phone call. Teachers in the second condition will
attend two six hour long workshops on embedded instructionand will not have continued contact
with an embedded instruction coach. Finally, teachers in the third condition will not receive
training on embedded instruction and will serve as a control group. Data will be collected from
these teachers at four time points. (T1) Data will be collected for the first time point four weeks
after schoolbegins to provide teachers with time to become familiar with their students behaviors
so that they can identify target children with challenging behaviors. T1 will serve as a baseline
measure, as no teachers will have received embedded instruction coaching or training. (T2) Next,
data will be collected before students leave for winter break, preferably two weeks before break
begins to avoid data collection too close to the holidays which could lead to distractions. (T3)
Data will be collected again in early spring approximately two to three weeks after students return
from holiday break. (T4) Finally, data will be collected at the end of the school year about two
weeks before school ends. The
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Analysis Of The Movie The Hunting Ground
Mayra Leon Fogg
WS 135
Dr. Slagter
Outside Event 1
The Hunting Ground For my outside event I chose to attend the screening of The Hunting
Ground which was directed by Kirby Dick, who also directed the film, The Invisible War . In
addition to the special screening of this film, Kirby Dick made a special appearance for a post
film discussion. The event began at 5:30P.M. and went on till about 7:30P.M. or so which began
with a rocky start as Kirby Dick was scheduled to arrive in time to introduce the film to the
audience, but due to an unfortunate mishap on Highway 99, it caused him to arrive closer towards
the end of the film. In the film we are presented with two protagonists, Andrea Pino a valedictorian
from her high school and Annie Clark who graduated third in her high school class. Both ladies are
alumni s at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and both had been sexually assaulted before
their classes at UNC had even began. Both girls shared very similar experiences; they both knew
their attacker, they were in denial about their assaults, and when they approached their school
administrators to report the assault were bombarded with insulting questions in regards to how they
were dressed the night of the attack, if they had been drinking, and essentially boiled it down to that
both girls got what was coming for them for putting themselves into those situations. The film
highlights how colleges and universities try to make their campus s appear to their
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Essay Comparing The Grimm Fairy Tales And Cajun Folk Tales
Both the Grimm fairy tales and Cajun folktales frequently utilize heroines in their stories instead
of heroes. Female protagonists vary from symbols of purity to tricksters between these two types
of tales. It can be seen that levels of agency are also varied.
In the Grimm fairy tales, the heroine is always described as being beautiful and pious. Despite
her devotion to God, she must overcome a series of challenges in order to prove her piety. For
example: in The Girl Without Hands by The Brothers Grimm, the protagonist is very religious,
but the devil comes to take her and eventually her father must cut off her hands. She sticks to her
religion and prays for help, but later the devil comes after her again and gets her exiled. Despite
both these challenges she proves her devotion to God and her hands grow back. In many of these
tales, the women are similarly tested by a devilish force but must persevere and prove their virtue ...
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They are shown to have more agency than is typically given to female protagonists. For example: in
Marie Jolie, she actively chooses not to get married for most of her life and when she does she
chooses to leave him when she finds out that he s the devil. Later in life, she decides not to
remarry again. The female protagonists are also not shown to be religious, in fact, they can be the
opposite. This is shown in The Barefoot woman, where the heroine is actually the devil s wife.
These characters do not prove to do things for the good of others. In Marie Jolie she only looks
out for herself and what she wants, ignoring her mother s request to choose a husband. In The
Barefoot Woman, she actively breaks up a loving couple in order to acquire a pair of shoes for
herself. Another strong difference is that these women are not shown to be quite as naive. In The
Barefoot Woman, she deceives her husband, the devil, and is also able to trick the newlywed
couple into breaking
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The Pros And Cons Of Dental Amalgams
Professor Kostelecky, before starting this paper I didn t have the slightest idea what an amalgam
was or why it causes so much controversy in the realm of dentistry. The controversy originates from
the material that primarily makes up amalgams; that material is mercury. Now that this debate has
commenced, dentists, scientists, and corporate organizations everywhere are arguing whether the
use of amalgams should be banned or should remain a growing practice. Because I plan to study
dentistryin the future I figured this would be a good topic to prepare me for my future education.
Before I discuss the three main points of view regarding amalgams, I want to give you some of
the basic background information. Dental amalgams are a type of filling used to fill cavities
caused by decay in the teeth. Amalgams are not the only type of filling offered by dentists;
composite resin, cast gold, ceramics, and glass ionomer are also used, but are not used near as
much. Amalgams are the most popular filling material and it has been this way since they were
first introduced back in the 1800 s. Each year billions of people invest in amalgams because they
are long lasting, cheap, and durable, but many researchers believe they could be detrimental to your
health due to the main ingredient mercury
Amalgams are a mixture of metals; 50% is composed of mercury and the other 50% is composed
of an alloy, which in this case, is silver copper and tin. The problem with using mercury in
amalgams is
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Boys And Girls Club Research Paper
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America goes all the way back to 1860. A couple of women in
Hartford, Connecticut, did not think that it was a good idea that there were boys roaming the
streets. They believed that boys engaged in productive activities would not become involved in
unacceptable behavior. From these perceptive observations arose, in time, a national cause. By
1906, The Boys and Girls Club of America had formed facilities and operational programs in
every state, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Taylor). The Boys and Girls Club help
young kids achieve their full potential and also change their lives ( BGCA Boys Girls Clubs of
America. ). This organization will help keep kids from just roaming the streets and from making
bad decisions and having unacceptable behavior by letting them do more things that keep... Show
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One of the best ways to keep kids from roaming the streets and making bad decisions, is to keep
them doing something productive. The Boys and Girls Club was begun by three women in
Hartford, Connecticut. The three women are Elizabeth Hammersley, and Mary and Alice
Goodwin. They came to the conclusion that it was not a good idea that there were boys roaming
the streets. They thought that boys that participate in activities would help them stay off the
streets and keep them from making bad decisions. In 1906, The Boys and Girls Club of America
had formed facilities and operational programs in every state, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. The Boys and Girls Club of America was originally just called The Boys Club
Federation. It was not until 1990 that it was changed to The Boys and Girls Club of America
because the girls are also part of the cause. This organization desires to provide an excellent club
experience that guarantees prosperity is in reach of every person who enters their doors. The
young kids and teens who attend clubs do better than their peers. The Boys and Girls Club make a
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The Mmr Vaccine Did Cause Autism
Although many people do not vaccinate for religious reasons, that does not mean they will be
protected by their close communities and close relationships and religion. Many outbreaks are
centraled in geographic areas and tight knit communities that have many people that share the same
values and beliefs. For example, in Texas, a megachurch voiced vaccinationconcerns and all
believed that it was not safe to vaccinate (Silverman, 2013). They were convinced that the MMR
vaccinedid cause autism. There were many families that were part of the church that had a history
of autism in their family, and did not want to chance it. So instead of asking for a different
schedule of vaccines and not bundling the MMR, the families and others opted out of the MMR
vaccine entirely (Silverman, 2013). A visitor came to the church, after being in Indonesia, and,
unknowingly, was carrying measles. When people that had not been vaccinated were exposed,
their bodies could not fight it off and a breakout of measles overtook the church (Silverman, 2013).
After that incident, the church began holding seminars and conferences that explained the
importance of vaccines and why vaccines are safe, for their members. (Silverman, 2013) There are
many personal reasons as to be exempt from vaccinating. From religious, to your own concerns or
reasoning, and many people are now wanting more strict rules on exemptions of vaccines. There are
now discussions concerning parents of unvaccinated children, and
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The Most Important Characteristics Of Giftedness
Although the history of humanity saw a huge amount of really great leaders who changed the
world to a better place, there were some bad leaders who caused big disaster for the universe too
and they still exist. We see these leaders everywhere. Presidents, team captains, religious leaders,
CEOs, etc. Basically, leaders are the ones who lead others. Actually, when we look at these leaders
characters , we can easily see most of them have gifted people characteristics. Because leadershipis
one of the most important characteristics of giftedness. At this point, we can say gifted students are
the possible future leaders. Frankly, it is one of the main reasons that influence me to study gifted
education. If the educators know how to develop their leadership feature, and if they teach these
children how to be a good leader, it means we will see a better world in the future. Creating great
leaders of the future for more livable environments for everyone, this idea is my imagined as an
educator. As you know I am not teaching at anywhere right now. Because of that, I am just
pretending like a teacher who is teaching to 10 (5 male, 5 female) 4th grade gifted student. I
would want to create a plan based on the class president system. I would like to call it be own
president before choose your president
Here are some main duties and specialties of the class president:
When there is no teacher in the classroom, he/she is the most qualified
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Majorie Prime
Majorie Prime is a play written by Jordan Harrison that first premiered in 2014. The show is set
in the future and follows an older woman in her sixties, Majorie and her family. Majorie lives
with her daughter, Tess, Son in law, Jon, and her husband, Walter. But there s a twist, Walter, is
dead, and is what the characters refer to as a Prime, a robot like version of a person who has
passed on. Over time you watch Tess struggle to accept Walter and her try to take care of her aging
mother. Eventually you watch Majorie then Tess each become Primes, and see how gre. This
production was at the Dobama theater in Cleveland Ohio, running October 13th through November
12th, each performance is roughly 90 minutes long. I attended the performance on... Show more
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The set, designed by Jill Davis, overall was very impressive and worked very well with the
show. When I first walked into the theater, I could tell right away that the show was set in the
future. The intricate design all over the floor gave a very futuristic feel, as well as the appliances
over where the kitchen area was. One of the most impressive aspects of the set was the fact that
the sink had running water. Something that the show didn t necessarily need, but when you saw
it you knew that the team had gone above and beyond to make sure that the show was the best
that it could be, and that didn t go unnoticed. Everything on the set looked futuristic and new, that
is, except for Majorie s chair at the beginning of the show, it represented how Majorie stuck out
in this new era, and how she longed for things the way they were when she was young, and it
brought great symbolism into the show. The costumes, designed by Inda Blatch Geib, were a
wonderful addition to the show as well. With this play being set in the future, it would be very
easy to go over the top with costumes and put each of the characters in absurd clothing that is
extreme. But instead of doing this, she kept the costume plot very simple. She put each of them in
clothes that fit their character and were very simple, which fit the show very well, and I
appreciated it. I really liked the
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Analysis of the Film, A Beautiful Mind Essay
Analysis of the film A Beautiful Mind In the movie, A Beautiful Mind , the main character, John
Nash, is a mathematician who suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is actually the most
chronic and disabling of the major mental illnesses and it distorts the way a person thinks, acts,
expresses emotions, interprets reality and relates to others. The movie, A Beautiful Mind , John
Nash, who is played by Russell Crowe, is a true story about a mathematician whose life is horrific
because of his disease, schizophrenia. He was an egocentric man who studied Mathematics in
Princeton University. During the whole time that he studied in Princeton, he was trying to come up
with his own original idea. He felt that by only... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These symptoms are: Delusions which are strange beliefs that are not based in reality. Another
positive symptom are hallucinations which makes people hear voices, feel touched when they are
not touched and see things that are not really there. The disorganized symptoms are the symptoms
that affect a person s ability to think clearly. These symptoms include talking in sentences that do
not make sense which causes difficulty in communicating; changing quickly from one thought to
the next; moving slowly; being unable to make choices; and forgetting or losing things and
repeating the same steps, such as walking in circles. The negative symptoms are the symptoms
that reflect the nonappearance of certain normal behaviors and these symptoms usually appears
first and then the other type of symptoms occur. Negative symptoms can be confused with
depression. These symptoms are: lack of emotions and expressions; withdrawal from friends,
family and social activities; reduced energy; loss of pleasure or interest in life; poor hygiene; and
catatonia, a condition in which a person becomes fixed in a single position for a very long time.
There are four basic subtypes of Schizophrenia. These are paranoid schizophrenia which is when
people are preoccupied with false beliefs about being persecuted or being punished by someone.
Their thinking, speech, and emotions remain fairly normal. Secondly, disorganized
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Role Model Worthy For The Field Of Social Work
There are many interesting and role model worthy people in the field of social work and social
justice in general. A few of these people include: Francis Feldman, Charles Loring Brace, Grace
Abbott, and many more. All of these people are worth of talking about when thinking of the idea
of my personal role model, but I find one woman to stand out more than the others. She is the
woman who started many social justice movements. This woman is the winner of the Nobel Peace
Prizeand demonstrated the ethics and values that became the basis of the 100 year old social work
profession ( Jane Addams, 1998). She accomplished a lot in her life time and I can only hope to
accomplish half of what she did. This woman that I am speaking about is... Show more content on
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In 1889, the two leased the house built by Charles Hull and began one of the most important and
successful things that Addams did in her lifetime. Adams and Starr made speeches about the needs
of the neighborhood, raised money, convinced young women of well to do families to help, took
care of children, nursed the sick, listened to outpourings from troubled people ( Jane Addams
Biographical, n.d.). This same article states that by its second year of existence, the Hull House
hosted around two thousand people a week. The Hull House consisted of eighteen national groups:
Italian, Greek, Mexican, British, Scandinavian, Polish, German, Russian, Czechoslovakian, French,
Lithuanian, Hungarian, Swiss, Rumanian, Yugoslavian, Belgian, Finnish and Dutch ( Spartacus
Educational , n.d.). The people who lived there paid rent and contributed to the various activities
and services that the house provided. These activities and services included things that helped them
and others in the community ( About Jane Addams , n.d.). These various programs include: an
employment bureau, children s clubs, music classes, and classes in language, painting, and
mathematics ( Jane Addams, 1998). The Hull House also offered a nursery, kindergarten, public
kitchen, and access to public baths, a playground, an art gallery, coffee house, gym, pool, and much
more ( About Jane Addams, n.d.).
Aside from the Hull House Addams was a part of many other movements and established many
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Zika Virus Papers
The Zika Virus When people think of the word epidemic , they generally imagine a widespread
disease that threatens humanity as a whole. While most of the hysteria associated with
pandemics stem purely from fiction, it can be understandable why people always fear the worst.
That is why when an outbreak of the Zika Virus was reported in the United States, an overall
feeling of malaise set in. As of September 21, 2016, a total of 3,358 cases of the Zika Virus have
been reported ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention ). Though the numbers are alarming,
there is no need for a national quarantine or emergency evacuation. In reality, the Zika Virus is not
as intimidating as society puts it out to be. The panic and confusion associated with... Show more
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As of now, there is no official vaccine for Zika. Instead, a patient that has the contagion must
undergo certain treatments. Fortunately, the remedies for the virus are simple and cheap. If
infection occurs, it is vital to get an abundance of rest and liquids; medication is also advised to
assist in alleviating pain. The treatments for Zika are straightforward because the disease itself is
rather mild. In fact, in most reported cases of the virus in the United States, the illness only lasted
approximately two to seven days prior to the first set of symptoms ( World Health Organization ).
It is evident that the fear associated with the Zika Virus is slightly exaggerated. Currently, there is
only one recorded fatality in the United States that is directly related to Zika ( The Washington
Post ). This is mainly because first world countries medical programs are advanced enough to
effectively treat the virus. The standard of living in these countries are also higher compared to
third world countries. That is why Zika has claimed a significant amount of lives worldwide; the
poor conditions in these countries make it difficult for infected individuals to get proper
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Homeless Youth In The United States
Homeless Youth
When you look at a group of kids entering their elementary school, can you point out the kids that
are having trouble getting a meal every day, or the ones that are sleeping on a park bench at
night? Most people, when asked about homeless youth say that they didn t even know that was a
thing. Homeless youth is a major silent problem in the United States of America that the
government needs to address. Schools should have resources for students that are in need of
food, a place to sleep, or even clothes. There should be more resources for a student to use outside
of school as well. Schools and medical centers don t have a resource for young teens and children
to use to their benefits when they need it because they aren t old ... Show more content on
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Covenant House, 07 Sept. 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.
Finzel, Rochelle. Homeless and Runaway Youth. National Conference of State Legislature. NCSL,
14 Apr. 2016. Web.
Gainer, Michael. Facts on Homelessness. Project HOME. Project Home, 05 Dec. 2013. Web. 28
Apr. 2017.
Lattanzio, Morgan Zalot Vince. Homeless Youth: A Silent Epidemic. NBC 10 Philadelphia. NBC
10 Philadelphia, 28 Apr. 2017. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.
McKinney, Cynthia. America, We Have a Problem: Homelessness Is out of Control. RT
International. RT International, 25 Mar. 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.
Shay, Kylyssa. Why Don t Homeless People Just Get Jobs? Soapboxie. Soapboxie, 31 Jan. 2017.
Web. 28 Apr. 2017.
2016 s Shocking Homelessness Statistics. Social Solutions. Social Solutions, 09 Jan. 2017. Web. 28
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Government Intervention In The Market System
Discuss the case for and against government intervention in an economy.
In most of the countries, the government has intervened in the market system. To some extent there
is a dire need of government intervention in the market system, although there is a debate over this
point among the economists. Many economists believe that the role of government intervention
improves the market system. The government can easily enforce the rules that can help in the
smooth functioning of the market system. On the other hand, there are economists who believe that
government interventions in a market system are the reason of inefficiency in the system.
There are some goods that underprovided and underconsumed. Such goods are cold merit goods.
They can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Information failure occurs when people have inaccurate, incomplete, uncertain or misunderstood
data and so make potentially wrong choices. Government action can have a role in improving
information to help consumers and producers value the true cost and/or benefit of a good or
service. Examples might include: * Compulsory labeling on cigarette packages with health
warnings to reduce smoking * Improved nutritional information on foods to counter the risks of
growing obesity * Anti speeding television advertising to reduce road accidents and advertising
campaigns to raise awareness of the risks of drink driving * Advertising health screening
programmes / information campaigns on the dangers of addiction
Another advantage of government intervention is the national minimum wage. The national
minimum wage was introduced into the UK in 1999. It is an intervention in the labour market
designed to increase the pay of lower paid workers and thereby influence the distribution of income
in society. In October 2005, the value of the minimum wage for adults was ВЈ5.05 following a
series of small increases over recent years.
The main aims of the minimum wage 1. The equity justification: That every job should offer a fair
rate of pay commensurate with the skills and experience of an employee 2. Labour market
incentives: The NMW is designed to improve the incentives for people to start looking for work
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A Solid Home Essay
Hello everyone! Welcome to our first meeting for the production of A Solid Home . I am very
excited about what we can create together and I want us to be able to get started right away. For
this production, our guiding concept is going to be Death can be livelier than life. Firstly, I want
to start with the set design. Now in the text, Garro states that the play is located in a room with
stone walls, and no windows or doors. Now, this will be the base of the play, however to express
the concept I wantto liven the space up. I think that painting a window and curtains on the upstage
wall would help create a more welcoming space. This would also allow for interesting blockingas
we could have the characters looking out the window, daydreaming as the reminisce about their
reincarnations. Next, I want a minimalistic amount of furniture, and I want these to be on the
more neutral side, coming in colors of white, tan and light grey, as furniture has no life to it. The
place should also look lived in, should feel like a home, with pillows on the furniture and books
and knickknacks on any tables. This will allow the characters to stand out, as they are the life of
the play and their home is more than just a crypt. Next, talking about the characters, I have... Show
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I want to treat this part of the play not like the characters are disappearing but as if they are
finally living out their purpose. Therefore, the characters should not be scared, but should project
their joy so that the audience can feel it. Each should exit out of the trapped door, one by one,
however the other characters should never acknowledge when another character leaves. This is
just another aspect of the characters living their life. Lydia is the last character to disappear .
When this happens, I want her to look and smile at the audience and right when she starts to go
down the trap door, the lights will cut
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Tokugawa Iemitsu Research Paper
History is an important aspect in the community as it assists people to understand the past and
learn about the growth and development of a civilization or an individual. Studying the
historical events gives an understanding of how this world came to be, including the different
cultures of people and the surroundings. For instance, Shogunate Japan was a significant
historic event. This is because for 250 years, the Tokugawa period brought peace and order in
Japan, it aided to enrich and preserve Japan s culture as seen present today. Shoguns were Japan s
military leaders who were given the title by the emperors. For over 200 years, Japan was ruled by a
series of Tokugawa shoguns, which began in 1603 and ended in 1867. During the Tokugawa
period, also known as The Edo period, many cultures and traditions were developed. Men and
women from all social classes engaged in the traditional arts of music, painting, calligraphy and
poetic forms called haiku. A famous individual known for this period is Tokugawa Iemitsu. He was
the third Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty and is well known for introducing the period of
isolation in Japan. Tokugawa Iemitsu is an extremely important individual as his legacy has
influenced the beliefs and values of Japanese society.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, the Tokugawa era was the final period of traditional Japan after it was overthrown and
the Meiji government took over. Tokugawa Iemitsu was born in Edo (Tokyo) on the twelfth of
August 1604 into the shogun hierarchy. Iemitsu was confirmed shogun in 1623 when his father,
Tokugawa Hidetada, retired. As he is most known for the isolation policy, he did this because he
didn t want the Japanese culture to fade and be influenced by Europeans. Tokugawa Iemitsu has
achieved many significant accomplishments with this, which has influenced the Japanese
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Persuasive Essay On Snapchat
In this paper I am going to be discussing the use of snapchat in my life and its policies. Snapchat as
an app is very widely used and was created in 2011. With its ability to have messages in picture
form that disappeared quickly, it was and still is very appealing; especially to adolescents such as
myself. The thing I find so many people fail to look past with this app is its privacypolicies and how
much information they are giving to snapchat. One of my major focuses will be on the surveillance
tactics used by Snapchat.
First it was just photos, then screenshots, then face recognition came, and now most recently
something called snapchat maps. The amount of content and personal details Snapchat has
collected of our lives is astounding; however, everyone looks past it. Snapchatting is a different
a fun way to communicate, which is why it is so popular and what encourages people to look
past all that we give them. Snapchat currently has 173 million users, which just shows how much
access to people everywhere around the world. It knows our name, location, birthday, email,
phone number, and even more than we can imagine. Until doing this project I was one of these
people, blinded by how much I was truly giving away about myself, but now after looking through
their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, I truly have learnt a great deal.
One of the first things I came across that was most intriguing to me is all the information they take
from your phone alone. They have
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Intragastric Tube Feedings
Low birth weight and preterm infants are more at risk for gastro oesophageal reflux disease.
These infants don t always have all of their organs and systems in their boy fully developed. So
since their bodies aren t fully ready to function on their own, it makes things a little more
complicated. One system that isn t fully developed is their GI system. Their antireflux mechanism
not being completely ready makes them more at risk for regurgitation. Most preterm and low birth
weight infants are put on tube feedings because their suck reflex isn t fully developed. The types of
feedings that they can receive are intermittent bolus or a continuous feeding. These two different
types of feedings can cause good or bad things to happen with the antireflux... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Both treatment groups must have com pared the same amount of enteral feeding (mL/kg/d)
prescribed over a 24 hour period. The research followed the ethic of protection from harm. The
infants in this study are protected from harm. They are still getting feedings whether continuous or
bolus. The infants get the same amount of food whether it is delivered through intermittent bolus or
continuous feedings. They are getting the food either over time or getting a certain amount at
different times in the day. They are getting research to help to prevent GORD, which prevents
future babies from harm. The infants also have confidentiality. No names of the infants are
mentioned. The research in this article links any infant to any name. With no names being
mentioned, the infants are able to have the ethic of confidentiality that lets them feel safe in that
they won t have to worry about later on in their life their name being in research. This research has
two very important ethics in it, which helps the participant, or in this case the parents, feel more
comfortable being involved in the
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Why Is In Cold Blood Be Banned
Violence in mass media has been constantly discussed in the past twenty years as a reasoning for
teenage violence against others, between video games such as Doom and Call of Duty , movies
such as Fight Club , Scream , American Psycho , and Natural Born Killers and social media
dehumanizing acts of violence. Many parents have labeled anything that is not family friendly as
a root cause of criminal behavior. Others also blame the amount of violence in media now as
unhealthy to young people, solely because many don t know the line of what is real and not real.
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote, details the gruesome murder of the Clutter family in rural
Holcolb, Kansas in November of 1959 committed by two men; Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. In
Capotes novel, he describes the motives of the killers and their backstory in order to help
humanize them. Some may say that because of both the violence and the humanization of the
killers, the book should be banned. However, banning the book would be censoring something
important for youth to learn from. This novel should be implemented in schools to let younger
generations be aware of the real world, and to be aware that not everything is picture perfect in the
world. Because of the common exposure of dirty media, kids pick up on signs fairly quickly that
what they are watching is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This may come off as extremely graphic for both youth and grown adults, and some may say it
just has a shock factor instead of an actual education purpose. However, this shock factor doesn t
sugar coat anything. In fact, it shows the darkest side of humanity. In Glendale, California, a
teacher requested for In Cold Blood to be taught in AP Language Classes, and numerous teachers
criticized this request. However, the school board president, Joylene Wagner, was quoted as
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An Equally Faulted Inequality Essay
An Equally Faulted Inequality
With the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 came more than solely the
independence stated in the legal document. The Declaration brought about a component of equality
unanticipated by any signer or drafter that would soon shape the future and the mindset of many
citizens. This sensation of equality spread rapidly through the country and could be seen in
different time periods throughout American history where a group of people realized the
government s failure to behave in such a way that reflects the words of the Declaration of
Independence, ...that all men are created equal... . Though no longer a thriving feeling today due to
our own natural human ability to dissolve equality in our quest for it, this sensation, while it lasted,
significantly benefitted the greater good of society.
How can one say that the sensation of equality had a negative impact on a country? Is this
feeling one that could in fact do more harm than good? One s perception of its affect depends
solely on one s place in America. The beneficiary of the feeling of equality would be those who
were not comfortable with their position in the country. By not comfortable , I refer to those who
were forced to be content with their place in the social hierarchy. I compare these citizens to a
child who was told never to go outside because of the dangerous tasks that the outside world
entailed. They, as a child, could not handle the dangers and stress and complications
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Summary Of A Child Called It By David Pelzer
Have you ever felt like there is no God? In the novel by David Pelzer, A Child Called It , David
Pelzer was a mistreated child at a very young age by his mother Catherine Roerva. David Pelzer
was considered a bad boy , In the beginning, it was mirror treatment . Mother would simply grab
me and smash my face against the mirror, smearing my tear streaked face on the slick, reflective
glass. Then she would order me to say over and over again, I m a bad boy ! David Pelzer was a bad
boy (This shows how David Pelzer got the nickname bad boy). David Pelzer was a normal child at
first In the years before I was abused, my familywas the Brady Bunch of the 1960s . David Pelzer
lived a happy life with his father Stephen Joseph , two... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
David Pelzer father was a fireman, he was five ten inches tall and always called David tiger.
David s family was a happy they had Thanksgiving together and Christmas one of David s
favorite holiday I was so excited during those holiday seasons that I couldn t sleep. Before dawn
mom would creep into our room and say santa hear ! David would tear open his presents and laugh
with his family . When Christmas was over David Mother often took day trips with the boys to
places like Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and to the park . They also had summer vacations
to Portola or Memorial Park that was the best times for David not a care in the world. Eventually
good times started to turn bad, My relationship with mom drastically changed from discipline to
punishment that grew out of control . David had to crawl away sometimes because the things his
mother would do to him was to crucial at times. David knew something had changed about his
mother when his father left and she would lay on the couch and do absolutely nothing.One day she
told David and his two brothers she started the to search the entire house for nothing
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I m Pretty Hungry Thanks
Mom I need you to open the door, I can t open something with one arm and crutches. Nick said.
Okay, I m coming up now, just wait for me said Mom.
Mom opened the door for me I leaned my crutches against the kitchen table and just flopped on the
How does it feel to be home? Mom said.
Great, I don t think I ve ever been this happy to just lay on the couch.
Good I m glad you re finally home, I ll make you something to eat.
I m pretty hungry thanks
While my Mom was cooking a sandwich for me, I thought, it s finally over
But boy was I wrong that was only the beginning, it is only fit to start where it all began.
It was just another day with a baseball game to play in the afternoon. I woke up and said goodbye
to my Mom as she was leaving for work. She told me that she had to work a double and that she
wouldn t be able to make my game. I told her that it was fine as she attends most of my games, so
it really didn t phase me at all. Since my Mom was working, she doesn t like me going out. So I
stayed in the house until I left for my game. I grabbed my bag and hopped on my bike and
started to ride to the field. When I got to the field I discovered I was the first one there, as usual,
so I started to stretch. Coach Rob pulled up just as I finished stretching.
Hey how my favorite player doing? Called coach Rob.
Great! That week off was great I m ready to play today I said
Good grab you bat. I ll throw some pitches to you.
Okay, one
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Political Changes In Syria
### just delete itВґs been merged ### Syrian Economy
Syria s economy has evolved, and molded itself into what it is now. But behind every great
achievement there is a beginning. And that beginning was when Syria became independent in 1946.
When Syria finally became independent, the country was able to do as it pleased. Since Syria had
just become a country, it lacked resources for economic prosperity. But slowly, agriculture began
controlling the country s economy.
However, by the 1960s, when the Baath party became the major political force in the country, Syria
s plan for its economy completely changed. But slowly by the mid 1960s everything went back to
normal and the Baath party had the economy under control.
By the 1970s, Syria achieved high rates of economic growth. The dramatic rise of the world oil
prices led to increased production from domestic refineries. And high prices from agricultural and
oil exports, and the fact that Syrians began to work in oil rich Arab states encouraged growth.
By the end of the decade, the Syrian economy had transitioned from agriculture based economy to
being dominated by the service, industrial, and commercial sectors. Development of irrigation,
electricity, water, road building projects, and the expansion of health services and education to
rural areas contributed to prosperity. By the mid 1980s, Syria s economic boom collapsed as a
result of the rapid drop of world oil prices, lower export income, drought affecting agricultural
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  • 5. The Importance Of School Sports In High School In high school, there are many opportunities to become involved in activities throughout the school year. Whether it s a club such as Chess Club or a sport in which athletes can compete, students have numerous opportunities to get involved. These opportunities help prepare students for life by teaching them important lessons. Although clubs can teach students some major life skills, they do not teach the students as much as a student actively involved in high schoolsports. High school athletics teach students valuable life lessons, they teach students how to manage what is important in their life, and they teach students to remain physically active throughout life. High school sports are an important key to teens becoming successful in life and should not be taken for granted. To start off, high school athletics teach students valuable life lessons. In sports, to become not only an excellent athlete, but a great team as well, athletes need to work hard. Whether it is by practicing or training to become better in the weight room, athletes know it takes hard work to acquire their goals. For anything to become its best, it takes hard work and dedication. This is also true in life. Whether it is for work or just tending to a garden, it takes hard work to get where you want to go or be where you want to be. This is a very important life lesson that can and should be used throughout a person s life. Another important lesson learned through high school athletics is to never give ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Symphony Orchestra Reflection Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Texas State Symphony Orchestra Recital at Evans Auditorium. The performance was made up of two pieces: Overture to Nabucco composed by Giuseppe Verdi and Symphony No. 5 E minor op. 64 composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky with its 4 movements. The theme of the overall performance was Fifth and Fate , depicting the ideas of life and destiny. Despite its flaws, the concert very well exemplified this theme and overall put on a delightful and memorable performance. Now, while the performance in its entirety was something spectacular, like every piece of art, it had its flaws. One thing I noticed throughout the recital was the lack of balance. At some points, the string section overpowered the horns almost entirely to where it was nearly impossible to hear them. Granted, the string section was almost three times the size of the brass, but that is no excuse. A good director would notice this imbalance and make an attempt to conduct the sections to fix this unequal sound. Simply stating, the strings needed to be quieter and the horns could ve made an attempt to be louder. A more obvious fault to the untrained ear was the timing of the orchestra. On occasion, after rests, when an entire section was cued to come in, they did not come in in unison. There would be a lone bassoon or viola that would come sometimes as soon as a beat before the rest of the ensemble. This hindered the sense of unity and harmony the orchestra attempted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Woman In The Odyssey In the beginning there was darkness, and then magically God came to bring light. This light he brought on Earth would be day, when the light disappears it will be called night. Genesis is a crucial part of the bible because through this people could understand how the world was created. Not only does it answer how the world was created, but also it answer the question of how man and womanwere created as well. When Godcreated humans he wanted us to stay pure. This did not happen because a snake manipulated Eve to eat the fruit off the tree she was forbidden from. Although she knew it was wrong Eve ate the fruit hoping it would make her wise. This story depicts woman as being curious beings, which most people might view as her being foolish. Proverbs is somewhat different since it is more of a list a woman should fulfill; these tasks however are not to be belittled. A woman does a lot more than what society thinks. They are wise creatures capable of a lot more than they are given credit... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For Genesis most people would characterize Eve as being foolish for listening to a snake, however, I see it as being curious. The snake is described as being more subtil than any beast of the field (Genesis 1.1). She cannot be blamed for being a fool since the snake was clearly more cleaver than she was. Adam however committed the same crime as Eve, but he was convinced by his equal to do so. When God created man and woman he made them clueless, they were unaware of good and evil. Eve saw the opportunity the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had to offer her. The tree would make her wise and although God said they would die from eating the fruit they did not. By acting independently Eve was able to open her eyes to the truth of her surroundings. In Proverb they describe everything a woman does more than just bare children. They are smart individuals who have the ability to achieve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. How The Utilities Industry Changed The Us And Gis Essay 12/12/2016 Utilities in the US and GIS GIS is critical to the utilities industry in the US. It allows them to perform mundane tasks that they are required to perform with new levels of ROI (return on investment), safety, and man hour efficiency. It also allows them to save the taxpayer a substantial sum of money yearly, and also the ability to remain profitable while billing for less. In this paper, I will first discuss some of the basic ways that the utilities industry in the US is using GIS to achieving all of these things, then into each part of the electrical utilities industry and then delve into some of the more technical items used by the industry and their function within the industry as a whole. Geography, as defined in the Cambridge dictionary is the study of features and systems of the earth s surface, including continents, mountains, seas, weather, and plant life, and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area. (3) Therefore, I think it is important to define the history of electricity to give perspective, and its physical properties on a smaller scale to help understand larger concepts from a power engineering perspective. Unfortunately, there is a lot of relevant information to cover before GIS is brought into fruition. Electricity had always been in a rather elementary and simple form of static electricity, until people discovered we could harness its properties to conduct work, light spaces and various other uses. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Side Effect Of Loneliness Charmi Patel Barrett English 208 17 December 2014 Codependency: The Side Effect of Loneliness Sam Keen once wrote, There are two questions a man must ask himself: The first is Where am I going? and the second is Who will go with me? If you ever get these questions in the wrong order you are in trouble (Keen 12). It is the time of Great Depression and it is every man for himself. In this society it is typical to live and travel alone but some are unable to handle this life of loneliness and develop a reliance on codependency. Codependency is a psychological condition in which someone is in an unhealthy relationship that involves living with and providing care for another person with a pathological condition. Whether it is George codependent on Lennie or Candy dependent on his companions, the characters form a codependent relationship to avoid a life of misery. Analyzing Of Mice and Men through a psychoanalytic lens, Steinbeck elucidates the characters formation of unhealthy relationships, through their ego and superego, in order to satisfy their loneliness. Loneliness causes an individual to seek the company of another. George and Lennie became aware of this early on in their lives leading them to form a mutual dependence on each other. At the ranch, after being asked by Slim, George opens up about the incident in Weed, [George] Well, that girl rabbits in an tells the law she been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie (Steinbeck 44). In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Characteristics Of Abdul Sattar Edhi ABDUL SATTAR EDHI Abdul sattar edhi was born on January 01, 1928 in a small town named Gujarat, a state in India. At the age of 11, his mother was suffering from paralysis and he has to face many hardships in life. After partition he migrated to Karachi in and set out to work as a cloth peddler to fulfill his needs. this was the time he came to knew about the sufferings of people in Pakistan. Impressionable age did not deter him; in fact, it only strengthened in him to resolve the problem and help people through their suffering, which was actually the job of government. After his migration to Karachi, he observed that the government support was virtually nonexistent. With a strong will and motivation to uplift those needy people, a man... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Physically, he indeed was very hard working, solidly lbuild and enthusiastic type of person which made him able to do something for human welfare. Secondly, he shows a trait of drive , as he was measured as a persistent leader who was completely dedicated and focused on his work and his contribution toward society shows his devotation for his nation. He is very achievement oriented and ambitious. Thirdly, he also exibits a trait of job relevant knowledge. As he has all the knowledge about his organization. He seldom visits his organizations personally and spend time with people living over there and listents to their matters and also tries to resolve them. Last but not the least he showed a trait of extravasation, as he was assertive, energetic and social. Edhi influences others his followers by giving them own examples. He is always interested in other people and their well beings. He is a big thinker and dreamer and have high level of ethics and sensitivity, he is a risk taker a decision maker and encourages individual who is determine to fullfil his vision. All these traits and behaviours makes him an effective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Single Sex Classrooms Helps Increase Self Esteem Single Sex Education is considered to be a teaching system that has been implemented in schools all over world, from long ago and little still today. That means that girls and boys are instructed in separate schools or classrooms. How does single sex education benefits students? That is the question that some parents make themselves when their sons enter school. Researches demonstrate that single sex classrooms helps increase self esteem; offer an environment that students feel more confortable in which will lead to better classroom discussions; Increases in subjects that certain genders are usually not interested can also be beneficial. Nowadays very few schools apply this system, for it is well known the benefits that Co educationoffers. Co Education is another teaching system that gained popularity some years ago and it is about that male and female are in mixed classrooms. What is the importance of co education in our society? That has become a vital part of every institution, helping students from both genders to construct a mutual understanding between them. Some benefits of co education are: it helps and teaches how to be successful by working together; removes thoughts of superiority and inferiority between students from single sex education; students in co educational schools grow to be confident expressing their view in the presence of the opposite sex; for both genders co education provides more realistic way for students to face their places in the wider ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Supply Chain Management in Wallmart P E S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BANASHANKARI 3RD STAGE BANGALORE. Term paper submission on SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AT WALL MART SUBMITTED BY SUJAY C 1PB12MBA51 INDEX S.NO DESCRIPTION 1. INTRODUCTION TO SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 2. LEVELS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 3. HISTORY WALMART 4.WAL MART INTRODUCTION AND ITS BUSINESS PROCESSES 5. SUPPLY CHAIN MANGEMENT AT WAL MART 6. PROCUREMENT AND DISTRIBUTION 7. LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT 8. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT 9. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE AND BUSINESS MODELS USED AT... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Air transportation is costly, but fast and reliable. Other modes of transportation may be cheaper, but the sacrifice has to hold inventories due to delays that may occur. If the above decisions are made with careful and strategic thought as well as with concern for integration, the supply chain should be efficient and successful. The complete goal of SCM is to optimize supply chains in an endeavor to provide more accurate and time sensitive information that can be used to improve process times and cut costs. Supply chains have been around for decades and a constantly being improved. The newest opportunity for improvement is the introduction of Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. RFID technology will provide real time information that will allow manufacturers to get better readings of customers and markets thus further improving supply chains. RFID will help retailers provide the right products at the right places at the right times. Finally, maximizing sales and profits. Wal Mart has been leading the charge with RFID technology. Having the largest retailer adopt and begin to use RFID technology has given strong backing to the technology and will only further and quicken the expansion of RFID. They have begun requiring all their major suppliers to implement RFID technology on all products supplied to Wal Mart. One example of what Wal Mart has done with SCM and its suppliers is that of its relationship with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. John Reid Quotes The revolutionary war started in 1775 between United States Of America and Great Britain.One family is caught in the middle of the war.In the book Time Enough For Drums written by Ann Rinaldi. John Reid is one of the character s tutor and is loving,brave and cruel. John Reid Has risked his life every time he stepped into enemy territory and spied for Washington as an American spy. The first Charactertrait that John Reid showed is that he was cruel. In the beginning of the book he was a tough strict tutor who did not show really any feelings towards Jemima. He would often lose his temper and patience regularly and often make Jemima cry. He took away her favorite riding horse bleu for absolutely no reason what so ever and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. School Cafeteria Food Essay Have you ever tasted school cafeteria food? I don t think you would want to. In school story books, do you have characters saying that the food tasted good at school cafeterias? Nope. Why is this? Cafeteria food is often cheap, bought in bulk, high in calories, malnutritious, and microwaved. Student polls and opinions prove this. Therefore, this leads to a suggestion: Healthier, tastier foods and a better, advanced lunch system should be implemented. First of all, students aren t motivated to eat unhealthy, not tasty food. If you observed students buying lunch in the cafeteria, you don t often see them buying these kinds, but not limited to, foodstuffs: burritos (which are just beans wrapped in tortillas), burgers (meat slapped on two... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A simple salad bar and healthier, tastier foods (such as soup, sandwiches, pasta, etc.) would be the key to flourishing and happy or happier students. On the other hand, you may be thinking, $3.75 $4.75 is cheap for a school lunch , Who would pay for it? , or If it s good enough for school standards, then it MUST be healthy . $3.75 $4.75 is not cheap with the economy failing and families having to stretch their dollars. About a year ago, the lunch was $2.50. If a student bought a $4.75 lunch every day for a month, about thirty days, the total would be $142.50. Multiply that by twelve months and it is $1,710 a YEAR. Compared to the $900 a year with the $2.50 meal, lunch prices ARE pretty darn expensive. Secondly, if enhanced foods and lunch system were implemented, some might say it would take a huge amount of money to actually start the project. However, if tax dollars are enough to pay for billion dollar roads, then it s enough to start a respectable lunch system. A portion of the tax dollars could be used instead of it all going to highway and road construction. Finally, the food may fit school standards, but it may not be such a good choice. Most people eat 2,000 to 2,500 calories a day, depending on their needs. How healthy could a tortilla with beans, or a piece of meat slapped between two slices of bread, be? Not to mention the amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, and salt! If you checked the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The M M Theorem Introduction This paper explores the M M theorem. It relates to the financial structure we learned from BUS 132 class. Research results I.Assumption The basic M M proposition is based on some key assumptions. Apart from some fundamental assumptions that are always shown in the financial articles such as competitive markets, no taxes, there are also some other important assumptions: No bankrupt costs: There are two kinds of bankruptcy costs: direct costs and indirect costs. Direct bankruptcy costs can significantly affect a company s cost of capital. When a company has debt, the company needs to service that debt through making required interest payments. Interest payments alter a company s earnings as well as cash flow. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Handling of Excess Cash One of the theorem s underlying assumptions is that when a corporation gets hold of extra money, it will not squander the cash. No matter how much free cash it has sitting in the bank, the firm will invest if there are worthy investment opportunities; but if there aren t, it will return the money to shareholders in the form of dividends. This assumption doesn t always pan out in the real world of corporate finance as well. Experience shows that firms do tend to squander excess cash, often taking on extremely risky projects with the free cash at hand. Symmetry of market information A condition in which all relevant information is known to all parties involved. For example, in the stock market, stock information has a full public disclosure, and all investors are in the same position to share information. And it effectively reduces some internal unnecessary cost in the transactions and avoids some situations caused by the information asymmetry such as adverse selection and moral hazard. II.Definition M M theorem implies that conditions under which diverse corporate financing decisions are irrelevant. The earning power and the risk of underlying assets determine the market value of a firm, while the financing methods do not affect the value. In the absence of tax, the M M proposition I focus on the irrelevancy between the value and capital structure. The value of the levered firm must equal to the value of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Economic Crisis Of Iceland Even though freedom for the private sector is a virtue, there should be government regulation in place due to corporate official s inability to satiate their hunger for personal wealth endangering the global economy and the event in 2008 which was the global economic crisis occurring which could have been prevented or at least lessened. Iceland is known for its beautiful landscapes and vast expanses of nature. Human civilization sparsely dots the land creating an aura of solitude everywhere you go. Iceland can boast that it has good education, clean air, and barely any crime. However, in 2000 the government in Iceland initiated a plan for a broad policy of deregulation. Which would begin a set of disastrous events. Iceland began with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... American accounting firms audited the Icelandic banks and investment firms which found nothing to be out of the ordinary. Credit rating agencies reported that Iceland was blooming in the economy. Credit rating agencies promoted the banks to the highest possible rating of Triple A in 2007. Then in 2008 Iceland s banks collapsed causing countless people to lose their savings. Unemployment tripled in the six months. Government regulators, whose job was to ensure financial stability, had done nothing. One third of Iceland s regulators worked at those banks. This problem exists the U.S. In September of 2008 the U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and the collapse of AIG, the world s largest insurance company, initiated the global financial crisis. The effect this had on shares globally was catastrophic. This in turn cost the world tens of trillions of dollars, doubling the national debt of the Unites States and rendering thirty million people unemployed. This crisis was not an accident. It was caused by an industry which had no supervision. Since the 1980 s the rise of the U.S. financial sector has led to a series of increasingly dire financial crisis. Each one of them causing more damage while the industry has made more and more money. After the Great Depression the U.S. had forty years of economic growth without another crisis. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay on Flood Legends From Around the World There are flood stories from many cultures. The flood stories usually consist of a higher power that floods a civilization due to some act that has made the higher power angry. The stories talk about one specific family and how the flood consumes the entire globe. So many cultures have a story about a great flood that have many similar details that it is hard to not believe that it is not true, but whether the story of a great flood is true or not, it is up to the individual to decide. Judaism is religion that many Hebrews are a part of. Many Christian religions like Catholicism also believe the same story that the Jews do about the great flood. They believe that God had become so upset with mankind s evil ways, he wanted to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He then sent out a dove that came back without anything. A week later Noah sent the dove out again, and the dove returned with an olive branch. The next week the dove did not return to the ark. After a year and ten days of being in the ark, Noah and his family emerged with the animals. Noah sacrificed some of the animals to God, and God was so pleased he vowed to never destroy all of the living creatures with a flood again. The rainbow that appeared was like the signature to an agreement that he would never do it again. The animals ran wild and began to produce and God told Noah s family to repopulate the earth (Genesis 6 9). In Greek mythology, Zeus wanted to destroy the men of the Bronze Age so he sent a flood. He thought the people of this age were very wicked. Prometheus advised his son Deucalion to build a chest. All other men perished except for a few who escaped to high mountains (). After Deucalion and his wife floated in the chest for nine days they land on Parnassus. Then, he made a sacrifice to Zeus in which he threw stones and they became men. Then his wife threw stones and they became women. This story focuses on one family in particular, Deucalion and his wife. There is a great flood that wipes everyone out but them, and a great higher power, Zeus, did this to the earth. In Roman mythology, which is very similar to Greek mythology, there is a flood story as well. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Emerson Individualism Emphasis on the Individual During the 19th century Romantic period, an intellectual movement known as Transcendentalism emerged. Individualism was one of the fundamental ideas of Transcendentalists. This new group believed that the individual s purity would be corrupted by organized religious and political parties. Literature in this period was affected by tenets of Transcendentalism. Many of the authors who believed in this movement expressed their ideas in their works. Transcendentalist writers supported individualism by advocating self reliance, nonconformity, and resistance to unjust government. Individualism was often shown in transcendentalist s works by insisting that oneself must be self reliant. Writer Ralph Waldo Emersonwas a key leader in the Transcendental movement. In his work, Self Reliance , Emerson advocated self reliance when he wrote To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius (1334). In this piece, Emerson also preached Insist of yourself; never imitate (1348) to his readers. He believed that an individual was truly their best when they had independent thinking and relied only on their own thoughts. Emerson claimed that an individual s true genius cannot be taught or learned from another person. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Henry David Thoreau believed in prioritizing one s conscience thoughts over the ideas and laws of government. He argued that people should do what they feel is right and not conform to an unjust institution just because the majority is. In his essay Civil Disobedience , Thoreau claimed to agree with the mottos That government is best which governs least; (1577) and That government is best which governs not at all; (1577). Thoreau did not resist government entirely, but only the specific parts that he deemed immoral or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. My Block Vs Tupac Hip hop songs are an expression of the songwriter or the artist reality. In this essay I would like to compare and show the contrast between two hip hop songs that relate in substance but are of two different time periods. The first song is The Message by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five (1982) and the other song is My Block by Tupac Shakur (1995). The Message was recorded by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five on the Sugar Hill Record label. Released July 1,1982 as a single was later featured on the group s first studio album titled The Message. The lyrics were written and performed by Melle Mel and Ed Duke Bootee Fletcher with Grandmaster Flash as the DJ. At that time in Melle Mel s life his lyrics subject matter reflected his belief in being socially aware. The Message was one of the first song to later be known as what we today call conscious rap. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Released August 15,1995 on the soundtrack for Russel Simmons film The Show. The lyrics were written and performed by Tupac, and featured Richie Rich. Tupac s subject matter reflected his view of the hardships and hassles of the inner city, violence, racism, and other social issues. Shakur s beliefs reflected in his songs were molded by his exposure to The Black Liberation Army and The Panther Party thru family and close family friends. Both The Message and My Block are songs of the artist consciousness and social awareness. These songs display the hardships and hassles faced in the inner city streets and how it affected them. The Message focuses on the struggles of the 80 s like poverty, unemployment, the effects of drug life, crime, and violence. My Block, reflects social inequality, effects of gang life on the community, and a sense of hopelessness in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Methods Of Inquiry . The Main Focus Of This Paper Is The Methods of Inquiry The main focus of this paper is the impact of parking ticket s students receives and how might it be altered to better accommodate them. We are looking at ways to not only look out for the UNH students but also everyone that this issue involves. Question Routes: 1.My main focus will be on parking tickets and the focus around how it is really impacting students with the fines they receive. One of my first questions to the interviewee(s) will be to find out how exactly they determine the price for the tickets. Why are some areas more expensive than the others? What are the criteria in which you determine how much the fine will be? I want to crack down on why they ticket the way they do. 2.Once I have an idea of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is your greatest struggle with parking at the meters on the UNH campus? Do you ever get ticketed? How many tickets have you gotten while attending UNH? What has that amount been? I want to know typically what students are spending and how it is impacting them. 5.Are there any suggestions you have to help improve the parking system to prevent the amount of parking tickets being given out? How does it make you feel when you get fined? I want an idea of how students feel, and if they can essentially afford these extra fines. What do you do once you are fined? Do you appeal the ticket? Is UNH accommodating towards your appeal? Stakeholder Contact Information: 1.The Students of UNH, I am thinking of creating a survey of questions and submitting it to each class on the Facebook page to get input. It will be quite difficult to interview each student individually so I am thinking by doing an survey where they can answer questions anonymously could get them to answer all the questions as honestly as possible without worrying about their personal information being shared to the public. 2.Another thought I have is posting in each of these class groups and asking if there is anyone who would like to meet in person to discuss these questions and gain more input on their feelings. 3.Department of Transportation: 603 862 1010 number and then speak to Jeff Parsons who works for the parking services. 4.Sustainability ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Musical Segments Of The Film Snow White And The... There have been many animated movies that were very popular during the 1940 s and 50 s. Some are still watched and have been recreated in today s times: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, and Dumbo. Although not the first animated movie to be created, Fantasia (1940) was the first movie to connect classical music with animations. Directed by James Algar and released in 1940, this movie was the first of its kind, using classical music and creating scenes with animations around that music or vice versa. This movie contains eight musical segments all narrated by Deems Taylor with different music and animations like Mickey Mouse, fairies, flowers, dinosaurs, figures from mythology, animals, and spirits for each of the scenes. As... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After falling asleep, the brooms had the room overflowed with water and Mickey could not find or remember how to make them stop. As a matter of fact, in this case the story came first...and the composer wrote the music to go with it. (Grant). In contrast to what Joe Grant wrote, none of the other segments in Fantasia had the music created for the animation, the music was there first and then created the animations based off of the music. Throughout the creation of this film, there were over 700 animators that worked closely with director, James Algar to make sure every detail of the animations were perfect. These animations were extraordinarily precise as objects came to life or moved on the exact beats going along with the music. It simply takes the audience into a magical world of what is going on throughout the segments whether it be with spirits or dinosaurs. Starting out as a failure after being released and barely making any money, this movie is one of a kind as it rose to fame and reached its peak as the 22nd most grossing film. Fantasia was the result of many great relationships and collaborations in the Disney film industry, between the animators, composers, musicians, producers, and directors. Fantasia was the first commercial film shown ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Sand County Almanac Review Part A: Aldo Leopold wrote about the connection humans should have with land and/or nature. In part 1 of the book A Sand County Almanac reveals what Leopold family sees and does on a weekend refuges from the shack . The shack is a national historic landmark which was a rebuilt chicken coop along the Wisconsin River. The theme in part 1 of Leopold s book is to have respect for small things. In order to understand the meaning of Leopold s theme it is important to know the meanings to all the words. The definition of respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements (Dictionary, 2015). When referring to the small things; Leopold is giving a sense of wonder that helps us to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If everyone thought this way our wildlife, animals, nature, and environment would be in better the way you would want them to be treated. This saying is simply stating to people love to have nice things and when we get them we like to keep it that way. So in relation to Leopold we have a nice beautiful environment in which we should keep it that way. Think of our environment as a condition than what it is now. Aldo Leopold was right when he said A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and the beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise. (Sand CountyAlmanac, pg. 224 225). It is important for people to reach and follow the values of Leopold explaining that beauty is not just scenery, stability does not mean unchanging for change is essential to nature and the natural world and integrity is wholeness, having all the parts. These three simple values will change our perspective of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Essay On Filial Piety YoungHyun Lee Rebecca Ehrenwirth Global perspective on society 26 September 2017 Significant differences Filial Piety is a widespread custom belief that is prominent within a confucianism community. The whole idea of filial piety is to teach younger generations to commence with the service of parents; it proceeds to the service of the ruler (Jing 58). In a society, filial piety has more than a function of simply teaching people to respect their elders: the ideals of Confucian s teachings help to create certain social standards within a community. According to Jing, high ministers and great officers exemplify [their people through] virtuous ways, and as long as none of their actions [are] contrary to the right way [then] they can then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His texts claims that while love is what is chiefly rendered to the mother, and reverence is what is chiefly rendered to the ruler, [both] of these things are given to the father. The belief of filial piety has a clear distinction on a patriarchal society that emphasizes respect and praise towards a mature generation. However, in Mill s The Racial Contract, Mills makes the point that people s social discipline usually leans toward respecting the white race. As mentioned, the Racial Contract has asked many people s perception on equal distribution of power by letting white people take advantage of the status quo (Mills 40). The clear distinction between these two texts is clear: although both argue that people pay their respects to anyone but themselves in a society, Jing makes it clear that the kindred plays a role in exemplifying privilege whereas Mills argue that the privilege has already been established due to European conquest. The real difference is that within the readings of filial piety, the mandates of heaven are also required follow a certain guideline in which they serve as an honorary example for their people (Jing 60). However, Mills explains that the whole social contract idea is that people give up their rights to serve underneath people who are just as equal as them: the only difference is that their countries were able to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Separation of a Carboxylic Acid, a Phenol, and a Neutral... Objective: The objective of this experiment is to use acid base extraction techniques to separate a mixture of organic compounds based on acidity and/or basicity. After the three compounds are separated we will recover them into their salt forms and then purify them by recrystallization and identify them by their melting points. Procedure: Extraction of Carboxylic Acid A pre weighed (0.315g) mixture of Carboxylic acid, a phenol, and neutral substance was placed into a reaction tube (tube 1). tert Butyl methyl ether (2ml) was added to the tube and the solid mixture was dissolved. Next, 1 ml of saturated NaHCO3 solution was added to the tube and the contents were mixed separating the contents into three layers. Once this was completed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Next, add concentrated HCl drop wise until the litmus paper indicates that it is acidic. During this procedure, I added to much HCl because many CO2 gas bubbles evolved. This error in the experiment will cause the recovery % to be lower. Recovery of Phenol by Acidification To tube 3 a piece of litmus paper was placed into the tube. Then as is tube 2 concentrated HCl was added drop wise until the litmus paper indicated that it is acidic. No CO2 gas will evolve. Purification of neutral substance Tube 4 now should only have crude solid in the tube and it is then weighed. The tube is placed into a 50в„ѓ water bath and then approximately 0.5 1 ml of methanol is added, as well as H2O until the solution gets cloudy, once the solution is dissolved it is cooled to room temperature and then iced. The crystals are then collected using a Hirsh funnel. Next a small amount (~ 0.1g) of the crystals are placed into a melting point tube and placed into the melting point machine to record the unknown neutral substances melting point. Purification of Carboxylic Acid and Phenol To tube 2 and tube 3 a boiling chip is added. The two tubes are boiled to remove any residual ether. Next, the tubes are cooled to room temperature and placed into an ice bath to allow for crystallization. The solution is then removed from the solid in each tube and discarded. To tube 2 and 3 ~0.5 ml of H2O is added for recrystallization, the tubes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Seventh Man On average Japan is severely hit with three typhoons a year. In The Seventh Man the main character the seventh man was ten years old and living in a seaside town in Japan. The seventh man lost his nine year old best friend to one of these typhoons. He was there and watched as his best friend K. was carried away by a wave. The death of K. was not the seventh man s fault therefore he should not have survivor guilt. The seventh man was only ten years old when it happened, he would nt have been able to save K. no matter how hard he tried. K. walked out of his house when he saw the seventh man walking down the road while their town was in the midst of a typhoon, they walked down to the beach together and K. was caught up looking at something on the beach. The seventh man told K. that he needed to move because it was not safe, but K. was not paying attention to the wave coming up behind him. The seventh man ran away from K. yelling. Then the wave came. The seventh man barely had enough time to make it away himself, and with him only being ten he would not have been able to run and save K. without risking his own life too.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... but he was not listening. K. was too caught up in looking at something that he blocked out the rest of the world. The seventh man continued yelling to K. but still could not get K. s attention. K. is the one who is at fault in this situation he is the one who did not pay attention. The seventh man tried his hardest to get K. to listen to him. But he wouldn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. How Has Nursing Changed Essay Nursing today is at the heart of healthcare provision in the United Kingdom, and nurses are the largest group of clinical employees in the NHS (The Royal Marsden, 2011). This essay will illustrate a discussion on how nursing has changed in the past twenty or so years with regards to how the public health needs have changed and in particular, at how the role of the nursehas adapted to ensure that high quality care is provided. Fluctuating demographics and an upsurge in life expectancy has had increased demand on the NHS services, which in turn has resulted in variations in the roles of healthcare professionals. In particular this, and a change in education, has led to new and more complex roles for nurses who are now taking on more responsibility... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the Labour government came into power in 1997 they initiated many policies which in result has helped nursing develop and grow in professionalism, skills and leadership (Booker, 2010) . Nurse education was a comparative new arrival to higher education. Until the early 1990s the larger part of student nurses embarked on a hospital based apprentice style course of nursing education (Willis Commission Report, 2012). Project 2000 seen that nurse education was transformed and the programme established. This type of nursing was university based and students who embarked on this course were supernumerary (Kozier, 2012). In 1999 the UKCC set up a Commission for Nursing and Midwifery Education, which suggested that more emphasis should be placed on the development of competency in clinical skills within pre registration nursing courses. Following this a new curriculum was developed, known as Fitness for Practice. This new curriculum consisted of a one year Common Foundation Programme followed by a two year Branch Programme (Kozier 2012). According to the Fundamentals of Nursing by Kozier, 2012 this type of nurse education reduced the amount of clinical experience student nurses were exposed to, but concentrated on social sciences and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Godspell Play Analysis Godspell is originally produce for the first time Off Broadway in 1976 by college students attending Carnegie Mellon University.The collaboration aming team members is what bright to life the Godspell play. Godspell highlight intrigue the audience to asked themselves, How would the Gospel look like if jesus showed up to a group of theatrical clowns. The content of the Godspell is based on biblical context. Is composed of anecdotes told throughout the Gospels. Moreover the play is organized in two parts. First it starts of with many lessons in a particular order from the begining of Jesus ministry. The stories are told and acted out among members like a live movie on stage. Jesus is portray as a an teacher also his role is to analogy of a clown.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Except during the last Supper, Jesus used a script to translate to Hebrew John 5:26 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. (NIV) There was 8 disciples and Jesus. The disciples were always with Jesus and acted like his friends. The gestures of each action served as nonverbal communication, for example when Judas was running around with a sad face it demonstrated that he was frustrated and with a sense of regret. Also symbolism using colors were prevalent. For example in many occasions the background changed colors like red warned about danger, smoke and gray meat death and colorfully confetti dispersed in the room brought an amicable atmosphere. Moreover Entertaining media was used for songs played during simultaneously acting seen a lot on group choreography. In all the play was not only a play instead it was a sermon presented in a different method. The Godspell play is appealing as the number of the original performances revivals/tours increases in the U.S and internationally. Additionally the play is repeated by many other groups with the same theme that has not been recorder the amount of Lives that had surrender their life to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Stimulant Development Introduction Talk about what drug stimulant effects on growth. Given the deficit / hyperactivity and control of population based birth cohort, the growth and development of the association between stimulant treatment were studied. Children with ADHD treated raising questions about whether they grow. Stimulant medications, such as methylphenidate and amphetamines is safe and effective in children and adolescents with attention deficit disorder. Research on the issue of lack of growth suppression is mainly due to inadequate follow up of patients at final height. In general, the rate of loss appears to be relatively small height and possibly reversible with withdrawal of treatment. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a developmental ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the article, considerable variation in the parameters used for the analysis of growth, making it difficult to compare results from different studies. The method used most consistently showed poor growth in height and height deficit was possible to compare between studies. Implications for physician Been hypothesized that weight gain and growth in height, the height of the other to adjust to a new equilibrium in stimulating drugs. Some of the data presented in support of this. The limited of data on stimulant drugs to stop the growth is hypothesized that a similar mechanism applies. Implications for future research Although the driver of a favorable risk benefit, they carry potential risks for children using them. Appetite suppression and weight loss is usually about side effects. Sudden death has been reported in children using stimulant. A thorough history and physical examination with emphasis on the identification of risk factors for sudden death exist before starting stimulant medications. However, no routine screening electrocardiogram and heart specialist advice is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Darwin Vs Lamarck Analysis It s a thursday night and the weirdest things has just happened to me a bunch of scientists had just arrived at my door and i am confused and shocked at the same time right now i m wondering if they will be joining us for dinner but first i m going to go grab a tape recorder so i have proof to show that i did meet these people. Later that night we were having a good laugh, somehow we ended up talking about evolutioncharles and lamarck were arguing about inherited traits and acquired characteristics. lamarck was saying that if an organism needed a certain trait that they were able to obtain it and how that once it is obtained it can be passed onto the offspring. Then charles darwinstarts to argue by saying that organisms cannot pass on acquired... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eventually ernst mayr says that he is going back home then, linnaeus starts to go then as the night progresses most of them go back home except for lamarck and charles darwin. Then all of the sudden we hear a knock on the door knock, knock,knock i ask them to wait i walk over to see that it is walt disney and then that is when everyone else starts to come back i asked him what is he doing at my house he says that sometimes the littlest things can have an impact on the biggest things that go around. I start to freak out i went to the bathroom to throw cold water at my face just to see if everything is real then since it is all happening i ask for a million dollars sadly but i saw ten dollars and fifty cents but at least i had some cash because i was almost broke. I start to talk to walt disney and ask him why did he built the theme park and how he was even standing in my house. I was having the time of my life then i got scared because i had thought what if the tape recorder wasn t recording i look into my pocket relieved that it was recording the whole ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Evaluation Of A Training On Embedded Instruction Recruited teachers will be randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Participants in the first condition will receive continued coaching on embedded instruction. Teachers in this condition will receive training by their coach for one hour per week, be observed by their coach one hour per week, and will receive feedback through email or phone call. Teachers in the second condition will attend two six hour long workshops on embedded instructionand will not have continued contact with an embedded instruction coach. Finally, teachers in the third condition will not receive training on embedded instruction and will serve as a control group. Data will be collected from these teachers at four time points. (T1) Data will be collected for the first time point four weeks after schoolbegins to provide teachers with time to become familiar with their students behaviors so that they can identify target children with challenging behaviors. T1 will serve as a baseline measure, as no teachers will have received embedded instruction coaching or training. (T2) Next, data will be collected before students leave for winter break, preferably two weeks before break begins to avoid data collection too close to the holidays which could lead to distractions. (T3) Data will be collected again in early spring approximately two to three weeks after students return from holiday break. (T4) Finally, data will be collected at the end of the school year about two weeks before school ends. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Analysis Of The Movie The Hunting Ground Mayra Leon Fogg WS 135 Dr. Slagter Outside Event 1 4/24/15 The Hunting Ground For my outside event I chose to attend the screening of The Hunting Ground which was directed by Kirby Dick, who also directed the film, The Invisible War . In addition to the special screening of this film, Kirby Dick made a special appearance for a post film discussion. The event began at 5:30P.M. and went on till about 7:30P.M. or so which began with a rocky start as Kirby Dick was scheduled to arrive in time to introduce the film to the audience, but due to an unfortunate mishap on Highway 99, it caused him to arrive closer towards the end of the film. In the film we are presented with two protagonists, Andrea Pino a valedictorian from her high school and Annie Clark who graduated third in her high school class. Both ladies are alumni s at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and both had been sexually assaulted before their classes at UNC had even began. Both girls shared very similar experiences; they both knew their attacker, they were in denial about their assaults, and when they approached their school administrators to report the assault were bombarded with insulting questions in regards to how they were dressed the night of the attack, if they had been drinking, and essentially boiled it down to that both girls got what was coming for them for putting themselves into those situations. The film highlights how colleges and universities try to make their campus s appear to their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Essay Comparing The Grimm Fairy Tales And Cajun Folk Tales Both the Grimm fairy tales and Cajun folktales frequently utilize heroines in their stories instead of heroes. Female protagonists vary from symbols of purity to tricksters between these two types of tales. It can be seen that levels of agency are also varied. In the Grimm fairy tales, the heroine is always described as being beautiful and pious. Despite her devotion to God, she must overcome a series of challenges in order to prove her piety. For example: in The Girl Without Hands by The Brothers Grimm, the protagonist is very religious, but the devil comes to take her and eventually her father must cut off her hands. She sticks to her religion and prays for help, but later the devil comes after her again and gets her exiled. Despite both these challenges she proves her devotion to God and her hands grow back. In many of these tales, the women are similarly tested by a devilish force but must persevere and prove their virtue ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are shown to have more agency than is typically given to female protagonists. For example: in Marie Jolie, she actively chooses not to get married for most of her life and when she does she chooses to leave him when she finds out that he s the devil. Later in life, she decides not to remarry again. The female protagonists are also not shown to be religious, in fact, they can be the opposite. This is shown in The Barefoot woman, where the heroine is actually the devil s wife. These characters do not prove to do things for the good of others. In Marie Jolie she only looks out for herself and what she wants, ignoring her mother s request to choose a husband. In The Barefoot Woman, she actively breaks up a loving couple in order to acquire a pair of shoes for herself. Another strong difference is that these women are not shown to be quite as naive. In The Barefoot Woman, she deceives her husband, the devil, and is also able to trick the newlywed couple into breaking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Pros And Cons Of Dental Amalgams Professor Kostelecky, before starting this paper I didn t have the slightest idea what an amalgam was or why it causes so much controversy in the realm of dentistry. The controversy originates from the material that primarily makes up amalgams; that material is mercury. Now that this debate has commenced, dentists, scientists, and corporate organizations everywhere are arguing whether the use of amalgams should be banned or should remain a growing practice. Because I plan to study dentistryin the future I figured this would be a good topic to prepare me for my future education. Before I discuss the three main points of view regarding amalgams, I want to give you some of the basic background information. Dental amalgams are a type of filling used to fill cavities caused by decay in the teeth. Amalgams are not the only type of filling offered by dentists; composite resin, cast gold, ceramics, and glass ionomer are also used, but are not used near as much. Amalgams are the most popular filling material and it has been this way since they were first introduced back in the 1800 s. Each year billions of people invest in amalgams because they are long lasting, cheap, and durable, but many researchers believe they could be detrimental to your health due to the main ingredient mercury Amalgams are a mixture of metals; 50% is composed of mercury and the other 50% is composed of an alloy, which in this case, is silver copper and tin. The problem with using mercury in amalgams is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Boys And Girls Club Research Paper The Boys and Girls Clubs of America goes all the way back to 1860. A couple of women in Hartford, Connecticut, did not think that it was a good idea that there were boys roaming the streets. They believed that boys engaged in productive activities would not become involved in unacceptable behavior. From these perceptive observations arose, in time, a national cause. By 1906, The Boys and Girls Club of America had formed facilities and operational programs in every state, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Taylor). The Boys and Girls Club help young kids achieve their full potential and also change their lives ( BGCA Boys Girls Clubs of America. ). This organization will help keep kids from just roaming the streets and from making bad decisions and having unacceptable behavior by letting them do more things that keep... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the best ways to keep kids from roaming the streets and making bad decisions, is to keep them doing something productive. The Boys and Girls Club was begun by three women in Hartford, Connecticut. The three women are Elizabeth Hammersley, and Mary and Alice Goodwin. They came to the conclusion that it was not a good idea that there were boys roaming the streets. They thought that boys that participate in activities would help them stay off the streets and keep them from making bad decisions. In 1906, The Boys and Girls Club of America had formed facilities and operational programs in every state, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Boys and Girls Club of America was originally just called The Boys Club Federation. It was not until 1990 that it was changed to The Boys and Girls Club of America because the girls are also part of the cause. This organization desires to provide an excellent club experience that guarantees prosperity is in reach of every person who enters their doors. The young kids and teens who attend clubs do better than their peers. The Boys and Girls Club make a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Mmr Vaccine Did Cause Autism Although many people do not vaccinate for religious reasons, that does not mean they will be protected by their close communities and close relationships and religion. Many outbreaks are centraled in geographic areas and tight knit communities that have many people that share the same values and beliefs. For example, in Texas, a megachurch voiced vaccinationconcerns and all believed that it was not safe to vaccinate (Silverman, 2013). They were convinced that the MMR vaccinedid cause autism. There were many families that were part of the church that had a history of autism in their family, and did not want to chance it. So instead of asking for a different schedule of vaccines and not bundling the MMR, the families and others opted out of the MMR vaccine entirely (Silverman, 2013). A visitor came to the church, after being in Indonesia, and, unknowingly, was carrying measles. When people that had not been vaccinated were exposed, their bodies could not fight it off and a breakout of measles overtook the church (Silverman, 2013). After that incident, the church began holding seminars and conferences that explained the importance of vaccines and why vaccines are safe, for their members. (Silverman, 2013) There are many personal reasons as to be exempt from vaccinating. From religious, to your own concerns or reasoning, and many people are now wanting more strict rules on exemptions of vaccines. There are now discussions concerning parents of unvaccinated children, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Most Important Characteristics Of Giftedness Although the history of humanity saw a huge amount of really great leaders who changed the world to a better place, there were some bad leaders who caused big disaster for the universe too and they still exist. We see these leaders everywhere. Presidents, team captains, religious leaders, CEOs, etc. Basically, leaders are the ones who lead others. Actually, when we look at these leaders characters , we can easily see most of them have gifted people characteristics. Because leadershipis one of the most important characteristics of giftedness. At this point, we can say gifted students are the possible future leaders. Frankly, it is one of the main reasons that influence me to study gifted education. If the educators know how to develop their leadership feature, and if they teach these children how to be a good leader, it means we will see a better world in the future. Creating great leaders of the future for more livable environments for everyone, this idea is my imagined as an educator. As you know I am not teaching at anywhere right now. Because of that, I am just pretending like a teacher who is teaching to 10 (5 male, 5 female) 4th grade gifted student. I would want to create a plan based on the class president system. I would like to call it be own president before choose your president Here are some main duties and specialties of the class president: When there is no teacher in the classroom, he/she is the most qualified ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Majorie Prime Majorie Prime is a play written by Jordan Harrison that first premiered in 2014. The show is set in the future and follows an older woman in her sixties, Majorie and her family. Majorie lives with her daughter, Tess, Son in law, Jon, and her husband, Walter. But there s a twist, Walter, is dead, and is what the characters refer to as a Prime, a robot like version of a person who has passed on. Over time you watch Tess struggle to accept Walter and her try to take care of her aging mother. Eventually you watch Majorie then Tess each become Primes, and see how gre. This production was at the Dobama theater in Cleveland Ohio, running October 13th through November 12th, each performance is roughly 90 minutes long. I attended the performance on... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The set, designed by Jill Davis, overall was very impressive and worked very well with the show. When I first walked into the theater, I could tell right away that the show was set in the future. The intricate design all over the floor gave a very futuristic feel, as well as the appliances over where the kitchen area was. One of the most impressive aspects of the set was the fact that the sink had running water. Something that the show didn t necessarily need, but when you saw it you knew that the team had gone above and beyond to make sure that the show was the best that it could be, and that didn t go unnoticed. Everything on the set looked futuristic and new, that is, except for Majorie s chair at the beginning of the show, it represented how Majorie stuck out in this new era, and how she longed for things the way they were when she was young, and it brought great symbolism into the show. The costumes, designed by Inda Blatch Geib, were a wonderful addition to the show as well. With this play being set in the future, it would be very easy to go over the top with costumes and put each of the characters in absurd clothing that is extreme. But instead of doing this, she kept the costume plot very simple. She put each of them in clothes that fit their character and were very simple, which fit the show very well, and I appreciated it. I really liked the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Analysis of the Film, A Beautiful Mind Essay Analysis of the film A Beautiful Mind In the movie, A Beautiful Mind , the main character, John Nash, is a mathematician who suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is actually the most chronic and disabling of the major mental illnesses and it distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, interprets reality and relates to others. The movie, A Beautiful Mind , John Nash, who is played by Russell Crowe, is a true story about a mathematician whose life is horrific because of his disease, schizophrenia. He was an egocentric man who studied Mathematics in Princeton University. During the whole time that he studied in Princeton, he was trying to come up with his own original idea. He felt that by only... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These symptoms are: Delusions which are strange beliefs that are not based in reality. Another positive symptom are hallucinations which makes people hear voices, feel touched when they are not touched and see things that are not really there. The disorganized symptoms are the symptoms that affect a person s ability to think clearly. These symptoms include talking in sentences that do not make sense which causes difficulty in communicating; changing quickly from one thought to the next; moving slowly; being unable to make choices; and forgetting or losing things and repeating the same steps, such as walking in circles. The negative symptoms are the symptoms that reflect the nonappearance of certain normal behaviors and these symptoms usually appears first and then the other type of symptoms occur. Negative symptoms can be confused with depression. These symptoms are: lack of emotions and expressions; withdrawal from friends, family and social activities; reduced energy; loss of pleasure or interest in life; poor hygiene; and catatonia, a condition in which a person becomes fixed in a single position for a very long time. There are four basic subtypes of Schizophrenia. These are paranoid schizophrenia which is when people are preoccupied with false beliefs about being persecuted or being punished by someone. Their thinking, speech, and emotions remain fairly normal. Secondly, disorganized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Role Model Worthy For The Field Of Social Work There are many interesting and role model worthy people in the field of social work and social justice in general. A few of these people include: Francis Feldman, Charles Loring Brace, Grace Abbott, and many more. All of these people are worth of talking about when thinking of the idea of my personal role model, but I find one woman to stand out more than the others. She is the woman who started many social justice movements. This woman is the winner of the Nobel Peace Prizeand demonstrated the ethics and values that became the basis of the 100 year old social work profession ( Jane Addams, 1998). She accomplished a lot in her life time and I can only hope to accomplish half of what she did. This woman that I am speaking about is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1889, the two leased the house built by Charles Hull and began one of the most important and successful things that Addams did in her lifetime. Adams and Starr made speeches about the needs of the neighborhood, raised money, convinced young women of well to do families to help, took care of children, nursed the sick, listened to outpourings from troubled people ( Jane Addams Biographical, n.d.). This same article states that by its second year of existence, the Hull House hosted around two thousand people a week. The Hull House consisted of eighteen national groups: Italian, Greek, Mexican, British, Scandinavian, Polish, German, Russian, Czechoslovakian, French, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Swiss, Rumanian, Yugoslavian, Belgian, Finnish and Dutch ( Spartacus Educational , n.d.). The people who lived there paid rent and contributed to the various activities and services that the house provided. These activities and services included things that helped them and others in the community ( About Jane Addams , n.d.). These various programs include: an employment bureau, children s clubs, music classes, and classes in language, painting, and mathematics ( Jane Addams, 1998). The Hull House also offered a nursery, kindergarten, public kitchen, and access to public baths, a playground, an art gallery, coffee house, gym, pool, and much more ( About Jane Addams, n.d.). Aside from the Hull House Addams was a part of many other movements and established many other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Zika Virus Papers The Zika Virus When people think of the word epidemic , they generally imagine a widespread disease that threatens humanity as a whole. While most of the hysteria associated with pandemics stem purely from fiction, it can be understandable why people always fear the worst. That is why when an outbreak of the Zika Virus was reported in the United States, an overall feeling of malaise set in. As of September 21, 2016, a total of 3,358 cases of the Zika Virus have been reported ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention ). Though the numbers are alarming, there is no need for a national quarantine or emergency evacuation. In reality, the Zika Virus is not as intimidating as society puts it out to be. The panic and confusion associated with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As of now, there is no official vaccine for Zika. Instead, a patient that has the contagion must undergo certain treatments. Fortunately, the remedies for the virus are simple and cheap. If infection occurs, it is vital to get an abundance of rest and liquids; medication is also advised to assist in alleviating pain. The treatments for Zika are straightforward because the disease itself is rather mild. In fact, in most reported cases of the virus in the United States, the illness only lasted approximately two to seven days prior to the first set of symptoms ( World Health Organization ). It is evident that the fear associated with the Zika Virus is slightly exaggerated. Currently, there is only one recorded fatality in the United States that is directly related to Zika ( The Washington Post ). This is mainly because first world countries medical programs are advanced enough to effectively treat the virus. The standard of living in these countries are also higher compared to third world countries. That is why Zika has claimed a significant amount of lives worldwide; the poor conditions in these countries make it difficult for infected individuals to get proper ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Homeless Youth In The United States Homeless Youth When you look at a group of kids entering their elementary school, can you point out the kids that are having trouble getting a meal every day, or the ones that are sleeping on a park bench at night? Most people, when asked about homeless youth say that they didn t even know that was a thing. Homeless youth is a major silent problem in the United States of America that the government needs to address. Schools should have resources for students that are in need of food, a place to sleep, or even clothes. There should be more resources for a student to use outside of school as well. Schools and medical centers don t have a resource for young teens and children to use to their benefits when they need it because they aren t old ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Covenant House, 07 Sept. 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. Finzel, Rochelle. Homeless and Runaway Youth. National Conference of State Legislature. NCSL, 14 Apr. 2016. Web. Gainer, Michael. Facts on Homelessness. Project HOME. Project Home, 05 Dec. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. Lattanzio, Morgan Zalot Vince. Homeless Youth: A Silent Epidemic. NBC 10 Philadelphia. NBC 10 Philadelphia, 28 Apr. 2017. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. McKinney, Cynthia. America, We Have a Problem: Homelessness Is out of Control. RT International. RT International, 25 Mar. 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. Shay, Kylyssa. Why Don t Homeless People Just Get Jobs? Soapboxie. Soapboxie, 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. 2016 s Shocking Homelessness Statistics. Social Solutions. Social Solutions, 09 Jan. 2017. Web. 28 Apr. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Government Intervention In The Market System Discuss the case for and against government intervention in an economy. In most of the countries, the government has intervened in the market system. To some extent there is a dire need of government intervention in the market system, although there is a debate over this point among the economists. Many economists believe that the role of government intervention improves the market system. The government can easily enforce the rules that can help in the smooth functioning of the market system. On the other hand, there are economists who believe that government interventions in a market system are the reason of inefficiency in the system. There are some goods that underprovided and underconsumed. Such goods are cold merit goods. They can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Information failure occurs when people have inaccurate, incomplete, uncertain or misunderstood data and so make potentially wrong choices. Government action can have a role in improving information to help consumers and producers value the true cost and/or benefit of a good or service. Examples might include: * Compulsory labeling on cigarette packages with health warnings to reduce smoking * Improved nutritional information on foods to counter the risks of growing obesity * Anti speeding television advertising to reduce road accidents and advertising campaigns to raise awareness of the risks of drink driving * Advertising health screening programmes / information campaigns on the dangers of addiction Another advantage of government intervention is the national minimum wage. The national minimum wage was introduced into the UK in 1999. It is an intervention in the labour market designed to increase the pay of lower paid workers and thereby influence the distribution of income in society. In October 2005, the value of the minimum wage for adults was ВЈ5.05 following a series of small increases over recent years. The main aims of the minimum wage 1. The equity justification: That every job should offer a fair rate of pay commensurate with the skills and experience of an employee 2. Labour market incentives: The NMW is designed to improve the incentives for people to start looking for work thereby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. A Solid Home Essay Hello everyone! Welcome to our first meeting for the production of A Solid Home . I am very excited about what we can create together and I want us to be able to get started right away. For this production, our guiding concept is going to be Death can be livelier than life. Firstly, I want to start with the set design. Now in the text, Garro states that the play is located in a room with stone walls, and no windows or doors. Now, this will be the base of the play, however to express the concept I wantto liven the space up. I think that painting a window and curtains on the upstage wall would help create a more welcoming space. This would also allow for interesting blockingas we could have the characters looking out the window, daydreaming as the reminisce about their reincarnations. Next, I want a minimalistic amount of furniture, and I want these to be on the more neutral side, coming in colors of white, tan and light grey, as furniture has no life to it. The place should also look lived in, should feel like a home, with pillows on the furniture and books and knickknacks on any tables. This will allow the characters to stand out, as they are the life of the play and their home is more than just a crypt. Next, talking about the characters, I have... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I want to treat this part of the play not like the characters are disappearing but as if they are finally living out their purpose. Therefore, the characters should not be scared, but should project their joy so that the audience can feel it. Each should exit out of the trapped door, one by one, however the other characters should never acknowledge when another character leaves. This is just another aspect of the characters living their life. Lydia is the last character to disappear . When this happens, I want her to look and smile at the audience and right when she starts to go down the trap door, the lights will cut ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Tokugawa Iemitsu Research Paper History is an important aspect in the community as it assists people to understand the past and learn about the growth and development of a civilization or an individual. Studying the historical events gives an understanding of how this world came to be, including the different cultures of people and the surroundings. For instance, Shogunate Japan was a significant historic event. This is because for 250 years, the Tokugawa period brought peace and order in Japan, it aided to enrich and preserve Japan s culture as seen present today. Shoguns were Japan s military leaders who were given the title by the emperors. For over 200 years, Japan was ruled by a series of Tokugawa shoguns, which began in 1603 and ended in 1867. During the Tokugawa period, also known as The Edo period, many cultures and traditions were developed. Men and women from all social classes engaged in the traditional arts of music, painting, calligraphy and poetic forms called haiku. A famous individual known for this period is Tokugawa Iemitsu. He was the third Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty and is well known for introducing the period of isolation in Japan. Tokugawa Iemitsu is an extremely important individual as his legacy has influenced the beliefs and values of Japanese society.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the Tokugawa era was the final period of traditional Japan after it was overthrown and the Meiji government took over. Tokugawa Iemitsu was born in Edo (Tokyo) on the twelfth of August 1604 into the shogun hierarchy. Iemitsu was confirmed shogun in 1623 when his father, Tokugawa Hidetada, retired. As he is most known for the isolation policy, he did this because he didn t want the Japanese culture to fade and be influenced by Europeans. Tokugawa Iemitsu has achieved many significant accomplishments with this, which has influenced the Japanese ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Persuasive Essay On Snapchat In this paper I am going to be discussing the use of snapchat in my life and its policies. Snapchat as an app is very widely used and was created in 2011. With its ability to have messages in picture form that disappeared quickly, it was and still is very appealing; especially to adolescents such as myself. The thing I find so many people fail to look past with this app is its privacypolicies and how much information they are giving to snapchat. One of my major focuses will be on the surveillance tactics used by Snapchat. First it was just photos, then screenshots, then face recognition came, and now most recently something called snapchat maps. The amount of content and personal details Snapchat has collected of our lives is astounding; however, everyone looks past it. Snapchatting is a different a fun way to communicate, which is why it is so popular and what encourages people to look past all that we give them. Snapchat currently has 173 million users, which just shows how much access to people everywhere around the world. It knows our name, location, birthday, email, phone number, and even more than we can imagine. Until doing this project I was one of these people, blinded by how much I was truly giving away about myself, but now after looking through their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, I truly have learnt a great deal. One of the first things I came across that was most intriguing to me is all the information they take from your phone alone. They have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Intragastric Tube Feedings Low birth weight and preterm infants are more at risk for gastro oesophageal reflux disease. These infants don t always have all of their organs and systems in their boy fully developed. So since their bodies aren t fully ready to function on their own, it makes things a little more complicated. One system that isn t fully developed is their GI system. Their antireflux mechanism not being completely ready makes them more at risk for regurgitation. Most preterm and low birth weight infants are put on tube feedings because their suck reflex isn t fully developed. The types of feedings that they can receive are intermittent bolus or a continuous feeding. These two different types of feedings can cause good or bad things to happen with the antireflux... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both treatment groups must have com pared the same amount of enteral feeding (mL/kg/d) prescribed over a 24 hour period. The research followed the ethic of protection from harm. The infants in this study are protected from harm. They are still getting feedings whether continuous or bolus. The infants get the same amount of food whether it is delivered through intermittent bolus or continuous feedings. They are getting the food either over time or getting a certain amount at different times in the day. They are getting research to help to prevent GORD, which prevents future babies from harm. The infants also have confidentiality. No names of the infants are mentioned. The research in this article links any infant to any name. With no names being mentioned, the infants are able to have the ethic of confidentiality that lets them feel safe in that they won t have to worry about later on in their life their name being in research. This research has two very important ethics in it, which helps the participant, or in this case the parents, feel more comfortable being involved in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Why Is In Cold Blood Be Banned Violence in mass media has been constantly discussed in the past twenty years as a reasoning for teenage violence against others, between video games such as Doom and Call of Duty , movies such as Fight Club , Scream , American Psycho , and Natural Born Killers and social media dehumanizing acts of violence. Many parents have labeled anything that is not family friendly as a root cause of criminal behavior. Others also blame the amount of violence in media now as unhealthy to young people, solely because many don t know the line of what is real and not real. In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote, details the gruesome murder of the Clutter family in rural Holcolb, Kansas in November of 1959 committed by two men; Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. In Capotes novel, he describes the motives of the killers and their backstory in order to help humanize them. Some may say that because of both the violence and the humanization of the killers, the book should be banned. However, banning the book would be censoring something important for youth to learn from. This novel should be implemented in schools to let younger generations be aware of the real world, and to be aware that not everything is picture perfect in the world. Because of the common exposure of dirty media, kids pick up on signs fairly quickly that what they are watching is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This may come off as extremely graphic for both youth and grown adults, and some may say it just has a shock factor instead of an actual education purpose. However, this shock factor doesn t sugar coat anything. In fact, it shows the darkest side of humanity. In Glendale, California, a teacher requested for In Cold Blood to be taught in AP Language Classes, and numerous teachers criticized this request. However, the school board president, Joylene Wagner, was quoted as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. An Equally Faulted Inequality Essay An Equally Faulted Inequality With the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 came more than solely the independence stated in the legal document. The Declaration brought about a component of equality unanticipated by any signer or drafter that would soon shape the future and the mindset of many citizens. This sensation of equality spread rapidly through the country and could be seen in different time periods throughout American history where a group of people realized the government s failure to behave in such a way that reflects the words of the Declaration of Independence, ...that all men are created equal... . Though no longer a thriving feeling today due to our own natural human ability to dissolve equality in our quest for it, this sensation, while it lasted, significantly benefitted the greater good of society. How can one say that the sensation of equality had a negative impact on a country? Is this feeling one that could in fact do more harm than good? One s perception of its affect depends solely on one s place in America. The beneficiary of the feeling of equality would be those who were not comfortable with their position in the country. By not comfortable , I refer to those who were forced to be content with their place in the social hierarchy. I compare these citizens to a child who was told never to go outside because of the dangerous tasks that the outside world entailed. They, as a child, could not handle the dangers and stress and complications ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Summary Of A Child Called It By David Pelzer Have you ever felt like there is no God? In the novel by David Pelzer, A Child Called It , David Pelzer was a mistreated child at a very young age by his mother Catherine Roerva. David Pelzer was considered a bad boy , In the beginning, it was mirror treatment . Mother would simply grab me and smash my face against the mirror, smearing my tear streaked face on the slick, reflective glass. Then she would order me to say over and over again, I m a bad boy ! David Pelzer was a bad boy (This shows how David Pelzer got the nickname bad boy). David Pelzer was a normal child at first In the years before I was abused, my familywas the Brady Bunch of the 1960s . David Pelzer lived a happy life with his father Stephen Joseph , two... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... David Pelzer father was a fireman, he was five ten inches tall and always called David tiger. David s family was a happy they had Thanksgiving together and Christmas one of David s favorite holiday I was so excited during those holiday seasons that I couldn t sleep. Before dawn mom would creep into our room and say santa hear ! David would tear open his presents and laugh with his family . When Christmas was over David Mother often took day trips with the boys to places like Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and to the park . They also had summer vacations to Portola or Memorial Park that was the best times for David not a care in the world. Eventually good times started to turn bad, My relationship with mom drastically changed from discipline to punishment that grew out of control . David had to crawl away sometimes because the things his mother would do to him was to crucial at times. David knew something had changed about his mother when his father left and she would lay on the couch and do absolutely nothing.One day she told David and his two brothers she started the to search the entire house for nothing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. I m Pretty Hungry Thanks Mom I need you to open the door, I can t open something with one arm and crutches. Nick said. Okay, I m coming up now, just wait for me said Mom. Mom opened the door for me I leaned my crutches against the kitchen table and just flopped on the couched. How does it feel to be home? Mom said. Great, I don t think I ve ever been this happy to just lay on the couch. Good I m glad you re finally home, I ll make you something to eat. I m pretty hungry thanks While my Mom was cooking a sandwich for me, I thought, it s finally over But boy was I wrong that was only the beginning, it is only fit to start where it all began. It was just another day with a baseball game to play in the afternoon. I woke up and said goodbye to my Mom as she was leaving for work. She told me that she had to work a double and that she wouldn t be able to make my game. I told her that it was fine as she attends most of my games, so it really didn t phase me at all. Since my Mom was working, she doesn t like me going out. So I stayed in the house until I left for my game. I grabbed my bag and hopped on my bike and started to ride to the field. When I got to the field I discovered I was the first one there, as usual, so I started to stretch. Coach Rob pulled up just as I finished stretching. Hey how my favorite player doing? Called coach Rob. Great! That week off was great I m ready to play today I said Good grab you bat. I ll throw some pitches to you. Okay, one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Political Changes In Syria ### just delete itВґs been merged ### Syrian Economy Syria s economy has evolved, and molded itself into what it is now. But behind every great achievement there is a beginning. And that beginning was when Syria became independent in 1946. When Syria finally became independent, the country was able to do as it pleased. Since Syria had just become a country, it lacked resources for economic prosperity. But slowly, agriculture began controlling the country s economy. However, by the 1960s, when the Baath party became the major political force in the country, Syria s plan for its economy completely changed. But slowly by the mid 1960s everything went back to normal and the Baath party had the economy under control. By the 1970s, Syria achieved high rates of economic growth. The dramatic rise of the world oil prices led to increased production from domestic refineries. And high prices from agricultural and oil exports, and the fact that Syrians began to work in oil rich Arab states encouraged growth. By the end of the decade, the Syrian economy had transitioned from agriculture based economy to being dominated by the service, industrial, and commercial sectors. Development of irrigation, electricity, water, road building projects, and the expansion of health services and education to rural areas contributed to prosperity. By the mid 1980s, Syria s economic boom collapsed as a result of the rapid drop of world oil prices, lower export income, drought affecting agricultural ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...