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How To Write A Contract Law
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How To Write A Contract Law Essay How To Write A Contract Law Essay
I Had Someone Who We Are All A Product Of Our Environment
Recently I had someone say to me, we don t know who we are because we are all a product of our
environment. That said, the question remains: Are we defined by our environment and merely a
product of it, or we posses the ability to make decisions despite it? The age old question of who am I
kept stirring in my mind. It got me thinking about how I define myself and how the environment that I
grew up in has shaped me. My first thought was Wait a minute I know who I am, I think? So I made a
list of the obvious; wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, etc. Looking at that list I
realized that those labels were just words used to define my relationships to other people.
I have never really thought about the labels that define my relationships they are just words. I seldom
thought about how the culture or environment I grew up in affected me or my relationships to others. I
took these things for granted. Can we control the environment we re born into? Are we supposed to
somehow see beyond the culture we were raised in; The culture that compels us to act, live and think
in certain ways?
As a young girl living in the 1960 s era women lived and defined themselves by their marriage or birth
to a man. As a woman you could not open a bank account without your husband s co signature. You
could not start a business without your husband s permission and a signature. Most of the woman that
did work were teachers, nurses, or secretaries. Women accounted for six
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Economic, Monetary And Financial Conditions
Economic, Monetary and Financial Conditions China An efficient economy is an economy where
resources are allocated to serve every citizen in the best way so that there will be minimal waste and
inefficiency within the economy. China is the short name for the country, but the real name is People s
Republic of China. China happens to be one of the economies that falls under an efficient economy
because it has continued to improve other the past decades. Over the past five years, economic
freedom in China has improved by less than 1.0 point, continuing its patchy and uneven progress since
1995 (heritage.org). Although China has had some rough stages in economy efficiency, they have
continued to strive and make it on top. China is one of the most thriving countries in the world today,
but it is still classified as a developing country. The population has reached over 1.364 billion and
contributes to the 19.06 trillion dollars in exports along with the 19.01 trillion dollars in imports.
China has obtained over fifty different commercial banks in their growth to the present, but there are
twenty nine different banks present in their economy. The currency used is the Chinese Yuan and one
U.S. dollar equals 6.4 Yuan s. India India, just as China, is a developing country. India has a current
population of 1.29 billion people. The currency used in India is the Indian Rupee, which is worth
66.61 Rupees per U.S. dollar. There also twenty seven different banks that are established
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Reasons For Russia s Involvement In World War I
Russia s Involvement in World War I
In the year of 1914 the Russian government is starting to see Germany as the main threat to its nation.
The reason behind this was because of Germany s decision to form an alliance with Austria Hungary
and Italy; this became to be known as the Triple Alliance. This new Alliance meant that if any of the
allied countries were to be invaded by Russia or France they would support each other in battle when
in need. However the initial spark of Russia s involvement in World War I began with honoring its
treaty with Serbia. On June 28th 1914 Franz Ferdinand the heir to the Austro Hungarian throne visited
the capital city of Bosnia known as Sarajevo, he traveled to Sarajevo in order to inspect the armed
forces of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Alexander Kerensky the leader of the provisional government appointed General Lavr Kornilov as the
new commander of the Russian army. Although because of the two men s very different views on the
military policy they began to conflict with one and other. Due to this Kerensky decided to fire
Kornilov as the new commander. Kornilov took this opportunity to send his troops to take control of
the city of Petrograd (Petrograd now known as the city of St. Petersburg) with the support of the
Russian imperial general Aleksandr
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Crude Oil Last 10 Years
The role of petroleum products in our lives is unquestionable. It is safe to say that oil is the
cornerstone of our civilization. A pessimist might argue that without oil our industrial society will
collapse and there will be rapid decline in the world population. But again that is a pessimist s view,
personally we would like to think that we will in near future find other energy sources on which we
can depend and build our civilization to reach the next milestone.
In this report we have tried to highlight the fluctuations of crude oil during the period of 2001 10. The
scope of this report is limited only to this period as we believe that events that took place during this
decade had the potential to change the oil game so ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thus the oil market participants producers, refiners, marketers, and traders would not have one of their
bases for setting prices in their contracts and other transactions. It does not appear that the oil industry
was materially affected by the closing of the Nymex, which, in any event, resumed all operations in
about one week. While the immediate effect of the attacks on petroleum markets was to drive prices
up, market forces reflecting little change in supply and demand acted quickly, and crude oil prices
eased within little more than a week. Average crude oil prices paid by U.S. refiners actually declined
for the month of September 2001 falling to $20.82 per barrel from $24.08 in the previous month.
After moving lower in 2001, crude oil prices moved higher in 2002 reaching over $30 per barrel in
September 2002. Higher prices were supported by a number of factors. One was the ongoing U.S. war
on terrorism and rising tensions with Iraq. There was the likely potential that military action would be
taken against Iraq that would disrupt the supply of crude oil to the market. With that issue still not
settled as 2002 drew to a close, crude oil prices continued to find support.
While there were factors supporting higher prices, there were also factors working against them. The
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) after a meeting in 2001 agreed that
production of oil would be cut. The
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The Origin of Species
In 1859, a time when literal interpretation of the Bible was common practice, a book that could
potentially debase society s understanding of what was fact was published and it summarized a theory
that humans have slowly evolved from a primitive form, commonly called the Theory of Evolution.
(Kennedy Pg.572) The book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life was written by an English naturalist and
geologist, Charles Darwin, and it overcame the scientific rejection that earlier similar theories had
faced. Leading up to his publication during the Protestant Reformation Darwin went on a five year
long voyage on the HMS Beagle as company to Captain Robert ... Show more content on
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(Newman, Letter)
Another event that led to Darwin s controversial writing were the discoveries he made from his
documentation on his long voyage on the HMS Beagle where he did all of his research and discoveries
written about in his book. One of his first discoveries that linked evolution to living creatures left him
with more of an inquiry than an answer or discovery. He noted the geographical distribution of the
modern species of a fossil he found while ashore resembling a huge armadillo in hopes of finding their
centre of creation. ( ) He extensively edited his research and added his findings until the original book
was completed and finally published on Thursday, November 24th, 1859 and all copies being sold
were immediately bought up by booksellers. During Darwin s lifetime he published 6 different
editions of the book and the one that really shook society what the final writing published February
19th, 1872, the 6th edition titled the Origin of Species (this is when the title was shortened from its
original length) in which was the only time he used the word evolution ; though, however, every
edition concluded with the word evolved . The most notable change to this newly published edition of
Darwin s book was a chapter 7 titled Miscellaneous objections that addressed any objections that were
sure to come from opposition of his Theory of Evolution.
The immediate significance of Darwin s book were tremendous mostly due to hostile reactions to,
what seemed to
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Child Labour In China
How would you feel if your child was forced to work every day just for your family s survival? Child
labour is work that exploits children mentally and physically, as well as keeping them away from
school. The International Labor Organization estimates that 215 million children between the ages of
5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous or extremely
exploitative. China is one of the main culprits. A recent study by the China Labour Bulletin in 2000,
indicated that there were approximately 11,575,000 children at work between the ages of 10 to 14 in
China. This violates many articles from the Convention of Rights of The Child. For example, article
32 states that, You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health
and prevents you from receiving an education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid
fairly. (The Convention of Rights of The Child, § 32, 1990). Child labour in China is a major problem
that needs to be resolved. This essay will examine how child labour affects many misfortunate
children, whilst demonstrating how child labour is still an uprising trend, one that needs to be
changed. Showcasing why it s so important to actively change our worldview on the exploitation of
child labour, for the greater good of future generations. Undeniably, there are many reasons why child
labour occurs. The most common reason why is because of the lack of money in poverty stricken areas
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The Nymphs Reply To His Love Analysis
Humans are idealists. We are day dreamers, curious minds and wanters of what could be. At the same
time though, we must be practical, smart and real or else Life might advantage of you. In writing we
often see the battle of ideal vs real, especially when it comes to works centering on the topic of love.
Poems like The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (Marlowe, 1599) and The Nymphs Reply to the
Shepherd (Raleigh, 1599) are prime examples of the contrasting views, while prose like Eveline
(Joyce, 1914) represents both sides throughout the story.
Melodious birds, a bed a roses, a gown made of the finest wool who could turn down such an offer? If
the speaker is to give his Love all that he can, then that must, surely, be love. That is what the
Marlowe tries to convey in The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. The speaker paints an ideal picture
of how their love will be and how if what he says appeals to his interest then they must come and be
with him. This thought is explicitly represented in the final couplet of the poem, it says, If these
delights thy mind may move,/ Then live with me and be my love. His love is persuasive. He wants the
interest to consider the best of what it could be. We then see a response from Raleigh through his
poem The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd. In almost a form of mockery, Raleigh s poem blatantly
contradicts Marlowe s. Raleigh uses his piece as a representation of real love, rather than ideal. He not
only mimics the style of writing, but also
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Celebration written by W.D. Valgardson.
Feelings of Helplessness
At one point or another we all succumb to the feeling of helplessness in our lives. Whether it is a
feeling of not being able to break free of an abusive loved one or being trapped by a bad storm, the
natural animal instinct of survival is apparent. Celebration written by W.D. Valgardson studies that
instinct and the helplessness of situations that drives us to it.
Valgardson introduces various situations that require survival techniques in the story. One is the
helplessness of the children in the violent home atmosphere and the poverty that they live in.
Whenever Eric and Mabel fought, the children hid under the Toronto couch, lying absolutely still,
making no sound for hours on end. (61) The action of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With a storm brewing not only inside the house but outside also, the characters are forced into close
captivity with one and another, It was only four o clock but, already, outside the windows, it was as
black as if the sky had been drenched in tar. (59) The blackness of the sky mirrors the blackness of
Eric s disposition and temperament. Valgardson also uses a great deal of irony in the story, in the
beginning the reader is introduced to the drunken
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Air India
Submitted To: N.P.SINGH Submitted By: Priyanka Bhardwaj(86) Anil Tiwari(98) Lovisha Sharma
Air India Limited (Hindi: एअर इंडिया) is the national flag carrier airline of India, flying a worldwide
network of passenger and cargo services. Air India is state owned, and administered as part of the
National Aviation Company of India Limited which was created in 2007 to facilitate Air India s
merger with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Only applied to around a half of Air India s fleet, the new livery did not succeed, as the Indian flying
public complained about the phasing out of the classic colours. The new livery was dropped after two
years and the old scheme was returned.
In 1993, Air India took delivery of the flagship of its fleet when the first Boeing 747 400 named
Konark and registered VT ESM made history by operating the first non stop flight between New York
City and Delhi. In 1994 the airline was registered as Air India Ltd. In 1996, the airline inaugurated
service to its second US gateway at O Hare International Airport in Chicago. In 1999, the airline
opened its dedicated Terminal 2 C at the newly renamed Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in
In 2000, Air India introduced services to Shanghai, as well as to Los Angeles and Newark. On May
2004, Air India launched a wholly owned low cost airline called Air India Express. Air India Express
connecting cities in India with the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent. Air India
expanded its international routes to include non stop flights from Ahmedabad and also expanded its
international operations from Bangalore and Hyderabad.
On 8 March 2004, International Women s Day, the airline operated an All Women Flight from
Mumbai to Singapore.[8] Captain Rashmi Miranda, who became Air India s first female Commander
in November 2003 and Captain Kshmata Bajpai piloted the flight, an
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Indigenous Peoples Of Native Americans
There does not seem to be one definitive definition of indigenous people, but generally indigenous
people are those that have historically belonged to a particular region or country, before its
colonization or transformation into a nation state, and may have different often unique cultural,
linguistic, traditional, and other characteristics to those of the dominant culture of that region or state
(Rights) The land to Native Americans is a very sacred object. To us, as nonnative individuals, we don
t look at the land the same. As agriculturists we have a respect for the land and want to maintain its
fertility so it can continue to bless us with crops. While a ski bum may have respect for the mountains
and terrain that was given to them to be able to ski and enjoy. Native Americans see the land as a
whole. They as people don t just respect it for certain entities they respect it for everything it has given
to them. Their ancestral land has a fundamental importance for their collective physical and cultural
survival as peoples. Indigenous peoples hold their own diverse concepts of development, based on
their traditional values, visions, needs and priorities. As nonnative individuals it should be our job to
help protect these sacred lands, and restore what damage that has been done to them. But instead, big
companies are destroying sacred land all over the United States by mining, drilling for oil, or even
building for scientific research.
Since the late 1800s, the U.S.
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Malcom X
MALCOLM X Learning to Read Malcolm Little, born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1925, was reborn
Malcolm X in his twenties while imprisoned for burglary. (He considered Little a slave name and
chose the X to signify his lost African tribal name.) His conversion to Islam under the Nation of Islam
and his rigorous self education led him to a life ofpolitical activism marked by hatred, violence, and
hope. For a time, as the foremost spokesman of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm preached a separatist
philosophy with racist rhetoric; on breaking with the Nation of Islam and converting to orthodox Islam
after a pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm again changed his name (to El Hajj Malik El Shabazz) and
philosophy, moving closer to the integrationist goals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
5 I was so fascinated that I went on I copied the dictionary s ro next page. And the same experience
came when I studied that. With every succeeding page, I also learned of people and places and events
from history. Actually the dictionary is like a miniature encyclopedia. Finally the dictionary s A
section had filled a whole tablet and I went on into the B s. That was the way I started copying what
eventually became the entire dictionary. It went a lot faster after so much practice helped me to pick
up handwriting speed. Between what I wrote in my tablet, and writing letters, during the rest of my
time in prison I would guess I wrote a million words. I suppose it was inevitable that as my word base
broadened, I could for the first time pick up a book and read and now begin to understand what the
book was saying. Anyone who has read a great deal can imagine the new world that opened. Let me
tell you something: from then until I left that prison, in every free moment I had, if I was not reading
in the library I was reading on my bunk. You couldn t have gotten me out of books with a wedge.
Between Mr. Muhammad s teachings, my correspondence, my visitors usually Ella and Reginald and
my reading of books, months passed without my even thinking about being imprisoned. In fact, up to
then, I never had been so truly free in my
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Impact Of Slavery On African American Literature
Voices of Freedom: Slavery s impact on African American Literature In the early to mid nineteenth
century, America found itself divided over the issue of slavery. The culture, traditions, and economy of
southern states depended heavily on slave labor, while the northern states opposed the institution of
slavery. Even though the slave trade was declared illegal in the early nineteenth century, slavery itself
was not illegalized until more than a half century later. Abolitionists used powerful anti slavery
writings as a way to fight against slavery. During this time, African American literature emerged with
a distinct focus on black culture within the larger American society. These authors and their writings
preserved the culture of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This uncompromising narrative documents the horrors faced by female slaves, particularly sexual
abuse and the heartache felt by slave mothers whose children were taken from them. Often slave
narratives were deemed fictional by the white American public. These autobiographies were
constantly under scrutiny for their veracity, even though many narratives were published with
endorsements from famous abolitionists confirming the story s authenticity. Some slave narratives
were penned by authors referring to themselves as Himself or Herself. Jacobs was forced to write
under the pseudonym Linda Brent to publish her own narrative. Jacob s autobiography showed how
female slaves struggled with sexual harassment and their efforts to protect their identities as women
and mothers. With a mounting national debate over slavery, these ever growing narratives provided a
unique manuscript documenting glimpses into the inner thoughts of slaves. Another African American
writer whose literature was influenced by slavery was Phillis Wheatley. She was kidnapped from
Africa at the age of eight and brought to America on a slave ship. John Wheatley, a prominent figure
in Boston, purchased the young child and made her a servant for his wife. Wheatley s owners soon
recognized her intelligence and extraordinary literary talent and afforded her an education. Wheatley s
life was an exception
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Costco Wholesale Is A Retail Warehouse Club With 698 Stores
Costco Wholesale is a retail warehouse club with 698 stores in eight countries (Costco Wholesale,
n.d.). The modern day Costco began in 1993 when Price Club, founded by Sol Price in 1976, merged
with Costco, founded by Jim Sinegal and Jeff Brotman in 1983. When the two companies initially
merged they utilized the name PriceCostco, but later reverted back to the name Costco (Costco
Wholesale, n.d.). At the time of the merger, Costco had 206 locations and has quickly grown, now
servicing over 170 million club members worldwide (Costco Wholesale, n.d.). The following analysis
identifies the organization s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by examining Costco s
organizational environment, leadership strategies and human ... Show more content on
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Costco s culture lies primarily at the medium to surface level, as the values of the organization are
apparent through the family feel and the levels of productivity are visible and tangible (Organizational
Behavior, 2014). The second strength identified is the solid leadership base provided by the co founder
and former CEO, Jim Sinegal, whose employee first focus is the basis for Costco s leadership theory
(Ruggeri, 2009). Additionally, his focus helped to create and maintain organizational commitment
through a stable organizational culture (Organizational Behavior, 2014). Desjardins (2005), describes
Sinegal as having leadership traits that include self esteem, integrity, openness, conscientious,
extraverted and agreeable. His self esteem, openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion are shown
through his annual site visits to Costco locations, while his policies concerning the company ethics
demonstrate his integrity (Desjardins, 2005). His constant interaction with employees through
attendance at every grand opening and annual visits show not only his commitment, but also his
agreeableness (Desjardins, 2005). Finally, Sinegal utilizes a supportive leadership style, which is
evident in his treatment of his employees (Organizational Behavior, 2014). Further described as
famous for his amazing ability to remember people s names and willing to accomplish any task asked
of employees, his
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Cellular Boundaries Are Permeable
In biology, I learned that cellular boundaries can be permeable. Initially, this concept was intriguing in
and of itself, that cells can release and absorb information to perform necessary functions. Three years
later, that particular biology class and the principle it revealed has held a place in my mind. The phrase
boundaries are permeable returns to my thoughts at odd times, not always bearing the original
scientific connotation. Most often, the phrase returns when there is an overlap in subject matter, an
opportunity to bridge ideas that were previously considered distinct to respective areas of study. The
three words have remained with me, serving to analogize the ability to effectively apply information
across disciplines, something I wish to accomplish on my career path. In my academic experience,
there is a striking difference between the classroom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I have desired to meet the world and it s diversities for some time. The vigilant mountains seem to
protect inhabitants from the outside world, global events appear distant and therefore are not fully
addressed in a village of less than 1,000 citizens. I have yearned to see more of the world, to be able to
understand complex relations and use this knowledge to improve matters through communication. I
aim to utilize my opportunity to receive an education to help equalize societal imbalances. In order to
achieve the stasis of peace, it is important that injustices are acknowledged and given a voice. I hope
to align my values with my actions, to convert my worries over social and environmental issues into
work. By becoming informed about the impacts of human activity on the environment, and our
impacts on each other, I will be able to be a respectful and effective advocate for improvement in these
areas. I hope to be able to grow and obtain techniques needed to effectively address and resolve issues
alongside passionate
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Sexually Transmitted Disease (STI)
When sexual transmitted diseases, or STDs, are mentioned, the first that are remembered are
chlamydia, gonorrhea or pubic lice. However, there are many others including
Trichomoniasis. It is mentioned both as an STD and an STI but it is an organism that is acute not
chronic. It seems to individuals to not be as harmful and scary as other STDs but it is an organism to
still watch out for as it harms certain tracts in certain bodies. This disease is most common in women
but also seen in men. It is considered the most common STIs, both in the
United States and worldwide (Smith 2016). With this infection/disease, it is important to know the
cause, symptoms and care to insure your reproduction system is in the best shape and not ... Show
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First of all, the host Trichomoniasis targets and transmits to is only humans, never animals. The
diagnostic stage begins in the
female lower genital tract and in male urethra and prostate (Smith 2016). In these parts of the body, it
starts to replicate by binary fission. The infective stage is when sexual intercourse with another person
occurs, passing on the organism to the vagina or urethra.
Once it has invaded, they destroy[s] epithelial cells by direct cell contact and by release of cytotoxic
substances (Smith 2016). It then connects to the plasma proteins which prevents recognition by the
alternative complement pathway. Afterward, the organism will increase the pH from around 3.8 to 4.2
to a more neutral pH of 5 to 6. While increasing the pH of the area, the number of polymorphonuclear
leukocytes are also raised to respond to this special infection.
However, this response is not capable of fighting this infection alone and it only helps protect the body
partially not fully.
In the prevention of this infection, it does not stop the organism from reappearing if you had
Trichomoniasis once. There is a vaccine but it is on trial right now. It is called
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Using Secondary Data Sources In Public Health
Module 3 Professional Learning Log # 4 Monica Eickmeyer The use of secondary data sources adds
another resource for public health practitioners in policy and intervention development. Instead of just
using primary resources, secondary resources may be integrated to provide robust data collectively.
Also, multiple data sources may be applied to gain a better understanding of the public health concern.
Data sets available for mortality, morbidity, health outcomes, social and living environments can
determine health needs and barriers to care. In situations where funding resources are a concern or
limited, secondary data sources may be considered and applied in public health. If another agency has
already collected the data, expenses are reduced and time is saved. However, categories and age
groups may not be available for the question you have chosen. ... Show more content on
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For example, if the secondary data reveals a rise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a
lung disease caused primarily by chronic cigarette smoking, then anti smoking interventions can be
aimed at specific groups. However, when applying secondary data sources, a consideration of how and
why the data was collected and for whom should be considered. Examining trends over time provides
longitudinal data about COPD and smoking to track the success and failures of public health
interventions and policies. For example, smoking policies have been implemented through time and
getting tougher for smokers to gain access to publicly smoking in Canada. Also, data about the effects
of secondary smoke may be examined to determine if diseases related to secondhand smoke are
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Ecological System Theory And Resilience Research
The ecological system theory enunciate by (Bronfenbrenner 1989), examine the interaction between
individual and their environments and the consequence effects on the individual s development
((Bronfenbrenner 1979). In a child s world comprises of mainly five system of interactions, and the
relationship between them, that include microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and
chronosystem. These change over the course of a child development. Microsystem is the closest
system that the adolescent lives in (Bronfenbrenner, 1979), it comprises of the design of activities,
functions and interactions experienced by children in their contiguous environment. It include the day
to day activities between the individual and others and institutions, ... Show more content on
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All these share the experiencing one way or another and overcoming with positive result the situation
of adversity. The first two relate however the fact that the risk did not produce any injury while the
third approach refers to the situation where the child has been effected by trauma, in which the injury
is made (Small and Memmo, 2004). Any of these three aspects can be applied in the pursuit of the
resilience of children at risk including children who are staying in children s home settings as 1)
success by overcoming situation such as abuse, neglect, family extreme poverty, or trauma of
separation from family by institutionalization, 2) the acceptance and acceptable functioning in
institutionalization conditions, 3) recovering from injuries suffered in the family or in orphanage for
those who have left the protection
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Character Analysis Of Iago In William Shakespeare s Othello
Iago is a very complex and manipulative character. This is what makes him a great villian.
Throughout the play, he carefully weaves his web and ensnares all the characters in his trap.
The root of Iago s malice is Othello not choosing him as his liutenant. He then enlists Rodrigo
who wants the affection of Desdemona to help him. He conspires a plan to take down Othello.
His plan was to get Cassio fired from his job. Iago accomplishes this by using Cassio s
weakness, alcohol. Cassio gets drunk and starts a commotion in town, which Othello comes
and handles the situation by firing him. The next part of his plan is to then make sure that Othello
sees that Desdemona and Cassio are getting close. He tells Cassio that in order to get his job
back, he has to seek help from Desdemona. He does as he is told and he asks Desdemona for
help. He uses Cassio to be Desdemona s love interest in order to get to Othello, knowing that
Othello loves Desdemona. In the play, it is stated that Cassio is a lady s man and he can handle
the ladies. So in Othello s mind, it may not be so shocking that Cassio would do something like
that. As Othello and Iago are talking, Othello sees that Cassio and Desdemona are talking and
when he approaches them, Cassio swiftly leaves. Parts of his plan was to plant thoughts into
Othello s mind that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair behind his back.
The suggestions work because in one of the acts, Othello collapses not being able to handle all the
stress in thinking about Desdemona with another man. Another example of this working is in Act
4, Scene 1, Othello gets so upset with Desdemona he slaps her and embarasses her in front of
a guest. Act 4 is Othello completely losing all his sense of reasoning and turns into an
unreconizable person. Iago convinces Othello that the best way to solve all his problems was to
get rid of it entirely. Iago tell Othello that killing Desdemona is the answer. Othello lost in self pity
and no reasoning left in his mind, agrees. Othello tells Iago, he will kill Desdemona and he
desposes Cassio. Iago s plan works and in the end, Othello and Desdemona die.
Iago s character is brilliant. Manipulation is a huge part of
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Minstrelsy Influence On American Culture
America has had a longstanding problematic relationship with black people. Not only, have they been
subjected to the atrocious lifestyle of slavery, they have been the subject of constant ridicule and
injustice. The history of minstrel shows and minstrelsy reflect one of the many ways black people
have been exploited. Though the practice or tradition of minstrelsy no longer exists in the way it did in
the past, its long term effects are still present in today s music culture and society. To elucidate,
minstrel shows are considered to be a distinct and popular form of American entertainment. They
usually involve a white individual dressed in outlandish outfits performing skits and songs in black
face. Not only was this highly offensive,
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Biblical Models of Servant Leadership
There are basic attitudes which we see in the lives of those whom God called to servant leadership in
the Bible. These include a serving attitude where the leader sees his[1] primary responsibility to those
whom he leads as to serve and develop them to fulfill their God given mandate. The leader serves by
putting on a redeeming attitude, like Moses and Joshua. In other words he takes responsibility for
those he leads, recognizing needs and reaching out to meet those needs rather than positioning himself
for power and prestige. We see these virtues demonstrated by Jesus. His life was completely lived to
serve the course of the Father ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
God prepared Moses through a process and over time and so Moses had to learn to wait. Usually it is
while the leader waits that his mind and perspective is broadened, his life matures in relation to
knowing the One who enlists him, he is empowered to withstand the storms of leadership, and is
humbled to be able to submit to serve. Moses had to submit to God s way of preparing him for the task
of pioneering a leadership for a people that had gone through decades of pain and misery. Charles R.
Swindoll particularly referred to Moses desert experience as a means for his preparation for the long
lonely way of leadership that was ahead of him. He adds: some of the world s greatest leaders have
been people who lived lonely lives. In Moses long career as a leader he would be questioned, attacked,
accused, hated, and betrayed. Through it all, he would stand alone. [6] It took the desert experience of
preparation for him to stand alone. In the course of Moses preparation to leadership he had to learn
that God appoints and directs leaders as He wills, and that the leader has little to say in all that.
Swindoll again adds: Moses learned that lesson from failure ... more often than not, God s leadership
candidates are aghast at their selection. They look with chagrin at the assignment before them. They
can hardly believe their ears when God says, You are the man ; or you are the woman. [7]
This came out clearly in
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Bio 100 Chapter 1 Essay
BIO 100 Chapter 1 WORKSHEET f15 Due date: 8/31/15 Section D070
a. Total Questions=5 Total points = 20
b. Work on this worksheet on a computer
c. Save your typewritten answers document as PDF document
d. Submit online, by uploading your document in the assignments section on EAGLE by due date.
1. The scientific method can be used to prove a theory. Is it is a true or false statement? Clearly
explain your answer in a short paragraph. (5 points) False, the scientific method is limited to those
phenomena which can be observed or measured. Due to the need to have completely controlled
experiments to test a hypothesis, science cannot prove everything. Science is meant to give us a better
understanding of the mysteries of the natural world. So with that being said science is good at
explaining how things work but not necessarily for explaining why do such things exist or for what
purpose .
2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Describe what you understand by independent variable and dependent variable in a scientific study? (
5 points) An independent variable is something you have control over, what you can choose and
manipulate. It is a variable that stands alone and doesn t change by other variables. Although in some
cases, you may not be able to manipulate the independent variable. It could be already there and or
fixed. A dependent variable is the variable that s being tested in an experiment. If the experimenter
changes the independent variable, the change in the dependent variable is observed and recorded. For
example a scientist is testing the effect of light and dark on the behavior of moths by turning a light on
and off. The independent variable is the amount of light and the moth s reaction is dependent variable.
A change in the independent variable (amount of light) directly causes a change in the dependent
variable (moth
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Conflict Between Joseph And His Brothers
One of the inherent conflicts in the story of Joseph is the tension between Joseph and his brothers. The
tension between them is caused by both Jacob and Joseph. First, Jacob shows favoritism toward
Joseph, because he is the son of his favorite wife Rachel. Second, Joseph brings back bad reports
when he is out pasturing with his brothers. However, what truly increased the hatred and jealousy was
the Joseph s dreams. The author notes that when Joseph recounts the dreams, they hated him even
more (Gen. 37:8). Their jealousy for Joseph is strong enough that they are willing to murder him.
However, they decide to instead sell him into slavery, and convince Jacob that he was killed.
A greater conflict is later revealed later in the story. Joseph is brought before Pharaoh to interpret his
dream, and he reveals that after seven years of plenty, a severe famine will engulf the land so that the
seven years of plenty will be forgotten. In order to prepare for the famine, Pharaoh must appoint
someone to oversee the storing and rationing of the food in Egypt. Since Joseph interpreted the dream
that the magicians and wisemen of Egypt could not, Pharaoh made Joseph second in command over
all of Egypt. Through Joseph Egypt is well prepared for the famine.
These two main conflicts are interdependent in the Story of Joseph. Without the tension between
Joseph and his brothers, Joseph would have never been able to interpret Pharaoh s dream, and Egypt
(and Joseph s family) would have not
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The Ideological Ambiguity Within The Media Essay
Everyone within a society has his or her own individual concerns in life. Some people, however, are
occasionally looked down more by others, depending on if their problems are seriously destructive to
the society or not. An often time in doing so, these people are manipulated into a dominant ideology
which represents arguments about whether things are of optimistic or pessimistic standards in our
civilization. This set of central principles, ideology, produces particular manners and offer ethical
regulations by which one s dealings can be evaluated. In fact, the media production business appears
to be the focal resource that utilizes the governing beliefs by constructing imaginary medium contacts,
appealing to massive audiences to reflect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The article The White of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media, written by Stuart Hall, Hall
brings an attention to the perception of ideological ambiguity though discovering the typical mass
media s function of establishing racial inequities, such as that the community accepts differential
behaviors of people within the society as common sense. He first starts on describing ideology as a
term that does not consist of individual thoughts, yet assembly of different basics that direct to a
certain judgment or perception. As said by Hall, the representation of race in the mass media builds
the positive and negative consequences of ideology by manufacturing and transforming the ideologies.
This ideological ambiguity is often shaped when the mass media puts up a meaning of what race is for
the audiences, what significance the images of race conveys, and how the issue of race is supposed to
be recognized. In a straightforward phrase, mass media organizes our world as regards to racial
groups; placing people into categories based upon their physical appearances and defined concepts
that have been generally raised after a while. On the other hand, what is really striking about Hall s
argument on the ideological ambiguity is that the importance of these conventional ideas of race
cannot be compared with the ground breaking portrays of traditional form of race for which context is
more appreciated or not in
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Sigmund Freud s Lord Of The Flies
It is very unlikely a famous theory about psychoanalysis and a book about young boys trapped on an
island would have many connections. But after reading Lord of the Flies and learning about Sigmund
Freud s theory of psychoanalysis, you can see that the book and the theory share many connections.
The main concept of Freud s theory is that there are three components of the human mind, the Id, Ego,
and Superego; and in Lord of the Flies three influential characters all seem to represent these three
parts. Whether Golding did this on purpose or not, I do not know, but I certainly believe these three
characters easily line up with Freud s three components of the mind. The first component of the mind
is the id. According to Sigmund Freud it is present as soon as a human is born and is the driving force
of our actions until the ego begins to develop. The id is the personality component made up of
unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires (Cherry). All the id
wants is for your basic needs to be fulfilled, and it does not matter how they get fulfilled because the
id has no sense of right or wrong. It also wants them to be fulfilled as soon as possible, which is
known as the pleasure principle. Because of this the id will cause you to react immediately to a
situation and not consider the implications or consequences to those actions. The character I believe
symbolizes this would be Jack. He constantly acts on a whim and puts his desire in
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How Is Richard Parker Similar In Life Of Pi
Life of Pi Essay Piscine and Richard Parker are two different species; Pi is a human and Richard
Parker a bengal tiger. Stuck in a lifeboat with a limited amount of food and water, a tiger and a human
are not going to be good companions. Eventually, one or the other is going to survive, and the other
will not. Yann Martel creates an alternate idea. Throughout the book, Yann Martel shows the
importance of using your enemies to help get through situations. Richard Parker also helps by
catching flying fish, which is a good source of food. Soon, they start Yann Martel places a human and
a tiger in a lifeboat, where they have to overcome any challenges that arise. Pi first was alone and didn
t want to be in the situation by himself. Once, he saw Richard Parker, he said, Don t give up, please.
Come to the lifeboat. (Martel 121). After thinking over the situation, he realized, a bengal tiger was
not the kind of company he wanted. Pi said to himself, In a few seconds you ll be aboard and we ll be
together. Wait a second. Together? We ll be together? Have I gone mad? (Martel 123). By including
this in the context, Yann Martel shows that if the two are together, it is not going to be good.
Eventually, Richard Parker and Pi are together, in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You may act like you don t approve of the person, but that doesn t mean you actually do. Yann Martel
gives the reader many examples of this. Pi used Richard Parker as a calmer, It was Richard Parker
who calmed me. . Towards the end of the journey on the lifeboat, Pi feels as if being parted from
Richard Parker will not be easy. He says, I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so
unceremoniously. (Martel 360). During their time together, Yann Martel proves that Richard Parker
and Pi have developed a relationship, not as enemies. Being in a tough position can change enemies
into great
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Social Factors Of Public Policies Essay
Social Factors Student s Name Institution Affiliation Introduction Social problems are highly caused
by the improper administration of laws, distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges in a
society. Justice is at the heart of many legal, political, religious and philosophical arguments. Social
factors affect all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race and religion to be
treated equally and without prejudice. Public policies are expected to solve problems efficiently and
effectively, serve justice, support governmental institutions and policies and encourage active
citizenship. However, public policies at both the local state and national level may contribute to social
problems. Some of these rules impose restrictions on the freedom needed by individuals hence
limiting the aspect of fairness and equality in the society. Moving towards the right direction and
building a stable complete functional community in the world will be noted only if the negative
aspects in the society are done away with as soon as possible. This paper is a discussion on several
aspects in the society; inequality, gender, race and ethnicity, work and economy, marriage and family.
Part I: Inequality. The social disparity has negative effects especially to those affected by this
unfortunate element in the society. Equality in the society is an important factor, as it brings feelings
of appreciation and a sense of belonging, which is required by all
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Relationship Between Gender Bias And Gender Essay
This study focuses on the relationship between gender bias, gender ideology, and gender roles in
everyday life. The study analyzes how differences in gender affect professors behavior in the
classroom. My research question is how do men and women view professors treatment of students
based on gender? Some basic guiding questions are: In your opinion and experience, do professors
treat certain groups of students differently? Who are these students? Specifically, do professors treat
men vs. women differently in the classroom? Why do you think professors do/don t do this? My
hypothesis was that respondents would think professors call on men in the classroom due to their
stereotypical qualities of being competitive, confident, and dominant. The overwhelming majority of
people describe women as shy, compassionate, and timid . Men are more willing to speak up and
shout out an answer in the classroom because of their confidence and dominance. Given these
stereotypical traits it would be more likely for a male to answer a question, get called on, or engage in
a conversation with the teacher rather than a women because of women s timid traits . I believe that
the majority of men are less likely to filter a response and think before they speak in class, therefore
leading them to get called on by the professor to share their opinion. From my own experience I have
seen this begin to change over the years possibly because of the increase in women in the social and
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The Reformation Of The Catholic Church
Jackson Dukes
Mr. Levy
3 March 2017
Killer Catholics
Though millions of Catholics were brainwashed by higher ranking church officials through cynical,
selfish teachings, the reformation of the Catholic Church saved an immeasurable amount of lives by
gaining religious freedom in Europe.
I. Brainwashed Catholics
A. Forced to work as slaves to church
1. Expected to work for free
2. Never taught any differently
B. Forced to pay tithes
1. Rich people bribed
2. Relics as tribute
C. Burned at stake for alternate beliefs
1. No legal alternative
2. No tolerated deviations
II. Cynical, selfish teachings
A. Heaven only accessible through priest
1. Pastor was passport
2. Rogue teachings taught to ignorant people
B. Taught to work for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This assumption has all the evidence it needs to be upheld. Though millions of Catholics were
brainwashed by higher ranking church officials through cynical, selfish teachings, the reformation of
the Catholic Church saved an immeasurable amount of lives by gaining religious freedom in Europe.
To hit the tip of the iceberg, high ranking church officials would brainwash regular citizens. Though
not the type of brainwashing seen in movies, church officials found an even more efficient way to
make sure their followers stayed put. Officials forced people to work for the church ( The Roman
Catholic Church in 1500 ). Though it seems that Catholics could have chosen not work for the church,
that is how they were always taught. These rogue teachings were frequently taught to young, ignorant
people so that a priest would have to ability to remain in power ( The Roman Catholic Church in 1500
). According to Wongoo Shim, the Catholic Church also used relics as revenue which could be bought
by the people. These relics pardoned sins and granted access to heaven (Shim). Rich families would
often buy their way into a higher ranking church position. Separately, peasants were left desperate
after having to pay for christenings, marriages, burials, and anything else that required help from the
church ( The Roman Catholic Church in 1500 ). There was no other legal alternative for people. The
Catholic Church did not tolerate any deviance from its teachings.
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Clarence Thomas Accomplishments
What does it take to become a Supreme Court Justice in the United States? It doesn t matter what race
you are; which neighborhood you grew up in or how much you have. From living in a predominately
black town, and not know where his next meal is going to coming from, Clarence Thomas has proven
that all barriers can be overcame. He was the second African American to serve on the court. Thomas
served as a Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from
1990 to 1991. After Thurgood Marshall (the first African American to serve on the court) announced
his retirement, President George W. Bush elected Thomas to become a candidate for the position.
Clarence Thomas has been serving on the Supreme Court for twenty six years. As of February. 22,
2016, there has been a ten year long silence streak in the Supreme Court House. Clarence Thomas sat
on the Supreme Court Bench and hasn t spoken one word in nearly a decade. However, on February.
22, 2016 Thomas left everyone in disbelief when he spoke for the first time in a long time. ... Show
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He is a lawyer, judge, and a member of the Supreme Court Justice system. Thomas was born in Pin
Point, Georgia but was raised in Savannah. His mother, Leola Williams, was a domestic worker while
his father was a farm worker. In this household, Thomas and his siblings were raised by a single
mother after their father left them at a young age. They spoke Gullah which is a creole language, not
English. His ancestors were slaves in America. At the age of seven, Clarence was forced to move into
his grandparents home due to a house fire. Because he was raised in a catholic setting, he was the only
African American at his school, but he was an honors student. Thomas did not let his race and the
opinions of others stop him from reaching his education goals. Even though he could barely read, his
grandfather made sure he knew that education and religion, was a top
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Types And Types Of Hpv Vaccine
Most sexually active individuals will have detectable human papillomavirus (HPV) at least once in
their lifetime. 14 million people are infected annually, and 79 million people have the prevalent
infection. Approximate 5% of the cancers globally are HPV associated anogenital or oral cancers (1).
HPV is transmitted frequently between partners; more frequent transmission has been reported from
females to males than from males to females (2). The incidence of anal and oral cancers related to
HPV is increasing in the general population and is growing even faster among individuals who are
immunocompromised because of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (3, 4). Two
prophylactic vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) have been approved for a decade. Recently, the
nonavalent vaccine including additional high risk HPV types is promised to provide more coverage
against cervical cancers (5). The HPV vaccine is recommended routinely for 11 or 12 year olds, as
well as for young men through age 21 years and young women through age 26 years who have not
previously been vaccinated. HPV vaccine is also recommended for men who have sex with men
(MSM), people living with HIV/AIDS, and immunocompromised persons through age 26 years.
However, the high risk HPV types included in the nonavalent vaccine contribute little to anal,
oropharyngeal, penile, vulvar and vaginal cancer (5, 6).
HPV infection is mostly asymptomatic, but may also have many diverse clinical signs encompassing
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1. Read Class Notes and trace the history of Mexican ceramics, through style. Materials, purpose and
The rich Mexican ceramics legacy was acquainted with Mexico by Spanish organization craftsmen
and artists of the Colonial time frame. Usually called majolica in Spain, Mexican Talavera draws its
name from the sixteenth century Spanish ceramics focus, Talavera de la Reina. While the multifaceted
polychrome and more run of the mill blue and white outlines demonstrate their Old World inheritance,
local flower and creature themes assert these vivid earthenware productions as traditionally Mexican.
The most widely recognized earthenware production procedures of that period were looping and
squeezing. Pieces terminated in block ovens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most prominent and famous pottery made in Mexico is Talavera pottery. Talavera is a high quality
decorative earthenware pottery style that is recognized by its strong colors and detailed patterns
creating traditional Mexican and more contemporary designs. The cultural trait of using bold mixtures
of vivid colours in art and fabrics was also prevalent in the rich variety of colours used in traditional
Mexican pottery decoration. Mexican pottery was made by coiling the clay into consecutive circles up
the sides, followed by scraping and molding the coiled work until the coils could no longer be
detected. The Mexican wares were not glazed, but rather burnished and painted with coloured fine
clay slips. The Spanish introduced the potters wheel and new glazing techniques, including Majolica.
The colorful Majolica suited the Mexican aesthetic and the Talavera pottery is renowned for its variety
of Majolica and its mixture of different cultural influences. There was also a predominance of curved
lines and intricate detail. This mixture of styles was adopted by the local folk art pottery scene with
most potters working in family workshops, and everyone participating in the process. Talavera is a
particular method of pottery which involves two firings first with a tin glaze and then lead (see further
information). The brightly painted designs are applied between the two firings. Talavera is named after
a town in Spain. This clay is then kneaded and the pieces are shaped on a potter s wheel or in a mold
and left to dry. The pieces are fired at 850°C and become hard and terracotta coloured. More colour is
applied in traditional designs. The design is transferred to the ceramic using carbon on a paper stencil.
The resulting dot pattern is then used as a guide for the hand painted bright colours. The decorated
piece is fired again to produce
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning s Love
Elizabeth s Love
What is Love? Love can be described as an intense emotional feeling with the ability to change the
life of the giver and the recipient of this profound emotion. Love can be described as a verb or action.
Love can be experienced in varying levels of intensity. Elizabeth Barrett Browning credits her love for
her husband as the power that headed her emotionally, physically, and spiritually. EEB began writing
at the age of twelve, but two years later, she was confined to her home due to a chronic illness and
spinal injury. Her secret relationship with Robert Browning sparked a new motivation for life in EEB.
Her love for Robert greatly influenced her budding career as a poet. Her health and desire to live ...
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In the first four lines, the words used to describe love are uniquely expressing powerful emotions with
no limits. Depth, breadth, and height, are 3D terms of measurements used to measure love with
completeness. These words were used to describe feelings of great magnitude; reaching deep within,
far above, and beyond the soul. The boundless limits of her love are not contained in earthly realms,
but go beyond to the outer universe. Depth, breadth, and height, are also biblical terms used to convey
the unconditional love of God. EBB makes reference to her religion by comparing her love to the
greatest love of all, the love of God. The implication of both a physical attraction and a spiritual love,
while professing as long as there is life, this perfect love will exist.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul
can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. In the next four lines
demonstrates the powerful effect love and an inability to control it. EEB is aware of these feelings
every second, minute, hour, of every day and night. Her love for Robert has consumed her thoughts.
She boldly confesses to love Robert completely regardless of the influence or
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Dispersion of Different Silane Modified TiO2 Rutile...
Figure 3 shows dispersion of untreated, APS, FHES and TMSO treated TRNPs in different solvents
after centrifuging at 1000 rpm for 15 minutes. After centrifuging, if most of the particle settles down it
is an indicator of poor dispersion of the particle in the solvent. When the relatively large particles
settles down and small particles remains in the suspension it is an indicator of medium dispersion. If
all the particles remains in the solvent and no precipitation is found it is an indicator of very good
dispersion. From Figure 3 it is found that, untreated TiO2 is best dispersed in DMF and DMAc polar
aprotic solvent which is also supported from small Z average diameter and acceptable PDI value. For
untreated NP medium dispersion is found in DI water and ethanol and poor dispersion in TCB,
Toluene, DCM, choloroform, THF and isopropanol. As the untreated TRNP is hydrophilic in nature
the particles tends to disperse well in relatively polar solvent. APS treated titania nanoparticle renders
hydrophobic behavior to the surface [20] and essentially doesn t dissolve in DI water, DMF and
DMAC etc. highly polar solvent. The best solvent for APS modified titania is ethanol, isopropanol and
formic acid which is conspicuous both from digital image and small mean diameter value of the
nanoparticle. Due to the presence of NH2 functional group at the end of organic surface of APS
treated TRNPs the hydrogen bonding force is the dominant dispersion force. As a result, APS treated
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Kingdom Animalia Essay
Extra Credit Essays
1. Domain bacteria Single celled organisms, ( otherwise known as prokaryotic cells) that do not have a
membrane protecting the cell. Bacteria can be found almost everywhere in the world.
Domain eukarya All organisms grouped within the domain eukarya are also considered single celled.
Eukaryotic cells are specifically grouped by the things each organism lives off, or by the things they
eat individually.
Domain archaea Along with bacteria the domain archaea is a prokaryote cell meaning it consists of
one single cell. However archaeal organisms can be found in areas where the earth s most intense
natural resources are present. Areas including Yellowstone National park where there are many
geysers along with places including Hawaii.
2. Kingdom Protists these organisms solely do not depend on themselves to create food but on other
living things.
Kingdom plante this kingdom is made up of plants. Plants survive solely on photosynthesis. This basic
way of nutrition.
Kingdom fungi unlike the kingdom plante the members of the kingdom fungi, survive and live off of
what is found in the soil beneath us. Fungi are considered to be decomposes meaning they decompose
dead organisms which therefore becomes the food for their cells.
Kingdom Animalia Humans are considered to be classified under the kingdom Animalia. Humans and
many other animals eat other living organisms unlike the kingdom fungi. We survive on eating other
living things.
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Peter Dacunha Interview
Every time I interview a young person in the entertainment business, I customarily have a sense of
awe and excitement. Most of these young performers have accomplished so much in their relatively
short life span, and the vast majority of them (unlike the gossip columns would prefer you to believe)
are good kids. In the case of Peter DaCunha, it was truly a joy when I recently had the opportunity to
speak with him about how he started out as an actor, his notable works (including Hallmark), and how
he remains as positive and grounded in a world of incessant negativity. 7563.jpg RH: So, Peter, did
you have a busy summer? PD: Yeah, I was mostly hanging out with friends and drawing. Oh, are you
an artist? Yeah, I like to draw, but I m ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I play Ramse s son, Sam in season two only. But I m hopefully going to be back for season three. I
hope, but I haven t heard anything yet. I m really excited for it. I got to be a part of the cliffhanger
from season two sort of there were like three cliffhangers, but I was one of them. It was pretty fun.
How did you get this particular role? I did a little audition, but I also got on the show cause I worked
with an AD on the show when I was on Defiance. And they recommended me to the 12 Monkeys
people. So I did an audition, and they liked me. They let me in, and it was really fun. img_4619
1.jpgThat s really cool. I don t think sometimes people realize that in this business, having those
relationships is a good thing. So that s cool that happened for you. I was also on Saving Hope. I did a
little guest star role on that show. It was fun, but it was also very tiring because I had to pretend to be
having seizures. They had a special person on set to coach you how it s supposed to look, but when
you do it, it starts to cramp up your muscles like, This really hurts! But everything else was really fun,
and everyone was super nice. The guy who directed my episode was the same guy who plays Charlie
on the show. Since he was directing, I got to meet him, and we wouldn t have gotten to meet if he
hadn t been
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  • 1. How To Write A Contract Law Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Contract Law Essay How To Write A Contract Law Essay
  • 2. I Had Someone Who We Are All A Product Of Our Environment Recently I had someone say to me, we don t know who we are because we are all a product of our environment. That said, the question remains: Are we defined by our environment and merely a product of it, or we posses the ability to make decisions despite it? The age old question of who am I kept stirring in my mind. It got me thinking about how I define myself and how the environment that I grew up in has shaped me. My first thought was Wait a minute I know who I am, I think? So I made a list of the obvious; wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, etc. Looking at that list I realized that those labels were just words used to define my relationships to other people. I have never really thought about the labels that define my relationships they are just words. I seldom thought about how the culture or environment I grew up in affected me or my relationships to others. I took these things for granted. Can we control the environment we re born into? Are we supposed to somehow see beyond the culture we were raised in; The culture that compels us to act, live and think in certain ways? As a young girl living in the 1960 s era women lived and defined themselves by their marriage or birth to a man. As a woman you could not open a bank account without your husband s co signature. You could not start a business without your husband s permission and a signature. Most of the woman that did work were teachers, nurses, or secretaries. Women accounted for six ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Economic, Monetary And Financial Conditions Economic, Monetary and Financial Conditions China An efficient economy is an economy where resources are allocated to serve every citizen in the best way so that there will be minimal waste and inefficiency within the economy. China is the short name for the country, but the real name is People s Republic of China. China happens to be one of the economies that falls under an efficient economy because it has continued to improve other the past decades. Over the past five years, economic freedom in China has improved by less than 1.0 point, continuing its patchy and uneven progress since 1995 (heritage.org). Although China has had some rough stages in economy efficiency, they have continued to strive and make it on top. China is one of the most thriving countries in the world today, but it is still classified as a developing country. The population has reached over 1.364 billion and contributes to the 19.06 trillion dollars in exports along with the 19.01 trillion dollars in imports. China has obtained over fifty different commercial banks in their growth to the present, but there are twenty nine different banks present in their economy. The currency used is the Chinese Yuan and one U.S. dollar equals 6.4 Yuan s. India India, just as China, is a developing country. India has a current population of 1.29 billion people. The currency used in India is the Indian Rupee, which is worth 66.61 Rupees per U.S. dollar. There also twenty seven different banks that are established ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Reasons For Russia s Involvement In World War I Russia s Involvement in World War I In the year of 1914 the Russian government is starting to see Germany as the main threat to its nation. The reason behind this was because of Germany s decision to form an alliance with Austria Hungary and Italy; this became to be known as the Triple Alliance. This new Alliance meant that if any of the allied countries were to be invaded by Russia or France they would support each other in battle when in need. However the initial spark of Russia s involvement in World War I began with honoring its treaty with Serbia. On June 28th 1914 Franz Ferdinand the heir to the Austro Hungarian throne visited the capital city of Bosnia known as Sarajevo, he traveled to Sarajevo in order to inspect the armed forces of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alexander Kerensky the leader of the provisional government appointed General Lavr Kornilov as the new commander of the Russian army. Although because of the two men s very different views on the military policy they began to conflict with one and other. Due to this Kerensky decided to fire Kornilov as the new commander. Kornilov took this opportunity to send his troops to take control of the city of Petrograd (Petrograd now known as the city of St. Petersburg) with the support of the Russian imperial general Aleksandr ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Crude Oil Last 10 Years INTRODUCTION The role of petroleum products in our lives is unquestionable. It is safe to say that oil is the cornerstone of our civilization. A pessimist might argue that without oil our industrial society will collapse and there will be rapid decline in the world population. But again that is a pessimist s view, personally we would like to think that we will in near future find other energy sources on which we can depend and build our civilization to reach the next milestone. In this report we have tried to highlight the fluctuations of crude oil during the period of 2001 10. The scope of this report is limited only to this period as we believe that events that took place during this decade had the potential to change the oil game so ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus the oil market participants producers, refiners, marketers, and traders would not have one of their bases for setting prices in their contracts and other transactions. It does not appear that the oil industry was materially affected by the closing of the Nymex, which, in any event, resumed all operations in about one week. While the immediate effect of the attacks on petroleum markets was to drive prices up, market forces reflecting little change in supply and demand acted quickly, and crude oil prices eased within little more than a week. Average crude oil prices paid by U.S. refiners actually declined for the month of September 2001 falling to $20.82 per barrel from $24.08 in the previous month. 2002: After moving lower in 2001, crude oil prices moved higher in 2002 reaching over $30 per barrel in September 2002. Higher prices were supported by a number of factors. One was the ongoing U.S. war on terrorism and rising tensions with Iraq. There was the likely potential that military action would be taken against Iraq that would disrupt the supply of crude oil to the market. With that issue still not settled as 2002 drew to a close, crude oil prices continued to find support. While there were factors supporting higher prices, there were also factors working against them. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) after a meeting in 2001 agreed that production of oil would be cut. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Origin of Species In 1859, a time when literal interpretation of the Bible was common practice, a book that could potentially debase society s understanding of what was fact was published and it summarized a theory that humans have slowly evolved from a primitive form, commonly called the Theory of Evolution. (Kennedy Pg.572) The book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life was written by an English naturalist and geologist, Charles Darwin, and it overcame the scientific rejection that earlier similar theories had faced. Leading up to his publication during the Protestant Reformation Darwin went on a five year long voyage on the HMS Beagle as company to Captain Robert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Newman, Letter) Another event that led to Darwin s controversial writing were the discoveries he made from his documentation on his long voyage on the HMS Beagle where he did all of his research and discoveries written about in his book. One of his first discoveries that linked evolution to living creatures left him with more of an inquiry than an answer or discovery. He noted the geographical distribution of the modern species of a fossil he found while ashore resembling a huge armadillo in hopes of finding their centre of creation. ( ) He extensively edited his research and added his findings until the original book was completed and finally published on Thursday, November 24th, 1859 and all copies being sold were immediately bought up by booksellers. During Darwin s lifetime he published 6 different editions of the book and the one that really shook society what the final writing published February 19th, 1872, the 6th edition titled the Origin of Species (this is when the title was shortened from its original length) in which was the only time he used the word evolution ; though, however, every edition concluded with the word evolved . The most notable change to this newly published edition of Darwin s book was a chapter 7 titled Miscellaneous objections that addressed any objections that were sure to come from opposition of his Theory of Evolution. The immediate significance of Darwin s book were tremendous mostly due to hostile reactions to, what seemed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Child Labour In China How would you feel if your child was forced to work every day just for your family s survival? Child labour is work that exploits children mentally and physically, as well as keeping them away from school. The International Labor Organization estimates that 215 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 currently work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous or extremely exploitative. China is one of the main culprits. A recent study by the China Labour Bulletin in 2000, indicated that there were approximately 11,575,000 children at work between the ages of 10 to 14 in China. This violates many articles from the Convention of Rights of The Child. For example, article 32 states that, You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and prevents you from receiving an education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly. (The Convention of Rights of The Child, § 32, 1990). Child labour in China is a major problem that needs to be resolved. This essay will examine how child labour affects many misfortunate children, whilst demonstrating how child labour is still an uprising trend, one that needs to be changed. Showcasing why it s so important to actively change our worldview on the exploitation of child labour, for the greater good of future generations. Undeniably, there are many reasons why child labour occurs. The most common reason why is because of the lack of money in poverty stricken areas or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Nymphs Reply To His Love Analysis Humans are idealists. We are day dreamers, curious minds and wanters of what could be. At the same time though, we must be practical, smart and real or else Life might advantage of you. In writing we often see the battle of ideal vs real, especially when it comes to works centering on the topic of love. Poems like The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (Marlowe, 1599) and The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd (Raleigh, 1599) are prime examples of the contrasting views, while prose like Eveline (Joyce, 1914) represents both sides throughout the story. Melodious birds, a bed a roses, a gown made of the finest wool who could turn down such an offer? If the speaker is to give his Love all that he can, then that must, surely, be love. That is what the Marlowe tries to convey in The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. The speaker paints an ideal picture of how their love will be and how if what he says appeals to his interest then they must come and be with him. This thought is explicitly represented in the final couplet of the poem, it says, If these delights thy mind may move,/ Then live with me and be my love. His love is persuasive. He wants the interest to consider the best of what it could be. We then see a response from Raleigh through his poem The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd. In almost a form of mockery, Raleigh s poem blatantly contradicts Marlowe s. Raleigh uses his piece as a representation of real love, rather than ideal. He not only mimics the style of writing, but also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Celebration written by W.D. Valgardson. Feelings of Helplessness At one point or another we all succumb to the feeling of helplessness in our lives. Whether it is a feeling of not being able to break free of an abusive loved one or being trapped by a bad storm, the natural animal instinct of survival is apparent. Celebration written by W.D. Valgardson studies that instinct and the helplessness of situations that drives us to it. Valgardson introduces various situations that require survival techniques in the story. One is the helplessness of the children in the violent home atmosphere and the poverty that they live in. Whenever Eric and Mabel fought, the children hid under the Toronto couch, lying absolutely still, making no sound for hours on end. (61) The action of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a storm brewing not only inside the house but outside also, the characters are forced into close captivity with one and another, It was only four o clock but, already, outside the windows, it was as black as if the sky had been drenched in tar. (59) The blackness of the sky mirrors the blackness of Eric s disposition and temperament. Valgardson also uses a great deal of irony in the story, in the beginning the reader is introduced to the drunken ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Air India [pic] CASE STUDY ON AIR INDIA [pic] OF BUSINESS PROCES STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Submitted To: N.P.SINGH Submitted By: Priyanka Bhardwaj(86) Anil Tiwari(98) Lovisha Sharma (76) JAGANNATH INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL KALKAJI,NEW DELHI Air India Limited (Hindi: एअर इंडिया) is the national flag carrier airline of India, flying a worldwide network of passenger and cargo services. Air India is state owned, and administered as part of the National Aviation Company of India Limited which was created in 2007 to facilitate Air India s merger with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Only applied to around a half of Air India s fleet, the new livery did not succeed, as the Indian flying public complained about the phasing out of the classic colours. The new livery was dropped after two years and the old scheme was returned. In 1993, Air India took delivery of the flagship of its fleet when the first Boeing 747 400 named Konark and registered VT ESM made history by operating the first non stop flight between New York City and Delhi. In 1994 the airline was registered as Air India Ltd. In 1996, the airline inaugurated service to its second US gateway at O Hare International Airport in Chicago. In 1999, the airline opened its dedicated Terminal 2 C at the newly renamed Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai. In 2000, Air India introduced services to Shanghai, as well as to Los Angeles and Newark. On May 2004, Air India launched a wholly owned low cost airline called Air India Express. Air India Express connecting cities in India with the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Subcontinent. Air India expanded its international routes to include non stop flights from Ahmedabad and also expanded its international operations from Bangalore and Hyderabad. On 8 March 2004, International Women s Day, the airline operated an All Women Flight from
  • 11. Mumbai to Singapore.[8] Captain Rashmi Miranda, who became Air India s first female Commander in November 2003 and Captain Kshmata Bajpai piloted the flight, an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Indigenous Peoples Of Native Americans There does not seem to be one definitive definition of indigenous people, but generally indigenous people are those that have historically belonged to a particular region or country, before its colonization or transformation into a nation state, and may have different often unique cultural, linguistic, traditional, and other characteristics to those of the dominant culture of that region or state (Rights) The land to Native Americans is a very sacred object. To us, as nonnative individuals, we don t look at the land the same. As agriculturists we have a respect for the land and want to maintain its fertility so it can continue to bless us with crops. While a ski bum may have respect for the mountains and terrain that was given to them to be able to ski and enjoy. Native Americans see the land as a whole. They as people don t just respect it for certain entities they respect it for everything it has given to them. Their ancestral land has a fundamental importance for their collective physical and cultural survival as peoples. Indigenous peoples hold their own diverse concepts of development, based on their traditional values, visions, needs and priorities. As nonnative individuals it should be our job to help protect these sacred lands, and restore what damage that has been done to them. But instead, big companies are destroying sacred land all over the United States by mining, drilling for oil, or even building for scientific research. Since the late 1800s, the U.S. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Malcom X MALCOLM X Learning to Read Malcolm Little, born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1925, was reborn Malcolm X in his twenties while imprisoned for burglary. (He considered Little a slave name and chose the X to signify his lost African tribal name.) His conversion to Islam under the Nation of Islam and his rigorous self education led him to a life ofpolitical activism marked by hatred, violence, and hope. For a time, as the foremost spokesman of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm preached a separatist philosophy with racist rhetoric; on breaking with the Nation of Islam and converting to orthodox Islam after a pilgrimage to Mecca, Malcolm again changed his name (to El Hajj Malik El Shabazz) and philosophy, moving closer to the integrationist goals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 5 I was so fascinated that I went on I copied the dictionary s ro next page. And the same experience came when I studied that. With every succeeding page, I also learned of people and places and events from history. Actually the dictionary is like a miniature encyclopedia. Finally the dictionary s A section had filled a whole tablet and I went on into the B s. That was the way I started copying what eventually became the entire dictionary. It went a lot faster after so much practice helped me to pick up handwriting speed. Between what I wrote in my tablet, and writing letters, during the rest of my time in prison I would guess I wrote a million words. I suppose it was inevitable that as my word base broadened, I could for the first time pick up a book and read and now begin to understand what the book was saying. Anyone who has read a great deal can imagine the new world that opened. Let me tell you something: from then until I left that prison, in every free moment I had, if I was not reading in the library I was reading on my bunk. You couldn t have gotten me out of books with a wedge. Between Mr. Muhammad s teachings, my correspondence, my visitors usually Ella and Reginald and my reading of books, months passed without my even thinking about being imprisoned. In fact, up to then, I never had been so truly free in my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Impact Of Slavery On African American Literature Voices of Freedom: Slavery s impact on African American Literature In the early to mid nineteenth century, America found itself divided over the issue of slavery. The culture, traditions, and economy of southern states depended heavily on slave labor, while the northern states opposed the institution of slavery. Even though the slave trade was declared illegal in the early nineteenth century, slavery itself was not illegalized until more than a half century later. Abolitionists used powerful anti slavery writings as a way to fight against slavery. During this time, African American literature emerged with a distinct focus on black culture within the larger American society. These authors and their writings preserved the culture of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This uncompromising narrative documents the horrors faced by female slaves, particularly sexual abuse and the heartache felt by slave mothers whose children were taken from them. Often slave narratives were deemed fictional by the white American public. These autobiographies were constantly under scrutiny for their veracity, even though many narratives were published with endorsements from famous abolitionists confirming the story s authenticity. Some slave narratives were penned by authors referring to themselves as Himself or Herself. Jacobs was forced to write under the pseudonym Linda Brent to publish her own narrative. Jacob s autobiography showed how female slaves struggled with sexual harassment and their efforts to protect their identities as women and mothers. With a mounting national debate over slavery, these ever growing narratives provided a unique manuscript documenting glimpses into the inner thoughts of slaves. Another African American writer whose literature was influenced by slavery was Phillis Wheatley. She was kidnapped from Africa at the age of eight and brought to America on a slave ship. John Wheatley, a prominent figure in Boston, purchased the young child and made her a servant for his wife. Wheatley s owners soon recognized her intelligence and extraordinary literary talent and afforded her an education. Wheatley s life was an exception ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Costco Wholesale Is A Retail Warehouse Club With 698 Stores Costco Wholesale is a retail warehouse club with 698 stores in eight countries (Costco Wholesale, n.d.). The modern day Costco began in 1993 when Price Club, founded by Sol Price in 1976, merged with Costco, founded by Jim Sinegal and Jeff Brotman in 1983. When the two companies initially merged they utilized the name PriceCostco, but later reverted back to the name Costco (Costco Wholesale, n.d.). At the time of the merger, Costco had 206 locations and has quickly grown, now servicing over 170 million club members worldwide (Costco Wholesale, n.d.). The following analysis identifies the organization s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by examining Costco s organizational environment, leadership strategies and human ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Costco s culture lies primarily at the medium to surface level, as the values of the organization are apparent through the family feel and the levels of productivity are visible and tangible (Organizational Behavior, 2014). The second strength identified is the solid leadership base provided by the co founder and former CEO, Jim Sinegal, whose employee first focus is the basis for Costco s leadership theory (Ruggeri, 2009). Additionally, his focus helped to create and maintain organizational commitment through a stable organizational culture (Organizational Behavior, 2014). Desjardins (2005), describes Sinegal as having leadership traits that include self esteem, integrity, openness, conscientious, extraverted and agreeable. His self esteem, openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion are shown through his annual site visits to Costco locations, while his policies concerning the company ethics demonstrate his integrity (Desjardins, 2005). His constant interaction with employees through attendance at every grand opening and annual visits show not only his commitment, but also his agreeableness (Desjardins, 2005). Finally, Sinegal utilizes a supportive leadership style, which is evident in his treatment of his employees (Organizational Behavior, 2014). Further described as famous for his amazing ability to remember people s names and willing to accomplish any task asked of employees, his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Cellular Boundaries Are Permeable In biology, I learned that cellular boundaries can be permeable. Initially, this concept was intriguing in and of itself, that cells can release and absorb information to perform necessary functions. Three years later, that particular biology class and the principle it revealed has held a place in my mind. The phrase boundaries are permeable returns to my thoughts at odd times, not always bearing the original scientific connotation. Most often, the phrase returns when there is an overlap in subject matter, an opportunity to bridge ideas that were previously considered distinct to respective areas of study. The three words have remained with me, serving to analogize the ability to effectively apply information across disciplines, something I wish to accomplish on my career path. In my academic experience, there is a striking difference between the classroom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I have desired to meet the world and it s diversities for some time. The vigilant mountains seem to protect inhabitants from the outside world, global events appear distant and therefore are not fully addressed in a village of less than 1,000 citizens. I have yearned to see more of the world, to be able to understand complex relations and use this knowledge to improve matters through communication. I aim to utilize my opportunity to receive an education to help equalize societal imbalances. In order to achieve the stasis of peace, it is important that injustices are acknowledged and given a voice. I hope to align my values with my actions, to convert my worries over social and environmental issues into work. By becoming informed about the impacts of human activity on the environment, and our impacts on each other, I will be able to be a respectful and effective advocate for improvement in these areas. I hope to be able to grow and obtain techniques needed to effectively address and resolve issues alongside passionate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STI) When sexual transmitted diseases, or STDs, are mentioned, the first that are remembered are chlamydia, gonorrhea or pubic lice. However, there are many others including Trichomoniasis. It is mentioned both as an STD and an STI but it is an organism that is acute not chronic. It seems to individuals to not be as harmful and scary as other STDs but it is an organism to still watch out for as it harms certain tracts in certain bodies. This disease is most common in women but also seen in men. It is considered the most common STIs, both in the United States and worldwide (Smith 2016). With this infection/disease, it is important to know the cause, symptoms and care to insure your reproduction system is in the best shape and not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First of all, the host Trichomoniasis targets and transmits to is only humans, never animals. The diagnostic stage begins in the female lower genital tract and in male urethra and prostate (Smith 2016). In these parts of the body, it starts to replicate by binary fission. The infective stage is when sexual intercourse with another person occurs, passing on the organism to the vagina or urethra. Once it has invaded, they destroy[s] epithelial cells by direct cell contact and by release of cytotoxic substances (Smith 2016). It then connects to the plasma proteins which prevents recognition by the alternative complement pathway. Afterward, the organism will increase the pH from around 3.8 to 4.2 to a more neutral pH of 5 to 6. While increasing the pH of the area, the number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes are also raised to respond to this special infection. However, this response is not capable of fighting this infection alone and it only helps protect the body partially not fully. In the prevention of this infection, it does not stop the organism from reappearing if you had Trichomoniasis once. There is a vaccine but it is on trial right now. It is called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Using Secondary Data Sources In Public Health Module 3 Professional Learning Log # 4 Monica Eickmeyer The use of secondary data sources adds another resource for public health practitioners in policy and intervention development. Instead of just using primary resources, secondary resources may be integrated to provide robust data collectively. Also, multiple data sources may be applied to gain a better understanding of the public health concern. Data sets available for mortality, morbidity, health outcomes, social and living environments can determine health needs and barriers to care. In situations where funding resources are a concern or limited, secondary data sources may be considered and applied in public health. If another agency has already collected the data, expenses are reduced and time is saved. However, categories and age groups may not be available for the question you have chosen. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, if the secondary data reveals a rise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lung disease caused primarily by chronic cigarette smoking, then anti smoking interventions can be aimed at specific groups. However, when applying secondary data sources, a consideration of how and why the data was collected and for whom should be considered. Examining trends over time provides longitudinal data about COPD and smoking to track the success and failures of public health interventions and policies. For example, smoking policies have been implemented through time and getting tougher for smokers to gain access to publicly smoking in Canada. Also, data about the effects of secondary smoke may be examined to determine if diseases related to secondhand smoke are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Ecological System Theory And Resilience Research The ecological system theory enunciate by (Bronfenbrenner 1989), examine the interaction between individual and their environments and the consequence effects on the individual s development ((Bronfenbrenner 1979). In a child s world comprises of mainly five system of interactions, and the relationship between them, that include microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. These change over the course of a child development. Microsystem is the closest system that the adolescent lives in (Bronfenbrenner, 1979), it comprises of the design of activities, functions and interactions experienced by children in their contiguous environment. It include the day to day activities between the individual and others and institutions, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All these share the experiencing one way or another and overcoming with positive result the situation of adversity. The first two relate however the fact that the risk did not produce any injury while the third approach refers to the situation where the child has been effected by trauma, in which the injury is made (Small and Memmo, 2004). Any of these three aspects can be applied in the pursuit of the resilience of children at risk including children who are staying in children s home settings as 1) success by overcoming situation such as abuse, neglect, family extreme poverty, or trauma of separation from family by institutionalization, 2) the acceptance and acceptable functioning in institutionalization conditions, 3) recovering from injuries suffered in the family or in orphanage for those who have left the protection ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Character Analysis Of Iago In William Shakespeare s Othello Iago is a very complex and manipulative character. This is what makes him a great villian. Throughout the play, he carefully weaves his web and ensnares all the characters in his trap. The root of Iago s malice is Othello not choosing him as his liutenant. He then enlists Rodrigo who wants the affection of Desdemona to help him. He conspires a plan to take down Othello. His plan was to get Cassio fired from his job. Iago accomplishes this by using Cassio s weakness, alcohol. Cassio gets drunk and starts a commotion in town, which Othello comes and handles the situation by firing him. The next part of his plan is to then make sure that Othello sees that Desdemona and Cassio are getting close. He tells Cassio that in order to get his job back, he has to seek help from Desdemona. He does as he is told and he asks Desdemona for help. He uses Cassio to be Desdemona s love interest in order to get to Othello, knowing that Othello loves Desdemona. In the play, it is stated that Cassio is a lady s man and he can handle the ladies. So in Othello s mind, it may not be so shocking that Cassio would do something like that. As Othello and Iago are talking, Othello sees that Cassio and Desdemona are talking and when he approaches them, Cassio swiftly leaves. Parts of his plan was to plant thoughts into Othello s mind that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair behind his back. The suggestions work because in one of the acts, Othello collapses not being able to handle all the stress in thinking about Desdemona with another man. Another example of this working is in Act 4, Scene 1, Othello gets so upset with Desdemona he slaps her and embarasses her in front of a guest. Act 4 is Othello completely losing all his sense of reasoning and turns into an unreconizable person. Iago convinces Othello that the best way to solve all his problems was to
  • 21. get rid of it entirely. Iago tell Othello that killing Desdemona is the answer. Othello lost in self pity and no reasoning left in his mind, agrees. Othello tells Iago, he will kill Desdemona and he desposes Cassio. Iago s plan works and in the end, Othello and Desdemona die. Iago s character is brilliant. Manipulation is a huge part of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Minstrelsy Influence On American Culture America has had a longstanding problematic relationship with black people. Not only, have they been subjected to the atrocious lifestyle of slavery, they have been the subject of constant ridicule and injustice. The history of minstrel shows and minstrelsy reflect one of the many ways black people have been exploited. Though the practice or tradition of minstrelsy no longer exists in the way it did in the past, its long term effects are still present in today s music culture and society. To elucidate, minstrel shows are considered to be a distinct and popular form of American entertainment. They usually involve a white individual dressed in outlandish outfits performing skits and songs in black face. Not only was this highly offensive, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Biblical Models of Servant Leadership CHAPTER TWO THE NEED: BIBILICAL MODELS OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP Introduction There are basic attitudes which we see in the lives of those whom God called to servant leadership in the Bible. These include a serving attitude where the leader sees his[1] primary responsibility to those whom he leads as to serve and develop them to fulfill their God given mandate. The leader serves by putting on a redeeming attitude, like Moses and Joshua. In other words he takes responsibility for those he leads, recognizing needs and reaching out to meet those needs rather than positioning himself for power and prestige. We see these virtues demonstrated by Jesus. His life was completely lived to serve the course of the Father ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... God prepared Moses through a process and over time and so Moses had to learn to wait. Usually it is while the leader waits that his mind and perspective is broadened, his life matures in relation to knowing the One who enlists him, he is empowered to withstand the storms of leadership, and is humbled to be able to submit to serve. Moses had to submit to God s way of preparing him for the task of pioneering a leadership for a people that had gone through decades of pain and misery. Charles R. Swindoll particularly referred to Moses desert experience as a means for his preparation for the long lonely way of leadership that was ahead of him. He adds: some of the world s greatest leaders have been people who lived lonely lives. In Moses long career as a leader he would be questioned, attacked, accused, hated, and betrayed. Through it all, he would stand alone. [6] It took the desert experience of preparation for him to stand alone. In the course of Moses preparation to leadership he had to learn that God appoints and directs leaders as He wills, and that the leader has little to say in all that. Swindoll again adds: Moses learned that lesson from failure ... more often than not, God s leadership candidates are aghast at their selection. They look with chagrin at the assignment before them. They can hardly believe their ears when God says, You are the man ; or you are the woman. [7] This came out clearly in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Bio 100 Chapter 1 Essay BIO 100 Chapter 1 WORKSHEET f15 Due date: 8/31/15 Section D070 Instructions: a. Total Questions=5 Total points = 20 b. Work on this worksheet on a computer c. Save your typewritten answers document as PDF document d. Submit online, by uploading your document in the assignments section on EAGLE by due date. 1. The scientific method can be used to prove a theory. Is it is a true or false statement? Clearly explain your answer in a short paragraph. (5 points) False, the scientific method is limited to those phenomena which can be observed or measured. Due to the need to have completely controlled experiments to test a hypothesis, science cannot prove everything. Science is meant to give us a better understanding of the mysteries of the natural world. So with that being said science is good at explaining how things work but not necessarily for explaining why do such things exist or for what purpose . 2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Describe what you understand by independent variable and dependent variable in a scientific study? ( 5 points) An independent variable is something you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate. It is a variable that stands alone and doesn t change by other variables. Although in some cases, you may not be able to manipulate the independent variable. It could be already there and or fixed. A dependent variable is the variable that s being tested in an experiment. If the experimenter changes the independent variable, the change in the dependent variable is observed and recorded. For example a scientist is testing the effect of light and dark on the behavior of moths by turning a light on and off. The independent variable is the amount of light and the moth s reaction is dependent variable. A change in the independent variable (amount of light) directly causes a change in the dependent variable (moth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Conflict Between Joseph And His Brothers One of the inherent conflicts in the story of Joseph is the tension between Joseph and his brothers. The tension between them is caused by both Jacob and Joseph. First, Jacob shows favoritism toward Joseph, because he is the son of his favorite wife Rachel. Second, Joseph brings back bad reports when he is out pasturing with his brothers. However, what truly increased the hatred and jealousy was the Joseph s dreams. The author notes that when Joseph recounts the dreams, they hated him even more (Gen. 37:8). Their jealousy for Joseph is strong enough that they are willing to murder him. However, they decide to instead sell him into slavery, and convince Jacob that he was killed. A greater conflict is later revealed later in the story. Joseph is brought before Pharaoh to interpret his dream, and he reveals that after seven years of plenty, a severe famine will engulf the land so that the seven years of plenty will be forgotten. In order to prepare for the famine, Pharaoh must appoint someone to oversee the storing and rationing of the food in Egypt. Since Joseph interpreted the dream that the magicians and wisemen of Egypt could not, Pharaoh made Joseph second in command over all of Egypt. Through Joseph Egypt is well prepared for the famine. These two main conflicts are interdependent in the Story of Joseph. Without the tension between Joseph and his brothers, Joseph would have never been able to interpret Pharaoh s dream, and Egypt (and Joseph s family) would have not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Ideological Ambiguity Within The Media Essay Everyone within a society has his or her own individual concerns in life. Some people, however, are occasionally looked down more by others, depending on if their problems are seriously destructive to the society or not. An often time in doing so, these people are manipulated into a dominant ideology which represents arguments about whether things are of optimistic or pessimistic standards in our civilization. This set of central principles, ideology, produces particular manners and offer ethical regulations by which one s dealings can be evaluated. In fact, the media production business appears to be the focal resource that utilizes the governing beliefs by constructing imaginary medium contacts, appealing to massive audiences to reflect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The article The White of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media, written by Stuart Hall, Hall brings an attention to the perception of ideological ambiguity though discovering the typical mass media s function of establishing racial inequities, such as that the community accepts differential behaviors of people within the society as common sense. He first starts on describing ideology as a term that does not consist of individual thoughts, yet assembly of different basics that direct to a certain judgment or perception. As said by Hall, the representation of race in the mass media builds the positive and negative consequences of ideology by manufacturing and transforming the ideologies. This ideological ambiguity is often shaped when the mass media puts up a meaning of what race is for the audiences, what significance the images of race conveys, and how the issue of race is supposed to be recognized. In a straightforward phrase, mass media organizes our world as regards to racial groups; placing people into categories based upon their physical appearances and defined concepts that have been generally raised after a while. On the other hand, what is really striking about Hall s argument on the ideological ambiguity is that the importance of these conventional ideas of race cannot be compared with the ground breaking portrays of traditional form of race for which context is more appreciated or not in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Sigmund Freud s Lord Of The Flies It is very unlikely a famous theory about psychoanalysis and a book about young boys trapped on an island would have many connections. But after reading Lord of the Flies and learning about Sigmund Freud s theory of psychoanalysis, you can see that the book and the theory share many connections. The main concept of Freud s theory is that there are three components of the human mind, the Id, Ego, and Superego; and in Lord of the Flies three influential characters all seem to represent these three parts. Whether Golding did this on purpose or not, I do not know, but I certainly believe these three characters easily line up with Freud s three components of the mind. The first component of the mind is the id. According to Sigmund Freud it is present as soon as a human is born and is the driving force of our actions until the ego begins to develop. The id is the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires (Cherry). All the id wants is for your basic needs to be fulfilled, and it does not matter how they get fulfilled because the id has no sense of right or wrong. It also wants them to be fulfilled as soon as possible, which is known as the pleasure principle. Because of this the id will cause you to react immediately to a situation and not consider the implications or consequences to those actions. The character I believe symbolizes this would be Jack. He constantly acts on a whim and puts his desire in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. How Is Richard Parker Similar In Life Of Pi Life of Pi Essay Piscine and Richard Parker are two different species; Pi is a human and Richard Parker a bengal tiger. Stuck in a lifeboat with a limited amount of food and water, a tiger and a human are not going to be good companions. Eventually, one or the other is going to survive, and the other will not. Yann Martel creates an alternate idea. Throughout the book, Yann Martel shows the importance of using your enemies to help get through situations. Richard Parker also helps by catching flying fish, which is a good source of food. Soon, they start Yann Martel places a human and a tiger in a lifeboat, where they have to overcome any challenges that arise. Pi first was alone and didn t want to be in the situation by himself. Once, he saw Richard Parker, he said, Don t give up, please. Come to the lifeboat. (Martel 121). After thinking over the situation, he realized, a bengal tiger was not the kind of company he wanted. Pi said to himself, In a few seconds you ll be aboard and we ll be together. Wait a second. Together? We ll be together? Have I gone mad? (Martel 123). By including this in the context, Yann Martel shows that if the two are together, it is not going to be good. Eventually, Richard Parker and Pi are together, in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You may act like you don t approve of the person, but that doesn t mean you actually do. Yann Martel gives the reader many examples of this. Pi used Richard Parker as a calmer, It was Richard Parker who calmed me. . Towards the end of the journey on the lifeboat, Pi feels as if being parted from Richard Parker will not be easy. He says, I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so unceremoniously. (Martel 360). During their time together, Yann Martel proves that Richard Parker and Pi have developed a relationship, not as enemies. Being in a tough position can change enemies into great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Social Factors Of Public Policies Essay Social Factors Student s Name Institution Affiliation Introduction Social problems are highly caused by the improper administration of laws, distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges in a society. Justice is at the heart of many legal, political, religious and philosophical arguments. Social factors affect all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race and religion to be treated equally and without prejudice. Public policies are expected to solve problems efficiently and effectively, serve justice, support governmental institutions and policies and encourage active citizenship. However, public policies at both the local state and national level may contribute to social problems. Some of these rules impose restrictions on the freedom needed by individuals hence limiting the aspect of fairness and equality in the society. Moving towards the right direction and building a stable complete functional community in the world will be noted only if the negative aspects in the society are done away with as soon as possible. This paper is a discussion on several aspects in the society; inequality, gender, race and ethnicity, work and economy, marriage and family. Part I: Inequality. The social disparity has negative effects especially to those affected by this unfortunate element in the society. Equality in the society is an important factor, as it brings feelings of appreciation and a sense of belonging, which is required by all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Relationship Between Gender Bias And Gender Essay This study focuses on the relationship between gender bias, gender ideology, and gender roles in everyday life. The study analyzes how differences in gender affect professors behavior in the classroom. My research question is how do men and women view professors treatment of students based on gender? Some basic guiding questions are: In your opinion and experience, do professors treat certain groups of students differently? Who are these students? Specifically, do professors treat men vs. women differently in the classroom? Why do you think professors do/don t do this? My hypothesis was that respondents would think professors call on men in the classroom due to their stereotypical qualities of being competitive, confident, and dominant. The overwhelming majority of people describe women as shy, compassionate, and timid . Men are more willing to speak up and shout out an answer in the classroom because of their confidence and dominance. Given these stereotypical traits it would be more likely for a male to answer a question, get called on, or engage in a conversation with the teacher rather than a women because of women s timid traits . I believe that the majority of men are less likely to filter a response and think before they speak in class, therefore leading them to get called on by the professor to share their opinion. From my own experience I have seen this begin to change over the years possibly because of the increase in women in the social and political ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Reformation Of The Catholic Church Jackson Dukes Mr. Levy B3 3 March 2017 Killer Catholics Though millions of Catholics were brainwashed by higher ranking church officials through cynical, selfish teachings, the reformation of the Catholic Church saved an immeasurable amount of lives by gaining religious freedom in Europe. I. Brainwashed Catholics A. Forced to work as slaves to church 1. Expected to work for free 2. Never taught any differently B. Forced to pay tithes 1. Rich people bribed 2. Relics as tribute C. Burned at stake for alternate beliefs 1. No legal alternative 2. No tolerated deviations II. Cynical, selfish teachings A. Heaven only accessible through priest 1. Pastor was passport 2. Rogue teachings taught to ignorant people B. Taught to work for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This assumption has all the evidence it needs to be upheld. Though millions of Catholics were brainwashed by higher ranking church officials through cynical, selfish teachings, the reformation of the Catholic Church saved an immeasurable amount of lives by gaining religious freedom in Europe. To hit the tip of the iceberg, high ranking church officials would brainwash regular citizens. Though not the type of brainwashing seen in movies, church officials found an even more efficient way to make sure their followers stayed put. Officials forced people to work for the church ( The Roman Catholic Church in 1500 ). Though it seems that Catholics could have chosen not work for the church, that is how they were always taught. These rogue teachings were frequently taught to young, ignorant people so that a priest would have to ability to remain in power ( The Roman Catholic Church in 1500 ). According to Wongoo Shim, the Catholic Church also used relics as revenue which could be bought by the people. These relics pardoned sins and granted access to heaven (Shim). Rich families would often buy their way into a higher ranking church position. Separately, peasants were left desperate after having to pay for christenings, marriages, burials, and anything else that required help from the church ( The Roman Catholic Church in 1500 ). There was no other legal alternative for people. The Catholic Church did not tolerate any deviance from its teachings.
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  • 33. Clarence Thomas Accomplishments What does it take to become a Supreme Court Justice in the United States? It doesn t matter what race you are; which neighborhood you grew up in or how much you have. From living in a predominately black town, and not know where his next meal is going to coming from, Clarence Thomas has proven that all barriers can be overcame. He was the second African American to serve on the court. Thomas served as a Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 1990 to 1991. After Thurgood Marshall (the first African American to serve on the court) announced his retirement, President George W. Bush elected Thomas to become a candidate for the position. Clarence Thomas has been serving on the Supreme Court for twenty six years. As of February. 22, 2016, there has been a ten year long silence streak in the Supreme Court House. Clarence Thomas sat on the Supreme Court Bench and hasn t spoken one word in nearly a decade. However, on February. 22, 2016 Thomas left everyone in disbelief when he spoke for the first time in a long time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is a lawyer, judge, and a member of the Supreme Court Justice system. Thomas was born in Pin Point, Georgia but was raised in Savannah. His mother, Leola Williams, was a domestic worker while his father was a farm worker. In this household, Thomas and his siblings were raised by a single mother after their father left them at a young age. They spoke Gullah which is a creole language, not English. His ancestors were slaves in America. At the age of seven, Clarence was forced to move into his grandparents home due to a house fire. Because he was raised in a catholic setting, he was the only African American at his school, but he was an honors student. Thomas did not let his race and the opinions of others stop him from reaching his education goals. Even though he could barely read, his grandfather made sure he knew that education and religion, was a top ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Types And Types Of Hpv Vaccine Most sexually active individuals will have detectable human papillomavirus (HPV) at least once in their lifetime. 14 million people are infected annually, and 79 million people have the prevalent infection. Approximate 5% of the cancers globally are HPV associated anogenital or oral cancers (1). HPV is transmitted frequently between partners; more frequent transmission has been reported from females to males than from males to females (2). The incidence of anal and oral cancers related to HPV is increasing in the general population and is growing even faster among individuals who are immunocompromised because of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (3, 4). Two prophylactic vaccines (Gardasil and Cervarix) have been approved for a decade. Recently, the nonavalent vaccine including additional high risk HPV types is promised to provide more coverage against cervical cancers (5). The HPV vaccine is recommended routinely for 11 or 12 year olds, as well as for young men through age 21 years and young women through age 26 years who have not previously been vaccinated. HPV vaccine is also recommended for men who have sex with men (MSM), people living with HIV/AIDS, and immunocompromised persons through age 26 years. However, the high risk HPV types included in the nonavalent vaccine contribute little to anal, oropharyngeal, penile, vulvar and vaginal cancer (5, 6). HPV infection is mostly asymptomatic, but may also have many diverse clinical signs encompassing benign ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Talavera 1. Read Class Notes and trace the history of Mexican ceramics, through style. Materials, purpose and technique. The rich Mexican ceramics legacy was acquainted with Mexico by Spanish organization craftsmen and artists of the Colonial time frame. Usually called majolica in Spain, Mexican Talavera draws its name from the sixteenth century Spanish ceramics focus, Talavera de la Reina. While the multifaceted polychrome and more run of the mill blue and white outlines demonstrate their Old World inheritance, local flower and creature themes assert these vivid earthenware productions as traditionally Mexican. The most widely recognized earthenware production procedures of that period were looping and squeezing. Pieces terminated in block ovens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most prominent and famous pottery made in Mexico is Talavera pottery. Talavera is a high quality decorative earthenware pottery style that is recognized by its strong colors and detailed patterns creating traditional Mexican and more contemporary designs. The cultural trait of using bold mixtures of vivid colours in art and fabrics was also prevalent in the rich variety of colours used in traditional Mexican pottery decoration. Mexican pottery was made by coiling the clay into consecutive circles up the sides, followed by scraping and molding the coiled work until the coils could no longer be detected. The Mexican wares were not glazed, but rather burnished and painted with coloured fine clay slips. The Spanish introduced the potters wheel and new glazing techniques, including Majolica. The colorful Majolica suited the Mexican aesthetic and the Talavera pottery is renowned for its variety of Majolica and its mixture of different cultural influences. There was also a predominance of curved lines and intricate detail. This mixture of styles was adopted by the local folk art pottery scene with most potters working in family workshops, and everyone participating in the process. Talavera is a particular method of pottery which involves two firings first with a tin glaze and then lead (see further information). The brightly painted designs are applied between the two firings. Talavera is named after a town in Spain. This clay is then kneaded and the pieces are shaped on a potter s wheel or in a mold and left to dry. The pieces are fired at 850°C and become hard and terracotta coloured. More colour is applied in traditional designs. The design is transferred to the ceramic using carbon on a paper stencil. The resulting dot pattern is then used as a guide for the hand painted bright colours. The decorated piece is fired again to produce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Elizabeth Barrett Browning s Love Elizabeth s Love What is Love? Love can be described as an intense emotional feeling with the ability to change the life of the giver and the recipient of this profound emotion. Love can be described as a verb or action. Love can be experienced in varying levels of intensity. Elizabeth Barrett Browning credits her love for her husband as the power that headed her emotionally, physically, and spiritually. EEB began writing at the age of twelve, but two years later, she was confined to her home due to a chronic illness and spinal injury. Her secret relationship with Robert Browning sparked a new motivation for life in EEB. Her love for Robert greatly influenced her budding career as a poet. Her health and desire to live ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the first four lines, the words used to describe love are uniquely expressing powerful emotions with no limits. Depth, breadth, and height, are 3D terms of measurements used to measure love with completeness. These words were used to describe feelings of great magnitude; reaching deep within, far above, and beyond the soul. The boundless limits of her love are not contained in earthly realms, but go beyond to the outer universe. Depth, breadth, and height, are also biblical terms used to convey the unconditional love of God. EBB makes reference to her religion by comparing her love to the greatest love of all, the love of God. The implication of both a physical attraction and a spiritual love, while professing as long as there is life, this perfect love will exist. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. In the next four lines demonstrates the powerful effect love and an inability to control it. EEB is aware of these feelings every second, minute, hour, of every day and night. Her love for Robert has consumed her thoughts. She boldly confesses to love Robert completely regardless of the influence or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Dispersion of Different Silane Modified TiO2 Rutile... Figure 3 shows dispersion of untreated, APS, FHES and TMSO treated TRNPs in different solvents after centrifuging at 1000 rpm for 15 minutes. After centrifuging, if most of the particle settles down it is an indicator of poor dispersion of the particle in the solvent. When the relatively large particles settles down and small particles remains in the suspension it is an indicator of medium dispersion. If all the particles remains in the solvent and no precipitation is found it is an indicator of very good dispersion. From Figure 3 it is found that, untreated TiO2 is best dispersed in DMF and DMAc polar aprotic solvent which is also supported from small Z average diameter and acceptable PDI value. For untreated NP medium dispersion is found in DI water and ethanol and poor dispersion in TCB, Toluene, DCM, choloroform, THF and isopropanol. As the untreated TRNP is hydrophilic in nature the particles tends to disperse well in relatively polar solvent. APS treated titania nanoparticle renders hydrophobic behavior to the surface [20] and essentially doesn t dissolve in DI water, DMF and DMAC etc. highly polar solvent. The best solvent for APS modified titania is ethanol, isopropanol and formic acid which is conspicuous both from digital image and small mean diameter value of the nanoparticle. Due to the presence of NH2 functional group at the end of organic surface of APS treated TRNPs the hydrogen bonding force is the dominant dispersion force. As a result, APS treated NPs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Kingdom Animalia Essay Extra Credit Essays 1. Domain bacteria Single celled organisms, ( otherwise known as prokaryotic cells) that do not have a membrane protecting the cell. Bacteria can be found almost everywhere in the world. Domain eukarya All organisms grouped within the domain eukarya are also considered single celled. Eukaryotic cells are specifically grouped by the things each organism lives off, or by the things they eat individually. Domain archaea Along with bacteria the domain archaea is a prokaryote cell meaning it consists of one single cell. However archaeal organisms can be found in areas where the earth s most intense natural resources are present. Areas including Yellowstone National park where there are many geysers along with places including Hawaii. 2. Kingdom Protists these organisms solely do not depend on themselves to create food but on other living things. Kingdom plante this kingdom is made up of plants. Plants survive solely on photosynthesis. This basic way of nutrition. Kingdom fungi unlike the kingdom plante the members of the kingdom fungi, survive and live off of what is found in the soil beneath us. Fungi are considered to be decomposes meaning they decompose dead organisms which therefore becomes the food for their cells. Kingdom Animalia Humans are considered to be classified under the kingdom Animalia. Humans and many other animals eat other living organisms unlike the kingdom fungi. We survive on eating other living things. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Peter Dacunha Interview Every time I interview a young person in the entertainment business, I customarily have a sense of awe and excitement. Most of these young performers have accomplished so much in their relatively short life span, and the vast majority of them (unlike the gossip columns would prefer you to believe) are good kids. In the case of Peter DaCunha, it was truly a joy when I recently had the opportunity to speak with him about how he started out as an actor, his notable works (including Hallmark), and how he remains as positive and grounded in a world of incessant negativity. 7563.jpg RH: So, Peter, did you have a busy summer? PD: Yeah, I was mostly hanging out with friends and drawing. Oh, are you an artist? Yeah, I like to draw, but I m ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I play Ramse s son, Sam in season two only. But I m hopefully going to be back for season three. I hope, but I haven t heard anything yet. I m really excited for it. I got to be a part of the cliffhanger from season two sort of there were like three cliffhangers, but I was one of them. It was pretty fun. How did you get this particular role? I did a little audition, but I also got on the show cause I worked with an AD on the show when I was on Defiance. And they recommended me to the 12 Monkeys people. So I did an audition, and they liked me. They let me in, and it was really fun. img_4619 1.jpgThat s really cool. I don t think sometimes people realize that in this business, having those relationships is a good thing. So that s cool that happened for you. I was also on Saving Hope. I did a little guest star role on that show. It was fun, but it was also very tiring because I had to pretend to be having seizures. They had a special person on set to coach you how it s supposed to look, but when you do it, it starts to cramp up your muscles like, This really hurts! But everything else was really fun, and everyone was super nice. The guy who directed my episode was the same guy who plays Charlie on the show. Since he was directing, I got to meet him, and we wouldn t have gotten to meet if he hadn t been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...