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Keats And Longfellow Analysis
In John Keats s When I Have My fears and Henry Longfellow s Mezzo Cammin , the poets share their
outlook on death. Both writers filled themselves with the concern of dying before they created a
fulfilling life. Although Keats and Longfellow both portrayed their similar theme using parallel
structures and language, the two works differ in the two poets rhyme schemes and tones. In the
beginning quatrain of When I Have My Fears , Keats begins by writing about his doubt that his insight
might not have time to reach other people. He worries his most important thoughts will not be written
down and there will be no books that share his valuable knowledge. Keats moves on through the next
quatrain by revealing to the audience that another concern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, the beginning of the sonnets follow a different rhyme scheme. Keats chose to follow the
ABAB pattern while Longfellow selected an ABBA arrangement. Both then continue to follow the
standard sonnet structure CDCD EFEF GG and use the break in between the second and third
quatrains to shift thoughts, otherwise known as the volta. At the volta of each poem is where we truly
see how each poet feels about death. Keats appears more accepting of death where Longfellow
struggles with the idea of letting it conquer him. Besides the similar structure, another way the poems
compare is in the language the poets create. Keats and Longfellow admit to the fear that they will pass
before they have the opportunity to make their mark on the Earth. They chose to view death as vast
and imminent. The poets also show comparison in their writing by connecting nature to their works.
Keats looks up at the starred sky and reflects on his theme and Longfellow looks up a mountain.
Despite using similar structure, language, and themes, Keats and Longfellow create different tones
that depict their attitudes about death. In When I Have My Fears , Keats recognized death as
inevitable, but includes these elements to create a reverent and accepting tone. However, Longfellow
feels as though he will never live up to the life he desired for himself and uses the language and
structure to create
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The New Forms Of Imprisonment
One reason for the eminent criminologist John Irwin to venture this project of writing a 380 page book
on US prisons is because those over the last quarter of the century the number of prisons in the US has
increased almost ten times. The rate of incarceration zoomed from 100 to over 500 per 100,000. As a
result of this expansion and the punitive ideology that underpinned it, hundreds of new prisons were
built at a cost in the billions of dollars, and completely new prison regimens were introduced. In this
book, I examine the causes of this binge, the new forms of imprisonment it produced, and the
particular and broader effects it caused. (Irwin, 1)
The prison John Irwin chose as the site for his study was Solano State Prison. Solano ... Show more
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prisoners sentenced more than 5 years were, though not brutalized, extensively harmed by the newer
form of imprisonment. This form of penalizing the prisoners led to a future problem and the prisoners
found it very difficult to coup up to the society outside the prison walls once they were released. It is
obvious that there are no specific grudges against these prisoners and the newer form of penalties are
all well researched and impeccably implemented but the end words keep proving against these
prisoners. This could be termed as discrimination against the prisoners serving a longer sentence than
5 years but in reality it could be expressed as an experiment gone wrong.
Like most community linked organization, or in other words, organizations dealing with a lager
number of members there bound to be some form of discrimination whether one likes it or not. But the
ideal situation is to place the discrimination under a certain amount of check in order to yield a long
termed fruit for the organization or, more often than not, to survive. Down the line of history there has
not been a single instance in any society over every strata of governance where discrimination was not
a part of the machinery. This is true for every imperial, capitalist, socialist, communist, dictatorial,
anarchist, feudal or fundamental state. And prisons are no different devoid of their location Algeria or
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1999 Atlantic Hurricane Season
The 1999 Atlantic hurricane season had five Category 4 hurricanes the highest number recorded in a
single season in the Atlantic basin, later tied in 2005. The season officially began on June 1, and ended
on November 30. These dates conventionally delimit the period of each year when most tropical
cyclones form in the Atlantic basin. It was a fairly active season, mostly due to a persistent La Niña
that developed in the latter half of 1998. The first storm, Arlene, formed on June 11 to the southeast of
Bermuda. It meandered slowly for a week and caused no impact on land. Other tropical cyclones that
did not affect land were Hurricane Cindy, Tropical Storm Emily, and Tropical Depression Twelve.
Minor impact on land was caused by Hurricanes
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The State Based Westphalian System Of Governance
For hundreds of years state sovereignty has allowed for individual states to effectively handle their
problems internally. However, with the current increase of globalism, which Keohane and Nye
describe as a state of the world involving networks of interdependence at multicontinental distances
(75), many of the world s major concerns have moved beyond the level of individual states. This
interdependence has affected economic, military, environmental, as well as social and cultural aspects
of international relations and everyday life. These overlapping processes of globalization have allowed
for a great deal of global progress, but progress is impossible to achieve without occasional setbacks.
The problems we face today are rooted in the contradiction of solving global issues while relying on
the state based Westphalian system of governance. Governance provide[s] a general way to formulate,
implement, monitor and enforce social rules, (Scholte 20) but it is no longer possible to rely on a state
based system, in which states act independently to pursue self interest, to solve international problems,
many of which have been created collectively. State sovereignty and the motivation of power in
political realism continue to neglect the important issues we face with growing global concerns that
can only be solved with an increased cooperation through the strengthening of international
institutions and non state actors. It is necessary to shift from a state based form of
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Similarities Between Richard III And The Grand Inquisitor
Even though William Shakespeare s Richard III and Fyodor Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor depict
both title characters as strong men who manipulate those surrounding them, both men have different
interests which drive them to act. While Richard III utilizes his wit to deceive people and claim the
throne of England, the Grand Inquisitor acts to provide security for mankind by imposing the new
directive of the Church, one forcing people to surrender freedom for safety. With such motives, both
characters act to ensure their domination over those who are weak and therefore must comply with
their ideas to control all. Although Richard recognizes that his actions are villainous, the Grand
Inquisitor believes that his doings will benefit humanity. In the beginning of the play, Richard
describes his hatred of the current peacetime present in England. Since peace now exists between the
houses of York and Lancaster with Richard s brother Edward IV on the throne, Richard cannot utilize
his battle skills, and grows bored. As a result, his boredom drives him to create chaos, which he
mentions when he tells the audience that since I cannot prove a lover to entertain these fair well
spoken days, I am determinèd to prove a villain and hate the idle pleasures of these days (1.1.28 31) .
With such a desire for chaos, Richard orchestrates the downfall of ... Show more content on
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Such terror allows for the Grand Inquisitor to maintain full control over the population. Additionally,
the citizens have security through the actions of the Church, and refuse to give it up for uncertainty.
This ensures that the Grand Inquisitor maintains influence over people s lives, since no rebellion
occurs because every citizen has their desired
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Osteopathic Medicine Practitioner (MD)
M.D. VS. D.O.
Jessica Sierra
November 17, 2015
Mr. Nowicki
Osteopathic medicine Practitioner (DO) vs Galen trained medical practitioner (MD). Many people
have their preference in which they like their primary care physician (PCP) to be. This can be due to
the fact on what the overall background of the practitioner s education was based on. Some people
may not understand the difference between these two practitioners and may think that one is higher
than the other in their education level.
Andrew Taylor Still was born on August 6, 1828 in Lee County, Virginia. He was one of nine children
in his family. His father was a Methodist preacher and a physician as well. Andrew became an
apprentice as a physician alongside ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can include Chiropractor, Yoga, Massage and many other treatments. D.O. physicians are fully
trained and are licensed doctors. They have attended and graduated from an Osteopathic medical
school. Osteopathic Doctors receive extra training in the musculoskeletal system than an MD doctor.
There are currently 30 osteopathic medical schools in 42 locations throughout the United States
(American Osteopathic Association , 2015). Each college has an estimate of about 4 years in the
program to graduate with a D.O. degree. There are than 18 specialty certifying boards through the
American Osteopathic
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What Does The Brain Carry Out Its Functions
The Oxford Dictionary defines the brain as an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of
vertebrates. This part of the body has three important features. These features help the brain carries out
its functions. The three important features are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem. The
cerebrum is the large part of the brain and it helps the body performs functions that involve body
movements, emotional reactions, and the senses. The cerebrum is divided into four sections. Each of
these sections allows the cerebrum to do some of its functions. The first section of the cerebrum is the
frontal lobe and its function is to regulate emotions, speech patterns, and body motions. The second
part of the cerebrum is the parietal lobe and this part is responsible for auditory and tactile
interpretation. The third area of the cerebrum is the occipital lobe and it is responsible for visual
interpretation. The fourth region of the cerebrum is the temporal lobe and it aids the body in
remembering information and comprehending the definition of terms. ... Show more content on
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The cerebellum s function is to manage muscular activity. The cerebellum contains many cells and it
can be separated into three sections. Each of the cerebellum s regions executes different parts of the
cerebellum s functions. The first region is the vestibulocerebellum and it helps the body maintains its
balance and controls its visual movement. The second area of the cerebellum is the spinocerebellum
and it manages the activity of the limb and body. The third section of the cerebellum is neocerebellum
and it coordinates body movement and assesses information from the cerebral cortex and dentate
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Baby Face And The Production Code Film Analysis
Baby Face and the Production Code
The censorship conflicts in the 1900s were extremely intriguing and intense. Around the end of the
1920s, individuals possessed immense moral shifts powered by religious groups during the Great
Depression, which resulted in decisions that created a new revolution that dealt particularly with the
regulation of content of films. Consequently, in 1934, at the same time that the Golden Age of
Hollywood began, the Hollywood Production code was formally implemented. The film
(1933) felt the effects of conservative ideas, which later led to the censorship code s introduction. The
analysis of the Pre Code film
can be a valuable tool for the comprehension of the Production Code s direct impact on Hollywood
and the reverberations that can still be distinguished today.
From the beginning of the motion picture industry, several religious and moralistic groups such as
National Council of Catholic Women sought to censor Hollywood films that contained sex, crime or
vamps. In order to regulate any possible censorship conflict, In 1922 the Motion Picture Producers and
Distributors of America Association (MPPDA) was established by movie company presidents and
Postmaster General Will Hays whom was instituted as head of the Association (Gaynor 1). The hoped
plan was for Will Hays to act as an intermediate between Hollywood and those demanding censorship.
Will Hays created some regulations that revealed the public and moral standards that were
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Essay about Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson
Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson George Williard s decision to depart Winesburg in
Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson is comparable to George Milton s decision to leave the ranch
in Of Mice of Men by John Steinbeck. Several factors activate Williard and Milton to depart, and one
reason is they both long for a more fulfilling life. Also the voiceless people around Williard and the
vulgar people around Milton drives them away. Finally the death of Elizabeth Williard pushes George
Williard all the way out of Winesburg, and the death of Lenny Small gives Milton a final reason to
leave the ranch. First of all Williard and Milton long for a more fulfilling life and they realize their
current homes will not supply a more fulfilling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As for George Milton he desires a life of self employment. Milton was only working on the ranch to
achieve his goal of self employment. Milton was going to save money he earned from working on the
ranch, buy a small piece of land, and cultivate it. Secondly, the silent grotesques around Williard gives
him a reason to leave, and the vulgar ranch workers surrounding Milton leads him to the point of
leaving. Looking at the people around Williard first shows Williard to be a voice for the grotesques
and a youthful ear that receives valuable advice for the future. For example; Wash Williams warns
young Williard of women, Wing Biddlebaum shows him how one moment changed his life forever,
and Dr. Parcival illustrates what will happen if ones main goal is to be popular. And Williard saw these
flaws transpiring in his life and knew the only way to escape becoming like his neighbors were to
leave Winesburg. Next, the vulgar ranch workers encompassing Milton shows him a view of the future
if he remains on the ranch. Milton sees the workers at their worst when they kill Candy s old dog.
From this he realizes that if they are that amoral they can not be controlled and might kill again. He
knows he must leave the ranch because of them. Finally, the death of George Williard s mother is the
biggest factor contributing to his departure. Also the death of Lenny Small is Milton s biggest reason
for leaving the ranch. In George
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Vertigo Themes
Film Analysis 1: The Power of Vertigo I remember watching Vertigo for the first time back when I
was still very young, but at the time, I didn t really understand anything about the movie. As I watched
it again as I grew older, I learned to appreciate how great this movie really is and the special narrative
style that the movie presented. Vertigo, to me, was always known as Alfred Hitchcock s best film.
Most of Hitchcock s well known films like Psycho or North by Northwest have unique title sequences
that were an important part of their respective themes and narratives. For Vertigo s title sequence, it
starts with an extreme close up of a woman s lips, which suggests the foreshadowing of Judy s role in
the movie. The intro then shifts to the person s eyes, while the eyes, referencing the idea of looking
and watching like what Scottie will do for the most part of the movie. Visual motifs were presented
during this sequence such as the spinning spiral patters. These were motifs that are carried through
into the narrative.
The film is about John Scottie Ferguson, a detective who suffers from acrophobia, which is probably
the reason for the title Vertigo . He has guilt complex over what happened in the beginning of the
movie when the police officer fell off and died. When he accepts to watch over his friend s suicidal
wife for his final job, he madly falls in love with her . Later on in the movie, Scottie tries to save
Madeleine from falling off a steeple, but was
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Nuclear Family Systems Theory
Leroy understands that his treatment would hinder him from working the long hours that he is used to.
Leroy is also considering the doctor appointments, which will cost money and time. According to the
family systems theory, Leroy would not see this as being in the best interest for his family. Dr. Bowen
would also suggest that Leroy has a role that he has to fulfil (Priest, 2015). The role that Leroy has in
the family is that of a provider. Leroy believes that his diagnosis of prostate cancer, will in some way
impact his role as a provider. The level of incapacitation is also another aspect of the diagnosis to be
taken into consideration. If Leroy s diagnosis of prostate cancer does not inhibit him from fulfilling his
role as a provider, he may be more accepting of the illness. The nuclear family system may experience
a change in relationship patterns, depending on the level of incapacitation (Priest, 2015). Tiffany
would have to embrace a new role in the family, if Leroy now has to be dependent on her. This would
be difficult for not only Leroy, but for Tiffany as well. This major life incident has caused both of
them to possibly reverse roles in the family (Priest, 2015). This may also cause marital conflict, which
is a theme in the family systems theory. The idea of marital conflict can be thought of as tension ...
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A normal response according to the social learning theory may cause Leroy to see his illness as a test
from God. Faith is an important instrument in the community of low income African American males
(Maliski, 2010). This could also be understood under the social learning theory. Social learning theory
asserts that this is behavior, that is learned from the community, and environment. The faith that Leroy
displays can be seen as learned behavior. This learned behavior that Leroy displays, can greatly affect
the way he approaches his
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Finding Neverland Themes
Finding Neverland Movie Assignment
The movie Finding Neverland is about the writer J.M. Barrie and his journey of writing plays about
imagination and happiness. Barrie has a close relationship with Sylvia Llewelyn Davies, and her sons,
who give Barrie the idea of the well known play Peter Pan. J.M. Barrie attends the reception of his
latest play, Little Mary and from this reception he meets Sylvia, who is a widow now. Barrie enjoys
spending time with Sylvia and her four sons, and through this proves to be a great playmate and father
figure for the boys. Sylvia s mother, Emma du Maurier does not like the amount of time Barrie spends
with her family. Emma wants to take control of her daughter and grandsons, since Sylvia is becoming
very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this world of innocence, the four boys are the ones who joyfully imagine with Barrie all the
wonderful stories of pirates and kings and fulfill the desire for order and meaning. The hero, Barrie
has an adversary who is Emma, the mother of Sylvia. She tries and stops Sylvia and her sons from
playing with Barrie. The theme of this movie, makes use of visions and revelations, by the fact that
Barrie gets the visions of his new play from all the imagination that the four kids show. Through these
imaginations, Barrie shows a progress toward fulfillment in creating his new play. The basic plot, is
Barrie goes on a perilous journey, a struggle follows in which he proves himself in the doing the task.
When Barrie completes the quest of creating the new play, which is known as Peter Pan, there is
triumph and exaltation of the hero Barrie. The basic imagery seen in this film, are trees and animals
that come to life and assist Barrie in completing his quest, from all the imagination and creativity the
four kids show to Barrie. To conclude, Barrie has accomplished his main goal, through all the
creativity and imagination that was offered with the help of Sylvia s four sons. Finding Neverland is a
story that really emphasizes the importance of imagination and how it can really help someone in
times of tragedy and loss. Humans need that creativity to imagine things in another world and use it
for the benefit for oneself and other, just as Barrie did for
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The People s Republic Of China Case Report
For some time now, the People s Republic of China (PRC) has been suspected in the theft of critical
and highly sensitive information from the United States (U.S.). Through the exploitation of the stolen
data, the PRC has successfully designed, built, and ultimately tested several nuclear weapons as well
as other military related data such as fighter aircraft design. For good reason, these actions have raised
a significant level of concern with U.S. officials. Due to this concern, the U.S. commissioned an
official committee to investigate the theft of information by the PRC to include how, why, and
possible consequences of the stolen information. The committee has conducted a significant amount
of research and investigation into the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
security officials have determined that the weapons designed by the PRC that were based on stolen
U.S. designs can reach the U.S. mainland. Following a series of lengthy investigations, the Select
Committee has concluded that the PRC has the infrastructure, manufacturing capabilities, and the
skilled manpower that would allow for successful construction and mass production of U.S. designed
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ERWs. (Fisher 2011). The PRC has successfully stolen
classified information about U.S. Trident SLMB, Peacekeeper ICBM, Minuteman III, and Lance
SRBM nuclear missile systems. Use of these systems by the PRC could enhance the PRC s military
capabilities and jeopardize U.S. national security interests. This would pose a direct threat to the U.S.
and our allies (Government Publishing Office, n.d.). Throughout the 1990 s, the PRC conducted a
series of tests involving the stolen weapon designs. It was not until the discovery of these tests did the
U.S. intelligence community (IC) realize how significant and far reaching the theft was. Following the
PRC nuclear tests, the U.S. began to understand that the weak point within the system was inadequate
counterintelligence capabilities and implemented processes. Additionally, in 1995, a Chinese national
presented U.S. officials with a document that detailed what information was stolen from the U.S. and
how it was acquired. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) later
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The State Department s Center For Strategic...
The excerpt above is the caption from the notorious video, Welcome to the Islamic State Land,
released by the State Department s Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications on July 23,
2014. The State Department s video vividly depicts graphic images and short clips of the Islamic State
in action. It portrays the way the group treats people on the ground and urges Muslims not to join the
Islamic State. The video is one of the strategic releases by the State Department s Think Again Turn
Away media campaign to frame the Islamic State as inconsistent in its ideology, and as a dangerous
place for Muslims whom follow the terrorist group. This notable propaganda counter offensive effort
by the CSCC uses raw material gathered from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Specifically, its mission is to identify, confront, and undermine the communications of al Qaeda
affiliates. To achieve its goals, the CSCC is divided into three entities: intelligence and analysis, plans
and operations, and a Digital Outreach team (DOT). Within its intelligence and analysis section, the
CSCC coordinates its efforts with various U.S. intelligence agencies. There are two guiding principles
the intelligence and analysis section follows. First, it must ensure all of its efforts are interagency
coordinated. Prior to the launching of the CSCC, there was very little interdepartmental coordination.
Within the U.S. government, there were multiple agencies with overlapping responsibilities within the
counterterrorism/counter violent extremist realm, yet their efforts were uncoordinated. Second, the
intelligence and analysis section attempts to make the best use of information provided by intelligence
agencies and academic analysis of the adversary of interest. The plans and operations team is
responsible for designing and implementing all non digital counter violent extremist communication
tools. These tools are used to counter terrorist groups ability to gain support and to recruit new
members. The materials produced by this section are available to be used by all U.S government
agencies. The third section of the CSCC is its Digital Outreach Team. This team is responsible for
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Closing The Gap In Your Teeth Essay
Why Veneers Are A Good Option For Closing The Gap In Your Front Teeth
If you have a gap between your front teeth, you might be embarrassed to show your smile. There is
nothing wrong with having a gap in your teeth as long as it s natural and not caused by gum disease. It
doesn t need to be fixed unless it makes you feel self conscious. To close the gap, your dentist will
either move your teeth closer together with braces or cover it up with a crown or veneers. Veneers may
be your best option. Here s why.
Braces Take A Long Time To Work
It takes braces several months to readjust the position of your teeth. If you don t mind waiting that
long, then braces might be a good choice for you because you ll be able to save the enamel on your
teeth that way. However, braces aren t always practical for adults, even the invisible variety, especially
if you have an occupation where your looks are very important. Plus, braces are expensive. While they
work, there is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The veneers can be made any size, shape, and color needed to correct the appearance of your smile. In
the case of a gap, your dentist applies a veneer on the tooth on each side of the gap. The veneers are a
little wider than your natural teeth, so when they are in place the gap disappears. It only takes a couple
of weeks to go through the process of getting this dental procedure.
First, your dentist makes an impression of your teeth so a dental lab can make the shells to fit in your
mouth precisely. It will take a couple of weeks to get your custom veneers back from the lab so your
dentist can apply them. To get the veneers to fit properly in your mouth, your dentist needs to shave
off a very thin layer of tooth enamel. Then the veneers are bonded into place with dental cement. The
process works much quicker than braces, which is important if you decide you want the cosmetic
work done in time for a wedding or big job
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Docoment, Doc
Electromagnetic waves
At this point in the course we ll move into optics. This might seem like a separate topic from
electricity and magnetism, but optics is really a sub topic of electricity and magnetism. This is because
optics deals with the behavior of light, and light is one example of an electromagnetic wave.
Light and other electromagnetic waves
Light is not the only example of an electromagnetic wave. Other electromagnetic waves include the
microwaves you use to heat up leftovers for dinner, and the radio waves that are broadcast from radio
stations. An electromagnetic wave can be created by accelerating charges; moving charges back and
forth will produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields, and these travel at the speed ... Show more
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Visible light makes up a very small part of the full electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves
that are of higher energy than visible light (higher frequency, shorter wavelength) include ultraviolet
light, X rays, and gamma rays. Lower energy waves (lower frequency, longer wavelength) include
infrared light, microwaves, and radio and television waves.
Energy in an electromagnetic wave
The energy in an electromagnetic wave is tied up in the electric and magnetic fields. In general, the
energy per unit volume in an electric field is given by: In a magnetic field, the energy per unit volume
is: An electromagnetic wave has both electric and magnetic fields, so the total energy density
associated with an electromagnetic wave is: It turns out that for an electromagnetic wave, the energy
associated with the electric field is equal to the energy associated with the magnetic field, so the
energy density can be written in terms of just one or the other: This also implies that in an
electromagnetic wave, E = cB.
A more common way to handle the energy is to look at how much energy is carried by the wave from
one place to another. A good measure of this is the intensity of the wave, which is the power that
passes perpendicularly through an area divided by the area. The intensity, S, and the energy density are
related by a factor of c: Generally, it s most useful to use the average power, or average
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Golden Booklet Of The True Christian Life Summary
Should a Believer s Life Evidence Growth?
John Calvin makes the assertion throughout his Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life that a
believer s life should show growth and spiritual progress. According to the Christian teachings, Calvin
s assertions are correct. Calvin argues that because Christians believe that their lives belong to the
Lord, they are to follow His plan for their lives, strive to better the lives of others, and show
appreciation for God s blessings. The central idea that Calvin bases most of his claims on in his
booklet is the idea that Christians should walk in the beauty of God s law , so that the claims of belief
and trust in God that Christians make are exhibited outwardly in the way that they live their lives (15).
In theory, if believers do conduct their lives in an effort to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is very clear that this includes both friend and foe (37). This is in itself an embodiment of the first
argument that people should live in an effort to fulfill God s plan. If a person strives to encourage and
help their fellow humans, Calvin would argue that this is the very will of God. The outcome of their
good intentions should display relational growth in both their community and their personal lives. By
showing good will toward others, humans are displaying their appreciation for God s creation, for He
himself created humans. Calvin even goes so far as to say that Christians should do more than just be
nice to people; he says that they should sympathize with them, and so their best to offer assistance or
condolence in times of hardship (39). Calvin borrows Paul s example of the body in reference to the
church, saying that each part of the body depends on the others in order to run smoothly and
effectively (40). By doing their best to improve the lives of those around them, Christians encourage
growth both in the church and in their own
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The Problem Of Violent Crimes
Violent Crimes Introduction Violent crimes occur more than one could even imagine. However, there
is definitely a questionable aspect to these crimes within their court procedures. If one were to take a
closer look at specific court procedures of crimes having to deal with mental illnesses, it will be
determined that it is viewed differently oppose to a sane person. When taking mental illnesses into
consideration when referring to criminal behavior, there is an obvious difference between actions.
There begins to be a question of responsibility within these criminals. It is fair to say that there is a
difference with court procedures. The imperativeness of the courts is extremely important when
referring to any case. There are biological and social risk factors that pertain to any given case. There
is a question as to if these should be taken into consideration when enduring the court process as an
entirety. By taking a deeper look at the biological aspects within a case, the justice system will be able
to give more accurate sentences. Statement of the Problem This ongoing problem on whether or not
mental illnesses along with biological issues should be used within the court process has been
constantly debated about. The information on this subject may not always be as accurate as needed in
order to make decisions such as sentencing. The sentencing of a criminal can easily be a life changer
and if it is dependent on whether or not their mental illnesses are
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Romantic Love In The Hunger Games, By Suzanne Collins
North American media is known in many forms to include a romantic subplot between the main
protagonist and a major side character, underneath the main morals and plot the story conveys. These
romances in media, particularly films and novels, are uncreative and dissatisfying. They distract from
major events within the narrative and divert the reader s attention away from the author s message and
morals they are trying to impart. Also, the undermining of female characters is a major issue faced in
the writing of these romances into stories. Many narratives, though, may originally have good
intentions with the insertion of a relationship, but society s glamorisation of romantic love holds them
on a pedestal until they ve turned stale, so in turn ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The romance in a fiction becomes the main question in social outlets and frequent questions like Team
Peeta or Team Gale from The Hunger Games fans arise. As a society we hypersexualise and
romanticise our media, so a story like The Hunger Games theme is ironically missed. This trilogy,
written by Suzanne Collins, revolves around Katniss and her society s yearly ritual to force children to
kill each other in a so called entertaining way, with media coverage. Katniss too, falls in love with a
boy, and they manage to survive a reaping together. The characters are glamorised by the media within
the book, ignoring the deaths of children, as Suzanne Collins tries to hint to real society what the
media does. Immediately, the story took off and the love triangle popularised within the book became
real, and media outlets ask fans the same question, ignoring the ideologies the author provided. The
relationship within this narrative stood for an important point within the plot of the story, negating
previous arguments and not in itself disappointing, yet media distorts it, turning it into a dissatisfying
love triangle. The major fault in media s coverage of these relationships is it falls in line with both
aforementioned faults of romance in novels, how it clouds the author s morals and intentions of
writing, and with this engrossment in a single point, the media doesn t only demean the female
characters, but any character, as the only involvement of characters in discussion is who they are in a
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The Random House College Dictionary Revised Edition, 1975,
The Random House College Dictionary Revised Edition, 1975, defines intimacy as: (1) The state of
being intimate. (2) A close familiar, and usually affectionate or loving, personal relationship. (3) A
detailed knowledge or deep understanding of a place, subject, period of history, etc. (4) An act or
expression serving as a token of familiarity, affection, or the like. (5) A sexual familiar act; a sexual
liberty and (6) Privacy, especially an atmosphere of privacy suitable to the telling of a secret. The
Merriam Webster s Online Dictionary defines intimacy as: (1) the state of being intimate: familiarity
and (2) something of a personal or private nature. Frank D. Cox in the textbook, Human Intimacy:
Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These relationships allow us to love and be loved. They bring a sense of security and lessen loneliness.
Without intimacy there is emotional isolation, and emotional isolation increases the risk of physical
and emotional disorder. Is the world a safe place or is it full of unpredictable events and accidents
waiting to happen? Erikson s first psychosocial crisis occurs during the first year or so of life (like
Freud s oral stage of psychosexual development). The crisis is one of trust vs. mistrust. During this
stage, the infant is uncertain about the world in which they live. To resolve these feelings of
uncertainty, the infant looks towards their primary caregiver for stability and consistency of care. If
the care the infant receives is consistent, predictable and reliable, they will develop a sense of trust
which will carry with them to other relationships, and they will be able to feel secure even when
threatened. Success in this stage will lead to the virtue of hope. By developing a sense of trust, the
infant can have hope that as new crises arise, there is a real possibility that other people will be there
as a source of support. Failing to acquire the virtue of hope will lead to the development of fear. For
example, if the care has been harsh or inconsistent, unpredictable and unreliable, then the infant will
develop a sense of mistrust and will not have
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Iron Fertilisation and Algal Blooms
Phytoplankton are the basis of nearly all the Ocean s ecosystems, and require a wide range of
inorganic nutrients in order to grow; notably Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous. They take up these
nutrient elements according to the Redfield Ratio of C : N : P = 106 : 16 : 1. But phytoplankton also
require less obvious nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. These are often in plentiful
supply in the worlds Oceans, and other factors such as the micronutrient Iron can be the limiting
Phytoplankton growth factor. Iron is not required by Phytoplankton in large amounts, but the Oceans
are deficient of this micronutrient, and without it Phytoplankton cannot grow and reproduce as readily.
This is because Iron is required in the biosynthesis of the pigment chlorophyll, required by
Phytoplankton in order to photosynthesise. With a deficiency in Iron, Phytoplankton can suffer from a
lack of chlorophyll known as chlorosis. The protein ferredoxin contains Iron and is substituted for
flavodoxin as an iron stress response (when Iron levels are low). It can be shown that Phytoplankton
are Iron deficient by measuring how much of this electron transfer protein flavodoxin is present.
Iron s role in phytoplankton growth was first identified in the 1930 s by an English biologist named
Joseph Hart. However it was not until 1988 when the Iron Fertilisation Hypothesis was suggested, in
an article in the January edition of the scientific journal Nature. It was submitted by John Martin who
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A Research Project On Employee Turnover
Introduction According to Krishnaswami Satyaprasad (2010), the selection of an issue or problem is
the first step in business research. The first step in creating a problem statement is to select the
discipline in which the potential problem lies (Krishnaswami Satyaprasad, 2010). For my business
research project I chose the human resource area. Second, one must narrow the focus to a specific
aspect of the selected area (Krishnaswami Satyaprasad, 2010). Employee turnover is something that I
have first hand experience with which I find to be interesting, therefore this is my area of focus.
Appannaiah, Reddy Ramanath, (2010), state that after isolating the problem area one must proceed to
develop and define the actual problem statement. In this paper I will first discuss three problem
statements in articles I reviewed. After which I will develop a problem statement of m own based on
journal articles and studies I have read thus far concerning the issue of employee turnover in the
specialization of human resource management. For the formulation of a problem Appannaiah et al.
(2010), states that one needs to narrow down the focus from general to a more specific area without
becoming too narrow. With this in mind I have chosen to narrow my focus to employee turnover in
retail establishments.
Brief Review of Literature Managerial Turnover in US Retail Organizations by Peterson (2007),
discusses the identification of turnover factors for managers in retail businesses
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Essay on History of Disparity in Development
History of Disparity in Development Human is one of few creatures of mother earth that can think and
decide what is right or wrong. Due to that special characteristic, people are always curious about
something and try to find the reason about it. In 1974, Jared Diamond was staying in Papua New
Guinea, and one day, a local named Yali asked Diamond a deceptively simple question Why is it that
you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people had little cargo of our own? (NGO,
2005) Jared thought it was very interesting question and made a research for more than 20 years. As a
result, Jared was able to find his own conclusion and wrote a book call Guns, Germs, and Steel based
on knowledge he gathered from different places of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People started using plows using animals and animal s dung worked as a great fertilizer. Meanwhile
animals in Papua were not that useful. All they did was just providing meat. Due to that, people in
Papua needed to spend more time on gathering food while people in Fertile Crescent started to
develop day by day. People in Fertile Crescent now had more people and they were able to feed
technicians who work with irons. This made huge difference in technological development.
There are some other theories of human development. The most popular theory is about water
(Marrone, 2014/02/04). The key role water plays in human development is well accepted (Donoso,
2009) throughout the world. Unlike Diamond s theory, people who support the theory that water is a
main factor say domestication was possible because of existence of water and support with 3 different
examples. First example is in 11500 years ago, people didn t have technology to pump the water, so
they had to use their hand in order to provide water to plants and animals. Due to that, people naturally
moved to the region that is close to the water (Briggs, 2009 and 2014/02/03). Second example is, in
ancient world, people s average life expectancy was 20 years (Galor/ Moav, 2007), it is caused by
many reasons, but the main reason was disease. By washing their body everyday with water made
them cleaner and healthier than before. Longer lifespan means more
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Pros And Cons Of Article 14
In Singapore, the government exercises political power through laws within the country known as the
constitution. The body of people within the government sets and administers the public policy. Under
the article 4, the constitution is stated to be the supreme law. If it is supreme, no laws enacted by
parliament should breach the constitution. Its main function is to protect and guard fundamental
liberties of its citizen; collectively referred to as freedom of speech, assembly, and association. This is
specifically guaranteed by article 14.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and examine the underlying contradictions with the article 14
of the constitution. i.e. Article 14 claims to provide fundamental liberties to Singaporeans ... Show
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The subject was the suicide of The Cheang Wan (Teh), who was the Minister for National
Development, prior to his death on 14 Dec 1986.
An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was an overdose of Amytal Barbiturate. The coroner
returned a verdict of suicide.
During an election rally on 25 August 1988, the appellant challenged the PAPs claim to be an open
and transparent government and asked whether any investigation had been conducted as to how the
former Minister for National Development, Teh Cheang Wan, had obtained the poison with which he
had committed suicide in the midst of being investigated for corruption. In this speech, he spoke the
words complained of which formed the subject matter of the defamation action instituted by the
Following this, respondent commenced proceedings for slander against appellant, alleging his words
at the election rally implied that he had committed a criminal offence by aiding and abetting Teh to
commit suicide, and thereby had tried to cover up Teh s
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Mass Hysteria
This paper is about the diverse ways mass hysteria is classified in our society today, and the possible
theories behind what really caused the events in Salem to occur. Janca and Simons portray their
opinions towards different events of mass hysteria, and are able to develop their own professional
theories relating to the mentality of the individuals that were caught under the influence of hysteria.
Those individuals minds are examined, and their information is represented in this paper. The cited
articles explain distinct facts that were used to interpret the direct cause of mass hysteria, and others
include counteracting opinions and facts towards those specific topics. The truth behind mass hysteria
is provided, and it gives the reasoning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Salem witch trials were caused by a group of girls who wanted to get moral vengeance on others
for the unproven morals they have disregarded. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, has portrayed the
ideology behind mass hysteria excellently, and common traits are located throughout all of the events
of mass hysteria mentioned in this paper. Our society has not changed compared to the societies
during the Salem witch trials. Individuals are still comparing themselves to one another. It takes a
single popular party to completely change a person s actions and opinions towards a topic. As to why
mass hysteria should be interpreted as a popular trend, rather than an unpredictable
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A Review Of Mars Venus And Vulcan By John Singleton Copley
This piece is called, Mars Venus and Vulcan: The Forge of Vulcan, it is an oil canvas done by John
Singleton Copley, done in 1754. The era that this piece most represents is the Eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries of art in Europe and North America. This is because of the brief use of nudity and
the use of children that are shown as little angels. The artist also used a sense of time and motion. It is
as if the figures in the piece are moving themselves. The use of 3 D and kinetics allows this sense of
movement in this piece. Also the artist used repetition and rhythm. The viewer s eye is constantly
moving because of this sense of repetition and rhythm
My personal thoughts to this piece of art is in all honestly a sense of confusion. Overall I like ... Show
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The era this piece most represents is the Renaissance art in the fifteenth century Italy. It goes best with
this era because of its use of nudity and shape and lighting. Its use of space of sharp edges and
sculpture figures. Also the use of lighting shows an almost 3 D like image. Even though this is a print
it almost seems like a picture of statues. The artist also used a sense of scale and proportion in this
piece. Every statue is differently scaled from the others. The body parts on each statue did not quite fit
with the other body parts. Every statue is different in size, stance, and color. Also the background
behind each figure is different from the other ones, in its use of color and detail.
I am very fond of this work of art. The way every part of it is different and that there is no pattern and
nothing is the same really intrudes me. The detail on each figure is incredibly real. The fact that
someone did this in today s world is also extremely interesting. By looking at this piece at first I
thought for sure it was from the far past, when I found out it was not and that it was a newer piece I
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Persuasive Essay On Keeping The Driving Age
Learning to drive is one of the most exciting times in a young person s life. For most, this begins
around the age of fifteen. Also at this time, many teens are beginning high school and becoming
accustomed to more responsibilities. The driving age has been sixteen years old for many years. Many
learn how to safely drive during this time before going off to college where they no longer have
parental supervision. Raising the driving age would only make college car crashes more likely than if
they learned when they were younger. The driving age should remain the same because it allows teens
to fulfill responsibilities, learn safe driving more easily, and reduce the risk of car crashes among
college students.
First, the current driving age allows busy teens to keep up with their full schedules and fulfill
responsibilities. Many parents do not have the time to keep up with their own schedules as well as
their children s. For this reason, having a license allows teens to be more independent, allowing them
to learn responsibility for themselves. As teens learn to drive, they learn valuable life skills. They learn
safety, awareness, and maturity. These are all very important life skills that one should have before
they reach adulthood. If the driving age was raised, many would not ... Show more content on
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At the college level, teens tend to be somewhat busier than at the high school level. If a person were to
go to college without those skills involved in learning to drive, they may not be as successful as those
who had learned to drive at the freshman or sophomore level of high school. if one attends a college
with a large campus, driving is highly convenient. Without driving, a student would have to walk or
ride a bike. These activities, while athletic, are very time consuming. It is far more convenient to be
able to drive to
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The Effect Of Benzyl Group Of Tus Strengthened The...
The 1H NMR titration experiment revealed that the benzyl group of TUs strengthened the
intermolecular interactions toward an organophosphonate (Figure 3). It has been known that the
chemical shift of thiourea N H changes according to the degree of hydrogen bond with an acceptor
(i.e., DMMP), and its association constant (Ka) can be obtained by non linear regression analysis
(Figure 3a).18 The 1H NMR spectra of TU 1, 2, 4, or 8 in chloroform d (~100 mM) indicate that the
chemical shift of the N H protons shifted downfield with increasing amount of DMMP up to 80
equivalents, confirming the formation of the TU DMMP complex through hydrogen bonding (Figure
3b). In the 1H NMR titration experiment, proton peak shifting shows deferent shapes ... Show more
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To support this hypothesis, the TU s chemical shift changes were measured by varying its
concentration in chloroform d (the Supporting Information). Indeed, the presence of a N phenyl group
induced self aggregation to a greater extent; the degree of peak shifts (self aggregation) appeared in
the order of TU 8 1 4 2, corresponding to the hydrogen bond donor strength. Thus we may conclude
that the incorporation of a phenyl group render a TU more acidic or strong in hydrogen bond and also
promotes more self aggregation. Figure 3. Calculated structure between 4 and DMMP by hydrogen
bonding and CH π interaction.
Although the decreased interaction of TUs 1 and 8 with DMMP than TUs 2 and 4, respectively, can be
explained by the phenyl s adverse effect, it is still not clear why N benzyl substituted TU 4 is better
than unsubstituted TU 2 (or TU 8 better than TU 1). Since a N benzyl substituted TU has a similar
donor strength as that of N alkyl substituted TU, we suspect that a secondary interaction may exist
between TU 4 DMMP in order to have a larger association constant. To gain further insight into the
binding mechanism between N benzyl substituted TU 4 and DMMP, density functional theory (DFT)
calculation was performed using B3LYP functional with empirical dispersion of Grimme (B3LYP
D3BJ) and d3 basis set employing the Gaussian0920 suite of programs. As shown in Figure 4, the
DFT calculation revealed the possible existence of CH π interactions from
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The Conflict Of Love In The Outsiders By S. E Hinton
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1960, all people could see in each other was Greaser or Soc. Gangs bonded over
the rivalry between themselves. The separation was the only thing they could both connect over. In
Hinton s The Outsiders, Hinton describes the story of a Greaser named Ponyboy, who is affected
severely by the division between the two gangs. This rift causes fights, rumbles, and members of
either side being jumped and attacked. In this novel, Hinton proves how someone s love can overcome
any obstacle, which can lead to living a life with love and hope and how it can be the death of you,
and how a loved one can kill you, even if they care for you just as much. In S.E Hinton s The
Outsiders, Hinton depicts a world where love is a vital need but a mortal danger.
A strong, loving bond is all you need to break the obstacles in your way. On the way home after a fight
with Darry, Ponyboy and Johnny encounter a group of Socs in their territory. A fight ensues between
them, and it ends when one of the Socs, is drowning Ponyboy, and as a result, Robert Bob Sheldon
lost his life to Johnny and his switchblade. Johnny gave his innocence because of his love for
Ponyboy, proving how love is a danger beyond belief. There were ways the death could have been
avoided, but Johnny was scared beyond belief to the point where he was willing to sacrifice his
chances at happiness for his best friend. Johnny says, I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They
might have killed you (Hinton 57).
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Essay on The Role of Men in Adrienne Rich s Of Woman Born
The Role of Men in Of Woman Born
Adrienne Rich, via Of Woman Born, has created a wonderfully complex description and analysis of
the condition of being a woman in our patriarchal American culture, or at least in the middle class,
white portion of it, as she acknowledges in the introduction to the 1986 edition of the book. Since I
happen to fit into this category, I find this book to be very personally satisfying, although I can
certainly imagine that Rich s writings wouldn t be completely applicable to all women in America.
Rich examines the various issues surrounding multiple aspects of being a woman motherhood,
relations with men, relations with children, relations with the patriarchy at large, etc. with a ... Show
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Women, as the inculturators of children, have the potential usually unrecognized for using this power
to change the society. Reading Of Woman Born has caused me to reevaluate this final idea in ways
that I will try to briefly explain.
First of all, to say simply that women have the power to change the way they inculturate children, and
thus the culture at large, is to deny the reality that women are not one group thinking with one mind
about changes that should be made. And, of course, it is very difficult to change your own
inculturation and recreate yourself, much more difficult to change the way in which you relate to the
larger society. My own beliefs of the power of women had much more to do with some sort of
potential that seems to lie untapped, that might be used to change the culture if only women could be
unified in their views and efforts in regards to our violent patriarchal culture. The problem I now see
in this sort of viewpoint is that it tends to lay the blame for the culture at the feet of women. It
provides another source of guilt for the mother, for either not trying to raise her children in a different
way, or, as Rich explores, for raising her children to be potential outcasts.
Rich refers to this issue of inculturation especially in the chapter titled Mother and Son, Woman and
Man. In the context of critiquing my own earlier views on this, section 6 of this chapter seems
important. Rich writes here about sons,
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Historical Background Of Health Care Essay
Historical Background
Health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded health care system called Medicare,
which is a universal coverage, single payer plan for all Canadians and legal residents. This health
insurance pays up to 70% of all medicals costs excluding dental, eye care and medications, which is
covered by private sectors. The current health care policy is guided by the provisions of the Canada
Health Act 1984. Approximately 99% of physicians service costs and 90% of hospital care are covered
by publicly funded program. Historically, Canada s health system was dated back to 1867 when the
British North American Act was passed, which gave federal government the responsibility to take care
of marine hospitals and quarantine. As for the provinces, its responsibility is to manage the local
hospitals, asylums, charities and other charitable organizations. To compare with the United States of
America, the American government does not have a single payer program, which results in a
somewhat less efficient healthcare system. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by
private sector businesses. 58% of US community hospitals are non profit, 21% are government owned,
and 21% are for profit.
Major reforms
On September 1st of 1919 in Canada, the Federal Department of Health was created. Prior to that, this
department was under the supervision of Federal Department of Agriculture. In the beginning of
1920s, the first of few municipal hospitals were
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The Ancient Greek Of Ancient Greece
The ancient Greeks highly valued the strength and power in a spoken word. Political, economic,
cultural, and social life of the Ancient Greeks can be seen in their plays. They thus relied on words to
communicating. Their desire to communicate and pass crucial information led to the creation of
numerous plays across the region. The ancient Greek plays were both entertaining and educative thus
reflecting on the kind of life that this person lived (Hogan 11). Their settings can suggest a lot about
the circumstances and conditions under which this play was performed. The dramatic presentations
were crucial to Athenians, a fact that can be seen from the numerous and well spread theatres across
the city. The paper will focus on how the ancient ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The effects of violence were so disastrous and they were punished by god. The play is a significant
description of the lifestyle in Greek at that particular time. God punishing those who do not obey him
was a common belief among the ancient Greeks. The fact that he was a king implied that he had to set
a good example by leading the people so that they can fear gods. The Antigone, is an example of an
ancient play where a lot of elements that can be seen on stage can be used to interpret and analyze the
Greek culture. Like in other Greek plays, masks were used in the Antigone to convey emotions and
capture themes in the play. An example is that masks worn by different people signaled political
power. The voice of the actor was greatly amplified by the shape of the masks. The audiences were
able to hear the actors when they were in masks. Moreover, the types of clothing in both The Bacchae
and The Antigone were a representation of the Greek culture. Stage in most ancient Greek plays was
composed of four main areas. The first was around place in which plays and acts were done. The
audience sat on the theatron , then there was the building behind the state which was decorated as a
temple or a palace called the skene , the last place was the passageways
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Behind The Emergence Of Smartphone Technology
Introduction 3
Emergence of Smartphone Technology: 4
History: 4
Need: 4
Timeline: 5
Features offered in a Smartphone: 6
Screen Size and Resolution 6
Camera 6
Processor and Device Speed 6
Operating System 6
Storage Memory 6
Applications 6
Connectivity 7
Location Services: 7
Miscellaneous 7
Different OS in the Market: 7
Story of Apple and Samsung 7
Introduction about Android and iOS 8
Android by Google 8 iOS by Apple 8
Market Share Comparison 8
Technical Comparison: 9
The Application Store: 9
Power Management: 9
Memory Management 9
Security 9
GPS Global Positioning System 11
Related Ethical Issues 11
Bibliography: 12
The Smartphone market is emerging and growing. This is a well known fact. However, this report
primarily focuses upon what goes on behind the scenes in producing a Smartphone that is at par with
the customers needs. The Smartphone market moved from producing sets with an alphanumeric
keyboard to a qwerty keyboard, to a touch screen, to intelligent voice commands, to biometric
securities, etc. Nevertheless, the diversity in needs of the consumer, increasing demand levels, the
Smartphone industry hasn t ceased to grow.


The conventional product strategies which used to focus upon costs, differentiation, and customer and
technology orientations doesn t seem to fulfill the ever growing need of better technology. The
Smartphone market is more focused on innovation and product development rather than the
conventional product strategies.
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The Performance Challenges Of Electra Products Success Essay
Electra Products, who was an industry leader in the manufacture and retail of electrical supplies for
many years, is today experiencing a declining market share amidst growing competition. This
challenges the company to be innovative and adaptable as it seeks to rediscover its competitive
advantage. Unfortunately, the organisation is characterised by low levels of employee engagement and
trust which makes it resistant to change.
Commissioned by Ms Russel, the aim of this report is to analyse the performance challenges limiting
Electra Products success and to provide recommendations for workplace development.
The insight this report provides is limited by the information supplied on Electra Products which
pertained mainly to the monthly meeting introducing a new era of empowerment. Assumptions have
therefore been made for the purposes of completeness. Giving consideration to the history of
downsizing it is assumed that the organisation is pursuing a no growth to low growth business model
(Cameron, 1994) while looking to improve flexibility and market responsiveness in a bid to rediscover
their competitive advantage in response to the drop in market share (Porter, 2011). Further
assumptions are that Harry is representative of a significant portion of the company s workforce, and
that workplace trust and staff retention were historically good.
A review of the organisational behaviour at Electra Products identified a common goal between
management and
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Greek Influence On Roman Culture
Roman culture is strongly influenced from the Greek ones.
First of all, the Roman religion and philosophy, which compose people s idea, they are copied from
the Greek traditional ones. From the view of religion, they perfectly inherit the Greek twelve
Olympians, they create Roman name to the same Greek gods, in case Zeus in Greek, names Jupiter in
Roman, it is the god of the sky. According to Koukakis(2013), Zeus, the father of gods and men, is
symbolizing the ancient Greeks omnipotence and absolute power . Additionally, the Roman
philosophy acts as the Greek philosophy. In my opinion, Greek philosophy is advanced, it means
strongly still now, therefore it is reasonable to bring the Greek one when to build the new government.
On the other
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Essay On Yayoi Kusama
Various sizes of dots, eyes and self portraits cover the white walls of the Ota Fine Arts gallery
showcasing Yayoi Kusama s solo exhibition in Singapore. On display are 33 small size painting that
are created between 2011 and 2012 and executed around 2004. These paintings show a variety of
mediums all produced by the 87 year old dotted Japanese artist. Renowned for using repetitive motifs
of dotted organisms within her new range of work we could gain a new viewpoint of her eccentric art.
Yayoi Kusama: Prints is a vibrant and breathtaking exhibition it is highly recommended for everyone,
especially those who had an admiration for her works, Japanese culture, and prints. Within this small
gallery space, Kusama s legacy and passion could be seen and felt. Yayoi Kusama s life long work is
an exploration of her depersonalization syndrome. Using polka dots as a representation of her own self
obliteration, universe and body cells her hallucinations and obsessional images are reflected on
various mediums of paintings and sculptures (Grady T. Turner, Yayoi Kusama). Although her works
are primarily known for the use of repetitive dots, pumpkins and the Infinity Mirror Room, Kusama s
belief in art is not only about self expression but also reflects political and humanitarian issues too.
Yayoi Kusama allows her audience to step into her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Yayoi Kusama states in the exhibition catalog interview that her monochromatic works helps to
express to viewers inviolable dignity and inviolable life of humankind as a mystery (Yayoi Kusama).
In her new series of prints it contain various symbols like polka dots, free lines, eyes, Kusama s
portrait, shoes, books, hearts and a single handbag; all these clearly symbolize her reflection and
theme of the new series of
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Summary Of The Revenge Of Autobiographical Rap By Kendrick...
An autobiography is a history of a person s life written or told by that person. When most of us think
of an autobiography we think about the stories of political figures or well known celebrities. We are
interested in the events that shaped their lives and can even be inspired by the way they handled
themselves or how they achieved their goals. There are many examples of this through music and the
hip hop genre is no exception. The article, The Revenge of Autobiographical Rap , points out that
there are many albums that do just that. Jason Parham sites such albums as Kendrick Lamar s good
kid, m.A.A.d. city, Biggie s Ready to Die and Nas s Illmatic. According to Parham, these albums are
proof that staying true to who you are and where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When I listen to this music I feel as though the artist is speaking to me personally and telling me their
story. When you listening to them you hear their tone (positive or negative) and it impacts how the
story is interpreted. I do not feel the same way if I were reading a story. After listening to the albums
we discussed earlier I can appreciate the inspirational message each one conveys. My personal
favorite of the three artists is Kendrick Lamar. I find him to be a more relatable artist and I enjoy his
music. In good kid, m.A.A.d. city, he talks about how his parents were always telling him what to do
and who to hang out with. In the end, even after making mistakes, his parents were always there for
him and they were proud of the man he has become. My parents are similar to his. They have opinions
about everything I do. And, up to now I have not done everything the way they would have liked. I
have made my own mistakes. But, my parents have taught me to be a good person and I know that
they will always be there for me. Kendrick Lamar s album depicting his life experiences is inspiring to
me. I can work hard to make something of myself and I will have people around me that will support
me while I am doing just that. If artists like Kendrick Lamar can inspire me, I believe they can inspire
others that may be going down a worse path in life than I am. As a generation we must
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How To Write A Narrative Essay On Military Life
No! Please! Elizabeth! I could hear my mother screaming my name, being held back by doctors and
nurses, as I was taken away from the hospital by the Patrol. It was May 17, 2070, the day of my birth,
and I had just been separated from my sole and biological family. I was taken to a room down the hall
and placed in a gigantic tube that flickered with bright lights. Exasperated, I closed my eyes and lay
on the floor of the tube. Suddenly, there was a loud beeping noise and when I opened my eyes, the
noise was gone but so was the hospital.
The sandy land that surrounded me was bare and flat, and a colossal wire fence surrounded all of it. I
was trapped. A camouflaged jeep zoomed by almost running over me. It pulled over and a large,
stocky man ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was a dark and windy day in October. The trees were dancing in the strong breeze and all the Tens,
Elevens, and Twelves were scheduled for individual training tests. I was scheduled for a 9:00 A.M.
land mine agility test. In order to pass the test, I would need to cross an entire field without stepping
on an artificial land mine. As I stepped onto the platform, the clock started to count down. 10...should
I just run for my life...9...or should I carefully step around the field...8...maybe they didn t even hide
any land mines...7...oh of course they did! I found myself looking around at the others waiting for
their own tests, and as I scanned the crowd, my eyes fell on a small girl with a freckled face and
hazelnut eyes. She was staring right back at me and looked like she was giving me some type of
signal. She kept on opening her palms up and then closing them into a fist over and over again. I
realized, just before the timer went off, that the girl was telling me to look out for the faint, blinking
lights in some of the dirt mounds that showed that there was a land mine hidden there. I ran across the
field, looking closely at every mound of dirt that seemed to have something hidden inside. Finally, as I
neared the end of the field, the same little girl that had given me signals screamed, Watch out! Behind
you! from the sidelines. If it weren t for her, I would have
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The Negatives of Animal Testing
Many people may not realize that the majority of products in their own home have been tested on
animals; from lipstick and shampoo to dish soap and foot powder. Even the white ink on an M M has
been tested on animals. To some, this statement may be alarming and even disturbing to others it may
not mean much at all. Either way, the debate over animal testing has gained much popularity in recent
Animal testing has been done since at least 500 BC; even Aristotle experimented on animals for
scientific reasoning. Around 200 AD, dissecting animals in public was actually used as a form of
entertainment, people would actually go and watch someone perform a vivisection on an animal.
Vivisection is when an organism is dissected while it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is cruel and inhumane to put animals through so much agony, they can feel pain and suffering too,
just like humans; they just cannot speak to stand up for themselves.
Recently, a monkey was photographed saving a puppy from a tsunami in Japan. The image just proved
how much the monkey cared and knew what was happening, and knew that he/she had to save the
puppy and get away. Animals are smarter than most people think they feel love, fear, and pain. Many
religious traditions say that people should care for animals, treat them with respect, and try not to
cause them harm or suffering (Ferdowsian).
Animal testing is also unreliable. Even though animal testing is responsible for many medical
breakthroughs, some of those breakthroughs could have been made without testing them on animals.
The drugs that pass animal testing and get put on the market are not always safe (Scott). There was a
drug called Vioxx that was proven to help mice and protect their heart, but when humans started using
the drug, it caused thousands of heart attacks, many resulting in death. According to Dr. Furlong, 94%
of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials . That is an astonishingly high number. If
the results are so inaccurate, then what is the purpose of even testing on the animals? (Ferdowsian)
It can also be the other way around, some drugs/chemicals may work
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Analysis And Findings On Outdoor Activities
Analysis and findings We have four proposals as outcomes of the analysis. Detailed descriptions and
explanation are listed below: Proposal1:People having higher income prefer to outdoor activities.
According to the percentage of outdoorman in ascending order, we separate the areas into 5 intervals.
And based on the statistics of the average income in each area, we compute the average incomes in
five intervals to see if there is a tendency related to the proportion of outdoorman. Figure1 Positive
correlation between income and outdoorman proportion The line graph illustrates that the average
income experiences a similar tendency with the stable decrease of the ourdoorman proportion except
the last point. Finding the components of fifth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main reason for this distribution may be related to people s income and also balance between
work and life. The average wages, of the areas with high rate of outdoorsy people, are higher
especially within Mosman than the areas with low rate. This assumption already proofed in proposal1.
Furthermore, we can separate the map into 2 direction with 4 parts, as Figure3 shows below, to see if
there may be a potential relevance in the distribution. In the first quadrant, most of the areas are red
and orange which means over 30% of the people there prefer outdoor activities. In the second
quadrant, Fairfield becomes the center of outdoorsy people when its neighbors like Holroyd and
Penrith are also in a high rate. Move to the third quadrant, more areas are covered by green and
yellow, representing that the proportion for outdoorsy people here is about 20% in average. It is
strange that ratio of City of Sydney is at lowest level while in Waverley at highest level who are
actually neighbors. This phenomenon appeared in the proposal1 as we supposed that users in City are
busy in their career focusing on their work rather than outdoor activities. Figure3 Four quadrants
based on the map Proposal3:More than half users in Instagram prefer outdoor photos rather than
indoor photos. Figure4 the proportion of outdoor photos
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 12. Nuclear Family Systems Theory Leroy understands that his treatment would hinder him from working the long hours that he is used to. Leroy is also considering the doctor appointments, which will cost money and time. According to the family systems theory, Leroy would not see this as being in the best interest for his family. Dr. Bowen would also suggest that Leroy has a role that he has to fulfil (Priest, 2015). The role that Leroy has in the family is that of a provider. Leroy believes that his diagnosis of prostate cancer, will in some way impact his role as a provider. The level of incapacitation is also another aspect of the diagnosis to be taken into consideration. If Leroy s diagnosis of prostate cancer does not inhibit him from fulfilling his role as a provider, he may be more accepting of the illness. The nuclear family system may experience a change in relationship patterns, depending on the level of incapacitation (Priest, 2015). Tiffany would have to embrace a new role in the family, if Leroy now has to be dependent on her. This would be difficult for not only Leroy, but for Tiffany as well. This major life incident has caused both of them to possibly reverse roles in the family (Priest, 2015). This may also cause marital conflict, which is a theme in the family systems theory. The idea of marital conflict can be thought of as tension ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A normal response according to the social learning theory may cause Leroy to see his illness as a test from God. Faith is an important instrument in the community of low income African American males (Maliski, 2010). This could also be understood under the social learning theory. Social learning theory asserts that this is behavior, that is learned from the community, and environment. The faith that Leroy displays can be seen as learned behavior. This learned behavior that Leroy displays, can greatly affect the way he approaches his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Finding Neverland Themes Finding Neverland Movie Assignment The movie Finding Neverland is about the writer J.M. Barrie and his journey of writing plays about imagination and happiness. Barrie has a close relationship with Sylvia Llewelyn Davies, and her sons, who give Barrie the idea of the well known play Peter Pan. J.M. Barrie attends the reception of his latest play, Little Mary and from this reception he meets Sylvia, who is a widow now. Barrie enjoys spending time with Sylvia and her four sons, and through this proves to be a great playmate and father figure for the boys. Sylvia s mother, Emma du Maurier does not like the amount of time Barrie spends with her family. Emma wants to take control of her daughter and grandsons, since Sylvia is becoming very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this world of innocence, the four boys are the ones who joyfully imagine with Barrie all the wonderful stories of pirates and kings and fulfill the desire for order and meaning. The hero, Barrie has an adversary who is Emma, the mother of Sylvia. She tries and stops Sylvia and her sons from playing with Barrie. The theme of this movie, makes use of visions and revelations, by the fact that Barrie gets the visions of his new play from all the imagination that the four kids show. Through these imaginations, Barrie shows a progress toward fulfillment in creating his new play. The basic plot, is Barrie goes on a perilous journey, a struggle follows in which he proves himself in the doing the task. When Barrie completes the quest of creating the new play, which is known as Peter Pan, there is triumph and exaltation of the hero Barrie. The basic imagery seen in this film, are trees and animals that come to life and assist Barrie in completing his quest, from all the imagination and creativity the four kids show to Barrie. To conclude, Barrie has accomplished his main goal, through all the creativity and imagination that was offered with the help of Sylvia s four sons. Finding Neverland is a story that really emphasizes the importance of imagination and how it can really help someone in times of tragedy and loss. Humans need that creativity to imagine things in another world and use it for the benefit for oneself and other, just as Barrie did for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The People s Republic Of China Case Report For some time now, the People s Republic of China (PRC) has been suspected in the theft of critical and highly sensitive information from the United States (U.S.). Through the exploitation of the stolen data, the PRC has successfully designed, built, and ultimately tested several nuclear weapons as well as other military related data such as fighter aircraft design. For good reason, these actions have raised a significant level of concern with U.S. officials. Due to this concern, the U.S. commissioned an official committee to investigate the theft of information by the PRC to include how, why, and possible consequences of the stolen information. The committee has conducted a significant amount of research and investigation into the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... security officials have determined that the weapons designed by the PRC that were based on stolen U.S. designs can reach the U.S. mainland. Following a series of lengthy investigations, the Select Committee has concluded that the PRC has the infrastructure, manufacturing capabilities, and the skilled manpower that would allow for successful construction and mass production of U.S. designed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ERWs. (Fisher 2011). The PRC has successfully stolen classified information about U.S. Trident SLMB, Peacekeeper ICBM, Minuteman III, and Lance SRBM nuclear missile systems. Use of these systems by the PRC could enhance the PRC s military capabilities and jeopardize U.S. national security interests. This would pose a direct threat to the U.S. and our allies (Government Publishing Office, n.d.). Throughout the 1990 s, the PRC conducted a series of tests involving the stolen weapon designs. It was not until the discovery of these tests did the U.S. intelligence community (IC) realize how significant and far reaching the theft was. Following the PRC nuclear tests, the U.S. began to understand that the weak point within the system was inadequate counterintelligence capabilities and implemented processes. Additionally, in 1995, a Chinese national presented U.S. officials with a document that detailed what information was stolen from the U.S. and how it was acquired. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) later ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The State Department s Center For Strategic... The excerpt above is the caption from the notorious video, Welcome to the Islamic State Land, released by the State Department s Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications on July 23, 2014. The State Department s video vividly depicts graphic images and short clips of the Islamic State in action. It portrays the way the group treats people on the ground and urges Muslims not to join the Islamic State. The video is one of the strategic releases by the State Department s Think Again Turn Away media campaign to frame the Islamic State as inconsistent in its ideology, and as a dangerous place for Muslims whom follow the terrorist group. This notable propaganda counter offensive effort by the CSCC uses raw material gathered from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specifically, its mission is to identify, confront, and undermine the communications of al Qaeda affiliates. To achieve its goals, the CSCC is divided into three entities: intelligence and analysis, plans and operations, and a Digital Outreach team (DOT). Within its intelligence and analysis section, the CSCC coordinates its efforts with various U.S. intelligence agencies. There are two guiding principles the intelligence and analysis section follows. First, it must ensure all of its efforts are interagency coordinated. Prior to the launching of the CSCC, there was very little interdepartmental coordination. Within the U.S. government, there were multiple agencies with overlapping responsibilities within the counterterrorism/counter violent extremist realm, yet their efforts were uncoordinated. Second, the intelligence and analysis section attempts to make the best use of information provided by intelligence agencies and academic analysis of the adversary of interest. The plans and operations team is responsible for designing and implementing all non digital counter violent extremist communication tools. These tools are used to counter terrorist groups ability to gain support and to recruit new members. The materials produced by this section are available to be used by all U.S government agencies. The third section of the CSCC is its Digital Outreach Team. This team is responsible for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Closing The Gap In Your Teeth Essay Why Veneers Are A Good Option For Closing The Gap In Your Front Teeth If you have a gap between your front teeth, you might be embarrassed to show your smile. There is nothing wrong with having a gap in your teeth as long as it s natural and not caused by gum disease. It doesn t need to be fixed unless it makes you feel self conscious. To close the gap, your dentist will either move your teeth closer together with braces or cover it up with a crown or veneers. Veneers may be your best option. Here s why. Braces Take A Long Time To Work It takes braces several months to readjust the position of your teeth. If you don t mind waiting that long, then braces might be a good choice for you because you ll be able to save the enamel on your teeth that way. However, braces aren t always practical for adults, even the invisible variety, especially if you have an occupation where your looks are very important. Plus, braces are expensive. While they work, there is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The veneers can be made any size, shape, and color needed to correct the appearance of your smile. In the case of a gap, your dentist applies a veneer on the tooth on each side of the gap. The veneers are a little wider than your natural teeth, so when they are in place the gap disappears. It only takes a couple of weeks to go through the process of getting this dental procedure. First, your dentist makes an impression of your teeth so a dental lab can make the shells to fit in your mouth precisely. It will take a couple of weeks to get your custom veneers back from the lab so your dentist can apply them. To get the veneers to fit properly in your mouth, your dentist needs to shave off a very thin layer of tooth enamel. Then the veneers are bonded into place with dental cement. The process works much quicker than braces, which is important if you decide you want the cosmetic work done in time for a wedding or big job ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Docoment, Doc Electromagnetic waves At this point in the course we ll move into optics. This might seem like a separate topic from electricity and magnetism, but optics is really a sub topic of electricity and magnetism. This is because optics deals with the behavior of light, and light is one example of an electromagnetic wave. Light and other electromagnetic waves Light is not the only example of an electromagnetic wave. Other electromagnetic waves include the microwaves you use to heat up leftovers for dinner, and the radio waves that are broadcast from radio stations. An electromagnetic wave can be created by accelerating charges; moving charges back and forth will produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields, and these travel at the speed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Visible light makes up a very small part of the full electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves that are of higher energy than visible light (higher frequency, shorter wavelength) include ultraviolet light, X rays, and gamma rays. Lower energy waves (lower frequency, longer wavelength) include infrared light, microwaves, and radio and television waves. Energy in an electromagnetic wave The energy in an electromagnetic wave is tied up in the electric and magnetic fields. In general, the energy per unit volume in an electric field is given by: In a magnetic field, the energy per unit volume is: An electromagnetic wave has both electric and magnetic fields, so the total energy density associated with an electromagnetic wave is: It turns out that for an electromagnetic wave, the energy associated with the electric field is equal to the energy associated with the magnetic field, so the energy density can be written in terms of just one or the other: This also implies that in an electromagnetic wave, E = cB. A more common way to handle the energy is to look at how much energy is carried by the wave from one place to another. A good measure of this is the intensity of the wave, which is the power that passes perpendicularly through an area divided by the area. The intensity, S, and the energy density are related by a factor of c: Generally, it s most useful to use the average power, or average ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Golden Booklet Of The True Christian Life Summary Should a Believer s Life Evidence Growth? John Calvin makes the assertion throughout his Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life that a believer s life should show growth and spiritual progress. According to the Christian teachings, Calvin s assertions are correct. Calvin argues that because Christians believe that their lives belong to the Lord, they are to follow His plan for their lives, strive to better the lives of others, and show appreciation for God s blessings. The central idea that Calvin bases most of his claims on in his booklet is the idea that Christians should walk in the beauty of God s law , so that the claims of belief and trust in God that Christians make are exhibited outwardly in the way that they live their lives (15). In theory, if believers do conduct their lives in an effort to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is very clear that this includes both friend and foe (37). This is in itself an embodiment of the first argument that people should live in an effort to fulfill God s plan. If a person strives to encourage and help their fellow humans, Calvin would argue that this is the very will of God. The outcome of their good intentions should display relational growth in both their community and their personal lives. By showing good will toward others, humans are displaying their appreciation for God s creation, for He himself created humans. Calvin even goes so far as to say that Christians should do more than just be nice to people; he says that they should sympathize with them, and so their best to offer assistance or condolence in times of hardship (39). Calvin borrows Paul s example of the body in reference to the church, saying that each part of the body depends on the others in order to run smoothly and effectively (40). By doing their best to improve the lives of those around them, Christians encourage growth both in the church and in their own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Problem Of Violent Crimes Violent Crimes Introduction Violent crimes occur more than one could even imagine. However, there is definitely a questionable aspect to these crimes within their court procedures. If one were to take a closer look at specific court procedures of crimes having to deal with mental illnesses, it will be determined that it is viewed differently oppose to a sane person. When taking mental illnesses into consideration when referring to criminal behavior, there is an obvious difference between actions. There begins to be a question of responsibility within these criminals. It is fair to say that there is a difference with court procedures. The imperativeness of the courts is extremely important when referring to any case. There are biological and social risk factors that pertain to any given case. There is a question as to if these should be taken into consideration when enduring the court process as an entirety. By taking a deeper look at the biological aspects within a case, the justice system will be able to give more accurate sentences. Statement of the Problem This ongoing problem on whether or not mental illnesses along with biological issues should be used within the court process has been constantly debated about. The information on this subject may not always be as accurate as needed in order to make decisions such as sentencing. The sentencing of a criminal can easily be a life changer and if it is dependent on whether or not their mental illnesses are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Romantic Love In The Hunger Games, By Suzanne Collins North American media is known in many forms to include a romantic subplot between the main protagonist and a major side character, underneath the main morals and plot the story conveys. These romances in media, particularly films and novels, are uncreative and dissatisfying. They distract from major events within the narrative and divert the reader s attention away from the author s message and morals they are trying to impart. Also, the undermining of female characters is a major issue faced in the writing of these romances into stories. Many narratives, though, may originally have good intentions with the insertion of a relationship, but society s glamorisation of romantic love holds them on a pedestal until they ve turned stale, so in turn ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The romance in a fiction becomes the main question in social outlets and frequent questions like Team Peeta or Team Gale from The Hunger Games fans arise. As a society we hypersexualise and romanticise our media, so a story like The Hunger Games theme is ironically missed. This trilogy, written by Suzanne Collins, revolves around Katniss and her society s yearly ritual to force children to kill each other in a so called entertaining way, with media coverage. Katniss too, falls in love with a boy, and they manage to survive a reaping together. The characters are glamorised by the media within the book, ignoring the deaths of children, as Suzanne Collins tries to hint to real society what the media does. Immediately, the story took off and the love triangle popularised within the book became real, and media outlets ask fans the same question, ignoring the ideologies the author provided. The relationship within this narrative stood for an important point within the plot of the story, negating previous arguments and not in itself disappointing, yet media distorts it, turning it into a dissatisfying love triangle. The major fault in media s coverage of these relationships is it falls in line with both aforementioned faults of romance in novels, how it clouds the author s morals and intentions of writing, and with this engrossment in a single point, the media doesn t only demean the female characters, but any character, as the only involvement of characters in discussion is who they are in a relationship ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Random House College Dictionary Revised Edition, 1975, The Random House College Dictionary Revised Edition, 1975, defines intimacy as: (1) The state of being intimate. (2) A close familiar, and usually affectionate or loving, personal relationship. (3) A detailed knowledge or deep understanding of a place, subject, period of history, etc. (4) An act or expression serving as a token of familiarity, affection, or the like. (5) A sexual familiar act; a sexual liberty and (6) Privacy, especially an atmosphere of privacy suitable to the telling of a secret. The Merriam Webster s Online Dictionary defines intimacy as: (1) the state of being intimate: familiarity and (2) something of a personal or private nature. Frank D. Cox in the textbook, Human Intimacy: Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These relationships allow us to love and be loved. They bring a sense of security and lessen loneliness. Without intimacy there is emotional isolation, and emotional isolation increases the risk of physical and emotional disorder. Is the world a safe place or is it full of unpredictable events and accidents waiting to happen? Erikson s first psychosocial crisis occurs during the first year or so of life (like Freud s oral stage of psychosexual development). The crisis is one of trust vs. mistrust. During this stage, the infant is uncertain about the world in which they live. To resolve these feelings of uncertainty, the infant looks towards their primary caregiver for stability and consistency of care. If the care the infant receives is consistent, predictable and reliable, they will develop a sense of trust which will carry with them to other relationships, and they will be able to feel secure even when threatened. Success in this stage will lead to the virtue of hope. By developing a sense of trust, the infant can have hope that as new crises arise, there is a real possibility that other people will be there as a source of support. Failing to acquire the virtue of hope will lead to the development of fear. For example, if the care has been harsh or inconsistent, unpredictable and unreliable, then the infant will develop a sense of mistrust and will not have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Iron Fertilisation and Algal Blooms Phytoplankton are the basis of nearly all the Ocean s ecosystems, and require a wide range of inorganic nutrients in order to grow; notably Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous. They take up these nutrient elements according to the Redfield Ratio of C : N : P = 106 : 16 : 1. But phytoplankton also require less obvious nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. These are often in plentiful supply in the worlds Oceans, and other factors such as the micronutrient Iron can be the limiting Phytoplankton growth factor. Iron is not required by Phytoplankton in large amounts, but the Oceans are deficient of this micronutrient, and without it Phytoplankton cannot grow and reproduce as readily. This is because Iron is required in the biosynthesis of the pigment chlorophyll, required by Phytoplankton in order to photosynthesise. With a deficiency in Iron, Phytoplankton can suffer from a lack of chlorophyll known as chlorosis. The protein ferredoxin contains Iron and is substituted for flavodoxin as an iron stress response (when Iron levels are low). It can be shown that Phytoplankton are Iron deficient by measuring how much of this electron transfer protein flavodoxin is present. Iron s role in phytoplankton growth was first identified in the 1930 s by an English biologist named Joseph Hart. However it was not until 1988 when the Iron Fertilisation Hypothesis was suggested, in an article in the January edition of the scientific journal Nature. It was submitted by John Martin who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. A Research Project On Employee Turnover Introduction According to Krishnaswami Satyaprasad (2010), the selection of an issue or problem is the first step in business research. The first step in creating a problem statement is to select the discipline in which the potential problem lies (Krishnaswami Satyaprasad, 2010). For my business research project I chose the human resource area. Second, one must narrow the focus to a specific aspect of the selected area (Krishnaswami Satyaprasad, 2010). Employee turnover is something that I have first hand experience with which I find to be interesting, therefore this is my area of focus. Appannaiah, Reddy Ramanath, (2010), state that after isolating the problem area one must proceed to develop and define the actual problem statement. In this paper I will first discuss three problem statements in articles I reviewed. After which I will develop a problem statement of m own based on journal articles and studies I have read thus far concerning the issue of employee turnover in the specialization of human resource management. For the formulation of a problem Appannaiah et al. (2010), states that one needs to narrow down the focus from general to a more specific area without becoming too narrow. With this in mind I have chosen to narrow my focus to employee turnover in retail establishments. Brief Review of Literature Managerial Turnover in US Retail Organizations by Peterson (2007), discusses the identification of turnover factors for managers in retail businesses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay on History of Disparity in Development History of Disparity in Development Human is one of few creatures of mother earth that can think and decide what is right or wrong. Due to that special characteristic, people are always curious about something and try to find the reason about it. In 1974, Jared Diamond was staying in Papua New Guinea, and one day, a local named Yali asked Diamond a deceptively simple question Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo, but we black people had little cargo of our own? (NGO, 2005) Jared thought it was very interesting question and made a research for more than 20 years. As a result, Jared was able to find his own conclusion and wrote a book call Guns, Germs, and Steel based on knowledge he gathered from different places of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People started using plows using animals and animal s dung worked as a great fertilizer. Meanwhile animals in Papua were not that useful. All they did was just providing meat. Due to that, people in Papua needed to spend more time on gathering food while people in Fertile Crescent started to develop day by day. People in Fertile Crescent now had more people and they were able to feed technicians who work with irons. This made huge difference in technological development. There are some other theories of human development. The most popular theory is about water (Marrone, 2014/02/04). The key role water plays in human development is well accepted (Donoso, 2009) throughout the world. Unlike Diamond s theory, people who support the theory that water is a main factor say domestication was possible because of existence of water and support with 3 different examples. First example is in 11500 years ago, people didn t have technology to pump the water, so they had to use their hand in order to provide water to plants and animals. Due to that, people naturally moved to the region that is close to the water (Briggs, 2009 and 2014/02/03). Second example is, in ancient world, people s average life expectancy was 20 years (Galor/ Moav, 2007), it is caused by many reasons, but the main reason was disease. By washing their body everyday with water made them cleaner and healthier than before. Longer lifespan means more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of Article 14 INTRODUCTION In Singapore, the government exercises political power through laws within the country known as the constitution. The body of people within the government sets and administers the public policy. Under the article 4, the constitution is stated to be the supreme law. If it is supreme, no laws enacted by parliament should breach the constitution. Its main function is to protect and guard fundamental liberties of its citizen; collectively referred to as freedom of speech, assembly, and association. This is specifically guaranteed by article 14. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and examine the underlying contradictions with the article 14 of the constitution. i.e. Article 14 claims to provide fundamental liberties to Singaporeans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The subject was the suicide of The Cheang Wan (Teh), who was the Minister for National Development, prior to his death on 14 Dec 1986. An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was an overdose of Amytal Barbiturate. The coroner returned a verdict of suicide. During an election rally on 25 August 1988, the appellant challenged the PAPs claim to be an open and transparent government and asked whether any investigation had been conducted as to how the former Minister for National Development, Teh Cheang Wan, had obtained the poison with which he had committed suicide in the midst of being investigated for corruption. In this speech, he spoke the words complained of which formed the subject matter of the defamation action instituted by the respondent. Following this, respondent commenced proceedings for slander against appellant, alleging his words at the election rally implied that he had committed a criminal offence by aiding and abetting Teh to commit suicide, and thereby had tried to cover up Teh s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Mass Hysteria This paper is about the diverse ways mass hysteria is classified in our society today, and the possible theories behind what really caused the events in Salem to occur. Janca and Simons portray their opinions towards different events of mass hysteria, and are able to develop their own professional theories relating to the mentality of the individuals that were caught under the influence of hysteria. Those individuals minds are examined, and their information is represented in this paper. The cited articles explain distinct facts that were used to interpret the direct cause of mass hysteria, and others include counteracting opinions and facts towards those specific topics. The truth behind mass hysteria is provided, and it gives the reasoning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Salem witch trials were caused by a group of girls who wanted to get moral vengeance on others for the unproven morals they have disregarded. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, has portrayed the ideology behind mass hysteria excellently, and common traits are located throughout all of the events of mass hysteria mentioned in this paper. Our society has not changed compared to the societies during the Salem witch trials. Individuals are still comparing themselves to one another. It takes a single popular party to completely change a person s actions and opinions towards a topic. As to why mass hysteria should be interpreted as a popular trend, rather than an unpredictable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. A Review Of Mars Venus And Vulcan By John Singleton Copley This piece is called, Mars Venus and Vulcan: The Forge of Vulcan, it is an oil canvas done by John Singleton Copley, done in 1754. The era that this piece most represents is the Eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries of art in Europe and North America. This is because of the brief use of nudity and the use of children that are shown as little angels. The artist also used a sense of time and motion. It is as if the figures in the piece are moving themselves. The use of 3 D and kinetics allows this sense of movement in this piece. Also the artist used repetition and rhythm. The viewer s eye is constantly moving because of this sense of repetition and rhythm My personal thoughts to this piece of art is in all honestly a sense of confusion. Overall I like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The era this piece most represents is the Renaissance art in the fifteenth century Italy. It goes best with this era because of its use of nudity and shape and lighting. Its use of space of sharp edges and sculpture figures. Also the use of lighting shows an almost 3 D like image. Even though this is a print it almost seems like a picture of statues. The artist also used a sense of scale and proportion in this piece. Every statue is differently scaled from the others. The body parts on each statue did not quite fit with the other body parts. Every statue is different in size, stance, and color. Also the background behind each figure is different from the other ones, in its use of color and detail. I am very fond of this work of art. The way every part of it is different and that there is no pattern and nothing is the same really intrudes me. The detail on each figure is incredibly real. The fact that someone did this in today s world is also extremely interesting. By looking at this piece at first I thought for sure it was from the far past, when I found out it was not and that it was a newer piece I was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Persuasive Essay On Keeping The Driving Age Learning to drive is one of the most exciting times in a young person s life. For most, this begins around the age of fifteen. Also at this time, many teens are beginning high school and becoming accustomed to more responsibilities. The driving age has been sixteen years old for many years. Many learn how to safely drive during this time before going off to college where they no longer have parental supervision. Raising the driving age would only make college car crashes more likely than if they learned when they were younger. The driving age should remain the same because it allows teens to fulfill responsibilities, learn safe driving more easily, and reduce the risk of car crashes among college students. First, the current driving age allows busy teens to keep up with their full schedules and fulfill responsibilities. Many parents do not have the time to keep up with their own schedules as well as their children s. For this reason, having a license allows teens to be more independent, allowing them to learn responsibility for themselves. As teens learn to drive, they learn valuable life skills. They learn safety, awareness, and maturity. These are all very important life skills that one should have before they reach adulthood. If the driving age was raised, many would not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the college level, teens tend to be somewhat busier than at the high school level. If a person were to go to college without those skills involved in learning to drive, they may not be as successful as those who had learned to drive at the freshman or sophomore level of high school. if one attends a college with a large campus, driving is highly convenient. Without driving, a student would have to walk or ride a bike. These activities, while athletic, are very time consuming. It is far more convenient to be able to drive to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Effect Of Benzyl Group Of Tus Strengthened The... The 1H NMR titration experiment revealed that the benzyl group of TUs strengthened the intermolecular interactions toward an organophosphonate (Figure 3). It has been known that the chemical shift of thiourea N H changes according to the degree of hydrogen bond with an acceptor (i.e., DMMP), and its association constant (Ka) can be obtained by non linear regression analysis (Figure 3a).18 The 1H NMR spectra of TU 1, 2, 4, or 8 in chloroform d (~100 mM) indicate that the chemical shift of the N H protons shifted downfield with increasing amount of DMMP up to 80 equivalents, confirming the formation of the TU DMMP complex through hydrogen bonding (Figure 3b). In the 1H NMR titration experiment, proton peak shifting shows deferent shapes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To support this hypothesis, the TU s chemical shift changes were measured by varying its concentration in chloroform d (the Supporting Information). Indeed, the presence of a N phenyl group induced self aggregation to a greater extent; the degree of peak shifts (self aggregation) appeared in the order of TU 8 1 4 2, corresponding to the hydrogen bond donor strength. Thus we may conclude that the incorporation of a phenyl group render a TU more acidic or strong in hydrogen bond and also promotes more self aggregation. Figure 3. Calculated structure between 4 and DMMP by hydrogen bonding and CH π interaction. Although the decreased interaction of TUs 1 and 8 with DMMP than TUs 2 and 4, respectively, can be explained by the phenyl s adverse effect, it is still not clear why N benzyl substituted TU 4 is better than unsubstituted TU 2 (or TU 8 better than TU 1). Since a N benzyl substituted TU has a similar donor strength as that of N alkyl substituted TU, we suspect that a secondary interaction may exist between TU 4 DMMP in order to have a larger association constant. To gain further insight into the binding mechanism between N benzyl substituted TU 4 and DMMP, density functional theory (DFT) calculation was performed using B3LYP functional with empirical dispersion of Grimme (B3LYP D3BJ) and d3 basis set employing the Gaussian0920 suite of programs. As shown in Figure 4, the DFT calculation revealed the possible existence of CH π interactions from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Conflict Of Love In The Outsiders By S. E Hinton In Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1960, all people could see in each other was Greaser or Soc. Gangs bonded over the rivalry between themselves. The separation was the only thing they could both connect over. In Hinton s The Outsiders, Hinton describes the story of a Greaser named Ponyboy, who is affected severely by the division between the two gangs. This rift causes fights, rumbles, and members of either side being jumped and attacked. In this novel, Hinton proves how someone s love can overcome any obstacle, which can lead to living a life with love and hope and how it can be the death of you, and how a loved one can kill you, even if they care for you just as much. In S.E Hinton s The Outsiders, Hinton depicts a world where love is a vital need but a mortal danger. A strong, loving bond is all you need to break the obstacles in your way. On the way home after a fight with Darry, Ponyboy and Johnny encounter a group of Socs in their territory. A fight ensues between them, and it ends when one of the Socs, is drowning Ponyboy, and as a result, Robert Bob Sheldon lost his life to Johnny and his switchblade. Johnny gave his innocence because of his love for Ponyboy, proving how love is a danger beyond belief. There were ways the death could have been avoided, but Johnny was scared beyond belief to the point where he was willing to sacrifice his chances at happiness for his best friend. Johnny says, I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They might have killed you (Hinton 57). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay on The Role of Men in Adrienne Rich s Of Woman Born The Role of Men in Of Woman Born Adrienne Rich, via Of Woman Born, has created a wonderfully complex description and analysis of the condition of being a woman in our patriarchal American culture, or at least in the middle class, white portion of it, as she acknowledges in the introduction to the 1986 edition of the book. Since I happen to fit into this category, I find this book to be very personally satisfying, although I can certainly imagine that Rich s writings wouldn t be completely applicable to all women in America. Rich examines the various issues surrounding multiple aspects of being a woman motherhood, relations with men, relations with children, relations with the patriarchy at large, etc. with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women, as the inculturators of children, have the potential usually unrecognized for using this power to change the society. Reading Of Woman Born has caused me to reevaluate this final idea in ways that I will try to briefly explain. First of all, to say simply that women have the power to change the way they inculturate children, and thus the culture at large, is to deny the reality that women are not one group thinking with one mind about changes that should be made. And, of course, it is very difficult to change your own inculturation and recreate yourself, much more difficult to change the way in which you relate to the larger society. My own beliefs of the power of women had much more to do with some sort of potential that seems to lie untapped, that might be used to change the culture if only women could be unified in their views and efforts in regards to our violent patriarchal culture. The problem I now see in this sort of viewpoint is that it tends to lay the blame for the culture at the feet of women. It provides another source of guilt for the mother, for either not trying to raise her children in a different way, or, as Rich explores, for raising her children to be potential outcasts. Rich refers to this issue of inculturation especially in the chapter titled Mother and Son, Woman and Man. In the context of critiquing my own earlier views on this, section 6 of this chapter seems important. Rich writes here about sons, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Historical Background Of Health Care Essay Historical Background Health care in Canada is delivered through a publicly funded health care system called Medicare, which is a universal coverage, single payer plan for all Canadians and legal residents. This health insurance pays up to 70% of all medicals costs excluding dental, eye care and medications, which is covered by private sectors. The current health care policy is guided by the provisions of the Canada Health Act 1984. Approximately 99% of physicians service costs and 90% of hospital care are covered by publicly funded program. Historically, Canada s health system was dated back to 1867 when the British North American Act was passed, which gave federal government the responsibility to take care of marine hospitals and quarantine. As for the provinces, its responsibility is to manage the local hospitals, asylums, charities and other charitable organizations. To compare with the United States of America, the American government does not have a single payer program, which results in a somewhat less efficient healthcare system. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses. 58% of US community hospitals are non profit, 21% are government owned, and 21% are for profit. Major reforms On September 1st of 1919 in Canada, the Federal Department of Health was created. Prior to that, this department was under the supervision of Federal Department of Agriculture. In the beginning of 1920s, the first of few municipal hospitals were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Ancient Greek Of Ancient Greece The ancient Greeks highly valued the strength and power in a spoken word. Political, economic, cultural, and social life of the Ancient Greeks can be seen in their plays. They thus relied on words to communicating. Their desire to communicate and pass crucial information led to the creation of numerous plays across the region. The ancient Greek plays were both entertaining and educative thus reflecting on the kind of life that this person lived (Hogan 11). Their settings can suggest a lot about the circumstances and conditions under which this play was performed. The dramatic presentations were crucial to Athenians, a fact that can be seen from the numerous and well spread theatres across the city. The paper will focus on how the ancient ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The effects of violence were so disastrous and they were punished by god. The play is a significant description of the lifestyle in Greek at that particular time. God punishing those who do not obey him was a common belief among the ancient Greeks. The fact that he was a king implied that he had to set a good example by leading the people so that they can fear gods. The Antigone, is an example of an ancient play where a lot of elements that can be seen on stage can be used to interpret and analyze the Greek culture. Like in other Greek plays, masks were used in the Antigone to convey emotions and capture themes in the play. An example is that masks worn by different people signaled political power. The voice of the actor was greatly amplified by the shape of the masks. The audiences were able to hear the actors when they were in masks. Moreover, the types of clothing in both The Bacchae and The Antigone were a representation of the Greek culture. Stage in most ancient Greek plays was composed of four main areas. The first was around place in which plays and acts were done. The audience sat on the theatron , then there was the building behind the state which was decorated as a temple or a palace called the skene , the last place was the passageways ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Behind The Emergence Of Smartphone Technology Contents Introduction 3 Emergence of Smartphone Technology: 4 History: 4 Need: 4 Timeline: 5 Features offered in a Smartphone: 6 Screen Size and Resolution 6 Camera 6 Processor and Device Speed 6 Operating System 6 Storage Memory 6 Applications 6 Connectivity 7 Location Services: 7 Miscellaneous 7 Different OS in the Market: 7 Story of Apple and Samsung 7 Introduction about Android and iOS 8 Android by Google 8 iOS by Apple 8 Market Share Comparison 8 Technical Comparison: 9 The Application Store: 9 Power Management: 9 Memory Management 9 Security 9 GPS Global Positioning System 11 Related Ethical Issues 11 Bibliography: 12 Introduction The Smartphone market is emerging and growing. This is a well known fact. However, this report primarily focuses upon what goes on behind the scenes in producing a Smartphone that is at par with the customers needs. The Smartphone market moved from producing sets with an alphanumeric keyboard to a qwerty keyboard, to a touch screen, to intelligent voice commands, to biometric securities, etc. Nevertheless, the diversity in needs of the consumer, increasing demand levels, the Smartphone industry hasn t ceased to grow.
  • 35. The conventional product strategies which used to focus upon costs, differentiation, and customer and technology orientations doesn t seem to fulfill the ever growing need of better technology. The Smartphone market is more focused on innovation and product development rather than the conventional product strategies. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Performance Challenges Of Electra Products Success Essay 1. INTRODUCTION Electra Products, who was an industry leader in the manufacture and retail of electrical supplies for many years, is today experiencing a declining market share amidst growing competition. This challenges the company to be innovative and adaptable as it seeks to rediscover its competitive advantage. Unfortunately, the organisation is characterised by low levels of employee engagement and trust which makes it resistant to change. Commissioned by Ms Russel, the aim of this report is to analyse the performance challenges limiting Electra Products success and to provide recommendations for workplace development. The insight this report provides is limited by the information supplied on Electra Products which pertained mainly to the monthly meeting introducing a new era of empowerment. Assumptions have therefore been made for the purposes of completeness. Giving consideration to the history of downsizing it is assumed that the organisation is pursuing a no growth to low growth business model (Cameron, 1994) while looking to improve flexibility and market responsiveness in a bid to rediscover their competitive advantage in response to the drop in market share (Porter, 2011). Further assumptions are that Harry is representative of a significant portion of the company s workforce, and that workplace trust and staff retention were historically good. A review of the organisational behaviour at Electra Products identified a common goal between management and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Greek Influence On Roman Culture Roman culture is strongly influenced from the Greek ones. First of all, the Roman religion and philosophy, which compose people s idea, they are copied from the Greek traditional ones. From the view of religion, they perfectly inherit the Greek twelve Olympians, they create Roman name to the same Greek gods, in case Zeus in Greek, names Jupiter in Roman, it is the god of the sky. According to Koukakis(2013), Zeus, the father of gods and men, is symbolizing the ancient Greeks omnipotence and absolute power . Additionally, the Roman philosophy acts as the Greek philosophy. In my opinion, Greek philosophy is advanced, it means strongly still now, therefore it is reasonable to bring the Greek one when to build the new government. On the other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay On Yayoi Kusama Various sizes of dots, eyes and self portraits cover the white walls of the Ota Fine Arts gallery showcasing Yayoi Kusama s solo exhibition in Singapore. On display are 33 small size painting that are created between 2011 and 2012 and executed around 2004. These paintings show a variety of mediums all produced by the 87 year old dotted Japanese artist. Renowned for using repetitive motifs of dotted organisms within her new range of work we could gain a new viewpoint of her eccentric art. Yayoi Kusama: Prints is a vibrant and breathtaking exhibition it is highly recommended for everyone, especially those who had an admiration for her works, Japanese culture, and prints. Within this small gallery space, Kusama s legacy and passion could be seen and felt. Yayoi Kusama s life long work is an exploration of her depersonalization syndrome. Using polka dots as a representation of her own self obliteration, universe and body cells her hallucinations and obsessional images are reflected on various mediums of paintings and sculptures (Grady T. Turner, Yayoi Kusama). Although her works are primarily known for the use of repetitive dots, pumpkins and the Infinity Mirror Room, Kusama s belief in art is not only about self expression but also reflects political and humanitarian issues too. Yayoi Kusama allows her audience to step into her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yayoi Kusama states in the exhibition catalog interview that her monochromatic works helps to express to viewers inviolable dignity and inviolable life of humankind as a mystery (Yayoi Kusama). In her new series of prints it contain various symbols like polka dots, free lines, eyes, Kusama s portrait, shoes, books, hearts and a single handbag; all these clearly symbolize her reflection and theme of the new series of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Summary Of The Revenge Of Autobiographical Rap By Kendrick... An autobiography is a history of a person s life written or told by that person. When most of us think of an autobiography we think about the stories of political figures or well known celebrities. We are interested in the events that shaped their lives and can even be inspired by the way they handled themselves or how they achieved their goals. There are many examples of this through music and the hip hop genre is no exception. The article, The Revenge of Autobiographical Rap , points out that there are many albums that do just that. Jason Parham sites such albums as Kendrick Lamar s good kid, m.A.A.d. city, Biggie s Ready to Die and Nas s Illmatic. According to Parham, these albums are proof that staying true to who you are and where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When I listen to this music I feel as though the artist is speaking to me personally and telling me their story. When you listening to them you hear their tone (positive or negative) and it impacts how the story is interpreted. I do not feel the same way if I were reading a story. After listening to the albums we discussed earlier I can appreciate the inspirational message each one conveys. My personal favorite of the three artists is Kendrick Lamar. I find him to be a more relatable artist and I enjoy his music. In good kid, m.A.A.d. city, he talks about how his parents were always telling him what to do and who to hang out with. In the end, even after making mistakes, his parents were always there for him and they were proud of the man he has become. My parents are similar to his. They have opinions about everything I do. And, up to now I have not done everything the way they would have liked. I have made my own mistakes. But, my parents have taught me to be a good person and I know that they will always be there for me. Kendrick Lamar s album depicting his life experiences is inspiring to me. I can work hard to make something of myself and I will have people around me that will support me while I am doing just that. If artists like Kendrick Lamar can inspire me, I believe they can inspire others that may be going down a worse path in life than I am. As a generation we must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. How To Write A Narrative Essay On Military Life No! Please! Elizabeth! I could hear my mother screaming my name, being held back by doctors and nurses, as I was taken away from the hospital by the Patrol. It was May 17, 2070, the day of my birth, and I had just been separated from my sole and biological family. I was taken to a room down the hall and placed in a gigantic tube that flickered with bright lights. Exasperated, I closed my eyes and lay on the floor of the tube. Suddenly, there was a loud beeping noise and when I opened my eyes, the noise was gone but so was the hospital. The sandy land that surrounded me was bare and flat, and a colossal wire fence surrounded all of it. I was trapped. A camouflaged jeep zoomed by almost running over me. It pulled over and a large, stocky man ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was a dark and windy day in October. The trees were dancing in the strong breeze and all the Tens, Elevens, and Twelves were scheduled for individual training tests. I was scheduled for a 9:00 A.M. land mine agility test. In order to pass the test, I would need to cross an entire field without stepping on an artificial land mine. As I stepped onto the platform, the clock started to count down. 10...should I just run for my life...9...or should I carefully step around the field...8...maybe they didn t even hide any land mines...7...oh of course they did! I found myself looking around at the others waiting for their own tests, and as I scanned the crowd, my eyes fell on a small girl with a freckled face and hazelnut eyes. She was staring right back at me and looked like she was giving me some type of signal. She kept on opening her palms up and then closing them into a fist over and over again. I realized, just before the timer went off, that the girl was telling me to look out for the faint, blinking lights in some of the dirt mounds that showed that there was a land mine hidden there. I ran across the field, looking closely at every mound of dirt that seemed to have something hidden inside. Finally, as I neared the end of the field, the same little girl that had given me signals screamed, Watch out! Behind you! from the sidelines. If it weren t for her, I would have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Negatives of Animal Testing Many people may not realize that the majority of products in their own home have been tested on animals; from lipstick and shampoo to dish soap and foot powder. Even the white ink on an M M has been tested on animals. To some, this statement may be alarming and even disturbing to others it may not mean much at all. Either way, the debate over animal testing has gained much popularity in recent decades. Animal testing has been done since at least 500 BC; even Aristotle experimented on animals for scientific reasoning. Around 200 AD, dissecting animals in public was actually used as a form of entertainment, people would actually go and watch someone perform a vivisection on an animal. Vivisection is when an organism is dissected while it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is cruel and inhumane to put animals through so much agony, they can feel pain and suffering too, just like humans; they just cannot speak to stand up for themselves. Recently, a monkey was photographed saving a puppy from a tsunami in Japan. The image just proved how much the monkey cared and knew what was happening, and knew that he/she had to save the puppy and get away. Animals are smarter than most people think they feel love, fear, and pain. Many religious traditions say that people should care for animals, treat them with respect, and try not to cause them harm or suffering (Ferdowsian). Animal testing is also unreliable. Even though animal testing is responsible for many medical breakthroughs, some of those breakthroughs could have been made without testing them on animals. The drugs that pass animal testing and get put on the market are not always safe (Scott). There was a drug called Vioxx that was proven to help mice and protect their heart, but when humans started using the drug, it caused thousands of heart attacks, many resulting in death. According to Dr. Furlong, 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials . That is an astonishingly high number. If the results are so inaccurate, then what is the purpose of even testing on the animals? (Ferdowsian) It can also be the other way around, some drugs/chemicals may work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Analysis And Findings On Outdoor Activities Analysis and findings We have four proposals as outcomes of the analysis. Detailed descriptions and explanation are listed below: Proposal1:People having higher income prefer to outdoor activities. According to the percentage of outdoorman in ascending order, we separate the areas into 5 intervals. And based on the statistics of the average income in each area, we compute the average incomes in five intervals to see if there is a tendency related to the proportion of outdoorman. Figure1 Positive correlation between income and outdoorman proportion The line graph illustrates that the average income experiences a similar tendency with the stable decrease of the ourdoorman proportion except the last point. Finding the components of fifth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main reason for this distribution may be related to people s income and also balance between work and life. The average wages, of the areas with high rate of outdoorsy people, are higher especially within Mosman than the areas with low rate. This assumption already proofed in proposal1. Furthermore, we can separate the map into 2 direction with 4 parts, as Figure3 shows below, to see if there may be a potential relevance in the distribution. In the first quadrant, most of the areas are red and orange which means over 30% of the people there prefer outdoor activities. In the second quadrant, Fairfield becomes the center of outdoorsy people when its neighbors like Holroyd and Penrith are also in a high rate. Move to the third quadrant, more areas are covered by green and yellow, representing that the proportion for outdoorsy people here is about 20% in average. It is strange that ratio of City of Sydney is at lowest level while in Waverley at highest level who are actually neighbors. This phenomenon appeared in the proposal1 as we supposed that users in City are busy in their career focusing on their work rather than outdoor activities. Figure3 Four quadrants based on the map Proposal3:More than half users in Instagram prefer outdoor photos rather than indoor photos. Figure4 the proportion of outdoor photos ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...