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How To Write A High School
Scholarship Essay
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How To Write A High School Scholarship EssayHow To Write A High School Scholarship Essay
The Doctrine Of Christian Universalism
The Doctrine of Christian Universalism
Archie J. Spencer, Th.D
THS 540: Introduction to Christian Theology
Shahrzad Jamali
ACTS Seminaries
Fall 2017
Universalism is perhaps the greatest unspoken premise of modern thought within the Christian
N.T wright The salvation of humankind has been always presented in 3 possible positions: 1)
none will be saved, 2) some will be saved, or 3) all will be saved. The traditional Christian
teaching has been always focused on the second position and maintained that only some of people
will be saved. But there have been ongoing debates within this position about who exactly will be
the saved group? And what will be the condition of the lost ones?
Christian Universalism is a school of Christian theology that is focused on the doctrine of universal
salvation. This doctrine holds the third position and believes that eventually all human beings,
regardless of their faith, will be saved and will enjoy everlasting life with Christ. This doctrine has
been presented differently by those who advocated it throughout the centuries and various labels
have been used to refer to this doctrine, including Universal restoration , universal restitution ,
universal reconciliation , and universal salvation. Universalism is also closely related with other
complicated theological issues, such as the relationship between God s nature, his love and His
justice, free will and predestination, and the retributive punishment.Therefore, it
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Evolution Of Gangs And Gang Related Activity Essay
The Evolution of Gangs in the United States Throughout history, divisions and factions have
been made amongst people based on race, ethnicity, religion, territory, and several other personal
factors. In most cases, people prefer to be within a group of individuals who are similar to them,
rather than feel out of place. One of the easiest ways for people to remain attached to their own
kind is for them to form special groups and bonds within certain areas, which have since been
labeled as gangs. When gangs first originated they were meant to keep certain groups of people
linked, because when everyone is dispersed those groups do not have as big of impact on societal
functions. However, since then, gangs have changed drastically, in both their purpose and
organization. Over the past five centuries, the United States has experienced a dramatic increase in
gangs and gangrelated activity due to technological advances among other factors, and this
increase is not expected to slow down in the near future. Many different definitions for a gang
exist, but according to DoSomething.org in their article, 11 Facts About Gangs, a gang is
defined as, A group of people who claim a territory and use it to make money through illegal
activities. However, this is a modern definition of gangs, and it does not necessarily define gangs
that existed in early history. Yet, some characteristics of gangs today are similar to characteristics
of past gangs. For example, members of a gang
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History Of Ancient Assyrian Tomb With 10 Skeletons...
We are not makers of history. We are made by history. said Martin Luther King Jr. Everyday
history is happening all around us whether we are aware of it or not. History shapes the essence of
humanity, and this is why it is important to understand what has happened in the course of history.
In this essay, I will be discussing significant historical happenings from around the world that have
occurred recently. My first event is from an article entitled, Ancient Assyrian Tomb with 10
Skeletons Discovered in Iraq. written by Owen Jarus. This is about the accidental discovery of a
tomb that held 10 skeletons, and it was located in Erbil, Iraq. These skeletons are believed to be
from the Assyrian Empire. This tomb was built to house the wealthy upper class. More
importantly, the article discusses the importance of this city during the Assyrian time period. This
city, formerly known as Arbela, was located in a fertile area and it also was home to the most
popular temple of Ishtar the Assyrian war goddess. The discovery of these skeletons helps
historians study the culture and understand it more. I... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The current events that are happening now will be in a history textbook one day. History does not
change. What happens in the past stays in the past and it can not be changed, though it can be
repeated. This class has not made me appreciate the past any more or less because I feel like I
am only in the class to take notes and past tests. I feel the same way about history as I did going
into the class. I feel like it is a necessity and it is important, but I am not passionate about the
subject. History does matter because it is how humanity learns from its mistakes and does not
make them again. To put it simply, without history we would not know what types of things work
and don t work. We can use history today for good because we can improve upon our lifestyle,
health, and prosperity by studying the
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Kate Chopin s The Awakening
Commonly explored throughout her works, the idea of marriage inhibiting a woman s freedom is
the driving force behind Kate Chopin s contextual objections to propriety. In particular, The
Awakening and The Story of an Hour explore the lives of women seeking marital liberation and
individuality. Mrs. Chopin, who was raised in a matriarchal household, expresses her opposition to
the nineteenth century patriarchal society while using her personal experiences to exemplify her
feminist views. Katherine O Flaherty, later Kate Chopin, was born to Eliza and Thomas O Flaherty
in St. Louis, Missouri on February 8, 1850 (Deter). Unfortunately, when Mrs. Chopin was four, her
father died in a train incident leaving her under the care of three independent widows her mother,
grandmother, and great grandmother (Deter). Mrs. Chopin s great grandmother, Victoria Verdon
Charleville, directed her education, giving her a taste of the culture and freedom allowed by the
French that many Americans during this time disapproved of . . . through the art of storytelling
(Deter). Therefore, much of Mrs. Chopin s success in writing about women pursuing morality,
freedom, and political independence can be attributed to Victoria. Furthermore, the teachers at the
St. Louis Sacred Heart Academy, a school Mrs. Chopin s father had previously enrolled her in,
exposed her to Catholic teachings devoted to creating good wives and mothers, while also teaching
independent thinking ( Biography ).
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Paths Of Glory Film Analysis
PATHS OF GLORY AND BLACK HAWK DOWN FILMS Below is a comparative essay about,
paths of glory and the black Hawks down. paths of glory is a film that begins in a large country
house in France where Genaral Mireau and General Brouland were discussing about the
possibility of an attack on the Ant hill. Mireau was pacing around the room while talking. General
Mireau of the World War 1 French army accepts a mission for his men that he knows they cannot
achieve anything but he taught that might lead him to his promotions. Although he accepts this
impossible assignment to get promoted, he tries to speak about how his men s lives are the most
important to him, his future actions revealed to be empty persuaded. Mireau passes his their
objectives on to Dax who is in charge of a large group of men at the front. On the other hand, the
black Hawks down is about the true story based on the United States involving in Somalia during
unhappy and concerned with the mission over there. United States soldiers were sent to Somalia to
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These soldiers never have freedom to speak or raise concerns because they were afraid. For
example, Mireau was so cruel, when he asked the solders the questions he never even stopped
and wait for the response from them. Dax is the only one who cares about the soldiers because
their lives are getting cheated and he was caring, compassionate and human than Mireau. In
paths of glory, the soldiers never killed any of their enemies rather most of them were killed. On
the black hawk down there was nothing the soldiers experienced like this being treated like trash
and their lives were cared for by the rescue team. Also the soldiers were kind, caring for others and
compassionate. They had to stop and help their fellow before the rescue team
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Sovereign States must Take and Active Role in Global...
By simply interpreting the definition, middle powers are sovereign states that are not super
powers or great powers in the field of international relations, but still have moderate or significant
influence than small powers and have international recognition by other states. After the Second
World War, global society became starting to be aware of the fact that there was a need for middle
powers, not so directly engaged in global economics and politics, to act as intermediary in global
governance. With rapid globalization process among various sectors and many states, the global
society has become more interconnected and interdependent ever in terms of facing global
problems as wells as regional ones. Also with the current international relations, sovereign states as
middle powers, they reflect the tendency to compromise, coordinate, and cooperate in order to
maintain their national interests, status quo Jeffrey Robertson, South Korea as a Middle Power:
capacity, Behavior, and Now Opportunity, KINU, vol. 16, No. 1 (2007):. 151 174.
. Such current trend encourages certain sovereign states to take active roles in global governance
these days, and as middle powers they would try to find their voice in international community.
This paper is to examine how middle powers play in current global governance, based on middle
power theories.
What is a Middle Power? Originating from the European state system in the late 16th century,
Giovanni Botero categorize the world into
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Why Is Creon Wrong
In the play Antigone written by Sophocles, many issues come to light regarding morality and
virtue. While there may be many interpretations regarding whether Antigone is correct in her
views or Creon is, the German philosopher Hegel argues that both are right to some extent. When
the argument is analyzed from both point of views it is evident that they both have some moral
reasoning leading to both cases being correct; however, since neither side is willing to put
themselves in the other persons shoes to have a clearer view of the situation, it causes Creonand
Antigoneto be wrong at the same time. Both Antigone s and Creon s judgement is clouded because
of their inability to understand the argument from the other person s point of view,... Show more
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An example of this is slavery, while once it was seen as a way to help build a life and steady
income in America, now it is recognized as reprehensible and immoral. In contrast, if Antigone is in
the right it would mean that any person can simply question which laws they choose to follow in
the system according to the religious beliefs they have.
Overall, this tragedy could have easily been avoided if both Antigone and Creon chose to
compromise their situation. Although it would have been difficult because they are at opposites
sides of the spectrum, they could have easily came to an agreement in the situation which would
have led all the members to be happy and to prevent the citizens from thinking that Creon isn t a
man of his word or does give special treatment to others in his
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Essay About Jockstraps
Most Loved Jockstraps Of 2015
The year 2015 was full of innovative styles and concepts in the men s fashion industry. Same
was witnessed at the men s underwear store Mensuas. This blog talks about the highest rated men
s jockstrap by the wearers as well by us. Let us look at some of our favorite jocks; from ones that
feature a brief cut front to jocks with snap pouches, we couldn t have been more satisfied.
1.Miami Jock launched its snap pouch collection with the Skimp Jock being the most popular of
them all. A step forward from the conventional, the snap pouch and adjustable rings on the back are
some of the key features to be looked for. (http://www.mensuas.com/underwear/jockstraps/miami
jock skimp jock black)
2.Pikante s Castro assortment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Agacio has always been popular for its comfortable appeal and sophisticated designs. That s exactly
why the Basics Jockstrap by the brand is so popular. The conventional design with the unique Sack
Lifting technique is what makes it a desirable product. The subtle lift provided by the same makes
the manhood visible on the outside. (http://www.mensuas.com/underwear/jockstraps/agacio basics
jockstrap royal blue)
9.The PetitQ C Jock is a step towards magical apparel styles. The product is hard to understand but
fits well on the manhood. Why is called magical? The pouch is attached to the leg bands and
connects with nothing else. Simply put, there s nothing that holds the pouch with the waistband on
the front. It is just the leg bands holding it in the rear. (http://www.mensuas.com/underwear
/jockstraps/petitq pq22 c jock black)
10.The Spider Jock Sheer by the popular label Joe Snyder is highly acclaimed product for the
forming fit in the pouch and the sex appeal on the rear with the spider like net coverage. It looks
and feels absolutely stunning on the manhood while the rear is for the show. (http:/
/www.mensuas.com/underwear/jockstraps/joe snyder spider jock sheer black)
These were the top 10 highest rated men s jockstrap underwear available at mensuas.com. This is
the right time to bag them before they out of
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Genocide And The Holocaust
Genocide is one of the most tragic events that can happen around the world. Identifying the
stages is the most crucial part of stopping these horrible acts. The Bosnian Genocide and the
Holocaust could have been prevented or stopped if the 8 stages were properly identified . There
are 8 stages of genocide and the first stage is Classification. Classification is putting people into
groups based on race, ethnicity, and religion. These groups usually are separated into the superior
people and the inferior people. In the holocaust the Nazis targeted minorities, more specifically the
Jewish people. The Jews were seen as the inferior race and they needed to be eliminated according
to the nazis. The second stage of genocide is symbolization.... Show more content on
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This stage of genocide is called polarization. Polarization is where they separate the population.
The SS and Nazis used propaganda to convince the german population the the Jewish people
were the root of all evil. They used posters and videos to make this happen. Poster depicted Jews
as being ape like with large noses and a slanted forehead. The most prevalent example of this is the
Hitler Youth, they were brainwashed using propaganda so they would believe that everything
Hitler said was morally right. The people that rebelled and did not believe the propaganda were
eliminated. The next stage of genocide and the first step of the systematic killing is preparation.
Preparation is when the target group is put together and combined to make it easier for
extermination. In the Bosnian Genocide men and women were moved to concentration camps
where they would be held until they were killed. The Serbs overthrew the law enforcement and
roamed the streets rounding up Bosniaks, making sure none got away. They executed anyone that
was thought to be strong enough to rebel instantly. The most gruesome stage of Genocide is
Extermination. Extermination is the killing of the targeted group. They use the word extermination
because they do not view the victims as humans and they are making them feel like rats or insects
by using this term. In the Holocaust they had many ways of killing the Jews, the SS and Nazis
used, starvation, exhaustion, mobile shooting squads, and gas
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Analysis Of The Poem I Buffalo Bill s Essay
With the three poems next to of course god america i , the Cambridge ladies who live in
furnished souls , and [Buffalo Bill s] e e cummings paints a very grim picture of American ideals
and shows his disdain for much of the cultural identity that Americans share. In the poems next
to of course god america i and the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls he lampoons
politicians and a certain class of women. In [Buffalo Bill s] he declares a cultural icon to be
defunct and within the other two poems he calls out many other American institutions including
rabid nationalism, the protestant church, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. On top of
everything that e e cummings sees as wrong with America, he also characterizes the average
American as extremely gullible and easily fooled by exalted members of society as seen in next
to of course god america i , the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls , and to a lesser
extent in [Buffalo Bill s] . The poem next to of course god america i is a parody of a speech one
would expect to hear coming from a politician, except in this speech the politician comes off as
incomprehensible and comically patriotic. The way that the speech consists almost entirely of
allusions to national anthems and other platitudes in an attempt to win the favor of the common
man is a harsh critique on the state of American politics as well as on the average voter. Similar to
this, the women in the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished
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The Rank Of Eagle Scout Essay
Achievement is a very important thing for many reasons. Our achievements are what define us
and give us purpose. Achievement helps determine just how far we are willing to go to achieve
goals and to make ourselves successful. I have worked for many achievements, in my lifetime, and
I have many things that I am proud of. However, out of all of my achievements, I would say that
my greatest achievement, was earning the rank of Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of America.
The rank of Eagle Scout is not something that is easily achieved. Many people have struggled to
obtain the rank and have failed. However, many of America s most influential figures have won
the rank of Eagle Scout. Neil Armstrong, Hank Aaron, and Rick Perry are just a few well known
figures who have obtained the rank of Eagle Scout. To add the rank s prestige and importance,
those who do receive the rank make up a very small portion of the Boy Scouts who join the
When I was seven years old, I remember seeing boys from the school s Cub Scouts program
walking through the hallway. Dawned in dark blue uniforms, with orange neckties, and many
colorful badges, these scouts stunned me by the unity and patriotic spirit that they showed. That
evening, I went home from school and ran to the kitchen table where my father was sitting. I
explained to him that I wanted to join scouting. He smiled at me and quickly took me to the local
Boy Scouts headquarters, where I was signed up for a pack as it was called.
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Luxury And The Privacy At A Self Catering Lodging
Whether or not you are an independent minded traveler, you will surely love the luxury and the
privacy at a self catering lodging. Unlike hotel accommodation choices, you will have the
freedom to check in and checkout at your convenience and preference. Plus, the opulent property
will give you a relaxing setting for your rejuvenation, inspiring touring opportunities and quick
access to nearby attractions. Villas definitely stand atop the list of a self catering lodging choice.
However, it always depends on what you expect from your holiday accommodation based on your
needs and budget. In this article, you will find a brief comparison of both the lodging options and
the value of each.
Hotel holidays:
There are close to endless choices of hotels, including both budget and high end ones at each
destination worldwide. That means finding one for your holiday lodging will never be a hassle.
This is one of the few reasons why people choose a hotel for their holiday stay. Another plus point
is that hotels offer many services without any extra cost. You can get your room cleaned, launder
your clothes, and order room service. Plus, the on site restaurants offer enticing menu choices so
that each guest can enjoy some hearty meals during their stay. If your idea of a perfect vacation
sounds like this, then a hotel stay might be the best option for you. But in the other hand, hotel
rooms can be very limiting and expensive. For a spacious opulent suite, you will end up paying a lot.
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Catechol Oxidase Enzyme Lab
The Influence of pH and Temperature on Enzyme Activity
Madeline Foy
Biology 140 Lab
Professor Himes
April 12, 2016
Abstract In order to see the effects of pH and temperature on the enzymatic reaction of catechol
oxidase when separated from potato tissue. We used a spectrophotometer to measure how much
blue light energy is absorbed by benzoquinone. Benzoquinone is a product of catechol when it
has been oxidized by different temperatures and pHs. We hypothesized that the benzoquinone
absorbance rate would be faster when the pH added to the cuvettes were greater than the pH of
the potato tissue. The pH of the potato tissue was pH 6. Our results show that pH 7 had the faster
absorbance rate, slightly slower at pH 4, and slowest at pH ... Show more content on
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Our hypothesis states that the benzoquinone absorbance rate would be faster when the pH added
to the cuvettes were greater than the pH of the potato tissue. At pH 7, reaction rates were the
fastest, but not at pH 10 like we predicted. We predicted that pH 4 would have the slowest to no
reaction rate, but it was faster than pH 10 because the potato tissue has a pH 6 and the pH 4 was
closest to the pH of the potato tissue. A possible reason our hypothesis was only partially
supported was because of possible cross contamination when preparing the cuvettes by not using
different disposable pipets for each pH solution, or the test tubes could have been labeled wrong
which caused them to be mixed up. In future experiments, we should look at the effects of pHs
closer to the pH of the potato tissue because we can infer that closer pHs to the pH of potato tissue
will have a faster reaction rate causing the potatoes to turn brown
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Sociological Perspective On Terrorism
Sociology had little to tell the world about the nature and causes of organized attacks by civilians
against other civilians (Roche, 2004), attacks such as the event that took place September 11th,
2001 caught the interest of sociologist and implored them to turn their attention to the subject of
terrorism. Terrorism is a form of collective violence, against civilians, critical infrastructures, or
natural resources, in an attempt to pursue a political agenda (Roche, 2004). The word terrorism
Extremist and extremist groups are those that commit acts of violent extremism and have very
different ideologies than those they have targeted. The definition of terrorism is broad and changes
from agency to agency and even government. All terrorists
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Post Operative Education For A Coronary Artery Bypass...
Post Operative Education to a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patient
Aleks J. Perrin
Remington College School of Nursing
Post Operative Education to a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patient
One of the scariest medical diagnoses a patient can receive from a physician is, their heart is not
functioning properly. A malfunctioning heart will eventually lead to death if correction of the
issue is not attempted. The heart supplies the entire body with oxygenated blood but also needs its
own supply of oxygen rich blood. This is why coronary arteries are vital to the hearts ability to
pump. A final option to correcting malfunctioning coronary arteries is a surgical procedure,
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Every year approximately 450,000 patients have CABG
surgery in the United States (Mullen Fortino O Brien, 2008). Based on continuing healthcare
trends, more and more people each year are having coronary artery issues, causing the need for
CABG surgery to rise. Also patient demographics are changing, they are older, sicker, have more
extensive coronary artery blockage / damage, and likely have poorer functioning ventricles of the
heart (Sidebotham, McKee, Gillham Levy, 2007). The nursing profession has a critical role in
caring for the patients but also teaching and educating them before and after any procedure.
Education and teaching has been implemented into evidence based practice for years to facilitate
better patient
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Characterisation of Mineral Wastes, Resources and Processing technologies Integrated waste
management for the production of construction material
WRT 177 / WR0115
Industry Sector Study:
Heavy Ceramic (Brick)
September 2007 Funded by:
Industrial sector study on the utilisation of alternative materials in the manufacture of mineral wool
Compiled by
Dr Evaggelia Petavratzi John Barton, School of Civil Engineering University of Leeds
(DEFRA Project Code WRT_177) September 2007
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4 2
The brick manufacturing sector in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A schematic representation of brick clay resources in Great Britain is presented in Figure 1.
The market of bricks presented significant changes with the introduction of concrete blocks as the
latter replaced common bricks in construction. This resulted to a shift of the market in producing
facing bricks, used for aesthetic purposes (Figure 2). The use of facing bricks accounts for over
90% of demand (BGS, 2007) (DTI construction statistics) The production of facing bricks appears
quite stable for the last seven years. Common and engineering bricks are still produced, but in
much lower quantities (Figure 2), whereas the manufacturing of facing bricks have expanded
significantly and currently is described by several products with different colours, textures,
surfaces and sizes. Clay tiles have also been affected by the introduction of concrete. Ceramic
pipemaking has declined considerably due to competition from concrete and plastic pipes. The only
products that show an increase in demand are roofing tiles, which have become more popular
recently (BGS, 2007).
Bricks are produced either by extrusion or by the soft mud process. Extrusion is the commonest
option. Two schematic diagrams describing the manufacturing processes are presented in Figure 3
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Abc Model of Crisis Intervention
ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
ABC Model of Crisis Intervention
Every person ultimately experiences crisis moments that may differ in content but tend have
specific shared characteristics. Usually, crisis entails loss, threat, as well as the unexpected. There
have been various theoretical techniques provided for assisting those functioning through crisis.
Generally, the most effectual techniques tend to follow a short therapeutic model which stresses the
episode isolated from other problems and seeks an action plan to mitigate the crisis. The ABC
model provides a useful instrument to enhance the counseling procedure. A stands for basic
attending skills, B stands for the identification of problem and healing ... Show more content on
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Jones house. The officers will try knocking at Mr. Jones door, hopefully he will accept to open
and if he fails, they will establish a friendly way of accessing the house. Mr. John can help in this,
since he understands the house better. After gaining the access to the house, Mr. John will assist
the officers in identifying Mr. Jones and in a cheerful mood, the officers will greet him and make
a friendly introduction, elaborating the reason for their visit. The person elaborating the reason for
the visit should use more cheerful and joking language to make Mr. Jones feel at ease and willing
to welcome his guests.
Handshake will be exchange after Mr. Jones is comfortable with the group and the fear of
intrusion is over. The handshake should also involve assurance eye contact to make him feel freer
and secure while talking with the officers. The officer in charge will mention how much they
appreciate Mr. John s concern about his neighbors welfare, and how this reflect on their strong
friendship bond, in a joking manner to clean the tension that could be remaining. Mr. Jones will
also be given an opportunity to introduce himself and say a word regarding the visit if willing to
do so. At this moment Mr. Jones is expected to give his state or explain why he has not been
meeting his friends as usual. The officers should note if there is any fear or avoidance to talk about
certain issues concerning his wellbeing, especially when addressing Mr. John s concern
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Stereotypes Of Mountain Biking
Picture a person mountain biking in your head. There is a stereotypical mountain biker. One who
doesn t care about nature, the one who leaves used energy packs on the ground, someone
attempting to get the fastest time while scaring hikers in the process. These people are the small
minority of riders, but due to them leaving the most impactful impression on others that is how
we have become marked . Due to this stereotype, we have gotten banned from several trails. The
truth is that many of the workers who help maintain the trails that mountain bikers, hikers, and
horse riders all share are mountain bikers. Since then these trails with biking barred have gone
into decay. This hatred of mountain bikers bleeds into far more than just regulations of trail use as
well. I was out riding one day, riding down a hill when i... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once a somebody gains a perception of a group it is extremely hard to shift. I have tried many
times to be polite to a hiker or a horse user but nevertheless they give me a glare when i pass
them by. Even with all this hate, mountain bikers are some of the nicest people i know, they will
always stop and ask if someone needs help with a mechanical problem. I can easily strike up a
conversation with a stranger about various subjects in ways i can t with my other hobbies. Many
of these rude riders are what we call joey s , people who have just gotten into the sport and have
no idea about how to act around other trail users and consequently leave a detrimental impression.
Many of these people never get into the sport fully and find a new activity to join. People like this
are present in every sport and unfortunately, everyone is an ambassador for the activity they do.
Mountain bikers and other trail users normally don t intermingle so usually the only time they come
into contact is on the trail. Due to this neither side really truly understands the other and breed
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William Shakespeare s Sonnet 30
Shakespeare s writing about love is exceptionally deep and intensely layered with
numerous implications and utilization of rhyme and metaphors. The power of feeling, the
profundity of thought, and serious creative energy are all to be found in his sonnets.
Shakespeare s Sonnets clarify the value of human relationships by showing that friendship can
end one s own sadness, that love should be commemorated, and that marriage between true
minds is loyal and consistent.
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, / All losses are restored and sorrows end. In
Sonnet 30, a past friendship between two mates ends one s own sadness and selfish sorrows. The
speaker s thoughts and feelings shift greatly throughout Sonnet 30. As the speaker sits alone
peacefully and recalls the past, they get discouraged about everything they had once worked so
hard for. This causes the speaker to sob about this important time squandered. When to the
sessions of sweet silent thought / I summon up remembrance of things past, / I sigh the lack of
many a thing I sought, / And with old woes new wail my dear time s waste (1 4) One continues
to sob about damages long over and groan about the loss of numerous things never to be seen
again. The speaker torments themselves to relive every hardship that already had been cried
about previously. Remembering the deaths of valuable companions is a fragile topic for most.
While the speaker sulks in sadness, they recall a dear
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New London s Harbour Painting Analysis
Sprucing up the interior of your home with a fresh coat of paint should bring happy tears to your
eyes not tears combined with headaches, respiratory issues, and the risk of cancer. That s why
when you plan your next project with an interior painter, you will want to ask for a high quality
low VOC paint. What s low VOC paint? The painting specialists at New London s Harbour
Painting offer some insight about the paint option and how it s the safest choice for your family
and the environment. The two most widely used types of paint are water based and solvent based,
the latter of which possess the highest amount of VOCs. VOC stands for volatile organic
compounds. These compounds are solvents found in many paint products that once adjusted to
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Milk Curd Mass Lab Report
Which type of milk produced the greatest amount of curd mass?
The purpose of this lab was to determine which type of milk produced the greatest amount of curd
Background InformationWhat is milk curd? Milk curd is a secondary result of the effects of acid
and enzymes on milk proteins and lipids. When acid is added to milk, this causes the milk to
separate into curds and whey (Suleiman).
Cow s milk is made up of 87% water and 13% solids; these solids include minerals, lactose, fats,
and proteins. Chemically, these milk proteins are made up of the two main proteins: casein and
whey. 3.4% of milk solids contain these two main proteins ( The Chemistry of Milk ). The specific
milk protein casein makes up 80% of this composition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the Type of Milk vs. Curd Mass lab, it was found that Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk produced the
most amount of curd mass. Because this dairy company Fairlife reconstitutes the composition of
the milk after it is pasteurized, this creates a higher ratio of protein to other milk components.
The Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk produced on average 5.6 grams of curd mass. The Whole milk,
which was the control, produced on average 3.4 grams of curd mass. Whenever there is a higher
amount of protein present in any type of milk, these proteins will denature when mixed with acid
and much more curd will be present. This lead to the greatest amount of curd mass in Fairlife Ultra
Filtered Milk in comparison to the whole milk, lactose free milk, and organic milk.
Works Cited
Doucette, Kristin. The Biochemistry of Milk. Central Buck School District. N.p., 9 Nov. 2007.
Web. 1 May17 2017
Fat free Ultra Filtered Understanding Types of Cows Milk. Dairygood.org.N.p., 6 Feb. 2015. Web.
03 May
Hurley, Walter L. Milk Composition Lactose. Milk Composition Synthesis Resource Library. N.p.,
2010. Web. 03 May 2017.
Organic Milk vs. Regular Milk. Thrive Market. Thrive Market, 13 Dec. 2016. Web. 04 May 2017.
Suleiman, Ayub. How Is Milk Curd Formed? LEAFtv. N.p., 08 Oct. 2010. Web. 02 May 2017.
Your Mother Was a Chemist. Protein Chemistry | Your Mother Was a Chemist. N.p., 2017. Web. 04
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Customer Care
2004 McDonald s Corporation G6286 The Golden Arches logo is a trademark of McDonald s
Corporation and its affiliates.
58 64
3. The One Day Course
The final stage of your development will involve your attendance on the Customer Care Course.
Attending the one day Customer Care Course will give you an opportunity to further improve and
develop your knowledge and skills, which includes practising via role plays and discussing ... Show
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Use the Progress Checklist overleaf to record any areas of training that you have already
completed. You should then use the appropriate boxes to enter the target completion dates for all
verification areas. As you complete different sections use the Progress Checklist to document your
success. You and your Supporting Manager should plan your development around your schedule
for the next couple of months and review your training needs on a regular basis.
Getting Started
Orientation Fire Health Safety Test Health Safety Verification (Complete During Probation)
Hygiene Safety Verification (Complete During Probation)
Date Completed Manager to Sign when Completed Target Date Date Completed Manager to Sign
when Completed
Customer Care Workbook
Introduction Cleanliness Real Welcome Thank You Hospitality Gestures Customer Complaints
Recovery Security Communication Follow up Birthday Parties Local Store Marketing Product
Awareness Company Information
Target Date
Service OCLs
1 x Dining Area (Trainee) Expert Dining Area Expert Dining Area Initial Training Service Initial
Training Beverages Desserts Initial Training Order Taker/Cashier (where applicable) Initial Training
Order Assembler/Checker Presenter
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Theorist Comparison
Theorist Comparison Description of Jean Piaget s Work Jean Piaget researched how the
environment and personal experience plays a role in cognitive development for children (Case
Smith O Brien, 2010). Piaget established four concepts: adaptation, schema, assimilation, and
accommodation (Case Smith O Brien, 2010). Adaptation is described as the process of adjusting
to one s surroundings (Case Smith O Brien, 2010). For example, 5 year old Betty enters a birthday
party full of laughing children. Betty may start smiling and clapping along with her peers. Schema
is defined as the representation of the environment, relationships, and occasions in the child s mind
(Case Smith O Brien, 2010). Betty observes her surroundings and notices... Show more content on
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(2014) used Maslow s hierarchy of basic needs to improve the quality of care for patients in the
intensive care unit (ICU). To address physiological needs, health care providers can explain the
situation to give knowledge and empower patients to make healthier choices (Jackson et al., 2014).
For some patients, a hospital setting may lead to feelings of fear, mistrust, and anxiety, all of which
compromise the need for safety. Occupational therapists can provide assurance through support and
reality orienting interventions (Jackson et al., 2014). Patients may also have concerns about the
inability to adjust to normal life upon discharge. To satisfy the need for belonging, occupational
therapists can teach compensatory strategies that enable patients to live as normally as possible
within their new limitations (Jackson et al.,
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Individualism In Persepolis
In Marjane Satrapi s graphic novel, Persepolis, the effects of revolution and women s suffrage
shapes Satrapi s individualism and the way she writes Persepolis. However, these effects could also
be the reasoning for conformity throughout the nation and her graphic novel. Satrapi uses symbols
such as veiling, her rebellious actions as a teen and culture to show originality. Veiling could of
meant various things to women in Iranin the 1970s, some would say Satrapi does not show any
significance to the veils and only uses them to show the cultural aspect of women. As well for the
symbols of the cigarette, music taste, and clothing Satrapi choses to mention in Persepolis; that the
author was only showing the western side of Iran in her graphic... Show more content on
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It was seen as a symbol of respect, authority, or marriage. In Persepolis there is a panel when a
powerful male figure says on tv, If in fact it is really more civilized to go without a veil, then
animals are more civilized than we are (Satrapi 74) suggesting that the veil was not a punishment
or for segregation, but their cultured way of life. In fact, many women protested to make sure
that they had the freedom to veil as they were influenced by modernized Islam by doing so. In
1979, veiling was seen as a major symbol for anti imperialism of the Islamic Revolution going on
(Jelodar). Although the government was requiring women to wear veils, many were already
doing it on their own to show what they stood for. Satrapi and her mother were a few of Iranian
women who felt strongly about veiling they resisted as much as possible, but if women were
being killed and sent to prison for not being properly veiled; that could be a reason for why there
was so many women willing to conform and veil himself. However Satrapi never mentions other
reasons women would want to veil themselves, such as for anti imperialism, respect or a sign of
marriage throughout her graphic
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Contradictions in Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales Essay
Contradictions in Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales There is no question that contradictory values
make up a major component of The Canterbury Tales. Fate vs. Fortuna, knowledge vs. experience
and love vs. hate all embody Chaucer s famous work. These contrasting themes are an integral part
of the complexity and sophistication of the book, as they provide for an ironic dichotomy to the
creative plot development and undermine the superficial assumptions that might be made. The
combination of completely contradictory motifs leads to the unusual stories and outcomes that
come to play out in the tales. And these outcomes draw focus on the larger universal issues that in
many cases transcend the boundaries of vernacular periods to all of... Show more content on
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In the debate, a number of different options have emerged. Some, like medieval author Paul
Ruggiers, argue that it is impossible to determine the Prioress?s attitude and that, ?we must be
satisfied with ambiguity.? Others like writer Victoria Wickham argue the most popular belief, that
the Prioress?s bigotry is without question and readers should be more concerned about the degree
rather than the fact itself. But there is another possibility. Edwards and Spector, two prominent
medieval scholars, put aside the issue of racism temporarily and instead offer an alternative
interpretation on the very nature of Chaucer?s love hate contradiction in the Prioress?s tale. They
argue that the love vs. hate contradiction is not dependent on outside forces, but is actually an
internal conflict within the Prioress herself. Consequently, the individuals and subsequent groups in
her tale are not specific characters but culturally influenced manifestations representing separate
issues. In this way her personality becomes the allegory of her tale, making specific references
within her story irrelevant to her true attitude. In this writer?s opinion, popular attitudes on the
nature of the love hate contradiction in the Prioress?s tale are wrong; Edwards and Stevens help
prove this. Rather than considering the most obvious stand alone factors of love and hate in the
story, specifically the description of the Prioress and her affinity for Christianity vs. the evil
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Fiu s Beacon Newspaper Summary
FIU s Beacon (Vol.28, Issue 12), write a ONE PAGE summary of the ENTIRE newspaper The
Beacon have eight pages this issue, and the front page has a photo with three articles. The title to
the photo says, Kodak Moment with a group pointing at their teeth with their pinky finger. Reading
the article, it is about Black Lives Matter Movement. Leadership lecture series begins with well
noted journalist, author. This article features The African American, best selling author, columnist,
and the editor in chief Susan L. Taylor of Essence Magazine speaks of becoming a leader, and
mentor. SOC hosts Social Media Roundtable, hosted by the Student Organization Council, covered
the use of Social Media in different ways. Hispanic heavyweights discuss future
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Green Eyeball Soup
Am I the only one excited for halloween? I know we re more than a month away, but I ve
already started our hunt for our halloween costumes and our candy shopping for the
neighborhood kids. While I m not big on my own kids having lots of candy around halloween, I
won t force my ideals on others. My kids know that the day after halloween the candy disappears.
I m big on eating healthy and I try to buy organic as much as I can. I started Madison out on
veggies before she got her first bite of something sweet, like her first piece of fruit. She is still a big
fan of broccoli and I try to incorporate it in her meal as much as I can. Today I want to share with
you our Spooky Green Eyeball Soup. Not only is it a healthy and delicious meal for your... Show
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When the oil is hot, add the green onion, and sautГ© for 2 minutes.
Add the garlic, and sautГ© for about 60 seconds or until fragrant.
Add the spinach, and cook until all the water has evaporated, approximately 2 minutes.
Remove the pan from the heat, and transfer to a blender along with the cooked broccoli, green
onion, parsley, Parmesan cheese, and vegetable broth. Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides
as needed.
Return the soup back to the pot, and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Turn the heat down to
medium low, and gently simmer for 20 30 minutes to blend the flavors and thicken the soup.
Taste and adjust the seasoning to your liking. We added a teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of
While the soup is cooking, you can make your edible eyeballs.
Using a plastic straw, gently poke a hole in the middle of each mozzarella pearl. To get the cheese
out of the straw, just blow it out after each
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Essay On Child Protection Act 1989
The CYP F Act 1989 is relevant to the scenario presented through care and protection of the
children involved. The twins are placed with Mrs Hodge because they did not want to go live
with any other family, they feared that family would be like mum. However, a written consent
for care is needed from the twins because they are over twelve years old (Ludbrook, 1991).
Ludbrook stresses the importance of immediate investigation once they have received a report of
abuse. If the investigation brings forth serious issues, it is reported to a care and protection co
ordinator who then urgently calls a familygroup conference. Family group conferences takes time
to set up. In a serious case, the police or Social Welfare can get permission from the Family court
to produce a warrant that allows them to remove the children (in this case the twins) from their
parents or caregivers. The children are temporary placed in a safe place such as institutional foster
home or residence (this scenario, the twins were placed with Mrs Hodge). However, a court
warrant is not needed if... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According Ludbrook (1991) this medical examination also helps to prove if the child has been
under such treatment. The child can also choose to have an adult they trust with them when they
are examined.
Once the Judge in the family court declares that the children are in need of care and protection
important procedures are recommended to ensure the safety of the twins. Some possible orders for
the scenario are as follows:
Counselling provided to twins or parent (Ruth Kane) provide that they consent is given (Ludbrook,
After two years the twins is brought back to court but only if there is further concern (Ludbrook,
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Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX Essay
Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX As is suggestive of its name, an operating system (OS) is a
collection of programs that operate the personal computer (PC). Its primary purpose is to support
programs that actually do the work one is interested in, and to allow competing programs to share
the resources of the computer. However, the OS also controls the inner workings of the computer,
acting as a traffic manager which controls the flow of data through the system and initiates the
starting and stopping processes, and as a means through which software can access the hardware
and system software. In addition, it provides routines for device control, provides for the
management, scheduling and interaction of tasks, and maintains system... Show more content on
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This presents the need for memory management, as the memory of the computer would need to
be searched for a free area in which to load a users program. When the user was finished running
the program, the memory consumed by it would need to be freed up and made available for
another user when required (CIT). Process scheduling and management is also necessary, so that
all programs can be executed and run without conflict. Some programs might need to be executed
more frequently than others, for example, printing. Conversely, some programs may need to be
temporarily halted, then restarted again, so this introduces the need for inter program
communication. In modern operating systems, we speak more of a process (a portion of a
program in some stage of execution (CIT, 3)) than a program. This is because only a portion of
the program is loaded at any one time. The rest of the program sits waiting on the disk until it is
needed, thereby saving memory space. UNIX users speak of the operating system as having three
main parts: the kernel, the shell and the file system. While DOS users tend not to use the term
kernel and only sometimes use the term shell, the terms remain relevant. The kernel, also known
as the Real Time Executive , is the low level core of the OS and is loaded into memory right after
the loading of the BIOS whenever the system is started. The kernel handles the transfer of data
among the various parts of the system, such as from hard disk to
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The National Pedagogy And Transformation Of Leisure Concept
2.4.1.The National Pedagogy and Transformation of Leisure Concept It was against this
circumstance, every level of governments prioritised economy development as their first agenda.
While facing with material civilization and spiritual civilization, a dilemma how to balance these
two civilization was front the reformer, Compared with Maoist resentment towards leisure, which
was treated as the bourgeoisie idleness impeded for the development of socialism society and then
had been cursed, while, the perception towards leisure is transforming. Initially, Deng and his
followers place conservative perception towards leisure. Since, in the early reform era, without
proper guidance, ordinary individuals plunged into the irrational leisure or negative idleness, and
that negative idleness may impede the development economy. While similar thing also happened in
the early 20th century West Europe and the America, pastimes or idleness for example computer
games, drinking to pop music of wasting time. As a counter mechanism, Max Weber recalled the
Capitalist s Protestant work ethic, which advocates hard working to create wealth because the the
end is near and argues to be leisure is sinful . In this logic, the CPC proposed a discourse of
civilised (wenming), healthy (jiankang) and educational (you jiaoyu yiyi) leisure ethic. It
emphasizes the wenhua (culture capital) quality (suzhi) through work oriented mechanism by
learning personal employability enhancing skills and rational
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Special Needs Kids Are Not Sick Or Gross
Special needs kids are not sick or gross. They only want to be accepted. They want to feel
normal. They cannot help the way they were born. People who have never dealt with special
needs children do not see what they go through on a daily basis. One out of every 10 children under
the age of 14 has some type of special need. Which includes any medical disability, chronic or life
threatening illness. The children and parents both deal with emotional battles. The parents are
more tired emotionally and physically then a parent without a special need kid.. They feel
alone, because raising a special needs kid is very challenging and takes a lot more effort. They
are scared because they do not know what the future holds. Organizations like CEIP give kids and
parents more hope. They give them something positive to look forward to. The Cumberland Early
Invention Program is a very supportive program. It is good to know there are still non profit
companies out there that are genuinely non profit . Some companies/programs claim to be non
profit but they still have their hand in the cookie jar. The other companies claim to use a certain
amount in other areas. In which, they never state exactly what other areas. The Cumberland Early
Invention Program puts 100% back into the company while individuals are volunteering 100%. So
in other words, the Cumberland Early Invention Program is actually for people that need help and
not for themselves.
The Cumberland
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Examples Of Diseconomies Of Scale
Diseconomies of scale
The Economic theory tells that a firm may become less efficient if it becomes large. The
additional costs of being larger are called diseconomies of scale.
The Diseconomies of scale gives us a result in rising long run average costs which are experienced
when a firm expands beyond its optimum scale, at Q. Examples of diseconomies include:
1.Larger firms often suffer poor communication because they find it difficult to maintain an
effective flow of information between departments and subsidiaries. For example, a huge
supermarket chain may be less responsive to changing tastes and fashions than a much smaller or
local retailer.
2.X inefficiency is the loss of management efficiency that occurs when firms become large and
operate in uncompetitive kind of markets. Such loses of efficiency includes the over paying for
resources, lets ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
methods to control diseconomies of scale
Big firms often face huge organisational difficulties that can slow them down and cause costs and
problems. So I was into a BBC article the big businesses learning how to think small which
appeared soon after Steve Jobs death. His insistence on no committees and talking to everyone at
least once in a every week was, he said, that is more enough to keep Apple more productive,
efficient and successful in terms.
I don t know if that s true, but for big organisations, with their vast and varied resources and
bewildering bureaucracy, operating with the attitude of a technology start up is a distant dream.
Poorly handled communication skills set, the low levels of motivation prevailing and a shortage of
innovative ideas are classic diseconomies of scale that are typical of larger organisations.
The article quotes the general manager of Walker s Crisps, part of global giant PepsiCo:
Start ups try, they fail, they adapt, they move on. They try, they fail, they adapt, they move on. In
our marketing, we tend to make a campaign, put it out there and hope it
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Business Analysis Improving Earnings Outlook Through 2002 2006, UTC has had positive
earnings. Over the past 5 years UTC s revenues, net income, and working capital have all gone
up. To help achieve positive earning every year, UTC uses a process throughout all of their
companies called ACE (Achieving Competitive Excellence). ACE has been implemented at UTC
for seven years and is really improving their appearance, customer service and sales by employees
implanting ACE tools. Some of the most important ACE tools implemented to help UTC receive
such positive earnings every year are: 6S (Safety, Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize and Sustain)
This tool helps employees improve the workplace organization, efficiency,... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The chart shows that out of the $47,829 in total revenue, $28,872 (60%) of revenue is from
outside the United States: In India, Carrier sales grew by 35% because of increase in truck trailer
refrigeration business and a flagship refrigeration installation for the HyperCity chain in Mumbai.
In China, Carrier won more than two thirds of the available heating ventilation and air
conditioning contracts awarded in 2006 for the 2008 Beijing Olympic venues. Otis has won major
contracts in China for an order of 136 escalators and 41 elevators for the Number 10 Line of the
Beijing Subway. Also, in Kuwait they have project involving 90 escalators and 48 Gen2 elevators
for a 1.6 million square foot mall, Pratt Whitney s Global Service Partners grew revenues by more
than 25% through increased focus in emerging international markets and offerings like fleet
management, engine wash, and line maintenance programs. Economic and urbanization have
created changes in China that have created a $3.5 billion industry for fire and security. UTC Fire
Security invested in three leading Chinese fire safety companies and they also established a new
headquarters in Shanghai and stepped up sourcing throughout China. Competitors UTC s top
competitors are Boeing and GE (General Electric). GE produces everything from aircraft engines,
cars, kitchen and laundry appliances, lighting, electric, distribution, generator and turbines, medical
imaging equipment, and they have
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Living Together with Diversity by Valuing Our Differences
Diversity involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and
promoting inclusiveness. It also understands the powerful effects that culture plays in everyday
life. We as individuals take these assets and use them to the best of our knowledge. Diversity
allows us to learn different aspects of fashion, food, electronics, values and background from
different people from the past time to our future. Thus, diversity and ancient time shows how
much the world has change through time it also shows how history repeats itself. People use
different culture and ancient methods in today s society that gives us the tools that we use in
everyday routines. These statements acknowledge the facts of Paul Graham s essay what you
can t say as correct when he discuss the values of modern society and how taboos and beliefs
effect culture inventions all throughout the globe. All though diversity shares different culture
of believes, it also proves that fashion takes a huge impact on it as well. An article in the New
York Times this old thing is turning heads explains how a simple dress made in the 30s has
become the center of a master piece. The dress has cap sleeves, v neck with a cloth belt and two
small ferry Bakelite buttons on the side. What stranded out the most was its New York designing
that was printed on the dress that had eyes staring from every angle. Whoever wore it was an
original. So ahead of her time (stated in the this old this is turning
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Valentine s Day Celebration Essay
Valentine s Day Celebration
Don t let your Valentine s Day be ruined by lack of planning. Getting it right on this most
romantic day of the year is not impossible with the help of these tips. You can have plenty of fun
and end your night on a kiss by adding these little suggestions on things to do and experience on the
big day.
Rent a car and tour the local vineries
Wine is one of the most romantic drinks in the world and our country is full of amazing
producers. So, why not celebrate the day with a little tour around the vineyards? If you don t have
a car, you could rent one from Hertz and take a tour on a few vineyards nearby. We specifically
recommend the Hunter Valley region, as it is among the best known wine regions in the world. You
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Since it s Valentine s Day, you might wantto order some candy and chocolate from the Marks
Spencer online store. If you don t mind getting messy in the kitchen, the recipe for Caramel Corn
on the Real Simple website is going to be a breathtakingly good addition to your night. Now you
just need a bit of wine or champagne and a few candles to set the right mood for the movie night.
Take your spouse to paddle boarding
You don t need to add romantic candles to your Valentine s Day party in order for it to be a
success. In fact, you might be the adventurous type and find enjoyment from getting out there and
being active. How about some paddle boarding? The amazing new sport is seriously fun to do
and it ll keep you hooked for long. You can find more information about paddle boarding and scout
the locations for a lesson on the Travel Universe website. If you want something a bit more
traditional, then surfing is not a bad idea either.
Learn to cook a mean meal
Food is an essential part of Valentine s Day. But booking a table at a restaurant can be a bit boring
choice and you might want to surprise your loved one with something a little different. Find a
cooking class through Red Balloon and learn to cook a mean meal on Valentine s Day. You could
opt for a romantic chocolatier lesson or pick something traditional such as pasta making glasses.
You can learn to cook the food and enjoy it with a glass of wine
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Menil Collection
Visiting the Menil Collection and Contemporary Art Museum in Houston for the first time was eye
opening. I never thought art was such a big thing. I knew art was to be creative but other than that I
never would have thought art would have meaning. From reading, Ways of Looking by Ossian
Ward, art comes in many forms: entertainment, confrontation, event, message, etc. however, having
to pick two art works and compare and contrast them was difficult since there were many to pick
from. I chose La lunette d appproche and Suck My Tits, even though there completely different.
They both share a hidden message that need recognition. The Menil Collectionin Houston
downtown has a wide variety of art ranging from ancient art to surrealism. Although there were
all types of art, surrealism struck out to me. While trying to grasp the whole idea and why this
was created. I came across this one painting that froze me in place and drew my mind into
amazement. The La lunette d approche or the Telescope, an oil based painting on canvas created
by Rene Magritte in 1963. Its contents grab me by the arm and drew me closer. Allowing me to
escape into the darkness it depicts behind the open window. It metaphorically represents how
everything could be a front in one s eyes while beneath everything they are things one might not
want to share with other. While everything might seem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
La lunette d approche is composed of majority of dark colors like black, dark brown, darkish white,
and a faded brown that seems to be pink. On the other hand, Suck My Tits is made with pink, black,
white, and tan. Even though both artworks share the color black, its easily notable that Suck My
Tits gives off a more lively vibe then La lunette d approche which is more dull and boring. Yet, The
Telescope is a more of look into me type of deal, thus hints its name. While the suck My Tits is a
more of
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Media In Politics Analysis
The media s role in politics should be to tell the people the facts about the candidates. They
should also tell us about candidates views, policies, rankings in the polls, and not give their own
opinion of the candidates. The media set the agenda on Democratic presidential nominee Bernie
Sanders as being a Socialist and not a real Democrat. Some media sources have believe this could
hinder Sanders since he is running as a Democrat, and some sources claim he has just as much
potential as Hillary Clinton. The following data was collected from new articles released between
February 5th and February 8th, 2016. The topic of Sanders political status is a heated debate
amongst the Democratic Party and for that reason the media has failed to stick... Show more content
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The articles that were found on the topic of Sanders Democratic standing induced both facts and
opinions. The media should be giving the people just the facts and letting the people make our
own opinions about the candidates. This can be hard to do as a report, but it should be done in
order for Americans to make their decisions without any influence from the news reporters.
Knowing that Sanders is more of a Socialist than a Democrat is a big part of his campaign and
should be told to the people, but the opinions of reports about his stance should not be covered on
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Essay about In Support of Hybrid Cars
To hybrid or not to hybrid, that is the question Hybrid electric cars are the wave of the future. At
this point, the human race does not really have a choice anymore: we must act now to prevent
further warming of our planet. With global warming graduating from theory to fact, and in the
wake of some of the most devastating storms our civilized world has ever seen, I strode into a
nearby Honda dealership to see what kind of advancements are being made in the Hybrid electric
vehiclefield. Keeping in mind what a typical college student might be looking for in a car: pleasing
aesthetics, affordability and low maintenance cost, I present you my findings on the Honda Civic
LX, compared with the Honda Civic Hybridmodel.
When the salesman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After a 20 mile free ride I returned to the dealership and noticed the arrow on the fuel gauge was
still up over the F. Honda published a 30/40 city/highway estimated MPG for the Civic, easily
eclipsing the Environmental Protection Agency s recommendation for small sedans.
As I arose from my seat of the car eagerly waiting to sign anything that Noel, my friendly sales
associate, could put in front of me to get me behind the wheel of the superb Civic, I remembered
why I was here and asked to test a hybrid Civic. My preconceived notion of hybrid cars is the
disdainful appearance of the underachieving Honda Insight, the 1/3 of Honda s hybrid fleet that
is considered by many to be the ugliest car on the road. With this in mind I allowed Noel to lead
me towards the green sales area, as he called it. He showed me a hybrid Civic identical to the one
I was just finished driving, other than the HYBRID name plate on the back and funky Insight ish
wheel covers. The same futuristic curves on the hood and mirrors, the same trendy box shaped
trunk, and the same grill that almost looks like its smiling at you. Even the turning radius, 34.8
feet, is the same. The main difference is the sticker price which was about $3,000 more.
Noel explains a few things about the hybrid
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Case Study Of Accor
Accor is a French hotel group which is present in 92 countries with more than 3,600 hotels and
470,000 rooms. Accor is the world s leading hotel operator and market leader in Europe.
With more than 170,000 employees in Accor brand hotels worldwide, the Group offers to its
clients and partners nearly 45 years of know how and expertise.
Reinventing hotels sustainably is Accor s stated goal with its new PLANET 21 program. The new
PLANET 21 strategy includes a program for informing customers and encouraging them to
contribute to the hotels actions and achievements. From booking to room stay and restaurant
service, customers will discover a rich and diverse array of educational messages encouraging them
to contribute actively to the hotel s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Generous and elegantly decorated apartments offer guests privacy and headspace as well as
kitchen facilities and a dining area, allowing for tailor made self sufficiency. Sebel hotels are
located in New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New Zealand.
Novotel is an International midscale brand for business and leisure travellers. There are 414
Novotel hotels worldwide. They are are located in Europe, Asia, North America, Middle East and
Africa. The Novotel promotes its fundamental values of innovation, good design, simplicity and
efficiency so that today s travellers feel naturally good. Novotel hotels have spacious modular
rooms suited for work and relaxation, balanced cuisine available 24 hours a day, meeting rooms,
attentive staff, and areas especially for children, relaxation areas and a strong commitment to
sustainable development.
Suite Novotel
Suite Novotel offers a new way of hotel living, with Suites designed for people s perfect well being.
The 30 square metre Suite is an adjustable living area.
Suite Novotel s property portfolio is expanding. At present the brand has 30 locations in 9 countries:
France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Luxemburg, Spain, Morocco, Dubai and Saudi
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Reducing Credit Card Debt
For those who have massive credit card debts under their belts and would like to see that amount
dwindle away to nothing, there are quite a number of ways to reduce credit card debts. Well there
are two most important things of course such as you having both the commitment and willingness
to see that the problem gets solved. This also helps reducing credit carddebtso much easier in the
A lot of people have been buried by mountains of debts and are looking for quick ways to reduce it
and be done with financial problems forever. Especially since the amount you pay every month
doesn t seem to make any difference whatsoever in the total amount that is due. No thanks to
surcharges and late fees.
Now the first thing to know in order ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This works to reduce your credit card debts in short lengths of time. You can go on and use the
equity from refinancing your home to pay off the credit card debt.
* Make sure though, that before refinancing your home, everything to be done and the processes
that you have to take is understood and that you will not under any circumstances; use your credit
card to pay off the financing on your house. Seriously, that would be going around in circles, debt
As is true with any other techniques or ideas to reducing credit card debt, you will encounter
negative and positive feedback and factors when it comes down to paying more and that
includes things like home refinancing. And if all else fails, you can always go out and apply for
a personal loan to get all your debts paid instead of getting another credit card that offers a lower
rate; And then using that new credit line to pay off the previous debt on the first credit card. What
was that I said about going in circles?
Nevertheless, reducing credit debt takes more research and thinking than you would care to admit.
You have to take extra care in considering every situation so as to make the best choice. If you
would want, a credit counselor would be happy to help you out and offer sound
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The Effects Of Nature On The Hospital Setting
The use of nature in the hospital setting has been used to reduce stress and provide a getaway not
only for the patient but for visitors and hospital staff as well. A review article by Ulrich, Quan,
Zimring, Joseph, and Choudhary (2004) summarized the role of physical environment which
included nature. Nature is emphasized in providing a distraction for the patient from their illness
and the hospitalsetting. (Ulrich et al., 2004) Simply using pictures of nature has been found to
reduce anxiety and reduce the dosage of pain medications of patients in the ICU. (Ulrich, 2004)
The presence of nature through a bedside window was found to be just as beneficial in improving
the patients recovery and well being. (Ulrich 2004) The presence of nature dramatically reduced the
agitation of Alzheimer s patients when bathing with recorded nature sounds. (Ulrich, 2004)
Hospital gardenscan be a direct source of nature in proximity for patients that are easily
accessible. Scenic art can be soothing in comparison to a white wall. The descriptive colors can
stimulate the mind and provide a focal point away from medical devices. All these examples
support the claim that nature does remedy the stress patients feel in the hospital setting. It allows
patients to relax and have a sense of calm when confronting the daunting idea of fighting for their
lives against a sickness. Nature provides an escape that is outside the white walls of the hospital.
Patients can forget for a moment that they are
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Avid Life Media Ethical Issues Essay
In the last few years, the number of cyber attacks happening in the world today has increased
significantly and it is something that is not going to go away any time soon. In the most recent
case that has happened, a group called the Impact Team has claimed to have complete access to
Avid Life Media s database for the website Ashley Madison. Throughout this entire case there are
very few things that are ethical and legal. Besides, Avid Life Media pursuing the hackers for
stealing private data, the only other action that I believe falls into this category are users pursuing
legal action against Ashley Madison now for not fully deleting their data. If Ashley Madison had
actually deleted most of their user s data and only kept the metadata,... Show more content on
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The first one being, the entire business of having a website for people to have affairs on.
Although it is legal to cheat in a relationship, it is morally wrong, marry or not to have an affair
because it says immoral things about your emotional traits and affects your family and social
circle. The last portion of this story that is not surprising is the website is mostly made up of
men, so there are many fake women profiles. Thus many men are not finding a real person to
have an affair with. However, it is legal for Ashley Madison to this because they are bending the
truth and have a disclaimer in the terms of service to protect them from legal action. They don t
guarantee you will find a date and you acknowledge and agree that some of the profiles posted
on the site may fictitious. The reason why I put this topic in this category, is if you re going to
promote having affair, why isn t the company all in on it. It seems like they are just exploiting
people in bad relationships and feeding off their emotions. In contrast, an issue that is ethical but,
not legal is Impact Team hacking Ashley Madison, and the reason why is there is proof from
these hacks of Avid Life Media not deleting data that was supposed to be erased. So, going after a
website that does mischievous acts and has a motto that promotes unethical ideas is ethical, but not
legal in the
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Analysis Of Mark Becker s The Night
Killing the victims just doesn t seem right, said the man on the screen, his voice full of a deep
sadness. That s what you signed up for, Chloe exclaimed, frustration evident, We are assassins.
That s what we do. Archer sighed. You re right, of course Shadow. Alright. Your next mission is
a man named Mark Becker. One of our bigger clients needs this done as soon as possible. All the
information you need should be in the briefing file. Good luck Red Shadow. The hologram
closed and Chloe turned, smiled, and confidently walked out of the room. Cut, the director said,
smooth voice washing over Chloe. Chloe swelled with satisfaction. She was a brilliant actress
and this new movie would only improve her talents. Before that could happen, however, she
needed to relax and get away from the adventure of her new life. Chloe teleported back to her
closet and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a red T shirt. She still had four hours left before
diner and so she decided to go to the library and read. Even though she had been to the library
before, it still took her breath away. Picking a book at random, she settled down into one of the
plush chairs before the fire and started to read a classic fairy tale. Girl meets prince, girl is swept
off of feet, they get married, so on. Same old story, but somehow fresh in this version. Chloe
decided to have pizza and hot chocolate delivered to the library and she carefully ate, taking extra
precautions to not drop grease onto
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Descriptive Essay On Monument Valley Discovery
A trip to visit Monument Valley took me through the mystifying canyons and desert flats of Utah
consecrated by the indigenous Navajo people for their natural beauty. I did not realize that my
journey on a winding road through the sovereign Navajo Nation would have such a profound effect
on me when I first arrived at Monument ValleyNavajo Tribal Park. Amidst the towering auburn
stones and fine sands, the Valley began to perform a ballad of whispering winds and endless sky.
This performance detailed the relationship between man and nature in Monument Valley and even
the largest lens cannot capture the landscape. I began to interpret Monument Valley (see
appendix A) and its importance to me as an example of true nature that I encountered early in my
childhood in movies. It was naive to believe that my childhood recollections of grayscale Western
films did it justice, so I set out on a journey to discover the landscape in person. While my original
memories will endure, the enchanting effects of the Valley of the Rocks on my soul is only
relivable amidst the great stones of the Colorado Plateau.
Revered across the world for its unique physical features, the Colorado Plateau (see appendix B)
has become synonymous with natural wonder. I took up the task of visiting the expansive area in
August of 2017 to as an odyssey of discovery, and immediately noticed the uniqueness of the
landscape. Upon arrival, it became clear that the Navajo cared for their natural spaces in a
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  • 10. Genocide And The Holocaust Genocide is one of the most tragic events that can happen around the world. Identifying the stages is the most crucial part of stopping these horrible acts. The Bosnian Genocide and the Holocaust could have been prevented or stopped if the 8 stages were properly identified . There are 8 stages of genocide and the first stage is Classification. Classification is putting people into groups based on race, ethnicity, and religion. These groups usually are separated into the superior people and the inferior people. In the holocaust the Nazis targeted minorities, more specifically the Jewish people. The Jews were seen as the inferior race and they needed to be eliminated according to the nazis. The second stage of genocide is symbolization.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This stage of genocide is called polarization. Polarization is where they separate the population. The SS and Nazis used propaganda to convince the german population the the Jewish people were the root of all evil. They used posters and videos to make this happen. Poster depicted Jews as being ape like with large noses and a slanted forehead. The most prevalent example of this is the Hitler Youth, they were brainwashed using propaganda so they would believe that everything Hitler said was morally right. The people that rebelled and did not believe the propaganda were eliminated. The next stage of genocide and the first step of the systematic killing is preparation. Preparation is when the target group is put together and combined to make it easier for extermination. In the Bosnian Genocide men and women were moved to concentration camps where they would be held until they were killed. The Serbs overthrew the law enforcement and roamed the streets rounding up Bosniaks, making sure none got away. They executed anyone that was thought to be strong enough to rebel instantly. The most gruesome stage of Genocide is Extermination. Extermination is the killing of the targeted group. They use the word extermination because they do not view the victims as humans and they are making them feel like rats or insects by using this term. In the Holocaust they had many ways of killing the Jews, the SS and Nazis used, starvation, exhaustion, mobile shooting squads, and gas ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Analysis Of The Poem I Buffalo Bill s Essay With the three poems next to of course god america i , the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls , and [Buffalo Bill s] e e cummings paints a very grim picture of American ideals and shows his disdain for much of the cultural identity that Americans share. In the poems next to of course god america i and the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls he lampoons politicians and a certain class of women. In [Buffalo Bill s] he declares a cultural icon to be defunct and within the other two poems he calls out many other American institutions including rabid nationalism, the protestant church, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. On top of everything that e e cummings sees as wrong with America, he also characterizes the average American as extremely gullible and easily fooled by exalted members of society as seen in next to of course god america i , the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls , and to a lesser extent in [Buffalo Bill s] . The poem next to of course god america i is a parody of a speech one would expect to hear coming from a politician, except in this speech the politician comes off as incomprehensible and comically patriotic. The way that the speech consists almost entirely of allusions to national anthems and other platitudes in an attempt to win the favor of the common man is a harsh critique on the state of American politics as well as on the average voter. Similar to this, the women in the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Rank Of Eagle Scout Essay Achievement is a very important thing for many reasons. Our achievements are what define us and give us purpose. Achievement helps determine just how far we are willing to go to achieve goals and to make ourselves successful. I have worked for many achievements, in my lifetime, and I have many things that I am proud of. However, out of all of my achievements, I would say that my greatest achievement, was earning the rank of Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of America. The rank of Eagle Scout is not something that is easily achieved. Many people have struggled to obtain the rank and have failed. However, many of America s most influential figures have won the rank of Eagle Scout. Neil Armstrong, Hank Aaron, and Rick Perry are just a few well known figures who have obtained the rank of Eagle Scout. To add the rank s prestige and importance, those who do receive the rank make up a very small portion of the Boy Scouts who join the program. When I was seven years old, I remember seeing boys from the school s Cub Scouts program walking through the hallway. Dawned in dark blue uniforms, with orange neckties, and many colorful badges, these scouts stunned me by the unity and patriotic spirit that they showed. That evening, I went home from school and ran to the kitchen table where my father was sitting. I explained to him that I wanted to join scouting. He smiled at me and quickly took me to the local Boy Scouts headquarters, where I was signed up for a pack as it was called. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Luxury And The Privacy At A Self Catering Lodging Whether or not you are an independent minded traveler, you will surely love the luxury and the privacy at a self catering lodging. Unlike hotel accommodation choices, you will have the freedom to check in and checkout at your convenience and preference. Plus, the opulent property will give you a relaxing setting for your rejuvenation, inspiring touring opportunities and quick access to nearby attractions. Villas definitely stand atop the list of a self catering lodging choice. However, it always depends on what you expect from your holiday accommodation based on your needs and budget. In this article, you will find a brief comparison of both the lodging options and the value of each. Hotel holidays: There are close to endless choices of hotels, including both budget and high end ones at each destination worldwide. That means finding one for your holiday lodging will never be a hassle. This is one of the few reasons why people choose a hotel for their holiday stay. Another plus point is that hotels offer many services without any extra cost. You can get your room cleaned, launder your clothes, and order room service. Plus, the on site restaurants offer enticing menu choices so that each guest can enjoy some hearty meals during their stay. If your idea of a perfect vacation sounds like this, then a hotel stay might be the best option for you. But in the other hand, hotel rooms can be very limiting and expensive. For a spacious opulent suite, you will end up paying a lot. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Catechol Oxidase Enzyme Lab The Influence of pH and Temperature on Enzyme Activity Madeline Foy Biology 140 Lab Professor Himes April 12, 2016 Abstract In order to see the effects of pH and temperature on the enzymatic reaction of catechol oxidase when separated from potato tissue. We used a spectrophotometer to measure how much blue light energy is absorbed by benzoquinone. Benzoquinone is a product of catechol when it has been oxidized by different temperatures and pHs. We hypothesized that the benzoquinone absorbance rate would be faster when the pH added to the cuvettes were greater than the pH of the potato tissue. The pH of the potato tissue was pH 6. Our results show that pH 7 had the faster absorbance rate, slightly slower at pH 4, and slowest at pH ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our hypothesis states that the benzoquinone absorbance rate would be faster when the pH added to the cuvettes were greater than the pH of the potato tissue. At pH 7, reaction rates were the fastest, but not at pH 10 like we predicted. We predicted that pH 4 would have the slowest to no reaction rate, but it was faster than pH 10 because the potato tissue has a pH 6 and the pH 4 was closest to the pH of the potato tissue. A possible reason our hypothesis was only partially supported was because of possible cross contamination when preparing the cuvettes by not using different disposable pipets for each pH solution, or the test tubes could have been labeled wrong which caused them to be mixed up. In future experiments, we should look at the effects of pHs closer to the pH of the potato tissue because we can infer that closer pHs to the pH of potato tissue will have a faster reaction rate causing the potatoes to turn brown ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Sociological Perspective On Terrorism Sociology had little to tell the world about the nature and causes of organized attacks by civilians against other civilians (Roche, 2004), attacks such as the event that took place September 11th, 2001 caught the interest of sociologist and implored them to turn their attention to the subject of terrorism. Terrorism is a form of collective violence, against civilians, critical infrastructures, or natural resources, in an attempt to pursue a political agenda (Roche, 2004). The word terrorism Extremist and extremist groups are those that commit acts of violent extremism and have very different ideologies than those they have targeted. The definition of terrorism is broad and changes from agency to agency and even government. All terrorists ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Post Operative Education For A Coronary Artery Bypass... Post Operative Education to a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patient Aleks J. Perrin Remington College School of Nursing Post Operative Education to a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patient One of the scariest medical diagnoses a patient can receive from a physician is, their heart is not functioning properly. A malfunctioning heart will eventually lead to death if correction of the issue is not attempted. The heart supplies the entire body with oxygenated blood but also needs its own supply of oxygen rich blood. This is why coronary arteries are vital to the hearts ability to pump. A final option to correcting malfunctioning coronary arteries is a surgical procedure, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Every year approximately 450,000 patients have CABG surgery in the United States (Mullen Fortino O Brien, 2008). Based on continuing healthcare trends, more and more people each year are having coronary artery issues, causing the need for CABG surgery to rise. Also patient demographics are changing, they are older, sicker, have more extensive coronary artery blockage / damage, and likely have poorer functioning ventricles of the heart (Sidebotham, McKee, Gillham Levy, 2007). The nursing profession has a critical role in caring for the patients but also teaching and educating them before and after any procedure. Education and teaching has been implemented into evidence based practice for years to facilitate better patient ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Bricks Characterisation of Mineral Wastes, Resources and Processing technologies Integrated waste management for the production of construction material WRT 177 / WR0115 Industry Sector Study: Heavy Ceramic (Brick) September 2007 Funded by: 1 Industrial sector study on the utilisation of alternative materials in the manufacture of mineral wool insulation Compiled by Dr Evaggelia Petavratzi John Barton, School of Civil Engineering University of Leeds (DEFRA Project Code WRT_177) September 2007 2 Contents 1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 4 2 The brick manufacturing sector in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A schematic representation of brick clay resources in Great Britain is presented in Figure 1. The market of bricks presented significant changes with the introduction of concrete blocks as the latter replaced common bricks in construction. This resulted to a shift of the market in producing facing bricks, used for aesthetic purposes (Figure 2). The use of facing bricks accounts for over 90% of demand (BGS, 2007) (DTI construction statistics) The production of facing bricks appears quite stable for the last seven years. Common and engineering bricks are still produced, but in 4 much lower quantities (Figure 2), whereas the manufacturing of facing bricks have expanded significantly and currently is described by several products with different colours, textures, surfaces and sizes. Clay tiles have also been affected by the introduction of concrete. Ceramic pipemaking has declined considerably due to competition from concrete and plastic pipes. The only
  • 18. products that show an increase in demand are roofing tiles, which have become more popular recently (BGS, 2007). Bricks are produced either by extrusion or by the soft mud process. Extrusion is the commonest option. Two schematic diagrams describing the manufacturing processes are presented in Figure 3 and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Abc Model of Crisis Intervention ABC Model of Crisis Intervention ABC Model of Crisis Intervention Introduction Every person ultimately experiences crisis moments that may differ in content but tend have specific shared characteristics. Usually, crisis entails loss, threat, as well as the unexpected. There have been various theoretical techniques provided for assisting those functioning through crisis. Generally, the most effectual techniques tend to follow a short therapeutic model which stresses the episode isolated from other problems and seeks an action plan to mitigate the crisis. The ABC model provides a useful instrument to enhance the counseling procedure. A stands for basic attending skills, B stands for the identification of problem and healing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jones house. The officers will try knocking at Mr. Jones door, hopefully he will accept to open and if he fails, they will establish a friendly way of accessing the house. Mr. John can help in this, since he understands the house better. After gaining the access to the house, Mr. John will assist the officers in identifying Mr. Jones and in a cheerful mood, the officers will greet him and make a friendly introduction, elaborating the reason for their visit. The person elaborating the reason for the visit should use more cheerful and joking language to make Mr. Jones feel at ease and willing to welcome his guests. Handshake will be exchange after Mr. Jones is comfortable with the group and the fear of intrusion is over. The handshake should also involve assurance eye contact to make him feel freer and secure while talking with the officers. The officer in charge will mention how much they appreciate Mr. John s concern about his neighbors welfare, and how this reflect on their strong friendship bond, in a joking manner to clean the tension that could be remaining. Mr. Jones will also be given an opportunity to introduce himself and say a word regarding the visit if willing to do so. At this moment Mr. Jones is expected to give his state or explain why he has not been meeting his friends as usual. The officers should note if there is any fear or avoidance to talk about certain issues concerning his wellbeing, especially when addressing Mr. John s concern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Stereotypes Of Mountain Biking Picture a person mountain biking in your head. There is a stereotypical mountain biker. One who doesn t care about nature, the one who leaves used energy packs on the ground, someone attempting to get the fastest time while scaring hikers in the process. These people are the small minority of riders, but due to them leaving the most impactful impression on others that is how we have become marked . Due to this stereotype, we have gotten banned from several trails. The truth is that many of the workers who help maintain the trails that mountain bikers, hikers, and horse riders all share are mountain bikers. Since then these trails with biking barred have gone into decay. This hatred of mountain bikers bleeds into far more than just regulations of trail use as well. I was out riding one day, riding down a hill when i... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once a somebody gains a perception of a group it is extremely hard to shift. I have tried many times to be polite to a hiker or a horse user but nevertheless they give me a glare when i pass them by. Even with all this hate, mountain bikers are some of the nicest people i know, they will always stop and ask if someone needs help with a mechanical problem. I can easily strike up a conversation with a stranger about various subjects in ways i can t with my other hobbies. Many of these rude riders are what we call joey s , people who have just gotten into the sport and have no idea about how to act around other trail users and consequently leave a detrimental impression. Many of these people never get into the sport fully and find a new activity to join. People like this are present in every sport and unfortunately, everyone is an ambassador for the activity they do. Mountain bikers and other trail users normally don t intermingle so usually the only time they come into contact is on the trail. Due to this neither side really truly understands the other and breed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. William Shakespeare s Sonnet 30 Shakespeare s writing about love is exceptionally deep and intensely layered with numerous implications and utilization of rhyme and metaphors. The power of feeling, the profundity of thought, and serious creative energy are all to be found in his sonnets. Shakespeare s Sonnets clarify the value of human relationships by showing that friendship can end one s own sadness, that love should be commemorated, and that marriage between true minds is loyal and consistent. But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, / All losses are restored and sorrows end. In Sonnet 30, a past friendship between two mates ends one s own sadness and selfish sorrows. The speaker s thoughts and feelings shift greatly throughout Sonnet 30. As the speaker sits alone peacefully and recalls the past, they get discouraged about everything they had once worked so hard for. This causes the speaker to sob about this important time squandered. When to the sessions of sweet silent thought / I summon up remembrance of things past, / I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, / And with old woes new wail my dear time s waste (1 4) One continues to sob about damages long over and groan about the loss of numerous things never to be seen again. The speaker torments themselves to relive every hardship that already had been cried about previously. Remembering the deaths of valuable companions is a fragile topic for most. While the speaker sulks in sadness, they recall a dear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. New London s Harbour Painting Analysis Sprucing up the interior of your home with a fresh coat of paint should bring happy tears to your eyes not tears combined with headaches, respiratory issues, and the risk of cancer. That s why when you plan your next project with an interior painter, you will want to ask for a high quality low VOC paint. What s low VOC paint? The painting specialists at New London s Harbour Painting offer some insight about the paint option and how it s the safest choice for your family and the environment. The two most widely used types of paint are water based and solvent based, the latter of which possess the highest amount of VOCs. VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. These compounds are solvents found in many paint products that once adjusted to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Milk Curd Mass Lab Report Title Which type of milk produced the greatest amount of curd mass? Purpose The purpose of this lab was to determine which type of milk produced the greatest amount of curd mass. Background InformationWhat is milk curd? Milk curd is a secondary result of the effects of acid and enzymes on milk proteins and lipids. When acid is added to milk, this causes the milk to separate into curds and whey (Suleiman). Cow s milk is made up of 87% water and 13% solids; these solids include minerals, lactose, fats, and proteins. Chemically, these milk proteins are made up of the two main proteins: casein and whey. 3.4% of milk solids contain these two main proteins ( The Chemistry of Milk ). The specific milk protein casein makes up 80% of this composition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Type of Milk vs. Curd Mass lab, it was found that Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk produced the most amount of curd mass. Because this dairy company Fairlife reconstitutes the composition of the milk after it is pasteurized, this creates a higher ratio of protein to other milk components. The Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk produced on average 5.6 grams of curd mass. The Whole milk, which was the control, produced on average 3.4 grams of curd mass. Whenever there is a higher amount of protein present in any type of milk, these proteins will denature when mixed with acid and much more curd will be present. This lead to the greatest amount of curd mass in Fairlife Ultra Filtered Milk in comparison to the whole milk, lactose free milk, and organic milk. Works Cited Doucette, Kristin. The Biochemistry of Milk. Central Buck School District. N.p., 9 Nov. 2007. Web. 1 May17 2017 Fat free Ultra Filtered Understanding Types of Cows Milk. Dairygood.org.N.p., 6 Feb. 2015. Web. 03 May 2017. Hurley, Walter L. Milk Composition Lactose. Milk Composition Synthesis Resource Library. N.p., 2010. Web. 03 May 2017. Organic Milk vs. Regular Milk. Thrive Market. Thrive Market, 13 Dec. 2016. Web. 04 May 2017. Suleiman, Ayub. How Is Milk Curd Formed? LEAFtv. N.p., 08 Oct. 2010. Web. 02 May 2017. Your Mother Was a Chemist. Protein Chemistry | Your Mother Was a Chemist. N.p., 2017. Web. 04 May ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Customer Care 2004 McDonald s Corporation G6286 The Golden Arches logo is a trademark of McDonald s Corporation and its affiliates. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CLEANLINESS 3. REAL WELCOME THANK YOU 4. HOSPITALITY GESTURES 5. CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS RECOVERY 6. SECURITY 7. GOOD COMMUNICATION FOLLOW UP 8. BIRTHDAY PARTIES 9. LOCAL STORE MARKETING (LSM) 10. PRODUCT AWARENESS AND COMPANY INFORMATION 1 11 28 32 37 42 50 56 58 64 1. INTRODUCTION 3. The One Day Course The final stage of your development will involve your attendance on the Customer Care Course. Attending the one day Customer Care Course will give you an opportunity to further improve and develop your knowledge and skills, which includes practising via role plays and discussing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Use the Progress Checklist overleaf to record any areas of training that you have already completed. You should then use the appropriate boxes to enter the target completion dates for all verification areas. As you complete different sections use the Progress Checklist to document your success. You and your Supporting Manager should plan your development around your schedule for the next couple of months and review your training needs on a regular basis. PROGRESS CHECKLIST Getting Started Orientation Fire Health Safety Test Health Safety Verification (Complete During Probation) Hygiene Safety Verification (Complete During Probation) Date Completed Manager to Sign when Completed Target Date Date Completed Manager to Sign when Completed Customer Care Workbook Introduction Cleanliness Real Welcome Thank You Hospitality Gestures Customer Complaints Recovery Security Communication Follow up Birthday Parties Local Store Marketing Product Awareness Company Information Target Date Service OCLs 1 x Dining Area (Trainee) Expert Dining Area Expert Dining Area Initial Training Service Initial Training Beverages Desserts Initial Training Order Taker/Cashier (where applicable) Initial Training Order Assembler/Checker Presenter
  • 25. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Theorist Comparison Theorist Comparison Description of Jean Piaget s Work Jean Piaget researched how the environment and personal experience plays a role in cognitive development for children (Case Smith O Brien, 2010). Piaget established four concepts: adaptation, schema, assimilation, and accommodation (Case Smith O Brien, 2010). Adaptation is described as the process of adjusting to one s surroundings (Case Smith O Brien, 2010). For example, 5 year old Betty enters a birthday party full of laughing children. Betty may start smiling and clapping along with her peers. Schema is defined as the representation of the environment, relationships, and occasions in the child s mind (Case Smith O Brien, 2010). Betty observes her surroundings and notices... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2014) used Maslow s hierarchy of basic needs to improve the quality of care for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). To address physiological needs, health care providers can explain the situation to give knowledge and empower patients to make healthier choices (Jackson et al., 2014). For some patients, a hospital setting may lead to feelings of fear, mistrust, and anxiety, all of which compromise the need for safety. Occupational therapists can provide assurance through support and reality orienting interventions (Jackson et al., 2014). Patients may also have concerns about the inability to adjust to normal life upon discharge. To satisfy the need for belonging, occupational therapists can teach compensatory strategies that enable patients to live as normally as possible within their new limitations (Jackson et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Individualism In Persepolis In Marjane Satrapi s graphic novel, Persepolis, the effects of revolution and women s suffrage shapes Satrapi s individualism and the way she writes Persepolis. However, these effects could also be the reasoning for conformity throughout the nation and her graphic novel. Satrapi uses symbols such as veiling, her rebellious actions as a teen and culture to show originality. Veiling could of meant various things to women in Iranin the 1970s, some would say Satrapi does not show any significance to the veils and only uses them to show the cultural aspect of women. As well for the symbols of the cigarette, music taste, and clothing Satrapi choses to mention in Persepolis; that the author was only showing the western side of Iran in her graphic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was seen as a symbol of respect, authority, or marriage. In Persepolis there is a panel when a powerful male figure says on tv, If in fact it is really more civilized to go without a veil, then animals are more civilized than we are (Satrapi 74) suggesting that the veil was not a punishment or for segregation, but their cultured way of life. In fact, many women protested to make sure that they had the freedom to veil as they were influenced by modernized Islam by doing so. In 1979, veiling was seen as a major symbol for anti imperialism of the Islamic Revolution going on (Jelodar). Although the government was requiring women to wear veils, many were already doing it on their own to show what they stood for. Satrapi and her mother were a few of Iranian women who felt strongly about veiling they resisted as much as possible, but if women were being killed and sent to prison for not being properly veiled; that could be a reason for why there was so many women willing to conform and veil himself. However Satrapi never mentions other reasons women would want to veil themselves, such as for anti imperialism, respect or a sign of marriage throughout her graphic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Contradictions in Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales Essay Contradictions in Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales There is no question that contradictory values make up a major component of The Canterbury Tales. Fate vs. Fortuna, knowledge vs. experience and love vs. hate all embody Chaucer s famous work. These contrasting themes are an integral part of the complexity and sophistication of the book, as they provide for an ironic dichotomy to the creative plot development and undermine the superficial assumptions that might be made. The combination of completely contradictory motifs leads to the unusual stories and outcomes that come to play out in the tales. And these outcomes draw focus on the larger universal issues that in many cases transcend the boundaries of vernacular periods to all of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the debate, a number of different options have emerged. Some, like medieval author Paul Ruggiers, argue that it is impossible to determine the Prioress?s attitude and that, ?we must be satisfied with ambiguity.? Others like writer Victoria Wickham argue the most popular belief, that the Prioress?s bigotry is without question and readers should be more concerned about the degree rather than the fact itself. But there is another possibility. Edwards and Spector, two prominent medieval scholars, put aside the issue of racism temporarily and instead offer an alternative interpretation on the very nature of Chaucer?s love hate contradiction in the Prioress?s tale. They argue that the love vs. hate contradiction is not dependent on outside forces, but is actually an internal conflict within the Prioress herself. Consequently, the individuals and subsequent groups in her tale are not specific characters but culturally influenced manifestations representing separate issues. In this way her personality becomes the allegory of her tale, making specific references within her story irrelevant to her true attitude. In this writer?s opinion, popular attitudes on the nature of the love hate contradiction in the Prioress?s tale are wrong; Edwards and Stevens help prove this. Rather than considering the most obvious stand alone factors of love and hate in the story, specifically the description of the Prioress and her affinity for Christianity vs. the evil ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Fiu s Beacon Newspaper Summary FIU s Beacon (Vol.28, Issue 12), write a ONE PAGE summary of the ENTIRE newspaper The Beacon have eight pages this issue, and the front page has a photo with three articles. The title to the photo says, Kodak Moment with a group pointing at their teeth with their pinky finger. Reading the article, it is about Black Lives Matter Movement. Leadership lecture series begins with well noted journalist, author. This article features The African American, best selling author, columnist, and the editor in chief Susan L. Taylor of Essence Magazine speaks of becoming a leader, and mentor. SOC hosts Social Media Roundtable, hosted by the Student Organization Council, covered the use of Social Media in different ways. Hispanic heavyweights discuss future ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Green Eyeball Soup Am I the only one excited for halloween? I know we re more than a month away, but I ve already started our hunt for our halloween costumes and our candy shopping for the neighborhood kids. While I m not big on my own kids having lots of candy around halloween, I won t force my ideals on others. My kids know that the day after halloween the candy disappears. I m big on eating healthy and I try to buy organic as much as I can. I started Madison out on veggies before she got her first bite of something sweet, like her first piece of fruit. She is still a big fan of broccoli and I try to incorporate it in her meal as much as I can. Today I want to share with you our Spooky Green Eyeball Soup. Not only is it a healthy and delicious meal for your... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the oil is hot, add the green onion, and sautГ© for 2 minutes. Add the garlic, and sautГ© for about 60 seconds or until fragrant. Add the spinach, and cook until all the water has evaporated, approximately 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, and transfer to a blender along with the cooked broccoli, green onion, parsley, Parmesan cheese, and vegetable broth. Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides as needed. Return the soup back to the pot, and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Turn the heat down to medium low, and gently simmer for 20 30 minutes to blend the flavors and thicken the soup. Taste and adjust the seasoning to your liking. We added a teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of pepper. While the soup is cooking, you can make your edible eyeballs. Using a plastic straw, gently poke a hole in the middle of each mozzarella pearl. To get the cheese out of the straw, just blow it out after each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay On Child Protection Act 1989 The CYP F Act 1989 is relevant to the scenario presented through care and protection of the children involved. The twins are placed with Mrs Hodge because they did not want to go live with any other family, they feared that family would be like mum. However, a written consent for care is needed from the twins because they are over twelve years old (Ludbrook, 1991). Ludbrook stresses the importance of immediate investigation once they have received a report of abuse. If the investigation brings forth serious issues, it is reported to a care and protection co ordinator who then urgently calls a familygroup conference. Family group conferences takes time to set up. In a serious case, the police or Social Welfare can get permission from the Family court to produce a warrant that allows them to remove the children (in this case the twins) from their parents or caregivers. The children are temporary placed in a safe place such as institutional foster home or residence (this scenario, the twins were placed with Mrs Hodge). However, a court warrant is not needed if... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According Ludbrook (1991) this medical examination also helps to prove if the child has been under such treatment. The child can also choose to have an adult they trust with them when they are examined. Once the Judge in the family court declares that the children are in need of care and protection important procedures are recommended to ensure the safety of the twins. Some possible orders for the scenario are as follows: Counselling provided to twins or parent (Ruth Kane) provide that they consent is given (Ludbrook, 1991). After two years the twins is brought back to court but only if there is further concern (Ludbrook, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX Essay Comparing Microsoft DOS with UNIX As is suggestive of its name, an operating system (OS) is a collection of programs that operate the personal computer (PC). Its primary purpose is to support programs that actually do the work one is interested in, and to allow competing programs to share the resources of the computer. However, the OS also controls the inner workings of the computer, acting as a traffic manager which controls the flow of data through the system and initiates the starting and stopping processes, and as a means through which software can access the hardware and system software. In addition, it provides routines for device control, provides for the management, scheduling and interaction of tasks, and maintains system... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This presents the need for memory management, as the memory of the computer would need to be searched for a free area in which to load a users program. When the user was finished running the program, the memory consumed by it would need to be freed up and made available for another user when required (CIT). Process scheduling and management is also necessary, so that all programs can be executed and run without conflict. Some programs might need to be executed more frequently than others, for example, printing. Conversely, some programs may need to be temporarily halted, then restarted again, so this introduces the need for inter program communication. In modern operating systems, we speak more of a process (a portion of a program in some stage of execution (CIT, 3)) than a program. This is because only a portion of the program is loaded at any one time. The rest of the program sits waiting on the disk until it is needed, thereby saving memory space. UNIX users speak of the operating system as having three main parts: the kernel, the shell and the file system. While DOS users tend not to use the term kernel and only sometimes use the term shell, the terms remain relevant. The kernel, also known as the Real Time Executive , is the low level core of the OS and is loaded into memory right after the loading of the BIOS whenever the system is started. The kernel handles the transfer of data among the various parts of the system, such as from hard disk to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The National Pedagogy And Transformation Of Leisure Concept 2.4.1.The National Pedagogy and Transformation of Leisure Concept It was against this circumstance, every level of governments prioritised economy development as their first agenda. While facing with material civilization and spiritual civilization, a dilemma how to balance these two civilization was front the reformer, Compared with Maoist resentment towards leisure, which was treated as the bourgeoisie idleness impeded for the development of socialism society and then had been cursed, while, the perception towards leisure is transforming. Initially, Deng and his followers place conservative perception towards leisure. Since, in the early reform era, without proper guidance, ordinary individuals plunged into the irrational leisure or negative idleness, and that negative idleness may impede the development economy. While similar thing also happened in the early 20th century West Europe and the America, pastimes or idleness for example computer games, drinking to pop music of wasting time. As a counter mechanism, Max Weber recalled the Capitalist s Protestant work ethic, which advocates hard working to create wealth because the the end is near and argues to be leisure is sinful . In this logic, the CPC proposed a discourse of civilised (wenming), healthy (jiankang) and educational (you jiaoyu yiyi) leisure ethic. It emphasizes the wenhua (culture capital) quality (suzhi) through work oriented mechanism by learning personal employability enhancing skills and rational ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Special Needs Kids Are Not Sick Or Gross Special needs kids are not sick or gross. They only want to be accepted. They want to feel normal. They cannot help the way they were born. People who have never dealt with special needs children do not see what they go through on a daily basis. One out of every 10 children under the age of 14 has some type of special need. Which includes any medical disability, chronic or life threatening illness. The children and parents both deal with emotional battles. The parents are more tired emotionally and physically then a parent without a special need kid.. They feel alone, because raising a special needs kid is very challenging and takes a lot more effort. They are scared because they do not know what the future holds. Organizations like CEIP give kids and parents more hope. They give them something positive to look forward to. The Cumberland Early Invention Program is a very supportive program. It is good to know there are still non profit companies out there that are genuinely non profit . Some companies/programs claim to be non profit but they still have their hand in the cookie jar. The other companies claim to use a certain amount in other areas. In which, they never state exactly what other areas. The Cumberland Early Invention Program puts 100% back into the company while individuals are volunteering 100%. So in other words, the Cumberland Early Invention Program is actually for people that need help and not for themselves. The Cumberland ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Examples Of Diseconomies Of Scale Diseconomies of scale The Economic theory tells that a firm may become less efficient if it becomes large. The additional costs of being larger are called diseconomies of scale. The Diseconomies of scale gives us a result in rising long run average costs which are experienced when a firm expands beyond its optimum scale, at Q. Examples of diseconomies include: 1.Larger firms often suffer poor communication because they find it difficult to maintain an effective flow of information between departments and subsidiaries. For example, a huge supermarket chain may be less responsive to changing tastes and fashions than a much smaller or local retailer. 2.X inefficiency is the loss of management efficiency that occurs when firms become large and operate in uncompetitive kind of markets. Such loses of efficiency includes the over paying for resources, lets ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... methods to control diseconomies of scale Big firms often face huge organisational difficulties that can slow them down and cause costs and problems. So I was into a BBC article the big businesses learning how to think small which appeared soon after Steve Jobs death. His insistence on no committees and talking to everyone at least once in a every week was, he said, that is more enough to keep Apple more productive, efficient and successful in terms. I don t know if that s true, but for big organisations, with their vast and varied resources and bewildering bureaucracy, operating with the attitude of a technology start up is a distant dream. Poorly handled communication skills set, the low levels of motivation prevailing and a shortage of innovative ideas are classic diseconomies of scale that are typical of larger organisations. The article quotes the general manager of Walker s Crisps, part of global giant PepsiCo: Start ups try, they fail, they adapt, they move on. They try, they fail, they adapt, they move on. In our marketing, we tend to make a campaign, put it out there and hope it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Utc Business Analysis Improving Earnings Outlook Through 2002 2006, UTC has had positive earnings. Over the past 5 years UTC s revenues, net income, and working capital have all gone up. To help achieve positive earning every year, UTC uses a process throughout all of their companies called ACE (Achieving Competitive Excellence). ACE has been implemented at UTC for seven years and is really improving their appearance, customer service and sales by employees implanting ACE tools. Some of the most important ACE tools implemented to help UTC receive such positive earnings every year are: 6S (Safety, Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize and Sustain) This tool helps employees improve the workplace organization, efficiency,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The chart shows that out of the $47,829 in total revenue, $28,872 (60%) of revenue is from outside the United States: In India, Carrier sales grew by 35% because of increase in truck trailer refrigeration business and a flagship refrigeration installation for the HyperCity chain in Mumbai. In China, Carrier won more than two thirds of the available heating ventilation and air conditioning contracts awarded in 2006 for the 2008 Beijing Olympic venues. Otis has won major contracts in China for an order of 136 escalators and 41 elevators for the Number 10 Line of the Beijing Subway. Also, in Kuwait they have project involving 90 escalators and 48 Gen2 elevators for a 1.6 million square foot mall, Pratt Whitney s Global Service Partners grew revenues by more than 25% through increased focus in emerging international markets and offerings like fleet management, engine wash, and line maintenance programs. Economic and urbanization have created changes in China that have created a $3.5 billion industry for fire and security. UTC Fire Security invested in three leading Chinese fire safety companies and they also established a new headquarters in Shanghai and stepped up sourcing throughout China. Competitors UTC s top competitors are Boeing and GE (General Electric). GE produces everything from aircraft engines, cars, kitchen and laundry appliances, lighting, electric, distribution, generator and turbines, medical imaging equipment, and they have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Living Together with Diversity by Valuing Our Differences Diversity involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusiveness. It also understands the powerful effects that culture plays in everyday life. We as individuals take these assets and use them to the best of our knowledge. Diversity allows us to learn different aspects of fashion, food, electronics, values and background from different people from the past time to our future. Thus, diversity and ancient time shows how much the world has change through time it also shows how history repeats itself. People use different culture and ancient methods in today s society that gives us the tools that we use in everyday routines. These statements acknowledge the facts of Paul Graham s essay what you can t say as correct when he discuss the values of modern society and how taboos and beliefs effect culture inventions all throughout the globe. All though diversity shares different culture of believes, it also proves that fashion takes a huge impact on it as well. An article in the New York Times this old thing is turning heads explains how a simple dress made in the 30s has become the center of a master piece. The dress has cap sleeves, v neck with a cloth belt and two small ferry Bakelite buttons on the side. What stranded out the most was its New York designing that was printed on the dress that had eyes staring from every angle. Whoever wore it was an original. So ahead of her time (stated in the this old this is turning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Valentine s Day Celebration Essay Valentine s Day Celebration Don t let your Valentine s Day be ruined by lack of planning. Getting it right on this most romantic day of the year is not impossible with the help of these tips. You can have plenty of fun and end your night on a kiss by adding these little suggestions on things to do and experience on the big day. Rent a car and tour the local vineries Wine is one of the most romantic drinks in the world and our country is full of amazing producers. So, why not celebrate the day with a little tour around the vineyards? If you don t have a car, you could rent one from Hertz and take a tour on a few vineyards nearby. We specifically recommend the Hunter Valley region, as it is among the best known wine regions in the world. You ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since it s Valentine s Day, you might wantto order some candy and chocolate from the Marks Spencer online store. If you don t mind getting messy in the kitchen, the recipe for Caramel Corn on the Real Simple website is going to be a breathtakingly good addition to your night. Now you just need a bit of wine or champagne and a few candles to set the right mood for the movie night. Take your spouse to paddle boarding You don t need to add romantic candles to your Valentine s Day party in order for it to be a success. In fact, you might be the adventurous type and find enjoyment from getting out there and being active. How about some paddle boarding? The amazing new sport is seriously fun to do and it ll keep you hooked for long. You can find more information about paddle boarding and scout the locations for a lesson on the Travel Universe website. If you want something a bit more traditional, then surfing is not a bad idea either. Learn to cook a mean meal Food is an essential part of Valentine s Day. But booking a table at a restaurant can be a bit boring choice and you might want to surprise your loved one with something a little different. Find a cooking class through Red Balloon and learn to cook a mean meal on Valentine s Day. You could opt for a romantic chocolatier lesson or pick something traditional such as pasta making glasses. You can learn to cook the food and enjoy it with a glass of wine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Menil Collection Visiting the Menil Collection and Contemporary Art Museum in Houston for the first time was eye opening. I never thought art was such a big thing. I knew art was to be creative but other than that I never would have thought art would have meaning. From reading, Ways of Looking by Ossian Ward, art comes in many forms: entertainment, confrontation, event, message, etc. however, having to pick two art works and compare and contrast them was difficult since there were many to pick from. I chose La lunette d appproche and Suck My Tits, even though there completely different. They both share a hidden message that need recognition. The Menil Collectionin Houston downtown has a wide variety of art ranging from ancient art to surrealism. Although there were all types of art, surrealism struck out to me. While trying to grasp the whole idea and why this was created. I came across this one painting that froze me in place and drew my mind into amazement. The La lunette d approche or the Telescope, an oil based painting on canvas created by Rene Magritte in 1963. Its contents grab me by the arm and drew me closer. Allowing me to escape into the darkness it depicts behind the open window. It metaphorically represents how everything could be a front in one s eyes while beneath everything they are things one might not want to share with other. While everything might seem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... La lunette d approche is composed of majority of dark colors like black, dark brown, darkish white, and a faded brown that seems to be pink. On the other hand, Suck My Tits is made with pink, black, white, and tan. Even though both artworks share the color black, its easily notable that Suck My Tits gives off a more lively vibe then La lunette d approche which is more dull and boring. Yet, The Telescope is a more of look into me type of deal, thus hints its name. While the suck My Tits is a more of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Media In Politics Analysis The media s role in politics should be to tell the people the facts about the candidates. They should also tell us about candidates views, policies, rankings in the polls, and not give their own opinion of the candidates. The media set the agenda on Democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders as being a Socialist and not a real Democrat. Some media sources have believe this could hinder Sanders since he is running as a Democrat, and some sources claim he has just as much potential as Hillary Clinton. The following data was collected from new articles released between February 5th and February 8th, 2016. The topic of Sanders political status is a heated debate amongst the Democratic Party and for that reason the media has failed to stick... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The articles that were found on the topic of Sanders Democratic standing induced both facts and opinions. The media should be giving the people just the facts and letting the people make our own opinions about the candidates. This can be hard to do as a report, but it should be done in order for Americans to make their decisions without any influence from the news reporters. Knowing that Sanders is more of a Socialist than a Democrat is a big part of his campaign and should be told to the people, but the opinions of reports about his stance should not be covered on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Essay about In Support of Hybrid Cars To hybrid or not to hybrid, that is the question Hybrid electric cars are the wave of the future. At this point, the human race does not really have a choice anymore: we must act now to prevent further warming of our planet. With global warming graduating from theory to fact, and in the wake of some of the most devastating storms our civilized world has ever seen, I strode into a nearby Honda dealership to see what kind of advancements are being made in the Hybrid electric vehiclefield. Keeping in mind what a typical college student might be looking for in a car: pleasing aesthetics, affordability and low maintenance cost, I present you my findings on the Honda Civic LX, compared with the Honda Civic Hybridmodel. When the salesman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After a 20 mile free ride I returned to the dealership and noticed the arrow on the fuel gauge was still up over the F. Honda published a 30/40 city/highway estimated MPG for the Civic, easily eclipsing the Environmental Protection Agency s recommendation for small sedans. As I arose from my seat of the car eagerly waiting to sign anything that Noel, my friendly sales associate, could put in front of me to get me behind the wheel of the superb Civic, I remembered why I was here and asked to test a hybrid Civic. My preconceived notion of hybrid cars is the disdainful appearance of the underachieving Honda Insight, the 1/3 of Honda s hybrid fleet that is considered by many to be the ugliest car on the road. With this in mind I allowed Noel to lead me towards the green sales area, as he called it. He showed me a hybrid Civic identical to the one I was just finished driving, other than the HYBRID name plate on the back and funky Insight ish wheel covers. The same futuristic curves on the hood and mirrors, the same trendy box shaped trunk, and the same grill that almost looks like its smiling at you. Even the turning radius, 34.8 feet, is the same. The main difference is the sticker price which was about $3,000 more. Noel explains a few things about the hybrid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Case Study Of Accor Accor Accor is a French hotel group which is present in 92 countries with more than 3,600 hotels and 470,000 rooms. Accor is the world s leading hotel operator and market leader in Europe. With more than 170,000 employees in Accor brand hotels worldwide, the Group offers to its clients and partners nearly 45 years of know how and expertise. Reinventing hotels sustainably is Accor s stated goal with its new PLANET 21 program. The new PLANET 21 strategy includes a program for informing customers and encouraging them to contribute to the hotels actions and achievements. From booking to room stay and restaurant service, customers will discover a rich and diverse array of educational messages encouraging them to contribute actively to the hotel s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Generous and elegantly decorated apartments offer guests privacy and headspace as well as kitchen facilities and a dining area, allowing for tailor made self sufficiency. Sebel hotels are located in New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New Zealand. Novotel Novotel is an International midscale brand for business and leisure travellers. There are 414 Novotel hotels worldwide. They are are located in Europe, Asia, North America, Middle East and Africa. The Novotel promotes its fundamental values of innovation, good design, simplicity and efficiency so that today s travellers feel naturally good. Novotel hotels have spacious modular rooms suited for work and relaxation, balanced cuisine available 24 hours a day, meeting rooms, attentive staff, and areas especially for children, relaxation areas and a strong commitment to sustainable development. Suite Novotel Suite Novotel offers a new way of hotel living, with Suites designed for people s perfect well being. The 30 square metre Suite is an adjustable living area. Suite Novotel s property portfolio is expanding. At present the brand has 30 locations in 9 countries: France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Luxemburg, Spain, Morocco, Dubai and Saudi ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Reducing Credit Card Debt For those who have massive credit card debts under their belts and would like to see that amount dwindle away to nothing, there are quite a number of ways to reduce credit card debts. Well there are two most important things of course such as you having both the commitment and willingness to see that the problem gets solved. This also helps reducing credit carddebtso much easier in the process. A lot of people have been buried by mountains of debts and are looking for quick ways to reduce it and be done with financial problems forever. Especially since the amount you pay every month doesn t seem to make any difference whatsoever in the total amount that is due. No thanks to surcharges and late fees. Now the first thing to know in order ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This works to reduce your credit card debts in short lengths of time. You can go on and use the equity from refinancing your home to pay off the credit card debt. * Make sure though, that before refinancing your home, everything to be done and the processes that you have to take is understood and that you will not under any circumstances; use your credit card to pay off the financing on your house. Seriously, that would be going around in circles, debt wise. As is true with any other techniques or ideas to reducing credit card debt, you will encounter negative and positive feedback and factors when it comes down to paying more and that includes things like home refinancing. And if all else fails, you can always go out and apply for a personal loan to get all your debts paid instead of getting another credit card that offers a lower rate; And then using that new credit line to pay off the previous debt on the first credit card. What was that I said about going in circles? Nevertheless, reducing credit debt takes more research and thinking than you would care to admit. You have to take extra care in considering every situation so as to make the best choice. If you would want, a credit counselor would be happy to help you out and offer sound ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Effects Of Nature On The Hospital Setting The use of nature in the hospital setting has been used to reduce stress and provide a getaway not only for the patient but for visitors and hospital staff as well. A review article by Ulrich, Quan, Zimring, Joseph, and Choudhary (2004) summarized the role of physical environment which included nature. Nature is emphasized in providing a distraction for the patient from their illness and the hospitalsetting. (Ulrich et al., 2004) Simply using pictures of nature has been found to reduce anxiety and reduce the dosage of pain medications of patients in the ICU. (Ulrich, 2004) The presence of nature through a bedside window was found to be just as beneficial in improving the patients recovery and well being. (Ulrich 2004) The presence of nature dramatically reduced the agitation of Alzheimer s patients when bathing with recorded nature sounds. (Ulrich, 2004) Hospital gardenscan be a direct source of nature in proximity for patients that are easily accessible. Scenic art can be soothing in comparison to a white wall. The descriptive colors can stimulate the mind and provide a focal point away from medical devices. All these examples support the claim that nature does remedy the stress patients feel in the hospital setting. It allows patients to relax and have a sense of calm when confronting the daunting idea of fighting for their lives against a sickness. Nature provides an escape that is outside the white walls of the hospital. Patients can forget for a moment that they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Avid Life Media Ethical Issues Essay In the last few years, the number of cyber attacks happening in the world today has increased significantly and it is something that is not going to go away any time soon. In the most recent case that has happened, a group called the Impact Team has claimed to have complete access to Avid Life Media s database for the website Ashley Madison. Throughout this entire case there are very few things that are ethical and legal. Besides, Avid Life Media pursuing the hackers for stealing private data, the only other action that I believe falls into this category are users pursuing legal action against Ashley Madison now for not fully deleting their data. If Ashley Madison had actually deleted most of their user s data and only kept the metadata,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first one being, the entire business of having a website for people to have affairs on. Although it is legal to cheat in a relationship, it is morally wrong, marry or not to have an affair because it says immoral things about your emotional traits and affects your family and social circle. The last portion of this story that is not surprising is the website is mostly made up of men, so there are many fake women profiles. Thus many men are not finding a real person to have an affair with. However, it is legal for Ashley Madison to this because they are bending the truth and have a disclaimer in the terms of service to protect them from legal action. They don t guarantee you will find a date and you acknowledge and agree that some of the profiles posted on the site may fictitious. The reason why I put this topic in this category, is if you re going to promote having affair, why isn t the company all in on it. It seems like they are just exploiting people in bad relationships and feeding off their emotions. In contrast, an issue that is ethical but, not legal is Impact Team hacking Ashley Madison, and the reason why is there is proof from these hacks of Avid Life Media not deleting data that was supposed to be erased. So, going after a website that does mischievous acts and has a motto that promotes unethical ideas is ethical, but not legal in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Analysis Of Mark Becker s The Night Killing the victims just doesn t seem right, said the man on the screen, his voice full of a deep sadness. That s what you signed up for, Chloe exclaimed, frustration evident, We are assassins. That s what we do. Archer sighed. You re right, of course Shadow. Alright. Your next mission is a man named Mark Becker. One of our bigger clients needs this done as soon as possible. All the information you need should be in the briefing file. Good luck Red Shadow. The hologram closed and Chloe turned, smiled, and confidently walked out of the room. Cut, the director said, smooth voice washing over Chloe. Chloe swelled with satisfaction. She was a brilliant actress and this new movie would only improve her talents. Before that could happen, however, she needed to relax and get away from the adventure of her new life. Chloe teleported back to her closet and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a red T shirt. She still had four hours left before diner and so she decided to go to the library and read. Even though she had been to the library before, it still took her breath away. Picking a book at random, she settled down into one of the plush chairs before the fire and started to read a classic fairy tale. Girl meets prince, girl is swept off of feet, they get married, so on. Same old story, but somehow fresh in this version. Chloe decided to have pizza and hot chocolate delivered to the library and she carefully ate, taking extra precautions to not drop grease onto ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Descriptive Essay On Monument Valley Discovery A trip to visit Monument Valley took me through the mystifying canyons and desert flats of Utah consecrated by the indigenous Navajo people for their natural beauty. I did not realize that my journey on a winding road through the sovereign Navajo Nation would have such a profound effect on me when I first arrived at Monument ValleyNavajo Tribal Park. Amidst the towering auburn stones and fine sands, the Valley began to perform a ballad of whispering winds and endless sky. This performance detailed the relationship between man and nature in Monument Valley and even the largest lens cannot capture the landscape. I began to interpret Monument Valley (see appendix A) and its importance to me as an example of true nature that I encountered early in my childhood in movies. It was naive to believe that my childhood recollections of grayscale Western films did it justice, so I set out on a journey to discover the landscape in person. While my original memories will endure, the enchanting effects of the Valley of the Rocks on my soul is only relivable amidst the great stones of the Colorado Plateau. Revered across the world for its unique physical features, the Colorado Plateau (see appendix B) has become synonymous with natural wonder. I took up the task of visiting the expansive area in August of 2017 to as an odyssey of discovery, and immediately noticed the uniqueness of the landscape. Upon arrival, it became clear that the Navajo cared for their natural spaces in a meticulous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...