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How To Write A Movie Analysis
Essay (Sample Wi
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How To Write A Movie Analysis Essay (Sample Wi How To Write A Movie Analysis Essay (Sample Wi
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Landscaping
{Residential Landscaping, Landscaping.|The Benefits of All season Residential Landscape
Maintenance.|The Advantages of Practicing All season Residential Landscape Maintenance.}
{Landscaping alludes to the exercises that will change the obvious highlights of the land prompting an
enhanced environment.|The change of a land following different modification of the highlights on it is
the thing that arranging is all about.|Landscaping can be portrayed as the exercises did on a real estate
parcel to build its appearance.} {These highlights may incorporate the trees, gardens, leveled arrive
among others.|The cases of the highlights dealt with are simply the trees and the land itself.|The arrive
itself and the trees are critical highlights that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
k for them from the best landscapers.|Hiring the best landscapers is the main method for getting the
best finishing results.} {Landscaping a house is a certain something yet keeping up the landscape is
another.|It is imperative to keep up the landscape after an effective landscaping.|A the property holder
is encouraged to keep up their landscaped compound.} {Homes ought to dependably be taking care of
business always.|Homes should look great always.|The houses ought to dependably be kept up in their
best form.} {This is the reason each property holder needs an all prepared landscape maintenance.|It
is, like this, essential to rehearse the all prepared residential landscape maintenance.|Hence the
requirement for an all season residential landscape maintenance.} {This is profoundly prompted
following the different advantages related with all prepared residential landscape maintenance.|This
the movement has a few points of interest that accompany it.|There are various advantages related to
the all season residential landscape maintenance.} {One of these advantages is that all season
residential landscape support keeps away the weeds.|Among these few focal points is that the weeds
are kept at bay.|This hone is fit for keeping the weeds out of the area.} {The weeds can t develop in an
exacerbate that is continually landscaped.|The weeds are frequently disposed of even before
sprouting.|Landscaping all the time keeps the weeds at bay.} {Unlike the regular residential arranging
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Role of Communication Employee Involvement in the...
1.1. Introduction
Change, in general, indicates any act of making something different. The factors that necessitate
change in organizations are broadly categorized into people, technology, information processing and
communication, and competition. Some changes in the organization occur suddenly without the
conscious efforts of the people. These are called unplanned changes. On the other hand, some changes
are initiated by the management to accomplish certain goals and objectives. These are called planned
changes. More often, change is met with resistance.
The resistance can be implicit (or covert) or explicit (or overt). Resistance to change can be classified
into individual resistance and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the mid 2007 the Management decided to merge the companies of the Commercial Cluster which
comprised of 5 Companies. The main intention was to increase the performance with synergized effort
as well as to give stronger competition in the industry as the Sri Lankan shipping industry was
The company restructuring created an uncertainty in the minds of everyone where everyone was
clueless what really was happening. With a lot of resistance and heaps and bounds the restructuring of
the Commercial Cluster took place in the beginning of 2008. This study is about the change procedure
took place at ABC, how the management implemented it and how did he staff respond to it.
(Refer Annexure for the Figure 1 and Table 1 for the Organizational Structure before the Restructuring
and Figure 2 and Table 2 for the Organizational Structure after the Restructuring.)
Further information about the Organization could not be provided since this is a factual incident and
hence the Company name is withheld.
1.3. Research Problem
The Objective of the restructuring was to enhance the productivity of the Commercial Cluster with the
assumption that it could be achieved through the team cohesiveness, where each of the Companies had
positive attributes which could be used to pooled together to achieve better results.
For example, each of the Companies had their own customers. If one approached
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Accounting Competency Exam Sample Exam
The accounting process does not include: a. b. c. interpreting reporting purchasing d. observing e.
The financial statement or statements that pertain to a stated period of time is (are) the: a. b. c. d. e.
balance sheet balance sheet and journals balance sheet and income statement income statement none
of the above
External users of financial accounting information include: a. b. c. lenders prospective owners
customers d. e. labor unions all of the above
Expenses can be found in the: a. b. c. statement of owner s equity income statement balance sheet d. e.
both b and c all of the above
This account does not appear on the income statement: a. b. c. accumulated ... Show more content on
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The following includes the accounts of the Perry Company on December 31. What is the total trial
balance? Accounts Receivable Cash Equipment Salaries Expense Revenue Earned Rent Expense a. b.
c. $11,900 $12,000 $9,100 $1,000 4,500 4,000 1,600 2,800 200 Supplies Expense Drawing Account
Advertising Expense Accounts Payable Capital Account 250 300 50 3,050 6,050
d. e.
$11,600 none of the above
Which of the following transactions require a compound journal entry? a. b. c. d. e. An owner invests
personal cash on his/her business Purchase of $ 100 of supplies; some cash and the rest on account
Purchase three kinds of supplies for cash Received cash from customers as payment for services none
of the above
Cross indexing: a. b. c. d. e. shows the analysis of each transaction. ties the journal and ledger
together. supplies an explanation of each transaction removes complicated explanations from the
accounts. c and d
A truck was purchased on July 1 for $20,000. The estimated salvage value is $2,000. The estimated
useful life is 3 years. Using straight line method of depreciation, the amount of depreciation in the
adjusting entry at fiscal year end on December 31 is: a. b. c. d. Depreciation Expense Truck
Accumulated Depreciation Truck Accumulated Depreciation Truck Depreciation Expense Truck
Depreciation Expense Truck Accumulated Depreciation Truck Depreciation Expense Truck
Accumulated Depreciation Truck $555.56 $555.56 $1,500 $1,500 $500 $500 $3,000
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Scripture In Kinder s Essay
This psalm begins by promising blessings to all those who choose to keep God s law; while the
ungodly, who reject it, will ultimately perish. As Kinder (1973) concludes, But the Day will disclose
the man of straw as surely as the works of straw (p. 65).
The company a man keeps testifies of his character. People of the same sort or with the same tastes
and interests will be found together. As the old proverb states, birds of a feather flock together . The
psalmist tells us that those who delight in the law of the Lord (Ps. 1:2), will not be found taking advice
from or keeping company with the ungodly. As the New Testament Scripture instructs, Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness ... Show more
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So many chapters in the writings of Moses are given to presenting the precise and tedious laws of
God, but not one of those are as long as the one the psalmist penned praising those same laws. This
author seems to have been in love with the law of God and well acquainted with the benefits of
obeying it. As some have speculated that being written as an acrostic poem, with each letter of the
Hebrew alphabet being represented by beginning one of the 22 stanzas, could it not be concluded as
being symbolic of complete devotion to the Law of God?
As I have told my Sunday school classes through the years, the Bible is God s heart on paper. You
cannot know or please him without knowing and obeying his
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Developmental Disabilities And The Most Common Motor...
It s always exciting to see a baby blowing you a kiss and giving you a wave bye bye. Actions like
these make our hearts melt. These actions are known as developmental milestones, which are achieved
in the way children play, learn, speak, behave, and move. All children develop at their own pace; one
might learn to walk before they re a year old and another might learn to walk when they re a little
older. As exciting as it is to see a baby walk for the first time, it doesn t always happen. It isn t rare for
a child to have a developmental disorder. Developmental disorders are not commonly spoken about,
however one in six children have one or more developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy being the
second most common (Facts About Developmental Disabilities) and the most common motor
disability in childhood (CITATION). The truth of the matter is, everyone is most likely going to
encounter someone who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, or might even have a child with this
developmental disorder and it s important to be aware and informed on the most effective ways to help
treat it. The first step in becoming informed is knowing what exactly a developmental disorder is.
Developmental disorders are a group of conditions due to an impairment in physical, learning,
language, or behavior areas. These conditions typically begin during the developmental period and last
throughout a person s entire life. Cerebral palsy, the second most common developmental disorder,
describes a
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Summary Of Putnam s Bowling Alone
When reading Putnam s ideas in Bowling alone, social capital is best defined as a theory that means
social networks have value. Putnam has made it clear that six times in the 20th century social capital
was independently invented, all which called attention to the way that people where living, and how
their social ties were productive. This can be closely related to Tonnies idea of gemeinschaft because
this was all tied to the community and they morals of it. Toennies referred to gemeinschaft as the roots
in the rural, kinship based life of the past, which goes along with Putnam s book which is referring to
the baby boomers. Who coming from a time where everyone new everyone, and the kin or extended
family such as aunt s uncle s cousins,
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Acts Of Deviance From Members Of Our Society
Over the course of four days, I ve observed numerous acts of deviance from members of our society.
The ones that stood out to me the most were as follows...
April 1, 2016 In the Tanger Outlets, I observed a woman deliberately skip a line of at least 10 people.
This caused negative spontaneous reactions from everyone in line. As I was waiting in line to pay for
my shirt, a woman walked right ahead of everyone who was already in line and then went to the next
available cashier. Immediately, the first man who had been waiting called after the woman. The
woman, however, just told the guy that she was in a rush. Soon, everyone else who was waiting in line
expressed their own angry by participating in insulting the woman who skipped them. I ... Show more
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I felt sympathy for the man as well as some other people in line, but also suspicion on what the man s
story was. I felt compelled to know why this man was dressed in this way, but also fearful of getting
too close. Some other people in line looked at the man in disgust, yet no one volunteered to buy the
guy a cupcake. The labeling theory helps to explain why the behavior of the man who appeared
homeless is considered negatively deviant to some people, groups, and cultures but may be positively
deviant to others.
April 3, 2016 When I was at the grocery store, a few other customers and I saw a middle aged woman
put the milk in the cereal aisle. This small act of deviance created an unhappy feeling among everyone
who observed. I believe this because the family who saw the woman do this began murmuring about
what the lady just did. An elderly woman sighed when she saw this as if in complete disgust at what
the woman just did. Personally, i was in agreement with these head shakes and sighs. I also believed it
was ridiculous that the woman didn t have the decency to put the milk back in the freezers so that it
wouldn t go bad. Her action received negative reactions as she broke a informal sanction found in
grocery stores around the globe. This informal sanction was simply that, as members of society, we
should put things back where we found them. She also broke a formal sanction made by the owner of
the grocery store
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Paradigms Of The Jewish Culture
Paradigms in Jewish Culture
Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world. Jewish religious movements, sometimes referred to
as denominations, can be looked at in terms of paradigm shifts in the Jewish Culture. Jewish
denominations include different groups of Jews that have developed since the ancient times. In the
United States, these denominations took the form of three large groups known as Orthodox,
Conservative, and Reform. While each denomination keeps to certain core beliefs, there is diversity
within the faith as a whole.
Orthodox Judaism. Historically, there is no such thing as Orthodoxy (Kress, 2014). This term is used
primarily in North America. The specific term Orthodox Judaism has a recent origin and is used
specifically to differentiate the followers of more traditionally practicing Jews from the more Liberal
Jewish movements (Kress, 2014). The so called ultra Orthodox may be the most recognizable Jews
due to their distinctive garb (Wertheimer, 2014). Many of the people from this denomination live in
densely populated enclaves, speaking Yiddish among themselves, and consciously reject much of the
Western culture. They arrange their family lives, daily routines, finances, and politics in a manner
entirely different from other Jewish denominations (Wertheimer, 2014). The largest following of the
ultra Orthodox consist of Hasidism. Orthodox Judaism believes that both the Written and Oral Torah
are of divine origin, thereby representing the
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Rebellion in Persepolis
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi is an autobiography graphic novel. The book
is about a young girl named Marjane Satrapi growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In the
book, many stories and struggles are presented, such as the Islamic revolution, issues with school, the
war between Iran and Iraq, and Satrapi s struggle with growing up. The strongest theme from all of
these situations in the novel is rebellion. Rebellion is constantly seen, in many different shapes and
forms, all throughout this book.
In the beginning of the book (page 3) it became obligatory to wear the veil at school. The panel at the
bottom of the page shows the children rebelling against the veil by using not wearing the veil properly.
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The Innovator s Dilemma By Clayton Christensen
Companies stumble for many reasons: arrogance, poor planning, inadequate skills and resources, and
bad luck. The Innovator s Dilemma describes how companies can stumble if they are not prepared to
confront certain types of market disruptions. The author, Clayton Christensen, illustrates this message
by using insights from the hard disk drive industry and explaining nine specific failures of strong
companies. Companies known for innovations and execution that most managers have admired and
strive to emulate. Specifically, Christensen discusses how the logical, experienced decisions of
management that are critical to the success of their companies are also the reasons why they lose their
position of leadership. (Christensen, 1997.) Christensen s message is quite prevalent in almost all
industries. In fact, I work within the restaurant industry and we are currently facing an upcoming
disruptive innovation called the fast casual segment. The fast casual segment is positioned somewhere
between fast food restaurants and casual dining restaurants. Technically, being the hybrid of the two
concepts, providing counter service and offering more customized, freshly prepared food. The fast
casual segment has already disrupted the fast food industry. At the same time, consumer demand for
healthier, real food and increased convenience are further driving a need for disruption in the
restaurant industry. To keep pace, my employer is testing elements of the fast casual model, like
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Flaws Of Human Nature Lead To Tragedy Character Analysis
Flaws of human nature do lead to tragedy because of things happens in the past that people and
they make fun of the person and the thinking that they re better than that person even if they are
Not.victor hugo is the author who thinks of the failure can cause consequences. .Most people from the
crucible mainly abigail have influence
people and think who is left to blame.Abigail is the one that can make things uncomfortable that
gives the judges a hard time to find guilty.I do believe flaws of human nature do lead to tragedy
that in real life it happens all the time even though things went smoothly can lead to tragedy
same thing as the crucible when they all kept secrets from each other they lead to tragedy.
They re ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Character of the book do happen which includes Abigail and John proctor because when comes
to jealousy and selfishness they re the ones that are good examples.Abigail is a person that isn t
well trusted and respected in fact she wishes she was with John proctor.I have sense for
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The Hidden Treasure Of History
There was a time where I thought my small hometown of Portage, Pa was nothing more than a few
streets that consisted of churches, small town businesses, and homes that housed only about 2,500
people. After many hours of research I have come to find that this small town is actually a hidden
treasure of history that is far too fascinating to express. Although the town of Portage, Pa is only 125
years old, it is full of rich history that has shaped the Portage we all know today. Portage would not be
the town it is today without the economic successes it had with the coal industry and more importantly
the rule it played in the Allegheny Portage railroad. The geography of our town couldn t have been
more perfect to house the railroad with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After a few adjustments to plans the building of the railroad began. The railroad was be completed by
1834 and it would be named the Allegheny Portage Railroad; the word portage is from the French
word porter meaning to carry and Noah Webster defines Portage as carrying something overland from
one body of water to another (Portage Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.3 4). The Allegheny
Portage railroad would later be added onto the great Pennsylvania railroad that would serve
throughout the whole state. So, first came the railroad and then because of the railroad, the growth of
this new town began.
Because of the railroad being built on this land that was all dense woodland and the steam engines in
this area ran only on wood, the lumbering industry began. Sawmills were build all around the land that
is now today Portage. Then with the new founding of coal, coal mines were also being built. This had
a great economic impact on this land and in the 1860 s and 1870 s settlers began to flood into this
area; most of these settlers were English and German speaking people (Portage Centennial Book
Committee, 1990, p.7 8). During this time there was a town called old Portage and a town next to it
called New Portage. In 1878 the old Portage would be changed to Portage Township and on October
7, 1890 new Portage
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Personal Statement On Health Improvement Plan
For the very first time in my life, I had executed a series of behavior changes in order to lose fifteen
pounds by this semester. I am pleased and more than grateful to see that my customized plan is
successful, and took effect in different aspects of my well being. I am not what happened to me, I am
what I choose to become , I believe this quote by Carl Jung encapsulated why my health improvement
plan would work determination incorporated into a personalized plan. Hereinafter, I would like to
discuss in details what and why had my behavior changes improved both my short term and long term
I followed the Copenhagen diet a thirteen day diet to lose weight and improve metabolism. I started
this diet on the start of semester, giving myself a week time to bid farewell to my ravenous appetite,
before disciplining myself to go through the diet. It was extremely difficult for the first few days, I
was constantly hungry and was craving for snacks between meals. I wasn t able to strictly follow what
is written on the menu, and I irresistibly ate between meals for several days when I was famished.
Fortunately, I had been able to resist the temptations of junk foods foods containing excessive calories,
fat, sugar and salt. I only ate fruits or muesli when I was feeling hungry. These acts of violation
subsided completely on the fourth day, and I started to get use to a reduced daily calorie intake.
Throughout this thirteen days, I generally had a steady loss of one pound
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James Polk And Manifest Destiny
Around the mid 1800s, the United States was focused on the idea of expansion . This idea was
influenced by Manifest Destiny a term that the U.S. not only could, but was destined to, stretch from
coast to coast and its economic nature, which was the increased development and advancement of
industry in the United States. As the U.S. began to grow more powerful and internally sound, they
were able to add more land and, subsequently, states, into the Union. The vast majority of this
expansion occurred during the presidency of James Polk as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo, which ceased the Mexican American war. The conception of this war was the brainchild of
Polk and was what resulted from his presidential ideologies. President James Polk was responsible for
the start of the Mexican American war to a great extent due to his expansionist ideologies and
succeeding actions, aspiration to annex the regions of California and Texas, and contributions of
troops along the Rio Grande River in 1846. To begin with, during the election of 1844, James Polk
was considered to be a long shot and a definite underdog. However, Polk gained the support of many
Americans through his clear desire to defend the territories of the United States and to further expand
them. This ideology became prevalent through his campaign slogan, 54 40 or fight , referring to the
territory that, at the time, was disputed between the United States and Great Britain, when is modern
day Canada and the
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The Most Famous Astronaut Commander Of Apollo 13
James Arthur also known as Jim Lovell, Jr was born in March 25, 1928 in Cleveland Ohio. During in
his lifetime career he launched four different missions into space. First mission was Gemini 7, the
second mission was Gemini 12, the third mission was Apollo 8, and the last mission he took was
Apollo 13. Jim lovell was in command of his third mission which was Apollo 8, one of the first to
enter the lunar orbit. He was selected as an astronaut by NASA in September 1962 in the mission of
Apollo 13 he became the first man to journey twice to the moon. Jim Lovell was ranked as captain in
the United States Navy he was the main leader in the mission apollo 13. He was one of the most
famous astronaut commander of Apollo 13. April 11, 1970 Apollo 13 was created and one of the well
sertified mission for the U.S. Around the time of the mission being held, Jim lovell was ranked as
captain of Apollo 13. Jim was not alone for his mission Apollo 13, he was accompanied by astronauts,
Fred Haise and Jack Swigert. On april 11, 1970 apollo 13 was launched. It was launched from the
Kennedy space center in Florida. During the 1950 s and 60 s the US was involved in the cold war a
cultural conflict between the Soviet union and other communists nations. In October 1957 Soviet
union launched Sputnik 1 first artificial satellite to orbit the earth. Meaning that marked the beginning
of a space race meaning an informal competition between the superpowers to see
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The Importance Of Outdoor Recreation On The Environment
INTRODUCTION There is no doubt that planet Earth is ever changing. The emergence of new
species, extinction of extant species, rise and fall of climate, and much more are completely natural
occurrences; however, there is one terrifying force that changes the world much faster than most of its
inhabitants can handle: humans. Ever since humans began to populate the Earth, we have been
exploiting natural resources and depleting populations, thus harming countless communities and
ecosystems. As our population continues to increase, we destroy more and more natural habitats,
negatively impacting biological diversity by decreasing the abundance of individuals per species
(Hunter 2007). Many studies in the past have looked into how overexploitation of resources, habitat
loss due to development, and the release of fossil fuels from production result in the decline of
biodiversity (Goulletquer et al. 2014), but one form of human disturbance is often overlooked:
recreation. The increasing popularity of outdoor recreation can affect wildlife in numerous ways,
usually resulting in the avoidance of disturbed habitat (Coppes et al. 2017).
Many studies have been done observing the impact of human disturbance on flagship species in
popular recreational destinations such as forests and oceans. For instance, one study done in the
Southern Black Forest revealed that red deer avoided areas near hiking trails, preferred to live in
dense, undisturbed areas in the forest, and were more active
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Elizabeth Cady Stanton s Declaration Of Sentiments And...
A Call to Women, a Call to All Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought tirelessly against inequality between
men and women, an issue that still plagues this nation. From her first address to her last, Elizabeth was
the voice of the women s rights movement. She lectured across the nation and publically debated the
unjust laws of her day ( Elizabeth Cady Stanton... ). Two of her more prominent and potent speeches
were Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions and Solitude of Self . These speeches served as her
introduction and adieu as an overt promoter of women s rights ( The Women s Rights... ) (Hogan).
Though Stanton gave both her Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions and Solitude of Self in
support of women s rights, due to the differing audiences addressed, the speeches vary in structure,
overall message, appeal, and use of rhetorical devices.
Stanton orates A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions on July 19, 1848, at the Seneca Falls
convention, to a crowd consisting of mostly females. This marks the first gathering devoted to the
women s rights movement ( The Women s Rights... ). Stanton models her speech after the Declaration
of Independence (Appleby 74 77). She reflects the structure by beginning with a preamble followed
by a declaration of natural rights. She then lists man s grievances against women in the same fashion
that the nation s forefathers listed the king s mistreatments against the colonies. She concludes with
their, the women s rights movement s,
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King Lear Reversal
All the above reversals or incongruities are to be present, in a lesser or more degree, in King Lear. To
begin with, the reversal of hierarchies strikes us first and foremost in the very opening of the play:
here one is met with an earlier sign of authority being loosened, when the king decides to divide his
own kingdom:
Meantime , we shall express our darker purpose― Give me the map there. Know that we have divided
In three our kingdom; and tis our fast intent To take all cares and business from our age, Conforring
them on younger strengths, while me Unburden d crawl toward death. (I. i. 35−40)
The reversal of roles starts right from this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And this is, in keeping with the poetics of grotesque realism, taken to be degradation conceived here
in terms of the Bakhtinian conception of the movement of the cosmic carnivaleque cartwheel. Hence,
Lear desires to divide his kingdom so that he Unburdened crawl[s] toward death (I. i. 40), which is so
central to Ronald Knowles s notion of the carnivalesque degradation as this implies going down to
earth, the grave, the womb.12 But Lear s degradation or crawling back again to the womb does not
necessarily mean that he is giving up the masculine monarch he is. Much to the contrary, degradation
here means for him digging a bodily grave for a new birth. 13 His wish to be mothered by the three of
his daughters is clearly shown in his selfish need to enjoy the parade of love he expects his daughters
to perform. Again Knight has this to say about this
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Star Spangled Banner Research Paper
The star spangled banner has been performed over the years by many artists. There have been few that
have really stuck out and remained in our memory. It was created during a time of revolution and the
beginning of a nation. There is no time to be more patriotic than when you are fighting for your
country. The song represents the freedom that americans have fought and died to defend. There is not
a place on earth with so much freedom and equal rights as in America. When veterans hear the star
spangled banner it brings them pride because they fought for our freedom. The national anthem makes
every american feel a sort of pride for their country. Jimi Hendrix performed the national anthem
during the Woodstock festival in 1969. He performed
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Blackfeet For Owl Child s Raid In Fools Crow
The cultural collision of the Blackfeet tribes, and white culture forced the Blackfeet to utilize two
alternatives for the survival and preservation of their tribe and culture. For many Blackfeet, Owl Child
s approach was very appealing, and he advocated war, retaliation, and resistance towards the
overwhelming Napikwan menace. Moreover, Owl Child s approach was mainly focused on raiding
and retaliation against whites for the iniquities committed against the Blackfeet. According to Fools
Crow, Only Owl Child had power and courage. He took what he wanted; he deified the Napikwans
and killed them. He laughed at their seizers and chiefs when they threatened revenge. And he laughed
at his own people for their weak hearts. (FC, 71) This approach was impetuous, ... Show more content
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According to General Sully in Fools Crow, But this is a serious manner. Your people claim they want
peace but they prove otherwise. My people are sick and tired of this constant raiding, this constant
murder of innocent citizens. When I deliver the results of this meeting, I m afraid they will be very
disappointed. Indeed, many will wish to settle the score in a less than peaceful manner. (FC, 283) The
federal government put a great deal of pressure upon the Blackfeet for Owl Child s raid even though
the majority of them did not commit his crimes. Furthermore, every band of the Blackfeet was
indicted by the not only the government, but the white American public as well. Moreover, the other
Blackfeet bands were weakened by small pox, and they did not possess the strength to stop Owl Child
s raids. As a result of the raids, the other Blackfeet bands suffered retaliation and massacre due to the
negligence of Owl Child. Fools Crow s approach was a more pragmatic and cautious alternative that
focused mainly upon the survival of the Blackfeet tribes as well as their cultural traditions. According
to Fools Crow, To kill
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Non State Networks That Emerge During War
Non state networks that emerge during war are largely informed by the country s peacetime dynamics,
adjusting to opportunities and challenges in a less secure environment. Are they inherently predatory,
undermining the state and stripping its assets or can they be foundations from which a strong civil
society can be built upon as, ostensibly, relative stability returns? Different actors in a conflict have
different tools at their disposal and thus divergent mechanisms for harnessing power. Picard (2000)
categorises four organizational networks that emerged during Lebanon s fifteen year civil war:
ideological and welfare based entities; loosely controlled armed groups; autonomous principalities;
and corporatist structures. It goes without saying that these categories are not rigid and can exhibit
overlapping characteristics. Their separation however serves a useful analytical purpose and reveals
the diversity in the means devised, to both maintain local legitimacy and maintain a steady revenue
stream, devised by those who take part in war making.
Loosely Controlled Armed Groups
The Lebanese Shi ite militia, Amal was composed of a variety of local self defence groups controlling
small territories such as villages or individual streets in the southern suburbs of Beirut as well as in
southern Lebanon during the country s civil war. The movement was established by Iranian born cleric
Musa al Sadr to mobilize the largely marginalized Shi ite population, developing an armed
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Big Fish Analysis
Most of the fantasy stories or movies have events in which people transform into creatures or objects
which is known as a metamorphosis, but in magical realism people treat this as normal. For example,
in the movie Big Fish, by Daniel Wallace, the narrator Edward Bloom tells his son s wife a story about
him working at a circus to try and find out more about the love of his life. Edward say in the movie,
On the way to talk to Mr. Calloway I noticed Mr. Calloway s trailer was shaking and a wolf jumps out
and attacks me, as I was on the floor I grabbed a stick and started to play with the wolf. William
continued with, In the morning Mr. Calloway comes out of the woods with the stick I threw in his
mouth. The clowns treated the werewolf as if it were normal and did not pay much attention to Mr.
Calloway s trailer because it happened every full moon. As ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In The story A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings written by Gabriel G. Márquez explains that a
man fell from the sky on the day that crabs were everywhere and caused Pelayo and Elisenda s child
to get sick. As pelayo went outside, he saw a man with enormous wings inside his chicken coop,
instead of being surprised Pelayo called the neighbor women who knew everything about life and
death and said, he was a fugitive survivor of a celestial conspiracy. The people within the village
treated him as if he lived there for a while but treat him poorly and like a caged animal. While in the
story The Night Face Up by Julio Cortazar, speaks about two worlds with a similar character one from
the Aztec period and one from a modern period. The Monteca in the Aztec world hides in a bush and
starts to dream about the future to calm him down and think he is safe. While he is in his dream the
things that happen within the dream something similar happens in the real Aztec world due to the
magic that is occurring throughout the
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Central Valley Case Study
California s Central Valley produces approximately 8% of the nation s agricultural products. Four out
of the five counties with the highest agricultural sales are located in this region. Fresno County takes
the first place with 3.7 billion in annual sales.
This region encompasses approximately 14% of the state of California. The Central Valley is about
450 miles long and 60 miles wide. For many years farmers have used their naked eye, while driving or
walking through the fields, to scout out their lands before planting their crops. But nowadays with the
incredible technology readily available to many, farmers are choosing to scope in a different way.
Currently, farmers have access to several high tech tools to complete their scoping process.
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Tolly Monster Research Paper
Just last year, some researchers stated that the extinct aquatic animal, the Tully Monster was a
vertebrate, possibly a relative of today s lampreys. Like a mismatched puzzle, the Tully monster lacks
some vertebrate pieces and has others that are the wrong shape, researchers and colleagues report in
the March issue of Palaeontology. (Palaeontology includes the study of fossils to determine organisms
evolution and interactions with each other and their environment, their paleoecology). Tullimonstrum
gregarium didn t get its monstrous name because of its size, it only measures to be near about a foot
long, the oddball creature, which lived about 300 million years ago, sported wide set eyes like a
hammerhead shark and a pincer like
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Flaws Of The Islamic Religion
Flaws In The Islamic Religion By Kyle Lindsey
Apologetics, Mr. Sweis
July 2015
Part 1: Thesis In 1900, the world was made up of 12.3 % Muslims. In 2010, The number rose to
22.5% making Islam the fastest growing religion in the entire world, exceeding even the growth rate
of Christianity. The American Muslim Council has estimated that there are 2,000 mosques and Islamic
community centers in the United States. More than 80% percent have been built in the past 12 years.
Is it possible then that Islam, such an attractive and fast growing religion, can be completely flawed?
Yes, the religion of Islam is filled with historical, scientific, and most importantly spiritual flaws.
Answering this question is important because people are becoming more and more blind to the truth of
the Christian religion by the rapid growth of Islam. Outlining the flaws of Islam also helps to bring out
the accuracy of the Christian religion.
How is it possible that Islam, the fastest growing religion, is so full of errors? Islam is growing so
rapidly because many of its followers are unaware of the extent of its corruption, and many of its
followers are equally unaware of how many errors can be found throughout the Quran. One way to
show people the flaws in Islam is by slowly picking it apart and in so doing, the person is able to more
clearly see the errors and parts of the Quran that do not match up with facts of history and
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Ecapism In Screwball Comedy Film
Screwball comedy is one of the main six types of comedy films. It normally involves aspects of
escapism and has a female lead. Screw ball comedies where also meant as a spoof or parody of
romantic comedies and as such often have plots centered around male and female interaction.
Screwball comedy originated during the great depression, during this time period many people where
hard on their luck and that could have been one of the factors that lead to screwball comedy generally
depicting escapism. In Sullivan s travels we see escapism some during the first half of the movie with
the main character trying to make a movie about the hard times people are going thru instead of a
comedy because he does not think people really want that escape. However,
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New Home Upgrade And Design Options Essay
New Home Upgrade Design Options: How to Get What You Want Everything in life changes and
grows, including housing needs. You may not notice that your needs have changed until you are living
in close quarters, have children sharing a room, or are taking stock of your home s tired finishes. So,
are you outgrowing your current home? Do you feel cramped? Perhaps, you need more space for your
growing family, or maybe you would like a newer and more luxurious one? If you answered yes to
any of the above questions, than you may be ready to find a home with more amenities, more square
footage, and in a better location. Sometimes referred to as a move up a home upgrade and an
improvement in your lifestyle may just be the right choice for a number of reasons: You have more
income to play with and can afford a larger or more luxurious home Your growing family needs more
space Your current home s value has significantly increased and you can afford a larger home Your
current home is outdated or you want a new home with modern finishes and features Luckily, for
those who are prepared to take on the challenge, being a move up buyer in Calgary means that you can
have it all. Great schools, fantastic neighbourhoods, and a home with the latest features and finishings.
The Possibility Of A Renovation You may wonder, Why can t I just improve upon my current home?
This question is a natural reaction when faced with the challenge of moving. After all, you have many
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A Case Study on Hudson Fabricators, Inc.
I. Background Information Hudson Fabricators, Inc. is a small fabrication firm which was founded in
1976. It produces various items such as hoppers, light building steel, conveyors, supports, frames, and
platforms for a lot of major companies mostly around central Ohio, and even to different parts across
the globe. Hudson Fabricators, Inc. has around 12 to a maximum of 40 full time employees,
depending with production. The company operates in a job shop environment. Some of their clients
are: Marzetti Foods, Rockwell Internations, and Anheuser Busch. II. Summary of Finding Hudson
Fabricators, Inc. only uses materials certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME), and ASME has requirements Hudson needs to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Josh was given this job in order to help the company grow however he is still new and for the group,
he still needs more time and experience in order to fully analyze and understand day to day operations
of the business so that the implementation plan will be concrete and will slowly help bring up the
company. The first alternative for Josh is after the analysis, he must form a department that must look
up for key suppliers that would constantly provide them with the necessary materials they require in
doing and finishing their jobs. The other alternative is to change the current system in which the
company should keep an inventory of finished goods or an inventory of materials. The company may
have different sets of clients however the orders that come by in case of some defects, the company
may immediately replace and fix those which is necessary to be fixed. And keeping a stock of
materials may save them lead time from ordering and can save them money through bulk purchasing.
V. Detailed Recommendations After a complete analysis of the current system, Josh should be able to
deeply understand the operations of the company, he should have been able to determine what
constricts the company from earning more and spending less. Josh must look up for suppliers who
intend to provide them materials in a long term basis and to provide these materials on time and in
proper condition. This
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Trophios Logos
Sending him home empty handed at the end of a hard fought season won t help him learn the lesson of
losing, it will teach him early that there s no value in the attempt (Zadrozny). Prizes such as trophies
and ribbons are a controversial topic in society. Some believe that not enough are handed out to
children while others believe that too many are handed out. Trophies are a symbol of victory and
triumph, but do not forget that children just want to feel part of a team even though they are not good
enough. Putting forth an honest effort is important, and doing well is the habit on which they will be
repeatedly evaluated in life. Even though some believe trophies are not good, they give a boost of
confidence while keeping children happy and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As Dr. Seuss once said, Don t cry because it s over, smile because it happened ( Stutman ). Losing is
tough for a child at a young age, especially when the losses are simultaneous piling up. A trophy
would then be a reminder that they worked hard throughout the season with their teammates. Being
there for your teammates and those in your life, when it suits you or when Saturday morning cartoons
look like a lot more fun, is a lifelong lesson that cannot be taught to young ( Heffernan ). 57% of
American children claim that they deserve a trophy after they participate in a team sport, after all, it is
the children that are playing (Hill). It s something they can show other people; therefore, it creates
awareness of a skill or attribute, an activity that they have accomplished. By giving children trophies,
they often get the message that they are accountable and feel proud of their
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Earth s First Chaos
(ll. 116 138) Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide bosomed Earth, the ever sure
foundations of all (4) the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus, and dim Tartarus in
the depth of the wide pathed Earth, and Eros (Love), fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves
the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them. From Chaos
came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether (5) and Day, whom she conceived
and bare from union in love with Erebus. And Earth first bare starry Heaven, equal to herself, to cover
her on every side, and to be an ever sure abiding place for the blessed gods. And she brought forth
long Hills, graceful haunts of the goddess Nymphs who dwell ... Show more content on
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211 225) And Night bare hateful Doom and black Fate and Death, and she bare Sleep and the tribe of
Dreams. And again the goddess murky Night, though she lay with none, bare Blame and painful Woe,
and the Hesperides who guard the rich, golden apples and the trees bearing fruit beyond glorious
Ocean. Also she bare the Destinies and ruthless avenging Fates, Clotho and Lachesis and Atropos
(10), who give men at their birth both evil and good to have, and they pursue the transgressions of
men and of gods: and these goddesses never cease from their dread anger until they punish the sinner
with a sore penalty. Also deadly Night bare Nemesis (Indignation) to afflict mortal men, and after her,
Deceit and Friendship and hateful Age and hard hearted
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Democracy Vs Athenian Democracy
Many historian have said that the Athenian created the first society to have democracy. Democracy
was born in the middle of the fifth century B.C. in Athens. A democracy is a government by the people
or rule by the majority. Perhaps the United States took a couple of ideas from the Athenian
constitution to the States constitution. But at the same time there is a difference in both these two
powerful nations. The differences about modern America is what the Founding Fathers planed about
the size of the democracy and how the citizens can have an input in that said democracy. I argue that
there is a comparison between Athenian democracy and modern democracy because Athens was the
first society to create a democracy and constitution. At the time ... Show more content on
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Back then Athens had a direct democracy between 508 to 322 B.C. The Legislative Branch in Athens
consists of two different bodies. A council of around 500 and assembly of around 6,000 people. The
500 councillors from the Legislative Branch were selected randomly from the male populations that
were citizens. The councillors could not serve no more than two terms in Athens. For the Executive
Branch, the Athien could only serve for one term. The remainder of the government was held by the
Magistrates. The Magistrates was a host of commissioners, functionaries, and minor officials. Law
enforcement was not a service offered by the Athenian. In the Judicial Branch had only 6,000
volunteers. Public and private were the two kinds of arbitrations available. For the private, two parties
in the dispute would have selected a mutually agreeable third person or persons to have a decision in
the case. And for the public, it consisted of only all male citizens in their 60 years to have a role. For
the United States also has a Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches in our government system.
In order to pass a single Legislation, sent it to the President for his signature both from the House and
the Senate must pass by majority rule of votes The House of Representatives. The House has up to
435 elected members. The members of the House are selected and elected for every two and must be
25 years old. Also must have been a valid American citizen for at least seven years. For Executive
Branch, it is invested in the President of The United States. To be elected as President, one must be 35
years of age. The President also has Cabinet members. The Cabinet gives advisory to the President,
made up of heads of 15 executive department. In Judicial, Congress has the jurisdiction of the federal
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Textual Analysis Of A Movie
There are some films that are notorious for making people cry. 2 Think of Schindler s
List (1993), Titanic (1997) and Sophie s Choice (1982). Even kiddie flicks such as
Toy Story 3 (2010) and Up (2009) make these tear filled lists. 3 These films must elicit strong
emotional responses from their audiences but how is music used to accompany or even amplify these
sob worthy motion pictures? This essay will survey a selection of six films known for their emotional
impact and attempt to analyse what function music serves in their most devastating scenes. Aspects
such as instrumentation and tempo will be explored as well as whether the music s tone agrees with
that of the scene. Are the scores more effective if the music feels sad on its on terms? ... Show more
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Rose begins to understand Jack has died, there is very little extra diegetic sound. A gentle chiming can
be heard which gives the scene a sense of the mystical. The calls of the rescue boat become muffled
and slow: the shots of the boat are in fact in slow motion. When Rose fully understands that Jack has
been completed refrigerated, we hear the sound of a female voice, accompanied by some gentle
synths. The singer is performing a rendition of Rose and Jack s love theme, which has been developed
throughout the film. This particular version of James Horner s theme is more bare than its other
occurrences, which have been more heavily accompanied. Most of all, it is interesting that upon losing
that relationship, music plays that was supposed to be representative of the strength of that
relationship. The score, by association, is able to remind us of what has been lost the theme has
collected their formative moments as their relationship grew throughout the film. Now there s a
double edge to this because quite famously the love theme for Titanic became a hit single for pop
singer Celine
Dion. Thus the emotional score also becomes a commodity to be sold for
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You Ready For Your Solo And Last Concert
Are you ready for your solo and last concert? I half smiled at him and nodded, feeling a bit emotional,
remembering why I was doing this in the first place. I suddenly felt calm, and I was ready for
anything. He nodded his head, indicating it was time. I took a deep breath, smiled, and walked out
with my violin that I have grown so accustomed to in my hand, feeling the rush of cool air on my face.
My conductor s loud claps could be heard from behind the stage, which was followed by an eruption
of applause from the audience. Once I got to my spot I bowed and tuned the orchestra: the plain sound
of the A string ringing across the concert hall. After everyone was tuned, we all seated to wait for the
arrival of our conductor. He came out and we all stood up and clapped. While everyone sat down, I
stayed standing, walking over to the edge of the stage. I looked around my surroundings again once
more, embracing myself for the moment. The crowd had suddenly turned into blurs, blending between
the lights. I had suddently felt a little better about playing. The conductor raised his baton up, looked
and smiled at me in reassurance, raised my instrument up, and I took in a deep breath.
* * * * *
I became obsessed with my music. I would come home every day after practice and would practice
even more. I was involved with my school chamber orchestra, Strolling Strings, youth orchestra, and
eventually in the Bismarck Mandan Symphony Orchestra. I used all of these orchestra groups to
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The Theme Of Slavery In Sold By Patricia Mccormick
How is the theme of slavery developed in the novel?
Sold is a novel by Patricia McCormick published in the year 2006. The story is about Lakshmi the
protagonist who is a thirteen year old girl living in a village in Nepal with her family. Being
desperately poor and the fact that later the Himalayan monsoons destroy the family s crops she must
go take a job in the city says her stepfather. Told that she will work as a maid in the city she is taken to
India but the harsh reality is that she is sold into prostitution. Lakshmi is trapped and faces the horrors
of being in a brothel. It is a haunting story talking about sexual slavery and how a heinous act still
plagues the world.
The setting plays a major role in upbringing the meaning of the ... Show more content on
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The tone is moving and touching likewise the words are also so intense that makes us think that the
author may have deliberately chosen them. Some powerful examples are in between, men come. They
crush my bones...nightmares and I inhale deeply, drinking in the scent of mountains.....and fresh roti .
The ending may seem unsatisfying and incomplete. It is an introductory phrase Harish taught her at
the brothel. The deeper meaning of the ending is that the escape of these victims is uncertain and
improper. Also there is no proper solution to the victim s life. She may not get what she deserves or
her family would not accept her. Their future is uncertain and if they escape they would not be fully
Patricia McCormick mentions that It is in their honour that this book is written . Slavery as we know
is the main theme of the novel. The tone, mood, writing, style, ending and setting enhance the
meaning of the story. The National book Awards has rightly quoted that Told in a series of haunting
vignettes, Sold is a harrowing account of sexual slavery. Alternating lyrical imagery with precise
detail, The author wanted to spread awareness on modern slavery as a whole and it is very well
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The Theatre Of The Lounge
Led by a group of actors into the theatre from the lounge, I saw a number of different theatrical
elements that were distinguished from other conventional theatre. The very first item that caught my
attention as I entered was a line of racks for coat hangers. Normally they would not be one of the first
objects an audience would notice in the house. The actors naturally guided the audience to hang their
coats on the hangers. As I went further into the space, I realized the audience seats did not face the
stage; the platform in which performance usually takes place on was veiled by black curtains, visually
creating a wall. This creation of the new wall yet did not induce me to raise a question on where the
actors would act; its answer was evidently shown. The house was stripped down to a bare, flat ground,
encircled by the audience chairs. I did not see any specially raised platform that highlighted any actor
s presence. Nor did I see any decorative set design, apart from two pillars and a bench in between,
which distinctly differentiated the acting region from the spectator region. I did see a blue tape on the
ground that physically defined the stage area. However, sitting in the front row, the tape mark was so
close that I could easily step on it. Meanwhile, instead of preparing themselves at the backstage for the
play to start, the actors walked around and interacted with the audience members through informal
conversation. They all wore their casual clothing; if I did not
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Government s Involvement Of Government Security
In this day and age the internet has become a big part of our lives. The internet is now a medium that
connects millions of different people across the world in the matter of seconds. However, the vast sea
of communication and information that comes along with the internet is not a safe place. More and
more often we hear of a security breach within a major company or leaked information, from hackers.
Many people are questioning whether or not the government should get involved and regulate the
internet. However, people don t realize that the government s involvement might infringe on our
constitutional rights by censorship of information, invading privacy and the possibility of suppressing
our freedom of speech
People in the United States ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. Those are the words of the first
amendment in our constitution and the law the government must follow.
U.S civilians run the risk of losing many rights with government regulating the internet. For example
privacy, many government requests has been sent to Google for information on their consumers. In the
Google transparency report, a U.S. law enforcement agency asked Google to take down a blog that
allegedly defamed a law enforcement official in a personal capacity. The company denied that request.
Another separate and different law enforcement group asked Google to take down one thousand four
hundred videos on YouTube (Google owns YouTube) because of alleged harassment. Dorothy Chou, a
Google analyst states, It s alarming not only because free expression is at risk, but because some of
these requests come from countries you might not suspect, Western democracies not typically
associated with censorship. The company did not oblige either of those demands but as the report
states, they did fulfil at least with forty two percent of the removal requests from the United States in
2011. That number compared to the past reports is very low; in 2010, for example, Google said it
complied with eighty seven percent of U.S. requests to take down content. In 2011, Google received
six thousand three hundred and twenty one requests for
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The Effect of Enzymes on Apple Juice Production
The Effect of Enzymes on Apple Juice Production
Period 6
Background Info The purpose of this experiment was to determine which enzyme or the combination
of the two enzymes makes the most apple juice from applesauce. We did his by, mixing 10 drops of an
enzyme (cellulose/pectinase/both) into a few tablespoons of applesauce. We then left the rest to nature,
and watched the liquid funnel out for 10 minutes. Lastly, we recorded our data. The cell wall is a
complicated structure containing both cellulose and pectin. Pectin is found in the cell walls of plants
and is also specifically found concentrated near the skin and core of fruit. It is what keeps the fruit
together and prevents it from getting mushy. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Assemble 4 filtration cups ▪ Roll coffee filter into funnel ▪ Place funnel on top of graduated cylinder ▪
Make sure to label each graduated cylinder with: water, cellulase, pectinase, and cellulase+pectinase
2. Assemble mixing cups: ▪ Label ALL cups with: water, cellulase, pectinase, cellulase+pectinase
3. Make sure to label all mixing spoons/droppers too. 4. Spoon 60 g (2 tablespoons) of applesauce into
each of the 4 mixing cups 5. Add one of the following to each cup of applesauce (MAKE SURE TO
LOOK AT YOUR LABELS): ▪ 10 drops of pectinase. Stir 3 seconds. Pour into filtration cup ▪ 10
drops of cellulase Stir 3 seconds. Pour into filtration cup ▪ 5 drops of cellulase and 5 drops of
pectinase Stir 3 seconds. Pour into filtration cup ▪ 10 drops of
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The Responsibility For Romeo And Juliet s Tragedy
The Responsibility for Romeo and Juliet s Tragedy Who s responsible for Romeo and Juliet s death?
There must ve been someone in Verona who caused them to take their lives. Romeo is to blame
because he fell in love with no basis whatsoever, he killed his wife s cousin, and was the main reason
Juliet killed herself. When Romeo met Juliet, he was only amazed by the pure beauty of her face and
forgot all about his last love, Rosaline. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! (1.5.46) He hadn t
given his new love for Juliet much thought, and dived headfirst into wanting to be with her. Then, a
little after they got married, Romeo killed Juliet s cousin Tybalt for killing Mercutio. Alive in triumph,
and Mercutio slain? Away to heaven respective
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Why Gas Prices Are Rising Essay examples
Gas prices rising
OR EVEN ABOUT SQUEEZING a few more miles out of each precious tankful. But among the
special edition Ferraris, bizarre Cadillac studies and a whole new crop of gas guzzling SUVs, not all
that many people were talking about cheaper and cleaner ways of getting around. The section of the
show dedicated to New Energies was a tiny corner on the second floor of Hall 2, behind the stands of
the insurance companies. There were exactly two exhibits.
The lull is deceiving. Never have so many automakers put as much money and effort into building a
greener car. Not entirely without some prodding, mind you. Facing clean fleet laws in the U.S. and
voluntary restrictions in Europe, the industry is committing to cut emissions ... Show more content on
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The fuel isn t taxed as heavily as gasoline, so the extra cost quickly pays for itself. Most drivers aren t
even aware of the slight differences in acceleration rates or engine power. But propane and butane are
still petroleum products, so they don t cut dependence on oil, nor are they anywhere near pollution
free when they burn. The latter also applies to the million or so cars that run on liquified natural gas
today. They won t meet California s tough emissions standard.
Nor will the new Honda Insight, rolled out for its European debut at the Paris show. Already on sale in
Japan and the U.S., this model is a so called hybrid: it has both a conventional engine and an electric
motor. The motor s battery gets charged automatically with energy recouped every time the car brakes.
When the car accelerates or goes up a hill, the electric motor kicks in; that gives power peaks without
extra gas use. The gas is turned off completely when the car coasts or stands still; the motor jumps in
to power the car s other functions. The Insight gets around 80 miles per gallon and spews out only a
quarter as much CO2 as, say, a Honda Civic. It sells for $18,800 Toyota offers a hybrid 4 seater called
the Prius for about $22,000. The Ford Prodigy and GM Precept were still concept cars when they
appeared at the Detroit show in January. Ford also says it will introduce the
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Analysis of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Essay
Analysis of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell s elaborate sixteenth century carpe diem poem, To His Coy Mistress , not only speaks
to his coy mistress, but also to the reader. Marvell s suggests to his coy mistress that time is inevitably
rapidly progressing and for this he wishes for her to reciprocate his desires and to initiate a sexual
relationship. Marvell simultaneously suggests to the reader that he or she should act upon their desires
as well, to hesitate no longer and seize the moment before time, and ultimately life, expires. Marvell
makes use of allusion, metaphor, and grand imagery in order to convey a mood of majestic endurance
and innovatively explicate the carpe diem motif.
To show the passage of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His love is so great it would, ?grow vaster than empires? (11 12). Although Marvell tries to equate his
love for his mistress to plants, his argument is undermined by a plant?s biological incapableness of
contemplation and reciprocal physical affection. Nevertheless, the speaker continues his praises of
love, but points out that there is not enough time for further praise because time is passing quickly.
The poem then acquires a more serious tone when the poem loses its exaggerations and
embellishments. He reassures his coy mistress that ?you deserve this state? of praise and high
But at my back I always hear
Time?s wingèd chariot hurrying near. (21 22)
Rather than explicitly saying death is near, Marvell substitutes life?s bleakness with a ?winged
chariot.? He slowly becomes more frustrated with her ?long preserved virginity? and tires to inform
his mistress that death is near and they still have not had intercourse. His frustration can be seen in his
sexual pun on the word ?quaint? which symbolically refers to female genitalia. The intense imagery of
genitalia is again echoed when Marvell describes to his coy mistress that even after death the ?worms
shall try that long preserved virginity? (27 28). Here the worms take on a phallic symbol, reinforcing
his sexual desires. The speaker abstractly states that holding onto her virginity will do her no good
because she will be
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Dog Descriptive Essay
My mom comes in late at night hiding something in her front pocket. She shelters this unknown object
as if it s a secret only she can know. She stares my father in the eyes and expresses how this is a gift
from god, and he certainly can t get mad at her for it. He sighs with the look of what have you done
now, plastered on his face. She reveals the secret to her family by taking her arms away from the
pocket. Suddenly a furry creature pops its head out to look at his new world. She laid him on the floor
and he started sniffing around his forever home. Little did we know that this dog would be the best
thing to happen to this family. This puppy would become more than just a friend, he d become part of
the family. He taught our family true happiness and loyalty.
Russell is a pit bull, boxer and lab mix. So in other words, he was a mutt. He had milky white fur that
looked soft but was coarse to the touch. He had orangish yellow patches sprawled across his body and
on his head. For a medium size dog he did have a large build to him that almost made him look
intimidating, but at the right angle he had the softest features and everyone knew how much of a
sweetheart he is. On his face he had a dark black line protruding from his eye. His sweet spots were
behind his ear, the middle of his head between his eyes, and of course his stomach. His mannerisms
corresponded with being lazy, unless we were at the hunting camp. He was always roamer at heart,
going up to neighbors left and
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The City Of Orlando Is Split It Up Into 9 Districts
The City of Orlando is split it up into 9 districts. Indeed, each district has its own personality and
offers different events throughout the year. The manager of each district is in charge of these activities
and their primary goal is to always drive customers and tourists into their districts. For example, the
Small Business Saturday is an event that is held, each year, the day after Black Friday and the main
goal of each district is to get business to their stores and to celebrate with the community. For these
small businesses, this time of the year is extremely important and many of them rely on the holiday
season to accomplish their annual sales. (Orlando Sentinel, 2015).
This year is not different, the Mills50 district is going to hold the Small Business Saturday and it
needs a little bit of help to stand out of the rest. Audubon Park is one of the Orlando Districts and an
indirect competitor of Mills 50. This park has done similar activities in the past and last year for the
Small Business Saturday event they did a raffle for cash. The event was successful in getting business
to the local stores and this year they are planning on following along with the Ivanhoe District in their
annual Sip and Stroll. According to Fresh Market (2016), the event is scheduled to take place on
November 26th. The Audubon Park district is committed to create a sustainable local economy and
they want to put the area on the path to becoming an Orlando EcoDistrict. (Audubon Park, 2016).
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Essay on Short Story Analysis of Girl by Jamaica Kincaid
Short story analysis of Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Have you ever wished that someone had given you a
guide on how live the right way? Jamaica Kincaid does just that in her short story, Girl. The narrative
is presented as a set of life instructions to a girl by her mother to live properly in Antigua in the 1980
s. While the setting of the story is not expressly stated by the author in the narrative, the reader is able
to understand the culture for which Girl was written. Jamaica Kincaid seems to be the passive narrator,
receiving the instructions from her mother on how to live in their present social setting. The mother
figure focuses on two main categories in her guidance, social manners and domesticity. First, guidance
is given for a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Written in 1983, Kincaid narrates the thoughts and moral beliefs of the time by her mother. In Girl,
Kincaid uses repetition of the term slut to emphasize that her mother did not want her to develop a bad
moral reputation (Kincaid 118 119). Later in the narration though are her mother s thoughts on
abortion, this is how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child
(Kincaid 119). It shows that while the mother instructed her in moral principles, she also understood
that things happen to a young woman. The practical nature of this instruction seems to indicate more
modern thought while still living in a society of traditions. Another hint of the time period is the
mention of divorce and how to live after it, this is how you love a man...and if they don t work out,
don t feel bad about giving up (Kincaid 119). This could indicate that divorce is an accepted practice
in the more modern society that Jamaica Kincaid wrote Girl in. The location of the story plays a large
role in understanding the character s interactions. The story opens with instructions on cleaning
clothes upon a stone heap (Kincaid 118). In 1983 America, most households would have already had
washing machines or at least a wash board and bucket rather than the older form of washing clothes at
the river and utilizing stones. The next
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Carpentry Has Had A Great Impact On The Construction Industry
Carpenters are the second largest group with more than 1.3 million carpenters in the workforce in the
United States. (Carpenters 481). Carpentry has had a great impact on the construction industry, such as
using hand and power tools to cut, shape, and combine wood, metal, and plastics. Carpentry is the
technique of working various different types of woods, metals, and plastics, shaping those products
into works art. A carpenter constructs and repairs building frameworks and structures. Carpenters
make stairways, door frames, partitions, and rafters out of wood and other materials, including metals
and metal products, concrete, plastics, and fiberglass. Some carpenters specialize in installing kitchen
cabinets, siding, and drywall. Although carpentry has many branches such as residential, commercial,
and industrial carpenters, the most common types include: rough carpentry and finish carpentry. (
Carpenters pg. 84) Rough carpentry is constructing and installing of temporary structures and
supporting structures. Carpenters use blueprints, sketches, and oral instruction from the home owner
to build the structures. They build and produce frames, rafters, floor joists, subflooring, wall
sheathing, prefabricated wall panels along with prefabricated windows, and many other components.
Rough carpenters also build parts of buildings that are covered up after the structure is completed,
along with building wooden structures and supporting structures used in industrial
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The Weaknesses Of Democracy
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that democracy facing is that most of the people are not able
participate in government in a competent or meaningful way because they do not have the necessary
experience, intelligence or knowledge. (reference b democracy) Democracy is not a perfect system
and has been criticised for being flawed economically, politically, morally and found to be unrealistic
by many authors. The economist Bryan Caplan characterized democracy as inefficient system because
most of the people they vote they do not have the correct and enough information they need to make
informed and balanced decision. The most of them make decisions without have complete point of
views on serious issues that they been called to vote for. He supports his argument because on the fact
the cost of knowing is higher than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Politician like to use the press to change of control the public against or in favour of them or of the
government. For example, election and opinion polls before the elections, in 2016 the FBI announced
11 days before the election in United States that will examine Hillary Clinton s private email for
potentially incriminating. The intelligence agencies of United States, the same year, conclude that
Russia tried to control the opinion of the United State public against Hillary Clinton and favour
Donald Trump by passing materials that were published by WikiLeaks. In Latin America Andrés
Sepúlveda admitted that he manipulated the public opinion on his favour by hire a team of hackers to
manipulate the media and create false new. In 2017 President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey used
the press to convict the public to vote for a constitutional reform that would significantly separate the
powers and covert the country to autocracy. (reference w criticism 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
I Know It Was An Accident And She Didn t Mean
I know it was an accident and she didn t mean to hurt Ashleigh. I know it was bad luck. I know
Ashleigh should not have got in the car. But Jo needs to be punished by the law...I want the law, the
community to say it was wrong... Antonello paused, but I don t want to make it any harder for her than
it has to be. I felt sorry for her when I saw her at the Bridge. You re right, she s suffering too. They had
talked about it for a long time and they agreed to write a short statement about their granddaughter,
about her beauty and her potential, her intelligence, the joy she bought to their lives, and about their
sadness and grief.
On the way from the carpark to the courtroom that morning, Rae said, I hope she gets a long sentence.
I know I should be more forgiving. That I should be moving on, and that I should think about what
Ashleigh might have wanted. I m trying not to hate her but she has to be punished... and I don t want
to see her again, never. I want her to be banished. I don t want to walk around dreading that I might
run into her, that Jane or Alex might run into her.
Rae and Alex were coming back to themselves, slowly. They were back to parenting Jane, and they
were talking to each other again, occasionally touching even in public, winking at each other when
something Antonello or Paolina said seemed old fashioned or tiresome or repetitive.
In the few months between his meeting with Jo at the Bridge and the court case, Antonello made
several attempts to get
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  • 13. Flaws Of Human Nature Lead To Tragedy Character Analysis Flaws of human nature do lead to tragedy because of things happens in the past that people and they make fun of the person and the thinking that they re better than that person even if they are Not.victor hugo is the author who thinks of the failure can cause consequences. .Most people from the crucible mainly abigail have influence people and think who is left to blame.Abigail is the one that can make things uncomfortable that gives the judges a hard time to find guilty.I do believe flaws of human nature do lead to tragedy that in real life it happens all the time even though things went smoothly can lead to tragedy same thing as the crucible when they all kept secrets from each other they lead to tragedy. They re ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Character of the book do happen which includes Abigail and John proctor because when comes to jealousy and selfishness they re the ones that are good examples.Abigail is a person that isn t well trusted and respected in fact she wishes she was with John proctor.I have sense for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Hidden Treasure Of History There was a time where I thought my small hometown of Portage, Pa was nothing more than a few streets that consisted of churches, small town businesses, and homes that housed only about 2,500 people. After many hours of research I have come to find that this small town is actually a hidden treasure of history that is far too fascinating to express. Although the town of Portage, Pa is only 125 years old, it is full of rich history that has shaped the Portage we all know today. Portage would not be the town it is today without the economic successes it had with the coal industry and more importantly the rule it played in the Allegheny Portage railroad. The geography of our town couldn t have been more perfect to house the railroad with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After a few adjustments to plans the building of the railroad began. The railroad was be completed by 1834 and it would be named the Allegheny Portage Railroad; the word portage is from the French word porter meaning to carry and Noah Webster defines Portage as carrying something overland from one body of water to another (Portage Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.3 4). The Allegheny Portage railroad would later be added onto the great Pennsylvania railroad that would serve throughout the whole state. So, first came the railroad and then because of the railroad, the growth of this new town began. Because of the railroad being built on this land that was all dense woodland and the steam engines in this area ran only on wood, the lumbering industry began. Sawmills were build all around the land that is now today Portage. Then with the new founding of coal, coal mines were also being built. This had a great economic impact on this land and in the 1860 s and 1870 s settlers began to flood into this area; most of these settlers were English and German speaking people (Portage Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.7 8). During this time there was a town called old Portage and a town next to it called New Portage. In 1878 the old Portage would be changed to Portage Township and on October 7, 1890 new Portage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Personal Statement On Health Improvement Plan For the very first time in my life, I had executed a series of behavior changes in order to lose fifteen pounds by this semester. I am pleased and more than grateful to see that my customized plan is successful, and took effect in different aspects of my well being. I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become , I believe this quote by Carl Jung encapsulated why my health improvement plan would work determination incorporated into a personalized plan. Hereinafter, I would like to discuss in details what and why had my behavior changes improved both my short term and long term health. I followed the Copenhagen diet a thirteen day diet to lose weight and improve metabolism. I started this diet on the start of semester, giving myself a week time to bid farewell to my ravenous appetite, before disciplining myself to go through the diet. It was extremely difficult for the first few days, I was constantly hungry and was craving for snacks between meals. I wasn t able to strictly follow what is written on the menu, and I irresistibly ate between meals for several days when I was famished. Fortunately, I had been able to resist the temptations of junk foods foods containing excessive calories, fat, sugar and salt. I only ate fruits or muesli when I was feeling hungry. These acts of violation subsided completely on the fourth day, and I started to get use to a reduced daily calorie intake. Throughout this thirteen days, I generally had a steady loss of one pound ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. James Polk And Manifest Destiny Around the mid 1800s, the United States was focused on the idea of expansion . This idea was influenced by Manifest Destiny a term that the U.S. not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast and its economic nature, which was the increased development and advancement of industry in the United States. As the U.S. began to grow more powerful and internally sound, they were able to add more land and, subsequently, states, into the Union. The vast majority of this expansion occurred during the presidency of James Polk as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ceased the Mexican American war. The conception of this war was the brainchild of Polk and was what resulted from his presidential ideologies. President James Polk was responsible for the start of the Mexican American war to a great extent due to his expansionist ideologies and succeeding actions, aspiration to annex the regions of California and Texas, and contributions of troops along the Rio Grande River in 1846. To begin with, during the election of 1844, James Polk was considered to be a long shot and a definite underdog. However, Polk gained the support of many Americans through his clear desire to defend the territories of the United States and to further expand them. This ideology became prevalent through his campaign slogan, 54 40 or fight , referring to the territory that, at the time, was disputed between the United States and Great Britain, when is modern day Canada and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Most Famous Astronaut Commander Of Apollo 13 James Arthur also known as Jim Lovell, Jr was born in March 25, 1928 in Cleveland Ohio. During in his lifetime career he launched four different missions into space. First mission was Gemini 7, the second mission was Gemini 12, the third mission was Apollo 8, and the last mission he took was Apollo 13. Jim lovell was in command of his third mission which was Apollo 8, one of the first to enter the lunar orbit. He was selected as an astronaut by NASA in September 1962 in the mission of Apollo 13 he became the first man to journey twice to the moon. Jim Lovell was ranked as captain in the United States Navy he was the main leader in the mission apollo 13. He was one of the most famous astronaut commander of Apollo 13. April 11, 1970 Apollo 13 was created and one of the well sertified mission for the U.S. Around the time of the mission being held, Jim lovell was ranked as captain of Apollo 13. Jim was not alone for his mission Apollo 13, he was accompanied by astronauts, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert. On april 11, 1970 apollo 13 was launched. It was launched from the Kennedy space center in Florida. During the 1950 s and 60 s the US was involved in the cold war a cultural conflict between the Soviet union and other communists nations. In October 1957 Soviet union launched Sputnik 1 first artificial satellite to orbit the earth. Meaning that marked the beginning of a space race meaning an informal competition between the superpowers to see ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Importance Of Outdoor Recreation On The Environment INTRODUCTION There is no doubt that planet Earth is ever changing. The emergence of new species, extinction of extant species, rise and fall of climate, and much more are completely natural occurrences; however, there is one terrifying force that changes the world much faster than most of its inhabitants can handle: humans. Ever since humans began to populate the Earth, we have been exploiting natural resources and depleting populations, thus harming countless communities and ecosystems. As our population continues to increase, we destroy more and more natural habitats, negatively impacting biological diversity by decreasing the abundance of individuals per species (Hunter 2007). Many studies in the past have looked into how overexploitation of resources, habitat loss due to development, and the release of fossil fuels from production result in the decline of biodiversity (Goulletquer et al. 2014), but one form of human disturbance is often overlooked: recreation. The increasing popularity of outdoor recreation can affect wildlife in numerous ways, usually resulting in the avoidance of disturbed habitat (Coppes et al. 2017). Many studies have been done observing the impact of human disturbance on flagship species in popular recreational destinations such as forests and oceans. For instance, one study done in the Southern Black Forest revealed that red deer avoided areas near hiking trails, preferred to live in dense, undisturbed areas in the forest, and were more active ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Elizabeth Cady Stanton s Declaration Of Sentiments And... A Call to Women, a Call to All Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought tirelessly against inequality between men and women, an issue that still plagues this nation. From her first address to her last, Elizabeth was the voice of the women s rights movement. She lectured across the nation and publically debated the unjust laws of her day ( Elizabeth Cady Stanton... ). Two of her more prominent and potent speeches were Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions and Solitude of Self . These speeches served as her introduction and adieu as an overt promoter of women s rights ( The Women s Rights... ) (Hogan). Though Stanton gave both her Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions and Solitude of Self in support of women s rights, due to the differing audiences addressed, the speeches vary in structure, overall message, appeal, and use of rhetorical devices. Stanton orates A Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions on July 19, 1848, at the Seneca Falls convention, to a crowd consisting of mostly females. This marks the first gathering devoted to the women s rights movement ( The Women s Rights... ). Stanton models her speech after the Declaration of Independence (Appleby 74 77). She reflects the structure by beginning with a preamble followed by a declaration of natural rights. She then lists man s grievances against women in the same fashion that the nation s forefathers listed the king s mistreatments against the colonies. She concludes with their, the women s rights movement s, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. King Lear Reversal All the above reversals or incongruities are to be present, in a lesser or more degree, in King Lear. To begin with, the reversal of hierarchies strikes us first and foremost in the very opening of the play: here one is met with an earlier sign of authority being loosened, when the king decides to divide his own kingdom: Meantime , we shall express our darker purpose― Give me the map there. Know that we have divided In three our kingdom; and tis our fast intent To take all cares and business from our age, Conforring them on younger strengths, while me Unburden d crawl toward death. (I. i. 35−40) The reversal of roles starts right from this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And this is, in keeping with the poetics of grotesque realism, taken to be degradation conceived here in terms of the Bakhtinian conception of the movement of the cosmic carnivaleque cartwheel. Hence, Lear desires to divide his kingdom so that he Unburdened crawl[s] toward death (I. i. 40), which is so central to Ronald Knowles s notion of the carnivalesque degradation as this implies going down to earth, the grave, the womb.12 But Lear s degradation or crawling back again to the womb does not necessarily mean that he is giving up the masculine monarch he is. Much to the contrary, degradation here means for him digging a bodily grave for a new birth. 13 His wish to be mothered by the three of his daughters is clearly shown in his selfish need to enjoy the parade of love he expects his daughters to perform. Again Knight has this to say about this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Star Spangled Banner Research Paper The star spangled banner has been performed over the years by many artists. There have been few that have really stuck out and remained in our memory. It was created during a time of revolution and the beginning of a nation. There is no time to be more patriotic than when you are fighting for your country. The song represents the freedom that americans have fought and died to defend. There is not a place on earth with so much freedom and equal rights as in America. When veterans hear the star spangled banner it brings them pride because they fought for our freedom. The national anthem makes every american feel a sort of pride for their country. Jimi Hendrix performed the national anthem during the Woodstock festival in 1969. He performed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Blackfeet For Owl Child s Raid In Fools Crow The cultural collision of the Blackfeet tribes, and white culture forced the Blackfeet to utilize two alternatives for the survival and preservation of their tribe and culture. For many Blackfeet, Owl Child s approach was very appealing, and he advocated war, retaliation, and resistance towards the overwhelming Napikwan menace. Moreover, Owl Child s approach was mainly focused on raiding and retaliation against whites for the iniquities committed against the Blackfeet. According to Fools Crow, Only Owl Child had power and courage. He took what he wanted; he deified the Napikwans and killed them. He laughed at their seizers and chiefs when they threatened revenge. And he laughed at his own people for their weak hearts. (FC, 71) This approach was impetuous, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to General Sully in Fools Crow, But this is a serious manner. Your people claim they want peace but they prove otherwise. My people are sick and tired of this constant raiding, this constant murder of innocent citizens. When I deliver the results of this meeting, I m afraid they will be very disappointed. Indeed, many will wish to settle the score in a less than peaceful manner. (FC, 283) The federal government put a great deal of pressure upon the Blackfeet for Owl Child s raid even though the majority of them did not commit his crimes. Furthermore, every band of the Blackfeet was indicted by the not only the government, but the white American public as well. Moreover, the other Blackfeet bands were weakened by small pox, and they did not possess the strength to stop Owl Child s raids. As a result of the raids, the other Blackfeet bands suffered retaliation and massacre due to the negligence of Owl Child. Fools Crow s approach was a more pragmatic and cautious alternative that focused mainly upon the survival of the Blackfeet tribes as well as their cultural traditions. According to Fools Crow, To kill ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Non State Networks That Emerge During War Non state networks that emerge during war are largely informed by the country s peacetime dynamics, adjusting to opportunities and challenges in a less secure environment. Are they inherently predatory, undermining the state and stripping its assets or can they be foundations from which a strong civil society can be built upon as, ostensibly, relative stability returns? Different actors in a conflict have different tools at their disposal and thus divergent mechanisms for harnessing power. Picard (2000) categorises four organizational networks that emerged during Lebanon s fifteen year civil war: ideological and welfare based entities; loosely controlled armed groups; autonomous principalities; and corporatist structures. It goes without saying that these categories are not rigid and can exhibit overlapping characteristics. Their separation however serves a useful analytical purpose and reveals the diversity in the means devised, to both maintain local legitimacy and maintain a steady revenue stream, devised by those who take part in war making. Loosely Controlled Armed Groups The Lebanese Shi ite militia, Amal was composed of a variety of local self defence groups controlling small territories such as villages or individual streets in the southern suburbs of Beirut as well as in southern Lebanon during the country s civil war. The movement was established by Iranian born cleric Musa al Sadr to mobilize the largely marginalized Shi ite population, developing an armed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Big Fish Analysis Most of the fantasy stories or movies have events in which people transform into creatures or objects which is known as a metamorphosis, but in magical realism people treat this as normal. For example, in the movie Big Fish, by Daniel Wallace, the narrator Edward Bloom tells his son s wife a story about him working at a circus to try and find out more about the love of his life. Edward say in the movie, On the way to talk to Mr. Calloway I noticed Mr. Calloway s trailer was shaking and a wolf jumps out and attacks me, as I was on the floor I grabbed a stick and started to play with the wolf. William continued with, In the morning Mr. Calloway comes out of the woods with the stick I threw in his mouth. The clowns treated the werewolf as if it were normal and did not pay much attention to Mr. Calloway s trailer because it happened every full moon. As ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In The story A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings written by Gabriel G. Márquez explains that a man fell from the sky on the day that crabs were everywhere and caused Pelayo and Elisenda s child to get sick. As pelayo went outside, he saw a man with enormous wings inside his chicken coop, instead of being surprised Pelayo called the neighbor women who knew everything about life and death and said, he was a fugitive survivor of a celestial conspiracy. The people within the village treated him as if he lived there for a while but treat him poorly and like a caged animal. While in the story The Night Face Up by Julio Cortazar, speaks about two worlds with a similar character one from the Aztec period and one from a modern period. The Monteca in the Aztec world hides in a bush and starts to dream about the future to calm him down and think he is safe. While he is in his dream the things that happen within the dream something similar happens in the real Aztec world due to the magic that is occurring throughout the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Central Valley Case Study California s Central Valley produces approximately 8% of the nation s agricultural products. Four out of the five counties with the highest agricultural sales are located in this region. Fresno County takes the first place with 3.7 billion in annual sales. This region encompasses approximately 14% of the state of California. The Central Valley is about 450 miles long and 60 miles wide. For many years farmers have used their naked eye, while driving or walking through the fields, to scout out their lands before planting their crops. But nowadays with the incredible technology readily available to many, farmers are choosing to scope in a different way. Currently, farmers have access to several high tech tools to complete their scoping process. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Tolly Monster Research Paper Just last year, some researchers stated that the extinct aquatic animal, the Tully Monster was a vertebrate, possibly a relative of today s lampreys. Like a mismatched puzzle, the Tully monster lacks some vertebrate pieces and has others that are the wrong shape, researchers and colleagues report in the March issue of Palaeontology. (Palaeontology includes the study of fossils to determine organisms evolution and interactions with each other and their environment, their paleoecology). Tullimonstrum gregarium didn t get its monstrous name because of its size, it only measures to be near about a foot long, the oddball creature, which lived about 300 million years ago, sported wide set eyes like a hammerhead shark and a pincer like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Flaws Of The Islamic Religion Flaws In The Islamic Religion By Kyle Lindsey Apologetics, Mr. Sweis July 2015 Part 1: Thesis In 1900, the world was made up of 12.3 % Muslims. In 2010, The number rose to 22.5% making Islam the fastest growing religion in the entire world, exceeding even the growth rate of Christianity. The American Muslim Council has estimated that there are 2,000 mosques and Islamic community centers in the United States. More than 80% percent have been built in the past 12 years. Is it possible then that Islam, such an attractive and fast growing religion, can be completely flawed? Yes, the religion of Islam is filled with historical, scientific, and most importantly spiritual flaws. Answering this question is important because people are becoming more and more blind to the truth of the Christian religion by the rapid growth of Islam. Outlining the flaws of Islam also helps to bring out the accuracy of the Christian religion. How is it possible that Islam, the fastest growing religion, is so full of errors? Islam is growing so rapidly because many of its followers are unaware of the extent of its corruption, and many of its followers are equally unaware of how many errors can be found throughout the Quran. One way to show people the flaws in Islam is by slowly picking it apart and in so doing, the person is able to more clearly see the errors and parts of the Quran that do not match up with facts of history and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Ecapism In Screwball Comedy Film Screwball comedy is one of the main six types of comedy films. It normally involves aspects of escapism and has a female lead. Screw ball comedies where also meant as a spoof or parody of romantic comedies and as such often have plots centered around male and female interaction. Screwball comedy originated during the great depression, during this time period many people where hard on their luck and that could have been one of the factors that lead to screwball comedy generally depicting escapism. In Sullivan s travels we see escapism some during the first half of the movie with the main character trying to make a movie about the hard times people are going thru instead of a comedy because he does not think people really want that escape. However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. New Home Upgrade And Design Options Essay New Home Upgrade Design Options: How to Get What You Want Everything in life changes and grows, including housing needs. You may not notice that your needs have changed until you are living in close quarters, have children sharing a room, or are taking stock of your home s tired finishes. So, are you outgrowing your current home? Do you feel cramped? Perhaps, you need more space for your growing family, or maybe you would like a newer and more luxurious one? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, than you may be ready to find a home with more amenities, more square footage, and in a better location. Sometimes referred to as a move up a home upgrade and an improvement in your lifestyle may just be the right choice for a number of reasons: You have more income to play with and can afford a larger or more luxurious home Your growing family needs more space Your current home s value has significantly increased and you can afford a larger home Your current home is outdated or you want a new home with modern finishes and features Luckily, for those who are prepared to take on the challenge, being a move up buyer in Calgary means that you can have it all. Great schools, fantastic neighbourhoods, and a home with the latest features and finishings. The Possibility Of A Renovation You may wonder, Why can t I just improve upon my current home? This question is a natural reaction when faced with the challenge of moving. After all, you have many wonderful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. A Case Study on Hudson Fabricators, Inc. I. Background Information Hudson Fabricators, Inc. is a small fabrication firm which was founded in 1976. It produces various items such as hoppers, light building steel, conveyors, supports, frames, and platforms for a lot of major companies mostly around central Ohio, and even to different parts across the globe. Hudson Fabricators, Inc. has around 12 to a maximum of 40 full time employees, depending with production. The company operates in a job shop environment. Some of their clients are: Marzetti Foods, Rockwell Internations, and Anheuser Busch. II. Summary of Finding Hudson Fabricators, Inc. only uses materials certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and ASME has requirements Hudson needs to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Josh was given this job in order to help the company grow however he is still new and for the group, he still needs more time and experience in order to fully analyze and understand day to day operations of the business so that the implementation plan will be concrete and will slowly help bring up the company. The first alternative for Josh is after the analysis, he must form a department that must look up for key suppliers that would constantly provide them with the necessary materials they require in doing and finishing their jobs. The other alternative is to change the current system in which the company should keep an inventory of finished goods or an inventory of materials. The company may have different sets of clients however the orders that come by in case of some defects, the company may immediately replace and fix those which is necessary to be fixed. And keeping a stock of materials may save them lead time from ordering and can save them money through bulk purchasing. V. Detailed Recommendations After a complete analysis of the current system, Josh should be able to deeply understand the operations of the company, he should have been able to determine what constricts the company from earning more and spending less. Josh must look up for suppliers who intend to provide them materials in a long term basis and to provide these materials on time and in proper condition. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Trophios Logos Sending him home empty handed at the end of a hard fought season won t help him learn the lesson of losing, it will teach him early that there s no value in the attempt (Zadrozny). Prizes such as trophies and ribbons are a controversial topic in society. Some believe that not enough are handed out to children while others believe that too many are handed out. Trophies are a symbol of victory and triumph, but do not forget that children just want to feel part of a team even though they are not good enough. Putting forth an honest effort is important, and doing well is the habit on which they will be repeatedly evaluated in life. Even though some believe trophies are not good, they give a boost of confidence while keeping children happy and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Dr. Seuss once said, Don t cry because it s over, smile because it happened ( Stutman ). Losing is tough for a child at a young age, especially when the losses are simultaneous piling up. A trophy would then be a reminder that they worked hard throughout the season with their teammates. Being there for your teammates and those in your life, when it suits you or when Saturday morning cartoons look like a lot more fun, is a lifelong lesson that cannot be taught to young ( Heffernan ). 57% of American children claim that they deserve a trophy after they participate in a team sport, after all, it is the children that are playing (Hill). It s something they can show other people; therefore, it creates awareness of a skill or attribute, an activity that they have accomplished. By giving children trophies, they often get the message that they are accountable and feel proud of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Earth s First Chaos (ll. 116 138) Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide bosomed Earth, the ever sure foundations of all (4) the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide pathed Earth, and Eros (Love), fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them. From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether (5) and Day, whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebus. And Earth first bare starry Heaven, equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever sure abiding place for the blessed gods. And she brought forth long Hills, graceful haunts of the goddess Nymphs who dwell ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 211 225) And Night bare hateful Doom and black Fate and Death, and she bare Sleep and the tribe of Dreams. And again the goddess murky Night, though she lay with none, bare Blame and painful Woe, and the Hesperides who guard the rich, golden apples and the trees bearing fruit beyond glorious Ocean. Also she bare the Destinies and ruthless avenging Fates, Clotho and Lachesis and Atropos (10), who give men at their birth both evil and good to have, and they pursue the transgressions of men and of gods: and these goddesses never cease from their dread anger until they punish the sinner with a sore penalty. Also deadly Night bare Nemesis (Indignation) to afflict mortal men, and after her, Deceit and Friendship and hateful Age and hard hearted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Democracy Vs Athenian Democracy Many historian have said that the Athenian created the first society to have democracy. Democracy was born in the middle of the fifth century B.C. in Athens. A democracy is a government by the people or rule by the majority. Perhaps the United States took a couple of ideas from the Athenian constitution to the States constitution. But at the same time there is a difference in both these two powerful nations. The differences about modern America is what the Founding Fathers planed about the size of the democracy and how the citizens can have an input in that said democracy. I argue that there is a comparison between Athenian democracy and modern democracy because Athens was the first society to create a democracy and constitution. At the time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back then Athens had a direct democracy between 508 to 322 B.C. The Legislative Branch in Athens consists of two different bodies. A council of around 500 and assembly of around 6,000 people. The 500 councillors from the Legislative Branch were selected randomly from the male populations that were citizens. The councillors could not serve no more than two terms in Athens. For the Executive Branch, the Athien could only serve for one term. The remainder of the government was held by the Magistrates. The Magistrates was a host of commissioners, functionaries, and minor officials. Law enforcement was not a service offered by the Athenian. In the Judicial Branch had only 6,000 volunteers. Public and private were the two kinds of arbitrations available. For the private, two parties in the dispute would have selected a mutually agreeable third person or persons to have a decision in the case. And for the public, it consisted of only all male citizens in their 60 years to have a role. For the United States also has a Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches in our government system. In order to pass a single Legislation, sent it to the President for his signature both from the House and the Senate must pass by majority rule of votes The House of Representatives. The House has up to 435 elected members. The members of the House are selected and elected for every two and must be 25 years old. Also must have been a valid American citizen for at least seven years. For Executive Branch, it is invested in the President of The United States. To be elected as President, one must be 35 years of age. The President also has Cabinet members. The Cabinet gives advisory to the President, made up of heads of 15 executive department. In Judicial, Congress has the jurisdiction of the federal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Textual Analysis Of A Movie There are some films that are notorious for making people cry. 2 Think of Schindler s List (1993), Titanic (1997) and Sophie s Choice (1982). Even kiddie flicks such as Toy Story 3 (2010) and Up (2009) make these tear filled lists. 3 These films must elicit strong emotional responses from their audiences but how is music used to accompany or even amplify these sob worthy motion pictures? This essay will survey a selection of six films known for their emotional impact and attempt to analyse what function music serves in their most devastating scenes. Aspects such as instrumentation and tempo will be explored as well as whether the music s tone agrees with that of the scene. Are the scores more effective if the music feels sad on its on terms? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Rose begins to understand Jack has died, there is very little extra diegetic sound. A gentle chiming can be heard which gives the scene a sense of the mystical. The calls of the rescue boat become muffled and slow: the shots of the boat are in fact in slow motion. When Rose fully understands that Jack has been completed refrigerated, we hear the sound of a female voice, accompanied by some gentle synths. The singer is performing a rendition of Rose and Jack s love theme, which has been developed throughout the film. This particular version of James Horner s theme is more bare than its other occurrences, which have been more heavily accompanied. Most of all, it is interesting that upon losing that relationship, music plays that was supposed to be representative of the strength of that relationship. The score, by association, is able to remind us of what has been lost the theme has collected their formative moments as their relationship grew throughout the film. Now there s a double edge to this because quite famously the love theme for Titanic became a hit single for pop singer Celine Dion. Thus the emotional score also becomes a commodity to be sold for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. You Ready For Your Solo And Last Concert Are you ready for your solo and last concert? I half smiled at him and nodded, feeling a bit emotional, remembering why I was doing this in the first place. I suddenly felt calm, and I was ready for anything. He nodded his head, indicating it was time. I took a deep breath, smiled, and walked out with my violin that I have grown so accustomed to in my hand, feeling the rush of cool air on my face. My conductor s loud claps could be heard from behind the stage, which was followed by an eruption of applause from the audience. Once I got to my spot I bowed and tuned the orchestra: the plain sound of the A string ringing across the concert hall. After everyone was tuned, we all seated to wait for the arrival of our conductor. He came out and we all stood up and clapped. While everyone sat down, I stayed standing, walking over to the edge of the stage. I looked around my surroundings again once more, embracing myself for the moment. The crowd had suddenly turned into blurs, blending between the lights. I had suddently felt a little better about playing. The conductor raised his baton up, looked and smiled at me in reassurance, raised my instrument up, and I took in a deep breath. * * * * * I became obsessed with my music. I would come home every day after practice and would practice even more. I was involved with my school chamber orchestra, Strolling Strings, youth orchestra, and eventually in the Bismarck Mandan Symphony Orchestra. I used all of these orchestra groups to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Theme Of Slavery In Sold By Patricia Mccormick How is the theme of slavery developed in the novel? Sold is a novel by Patricia McCormick published in the year 2006. The story is about Lakshmi the protagonist who is a thirteen year old girl living in a village in Nepal with her family. Being desperately poor and the fact that later the Himalayan monsoons destroy the family s crops she must go take a job in the city says her stepfather. Told that she will work as a maid in the city she is taken to India but the harsh reality is that she is sold into prostitution. Lakshmi is trapped and faces the horrors of being in a brothel. It is a haunting story talking about sexual slavery and how a heinous act still plagues the world. The setting plays a major role in upbringing the meaning of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The tone is moving and touching likewise the words are also so intense that makes us think that the author may have deliberately chosen them. Some powerful examples are in between, men come. They crush my bones...nightmares and I inhale deeply, drinking in the scent of mountains.....and fresh roti . The ending may seem unsatisfying and incomplete. It is an introductory phrase Harish taught her at the brothel. The deeper meaning of the ending is that the escape of these victims is uncertain and improper. Also there is no proper solution to the victim s life. She may not get what she deserves or her family would not accept her. Their future is uncertain and if they escape they would not be fully free. Patricia McCormick mentions that It is in their honour that this book is written . Slavery as we know is the main theme of the novel. The tone, mood, writing, style, ending and setting enhance the meaning of the story. The National book Awards has rightly quoted that Told in a series of haunting vignettes, Sold is a harrowing account of sexual slavery. Alternating lyrical imagery with precise detail, The author wanted to spread awareness on modern slavery as a whole and it is very well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Theatre Of The Lounge Led by a group of actors into the theatre from the lounge, I saw a number of different theatrical elements that were distinguished from other conventional theatre. The very first item that caught my attention as I entered was a line of racks for coat hangers. Normally they would not be one of the first objects an audience would notice in the house. The actors naturally guided the audience to hang their coats on the hangers. As I went further into the space, I realized the audience seats did not face the stage; the platform in which performance usually takes place on was veiled by black curtains, visually creating a wall. This creation of the new wall yet did not induce me to raise a question on where the actors would act; its answer was evidently shown. The house was stripped down to a bare, flat ground, encircled by the audience chairs. I did not see any specially raised platform that highlighted any actor s presence. Nor did I see any decorative set design, apart from two pillars and a bench in between, which distinctly differentiated the acting region from the spectator region. I did see a blue tape on the ground that physically defined the stage area. However, sitting in the front row, the tape mark was so close that I could easily step on it. Meanwhile, instead of preparing themselves at the backstage for the play to start, the actors walked around and interacted with the audience members through informal conversation. They all wore their casual clothing; if I did not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Government s Involvement Of Government Security In this day and age the internet has become a big part of our lives. The internet is now a medium that connects millions of different people across the world in the matter of seconds. However, the vast sea of communication and information that comes along with the internet is not a safe place. More and more often we hear of a security breach within a major company or leaked information, from hackers. Many people are questioning whether or not the government should get involved and regulate the internet. However, people don t realize that the government s involvement might infringe on our constitutional rights by censorship of information, invading privacy and the possibility of suppressing our freedom of speech People in the United States ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. Those are the words of the first amendment in our constitution and the law the government must follow. U.S civilians run the risk of losing many rights with government regulating the internet. For example privacy, many government requests has been sent to Google for information on their consumers. In the Google transparency report, a U.S. law enforcement agency asked Google to take down a blog that allegedly defamed a law enforcement official in a personal capacity. The company denied that request. Another separate and different law enforcement group asked Google to take down one thousand four hundred videos on YouTube (Google owns YouTube) because of alleged harassment. Dorothy Chou, a Google analyst states, It s alarming not only because free expression is at risk, but because some of these requests come from countries you might not suspect, Western democracies not typically associated with censorship. The company did not oblige either of those demands but as the report states, they did fulfil at least with forty two percent of the removal requests from the United States in 2011. That number compared to the past reports is very low; in 2010, for example, Google said it complied with eighty seven percent of U.S. requests to take down content. In 2011, Google received six thousand three hundred and twenty one requests for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Effect of Enzymes on Apple Juice Production The Effect of Enzymes on Apple Juice Production Biology Period 6 Background Info The purpose of this experiment was to determine which enzyme or the combination of the two enzymes makes the most apple juice from applesauce. We did his by, mixing 10 drops of an enzyme (cellulose/pectinase/both) into a few tablespoons of applesauce. We then left the rest to nature, and watched the liquid funnel out for 10 minutes. Lastly, we recorded our data. The cell wall is a complicated structure containing both cellulose and pectin. Pectin is found in the cell walls of plants and is also specifically found concentrated near the skin and core of fruit. It is what keeps the fruit together and prevents it from getting mushy. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Assemble 4 filtration cups ▪ Roll coffee filter into funnel ▪ Place funnel on top of graduated cylinder ▪ Make sure to label each graduated cylinder with: water, cellulase, pectinase, and cellulase+pectinase 2. Assemble mixing cups: ▪ Label ALL cups with: water, cellulase, pectinase, cellulase+pectinase 3. Make sure to label all mixing spoons/droppers too. 4. Spoon 60 g (2 tablespoons) of applesauce into each of the 4 mixing cups 5. Add one of the following to each cup of applesauce (MAKE SURE TO LOOK AT YOUR LABELS): ▪ 10 drops of pectinase. Stir 3 seconds. Pour into filtration cup ▪ 10 drops of cellulase Stir 3 seconds. Pour into filtration cup ▪ 5 drops of cellulase and 5 drops of pectinase Stir 3 seconds. Pour into filtration cup ▪ 10 drops of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Responsibility For Romeo And Juliet s Tragedy The Responsibility for Romeo and Juliet s Tragedy Who s responsible for Romeo and Juliet s death? There must ve been someone in Verona who caused them to take their lives. Romeo is to blame because he fell in love with no basis whatsoever, he killed his wife s cousin, and was the main reason Juliet killed herself. When Romeo met Juliet, he was only amazed by the pure beauty of her face and forgot all about his last love, Rosaline. O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! (1.5.46) He hadn t given his new love for Juliet much thought, and dived headfirst into wanting to be with her. Then, a little after they got married, Romeo killed Juliet s cousin Tybalt for killing Mercutio. Alive in triumph, and Mercutio slain? Away to heaven respective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Why Gas Prices Are Rising Essay examples Gas prices rising OR EVEN ABOUT SQUEEZING a few more miles out of each precious tankful. But among the special edition Ferraris, bizarre Cadillac studies and a whole new crop of gas guzzling SUVs, not all that many people were talking about cheaper and cleaner ways of getting around. The section of the show dedicated to New Energies was a tiny corner on the second floor of Hall 2, behind the stands of the insurance companies. There were exactly two exhibits. The lull is deceiving. Never have so many automakers put as much money and effort into building a greener car. Not entirely without some prodding, mind you. Facing clean fleet laws in the U.S. and voluntary restrictions in Europe, the industry is committing to cut emissions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fuel isn t taxed as heavily as gasoline, so the extra cost quickly pays for itself. Most drivers aren t even aware of the slight differences in acceleration rates or engine power. But propane and butane are still petroleum products, so they don t cut dependence on oil, nor are they anywhere near pollution free when they burn. The latter also applies to the million or so cars that run on liquified natural gas today. They won t meet California s tough emissions standard. Nor will the new Honda Insight, rolled out for its European debut at the Paris show. Already on sale in Japan and the U.S., this model is a so called hybrid: it has both a conventional engine and an electric motor. The motor s battery gets charged automatically with energy recouped every time the car brakes. When the car accelerates or goes up a hill, the electric motor kicks in; that gives power peaks without extra gas use. The gas is turned off completely when the car coasts or stands still; the motor jumps in to power the car s other functions. The Insight gets around 80 miles per gallon and spews out only a quarter as much CO2 as, say, a Honda Civic. It sells for $18,800 Toyota offers a hybrid 4 seater called the Prius for about $22,000. The Ford Prodigy and GM Precept were still concept cars when they appeared at the Detroit show in January. Ford also says it will introduce the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Analysis of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Essay Analysis of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell s elaborate sixteenth century carpe diem poem, To His Coy Mistress , not only speaks to his coy mistress, but also to the reader. Marvell s suggests to his coy mistress that time is inevitably rapidly progressing and for this he wishes for her to reciprocate his desires and to initiate a sexual relationship. Marvell simultaneously suggests to the reader that he or she should act upon their desires as well, to hesitate no longer and seize the moment before time, and ultimately life, expires. Marvell makes use of allusion, metaphor, and grand imagery in order to convey a mood of majestic endurance and innovatively explicate the carpe diem motif. To show the passage of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His love is so great it would, ?grow vaster than empires? (11 12). Although Marvell tries to equate his love for his mistress to plants, his argument is undermined by a plant?s biological incapableness of contemplation and reciprocal physical affection. Nevertheless, the speaker continues his praises of love, but points out that there is not enough time for further praise because time is passing quickly. The poem then acquires a more serious tone when the poem loses its exaggerations and embellishments. He reassures his coy mistress that ?you deserve this state? of praise and high acknowledgment, But at my back I always hear Time?s wingèd chariot hurrying near. (21 22) Rather than explicitly saying death is near, Marvell substitutes life?s bleakness with a ?winged chariot.? He slowly becomes more frustrated with her ?long preserved virginity? and tires to inform his mistress that death is near and they still have not had intercourse. His frustration can be seen in his sexual pun on the word ?quaint? which symbolically refers to female genitalia. The intense imagery of genitalia is again echoed when Marvell describes to his coy mistress that even after death the ?worms shall try that long preserved virginity? (27 28). Here the worms take on a phallic symbol, reinforcing his sexual desires. The speaker abstractly states that holding onto her virginity will do her no good because she will be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Dog Descriptive Essay My mom comes in late at night hiding something in her front pocket. She shelters this unknown object as if it s a secret only she can know. She stares my father in the eyes and expresses how this is a gift from god, and he certainly can t get mad at her for it. He sighs with the look of what have you done now, plastered on his face. She reveals the secret to her family by taking her arms away from the pocket. Suddenly a furry creature pops its head out to look at his new world. She laid him on the floor and he started sniffing around his forever home. Little did we know that this dog would be the best thing to happen to this family. This puppy would become more than just a friend, he d become part of the family. He taught our family true happiness and loyalty. Russell is a pit bull, boxer and lab mix. So in other words, he was a mutt. He had milky white fur that looked soft but was coarse to the touch. He had orangish yellow patches sprawled across his body and on his head. For a medium size dog he did have a large build to him that almost made him look intimidating, but at the right angle he had the softest features and everyone knew how much of a sweetheart he is. On his face he had a dark black line protruding from his eye. His sweet spots were behind his ear, the middle of his head between his eyes, and of course his stomach. His mannerisms corresponded with being lazy, unless we were at the hunting camp. He was always roamer at heart, going up to neighbors left and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The City Of Orlando Is Split It Up Into 9 Districts The City of Orlando is split it up into 9 districts. Indeed, each district has its own personality and offers different events throughout the year. The manager of each district is in charge of these activities and their primary goal is to always drive customers and tourists into their districts. For example, the Small Business Saturday is an event that is held, each year, the day after Black Friday and the main goal of each district is to get business to their stores and to celebrate with the community. For these small businesses, this time of the year is extremely important and many of them rely on the holiday season to accomplish their annual sales. (Orlando Sentinel, 2015). This year is not different, the Mills50 district is going to hold the Small Business Saturday and it needs a little bit of help to stand out of the rest. Audubon Park is one of the Orlando Districts and an indirect competitor of Mills 50. This park has done similar activities in the past and last year for the Small Business Saturday event they did a raffle for cash. The event was successful in getting business to the local stores and this year they are planning on following along with the Ivanhoe District in their annual Sip and Stroll. According to Fresh Market (2016), the event is scheduled to take place on November 26th. The Audubon Park district is committed to create a sustainable local economy and they want to put the area on the path to becoming an Orlando EcoDistrict. (Audubon Park, 2016). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Essay on Short Story Analysis of Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Short story analysis of Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Have you ever wished that someone had given you a guide on how live the right way? Jamaica Kincaid does just that in her short story, Girl. The narrative is presented as a set of life instructions to a girl by her mother to live properly in Antigua in the 1980 s. While the setting of the story is not expressly stated by the author in the narrative, the reader is able to understand the culture for which Girl was written. Jamaica Kincaid seems to be the passive narrator, receiving the instructions from her mother on how to live in their present social setting. The mother figure focuses on two main categories in her guidance, social manners and domesticity. First, guidance is given for a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Written in 1983, Kincaid narrates the thoughts and moral beliefs of the time by her mother. In Girl, Kincaid uses repetition of the term slut to emphasize that her mother did not want her to develop a bad moral reputation (Kincaid 118 119). Later in the narration though are her mother s thoughts on abortion, this is how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child (Kincaid 119). It shows that while the mother instructed her in moral principles, she also understood that things happen to a young woman. The practical nature of this instruction seems to indicate more modern thought while still living in a society of traditions. Another hint of the time period is the mention of divorce and how to live after it, this is how you love a man...and if they don t work out, don t feel bad about giving up (Kincaid 119). This could indicate that divorce is an accepted practice in the more modern society that Jamaica Kincaid wrote Girl in. The location of the story plays a large role in understanding the character s interactions. The story opens with instructions on cleaning clothes upon a stone heap (Kincaid 118). In 1983 America, most households would have already had washing machines or at least a wash board and bucket rather than the older form of washing clothes at the river and utilizing stones. The next ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Carpentry Has Had A Great Impact On The Construction Industry Carpenters are the second largest group with more than 1.3 million carpenters in the workforce in the United States. (Carpenters 481). Carpentry has had a great impact on the construction industry, such as using hand and power tools to cut, shape, and combine wood, metal, and plastics. Carpentry is the technique of working various different types of woods, metals, and plastics, shaping those products into works art. A carpenter constructs and repairs building frameworks and structures. Carpenters make stairways, door frames, partitions, and rafters out of wood and other materials, including metals and metal products, concrete, plastics, and fiberglass. Some carpenters specialize in installing kitchen cabinets, siding, and drywall. Although carpentry has many branches such as residential, commercial, and industrial carpenters, the most common types include: rough carpentry and finish carpentry. ( Carpenters pg. 84) Rough carpentry is constructing and installing of temporary structures and supporting structures. Carpenters use blueprints, sketches, and oral instruction from the home owner to build the structures. They build and produce frames, rafters, floor joists, subflooring, wall sheathing, prefabricated wall panels along with prefabricated windows, and many other components. Rough carpenters also build parts of buildings that are covered up after the structure is completed, along with building wooden structures and supporting structures used in industrial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Weaknesses Of Democracy Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that democracy facing is that most of the people are not able participate in government in a competent or meaningful way because they do not have the necessary experience, intelligence or knowledge. (reference b democracy) Democracy is not a perfect system and has been criticised for being flawed economically, politically, morally and found to be unrealistic by many authors. The economist Bryan Caplan characterized democracy as inefficient system because most of the people they vote they do not have the correct and enough information they need to make informed and balanced decision. The most of them make decisions without have complete point of views on serious issues that they been called to vote for. He supports his argument because on the fact the cost of knowing is higher than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Politician like to use the press to change of control the public against or in favour of them or of the government. For example, election and opinion polls before the elections, in 2016 the FBI announced 11 days before the election in United States that will examine Hillary Clinton s private email for potentially incriminating. The intelligence agencies of United States, the same year, conclude that Russia tried to control the opinion of the United State public against Hillary Clinton and favour Donald Trump by passing materials that were published by WikiLeaks. In Latin America Andrés Sepúlveda admitted that he manipulated the public opinion on his favour by hire a team of hackers to manipulate the media and create false new. In 2017 President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey used the press to convict the public to vote for a constitutional reform that would significantly separate the powers and covert the country to autocracy. (reference w criticism 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. I Know It Was An Accident And She Didn t Mean I know it was an accident and she didn t mean to hurt Ashleigh. I know it was bad luck. I know Ashleigh should not have got in the car. But Jo needs to be punished by the law...I want the law, the community to say it was wrong... Antonello paused, but I don t want to make it any harder for her than it has to be. I felt sorry for her when I saw her at the Bridge. You re right, she s suffering too. They had talked about it for a long time and they agreed to write a short statement about their granddaughter, about her beauty and her potential, her intelligence, the joy she bought to their lives, and about their sadness and grief. On the way from the carpark to the courtroom that morning, Rae said, I hope she gets a long sentence. I know I should be more forgiving. That I should be moving on, and that I should think about what Ashleigh might have wanted. I m trying not to hate her but she has to be punished... and I don t want to see her again, never. I want her to be banished. I don t want to walk around dreading that I might run into her, that Jane or Alex might run into her. Rae and Alex were coming back to themselves, slowly. They were back to parenting Jane, and they were talking to each other again, occasionally touching even in public, winking at each other when something Antonello or Paolina said seemed old fashioned or tiresome or repetitive. In the few months between his meeting with Jo at the Bridge and the court case, Antonello made several attempts to get ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...