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How To Write An 5 Paragraph
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How To Write An 5 Paragraph Essay How To Write An 5 Paragraph Essay
Veteran interview Essay
Veteran Interview
My grandfather, Larry, served in WWII. He enlisted and stationed at Camp Polk. He went through
places like New Guinea and the Philippines during the war.
When I asked him if he experienced any combat he said; yes, I experienced some combat. But most of
the time I spent in combat was in a tank. Not too much action there. A typical day in my grandfathers
life at the time was to wake up at the crack of dawn and get ready for a full day of combat, well at
least for the ground troops that didn t have a tank to be protected by. Of course for him, driving a tank
was easier then being a ground troop. So that made things a little easier. He told me every day the
main thing he did, and I quote, kep my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then you re stuck setting them all up for the rest of the night.
The thing that stuck out most in my grandfather mind he said was; looking forward to go home . The
war got tough in many ways and situations which made my him wish he was home with his family
I asked him if he thought about the war very often now and he said; so so. Not alot. Glad its over.
When I asked him if he lost any friends or people he served with in the war he said that he lost some
friends in combat but he didn t talk much about that. He carried his sacred heart metal with him
everywhere he went. He would pray for the war to end at night before he fell asleep. The friends he
made in war are either dead or he no longer keeps in touch with them at all. There wasn t much said
about his worst and best experiences in the war. All he said on that was to keep alert and stay alive.
The war did not change him. My grandfather was received with lots of love. He was going to go to
Japan but he ended up going home early. He was in Minilla on V J Day, the day the war ended. This
was a victory day celebration.
I asked him if he had been scarred either emotionally or physically from serving in the war and he
said; yes, both especially when you get surrounded. One time he told me that he opened the top hatch
to his tank to see if the cost was clear. There ended up being a jap hiding in a tree above him and he
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The Airline Deregulation Act
5.2 Case Analysis 5 (PLG1)
Sanam Tamang
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Compare the state of commercial aviation before and after the passage of the Airline Deregulation Act
The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 changed the operation of civil aviation forever and for better.
The aviation when controlled by the federal government, its potential development was restricted and
the air travel was very expensive and could only be afforded by few. The act brought several changes
which affected the airlines as well as people.
I. Summary:
The Airline Deregulation Act was established on October 24, 1978. Before this act the Civil
Aeronautics Board (CAB) used to manage the air fare and the routes used by
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Essay about Polar Bears and their Retreating Habitat
Some of the risk factors that contribute to its registration on the Species At Risk Public Registry are
hunting, reduction of availability of their prey, the reduction of their melting sea ice, and pollution, but
mainly human actions. Polar bears were hunted more commonly in the past, since they have been
considered at risk, they have been given regulations and laws to ensure their species survives, thus
taking precautions such as putting a limit to hunting and killing the bears, whether they bring a threat
when entering a community or village. There are still procedures that the officials have to follow
before killing the bear, such procedures could include relocating the bear far away from the
community. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This then creates shorter life span for the polar bear species. The more that humans interact with the
polar bears habitat and damage their own surroundings affect the polar bears natural way of life, more
at risk they are. By just the way humans burn so much fuel affects the polar bears from miles away.
The burning of fossil fuels is most of the cause to climate change, humans can affect them directly
with weapons, entering their habitats, and polluting their surroundings, or they can also affect the
polar bears indirectly with the burning of greenhouse gases, polluting the waters, and decreasing their
habitat range. Another risk factor is climate change, changing temperatures and changing their habitat,
polar bears are being forced on to landmasses and entering into communities to obtain food for their
survival. The polar bears are being seen more prominently in communities usually trying to find food,
because of the drastic changes in their habitat.
What did you learn about your species at Science North that you did not know before? Explain (A
second visit may be helpful)
Science North provided me with a lot more than a few points, I learned that male polar bears are very
aggressive and have been known to turn on their own kind, usually eat polar bear cubs if they
encounter them during
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Change and Emotions in The Things They Carried by Tim...
Albert Einstein once said, The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be
changed without changing our thinking. This quote relates to Lieutenant Jimmy Cross from the short
story The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien and the narrator from Cathedral, by Raymond Carver
in that they both change. Lieutenant Cross gets distracted by Martha, a girl he is in love with, during
the War and one of his man dies. The narrator from Carver s short story gets jealous about a blind man
his wife used to read to and is not happy that they are having him over their house. Even though the
narrator is very similar to Lieutenant Cross in that they both have a connection with someone that
makes them change, they are also very different in the emotions that they go through. These two
characters share many similarities throughout the short stories. They both go through an event that
makes them see things differently. Lieutenant Cross is in love with Martha even though he knows that
she is probably not in love with him. He gets too distracted with Martha and does not really focus at
his job as a lieutenant. One event that changed him was when Ted Lavender, one of his men, died.
This made him realize that he was too distracted by Martha and did not cared enough for his men. He
felt guilty and had to change his attitude towards his job. O Brien states: He would accept the blame
for what had happened to Ted Lavender. He would be a man about it. He would look them
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The Pros And Cons Of The Milky Way
E.T. phone home : this quote has been very popular for decades now (Verhoeven). Ever since Steven
Spielberg directed the movie E.T. in the 1980 s, this movie caused an up rise about extra terrestrial
life. Because of this movie, people started to realize other life might exist beyond our own planet. In
addition, this caused xenophobes to start rising around the world. With many so called encounters with
aliens in Earth s atmosphere for many millenniums now, does this serve as proof aliens exist? The
Milky Way in which we live in is expanding 3.25 million light years per second (Moskowitz). By the
time you finish reading this paper, the Milky Way will have expanded by 1.9 million light years. This
might be a lot but the closest galaxy to the Milky Way is 13.2 billion light years away. This means
there is a chance extra terrestrial life might exist by the time you finish reading this paper. While
saying this, the galaxy is made up of two hundred billion stars in which NASA has discovered. Each
of these stars has at least one planet orbiting it. By saying this if the Sun has one habitable planet
orbiting it, what is the chance of another star having a habitable planet circling it? Peter Behroozi, a
Hubble fellow at the University of California Berkley talks about this issue, For every grain of sand
there is, there are ten other planets out there like Earth (Cofield). Astronomers have only seen our
galaxy, and there are galaxies larger than the Milky Way and more
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Analysis Of The Yellow Pill By Charles Manson
Charles Manson was a man behind the deaths of nine people in the late 1960s. He was a cult leader
manipulated many of his followers to kill innocent people for many absurd reasons: that he was the
second coming, that he was both Christ and the Devil, and that Armageddon was coming. Most people
saw Manson as a madman. A select few, however, admired Manson for his cunning; to his own
followers and in his own eyes, Manson was extremely clever, rather than being insane. In Rog Phillips
The Yellow Pill, two men, by the names of Dr. Elton and Jerry Bocek, are either in a psychiatrist s
office or in the vacuum of space. Jerry continuously tries to convince Dr. Elton that they are in a
spaceship, yet Elton thinks that Jerry is insane. Evidence throughout The Yellow Pill shows that the
two men are clearly on Earth, but that does not necessarily mean that Jerry is insane. Like Charles
Manson, Jerry is simply well versed in manipulation; he did not have a skewed sense of reality at all.
One of many flaws in Jerry s elaborate lie was when he first visited Dr. Elton s office. He was bound
by a straightjacket and was guided by policemen, but he claimed to be tied up in ropes and surrounded
by gearlockers. After a quick session with Jerry, Elton ordered the officers to take Jerry away and they
did as they were told. However, when he left, Jerry had no explanation for how the policemen,
supposedly inanimate gear lockers, were capable of taking him away from Elton s office. Phillips
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An Interpretation Of Two Behavior Therapy Methods For...
An interpretation of two behavior therapy methods for patients with Social Phobia
Social Phobia is the fear of being embarrassed or being judged by others. This fear restricts the person
from living their everyday lives. It is also characterized as a type of anxiety disorder. A greater part of
patients who inhibit this disorder report encountering adverse images, these negative images are
connected to memories from the past in which the person experienced a traumatic event. The behavior
therapy used in this article is imagery rescripting (IR), this therapy concentrates on altering the
significance of the undesirable memories. Therefore, the objective of imagery rescripting is to lessen
the discomfort of the past memories that affect present experiences. This is done by identifying their
negative events as secluded events in the past, therefore, the negative experiences the patient
encountered in the past no longer hold the focal point in patient s life or anyone in their environment.
Imagery rescripting is distant from other therapies because this therapy restores the essence of the
patient s traumatic memory by proposing a compassionate mindset.
Six patients were extracted from successive referrals for anxiety disorder from PsyQ, a mental health
center located in Netherlands. Patients categorize from 21 to 47 years, both male and female, having 1
to 18 years of duration of social phobia, as well as having good standing levels of education. Each
patient is struggling with
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Santa Clause Creative Writing
Santa Clause leaned his head against the sled, letting out a long sigh. It had been a tough evening so
far. The northern hemisphere was down, but he still had one more hemisphere to go, and he had no
idea what might be in store for him there. Santa s thoughts ran to and fro from what if I never reach all
the kids on time or what if the kids begin to lose faith in me? So, he quickly picked up his reins and
gave them a slap, whoop, whoop, he called out to his reindeers, but exhaustion was creeping in. He
noticed the fluffy clouds taking the forms of little children and candy canes, train sets, and teddy
bears. His eyelids grew too heavy to keep them open, and his head dropped to one side. Santa fell into
a deep slumber... Slop, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Suddenly, his thoughts were awakened by a rumbling song in the distance, and the dog ran ahead.
Wait up, Santa Clause shouted toward the direction the dog was running. He quickly hurried and came
upon an old swag man sitting by the fire. Finally someone to talk to! Santa walked up to the man and
began spilling his story. Hi, I m sure you know me, right? The outfit kind of gives it away, but
anyway. My sled has crashed and lies in pieces, my reindeer have all but gone. I need water, I m so
parched. And I have no way of getting out, I m stuck, and.... Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a breather me
old mate. Let s just begin with your name. What? said Santa, I thought we clarified that already? Oh
dear, another helpless vagabond who doesn t know my name. It s Santa Clause . Who of what cause?
the old man said in bewilderment. You know. S.A.N.T.A. C.L.A.U.S.E. Eh, The swag man said
cocking his head and levelling his eyebrow. Oh, never mind. I m too much in a hurry to explain. I
need a sled and my reindeers to continue my journey before it is too late. Have you seen them at all?
Looking down at his time watch he exclaimed, Golly, look at the time! It s nearly past 1:30 am. I need
supplies. Isn t there any other village around here? Ay, but it s too late for all that. I say first you just
need to sit down and take a cuppa with me, said the swag man calmly. I don t see all this rush in
anything . No I cannot. There s
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The Benefits Of Community Gardening
Another aspect of community gardening, is regarding those who participate in it. Community gardens
can be seen in many cities, with the community coming together to grow produce and relationships
along the way. However, it is becoming a growing trend to start this idea at a younger scale. Many
schools across North America have started implementing a garden into their after school or
extracurricular programs. By introducing gardening to children at a young age allows for them to take
in many of the benefits that come from gardening, and encouraging new ways of engagement.
Gardening provides many hands on activities for children, including designing, planting, and
harvesting the food (Yost, 2009). Many studies have shown that children who take care of a garden, or
live near one, are more likely to show an interest in gardening as they grow up and develop a strong
relationship with gardens and trees (Lohr, 2005).
In California, school gardens have become very popular and are continuously promoting them through
the State s Education Department. An example of one of the schools in the state is Le Conte
Elementary School, which not only has flowers and vegetables, but also livestock, like goats and
chickens. The science curriculum at the school is very inclusive with gardening activities, such as
propagation, transplanting, and composting (Ferris, 2001).
There have been many studies on the effects of school gardens on children. They have shown that
students who participated in a
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Couples In China
As a worldwide community, is it not our duty to ensure that every human is entitled to the basic
human right of life?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, envisaged and signed by 193 countries, accepts that
every citizen in every country is entitled to every human right in the declaration. It is a matter of
principle that such rights should be enforced with all the power invested in the government and in the
justice system. We all deserve equal rights; yet in many countries, they are often flouted.
On the 10th December 1948, following the Second World War, the Universal Declaration was
implemented to ensure that such a horrendous conflict would never occur again. This was embraced
by the International Community and it was determined that every individual should have equal rights.
Human rights are pivotal for justice. It is unfathomable, incomprehensible and unjustifiable for
anything to take precedence over human rights!
As a global ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Couples in China are deprived of Article 16 of the Human Rights which states that everyone has the
right to marriage and to found a family . This degradation of people is only a precursor to a horrific
culture of infanticide and abortion. Additionally, China s defiance of these rights has created
generational and gender inequality. The percentage of mature citizens outweighs the percentile of
young adults below the age of 39. This has had and continues to have an extremely detrimental effect
on China s economy due to the fact that the country lacks experienced individuals of a working age.
Despite China s population growth, the solution to their social and economic problem should not come
at the expense of the population s basic human rights. The gender inequality has precipitated an
unbalanced ratio: 121 boys for every 100 girls! Consequently, women are being kidnapped and forced
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Censorship In Children s Literature
Censorship In Children s Literature Euphemism, a form of indirect censorship, is often used to
substitute certain phrases in order to soften their influence. The word dead becomes passed away , one
who was once disabled is now physically impaired , and what used to be considered firing a worker ,
is called employee termination . These euphemisms are used to protect their audience from the reality,
and although they sometimes serve to censor people from the truth, they ineffectively protect children
from explicit content in many forms of literature. Despite the fact that And Tango Makes Three by
Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, and Charlotte s Web by E.B. White are excellent children novels
that teach meaningful lessons, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though the authors have tried to dampen the plot with the use of euphemisms, society feels that
stories, such as Richardson and Parnell s picture books, require further censorship. The authors of And
Tango Makes Three fail to show the hardships of being openly gay, and therefore mislead young
readers into thinking that it is as easy to be a homosexual in today s society as it is to be a
heterosexual. Children are given false hope as to what life will be like in the future if they are to
become homosexuals, and although it is certainly possible for a gay couple to live a simple life like
Roy and Silo, the reality is that there will be many more struggles for them to be openly gay.
Richardson and Parnell show Roy and Silo s struggles while they try to create a family as, Day after
day Silo and Roy sat on the rock, (Richardson and Parnell, 17), hoping they would become like the
other penguins in the zoo. However, this aspect of the story did not portray how difficult it can be in
reality for a gay couple to form a family. It is said that Roy and Silo are, ...just like the other penguin
couples, (Richardson and Parnell, 12), which does not accurately portray what life is like for
homosexuals. The authors have created a perfect world for Roy and Silo, where the only difference
between them and the other penguins is that they are unable to produce eggs themselves. Although this
is a society that many dream of one that contains no discrimination against homosexuality many areas
in the world have not yet reached this level of civility, which misleads children into thinking life as a
homosexual will be as simple for them as it was for Roy and Silo. In addition, E.B. White fails to
show the harsh actions that farmers typically take for animals that are considered to be useless. In
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Asylum Seekers And Refugees
This essay will reflect on the controversial issue of asylum seekers and refugees in particular the
treatment that refugees and asylum seekers receive when attempting to enter Australia and whether it
is ethical. Furthermore, the concept of illegal and legal refugees will be investigated as well as how
the media and society chooses to portray them. Whilst taking into consideration the perspectives of the
Federal Government policies and whether the treatment of these people follow the UN Declaration of
Human Rights to overall establish the ..........
Asylum seekers are those who are seeking protection (Asylum) outside their original habitation, as
they fear persecution for reasons of religion, race, torture, and nationality (Australian Human Rights ...
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In September 2014 Hamid Khazaei cut his foot open and died from a sepsis three weeks later due to
receiving inadequate medical attention. In April 2014 Omid Masoumali resorted to suicide by setting
himself on fire, however he did not die instantly it took over 24 hours for him to be medically
evacuated and he died two days later in hospital. A peaceful protest conducted by refugees detained at
Manu Island in February 2014 turned into a riot after guards and police swooped the facility and
attacked both refugees involved and not involved in the protest, Reza Berati was beaten to death
because of this, whilst 60 other refugees were injured. These are just a few of that many reports of
abuse, violence and mistreatment of refugees in both the Manu and Nauru facilities. Sexual assault
and rape allegations have been reported on multiple occasions at the Nauru facility with a report of
women getting sexually harassed and giving sexual favours to receive 3 minutes more in the shower
and trade goods such as marijuana. With incidents like these occurring frequently the .......... of these
establishments are
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Different Versions Of Sleeping Beauty Stretch From The...
Various versions of Sleeping Beauty stretch from the middle of the Renaissance period to
contemporary settings. The Ninth Captain s Tale by Arabian Nights is the earliest, recorded even
before its 1550 publishing (cite). In Italy, Giambattista Basile writes Sun, Moon and Talia, which is
the first record of the Sleeping Beauty tale in Europe. Charles Perrault s Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
revises the tale, making it more children friendly and most similar to the Brother s Grimm version
familiar with many children. Common throughout these stories, the princess character s helpless
nature is romanticized, not to mention the popular story of a prince finding a sleeping princess and the
two living happily ever. Despite this fairy tale s popularity, the several versions of Sleeping Beauty
endorse a submissive and powerless female by establishing a surreal, magical setting around the
sleeping princess character, dampening the alarming actions of the prince and systemic lack of female
agency. Magical elements present themselves throughout each of these fairy tales. The princess
character in each version is magically put to sleep or death. Perrault s version has a fairy with a chariot
of fire, pull by dragons. However, when the prince character is introduced, the description of the
surreal setting around the princess is emphasized, primarily the princess character s place of rest. In
The Ninth Captain s Tale, the mausoleum for Sittukhan is described as spectacular with columns
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Florida Air Essay examples
Florida Air, Inc. 1. Evaluate Florida Air s search for capital. What, if any, key mistakes were made?
Dan failed to fully utilize high profile networks of Scott and Henry, who were both graduates of an Ivy
League School (Did Scott graduate from Ivy League School?). Also, Dan did not try to reach out to
his network he established while he was buying and selling airplanes. Even if there was no one
interested in their direct network, perhaps someone in their network knew someone who might be
interested. Scott later contacted his 100 alumni later but rather passively; instead of calling to actively
initiate a conversation, he mailed out information. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They did not file any legal document when they received checks from investors. The team failed to
fully leverage the positive media coverage they were getting; they could ve used the opportunity to put
an ad or some sort on the newspaper to widen their search scope for potential investors. They did not
manage their money properly. Without a specific funding plan, they quickly burn out the money they
raised even before they fulfilled the need of $1.5 million. 2. Evaluate Dan s evolving relationships
with Scott and Henry. What principles of best practices did he overlook? Dan had an excellent
working relationship with Scott. Both of them believed in the future of Florida Air and worked for 10
12 hours a day On the other hand, Dan had a rocky relationship with Henry. Henry showed little
dedication and did not contribute much. He refused to do any work himself but preferred to hire a
third party to do work for him. Further, he frequently showed up to office late and missed meetings,
dragging down the team s motivation Dan seemed to overlook team chemistry factor. Surely Henry
has extensive industry expensive with equally impressive educational background (graduate of an Ivy
League school). However, he did not work
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Why Was Simon Bolivar More Important Than The Liberator
When it comes to the phrase A brilliant soldier but a poor politician I agree to the fullest extent that
Simon Bolivar was indeed this. He was one of the most powerful figures in world political history. He
led the independence movement for six nations; Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and
Bolivia. After liberating all of these countries he was soon after nicknamed The Liberator . ◾After
hundreds of years of domination by Spain, Bolívar was instrumental in moving South America closer
to democratic governments. Bolívar successfully waged a number of military campaigns throughout
South America, defeating the Spanish on numerous occasions. But he is also essentially responsible
for the political instability that plagues the region ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout the course of his whole lifetime he was able to free almost all of northern South America,
and at this point he was known as El Liberator. When studying South American independence efforts,
it is physically impossible to bypass Simon Bolivar because of his prevalence in all countries. He was
able to weave himself into the independence efforts of many countries, including Venezuela, Ecuador,
Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. He was able to free these countries through a multitude of ways and had
significant effects on these countries, even to the extent that he is still known as El Libertador today.
In 1810, Venezuela s independence movement declared independence from Spain, and a new
government was created. However, the movement was defeated by Spain, and Bolívar was forced to
flee to Cartagena, Colombia. In 1813, fighting once again broke out between the rebels and the
Spanish. This time Bolívar and his troops successfully defeated the Spanish. Bolívar then went to New
Granada (present day Colombia) and took command of military forces. In May 1814, he captured the
capital, Bogotá. Bolívar believed that South America should have a parliamentary government
modeled after England but with a president for life. By 1821, Bolívar had successfully liberated
Venezuela, Ecuador, and New Granada and found the Republic of Gran
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Depression In Young Adults
Depression; for not solely a temporary change in mood or a sign of weakness. However, it is a real
medical condition with many emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive symptoms that can affect
an individual s ability to think, feel, construct, or even; live. It can lead to a variety of emotional and
physical problems such as: Nausea, muscle weakness, insomnia, a change in appetite, dry mouth, and
irritation. Moreover, studies have shown that depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%)
in any given year; in like manner, only 20 percent of teens will experience depression before reaching
adulthood or of age maturity. Thus, making the predicament more common in young adolescences,
rather than fully grown, mature adults.
The controversy of the issue is widely known as a bland perception of, one selves pain or another man
s agony. But, that is no longer the case, as the issue is beginning to be more common and scrutinized
throughout many regions of the world by psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors, scientists, and even so
called specialists. Though, as the controversy over the issue continues to grow, we are still in the
carbon state of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As God said to Noah, in Genesis 7, that we must take care of our home and protect it from harm s
way; such being, sin. As sin enters into a good world. However, that does not primarily mean that we
should only take care of the environment, and so the wildlife that roams throughout our home; but, in
the same sense, we should take care of each other. As we too are a vital part of this Earth s survival.
We are the only species that were given a peculiar gift that no other being has; free will. And with that
phenomenal, rare gift, we need to learn that there are many things in this world that are worth saving;
some may require our full attempt, some may not. Withal that choice is entirely up to
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Words And Description In The Poem Digging
Observation and description are said to function as the core elements of today s poetry as poets are
being led away from their role as teachers of morality. Instead, in many modern poems, it is the
description of something mundane that can serve as a trigger for much bigger thoughts yet at the same
time allow the mundane to stay as it is, without any overt value judgment. To make such a poem work,
the choice of words and descriptions is the most important, and as Trotter remarks regarding a quote
by Ted Hughes: Description [...] is a matter of picking out and remembering significant details: then it
is just a matter of presenting those vividly in words (246). That presentation is what makes poetry
come to life, and in their poems Digging , ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This was what Kinnell himself believed in: [p]art of poetry s usefulness is that it pays some of our
huge unpaid tribute to the things and creatures that share the earth with us (Nelson 1), which can be
seen throughout the poem. The entirety of it is carried by one simple image, namely that of going out
into the forest to pluck and eat blackberries. The only challenge that has to be overcome before
reaching those fat, overripe, icy, black blackberries (l.2) are the stalks very prickly, a penalty they earn
for knowing the black art of blackberry making (l.4 6). Even that challenge is not all that challenging,
though, and if the art of blackberry making really were all that black, the speaker would not be going
after them. Even though he makes it sound like it is a bad thing, he does not actually condemn the
plants he only considers them to be delicious and alluring. The poem does not appear to be very
philosophical, and the only part that stands out for its wordplay, still does not judge the art of
blackberry picking in any
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Me And Rosalind Research Paper
Today me and rosalind were happy to be in the sealand community for the first time after the long
journey we slept in the day we got there. After we woke up we decided to go get some food from Tim
Hortons after that they went to see the sealands woman who brought them hear to see what they could
do to pay her back for it since it was the best thing in life that had ever happened to them. The lady
told them that the payment would be nothing because we are learning from petras great powers every
day. So this means that you and rosalind and petra are going to have to stay somewhere nicer than you
did last night. I said nicer than we were last night that is the nicest place i have seen in my whole
life,and that is what is normal housing hear. So i m going to get you guys a mansion. Me,petra and
rosalind thanked her so much. But one exception you and rosalind have to get a job from 7 to 6 while
petra is with me training and teaching me i said it is a deal petra must be hear every day at 7 sharp so
see you tomorrow the sealand woman said i said yes bright and early.
The next day me and petra got ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After that me and rosalind decided that we would get married i said that would be great david. So we
looked into where we would do the ceremony but at the same time i was able to send a thought shape
off to Michael he said they were only a day away from sealand He told us it was a hard long trip.
Roseland suggested that we get married on the beautiful beach i said that would be perfect. We should
wait until david and rachel going there tough. They continued on with there day petra went to the
sealand woman s house and we went off to work. The next day we saw Michael and rachel walking in
so we went and greeted them and told them the news about us getting married they said wonderful
because me and rachel were thinking the same thing we should get a married at the same time and
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The Outbreak Of The Ebola Virus
There is no doubt that some of the most feared organisms on this planet are invisible to the human
eye. People are both fearful and fascinated by how such tiny microorganisms, such as viruses, can
cause the decimation of whole populations of both humans and various animals. At the current
moment, the worst outbreak of the Ebola virus that has ever happened is occurring in West Africa.
This disease is so frightening because it can quickly result in a terrible, agonizing death of any
unfortunate soul that has become infected. This specific virus can quite literally cause the liquefaction
of the organs within the human body. As Ebola takes hold of many villages and towns in West Africa,
surrounding countries are scrambling to send supplies and aid workers in an attempt to stop the spread
of such a lethal virus. The Ebola virus first made its way to the United States this past October,
sending many U.S. citizens in to a state of hysteria out of fear that an Ebola epidemic will occur on
American soil. As the death toll of the recent outbreak keeps rising steadily, only time will tell if the
virus can be stopped in its track before spreading across the globe to infect inhabitants in all corners of
the world.
Ebola belongs to the virus family Filoviridae. There are three genera in this family, which are the
Marburgvirus, Cuevavirus, and Ebolavirus (WHO, 2014). Filoviruses are encased within a lipoprotein
envelope that comes in a variety of different shapes, ranging from
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Fashion Values In The Fashion Industry
The current reality of clothing production, called fast fashion, is the industry standard of mass
producing luxury styles in a matter of weeks. To do so, clothes are churned out quickly using poor
quality materials. This is problematic because of the large amount of unnecessary environmental
damage that this business model causes. The fashion industry should abandon the current trend of fast
fashion and disposable clothing to decrease the amount of hazardous environmental waste created.
The fashion industry should adopt slow fashion values that aim to cut excess consumer waste by
changing the current societal norms around fashion buying and clothing disposal. Fast fashion has
become the pinnacle of the fashion industry because it is very profitable. Cheap material and cheap
overseas labor has made places like Walmart, Zara, and H M twice as profitable as any retail store
(Cline, The Clothes Make the Movement , 21). The average American household spends one thousand
and seven hundred dollars on apparel every year. One third of the average household expense is
claimed by women aged sixteen and older who spend over five hundred dollars on clothing and shoes
annually (Bureau of Labor Statistics). That dollar amount translates into an average of sixty eight
items of clothing and seven pairs of shoes per the average American (Cline, The Clothes Make the
Movement , 21). Cheap textile materials quickly fall apart, lose color and shape, and are replaced by
new fashion trends.
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Beauty Pageants Essay
Rotosha Word
Professor Heather Wyatt
English 102
5 October 2017
Little Girls Participating in Beauty Pageants
For the sake of young girls, we try to save them from their insecurities, which is fairly significant. I
perceive that beauty pageants are vigorous for girls, it assists them to get rid of stage fright, or low self
esteem. As a firm believer, I acknowledge the fact that pageant girls will develop as beautiful,
sophisticated women. Different contests allow girls to have discipline and self control to continue and
follow the strict path of life. Such as exercising, dieting, and just totally putting effort into a
competitive venue, and all of its significance. Despite a few misconceptions, beauty pageants are not
all about being ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Beauty pageants are events that little girls dream of. This dream however, was not an overnight well
planned event, the history of The Miss America pageant started as a beauty contest a long time before
now. The beauty pageant was held on September the seventh and the eighth of 1921. Beauty pageants
have evolved over the years, after World War 2, shows were made to represent the ideal woman a
feminine, wife like the keeper of the household. But now, pageants have different selection criteria. It
all depends on how women are perceived in society. Traits can range from high and independent to
soft and feminine. The winner of pageants will be recognized as successful and beautiful and will
embody well being traits. An example of a show that operates in this manner would be the Miss
America Pageant. It is a pageant in which winners represent the ideal woman. People are continually
instigating on the rumor of shows are for the most beautiful people in the country. Though beauty
plays an important part, the year and definition of an ideal woman in this age play a more significant
role. In 1921, Margeret Gorman won the very first beauty pageant. She looked like Mary Pickford
who was the most significant star of the day, and this was the ideal woman of 1921. Thus, the perfect
woman and year play a big part. Pageants are competitions that mainly focus on the physical beauty,
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The Drinking Age Of The United States
While driving home on the way back from a relative s house, a sudden flash pierces your vision.
Traveling 60 miles per hour, a truck smashes into a nearby Honda. The impact causes the death of two
innocent conductors who had their lives grasped from them by a 17 year old girl who was intoxicated.
Even though the legal age to start drinking in the United States is twenty one, most teenagers tend to
start drinking beforehand. These teenagers drink more heavily than adults do; therefore,
developmental issues tend to be a factor that may affect a teenager s system if they drink throughout
their lifespan. Although teenagers are aware that drunk driving can be fatal and can cause permanent
damage, they recklessly get behind the wheel under the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Regardless, these magazines are attainable to people of all ages and can be a negative influence for
young adults. The key factor that advertisers of alcoholic beverages should consider is that children
can indeed come across these magazines. Young people from ages twelve to twenty are several times
more likely to see alcohol advertisements than adults would during this time period (Hopkins n.pag.).
Magazines and advertisements illustrate the consumption of alcohol and they try to enrapture the mind
of children.
Regarding this time period as well, teenagers of the 21st century rely on social media and
advertisements in their decision making (Hopkins n.pag.). When a troubled teen has personal
problems, they seek shelter on drugs and alcohol to get themselves distracted until they ponder about
situations that they have seen on advertisements to help them forget or efface their problems (Hopkins
n.pag.). As statistics show, those who are around the ages of twelve to twenty are more exposed to
alcohol advertising than adults over the age of 35 (Hopkins n.pag.). Seventy percent of what industries
advertise is more likely to be seen by teenagers instead of adults who are actually in the legal age to
drink (Hopkins n.pag.). Multiple advertisements forget to emphasize the dangers of drinking in their
articles or magazines.
Equally important, if one happens to have a 0.08% alcohol level while driving, the person is
considered to be
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Body Image And Privilege Research Paper
Reflective Essay
Throughout my years in the Women and Gender Studies program here at the University Of Toledo, I
have enhanced my mental capacity in many ways. Being introduced to the program was a gift.
Feminist concepts, ideals, methodologies, understanding myths, stereotypes was beneficial to my
overall success at Toledo. Using the theories and critical thinking skills that were essential to the
program in my professional and personal life helped shape me into the strong woman that I am.
Intersectionality, body image, and privilege are three major themes that will be ingrained in me as I
continue on my collegiate journey.
Intersectionality is described as the integration and connection of a person s race, class, gender, and
socioeconomic status all combined into one. With all of these things taken place in one s life, they can
cause an extreme strain on a person s livelihood. This concept has been consistently brought up in
majority of my classes. Creating a dynamic where the person will or can be judged and harmed
because of all the things that have been ascribed to them. Using this concept as I go forth in my
educational journey will be necessary because it will allow me to better understand someone s
perspective. This will allow me to be more effective when I need to assist them in any services. ...
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While in the Women and the Body course, I was able to dissect the images, constraints, and beliefs
associated with the woman s body. The debate over body image originated from patriarchal
constraints, deeming that women have to fit into an ideal of womanhood. A woman s body image is
suppose to be a direct link to the man she is with. She should have childbearing hips, a stature that is
associated in being motherly, and breasts to breast feed the children. With that it grew into using man
made objects to reinforce the patriarchal power about body
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Analysis Of River Out Of Eden And The Art Of War
It is difficult to argue whether strategy is an art form or science because it can actually be both. Sun
Tzu s text, The Art of War is an example of an ancient humanism text about strategies of war.
Humanism by definition is, an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human
rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of
human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human
problems (Dictionary.com). Therefore, humanism is much like philosophy which is related to science
yet influenced by the skill of art. Thomas Cleary starts off the text with a quote from The Book of
Balance and Harmony which states, To know after seeing is not worthy of being called knowing (qtd.
in Cleary, xv xvi), but since Sun Tzu s teachings are philosophical the text renders itself as war
knowledge. In River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life , author and biologist Richard Dawkins
would greatly disagree with Cleary s quote because Dawkins believes that, Scientific beliefs are
supported by evidence, and they get results (Dawkins 33). According to Dawkins, Darwinism has the
power to explain natural occurrences in the universe and his mission is to disprove supernatural views
of creation and the world with observable scientific knowledge. Although, military strategies are
intuitive there are also observable scientific aspects to the art of war which follow the scientific
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The Battle of Adolescence in The Catcher in the Rye by...
Adolescence is stressful and confusing to say the least, and is a time in one s life where one begins to
discover who they are and what they want as they transition into the adult world. In J.D. Salinger s
classic American novel, The Catcher in the Rye, the main character Holden, is a downhearted teenage
boy used by Salinger in order to portray universal themes to the reader including isolation, loss of
innocence, and the phoniness of the adult world. Through Salinger s use of symbolism, the reader is
able to ponder Holden and his struggles as he embarks into adulthood in order to come to a deeper
understanding of the themes Salinger s symbols represent. One of the most widely recognized symbols
of the book is Holden s curiosity about the ducks in Central Park. Holden longs for answers to his
question of where the ducks go in the winter. The ducks. Do you know by any chance? I mean does
somebody come around in a truck or something and take them away, or do they fly away by
themselves go south or something? (107). As the ice freezes over the pond and winter comes, the
ducks leave, able to escape the brutal winter and the ice for a more pleasant, warmer climate to the
south. Holden longs to avoid being apart of the adult world that is engulfed with phoniness, but is
unable to understand how to do so. The fish don t go no place. They stay right where they are, the fish.
Right in the goddamn lake... Their bodies take in nutrition and all, right through the goddamn seaweed
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Personal Strengths
Yoga? I m Down, Dog Under all normal circumstances, a field full of children lying motionless in a
field would be cause for alarm, however this particular scene occurred under the best circumstances.
On a balmy October day in 2010, a group of girls reclined blissfully in Savasana beneath a whispering
willow tree as the last cotton wood tufts drifted in the breeze. I d been going to the Boys Girls Club
every day afterschool for about a month. One afternoon, a volunteer guided a group through a basic
yoga class. Although it was probably only 30 minutes in length, it would serve as the catalyst for one
of the most important chapters in my life. Little did I know it would eventually lead to my yoga
teacher certification and beyond! Following my first post yoga bliss, I became hooked. The
afterschool leader, Sarah, could place her full palm on the ground while I could barely touch my toes.
She inspired me; she was an adult who truly inhabited her body. As a freshman, I began attending
classes at a local yoga studio. They were a disaster at first. I felt totally lost in the fast paced
environment. I didn t have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not in every aspect of life, but as a service to others through sharing personal strengths. Although
generally a confident person, I experienced many normal aspects of youth such as insecurities, and the
tendency to follow adults. This was a challenge I faced (and conquered) during my teacher training. I
was by far the youngest of the class. Who was I to guide a seasoned and wise 60 year old? Everything
clicked when I realized my youth and inexperience did not diminish my value as a teacher. I walked
into my final evaluation with nervous butterflies and a chant in my head of you ve got this! After all,
the wise yogi knows they have unimaginable potential for growth, while a foolish yogi assumes they
are an expert. Growth, not perfection has become my highest goal in
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Political Correctness in Oleanna Essay
Re read Act 2 from page 43 (JOHN and CAROL seated across the desk from each other.) to page 48
(CAROL: It s ludicrous... ?). Examine how Mamet presents political correctness in this extract and
elsewhere in the play.
Political correctness features prominently within the play. Political correctness was seen as a highly
controversial issue in the late 1980s to the early 1990s and was argued within a 1992 essay collection,
debating political correctness, that it was The most important discussion in American education . This
was perhaps due to the numerous amounts of opinions on whether or not political correctness was
right. Political correctness repressed people s abilities to freedom of speech and therefore there were
many differing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, this does contrast to Mamet s view as he said about John and Carol that he thinks they re
both absolutely wrong, and they re both absolutely right . The idea of elitists always getting their own
way links to later on in the play, when John uses the expletives, bitch and cunt . It is suggested that
John is perhaps mocking Carol by using the expletives, as he is being politically incorrect. While
Carol tries to enforce political correctness, John dismisses it due to the hubris that he holds, which in
Greek Mythology, excessive arrogance was called hubris.
In the extract, it appears that John recognises the mistakes that he has made. However, he makes no
effort to change his ways, possibly due to the lack of control that he has over himself and his lack of
ability to change his ways, I don t mean to subject you to my weak sensibilities It doesn t seem to be
an apology from John, and therefore just a passing statement. This again reinforces his lack of willing,
to change. This links back to Act one, when John s use of declaratives and pronouns portrays his
confidence and control over Carol, Let s take the mysticism out of it, shall we? Carol? Don t you
think? . This lack of conforming to political correctness links to a speech that president George Bush
gave in 1991, where he spoke out against a movement which would declare certain topics off limits .
In the extract, John also comments, I find that I am sexist.
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Mockumentary In Chris Lilley s Summer Heights High
The Australian produced show Summer Heights High, is created and written by Chris Lilley, it was
directed by Stuart McDonald. It was a mockumentary which takes place at Summer Heights Heigh, it
was filmed over a school term. The show was centered around three characters Jonah, Ja mie and a
drama teacher called Mr.G. The show followed these three characters around displaying what their
every day life is like. Jonah is a 13 year old boy from Tongah who has disciplinary problems and does
not like to participate at school. Ja mie is a private school girl that is on an exchange program. She is
the typical snobby private school girl that thinks she is better then everyone else, she also thinks she
can get away with anything. Mr G is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
comedic techniques used throughout this scene are Chris Lilley s tone of voice while playing Ja mie in
my opinion makes everything funny, also stereotypes were used were funny with the typical white
snobby private girl that is displayed throughout this episode and not just this scene. Just like the last
scene satire was again used along with taboo, a lot of the comedy portrayed in this television show has
a lot to do with satire and taboo. Pseudo science is portrayed a lot throughout this scene with the
sayings Ja mie with how she will get pregnant and how she is going to leave home at 18.
To conclude, the Summer Heights High program displayed many comedic techniques, in the two
particular scene that i mentioned mainly satire and taboo were used and also film techniques were
used to show emotion that Jonahs father was displaying when they were telling him what Jonah drew.
The second scene it was mainly all taboo with what Ja mie was saying to her mum it was really dark
and crude humour, which is what made it such a memorable part if the
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Harm Reduction Case Study
2 Society rejection of the idea as they believe how we help addicted people for addiction process,
however because of their lack of information about that programs, so advertisement through the media
is very important for overcoming that barrier. Does harm reduction has any role in increase disorder
and threaten public safety and health of other healthy people? No scientific based evidence has
definitely demonstrated that harm reduction programs do attract drug dealers; or do they compromise
the safety and well being of the surrounding community in any way. In fact, they have been found to
do the opposite as it decreases the transmission of fatal blood borne diseases and with low cost
benefit. They have a positive impact on public health by reducing the prevalence of blood borne
viruses such as HIV and hepatitis C. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As for example, the average cost for treatment of AIDS disease is at least $150,000, however the
opening of one centre for harm reduction would cost only about $300,000 annually, which is
surprising. Providing the policy decision maker about the cost and the benefit of the project is very
important for overcoming that
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Zoroastrianism A Religion
Consider the question of whether Judaism is essentially a religion, a race, a culture, or something else.
Support your response by making reference to key events, individuals, or beliefs as they relate to the
origin and historical development of Judaism.
When it comes to the discussion as to what constitutes as Judaism, I believe that it is important to
remember that the discussion as to what is Judaism is quite debatable. The discussion of what
constitutes Judaism as it comes to the Jewish identity has brought many different many different
definitions among those who have studied relevant fields. Additionally, when attempting ... Show
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At that time most within the area of Persia followed the various deities of the Irano Aryan religion,
however, Zarathustra brought up a different faith system (Bekhrad, 2017). His belief system firstly
placed emphasis on the idea of monotheism (as opposed to the polytheism of Irano Aryan religion)
since he felt there was only one god named Ahura Mazda who was worthy of their worship (Bekhrad,
2017). While the concept of monotheism was the central point within Zoroastrianism, other
theological aspects which were present in his religious thought includes Angra Mainyu (the evil spirit
who in some aspects was like Satan), heaven and hell, and a collection of scripture called Avesta
(Corduan, 2015). Zoroastrianism had a strong influence on other religious movements and played a
role in part in shaping the theology which they held (Bekhrad, 2017). The first example of this would
have to be with regards to the Jewish religion since it shows many parallels with Zoroastrianism s
beliefs (Bekhrad, 2017). Such examples of these similarities would have to include that of
monotheism (God and Ahura Mazda), the idea of a collection of scriptures (Torah and Avesta), and
belief in upcoming messianic figures (the Messiah and Sayoshant) (Corduan, 2015). Such influence is
likely to have occurred since the Jews and the Persians are known to have had relations with each
other and likely they passed along theological ideas (Bekhrad, 2017). A second way that
Zoroastrianism influenced a religion would have to be that of Islam (Stepaniants, 2002). Such
influence again can be seen with certain parallels between the two religions, but the method of
influence is different. During the Muslim conquests that occurred in the Middle Ages, one of the
consequences was that they gained power
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Criticism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Twice Told Tales
Edgar Allan Poe s critique of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Twice Told Tales states, that any author who
hope to be successful will write poetry and short stories in the same style that he, himself uses (Poe).
Poe s continued popularity prove his ability to write an entertaining story, but what gives him the right
to control another s work of art? He was, without a doubt, an arrogant person, and believed his way
was the only proper way to write. Many may not agree with his theories on writing, or his need to
make others abide by his rules, but there may be something to his beliefs. His stories, like the The Tell
Tale Heart , are packed with emotion and flow beautifully do to the use of his style. After a falling out
with his foster father, Poe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Looking at The Tell Tale Heart in our textbook (1186), we can see that it is about three and a half
pages long. This meets Poe s length requirement, because it can be read in one sitting. The story also
has a preconceived effect, or unity of effect, throughout. The Tell Tale Heart is a dark story that deals
with murder and guilt. The narrator kills a man because he doesn t like his eye, chops him up and
hides him under the floorboards. There is nothing to misinterpret in this story; the narrator is a crazy
and dangerous man. This leads to the climax, where the narrator starts feeling guilt for killing the old
man. He starts to believe he can hear the man s heart through the floorboards; The heartbeat gets
louder and louder until the narrator can no longer take it. When the police arrive, he turns himself in
just to get away from the beating. With climax being the final element, Poe has made sure The Tell
Tale Heart has everything necessary to be considered a short
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My First Experience At Bridgetown Church
My first experience at Bridgetown church was very long overdue and very interesting. Most all of my
friends and family all have been inviting me to Bridgetown specifically because they all really enjoy a
specific pastor there that speaks on Sunday services. I never saw the need to go, mainly because of my
night shifts are scheduled so oddly I was afraid of falling asleep at a religious sermon that I was not
interested in embarrassing myself at and also not wanting to go out of my way to attend something
that I was not particularly interested in. Bluntly writing I did not want to waste my time to go to
something I wasn t very excited about, especially when I do not know what to expect. This assignment
did give the opportunity a bigger reason and I am glad to have been able to make such an insightful
visit that I may not mind trying again in the near future. The Bridgetown church service gathers in a
historical Portland church that has beautiful architecture, called the First Baptist Church. Located on
SW 11th and Taylor Street almost in the heart of downtown Portland. I went to the very last service of
three, given every Sunday, held at 7pm, known for young adults because of its close location to
Portland State University. The fact that there are three services given in one day was very shocking to
me, that a community of people would devote to doing the same exact thing three times once a week
seems very time consuming and loyal to me. The certain Sunday that I attended
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How Online Brand Communication And Customer Engagement...
Research Question:
How online brand communication and customer engagement influence a consumer s decision
The marketing strategy of branding is not a new concept. A company s brand is not a logo, or a tag
line, but rather the relationship it has with its customer base, it is in essence not how a company
defines itself but how the public defines it. With every interaction and every customer touch point a
business shapes its brand identity, and participants in this exchange are known as a brand community.
Where the development and monetization of the internet have allowed businesses to expand into new
forms of customer engagement, these types of online interactions can be the deciding factor in a
consumer s ultimate decision to purchase and/or become brand ambassadors. Through research on
business social media strategies, cultivating online communities and curating content via corporate
websites and paid advertising I hope to discover how this type of business to consumer
communication supports and replacement to the in person shopping experience. Additionally, how
these types of communications weigh against a consumers ultimate decision to purchase, focusing
how these online communications is utilized as a means to expand consumer brand interaction
To provide a rounded perspective, in addition to the eight required academic sources I selected
supplemental, industry based materials as a means of delivering a robust framework for strategies on
brand loyalty and
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The Federal Aviation Administration Should Not Shut Down...
The Federal Aviation Administration Should Not Shut Down Small Airport Air Traffic Control Towers
The Federal Aviation Administration was created August 23, 1958 to help increase air travel safety, as
well as make a more efficient airspace (Mission). In the ten years after the Federal Aviation
Administration started recording crashes, there were 183 crashes (Canavan). The crash percentage, the
number of crashes divided by the number of flights, was .00125% (Accident and Incident Data). In the
last ten years there were forty seven accidents and incidents (Canavan). The accident percent was
roughly .000125% (Accident and Incident Data). The Federal Aviation Administration was the driving
force of the effort to improve safety. One of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These companies run the Air Traffic Control Towers just like government employees would, but much
more cheaply and efficiently (The Beginning of Air Traffic Control). Air Traffic Controllers that work
for private companies make a median of $60,000 $65,000. This is much lower than a federally funded
Air Traffic Control Tower. Employee salaries are the largest cost to the Air Traffic Control Tower
budget. This allows contracted Air Traffic Control Towers to spend much less money to run and
operate. The United States government could save a lot of money by simple contracting all of the Air
Traffic Control Towers.
Airport safety is one of the Federal Aviation Administration s biggest concerns. They are tasked with
tracking over 10,400,000 commercial flights every year, not including military and non commercial
flights (Canavan). Collisions and crashes are the two major causes of injuries and death. Air travel
accidents date all of the way back to 1908 (Old). Orville Wright, one of the original inventors of the
airplane, was flying a demonstration for the military when a propeller suddenly was ripped off of the
airplane. The passenger, Lieutenant Selfridge was killed when the plane hit the ground (Old). The
Federal Aviation Administration has come a long way since the 1960 s to improve safety (Mission).
They have implemented various systems such as the United States program, NextGen Program, and
the Air Transportation
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  • 2. Veteran interview Essay Veteran Interview My grandfather, Larry, served in WWII. He enlisted and stationed at Camp Polk. He went through places like New Guinea and the Philippines during the war. When I asked him if he experienced any combat he said; yes, I experienced some combat. But most of the time I spent in combat was in a tank. Not too much action there. A typical day in my grandfathers life at the time was to wake up at the crack of dawn and get ready for a full day of combat, well at least for the ground troops that didn t have a tank to be protected by. Of course for him, driving a tank was easier then being a ground troop. So that made things a little easier. He told me every day the main thing he did, and I quote, kep my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then you re stuck setting them all up for the rest of the night. The thing that stuck out most in my grandfather mind he said was; looking forward to go home . The war got tough in many ways and situations which made my him wish he was home with his family again. I asked him if he thought about the war very often now and he said; so so. Not alot. Glad its over. When I asked him if he lost any friends or people he served with in the war he said that he lost some friends in combat but he didn t talk much about that. He carried his sacred heart metal with him everywhere he went. He would pray for the war to end at night before he fell asleep. The friends he made in war are either dead or he no longer keeps in touch with them at all. There wasn t much said about his worst and best experiences in the war. All he said on that was to keep alert and stay alive. The war did not change him. My grandfather was received with lots of love. He was going to go to Japan but he ended up going home early. He was in Minilla on V J Day, the day the war ended. This was a victory day celebration. I asked him if he had been scarred either emotionally or physically from serving in the war and he said; yes, both especially when you get surrounded. One time he told me that he opened the top hatch to his tank to see if the cost was clear. There ended up being a jap hiding in a tree above him and he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Airline Deregulation Act 5.2 Case Analysis 5 (PLG1) Sanam Tamang Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Compare the state of commercial aviation before and after the passage of the Airline Deregulation Act (ADA). Abstract: The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 changed the operation of civil aviation forever and for better. The aviation when controlled by the federal government, its potential development was restricted and the air travel was very expensive and could only be afforded by few. The act brought several changes which affected the airlines as well as people. I. Summary: The Airline Deregulation Act was established on October 24, 1978. Before this act the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) used to manage the air fare and the routes used by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Essay about Polar Bears and their Retreating Habitat Some of the risk factors that contribute to its registration on the Species At Risk Public Registry are hunting, reduction of availability of their prey, the reduction of their melting sea ice, and pollution, but mainly human actions. Polar bears were hunted more commonly in the past, since they have been considered at risk, they have been given regulations and laws to ensure their species survives, thus taking precautions such as putting a limit to hunting and killing the bears, whether they bring a threat when entering a community or village. There are still procedures that the officials have to follow before killing the bear, such procedures could include relocating the bear far away from the community. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This then creates shorter life span for the polar bear species. The more that humans interact with the polar bears habitat and damage their own surroundings affect the polar bears natural way of life, more at risk they are. By just the way humans burn so much fuel affects the polar bears from miles away. The burning of fossil fuels is most of the cause to climate change, humans can affect them directly with weapons, entering their habitats, and polluting their surroundings, or they can also affect the polar bears indirectly with the burning of greenhouse gases, polluting the waters, and decreasing their habitat range. Another risk factor is climate change, changing temperatures and changing their habitat, polar bears are being forced on to landmasses and entering into communities to obtain food for their survival. The polar bears are being seen more prominently in communities usually trying to find food, because of the drastic changes in their habitat. What did you learn about your species at Science North that you did not know before? Explain (A second visit may be helpful) Science North provided me with a lot more than a few points, I learned that male polar bears are very aggressive and have been known to turn on their own kind, usually eat polar bear cubs if they encounter them during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Change and Emotions in The Things They Carried by Tim... Albert Einstein once said, The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. This quote relates to Lieutenant Jimmy Cross from the short story The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien and the narrator from Cathedral, by Raymond Carver in that they both change. Lieutenant Cross gets distracted by Martha, a girl he is in love with, during the War and one of his man dies. The narrator from Carver s short story gets jealous about a blind man his wife used to read to and is not happy that they are having him over their house. Even though the narrator is very similar to Lieutenant Cross in that they both have a connection with someone that makes them change, they are also very different in the emotions that they go through. These two characters share many similarities throughout the short stories. They both go through an event that makes them see things differently. Lieutenant Cross is in love with Martha even though he knows that she is probably not in love with him. He gets too distracted with Martha and does not really focus at his job as a lieutenant. One event that changed him was when Ted Lavender, one of his men, died. This made him realize that he was too distracted by Martha and did not cared enough for his men. He felt guilty and had to change his attitude towards his job. O Brien states: He would accept the blame for what had happened to Ted Lavender. He would be a man about it. He would look them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of The Milky Way E.T. phone home : this quote has been very popular for decades now (Verhoeven). Ever since Steven Spielberg directed the movie E.T. in the 1980 s, this movie caused an up rise about extra terrestrial life. Because of this movie, people started to realize other life might exist beyond our own planet. In addition, this caused xenophobes to start rising around the world. With many so called encounters with aliens in Earth s atmosphere for many millenniums now, does this serve as proof aliens exist? The Milky Way in which we live in is expanding 3.25 million light years per second (Moskowitz). By the time you finish reading this paper, the Milky Way will have expanded by 1.9 million light years. This might be a lot but the closest galaxy to the Milky Way is 13.2 billion light years away. This means there is a chance extra terrestrial life might exist by the time you finish reading this paper. While saying this, the galaxy is made up of two hundred billion stars in which NASA has discovered. Each of these stars has at least one planet orbiting it. By saying this if the Sun has one habitable planet orbiting it, what is the chance of another star having a habitable planet circling it? Peter Behroozi, a Hubble fellow at the University of California Berkley talks about this issue, For every grain of sand there is, there are ten other planets out there like Earth (Cofield). Astronomers have only seen our galaxy, and there are galaxies larger than the Milky Way and more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Analysis Of The Yellow Pill By Charles Manson Charles Manson was a man behind the deaths of nine people in the late 1960s. He was a cult leader manipulated many of his followers to kill innocent people for many absurd reasons: that he was the second coming, that he was both Christ and the Devil, and that Armageddon was coming. Most people saw Manson as a madman. A select few, however, admired Manson for his cunning; to his own followers and in his own eyes, Manson was extremely clever, rather than being insane. In Rog Phillips The Yellow Pill, two men, by the names of Dr. Elton and Jerry Bocek, are either in a psychiatrist s office or in the vacuum of space. Jerry continuously tries to convince Dr. Elton that they are in a spaceship, yet Elton thinks that Jerry is insane. Evidence throughout The Yellow Pill shows that the two men are clearly on Earth, but that does not necessarily mean that Jerry is insane. Like Charles Manson, Jerry is simply well versed in manipulation; he did not have a skewed sense of reality at all. One of many flaws in Jerry s elaborate lie was when he first visited Dr. Elton s office. He was bound by a straightjacket and was guided by policemen, but he claimed to be tied up in ropes and surrounded by gearlockers. After a quick session with Jerry, Elton ordered the officers to take Jerry away and they did as they were told. However, when he left, Jerry had no explanation for how the policemen, supposedly inanimate gear lockers, were capable of taking him away from Elton s office. Phillips ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. An Interpretation Of Two Behavior Therapy Methods For... An interpretation of two behavior therapy methods for patients with Social Phobia Social Phobia is the fear of being embarrassed or being judged by others. This fear restricts the person from living their everyday lives. It is also characterized as a type of anxiety disorder. A greater part of patients who inhibit this disorder report encountering adverse images, these negative images are connected to memories from the past in which the person experienced a traumatic event. The behavior therapy used in this article is imagery rescripting (IR), this therapy concentrates on altering the significance of the undesirable memories. Therefore, the objective of imagery rescripting is to lessen the discomfort of the past memories that affect present experiences. This is done by identifying their negative events as secluded events in the past, therefore, the negative experiences the patient encountered in the past no longer hold the focal point in patient s life or anyone in their environment. Imagery rescripting is distant from other therapies because this therapy restores the essence of the patient s traumatic memory by proposing a compassionate mindset. Six patients were extracted from successive referrals for anxiety disorder from PsyQ, a mental health center located in Netherlands. Patients categorize from 21 to 47 years, both male and female, having 1 to 18 years of duration of social phobia, as well as having good standing levels of education. Each patient is struggling with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Santa Clause Creative Writing Santa Clause leaned his head against the sled, letting out a long sigh. It had been a tough evening so far. The northern hemisphere was down, but he still had one more hemisphere to go, and he had no idea what might be in store for him there. Santa s thoughts ran to and fro from what if I never reach all the kids on time or what if the kids begin to lose faith in me? So, he quickly picked up his reins and gave them a slap, whoop, whoop, he called out to his reindeers, but exhaustion was creeping in. He noticed the fluffy clouds taking the forms of little children and candy canes, train sets, and teddy bears. His eyelids grew too heavy to keep them open, and his head dropped to one side. Santa fell into a deep slumber... Slop, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Suddenly, his thoughts were awakened by a rumbling song in the distance, and the dog ran ahead. Wait up, Santa Clause shouted toward the direction the dog was running. He quickly hurried and came upon an old swag man sitting by the fire. Finally someone to talk to! Santa walked up to the man and began spilling his story. Hi, I m sure you know me, right? The outfit kind of gives it away, but anyway. My sled has crashed and lies in pieces, my reindeer have all but gone. I need water, I m so parched. And I have no way of getting out, I m stuck, and.... Whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a breather me old mate. Let s just begin with your name. What? said Santa, I thought we clarified that already? Oh dear, another helpless vagabond who doesn t know my name. It s Santa Clause . Who of what cause? the old man said in bewilderment. You know. S.A.N.T.A. C.L.A.U.S.E. Eh, The swag man said cocking his head and levelling his eyebrow. Oh, never mind. I m too much in a hurry to explain. I need a sled and my reindeers to continue my journey before it is too late. Have you seen them at all? Looking down at his time watch he exclaimed, Golly, look at the time! It s nearly past 1:30 am. I need supplies. Isn t there any other village around here? Ay, but it s too late for all that. I say first you just need to sit down and take a cuppa with me, said the swag man calmly. I don t see all this rush in anything . No I cannot. There s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Benefits Of Community Gardening Another aspect of community gardening, is regarding those who participate in it. Community gardens can be seen in many cities, with the community coming together to grow produce and relationships along the way. However, it is becoming a growing trend to start this idea at a younger scale. Many schools across North America have started implementing a garden into their after school or extracurricular programs. By introducing gardening to children at a young age allows for them to take in many of the benefits that come from gardening, and encouraging new ways of engagement. Gardening provides many hands on activities for children, including designing, planting, and harvesting the food (Yost, 2009). Many studies have shown that children who take care of a garden, or live near one, are more likely to show an interest in gardening as they grow up and develop a strong relationship with gardens and trees (Lohr, 2005). In California, school gardens have become very popular and are continuously promoting them through the State s Education Department. An example of one of the schools in the state is Le Conte Elementary School, which not only has flowers and vegetables, but also livestock, like goats and chickens. The science curriculum at the school is very inclusive with gardening activities, such as propagation, transplanting, and composting (Ferris, 2001). There have been many studies on the effects of school gardens on children. They have shown that students who participated in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Couples In China As a worldwide community, is it not our duty to ensure that every human is entitled to the basic human right of life? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, envisaged and signed by 193 countries, accepts that every citizen in every country is entitled to every human right in the declaration. It is a matter of principle that such rights should be enforced with all the power invested in the government and in the justice system. We all deserve equal rights; yet in many countries, they are often flouted. On the 10th December 1948, following the Second World War, the Universal Declaration was implemented to ensure that such a horrendous conflict would never occur again. This was embraced by the International Community and it was determined that every individual should have equal rights. Human rights are pivotal for justice. It is unfathomable, incomprehensible and unjustifiable for anything to take precedence over human rights! As a global ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Couples in China are deprived of Article 16 of the Human Rights which states that everyone has the right to marriage and to found a family . This degradation of people is only a precursor to a horrific culture of infanticide and abortion. Additionally, China s defiance of these rights has created generational and gender inequality. The percentage of mature citizens outweighs the percentile of young adults below the age of 39. This has had and continues to have an extremely detrimental effect on China s economy due to the fact that the country lacks experienced individuals of a working age. Despite China s population growth, the solution to their social and economic problem should not come at the expense of the population s basic human rights. The gender inequality has precipitated an unbalanced ratio: 121 boys for every 100 girls! Consequently, women are being kidnapped and forced into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Censorship In Children s Literature Censorship In Children s Literature Euphemism, a form of indirect censorship, is often used to substitute certain phrases in order to soften their influence. The word dead becomes passed away , one who was once disabled is now physically impaired , and what used to be considered firing a worker , is called employee termination . These euphemisms are used to protect their audience from the reality, and although they sometimes serve to censor people from the truth, they ineffectively protect children from explicit content in many forms of literature. Despite the fact that And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, and Charlotte s Web by E.B. White are excellent children novels that teach meaningful lessons, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though the authors have tried to dampen the plot with the use of euphemisms, society feels that stories, such as Richardson and Parnell s picture books, require further censorship. The authors of And Tango Makes Three fail to show the hardships of being openly gay, and therefore mislead young readers into thinking that it is as easy to be a homosexual in today s society as it is to be a heterosexual. Children are given false hope as to what life will be like in the future if they are to become homosexuals, and although it is certainly possible for a gay couple to live a simple life like Roy and Silo, the reality is that there will be many more struggles for them to be openly gay. Richardson and Parnell show Roy and Silo s struggles while they try to create a family as, Day after day Silo and Roy sat on the rock, (Richardson and Parnell, 17), hoping they would become like the other penguins in the zoo. However, this aspect of the story did not portray how difficult it can be in reality for a gay couple to form a family. It is said that Roy and Silo are, ...just like the other penguin couples, (Richardson and Parnell, 12), which does not accurately portray what life is like for homosexuals. The authors have created a perfect world for Roy and Silo, where the only difference between them and the other penguins is that they are unable to produce eggs themselves. Although this is a society that many dream of one that contains no discrimination against homosexuality many areas in the world have not yet reached this level of civility, which misleads children into thinking life as a homosexual will be as simple for them as it was for Roy and Silo. In addition, E.B. White fails to show the harsh actions that farmers typically take for animals that are considered to be useless. In reality, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Asylum Seekers And Refugees This essay will reflect on the controversial issue of asylum seekers and refugees in particular the treatment that refugees and asylum seekers receive when attempting to enter Australia and whether it is ethical. Furthermore, the concept of illegal and legal refugees will be investigated as well as how the media and society chooses to portray them. Whilst taking into consideration the perspectives of the Federal Government policies and whether the treatment of these people follow the UN Declaration of Human Rights to overall establish the .......... Asylum seekers are those who are seeking protection (Asylum) outside their original habitation, as they fear persecution for reasons of religion, race, torture, and nationality (Australian Human Rights ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In September 2014 Hamid Khazaei cut his foot open and died from a sepsis three weeks later due to receiving inadequate medical attention. In April 2014 Omid Masoumali resorted to suicide by setting himself on fire, however he did not die instantly it took over 24 hours for him to be medically evacuated and he died two days later in hospital. A peaceful protest conducted by refugees detained at Manu Island in February 2014 turned into a riot after guards and police swooped the facility and attacked both refugees involved and not involved in the protest, Reza Berati was beaten to death because of this, whilst 60 other refugees were injured. These are just a few of that many reports of abuse, violence and mistreatment of refugees in both the Manu and Nauru facilities. Sexual assault and rape allegations have been reported on multiple occasions at the Nauru facility with a report of women getting sexually harassed and giving sexual favours to receive 3 minutes more in the shower and trade goods such as marijuana. With incidents like these occurring frequently the .......... of these establishments are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Different Versions Of Sleeping Beauty Stretch From The... Various versions of Sleeping Beauty stretch from the middle of the Renaissance period to contemporary settings. The Ninth Captain s Tale by Arabian Nights is the earliest, recorded even before its 1550 publishing (cite). In Italy, Giambattista Basile writes Sun, Moon and Talia, which is the first record of the Sleeping Beauty tale in Europe. Charles Perrault s Sleeping Beauty in the Wood revises the tale, making it more children friendly and most similar to the Brother s Grimm version familiar with many children. Common throughout these stories, the princess character s helpless nature is romanticized, not to mention the popular story of a prince finding a sleeping princess and the two living happily ever. Despite this fairy tale s popularity, the several versions of Sleeping Beauty endorse a submissive and powerless female by establishing a surreal, magical setting around the sleeping princess character, dampening the alarming actions of the prince and systemic lack of female agency. Magical elements present themselves throughout each of these fairy tales. The princess character in each version is magically put to sleep or death. Perrault s version has a fairy with a chariot of fire, pull by dragons. However, when the prince character is introduced, the description of the surreal setting around the princess is emphasized, primarily the princess character s place of rest. In The Ninth Captain s Tale, the mausoleum for Sittukhan is described as spectacular with columns ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Florida Air Essay examples Florida Air, Inc. 1. Evaluate Florida Air s search for capital. What, if any, key mistakes were made? Dan failed to fully utilize high profile networks of Scott and Henry, who were both graduates of an Ivy League School (Did Scott graduate from Ivy League School?). Also, Dan did not try to reach out to his network he established while he was buying and selling airplanes. Even if there was no one interested in their direct network, perhaps someone in their network knew someone who might be interested. Scott later contacted his 100 alumni later but rather passively; instead of calling to actively initiate a conversation, he mailed out information. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They did not file any legal document when they received checks from investors. The team failed to fully leverage the positive media coverage they were getting; they could ve used the opportunity to put an ad or some sort on the newspaper to widen their search scope for potential investors. They did not manage their money properly. Without a specific funding plan, they quickly burn out the money they raised even before they fulfilled the need of $1.5 million. 2. Evaluate Dan s evolving relationships with Scott and Henry. What principles of best practices did he overlook? Dan had an excellent working relationship with Scott. Both of them believed in the future of Florida Air and worked for 10 12 hours a day On the other hand, Dan had a rocky relationship with Henry. Henry showed little dedication and did not contribute much. He refused to do any work himself but preferred to hire a third party to do work for him. Further, he frequently showed up to office late and missed meetings, dragging down the team s motivation Dan seemed to overlook team chemistry factor. Surely Henry has extensive industry expensive with equally impressive educational background (graduate of an Ivy League school). However, he did not work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Why Was Simon Bolivar More Important Than The Liberator When it comes to the phrase A brilliant soldier but a poor politician I agree to the fullest extent that Simon Bolivar was indeed this. He was one of the most powerful figures in world political history. He led the independence movement for six nations; Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. After liberating all of these countries he was soon after nicknamed The Liberator . ◾After hundreds of years of domination by Spain, Bolívar was instrumental in moving South America closer to democratic governments. Bolívar successfully waged a number of military campaigns throughout South America, defeating the Spanish on numerous occasions. But he is also essentially responsible for the political instability that plagues the region ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the course of his whole lifetime he was able to free almost all of northern South America, and at this point he was known as El Liberator. When studying South American independence efforts, it is physically impossible to bypass Simon Bolivar because of his prevalence in all countries. He was able to weave himself into the independence efforts of many countries, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. He was able to free these countries through a multitude of ways and had significant effects on these countries, even to the extent that he is still known as El Libertador today. In 1810, Venezuela s independence movement declared independence from Spain, and a new government was created. However, the movement was defeated by Spain, and Bolívar was forced to flee to Cartagena, Colombia. In 1813, fighting once again broke out between the rebels and the Spanish. This time Bolívar and his troops successfully defeated the Spanish. Bolívar then went to New Granada (present day Colombia) and took command of military forces. In May 1814, he captured the capital, Bogotá. Bolívar believed that South America should have a parliamentary government modeled after England but with a president for life. By 1821, Bolívar had successfully liberated Venezuela, Ecuador, and New Granada and found the Republic of Gran ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Depression In Young Adults Depression; for not solely a temporary change in mood or a sign of weakness. However, it is a real medical condition with many emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive symptoms that can affect an individual s ability to think, feel, construct, or even; live. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems such as: Nausea, muscle weakness, insomnia, a change in appetite, dry mouth, and irritation. Moreover, studies have shown that depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%) in any given year; in like manner, only 20 percent of teens will experience depression before reaching adulthood or of age maturity. Thus, making the predicament more common in young adolescences, rather than fully grown, mature adults. The controversy of the issue is widely known as a bland perception of, one selves pain or another man s agony. But, that is no longer the case, as the issue is beginning to be more common and scrutinized throughout many regions of the world by psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors, scientists, and even so called specialists. Though, as the controversy over the issue continues to grow, we are still in the carbon state of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As God said to Noah, in Genesis 7, that we must take care of our home and protect it from harm s way; such being, sin. As sin enters into a good world. However, that does not primarily mean that we should only take care of the environment, and so the wildlife that roams throughout our home; but, in the same sense, we should take care of each other. As we too are a vital part of this Earth s survival. We are the only species that were given a peculiar gift that no other being has; free will. And with that phenomenal, rare gift, we need to learn that there are many things in this world that are worth saving; some may require our full attempt, some may not. Withal that choice is entirely up to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Words And Description In The Poem Digging Observation and description are said to function as the core elements of today s poetry as poets are being led away from their role as teachers of morality. Instead, in many modern poems, it is the description of something mundane that can serve as a trigger for much bigger thoughts yet at the same time allow the mundane to stay as it is, without any overt value judgment. To make such a poem work, the choice of words and descriptions is the most important, and as Trotter remarks regarding a quote by Ted Hughes: Description [...] is a matter of picking out and remembering significant details: then it is just a matter of presenting those vividly in words (246). That presentation is what makes poetry come to life, and in their poems Digging , ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was what Kinnell himself believed in: [p]art of poetry s usefulness is that it pays some of our huge unpaid tribute to the things and creatures that share the earth with us (Nelson 1), which can be seen throughout the poem. The entirety of it is carried by one simple image, namely that of going out into the forest to pluck and eat blackberries. The only challenge that has to be overcome before reaching those fat, overripe, icy, black blackberries (l.2) are the stalks very prickly, a penalty they earn for knowing the black art of blackberry making (l.4 6). Even that challenge is not all that challenging, though, and if the art of blackberry making really were all that black, the speaker would not be going after them. Even though he makes it sound like it is a bad thing, he does not actually condemn the plants he only considers them to be delicious and alluring. The poem does not appear to be very philosophical, and the only part that stands out for its wordplay, still does not judge the art of blackberry picking in any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Me And Rosalind Research Paper Today me and rosalind were happy to be in the sealand community for the first time after the long journey we slept in the day we got there. After we woke up we decided to go get some food from Tim Hortons after that they went to see the sealands woman who brought them hear to see what they could do to pay her back for it since it was the best thing in life that had ever happened to them. The lady told them that the payment would be nothing because we are learning from petras great powers every day. So this means that you and rosalind and petra are going to have to stay somewhere nicer than you did last night. I said nicer than we were last night that is the nicest place i have seen in my whole life,and that is what is normal housing hear. So i m going to get you guys a mansion. Me,petra and rosalind thanked her so much. But one exception you and rosalind have to get a job from 7 to 6 while petra is with me training and teaching me i said it is a deal petra must be hear every day at 7 sharp so see you tomorrow the sealand woman said i said yes bright and early. The next day me and petra got ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After that me and rosalind decided that we would get married i said that would be great david. So we looked into where we would do the ceremony but at the same time i was able to send a thought shape off to Michael he said they were only a day away from sealand He told us it was a hard long trip. Roseland suggested that we get married on the beautiful beach i said that would be perfect. We should wait until david and rachel going there tough. They continued on with there day petra went to the sealand woman s house and we went off to work. The next day we saw Michael and rachel walking in so we went and greeted them and told them the news about us getting married they said wonderful because me and rachel were thinking the same thing we should get a married at the same time and same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Outbreak Of The Ebola Virus There is no doubt that some of the most feared organisms on this planet are invisible to the human eye. People are both fearful and fascinated by how such tiny microorganisms, such as viruses, can cause the decimation of whole populations of both humans and various animals. At the current moment, the worst outbreak of the Ebola virus that has ever happened is occurring in West Africa. This disease is so frightening because it can quickly result in a terrible, agonizing death of any unfortunate soul that has become infected. This specific virus can quite literally cause the liquefaction of the organs within the human body. As Ebola takes hold of many villages and towns in West Africa, surrounding countries are scrambling to send supplies and aid workers in an attempt to stop the spread of such a lethal virus. The Ebola virus first made its way to the United States this past October, sending many U.S. citizens in to a state of hysteria out of fear that an Ebola epidemic will occur on American soil. As the death toll of the recent outbreak keeps rising steadily, only time will tell if the virus can be stopped in its track before spreading across the globe to infect inhabitants in all corners of the world. Ebola belongs to the virus family Filoviridae. There are three genera in this family, which are the Marburgvirus, Cuevavirus, and Ebolavirus (WHO, 2014). Filoviruses are encased within a lipoprotein envelope that comes in a variety of different shapes, ranging from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Fashion Values In The Fashion Industry The current reality of clothing production, called fast fashion, is the industry standard of mass producing luxury styles in a matter of weeks. To do so, clothes are churned out quickly using poor quality materials. This is problematic because of the large amount of unnecessary environmental damage that this business model causes. The fashion industry should abandon the current trend of fast fashion and disposable clothing to decrease the amount of hazardous environmental waste created. The fashion industry should adopt slow fashion values that aim to cut excess consumer waste by changing the current societal norms around fashion buying and clothing disposal. Fast fashion has become the pinnacle of the fashion industry because it is very profitable. Cheap material and cheap overseas labor has made places like Walmart, Zara, and H M twice as profitable as any retail store (Cline, The Clothes Make the Movement , 21). The average American household spends one thousand and seven hundred dollars on apparel every year. One third of the average household expense is claimed by women aged sixteen and older who spend over five hundred dollars on clothing and shoes annually (Bureau of Labor Statistics). That dollar amount translates into an average of sixty eight items of clothing and seven pairs of shoes per the average American (Cline, The Clothes Make the Movement , 21). Cheap textile materials quickly fall apart, lose color and shape, and are replaced by new fashion trends. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Beauty Pageants Essay Rotosha Word Professor Heather Wyatt English 102 5 October 2017 Little Girls Participating in Beauty Pageants For the sake of young girls, we try to save them from their insecurities, which is fairly significant. I perceive that beauty pageants are vigorous for girls, it assists them to get rid of stage fright, or low self esteem. As a firm believer, I acknowledge the fact that pageant girls will develop as beautiful, sophisticated women. Different contests allow girls to have discipline and self control to continue and follow the strict path of life. Such as exercising, dieting, and just totally putting effort into a competitive venue, and all of its significance. Despite a few misconceptions, beauty pageants are not all about being ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Beauty pageants are events that little girls dream of. This dream however, was not an overnight well planned event, the history of The Miss America pageant started as a beauty contest a long time before now. The beauty pageant was held on September the seventh and the eighth of 1921. Beauty pageants have evolved over the years, after World War 2, shows were made to represent the ideal woman a feminine, wife like the keeper of the household. But now, pageants have different selection criteria. It all depends on how women are perceived in society. Traits can range from high and independent to soft and feminine. The winner of pageants will be recognized as successful and beautiful and will embody well being traits. An example of a show that operates in this manner would be the Miss America Pageant. It is a pageant in which winners represent the ideal woman. People are continually instigating on the rumor of shows are for the most beautiful people in the country. Though beauty plays an important part, the year and definition of an ideal woman in this age play a more significant role. In 1921, Margeret Gorman won the very first beauty pageant. She looked like Mary Pickford who was the most significant star of the day, and this was the ideal woman of 1921. Thus, the perfect woman and year play a big part. Pageants are competitions that mainly focus on the physical beauty, talent, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Drinking Age Of The United States While driving home on the way back from a relative s house, a sudden flash pierces your vision. Traveling 60 miles per hour, a truck smashes into a nearby Honda. The impact causes the death of two innocent conductors who had their lives grasped from them by a 17 year old girl who was intoxicated. Even though the legal age to start drinking in the United States is twenty one, most teenagers tend to start drinking beforehand. These teenagers drink more heavily than adults do; therefore, developmental issues tend to be a factor that may affect a teenager s system if they drink throughout their lifespan. Although teenagers are aware that drunk driving can be fatal and can cause permanent damage, they recklessly get behind the wheel under the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Regardless, these magazines are attainable to people of all ages and can be a negative influence for young adults. The key factor that advertisers of alcoholic beverages should consider is that children can indeed come across these magazines. Young people from ages twelve to twenty are several times more likely to see alcohol advertisements than adults would during this time period (Hopkins n.pag.). Magazines and advertisements illustrate the consumption of alcohol and they try to enrapture the mind of children. Regarding this time period as well, teenagers of the 21st century rely on social media and advertisements in their decision making (Hopkins n.pag.). When a troubled teen has personal problems, they seek shelter on drugs and alcohol to get themselves distracted until they ponder about situations that they have seen on advertisements to help them forget or efface their problems (Hopkins n.pag.). As statistics show, those who are around the ages of twelve to twenty are more exposed to alcohol advertising than adults over the age of 35 (Hopkins n.pag.). Seventy percent of what industries advertise is more likely to be seen by teenagers instead of adults who are actually in the legal age to drink (Hopkins n.pag.). Multiple advertisements forget to emphasize the dangers of drinking in their articles or magazines. Equally important, if one happens to have a 0.08% alcohol level while driving, the person is considered to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Body Image And Privilege Research Paper Reflective Essay Throughout my years in the Women and Gender Studies program here at the University Of Toledo, I have enhanced my mental capacity in many ways. Being introduced to the program was a gift. Feminist concepts, ideals, methodologies, understanding myths, stereotypes was beneficial to my overall success at Toledo. Using the theories and critical thinking skills that were essential to the program in my professional and personal life helped shape me into the strong woman that I am. Intersectionality, body image, and privilege are three major themes that will be ingrained in me as I continue on my collegiate journey. Intersectionality is described as the integration and connection of a person s race, class, gender, and socioeconomic status all combined into one. With all of these things taken place in one s life, they can cause an extreme strain on a person s livelihood. This concept has been consistently brought up in majority of my classes. Creating a dynamic where the person will or can be judged and harmed because of all the things that have been ascribed to them. Using this concept as I go forth in my educational journey will be necessary because it will allow me to better understand someone s perspective. This will allow me to be more effective when I need to assist them in any services. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While in the Women and the Body course, I was able to dissect the images, constraints, and beliefs associated with the woman s body. The debate over body image originated from patriarchal constraints, deeming that women have to fit into an ideal of womanhood. A woman s body image is suppose to be a direct link to the man she is with. She should have childbearing hips, a stature that is associated in being motherly, and breasts to breast feed the children. With that it grew into using man made objects to reinforce the patriarchal power about body ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Analysis Of River Out Of Eden And The Art Of War It is difficult to argue whether strategy is an art form or science because it can actually be both. Sun Tzu s text, The Art of War is an example of an ancient humanism text about strategies of war. Humanism by definition is, an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems (Dictionary.com). Therefore, humanism is much like philosophy which is related to science yet influenced by the skill of art. Thomas Cleary starts off the text with a quote from The Book of Balance and Harmony which states, To know after seeing is not worthy of being called knowing (qtd. in Cleary, xv xvi), but since Sun Tzu s teachings are philosophical the text renders itself as war knowledge. In River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life , author and biologist Richard Dawkins would greatly disagree with Cleary s quote because Dawkins believes that, Scientific beliefs are supported by evidence, and they get results (Dawkins 33). According to Dawkins, Darwinism has the power to explain natural occurrences in the universe and his mission is to disprove supernatural views of creation and the world with observable scientific knowledge. Although, military strategies are intuitive there are also observable scientific aspects to the art of war which follow the scientific method. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Battle of Adolescence in The Catcher in the Rye by... Adolescence is stressful and confusing to say the least, and is a time in one s life where one begins to discover who they are and what they want as they transition into the adult world. In J.D. Salinger s classic American novel, The Catcher in the Rye, the main character Holden, is a downhearted teenage boy used by Salinger in order to portray universal themes to the reader including isolation, loss of innocence, and the phoniness of the adult world. Through Salinger s use of symbolism, the reader is able to ponder Holden and his struggles as he embarks into adulthood in order to come to a deeper understanding of the themes Salinger s symbols represent. One of the most widely recognized symbols of the book is Holden s curiosity about the ducks in Central Park. Holden longs for answers to his question of where the ducks go in the winter. The ducks. Do you know by any chance? I mean does somebody come around in a truck or something and take them away, or do they fly away by themselves go south or something? (107). As the ice freezes over the pond and winter comes, the ducks leave, able to escape the brutal winter and the ice for a more pleasant, warmer climate to the south. Holden longs to avoid being apart of the adult world that is engulfed with phoniness, but is unable to understand how to do so. The fish don t go no place. They stay right where they are, the fish. Right in the goddamn lake... Their bodies take in nutrition and all, right through the goddamn seaweed and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Personal Strengths Yoga? I m Down, Dog Under all normal circumstances, a field full of children lying motionless in a field would be cause for alarm, however this particular scene occurred under the best circumstances. On a balmy October day in 2010, a group of girls reclined blissfully in Savasana beneath a whispering willow tree as the last cotton wood tufts drifted in the breeze. I d been going to the Boys Girls Club every day afterschool for about a month. One afternoon, a volunteer guided a group through a basic yoga class. Although it was probably only 30 minutes in length, it would serve as the catalyst for one of the most important chapters in my life. Little did I know it would eventually lead to my yoga teacher certification and beyond! Following my first post yoga bliss, I became hooked. The afterschool leader, Sarah, could place her full palm on the ground while I could barely touch my toes. She inspired me; she was an adult who truly inhabited her body. As a freshman, I began attending classes at a local yoga studio. They were a disaster at first. I felt totally lost in the fast paced environment. I didn t have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not in every aspect of life, but as a service to others through sharing personal strengths. Although generally a confident person, I experienced many normal aspects of youth such as insecurities, and the tendency to follow adults. This was a challenge I faced (and conquered) during my teacher training. I was by far the youngest of the class. Who was I to guide a seasoned and wise 60 year old? Everything clicked when I realized my youth and inexperience did not diminish my value as a teacher. I walked into my final evaluation with nervous butterflies and a chant in my head of you ve got this! After all, the wise yogi knows they have unimaginable potential for growth, while a foolish yogi assumes they are an expert. Growth, not perfection has become my highest goal in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Political Correctness in Oleanna Essay Re read Act 2 from page 43 (JOHN and CAROL seated across the desk from each other.) to page 48 (CAROL: It s ludicrous... ?). Examine how Mamet presents political correctness in this extract and elsewhere in the play. Political correctness features prominently within the play. Political correctness was seen as a highly controversial issue in the late 1980s to the early 1990s and was argued within a 1992 essay collection, debating political correctness, that it was The most important discussion in American education . This was perhaps due to the numerous amounts of opinions on whether or not political correctness was right. Political correctness repressed people s abilities to freedom of speech and therefore there were many differing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, this does contrast to Mamet s view as he said about John and Carol that he thinks they re both absolutely wrong, and they re both absolutely right . The idea of elitists always getting their own way links to later on in the play, when John uses the expletives, bitch and cunt . It is suggested that John is perhaps mocking Carol by using the expletives, as he is being politically incorrect. While Carol tries to enforce political correctness, John dismisses it due to the hubris that he holds, which in Greek Mythology, excessive arrogance was called hubris. In the extract, it appears that John recognises the mistakes that he has made. However, he makes no effort to change his ways, possibly due to the lack of control that he has over himself and his lack of ability to change his ways, I don t mean to subject you to my weak sensibilities It doesn t seem to be an apology from John, and therefore just a passing statement. This again reinforces his lack of willing, to change. This links back to Act one, when John s use of declaratives and pronouns portrays his confidence and control over Carol, Let s take the mysticism out of it, shall we? Carol? Don t you think? . This lack of conforming to political correctness links to a speech that president George Bush gave in 1991, where he spoke out against a movement which would declare certain topics off limits . In the extract, John also comments, I find that I am sexist. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Mockumentary In Chris Lilley s Summer Heights High Introduction: The Australian produced show Summer Heights High, is created and written by Chris Lilley, it was directed by Stuart McDonald. It was a mockumentary which takes place at Summer Heights Heigh, it was filmed over a school term. The show was centered around three characters Jonah, Ja mie and a drama teacher called Mr.G. The show followed these three characters around displaying what their every day life is like. Jonah is a 13 year old boy from Tongah who has disciplinary problems and does not like to participate at school. Ja mie is a private school girl that is on an exchange program. She is the typical snobby private school girl that thinks she is better then everyone else, she also thinks she can get away with anything. Mr G is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... comedic techniques used throughout this scene are Chris Lilley s tone of voice while playing Ja mie in my opinion makes everything funny, also stereotypes were used were funny with the typical white snobby private girl that is displayed throughout this episode and not just this scene. Just like the last scene satire was again used along with taboo, a lot of the comedy portrayed in this television show has a lot to do with satire and taboo. Pseudo science is portrayed a lot throughout this scene with the sayings Ja mie with how she will get pregnant and how she is going to leave home at 18. Conclusion: To conclude, the Summer Heights High program displayed many comedic techniques, in the two particular scene that i mentioned mainly satire and taboo were used and also film techniques were used to show emotion that Jonahs father was displaying when they were telling him what Jonah drew. The second scene it was mainly all taboo with what Ja mie was saying to her mum it was really dark and crude humour, which is what made it such a memorable part if the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Harm Reduction Case Study 2 Society rejection of the idea as they believe how we help addicted people for addiction process, however because of their lack of information about that programs, so advertisement through the media is very important for overcoming that barrier. Does harm reduction has any role in increase disorder and threaten public safety and health of other healthy people? No scientific based evidence has definitely demonstrated that harm reduction programs do attract drug dealers; or do they compromise the safety and well being of the surrounding community in any way. In fact, they have been found to do the opposite as it decreases the transmission of fatal blood borne diseases and with low cost benefit. They have a positive impact on public health by reducing the prevalence of blood borne viruses such as HIV and hepatitis C. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As for example, the average cost for treatment of AIDS disease is at least $150,000, however the opening of one centre for harm reduction would cost only about $300,000 annually, which is surprising. Providing the policy decision maker about the cost and the benefit of the project is very important for overcoming that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Zoroastrianism A Religion Consider the question of whether Judaism is essentially a religion, a race, a culture, or something else. Support your response by making reference to key events, individuals, or beliefs as they relate to the origin and historical development of Judaism. When it comes to the discussion as to what constitutes as Judaism, I believe that it is important to remember that the discussion as to what is Judaism is quite debatable. The discussion of what constitutes Judaism as it comes to the Jewish identity has brought many different many different definitions among those who have studied relevant fields. Additionally, when attempting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At that time most within the area of Persia followed the various deities of the Irano Aryan religion, however, Zarathustra brought up a different faith system (Bekhrad, 2017). His belief system firstly placed emphasis on the idea of monotheism (as opposed to the polytheism of Irano Aryan religion) since he felt there was only one god named Ahura Mazda who was worthy of their worship (Bekhrad, 2017). While the concept of monotheism was the central point within Zoroastrianism, other theological aspects which were present in his religious thought includes Angra Mainyu (the evil spirit who in some aspects was like Satan), heaven and hell, and a collection of scripture called Avesta (Corduan, 2015). Zoroastrianism had a strong influence on other religious movements and played a role in part in shaping the theology which they held (Bekhrad, 2017). The first example of this would have to be with regards to the Jewish religion since it shows many parallels with Zoroastrianism s beliefs (Bekhrad, 2017). Such examples of these similarities would have to include that of monotheism (God and Ahura Mazda), the idea of a collection of scriptures (Torah and Avesta), and belief in upcoming messianic figures (the Messiah and Sayoshant) (Corduan, 2015). Such influence is likely to have occurred since the Jews and the Persians are known to have had relations with each other and likely they passed along theological ideas (Bekhrad, 2017). A second way that Zoroastrianism influenced a religion would have to be that of Islam (Stepaniants, 2002). Such influence again can be seen with certain parallels between the two religions, but the method of influence is different. During the Muslim conquests that occurred in the Middle Ages, one of the consequences was that they gained power ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Criticism Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Twice Told Tales Edgar Allan Poe s critique of Nathaniel Hawthorne s Twice Told Tales states, that any author who hope to be successful will write poetry and short stories in the same style that he, himself uses (Poe). Poe s continued popularity prove his ability to write an entertaining story, but what gives him the right to control another s work of art? He was, without a doubt, an arrogant person, and believed his way was the only proper way to write. Many may not agree with his theories on writing, or his need to make others abide by his rules, but there may be something to his beliefs. His stories, like the The Tell Tale Heart , are packed with emotion and flow beautifully do to the use of his style. After a falling out with his foster father, Poe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Looking at The Tell Tale Heart in our textbook (1186), we can see that it is about three and a half pages long. This meets Poe s length requirement, because it can be read in one sitting. The story also has a preconceived effect, or unity of effect, throughout. The Tell Tale Heart is a dark story that deals with murder and guilt. The narrator kills a man because he doesn t like his eye, chops him up and hides him under the floorboards. There is nothing to misinterpret in this story; the narrator is a crazy and dangerous man. This leads to the climax, where the narrator starts feeling guilt for killing the old man. He starts to believe he can hear the man s heart through the floorboards; The heartbeat gets louder and louder until the narrator can no longer take it. When the police arrive, he turns himself in just to get away from the beating. With climax being the final element, Poe has made sure The Tell Tale Heart has everything necessary to be considered a short ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. My First Experience At Bridgetown Church My first experience at Bridgetown church was very long overdue and very interesting. Most all of my friends and family all have been inviting me to Bridgetown specifically because they all really enjoy a specific pastor there that speaks on Sunday services. I never saw the need to go, mainly because of my night shifts are scheduled so oddly I was afraid of falling asleep at a religious sermon that I was not interested in embarrassing myself at and also not wanting to go out of my way to attend something that I was not particularly interested in. Bluntly writing I did not want to waste my time to go to something I wasn t very excited about, especially when I do not know what to expect. This assignment did give the opportunity a bigger reason and I am glad to have been able to make such an insightful visit that I may not mind trying again in the near future. The Bridgetown church service gathers in a historical Portland church that has beautiful architecture, called the First Baptist Church. Located on SW 11th and Taylor Street almost in the heart of downtown Portland. I went to the very last service of three, given every Sunday, held at 7pm, known for young adults because of its close location to Portland State University. The fact that there are three services given in one day was very shocking to me, that a community of people would devote to doing the same exact thing three times once a week seems very time consuming and loyal to me. The certain Sunday that I attended ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. How Online Brand Communication And Customer Engagement... Research Question: How online brand communication and customer engagement influence a consumer s decision purchase. The marketing strategy of branding is not a new concept. A company s brand is not a logo, or a tag line, but rather the relationship it has with its customer base, it is in essence not how a company defines itself but how the public defines it. With every interaction and every customer touch point a business shapes its brand identity, and participants in this exchange are known as a brand community. Where the development and monetization of the internet have allowed businesses to expand into new forms of customer engagement, these types of online interactions can be the deciding factor in a consumer s ultimate decision to purchase and/or become brand ambassadors. Through research on business social media strategies, cultivating online communities and curating content via corporate websites and paid advertising I hope to discover how this type of business to consumer communication supports and replacement to the in person shopping experience. Additionally, how these types of communications weigh against a consumers ultimate decision to purchase, focusing how these online communications is utilized as a means to expand consumer brand interaction To provide a rounded perspective, in addition to the eight required academic sources I selected supplemental, industry based materials as a means of delivering a robust framework for strategies on brand loyalty and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Federal Aviation Administration Should Not Shut Down... The Federal Aviation Administration Should Not Shut Down Small Airport Air Traffic Control Towers The Federal Aviation Administration was created August 23, 1958 to help increase air travel safety, as well as make a more efficient airspace (Mission). In the ten years after the Federal Aviation Administration started recording crashes, there were 183 crashes (Canavan). The crash percentage, the number of crashes divided by the number of flights, was .00125% (Accident and Incident Data). In the last ten years there were forty seven accidents and incidents (Canavan). The accident percent was roughly .000125% (Accident and Incident Data). The Federal Aviation Administration was the driving force of the effort to improve safety. One of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These companies run the Air Traffic Control Towers just like government employees would, but much more cheaply and efficiently (The Beginning of Air Traffic Control). Air Traffic Controllers that work for private companies make a median of $60,000 $65,000. This is much lower than a federally funded Air Traffic Control Tower. Employee salaries are the largest cost to the Air Traffic Control Tower budget. This allows contracted Air Traffic Control Towers to spend much less money to run and operate. The United States government could save a lot of money by simple contracting all of the Air Traffic Control Towers. Airport safety is one of the Federal Aviation Administration s biggest concerns. They are tasked with tracking over 10,400,000 commercial flights every year, not including military and non commercial flights (Canavan). Collisions and crashes are the two major causes of injuries and death. Air travel accidents date all of the way back to 1908 (Old). Orville Wright, one of the original inventors of the airplane, was flying a demonstration for the military when a propeller suddenly was ripped off of the airplane. The passenger, Lieutenant Selfridge was killed when the plane hit the ground (Old). The Federal Aviation Administration has come a long way since the 1960 s to improve safety (Mission). They have implemented various systems such as the United States program, NextGen Program, and the Air Transportation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...