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How To Write An Abstract For A
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How To Write An Abstract For A Research Paper Fast And Easy How To Write An Abstract For A Research Paper
Fast And Easy
Advantage Of An Expert System
In the modern world, expert systems have emerged as the most important product of artificial
intelligence research. The Oxford dictionary defines an expert system as follows: A piece of software
programmed using artificial intelligence techniques. Such systems use databases of expert knowledge
to offer advice or make decisions in areas such as medical diagnosis and trading on the stock exchange
. (Oxford American dictionary)An expert system is a knowledge based system that uses knowledge
pertaining to its application domain and utilises an inference procedure to solve problems. The power
of expert systems stems primarily from the specific knowledge about a narrow domain stored in the
expert system s knowledge base. http://www.umsl.edu/~joshik/msis480/chapt11.htm. Expert systems
form part of knowledge based systems. A knowledge based system is an expert system if it provides
expert level solutions. A knowledge based ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Knowledge Based Systems Concepts, Techniques, Examples . http://www.reidgsmith.com.
Schlumberger Doll Research. Retrieved 9 November 2013). The ultimate goal of expert systems is to
emulate the decision making skills of a human. The advantage is that an expert system has the
potential to store vast amounts of information and therefor make better, more informed decisions in
less time and with greater accuracy than humans. Efficiency is clearly an integral part of expert
systems. The need for not only coming to the correct conclusion but also doing so in the smallest
amount of time is of utmost importance. This becomes especially true when one considers that in the
world of medicine and finance, two crucial applications of expert systems, time is very often of
critical importance. The implementation of an effective and efficient expert system will be discussed
contrasted with an inefficient system. A breakdown and analysis of the correct implementation of each
process involved in designing an expert system will be
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A History Of The Gilpin Family
A history of the Gilpin Family in America From 1685 to 1810 (Change title) The Gilpin family, have
been an integral part of American History since their arrival in 1695. The family, who arrived, as part
of an initial large wave of Quakers in America, carved out a place in American, more specifically
Quaker History. Coming to America, at the invitation of William Penn, and deeply embroiled in
significant events in American History, the Gilpin s were early founders of Pennsylvania. Their
Quaker background proved to be of primary importance in precisely how the family participated in
important events, like the American Revolution. From their peaceful relations with Indians to their
involvement in the American Revolution, their pacifist belief system influenced their action. However,
not all members of the Gilpin family remained pacifists. While one member Thomas Gilpin held fast
to his Quaker beliefs during the American Revolution, another, Colonel George Gilpin, Became a
close confidant of George Washington eventually serving as Pallbearer at Washington s funeral. . The
Quakers were different from many of the settlers of other early American colonies. The Quakers, also
known as the Society of Friends, were built upon ideals of pacifism and benevolence. They did not
come here as traders or merchants. The Quakers came here for religious freedom, as did many others.
However, Quakers, who had experienced persecution in other colonies like
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Is The Effect Of Long-Term Negative Effects Of Divorce On...
Section 1: Introduction
He it to me be There is still a great debate on whether or not single parenting and divorce will affect a
child s development throughout their life. In the United States 43% 50% of many first marriages end
in divorce and 50% of American children will experience their parents divorce. Most parents always
ask themselves before they divorce if they should stay together because of their child, in some way
they perceive that negative situations will come to the child if they divorce. There has been a debate
between two sides of the coin, one side says that divorce carries a long term negative effect on
children .The other side says that there is not a negative long term effect ... Show more content on
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On Children ages 6 12, parental divorce can negatively impact education. This age group is still in
what psychologists call the magical thinking stage; which means they usually are very optimistic and
wishful that their parents will get back together. The children of ages 6 12 feel responsible for the
separation of their parents but can also feel it s their duty to reconcile their parents back together; they
cannot fathom the idea of their parents who belong to them in a sense not living together. When
parents divorce their teen s attitudes about sexual behavior changes, teens chances of premarital sex
and thoughts about divorce rises while thoughts about marriage is reduced. American and British
studies displayed that teen daughters of divorced parents will be highly likely to endorse premarital
sex and have early sexual intercourse outside of marriage. In recent studies it has shown that the rate
of virginity among teenagers is highly correlated with the presence or absence of married parents.
Usually when a divorce happens the teen goes to live with the mother but because of the divorce the
mother typically has to switch to working
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# 39 ; S Use Of The Allegory In Dante s Inferno
The Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, takes the audience on a journey through the stories of hell,
purgatory, and heaven in Dante s Inferno. Starting in hell, Dante tells the story of his journey and his
experiences, under the guidance of the classical Roman poet Virgil, as he travels through the nine
circles of hell to reach heaven. Through his very detailed descriptions of punishments, settings and
characters, the poem serves an allegorical purpose by showing one man s desperate journey from
confusion and depression to salvation. An allegory is a story with both a literal and symbolic meaning.
Dante uses an allegory in Canto I and he describes his internal struggle through the dark forest which
represents his mid life crisis.
Canto I s allegory ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He often has great fun tormenting sinners, while being surrounded by flames. People often picture him
as attractive, a proud rebel, one who has refused to spend his life serving God, and many have
identified with him. Even those who have portrayed him in a way that emphasizes his evil nature have
portrayed him as powerful and dangerous. But nobody pictures Satan the same way Dante does. Dante
depicts Satan as almost completely passive. Dante shows Satan being stuck in the ice in the depths of
Hell, and his only actions are to flap his wings, and thus freeze the ice in which he s stuck, to gnaw on
the sinners in his three mouths, and to weep tears and blood. Dante describes Satan as huge, and at
first Dante cannot help but be terrified of him, but his size is the only reminder of his stature when he
was Lucifer and the fairest angel in Heaven. Dante depicts him as horribly ugly with his three faces of
different colors. His former beauty was of course given to him by his Creator, so the mention of that
beauty makes it appalling that he could have rebelled against God, who made him out of nothing and
made him so beautiful. And Dante sees that he should not fear him, since he has no real power. He
cannot even stop Dante and Virgil from escaping from Hell by climbing down his body to the center
of the earth and then turning around and climbing up. The last sight Dante and Virgil
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Essay about The Road to the American Civil War
The majority of speculations regarding the causes of the American Civil War are in some relation to
slavery. While slavery was a factor in the disagreements that led to the Civil War, it was not the
solitary or primary cause. There were three other, larger causes that contributed more directly to the
beginning of the secession of the southern states and, eventually, the start of the war. Those three
causes included economic and social divergence amongst the North and South, state versus national
rights, and the Supreme Court s ruling in the Dred Scott case. Each of these causes involved slavery in
some way, but were not exclusively based upon slavery. The North and South were forming
completely different economies, and therefore ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The South had some urbanization, in cities such as Atlanta, Georgia and Columbia, South Carolina.
These cities served as transportation hubs, mainly for the transporting of goods, specifically cotton.
The South would transport cotton to the northern industries to produce finished goods from the cotton.
The transportation hubs and railroad systems existed more often in the North than in the South,
because there were more large cities. Due to the North and South existing with completely diverse
demographics, geographies, and economies they were unable to understand the needs of one another
in reference to the continuation of their thriving economies. With the North becoming more urbanized
and based on industry, its power was also growing. The bulk of politics, transportation, and industry
all existed in the North. The South began forming an opinion that new political decisions were being
made in the North s favor, and threatening the expansion of slavery, which threatened the expansion of
their economic growth. This began with the formation of Henry Clay s Missouri Compromise of 1820,
which let Missouri come into the Union as a slave state, and Maine would come in as a free state. This
established a clear separation, at the southern border of Missouri, between the slave and free states,
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New Testament Research Paper
What is New Testament?
The New Testament is a collection of books which contains the writings concerning the significant
events in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. These books appeared after the physical death of Jesus Christ.
In this regard, Jesus had left no records concerning him, and all that is written about him depends
wholly on what other people have written about him. The first four books of the New Testament are
part of the several biographies of Jesus which were written by the end of the first century of the era of
Christianity. Then before any of these biographies have been drafted, there were Christian
communities which were being instructed through epistles on how to live like Jesus and how to solve
their problem like Christians. A good number of these letters were written by a man called Paul. After
Paul death, some other new leaders of the Christian movement continued to write letters to the
churches to encourage and strengthen them. As Christians grew in number persecution arose, and
some letters have been drafted to support them and also to counter the false doctrines. These letters are
part of the New Testament. The twenty seven books of the New Testament were selected from the list
of writings in that period (Bruce, 1988)
The New Testament is a history of Jesus of Nazareth and his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This is because the entire new testament is based on the Jesus of Nazareth as God manifest in the flesh
(1 Tim 3:16). According to St. Paul (Ephesians 1:10), the dispensation of the fullness of time might
gather together in all things in Christ both which are in heaven and on earth. All that is written in the
first four books is about Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore to know Jesus and his salvation one must study
the New Testament. This knowledge is highly precious that according to Paul he counts all things as
loss for the knowledge of Jesus Christ (Philemon 3:
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Humans Affecting The Nitrogen Cycle
In recent decades humans have been playing an increasingly large role in the nitrogen cycle. Not all of
the ways humans have been affecting the cycle have been negative, but the vast majority have been.
One key thing that has human activity that has been disrupting the nitrogen cycle is the burning of
fossil fuel. This burning releases carbon into the air at unnatural rate, and thus alters the amount of
nitrogen in the atmosphere. This has had far reaching effects that no one first thought of and is now
affecting the plant and animals in Acadia National Park. Another human activity that has increased
massively over the past few years is industrial nitrogen fixation. This process is used to create
fertilizer with high amount of nitrogen in it.
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Comparing Jane Austen s Pride And Prejudice
I. Introduction
a. As written in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, there s only one story, but each one is unique
in how it s put together. This can be seen as one reads Pride and Prejudice and the cruel treatment in
society and the love that drifts through seems like a cliché, but the story is still its own book.
b. Summary: With news of a wealthy family coming to town, the Bennet family sets their minds to get
at least one of their five daughters married. Upon going to visit the wealthy Bingleys, Jane, the eldest
daughter, gets sick in the rain and must stay at their house in Netherfield under the care of her family s
second oldest daughter, Elizabeth. The true personalities of the Bingley family then come out to be
snobby and rude, except for Mr. Bingley and his friend Mr. Darcy. As real and fake love fills the air,
the Bennet s youngest daughter gets ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Elizabeth then forms prejudices against both Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham. She immediately looks
poorly upon Mr. Darcy, but very highly on Mr. Wickham, who she believes to be too handsome and
trustworthy looking to lie. With this, she also looks down on Charlotte for marrying for money, but
believes it s okay for Mr. Wickham to as a man in distressed circumstances has not time for all those
elegant decorums which other people may observe (Austen 115). This is not only evidence of her
prejudice, but shows the difference on how males and females are viewed, for what is okay for one to
do may not be for the other.
d. Towards the end, the happy mood starts to come out as love is formed. After their fight when Mr.
Darcy proposed, Elizabeth notices how he has fixed the quirks she pointed out, which Austen uses as a
way to lighten the tone of the novel and end it on a happier note.
e. Although their views may have been very harsh and negative in the beginning, both Elizabeth and
Mr. Darcy leave the novel with very little prejudice and only good pride, but the reader has the same
feelings when they close the
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King Arthur Chivalry Analysis
Nothing meant more to knights in medieval times than chivalry. Chivalry is defined as a code of
conduct or honor that all must live by. This includes tenants of such things as courage, loyalty to the
king and strength. Two of the best examples of chivalry in writing would be from Morte d Arthur and
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight . These stories were not only influential in providing entertainment
and joy to medieval people but also provide two heroes to model their lives after, King Arthur and Sir
Gawain. Both stories contain many examples of chivalry but the best are the invent of Arthur s Round
Table, Gawain s courage in accepting the Green Knight s challenge and Gawain s rejection of the
Lady s advance. A good example to begin is the entire creation of Arthur s Round Table in the first
place. King Arthur is one of the most famous kings of all time and it is due to the countless stories he
wa apart of over the years. While his story varies when person to person tells it, one part that stays the
same is his Round Table. A literal or metaphorical table who all attended had equal say. This was only
possible when the knights who attended the table agreed to be bounds by a code of ethics. To show
courage, loyalty and strength. They were even required to renew their vows and would every year.
This provided the backbone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the beginning of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , a Green Knight arrives to Arthur s castle and
challenges all of its attendants to a challenge involving swinging an axe at his neck, with the condition
being he would repay the shot a year later. None of the soldiers accepted the challenge at first,
however after King Arthur is insulted, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge. Despite being known as one
of the weaker knights, Gawain accepted the challenge showing immense courage, as well as strength
and loyalty for swinging the heavy axe and protecting his King s
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Hydrogen Organic Compounds Of Wells G H
This groundwater investigation seeks to monitor physical and chemical parameters sufficient to
characterize groundwater throughout the study area and ultimately determine the source of chlorinated
organic compounds in Wells G H. In addition to analyzing samples for conventional parameters
(groundwater table elevation, field parameters, chemical concentrations), this study will incorporate
technology utilized in the emerging field of environmental forensics to conduct compound specific
isotope analysis (CSIA) and attempt to chemically fingerprint contaminant sources to identify
matching daughter products in Wells G H. The goal of this application of CSIA will be to identify the
true source of contamination using the ratio of stable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
have the same isotopic ratio/chemical fingerprint with respect to δ13C and δ37Cl that of any plume
source located on or directly downgradient of the properties owned by each PRP. Thus, two distinct
alternative actions exist. 1) Yes Quantify the mass of contaminant discharged to Wells G H and
estimate the date of release for each source to allocate responsibility; or 2) No None of the PRPs
contributed COCs that closely match the isotopic ratio signature of the COCs collected from Wells G
H. Additional PRPs and release/transport mechanisms should be considered and the study area
boundary expanded to identify new PRPs. Outcomes consistent with the first alternative will be
performed by analyzing data collected from the investigation, producing iso concentration maps, and
calculating contaminant mass contributed to Wells G H and mass remaining in the subsurface and may
result in additional remedial investigations to evaluate remedial alternative and project ultimate
cleanup costs. If no isotopic ratios closely match those of DNAPL collected from the properties of the
three primary PRPs that would indicate that flow from the Aberjona River and sources further up
gradient may have contributed chlorinated organic compounds found in the wells. 3.0 Sample
Collection The purpose of this study is to monitor
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Definition Of The World Wide Web
1. What is the definition of the Internet? The definition of the Internet is worldwide system that is
created of tiny computer systems.
2. What is the definition of the World Wide Web? The definition of the World Wide Web is a network
that people operate by entering the internet.
3. Is there a single Search Engine (like Google or Bing) that indexes the entire World Wide Web?
No, there is not a single Search Engine that indexes the entire World Wide Web.
4. Directories are another type of index to the World Wide Web. What makes them different from
search engines?
What makes them different from search engines are because directories are made and kept up by
human editors.
5. What Search Engine do you like to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Questions using the Internet:
11. Using the search engine Google at http://www.google.com answer the following questions based
on the information given in the statement below make sure to formulate your search using keywords
that will help you get the specific information that you need to answer the question:
I have a friend named Bobo who is famous in the field of searching for Bigfoot and is on the show
Finding Bigfoot on the Animal Planet Channel.
What are the keywords/key terms in the statement above? The keywords in the statement above is
Animal Plant Channel, bigfoot, and Bobo.
What is Bobo s real name? Bobo s real name is James Fay.
What is the first website that Google lists? The first website that Google listed was animalplanet.com.
How many total results did Google come up with? 43,700 total results that Google come up with.
12. Now you are going to compare two search engines: Google (www.google.com) and Bing
(www.bing.com). Do a new search for something of interest to you in each of these search engines.
What were your search terms? My search terms were graphic designer and art.
What is your analysis of the two search engines? Write at least a paragraph (4 5 sentences) of analysis
on your results. Were the results the same? Different? Which search engine did you like better?
My analysis of the two search engines were different from certain
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Serfs And Feudalism
Serfs and peasants paid rent or would to contribute to their lords success. The serf would owe two to
three days of work to his lord for payment, the freemen would pay rent instead (Bishop 235). Each
villager owed the lord rent for his/her house. It was reckoned in pennies but usually paid in kind a few
hens or pigs (Bishop 235). Without serfs and peasants feudalism would not of been possible Military
was the primary basis of power in the feudal system. Elite status was based off of military power.
Local leaders control political decisions, command military power, have controlling economic power
and even dominate in the cultural realm. In a feudal society, power is a private possession (S3 1).
Private military services also played a role
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Essay about Jefferson vs. Hamilton on Views of Government
Whose side would you have been on in the 1790s, Thomas Jefferson s or Alexander Hamilton s? Both
of these men served under George Washington in the first presidential cabinet, yet they had very
different views of what government should be (Davis 86). My objective in this research essay is to
inform the reader of why there was so much controversy between these two founding fathers, and to
determine which side had the better views for our newly forming country. After Washington became
president, people started forming political parties based on how they thought the government should
be run. Washington did not like the idea of the country being divided into factions, as he called them.
But the problem was that this was happening ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hamilton was a Federalist who believed in a strong, central government with a national bank. He also
wanted to make alliances with Britain (Davis 86). Of course, as history can tell us, Jefferson, an
Antifederalist, or a Republican as they called them back then, favored little federal government
control and more say for the small farmers and states (Davis 86 7). He believed that all Americans
should be educated enough to read and understand the issues that were being voted on so that they
could choose their own leaders and run for office themselves. In fact, he proposed a bill, which would
guarantee some public education for all children, excluding slaves. He felt that this would allow
people to have an opportunity to better themselves based on talent and virtue instead of wealth and
birth. Even though his bill was voted on three times, it didn t pass due to the fact that the majority of
the Virginia Assembly thought that it was too radical, too expensive, and too unnecessary (Davis 52
3). Antifederalists were also anti British, but friendly to France, their ally at the time (Davis 87). I
agree with Jefferson s belief, because if we were to have only the wealthy elite
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How Did The Atomic Bomb Change The World
The Bombs That Changed The World
On August 6th, 1945, the Japanese woke up to their hometowns and country filled with flames and
radioactive material. This event changed warfare as we know it, and will forever have an effect on the
Japanese and American culture. These two bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man, killed thousands of people
and in total, took a huge toll on the world then and today.
First, the bombs had a huge effect on the Japanese people, the countries that surrounded Japan such as
Korea, and World War Two as a whole. The two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Little
Boy and Fat Man, killed at least 129,000 people in total. It ended up causing other issues, such as
child birth defects and a boost in illness. In the year following the bombs dropped, 1946, there were an
astounding 1900 deaths from cancer. This is said to come from the bombs radiation fallout. One good
result that came from all the tragedy of the war, is that Japan ended up surrendering to the Allies. This
was around the same time that Germany surrendered, so the allies took the win. ... Show more content
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35. This operation was called on August 5th, 1945, by Major James I. Hopskins, Jr. who afterwards
dropped the atomic bomb that would destroy Nagasaki. These two cities were chosen because they
met the criteria of having effective damage, and being 3 miles in diameter with the bonus of being a
large urban center. There were more operations called like this one, they just never got called because
Japan ended up surrendering. One operation, called Operation Olympic, was to invade Japan. This
operation is estimated to result in 130,000 to 220,000 people. Japan ended up surrendering to the
Allies, then causing the United States to call off their other planned destructive
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Landfill Storage Sites For The Underground Water Resources
Increasing numbers of natural resources are consumed by modern society, causing growing demands
of waste disposals at the same time. Statistical results showed that landfill facilities had been used as a
main solid waste disposal approach in the past decades. Landfill leachate is the one of primary
concerns of landfill operation. Application of reliable barriers underneath waste disposal sites to
protect underground water resources has become an important research subject. However, any defect
of liner systems can put environment at risk due to the possible leakage. A large number of factors
could cause the landfill liner failures in different ways. One of the main factor is provided by not
enough interface shear strength of the composite liner.
Landfills liner is composed of various geosynthetic and soil components (Jogi, 2005). For domestic
waste systems, the basic structure unit of landfill liner is normally regarded as geosynthetic layer in
contact with compacted clay layer (CCLs) for municipal solid waste landfill. Historical statistics show
side slope liner failures caused by liner sliding able to happen at the interface between CCLs and
geomembrane when the interface have a low shear resistance. The shear strength is probably further
decreased by the presence of water (Reddy 1999). Generally the local clay can be used as compacted
clay liner for economic considerations. Leda clay is a typical type of sensitive marine clay which
covers major area of eastern Ontario
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Summary Of The C Word In The Hallways By Anna Quidlen
In her composition, The C Word in the Hallways , Anna Quidlen implores parents, educators, and
politicians to not perceive mental health issues and mental healthcare as preposterously inessential to
the vitality of the modern social landscape, but to actively enhance the attention given to mental health
issues. Her use of tone, diction, allusion, and a myriad of other rhetorical devices adds sustenance to
her vilification of the attitudes surrounding mental health and her endeavor to illuminate this pertinent
issue. Quidlen s use of tone is a mixture of lividness and concern. In the second paragraph of her
exposition, she demonstrates her anger towards narrow minded adults when she refers to their mindset
as useless and how their manner ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In paragraph three, Quidlen refers to a 1956 movie called The Bad Seed in which a young girl plays a
homicidal maniac. She chooses to manipulate this example for a specific purpose, to demonstrate how
carelessly and even offensively mental health has been portrayed in popular social mediums such as
film throughout the decades. She highlights that society has created this caricature of mental illness to
be something that alienates and essentially makes one inhuman. This perverted perspective of mental
health has been ingrained in the social fabric of America and many other nations, propagated by the
burgeoning influence of mass media. Furthermore, in paragraph five of her composition, Quidlen
equates the time it took for a physiatrist to evaluate Sam Manzie to be ... less time than it takes to eat a
Happy Meal... This statement is a vicious assault by Quidlen on the mental health care system.
Through this, she establishes in a mocking manner that the time provisioned to evaluate a mentally
troubled individual does not even warrant the amount of time given to eat a Happy Meal from
McDonald s. Collectively, Quidlen includes these references to reinforce her position that societal
attitudes concerning mental health have been shaped by the media and that the attention given to such
issues as been unequivocally
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C. J. Wilentz Surrogate Mother
In the matter of the C. J. Wilentz, ruling on the deamination and the fee for artificial insemination
were in conflicts with their current law and public policy of that State. Furthermore, that surrogate
would have the ability to the violation, which could affect the mother, for example besides being
illegal, criminal, and potentially degrading to women. Finally, the case granted custody to the natural
father, and the evidence introduced were such custody be best interests of the infant, and his final
ruling was he avoid both the termination of the surrogate mother s parental rights and the adoption of
the child by the wife and stepparent. Thus restoring the surrogate as the mother of the child, and the
court also remanded the issue of the natural mother s visitation rights to the trial court, since the issue
addressed below and the record before the court is not sufficient to permit and decided to de novo.
Various ethical issues which we see that needed addressing would be the following. The purpose and
intent of parties. The agreement is to provide a means for the intended parents to become the parents
of a child, which is carried and birthed by the surrogate after the surrogate upon artificially
inseminated. Representation and warranties where the intended parents warrant that ... Show more
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Full and absolute custody of the child upon birth, notwithstanding any congenital, physical or mental
abnormality of the child, and all the decisions concerning the child s health, in utero and after delivery,
shall be made by intended parents. Therefore, it is vital for the medical and psychological evaluations
and screening. They must also take into consideration the assumption of medical risks and releases.
Furthermore, that all medical procedures have been thoroughly explained to them by the physician,
and advised of the risks, including death, which may result from the conduct
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Buddhism And Identity Essay
1. The question of origin.
Buddhism has no creator god to explain the creation of life and the universe. Buddhism teaches that
everything depends on everything else. In other words, present events are caused by past events and
become the cause of future events. Buddhists believe that an old world system had been destroyed and
its inhabitants are reborn in a new system. In the beginning, they are spirits floating above the earth
happily with luminescence and without form, name or sex. At first, the world is without light and land,
but is made of water. Eventually the earth appears and the spirits come to taste and enjoy it. Their
greed causes their ethereal bodies to become solid, causing separation of the sexes and their bodies to
appear beautiful or ugly. When they lose their luminescence, the sun and moon come into being. As
the beings fall further into their wicked habits, which causes themselves and the earth to become even
more unpleasant. Buddhists believe that everything we do is what molds our lives and the earth into
what it is now (The Buddhist universe, 2009).
According to biblical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The question of identity.
Buddhists believe that they have no identity. That there is no constant substantial self. They believe
that after death, the spirit is recycled. During this formation, the personality is disintegrated and only
certain memories, personal traits, and skills would be recycled to create a new person and when death
approaches, then the process starts all over again (Rivas, T., 2005).
According to a biblical worldview, mankind was created in Gods image. We are supposed to live life
as he would and as he wants us to. God is a being of integrity, honesty, love, and kindness. How we
live our life is to be a direct reflection of God himself. He gave us the world to care for as a shepherd
cares for his flock. If we live life in his image as he meant for us to do so, then we gain entrance to
heaven to have a chance at everlasting life (Wieder Gutierrez,
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Teaching Self-Advocacy
Teaching Self Advocacy
When a child has a learning disability it can be overwhelming for the child, because they could be
unaware that they have one or even when they find out that they do, some life style changes need to be
made. Throughout the learning experience of having an learning disabilities the special education
department can teach children of all ages how to become self advocates for themselves and be able to
communicate not only with their parents, but with other peers and teachers too.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies
By equipping (students) with a repertoire of strategies for learning...teachers can provide (them) with
the tools for a lifetime of successful learning , (Sturomski, July 1997).
Students with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Social and Study Skills
Part of a child s process in learning how to self advocate for them selves is by learning how to develop
strong social skills and also being able to use a study skills program. Part of having a learning
disability to figuring out and understand what the student s disability is and what strategies work best
for the student in a school environment. Once the child is aware of their learning disability the special
education teachers will help develop the child s social skills in a regular and outside of classroom
setting. A key component of learning how to develop social skills is by practicing communication. The
student should practice asking questions to teachers and peers. Another great way to practice social
skills if by role playing, this way the student can anticipate in different situations what the outcome
will be, and also raise their confidence.
Students who practice their communication skills can also get help in a program after or during school
called study skills. Students with learning disabilities can benefit from this program by getting help in
writing skills, test taking, proofreading strategies, time management, and life skills. With these
benefits of the study skills program children can also get help in using their accommodations that are
unique to the individual and develop from a cooperative relationship between an instructor and the
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College Is The Time Of Your Life
Haakon Lovestad Dr. Van Bergen Rylander 24 Nov. 2104 Every once in a while, one comes across the
saying college is the time of your life , true enough, every person who has had the opportunity to
attend college, regularly reminisces about the time they had. In all fairness, the time in college is
indeed memorable. The reason as to why even Hollywood regularly releases movies with a theme and
setting of college. What these movies inevitably end up doing is glamorizing the all things to do with
college other than actually studying. In fact, in most instances, these movies glamorize parties, casual
sex, drinking binges and use of drugs. To the high school teenager with raving hormones, this is a
place to look forward to, which is if it ends up motivating them to the quests of higher grades.
Nevertheless, parents and other stakeholders more so in the department of health are regularly
wondering what exactly the place of sex in college is. (Bruce and Stewart) It is worth it to analyze the
whole issue of sex with an open mind. The reason for this is that external influences cloud the
perception of most regarding the topic of sex in relation to college. Society encourages modesty in
matters relating to sex, ironically, the media is awash with sex if not explicitly, it is implicit. However,
the common denominator to all this is the ever willingness of college girls to engage in sexual activity
in a rather casual and care free manner. Therefore, it is within prudence to assume
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High School Dropouts Vs. Graduates Reasons
High school Dropouts vs. Graduates...Reasons to Stay in School: To succeed in this world, an
education is an important thing you need to be successful. The things you learn through school give
these students the hope that they can actually be successful in life. This gives them confidence when
they walk into an interview for a job, which may be their first job. Having an education can open
many doors of opportunities that motivate an individual to achieve better prospects in career growth.
An education can play a very important role in this world. It can lead you into a promising career,
which can lead you into a great life. Receiving an education is very important. Getting a diploma
should be at the top of your list. In my opinion, there is big difference between schooling and
education. The schooling system is designed in a way that it doesn t allow you to maximize the
amount of education that you could actually have if you were to self educate. An education should be
at the top of your list of values. This should be at the top of your values because receiving an
education can lead you into a variety of opportunities. Most people who you may know are not
motivated enough to leave all the distractions like TV, internet, and social life so you can focus so you
can educate yourself. You have to be disciplined to do that though. Most of you parents know that
your education is very important. Education is the key to success. Why do so many kids drop out?
Teens drop out of
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Natural Gas Dehydration Based On Agricultural By Products
This research project emphasizes on natural gas dehydration based on agricultural by products known
as biosorbents in a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process, which is a widespread industrial
separation system. The commercial widely used adsorbents such as zeolites, silica gel, and molecular
sieves are costly due to high regeneration temperature and operational difficulties regarding
maintaining a cyclic process. Moreover, even though these adsorbents are being used in industries,
still a considerable amount of other species are being adsorbed along with the preferentially species,
which lead to lower selectivity. Hence, there has been a constant demand for cost effective adsorbent
with high selectivity and equilibrium capacity.
The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Outlet Tdew around −10 ◦C is usually reached. Adsorption dehydration can obtain very low outlet
water concentration of Tdew −50 ◦C, and contaminated gases are not a problem. Adsorption, however,
requires high capital investment and has high space requirements as indicated by industrial experts
that the capital cost for an adsorption line is 2−3 times higher than that for an absorption one [8
comparison method]. Due to sophisticated cooling systems and operational problems dealt with
methane hydrates, condensation methods is not favorable from the standpoint of energy consumption.
Each of the methods presented has its advantages and disadvantages. Recent published works revealed
that potential biomaterials could be employed for water adsorption efficiently [ethanol and coconut
references]. [potential bioadsorbents that can be used for water adsorption are flax shive, oat hulls, and
canola meal. According to Statistics Canada, ///// tons of flax shive was produced in Western Canada
in 2013 with a commercial price of $ ///, which is much cheaper compared to those of AC, CMC (3
120 $/ Kg), and silica gel. Canola meal, however, is one of the byproducts of canola industries
including oil extraction and biodiesel production. [Canola meal is composed of 36% crude protein,
12% moisture, 20% neutral detergent fiber consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, 5%
starch, 10% free sugar and non starch polysaccharides, 4% crude fat, and 6% ash (Canola council of
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Thickness In Millimeters Lab Report
9.) Calculations h = height or thickness
D = M/V
V = M/D
L*W*H = M/D
Trial 1:
This calculation solves for the height (h), or thickness, of the aluminum foil.
(29.97 cm * 30.50 cm * h cm) = (3.82 g/2.70 cm2)
(914.085 cm2 * h cm) = (3.82 g/2.70 cm2) h cm = 0.00155 cm
The following calculations express the height (h)/thickness in millimeters and micrometers.
(0.00155 cm * (10 mm/1 cm)) = 0.0155 mm
(0.00155 cm * (10,000 μm/1 cm)) = 15.5 μm
Trial 2:
This calculation solves for the height (h), or thickness, of the aluminum foil.
(9.60 cm * 6.10 cm * h cm) = (0.23 g/2.70 cm2)
(58.56 cm2 * h cm) = (0.23 g/2.70 cm2) h cm = 0.0015 cm
The following calculations express the height (h)/thickness in millimeters and micrometers.
(0.0015 cm * (10 mm/1 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Three different pieces of aluminum foil were used for three different trials in order to determine the
thickness. Data was then collected by using an electric balance for mass and a standard ruler for length
and width. The formulas used were area = length * width, volume = length * width * height, and
density = mass / volume. Thickness (height) was found simply by dividing mass by density, width,
and length. The average of our three trials was not only calculated, but also found via the graph and
slope.. A graph of area vs. mass was made with data points from our three trials. Using linear fit, the
graph showed that the slope, which was then divided by the density. This calculation isolated the
height in centimeters. The slope of the graph was 0.004181 g/cm2. This value shows the relationship
between the area of the aluminum foil and its mass. The values plotted in this graph were used to
calculate the thickness of the aluminum foil via an alternative method. Additionally, the graph had a
correlation value of 1.00. This means that area and mass have a strong, direct relationship. According
to pure calculations based upon the data alone, the thickness of the aluminum foil was 0.0016 cm.
This is identical to the value of thickness provided by the aluminum foil company, Reynold s.
According to calculations using the slope,
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Dividend Policy at Fpl Group, Inc.
Question 1
We believe that Ms Stark should not revise her recommendation regarding FPL. The HOLD
recommendation seems to be the most appropriate. Our judgement assumes a dividend cut from FPL.
However, this dividend cut would be a precise strategic choice rather than one dictated by financing
difficulties. Specifically, the dividend cut will raise future growth, with little effect on the stock price.
By cutting dividends, FPL can react better to future threats. After an initial panic selling triggered by
the news shock (FPL never cut its dividend in the past 47 years), investors will process the new
information realized that the dividend cut is balanced by an increased growth rate in the future. To
justify the HOLD recommendation on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Indeed, FPL s management may see this as an opportunity to gain more share in the Industrial and
Commercial segments, making it a positive change, at least in the short term.
In order to access this opportunity however, FPL would need to address its prices and costs. Exhibit 7
shows FPL to have low some of the highest rates (per KWH) in the industry for every market
segment. These high prices are unlikely to win many new customers if retail wheeling is introduced.
Unfortunately for FPL, they also have some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry, which
means any reduction in prices will only see margin compression and lower their profitability further.
Lowering costs will be difficult for FPL. Since James Broadhead took over as CEO his focus on cost
reduction and quality maintenance have led FPL to achieve record results. However it may be that all
the costs which can be removed from the system have already been removed. And yet, FPL still has
some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry.
Finally, while it is not mentioned in the case, it may be that FPL could use the rise of retail wheeling
to expand its market outside of Florida itself. With low projections of capital expenditure anticipated
for the following years, and an ensuing dividend cut, FPL could choose to invest significantly in
increasing capacity so as to be ready to
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Rhetorical Devices In Ebb And Flow By Edward Taylor
Edward Taylor was one of the most famous poets born in England. Taylor was influenced to write by
religion, and it s evident in his poem Ebb and Flow . Taylor illustrates, through the use of rhetorical
devices, the fear that the fire inside his heart has burned out, and the hope that, through God s grace,
his affections will be ignited once again. Taylor uses the rhetorical device of diction to illustrate how
the fire in his heart is slowly burning out. At first in the poem, Taylor has a strong connection to God.
In the first line, Taylor says, When first Thou on me, Lord, wroughtest Thy sweet print, (Taylor). In
this line it s made clear that Taylor is engaged by God s love and authority. Then in verse two, Taylor
beings to question his relationship with God. In line eleven, Taylor talks about how his heart is lacking
of affections, making the fire in his heart burnout. I find my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Taylor uses a metaphor in line two stating, My heart was made Thy tinder box, . Taylor compares his
heart to a tinderbox as it is soft and fragile . This line show Taylor s strict connection to God. He is
ready to be ignited by a spark that will come from God and has hope that his heart will be ignited once
again. In line three he also uses a metaphor stating, My ffections were Thy tinder in t, (Taylor). Taylor
compares his affections to tinder that sits inside his heart. He has a lot of affections and has no doubts
in God as he feels the fire burning inside him. All of this is illustrated by imagery on lines five and six
when he states, Those holy sparks of heavenly fire that came Did ever catch and often out would
flame. (Taylor). These lines clearly illustrate how his heart would be flamed by the spark of God.
These three quotes allow the reader to really picture how his heart is ignited by the spark of God that
looks down upon
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Essay about Analysis of Style and Theme in Works by...
Analysis of Style and Theme in Works by Ernest Hemingway
This research paper will analyze style and theme in two of Ernest Hemingway s short stories, The
Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Big Two Hearted River, and two novels, The Sun Also Rises and Green
Hills of Africa.1
The Snows of Kilimanjaro is about an author named Harry, who is lying on the African plain and
dying of gangrene. The Big Two Hearted River is about an ex World War I soldier, Nick, who is trying
to put his life back together after the war. Similarly, The Sun Also Rises involves an ex soldier who is
coping with a personal injury and seeks love with a woman named Brett Ashley. Lastly, Green Hills of
Africa, is a non fiction story about Hemingway hunting in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Along with these false reports, river beds where the kudu drink are dry, and also attack his attempt at
asserting himself. The environment also attacks his assertion because it is very hilly and densely
forested so it is tricky to kill a kudu (Benson 291).
In Sun, Jake Barnes would like to assert himself by having sex with Brett. Half of the procreation
process involves the male and for males, having sex is a sign of masculinity. One thing though attacks
his assertion of maleness, his impotence. Because of this, he fears that he will fail in courting Brett,
which leads to his failure of asserting his masculinity. Fears of failure, of incompetence, and of failing
masculine prowess are expressed through Harry in Snows (Benson 291). Harry s incompetence and
fear of failure are shown in the following excerpt when he is talking about his writing, Now he would
never write the things that he had saved to write until he knew enough to write them well. Well, he
would not have to fail at trying to write them either. His fear of masculine prowess is expressed on
page 13 where he feels terrible that he must leave the love relationship his wife created for him
because of his carelessness: She was a damned nice woman too. He would as soon be in bed with her
as anyone; rather with her, because she was richer, because she was very pleasant and appreciative and
because she never made any scenes. And now this life that she had
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Parables In The Gospel Of Luke
The Gospel of Luke is the most descriptive account for Jesus Christ s life. Through this Gospel it
gives its readers a foretaste into the birth and early life of Jesus and his disciples. Luke described who
Jesus was as a person and what Jesus had accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection. This
Gospel has various themes. Some themes are the parables, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the joy and
rejoicing. The Gospel of Luke has some very significant parables that are still taught today. One
parable is The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25 37). In this parable a man was walking
down to Jericho when robbers attacked him. They left him there half dead and beaten up. A priest
happened to go down the same road and when he saw the man he didn t even stop he kept walking.
Also, a Levite saw him and walked past him on the other side. But when a Samaritan saw him he
stopped and had mercifulness for him. He helped him bandaged his wounds, and then he carried the
man onto his donkey and led him to an inn where he could take care of him. He told the innkeeper to
look after him and when he returns he will pay any of the extra expenses.
The lesson of this parable is that we may view anyone who needs our help as our ... Show more
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Joy and rejoicing means when, gladness, is not happiness that depends on our circumstances and our
moods; which has to do with our emotions or position in life. This joy is something that is constant; it
is from within us because Jesus lives within us. Joy and rejoicing appears in Luke 15:3 7. This is
present in the Parable of the Lost Sheep. It explains that if one of the hundred sheep were missing he
would go and look for it and once he found the sheep he would joyfully put it on his shoulders and
heads home. He calls his neighbors to rejoice with him since he had found his lost sheep. He says
there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who
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Essay on Hanging 10 for Power Generation
Hanging 10 for Power Generation
There are many different ways to generate electricity. Wind, rivers, fire, and ocean are just a few
technologies that are in current use. In this paper it will narrow the focus to the different types of
ocean wave power generation.
Wave generated electricity is a fairly new concept. Heavy research started in the early sixties. People
have been trying to build effective wave machines for about two hundred years. Designing wave
machines can be difficult do to the nature of the ocean.
One of the primary set backs in designing wave technologies is the inconsistencies of the ocean. The
tides, wave height, wave set counts, and consistencies are major hindrances ... Show more content on
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As the water level inside the chamber raises and lowers, the difference air pressure turns a low
resistance turbine, generating power. The turbine spins in one direction no matter if the air is pulling
or pushing. The collectors have been design in this manner to obtain the maximum output of power
out of the machines. Most of these wave collectors, also known as oscillating water columns are still
experimental. This device is regarded as the world most advanced wave to electricity generators. An
oscillating water column in Norway is being tested and can produce 500 kilowatts of electricity.
A Salter Duck , is another invention that has been developed to produce power from waves. This
machine is basically two large pontoons hinged together at their ends. The bobbing action of the
pontoons gives the mechanical advantage to drive the internal generator. This was the first invention
to receive wide spread use to make ocean generated power. The United States Coast Guard has been
using many of these to power generating tools for their navigation lights and audio transmitters.
Another type of energy the ocean has to offer is her tides. Generators used to harness power from
ocean tides are the cheapest to build. This is for the shear fact that most of the tide power stations are
connected to land. Due to logistics it is a lot easier to build objects closer to land than in the middle of
the ocean. These power stations can
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Amazon.Com the Brink of Bankruptcy
Question 1 Achieve Positive Cash Flow
Would Amazon.com achieve its aggressive goal of becoming cash flow positive by the end of 2001
(Applegate, Austin, Soule, 2009, p. 155)? Amazon.com will be cash flow positive by the end of 2001.
A close analysis of operating expenses for Amazon.com from 1997 to 2000 indicates the company has
experienced significant increases in fulfillment, marketing, technology, and restructuring costs.
Amazon has experienced a positive growth over several years and the upward trend will likely
continue in 2001. In 2000 the company had almost 30 million customers. Amazon.com should
consider conducting market research and collecting customer information (Applegate, Austin, Soule,
2009). To ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Amazon.com spent over $400 million on digital business infrastructure that linked nine distribution
centers and six customer service centers throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia during 1998 and 1999.
Due to the company s larger customer base from expansion with the infrastructure in place
Amazon.com will earn profits quickly. The digital business infrastructure allowed Amazon.com to cut
their cost drastically because they did not have to stock every item. Customers received shipments
faster which increased customer loyalty and satisfaction. IT capabilities enabled Amazon.com to cut
cost, earn higher profits, and reduce competition by gaining partnerships (Applegate, Austin, Soule,
Questions 3 and 4 Time Requirements How much time did the company have and how much time
would it need to spend to prove that it could create and sustain value over time (Applegate, et al.,
2009, p. 155)? Amazon.com had 5 years since the company went public in 1995 and needed 1 year to
create and sustain value over time. Many of the investments have been made to build the state of the
art digital business infrastructure. The company has tremendous opportunities according to the SWOT
analysis. Amazon.com is ranked 48th worldwide and online retail sales are growing rapidly.
Amazon.com has good leadership and digital infrastructure with excess capacity. Amazon.com has
built high barriers to entry and is the leading online retailer globally and has a
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Picture Bride Essay
Immigrants arriving in America for their first time are initially devastated at their new lives and realize
their golden lives were simply fantasies and dreams of an ideal life in America. Immigrants from
foreign countries, including those mentioned in Uchida s Picture Bride, faced countless problems and
hardships, including a sense of disillusionment and disappointment. Furthermore, immigrants and
picture brides faced racial discrimination not only from white men, but the United States government,
as well. Immigrants were plagued with economic hardships lived in deplorable living conditions.
Though nearly every immigrant and picture bride who came to America fantasized about an ideal life,
they were faced with countless hardships and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was drab and dirty and smelled of stale food...[one] would expect something a bit finer (Uchida,
34). Hana becomes disheartened as her visions were shattered by reality and a sense of betrayal from
her husband s lies. She, like many picture brides and immigrants, expected too much of a new life, and
when she discovers the way things really are, she feels deceived and dismayed. Accepting the truth
and the reality of their new lives is a part of an immigrant s experience in moving to America and is a
crucial part in shaping their attitudes in their new lives.
Once an immigrant becomes situated with their new life styles, the foreign immigrants are introduced
to a sense of hatred and discrimination omnipresent in society. Many Americans and white men were
not welcoming towards alien immigrants and expressed a great deal of discrimination and hatred.
Immigrants and their families realized they had to learn to accept this hatred if they wanted to live in
America, and eventually taught themselves to be tolerant towards discrimination, without knowing a
motif behind a white man s disgust towards immigrants. Hana was able to accept the discrimination
and eventually passed down her tolerance and acceptance down to, her daughter, Mary, who learn to
submit to a white man s intolerance. Mary became aware that her Japanese face denied her certain
privileges...when she went to the City Plunge, she was told We don t think
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Popper Falsification
Popper termed the idea of falsification as a means of separating science from non science. The
separation of science and non science became known as the problem of Demarcation. He believed that
any theory was scientific on the basis that such theories could have possible evidence to suggest that
the theory was wrong. Conversely, a notion would be deemed unscientific if no contradictory evidence
could be gathered. An example of Demarcation is the separation of Einstein s theory of relativity and
Freud s psychoanalytic theory (section 2). Popper saw Einstein s theory as making predictions that
could potential be incorrect and that such examples would falsify the entire theory. Conversely, Freud
s psychoanalytic theory was capable of explaining most of human behavior without contradictory
evidence. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because of this, using observations cannot completely verify a theory, it would only verify what a
scientist would be looking for. On the other hand, searching for counterexamples to a theory can
falsify the theory. In addition, falsification allows more questions to be raised to search for
contradiction evidence. This search for falsification of a theory is consequently a better methodology
for separating science from non science(section 3). In addition, Popper believed all scientific theories
as being tests for falsification and not verification. This extends into the idea that no theory is a
universal truth, but only that contradictory evidence has not been found for such a
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The Best And Worst Parts Of Society
Comic book characters represent the best and worst parts of society as seen through the eyes of the
writers. Heroes emanate what the writers perceive as the ideal human, someone attractive with a
strong moral code and a high tolerance for pain. Villains represent what the writers perceive as
problematic, people who are overly ambitious, immoral and represent the other , both in appearance
and beliefs. These characterisations reflect the views of society s majority, white men, essentially the
creators and controllers of pop culture. Captain America was a hero, the epitome of American
Patriotism. He was strong, smart and morally sound and he fought American enemies, the Nazis and
communism. Magneto, from the same comic universe as Captain America, was a villain aiming for the
eradication of all non mutants. The interesting thing about his evil acts is that they re almost justified
by his previous experiences with oppression, he s the comic book representation of a victim fighting
back and he s represented as villainous for that.
Disabilities are represented atrociously in comic books because they re represented atrociously in pop
culture. Steve Rogers was useless to the army until he was injected with an untested serum and was no
longer frail. Superman used glasses to imply vision impairment, because, no superhero could be
physically inadequate in any way, so his secret was safe. In Steve s case, his diagnoses are represented
as things that need fixing before he can be
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Analysis Of Robots
As can be imagined, positional data is at the core of robotic functions. This data type s structure is in
the format XYZWPR (X, Y, Z directional values in millimeters and their associated rotational
elements around each axis, Yaw, Pitch and Roll in degrees) where each data item is REAL [1].
Additionally, the robot arm configuration is part of the positional data, and it is defined based on the
positions of the robot wrist flip (flipped or not flipped), elbow orientation (up or down), and the
direction the robot is facing (front or back). This results in configuration values which have the
options N/F, U/D and T/B; typically we see robots with NUT configurations. There are more parts to
the robot position such as the turn count (three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is relatively simple to purchase an option from
FANUC and vastly increase this temporary storage space.
When translation is complete and the p code is loaded on to the robot controller a variable data table
which houses all the static variables necessary for the program to run is generated and stored in RAM
[1]. A few benefits that exist when the variable data is stored this way include the fact that the variable
data can be accessed easily by multiple programs or several times from the same program for reading
Additional Interesting Facts about KAREL
KAREL does have reserved words which have their own rules such as PROGRAM, CONST, TYPE,
VAR, BEGIN and END; reserved words are always all capital letters [1]. For example, the first word
in the KAREL program must be PROGRAM followed by an identifier; it is worth noting that this
identifier term cannot be used elsewhere in the program [1]. KAREL has many additional reserved
words as well. KAREL also has predefined identifies with predetermined values such as
TRUE/FALSE, ON/OFF, MAXINT and MININT (maximum and minimum integer values allowed)
[1]. System variables are predefined variables that start with a dollar sign and come with values
already set by FANUC depending on the robot model [1]. Some of these variables can be accessed via
KAREL while others cannot.
Two types of arrays are supported in KAREL and they are multi dimensional (two or three
dimensions) and
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Symbolism In The Slave By Isaac Bashevis Singer
The novel The Slave by Isaac Bashevis Singer is built on the life experiences of a Jewish character
named Jacob and a gentile woman he falls in love with named Wanda. Jacob is a scholar who was sold
to pagan peasant farmers after his immediate family was murdered in the Chmielnicki massacres. Jan
Bzik is Jacob s master and Wanda is Bzik s daughter. Due to the strong love between the two, Jacob
struggles to maintain his Judaism as Jewish law prohibits Jews from marrying gentiles. Conversion of
a gentile is a capital offense in Poland, but Wanda chooses to take on the religion of the Jews for the
sake of the love she shares with Jacob. The two relocate to a town called Pilitz where Wanda hides her
gentile identity and Jacob helps her develop a new persona named Sarah. As the two grow together,
Jacob realizes that God does not control his life. He states that God watches over one while Satan
tempts one into presenting malevolent behavior. He tells Wanda that it is up to him to choose between
good and evil. This moment highlights the struggles he faces with his faith.
Throughout the novel, it is evident that Wanda falls in love with Jacob. She takes care of him and
makes multiple sacrifices for him. She travels from the village and brings special foods to Jacob while
he takes care of cattle in the mountains. She cares for him when he is sick and completes duties for
him from Friday evenings to Saturday evenings as it is against Judaism to work during these hours.
Wanda also
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The Case Study Western National Insurance
Every organization is at risk for financial hardship. It takes a strong, dedicated leader to bring a
company out of loss and turn it around. This is what happened at Western Insurance Agency from the
late 1990s to the early 2000s. Stu Henderson, the newly hired CEO at the time, brought the
organization back to success by supporting and engaging stakeholders. This research will highlight all
stakeholders described in the case study Western National Insurance, the actions taken by Henderson
to support and engage Western National Insurance stakeholders, and an evaluation of these actions
using leadership theories. The assessment will consider how successful leaders excel at understanding
themselves and others, at motivating group members to excel, and at facilitating group members to
learn and perform their work more effectively, with the overall effect of enhancing organizational
Several internal and external stakeholders were described in the case study Western National
Insurance. They include independent agents, employees, business partners, customers, business
customers, regulators, policyholders, Creameries, board members, homeowners, managers, A.M. Best,
and reinsurance brokers. Leadership must fully understand the importance between engaging
stakeholders and profitability.
There were many actions taken by Henderson to support and engage Western National Insurance
stakeholders. When initially joining the company, he met with the managers and employees with the
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Normal Biological Information On Guinea Pigs Essay
Normal Biological Information on Guinea Pigs:
Adult weight: 1.5 2.5lbs
Sexual maturity: The sexual maturity for a female is 4 6 weeks and for a male it is 3 5 weeks.
Litter size (average): 2 5 guinea pigs
Gestation: 59 72 days
Life span: 5 years
Rectal temperature: The average body temperature for a guinea pig ranges from 99 103.1°F (or 37.2
Heart rate: A guinea pig s normal heart rate ranges between 240 to 350 beats per minute.
Respiration rate: 40 150 respiratory rates per minute.
General Behavior:
Guinea pigs like to have access to food, water, space, comfort spaces, companion from other guinea
pigs, interaction with humans and toys.
They are friendly, outgoing, active, playful animals.
They need safe toys to chew on; they love interacting with other guinea pigs, creating interactions.
They need constant access to a safe hiding place for comfort
When they re frightened they need shelter to go to
Guinea pigs are also very active so they need opportunities at all times to have exercise
Other signs of negative behavior in Guinea Pigs are being distressed, ill, injured, diseases, or being
bored and lonely.
Signs that a guinea pig showing any of these symptoms are aggression, hiding, chewing on cage bars
out of boredom, over grooming, excessive eating and drinking or lack of.
To restrain a guinea pig, the person handling should be rapid and smooth, to avoid frightening the
The person that
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Character Analysis Of Oedipus
When contemplating the character of Oedipus in Oedipus Tyrannus, it would be easy to dismiss him
as merely a tragic character with only a cursory glance. One must dig deeply into Oedipus to fully
understand him as a man. Aristotle understood this when used Oedipus as his example of a tragic hero.
It is through deep analysis that one fully grasps that while Oedipus is a tragic character, he is also
heroic in his being and his actions. Yes, Oedipus does make mistakes due to his hubris, but this does
not negate that he is a noble person who does act nobly. Part of Aristotle s discussion of the tragic hero
is that he must be a person of greatness. This greatness entails not only a high social position, but it
also includes a nobility of character. Oedipus displays virtuous characteristics even before becoming
king of Thebes. He becomes king because of his encounter with the Sphinx. Thebes had been under
the Sphinx s thrall for some time with innocent lives being taken due to an incorrect answer to the
Sphinx s riddle. When Oedipus encountered the Sphinx, he demonstrated wisdom and insight by
correctly answering the Sphinx s riddle. Oedipus triumph over the Sphinx was viewed by the Priest as
an act of bravery and as a rite of passage. The Priest refers to Oedipus as the one who saved Thebes
from the Sphinx (Oed. Prologue.40). His actions led Oedipus to be called a king of wisdom tested in
the past , Noblest of men , and Liberator (Oed. Prologue. 46, 53, 55). Thus, it was Oedipus actions
before he was king that made him heroic.
Not only was Oedipus heroic before becoming king, he was also heroic once he was made king. The
play begins with Thebes suffering from plague that has been caused, according to the Oracle at
Delphi, by the death of Laius, Oedipus predecessor. Oedipus as a noble king, responds to the cries of
his people. In fact, he refers to them as poor Children as if they are his metaphorical children
(Oed.Prologue. 66). He imposes on himself the responsibility of the safety and nurturing of the people
of Thebes. He sees his people s suffering and is wrought over it because he has been in tears for a long
while over it (Oed. Prologue. 69).
It is this care and concern that forces Oedipus to
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Great Expectations and The Go Between
Great Expectations and The Go Between Both Great Expectations and The Go Between concern
young men from lowly backgrounds who find themselves thrust into the world of the leisured classes
and are changed forever. What similarities and differences do you see between the ways in which the
two authors handle and develop this shared situation?
The reason why we have chosen to compare and contrast Great Expectations and The Go Between is
because they have many obvious and many subtle similarities which I am to discuss during t he course
of this Essay. Although the two books were written a century apart ... Show more content on
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The role of these two friends is different in that Herbert grows up with Pip and they are much closer
than Leo and Marcus. For example, Enough I saw my own feelings in Herbert s face, and, not least
among them my, repugnance towards the man who had done so much for me. This demonstrates how
Herbert has helped Pip and that he feels very close to him as he sees his own feelings in his face.
Throughout the Summer Leo is used as a playmate and someone to entertain Marcus so that he is kept
from bothering the adults, so in this way he is used. The relationship between Herbert and Pip is more
intimate, as they live together and help each other out. We also learn about them together as young
men not just as boys. The similarity between the two friends of Pip and Leo is that they teach both
boys a great deal about how the upper class live. In Great Expectations Herbert teaches Pip that you
can be a kind gentleman and don t have to be very rich. In contrast to this Marcus teaches Leo to
throw his clothes on the floor for the servants to pick up and to be a superficial gentleman.
The men that give the boys examples of how to be a gentleman are Drummle and Hugh. In Great
Expectations Dickens tries to show that there are two types of gentleman. Joe is the first example as
although he is
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Comparing Shahrazad s One Thousand And One Arabian Nights
Life Saving Stories There are many inspirational stories, but Shahrazad s tales are similar to no other.
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, originally an epic poem that is now a collection of stories,
was written in the 7th century A.D. and has been influenced from Islamic countries and regions in the
Middle East and Africa. In One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, King Shahryar is the ruler of
Sasan and is considered to rule wisely and gently until his beloved wife cheats on him with the stable
servant. Because of his wife s actions, King Shahryar marries a new woman every day and executes
her the next morning. Shahrazad, the daughter of the King s wazir, volunteers to marry the cruel
Shahryar. But, she has the rare gift of storytelling that she uses every night to not only save her life,
but the lives of Sasan s women by transforming King Shahryar into a ... Show more content on
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In this allegory, the animals are being tortured by Man kin who is considered a treacherous, monstrous
creature who is a human in reality. The lion and goose decide to get revenge on Man kin, but neither
creature had seen their enemy before. Therefore, they were not aware of his appearance. The sly Man
kin pretends to be a carpenter of the village, and to make the lion jealous, he claims to be building a
cabin for the lion s cousin to jump out of and kill the wicked Man kin. The envious, prideful lion
wants to be the first creature to kill Man kin, and demands that the carpenter builds him a cabin first.
But, Man kin uses the cabin the builds as a cage to burn the sheltered lion in, which brings the lion to
his death. Shahrazad s intention is to make King Shahryar realize how cruel he is in the form of Man
kin. Shahryar is extremely shocked with Man kin s cruelty as he
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The Contingency Theory Of Leadership
The term leadership can be significantly defined as expressed as the overall process through which a
respective individual influences and provides the right kind of support to others for the purpose of
accomplishing a common objective, goal or task. The leadership theories can be said to the significant
assumptions that significantly help in distinguishing the overall characteristics of any respective leader
(Timpe, 2007). The leadership theories extensively focus on various specific qualities of a leader
which includes knowledge and levels and skills that separates the respective leader from his or her
followers. There exists various kinds of leadership theories but amongst them great man theory, trait
theory, situational leadership theory,, behavioral leadership theory, contingency leadership theory,
transformational leadership theory and transactional leadership theory are considered to be the most
significant. The following essay has identified a significant leadership theory that can prove to be
significantly meaningful to a respective individual. In addition, the overall essay has explained the
overall arguments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The contingency theory of leadership is seen to significant fail in providing proper and appropriate
explanation regarding the overall reasons for the effectiveness of leadership in different types of
situations or circumstances. From the contingency leadership theory it is extensively hard to evaluate
how a respective individual can significantly reflect upon his or her own style of leadership. The
contingency leadership theory is not considered to be a process of development of leadership. It has
been observed that the contingency leadership theory fails to blend with a leader s career growth. If
the respective leader fails to change or adapt his respective style, the respective leader fails to be
productive at higher organizational levels (Sadler,
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Goodfellas Research Paper
As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. Henry Hill played by Ray Liotta says
this as the film Goodfellas starts. That is just one of the memorable things about this movie.
Goodfellas is a well known film directed by Martin Scorsese. The few who have not watched are truly
missing out on a great movie. It is among the best crime movies ever created by Martin Scorsese.
Goodfellas is known to be a great film because it is not like the typical mob movie. When people are
asked about about this movie, he/she might talk about how much cursing there is, or how the ending
was kind of a plot twist, most will say it is a good movie. The way the movie is recorded makes the
audience feels like they know him personally. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although their reason being there was not to eat, they were still happy and enjoyed the food. Families
can relate to this because they are usually happy when they have not seen each other in a while.
This film shows that one simple mistake or choice could make a big difference; this is someone
everyone can relate to. EVERYONE has made a mistake at some point in their life. Although it may
not have an outcome as serious as getting arrested it has made a difference. In the film people think
Henry is paranoid when he talks about how careful they have to be. (... [Henry s girlfriend] leaves
cocaine glutted cookware around her flat)) (Heath 4). He tells her that if the cops were to come they
would have all the evidence since the cookware will be filled with cocaine ingredients. She is too lazy
to clean, so she does not which is a simple choice, but this leads to the cops having enough evidence
to get her arrested. Henry also tells the babysitter not to call off of the house phone because the police
could be listening to their call yet she does not listen. This also adds on to the evidence, a recording of
the call. People of all ages can relate making them tell more people to watch it. A very important
moment is when Tommy thinks he is going to be made. He made the mistake of going with the men. It
is a simple mistake with an outcome that most did not see coming
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Boeing Airlines And The Defense Market Essay
Company s Market
Boeing may only be one company, but they compete in two different markets: commercial airlines and
the defense industry. The main competition in the commercial airline market is Airbus. Airbus and
Boeing seem to have the commercial airline industry in a chokehold basically having no other
competitors. Since the industry has high barriers to entry they will not see much competition anytime
soon. Boeing is the American leader in commercial airplanes and Airbus is the European leader, which
means they are constantly battling. Their competing aircrafts are the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747.
Both companies have many variations of their respected aircraft and according to Business Insider,
Airbus A380 outranks the Boeing 747 based on cost, range, size and luxury.
The defense market, Boeing aligns itself in is more complex than their commercial airline market.
Boeing s main competitor in this market is Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Company. Even though all
these companies may compete, each with each other they often create joint ventures because the
defense industry requires a diverse product mix that one company may not be able to fulfill. One
example of these ventures is when Boeing and Lockheed Martin come to together to own/operate
Hellfire Systems, LLC which allows for both companies to sell AGM 114 Hellfire Missiles. This
missile is used in the United States Army, Navy and Air Force so this is a very profitable venture for
both Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
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Melvin Udall
As Good as It Gets Melvin Udall is a successful author who lives the life of a recluse. He is a
misogynistic, homophobic, anti Semitic racist with an intense dislike of people and dogs. All the
neighbors in his Greenwich Village apartment building avoid him. His psychotherapist diagnosed
Melvin with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) because he avoids stepping on sidewalk cracks and
touching other people, wears gloves all the time, wipes off door handles, eats at the same restaurant
every day, sits at the same table, insists on the same waitress, Carol, and always orders the same meal.
Suddenly, Melvin s life takes a turn. A group of robbers beats up his artist gay neighbor, Simon. Simon
s art dealer, Frank, forces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At one point, Carol and Melvin have a date at a fancy restaurant, only to discover that Melvin needs to
purchase a coat and tie to meet the dress code. Challenged by these demands on him, he insults Carol,
saying that she is wearing a housedress. She gets furious and demands a sincere compliment, or she
will leave the restaurant. With anguish and many disclaimers, Melvin finally states that because of his
affection for her, he decided to take medication for his OCD. When Carol wants to know why that is a
compliment, he says that being with her makes him want to be a better man. When Carol responds
very positively and affectionately, he tries to take it back by saying that he overshot the mark .
According to the DSM IV TR, people with OCD suffer from recurrent obsessions and/or compulsions.
Obsessions, defined as persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive
and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress (Criterion A.1), which are difficult to
dismiss, despite their disturbing nature. These experiences are more intrusive than excessive worries
about real life problems, and they are unlikely related to these kinds of problems. (Criterion A.2).
Persons who suffer from OCD try to ignore, suppress or neutralize their obsessions with some other
thought or action (Criterion A.3) and recognize that they are a product of their own mind (Criterion
A.4). Melvin Udall has repetitive thoughts about germs
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What Is The Meaning Of Impression Sunrise By Claude Monte
Object Description:
Artist: Claude Monte
Title: Impression: Sunrise
Date: 1872
Style: Impressionism
In the 19th century, young artists started painting pictures en plein air, meaning in the open air or
outdoors. This was because they wanted to capture the natural light or atmospheric moment on canvas.
One famous painting that captured the beautiful natural light was the Impression: Sunrise. This
painting was painted by Claude Monte in 1872. It is made of oil paint on a canvas. The dimensions of
this painting are 19 inches by 24 3/8 inches. This painting is a collection of the Musee Marmottan,
Paris. This painting was the view of a morning of the harbor at his home town Le Havre, France. The
painting captured the especial natural moment when
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Expect Higher Designer Drugs Use In Night Clubs
Expect Higher Designer Drugs Use in Night Clubs, Says Study Designer drugs are substances that are
plant derivatives such as marijuana and cocaine which is chemically reformulated to produce a much
stronger effect that can cause serious damage to the brain with prolonged use. These designer drugs or
sometimes known as club drugs or party drugs have become popular replacing the usual drugs
commonly used. There has been tremendous increase in designer drugs usage for the past years. And
each year there are several more new drugs being discovered that has penetrated night clubs. Some of
the common designer drugs are: bath salts, Smiles, Foxy and NBOMe and synthetic cannabinoids like
Spice and K2 drugs. Recent reports have claimed that there
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A Career As A Nursing Assistant
At 17 years old, I had the grueling task of deciding how I wanted to spend 40 plus years of my life. I
always aspired to land a career in the medical field, so I majored in biology like most pre med
hopefuls, but during my junior year, I no longer desired to become a physician. The medical field was
calling out to me, but the specialty of focus was incorrect. After graduation, I went back to the basics
and put my nursing assistant certification to use. I was introduced to the field of nursing by assisting
my mother and her interdisciplinary team on a hospice case. It showed me how autonomous the job as
a holistic hospice nurse is. The amount of dignity and care they provided for both the patients and
their family during the final phase of their loved ones life was unfathomable, being able to help
maintain the respect for human life not only physically but spiritually as well was an enriching
experience. It gave me an entirely new outlook on life and death. I fell in love with the amount of
compassion and empathy I was able to pour into our patients. It has made me very proud of my title as
a CNA. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I assist him with his daily activities and needs. Applying basic practical nursing skills as a CNA has
allowed me to become more comfortable with patient care. While working in the nursing field, I have
realized how tenacious one needs to be. You must give yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to
meet the needs of your
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  • 9. Comparing Jane Austen s Pride And Prejudice I. Introduction a. As written in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, there s only one story, but each one is unique in how it s put together. This can be seen as one reads Pride and Prejudice and the cruel treatment in society and the love that drifts through seems like a cliché, but the story is still its own book. b. Summary: With news of a wealthy family coming to town, the Bennet family sets their minds to get at least one of their five daughters married. Upon going to visit the wealthy Bingleys, Jane, the eldest daughter, gets sick in the rain and must stay at their house in Netherfield under the care of her family s second oldest daughter, Elizabeth. The true personalities of the Bingley family then come out to be snobby and rude, except for Mr. Bingley and his friend Mr. Darcy. As real and fake love fills the air, the Bennet s youngest daughter gets ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elizabeth then forms prejudices against both Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham. She immediately looks poorly upon Mr. Darcy, but very highly on Mr. Wickham, who she believes to be too handsome and trustworthy looking to lie. With this, she also looks down on Charlotte for marrying for money, but believes it s okay for Mr. Wickham to as a man in distressed circumstances has not time for all those elegant decorums which other people may observe (Austen 115). This is not only evidence of her prejudice, but shows the difference on how males and females are viewed, for what is okay for one to do may not be for the other. d. Towards the end, the happy mood starts to come out as love is formed. After their fight when Mr. Darcy proposed, Elizabeth notices how he has fixed the quirks she pointed out, which Austen uses as a way to lighten the tone of the novel and end it on a happier note. e. Although their views may have been very harsh and negative in the beginning, both Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy leave the novel with very little prejudice and only good pride, but the reader has the same feelings when they close the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. King Arthur Chivalry Analysis Nothing meant more to knights in medieval times than chivalry. Chivalry is defined as a code of conduct or honor that all must live by. This includes tenants of such things as courage, loyalty to the king and strength. Two of the best examples of chivalry in writing would be from Morte d Arthur and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight . These stories were not only influential in providing entertainment and joy to medieval people but also provide two heroes to model their lives after, King Arthur and Sir Gawain. Both stories contain many examples of chivalry but the best are the invent of Arthur s Round Table, Gawain s courage in accepting the Green Knight s challenge and Gawain s rejection of the Lady s advance. A good example to begin is the entire creation of Arthur s Round Table in the first place. King Arthur is one of the most famous kings of all time and it is due to the countless stories he wa apart of over the years. While his story varies when person to person tells it, one part that stays the same is his Round Table. A literal or metaphorical table who all attended had equal say. This was only possible when the knights who attended the table agreed to be bounds by a code of ethics. To show courage, loyalty and strength. They were even required to renew their vows and would every year. This provided the backbone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the beginning of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , a Green Knight arrives to Arthur s castle and challenges all of its attendants to a challenge involving swinging an axe at his neck, with the condition being he would repay the shot a year later. None of the soldiers accepted the challenge at first, however after King Arthur is insulted, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge. Despite being known as one of the weaker knights, Gawain accepted the challenge showing immense courage, as well as strength and loyalty for swinging the heavy axe and protecting his King s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Hydrogen Organic Compounds Of Wells G H This groundwater investigation seeks to monitor physical and chemical parameters sufficient to characterize groundwater throughout the study area and ultimately determine the source of chlorinated organic compounds in Wells G H. In addition to analyzing samples for conventional parameters (groundwater table elevation, field parameters, chemical concentrations), this study will incorporate technology utilized in the emerging field of environmental forensics to conduct compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and attempt to chemically fingerprint contaminant sources to identify matching daughter products in Wells G H. The goal of this application of CSIA will be to identify the true source of contamination using the ratio of stable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... have the same isotopic ratio/chemical fingerprint with respect to δ13C and δ37Cl that of any plume source located on or directly downgradient of the properties owned by each PRP. Thus, two distinct alternative actions exist. 1) Yes Quantify the mass of contaminant discharged to Wells G H and estimate the date of release for each source to allocate responsibility; or 2) No None of the PRPs contributed COCs that closely match the isotopic ratio signature of the COCs collected from Wells G H. Additional PRPs and release/transport mechanisms should be considered and the study area boundary expanded to identify new PRPs. Outcomes consistent with the first alternative will be performed by analyzing data collected from the investigation, producing iso concentration maps, and calculating contaminant mass contributed to Wells G H and mass remaining in the subsurface and may result in additional remedial investigations to evaluate remedial alternative and project ultimate cleanup costs. If no isotopic ratios closely match those of DNAPL collected from the properties of the three primary PRPs that would indicate that flow from the Aberjona River and sources further up gradient may have contributed chlorinated organic compounds found in the wells. 3.0 Sample Collection The purpose of this study is to monitor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Definition Of The World Wide Web 1. What is the definition of the Internet? The definition of the Internet is worldwide system that is created of tiny computer systems. 2. What is the definition of the World Wide Web? The definition of the World Wide Web is a network that people operate by entering the internet. 3. Is there a single Search Engine (like Google or Bing) that indexes the entire World Wide Web? No, there is not a single Search Engine that indexes the entire World Wide Web. 4. Directories are another type of index to the World Wide Web. What makes them different from search engines? What makes them different from search engines are because directories are made and kept up by human editors. 5. What Search Engine do you like to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Questions using the Internet: 11. Using the search engine Google at http://www.google.com answer the following questions based on the information given in the statement below make sure to formulate your search using keywords that will help you get the specific information that you need to answer the question: I have a friend named Bobo who is famous in the field of searching for Bigfoot and is on the show Finding Bigfoot on the Animal Planet Channel. What are the keywords/key terms in the statement above? The keywords in the statement above is Animal Plant Channel, bigfoot, and Bobo. What is Bobo s real name? Bobo s real name is James Fay. What is the first website that Google lists? The first website that Google listed was animalplanet.com. How many total results did Google come up with? 43,700 total results that Google come up with. 12. Now you are going to compare two search engines: Google (www.google.com) and Bing (www.bing.com). Do a new search for something of interest to you in each of these search engines. What were your search terms? My search terms were graphic designer and art. What is your analysis of the two search engines? Write at least a paragraph (4 5 sentences) of analysis on your results. Were the results the same? Different? Which search engine did you like better?
  • 13. Why?..... My analysis of the two search engines were different from certain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Serfs And Feudalism Serfs and peasants paid rent or would to contribute to their lords success. The serf would owe two to three days of work to his lord for payment, the freemen would pay rent instead (Bishop 235). Each villager owed the lord rent for his/her house. It was reckoned in pennies but usually paid in kind a few hens or pigs (Bishop 235). Without serfs and peasants feudalism would not of been possible Military was the primary basis of power in the feudal system. Elite status was based off of military power. Local leaders control political decisions, command military power, have controlling economic power and even dominate in the cultural realm. In a feudal society, power is a private possession (S3 1). Private military services also played a role ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Essay about Jefferson vs. Hamilton on Views of Government Whose side would you have been on in the 1790s, Thomas Jefferson s or Alexander Hamilton s? Both of these men served under George Washington in the first presidential cabinet, yet they had very different views of what government should be (Davis 86). My objective in this research essay is to inform the reader of why there was so much controversy between these two founding fathers, and to determine which side had the better views for our newly forming country. After Washington became president, people started forming political parties based on how they thought the government should be run. Washington did not like the idea of the country being divided into factions, as he called them. But the problem was that this was happening ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hamilton was a Federalist who believed in a strong, central government with a national bank. He also wanted to make alliances with Britain (Davis 86). Of course, as history can tell us, Jefferson, an Antifederalist, or a Republican as they called them back then, favored little federal government control and more say for the small farmers and states (Davis 86 7). He believed that all Americans should be educated enough to read and understand the issues that were being voted on so that they could choose their own leaders and run for office themselves. In fact, he proposed a bill, which would guarantee some public education for all children, excluding slaves. He felt that this would allow people to have an opportunity to better themselves based on talent and virtue instead of wealth and birth. Even though his bill was voted on three times, it didn t pass due to the fact that the majority of the Virginia Assembly thought that it was too radical, too expensive, and too unnecessary (Davis 52 3). Antifederalists were also anti British, but friendly to France, their ally at the time (Davis 87). I agree with Jefferson s belief, because if we were to have only the wealthy elite ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. How Did The Atomic Bomb Change The World The Bombs That Changed The World On August 6th, 1945, the Japanese woke up to their hometowns and country filled with flames and radioactive material. This event changed warfare as we know it, and will forever have an effect on the Japanese and American culture. These two bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man, killed thousands of people and in total, took a huge toll on the world then and today. First, the bombs had a huge effect on the Japanese people, the countries that surrounded Japan such as Korea, and World War Two as a whole. The two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Little Boy and Fat Man, killed at least 129,000 people in total. It ended up causing other issues, such as child birth defects and a boost in illness. In the year following the bombs dropped, 1946, there were an astounding 1900 deaths from cancer. This is said to come from the bombs radiation fallout. One good result that came from all the tragedy of the war, is that Japan ended up surrendering to the Allies. This was around the same time that Germany surrendered, so the allies took the win. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 35. This operation was called on August 5th, 1945, by Major James I. Hopskins, Jr. who afterwards dropped the atomic bomb that would destroy Nagasaki. These two cities were chosen because they met the criteria of having effective damage, and being 3 miles in diameter with the bonus of being a large urban center. There were more operations called like this one, they just never got called because Japan ended up surrendering. One operation, called Operation Olympic, was to invade Japan. This operation is estimated to result in 130,000 to 220,000 people. Japan ended up surrendering to the Allies, then causing the United States to call off their other planned destructive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Landfill Storage Sites For The Underground Water Resources Increasing numbers of natural resources are consumed by modern society, causing growing demands of waste disposals at the same time. Statistical results showed that landfill facilities had been used as a main solid waste disposal approach in the past decades. Landfill leachate is the one of primary concerns of landfill operation. Application of reliable barriers underneath waste disposal sites to protect underground water resources has become an important research subject. However, any defect of liner systems can put environment at risk due to the possible leakage. A large number of factors could cause the landfill liner failures in different ways. One of the main factor is provided by not enough interface shear strength of the composite liner. Landfills liner is composed of various geosynthetic and soil components (Jogi, 2005). For domestic waste systems, the basic structure unit of landfill liner is normally regarded as geosynthetic layer in contact with compacted clay layer (CCLs) for municipal solid waste landfill. Historical statistics show side slope liner failures caused by liner sliding able to happen at the interface between CCLs and geomembrane when the interface have a low shear resistance. The shear strength is probably further decreased by the presence of water (Reddy 1999). Generally the local clay can be used as compacted clay liner for economic considerations. Leda clay is a typical type of sensitive marine clay which covers major area of eastern Ontario ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Summary Of The C Word In The Hallways By Anna Quidlen In her composition, The C Word in the Hallways , Anna Quidlen implores parents, educators, and politicians to not perceive mental health issues and mental healthcare as preposterously inessential to the vitality of the modern social landscape, but to actively enhance the attention given to mental health issues. Her use of tone, diction, allusion, and a myriad of other rhetorical devices adds sustenance to her vilification of the attitudes surrounding mental health and her endeavor to illuminate this pertinent issue. Quidlen s use of tone is a mixture of lividness and concern. In the second paragraph of her exposition, she demonstrates her anger towards narrow minded adults when she refers to their mindset as useless and how their manner ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In paragraph three, Quidlen refers to a 1956 movie called The Bad Seed in which a young girl plays a homicidal maniac. She chooses to manipulate this example for a specific purpose, to demonstrate how carelessly and even offensively mental health has been portrayed in popular social mediums such as film throughout the decades. She highlights that society has created this caricature of mental illness to be something that alienates and essentially makes one inhuman. This perverted perspective of mental health has been ingrained in the social fabric of America and many other nations, propagated by the burgeoning influence of mass media. Furthermore, in paragraph five of her composition, Quidlen equates the time it took for a physiatrist to evaluate Sam Manzie to be ... less time than it takes to eat a Happy Meal... This statement is a vicious assault by Quidlen on the mental health care system. Through this, she establishes in a mocking manner that the time provisioned to evaluate a mentally troubled individual does not even warrant the amount of time given to eat a Happy Meal from McDonald s. Collectively, Quidlen includes these references to reinforce her position that societal attitudes concerning mental health have been shaped by the media and that the attention given to such issues as been unequivocally ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. C. J. Wilentz Surrogate Mother In the matter of the C. J. Wilentz, ruling on the deamination and the fee for artificial insemination were in conflicts with their current law and public policy of that State. Furthermore, that surrogate would have the ability to the violation, which could affect the mother, for example besides being illegal, criminal, and potentially degrading to women. Finally, the case granted custody to the natural father, and the evidence introduced were such custody be best interests of the infant, and his final ruling was he avoid both the termination of the surrogate mother s parental rights and the adoption of the child by the wife and stepparent. Thus restoring the surrogate as the mother of the child, and the court also remanded the issue of the natural mother s visitation rights to the trial court, since the issue addressed below and the record before the court is not sufficient to permit and decided to de novo. Various ethical issues which we see that needed addressing would be the following. The purpose and intent of parties. The agreement is to provide a means for the intended parents to become the parents of a child, which is carried and birthed by the surrogate after the surrogate upon artificially inseminated. Representation and warranties where the intended parents warrant that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Full and absolute custody of the child upon birth, notwithstanding any congenital, physical or mental abnormality of the child, and all the decisions concerning the child s health, in utero and after delivery, shall be made by intended parents. Therefore, it is vital for the medical and psychological evaluations and screening. They must also take into consideration the assumption of medical risks and releases. Furthermore, that all medical procedures have been thoroughly explained to them by the physician, and advised of the risks, including death, which may result from the conduct ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Buddhism And Identity Essay 1. The question of origin. Buddhism has no creator god to explain the creation of life and the universe. Buddhism teaches that everything depends on everything else. In other words, present events are caused by past events and become the cause of future events. Buddhists believe that an old world system had been destroyed and its inhabitants are reborn in a new system. In the beginning, they are spirits floating above the earth happily with luminescence and without form, name or sex. At first, the world is without light and land, but is made of water. Eventually the earth appears and the spirits come to taste and enjoy it. Their greed causes their ethereal bodies to become solid, causing separation of the sexes and their bodies to appear beautiful or ugly. When they lose their luminescence, the sun and moon come into being. As the beings fall further into their wicked habits, which causes themselves and the earth to become even more unpleasant. Buddhists believe that everything we do is what molds our lives and the earth into what it is now (The Buddhist universe, 2009). According to biblical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The question of identity. Buddhists believe that they have no identity. That there is no constant substantial self. They believe that after death, the spirit is recycled. During this formation, the personality is disintegrated and only certain memories, personal traits, and skills would be recycled to create a new person and when death approaches, then the process starts all over again (Rivas, T., 2005). According to a biblical worldview, mankind was created in Gods image. We are supposed to live life as he would and as he wants us to. God is a being of integrity, honesty, love, and kindness. How we live our life is to be a direct reflection of God himself. He gave us the world to care for as a shepherd cares for his flock. If we live life in his image as he meant for us to do so, then we gain entrance to heaven to have a chance at everlasting life (Wieder Gutierrez, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Teaching Self-Advocacy Teaching Self Advocacy When a child has a learning disability it can be overwhelming for the child, because they could be unaware that they have one or even when they find out that they do, some life style changes need to be made. Throughout the learning experience of having an learning disabilities the special education department can teach children of all ages how to become self advocates for themselves and be able to communicate not only with their parents, but with other peers and teachers too. Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies By equipping (students) with a repertoire of strategies for learning...teachers can provide (them) with the tools for a lifetime of successful learning , (Sturomski, July 1997). Students with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Social and Study Skills Part of a child s process in learning how to self advocate for them selves is by learning how to develop strong social skills and also being able to use a study skills program. Part of having a learning disability to figuring out and understand what the student s disability is and what strategies work best for the student in a school environment. Once the child is aware of their learning disability the special education teachers will help develop the child s social skills in a regular and outside of classroom setting. A key component of learning how to develop social skills is by practicing communication. The student should practice asking questions to teachers and peers. Another great way to practice social skills if by role playing, this way the student can anticipate in different situations what the outcome will be, and also raise their confidence. Students who practice their communication skills can also get help in a program after or during school called study skills. Students with learning disabilities can benefit from this program by getting help in writing skills, test taking, proofreading strategies, time management, and life skills. With these benefits of the study skills program children can also get help in using their accommodations that are unique to the individual and develop from a cooperative relationship between an instructor and the student ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. College Is The Time Of Your Life Haakon Lovestad Dr. Van Bergen Rylander 24 Nov. 2104 Every once in a while, one comes across the saying college is the time of your life , true enough, every person who has had the opportunity to attend college, regularly reminisces about the time they had. In all fairness, the time in college is indeed memorable. The reason as to why even Hollywood regularly releases movies with a theme and setting of college. What these movies inevitably end up doing is glamorizing the all things to do with college other than actually studying. In fact, in most instances, these movies glamorize parties, casual sex, drinking binges and use of drugs. To the high school teenager with raving hormones, this is a place to look forward to, which is if it ends up motivating them to the quests of higher grades. Nevertheless, parents and other stakeholders more so in the department of health are regularly wondering what exactly the place of sex in college is. (Bruce and Stewart) It is worth it to analyze the whole issue of sex with an open mind. The reason for this is that external influences cloud the perception of most regarding the topic of sex in relation to college. Society encourages modesty in matters relating to sex, ironically, the media is awash with sex if not explicitly, it is implicit. However, the common denominator to all this is the ever willingness of college girls to engage in sexual activity in a rather casual and care free manner. Therefore, it is within prudence to assume ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. High School Dropouts Vs. Graduates Reasons High school Dropouts vs. Graduates...Reasons to Stay in School: To succeed in this world, an education is an important thing you need to be successful. The things you learn through school give these students the hope that they can actually be successful in life. This gives them confidence when they walk into an interview for a job, which may be their first job. Having an education can open many doors of opportunities that motivate an individual to achieve better prospects in career growth. An education can play a very important role in this world. It can lead you into a promising career, which can lead you into a great life. Receiving an education is very important. Getting a diploma should be at the top of your list. In my opinion, there is big difference between schooling and education. The schooling system is designed in a way that it doesn t allow you to maximize the amount of education that you could actually have if you were to self educate. An education should be at the top of your list of values. This should be at the top of your values because receiving an education can lead you into a variety of opportunities. Most people who you may know are not motivated enough to leave all the distractions like TV, internet, and social life so you can focus so you can educate yourself. You have to be disciplined to do that though. Most of you parents know that your education is very important. Education is the key to success. Why do so many kids drop out? Teens drop out of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Natural Gas Dehydration Based On Agricultural By Products This research project emphasizes on natural gas dehydration based on agricultural by products known as biosorbents in a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process, which is a widespread industrial separation system. The commercial widely used adsorbents such as zeolites, silica gel, and molecular sieves are costly due to high regeneration temperature and operational difficulties regarding maintaining a cyclic process. Moreover, even though these adsorbents are being used in industries, still a considerable amount of other species are being adsorbed along with the preferentially species, which lead to lower selectivity. Hence, there has been a constant demand for cost effective adsorbent with high selectivity and equilibrium capacity. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Outlet Tdew around −10 ◦C is usually reached. Adsorption dehydration can obtain very low outlet water concentration of Tdew −50 ◦C, and contaminated gases are not a problem. Adsorption, however, requires high capital investment and has high space requirements as indicated by industrial experts that the capital cost for an adsorption line is 2−3 times higher than that for an absorption one [8 comparison method]. Due to sophisticated cooling systems and operational problems dealt with methane hydrates, condensation methods is not favorable from the standpoint of energy consumption. Each of the methods presented has its advantages and disadvantages. Recent published works revealed that potential biomaterials could be employed for water adsorption efficiently [ethanol and coconut references]. [potential bioadsorbents that can be used for water adsorption are flax shive, oat hulls, and canola meal. According to Statistics Canada, ///// tons of flax shive was produced in Western Canada in 2013 with a commercial price of $ ///, which is much cheaper compared to those of AC, CMC (3 120 $/ Kg), and silica gel. Canola meal, however, is one of the byproducts of canola industries including oil extraction and biodiesel production. [Canola meal is composed of 36% crude protein, 12% moisture, 20% neutral detergent fiber consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, 5% starch, 10% free sugar and non starch polysaccharides, 4% crude fat, and 6% ash (Canola council of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Thickness In Millimeters Lab Report 9.) Calculations h = height or thickness D = M/V V = M/D L*W*H = M/D Trial 1: This calculation solves for the height (h), or thickness, of the aluminum foil. (29.97 cm * 30.50 cm * h cm) = (3.82 g/2.70 cm2) (914.085 cm2 * h cm) = (3.82 g/2.70 cm2) h cm = 0.00155 cm The following calculations express the height (h)/thickness in millimeters and micrometers. (0.00155 cm * (10 mm/1 cm)) = 0.0155 mm (0.00155 cm * (10,000 μm/1 cm)) = 15.5 μm Trial 2: This calculation solves for the height (h), or thickness, of the aluminum foil. (9.60 cm * 6.10 cm * h cm) = (0.23 g/2.70 cm2) (58.56 cm2 * h cm) = (0.23 g/2.70 cm2) h cm = 0.0015 cm The following calculations express the height (h)/thickness in millimeters and micrometers. (0.0015 cm * (10 mm/1 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Three different pieces of aluminum foil were used for three different trials in order to determine the thickness. Data was then collected by using an electric balance for mass and a standard ruler for length and width. The formulas used were area = length * width, volume = length * width * height, and density = mass / volume. Thickness (height) was found simply by dividing mass by density, width, and length. The average of our three trials was not only calculated, but also found via the graph and slope.. A graph of area vs. mass was made with data points from our three trials. Using linear fit, the graph showed that the slope, which was then divided by the density. This calculation isolated the height in centimeters. The slope of the graph was 0.004181 g/cm2. This value shows the relationship between the area of the aluminum foil and its mass. The values plotted in this graph were used to calculate the thickness of the aluminum foil via an alternative method. Additionally, the graph had a correlation value of 1.00. This means that area and mass have a strong, direct relationship. According to pure calculations based upon the data alone, the thickness of the aluminum foil was 0.0016 cm. This is identical to the value of thickness provided by the aluminum foil company, Reynold s. According to calculations using the slope, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Dividend Policy at Fpl Group, Inc. Question 1 We believe that Ms Stark should not revise her recommendation regarding FPL. The HOLD recommendation seems to be the most appropriate. Our judgement assumes a dividend cut from FPL. However, this dividend cut would be a precise strategic choice rather than one dictated by financing difficulties. Specifically, the dividend cut will raise future growth, with little effect on the stock price. By cutting dividends, FPL can react better to future threats. After an initial panic selling triggered by the news shock (FPL never cut its dividend in the past 47 years), investors will process the new information realized that the dividend cut is balanced by an increased growth rate in the future. To justify the HOLD recommendation on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Indeed, FPL s management may see this as an opportunity to gain more share in the Industrial and Commercial segments, making it a positive change, at least in the short term. In order to access this opportunity however, FPL would need to address its prices and costs. Exhibit 7 shows FPL to have low some of the highest rates (per KWH) in the industry for every market segment. These high prices are unlikely to win many new customers if retail wheeling is introduced. Unfortunately for FPL, they also have some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry, which means any reduction in prices will only see margin compression and lower their profitability further. Lowering costs will be difficult for FPL. Since James Broadhead took over as CEO his focus on cost reduction and quality maintenance have led FPL to achieve record results. However it may be that all the costs which can be removed from the system have already been removed. And yet, FPL still has some of the highest costs (per KWH) in the industry. Finally, while it is not mentioned in the case, it may be that FPL could use the rise of retail wheeling to expand its market outside of Florida itself. With low projections of capital expenditure anticipated for the following years, and an ensuing dividend cut, FPL could choose to invest significantly in increasing capacity so as to be ready to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Rhetorical Devices In Ebb And Flow By Edward Taylor Edward Taylor was one of the most famous poets born in England. Taylor was influenced to write by religion, and it s evident in his poem Ebb and Flow . Taylor illustrates, through the use of rhetorical devices, the fear that the fire inside his heart has burned out, and the hope that, through God s grace, his affections will be ignited once again. Taylor uses the rhetorical device of diction to illustrate how the fire in his heart is slowly burning out. At first in the poem, Taylor has a strong connection to God. In the first line, Taylor says, When first Thou on me, Lord, wroughtest Thy sweet print, (Taylor). In this line it s made clear that Taylor is engaged by God s love and authority. Then in verse two, Taylor beings to question his relationship with God. In line eleven, Taylor talks about how his heart is lacking of affections, making the fire in his heart burnout. I find my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Taylor uses a metaphor in line two stating, My heart was made Thy tinder box, . Taylor compares his heart to a tinderbox as it is soft and fragile . This line show Taylor s strict connection to God. He is ready to be ignited by a spark that will come from God and has hope that his heart will be ignited once again. In line three he also uses a metaphor stating, My ffections were Thy tinder in t, (Taylor). Taylor compares his affections to tinder that sits inside his heart. He has a lot of affections and has no doubts in God as he feels the fire burning inside him. All of this is illustrated by imagery on lines five and six when he states, Those holy sparks of heavenly fire that came Did ever catch and often out would flame. (Taylor). These lines clearly illustrate how his heart would be flamed by the spark of God. These three quotes allow the reader to really picture how his heart is ignited by the spark of God that looks down upon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay about Analysis of Style and Theme in Works by... Analysis of Style and Theme in Works by Ernest Hemingway This research paper will analyze style and theme in two of Ernest Hemingway s short stories, The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Big Two Hearted River, and two novels, The Sun Also Rises and Green Hills of Africa.1 The Snows of Kilimanjaro is about an author named Harry, who is lying on the African plain and dying of gangrene. The Big Two Hearted River is about an ex World War I soldier, Nick, who is trying to put his life back together after the war. Similarly, The Sun Also Rises involves an ex soldier who is coping with a personal injury and seeks love with a woman named Brett Ashley. Lastly, Green Hills of Africa, is a non fiction story about Hemingway hunting in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along with these false reports, river beds where the kudu drink are dry, and also attack his attempt at asserting himself. The environment also attacks his assertion because it is very hilly and densely forested so it is tricky to kill a kudu (Benson 291). In Sun, Jake Barnes would like to assert himself by having sex with Brett. Half of the procreation process involves the male and for males, having sex is a sign of masculinity. One thing though attacks his assertion of maleness, his impotence. Because of this, he fears that he will fail in courting Brett, which leads to his failure of asserting his masculinity. Fears of failure, of incompetence, and of failing masculine prowess are expressed through Harry in Snows (Benson 291). Harry s incompetence and fear of failure are shown in the following excerpt when he is talking about his writing, Now he would never write the things that he had saved to write until he knew enough to write them well. Well, he would not have to fail at trying to write them either. His fear of masculine prowess is expressed on page 13 where he feels terrible that he must leave the love relationship his wife created for him because of his carelessness: She was a damned nice woman too. He would as soon be in bed with her as anyone; rather with her, because she was richer, because she was very pleasant and appreciative and because she never made any scenes. And now this life that she had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Parables In The Gospel Of Luke The Gospel of Luke is the most descriptive account for Jesus Christ s life. Through this Gospel it gives its readers a foretaste into the birth and early life of Jesus and his disciples. Luke described who Jesus was as a person and what Jesus had accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection. This Gospel has various themes. Some themes are the parables, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the joy and rejoicing. The Gospel of Luke has some very significant parables that are still taught today. One parable is The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25 37). In this parable a man was walking down to Jericho when robbers attacked him. They left him there half dead and beaten up. A priest happened to go down the same road and when he saw the man he didn t even stop he kept walking. Also, a Levite saw him and walked past him on the other side. But when a Samaritan saw him he stopped and had mercifulness for him. He helped him bandaged his wounds, and then he carried the man onto his donkey and led him to an inn where he could take care of him. He told the innkeeper to look after him and when he returns he will pay any of the extra expenses. The lesson of this parable is that we may view anyone who needs our help as our ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Joy and rejoicing means when, gladness, is not happiness that depends on our circumstances and our moods; which has to do with our emotions or position in life. This joy is something that is constant; it is from within us because Jesus lives within us. Joy and rejoicing appears in Luke 15:3 7. This is present in the Parable of the Lost Sheep. It explains that if one of the hundred sheep were missing he would go and look for it and once he found the sheep he would joyfully put it on his shoulders and heads home. He calls his neighbors to rejoice with him since he had found his lost sheep. He says there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay on Hanging 10 for Power Generation Hanging 10 for Power Generation There are many different ways to generate electricity. Wind, rivers, fire, and ocean are just a few technologies that are in current use. In this paper it will narrow the focus to the different types of ocean wave power generation. Wave generated electricity is a fairly new concept. Heavy research started in the early sixties. People have been trying to build effective wave machines for about two hundred years. Designing wave machines can be difficult do to the nature of the ocean. One of the primary set backs in designing wave technologies is the inconsistencies of the ocean. The tides, wave height, wave set counts, and consistencies are major hindrances ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the water level inside the chamber raises and lowers, the difference air pressure turns a low resistance turbine, generating power. The turbine spins in one direction no matter if the air is pulling or pushing. The collectors have been design in this manner to obtain the maximum output of power out of the machines. Most of these wave collectors, also known as oscillating water columns are still experimental. This device is regarded as the world most advanced wave to electricity generators. An oscillating water column in Norway is being tested and can produce 500 kilowatts of electricity. A Salter Duck , is another invention that has been developed to produce power from waves. This machine is basically two large pontoons hinged together at their ends. The bobbing action of the pontoons gives the mechanical advantage to drive the internal generator. This was the first invention to receive wide spread use to make ocean generated power. The United States Coast Guard has been using many of these to power generating tools for their navigation lights and audio transmitters. Another type of energy the ocean has to offer is her tides. Generators used to harness power from ocean tides are the cheapest to build. This is for the shear fact that most of the tide power stations are connected to land. Due to logistics it is a lot easier to build objects closer to land than in the middle of the ocean. These power stations can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Amazon.Com the Brink of Bankruptcy Question 1 Achieve Positive Cash Flow Would Amazon.com achieve its aggressive goal of becoming cash flow positive by the end of 2001 (Applegate, Austin, Soule, 2009, p. 155)? Amazon.com will be cash flow positive by the end of 2001. A close analysis of operating expenses for Amazon.com from 1997 to 2000 indicates the company has experienced significant increases in fulfillment, marketing, technology, and restructuring costs. Amazon has experienced a positive growth over several years and the upward trend will likely continue in 2001. In 2000 the company had almost 30 million customers. Amazon.com should consider conducting market research and collecting customer information (Applegate, Austin, Soule, 2009). To ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Amazon.com spent over $400 million on digital business infrastructure that linked nine distribution centers and six customer service centers throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia during 1998 and 1999. Due to the company s larger customer base from expansion with the infrastructure in place Amazon.com will earn profits quickly. The digital business infrastructure allowed Amazon.com to cut their cost drastically because they did not have to stock every item. Customers received shipments faster which increased customer loyalty and satisfaction. IT capabilities enabled Amazon.com to cut cost, earn higher profits, and reduce competition by gaining partnerships (Applegate, Austin, Soule, 2009). Questions 3 and 4 Time Requirements How much time did the company have and how much time would it need to spend to prove that it could create and sustain value over time (Applegate, et al., 2009, p. 155)? Amazon.com had 5 years since the company went public in 1995 and needed 1 year to create and sustain value over time. Many of the investments have been made to build the state of the art digital business infrastructure. The company has tremendous opportunities according to the SWOT analysis. Amazon.com is ranked 48th worldwide and online retail sales are growing rapidly. Amazon.com has good leadership and digital infrastructure with excess capacity. Amazon.com has built high barriers to entry and is the leading online retailer globally and has a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Picture Bride Essay Immigrants arriving in America for their first time are initially devastated at their new lives and realize their golden lives were simply fantasies and dreams of an ideal life in America. Immigrants from foreign countries, including those mentioned in Uchida s Picture Bride, faced countless problems and hardships, including a sense of disillusionment and disappointment. Furthermore, immigrants and picture brides faced racial discrimination not only from white men, but the United States government, as well. Immigrants were plagued with economic hardships lived in deplorable living conditions. Though nearly every immigrant and picture bride who came to America fantasized about an ideal life, they were faced with countless hardships and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was drab and dirty and smelled of stale food...[one] would expect something a bit finer (Uchida, 34). Hana becomes disheartened as her visions were shattered by reality and a sense of betrayal from her husband s lies. She, like many picture brides and immigrants, expected too much of a new life, and when she discovers the way things really are, she feels deceived and dismayed. Accepting the truth and the reality of their new lives is a part of an immigrant s experience in moving to America and is a crucial part in shaping their attitudes in their new lives. Once an immigrant becomes situated with their new life styles, the foreign immigrants are introduced to a sense of hatred and discrimination omnipresent in society. Many Americans and white men were not welcoming towards alien immigrants and expressed a great deal of discrimination and hatred. Immigrants and their families realized they had to learn to accept this hatred if they wanted to live in America, and eventually taught themselves to be tolerant towards discrimination, without knowing a motif behind a white man s disgust towards immigrants. Hana was able to accept the discrimination and eventually passed down her tolerance and acceptance down to, her daughter, Mary, who learn to submit to a white man s intolerance. Mary became aware that her Japanese face denied her certain privileges...when she went to the City Plunge, she was told We don t think ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Popper Falsification Popper termed the idea of falsification as a means of separating science from non science. The separation of science and non science became known as the problem of Demarcation. He believed that any theory was scientific on the basis that such theories could have possible evidence to suggest that the theory was wrong. Conversely, a notion would be deemed unscientific if no contradictory evidence could be gathered. An example of Demarcation is the separation of Einstein s theory of relativity and Freud s psychoanalytic theory (section 2). Popper saw Einstein s theory as making predictions that could potential be incorrect and that such examples would falsify the entire theory. Conversely, Freud s psychoanalytic theory was capable of explaining most of human behavior without contradictory evidence. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of this, using observations cannot completely verify a theory, it would only verify what a scientist would be looking for. On the other hand, searching for counterexamples to a theory can falsify the theory. In addition, falsification allows more questions to be raised to search for contradiction evidence. This search for falsification of a theory is consequently a better methodology for separating science from non science(section 3). In addition, Popper believed all scientific theories as being tests for falsification and not verification. This extends into the idea that no theory is a universal truth, but only that contradictory evidence has not been found for such a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Best And Worst Parts Of Society Comic book characters represent the best and worst parts of society as seen through the eyes of the writers. Heroes emanate what the writers perceive as the ideal human, someone attractive with a strong moral code and a high tolerance for pain. Villains represent what the writers perceive as problematic, people who are overly ambitious, immoral and represent the other , both in appearance and beliefs. These characterisations reflect the views of society s majority, white men, essentially the creators and controllers of pop culture. Captain America was a hero, the epitome of American Patriotism. He was strong, smart and morally sound and he fought American enemies, the Nazis and communism. Magneto, from the same comic universe as Captain America, was a villain aiming for the eradication of all non mutants. The interesting thing about his evil acts is that they re almost justified by his previous experiences with oppression, he s the comic book representation of a victim fighting back and he s represented as villainous for that. Disabilities are represented atrociously in comic books because they re represented atrociously in pop culture. Steve Rogers was useless to the army until he was injected with an untested serum and was no longer frail. Superman used glasses to imply vision impairment, because, no superhero could be physically inadequate in any way, so his secret was safe. In Steve s case, his diagnoses are represented as things that need fixing before he can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of Robots As can be imagined, positional data is at the core of robotic functions. This data type s structure is in the format XYZWPR (X, Y, Z directional values in millimeters and their associated rotational elements around each axis, Yaw, Pitch and Roll in degrees) where each data item is REAL [1]. Additionally, the robot arm configuration is part of the positional data, and it is defined based on the positions of the robot wrist flip (flipped or not flipped), elbow orientation (up or down), and the direction the robot is facing (front or back). This results in configuration values which have the options N/F, U/D and T/B; typically we see robots with NUT configurations. There are more parts to the robot position such as the turn count (three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is relatively simple to purchase an option from FANUC and vastly increase this temporary storage space. When translation is complete and the p code is loaded on to the robot controller a variable data table which houses all the static variables necessary for the program to run is generated and stored in RAM [1]. A few benefits that exist when the variable data is stored this way include the fact that the variable data can be accessed easily by multiple programs or several times from the same program for reading [1]. 4 Additional Interesting Facts about KAREL KAREL does have reserved words which have their own rules such as PROGRAM, CONST, TYPE, VAR, BEGIN and END; reserved words are always all capital letters [1]. For example, the first word in the KAREL program must be PROGRAM followed by an identifier; it is worth noting that this identifier term cannot be used elsewhere in the program [1]. KAREL has many additional reserved words as well. KAREL also has predefined identifies with predetermined values such as TRUE/FALSE, ON/OFF, MAXINT and MININT (maximum and minimum integer values allowed) [1]. System variables are predefined variables that start with a dollar sign and come with values already set by FANUC depending on the robot model [1]. Some of these variables can be accessed via KAREL while others cannot. Two types of arrays are supported in KAREL and they are multi dimensional (two or three dimensions) and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Symbolism In The Slave By Isaac Bashevis Singer The novel The Slave by Isaac Bashevis Singer is built on the life experiences of a Jewish character named Jacob and a gentile woman he falls in love with named Wanda. Jacob is a scholar who was sold to pagan peasant farmers after his immediate family was murdered in the Chmielnicki massacres. Jan Bzik is Jacob s master and Wanda is Bzik s daughter. Due to the strong love between the two, Jacob struggles to maintain his Judaism as Jewish law prohibits Jews from marrying gentiles. Conversion of a gentile is a capital offense in Poland, but Wanda chooses to take on the religion of the Jews for the sake of the love she shares with Jacob. The two relocate to a town called Pilitz where Wanda hides her gentile identity and Jacob helps her develop a new persona named Sarah. As the two grow together, Jacob realizes that God does not control his life. He states that God watches over one while Satan tempts one into presenting malevolent behavior. He tells Wanda that it is up to him to choose between good and evil. This moment highlights the struggles he faces with his faith. Throughout the novel, it is evident that Wanda falls in love with Jacob. She takes care of him and makes multiple sacrifices for him. She travels from the village and brings special foods to Jacob while he takes care of cattle in the mountains. She cares for him when he is sick and completes duties for him from Friday evenings to Saturday evenings as it is against Judaism to work during these hours. Wanda also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Case Study Western National Insurance Every organization is at risk for financial hardship. It takes a strong, dedicated leader to bring a company out of loss and turn it around. This is what happened at Western Insurance Agency from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Stu Henderson, the newly hired CEO at the time, brought the organization back to success by supporting and engaging stakeholders. This research will highlight all stakeholders described in the case study Western National Insurance, the actions taken by Henderson to support and engage Western National Insurance stakeholders, and an evaluation of these actions using leadership theories. The assessment will consider how successful leaders excel at understanding themselves and others, at motivating group members to excel, and at facilitating group members to learn and perform their work more effectively, with the overall effect of enhancing organizational capacity. Several internal and external stakeholders were described in the case study Western National Insurance. They include independent agents, employees, business partners, customers, business customers, regulators, policyholders, Creameries, board members, homeowners, managers, A.M. Best, and reinsurance brokers. Leadership must fully understand the importance between engaging stakeholders and profitability. There were many actions taken by Henderson to support and engage Western National Insurance stakeholders. When initially joining the company, he met with the managers and employees with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Normal Biological Information On Guinea Pigs Essay Normal Biological Information on Guinea Pigs: Adult weight: 1.5 2.5lbs Sexual maturity: The sexual maturity for a female is 4 6 weeks and for a male it is 3 5 weeks. Litter size (average): 2 5 guinea pigs Gestation: 59 72 days Life span: 5 years Rectal temperature: The average body temperature for a guinea pig ranges from 99 103.1°F (or 37.2 39.5°C). Heart rate: A guinea pig s normal heart rate ranges between 240 to 350 beats per minute. Respiration rate: 40 150 respiratory rates per minute. General Behavior: Guinea pigs like to have access to food, water, space, comfort spaces, companion from other guinea pigs, interaction with humans and toys. They are friendly, outgoing, active, playful animals. They need safe toys to chew on; they love interacting with other guinea pigs, creating interactions. They need constant access to a safe hiding place for comfort When they re frightened they need shelter to go to Guinea pigs are also very active so they need opportunities at all times to have exercise Other signs of negative behavior in Guinea Pigs are being distressed, ill, injured, diseases, or being bored and lonely. Signs that a guinea pig showing any of these symptoms are aggression, hiding, chewing on cage bars out of boredom, over grooming, excessive eating and drinking or lack of. Restraint: To restrain a guinea pig, the person handling should be rapid and smooth, to avoid frightening the animal. The person that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Character Analysis Of Oedipus When contemplating the character of Oedipus in Oedipus Tyrannus, it would be easy to dismiss him as merely a tragic character with only a cursory glance. One must dig deeply into Oedipus to fully understand him as a man. Aristotle understood this when used Oedipus as his example of a tragic hero. It is through deep analysis that one fully grasps that while Oedipus is a tragic character, he is also heroic in his being and his actions. Yes, Oedipus does make mistakes due to his hubris, but this does not negate that he is a noble person who does act nobly. Part of Aristotle s discussion of the tragic hero is that he must be a person of greatness. This greatness entails not only a high social position, but it also includes a nobility of character. Oedipus displays virtuous characteristics even before becoming king of Thebes. He becomes king because of his encounter with the Sphinx. Thebes had been under the Sphinx s thrall for some time with innocent lives being taken due to an incorrect answer to the Sphinx s riddle. When Oedipus encountered the Sphinx, he demonstrated wisdom and insight by correctly answering the Sphinx s riddle. Oedipus triumph over the Sphinx was viewed by the Priest as an act of bravery and as a rite of passage. The Priest refers to Oedipus as the one who saved Thebes from the Sphinx (Oed. Prologue.40). His actions led Oedipus to be called a king of wisdom tested in the past , Noblest of men , and Liberator (Oed. Prologue. 46, 53, 55). Thus, it was Oedipus actions before he was king that made him heroic. Not only was Oedipus heroic before becoming king, he was also heroic once he was made king. The play begins with Thebes suffering from plague that has been caused, according to the Oracle at Delphi, by the death of Laius, Oedipus predecessor. Oedipus as a noble king, responds to the cries of his people. In fact, he refers to them as poor Children as if they are his metaphorical children (Oed.Prologue. 66). He imposes on himself the responsibility of the safety and nurturing of the people of Thebes. He sees his people s suffering and is wrought over it because he has been in tears for a long while over it (Oed. Prologue. 69). It is this care and concern that forces Oedipus to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Great Expectations and The Go Between Great Expectations and The Go Between Both Great Expectations and The Go Between concern young men from lowly backgrounds who find themselves thrust into the world of the leisured classes and are changed forever. What similarities and differences do you see between the ways in which the two authors handle and develop this shared situation? The reason why we have chosen to compare and contrast Great Expectations and The Go Between is because they have many obvious and many subtle similarities which I am to discuss during t he course of this Essay. Although the two books were written a century apart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The role of these two friends is different in that Herbert grows up with Pip and they are much closer than Leo and Marcus. For example, Enough I saw my own feelings in Herbert s face, and, not least among them my, repugnance towards the man who had done so much for me. This demonstrates how Herbert has helped Pip and that he feels very close to him as he sees his own feelings in his face. Throughout the Summer Leo is used as a playmate and someone to entertain Marcus so that he is kept from bothering the adults, so in this way he is used. The relationship between Herbert and Pip is more intimate, as they live together and help each other out. We also learn about them together as young men not just as boys. The similarity between the two friends of Pip and Leo is that they teach both boys a great deal about how the upper class live. In Great Expectations Herbert teaches Pip that you can be a kind gentleman and don t have to be very rich. In contrast to this Marcus teaches Leo to throw his clothes on the floor for the servants to pick up and to be a superficial gentleman. The men that give the boys examples of how to be a gentleman are Drummle and Hugh. In Great Expectations Dickens tries to show that there are two types of gentleman. Joe is the first example as although he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Comparing Shahrazad s One Thousand And One Arabian Nights Life Saving Stories There are many inspirational stories, but Shahrazad s tales are similar to no other. One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, originally an epic poem that is now a collection of stories, was written in the 7th century A.D. and has been influenced from Islamic countries and regions in the Middle East and Africa. In One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, King Shahryar is the ruler of Sasan and is considered to rule wisely and gently until his beloved wife cheats on him with the stable servant. Because of his wife s actions, King Shahryar marries a new woman every day and executes her the next morning. Shahrazad, the daughter of the King s wazir, volunteers to marry the cruel Shahryar. But, she has the rare gift of storytelling that she uses every night to not only save her life, but the lives of Sasan s women by transforming King Shahryar into a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this allegory, the animals are being tortured by Man kin who is considered a treacherous, monstrous creature who is a human in reality. The lion and goose decide to get revenge on Man kin, but neither creature had seen their enemy before. Therefore, they were not aware of his appearance. The sly Man kin pretends to be a carpenter of the village, and to make the lion jealous, he claims to be building a cabin for the lion s cousin to jump out of and kill the wicked Man kin. The envious, prideful lion wants to be the first creature to kill Man kin, and demands that the carpenter builds him a cabin first. But, Man kin uses the cabin the builds as a cage to burn the sheltered lion in, which brings the lion to his death. Shahrazad s intention is to make King Shahryar realize how cruel he is in the form of Man kin. Shahryar is extremely shocked with Man kin s cruelty as he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Contingency Theory Of Leadership Introduction The term leadership can be significantly defined as expressed as the overall process through which a respective individual influences and provides the right kind of support to others for the purpose of accomplishing a common objective, goal or task. The leadership theories can be said to the significant assumptions that significantly help in distinguishing the overall characteristics of any respective leader (Timpe, 2007). The leadership theories extensively focus on various specific qualities of a leader which includes knowledge and levels and skills that separates the respective leader from his or her followers. There exists various kinds of leadership theories but amongst them great man theory, trait theory, situational leadership theory,, behavioral leadership theory, contingency leadership theory, transformational leadership theory and transactional leadership theory are considered to be the most significant. The following essay has identified a significant leadership theory that can prove to be significantly meaningful to a respective individual. In addition, the overall essay has explained the overall arguments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The contingency theory of leadership is seen to significant fail in providing proper and appropriate explanation regarding the overall reasons for the effectiveness of leadership in different types of situations or circumstances. From the contingency leadership theory it is extensively hard to evaluate how a respective individual can significantly reflect upon his or her own style of leadership. The contingency leadership theory is not considered to be a process of development of leadership. It has been observed that the contingency leadership theory fails to blend with a leader s career growth. If the respective leader fails to change or adapt his respective style, the respective leader fails to be productive at higher organizational levels (Sadler, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Goodfellas Research Paper As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. Henry Hill played by Ray Liotta says this as the film Goodfellas starts. That is just one of the memorable things about this movie. Goodfellas is a well known film directed by Martin Scorsese. The few who have not watched are truly missing out on a great movie. It is among the best crime movies ever created by Martin Scorsese. Goodfellas is known to be a great film because it is not like the typical mob movie. When people are asked about about this movie, he/she might talk about how much cursing there is, or how the ending was kind of a plot twist, most will say it is a good movie. The way the movie is recorded makes the audience feels like they know him personally. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although their reason being there was not to eat, they were still happy and enjoyed the food. Families can relate to this because they are usually happy when they have not seen each other in a while. This film shows that one simple mistake or choice could make a big difference; this is someone everyone can relate to. EVERYONE has made a mistake at some point in their life. Although it may not have an outcome as serious as getting arrested it has made a difference. In the film people think Henry is paranoid when he talks about how careful they have to be. (... [Henry s girlfriend] leaves cocaine glutted cookware around her flat)) (Heath 4). He tells her that if the cops were to come they would have all the evidence since the cookware will be filled with cocaine ingredients. She is too lazy to clean, so she does not which is a simple choice, but this leads to the cops having enough evidence to get her arrested. Henry also tells the babysitter not to call off of the house phone because the police could be listening to their call yet she does not listen. This also adds on to the evidence, a recording of the call. People of all ages can relate making them tell more people to watch it. A very important moment is when Tommy thinks he is going to be made. He made the mistake of going with the men. It is a simple mistake with an outcome that most did not see coming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Boeing Airlines And The Defense Market Essay Company s Market Boeing may only be one company, but they compete in two different markets: commercial airlines and the defense industry. The main competition in the commercial airline market is Airbus. Airbus and Boeing seem to have the commercial airline industry in a chokehold basically having no other competitors. Since the industry has high barriers to entry they will not see much competition anytime soon. Boeing is the American leader in commercial airplanes and Airbus is the European leader, which means they are constantly battling. Their competing aircrafts are the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. Both companies have many variations of their respected aircraft and according to Business Insider, Airbus A380 outranks the Boeing 747 based on cost, range, size and luxury. The defense market, Boeing aligns itself in is more complex than their commercial airline market. Boeing s main competitor in this market is Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Company. Even though all these companies may compete, each with each other they often create joint ventures because the defense industry requires a diverse product mix that one company may not be able to fulfill. One example of these ventures is when Boeing and Lockheed Martin come to together to own/operate Hellfire Systems, LLC which allows for both companies to sell AGM 114 Hellfire Missiles. This missile is used in the United States Army, Navy and Air Force so this is a very profitable venture for both Lockheed Martin and Boeing. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Melvin Udall As Good as It Gets Melvin Udall is a successful author who lives the life of a recluse. He is a misogynistic, homophobic, anti Semitic racist with an intense dislike of people and dogs. All the neighbors in his Greenwich Village apartment building avoid him. His psychotherapist diagnosed Melvin with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) because he avoids stepping on sidewalk cracks and touching other people, wears gloves all the time, wipes off door handles, eats at the same restaurant every day, sits at the same table, insists on the same waitress, Carol, and always orders the same meal. Suddenly, Melvin s life takes a turn. A group of robbers beats up his artist gay neighbor, Simon. Simon s art dealer, Frank, forces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At one point, Carol and Melvin have a date at a fancy restaurant, only to discover that Melvin needs to purchase a coat and tie to meet the dress code. Challenged by these demands on him, he insults Carol, saying that she is wearing a housedress. She gets furious and demands a sincere compliment, or she will leave the restaurant. With anguish and many disclaimers, Melvin finally states that because of his affection for her, he decided to take medication for his OCD. When Carol wants to know why that is a compliment, he says that being with her makes him want to be a better man. When Carol responds very positively and affectionately, he tries to take it back by saying that he overshot the mark . According to the DSM IV TR, people with OCD suffer from recurrent obsessions and/or compulsions. Obsessions, defined as persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress (Criterion A.1), which are difficult to dismiss, despite their disturbing nature. These experiences are more intrusive than excessive worries about real life problems, and they are unlikely related to these kinds of problems. (Criterion A.2). Persons who suffer from OCD try to ignore, suppress or neutralize their obsessions with some other thought or action (Criterion A.3) and recognize that they are a product of their own mind (Criterion A.4). Melvin Udall has repetitive thoughts about germs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. What Is The Meaning Of Impression Sunrise By Claude Monte Object Description: Artist: Claude Monte Title: Impression: Sunrise Date: 1872 Style: Impressionism In the 19th century, young artists started painting pictures en plein air, meaning in the open air or outdoors. This was because they wanted to capture the natural light or atmospheric moment on canvas. One famous painting that captured the beautiful natural light was the Impression: Sunrise. This painting was painted by Claude Monte in 1872. It is made of oil paint on a canvas. The dimensions of this painting are 19 inches by 24 3/8 inches. This painting is a collection of the Musee Marmottan, Paris. This painting was the view of a morning of the harbor at his home town Le Havre, France. The painting captured the especial natural moment when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Expect Higher Designer Drugs Use In Night Clubs Expect Higher Designer Drugs Use in Night Clubs, Says Study Designer drugs are substances that are plant derivatives such as marijuana and cocaine which is chemically reformulated to produce a much stronger effect that can cause serious damage to the brain with prolonged use. These designer drugs or sometimes known as club drugs or party drugs have become popular replacing the usual drugs commonly used. There has been tremendous increase in designer drugs usage for the past years. And each year there are several more new drugs being discovered that has penetrated night clubs. Some of the common designer drugs are: bath salts, Smiles, Foxy and NBOMe and synthetic cannabinoids like Spice and K2 drugs. Recent reports have claimed that there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. A Career As A Nursing Assistant At 17 years old, I had the grueling task of deciding how I wanted to spend 40 plus years of my life. I always aspired to land a career in the medical field, so I majored in biology like most pre med hopefuls, but during my junior year, I no longer desired to become a physician. The medical field was calling out to me, but the specialty of focus was incorrect. After graduation, I went back to the basics and put my nursing assistant certification to use. I was introduced to the field of nursing by assisting my mother and her interdisciplinary team on a hospice case. It showed me how autonomous the job as a holistic hospice nurse is. The amount of dignity and care they provided for both the patients and their family during the final phase of their loved ones life was unfathomable, being able to help maintain the respect for human life not only physically but spiritually as well was an enriching experience. It gave me an entirely new outlook on life and death. I fell in love with the amount of compassion and empathy I was able to pour into our patients. It has made me very proud of my title as a CNA. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I assist him with his daily activities and needs. Applying basic practical nursing skills as a CNA has allowed me to become more comfortable with patient care. While working in the nursing field, I have realized how tenacious one needs to be. You must give yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually to meet the needs of your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...