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How To Write Incredible Introd
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How To Write Incredible Introd How To Write Incredible Introd
The Pros And Cons Of Active Euthanasia
The American Medical Association states that passive euthanasia (letting die) is morally permissible.
However, active euthanasia (assisting patients die) is never morally permissible because it s like
killing the patient instead of letting the patient die naturally. Active euthanasia, is taking a direct action
to kill a patient and on the other hand, passive euthanasia, is withholding treatments to let the patient
die (letting die). Rachels (1975) disagrees with the American Medical Association because he supports
active euthanasia contrary to the position of this body. According to Rachels, active euthanasia
reduces the pain of the patients who would otherwise die even without the injection. In other words,
there are no significant differences between letting a person die and killing a person, who will still
perish in the end. Rachels refutes the claim of the American Medical Association that does not support
intentional termination of the life of the patient or what is referred to as mercy killing. In her view,
doctors only uphold their legal mandate by not engaging in the mercy killing and ignoring their moral
duty to ensure the patient die without pain. The doctors only seek to avoid legal responsibility by
letting the patient die instead of killing the patient. Alternatively, passive euthanasia allows the patient
to die naturally while the active one requires the doctor to take action to terminate the life of the
patient. As such, by allowing the patient to die, the
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Darpa Failure
In recent competitions, DARPA (the Pentagon s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
analyzed how well currently available robots could negotiate obstacle courses and handle complex
operations in situations that may be difficult or dangerous for humans. DARPA did this as a result of
the Pentagon s finest robots miserably failing when they were sent to assist in the disaster recovery
efforts following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March of 2011. In that operation, the
Pentagon sent several robots to assist in areas that were dangerous for humans to operate in and often
times the humans were forced to go in and do the operations anyway because the robots could not
communicate with their human controllers and often the circuitry of the robots malfunctioned. So
while at the immediate present it is highly unlikely that robots will be conducting battlefield
operations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The robots involved in recent competitions all failed at completing the tasks assigned to them. The
most successful of the robots was a South Korean robot put together by Team KAIST. Yet even this
robot showed that it was slow going for any robot to do any of the tasks DARPA was looking for the
robots to complete. The Team KAIST robot took almost an hour to complete the tasks assigned to it.
In less than one twentieth of that time, a human team of operators could have completed the tasks the
robot was asked to do. So while at the present battlefield robotics is in its infancy, DARPA and the US
military industrial complex that highly favors technical gadgetry are looking for ways to bring more
robots to the field of battle in the coming years.
Now while combat robot technology is still in its infancy, that does not mean that DARPA and other
military researchers around the world are sitting idly by. There are some very serious future
implications with the development of combat
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Peer Pressure In George Orwell s Shooting An Elephant
Peer pressure s grasp reaches everybody daily. Too often people tend follow the crowd s decision
instead of maintaining their own morals. The guilt felt after conceding to a crowd s way of thinking
can crush a person. In a small Burmese town, a police officer feels pressure in a defining showdown
with an elephant. George Orwell reveals the consequences of caving into peer pressure through
imagery found in Shooting an Elephant.
The protagonist repeats over and over he does not want to shoot this elephant. The officer shows his
tender emotions towards elephants and depicts early on the grandmotherly air they possess. Orwell
conveys many times his unwillingness to shoot the elephant, and at one point he says the gun he grabs
to shoot it was much too small to kill an elephant. Subconsciously, he did not want this elephant to
die, so he grabs this small rifle just to stop the fear in the crowd. After it suffers for a while, Orwell s
sheds a light on his inner conflict with shooting the animal. His incapability of comprehending his
actions devastate him and he, could not stand it any longer and went away. ... Show more content on
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He describes the day of the shooting as , the only time in my life that I have been important enough
for this to happen to me . The pressure felt by the British police officer from the inexorable crowd
growing every minute leads to his fatal shooting of the helpless elephant. He allays the idea of
massacring this animal. As Orwell loads up the elephant rifle and aims it at the beast, the crowd grew
very still, and a deep, low happy sigh... breathed from innumerable throats. The pull of the rifle s
trigger satisfies the crowd, and keeps him from the ignonimous judgement from the crowd. His
spontaneous call to action on this day in Burma causes him to act in accordance to the crowd s morals,
rather than his
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The Role Of Self-Interest In Shakespeare s Henry IV Part One
Shakespeare s Henry IV Part One presents a world of social and political change and bloody civil war
where in the struggle for power and ascendency many individuals are motivated by self
aggrandisement, seeking to better themselves and their reputations at the expense of others. Both the
King and his son Hal are opportunistic and self interested, employing self promotion and expediency.
Moreover, the desire for personal gain and power at others cost permeates all echelons of society,
fuelling the actions of both the nobility and those from the inns and taverns. Self interest motivates
nearly all, including those perceived as honourable and those who are known as disreputable.
However, whilst self interest and expediency are foregrounded in ... Show more content on
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A pivotal individual in the world of the nobility, Worcester informs Hotspur of Henry s wrongful
acquisition of the throne, also admitting how the Percy family s own hands have helped to make
[Henry] so portly , when it suits his purposes. With Henry no longer favouring the Percy family,
Worcester is again willing to turn on his king, highlighting his fickle nature and willingness to support
those he believes will provide power and favours, denouncing those who do not. Further, Worcester
carefully manipulates his impulsive and imprudent nephew Hotspur, only revealing that King Henry is
an imposter to the throne once Hotspur is furious with Henry he calls him ingrate and cankered
Bullingbrook and thus using Hotspur s anger to his own advantage against Henry. On the eve of the
Battle of Shrewsbury, Worcester s actions again reveal complete self interest, convincing Vernon that
Hotspur must not know of Bullingbrook s offers of peace or single handed combat between Hal and
Hotspur, as he believes he will be undone if Hotspur accepts the king s offers of peace. Worcester s
lies to Hotspur cause the sacrifice of numerous men in battle including the valiant Hotspur. Worcester
himself understands his own self serving intentions, admitting before execution that what I have done
my safety urged me to . Self interest also pervades the lower echelons of society, which are filled with
thieves such as Poins. Caring only about his own financial benefit, Poins presents Falstaff and Hal
with a plan to rob pious individuals, emphasising that the pilgrims going to Canterbury have fat purses
, desiring monetary gain at the detriment of honest people. Such self interested behaviour is rife in the
seemingly lawless world of the taverns, powerfully seen in the two carriers at the Rochester Inn who
are evasive, refusing to lend
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Analysis Of Manifest Destiny By John Ghast
When analyzing the components of the American Dream, success, hard work, perseverance, and luck
all can be considered. During the late 1800 s hardworking immigrants from all walks of life had a
dream of clearing their own way to a better future through the newly developing United States of
America. Although some would argue that the immigrants and frontiersmen of the early eighth century
were quite different from one another, they all had one equal goal and dream. The right and hope that
they would prosper in a land as foreign as often time the language they would encounter. In 1872
painter John Ghast created an art piece entitled Manifest Destiny. In what would become a lasting
symbol of the development of the west, Ghast tied several different people and goals into one
beautiful painting. Through several different art forms, styles, and smaller scenes throughout the
painting, it becomes evident that the american dream, more importantly the right of prosperity, was
not only tangible to the men and women of the great american frontier but, also a basic human right.
Manifest Destiny stretches a process of cultivation that naturally occurred over one hundred years into
one single elegant painting. The painting has a natural transition across the frontier, from the right to
the left, in chronological order of expansion. In the top right of the art piece a river lazily bends and
twist along flat, barren land. Dotting the banks of the river, if someone looks closely, they can notice
specks of ships sailing the river. Just the idea and challenges of moving people, livestock and raw
materials to an unknown land shows the huge amount of dedication, and a crucial step, in developing
America. The basin that the river is painted in is also bathed by warm sunlight flowing from a newly
risen sun. Just as the sun painted in the picture looks bright and new, so did the hopes and dreams of
the Americans painted. From the first corner of the painting, we begin to see the frontiersmen develop
a land unknown to them.
Following the transition of the painting a series of train tracks with antique red engines come into
view. Once raw materials did reach a river by boat, the question then became how they would
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Historical Capitalism And The Context Of Historical...
Over time, capitalism has become one of the most dynamic economic systems that have ever existed.
Not only has it been successful in bringing the entire world into a solitary framework, it has also
shifted the economic state, primarily focusing on maximizing profits for the owners. This is evident as
presented throughout Frederick Engels Theoretical. Engels peers deeper into the fundamental context
of capitalism; however, in order to do this, he must develop a better understanding of its
inconsistencies and how it has impact the overall development of the world. The notion of historical
materialism is addressed when further analyzing the overall context of capitalism. According to
Engels, he argues that historical materialism starts from the principle that production, and with
production the exchange of its products, is the basis of every social order... (Engels, 1959: 292). In
simpler terms, historical materialism is a system of production and exchange which have always been
the driving forces in social and political changes. It addresses that in every society, wealth is
distributed and divided into classes or orders dependent upon what is produced, how it is produced,
and how the products are exchanged (Engels, 1959: 292). However, Engels does not see historical
societal changes independent of the economic system corresponding to it. He believes that historical
materialism is not something that only concerns capitalism, it involves itself with all economic
systems, from
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Emma Goldman Essay
Many individuals have had an influence on the United States and globally, both in the positive and
negative sense. One example of a positive influencer on the world was Emma Goldman. She faced
injustice from an early age, which contributed to her interest and eventual involvement in political and
radical movements. Growing up Jewish in an anti Semitic country, Goldman and her family
experienced oppression and discrimination firsthand. Goldman often had heroines that she looked up
to as a child whom also sparked her motivation to make a change ( The Emma Goldman Papers ).
Through her lifetime, Goldman made her mark in a variety of reforms and anarchist movements, with
which she strongly identified and agreed. Even up until her death in ... Show more content on
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Her continuous resistance and determination eventually led to an increased acceptance of free speech
in America. However, the United States was not the only country in which Goldman made her impact.
Many other activists in continents such as Asia, Europe, and South America were inspired by her fight
for social justice, including her anarchist and feminist ideals. Furthermore, her time spent in countries
such as Russia and France allowed her to speak out directly to the citizens and government there. In
all, thanks to Emma Goldman s perseverance in regards to reforms, her positive influence was
strongly felt both in the United States as well as globally. Next, Emma Goldman influenced many
aspects of politics and society in America through reforms. She touched on a variety of topics and
issues that even other anarchists and leftists deemed too radical to focus on. As previously stated,
Goldman fought for women s rights and free speech, as well as against war. Yet this was not all that
she advocated for. For example, Goldman became heavily involved in the fight for better workers
rights shortly after coming to America and realizing the poor quality of the working conditions and the
mistreatment of workers. Similarly to how she found contradiction in America s promise of freedom
of speech and simultaneous silencing of anyone speaking against the government and system of the
country, she also
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Our Snoa Analysis
Originally they were modelled after the ones is Amsterdam, so they were left in natural wood stain but
nowadays they are painted white. Father Eeuwens states that the Board of the Synagogue decided to
paint the mahogany ceilings and balconies white, because they were receiving complaints from
members that the synagogue was too dark and somber because of all the dark mahogany. The space
today feels more open and bright, but the authors of Our Snoa argue that the natural, rich colors of the
mahogany would have much more of an impact if they were left in their original state.
There are 3 interconnecting galleries upstairs. Two of these galleries were intended for the women,
and the one to the west dedicated for the organ and the choir. It ... Show more content on
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These purposeful meanings given to the site, make that it is one of the most beautiful synagogues in
the Western Hemisphere. Along with its significant titles of being the oldest synagogue in consecutive
use in the Americas, the only synagogue built in the 1700 s that still operates today through
consecutive use in Middle and South America, the synagogue that is home to the oldest Jewish
community in the Caribbean, and the synagogue operated by the oldest congregation in the western
hemisphere, the Snoa proves to be more than just a pretty site, and it is no wonder that this place gets
listed as one of the top tourist attractions in Curacao time and time
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Horror Genre Essay
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Horror Genre Typically the Horror or more specifically Vampire
genre will have the theme good vs. evil where the hero represents good and the villain represents evil.
This is consistent in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy is the hero and the evil vampires she slays (in
this episode Glory/Ben) represent evil. There is also a cliché within this genre where good is always
triumphant over evil. Buffy in this episode conforms to this cliché but with a twist; which is also
typical of the Genre, good triumphs over evil in the end but not without a sacrifice. Although Buffy
contains many of the conventions that are typical of the horror genre it also contains many ... Show
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There is something unusual about the villain in this episode of Buffy in so much as she has taken on
the body of an innocent teenage boy called Ben meaning Buffy faces a moral dilemma (moral
dilemmas are typical of this genre) when trying to eradicate Glory s threat. Buffy decides she cannot
take a human life (Ben) even if it ensures the safety of the world proving her to be a hero that holds a
strong grip on her morals. However, another group member ; Giles who from his appearance looks
clever takes a different course of action to the problem; he decides the only way is to kill Glory/Ben
and with this he slowly suffocates the severely injured Ben . This provides the audience with a tear
jerking moment. Typical stock characters of a horror film include Vampires, Goblins, Zombies and
innocent Victims. In this episode of Buffy we see only one of these stock characters: Goblins. The
Goblins are typically ugly looking creatures who have hunchbacks and green skin as in this episode of
Buffy. They are loyal to their mistress and help her to fight Buffy and her friends. Stereotypically the
horror genre will contain a twist at the end. Buffy conforms to this in her tragic death, she saves Dawn
but not without a sacrifice. As Buffy slowly realises
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Explain How Success Consists Of Going Failure To Failures...
Winston Churchill once said that Success consists of going failure to failures without loss of
enthusiasm . Winston s statement can be viewed as controversial because some people believe no
matter how hard ones tries one may fail. This point has merit because no matter how hard one tries to
defy gravity it will constantly be there. Except for these extreme cases success has been seen through
history as defeating what one had failed to do before. Being able to succeed is caused by not losing
enthusiasm between failures because without an enthusiasm to keep trying one will not want to
succeed, failure can create the idea that allows one to succeed, and without failure people would not
have the passion succeed no matter what. Enthusiasm between failures allows people to succeed
because the character they gain by not quitting is what makes one want to succeed after failure. It is
true that failing something that one has worked at for any period of time is hard to go through. The
character a person gain from failing however is that spark of persistence and enthusiasm to continue
trying. Even if one fails again that character will become even stronger and eventually will lead that
person ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This point is seen anywhere in the world because of the inventions people have made. No invention
has ever worked perfectly after the first try. It was the enthusiasm in the inventors to see these objects
work perfectly that allowed them to eventually succeed, Some may say that certain inventions are just
modified older inventions, but the need for these new inventions was prompted by someone having
the enthusiasm to fix a failure in a prior invention. These ideas spurred by realizing the source of a
failure may go noticed, but without someone having the enthusiasm to see the idea work there would
never be
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Literature Review In Literature Review
Literature Review
A study done by Dr. George Reeves (1942) showed that emotional states play an important role in the
quality of people s eating habits. He studies five obese white women. Dr. Reeves concluded that (a)
obesity was used at a defense mechanism (b) these patterns were sadistic and masochistic (c) oral
satisfaction extended beyond social acceptable forms and (d) obesity was used to simulate a masculine
ideal. This study was limited because he had only five cases of women, and they were all the same
race and around the same age. Hirsch and Morse (1960) presented a study to relate emotions to
obesity and establish correlations between metabolic findings from the obese patients in their study.
They brought 74 patients to the Victoria General Hospital Outpatient Obesity Clinic. The patients
were given a questionnaire that was oriented around their obesity history. The material from the
interview were reviewed for symptoms of emotional distress such as depression, anxiety, delusions,
etc. 27 of the 74 patients were judged to have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder after the
questionnaire was completed. This study however was unreliable because there was no average
weighted people to interview as a control, also the people in the study were unprepared to think
abstractly, so the physician guided them throughout the questionnaire, which made the data unreliable.
Collyer (1974) backed Reeves (1942) conclusions that women may gain weight as a defense
mechanism to protect
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Music And Its Influence On The Italian Genre
Throughout history, various styles of music have developed to further the evolution and complexity of
music, wether it be commissioned by nobility or, composed for the enjoyment of the normal, common
populace. English madrigals, though not the longest lasting style, is one such form of music that has
had a lasting impact on the continuing composition of music. Madrigals are defined four ways in A
History of Western Music. The fourth definition, English polyphonic work imitating the Italian genre,
is what will be covered in this paper but, to understand this definition, the other four must be explored.
Madrigals originated as a musical style in Italy in the 14th Century, but, the style came around again
in the 16th century (1588 1627), much more popular and extremely more influential than the previous
incarnation of madrigals. Madrigals are songs in a poetic setting, such as a sonnet, or, another
nonrepetative verse form. Madrigals in England developed at the same time as mass music printing,
under William Byrd, although he himself eventually stopped composing madrigals. In volume 15 of
the Second Edition of The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, as to the circumstances of the
rise of the madrigal, it states: A favourable literary situation developed in the 1570s, when Spenser,
Sidney and other new poets undertook a comprehensive reform of native poetry along Italian lines.
From here, Musica transalpina was translated by Nicholas Yonge. Musica transalpina
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Truth In Politics Hannah Arendt Summary
According to the text On Lying: Writing Philosophical History after the Enlightenment and after
Arendt by Sophia Rosenfeld focuses on the works by Hannah Arendt. Hannah Arendt was a German
Jewish intellectual who fled Germany with the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933, lived in Paris as a stateless
refugee and Zionist activist until 1941 and then fled to and settled in the United States (Isaac). Hannah
Arendt wrote a Political Lying essay at the end of the 1960 s and first years of 1970 s. During this time
Arendt became an experienced world traveler. According to Rosenfeld Arendt famously gets a lot of
her past wrong (Rosenfeld 220). However, Rosenfeld s study of Arendt s work is not to find error
rather depict the history of the writing of the French enlightenment. The Truth in Politics written by
Arendt provides a tour of various ancient and early modern thinkers, from Herodotus to Spinoza to
James Madison, and of events in the profound and recent past to name a few (qtd. in Rosenfeld 221).
The Truth in Politics expands upon Arendt s history of thought and politics and in her situation less
between Europe Totalitarianism and post war American democracy (qtd. in Rosenfeld 221). Moreover,
Arendt resolves politics and deception link together in some way. Furthermore, not all lying past to
present are identical in form or effect. In Truth and Politics Arendt stands firm on the position of total
totalitarian regime in all reality become phony and boundaries between truth and lies blurred (qtd. in
Arendt 221).
Therefore, Arendt argues to defend modern political lying. Furthermore, Arendt continues to think
outside of the Totalitarian environment she finds truth telling is a way to keep the status quo .
However, the lie exercises the free exchange of opinions. Nonetheless, Arendt argues the great danger
of the modern world is the hierarchy between politics and lying reverses, and politics have begun to
operate in service to a particular and fictitious world of ersatz truth (Rosenfeld 223).
Additionally, Ardent covers the topic four years later in a contemporary real life event rather than a
philosophical approach. This issue was a scandal caused by the leak to the New York Times mid
Vietnam War
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October Sky Psychology Write-Up
Film Write up 1 October Sky is a based on a true story about a mining town called Coalwood and one
boy s journey. Homer Hickam is an adolescent boy whose life has been predetermined by his father, a
foreman at the coalmine, to work down in the mines but he has a different plan for his life. In October
1957, everything changes when the first artificial satellite, Sputnik goes into orbit. After he sees the
satellite flying across the night s sky, Homer becomes inspired to learn how to build rockets. With his
friends, who also are destined for the mines, and the local nerd, Homer sets to do just that by trial and
a lot of error. Unfortunately, most of the town, especially Homer s father, thinks that the boys are
wasting their time. They ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The other characteristic he exhibits is personal fable. He feels that his life is destined for something
bigger than what has been set out for him. He believes there is something unique about himself that he
needs to share with the world. While his father and everyone else, including his friends, look down on
this idea of breaking out of the mold he still stuck with his idea of becoming something bigger and
better. At the end of the story he does in fact become the town hero and his dreams of greatness come
to fruition as he grows
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Erp Case Study
a. As new technologies are developing at a rapid pace we must decide whether to upgrade our existing
ERP system built on extremely outdated technology, or replace it with an entirely new ERP system.
Using the completed decision flowchart I was able to evaluate whether upgrading or replacing the
existing ERP system would be the best course of action. I started the flowchart with the most basic
question of whether the system even needed to be upgraded or replaced at all. We know that the
current software is more than 10 years old and it is based on is much older technology. We also know
that the data entry screens are completely text based and the system doesn t even have mouse support.
With this knowledge we are able to determine that we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If we follow the flow chart through the path of choosing to completely replace the system, will the
replacement system have all the features that we require? We were able to research and select three
new ERP systems to send request for proposals (RFP) for. These new ERP systems are based on
modern technology, are GUI based, and have mouse support. There are additional functionalities and
integrations with these new platforms that the IT team feels the business would greatly benefit from.
Next, we need to determine if the new software will work with the current hardware in place, but it
does not due to the age of the current hardware. I advised that this would be a great time to start the
virtualization project and we can use the new ERP system as the test bed. If we choose not to merge
with the virtualization project to take advantage of the hardware, then we will need to establish costs
for the new hardware and if this will fit into the current budget. We will then need to decide if the
users will require extensive training for the new replacement software. Because this is brand new
software utilizing a GUI, the users will need training. As such, we will have to research what type of
training the company offers and the associated costs. Next we have to work out if the training for this
new software fits into the budget in addition to the hardware.
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Employee Ownership, Motivation and Productivity
Employee ownership, motivation and productivity A research report for Employees Direct from
Birkbeck and The Work Foundation By Jonathan Michie, Christine Oughton and Yvonne Bennion
November 2002 Page 2 E M P LOY E E S D I R E C T R E P O R T N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2
Contents About the authors/Acknowledgements Foreword, by Will Hutton Executive Summary 1.
Introduction 2. Site visits and interviews 3. Follow up surveys 4. Focus groups 5. Discussion and
Conclusion References 3 4 5 6 10 18 21 30 33 Layout: Wyvern 21 Printing: JW Arrowsmith The Work
Foundation. Registered as a charity no: 290003 This issue first printed November 2002 ISBN 1 84373
003 0 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
He is a Board member of Mutuo. Dr Christine Oughton is Reader in Management and Head of the
Department of Management at Birkbeck, University of London. She has recently completed a two
year research project on the impact of globalisation and technological innovation on growth and
employment, funded by the European Commission, and also coordinates a regional innovation
network funded by the DTI and The Work Foundation. Yvonne Bennion is a Policy Specialist at The
Work Foundation (formerly The Industrial Society). She has been a board member of Job Ownership
Research and is a member of the DTI Partnership Fund Assessment Panel. 1. Mutuo is a new
publishing title belonging to Communicate Mutuality. It is a partnership between organisations that
wish to show the value and potential of the mutual sector to a modern society. You can find out more
about Mutuo by visiting www.mutuo.co.uk 2. See Michie and Oughton (2001). Page 4 E M P LOY
E E S D I R E C T R E P O R T N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2 Foreword Employee owned companies
exist for a variety of reasons, from the personal vision of an owner to management and employee buy
outs, a way out of family succession problems or employees responding to closure threats. The
evidence is that companies with high levels of employee ownership outperform others, and the
government has demonstrated through
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Endocrine System Is The Most Important System
Have you ever wondered what endocrine system is or what it does? Ever wondered what it was made
up of or how it helps with functioning our bodies? Well, the endocrine system is really important just
as all the other systems in our bodies are important to us. The endocrine system is made up of multiple
glands in our body that are used for the production and secretion of hormones into the blood stream.
The endocrine system helps us in our growth and controlling the body s metabolic activity for
everyday use. How important do you think the endocrine system is to us? Well just as you can see,
each of us have different opinions so our answers will vary here. But in my opinion, the endocrine
system is the most important system in our body because it balances your moods, controls growth and
developments in our bodies, the tissue functions of our bodies, metabolism, and last but not least, all
of your sexual and reproductive system. That s a lot for a system that doesn t sound like much.
The endocrine system is made up of the multiple glands our bodies which includes the parathyroid and
thyroid glands, the pancreas, pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and ovaries in women meanwhile
testicles in men. When the endocrine s glands create hormones, they get shipped either through the
bloodstream or the lymph. The hormones benefits to our body to act or react to anything that could
threaten our homeostasis. Hormones support throughout the reproduction and birth. They help us sleep
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Analysis Of Intersection Of Biography And History By Mary...
For this assignment, two texts are being analyzed. One is Intersection of Biography and History by
Mary Romero; the other one is Teenage Wasteland by Donna Gaines. Both of the texts have something
in common; they both focus on a social stigma. In the first text, written by Mary Romero, she focuses
on domestic work especially with Chicanas. They are women of Mexican descent born and raised in
the United States , and they often work as domestics. She talks about the relation between domestics
and their employers which is often not a good one because employers feel superior due to the
difference of social class. Domestics are in the house but are often invisible but still under supervision,
which made them feel lonely. There is also the
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Essay on The Science of Rocks
1. According to Thompson and Turk (2011), there are two types of igneous rocks extrusive and
intrusive and the primary difference between the two types of igneous rocks is that the rocks are
formed in two separate locations: within the Earth s crust and on the Earth s surface (35). Extrusive
igneous rocks form when magma rises all the way through the crust to erupt onto Earth s surface (35).
Since the crystals do not have much time to grow, extrusive sedimentary rocks, also commonly known
as volcanic rocks, have fine grained textures, with crystals too small to be seen with the naked eye
(Thompson Turk, 2011, 36). For example, basalt is a common very fine grained volcanic rock. On the
other hand, intrusive igneous rocks form when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The difference in the mineral composition is apparent in the rocks color and grain texture. Since basalt
is a mafic rock, it tends to have a dark green to black, dark color, while granite tends to have a clear,
white, and pink light color (Thompson Turk, 2011, 37). Additionally, because basalt is an extrusive
igneous rock, it has a very fine grained texture, meaning that the crystals are nearly impossible to see
(Thompson Turk, 2011, 36). On the other hand, granite is an intrusive igneous rock, meaning that it
has a medium or coarse grained texture, where the mineral grains and crystals are easily visible
(Thompson Turk, 2011, 36).
3. According to Thompson and Turk (2011), sedimentary rocks are broadly divided into four
categories: clastic, organic, chemical, and bioclastic rocks. Clastic sedimentary rock is composed of
particles of weathered rocks, such as sand grains and pebbles (also known as clasts), which have been
transported, deposited, and lithified (38). Clastic rocks, such as shale, siltstone, and sandstone, are
composed of fragments of older rocks: clay, silt, and sand (38). Moreover, organic sedimentary rocks
consist of lithified remains of plants or animals, and the most common examples are coal, which is
made up of decomposed and compacted plant remains and
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Neo Orthodoxy And Its Impact On Society Essay
But [Jesus] answered and said, It is written, MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT
Neo orthodoxy is an umbrella term used to describe religious ideas that purpose to be a third way,
somewhere between conservative and liberal Christianity. Since its conception, neo orthodoxy has
evolved and changed, with several thoughts emerging from those that advocate the third way idea.
Some of these changes have included the way humans can understand God and the effect Scripture has
on their lives. The outgrowths of neo orthodoxy are deconstructionism, narrative theology and Radical
orthodoxy; views that are the results relativism, misunderstanding inspiration, and distrust in the
Bible. Deconstructionism proposes to free the Biblical narrative from literal meaning or science and
historical criticism (Dorrien, 3). However, with it also comes the rejection of objective truth. Another
idea within Neo orthodoxy is the drive to encounter God in the experience of life. Narrative Theology
allows this experiential relationship when one sees their life as part of the overarching narrative of
God s story. (Ibid. 2) However, the Biblical texts do not have universal structures of truth, and they are
instead subject to the understanding of a community. (Ibid 4) Different from both these of views is
radical orthodoxy. Radical orthodoxy is put forth as an answer to postmodern atheistic philosophy.
(Malcolm, 1) Like
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The Influence Of Sir Robert Peel s Reform
He wanted that Peel understand the opportunity he had for change the situation and that he didn t ask
money only justice and he was only a representantive of population. Without use the force only the
words, he begged until the extenuation for his pleasures but he didn t sit in the corresponding place in
the Parliament because it was forbidden to the Catholics. That suggested to the prime minister, Duke
of Wellington, how the Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel, think that the prohibition could cause one big
rebellion. With it, O Conell got this reform was passed and finally his movement successfully forced
the British to pass the Catholic Emancipation Act in 1829, with that, it allowed Roman Catholics
become in members of the British House of
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Diverse Nature Requires a Corresponding Diverse Environment
Just by the sound of it, it seems so easy to understand that a population that is of diverse nature
definitely requires a corresponding diverse environment upon which it can thrive and succeed. This
philosophy rules out the whole idea as to why architects are continuing to come up with one size fits
all design environments. The question is as to whether their main intention is to create and or trying to
ensure equality. But as already set, the society is composed of a diverse population, which is a reason
enough as to why diverse architectural designs are important for the masses. Critics may attribute this
trend to the notion that methods of construction as well as the costs associated with diverse designs,
alongside the respective site restrictions tend to make the diverse environment to become infeasible
both economically as well as physically. On the contrary in this view, this way of thinking only makes
it difficult for the designers to understand the manner in which the diverse populations are affected by
the buildings. It is with this regard that throughout the historical variation that has been continuously
posed by the significantly philosophical problem by those seeking the objective truths concerning
designs with respect to the entire aspect of life in general. Looking at Plato s philosophy on design, he
tried to prioritize as well as bring to the understanding, the objective truths, depending on what he
found to be the relative as well as his subjective
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Difference Between The Oud And The Oud
The ancestor of the guitar, the oud, has not evolved into the guitar but only inspired its creation and
together became two popular instruments used in various parts of the world. The guitar is mostly
associated with western countries while the oud has been traditionally used in the Spanish and Arab
Classified as string instruments both the guitar and the oud have a few similarities. To be held and
played in the same way their physical appearance resembles one another in terms of shape, materials
and the use of strings to produce their acoustic sound. The wooden neck on both guitars allows one to
play by plucking the strings attached and transmitting the energy from the strings vibration into the air
producing sound.
The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the oldest instruments known to man, the Oud is living proof that even the most ancient of
objects can be brought to life by a modern touch. The Oud is one of the oldest musical instruments
known to man. However, the legacy of the Oud, unlike that of many other ancient traditions, continues
till today. The earliest proof of the existence of an instrument like the Oud can be found in an
excavated cylindrical seal from the Uruk Period in Mesopotamia, which dates back almost 5000 years.
Since then, the Oud has been revered as the King of Instruments, telling the stories of its time through
its melodious music. Even today, the beautiful sounds of the Oud have the power to transport the
listener to another time. History is full of stories about the Oud. According to Abu Nasr Muhammad
Ibn Muhammad Al Farabi, the 10th century Islamic scholar and philosopher, Lamech, the sixth
grandson of Adam, invented the Oud. Legend has it that, overcome by grief at the death of his son,
Lamech hung his body from a tree. The first ever Oud was thus inspired by the shape of the skeleton
on the
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Alexander Hamilton Impact
Alexander Hamilton was one of the seven founding fathers. An immigrant who made his way into our
history books and started impacting our country since the late 1700s. In this essay I ll be talking about
his life, why he s important and who he impacts today. Alexander Hamilton was born on January 11,
1757 in Charlestown, Nevis. When he was young his father abandoned his mother and him. His father
was born of Scottish descent, and left them because of debt. This caused his mother and him to work
harder and rely on friends and family to support themselves. Then when he was around 13 his mother
died, leaving him orphaned. He then went to live with a cousin, who soon after committed suicide.
From a young age, he had to learn to survive for himself. When he was 14 he was put in charge of a
trading charter. He knew he was poor, and had no way to get anywhere unless he worked hard.
Hamilton had to grow up way too soon and began to read and write and find any source of education
possible. When he was about 15, Hamilton wrote a description of a sermon he heard by Hugh Knox
for a newspaper, The Royal Danish American Gazette. His writings somehow found their way into the
hands of a group of readers. Their interests were peaked by the description, and even more so when
they found out who it was written by. They all decided this young man deserved a better shot and
sponsored him to continue his education in the colonies. Hamilton found his way to the colony of New
York, attending
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Marketing Reflective Essay
With regard to presentation we have been asked to select brand (product or service), perform as its
specialist and finally present our findings/ideas. Our group chose one of the largest companies that
operates in the UK Supermarkets market Tesco Plc. In order to analyse macro, micro, and internal
environment of selected brand were used such an important tools as PESTLE/PEST, SWOT Analysis,
Porter s 5 Forces and BSG Matrix. And ultimately we have been asked to write an essay. The purpose
of this reflective essay is to think about findings individually of group presentation with a particular
focus on the logic and rational recommendations, probable results, estimation of methods and tools.
According to Jobber (2010, p.98) PESTLE or PEEST ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thereby, all the findings allowed our team to highlight areas in which company has got some
challenges, such as Clothing (Question mark) and Technics (Dogs) which helped our group to make
recommendations at the end of presentation. With regard to recommendations, I would like to pay
attention on the fact that all of the tools and methods which have been used in presentation, helped our
group to outline some challenges of Tesco Plc. Due to that statement, we outlined key areas, such as
online shopping market, music and video markets, on which Tesco Plc must focus on in case of
potential progress, increasing profit and customer loyalty. In general, despite of the fact that all used
tools have helped us to analyse the company s performance, some of them have limitations which
impede clear understanding of situation. Nevertheless, the mix of these tools gave us solid method
how to examine performance of the company. As a final point, I would like to state that, generally, our
group did presentation well. Whilst I had a feeling that some of my partners were a bit apprehensive
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Evaluation Of A Seller Of Good Faith Essay
Reviews are mainly meant for describing someone s shopping experiences when it comes to certain
sellers or service providers. When you submit reviews: You as the customer agree to submit the
review of a seller in good faith, since you have undergone or tried to undergo a certain transaction
with them, either in purchasing products or purchasing services. The review that you submit should be
the accurate and honest description of the experience you had with that seller. The review which you
as the consumer submit is in accordance with terms and conditions that are described in another part in
the Agreement. Bargainbazooka at times imposes restrictions that are reasonable on reviews; it
establishes rules that help to ensure that the reviews available are appropriate and legitimate.
Bargainbazooka may also remove or omit any review of a seller that it feels or believes, it violates the
requirements in the Agreement. If sellers disagree on the validity or accuracy of a certain review;
Bargainbazooka may omit the reviews or take appropriate actions in order to make it right.
Bargainbazooka does these actions in its sole discretion. Merchant/provider/seller reviews are actually
submitted by some other users. Bargainbazooka does not have any responsibility/control for the
accuracy or the content on any reviews. BARGAINBAZOOKA S PRIVACY POLICY; Once you
accept the agreement. Every time you decide to use their service, you simply consent to
Bargainbazooka s use, disclosure and
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Economic Platform For The Philippines
Economic Platform for the Philippines economic growth in the trade sector Brooks (2014) states that
in 2008, the entire Southeast Asian economy received roughly less than half as much foreign direct
investment as China did. Four years later, they pulled to within spitting distance. Why is there a
sudden surge of international interest in this particular region? It is because ASEAN s five core
countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand have been growing faster than any
other regional grouping in the world over the past 5 years, with Philippines standing out in particular
because of its impressive 6.6% economic growth rate as of 2012. The Philippines is now one of the
fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia, going from a developing market to what is considered
now as an emerging market in a global scale because of the competency of trade in the Philippines. To
properly define trade, it is a basic economic concept that involves multiple parties participating in the
voluntary negotiation and then the exchange of one s goods and services for desired goods and
services that someone else possesses (Trade, 2003). Trade has been occurring around the world for
centuries and the purpose of it is to address the problem of coincidence of wants. Generally, there are
two forms of trade: Foreign and Domestic Trade. Akrani (2011) states that foreign trade is the
exchange of goods and services between different countries. It is further divided into 3 groups:
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Mexican Civilization Research Paper
Although the life of people right after the Agricultural Revolution was comparatively peaceful and
classless, advanced societies eventually became more stratified and classes were more developed
unfairly along with the first cities and places of which they were part.
1.Norte Chico/Caral: Norte Chico was a cultural region of Peru, South America, that existed from
3000 to 1800 BCE. Chronologically, it was at the same time periods as other ancient civilizations,
such as Sumer and Egypt. Caral was the name of one of the chief civilizations found in Norte Chico,
which is famous for being the first civilization found in South America. The people of Norte Chico
were known for their innovations that were different to those found in other times. For ... Show more
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They were a group of laws that were listed, along with the consequences that would occur if they were
broken. The laws especially affected the Babylonians, which greatly affected how society worked, and
it also changed the way people treated other people, such as the ones keeping the laws. Today, the
Code of Hammurabi gives modern people an example of how women were treated then, as the
punishments were more strict for women, an example of patriarchy in Babylonian society. It is also
known today as where an eye for an eye comes from in English. (Social and
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E-Commerce Air Asia
Importance of e Commerce and m Commerce
Corporate Appraisal
Competitive Advantages
m Commerce
5.1 Differences of m Commerce e Commerce
6.1 Benefit of Microsoft Vista and m Commerce to AirAsia
6.2 Benefit of Microsoft Vista and m Commerce to Customers
1.0 Introduction
Purcel and Toland (2004, 241) said Internet and Communication Technology offer the opportunity to
reduce the barriers of distance, and give.... countries better access to global economy . This is where e
Commerce comes into picture which covers electronics trading of goods and services, electronic fund
transfer, online procurement, direct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Porter argued that the organization can be divided into a series of primary value adding activities and
supporting activities. The primary activities include: Inbound logistic, Operation, Outbound logistic,
Marketing and sales, and Services. The support activities include: Procurement, Technology
development, Human resources management, and Firm infrastructure.
Porter s Value Chain will be used as internal scanning to analyze the strength and weakness for
AirAsia systematically by analyzing all 9 activities.
a) Inbound Logistics
AirAsia has placed an order of 175 units Airbus A320 to service its routes (AirAsia Berhad 2007
Annual Report). Airbus A320 is less fuel consumption compared to Boeing 737 300 aircraft.
Ultimately Boeing 737 300 to be retired and replace with Airbus A320 to overcome the increase of oil
price by structurally reduce cost and enhance customer services with better quality aircraft.
AirAsia pursue simplicity in operation by operating a single aircraft fleet. All the aircraft can share to
use the same tool, spare parts and same skilled manpower for maintenance and repair purpose;
compared to maintaining different aircraft, it may need many different special tool, spare part and
required more manpower for different aircraft. This will help to reduce the stock of part maintenance,
less training for employee and servicing cost.
b) Operation
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The Jericho Tower
One of the greatest mysteries of the Neolithic period in Ancient Israel is the Jericho Tower. At a time
first attempting permanent village settlements, building a monumental tower was not done on a whim.
The tower represents the first monumental building structure in the Levant, but what was it built for?
This question has been on the minds of archaeologists for years. The three main theories behind the
tower are for defensive purposes, flood prevention, and in clock tower function. Neolithic society had
just begun forming agricultural communities, but there were still factions of pastoral nomads
wandering the hills. The first theory behind the construction of the Jericho Tower was for defensive
purposes. The wall, which in one place is supported by the Tower, and the size and shape of the Tower
itself point to being a set of defensive structures for the settlement. However, since the Tower is on the
inside of the wall, the ability to shoot invaders is greatly prohibited. If this was a tower for defense, it
would likely be put on the outside of the wall in order to have better accuracy with oncoming
invaders. Another reason the Tower probably was not a defensive structure is the lack of hostile
attacks in the region. There are very few signs of other fortified settlements in this region and there
has been no ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Quruntul is only one part of the clock tower theory. The next part considers the placement of the
Tower with the alignment of the summer solstice. At the time of building the Tower, it is very likely
that the sunset on the summer solstice would line up with the Tower and Mt. Quruntul. If so this
depicts the shift from pastoral nomads to agricultural villages that is occurring. Telling time is an
important feature of farming because it sets the time for the planting season. Thus, if the Tower was
built to signal when the summer season began, it indicates that Jericho was moving into a more
permanent agriculturally focused
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Charlie And Henry Differences
Charlie and Henry were the same people, stuck in the same time, but stuck in different bodies with
few differences. In paragraph two, I ll be going over the differences between Charlie and Henry. The
third and fourth will be comparing the two. Charlie and Henry were very similar and very different in
their own ways.
Charlie and Henry were both sort of...different. They were from two completely different states,
Charlie in Minnesota and Henry in Ohio. Henry was one of the more mature ones from the group.
Henry was actually legal age to join the war, but Charlie was only a 15 year old boy trying to provide
for his family. Henry got off easy with his injury, Henry was hit upside the head with a gun, while
Charley took a bullet. The contrasts of
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Lord Of The Flies Evil Vs Evil
The evil within the novel of the Lord of the Flies can compare to many past and modern evils within
society. Although, the evils within the attack on Pearl Harbor are the most closely compared and
relevant to the characters and actions within the novel the Lord of the Flies. In the Lord of the Flies
one of the main characters, Jack and his partner Roger have an evil desire to become more powerful
than Ralph. One example of evil within the book is how Jack strives to gain power over the group of
young boys. He attempts to gain this power in an evil manner, by killing the significant children from
the group that opposes him. This evil that Jack displays is also resembled in the attack on Pearl
Harbor, in the way that the Japanese indicated their
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Margaret Atwood Feminist Literature
Margaret Atwood: a Social Activist Through Feminist Literature The 1980s signified the continuation
of an era of social and political upheaval in the United States of America. At the forefront was a
socially conservative agenda that aimed to rescind women s rights only ratified less than a decade
before, a marked display of the nation s desire to uphold traditional values that defined the preceding
generation (Françoise). Among the devastating political climate, however, was Margaret Atwood: a
voice that refused to be silenced, a progressive storyteller who interwove her writings with feminist
themes that pushed boundaries and defied the status quo (Napierkowski). Her prolific writing career is
full of poems, essays, short stories, and novels that have permanently altered the perception of
Canadian literature, while never ceasing to shed light on pertinent cultural and social issues. Margaret
Eleanor Atwood was born on November 18, 1939 in Ottawa, Canada. As a child, she moved back and
forth from Toronto and rural northern Canada, at the same time fostering a passion for writing at an
early age. She would later earn bachelor s and master s degrees from the University of Toronto and
Radcliffe College, respectively. In addition, Atwood has held various teaching positions at universities
throughout North America ( Editors ). She is internationally recognized as one of Canada s most
prolific and impactful writers, most recently winning the PEN Center USA Lifetime Achievement
Award in 2017 ( Awards ). Perhaps Atwood s earliest influence can be found in her upbringing. Her
exposure to both metropolitan Toronto and rural Quebec created a colorful childhood, absent of the
comfortable monotony that plagues the youth of others. Her father, an entomologist and avid reader,
helped cultivate in his daughter a love of nature (Biography.com). Atwood expressed how her parents
challenged gender roles in a 1978 interview with The New York Times:
They expected me to make use of my intelligence and abilities and did not pressure me into getting
married ... remember that all this was taking place in the 1950s, when marriage was seen as the only
desirable goal. My mother is a very lively person who would rather skate
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How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay
Before I get into how a bill becomes a law, I want to spend a little time discussing the powers and
boundaries set forth by our Constitution. The Constitution was designed with a system of checks and
balances to assure that all the branches of Government are kept in check. They decided to form three
branches, the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch. The delegates wanted to
divide power equally in the Government to keep one branch from having too much power. The
executive branch includes the President and is responsible for executing public and foreign policy. The
legislative branch includes the House and the Senate. They are responsible for making and
implementing laws and funding the government. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme court
and they interpret the Constitution and laws. The United States Constitution is ... Show more content
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A law generally begins its life as a simple idea. Anyone can come up with an idea for a law and submit
the idea to their congressman or representative. Sometimes a special interest group may submit an
idea in hopes that their idea may become a law. When the idea is supported and sponsored by a
member of Congress that idea becomes a bill. A bill may begin in either the House or the Senate.
However, the bills that deal with money must be introduced through the House. The bill is introduced
when it is placed in a box called the hopper on the bill clerks desk. The House speaker will then send
the bill to committee where it may be amended, passed or killed . The House will debate the bill, then
send it to the Senate. The bill will be debated and possibly amended then sent back to the House. If
everything is approved it will eventually make it s way to the President where he may sign or veto it.
If it is signed, it becomes a law. Even if the bill is rejected by the president, it may still become a law
if two thirds of the houses override the
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Essay about Racial Privilege in America Past and Present
The Blame Game: a Prelude to Racial Privilege In order to fully understand an easily debatable and
highly controversial policy, such as racial privilege, one must first understand the political and social
climates that led up to it. Racial privilege has been practiced during two periods in America s past: the
post reconstruction era, via Jim Crow laws, and today, by way of affirmative action. After
Reconstruction in the American south, landowners reorganized their land in such a way that it could
be farmed without the use of slaves. The most common structure employed sharecropping, in which
the land owner divided his property into several plots of land, each farmed by different individuals
who paid for the use of this land with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ironically, this economic downfall was actually caused by the wealthy landowners and lenders who,
for the most part, made up this Democratic leadership. Poor whites, eager to find a scapegoat for their
problems, endorsed the idea of racial privilege. By seeking restitution, whites in the south successfully
managed to evade personal responsibility, while also evading the possibility of a true solution to their
problems. Thus began the Jim Crow era of racial oppression. In a related string of events, the Civil
Rights movement of the 1960s failed to bring about solutions to the problem of racial inequality
plaguing America. Not until the death of one of its most prominent leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
did the Civil Rights Movement transform from a movement for racial equality to a movement for
racial privilege. King, in his speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, makes
clear the ideal of racial equality: I have a dream... that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
After King s assassination, new leaders arose claiming that it is not enough that blacks and whites are
treated equally, but that, in order for deliverance from their troubled past, they must be given
preference over those who
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Truffaut s Auteur Theory
For nearly the length of time that the film industry has existed, theorists have extensively speculated
about the authorship of film and who should receive credit for the creative capital that is created. In
the United States, as the executive studios in New York expanded and began to exert more control
over Hollywood, speculation emerged about how much control these studios had over the films being
produced. It was in the midst of this environment that auteur theory originated with French theorist
Truffaut s concept of politique de auteurs. Auteur theory argues that films are characterized by the
styles of their directors, who are the authors of the films. However, there are many other theories
about who should be credited as the authors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main reason auteur theory is popular because it personalizes the author of films (in comparison to
the de humanization of saying that a big studio is responsible); however, this unnecessarily makes
directors into heroes that they aren t and celebrating them only as a more desirable alternative to the
studio explanation. Schatz points to multiple authors, mostly arguing against the director as author
focus of auteur theory; by rejecting auteur theory, he is advocating for broadening the scope to
consider the larger system by which films are produced. The closer we look at Hollywood s relations
of power and hierarchy of authority during the studio era, at its division of labor and assembly line
production process, the less sense it makes to assess filmmaking or film style in terms of the
individual director or any individual, for that matter (Schatz, 459). Films are not simply the product of
an individual s human expression, but a conglomerate of institutional forces. The style of any
individual a star, director, writer, costumer designer, light operator, or cinematographer fuses with the
studio s resources its staff, history, and institutional focus (genre, stars, etc.). He says that famous
examples which people cite to prove that the directors are the true authors of films (John
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The Presidential Election Of 1828
It s been proven that campaigns can get dirty and grimy. In the fight for voters, candidates will put on
some of the most outrageous acts to destroy each other. The respect for each other is nonexistent. With
mudslinging, it gives political candidates the opportunity to assassinate the other candidate s character,
dig up candidates unethical past history, and scrutinize their political views. Mudslinging and dirty
politics has not only been a fad of modern day campaigning, but is known to exist as early as the 1800
s presidential election. The elections most known for its dirty politics and mudslinging in the 1800 s
were the election of 1828 and the election of 1840. The election of 1828 is said to be the rematch of
the 1824 election ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By the time the presidency was revealed, there was more offensive mudslinging circulating around
about each candidate s character, past history, and political views than any other presidential election
ever. For example, Jackson s marriage to Rachel was so heavily scrutinized by Adams campaign, that
Jackson believed it was the cause of her death. When Jackson was married to his wife, Rachel, they
were under the assumption that she was divorced. However, her divorce from her previous marriage
was not yet finalized, in which it caused them to remarry once the legal papers were completed
(Boundless 15). Jackson was accused of committing adultery by Adams campaign and his wife was
even labeled as a whore. Andrew Jackson was known for his military background and the battles he
fought in, but even that were scrutinized by Adams campaign. The National Republican Party used
Jackson s allegations about the court martial of U.S. troops and ordering the execution of some
Soldiers who went absent without leave (AWOL). They also attacked Jackson for killing innocent
Indians and adapting a habit of dueling. The killing of the Soldiers was known as the Coffin Handbill ,
which they called General Andrew Jackson a murderer. John Adams was no saint to the supporters of
Andrew Jackson as they came prepared with their sleeves rolled up to fight back with their dirty
political tricks. The
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How To Write Incredible Introd

  • 1. How To Write Incredible Introd 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write Incredible Introd How To Write Incredible Introd
  • 2. The Pros And Cons Of Active Euthanasia The American Medical Association states that passive euthanasia (letting die) is morally permissible. However, active euthanasia (assisting patients die) is never morally permissible because it s like killing the patient instead of letting the patient die naturally. Active euthanasia, is taking a direct action to kill a patient and on the other hand, passive euthanasia, is withholding treatments to let the patient die (letting die). Rachels (1975) disagrees with the American Medical Association because he supports active euthanasia contrary to the position of this body. According to Rachels, active euthanasia reduces the pain of the patients who would otherwise die even without the injection. In other words, there are no significant differences between letting a person die and killing a person, who will still perish in the end. Rachels refutes the claim of the American Medical Association that does not support intentional termination of the life of the patient or what is referred to as mercy killing. In her view, doctors only uphold their legal mandate by not engaging in the mercy killing and ignoring their moral duty to ensure the patient die without pain. The doctors only seek to avoid legal responsibility by letting the patient die instead of killing the patient. Alternatively, passive euthanasia allows the patient to die naturally while the active one requires the doctor to take action to terminate the life of the patient. As such, by allowing the patient to die, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Darpa Failure In recent competitions, DARPA (the Pentagon s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) analyzed how well currently available robots could negotiate obstacle courses and handle complex operations in situations that may be difficult or dangerous for humans. DARPA did this as a result of the Pentagon s finest robots miserably failing when they were sent to assist in the disaster recovery efforts following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March of 2011. In that operation, the Pentagon sent several robots to assist in areas that were dangerous for humans to operate in and often times the humans were forced to go in and do the operations anyway because the robots could not communicate with their human controllers and often the circuitry of the robots malfunctioned. So while at the immediate present it is highly unlikely that robots will be conducting battlefield operations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The robots involved in recent competitions all failed at completing the tasks assigned to them. The most successful of the robots was a South Korean robot put together by Team KAIST. Yet even this robot showed that it was slow going for any robot to do any of the tasks DARPA was looking for the robots to complete. The Team KAIST robot took almost an hour to complete the tasks assigned to it. In less than one twentieth of that time, a human team of operators could have completed the tasks the robot was asked to do. So while at the present battlefield robotics is in its infancy, DARPA and the US military industrial complex that highly favors technical gadgetry are looking for ways to bring more robots to the field of battle in the coming years. Now while combat robot technology is still in its infancy, that does not mean that DARPA and other military researchers around the world are sitting idly by. There are some very serious future implications with the development of combat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Peer Pressure In George Orwell s Shooting An Elephant Peer pressure s grasp reaches everybody daily. Too often people tend follow the crowd s decision instead of maintaining their own morals. The guilt felt after conceding to a crowd s way of thinking can crush a person. In a small Burmese town, a police officer feels pressure in a defining showdown with an elephant. George Orwell reveals the consequences of caving into peer pressure through imagery found in Shooting an Elephant. The protagonist repeats over and over he does not want to shoot this elephant. The officer shows his tender emotions towards elephants and depicts early on the grandmotherly air they possess. Orwell conveys many times his unwillingness to shoot the elephant, and at one point he says the gun he grabs to shoot it was much too small to kill an elephant. Subconsciously, he did not want this elephant to die, so he grabs this small rifle just to stop the fear in the crowd. After it suffers for a while, Orwell s sheds a light on his inner conflict with shooting the animal. His incapability of comprehending his actions devastate him and he, could not stand it any longer and went away. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He describes the day of the shooting as , the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen to me . The pressure felt by the British police officer from the inexorable crowd growing every minute leads to his fatal shooting of the helpless elephant. He allays the idea of massacring this animal. As Orwell loads up the elephant rifle and aims it at the beast, the crowd grew very still, and a deep, low happy sigh... breathed from innumerable throats. The pull of the rifle s trigger satisfies the crowd, and keeps him from the ignonimous judgement from the crowd. His spontaneous call to action on this day in Burma causes him to act in accordance to the crowd s morals, rather than his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Role Of Self-Interest In Shakespeare s Henry IV Part One Shakespeare s Henry IV Part One presents a world of social and political change and bloody civil war where in the struggle for power and ascendency many individuals are motivated by self aggrandisement, seeking to better themselves and their reputations at the expense of others. Both the King and his son Hal are opportunistic and self interested, employing self promotion and expediency. Moreover, the desire for personal gain and power at others cost permeates all echelons of society, fuelling the actions of both the nobility and those from the inns and taverns. Self interest motivates nearly all, including those perceived as honourable and those who are known as disreputable. However, whilst self interest and expediency are foregrounded in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A pivotal individual in the world of the nobility, Worcester informs Hotspur of Henry s wrongful acquisition of the throne, also admitting how the Percy family s own hands have helped to make [Henry] so portly , when it suits his purposes. With Henry no longer favouring the Percy family, Worcester is again willing to turn on his king, highlighting his fickle nature and willingness to support those he believes will provide power and favours, denouncing those who do not. Further, Worcester carefully manipulates his impulsive and imprudent nephew Hotspur, only revealing that King Henry is an imposter to the throne once Hotspur is furious with Henry he calls him ingrate and cankered Bullingbrook and thus using Hotspur s anger to his own advantage against Henry. On the eve of the Battle of Shrewsbury, Worcester s actions again reveal complete self interest, convincing Vernon that Hotspur must not know of Bullingbrook s offers of peace or single handed combat between Hal and Hotspur, as he believes he will be undone if Hotspur accepts the king s offers of peace. Worcester s lies to Hotspur cause the sacrifice of numerous men in battle including the valiant Hotspur. Worcester himself understands his own self serving intentions, admitting before execution that what I have done my safety urged me to . Self interest also pervades the lower echelons of society, which are filled with thieves such as Poins. Caring only about his own financial benefit, Poins presents Falstaff and Hal with a plan to rob pious individuals, emphasising that the pilgrims going to Canterbury have fat purses , desiring monetary gain at the detriment of honest people. Such self interested behaviour is rife in the seemingly lawless world of the taverns, powerfully seen in the two carriers at the Rochester Inn who are evasive, refusing to lend ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Analysis Of Manifest Destiny By John Ghast When analyzing the components of the American Dream, success, hard work, perseverance, and luck all can be considered. During the late 1800 s hardworking immigrants from all walks of life had a dream of clearing their own way to a better future through the newly developing United States of America. Although some would argue that the immigrants and frontiersmen of the early eighth century were quite different from one another, they all had one equal goal and dream. The right and hope that they would prosper in a land as foreign as often time the language they would encounter. In 1872 painter John Ghast created an art piece entitled Manifest Destiny. In what would become a lasting symbol of the development of the west, Ghast tied several different people and goals into one beautiful painting. Through several different art forms, styles, and smaller scenes throughout the painting, it becomes evident that the american dream, more importantly the right of prosperity, was not only tangible to the men and women of the great american frontier but, also a basic human right. Manifest Destiny stretches a process of cultivation that naturally occurred over one hundred years into one single elegant painting. The painting has a natural transition across the frontier, from the right to the left, in chronological order of expansion. In the top right of the art piece a river lazily bends and twist along flat, barren land. Dotting the banks of the river, if someone looks closely, they can notice specks of ships sailing the river. Just the idea and challenges of moving people, livestock and raw materials to an unknown land shows the huge amount of dedication, and a crucial step, in developing America. The basin that the river is painted in is also bathed by warm sunlight flowing from a newly risen sun. Just as the sun painted in the picture looks bright and new, so did the hopes and dreams of the Americans painted. From the first corner of the painting, we begin to see the frontiersmen develop a land unknown to them. Following the transition of the painting a series of train tracks with antique red engines come into view. Once raw materials did reach a river by boat, the question then became how they would transport ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Historical Capitalism And The Context Of Historical... Over time, capitalism has become one of the most dynamic economic systems that have ever existed. Not only has it been successful in bringing the entire world into a solitary framework, it has also shifted the economic state, primarily focusing on maximizing profits for the owners. This is evident as presented throughout Frederick Engels Theoretical. Engels peers deeper into the fundamental context of capitalism; however, in order to do this, he must develop a better understanding of its inconsistencies and how it has impact the overall development of the world. The notion of historical materialism is addressed when further analyzing the overall context of capitalism. According to Engels, he argues that historical materialism starts from the principle that production, and with production the exchange of its products, is the basis of every social order... (Engels, 1959: 292). In simpler terms, historical materialism is a system of production and exchange which have always been the driving forces in social and political changes. It addresses that in every society, wealth is distributed and divided into classes or orders dependent upon what is produced, how it is produced, and how the products are exchanged (Engels, 1959: 292). However, Engels does not see historical societal changes independent of the economic system corresponding to it. He believes that historical materialism is not something that only concerns capitalism, it involves itself with all economic systems, from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Emma Goldman Essay Many individuals have had an influence on the United States and globally, both in the positive and negative sense. One example of a positive influencer on the world was Emma Goldman. She faced injustice from an early age, which contributed to her interest and eventual involvement in political and radical movements. Growing up Jewish in an anti Semitic country, Goldman and her family experienced oppression and discrimination firsthand. Goldman often had heroines that she looked up to as a child whom also sparked her motivation to make a change ( The Emma Goldman Papers ). Through her lifetime, Goldman made her mark in a variety of reforms and anarchist movements, with which she strongly identified and agreed. Even up until her death in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her continuous resistance and determination eventually led to an increased acceptance of free speech in America. However, the United States was not the only country in which Goldman made her impact. Many other activists in continents such as Asia, Europe, and South America were inspired by her fight for social justice, including her anarchist and feminist ideals. Furthermore, her time spent in countries such as Russia and France allowed her to speak out directly to the citizens and government there. In all, thanks to Emma Goldman s perseverance in regards to reforms, her positive influence was strongly felt both in the United States as well as globally. Next, Emma Goldman influenced many aspects of politics and society in America through reforms. She touched on a variety of topics and issues that even other anarchists and leftists deemed too radical to focus on. As previously stated, Goldman fought for women s rights and free speech, as well as against war. Yet this was not all that she advocated for. For example, Goldman became heavily involved in the fight for better workers rights shortly after coming to America and realizing the poor quality of the working conditions and the mistreatment of workers. Similarly to how she found contradiction in America s promise of freedom of speech and simultaneous silencing of anyone speaking against the government and system of the country, she also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Our Snoa Analysis Originally they were modelled after the ones is Amsterdam, so they were left in natural wood stain but nowadays they are painted white. Father Eeuwens states that the Board of the Synagogue decided to paint the mahogany ceilings and balconies white, because they were receiving complaints from members that the synagogue was too dark and somber because of all the dark mahogany. The space today feels more open and bright, but the authors of Our Snoa argue that the natural, rich colors of the mahogany would have much more of an impact if they were left in their original state. There are 3 interconnecting galleries upstairs. Two of these galleries were intended for the women, and the one to the west dedicated for the organ and the choir. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These purposeful meanings given to the site, make that it is one of the most beautiful synagogues in the Western Hemisphere. Along with its significant titles of being the oldest synagogue in consecutive use in the Americas, the only synagogue built in the 1700 s that still operates today through consecutive use in Middle and South America, the synagogue that is home to the oldest Jewish community in the Caribbean, and the synagogue operated by the oldest congregation in the western hemisphere, the Snoa proves to be more than just a pretty site, and it is no wonder that this place gets listed as one of the top tourist attractions in Curacao time and time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Horror Genre Essay Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Horror Genre Typically the Horror or more specifically Vampire genre will have the theme good vs. evil where the hero represents good and the villain represents evil. This is consistent in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy is the hero and the evil vampires she slays (in this episode Glory/Ben) represent evil. There is also a cliché within this genre where good is always triumphant over evil. Buffy in this episode conforms to this cliché but with a twist; which is also typical of the Genre, good triumphs over evil in the end but not without a sacrifice. Although Buffy contains many of the conventions that are typical of the horror genre it also contains many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is something unusual about the villain in this episode of Buffy in so much as she has taken on the body of an innocent teenage boy called Ben meaning Buffy faces a moral dilemma (moral dilemmas are typical of this genre) when trying to eradicate Glory s threat. Buffy decides she cannot take a human life (Ben) even if it ensures the safety of the world proving her to be a hero that holds a strong grip on her morals. However, another group member ; Giles who from his appearance looks clever takes a different course of action to the problem; he decides the only way is to kill Glory/Ben and with this he slowly suffocates the severely injured Ben . This provides the audience with a tear jerking moment. Typical stock characters of a horror film include Vampires, Goblins, Zombies and innocent Victims. In this episode of Buffy we see only one of these stock characters: Goblins. The Goblins are typically ugly looking creatures who have hunchbacks and green skin as in this episode of Buffy. They are loyal to their mistress and help her to fight Buffy and her friends. Stereotypically the horror genre will contain a twist at the end. Buffy conforms to this in her tragic death, she saves Dawn but not without a sacrifice. As Buffy slowly realises ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Explain How Success Consists Of Going Failure To Failures... Winston Churchill once said that Success consists of going failure to failures without loss of enthusiasm . Winston s statement can be viewed as controversial because some people believe no matter how hard ones tries one may fail. This point has merit because no matter how hard one tries to defy gravity it will constantly be there. Except for these extreme cases success has been seen through history as defeating what one had failed to do before. Being able to succeed is caused by not losing enthusiasm between failures because without an enthusiasm to keep trying one will not want to succeed, failure can create the idea that allows one to succeed, and without failure people would not have the passion succeed no matter what. Enthusiasm between failures allows people to succeed because the character they gain by not quitting is what makes one want to succeed after failure. It is true that failing something that one has worked at for any period of time is hard to go through. The character a person gain from failing however is that spark of persistence and enthusiasm to continue trying. Even if one fails again that character will become even stronger and eventually will lead that person ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This point is seen anywhere in the world because of the inventions people have made. No invention has ever worked perfectly after the first try. It was the enthusiasm in the inventors to see these objects work perfectly that allowed them to eventually succeed, Some may say that certain inventions are just modified older inventions, but the need for these new inventions was prompted by someone having the enthusiasm to fix a failure in a prior invention. These ideas spurred by realizing the source of a failure may go noticed, but without someone having the enthusiasm to see the idea work there would never be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Literature Review In Literature Review Literature Review A study done by Dr. George Reeves (1942) showed that emotional states play an important role in the quality of people s eating habits. He studies five obese white women. Dr. Reeves concluded that (a) obesity was used at a defense mechanism (b) these patterns were sadistic and masochistic (c) oral satisfaction extended beyond social acceptable forms and (d) obesity was used to simulate a masculine ideal. This study was limited because he had only five cases of women, and they were all the same race and around the same age. Hirsch and Morse (1960) presented a study to relate emotions to obesity and establish correlations between metabolic findings from the obese patients in their study. They brought 74 patients to the Victoria General Hospital Outpatient Obesity Clinic. The patients were given a questionnaire that was oriented around their obesity history. The material from the interview were reviewed for symptoms of emotional distress such as depression, anxiety, delusions, etc. 27 of the 74 patients were judged to have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder after the questionnaire was completed. This study however was unreliable because there was no average weighted people to interview as a control, also the people in the study were unprepared to think abstractly, so the physician guided them throughout the questionnaire, which made the data unreliable. Collyer (1974) backed Reeves (1942) conclusions that women may gain weight as a defense mechanism to protect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Music And Its Influence On The Italian Genre Throughout history, various styles of music have developed to further the evolution and complexity of music, wether it be commissioned by nobility or, composed for the enjoyment of the normal, common populace. English madrigals, though not the longest lasting style, is one such form of music that has had a lasting impact on the continuing composition of music. Madrigals are defined four ways in A History of Western Music. The fourth definition, English polyphonic work imitating the Italian genre, is what will be covered in this paper but, to understand this definition, the other four must be explored. Madrigals originated as a musical style in Italy in the 14th Century, but, the style came around again in the 16th century (1588 1627), much more popular and extremely more influential than the previous incarnation of madrigals. Madrigals are songs in a poetic setting, such as a sonnet, or, another nonrepetative verse form. Madrigals in England developed at the same time as mass music printing, under William Byrd, although he himself eventually stopped composing madrigals. In volume 15 of the Second Edition of The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, as to the circumstances of the rise of the madrigal, it states: A favourable literary situation developed in the 1570s, when Spenser, Sidney and other new poets undertook a comprehensive reform of native poetry along Italian lines. From here, Musica transalpina was translated by Nicholas Yonge. Musica transalpina ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Truth In Politics Hannah Arendt Summary According to the text On Lying: Writing Philosophical History after the Enlightenment and after Arendt by Sophia Rosenfeld focuses on the works by Hannah Arendt. Hannah Arendt was a German Jewish intellectual who fled Germany with the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933, lived in Paris as a stateless refugee and Zionist activist until 1941 and then fled to and settled in the United States (Isaac). Hannah Arendt wrote a Political Lying essay at the end of the 1960 s and first years of 1970 s. During this time Arendt became an experienced world traveler. According to Rosenfeld Arendt famously gets a lot of her past wrong (Rosenfeld 220). However, Rosenfeld s study of Arendt s work is not to find error rather depict the history of the writing of the French enlightenment. The Truth in Politics written by Arendt provides a tour of various ancient and early modern thinkers, from Herodotus to Spinoza to James Madison, and of events in the profound and recent past to name a few (qtd. in Rosenfeld 221). The Truth in Politics expands upon Arendt s history of thought and politics and in her situation less between Europe Totalitarianism and post war American democracy (qtd. in Rosenfeld 221). Moreover, Arendt resolves politics and deception link together in some way. Furthermore, not all lying past to present are identical in form or effect. In Truth and Politics Arendt stands firm on the position of total totalitarian regime in all reality become phony and boundaries between truth and lies blurred (qtd. in Arendt 221). Therefore, Arendt argues to defend modern political lying. Furthermore, Arendt continues to think outside of the Totalitarian environment she finds truth telling is a way to keep the status quo . However, the lie exercises the free exchange of opinions. Nonetheless, Arendt argues the great danger of the modern world is the hierarchy between politics and lying reverses, and politics have begun to operate in service to a particular and fictitious world of ersatz truth (Rosenfeld 223). Additionally, Ardent covers the topic four years later in a contemporary real life event rather than a philosophical approach. This issue was a scandal caused by the leak to the New York Times mid Vietnam War ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. October Sky Psychology Write-Up Film Write up 1 October Sky is a based on a true story about a mining town called Coalwood and one boy s journey. Homer Hickam is an adolescent boy whose life has been predetermined by his father, a foreman at the coalmine, to work down in the mines but he has a different plan for his life. In October 1957, everything changes when the first artificial satellite, Sputnik goes into orbit. After he sees the satellite flying across the night s sky, Homer becomes inspired to learn how to build rockets. With his friends, who also are destined for the mines, and the local nerd, Homer sets to do just that by trial and a lot of error. Unfortunately, most of the town, especially Homer s father, thinks that the boys are wasting their time. They ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The other characteristic he exhibits is personal fable. He feels that his life is destined for something bigger than what has been set out for him. He believes there is something unique about himself that he needs to share with the world. While his father and everyone else, including his friends, look down on this idea of breaking out of the mold he still stuck with his idea of becoming something bigger and better. At the end of the story he does in fact become the town hero and his dreams of greatness come to fruition as he grows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Erp Case Study a. As new technologies are developing at a rapid pace we must decide whether to upgrade our existing ERP system built on extremely outdated technology, or replace it with an entirely new ERP system. Using the completed decision flowchart I was able to evaluate whether upgrading or replacing the existing ERP system would be the best course of action. I started the flowchart with the most basic question of whether the system even needed to be upgraded or replaced at all. We know that the current software is more than 10 years old and it is based on is much older technology. We also know that the data entry screens are completely text based and the system doesn t even have mouse support. With this knowledge we are able to determine that we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If we follow the flow chart through the path of choosing to completely replace the system, will the replacement system have all the features that we require? We were able to research and select three new ERP systems to send request for proposals (RFP) for. These new ERP systems are based on modern technology, are GUI based, and have mouse support. There are additional functionalities and integrations with these new platforms that the IT team feels the business would greatly benefit from. Next, we need to determine if the new software will work with the current hardware in place, but it does not due to the age of the current hardware. I advised that this would be a great time to start the virtualization project and we can use the new ERP system as the test bed. If we choose not to merge with the virtualization project to take advantage of the hardware, then we will need to establish costs for the new hardware and if this will fit into the current budget. We will then need to decide if the users will require extensive training for the new replacement software. Because this is brand new software utilizing a GUI, the users will need training. As such, we will have to research what type of training the company offers and the associated costs. Next we have to work out if the training for this new software fits into the budget in addition to the hardware. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Employee Ownership, Motivation and Productivity Employee ownership, motivation and productivity A research report for Employees Direct from Birkbeck and The Work Foundation By Jonathan Michie, Christine Oughton and Yvonne Bennion November 2002 Page 2 E M P LOY E E S D I R E C T R E P O R T N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2 Contents About the authors/Acknowledgements Foreword, by Will Hutton Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Site visits and interviews 3. Follow up surveys 4. Focus groups 5. Discussion and Conclusion References 3 4 5 6 10 18 21 30 33 Layout: Wyvern 21 Printing: JW Arrowsmith The Work Foundation. Registered as a charity no: 290003 This issue first printed November 2002 ISBN 1 84373 003 0 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is a Board member of Mutuo. Dr Christine Oughton is Reader in Management and Head of the Department of Management at Birkbeck, University of London. She has recently completed a two year research project on the impact of globalisation and technological innovation on growth and employment, funded by the European Commission, and also coordinates a regional innovation network funded by the DTI and The Work Foundation. Yvonne Bennion is a Policy Specialist at The Work Foundation (formerly The Industrial Society). She has been a board member of Job Ownership Research and is a member of the DTI Partnership Fund Assessment Panel. 1. Mutuo is a new publishing title belonging to Communicate Mutuality. It is a partnership between organisations that wish to show the value and potential of the mutual sector to a modern society. You can find out more about Mutuo by visiting www.mutuo.co.uk 2. See Michie and Oughton (2001). Page 4 E M P LOY E E S D I R E C T R E P O R T N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2 Foreword Employee owned companies exist for a variety of reasons, from the personal vision of an owner to management and employee buy outs, a way out of family succession problems or employees responding to closure threats. The evidence is that companies with high levels of employee ownership outperform others, and the government has demonstrated through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Endocrine System Is The Most Important System Have you ever wondered what endocrine system is or what it does? Ever wondered what it was made up of or how it helps with functioning our bodies? Well, the endocrine system is really important just as all the other systems in our bodies are important to us. The endocrine system is made up of multiple glands in our body that are used for the production and secretion of hormones into the blood stream. The endocrine system helps us in our growth and controlling the body s metabolic activity for everyday use. How important do you think the endocrine system is to us? Well just as you can see, each of us have different opinions so our answers will vary here. But in my opinion, the endocrine system is the most important system in our body because it balances your moods, controls growth and developments in our bodies, the tissue functions of our bodies, metabolism, and last but not least, all of your sexual and reproductive system. That s a lot for a system that doesn t sound like much. The endocrine system is made up of the multiple glands our bodies which includes the parathyroid and thyroid glands, the pancreas, pituitary gland, the adrenal glands and ovaries in women meanwhile testicles in men. When the endocrine s glands create hormones, they get shipped either through the bloodstream or the lymph. The hormones benefits to our body to act or react to anything that could threaten our homeostasis. Hormones support throughout the reproduction and birth. They help us sleep and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis Of Intersection Of Biography And History By Mary... For this assignment, two texts are being analyzed. One is Intersection of Biography and History by Mary Romero; the other one is Teenage Wasteland by Donna Gaines. Both of the texts have something in common; they both focus on a social stigma. In the first text, written by Mary Romero, she focuses on domestic work especially with Chicanas. They are women of Mexican descent born and raised in the United States , and they often work as domestics. She talks about the relation between domestics and their employers which is often not a good one because employers feel superior due to the difference of social class. Domestics are in the house but are often invisible but still under supervision, which made them feel lonely. There is also the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay on The Science of Rocks 1. According to Thompson and Turk (2011), there are two types of igneous rocks extrusive and intrusive and the primary difference between the two types of igneous rocks is that the rocks are formed in two separate locations: within the Earth s crust and on the Earth s surface (35). Extrusive igneous rocks form when magma rises all the way through the crust to erupt onto Earth s surface (35). Since the crystals do not have much time to grow, extrusive sedimentary rocks, also commonly known as volcanic rocks, have fine grained textures, with crystals too small to be seen with the naked eye (Thompson Turk, 2011, 36). For example, basalt is a common very fine grained volcanic rock. On the other hand, intrusive igneous rocks form when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The difference in the mineral composition is apparent in the rocks color and grain texture. Since basalt is a mafic rock, it tends to have a dark green to black, dark color, while granite tends to have a clear, white, and pink light color (Thompson Turk, 2011, 37). Additionally, because basalt is an extrusive igneous rock, it has a very fine grained texture, meaning that the crystals are nearly impossible to see (Thompson Turk, 2011, 36). On the other hand, granite is an intrusive igneous rock, meaning that it has a medium or coarse grained texture, where the mineral grains and crystals are easily visible (Thompson Turk, 2011, 36). 3. According to Thompson and Turk (2011), sedimentary rocks are broadly divided into four categories: clastic, organic, chemical, and bioclastic rocks. Clastic sedimentary rock is composed of particles of weathered rocks, such as sand grains and pebbles (also known as clasts), which have been transported, deposited, and lithified (38). Clastic rocks, such as shale, siltstone, and sandstone, are composed of fragments of older rocks: clay, silt, and sand (38). Moreover, organic sedimentary rocks consist of lithified remains of plants or animals, and the most common examples are coal, which is made up of decomposed and compacted plant remains and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Neo Orthodoxy And Its Impact On Society Essay But [Jesus] answered and said, It is written, MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD. (Matt. 4:4 NASB) Neo orthodoxy is an umbrella term used to describe religious ideas that purpose to be a third way, somewhere between conservative and liberal Christianity. Since its conception, neo orthodoxy has evolved and changed, with several thoughts emerging from those that advocate the third way idea. Some of these changes have included the way humans can understand God and the effect Scripture has on their lives. The outgrowths of neo orthodoxy are deconstructionism, narrative theology and Radical orthodoxy; views that are the results relativism, misunderstanding inspiration, and distrust in the Bible. Deconstructionism proposes to free the Biblical narrative from literal meaning or science and historical criticism (Dorrien, 3). However, with it also comes the rejection of objective truth. Another idea within Neo orthodoxy is the drive to encounter God in the experience of life. Narrative Theology allows this experiential relationship when one sees their life as part of the overarching narrative of God s story. (Ibid. 2) However, the Biblical texts do not have universal structures of truth, and they are instead subject to the understanding of a community. (Ibid 4) Different from both these of views is radical orthodoxy. Radical orthodoxy is put forth as an answer to postmodern atheistic philosophy. (Malcolm, 1) Like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Influence Of Sir Robert Peel s Reform He wanted that Peel understand the opportunity he had for change the situation and that he didn t ask money only justice and he was only a representantive of population. Without use the force only the words, he begged until the extenuation for his pleasures but he didn t sit in the corresponding place in the Parliament because it was forbidden to the Catholics. That suggested to the prime minister, Duke of Wellington, how the Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel, think that the prohibition could cause one big rebellion. With it, O Conell got this reform was passed and finally his movement successfully forced the British to pass the Catholic Emancipation Act in 1829, with that, it allowed Roman Catholics become in members of the British House of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Diverse Nature Requires a Corresponding Diverse Environment Just by the sound of it, it seems so easy to understand that a population that is of diverse nature definitely requires a corresponding diverse environment upon which it can thrive and succeed. This philosophy rules out the whole idea as to why architects are continuing to come up with one size fits all design environments. The question is as to whether their main intention is to create and or trying to ensure equality. But as already set, the society is composed of a diverse population, which is a reason enough as to why diverse architectural designs are important for the masses. Critics may attribute this trend to the notion that methods of construction as well as the costs associated with diverse designs, alongside the respective site restrictions tend to make the diverse environment to become infeasible both economically as well as physically. On the contrary in this view, this way of thinking only makes it difficult for the designers to understand the manner in which the diverse populations are affected by the buildings. It is with this regard that throughout the historical variation that has been continuously posed by the significantly philosophical problem by those seeking the objective truths concerning designs with respect to the entire aspect of life in general. Looking at Plato s philosophy on design, he tried to prioritize as well as bring to the understanding, the objective truths, depending on what he found to be the relative as well as his subjective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Difference Between The Oud And The Oud The ancestor of the guitar, the oud, has not evolved into the guitar but only inspired its creation and together became two popular instruments used in various parts of the world. The guitar is mostly associated with western countries while the oud has been traditionally used in the Spanish and Arab countries. Classified as string instruments both the guitar and the oud have a few similarities. To be held and played in the same way their physical appearance resembles one another in terms of shape, materials and the use of strings to produce their acoustic sound. The wooden neck on both guitars allows one to play by plucking the strings attached and transmitting the energy from the strings vibration into the air producing sound. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the oldest instruments known to man, the Oud is living proof that even the most ancient of objects can be brought to life by a modern touch. The Oud is one of the oldest musical instruments known to man. However, the legacy of the Oud, unlike that of many other ancient traditions, continues till today. The earliest proof of the existence of an instrument like the Oud can be found in an excavated cylindrical seal from the Uruk Period in Mesopotamia, which dates back almost 5000 years. Since then, the Oud has been revered as the King of Instruments, telling the stories of its time through its melodious music. Even today, the beautiful sounds of the Oud have the power to transport the listener to another time. History is full of stories about the Oud. According to Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Al Farabi, the 10th century Islamic scholar and philosopher, Lamech, the sixth grandson of Adam, invented the Oud. Legend has it that, overcome by grief at the death of his son, Lamech hung his body from a tree. The first ever Oud was thus inspired by the shape of the skeleton on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Alexander Hamilton Impact Alexander Hamilton was one of the seven founding fathers. An immigrant who made his way into our history books and started impacting our country since the late 1700s. In this essay I ll be talking about his life, why he s important and who he impacts today. Alexander Hamilton was born on January 11, 1757 in Charlestown, Nevis. When he was young his father abandoned his mother and him. His father was born of Scottish descent, and left them because of debt. This caused his mother and him to work harder and rely on friends and family to support themselves. Then when he was around 13 his mother died, leaving him orphaned. He then went to live with a cousin, who soon after committed suicide. From a young age, he had to learn to survive for himself. When he was 14 he was put in charge of a trading charter. He knew he was poor, and had no way to get anywhere unless he worked hard. Hamilton had to grow up way too soon and began to read and write and find any source of education possible. When he was about 15, Hamilton wrote a description of a sermon he heard by Hugh Knox for a newspaper, The Royal Danish American Gazette. His writings somehow found their way into the hands of a group of readers. Their interests were peaked by the description, and even more so when they found out who it was written by. They all decided this young man deserved a better shot and sponsored him to continue his education in the colonies. Hamilton found his way to the colony of New York, attending ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Marketing Reflective Essay With regard to presentation we have been asked to select brand (product or service), perform as its specialist and finally present our findings/ideas. Our group chose one of the largest companies that operates in the UK Supermarkets market Tesco Plc. In order to analyse macro, micro, and internal environment of selected brand were used such an important tools as PESTLE/PEST, SWOT Analysis, Porter s 5 Forces and BSG Matrix. And ultimately we have been asked to write an essay. The purpose of this reflective essay is to think about findings individually of group presentation with a particular focus on the logic and rational recommendations, probable results, estimation of methods and tools. According to Jobber (2010, p.98) PESTLE or PEEST ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thereby, all the findings allowed our team to highlight areas in which company has got some challenges, such as Clothing (Question mark) and Technics (Dogs) which helped our group to make recommendations at the end of presentation. With regard to recommendations, I would like to pay attention on the fact that all of the tools and methods which have been used in presentation, helped our group to outline some challenges of Tesco Plc. Due to that statement, we outlined key areas, such as online shopping market, music and video markets, on which Tesco Plc must focus on in case of potential progress, increasing profit and customer loyalty. In general, despite of the fact that all used tools have helped us to analyse the company s performance, some of them have limitations which impede clear understanding of situation. Nevertheless, the mix of these tools gave us solid method how to examine performance of the company. As a final point, I would like to state that, generally, our group did presentation well. Whilst I had a feeling that some of my partners were a bit apprehensive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Evaluation Of A Seller Of Good Faith Essay Reviews are mainly meant for describing someone s shopping experiences when it comes to certain sellers or service providers. When you submit reviews: You as the customer agree to submit the review of a seller in good faith, since you have undergone or tried to undergo a certain transaction with them, either in purchasing products or purchasing services. The review that you submit should be the accurate and honest description of the experience you had with that seller. The review which you as the consumer submit is in accordance with terms and conditions that are described in another part in the Agreement. Bargainbazooka at times imposes restrictions that are reasonable on reviews; it establishes rules that help to ensure that the reviews available are appropriate and legitimate. Bargainbazooka may also remove or omit any review of a seller that it feels or believes, it violates the requirements in the Agreement. If sellers disagree on the validity or accuracy of a certain review; Bargainbazooka may omit the reviews or take appropriate actions in order to make it right. Bargainbazooka does these actions in its sole discretion. Merchant/provider/seller reviews are actually submitted by some other users. Bargainbazooka does not have any responsibility/control for the accuracy or the content on any reviews. BARGAINBAZOOKA S PRIVACY POLICY; Once you accept the agreement. Every time you decide to use their service, you simply consent to Bargainbazooka s use, disclosure and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Economic Platform For The Philippines Economic Platform for the Philippines economic growth in the trade sector Brooks (2014) states that in 2008, the entire Southeast Asian economy received roughly less than half as much foreign direct investment as China did. Four years later, they pulled to within spitting distance. Why is there a sudden surge of international interest in this particular region? It is because ASEAN s five core countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand have been growing faster than any other regional grouping in the world over the past 5 years, with Philippines standing out in particular because of its impressive 6.6% economic growth rate as of 2012. The Philippines is now one of the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia, going from a developing market to what is considered now as an emerging market in a global scale because of the competency of trade in the Philippines. To properly define trade, it is a basic economic concept that involves multiple parties participating in the voluntary negotiation and then the exchange of one s goods and services for desired goods and services that someone else possesses (Trade, 2003). Trade has been occurring around the world for centuries and the purpose of it is to address the problem of coincidence of wants. Generally, there are two forms of trade: Foreign and Domestic Trade. Akrani (2011) states that foreign trade is the exchange of goods and services between different countries. It is further divided into 3 groups: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Mexican Civilization Research Paper Although the life of people right after the Agricultural Revolution was comparatively peaceful and classless, advanced societies eventually became more stratified and classes were more developed unfairly along with the first cities and places of which they were part. 1.Norte Chico/Caral: Norte Chico was a cultural region of Peru, South America, that existed from 3000 to 1800 BCE. Chronologically, it was at the same time periods as other ancient civilizations, such as Sumer and Egypt. Caral was the name of one of the chief civilizations found in Norte Chico, which is famous for being the first civilization found in South America. The people of Norte Chico were known for their innovations that were different to those found in other times. For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were a group of laws that were listed, along with the consequences that would occur if they were broken. The laws especially affected the Babylonians, which greatly affected how society worked, and it also changed the way people treated other people, such as the ones keeping the laws. Today, the Code of Hammurabi gives modern people an example of how women were treated then, as the punishments were more strict for women, an example of patriarchy in Babylonian society. It is also known today as where an eye for an eye comes from in English. (Social and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. E-Commerce Air Asia TABLES OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Importance of e Commerce and m Commerce 3.0 Corporate Appraisal 4.0 Competitive Advantages 5.0 m Commerce 5.1 Differences of m Commerce e Commerce 6.0 Recommendations 6.1 Benefit of Microsoft Vista and m Commerce to AirAsia 6.2 Benefit of Microsoft Vista and m Commerce to Customers 7.0 Conclusions APPENDIX REFERENCES 1.0 Introduction Purcel and Toland (2004, 241) said Internet and Communication Technology offer the opportunity to reduce the barriers of distance, and give.... countries better access to global economy . This is where e Commerce comes into picture which covers electronics trading of goods and services, electronic fund transfer, online procurement, direct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Porter argued that the organization can be divided into a series of primary value adding activities and supporting activities. The primary activities include: Inbound logistic, Operation, Outbound logistic, Marketing and sales, and Services. The support activities include: Procurement, Technology development, Human resources management, and Firm infrastructure. Porter s Value Chain will be used as internal scanning to analyze the strength and weakness for AirAsia systematically by analyzing all 9 activities. a) Inbound Logistics AirAsia has placed an order of 175 units Airbus A320 to service its routes (AirAsia Berhad 2007 Annual Report). Airbus A320 is less fuel consumption compared to Boeing 737 300 aircraft. Ultimately Boeing 737 300 to be retired and replace with Airbus A320 to overcome the increase of oil price by structurally reduce cost and enhance customer services with better quality aircraft.
  • 31. AirAsia pursue simplicity in operation by operating a single aircraft fleet. All the aircraft can share to use the same tool, spare parts and same skilled manpower for maintenance and repair purpose; compared to maintaining different aircraft, it may need many different special tool, spare part and required more manpower for different aircraft. This will help to reduce the stock of part maintenance, less training for employee and servicing cost. b) Operation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Jericho Tower One of the greatest mysteries of the Neolithic period in Ancient Israel is the Jericho Tower. At a time first attempting permanent village settlements, building a monumental tower was not done on a whim. The tower represents the first monumental building structure in the Levant, but what was it built for? This question has been on the minds of archaeologists for years. The three main theories behind the tower are for defensive purposes, flood prevention, and in clock tower function. Neolithic society had just begun forming agricultural communities, but there were still factions of pastoral nomads wandering the hills. The first theory behind the construction of the Jericho Tower was for defensive purposes. The wall, which in one place is supported by the Tower, and the size and shape of the Tower itself point to being a set of defensive structures for the settlement. However, since the Tower is on the inside of the wall, the ability to shoot invaders is greatly prohibited. If this was a tower for defense, it would likely be put on the outside of the wall in order to have better accuracy with oncoming invaders. Another reason the Tower probably was not a defensive structure is the lack of hostile attacks in the region. There are very few signs of other fortified settlements in this region and there has been no ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Quruntul is only one part of the clock tower theory. The next part considers the placement of the Tower with the alignment of the summer solstice. At the time of building the Tower, it is very likely that the sunset on the summer solstice would line up with the Tower and Mt. Quruntul. If so this depicts the shift from pastoral nomads to agricultural villages that is occurring. Telling time is an important feature of farming because it sets the time for the planting season. Thus, if the Tower was built to signal when the summer season began, it indicates that Jericho was moving into a more permanent agriculturally focused ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Charlie And Henry Differences Charlie and Henry were the same people, stuck in the same time, but stuck in different bodies with few differences. In paragraph two, I ll be going over the differences between Charlie and Henry. The third and fourth will be comparing the two. Charlie and Henry were very similar and very different in their own ways. Charlie and Henry were both sort of...different. They were from two completely different states, Charlie in Minnesota and Henry in Ohio. Henry was one of the more mature ones from the group. Henry was actually legal age to join the war, but Charlie was only a 15 year old boy trying to provide for his family. Henry got off easy with his injury, Henry was hit upside the head with a gun, while Charley took a bullet. The contrasts of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Lord Of The Flies Evil Vs Evil The evil within the novel of the Lord of the Flies can compare to many past and modern evils within society. Although, the evils within the attack on Pearl Harbor are the most closely compared and relevant to the characters and actions within the novel the Lord of the Flies. In the Lord of the Flies one of the main characters, Jack and his partner Roger have an evil desire to become more powerful than Ralph. One example of evil within the book is how Jack strives to gain power over the group of young boys. He attempts to gain this power in an evil manner, by killing the significant children from the group that opposes him. This evil that Jack displays is also resembled in the attack on Pearl Harbor, in the way that the Japanese indicated their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Margaret Atwood Feminist Literature Margaret Atwood: a Social Activist Through Feminist Literature The 1980s signified the continuation of an era of social and political upheaval in the United States of America. At the forefront was a socially conservative agenda that aimed to rescind women s rights only ratified less than a decade before, a marked display of the nation s desire to uphold traditional values that defined the preceding generation (Françoise). Among the devastating political climate, however, was Margaret Atwood: a voice that refused to be silenced, a progressive storyteller who interwove her writings with feminist themes that pushed boundaries and defied the status quo (Napierkowski). Her prolific writing career is full of poems, essays, short stories, and novels that have permanently altered the perception of Canadian literature, while never ceasing to shed light on pertinent cultural and social issues. Margaret Eleanor Atwood was born on November 18, 1939 in Ottawa, Canada. As a child, she moved back and forth from Toronto and rural northern Canada, at the same time fostering a passion for writing at an early age. She would later earn bachelor s and master s degrees from the University of Toronto and Radcliffe College, respectively. In addition, Atwood has held various teaching positions at universities throughout North America ( Editors ). She is internationally recognized as one of Canada s most prolific and impactful writers, most recently winning the PEN Center USA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2017 ( Awards ). Perhaps Atwood s earliest influence can be found in her upbringing. Her exposure to both metropolitan Toronto and rural Quebec created a colorful childhood, absent of the comfortable monotony that plagues the youth of others. Her father, an entomologist and avid reader, helped cultivate in his daughter a love of nature (Biography.com). Atwood expressed how her parents challenged gender roles in a 1978 interview with The New York Times: They expected me to make use of my intelligence and abilities and did not pressure me into getting married ... remember that all this was taking place in the 1950s, when marriage was seen as the only desirable goal. My mother is a very lively person who would rather skate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay Before I get into how a bill becomes a law, I want to spend a little time discussing the powers and boundaries set forth by our Constitution. The Constitution was designed with a system of checks and balances to assure that all the branches of Government are kept in check. They decided to form three branches, the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch. The delegates wanted to divide power equally in the Government to keep one branch from having too much power. The executive branch includes the President and is responsible for executing public and foreign policy. The legislative branch includes the House and the Senate. They are responsible for making and implementing laws and funding the government. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme court and they interpret the Constitution and laws. The United States Constitution is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A law generally begins its life as a simple idea. Anyone can come up with an idea for a law and submit the idea to their congressman or representative. Sometimes a special interest group may submit an idea in hopes that their idea may become a law. When the idea is supported and sponsored by a member of Congress that idea becomes a bill. A bill may begin in either the House or the Senate. However, the bills that deal with money must be introduced through the House. The bill is introduced when it is placed in a box called the hopper on the bill clerks desk. The House speaker will then send the bill to committee where it may be amended, passed or killed . The House will debate the bill, then send it to the Senate. The bill will be debated and possibly amended then sent back to the House. If everything is approved it will eventually make it s way to the President where he may sign or veto it. If it is signed, it becomes a law. Even if the bill is rejected by the president, it may still become a law if two thirds of the houses override the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay about Racial Privilege in America Past and Present The Blame Game: a Prelude to Racial Privilege In order to fully understand an easily debatable and highly controversial policy, such as racial privilege, one must first understand the political and social climates that led up to it. Racial privilege has been practiced during two periods in America s past: the post reconstruction era, via Jim Crow laws, and today, by way of affirmative action. After Reconstruction in the American south, landowners reorganized their land in such a way that it could be farmed without the use of slaves. The most common structure employed sharecropping, in which the land owner divided his property into several plots of land, each farmed by different individuals who paid for the use of this land with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ironically, this economic downfall was actually caused by the wealthy landowners and lenders who, for the most part, made up this Democratic leadership. Poor whites, eager to find a scapegoat for their problems, endorsed the idea of racial privilege. By seeking restitution, whites in the south successfully managed to evade personal responsibility, while also evading the possibility of a true solution to their problems. Thus began the Jim Crow era of racial oppression. In a related string of events, the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s failed to bring about solutions to the problem of racial inequality plaguing America. Not until the death of one of its most prominent leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., did the Civil Rights Movement transform from a movement for racial equality to a movement for racial privilege. King, in his speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, makes clear the ideal of racial equality: I have a dream... that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. After King s assassination, new leaders arose claiming that it is not enough that blacks and whites are treated equally, but that, in order for deliverance from their troubled past, they must be given preference over those who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Truffaut s Auteur Theory For nearly the length of time that the film industry has existed, theorists have extensively speculated about the authorship of film and who should receive credit for the creative capital that is created. In the United States, as the executive studios in New York expanded and began to exert more control over Hollywood, speculation emerged about how much control these studios had over the films being produced. It was in the midst of this environment that auteur theory originated with French theorist Truffaut s concept of politique de auteurs. Auteur theory argues that films are characterized by the styles of their directors, who are the authors of the films. However, there are many other theories about who should be credited as the authors ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main reason auteur theory is popular because it personalizes the author of films (in comparison to the de humanization of saying that a big studio is responsible); however, this unnecessarily makes directors into heroes that they aren t and celebrating them only as a more desirable alternative to the studio explanation. Schatz points to multiple authors, mostly arguing against the director as author focus of auteur theory; by rejecting auteur theory, he is advocating for broadening the scope to consider the larger system by which films are produced. The closer we look at Hollywood s relations of power and hierarchy of authority during the studio era, at its division of labor and assembly line production process, the less sense it makes to assess filmmaking or film style in terms of the individual director or any individual, for that matter (Schatz, 459). Films are not simply the product of an individual s human expression, but a conglomerate of institutional forces. The style of any individual a star, director, writer, costumer designer, light operator, or cinematographer fuses with the studio s resources its staff, history, and institutional focus (genre, stars, etc.). He says that famous examples which people cite to prove that the directors are the true authors of films (John ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Presidential Election Of 1828 It s been proven that campaigns can get dirty and grimy. In the fight for voters, candidates will put on some of the most outrageous acts to destroy each other. The respect for each other is nonexistent. With mudslinging, it gives political candidates the opportunity to assassinate the other candidate s character, dig up candidates unethical past history, and scrutinize their political views. Mudslinging and dirty politics has not only been a fad of modern day campaigning, but is known to exist as early as the 1800 s presidential election. The elections most known for its dirty politics and mudslinging in the 1800 s were the election of 1828 and the election of 1840. The election of 1828 is said to be the rematch of the 1824 election ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By the time the presidency was revealed, there was more offensive mudslinging circulating around about each candidate s character, past history, and political views than any other presidential election ever. For example, Jackson s marriage to Rachel was so heavily scrutinized by Adams campaign, that Jackson believed it was the cause of her death. When Jackson was married to his wife, Rachel, they were under the assumption that she was divorced. However, her divorce from her previous marriage was not yet finalized, in which it caused them to remarry once the legal papers were completed (Boundless 15). Jackson was accused of committing adultery by Adams campaign and his wife was even labeled as a whore. Andrew Jackson was known for his military background and the battles he fought in, but even that were scrutinized by Adams campaign. The National Republican Party used Jackson s allegations about the court martial of U.S. troops and ordering the execution of some Soldiers who went absent without leave (AWOL). They also attacked Jackson for killing innocent Indians and adapting a habit of dueling. The killing of the Soldiers was known as the Coffin Handbill , which they called General Andrew Jackson a murderer. John Adams was no saint to the supporters of Andrew Jackson as they came prepared with their sleeves rolled up to fight back with their dirty political tricks. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...