The document provides information on transferring personnel planning and personnel administration data from legacy systems to SAP HR using sequential data transfer files and SAP transfer programs, including details on setting up and adapting the transfer programs, testing the data transfers, and ensuring the sequential file structure matches SAP requirements.
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3. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
December 1999 3
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4. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
4 December 1999
HR - Human Resource Management .................................................................5
PA - Personnel Planning: Data Transfer Workbench................................................................. 6
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Planning ...................................................................... 7
Structure of Transfer File for Personnel Planning ..................................................................... 9
PA - Personnel Admin.: Data Transfer Workbench.................................................................. 10
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Admin. ....................................................................... 11
Structure of Transfer File for Personnel Admin. ...................................................................... 13
Edit the Data Transfer Program ................................................................................................. 14
Notes on Data Transfer for Personnel Admin........................................................................... 16
PY - Data Transfer: Payroll Account.......................................................................................... 19
5. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
HR - Human Resource Management
December 1999 5
HR - Human Resource Management
6. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
PA - Personnel Planning: Data Transfer Workbench
6 December 1999
PA - Personnel Planning: Data Transfer Workbench
The Personnel Planning data transfer object (code 0777) transfers data using program
RHALTD00 (Legacy Data Transfer).
The data transfer object transfers data for Personnel Planning (infotypes 1000 - 1999).
The data transfer object is transferred by processing a batch input session.
Object-Specific Settings/Options
The data transfer object enables you to create a test file using a report (RHMOVE00). You can
use this report to create a sequential file using test data in a test system. The sequential file
matches the data format required for the data transfer.
7. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Planning
December 1999 7
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Planning
The following procedure can be used to automatically transfer Personnel Planning data
(infotypes 1000 - 1999) from a legacy system to the R/3 System.
You have decided to transfer Personnel Planning data to the R/3 System automatically.
Process flow
When Personnel Planning data is transferred, data stored in a legacy system is converted to a
sequential data transfer file and then transferred to the R/3 System using SAP data transfer
program RHALTD00 (Legacy Data Transfer). The data transfer file stores the data in a specific
format that is suitable for SAP. It is a prerequisite for successful data transfers.
R/3 System
Data transfer
Personnel Planning data is transferred in the following steps:
1. Identify relevant fields [Ext.]
2. Analyze transfer structure [Ext.]
8. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Planning
8 December 1999
3. Set up example data transfer file [Ext.]
4. Test data transfer program [Ext.]
5. Analyze legacy data [Ext.]
6. Assign fields [Ext.]
7. Write conversion program [Ext.]
8. Prepare legacy system [Ext.]
9. Test data transfer [Ext.]
10. Perform data transfer [Ext.]
Personnel Planning data is transferred to the R/3 System.
9. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
Structure of Transfer File for Personnel Planning
December 1999 9
Structure of Transfer File for Personnel Planning
General Structure Rules
The structure of the sequential file must correspond to structure PDDATASSET (infotype-specific
fields according to structure Pnnnn or Pnnnn_EXP for table infotypes).
Detailed Information on Structures
If you require further information on the structure of infotypes, use reports RHPLDF00 (Display
Infotype Definitions) or RHDDIC00 (Table Fields From Data Dictionary).
10. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
PA - Personnel Admin.: Data Transfer Workbench
10 December 1999
PA - Personnel Admin.: Data Transfer Workbench
The Personnel Administration data transfer object (code 0555) transfers data using program
RPUSTD00 (Transfer Master Data).
The data transfer object transfers data for Personnel Administration (infotypes 0000 - 0999).
The data transfer object is transferred by processing a batch input session.
11. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Admin.
December 1999 11
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Admin.
The following procedure can be used to automatically transfer HR master data (infotypes 0000 -
0999) from a legacy system to the R/3 System.
You have decided to transfer HR master data to the R/3 System automatically.
Process flow
When HR master data is transferred, data stored in a legacy system is converted to a sequential
data transfer file and then transferred using a program that you create yourself. SAP transfer
program RPUSTD00 (Transfer Master Data) is used as a model for the transfer program that you
create yourself. The data transfer file stores the data in a specific format that is suitable for SAP.
It is a prerequisite for successful data transfers.
R/3 System
Data transfer
HR master data is transferred in the following steps:
1. Identify relevant fields [Ext.]
2. Analyze transfer structure [Ext.]
12. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
Data Transfer Procedure for Personnel Admin.
12 December 1999
3. Set up example data transfer file [Ext.]
4. Adapt the data transfer program.
Please refer to the notes on transferring data in Personnel Administration [Page 16] and
the information on editing the data transfer program [Page 14].
5. Test data transfer program [Ext.]
6. Analyze legacy data [Ext.]
7. Assign fields [Ext.]
8. Write conversion program [Ext.]
9. Prepare legacy system [Ext.]
10. Test data transfer [Ext.]
11. Perform data transfer [Ext.]
HR master data is transferred to the R/3 System.
13. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
Structure of Transfer File for Personnel Admin.
December 1999 13
Structure of Transfer File for Personnel Admin.
General Structure Rules
The structure of the sequential file must correspond to structure HRDATASET. Additional fields
can be included in customer include structure CI_HRDATAS.
Detailed Information on Structures
If you require further information on the structure of infotypes, use reports RHPLDF00 (Display
Infotype Definitions) or RHDDIC00 (Table Fields From Data Dictionary).
14. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
Edit the Data Transfer Program
14 December 1999
Edit the Data Transfer Program
Report RPUSTD00 is used to transfer master data from your legacy Human Resource system.
The dataset must be on a sequential file. The file is required in the logical file name specified in
the “Logical file name” parameter.
The report reads this dataset, and creates a batch input session for transaction PA30 (Maintain
HR Master Data).
The data definition of your legacy record is included in the report according to structure
HRDATASET. If this structure does not meet your requirements, create structure CI_HRDATAS
in the Dictionary. You can provide this structure with all of the infotype fields that you want to fill
with data when the transfer takes place.
You must then adapt report RPUSTD00 accordingly.
Example of Report Adaptation
If you enhance include CI_HRADATAS with field F1, which must be assigned to the infotype with
the number nnnn, you must enhance FORM Dnnnn with the following statements:
BDCDATA-FNAM = 'Pnnnn-F1'.
If FORM Dnnnn does not exist yet for your infotype nnnn, create a copy of FORM D0008 and
rename it FORM Dnnnn. Replace each occurrence of 0008 with your infotype number:
FORM Dnnnn.
BDCDATA-FNAM = 'Pnnnn-F1'.
15. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
Edit the Data Transfer Program
December 1999 15
This FORM Dnnnn is accessed in the code immediately after FORM D0008. See the instruction
in the following sequence flagged with "<------ INSERT (as of line 1730 in the standard):
* At this point, list all of the infotypes that occur in your action *
WHEN '0002'. PERFORM D0002.
WHEN '0001'. PERFORM D0001.
WHEN '0006'. PERFORM D0006.
WHEN '0007'. PERFORM D0007.
WHEN '0008'. PERFORM D0008.
WHEN 'nnnn'. PERFORM Dnnnn. "<------ INSERT
WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: / 'Infotype does not exist:'(008), INFTAB.
Report Parameters
Parameter DSLOGNAM
Logical file name
Parameter MAPNAME
Session name
Enter your preferred name for the session to be created.
Additional Adaptations
After you have adapted the report, you must also adapt the action used for the data transfer.
16. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
Notes on Data Transfer for Personnel Admin.
16 December 1999
Notes on Data Transfer for Personnel Admin.
When data is transferred for Personnel Administration, you must observe the following notes to
ensure that the dataset is correct. They explain the effect of data transfers on actions, retroactive
accounting, inactive work relationships, and number assignments.
Data Transfers and Actions
If you want to subsequently hire a person in a productive HR System, his or her Hiring action
[Ext.] starts on the hiring date.
Other departments within the enterprise or even external bodies need the Human Resource
Department to find out how long an employee has worked at the enterprise.
HR standard evaluations calculate length of service as follows:
The calculation begins with the start date of the first action stored in infotype 0000 Actions. In
accordance with the data you entered, this action represents a hiring. The calculation ends on
the required key date.
If you also want to use these functions for your evaluations, as recommended by SAP, the
personnel action used to transfer employee data from a legacy system to the HR System must
start on the actual, earlier entry date.
As part of the HR Project, you want to transfer an employee master record that
originally started on October 01, 1974 in a (legacy) Human Resource system.
Start of the data transfer action: October 01, 1974.
This start date becomes the default for all of the infotypes that follow infotype 0000 Actions. In
all other infotype records other than infotype 0001 Organizational Assignment, overwrite this
date with the date on which you want to transfer the payroll account (for the average bases, for
example). If you do not want to transfer the payroll account, you can set the start date for these
infotypes to the start date required for the HR System.
Irrespective of this example, you can of course transfer historical data for all infotypes. SAP
recommends that you transfer such data in chronological order.
Please note the following exceptional situation:
After the production startup for your HR application component, you want to use the function for
automatic pay scale reclassifications (report RPITUM00: Pay Scale Reclassification According to
Age or Pay Scale Membership Period).
Your collective agreement, for example, stipulates that a person must be reassigned from one
pay scale group or level to the next pay scale group or level after a period of two years.
To ensure the above report recognizes the fact that the person has belonged to a pay scale
group or level for two years, you must determine that the Basic Pay infotype starts on the date of
the last reclassification or maintain the Next increase field in the same infotype.
In this context, infotype 0001 Organizational Assignment is an exception. For this reason, it
must start on October 01, 1974 because its data is used for system control and authorization.
17. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
Notes on Data Transfer for Personnel Admin.
December 1999 17
If you have decided to implement the function for validating cost centers, please note that a
specified cost center is validated on this start date. SAP recommends that you set up a “Data
Transfer” cost center and then assign it to all of the employee master records to be transferred.
You are not required to enter data in the other fields of infotype 0001 Organizational
Assignment, unless they are required entry fields.
On the actual, required transfer date, the employee master record must have another record of
infotype 0001 containing the actual data (cost center, etc.).
Data Transfers and Retroactive Accounting
The situation described above has an effect on master data in the production system that is
relevant to payroll.
To ensure that a hiring performed on October 01, 1974 does not trigger a retroactive accounting
run, you must determine that the appropriate payroll areas are not relevant to payroll for the data
transfer period.
After the data transfer, you must determine that these payroll areas are relevant to payroll once
For more information, see Payroll Control Record [Ext.].
You want to use HR Payroll in a production system as of January 01, 1997. In the
control record, enter 12 1996 as the payroll period.
Inactive Work Relationships
During the course of everyday work in any Human Resource Department, situations often occur
in which an employee master record needs to be maintained without anyone knowing whether it
counts towards the headcount and if so, how.
Military service, non-military service, and parental leave are examples of this. The situations
themselves are reproduced in the system by recording absences. However, this does not enable
you to determine whether such employee master records are included in evaluations (such as
headcount lists) or not.
The Human Resource Department often assumes that employment continues after this type of
absence has ceased, which means the “Termination” or “Leaving” action is undesirable or even
incorrect as a control option for such evaluations.
In practice, such situations are often flagged as inactive work relationships.
Requests from other departments within the enterprise to evaluate the headcount need these
situations to be processed differently than when similar requests are made by external bodies.
An evaluation performed for other departments within the enterprise must exclude
inactive work relationships because the employees’ labor remains unavailable to the
enterprise for a longer period of time. An evaluation performed for an official body, on
the other hand, needs to include such work relationships in the headcount because
employer subsidies or taxation could depend on the number of work relationships.
How are such situations reproduced in the HR System?
18. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
Notes on Data Transfer for Personnel Admin.
18 December 1999
SAP recommends setting up a special cost center, employee subgroup, or organizational unit for
such situations, and transferring the employee master record to this special cost center,
employee subgroup, or organizational unit for the duration of the inactive work relationship.
To ensure that the required evaluation is performed correctly, this special organizational
assignment must be included or excluded when the evaluation starts.
Data Transfers and Number Assignments
There are two ways of performing a personnel number assignment:
1. Internal number assignment (automatic number assignment)
The employee master records to be transferred are numbered sequentially in
accordance with the settings you made using the Maintain number range intervals for
personnel numbers [Ext.] step. In this case, an internal number assignment is effected.
SAP recommends using internal number assignment. “Meaningful personnel numbers”
are sometimes used in practice. For example, “if the first character of the personnel
number is 1, the employee works in plant 0001”.
SAP does not encourage the use of “meaningful personnel numbers”. If the above
employee were to change to plant 0002, for example, you would have to create a new
employee master record to ensure that the personnel number remains meaningful.
The disadvantage of this internal number assignment procedure is that the employee
master records to be transferred lose their previous personnel number.
If it is important that the employee master records to be transferred at your enterprise
retain their old personnel number, use the second method of assigning personnel
2. External number assignment
Perform the Maintain number range intervals for personnel numbers [Ext.] step to
determine external number assignment. This allows you to transfer the old personnel
number to the new employee master record.
After the legacy data transfer, you must perform the Determine number range intervals
for personnel numbers step once again to set the counter to the highest old personnel
number. (If you followed SAP’s recommendation and decided to use internal number
You must perform these activities in the production system.
19. SAP AG HR - Human Resource Management
PY - Data Transfer: Payroll Account
December 1999 19
PY - Data Transfer: Payroll Account
Object Profile
Object Name
BUS7023 ManagerExtPayroll
Overview of Transferred Data
Table maintenance transaction SM30 enables you to display the contents of interface tables
T558B, T558D, and T558E, and perform deletions if a data transfer gave rise to errors.
Relevant Tables
Interface tables
T558B Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods
T558D Transfer Wage Types with Split Indicator
T558E Transfer External Payroll - Arrears Results (International)
You need to have made your basic Customizing settings for Payroll so that a payroll run can be
You need to have adjusted data transfer schema XLK0. You start the payroll driver with this
schema, which includes the TRANS function, which formats data from interface tables as payroll
results and writes them to database table PCL2.
Timing and Sequence
You must transfer data before the first payroll run. Master data needs to have been transferred
BAPI Information
If you require information on the ManagerExtPayroll.InsertLegacy method, call the BAPI Explorer
and choose Tools → Business Framework.
Message type:
IDoc type:
Mass update
is supported
Program for generating test data:
RPULKTIDOC Generate IDoc From Legacy Data Transfer Interface
Generates test IDocs using data from tables T558B, T558D, and T558E.
20. HR - Human Resource Management SAP AG
PY - Data Transfer: Payroll Account
20 December 1999
If the legacy data transfer period includes personnel numbers with a change of legal
person [Ext.], each part period must have an entry in table BAPI7023_PAYPERIODS
whose End date is the same as the end of the part period.