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Health, Safety and


What you need to do?
• Complete the Health, Safety and Environment Induction Report (S010F) (this includes
all members of staff moving to new posts within the University).
• Complete the form with your line manager and return to your Departmental
Administrator within 2 weeks of the commencement of your employment for full
time members of staff, and within 2 days of the commencement of work for short
term or casual staff.
• The form can be found at: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/faq/hse_induction/


What you need to know?
• As part of your departmental induction, you will need to gain an understanding of the
workplace, which will include:
• Your Organisational Structure - your lines of reporting, and key colleague
• Training Requirement – to identify your training needs in order to undertake
your role safely.
• First Aid - the location(s) of your nearby first aid box(es), your local First Aid
trained members of staff, and the incident and injury reporting process.
• Fire Safety - your nearest fire exit points, your correct muster point, and the
building fire alarm testing arrangements.
• Your Surroundings - the layout of the building, including identifying the locations
of fire exits, muster points, toilet facilities, drinking water, etc.


Health and Safety Policy
Allmembers of staff should familiarise themselves with the University’s Health
and Safety Policy.
The Policy identifies the key elements of the University’s health and safety
management system and details the commitment the University has for
maintaining and improving the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and
others who may be affected by the activities.
The Policy is available at:


Health and Safety Law
Please familiarise yourself with the information provided in the Health and Safety Law
poster. These are located in the foyers of all University buildings.
You will all be sent a copy of the Health and Safety law: What you need to know leaflet
following this session.
The leaflet provides an overview of what is expected by employers and employees in
Health and Safety Law.


What would you do?
Take a Picture?
Ignore It?


Incident Reporting
• If you see or witness anything that you consider to be unsafe, don’t ignore it – Do
Something About It!
If you see or witness any unsafe practices, please report it to the Health Safety and
Environment Team.
• Observations and input from members of staff is an invaluable tool in identifying
unsafe practices or any practices which have the potential to cause harm. Should you
witness or view any practices which you consider to be unsafe or potentially
dangerous, please report it to the Health, Safety and Environment Team.
• Incident Report Forms, and guidance on completing the form can be found at:


Health, Safety and Environment
The Health, Safety and Environment website is the primary source for health, safety and
environment information. The website is available at http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/ and
includes information on :
• Policies
• Practices and Procedures
• Training Courses
• Safety Messages
• Emergency Actions
• Contact Details


Emergency Contacts
• Emergency Services: 222 from AU internal telephones, and 999 from mobile
phones or payphones.
• Site Security: 01970 62(2649) or 07889 596220
• Campus Services Help Desk: 01970 62(2999) (24 hour)
• Halls of Residence: 01970 62(2900)


True or False?
Only your employer is responsible for
your health and safety. False
All workers have a legal duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of
others who may be affected by their actions at work.
Employers must consult employees on health
and safety issues. True
Consultation must be either direct or through a safety representative that is
either elected by the workforce or appointed by a trade union.


True or False?
I should wait for confirmation that a fire
alarm is genuine before I evacuate. False
If you hear the alarms in a building, always evacuate promptly, closing doors
behind you as you go.
Employees are required to attend all training
courses as required by their line manager. True
Employees and expected to attend and follow the training you have received when
using any work items your employer has given you.


Sustainability and Environmental Management:


Health and Safety Essentials
• Health and Safety Essentials E-Learning Training Courses are currently available for the
following topics:
1. Avoiding violence
2. Dealing with hazardous substances
3. Getting to grips with health & safety
4. Lifting & carrying safely
5. Managing occupational road risk
6. Meeting the threat from fire
7. Reporting health & safety incidents
8. Stress busting!
9. Working safely with computers
10. Protecting the Environment
• Individuals should aim to complete these modules within two weeks.
• A certificate of completion can be printed following each module, which should be kept
for your records.


How to Access
• Log into AberLearn Blackboard
• Click on the ‘My Modules’ tab on the top right hand side of the page
• Under ‘Module List 2015-16’ will be ‘BBHS001: Health, Safety & Environmental
Training’. Please select this module.
• Click on ‘Course Documents’ which will show the available modules.
• For more information, please go to:


Health and
Safety Essentials


The Health, Safety and
Environment Team
For any further information or guidance, please
contact the Health, Safety and Environment
Team on:
Telephone: 01970 62(2073)
Email: hasstaff@aber.ac.uk
Good luck in your new role!

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Hse induction-new-v3

  • 2. What you need to do? • Complete the Health, Safety and Environment Induction Report (S010F) (this includes all members of staff moving to new posts within the University). • Complete the form with your line manager and return to your Departmental Administrator within 2 weeks of the commencement of your employment for full time members of staff, and within 2 days of the commencement of work for short term or casual staff. • The form can be found at: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/faq/hse_induction/
  • 3. What you need to know? • As part of your departmental induction, you will need to gain an understanding of the workplace, which will include: • Your Organisational Structure - your lines of reporting, and key colleague relationships. • Training Requirement – to identify your training needs in order to undertake your role safely. • First Aid - the location(s) of your nearby first aid box(es), your local First Aid trained members of staff, and the incident and injury reporting process. • Fire Safety - your nearest fire exit points, your correct muster point, and the building fire alarm testing arrangements. • Your Surroundings - the layout of the building, including identifying the locations of fire exits, muster points, toilet facilities, drinking water, etc.
  • 4. Health and Safety Policy Allmembers of staff should familiarise themselves with the University’s Health and Safety Policy. The Policy identifies the key elements of the University’s health and safety management system and details the commitment the University has for maintaining and improving the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and others who may be affected by the activities. The Policy is available at: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/media/departmental/healthsafetyenvironment/AU-HSE- Policy.pdf
  • 5. Health and Safety Law Please familiarise yourself with the information provided in the Health and Safety Law poster. These are located in the foyers of all University buildings. You will all be sent a copy of the Health and Safety law: What you need to know leaflet following this session. The leaflet provides an overview of what is expected by employers and employees in Health and Safety Law.
  • 6. What would you do? Say Something? Take a Picture? Ignore It?
  • 7. Incident Reporting • If you see or witness anything that you consider to be unsafe, don’t ignore it – Do Something About It! If you see or witness any unsafe practices, please report it to the Health Safety and Environment Team. • Observations and input from members of staff is an invaluable tool in identifying unsafe practices or any practices which have the potential to cause harm. Should you witness or view any practices which you consider to be unsafe or potentially dangerous, please report it to the Health, Safety and Environment Team. • Incident Report Forms, and guidance on completing the form can be found at: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/proc-prac/incident-reporting/
  • 8. Health, Safety and Environment Website The Health, Safety and Environment website is the primary source for health, safety and environment information. The website is available at http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/ and includes information on : • Policies • Practices and Procedures • Training Courses • Safety Messages • Emergency Actions • Contact Details
  • 9. Emergency Contacts • Emergency Services: 222 from AU internal telephones, and 999 from mobile phones or payphones. • Site Security: 01970 62(2649) or 07889 596220 • Campus Services Help Desk: 01970 62(2999) (24 hour) • Halls of Residence: 01970 62(2900)
  • 10. True or False? Only your employer is responsible for your health and safety. False All workers have a legal duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions at work. Employers must consult employees on health and safety issues. True Consultation must be either direct or through a safety representative that is either elected by the workforce or appointed by a trade union.
  • 11. True or False? I should wait for confirmation that a fire alarm is genuine before I evacuate. False If you hear the alarms in a building, always evacuate promptly, closing doors behind you as you go. Employees are required to attend all training courses as required by their line manager. True Employees and expected to attend and follow the training you have received when using any work items your employer has given you.
  • 12. Sustainability and Environmental Management: www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/environment www.aber.ac.uk/en/sustainability RESOURCES
  • 13. Health and Safety Essentials • Health and Safety Essentials E-Learning Training Courses are currently available for the following topics: 1. Avoiding violence 2. Dealing with hazardous substances 3. Getting to grips with health & safety 4. Lifting & carrying safely 5. Managing occupational road risk 6. Meeting the threat from fire 7. Reporting health & safety incidents 8. Stress busting! 9. Working safely with computers 10. Protecting the Environment • Individuals should aim to complete these modules within two weeks. • A certificate of completion can be printed following each module, which should be kept for your records.
  • 14. How to Access • Log into AberLearn Blackboard https://blackboard.aber.ac.uk/webapps/portal/execute/tabs/tabAction?tab_tab_group _id=_19_1 • Click on the ‘My Modules’ tab on the top right hand side of the page • Under ‘Module List 2015-16’ will be ‘BBHS001: Health, Safety & Environmental Training’. Please select this module. • Click on ‘Course Documents’ which will show the available modules. • For more information, please go to: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/training/hseessentials/.
  • 16. The Health, Safety and Environment Team For any further information or guidance, please contact the Health, Safety and Environment Team on: Telephone: 01970 62(2073) Email: hasstaff@aber.ac.uk Website: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/hse/contacts/office/ Good luck in your new role!