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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
Assignment 6c – Research Paper
November 29, 2014
Alex Pungello rpungello@knights.ucf.ed Richard Pungello
No modern nation is immune from the effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, on its
population. The Republic of Italy is no different.
To understand how the Human Immunodeficiency Virus has taken shape within the Republic of
Italy, it is first important to define and understand what this virus is in general terms. Human
Immunodeficiency Virus is quite similar to other viruses, including the viruses that cause influenza –
the flu– or the common cold.
There is an important difference, however; over time, an individual's immune system can clear most
viruses out of the body. That unfortunately is not the case with HIV; the human immune system
cannot rid itself of this virus. HIV inflicts this damage by contaminating immune cells in the body
called CD4 positive T cells; these cells are vital to the body for fighting infections (Douek, Roederer
& Koup, 2009). Human Immunodeficiency Virus, in essence, converts the CD4 positive T cells into
manufacturers that produce even more of the HIV virus; these go on to infect other healthy cells,
eventually destroying the CD4 positive T cells (Douek et al., 2009).
As CD4 positive T cells are lost and the individual's immune system deteriorates, a person will
become more prone to illnesses and common contagions (Douek et al., 2009). AIDS is diagnosed
when an HIV–positive person has one or more of these
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
Italian Unification Essay
During the 18th century, intellectual changes began to dismantle traditional values and institutions.
Liberal ideas from France and Britain spread rapidly, and from 1789 the French Revolution became
the genesis of "liberal Italians". A series of political and military events resulted in a unified
kingdom of Italy in 1861. The settlements reached in 1815 at the Vienna Congress had restored
Austrian domination over the Italian peninsula but had left Italy completely fragmented . The
Congress had divided the territory among a number of European nations and the victors of the
Napoleonic Wars. The Kingdom of Sardinia recovered Piedmont (Piemonte), Nice, and Savoy and
acquired Genoa.
There were three major obstacles to unity at the time the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The wars of unification were an important stage in the development of Europe. The modern world
was shaped back then by the revolutionaries of this time period. The strong leaders; Bismarck,
Guiseppe Garibaldi, and Camillo Cavour led their countries to a great thing, unification.
Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian patriot spearheaded a national revolutionary movement. Mazzini's
ideology of an independent integrated republic spread quickly among large segments of the Italian
people. Revolutionary cells formed throughout the Italian peninsula.
Massive reforms that took place during the 1840s in the Papal States, Lucca, Tuscany, and the
Kingdom of Sardinia were intended to slow the revolutionary movements, instead these reforms
(1846 and 1847) only intensified the resolve of the revolutionary cells culminating in the
Revolutions of 1848, that spread to Germany, the Austrian Empire, France, and parts of northern
The first revolution on the Italian peninsula took place in the Kingdom of Sicily, which resulted in a
constitution for the whole kingdom. An insurrection in 1848 caused pope Pius IX to flee Rome and a
republic was proclaimed. King Charles Albert of Sardinia mobilized his army and marched to the
assistance of Lombardy and joined in the war to drive the Austrians from Italian soil.
While it initially looked as if the independence and unity of Italy was a realistic possibility, the
Austrians defeated the Piedmontese and Charles Albert had to abdicate.
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Cultural Intelligence Of The United States And Italy
Globalization has made it paramount for businesses and individuals that want to venture into a
different country to have cultural intelligence of that country. Cultural intelligence is defined as
capability to successfully adapt to new cultural environments and unfamiliar settings attributable to
cultural context (Earley, Ang, and Tan 2006). Obtaining cultural knowledge allows business
relationships to flourish, provides feasibility and sustainability for the business. It also shows
cultural sensitivity, which is important when trying to win over locals of a specific area.
The United States and Italy
The United States and Italy are both advanced industrial countries, yet they differ in many areas
including culture and how business is conducted. The United States has very little cultural influence
on Italy; in fact it is the opposite. The element of diversity is deep within the United States that it
has become a melting pot filled with an array of music, food, language, and many other customs that
are not native. The relationship between the two countries has seen its adversity but they have
created a strong bilateral relationship which aids in strengthening the economy of both countries. In
the 2013 Italy–United States Summit then Ambassador David Thorne stated "Globalization is the
disruptive force, in both a positive and negative sense, that is challenging both of our countries
today and it is reshaping our traditional ways of thinking about the world." As markets
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
Benito Andrea Mussolini Research Paper
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883. He went by the nickname "II Duce"
("The Leader"). He was an Italian dictator who created the Fascist Party in 1919. He eventually held
all the power Italy as the country's prime minister from 1922 until 1943. He later died on April 28,
1945.As dictator during World War II, he overextended his forces and was eventually killed by his
own people. His father was a blacksmith and a impassioned socialist who spent much of his time on
politics and much of his money on his mistress his name was Alessandro. His mother was a devout
Catholic teacher who provided the family with some stability and income. As a child he got expelled
from several schools because he was being a bully. In 1902
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
History Of Italy 's Liberation Day Essay
The events that occur to a country in the past shape how the country is today. In Italy there is a day
that represents a very important movement in history. Italy 's liberation day is celebrated to
remember the fallen fighting during WWII, and in the Resistance. This day was a day that marked a
dictatorship to fall, and a much needed improvement to occur on Italy. The date is April 25, Italy 's
Liberation Day. Every year on this day not only Italy but all around, people gather from far and near
to celebrate this holiday. On April 25 streets all over are crowded with thousands of people enjoying
what is happening around them. This is one of the most important days in Italy because it marks the
end of Mussolini regime. Parades, marches, concerts, food festivals, political rallies, and speeches
honoring the partisans are all taking place on this day. Schools and many public places are closed as
well. The one main tradition that exists and will always exist is the song Bella Ciao playing
throughout the town. This song was played during WWll and gave hope to all who were fighting.
Although this is a very festive day, the main purpose of April 25 in Italy is to honor those who have
served, and risked their lives in the Italian Resistance for others to have freedom in the future.
People all around can and will celebrate this day. Even people, who do not understand the real
meaning behind this holiday, still come together and enjoy themselves, because freedom is what the
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Ho Chi Minh: A Recovery Story Of Italy
Kesonn Bettis
Professor Hamlin
History 104
23 April 2018
Italians moving towards Victory The Italians had the best comeback independence story that there
is. As Americans, we often think of independence as one war and then hoorah hoorah, we are finally
our own nation. However, that fantasy is not true nor for America and for most of the world. In this
essay, we are focusing on one country who really caught my eye, Italy. The Italians were strong,
resilient and inspiring. They fit their rather new slogan, "Italy leaves it mark.". Because of the
actions they portrayed while fighting for their independence, I believe that the Italians had the best
comeback story of them all. The Italians called their unification, "Unita d'Italia" or the
Risorgimento, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It took way longer to win their independence but as a nation they collectively won it together. The
Vietnamese however did not have a lack of leadership because of their true leader Ho Chi Minh.
Now, Mr. Minh was not actually not born with that name. The name Ho Chi Minh came after an
exile that he had with affiliation with the French. However, upon his arrival he used the name Ho
Chi Minh. While on exile Minh had traveled and learned various techniques. One technique that
stands over the rest was ability of persuasive writing. He came back to Vietnam to only realize that
the French was no longer in control the Japanese were. He wanted to overthrow the Japanese
because he saw how the French had treated the Vietnamese people and felt sorry for them. I mean
after all, he was Vietnamese himself. Ho Chi Minh created the Viet Minh. The Viet Minh was a
communist led organization whose forces fought against the Japanese and especially against the
French in Indochina. The Vietnamese did not beat the Japanese on their own. They had a little help
from the United States. The US had helped the Vietnamese army understand the idea of guerilla
warfare, which ultimately won the battle against the Japanese. Later after the war had passed Ho Chi
Minh delivered the declaration of independence of Vietnam. "All men are created equal. They are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness." (Minh). Their declaration sounds quite like the United States' declaration and
Frances. Ironically, around a month later the French came back and invaded the Vietnamese and
held it for quite some time. Although, they still claim their Independence Day as September 2,
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Compare and Explain the Political Instability Experienced...
"Compare and explain the political instability experienced by France, Germany and Italy"
In order to compare and explain the political instability experienced by the three countries in
question it is important to assign a suitable model to the case. In this scenario Sartori's1 typology of
party systems is perfect as all three of the countries fall into the category labelled polarised
pluralistic party systems. Characteristics include five or more relevant parties, anti–system parties,
bi–lateral oppositions, highly ideologically polarised parties with the political centre ground being
occupied and a strong centrifugal force present. The system will also be ideologically over–heated
and oppositions are usually irresponsible which leads ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both the Italian First Republic and that of the French Fourth Republic commenced after the Second
World War and so the Italian `civil war' and the despised Vichy Regime were still fresh in people's
minds and political mistrust was rife. The German inter–war government the Weimar Republic was
also fundamentally weak. The Armistice had been signed whilst German troops were undefeated in
the field and many Germans believed that the political left were the November criminals inciting the
stab in the back theory that exiled the left to the political wilderness. Coupled with the reparation
payments harshly enforced by a bitter France the German economy was unstable to say the least,
relying mainly on the Marshall Plan to soften the blow of reparations. Not only this but the very
constitution undermined the new government granting reserve powers to the President that allowed
him to dissolve the Reichstag, appoint and dismiss a Chancellor as well as the power of decree and
full powers of emergency. So from this we are able to deduce that the origin of all three
governments was fundamentally flawed.
Each of the three countries had a great number of small and diverse political parties vying for some
kind of share in the power and each representing different cleavages. Obviously with the types of
voting system that Italy, Germany and France had in place (that of proportional representation in one
form or another) meant that a majority government was unlikely to be returned
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Augustus Caesar: The First True Emperor Of Rome
1.) Augustus Caesar was the first true emperor of Rome in 31 BCE. His rise to the throne marked
the true beginning of the Roman Empire. The vast majority believe Julius Caesar to be an emperor
of Rome even before Augustus. However, Julius Caesar chose to use the title of 'Dictator' rather than
'Emperor'. Augustus' rule was prosperous and well–favored because he had destroyed Rome's
enemies and brought much needed stability to the Roman Empire. Augustus reigned until his death
in 14 CE. Rome became a better protected and more influential power under Augustus' rule. Rome
is considered to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, political and cultural powers in history.
Rome enjoyed a generous period of prosperity and control. It is estimated that around 284 BCE the
Roman Empire went through a severely destructive period known as The Imperial Crisis. During
this grave period, military authorities waged civil war on one another as each of them sought to
control the empire. In order to stabilize the empire, it was deemed necessary to divide its rule into a
tetrarchy, meaning a rule of four. This division drove a rift between each of the four regions, which
caused them to become sequestered from each other. The Western Roman Empire dissolved shortly
after in 476 CE, while the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine ... Show more
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Mussolini had left his mark and the Italians needed a new beginning. It came to them in the year
1946 when Italy officially became a Republic. For the next 40 years, Italy was largely a Socialist
republic, but its politics caused major unrest with strikes, unrest and terrorism by both left–wing and
right–wing groups. By the 1980s and 1990s, a number of new political parties offered less divisive
policies and ushered in a more peaceful, if still often corrupt, modern era. The social, political, and
economic reality is accepted, by most Italians, with disparaging
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Napoleon's Influence In Italy Research Paper
In north Italy, roots of struggles between city states still plagued their relationships. Their failure to
unite reduced this potential to compete with other European powers and therefore became political
satellites in a continent of powerful nations. The abrupt switch from the Mediterranean to the
Atlantic and Indian oceans for new sources of trade sent the maritime economy of Italian cities into
decline. Direct access to the Atlantic became the primary source of wealth for european countries
like Spain and Portugal. Challenges to the Church's authority in earlier centuries failed to bring
down the papacy, and in the 16th century it stood strong in face of the Protestant Reformation. It did
however, loose much of its influence in Europe. Consequently, the Pope was able to establish its
own house and enlarged the Papal States under which it functioned. By the beginning of the 16th
century, the Pope's domain extended into the lower Po River valley.
AUSTRIAN HABSBURG ERA (1713–1860) In Spain, the Spanish succession of 1701 created a
division of lands once the Habsburgs died out. Places like Milan, Naples and Sicily were transferred
out of the control of the Austrian Habsburgs. During this time the kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia
appeared. By 1735, the Habsburgs surrendered Naples and Sicily to the ... Show more content on
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His conquest of the entire peninsula caused for the redrawing of political boundaries several times.
Napoleon's influence in Italy during the 1700's also resulted in the creation of the modern day Italian
flag. It takes on many of the same attributes that the French flag has incorporated with regards to its
dimensions and tricolor aspect. After Napoleon crowned himself the emperor in 1804, a small part
of Italy was annexed to France and the remained of the peninsula was divided into kingdoms and
small principalities. The Congress of Vienna in 1814 would reestablish the former boundaries of the
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Fascism
For the purpose of this assignment there will be an analysis provided, in addition to a comparing and
contrasting of the two selected sources, on the course of their utility, Mussolini on Fascism and The
Late Loyalists: Northern Reflections of the Early American Republic, the former being primary and
latter secondary. As such, it is best to provide a brief intent and purpose of each selection.
By its very nature, but yet despite its length, Mussolini on Fascism, or as its titled, What is Fascism,
is a critical resource that is needed for one to fully appreciate and to have a scope of knowledge for
the movement itself. For it may be regarded as one of the most useful documents pertaining to the
study and philosophy of fascism. However, be this as it may, it would be unwise to consider this
resource to be the authority of the entire ideology. The second resource, by Alan Taylor, The Late
Loyalists: Northern Reflections of the Early American Republic, is an article that presents and
examines the post–American Revolution landscape and political institutions of Upper Canada,
modern–day Ontario. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fascism itself rose in the wake of an Italian generation spent and proved by war, refusing to
continue political at least with anything relevant of the past. Though by the time this document had
been written, the fascists had already assumed power of the state, and had since 1922; lacking
however, was an overall and cohesive united identity to put a face on, or coherent ideology of the
movement itself. It was clear then that the National Fascist Party headed by Benito Mussolini could
not govern effectively and prove capable of without such a consensus that this document could
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Middle Cities And Social Changes In The Middle Ages
Barry Ferns
2nd Summative essay
(People) Discuss the role of the growth of towns AND/OR the city states in the social changes from
the High Middle Ages.
Access Medieval History
University of Glasgow
26th February 2018
The growth and development of towns and city states played a significant role in the social changes
during the High Middle Ages. This essay will primarily focus on how the societies of secular Italian
medieval states like Venice, Genoa and Florence flourished and evolved through their pioneering
advances in craft and trade, as well as discussing towns and independent cities of the Holy Roman
Toward the latter part of the seventh century, the Byzantines still reigned over most of southern
Europe. Despite their power gradually waning and vulnerability growing on the frontline, they still
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Venice on the other hand democratically elected their first Doge as an opponent to Byzantine rule in
726 AD and was gaining momentum as a de facto independent republic throughout the eighth
century. Venice's rise to prominence as a republic was due to its ability to stand alone with a thriving
economy. Two integral attributes which bolstered its reputation as a city–state were its communal
organisation and a middle class population. Given that Venice was a republic democracy, its society
benefited from having a voice whereas citizens from neighbouring kingdoms had no such privilege.
and Venetians enjoyed the rewards of being part of a wealthy economic powerhouse. Adding to
Venice's success was their involvement in the crusades, from which it seized advantage to establish
trading posts on
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Marcus Tullius Cicero : Explain The Differences Between...
Explain the differences between Cicero and Quintilian, specifically their differences when it came to
Is Marcus Tullius Cicero (Cicero is an Arabization of an Italian name), a preacher, politician and
great Romanian writer. He is the most famous of Rome's writers and the greatest classical Latin
book ever.
Cicero was the mirror of his time, and his works are a record of his time, politics, society and
thought, indispensable to any historian of the last century of the Roman republic. One of the most
prolific writers of antiquity, began to publish his works during his lifetime. His close friend Atticus
took over a large section of the book, and Abdo Tiro, who became his writer and secretary, took over
his collections of letters. His work has been published in several editions, in German, English,
French and Italian, and has been translated into a large number of languages. His volume, published
by Harvard University, has reached 28 volumes with accurate scientific translations and extensive
historical and literary explanations.
Cicero's works can be classified into five groups, including speeches and research in rhetoric,
politics, philosophy, and letters.
Speeches: The highest denomination of the Latin prose, there remained fifty–seven sermons, and the
time was forty–eight, one of the richest sources of contemporary events, dealt with civil and
criminal issues and political issues. In spite of its hyperbole and exaggeration, it provides accurate
factual information on Roman law, the judicial system, political and constitutional history, economic
and social life, the tax and financial system, and state administration.
In his first sermons, Horsensius competed with the Asian style of the Hellenistic period and then
turned to the classic Attic style of simplicity and clarity. But since his speeches against Verses, he
has shown his own style, in which he unleashes the evils of the Asian and Attic styles and their
faults, and more than the use of rhetorical and imaginative refinements and long, clear and balanced
musical bells. For him, Demosthenes represented the full fiancé because of his ability to influence,
persuade and entertain. He reconsidered his sermons after casting them and revising them before
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The Roman Way Of Life Has Been Known To Us As One For...
The Roman way of life has been known to us as one for domination and expansion, at home and
Throughout the duration of the second century Romans have been known for their brut forms of
through extraordinary military campaigns however, accompanied by on home soil with political
sparked violence
and triggered civil unrest due to reformations and thirst for power.
Through direct analyzation of ancient sources written by Plutarch on the lives of the Gracchus
brothers Tiberius
and Gaius, the outbreak of The Social War as well as the Roman general and later dictator Sulla, we
can discuss
as to what caused violence to become an endemic part of Roman political life during 133 – 43 B.C.
Violence became a staple in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was commonly believed that the senators bribed Octavius to veto Tiberius's
proposal for the reform. That had created a rivalry between the two tribunes.
Nevertheless, the vote was accepted by the assembly and ultimately the law was passed.
Tiberius was favoured by the population masses however, due to various reasons
further on and with an attempt for re–election at a time which strict and unbendable term limits were
Tiberius was perceived as power hungry with ambitions of becoming a king by the senators. The
paranoia and
hate of the senators towards Tiberius had tipped and during one of the gatherings at the Capitol,
Tiberius and
the crowed was rushed by a group of senators armed with clubs. "More than three hundred were
slain by blows
from sticks and stones, but not one by the sword" Plut. Ti. Gracch. 19 "This is said to have been the
first sedition
at Rome, since the abolition of royal power, to end in bloodshed and the death of citizens" Plut. Ti.
Gracch. 20
This savagery from the senators created an outburst within the populations and an outbreak of riots
occurred. At
that point the population understood well that Tiberius was
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The Renaissance: The Rise And Structure Of The Renaissance
It is often thought that the Renaissance had started from the Italian states. Italy Itself was split into
many different areas. This was due to the rise in population and income and an increase in territory.
It thus became necessary for Italian cities to rule themselves. Rome was ruled by the pope, some of
the states were led by 'signore' while others were republics. The key figures in Italian states were
usually tradesman rather than politicians and artisans were usually sought after by them. They
sought new ways and means to gain wealth and show power so artists such as Michelangelo were
often hired for work. These city states were able to become 'power houses' through various means
such as trade or connections. The most powerful and influential states at the time were Florence and
Venice. In this essay I hope to discuss how states such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For the most this system worked as it involved a class of civil servants who administered city
government. The humanist movement of the renaissance period was related to the education these
nobles and civil servants had received and used. Many civilians also carried out the works of tax
assessors or public works supervisors alongside their affairs. While the cities remained to have
republican institutions a popular trend was for cities to take power from their neighbours. As direct
participation in Government was usually declined this led to the rise of set families taking power
such as the previously mentioned Medici. In milan the Visconti and Sforza family reigned like
princes which could have been the rise of princely states. Due to aggression rising against each other
they all agreed that shoul one state attack another they would target the aggressor. Despite such
families having political power over the cities they were usually ruled by the Bishop. Many cities
took up Christian decorations in chapels and such as pride of
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
Gourmet Lovers Environmental Analysis
1. Environmental Analysis for Potential Markets.
1.1 Economic Conditions
– Economic Environment
Gourmet Lovers will be venturing its olive oil brands to the potential overseas market in Italy.
Gourmet lovers business enterprising in Italy is a great opportunity in enhancing the success of the
olive oil product range.
The economics condition of Italy is reported to have the world's ninth largest economy. Italy's
economic business structure relies mainly on its service, manufacturing and other important
contributors such as wholesale, retail sales and transport. The services sector accounts for almost
three quarters of total GDP and employs around 65% of the country's total employed people (focus
economics, 2016). Therefore, the percentage rate for Italy's Industry, reports that a quarter of Italy's
total production and employments rates make up 30% of the workforce. As well, Italy's
manufacturing specialises in high quality goods and is mainly run by small – medium enterprises.
Therefore, Gourmet Lovers would benefit in exporting its goods to Italy because they are one of the
largest economies and has the central role of global trade and financial system. Also Italy plays an
important role in the global market of luxury goods.
–Key Economic Indicators
Population –
Italy is the officially the Italian republic, which is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern
Europe. Italy has a population of 60.8 million (2014) and its capital is Rome (DFAT, 2014). Italy's
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The reason why roman republic collapsed
The reason why roman republic collapsed
Roman republic began with the over throw of the roman monarchy and its replacement by a
government headed by two consuls, elect annually by the citizens and advised by senate. During the
first two centuries of its existence the Roman republic expanded rapidly through a combination of
conquest and alliance, from central Italy to the entire Italian peninsula. Then republic continues to
conquest new land such as North Africa, Greece, Southern France and Spain. For about 500 years,
the Roman republic exists and has many significant achievements in many fields. However, the
republic finally collapsed and reformed as participate. Octavian becomes the first Augustus which
was the first Roman emperor. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They become prey to demagogues and many become supporters of that warlord. This cause a
unstable in Roman republic society. The gap between upper classes and lower class has significant
One other weakness is the power of warlords. In Roman republic, generals have strong power. They
have army and these army more like a private army. These army usually fight enemies far away
from Rome. They all support their general. Some powerful generals can even use army to seize
political power.(Textbook 104) The one first general to do so was Gaius Marius. Marius gained
much reputation by winning a war and defeated an invasion by some Germanic tribes. Marius
abolished the old requirement that a soldier had to own at least a modest amount of property, and he
also accepted volunteers instead of just drafting men for service Finally he converted the army in to
an instrument for ambitious commanders during the remaining years of the republic. For Sulla the
dictator, he is and later general. He invaded the city of Rome with his supports. Sulla did have some
political program to re shape the Roman republic. He enforce the dictator ship and reduce the power
of senate. He forced a law that blocked tribune from holding any other office, they also had to wait
ten years to be reelected. These discourage those ambitious politicians from seeking this office.
(Textbook 104)And even for the later
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What Role Did Civil Wars Play On The Deterioration And...
The investigation and the goal of this research project is to answer the question; what role did civil
wars play in the deterioration and eventual death of the Roman Republic? It is relevant because it
shows the transition of government. The issues that are going to be addressed highlight the political
unrest in the Roman Republic and the corruption of different leaders that were one in many reasons
why the Republic became an Empire. This research will focus on the time period of 100 to 25 BC
and the places investigated will include Rome and the areas they conquered. This will be studied and
accomplished through an examination of Julius Cesar's reign and the civil wars that took place in
this time period mentioned in The Roman Republic by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The limitations, this book was published in 1966. New studies have found more research on these
early time periods which affects the accuracy and validity of this current generation while reading
and extracting information from the book. Other limitations included vague amounts of research on
certain battles that Julius Caesar led, in surrounding areas of the Republic. This lack of information
makes it difficult for the reader to gain good understanding of Julius Caesar's whereabouts before
his conflict with political leaders in Rome.
The second secondary source, reveals the personal life, conquests, fails, and facts of Julius Caesar,
the eventual dictator of the Roman Republic. The origin of this text is San Diego, California, by Don
Nardo in 1999. The purpose of this text is to educate the reader and the audience about Julius
Caesar, the ruthless and cunning leader that shaped the Roman Republic forever. The value of the
source is that reveals many unknown pieces of information about Julius Caesar and really highlights
his influence on the transition of government. Without Julius Caesar, there may have never been
such internal conflict in the republic. The Senate wouldn't have fled to the rest of Italy, politicians
like Pompey never would have been defeated, and there would have been time before a leader
declared themselves as a dictator. The book is very useful because it presents unbiased and clear
information about Julius
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The Common Factors that Led to the Establishment of...
The Common Factors that Led to the Establishment of Totalitarian Regimes in Italy and Germany in
the Inter–War Period
Totalitarian regimes refer to the type of government in which the State has total control over all
aspects of people's life. Main features include an infallible leader, planned economy, strict party
discipline, strong armament, an official doctrine that everyone has to believe, and absolute
obedience of individuals to the State, etc. During the period 1919–39 there saw the rise of
totalitarian regimes in some European countries. The most important ones in Western Europe were
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Their respective rise to power shared many similarities but there
were some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Naturally, a revengeful spirit took place among Germans. Both Italians and Germans were
dissatisfied with their respective weak governments, and hoped that a strong leader could help
recover the national glory. "Lacking faith of any critical ability, the masses saw in Hitler a saviour
and a prophet", says G. Ritter.
Postwar economic hardship was also accountable for the rise of both the Nazi and Fascist regimes.
Both Italy and Germany had already been exhausted in the war. Hyper–inflation, sharp decline of
industrial production, the wartime loss of huge manpower and massive unemployment, etc. resulted
immediately after the war. In 1921 there were 2.5 million returned Italian soldiers waiting for re–
employment. Especially in Germany, the French occupation of the Ruhr in 1923 led to terrible
devaluation of the mark and paralyzed the industrial production. The Great Depression of 1929–33
led to many bank failures and enterprise closedown. By 1933 there were six million people
unemployed. Germany lost all her overseas markets while Italy's gains in the war could not cover
her losses. Both Italians and Germans were despaired; any leader who could achieve quick
economic recovery would be
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Italian Unification Dbq Essay
The Italian Unification was a political and social movement where the different states of the Italian
peninsula were to combine into a single Italy. The Italian Unification occurred close in time to the
German Unification, which occurred only one year later. The Unification of Italy was a widely
controversial topic discussed by many italian citizens and leaders during the 19th century. Many
people destined for Italy to be unified as one country, a country that they considered to be stronger
overall when compared to the individual countries, and would also create a new national identity
and rid Italy of civil problems, like wars and revolutions that were occurring at the time. Others
despised the ideas of Italian Unification, jumping ahead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gioberti suggests that the unification would remove civil disputes, such as wars and revolutions, that
occurred within Italy as well as create such a strong Italy that no foreign forces could penetrate it.
This was important at the time, while many foreign forces, such as Prussia and Austria, had invaded
Italy. It was also important that Italy unify in order to prevent revolutions, for Italy had had multiple
revolutions prior to this time period. Though some would disagree with these benefits, Marquis
Massimo d' Azeglio, a politician from Piedmont, had said "... ask any Italian, north or south, whether
or not it is useful for Italy to free itself from foreign domination and influence, and no one, thank
God, will reply other than in the affirmative." (Document 6) Azeglio says that, though not everyone
agrees with Unification, everyone would agree that it is better for Italy to free itself from foreign
domination. This could possibly be done through Italian unification and the impossibility of foreign
invaders, which was mentioned by Gioberti. Many people believed in the Italian unification for its
abilities to create strength, remove civil problems, and prevent foreign domination and
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Italy's Current Government System
Italy's current governmental system is based on a constitutional charter, which italy adopted in 1948.
A constitutional charter is a charter that outlines and defines both the civil and political liberties of
citizens as well as the principles on which the government is run. Italy was declared as a democratic
republic since 1946, after previous rule under a monarchy. Italy's current president is Sergio
Mattarella, who came into office in January 2015. Materalla also serves as the head of state.
The constitution of italy was adopted on December 22, 1947. Some key points in the constitution
outline human rights per each citizen, equality for all persons, the relationship between the church
and the state, and the form of state that Italy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Democratic party's leader is Matteo Renzi, and it was founded in 2007. The Five Star
Movement was started by Beppe Grillo in 2009. The Five Star Movement is a populist party, and the
"five stars" represent five issues that are important to the party. Those five issues are: public water,
right to internet access, environmentalism, sustainable transport, and sustainable development. The
Northern League, also known as the Lega Nord, was established in 1991. The main goal of the
Northern League party is to transform Italy into a federal
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The Causes Of The Roman Republic?
The Roman Republic "from the great expansion led masterful tacticians to the immensely advance
government, which our own government is molding today". The Romans would have had a
wonderful future, if not for its many flaws. Early expansion led to the separation of a failing social
class. The government corroding like steel in salt water, leaving holes which the rich nobles and
people of power enjoyed the rewards that it brought to them. It weakens the government that was so
know to be ruled by the people and for them. The Italian peninsula "extending about 750 miles from
the north to the south"(pg.127). "Italy has some large fertile plains that are ideal for farming"
(pg.127). The plains of Latium, which Rome was located. Geography had a positive impact on
Roman history. The Fertile Land that the PO and Tiber river valleys suited rome's agriculture very
well. As the Roman population grew, Rome's production of grains , olives and cash crops grew as
well. "The surplus also helped Rome established trade ties with other Mediterranean powers,
enhancing the city's economic might". Two mountain ranges, the Alps and the Apennines, helped
protect Rome from invasion. The Apennines divided the Italian peninsula in half, and it helped the
Romans to counter attacked mass forces. "Rome's central location attracted immigrants and traders
from all parts of the ancient Mediterranean world". And we all should know that trade is a very big
deal in the ancient world.
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How Did the Cold War Affect the Politics of Germany and...
How did the Cold War affect the politics of Germany and Italy?
The Cold War was the most important historic event in the 20th century after the Second World War,
from 1945 till 1991 between two most powerful countries in that period – Soviet Union and USA.
The Cold War invested a lot in world politics. What is the Cold War? This was a war for dominance
in the world. In 1945 the USA was the only one country in the world that had the nuclear weapons.
But in the 1949 USSR started to learn their nuclear weapons. In further developments forced the
USSR was soon created by nuclear, and then thermonuclear weapons. (Isaacs J, 2008) Fight has
become very dangerous for all.
Germany and Italy did not play the latest role in this war. German question ... Show more content on
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(Kettenacker L) Further, the West has given his consent to have consequences withdrawal of
Germans from Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The brutal expulsion in time to about millions
Germans were in stark contrast to Western reservations about the "humane" the implementation of
this step. So they paid for the guilt of the Germans, and for the transfer of Poland's western border as
a result of the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland and Konigsberg (Kettenacker L,1997) Decision
was taken only about saving four occupation zones in the form of economic and political units.
Meanwhile, each occupying power had to meet the requirements at the beginning of the reparations
due to their occupation zone.
In 1948 three countries, USA, France and UK, held conference, where they discussed the issue of
Germany and what to do next. They tackled issues such as the future of Germany, the control of the
Ruhr area and the payment of reparations (Douglas R, 2013) A new conference of the three
countries occurred in Frankfurt, where still dealt with the issue of Germany and came to an
agreement on the division of it. In Washington was another meeting of ministers of the three
countries, where they signed a document which confirmed the occupation policy of the three powers
in Germany. (Douglas R, 2013)
May 8, 1949 West German Parliamentary Council
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Mussolini and Hitler Essay
Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
As World War II (WWII) approached, Mussolini announced his intention of annexing Malta,
Corsica, and Tunis. He spoke of creating a "New Roman Empire" that would stretch east to
Palestine and south through Libya and Egypt to Kenya. In April 1939, after a brief war, he annexed
Albania, a campaign which strained his military. His armed forces are generally considered to have
been unprepared for combat when the German invasion of Poland led to World War II. Mussolini
thus decided to remain 'non–belligerent' until he was quite certain which side would win.
On June 10, 1940, as the Germans under General Guderian reached the English Channel, Mussolini
declared war on Britain and France. In October, Italy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rescued by the Germans several months later in a spectacular raid led by General Kurt Student,
Mussolini set up the Italian Social Republic, a Republican Fascist state (RSI, Repubblica Sociale
Italiana) in northern Italy with him living in Gargnano. But he was little more than a puppet under
the protection of the German Army. In this "Republic of Salò", Mussolini returned to his earlier
ideas of socialism and collectivization. He also executed some of the Fascist leaders who had
abandoned him, including his son–in–law, Galeazzo Ciano. During this period he wrote his memoirs
entitled My Rise and Fall.
On April 27, 1945, in the afternoon, near the village of Dongo (Como Lake), just before the Allied
armies reached Milan, Mussolini, along with his mistress Claretta Petacci, were caught by the Italian
partisans as he headed for Chiavenna to board a plane for escape to Switzerland. The day after, April
28, they were both executed along with their sixteen–man train, mostly ministers and officials of the
Italian Social Republic. The next day their bodies were hung, upside down, in Piazzale Loreto
(Milan) along with those of other fascists, to be abused by the crowds. Mussolini's body was then
buried in an unmarked grave in a
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Putnam's Making Democracy Work
This week I learn of the many tactics that Putnam uses in his book called Making Democracy Work.
In this work he talks about a specific case in Italy where there is a stark difference between the north
side of Italy and conversely the southern side of it. The northern side tended to be more wealthier
and developed republics that had systems of horizontal networks while the southern side tended to
be an eyesore for Italy with it being the more poorer under a monarchical system that had a vertical
network. He notes this by commenting the different historical, cultural, and political stories that they
had with them. As a result from the differences, the Italian government gave more control to
regional governments because beforehand the state had more of a big government system, there was
no regional governments except for autonomous regions in the 1950s. From these unique sequences
of events, Putnam makes his case for experimenting the regional governments on the basis of
democracies can form in this regional governments and if not how bad can corruption and or
dysfunctionality can happen.
Some of the ways he conducts his research methods is by going to regional ... Show more content on
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With this social capital, there can be some form of trust between people and that in turn causes the
reinforcement of democracy, not the other way around. This reinforcement can be seen with the
effective control of regional governments of both regions, but more importantly in regions of the
north. In contrast if a regional government doesn't a strong enough social capital then in return the
government over there will recieve defection and at times dysfunctional governments. This can be
put into account that the independent variables are census of associations, newspaper readership,
turnout during referenda, and other
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Typicality And Emergency
he Crisis of the Roman Republic alludes to an expanded time of political flimsiness and social
distress that finished in the death of the Roman Republic and the appearance of the Roman Empire,
from around 134 BC to 44 BC.
The correct dates of the Crisis are indistinct in light of the fact that "Rome wavered amongst
typicality and emergency" for a long time.
The Crisis of the Roman Republic alludes to an expanded time of political flimsiness and social
distress that finished in the death of the Roman Republic and the appearance of the Roman Empire,
from around 134 BC to 44 BC.
The correct dates of the Crisis are indistinct in light of the fact that "Rome wavered amongst
typicality and emergency" for a long time.
In like manner, the causes and properties of the emergencies changed consistently, including the
types of servitude, brigandage, wars inner and outside, land change, the creation of horrifying new
disciplines, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Customarily, the extension of citizenship (with every one of its rights, benefits, and obligations) was
looked upon contrarily by Sallust, Gibbon, and others of their schools, since it brought about inward
disagreement, question with Rome's Italian partners, slave revolts, and mobs. Be that as it may,
different researchers have contended that as the Republic was intended to be res publica–the
fundamental thing of the general population–poor people and disappointed can not be reprimanded
for attempting to review their authentic and lawful grievances.
For a considerable length of time, students of history have contended about the begin, particular
emergencies included, and end date for the Crisis of the Roman Republic. As a culture (or "web of
foundations"), Florence Dupont and Christopher Woodall expressed, "no qualification is made
between various periods."However, without question, the Romans lost freedom through loot, by
"their ethically undermining
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The Battle Of The Roman Republic
As the Roman Republic found its way into the third and second centuries BC, it could not have
anticipated its level of military engagement nor the number of conflicts it would find itself in over
the next two hundred years. A series of wars allowed the Roman Republic to consolidate power on
the Italian peninsula, emerge as a major force in the Mediterranean area, and lay the groundwork for
what eventually would become the Empire. The series of wars Rome fought had profound impacts
on the political, economic, social and cultural areas of Roman life. Ultimately Rome would emerge
as a powerhouse city with a thriving political system within it, dominate the economic situation in
the region before extending further, and saw the dramatic change of Roman society as it experienced
a cultural influx from foreigners. The series of wars in response to Pyrrhus' invasion and the
rebellion of Italian tribes would ultimately lead to the unification of the Republic on the peninsula,
as well as secure a period of reprieve from foreign invasion forces. The recently defeated Samnite
tribe in central Italy resented Roman control and when tensions between the Tarentines and Romans
escalated, they would play a major role in the civil unrest and eventual war. The Romans decision to
develop a navy was met with harsh and immediate response from Tarentum, who also called upon
King Pyrrhus of Epirus to help them engage the Roman forces. Despite his superb and fairly large
invasion force, the
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Polytheism In Slavery
Patriarchy is a social system in which males holds power and predominate major political roles and
leadership, authority and privilege. In the family, fathers and grandparents holds the power to
control over women and children. Most patriarchal society is patrilineal that the authority is
automatically passed down from father to son, and the cycle continues on without any female
interference. Patriarchal society has predominated most societies in history.
Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods and goddesses with different qualities, religions, and
rituals. In most polytheism religions, the multiple gods are considered to control different aspects of
the natural world, and represent natural forces. They are also view as the emanation, ... Show more
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It could also be influenced by race, social group, and geography. In modern Western countries, the
social stratifications results in three social classes, the upper class, the middle class, and the lower
class. Each class can be subdivided into more classes within the class. Categorizing people into
classes is a common phenomenon in all societies and cultures. Determining the social class an
individual fits in is derived from social inequality among individuals. Generally, the more complex
the society is, the more social stratification
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Ancient Rome Research Paper
Slide 1: My project is on Ancient Civilizations in Italy. My presentation will focus on Italy during
the Roman Empire, the Reformation, and the Renaissance.
Slide 2: My presentation will begin by talking about Ancient Rome.
Slide 3: Romulus and Remus are the founders of Rome. They are the twin sons of Mars who is the
god of war. As babies a king left put them in a basket and sent them down the Tiber River. A she–
wolf found them and raised the twins as her own. Once they got older the boys crushed the king who
left them in the basket. Romulus and Remus decided to form Rome near the Tiber River. Soon after
founding the city, Romulus killed Remus to become Rome's first king.
Slide 4: Before becoming the Roman Empire, Rome was a tiny city surrounded by seven hills.
These hills helped protect the Romans when they were fighting enemies. Rome was also located
near volcanoes which made the soil fertile. The fertile soil helped the Romans grow crops to feed
their families.
Slide 5: The Tiber River ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The war was Caesar's supporters against the supporters of Caesar's assassinators. Caesar's supporters
won the war. After some time, Caesar's adopted son Octavian became the sole ruler of Rome.
Octavian changed his name to Augustus. He became the first emperor of Rome.
Slide 12: The Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD. The fall of this empire was due to many
political, economic, and social reasons. The Roman empire had many corrupt leaders who did not
know how to run a successful empire. The economy was suffering because of taxes and the large
gap between poor and wealthy people. The people of Rome were suffering from lack of food. The
Roman citizens also loss trust in their rulers.
Slide 13: Before Rome was the Roman Empire it was the Roman Kingdom and the Roman
Republic. As an empire Rome was one of the largest and most powerful empires in history. The
Roman Empire fell because of political, social, and economic
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Italian Immigration Issue Analysis
The Italian public, led by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, share a communal problem on the subject of
Immigration with the United States. Presidential hopefuls have headlined their campaigns with
powerful focus on immigration agenda. Additionally, Italy's immigration issues have been of great
concern in recent months, with both countries relating to the war against terrorism, and the
emigration movements from the Middle East. RAI news of Italy suggests that Trump's harsh agenda
has potential, it does comes with moral conflict(1). At the 2016 Bratislava Summit, Renzi appeared
furious at the EU's handling of immigration policy, stating if the EU doesn't deal with immigration, "
[Italy] will."(3) Obama and Renzi lead countries of "inclusive, growing ... Show more content on
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Moreover, the idea of having immigrants contribute to the economy is difficult based on the
operations of Italy's socialist economy, whereas in America there is potential for immigrants to
increase economic activity. There is speculation that immigrants in italy do not give back to their
economy, which is a leading factor in the failing Italian economy. A clear recommendation looking
forward would be to negotiate with the EU using the American support led by President–elect
Donald Trump, who holds a strict immigration policy. The Republic of Italy should only settle for
all countries in the EU taking on the migrant crisis, as well as financial compensation towards the
effort Italy has given in the crisis. Additionally, a number should be set declaring just how many
immigrants can be allowed into Italy based on financial and societal circumstances. Across the pond,
the United States must learn from mistakes created by Italy and the EU in order to make sure flaws
in the economy do not result from immigration. Although it is against morals, immigration needs to
have strict limitation. Machiavelli praised a leader who is more feared than loved in The Prince, and
while fear does not have to be intensified, it is necessary that the law serves the greater good of the
state. The Italian American friendship has deep ties through history and culture, so using this
philosophy from Machiavelli could lead the friendship towards finding a rightful resolution of the
immigration crisis both countries face. The bond between Italy and America is kept tight through
our history, our culture, and our progressive vision for the world. This bond is what gives the
relation such a resounding impact on the rest of the world. Renzi believes "we will never be tired of
being true [friends]"(2) speaking of Italy and America, and this could not be
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How Did Benito Mussolini Support Fascism
Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist, who ruled Italy from 1922 until 1943 as
the Prime Minister, and from 1943 to 1945, as the leader of the Italian Social Republic, which was a
German supported regime in Northern Italy. Also, Mussolini is largely known as the founder of
fascism–an authoritarian and nationalistic right–wing system of government and social organization.
When WWI broke out in 1914, many of the socialist political parties in Italy supported their
country's intervention in the war. The Italian Socialist Party, at which Mussolini was a leading
member, had decided to oppose the war, and initially Mussolini supported this idea. (Gregor 55)
However, he eventually declared his support for the war, claiming that ... Show more content on
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(Testa) By this time, Mussolini had already started working on what was soon to become the basis
of fascist belief. He utilized works of Plato, Georges Sorel, Nietzsche, and the socialist and
economic ideas of Vilfredo Pareto as inspiration, and was especially fond of a work called The
Republic, from which many ideas supported by fascism such as the promotion of the state as the
ultimatum, opposition to democracy, militarization of the nation by creating "warriors", and
demanding citizens to perform civic duties in the interest of the state emerged. (Moseley 39) The
difference between The Republic and fascist view however, was the fact fascists supported
aggressive militarism, or war, while The Republic supported militarism as defensive war only.
(Sharma 66–67) Mussolini believed in the concept of Spazio Vitale (Vital Space), which was a
concept that equated a nation's potential for economic growth, to its territorial size, claiming that
Italy's poverty problem could only be solved by having necessary "living space." (Kallis 50) In
addition, Mussolini also used biological racism, claiming Italy had the right to invade and govern
African colonies because all black people were inferior to whites. (Kallis 52) The fact that Italy was
suffering from overpopulation was seen by Mussolini as a sign that Italy was destined to
demographically conquer weaker nations, whose population was
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Similarities And Differences Between Hueey Long Vs Benito...
In the 1932, the March publishing of Vanity Fair included a piece of art by Miguel Covarrubias. The
original piece, titled Impossible Interview No. 4, Huey Long vs. Benito Mussolini, was made the
same year using gouache on paper. The majority of the space is used to depict two figures, and by
the title, one can determine the figure on the right is Benito Mussolini, and the figure on the left is
the Louisiana governor, Huey Long. The artwork could be described as a semi–realistic cartoon of
these two people. At first glance these figures seem quite different from the clothing they are
wearing and their facial expressions, but if one looks closer at their poses and surroundings, they are
rather similar. Miguel Covarrubias uses these similarities and differences in the appearance of the
two figures, and their surroundings to show how the people they portray both had power through
different means. There are two ways the viewer can infer that these figures have power and
authority. The first is the scene around them. Behind Mussolini, on the right, is a red velvet curtain,
that has a golden tie–back around waist level. This tie–back, golden fringes on the bottom of the
curtain, and the specific color of the curtain all are usually found in homes of powerful or rich
patrons, or in buildings of important government figures. On the left side of the paintings, there is a
stone railing with hills in the distance. This gives an appearance that the figures are standing near a
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The Commencement Of A Civil War
Throughout history, the commencement of a civil war is often the conglomeration of various
grievances, sparked by a specific occurrence acting as the catalyst for the issues at hand. As a
republic Rome experienced a number of civil wars, but few illustrated Rome's strenuous relationship
with outside groups, specifically the conquered Italians, as well as the Bellum Italicum, also known
as the Social War. This war spanned from 91 – 87 BC, with the murder of a politician named Drusus
playing the decisive role. Appian, a Greek historian who provides the best record regarding this war,
states in his book The Civil Wars, "When the Italians learned of the killing of Drusus and the reason
alleged for banishing the others, they considered it no ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through Appian's Civil Wars, where he focuses on the social conflicts that eventually lead to the fall
of the Republic, it is possible to generate a rough timeline of what lead the Italians to the breaking
point. Appian was a Greek historian whose biggest contribution to the understanding of Roman
history was The Civil Wars. Here he writes about various social conflicts that he believes
contributed to the fall of the Republic, including issues between the plebeians and the patricians,
political matters with foreigners, and the Social War. His writing is typically done in a summary and
he rarely goes into detail about events, leaving the interpretations of his work to be based off vague
retellings. However, as Edward Salmon explains, "The loss of the relevant books of Livy means that
we have to rely for the most part on Appian." Scholars have often contested Appian's work as
amateurish because there are instances in which his timeline is off and facts have been proven
incorrect or at least misleading to some degree. Seth Kendall argues in favor of Appian by claiming
that he "does occasionally get facts wrong, to be sure, but he is not known for complete fabrication."
It is not uncommon for historians of antiquity to have some inaccurate particulars since the study
and practice of history was not as well structured then as it is now. Cicero writes in a well thought
out fashion, often using descriptive language that can be described as
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The Impact Of 1848 Was The Year Of Revolutions
Nationalism is defined as spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation; devotion and loyalty
to one's own country; patriotism; excessive patriotism. In 1848, Europe experienced back to back
revolutions in different countries led by rebels and nationalists who wanted constitutional and
democratic governments to replace the monarchies that ruled. Although these revolutions were
unsuccessful in achieving their goals of turning their country into a new,stronger nation, they did
have significant impacts in Italy, France, Austria and Germany, where they influenced the course of
future political change.
1848 was the year of revolutions. The Revolution in France gave its people a new wave of
nationalistic pride and it ignited a fire to a series of revolutions in Western and Central Europe.
However, the new French ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Soon after, however, the republic moved in a conservative direction, and Louis–Napoléon
Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, was elected president with the support of farmers and
peasants. Four years later in 1852, Louis Napoleon abolished the Republic, established the Second
French Empire and declared himself Emperor Napoleon III. After the revolution of 1830, Louis
Philippe took over the throne in place of Charles X. Louis Philippe sat at the head of a moderately
liberal state controlled mainly by educated elites. Supported by the Orleanists, he was opposed on
his right by the Legitimists (former ultra–royalists) and on his left by the Republicans and Socialists.
Under his rule, privileged groups were favored, and only approximately 1% of the French
population were allowed to vote. Louis Philippe was viewed as generally indifferent to the needs of
society, and was therefore turned against by even some of his liberal supporters, because of
opposition towards
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Geography And Religion: Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome is located on the Italian Peninsula and expanded to Asia, Africa large parts of Europe.
Above the Italian Peninsula was the Alps which formed a natural barrier, Rome were settled along
the Tiber River, and most of their land touched the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Rome conquered
large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa by going to war with different people. (Punic Wars) Ancient
Romans grew grains, olives, and grapes. Natural resources were land, water and food.
Ancient Rome practiced many religions which had their own rules. Christians had to follow the
teachings of Jesus Christ. People believed Jesus Christ was the son of God because of his
resurrection. Christians had to pray and worship, as well as be a good person. In Ancient Rome
Christianity took time to be accepted. Christians as well as Jesus Christ were persecuted for their
beliefs. Romulus and Remus are the mythical founders of Rome
Ancient Romans helped create roads, concrete, aqueducts, bridges and stadiums. Roads were used to
move military and helped with trade. Aqueducts transported fresh water to their cities. Bridges and
stadiums used arches to help support them. Ancient Romans were influenced ... Show more content
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Ancient Romans created a republic because they were tired of the Etruscan Kings. Ancient Romans
changed to a monarchy because people felt one person could make the decisions quicker. While it
was a republic citizens elected representatives for the Senate to make decisions. Consuls also made
decisions. Once it was a monarchy the Emperor made all of the decisions. Republic – Benefit –
Citizens could vote for people to represent them Limitation – Not everyone was citizens(Patricians
and Plebeians) The United States uses a republic which allows all citizens to participate in
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Mussolini Essay
Benito Mussolini
Like his father, Benito became a burning socialist.
Mussolini had huge goals of running a political machine based on his own beliefs. Born in the
poverty–stricken village of Romagna, Italy, he was wild, nomadic, and defiant as a young adult
lived the life of a bum. Showing fierce aggression at such a young age, he was expelled from two
schools for knife–assaults on other students. His father a village blacksmith and his mother a
schoolmistress, he lived life in poverty that seemed inscapable. By moving from Italy to Austria he
devoted himself to the battle for human and economic freedom. Mussolini had become an
impassioned Socialist.
He had been appointed secretary to the Socialists of the Chamber of Labor in Trent, ... Show more
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His expectations for the war, was the collapse of society that would bring him to power. His socialist
comrades were enraged by his article committing Socialist support to Italy's entry into the World
War. Just years earlier he had been protesting Italy's entry in war. Called up for military service, he
was wounded and returned in 1917.
In 1919 he founded the facist di combattimento, which in 1921 became the Italian Facist party. With
facist party backing and Mussolini's own tactics he rose to power between 1919 and 1922.
Mussolini entered parliament in 1921 as a right–wing member. The Fascisti formed armed squads to
boss around Mussolini's former Socialist colleagues. The Italian government rarely interfered. In
return for the support of a group of industrialists, Mussolini gave his approval to strikebreaking, and
he abandoned revolutionary disturbance. When the liberal governments of others had failed to stop
the spread of anarchy, King Victor Emmanuel III invited Mussolini to form a coalition government
in 1922. With the support of the Liberals in parliament, he introduced strict censorship and altered
the methods of election so that in 1925–1926 he was able to assume dictatorial powers and end all
other political parties. By 1926 the facist leader had transformed Italy into a single–party, tolalitarian
regime. He was also head of the all–powerful Fascist party and the armed Fascist militia.
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Benito Mussolini Research Paper
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, also known as 'Il Duce' meaning "The Leader" in Italian, is one
of the most evil men in the world. Benito Mussolini was born July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio,
Forlì, Italy. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and a part–time socialist journalist. Instead of
being with his family, he spent most of his time on politics and much of his money on his mistress.
Mussolini's mother, Rosa Maltoni, on the other hand was a Catholic school teacher and was the one
that provided the family with some stability and income. Benito Mussolini and his family lived in
two crowded rooms on the second floor of a small palazzo. Mussolini and he was the oldest of three
children and came from an extremely poor family. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a teenager, his father instilled in him a passion for socialist politics and a defiance against
authority. He was expelled from many schools for bullying and defiance against authority and he
was also very moody at home. When he was sent to board with the strict Salesian order at Faenza
because the village school could not handle him, he stabbed someone with a penknife attacked one
of the Salesians who attempted to beat him and he was sent to Giosuè Carducci School at
Forlimpopoli where he was later expelled again for assaulting another person with a penknife. While
he was a very misbehaved kid to say the least, he was also very intelligent and he passed all of his
exams with ease. In 1901, Mussolini obtained his teaching diploma and worked as a school master
for a very short time because he realized that that was not the job for
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
Political And Military Development: The Roman Republic
The Roman Republic experienced three major states of political and military development. It went
from being one of many city states in the Italian Peninsula to one of the most powerful empires in
the world during its time. The Roman Republic lasted from 509 BCE until 31 BCE. The first major
stage of political development in the Roman Republic was the Early Republic, from 509 BCE until
264 BCE (van Voorst, 2013). During this time, Rome established a republican government and
implemented a series of checks and balances to prevent any one man from becoming too powerful
(van Voorst, 2013). The leaders during this time had both political and military power (MacRae,
2013). The Middle Republic, 264–133 BCE, was defined by three Punic wars
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
How Is Benito Mussolini A Good Leader
"It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who
wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in
the pants. That is what I shall do." This quote stated by Benito Mussolini makes his out to be a
strong and powerful ruler. Benito was born July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy. When
Benito was growing up his father, Alessandro was a blacksmith and a impassioned socialist that
spent lots of his time on politics and money on his mistress. His mother, Rosa was a Catholic school
teacher. After being involved in both World War One and Two he was executed on April 28, 1945.
Because Benito Mussolini had parents involved in politics, was a powerful man, and was very
intelligent he became a powerful and loved ruler. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was named Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini by his father after three leaders he admired:
Benito Juárez, Amilcare Cipriani, and Andrea Costa. Benito's father, Alessandro entered politics at
the age of just nineteen as a revolutionary socialist militant. He later became part of the local
government. Alessandro was arrested in 1878 for suspicion of taking part in revolutionary activities
and was put under house arrest until 1882 so he could attend his marriage When Benito was younger
he was very intelligent. Even though he was very intelligent he was also very disobedient in school.
He often would bully or pick on the other kids causing his to get throw or expelled out of schools.
Even though he was to misbehaved in school and seemed to dislike it he received a teaching
certificate in 1901. After receiving his certificate he became a school teacher for just a brief
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population
The Patron-Clients Of Rome And The Development Of The...
Roman Empire Victory over Carthage brought Rome to greater heights. Romans had secured world
supremacy and established dominant power. As a result, Rome suffered and experienced crises more
than they could have imagined such as different forms of slavery, plunder, land reform, expansion of
citizenship, wars within and outside of Rome, and the changing of the Roman armies. During the
late Republic, Rome's society consists of highly stratified class of people. The noble families, comes
from the Senatorial ranks. These influential families have the ability to wage war or not. Hence, the
Patron–Client system evolved, wherein the wealthy man (Patron) binds a man in agreement (client)
in exchange of gain for future support. However, when this Patron–Client ... Show more content on
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Wealthy ruling elite sought more wealth, personal glory, and political power. Thousands and
thousands of farmers had a hard time looking for job as they had been replaced by the slaves. The
people moving in the city were jobless, landless, and idle. There was inadequate food supply and
people were hungry. Moreover, corruption was very rampant in the society. In the middle of this
turmoil, stood the Gracchus brothers, who have proposed a bill supporting the welfare of the poor
and common people. Tiberius Gracchus passed a bill limiting the amount of public land that a man
can own. On the other hand, Gaius Gracchus focused to stop the problem of extortion in the
provinces. Gaius tried to stop the abuses of the Governors from taking money, goods, and crops
from the provinces. Gaius also attempted to issue citizenship to the Italians but he lost the support of
the Roman people. The Romans does not want to share the same benefits to the non–Romans. The
suppression and assassination of the Gracchus brothers paved way to this less scrupulous politician
to have political power by falsely claiming that they are protecting the interest of the poor or the
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus And Its Population

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  • 17. Napoleon's Influence In Italy Research Paper In north Italy, roots of struggles between city states still plagued their relationships. Their failure to unite reduced this potential to compete with other European powers and therefore became political satellites in a continent of powerful nations. The abrupt switch from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and Indian oceans for new sources of trade sent the maritime economy of Italian cities into decline. Direct access to the Atlantic became the primary source of wealth for european countries like Spain and Portugal. Challenges to the Church's authority in earlier centuries failed to bring down the papacy, and in the 16th century it stood strong in face of the Protestant Reformation. It did however, loose much of its influence in Europe. Consequently, the Pope was able to establish its own house and enlarged the Papal States under which it functioned. By the beginning of the 16th century, the Pope's domain extended into the lower Po River valley. AUSTRIAN HABSBURG ERA (1713–1860) In Spain, the Spanish succession of 1701 created a division of lands once the Habsburgs died out. Places like Milan, Naples and Sicily were transferred out of the control of the Austrian Habsburgs. During this time the kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia appeared. By 1735, the Habsburgs surrendered Naples and Sicily to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His conquest of the entire peninsula caused for the redrawing of political boundaries several times. Napoleon's influence in Italy during the 1700's also resulted in the creation of the modern day Italian flag. It takes on many of the same attributes that the French flag has incorporated with regards to its dimensions and tricolor aspect. After Napoleon crowned himself the emperor in 1804, a small part of Italy was annexed to France and the remained of the peninsula was divided into kingdoms and small principalities. The Congress of Vienna in 1814 would reestablish the former boundaries of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Compare And Contrast Mussolini And Fascism For the purpose of this assignment there will be an analysis provided, in addition to a comparing and contrasting of the two selected sources, on the course of their utility, Mussolini on Fascism and The Late Loyalists: Northern Reflections of the Early American Republic, the former being primary and latter secondary. As such, it is best to provide a brief intent and purpose of each selection. By its very nature, but yet despite its length, Mussolini on Fascism, or as its titled, What is Fascism, is a critical resource that is needed for one to fully appreciate and to have a scope of knowledge for the movement itself. For it may be regarded as one of the most useful documents pertaining to the study and philosophy of fascism. However, be this as it may, it would be unwise to consider this resource to be the authority of the entire ideology. The second resource, by Alan Taylor, The Late Loyalists: Northern Reflections of the Early American Republic, is an article that presents and examines the post–American Revolution landscape and political institutions of Upper Canada, modern–day Ontario. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fascism itself rose in the wake of an Italian generation spent and proved by war, refusing to continue political at least with anything relevant of the past. Though by the time this document had been written, the fascists had already assumed power of the state, and had since 1922; lacking however, was an overall and cohesive united identity to put a face on, or coherent ideology of the movement itself. It was clear then that the National Fascist Party headed by Benito Mussolini could not govern effectively and prove capable of without such a consensus that this document could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Middle Cities And Social Changes In The Middle Ages Barry Ferns 2nd Summative essay (People) Discuss the role of the growth of towns AND/OR the city states in the social changes from the High Middle Ages. Access Medieval History University of Glasgow 26th February 2018 The growth and development of towns and city states played a significant role in the social changes during the High Middle Ages. This essay will primarily focus on how the societies of secular Italian medieval states like Venice, Genoa and Florence flourished and evolved through their pioneering advances in craft and trade, as well as discussing towns and independent cities of the Holy Roman Empire. Toward the latter part of the seventh century, the Byzantines still reigned over most of southern Europe. Despite their power gradually waning and vulnerability growing on the frontline, they still ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Venice on the other hand democratically elected their first Doge as an opponent to Byzantine rule in 726 AD and was gaining momentum as a de facto independent republic throughout the eighth century. Venice's rise to prominence as a republic was due to its ability to stand alone with a thriving economy. Two integral attributes which bolstered its reputation as a city–state were its communal organisation and a middle class population. Given that Venice was a republic democracy, its society benefited from having a voice whereas citizens from neighbouring kingdoms had no such privilege. *MAYBE SOMETHING ABOUT COMMUNAL ORGANISATION* Commerce was prioritised and Venetians enjoyed the rewards of being part of a wealthy economic powerhouse. Adding to Venice's success was their involvement in the crusades, from which it seized advantage to establish trading posts on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Marcus Tullius Cicero : Explain The Differences Between... Explain the differences between Cicero and Quintilian, specifically their differences when it came to rhetoric Is Marcus Tullius Cicero (Cicero is an Arabization of an Italian name), a preacher, politician and great Romanian writer. He is the most famous of Rome's writers and the greatest classical Latin book ever. Cicero was the mirror of his time, and his works are a record of his time, politics, society and thought, indispensable to any historian of the last century of the Roman republic. One of the most prolific writers of antiquity, began to publish his works during his lifetime. His close friend Atticus took over a large section of the book, and Abdo Tiro, who became his writer and secretary, took over his collections of letters. His work has been published in several editions, in German, English, French and Italian, and has been translated into a large number of languages. His volume, published by Harvard University, has reached 28 volumes with accurate scientific translations and extensive historical and literary explanations. Cicero's works can be classified into five groups, including speeches and research in rhetoric, politics, philosophy, and letters. Speeches: The highest denomination of the Latin prose, there remained fifty–seven sermons, and the time was forty–eight, one of the richest sources of contemporary events, dealt with civil and criminal issues and political issues. In spite of its hyperbole and exaggeration, it provides accurate factual information on Roman law, the judicial system, political and constitutional history, economic and social life, the tax and financial system, and state administration. In his first sermons, Horsensius competed with the Asian style of the Hellenistic period and then turned to the classic Attic style of simplicity and clarity. But since his speeches against Verses, he has shown his own style, in which he unleashes the evils of the Asian and Attic styles and their faults, and more than the use of rhetorical and imaginative refinements and long, clear and balanced musical bells. For him, Demosthenes represented the full fiancé because of his ability to influence, persuade and entertain. He reconsidered his sermons after casting them and revising them before ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Roman Way Of Life Has Been Known To Us As One For... The Roman way of life has been known to us as one for domination and expansion, at home and abroad. Throughout the duration of the second century Romans have been known for their brut forms of expansions through extraordinary military campaigns however, accompanied by on home soil with political sparked violence and triggered civil unrest due to reformations and thirst for power. Through direct analyzation of ancient sources written by Plutarch on the lives of the Gracchus brothers Tiberius and Gaius, the outbreak of The Social War as well as the Roman general and later dictator Sulla, we can discuss as to what caused violence to become an endemic part of Roman political life during 133 – 43 B.C. Violence became a staple in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was commonly believed that the senators bribed Octavius to veto Tiberius's proposal for the reform. That had created a rivalry between the two tribunes. Nevertheless, the vote was accepted by the assembly and ultimately the law was passed. Tiberius was favoured by the population masses however, due to various reasons further on and with an attempt for re–election at a time which strict and unbendable term limits were imposed, Tiberius was perceived as power hungry with ambitions of becoming a king by the senators. The paranoia and hate of the senators towards Tiberius had tipped and during one of the gatherings at the Capitol,
  • 26. Tiberius and the crowed was rushed by a group of senators armed with clubs. "More than three hundred were slain by blows from sticks and stones, but not one by the sword" Plut. Ti. Gracch. 19 "This is said to have been the first sedition at Rome, since the abolition of royal power, to end in bloodshed and the death of citizens" Plut. Ti. Gracch. 20 This savagery from the senators created an outburst within the populations and an outbreak of riots occurred. At that point the population understood well that Tiberius was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Renaissance: The Rise And Structure Of The Renaissance It is often thought that the Renaissance had started from the Italian states. Italy Itself was split into many different areas. This was due to the rise in population and income and an increase in territory. It thus became necessary for Italian cities to rule themselves. Rome was ruled by the pope, some of the states were led by 'signore' while others were republics. The key figures in Italian states were usually tradesman rather than politicians and artisans were usually sought after by them. They sought new ways and means to gain wealth and show power so artists such as Michelangelo were often hired for work. These city states were able to become 'power houses' through various means such as trade or connections. The most powerful and influential states at the time were Florence and Venice. In this essay I hope to discuss how states such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For the most this system worked as it involved a class of civil servants who administered city government. The humanist movement of the renaissance period was related to the education these nobles and civil servants had received and used. Many civilians also carried out the works of tax assessors or public works supervisors alongside their affairs. While the cities remained to have republican institutions a popular trend was for cities to take power from their neighbours. As direct participation in Government was usually declined this led to the rise of set families taking power such as the previously mentioned Medici. In milan the Visconti and Sforza family reigned like princes which could have been the rise of princely states. Due to aggression rising against each other they all agreed that shoul one state attack another they would target the aggressor. Despite such families having political power over the cities they were usually ruled by the Bishop. Many cities took up Christian decorations in chapels and such as pride of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Gourmet Lovers Environmental Analysis 1. Environmental Analysis for Potential Markets. 1.1 Economic Conditions – Economic Environment Gourmet Lovers will be venturing its olive oil brands to the potential overseas market in Italy. Gourmet lovers business enterprising in Italy is a great opportunity in enhancing the success of the olive oil product range. The economics condition of Italy is reported to have the world's ninth largest economy. Italy's economic business structure relies mainly on its service, manufacturing and other important contributors such as wholesale, retail sales and transport. The services sector accounts for almost three quarters of total GDP and employs around 65% of the country's total employed people (focus economics, 2016). Therefore, the percentage rate for Italy's Industry, reports that a quarter of Italy's total production and employments rates make up 30% of the workforce. As well, Italy's manufacturing specialises in high quality goods and is mainly run by small – medium enterprises. Therefore, Gourmet Lovers would benefit in exporting its goods to Italy because they are one of the largest economies and has the central role of global trade and financial system. Also Italy plays an important role in the global market of luxury goods. –Key Economic Indicators Population – Italy is the officially the Italian republic, which is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern Europe. Italy has a population of 60.8 million (2014) and its capital is Rome (DFAT, 2014). Italy's population ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The reason why roman republic collapsed The reason why roman republic collapsed Roman republic began with the over throw of the roman monarchy and its replacement by a government headed by two consuls, elect annually by the citizens and advised by senate. During the first two centuries of its existence the Roman republic expanded rapidly through a combination of conquest and alliance, from central Italy to the entire Italian peninsula. Then republic continues to conquest new land such as North Africa, Greece, Southern France and Spain. For about 500 years, the Roman republic exists and has many significant achievements in many fields. However, the republic finally collapsed and reformed as participate. Octavian becomes the first Augustus which was the first Roman emperor. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They become prey to demagogues and many become supporters of that warlord. This cause a unstable in Roman republic society. The gap between upper classes and lower class has significant increased. One other weakness is the power of warlords. In Roman republic, generals have strong power. They have army and these army more like a private army. These army usually fight enemies far away from Rome. They all support their general. Some powerful generals can even use army to seize political power.(Textbook 104) The one first general to do so was Gaius Marius. Marius gained much reputation by winning a war and defeated an invasion by some Germanic tribes. Marius abolished the old requirement that a soldier had to own at least a modest amount of property, and he also accepted volunteers instead of just drafting men for service Finally he converted the army in to an instrument for ambitious commanders during the remaining years of the republic. For Sulla the dictator, he is and later general. He invaded the city of Rome with his supports. Sulla did have some political program to re shape the Roman republic. He enforce the dictator ship and reduce the power of senate. He forced a law that blocked tribune from holding any other office, they also had to wait ten years to be reelected. These discourage those ambitious politicians from seeking this office. (Textbook 104)And even for the later ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. What Role Did Civil Wars Play On The Deterioration And... The investigation and the goal of this research project is to answer the question; what role did civil wars play in the deterioration and eventual death of the Roman Republic? It is relevant because it shows the transition of government. The issues that are going to be addressed highlight the political unrest in the Roman Republic and the corruption of different leaders that were one in many reasons why the Republic became an Empire. This research will focus on the time period of 100 to 25 BC and the places investigated will include Rome and the areas they conquered. This will be studied and accomplished through an examination of Julius Cesar's reign and the civil wars that took place in this time period mentioned in The Roman Republic by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The limitations, this book was published in 1966. New studies have found more research on these early time periods which affects the accuracy and validity of this current generation while reading and extracting information from the book. Other limitations included vague amounts of research on certain battles that Julius Caesar led, in surrounding areas of the Republic. This lack of information makes it difficult for the reader to gain good understanding of Julius Caesar's whereabouts before his conflict with political leaders in Rome. The second secondary source, reveals the personal life, conquests, fails, and facts of Julius Caesar, the eventual dictator of the Roman Republic. The origin of this text is San Diego, California, by Don Nardo in 1999. The purpose of this text is to educate the reader and the audience about Julius Caesar, the ruthless and cunning leader that shaped the Roman Republic forever. The value of the source is that reveals many unknown pieces of information about Julius Caesar and really highlights his influence on the transition of government. Without Julius Caesar, there may have never been such internal conflict in the republic. The Senate wouldn't have fled to the rest of Italy, politicians like Pompey never would have been defeated, and there would have been time before a leader declared themselves as a dictator. The book is very useful because it presents unbiased and clear information about Julius ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Common Factors that Led to the Establishment of... The Common Factors that Led to the Establishment of Totalitarian Regimes in Italy and Germany in the Inter–War Period Totalitarian regimes refer to the type of government in which the State has total control over all aspects of people's life. Main features include an infallible leader, planned economy, strict party discipline, strong armament, an official doctrine that everyone has to believe, and absolute obedience of individuals to the State, etc. During the period 1919–39 there saw the rise of totalitarian regimes in some European countries. The most important ones in Western Europe were Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Their respective rise to power shared many similarities but there were some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Naturally, a revengeful spirit took place among Germans. Both Italians and Germans were dissatisfied with their respective weak governments, and hoped that a strong leader could help recover the national glory. "Lacking faith of any critical ability, the masses saw in Hitler a saviour and a prophet", says G. Ritter. Postwar economic hardship was also accountable for the rise of both the Nazi and Fascist regimes. Both Italy and Germany had already been exhausted in the war. Hyper–inflation, sharp decline of industrial production, the wartime loss of huge manpower and massive unemployment, etc. resulted immediately after the war. In 1921 there were 2.5 million returned Italian soldiers waiting for re– employment. Especially in Germany, the French occupation of the Ruhr in 1923 led to terrible devaluation of the mark and paralyzed the industrial production. The Great Depression of 1929–33 led to many bank failures and enterprise closedown. By 1933 there were six million people unemployed. Germany lost all her overseas markets while Italy's gains in the war could not cover her losses. Both Italians and Germans were despaired; any leader who could achieve quick economic recovery would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Italian Unification Dbq Essay The Italian Unification was a political and social movement where the different states of the Italian peninsula were to combine into a single Italy. The Italian Unification occurred close in time to the German Unification, which occurred only one year later. The Unification of Italy was a widely controversial topic discussed by many italian citizens and leaders during the 19th century. Many people destined for Italy to be unified as one country, a country that they considered to be stronger overall when compared to the individual countries, and would also create a new national identity and rid Italy of civil problems, like wars and revolutions that were occurring at the time. Others despised the ideas of Italian Unification, jumping ahead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gioberti suggests that the unification would remove civil disputes, such as wars and revolutions, that occurred within Italy as well as create such a strong Italy that no foreign forces could penetrate it. This was important at the time, while many foreign forces, such as Prussia and Austria, had invaded Italy. It was also important that Italy unify in order to prevent revolutions, for Italy had had multiple revolutions prior to this time period. Though some would disagree with these benefits, Marquis Massimo d' Azeglio, a politician from Piedmont, had said "... ask any Italian, north or south, whether or not it is useful for Italy to free itself from foreign domination and influence, and no one, thank God, will reply other than in the affirmative." (Document 6) Azeglio says that, though not everyone agrees with Unification, everyone would agree that it is better for Italy to free itself from foreign domination. This could possibly be done through Italian unification and the impossibility of foreign invaders, which was mentioned by Gioberti. Many people believed in the Italian unification for its abilities to create strength, remove civil problems, and prevent foreign domination and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Italy's Current Government System Italy's current governmental system is based on a constitutional charter, which italy adopted in 1948. A constitutional charter is a charter that outlines and defines both the civil and political liberties of citizens as well as the principles on which the government is run. Italy was declared as a democratic republic since 1946, after previous rule under a monarchy. Italy's current president is Sergio Mattarella, who came into office in January 2015. Materalla also serves as the head of state. The constitution of italy was adopted on December 22, 1947. Some key points in the constitution outline human rights per each citizen, equality for all persons, the relationship between the church and the state, and the form of state that Italy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Democratic party's leader is Matteo Renzi, and it was founded in 2007. The Five Star Movement was started by Beppe Grillo in 2009. The Five Star Movement is a populist party, and the "five stars" represent five issues that are important to the party. Those five issues are: public water, right to internet access, environmentalism, sustainable transport, and sustainable development. The Northern League, also known as the Lega Nord, was established in 1991. The main goal of the Northern League party is to transform Italy into a federal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Causes Of The Roman Republic? The Roman Republic "from the great expansion led masterful tacticians to the immensely advance government, which our own government is molding today". The Romans would have had a wonderful future, if not for its many flaws. Early expansion led to the separation of a failing social class. The government corroding like steel in salt water, leaving holes which the rich nobles and people of power enjoyed the rewards that it brought to them. It weakens the government that was so know to be ruled by the people and for them. The Italian peninsula "extending about 750 miles from the north to the south"(pg.127). "Italy has some large fertile plains that are ideal for farming" (pg.127). The plains of Latium, which Rome was located. Geography had a positive impact on Roman history. The Fertile Land that the PO and Tiber river valleys suited rome's agriculture very well. As the Roman population grew, Rome's production of grains , olives and cash crops grew as well. "The surplus also helped Rome established trade ties with other Mediterranean powers, enhancing the city's economic might". Two mountain ranges, the Alps and the Apennines, helped protect Rome from invasion. The Apennines divided the Italian peninsula in half, and it helped the Romans to counter attacked mass forces. "Rome's central location attracted immigrants and traders from all parts of the ancient Mediterranean world". And we all should know that trade is a very big deal in the ancient world. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. How Did the Cold War Affect the Politics of Germany and... How did the Cold War affect the politics of Germany and Italy? The Cold War was the most important historic event in the 20th century after the Second World War, from 1945 till 1991 between two most powerful countries in that period – Soviet Union and USA. The Cold War invested a lot in world politics. What is the Cold War? This was a war for dominance in the world. In 1945 the USA was the only one country in the world that had the nuclear weapons. But in the 1949 USSR started to learn their nuclear weapons. In further developments forced the USSR was soon created by nuclear, and then thermonuclear weapons. (Isaacs J, 2008) Fight has become very dangerous for all. Germany and Italy did not play the latest role in this war. German question ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Kettenacker L) Further, the West has given his consent to have consequences withdrawal of Germans from Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. The brutal expulsion in time to about millions Germans were in stark contrast to Western reservations about the "humane" the implementation of this step. So they paid for the guilt of the Germans, and for the transfer of Poland's western border as a result of the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland and Konigsberg (Kettenacker L,1997) Decision was taken only about saving four occupation zones in the form of economic and political units. Meanwhile, each occupying power had to meet the requirements at the beginning of the reparations due to their occupation zone. In 1948 three countries, USA, France and UK, held conference, where they discussed the issue of Germany and what to do next. They tackled issues such as the future of Germany, the control of the Ruhr area and the payment of reparations (Douglas R, 2013) A new conference of the three countries occurred in Frankfurt, where still dealt with the issue of Germany and came to an agreement on the division of it. In Washington was another meeting of ministers of the three countries, where they signed a document which confirmed the occupation policy of the three powers in Germany. (Douglas R, 2013) May 8, 1949 West German Parliamentary Council ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Mussolini and Hitler Essay Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler As World War II (WWII) approached, Mussolini announced his intention of annexing Malta, Corsica, and Tunis. He spoke of creating a "New Roman Empire" that would stretch east to Palestine and south through Libya and Egypt to Kenya. In April 1939, after a brief war, he annexed Albania, a campaign which strained his military. His armed forces are generally considered to have been unprepared for combat when the German invasion of Poland led to World War II. Mussolini thus decided to remain 'non–belligerent' until he was quite certain which side would win. On June 10, 1940, as the Germans under General Guderian reached the English Channel, Mussolini declared war on Britain and France. In October, Italy ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rescued by the Germans several months later in a spectacular raid led by General Kurt Student, Mussolini set up the Italian Social Republic, a Republican Fascist state (RSI, Repubblica Sociale Italiana) in northern Italy with him living in Gargnano. But he was little more than a puppet under the protection of the German Army. In this "Republic of Salò", Mussolini returned to his earlier ideas of socialism and collectivization. He also executed some of the Fascist leaders who had abandoned him, including his son–in–law, Galeazzo Ciano. During this period he wrote his memoirs entitled My Rise and Fall. On April 27, 1945, in the afternoon, near the village of Dongo (Como Lake), just before the Allied armies reached Milan, Mussolini, along with his mistress Claretta Petacci, were caught by the Italian partisans as he headed for Chiavenna to board a plane for escape to Switzerland. The day after, April 28, they were both executed along with their sixteen–man train, mostly ministers and officials of the Italian Social Republic. The next day their bodies were hung, upside down, in Piazzale Loreto (Milan) along with those of other fascists, to be abused by the crowds. Mussolini's body was then buried in an unmarked grave in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Putnam's Making Democracy Work This week I learn of the many tactics that Putnam uses in his book called Making Democracy Work. In this work he talks about a specific case in Italy where there is a stark difference between the north side of Italy and conversely the southern side of it. The northern side tended to be more wealthier and developed republics that had systems of horizontal networks while the southern side tended to be an eyesore for Italy with it being the more poorer under a monarchical system that had a vertical network. He notes this by commenting the different historical, cultural, and political stories that they had with them. As a result from the differences, the Italian government gave more control to regional governments because beforehand the state had more of a big government system, there was no regional governments except for autonomous regions in the 1950s. From these unique sequences of events, Putnam makes his case for experimenting the regional governments on the basis of democracies can form in this regional governments and if not how bad can corruption and or dysfunctionality can happen. Some of the ways he conducts his research methods is by going to regional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With this social capital, there can be some form of trust between people and that in turn causes the reinforcement of democracy, not the other way around. This reinforcement can be seen with the effective control of regional governments of both regions, but more importantly in regions of the north. In contrast if a regional government doesn't a strong enough social capital then in return the government over there will recieve defection and at times dysfunctional governments. This can be put into account that the independent variables are census of associations, newspaper readership, turnout during referenda, and other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Typicality And Emergency he Crisis of the Roman Republic alludes to an expanded time of political flimsiness and social distress that finished in the death of the Roman Republic and the appearance of the Roman Empire, from around 134 BC to 44 BC. The correct dates of the Crisis are indistinct in light of the fact that "Rome wavered amongst typicality and emergency" for a long time. Explanation: The Crisis of the Roman Republic alludes to an expanded time of political flimsiness and social distress that finished in the death of the Roman Republic and the appearance of the Roman Empire, from around 134 BC to 44 BC. The correct dates of the Crisis are indistinct in light of the fact that "Rome wavered amongst typicality and emergency" for a long time. In like manner, the causes and properties of the emergencies changed consistently, including the types of servitude, brigandage, wars inner and outside, land change, the creation of horrifying new disciplines, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Customarily, the extension of citizenship (with every one of its rights, benefits, and obligations) was looked upon contrarily by Sallust, Gibbon, and others of their schools, since it brought about inward disagreement, question with Rome's Italian partners, slave revolts, and mobs. Be that as it may, different researchers have contended that as the Republic was intended to be res publica–the fundamental thing of the general population–poor people and disappointed can not be reprimanded for attempting to review their authentic and lawful grievances. For a considerable length of time, students of history have contended about the begin, particular emergencies included, and end date for the Crisis of the Roman Republic. As a culture (or "web of foundations"), Florence Dupont and Christopher Woodall expressed, "no qualification is made between various periods."However, without question, the Romans lost freedom through loot, by "their ethically undermining ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Battle Of The Roman Republic As the Roman Republic found its way into the third and second centuries BC, it could not have anticipated its level of military engagement nor the number of conflicts it would find itself in over the next two hundred years. A series of wars allowed the Roman Republic to consolidate power on the Italian peninsula, emerge as a major force in the Mediterranean area, and lay the groundwork for what eventually would become the Empire. The series of wars Rome fought had profound impacts on the political, economic, social and cultural areas of Roman life. Ultimately Rome would emerge as a powerhouse city with a thriving political system within it, dominate the economic situation in the region before extending further, and saw the dramatic change of Roman society as it experienced a cultural influx from foreigners. The series of wars in response to Pyrrhus' invasion and the rebellion of Italian tribes would ultimately lead to the unification of the Republic on the peninsula, as well as secure a period of reprieve from foreign invasion forces. The recently defeated Samnite tribe in central Italy resented Roman control and when tensions between the Tarentines and Romans escalated, they would play a major role in the civil unrest and eventual war. The Romans decision to develop a navy was met with harsh and immediate response from Tarentum, who also called upon King Pyrrhus of Epirus to help them engage the Roman forces. Despite his superb and fairly large invasion force, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Polytheism In Slavery Patriarchy is a social system in which males holds power and predominate major political roles and leadership, authority and privilege. In the family, fathers and grandparents holds the power to control over women and children. Most patriarchal society is patrilineal that the authority is automatically passed down from father to son, and the cycle continues on without any female interference. Patriarchal society has predominated most societies in history. Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods and goddesses with different qualities, religions, and rituals. In most polytheism religions, the multiple gods are considered to control different aspects of the natural world, and represent natural forces. They are also view as the emanation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It could also be influenced by race, social group, and geography. In modern Western countries, the social stratifications results in three social classes, the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class. Each class can be subdivided into more classes within the class. Categorizing people into classes is a common phenomenon in all societies and cultures. Determining the social class an individual fits in is derived from social inequality among individuals. Generally, the more complex the society is, the more social stratification ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Ancient Rome Research Paper Slide 1: My project is on Ancient Civilizations in Italy. My presentation will focus on Italy during the Roman Empire, the Reformation, and the Renaissance. Slide 2: My presentation will begin by talking about Ancient Rome. Slide 3: Romulus and Remus are the founders of Rome. They are the twin sons of Mars who is the god of war. As babies a king left put them in a basket and sent them down the Tiber River. A she– wolf found them and raised the twins as her own. Once they got older the boys crushed the king who left them in the basket. Romulus and Remus decided to form Rome near the Tiber River. Soon after founding the city, Romulus killed Remus to become Rome's first king. Slide 4: Before becoming the Roman Empire, Rome was a tiny city surrounded by seven hills. These hills helped protect the Romans when they were fighting enemies. Rome was also located near volcanoes which made the soil fertile. The fertile soil helped the Romans grow crops to feed their families. Slide 5: The Tiber River ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The war was Caesar's supporters against the supporters of Caesar's assassinators. Caesar's supporters won the war. After some time, Caesar's adopted son Octavian became the sole ruler of Rome. Octavian changed his name to Augustus. He became the first emperor of Rome. Slide 12: The Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD. The fall of this empire was due to many political, economic, and social reasons. The Roman empire had many corrupt leaders who did not know how to run a successful empire. The economy was suffering because of taxes and the large gap between poor and wealthy people. The people of Rome were suffering from lack of food. The Roman citizens also loss trust in their rulers. Slide 13: Before Rome was the Roman Empire it was the Roman Kingdom and the Roman Republic. As an empire Rome was one of the largest and most powerful empires in history. The Roman Empire fell because of political, social, and economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. Italian Immigration Issue Analysis The Italian public, led by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, share a communal problem on the subject of Immigration with the United States. Presidential hopefuls have headlined their campaigns with powerful focus on immigration agenda. Additionally, Italy's immigration issues have been of great concern in recent months, with both countries relating to the war against terrorism, and the emigration movements from the Middle East. RAI news of Italy suggests that Trump's harsh agenda has potential, it does comes with moral conflict(1). At the 2016 Bratislava Summit, Renzi appeared furious at the EU's handling of immigration policy, stating if the EU doesn't deal with immigration, " [Italy] will."(3) Obama and Renzi lead countries of "inclusive, growing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the idea of having immigrants contribute to the economy is difficult based on the operations of Italy's socialist economy, whereas in America there is potential for immigrants to increase economic activity. There is speculation that immigrants in italy do not give back to their economy, which is a leading factor in the failing Italian economy. A clear recommendation looking forward would be to negotiate with the EU using the American support led by President–elect Donald Trump, who holds a strict immigration policy. The Republic of Italy should only settle for all countries in the EU taking on the migrant crisis, as well as financial compensation towards the effort Italy has given in the crisis. Additionally, a number should be set declaring just how many immigrants can be allowed into Italy based on financial and societal circumstances. Across the pond, the United States must learn from mistakes created by Italy and the EU in order to make sure flaws in the economy do not result from immigration. Although it is against morals, immigration needs to have strict limitation. Machiavelli praised a leader who is more feared than loved in The Prince, and while fear does not have to be intensified, it is necessary that the law serves the greater good of the state. The Italian American friendship has deep ties through history and culture, so using this philosophy from Machiavelli could lead the friendship towards finding a rightful resolution of the immigration crisis both countries face. The bond between Italy and America is kept tight through our history, our culture, and our progressive vision for the world. This bond is what gives the relation such a resounding impact on the rest of the world. Renzi believes "we will never be tired of being true [friends]"(2) speaking of Italy and America, and this could not be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. How Did Benito Mussolini Support Fascism Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist, who ruled Italy from 1922 until 1943 as the Prime Minister, and from 1943 to 1945, as the leader of the Italian Social Republic, which was a German supported regime in Northern Italy. Also, Mussolini is largely known as the founder of fascism–an authoritarian and nationalistic right–wing system of government and social organization. When WWI broke out in 1914, many of the socialist political parties in Italy supported their country's intervention in the war. The Italian Socialist Party, at which Mussolini was a leading member, had decided to oppose the war, and initially Mussolini supported this idea. (Gregor 55) However, he eventually declared his support for the war, claiming that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Testa) By this time, Mussolini had already started working on what was soon to become the basis of fascist belief. He utilized works of Plato, Georges Sorel, Nietzsche, and the socialist and economic ideas of Vilfredo Pareto as inspiration, and was especially fond of a work called The Republic, from which many ideas supported by fascism such as the promotion of the state as the ultimatum, opposition to democracy, militarization of the nation by creating "warriors", and demanding citizens to perform civic duties in the interest of the state emerged. (Moseley 39) The difference between The Republic and fascist view however, was the fact fascists supported aggressive militarism, or war, while The Republic supported militarism as defensive war only. (Sharma 66–67) Mussolini believed in the concept of Spazio Vitale (Vital Space), which was a concept that equated a nation's potential for economic growth, to its territorial size, claiming that Italy's poverty problem could only be solved by having necessary "living space." (Kallis 50) In addition, Mussolini also used biological racism, claiming Italy had the right to invade and govern African colonies because all black people were inferior to whites. (Kallis 52) The fact that Italy was suffering from overpopulation was seen by Mussolini as a sign that Italy was destined to demographically conquer weaker nations, whose population was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 62. Similarities And Differences Between Hueey Long Vs Benito... In the 1932, the March publishing of Vanity Fair included a piece of art by Miguel Covarrubias. The original piece, titled Impossible Interview No. 4, Huey Long vs. Benito Mussolini, was made the same year using gouache on paper. The majority of the space is used to depict two figures, and by the title, one can determine the figure on the right is Benito Mussolini, and the figure on the left is the Louisiana governor, Huey Long. The artwork could be described as a semi–realistic cartoon of these two people. At first glance these figures seem quite different from the clothing they are wearing and their facial expressions, but if one looks closer at their poses and surroundings, they are rather similar. Miguel Covarrubias uses these similarities and differences in the appearance of the two figures, and their surroundings to show how the people they portray both had power through different means. There are two ways the viewer can infer that these figures have power and authority. The first is the scene around them. Behind Mussolini, on the right, is a red velvet curtain, that has a golden tie–back around waist level. This tie–back, golden fringes on the bottom of the curtain, and the specific color of the curtain all are usually found in homes of powerful or rich patrons, or in buildings of important government figures. On the left side of the paintings, there is a stone railing with hills in the distance. This gives an appearance that the figures are standing near a balcony ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. The Commencement Of A Civil War Throughout history, the commencement of a civil war is often the conglomeration of various grievances, sparked by a specific occurrence acting as the catalyst for the issues at hand. As a republic Rome experienced a number of civil wars, but few illustrated Rome's strenuous relationship with outside groups, specifically the conquered Italians, as well as the Bellum Italicum, also known as the Social War. This war spanned from 91 – 87 BC, with the murder of a politician named Drusus playing the decisive role. Appian, a Greek historian who provides the best record regarding this war, states in his book The Civil Wars, "When the Italians learned of the killing of Drusus and the reason alleged for banishing the others, they considered it no ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through Appian's Civil Wars, where he focuses on the social conflicts that eventually lead to the fall of the Republic, it is possible to generate a rough timeline of what lead the Italians to the breaking point. Appian was a Greek historian whose biggest contribution to the understanding of Roman history was The Civil Wars. Here he writes about various social conflicts that he believes contributed to the fall of the Republic, including issues between the plebeians and the patricians, political matters with foreigners, and the Social War. His writing is typically done in a summary and he rarely goes into detail about events, leaving the interpretations of his work to be based off vague retellings. However, as Edward Salmon explains, "The loss of the relevant books of Livy means that we have to rely for the most part on Appian." Scholars have often contested Appian's work as amateurish because there are instances in which his timeline is off and facts have been proven incorrect or at least misleading to some degree. Seth Kendall argues in favor of Appian by claiming that he "does occasionally get facts wrong, to be sure, but he is not known for complete fabrication." It is not uncommon for historians of antiquity to have some inaccurate particulars since the study and practice of history was not as well structured then as it is now. Cicero writes in a well thought out fashion, often using descriptive language that can be described as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 66. The Impact Of 1848 Was The Year Of Revolutions Nationalism is defined as spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation; devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism; excessive patriotism. In 1848, Europe experienced back to back revolutions in different countries led by rebels and nationalists who wanted constitutional and democratic governments to replace the monarchies that ruled. Although these revolutions were unsuccessful in achieving their goals of turning their country into a new,stronger nation, they did have significant impacts in Italy, France, Austria and Germany, where they influenced the course of future political change. 1848 was the year of revolutions. The Revolution in France gave its people a new wave of nationalistic pride and it ignited a fire to a series of revolutions in Western and Central Europe. However, the new French ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Soon after, however, the republic moved in a conservative direction, and Louis–Napoléon Bonaparte, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, was elected president with the support of farmers and peasants. Four years later in 1852, Louis Napoleon abolished the Republic, established the Second French Empire and declared himself Emperor Napoleon III. After the revolution of 1830, Louis Philippe took over the throne in place of Charles X. Louis Philippe sat at the head of a moderately liberal state controlled mainly by educated elites. Supported by the Orleanists, he was opposed on his right by the Legitimists (former ultra–royalists) and on his left by the Republicans and Socialists. Under his rule, privileged groups were favored, and only approximately 1% of the French population were allowed to vote. Louis Philippe was viewed as generally indifferent to the needs of society, and was therefore turned against by even some of his liberal supporters, because of opposition towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 68. Geography And Religion: Ancient Rome Geography/Religion: Ancient Rome is located on the Italian Peninsula and expanded to Asia, Africa large parts of Europe. Above the Italian Peninsula was the Alps which formed a natural barrier, Rome were settled along the Tiber River, and most of their land touched the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Rome conquered large parts of Europe, Asia and Africa by going to war with different people. (Punic Wars) Ancient Romans grew grains, olives, and grapes. Natural resources were land, water and food. Ancient Rome practiced many religions which had their own rules. Christians had to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. People believed Jesus Christ was the son of God because of his resurrection. Christians had to pray and worship, as well as be a good person. In Ancient Rome Christianity took time to be accepted. Christians as well as Jesus Christ were persecuted for their beliefs. Romulus and Remus are the mythical founders of Rome Achievements/Politics: Ancient Romans helped create roads, concrete, aqueducts, bridges and stadiums. Roads were used to move military and helped with trade. Aqueducts transported fresh water to their cities. Bridges and stadiums used arches to help support them. Ancient Romans were influenced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ancient Romans created a republic because they were tired of the Etruscan Kings. Ancient Romans changed to a monarchy because people felt one person could make the decisions quicker. While it was a republic citizens elected representatives for the Senate to make decisions. Consuls also made decisions. Once it was a monarchy the Emperor made all of the decisions. Republic – Benefit – Citizens could vote for people to represent them Limitation – Not everyone was citizens(Patricians and Plebeians) The United States uses a republic which allows all citizens to participate in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. Mussolini Essay Benito Mussolini Like his father, Benito became a burning socialist. Mussolini had huge goals of running a political machine based on his own beliefs. Born in the poverty–stricken village of Romagna, Italy, he was wild, nomadic, and defiant as a young adult lived the life of a bum. Showing fierce aggression at such a young age, he was expelled from two schools for knife–assaults on other students. His father a village blacksmith and his mother a schoolmistress, he lived life in poverty that seemed inscapable. By moving from Italy to Austria he devoted himself to the battle for human and economic freedom. Mussolini had become an impassioned Socialist. He had been appointed secretary to the Socialists of the Chamber of Labor in Trent, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His expectations for the war, was the collapse of society that would bring him to power. His socialist comrades were enraged by his article committing Socialist support to Italy's entry into the World War. Just years earlier he had been protesting Italy's entry in war. Called up for military service, he was wounded and returned in 1917. In 1919 he founded the facist di combattimento, which in 1921 became the Italian Facist party. With facist party backing and Mussolini's own tactics he rose to power between 1919 and 1922. Mussolini entered parliament in 1921 as a right–wing member. The Fascisti formed armed squads to boss around Mussolini's former Socialist colleagues. The Italian government rarely interfered. In return for the support of a group of industrialists, Mussolini gave his approval to strikebreaking, and he abandoned revolutionary disturbance. When the liberal governments of others had failed to stop the spread of anarchy, King Victor Emmanuel III invited Mussolini to form a coalition government in 1922. With the support of the Liberals in parliament, he introduced strict censorship and altered the methods of election so that in 1925–1926 he was able to assume dictatorial powers and end all other political parties. By 1926 the facist leader had transformed Italy into a single–party, tolalitarian regime. He was also head of the all–powerful Fascist party and the armed Fascist militia. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Benito Mussolini Research Paper Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, also known as 'Il Duce' meaning "The Leader" in Italian, is one of the most evil men in the world. Benito Mussolini was born July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and a part–time socialist journalist. Instead of being with his family, he spent most of his time on politics and much of his money on his mistress. Mussolini's mother, Rosa Maltoni, on the other hand was a Catholic school teacher and was the one that provided the family with some stability and income. Benito Mussolini and his family lived in two crowded rooms on the second floor of a small palazzo. Mussolini and he was the oldest of three children and came from an extremely poor family. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a teenager, his father instilled in him a passion for socialist politics and a defiance against authority. He was expelled from many schools for bullying and defiance against authority and he was also very moody at home. When he was sent to board with the strict Salesian order at Faenza because the village school could not handle him, he stabbed someone with a penknife attacked one of the Salesians who attempted to beat him and he was sent to Giosuè Carducci School at Forlimpopoli where he was later expelled again for assaulting another person with a penknife. While he was a very misbehaved kid to say the least, he was also very intelligent and he passed all of his exams with ease. In 1901, Mussolini obtained his teaching diploma and worked as a school master for a very short time because he realized that that was not the job for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Political And Military Development: The Roman Republic The Roman Republic experienced three major states of political and military development. It went from being one of many city states in the Italian Peninsula to one of the most powerful empires in the world during its time. The Roman Republic lasted from 509 BCE until 31 BCE. The first major stage of political development in the Roman Republic was the Early Republic, from 509 BCE until 264 BCE (van Voorst, 2013). During this time, Rome established a republican government and implemented a series of checks and balances to prevent any one man from becoming too powerful (van Voorst, 2013). The leaders during this time had both political and military power (MacRae, 2013). The Middle Republic, 264–133 BCE, was defined by three Punic wars ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. How Is Benito Mussolini A Good Leader "It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do." This quote stated by Benito Mussolini makes his out to be a strong and powerful ruler. Benito was born July 29, 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy. When Benito was growing up his father, Alessandro was a blacksmith and a impassioned socialist that spent lots of his time on politics and money on his mistress. His mother, Rosa was a Catholic school teacher. After being involved in both World War One and Two he was executed on April 28, 1945. Because Benito Mussolini had parents involved in politics, was a powerful man, and was very intelligent he became a powerful and loved ruler. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was named Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini by his father after three leaders he admired: Benito Juárez, Amilcare Cipriani, and Andrea Costa. Benito's father, Alessandro entered politics at the age of just nineteen as a revolutionary socialist militant. He later became part of the local government. Alessandro was arrested in 1878 for suspicion of taking part in revolutionary activities and was put under house arrest until 1882 so he could attend his marriage When Benito was younger he was very intelligent. Even though he was very intelligent he was also very disobedient in school. He often would bully or pick on the other kids causing his to get throw or expelled out of schools. Even though he was to misbehaved in school and seemed to dislike it he received a teaching certificate in 1901. After receiving his certificate he became a school teacher for just a brief ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. The Patron-Clients Of Rome And The Development Of The... Roman Empire Victory over Carthage brought Rome to greater heights. Romans had secured world supremacy and established dominant power. As a result, Rome suffered and experienced crises more than they could have imagined such as different forms of slavery, plunder, land reform, expansion of citizenship, wars within and outside of Rome, and the changing of the Roman armies. During the late Republic, Rome's society consists of highly stratified class of people. The noble families, comes from the Senatorial ranks. These influential families have the ability to wage war or not. Hence, the Patron–Client system evolved, wherein the wealthy man (Patron) binds a man in agreement (client) in exchange of gain for future support. However, when this Patron–Client ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wealthy ruling elite sought more wealth, personal glory, and political power. Thousands and thousands of farmers had a hard time looking for job as they had been replaced by the slaves. The people moving in the city were jobless, landless, and idle. There was inadequate food supply and people were hungry. Moreover, corruption was very rampant in the society. In the middle of this turmoil, stood the Gracchus brothers, who have proposed a bill supporting the welfare of the poor and common people. Tiberius Gracchus passed a bill limiting the amount of public land that a man can own. On the other hand, Gaius Gracchus focused to stop the problem of extortion in the provinces. Gaius tried to stop the abuses of the Governors from taking money, goods, and crops from the provinces. Gaius also attempted to issue citizenship to the Italians but he lost the support of the Roman people. The Romans does not want to share the same benefits to the non–Romans. The suppression and assassination of the Gracchus brothers paved way to this less scrupulous politician to have political power by falsely claiming that they are protecting the interest of the poor or the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...