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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714
www.ijhssi.org Volume 4 Issue 4 || April. 2015 || PP.46-50
www.ijhssi.org 46 | Page
Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An
Mrs. R. D. Padmavathy1
& DR. Pratima Pallai2
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tezpur University (A central University), Assam.
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tezpur University (A central University), Assam.
ABSTRACT: Human right refer to the fundamental freedoms and basic liberties without which men, women
and children cannot live with respect and dignity. Basic to human rights are the values of non-discrimination
and equality, which contribute to building a culture of peace in society. In the present study an attempt has
been made to investigate the human rights awareness of postgraduate students studying in the university. In the
present study descriptive survey method was adopted. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select
samples of 200 post graduate students studying value education course. A standardised Human Rights
Awareness Test by Vishal Sood & Arti Anand,(2012) was used to collect the data. To analyse the data mean,
standard deviation and t-test was used. The finding of the study reveals that post graduate students irrespective
of their entire sample, gender, place of residence, stream/faculty and type of family have average level of human
rights awareness.
KEY WORDS: Values, Human Rights, Peace, Awareness, Dignity, Post Graduate Students
“All men are born free but every where they are in chains” - J.J. Rousseau
All human beings which born in the world needs love, care and wish to have a peaceful happy life.
Peace makes advancement of civilization possible and foundation of peace in the world rest on the basic
principles of justice, equality and the freedom enjoyed by man. Whenever these rights have been denied to
people or nations there have been conflicts between man and man, nation and nation. Knowledge of freedom
and rights is considered a fundamental tool to guarantee respect for the rights of all. Education should
encompass values such as peace, tolerance and respect for human dignity. Inculcating human rights education
and awareness is the only guarantee of demonstrating our commitment to human dignity, promotion of an
adequate standard of life to everyone and finally for the promotion of world peace and prosperity for all.
(UNESCO, n.n)
Human right refer to the fundamental freedoms and basic liberties without which men, women and
children cannot live with respect and dignity. Human rights are the natural rights of a human being which means
the right to guarantee dignity as a person. After World War II, the universal declaration of human rights on 10
December 1948 marks the first cornerstone of an international movement for human rights. It is the basic
international code of conduct which is a general binding for all the members’ nations of UNO to promote and
protect human rights. It has laid great emphasis on protecting basic rights of all human beings as these are pre-
requisites for the survival. A number of cases of human rights denial in various forms and incidents are
happening. Even in some cases the role of the government responsible for protecting human rights are not
appropriate. Most of the human violation cases are seen in case of deprived sections of society. The main reason
for occurrence of incidents of exploitations is the lack of awareness among large masses about their basic human
rights (Vishal Sood & Arti Anand, 2012).
Education for human rights is of great importance. All human beings are equal in dignity. Human
rights are equal and basic for all human beings that define their individual identities and collective identities and
allow them to make their independent choices in the specific as well as in the totality of human situations. They
also encompass the equal right to informed participation in decision-making process in matters relating to access
to, management of and material bases of the life support system of individuals. There are moral claims which
are undeniable and natural in all human individuals by virtue of their humanity alone. These claims are
articulated and formulated in what we today call human rights. These human rights can be found in every
culture, tradition and civilization.
Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation
www.ijhssi.org 47 | Page
The Encyclopaedia Britannica (vol. 6), defined human rights as a wide continuum of values that are
universal in character and in some sense equally claimed for all human beings. The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights states that ‘education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms’. All human rights are universal,
indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. The International community must treat human rights globally in a
fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis. While the significance of national,
regional and various historical, cultural and religious background must be borne in mind, it is the duty of the
states, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and
fundamental freedoms” (Helena,2002).
The educational policies of country addresses the concerns reflected in the Constitution. The National
Policy on Education (NPE, 1986) clearly says that Education has continued to evolve, diversify, and extend its
reach and coverage since the dawn of human history. Every country develops its system of education to express
and promote its unique socio-cultural identity and also to meet the challenges of the time. The policy as
modified in 1992 seeks "to promote equality to provide equal opportunity to all not only in access, but also in
the conditions for success".
The Indian education system has followed a 'Value and Awareness Model' of human rights education,
wherein, human rights are not taught as a separate subject, instead, various values related to human rights have
been integrated in all subjects. (Pandey, 2005) Since the Indian society has traditionally been a value-based and
spiritual society, inculcation of certain values through the process of education is considered as essential for
promotion of respect for human dignity. This basic principle has been accepted and reflected through all the
three Curriculum Frameworks for school education formulated so far in the country by the National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
The concept of human rights has a universal frame of reference. It is imperative that children are
introduced to universal values in a manner appropriate for their age. Reference to day-to-day issues can be
discussed so that young students become aware of issues related to human dignity and rights. It encompasses
respect for human dignity, rights, justice, tolerance, cooperation, social responsibility, and respect for cultural
diversity, in addition to a firm commitment to democracy and non-violent conflict resolution. The concern for
equality and social justice, which refers to practising non-exploitation towards the have-nots, the poor and the
underprivileged and creating a non-violent social system, is the hallmark of education for peace. Similarly,
human rights are central to the concept of peace. Peace cannot prevail if the rights of individuals are violated.
Basic to human rights are the values of non-discrimination and equality, which contribute to building a culture
of peace in society (NCF, 2005).
The modern society all over the world is considered by tremendous growth in information and
communication technology, liberalization and globalisation of the economy and continuous pursuit of gross
materialism without caring for eternal human values, where rights of an individual are limited by his/her duty
towards others. Materialistic values are slowly overcoming the spiritual and moral values of the society. The
diverse information’s accessed through media influences impressionistic minds of students and makes them to
unaware of the responsibilities and human rights.
Students especially, the young students of universities should know or aware about the human rights.
After the completion of their courses in the universities they will enter into the society and will involve different
social, political roles and responsibilities. Unless and until they would learn and know about human rights they
cannot access them properly. That they can be used whenever there is discrimination on the grounds of sex,
race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or religious belief or on the basis of class or caste systems in
modern times. Keeping in view, researchers aim to study the significance of human rights awareness level in the
university. Therefore the researchers thought to do an investigation to measure the level of awareness of
students with regard to concepts and principles of human rights as well as awareness with regard to situations
involving human right violations. Though in many courses human rights is the part of the curriculum but after
this study the researchers could reach a point that human rights education can be suggested as one of the paper
in the curriculum.
1. To measure the level of human rights awareness of students studying Value education.
2. To find out the difference if any between the following post graduate students in respect of their
awareness of human rights (i) Gender (ii) Stream/Faculty (iii) Place of Residence (iv) Type of Family.
Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation
www.ijhssi.org 48 | Page
1. The level of human rights awareness of Post graduate students studying Value education is high
2. There is no significant difference between the following sub samples with respect of the human rights
awareness level of post graduate students
(i) Gender - Male /Female
(ii) Stream/Faculty - Arts / Science
(iii) Place of Residence - Urban/Rural
(iv) Type of Family - Joint / Nuclear
In this study descriptive survey method was adopted.
In the present study a samples of 200 post graduate students studying value education course consists
of 100 urban and 100 rural were selected using stratified random sampling technique.
A standardised Human Rights Awareness Test developed by Vishal Sood &Arti Anand, (2012) was
used to measure the awareness level of post graduate students. There are 50 statements with three alternatives
i.e., true, undecided and false. For positive statements a score of 2 marks was given for true, 1 mark for
undecided and zero was given for false options and for negative statements the scoring procedure was
completely reversed. Human rights awareness tool was classified into three dimensions namely:
 Knowledge of human rights related documents
 Knowledge and understanding about human rights concepts
 Understanding of situations involving human rights violation/non-violations
Norms for interpretation of level of human rights awareness
Range of Z-score Grade Level of Human Rights Awareness
+ 2.01 and above A Extremely High
+ 1.26 to +2.00 B High
+0.51 to +1.25 C Above Average
- 0.50 to +0.50 D Average
-0.51 to -1.25 E Below Average
-1.26 to -2.00 F Low
-2.01 and below G Extremely low
The reliability of the human rights awareness test was ranged between to be 0.67 to 0.73 which is a
fairly high measure of intrinsic consistency test. This test was found to possess an adequate content validity.
The data were analysed and interpreted according to respondent’s gender, place of residence,
stream/faculty of study and type of family. The mean score and Quartile for the entire sample was calculated to
divide the human rights awareness into different levels namely above average level, average level and below
average level. Standard deviation values were used for understanding the distribution. The critical ratios were
calculated to test the variables. The t –test was employed to test the hypothesis at 0.01 levels. The analysis,
interpretation of data and discussion are presented as below:
Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation
www.ijhssi.org 49 | Page
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Human Rights Awareness Scores of Post Graduate Students
Si. No Categories Sub
No. of Students %
Level of Human
Rights Awareness
Average Below
1. Gender Male 3 28 13 44 22 Average
Female 18 94 44 156 78 Average
2. Place of
Urban 7 67 26 100 50 Average
Rural 14 55 31 100 50 Average
3. Stream/
Arts 14 78 42 134 67 Average
Science 7 44 15 66 33 Average
Type of
Joint 3 20 15 38 19 Average
Nuclear 18 102 42 162 81 Average
Figure 1: Box plot for Human Rights Awareness Scores of Post Graduate Students
From the Table 1, Figure 1, it is observed that human rights awareness levels of the post graduate students are
classified as average. Table 2 shows the mean and standard deviation scores of the samples. It is found the post
graduate students irrespective of their entire sample gender, place of residence stream, types of family have
average level of human rights awareness.
Table 2: Differential Analysis for Human Rights Awareness Levels of Post Graduate Students
Si. No Categories Sub
N % Mean SD t- value
with dfs 198
Sig 2-
1. Gender Male 44 22 66 7.77
0.122 0.903Female 156 78 66.17 8.415
Total 200 100 1.78 0.415
Place of
Urban 100 50 65.90 7.301
0.402 0.688
Rural 100 50 66.37 8.148
Total 200 100 1.50 0.501
Arts 134 67 65.87 8.76
0.656 0.512
Science 66 33 66.68 7.164
Total 200 100 1.33 0.471
4. Type of
Joint 38 19 64.84 8.41
1.073 0.285
Nuclear 162 81 66.44 8.22
Total 200 100 1.81 0.393
Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of male and female post graduate
students human rights awareness levels. The calculated t-value is 0.122 which is lesser than the table value of
1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the male
and female postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.
Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of urban and rural post graduate
students human rights awareness levels. The calculated t-value is 0.402 which is lesser than the table value of
1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the urban
and rural postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.
Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation
www.ijhssi.org 50 | Page
Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of arts and science post graduate
students human rights awareness levels. The calculated t-value is 0.656 which is lesser than the table value of
1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the arts and
science postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.
Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of post graduate student’s human
rights awareness levels belonging to joint and nuclear family. The calculated t-value is 1.07 which is lesser than
the table value of 1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was
found that the post graduate student’s human rights awareness levels belonging to joint and nuclear family do
not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.
 It was found that the post graduate students irrespective of their entire sample, gender, place of residence,
stream and type of family have average level of human rights awareness levels.
 It was found that the male and female postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights
awareness levels. This findings contradicts the findings of Kumar(2002),Kumar (2008)and Tiwari & Tiwari
 It was found that the urban and rural post graduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights
awareness levels. Students belonging to urban areas were significantly more aware than rural counter parts
in terms of awareness regarding human rights commissions and its functions. This finding is line with
Chhabra (2005) and Kaur (2006) and contradicts the findings of Kumar (2002) and Kumar (2008).
 It was found that the arts and science post graduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights
awareness levels.
 It was found that the post graduate student’s human rights awareness levels belonging to joint and nuclear
family do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.
From this investigation it can be referred that the human rights awareness of post graduate students is
in average level. Therefore there is a strong need to develop their human rights awareness level through various
programmes which will help them to understand the human dignity, values and rights. So that students can able
to analyse the forces which violates their rights and dignity. It was found that the postgraduate students selected
demographic factor do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. This study can also help
institutions to understand the actual human rights awareness levels of the students. It also indicates lack in
certain dimensions like Knowledge of human rights related documents, understanding about human rights
concepts, Understanding of situations involving human rights violation/non-violations. Therefore it needs value
and awareness model of human rights education as a separate subject as quoted by Pandey (2005) and human
rights are not taught as a separate subject instead various values related to human rights have been integrated in
all subjects and in all stages of curriculum. To sum up, more effective and planned human rights programs are
necessary at university level to ensure proper dissemination and education of human rights awareness among
post graduate students.
[1]. Chhabra, Prem(2005). A comparison of senior secondary school students on awareness about Human rights in
relation to sex, locality and stream of study. M.Phil. Dissertation.H.P.University .Shimla
[2]. Kaur (2006). A Study of awareness about Human rights in rural and urban areas. M.Ed.Dissertation. H.P.University .Shimla
[3]. Kumar,Rakesh.(2002).A Study of awareness of secondary level girl students about Human rights. M.Ed.Dissertation.
H.P.University, Shimla
[4]. Kumar,Punit.(2008).A Study of Human rights awareness among junior basic teachers trainees of Himachal Pradesh. M.Ed.
Dissertation, P.G.College of Education. Nerchowk. Abhilashi
[5]. Tiwari, K. K. & Tiwari, Sarika (2012). A Study of the Determinants of Adolescents’ Attitude towards Human Rights in Relation
to Social Competence. ShodhDristi 3, 1, 108-111.
[6]. Tiwari, K. K. &Tiwari, Sarika (2012). A Study of the Determinants of Adolescents’ Attitude towards Human Rights in Relation
to Socio-Economic Status. Anusilan 39,1, 145-149.
[7]. Helena, K. (2002). 25 Questions and Answers on Health and Human rights. Health & Human Rights Publication Series, Issue
No1, July. pp
[8]. National Policy on Education,(1986). Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi: Government of India.
[9]. National Curriculum Framework,( 2005). New Delhi: NCERT.
[10]. Pandey, S. (2005). Human Rights Education in Schools: The Indian Experience. Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, 8,
[11]. UNESCO,(n.n). World Programme for Human Rights Education
http://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/human_rights_education_in_asian_schools/section2/2005 /03 / human-rights-education-in-
schools-the-indian-experience.html.Retrived on Apr 09,2015
[12]. Vishal Sood & Arti Anand,(2012). Human Rights Awareness Test, National Psychological Corporation, Agra.

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Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation

  • 1. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 7722, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org Volume 4 Issue 4 || April. 2015 || PP.46-50 www.ijhssi.org 46 | Page Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation Mrs. R. D. Padmavathy1 & DR. Pratima Pallai2 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tezpur University (A central University), Assam. 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Tezpur University (A central University), Assam. ABSTRACT: Human right refer to the fundamental freedoms and basic liberties without which men, women and children cannot live with respect and dignity. Basic to human rights are the values of non-discrimination and equality, which contribute to building a culture of peace in society. In the present study an attempt has been made to investigate the human rights awareness of postgraduate students studying in the university. In the present study descriptive survey method was adopted. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select samples of 200 post graduate students studying value education course. A standardised Human Rights Awareness Test by Vishal Sood & Arti Anand,(2012) was used to collect the data. To analyse the data mean, standard deviation and t-test was used. The finding of the study reveals that post graduate students irrespective of their entire sample, gender, place of residence, stream/faculty and type of family have average level of human rights awareness. KEY WORDS: Values, Human Rights, Peace, Awareness, Dignity, Post Graduate Students I. INTRODUCTION “All men are born free but every where they are in chains” - J.J. Rousseau All human beings which born in the world needs love, care and wish to have a peaceful happy life. Peace makes advancement of civilization possible and foundation of peace in the world rest on the basic principles of justice, equality and the freedom enjoyed by man. Whenever these rights have been denied to people or nations there have been conflicts between man and man, nation and nation. Knowledge of freedom and rights is considered a fundamental tool to guarantee respect for the rights of all. Education should encompass values such as peace, tolerance and respect for human dignity. Inculcating human rights education and awareness is the only guarantee of demonstrating our commitment to human dignity, promotion of an adequate standard of life to everyone and finally for the promotion of world peace and prosperity for all. (UNESCO, n.n) II. HUMAN RIGHTS Human right refer to the fundamental freedoms and basic liberties without which men, women and children cannot live with respect and dignity. Human rights are the natural rights of a human being which means the right to guarantee dignity as a person. After World War II, the universal declaration of human rights on 10 December 1948 marks the first cornerstone of an international movement for human rights. It is the basic international code of conduct which is a general binding for all the members’ nations of UNO to promote and protect human rights. It has laid great emphasis on protecting basic rights of all human beings as these are pre- requisites for the survival. A number of cases of human rights denial in various forms and incidents are happening. Even in some cases the role of the government responsible for protecting human rights are not appropriate. Most of the human violation cases are seen in case of deprived sections of society. The main reason for occurrence of incidents of exploitations is the lack of awareness among large masses about their basic human rights (Vishal Sood & Arti Anand, 2012). III. EDUCATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Education for human rights is of great importance. All human beings are equal in dignity. Human rights are equal and basic for all human beings that define their individual identities and collective identities and allow them to make their independent choices in the specific as well as in the totality of human situations. They also encompass the equal right to informed participation in decision-making process in matters relating to access to, management of and material bases of the life support system of individuals. There are moral claims which are undeniable and natural in all human individuals by virtue of their humanity alone. These claims are articulated and formulated in what we today call human rights. These human rights can be found in every culture, tradition and civilization.
  • 2. Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation www.ijhssi.org 47 | Page The Encyclopaedia Britannica (vol. 6), defined human rights as a wide continuum of values that are universal in character and in some sense equally claimed for all human beings. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that ‘education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms’. All human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. The International community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis. While the significance of national, regional and various historical, cultural and religious background must be borne in mind, it is the duty of the states, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms” (Helena,2002). The educational policies of country addresses the concerns reflected in the Constitution. The National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986) clearly says that Education has continued to evolve, diversify, and extend its reach and coverage since the dawn of human history. Every country develops its system of education to express and promote its unique socio-cultural identity and also to meet the challenges of the time. The policy as modified in 1992 seeks "to promote equality to provide equal opportunity to all not only in access, but also in the conditions for success". The Indian education system has followed a 'Value and Awareness Model' of human rights education, wherein, human rights are not taught as a separate subject, instead, various values related to human rights have been integrated in all subjects. (Pandey, 2005) Since the Indian society has traditionally been a value-based and spiritual society, inculcation of certain values through the process of education is considered as essential for promotion of respect for human dignity. This basic principle has been accepted and reflected through all the three Curriculum Frameworks for school education formulated so far in the country by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). IV. NEED FOR THE STUDY The concept of human rights has a universal frame of reference. It is imperative that children are introduced to universal values in a manner appropriate for their age. Reference to day-to-day issues can be discussed so that young students become aware of issues related to human dignity and rights. It encompasses respect for human dignity, rights, justice, tolerance, cooperation, social responsibility, and respect for cultural diversity, in addition to a firm commitment to democracy and non-violent conflict resolution. The concern for equality and social justice, which refers to practising non-exploitation towards the have-nots, the poor and the underprivileged and creating a non-violent social system, is the hallmark of education for peace. Similarly, human rights are central to the concept of peace. Peace cannot prevail if the rights of individuals are violated. Basic to human rights are the values of non-discrimination and equality, which contribute to building a culture of peace in society (NCF, 2005). The modern society all over the world is considered by tremendous growth in information and communication technology, liberalization and globalisation of the economy and continuous pursuit of gross materialism without caring for eternal human values, where rights of an individual are limited by his/her duty towards others. Materialistic values are slowly overcoming the spiritual and moral values of the society. The diverse information’s accessed through media influences impressionistic minds of students and makes them to unaware of the responsibilities and human rights. Students especially, the young students of universities should know or aware about the human rights. After the completion of their courses in the universities they will enter into the society and will involve different social, political roles and responsibilities. Unless and until they would learn and know about human rights they cannot access them properly. That they can be used whenever there is discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or religious belief or on the basis of class or caste systems in modern times. Keeping in view, researchers aim to study the significance of human rights awareness level in the university. Therefore the researchers thought to do an investigation to measure the level of awareness of students with regard to concepts and principles of human rights as well as awareness with regard to situations involving human right violations. Though in many courses human rights is the part of the curriculum but after this study the researchers could reach a point that human rights education can be suggested as one of the paper in the curriculum. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To measure the level of human rights awareness of students studying Value education. 2. To find out the difference if any between the following post graduate students in respect of their awareness of human rights (i) Gender (ii) Stream/Faculty (iii) Place of Residence (iv) Type of Family.
  • 3. Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation www.ijhssi.org 48 | Page HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY 1. The level of human rights awareness of Post graduate students studying Value education is high 2. There is no significant difference between the following sub samples with respect of the human rights awareness level of post graduate students (i) Gender - Male /Female (ii) Stream/Faculty - Arts / Science (iii) Place of Residence - Urban/Rural (iv) Type of Family - Joint / Nuclear METHOD OF THE STUDY In this study descriptive survey method was adopted. SAMPLE In the present study a samples of 200 post graduate students studying value education course consists of 100 urban and 100 rural were selected using stratified random sampling technique. V. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT AND SCORING PROCEDURE A standardised Human Rights Awareness Test developed by Vishal Sood &Arti Anand, (2012) was used to measure the awareness level of post graduate students. There are 50 statements with three alternatives i.e., true, undecided and false. For positive statements a score of 2 marks was given for true, 1 mark for undecided and zero was given for false options and for negative statements the scoring procedure was completely reversed. Human rights awareness tool was classified into three dimensions namely:  Knowledge of human rights related documents  Knowledge and understanding about human rights concepts  Understanding of situations involving human rights violation/non-violations Norms for interpretation of level of human rights awareness Range of Z-score Grade Level of Human Rights Awareness + 2.01 and above A Extremely High + 1.26 to +2.00 B High +0.51 to +1.25 C Above Average - 0.50 to +0.50 D Average -0.51 to -1.25 E Below Average -1.26 to -2.00 F Low -2.01 and below G Extremely low VI. RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY The reliability of the human rights awareness test was ranged between to be 0.67 to 0.73 which is a fairly high measure of intrinsic consistency test. This test was found to possess an adequate content validity. VII. ANALYSES AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA The data were analysed and interpreted according to respondent’s gender, place of residence, stream/faculty of study and type of family. The mean score and Quartile for the entire sample was calculated to divide the human rights awareness into different levels namely above average level, average level and below average level. Standard deviation values were used for understanding the distribution. The critical ratios were calculated to test the variables. The t –test was employed to test the hypothesis at 0.01 levels. The analysis, interpretation of data and discussion are presented as below:
  • 4. Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation www.ijhssi.org 49 | Page Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Human Rights Awareness Scores of Post Graduate Students Si. No Categories Sub Samples No. of Students % Level of Human Rights Awareness Above Average Average Below Average Total 1. Gender Male 3 28 13 44 22 Average Female 18 94 44 156 78 Average 2. Place of Residence Urban 7 67 26 100 50 Average Rural 14 55 31 100 50 Average 3. Stream/ Faculty Arts 14 78 42 134 67 Average Science 7 44 15 66 33 Average 4. Type of Family Joint 3 20 15 38 19 Average Nuclear 18 102 42 162 81 Average Figure 1: Box plot for Human Rights Awareness Scores of Post Graduate Students From the Table 1, Figure 1, it is observed that human rights awareness levels of the post graduate students are classified as average. Table 2 shows the mean and standard deviation scores of the samples. It is found the post graduate students irrespective of their entire sample gender, place of residence stream, types of family have average level of human rights awareness. Table 2: Differential Analysis for Human Rights Awareness Levels of Post Graduate Students Si. No Categories Sub Samples N % Mean SD t- value with dfs 198 Sig 2- tailed 1. Gender Male 44 22 66 7.77 0.122 0.903Female 156 78 66.17 8.415 Total 200 100 1.78 0.415 2. Place of Residence Urban 100 50 65.90 7.301 0.402 0.688 Rural 100 50 66.37 8.148 Total 200 100 1.50 0.501 3. Stream /Faculty Arts 134 67 65.87 8.76 0.656 0.512 Science 66 33 66.68 7.164 Total 200 100 1.33 0.471 4. Type of Family Joint 38 19 64.84 8.41 1.073 0.285 Nuclear 162 81 66.44 8.22 Total 200 100 1.81 0.393 Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of male and female post graduate students human rights awareness levels. The calculated t-value is 0.122 which is lesser than the table value of 1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the male and female postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of urban and rural post graduate students human rights awareness levels. The calculated t-value is 0.402 which is lesser than the table value of 1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the urban and rural postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.
  • 5. Human Rights Awareness of University Students: An Investigation www.ijhssi.org 50 | Page Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of arts and science post graduate students human rights awareness levels. The calculated t-value is 0.656 which is lesser than the table value of 1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the arts and science postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. Table 2 further reveals that the mean, standard deviation and t-Value of post graduate student’s human rights awareness levels belonging to joint and nuclear family. The calculated t-value is 1.07 which is lesser than the table value of 1.96 to be significant at 0.05 levels. Therefore null hypothesis is accepted. Further it was found that the post graduate student’s human rights awareness levels belonging to joint and nuclear family do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. VIII. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY  It was found that the post graduate students irrespective of their entire sample, gender, place of residence, stream and type of family have average level of human rights awareness levels.  It was found that the male and female postgraduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. This findings contradicts the findings of Kumar(2002),Kumar (2008)and Tiwari & Tiwari (2012)  It was found that the urban and rural post graduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. Students belonging to urban areas were significantly more aware than rural counter parts in terms of awareness regarding human rights commissions and its functions. This finding is line with Chhabra (2005) and Kaur (2006) and contradicts the findings of Kumar (2002) and Kumar (2008).  It was found that the arts and science post graduate students do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels.  It was found that the post graduate student’s human rights awareness levels belonging to joint and nuclear family do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. IX. CONCLUSION From this investigation it can be referred that the human rights awareness of post graduate students is in average level. Therefore there is a strong need to develop their human rights awareness level through various programmes which will help them to understand the human dignity, values and rights. So that students can able to analyse the forces which violates their rights and dignity. It was found that the postgraduate students selected demographic factor do not differ significantly in their human rights awareness levels. This study can also help institutions to understand the actual human rights awareness levels of the students. It also indicates lack in certain dimensions like Knowledge of human rights related documents, understanding about human rights concepts, Understanding of situations involving human rights violation/non-violations. Therefore it needs value and awareness model of human rights education as a separate subject as quoted by Pandey (2005) and human rights are not taught as a separate subject instead various values related to human rights have been integrated in all subjects and in all stages of curriculum. To sum up, more effective and planned human rights programs are necessary at university level to ensure proper dissemination and education of human rights awareness among post graduate students. REFERENCE [1]. Chhabra, Prem(2005). A comparison of senior secondary school students on awareness about Human rights in relation to sex, locality and stream of study. M.Phil. 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