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Human Rights Essay Writing
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Human Rights Essay Writing Human Rights Essay Writing
Improving Education Through Cultural Diversity
In today s society, I ve learned that cultural diversity is important and it has been for many centuries
ago. The dictionary states that cultural diversity is the cohabitation of different values, cultural, sex
and race in one definite component. In America today cultural diversity has been an everyday
expression in the education world. Some have a misunderstanding of what it may mean. We must have
some type of order if we plan to be successful when it comes to having a diverse school. This happens
within our own learning services where our children and our students are well educated. This thesis is
improving education through cultural diversity and how American can see it as trying to co existing in
many different way across the world ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I think it is a good ideas to teach children about what is right from wrong when they are young. I like
to tell children that they can work better together when they fully understand each other. Now and
days students have tons of technology in the classroom that most people feel that will help them learn.
Others feel like technology blocks student from learning because they depend on google. I ve heard
some students say that if you don t know the answer then you can just google it. Children are being
raised in the technology generation where technology is everywhere. But why stop children from
using technology when that s all that is big shown on television, in the media, magazines, radio, etc.
From reading a new article from Pinellas County School District I learned that the children from
Tarpon Springs Elementary school are via video chatting with student from Greece. I find that to be a
great idea to have children interact through technology. Why? Because the questions that the children
are asking some teacher do not know because they have never been to Greece to experience the things
that the children over there have experienced. In case of emergency, how do you get off the island
(Reeves, 2016). A fifth grader asked that question, I felt that whatever question that the children asked
were all good questions. In the article it did not state all the questions but I m pretty sure that some
students had question about their school activities in
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Mental Endurance in Endurance Shackleton s Incredible Voyage
Mental Endurance in Alfred Lansing s Endurance Shackleton s Incredible Voyage
In Endurance Shackleton s Incredible Voyage, Alfred Lansing recounts the tale of one of the greatest
successes of the Twentieth Century. Ironically, Lansing s detailed account of the 1915 Trans Antarctic
Expedition illuminates the stark reality that Sir Ernest Shackleton s expedition did not fulfill its goal.
In fact, the expedition never even set foot upon the continent that they had intended to cross. The
outstanding success of that motley crew of adventurers was in their ability to endure the harsh
Antarctic climate. Despite having their ship crushed by an ice cap, spending the dark Antarctic winter
hopelessly alone, suffering through a stormy voyage in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to endure, one must get along with himself to prevent the self pity that cripples the human
organism, and he must also cooperate with his peers unless he wants to abandon any help he might
have received from the resourceful human community around him. There it is then, Shackleton s
indefatigable trait, the positive attitude that permits people to explode through obstacles by the means
of cooperation of mind, body, and peers.
While I am not as experienced in the faculty of endurance as Shackleton was, my trials as a distance
runner have bequeathed me with a concrete idea of what endurance is. My debilitating cramps, my
slogs through mud pits that were formerly legitimate trails, and my stomach emptying wretches on the
side of the sizzling track have enstilled in me the prerequisite for a belief that what I am doing really
matters. When I fail to maintain a positive mental attitude, my exhausted legs slow in their powerful
dance; they simply refuse to go any faster as the blanket of apathy envelopes me. Although my
running horror story pales in comparison to Shackleton s epic of frostbite and starvation, the workout
early on a rainy Saturday morning in November required that I suck it up and believe in what I was
doing. I had already run three one mile repeats at a ridiculously fast rate of speed over the trail with
the biggest hill in site. When Coach asked
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Compare Utopia And A Man For All Seasons
In Utopia and A Man for All Seasons, written by Thomas More, More analyses politics through
different perspective. More travels to Antwerp as an ambassador for England and King Henry the
VIII. Here More is introduced to Raphael Hythloday, a veteran traveler. Hythloday has a great depth
of knowledge and understanding of governments of many nations and in the book it recounts their
conversations.Utopia gives readers insight in the the ways politics are influenced and through More s
and Raphael s experience one can notice the different ways persuasion is used with in politics.
Raphael s story about theft and punishment can be used to note how to persuade advisors to the Kings,
and More s ideas between civilized and academic advice can be used to persuade the King. In A Man
for All Seasons, More is faced with the decision to save his life or protect his integrity. Raphael s and
More discuss the effects of why the punishment for thievery is unnecessary and ultimately ineffective
when it comes to solving the problem. This conversation depicts a perfect way in which advisors can
be persuaded to a contrasting idea, because Morton, head advisor to the King, doesn t believe in the
new way Raphael thinks thievery should be punished but then is convinced by parts of Raphael s
ideas. More brings up the idea that the most effective way to influence public affairs is to gain the
confidence of some great king and give him advice (20). Raphael s disagrees, Kings are more
interested in the science of war than in useful peacetime techniques (20). Though Raphael doesn t
believe going directly to the king to advise, he also sees many problems with the councillors. Advisors
are either too wise to need, or too conceited to take advice from anyone else (20). Raphael brings up
that he has even seen this in England, which transitions their conversion into the punishment for
thievery. Raphael believes that the death penalty is too severe, and as a deterrent it s quite ineffective
(22). Most steal when they are desperate and no penalty on earth will stop people, and it would be
more effective to provide everyone with some means of livelihood so that they wouldn t steal in the
first place (22). This applies to more
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Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component Of Conflict
UN peacekeeping has become an important component of conflict management across the globe,
involving complex multi dimensional missions with mandates to help establish long and lasting peace.
Peacekeepers represent and help implement the values of international community in their activities in
conflict areas. Unfortunately, some peacekeepers have engaged in exploitative and abusive sexual
relations with the beneficiary population that they serve. Often these transgressions followed by
impunity for a myriad of institutional and cultural reasons. The efforts of the UN to address sexual
misconduct are either curtailed by their competences as an organization or deficient. This study argues
that the UN would benefit from a new approach ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A conclusion and discussion follows.
II. Sexual Misconduct In Peace Operations
The record of peacekeeper sexual misconduct has a long history stretching back as far as the UN
mission in Cambodia (UNTAC) in 1992 (Simic, 2009, p. 396; Hebert, 2011, p. 124). The UN was ill
prepared for this behavior in peace operations. The UN Special Representative to Cambodia, Yasushi
Akashi infamously said in 1993 in response to peacekeeper sexual abuse of the local population: boys
will be boys (Neudorfer, 2014, p. 13). In 2000, the UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted Resolution
1325 to begin integrating more women into the peacekeeping process and mainstreaming a gendered
perspective in the organization (1325 ####). In 2002, the UNHCR and Save the Children UK issued a
report naming more than 40 humanitarian agencies exploiting refugees in West Africa, which served
as catalyst for the UN and other agencies to make more effective policies to combat sexual misconduct
(Spencer, 2005, p. 172). In 2002, the UN established the Inter Agency Standing Committee Task Force
on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises (Hebert, 2011, p. 125). The
UN Secretary General (UNSG) issued a bulletin in 2003 to establish a zero tolerance policy for sexual
misconduct (Odello Burke, 2016, p. 840; Spencer, 2005, p. 172). Additionally, an advisor was
appointed to the UNSG concerning sexual misconduct by UN peacekeepers
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Character Analysis
opportunity to explore concepts. Meld life experiences with curiosities to create new situations. I
strongly believe that as you write more and more about a character, that they begin to reveal more and
more about themselves, from the standpoint that two unintentionally related traits may organically
foster another by extension of themselves, in this way the characters are revealing parts of themselves
to the author before the author reveals them to the reader.
Johnson s attitude of Writing when he feels like it seems to be laid back. So his encouragement to
writer s blocks is perfectly aligned with his writing views.
Stop! That one word says a lot, but he continues. ... Just stop writing. What??? Yes. Give your mind
space... He uses ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So much is happening in our world that would make one wonder how to survive in this world,
Johnson says, People need to be good to each other and the animals we share this planet with, devote
your energy to things that bring you joy, skip the newspaper and have a treat that takes you back to
your happiest memory instead, what s the worst that could happen?
With Johnson s life experiences and style of writing, it s no wonder that a good story with a criss cross
narrative like the writing of Jonathan Kellerman s Billy Straight who alternates his narratives between
12 year old Billy and Detective Petra Connor. But no matter what he reads, he says he will always
have an everlasting place in my heart for Lewis Carroll s Through the Looking Glass and Alice s
Adventures in Wonderland
As a songwriter, photographer, freelance writer, video editor, lotion creator, and now a writer, it s no
wonder why Johnson would be stimulated by this quote Why sometimes I ve believed as many as six
impossible things before breakfast. Alice in Lewis Carroll s, Through the Looking Glass. And if he
had to encourage another writer who s seeking to become a writer, he says this to them, Just try...I am
so green to all this, but what I do know is that a great deal has changed in 7 years but this story stayed
with me and every word I wrote down became this book. But what always made me think it was
impossible was the times sitting with this story and not knowing how I
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An Exploratory Research..
Contents Introduction and background 3 Importance of the research 3 Scope of the report 3 Research
problem/question amp; Objectives 3 Method 4 Methodological considerations and assumptions 4
Sample considerations 5 Data collection and framework, and analytical considerations 5 Ethical
considerations 5 Analysis 5 Findings and Recommendations 6 Limitations 7 References 8 APPENDIX
Introduction and background
Importance of the research As a marketing manager, it is important to know consumers attitude
towards a certain product which then leads to the intension to purchase and the actual behaviour. The
importance of this research is to predict intention of the behaviour, which ... Show more content on
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Given that the research problem in this report is ambiguous, the basic research method adopted is
exploratory research. The role of exploratory research is to clarify and define a problem at the initial
stage of the research. Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar and Babin (2011), suggest that exploratory
research is not intended to provide conclusive evidence and is conducted with the expectation that
subsequent research will be required to provide such conclusive evidence. Thus, exploratory research
is the foundation of the research process which will lead to descriptive research, and maybe causal
There are many exploratory methods that can be used to conduct research. These include field studies,
action research, depth interviews, focus groups and desk research. This exploratory research utilised
one qualitative method to collect data, which will help gain an insight of the research problem before
further research is performed. The method chosen was in depth interviews which are relatively
unstructured and extensive interviews in which the interviewer asks many questions and probes for in
depth answers (Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar, amp; Babin; 2011). Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar,
and Babin, (2011) also suggest that there is no one perfect method which can meet all research
In depth interviews have been conducted with four members of the public who currently live in
Australia and
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Futility And Wilfred Owen s The Happy Warrior
Poets of WW1 use various poetic techniques such as metaphors, similes, imperatives, biblical
references, alliteration, rhetorical questions, personifications, sibilance, irony, ellipsis, contrast and
rhyming in their poetry to depict the horror and destruction caused by war, and send a powerful
message to their readers. Wilfred Owen s Futility and Dulce et Decorum Est , Siegfried Sassoon s
Suicide in the Trenches and Herbert Read s The Happy Warrior are all poems which reflect on this, as
well as depict the psychological and physical damage the war has on the young soldiers and convey a
profound pity towards them. The poem Futility , written by Wilfred Owen, incorporates many poetic
techniques to depict how the war pours lives into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the very beginning, Sassoon incorporates a sibilance, I knew a simple solider boy , used to draw
attention to what the soldier was like before the war, which is discussed throughout the first stanza.
The tense and tone of the second stanza change and discuss the happenings during the war and how
the soldier is struggling to deal with it, living in the winter trenches, cowed and glum . In the second
line of the stanza, Sassoon also uses an alliteration, to a create a more explicit picture. The third line
shows how Sassoon sees the soldier putting a bullet through his brain , which is also described using
an alliteration to create a longer lasting effect of horror. Sassoon ends the stanza by saying No one
spoke of him again , where he highlights what a dishonourable act this soldier s portrayed to have
committed. The third stanza develops an aggressive tone where Sassoon expresses his anger towards
the smug faced crowds at home Who cheer when s soldier lads march by as he believes that it was
there fault that this happened to the soldier. He incorporates a imperative and tells the smug faced
crowds to Sneak home as they are cowards. Sassoon also includes an aabb rhyme throughout the poem
which he has incorporated so the poem
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The Heart And Vascular Institute
Clinical Specialty Area
The clinical area chosen was the Heart and Vascular Institute through one of the hospital systems I am
employed with. I had been involved with a project that studied the readmissions experienced within
the hospital system and established heart failure (HF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders
(COPD) were our highest readmission problems. Our organization had found that millions of dollars
had been left on the table since the Centers for Medicare Medicaid (CMS) handed down their final
ruling in 2012 regarding reduced payments for preventable readmissions (CMS.gov, 2016).
One of the outcomes of the project was the development of the rapid diuresis unit (RDU) through our
Cardiac Decision Units (CDU) at several campuses. I often wondered how the RDU of the CDU was
set up and how they function within the system. This is my opportunity to see the operation firsthand,
the clientele it serves, the staff, and potential education needs that the department faces.
Developing as an Advanced Nurse Educator
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) published report titled The Essentials of
Master s Education in Nursing (2011), where the core framework for all masters educated nurses is
laid out to prepare for the dramatic changes seen in the delivery of healthcare today and in the future
(American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). I am excited to be with Walden s vision to
implement some advanced practice into the MSN in
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The Fast Lane Infrared Bubble Toy Helicopter
1. Introduction
Engineers adapt engineering design process to plan as well as consider different relevant variables in
different design stages in order to create a pragmatic product. Also, according to Ertas (1996), the
engineering design is defined as the decision making process in different scientific ways to meet
desired needs within stated objectives. A good designer who should take into account in different
design issues and relevant factors during the process of engineering design which can help to put
concepts and ideas into products in effective ways.
In this essay, I would like to choose a toy called The Fast Lane Infrared Bubble Helicopter to talk
about three factors that might affect the conceptual design, the preliminary design or the detailed
This essay mainly divides into five parts. They are the introduction, safety factors, economic concerns,
human factors and ergonomics as well as conclusion.
2. Safety Factors
Safety factor is one of the important factors that we should consider in engineering design process
especially for toy industry. According to Ng Tyson (2014) lecture 7, failure to meet the safety
requirements, regulations and standards may cause serious result in lawsuits for damage under the
product liability laws. Also, brand names would be seriously affected by the issue. Therefore, design
engineers must consider the above consequences seriously. They must pay attention to minimize
safety issues and the threat of litigation in
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Eric Pulier Research Paper
If you think that Eric Pulier is only an entrepreneur, then you probably don t know about him. He is
one of those few persons in the USA who has raised more than 100 millions of dollars through his
business. He is not only a technologist, but he is also a popular columnist, published author, public
speaker, and philanthropist. After founding over fifteen companies, Pulier has become one of the
nation s most successful entrepreneurs. Some of the companies founded and co founded by him
include Media Platform, Akana, ServiceMesh, Desktone, US Interactive and Digital Evolution. Mr.
Pulier s contribution to the charity is also commendable. He investment ventures also include several
charitable organizations in addition to many venture capital funds. eComapnies, Trident Capital and
Monitor Ventures are some of the venture capital funds of Mr. Pulier. His alliance with new and
notable investments in the technology market will be announced soon. Today, Pulier is an active
investor in various new technology and media companies. His investment ventures also support
numerous seed level startups in this industry in the past few years. ... Show more content on
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Pulier started this company after he moved to Los Angeles in 1991. People Doing Things primarily
deals technology usage and addresses education and health care issues through latest and innovative
technology. Later in 1994 Pulier founded interactive agency Digital Evolution, which then merged
with US Interactive LLC in 1998. Pulier s Starbright World is a private social network that chiefly
deals with health issues of ill children. Through this private social network, children with a chronic
illness can share their stories, chat with others, post comments and meet others with similar health
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Hillary Clinton Women s Rights Are Human Rights Speech...
In the past, women didn t have as many rights as men. They were seen as men s possessions who were
only allowed to cook, clean, and make babies. Women weren t allowed as many privileges as men
such as voting. But as the years went by, changes were made. Women were granted many of the same
privileges as men, but they were still being mistreated in some perspectives. On September 5, 1995 in
Beijing, China, Hillary Clinton delivered a speech about this issue at the United Nations Fourth World
Conference for Women in front of 180 countries. Her speech was called Women s Rights are Human
Rights . She gave this speech to express her concern over the mistreatment women have been facing.
Clinton directed her speech to governments and other organizations to argue why they need to help
improve women s rights. Clinton uses ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade her audience that women
should be treated equally. Clinton uses ethos in her speech to persuade her audience by showing them
your credibility. Ethos is an effective way to persuade an audience. This helps to show the audience
that the speaker knows what they re talking about. As First Lady and Senator, Clinton shows she has
credibility on the topic by saying Over the past 25 years, I have worked persistently on issues relating
to women, children, and families. Over the past two and a half years. I ve has the opportunity to learn
more about the challenges facing women in my own country and around the world (Clinton 2).
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Charles Manson Manson
The 1960s was a decade of revolution focusing on establishing peace and love throughout the world.
Throughout these ten years many social and cultural changes occurred leaving the United States to be
young and vibrant. In 1969 much of the youth was embraced in the Summer of Love focusing on
peace, love, and peaceful protests. Individuals were advocating for their personal beliefs in a way they
never did before. However this all came to a crashing end in August when eight influential individuals
were found murdered in their own homes. On August 9, actress Sharon Tate, Wojciech Frykowski,
Abigail Folger, and Jay Sebring were found at Tate s home and one day later, Leno and Rosemary
LaBianca were found murdered in the same brutal fashion. In 1971 jurors found cult leader Charles
Manson and three of his followers guilty of all murders and was sentenced to life imprisonment. This
would have been Manson s third imprisonment. Although Manson was a sadistic psychopath, he was
heavily influenced by music, especially the Beatles. Cult followers claim Manson often quoted the
Beatles and the Bible , as he believed that the Beatles were prophets of God. In turn, many songs from
The White Album and the Beatles themselves drastically played into Manson s perspective on life and
eventually the Tate LaBianca murders of 1969. Charles Manson lived a difficult childhood. With a
fifteen year old mother who was sent away to prison when he was four, Manson quickly developed a
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Essay On Safety Health
O tema segurança do paciente tomou notoriedade desde a publicação do relatório intitulado To err is
human: building a safety health system (Errar é humano: construindo um sistema de saúde seguro),
elaborado pelo Committee on Quality of Health Care in América (Comitê para a qualidade do cuidado
em saúde na América) do Ins¬titute of Medicine (IOM) que resultou numa maior sensibilização acerca
dos danos aos pacientes que podem ser provocados por erros através da assistência à saúde. Esse
relatório mostrou que cerca de 44 a 98 mil pacientes morrem anualmente como consequência de erros
que poderiam ser evitados nos hospitais (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 2011). Com a
projeção mundial a partir da divulgação do relatório, surgiram inúmeras ... Show more content on
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A Rede propiciou o lançamento, em 2013, do Programa Nacional de Segurança do Paciente do
Ministério da Saúde que regulamenta as ações nos serviços de saúde para garantir a segurança do
paciente (BRASIL, 2014). Desde então, estão sendo realizadas iniciativas para sensibilizar e avaliar as
situações de segurança nos serviços de saúde. Entretanto, ainda é necessário entender melhor, além de
aprimorar as evidências e conhecimentos referentes ao tema a fim de compartilhar as informações
válidas acerca da temática para as equipes responsáveis pela assistência e cuidado ao paciente. Nesse
processo, a equipe de saúde é imprescindível na prevenção de complicações advindas de eventos
adversos que estão presentes na prática assistencial (DUARTE et. al., 2015). Diante disso, algumas
estratégias de ensino têm sido preconizadas como, por exemplo, a Educação Permanente em Saúde
(EPS) que é um método de qualificação profissional que leva a problematização com participação
reflexiva e crítica pelas equipes de saúde por médio e longo prazo (SILVA; WEGNER; PEDRO,
2012). Além disso, é fundamental que a temática seja inserida de forma transversal nos currículos dos
profissionais de saúde desde a sua graduação para que haja uma construção efetiva da cultura de
segurança do paciente, visto que o tema ainda é pouco abordado nos programas de ensino, e quando
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Discuss The Health Effects That Pesticide Exposure Caused...
Week Three Discussion
Judith Amang
South University
What are the health effects that the pesticide exposure caused in humans?
Pesticides are commonly used in agricultural production to prevent or control pests, diseases, and
other plant pathogens maintain a high product quality. Even though, pesticides guideline is firm, to
function with reasonable certainty and minimize the impact on human health and the environment,
serious concerns have been raised about health risks resulting from pesticide exposure consume in
food and drinking water, and inhale in the air. Therefore, the pesticide exposure disrupts the
transmission of the nerve impulses, by reducing the ability of the enzyme cholinesterase to regulate
the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
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The Safest Sprint Starting Position For American Football...
In What is the Safest Sprint Starting Position for American Football Players? a research article from
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, authors Bruno Bonnechere, Benoit Beyer, Marcel Rooze, and
Jan Serge Van Sint, argue that out of the three sprint start positions in football (2 , 3 , and 4 point), the
2 point stance is the least dangerous. To prove this, a study was conducted on these positions and
compared each to the safety levels in relation to American football. The results justify that the 2 point
stance is safer than the 3 point or 4 point positions. Bonnechere et al. supports their claims by
conducting a biomechanical analysis on twenty five males, all young and fit, and recording
measurements in different areas (Bonnechere et al., 2014). However, the study exemplified field of
view (FOV) and kinetic energy, and their relation to sprint starting positions and safety. Field of view
is [a] ratio between the height of the head and Verticality [,] (Bonnechere et al., 2014). An increase in
FOV will lower the injury risk, because players are more alert of their environment. Ergo, they can
avoid injury. According to the averages of each stance and the categories, initial position and motion,
[t]he FOV is increased when adopting a 2 point starting position because the trunk is more vertical,
(Bonnechere et al., 2014). Simply, when the angle between the body s trunk and head is approximately
straight, the FOV is high.
Besides field of view, the study analyzed
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1992 Presidential Election Campaign Analysis
During his acceptance speech in 1988, Republican Vice President, George H. W. Bush, said, read my
lips, no new taxes (Bush as cited by Matthews, 2004). Unfortunately, in the wake of financial pressure
President Bush in 1990 implemented a new tax on the American people. The failure to honor this
declaration brought into question President Bush s credibility and trust, and ultimately followed him to
the 1992 Presidential Election (Jamieson, 1996). However minimal the phrase, the impact of his
trustworthiness plagued Bush to the ballot box costing him reelection. The presence of credibility,
likability, and charisma in a political candidate are precious characteristics needed in the electoral
These characteristics have the power to move voters in an electoral process and ignite action
(Borchers, 2005; Burrell, 2008; Conger, Kanungo Menon 2000; Choi, 2006; Goethals, 2005; Levine
Boaks, 2014; Rejai Phillips, 2004). During the 2008 Democratic primaries, a strong strategic initiative
from the Obama campaign, in conjunction with negative media framing, did the only ... Show more
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Voter will perceive the candidate s charisma through the sacrifice of the candidates personal goals for
the greater goals of the group. This results in higher identification and motivation (Conger, Kanungo,
Menon, 2000; Goethals, 2005). Some of the most influential elected leaders effectively made use of
constituents emotions to inspire and ignite action in voters. The invoking of emotions during Barack
Obama s there are no red state, there are no blue states, just the United States of America speech
during the 2004 Democratic National Convention, undoubtedly resonated with future Democratic
delegates and voters to transcend him to the Presidency in 2008 (Gelman, Park, Shor Cortina,
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How Did Andy Warhol Influence Pop Art
Andy Warhol paper / Period 6 Andy Warhol was definitely an intriguing and controversial character.
He paved the way for an entirely new art style, pop art; he even went on to take the title of the Pope of
Pop . There were many reasons why people were drawn to him and the controversy that surrounded
him. Andy Warhol was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As an artist he would go
on to become a prominent figure in pop culture. He created strange movies of people sleeping or
eating and while his pop art was slightly less weird they still strayed along the lines of different. The
pop art movement occurred around the late 1950s in the United States. This new style of art
emphasized popular imagery which was made identifiable
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Writing Notes And Playing Video Games Essay
So you get home after a hard day at the office and you boot up your computer, but today you say to
yourself, I m tired of writing notes playing video games, I want to create something ! Your girlfriend
or your wife walk by you as you stare at the wall and she says, what are you dreaming about ? Then
you tell her that you really wanted to be a computer programmer instead of a shoe salesman. Then she
says to you, you should have gone to college a few years to learn a computer language ! But your 50
years old now and you don t have time and patience like you use to. Well, I ll tell you something,
every application that comes out on the market isn t created by someone who sits down in front of a
computer and punches in hours hours of c++ code or visual basic scripts. Hey! Let s face it, it s the
year 2007 and software technology is going forward faster that you think. You don t have to sit in front
of a computer for years cranking out a bunch of computer code just to make a light blink anymore!
The are applications out there in cyber space that will allow you to create self running applications
with color graphics, video, sound, music and animation in them by simply using a drag drop interface.
Maybe this doesn t mean much to you but, you can certainly use your brain to do more creating rather
than coding. Heck, I ve seen people create some pretty awesome applications, music players, small
games etc. And all without knowing a bit of computer language. I
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The Importance Of Eternal Life
First, let s be absolutely clear on what God wants for each of us. He wants us to have all of the
blessings of eternal life. He wants us to become like Him. To help us do that, He has given us a plan.
This plan is based on eternal truths and is not altered according to the social trends of the day. (Elder
Jeffrey R. Holland.) My dear brother I want you to be sure that you know how much the Lord loves
you and to have clear that he gave us commandments, but at the same time free will. This means that
you have the power to choose how to live your life. As the Lord loves you I love you too, and I want
to see you shining and doing what makes you happy, but I can assure you that out of the Lord´s path
you will not be as happy as you would if ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We are to follow them in marrying and providing physical bodies for Heavenly Father s spirit
children. Obviously, a samegender relationship is inconsistent with this plan. (Elder Jeffrey R.
In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles
proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central
to the Creator s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. As we were commandment to be fruitful
and multiply we need to focus on the plan and follow this commandment. Our responsibilities to learn
and understand the doctrine of the plan, to uphold and be examples of righteous marriage, and to teach
correct principles in the home and at church may cause us to wonder if we are equal to the task. We
are ordinary people who must accomplish a most extraordinary work. (Elder David A. Bednar Ensign,
Jun 2006, 82 87.) The Lord loves us and want us to follow the plan, but if we decide to do not do it is
when we break his commandments and when its consequences follow, and yes he still loves us. But he
expects us to live the commandments and to repentance whenever we break them. Do not feel attack
by the Church or by the ordinances instead ask for the guide of the Lord and pray with a humble heart
search of the truth. Doubts are fine as long as we find answers to them. I weep with admiration and
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Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage
Chapter 2 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage
1. The manufacturer of Macho brand martial arts products was implementing a strategic plan when it
sponsored a local karate tournament for teenagers.
Such a short range decision is typically a tactical plan or operating decision, not a strategic plan.
PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 1 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking
KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level III Application
2. Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a large property insurance company, owns a large chain of jewelry stores
and has recently purchased Russell Corporation, a manufacturer of sporting goods. Berkshire
Hathaway uses a market penetration strategy.
Berkshire Hathaway uses a diversification strategy.
PTS: 1 OBJ: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Developing a cost competitive advantage can enable a firm to deliver superior customer value.
ANS: T PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 6
TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking KEY: CB E Model Strategy
MSC: BLOOMS Level VI Evaluation
15. As marketers gain more experience in marketing a product, costs tend to decrease, which is an
example of the maturity effect.
This is an example of the experience curve, which means costs decline at a predictable rate as
experience with a product increases.
PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 6 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking
KEY: CB E Model Product MSC: BLOOMS Level IV Analysis
16. Niche competitive advantages are quite common.
The text lists several examples of how companies have created niche competitive advantages.
PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 6 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking
KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level II Comprehension
17. To be useful, marketing objectives should be realistic, measurable, time specific, and based on
Useful marketing objectives should be realistic, measurable, time specific, and compared to a
benchmark. They do not have to be based on sales.
PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 7 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking
KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level II Comprehension
18. The company s objective is to increase sales next year. This is an example of a well stated
This objective is not specific or compared to a benchmark.
PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 7 TOP:
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Business Enviroment Unit 1 Task 1
Unit 1: Business Environment Assignment 1 Understanding the Purpose of Business of Marks and
Spencer PLC
This assignment will focus on identifying the mission, values and key objectives of Marks and
Spencer PLC and also access the influences of three of their stakeholders. It will also explain the
responsibilities of the organisation and the strategies employed to meet them, overall showing a
general understanding of the purpose of business of Marks and Spencer.
Categories of Organisation
Marks and Spencer plc is a public limited company this means that they trade on stock markets such
as the London stock exchange, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Any finance option that they choose to use, interest will need to be paid on top, e.g. 25% interest on a
10,000 loan = £10,000 payable + £2,500 interest is the charge for having the loan, which makes the
total payable £12,500 to the creditor. Another factor is also secured and unsecured the term given if
the money borrowed is secured against a physical thing like property, this can be extra security for the
finance company to ensure that a loss is not made, if a person has no or limited history of credit.
Marks and Spencer can be a creditor in the sense that they provide finance options to their customers
on goods and services. The customer would then be referred to as a debtor because they owe £x to
Marks and Spencer, It can be risky because Marks and Spencer can suffer a loss if the customer/debtor
cannot afford to pay the balance back. Although can be a lucrative for Marks and Spencer because the
customer will need to pay interest on the items taken on credit.
The Central government has a big influence on the operations and way of business that Marks and
Spencer chooses to adopt, because of the legislation that Marks and Spencer must keep up to date and
also put into to practice for example to maintain safe, legal, fair way of business etc. There are also
issues in today s economy with
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Poseidoon s Accomplishments
Strong, courageous, protective, exuberant, mighty. All words used to describe the god of the sea. With
a strike to the ground by his magnificent trident, the earth trembles. Described sometimes as Zeus
second in command, it would only make sense for the ruler of 75% of the earth to take over as
president of Mount Olympus. Poseidon s qualifications are endless. Commander of navigation over
water, protector of sailors and worshipped as a god of fertility, He is the child of Rhea and Cronus, as
well as the brother of Zeus, Hades, Hermia, Demeter and Hera. And Cerberus, who protects the gates
of the underworld, would easily be the most fitting vice president. With Poseidon and Cerberus in
command, Olympus would be in a more stable condition than it previously was both ... Show more
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(Yet another aspect overlooked... Poseidon has his own kingdom underwater!) He and his two
brothers, Zeus and Hades, divided all the land up into three territories; Zeus became ruler of the sky,
Hades had jurisdiction over the underworld, and poseidon, of course, hailed over all the water in the
universe, as stated in Poseidon Facts and Information on Greek God Poseidon. and Greek Mythology:
Poseidon. Sailors and merchants worship him because he helps them navigate around the world via
watercraft, which was obviously a prime example of how humanity developed into traders. Tales of
poseidon s shapeshifting abilities are also very prominent. his preference of becoming a steed, for
example (since he is also the god of horses), and his ability to pass his shapeshifting powers unto
others gained him much fame. This was also described in Greek Mythology: Poseidon. and Poseidon
Facts and Information on Greek God Poseidon. With poseidon and his incredible and various abilities
on the throne of mount Olympus, threats will clearly be obsolete for his
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Inversion Persuasive Essay
Some people may think the idea of being inverted upside down doesn t fall under the category of fun.
While it might take some getting used to, the benefits of suspending your body in an inverted position
are tremendous.
The idea has been around a lot longer than you might think. Inverting the human body has long been a
practiced art of both medicine and therapy. Today, using a unique type of inversion swing, it s found
its way into the ancient practice of yoga.
Inversion Therapy
The practice of inversion has been around for centuries. There are descriptive pictorial drawings of the
concept, which date back to 3,000 B.C. Inversion therapy is used all over the world by medical
professionals, physical therapist and athletic trainers.
Inverting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, as users become more comfortable using an inversion swing, it is an incredible way to
develop core strength and stability. Fitness enthusiasts are always looking for inventive ways to
exercise their core.
· Back Pain
One of the most frequently reported benefits of different types of inversion therapy is the reduction in
back pain. Chiropractors use different types of inversion equipment to reduce compression problems
between the vertebrae. The spinal cord is the single most important part of the active body, so the
benefits garnered from using an inversion swing can be dramatic.
Unlike standard inversion boards, or gravity boots that suspend you upside down by your ankles, an
inversion swing allows you to move. This is an excellent tool to help with back issues because it
removes the forces of gravity.
As you invert your body, the compression between your vertebrae is eliminated. It allows you to
improve your posture and work on increasing flexibility if you suffer from a chronic stiff back.
Regular use of an inversion swing for back problems reduces pain as it helps develop a better
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Comparing Hammurapi s Laws And The Book Of Exodus
Goring Ox Law Many people do not realize how many laws people had to follow in the ancient east.
The Hammurapi s Laws and the readings from Exodus 21 23 have many similar qualities. But just like
everything else they can be analyzed differently when they are being compared. While throughout
both readings they talk about the goring ox law. And seeing how that one specific law can be viewed
differently it shows how unlike the two places were. In one place they were realizing how much God
does for them, and how he provides to them if they follow his laws or commandments. Whereas in the
other (around Hammurapi) location Hammurapi just talks about they are following the laws, and them
getting nothing in return. In the book of Exodus, it shows how ... Show more content on
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For example, in The New Interpreter s Study Bible it shows just that If the ox has been accustomed to
gore in the past and its owner has been warned but has not restrained it, and it kills a man or a woman,
the ox should be stoned, and its owner shall be put to death. And that is the same in Hammurapi s
Laws as well. But what also is noticed is that if you have money you can pay off your death. As it is
stated in Exodus 20 40, the owner of that ox can pay for redemption If ransom is laid upon him (the
owner of the ox), he must pay whatever is laid upon him to redeem his life. The NRSV rendering ...
the owner shall pay whatever is imposed for the redemption of the victim s life. It does not seem right
because the victim is dead so the money should not count for it. But it goes into explaining that the
victims life is an interpretative addition. And throughout those two examples, you can see that the
owner of the ox is only penalized if he knows his ox is killing people. If he does not know that his ox
is killing people he does not get penalized or in other words put to death. Also, the ox is only killed if
the owner knows about it. If the authorities do not contact the owner then the ox lives. In the bible the
slave s lives are more valued then when they were killed
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Online Censorship And Freedom
We salute those who have served or are serving our nation. We express gratitude to those brave men
and women for their service to keep our American freedom. But why does freedom end once it
involves technology? In this past year, more people have been questioning their online privacy. From a
young age we are taught how to be careful on the internet, however our predator is no longer a 50 year
old man pretending to be 13 year old Jessica. Our newest online threat is how fragile Americans
privacy is online. Internet users, in The United States, personal information is being sold so that
advertisements can appeal to them while they browse the internet. Other countries have already set
laws in place to protect internet users. The United States ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The United States started this project to develop a secure protocol to allow the military to
anonymously communicate with people such as spies. Tor works by relaying one s internet connection
through multiple volunteers internet connection from other countries, making the connection virtually
impossible to trace back. Just because one uses Tor, it does not mean that they are a volunteer as well.
Volunteers set up Tor relays so that other people can browse anonymously, most of these volunteers
are located in countries where internet privacy is taken very seriously. One might claim that if the
government initiated Tor, then it would contradict the idea that The United States is attempting to
eliminate internet privacy. Roger Dingledine, The co founder of Tor says, The United States
government can t simply run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only.
Because then every time a connection came from it people would say, Oh, it s another CIA agent. If
those are the only people using the network (Almost Everyone Involved in Developing Tor). Tor is a
tool that relies on other users to work efficiently, without other users it would make a government
official easy to point out. Nonetheless, this does not mean the US government have not used Tor in the
past to spy on everyday American users that wish to have online privacy. This may sound like a
conspiracy theory, but it is indeed a fact. In 2013, whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked confidential
information concerning the Unites States government surveillance programs. In other words Edward
Snowden exposed proof that the government was spying on Americans online. Those who use Tor
merely want online privacy, but Edward Snowden revealed that even with Tor the government spies
on its
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Descriptive Essay On Farm
Ever since I was little I have always wanted to be a farmer and have animals. When I was about 7
years old my family moved to town and we sold our animals. Ever since we moved I have wanted to
move back to the country so I can have land and animals again. My uncle inherited farmland from his
father (my great uncle). With the help of new machinery and other agricultural advances he has
improved and expanded his farmland. Since I hope to have a farm of my own I began working with
my uncle last summer. My uncle is in his 50 s and doesn t have any children with his wife, so I am
hopeful that if I help him on his farm and learn how to do things he will sell or give me the farm. In
February I asked him if I can work with him and he said yes! When I began working with him, he
gave me jobs that nobody wants to do. He told me to take a weed eater and cut weeds down a field a
mile long. When I thought I was done with that, he told me to cut the weeds around his hay barns. I
hated doing that, but I knew it would get better if I didn t quit. I was seeing coyotes on his land and
asked him if I can come and shoot them. My girlfriend got me an electronic coyote call for my
birthday, which is in September, which means it is easier to call them in. When dove hunting on his
farm got slow I decided to use the call I got. I set it in the middle of a field and turned it on. As I was
standing on the edge of a corn field talking to my cousin, I looked to my left and saw two coyotes
coming in. I
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The Horror Of Horror Movies
People seek ways to entertain themselves. It may be by spending some time outdoors, staying home
playing with their siblings or playing games. For many years, one thing that has been an entertainment
for people and it is movies. Movies entertain people and it allows them to hang out with friends; it
even allows family to bond. Movies are ways that allow someone step outside their homes. Movies
have different types of genre. Movies vary from action, comedy, fantasizes, heartwarming, romance
etc. All types of movies entertain people, but the one that takes it all is horror movies. Horror movies
allow friends to bond, helps face fear and it is best known for its thrill. How do horror movies bond
friends? Horror movies are made to scare the viewers. Some horror movies are too gore which makes
the person not want to see it alone. Going in pairs or even a group allows the person to feel safer.
Having friends beside them allows the person to feel secure when a scary scene is on. Horror movies
not only allow friends to hang out in the movie theater, but also outside the theater. After the movie it
allows friends to go out to eat and chat about the movie. It keeps people wanting to talk about their
favorite part and the part that made them jump or scream. A horror movie is the best way to bond
friends. Even if the movie is infamous it is still a great way to hang out with friends. Horrors movies
don t necessarily make people go out to theaters to see it. People can easily
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Slumdog Millionaire Ambition
Ambition is an eager, and sometimes insatiable desire to fulfill something in one s life; it is when they
seek something that is beyond them or their circumstance. In fact, ambition allows an individual to
look for significance in a life that is otherwise devoid of meaning. Moreover, it is a prevalent force
that harbours their accomplishments and considerably influences the outcomes in their lives. Jamal
Malik, the hero of the film, Slumdog Millionaire, effectively portrays this idea as he attempts to
surpass the afflictions of his youth by pursuing a meaningful life with his one true love. Through this
character, the director, Danny Boyle illustrates how an individual s ambition may instil in them the
power to overcome even the greatest ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, he lives in a society where the predominant caste system inherently assigns each individual
with a predetermined role. Thus, children like Jamal, Salim, and their companion, Latika, become both
socially and spatially excluded by society. In fact, they are denied the same opportunities as regular
children and their freedoms are regulated by the absent, yet restrictive influence of the social system.
It is absent because these kids lack the basic necessities to aid them in their survival; they are on their
own, with no one to look out for them except for themselves. On the other hand, the same system
limits these kids by denying them access to resources that would help improve their situation (i.e.
education, healthcare, etc.). Through the fates of such characters, the viewer is given glimpses into the
relatively unexplored, misunderstood and complex world of street children, as their live their lives
outside the conventional view of childhood. More often than not, those who are born into such
impoverished conditions, remain in the same state, up until their death. Jamal, for instance, becomes a
chai wallah...[who serves] tea [to] people. His mobility is restricted, and his opportunities are limited
due to his lack of education and reduced social status. It also is implied that this is the fate that society
has set out for
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Mexico From 1876 To 1911
Question 1:
From 1876 to 1911, The regime of Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico and he was overthrown by a popular
uprising in the end. Then a stable populist, nationalist government called Institutional Revolutionary
Party came to the stage of history with its inward looking economic policy.
This policy and social system were defended by an iron triangle of industrial oligarchs, politicians and
labor unions until the late 1970s when new oil discoveries, high price of oil and large loans from
foreign banks thrown the Mexican economy to a feverish boom.
At that time, a few financial problems occurred, meaning there was a risk that Mexico would fail to
pay on time as negligible. Within a few months, the crisis spread through most of Latin America and
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Picky Eater By Julia Alvarez
At some point of a kid s life, they want to be picky about something. They want to have some control
of their little world where adults are constantly telling them what to wear, what to do, and what to eat.
Food, for instance, is an easy topic where kids will fight for some independence. Throwing, yelling,
crying and even bribing were the essence of a battle at dinner tables. Because some parents would
automatically give in to their children s need, the kids often think they won the battle but technically
they didn t. In the story, Picky Eater , Julia Alvarez tells a story of her childhood experience of home
meals where her and her sisters were also picky eaters, despite having healthy food served to them.
Meals, she said, at home were battlegrounds. Even if you won the dinner battle, refusing to clean your
plate or drink your engrudo, you inevitably lost the war (Alvarez 145). Battlegrounds at home can
occur but it doesn t have to end up being messy if the parents know how to handle the situation
properly. In Picky Eater Alvarez mentioned that her parents particularly her mother was very strict on
the type of food the children ate. Getting food from en la calle was strictly forbidden (Alvarez 144)
because they might get sick catching some kind of disease from people who have prepared their food.
Also, because Alvarez and her sisters were very thin, having leftovers on their plate wasn t allowed.
To ensure her kids got all the nutrition they needed, the mother had
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The American Culture And History
Coming from afar, alone in this foreign land of freedom and liberty, I was chosen to meet with my
grandma from the USA. I am delighted to chat up with some Silents from America, and it s my chance
to soak up some American culture and history. As a foreigner who never had the opportunity to talk to
someone older than 50 in America; it s a pleasure to observe how thing will end up. Initially, I am not
suspecting much nor less from the conversations, but to my amazement, it opened my eye quite a bit
to how different culture have different styles of generation core values and perspectives in life. And as
a Thailand born Taiwanese college student who flew all the way from Asia to America, this is a
blessing to experience.
Carolyn Zeiger is seventy three years young and a retired licensed psychologist. She used to work as a
meditative practitioner for individuals who has Parkinson s Disease (Based on email description). I am
glad that we have something in common even before we meet in person. As the students pair up with
their intergenerational partner, I scanned the room attempting to find an old lady with short white hair
and a pair of glasses (Based on her photo I saw in the intergenerational webpage). Like a child looking
for his parents, I spotted Carolyn, and she made eye contact with me. She is a bit shorter than me, and
her voice is astoundingly serene and soothing. Her laugh has a nonchalant positivity in it, which
makes me want to laugh along side too. Both of us
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Essay On Red Panda
I think the red panda should be kept in the zoo because it is categorised as a vulnerable species. The
population of the red panda is fewer than 10,000, some say as few as a couple of thousand, remain in
the wild. Almost 50% of the red panda live in the Eastern Himalayas in China. The loss of nesting
trees and bamboo is causing a decline in red panda populations across much of their range because
their forest home is being cleared. Also, the red panda are often caught in traps and die even though
the traps were meant for wild pigs and deers. In addition, they are poached for their distinctive pelts in
China and Myanmar. To prevent further decrease in the red panda s population, they should be
protected, maybe in the enclosures. The captive population of red pandas provides a backup
population for the wild population. The red panda lives for 13.4 years in enclosures, while in the wild
the average lifespan is 8 to 10 years. Also, the gained knowledge about the panda s situation may
awake interest from visitors to the zoo to help save them. The red pandas live in the Eastern
Himalayas where there are a lot of bamboo. They eat the youngest, most tender shoots and leaves of
the bamboo plant which they like a lot. There are fewer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fortunately, their favourite bamboo species still thrives in parts of the Himalayas. Bamboo is very
high in indigestible fiber, making it very difficult to extract the nutrients, but is available in winter
when their other preferred foods (such as insects) are not. When food is scarce they can spend 13
hours a day looking for and eating bamboo. In colder temperatures, they slow their low metabolic rate
further and their thick fur allows them to conserve their body heat. Similar to pandas, it can be
assumed that red pandas started eating bamboo because in the glacial age, bamboo was one of the few
foods that the red panda did not need to compete
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AlA Comparative Analysis of Promotional Campaigns between...
Compare and Contrast of Promotional Campaigns Between Competing Sports Organizations
The objective of this study is to compare and contrast promotional campaigns of competing sports
organizations. This study will document incentivization tactics employed and how these tactics differ.
As well, this study will examine how the incentives are communicated to the consumer and answer
what is the ratio between price based and non price based incentives.
For the purpose of this study the sports organizations chosen are those of Alabama college football
teams at the University of Auburn and the University of Alabama. These two teams are long time
rivals in the Southeastern Conference and when the two play one another, it creates a great deal of
competition and excitement in the Southern states.
I. Auburn Tigers
A visit to the Auburn Tiger s website reveals many promotional campaigns including the Kids Club
Birthday Parties which includes Birthday Party packages for all key sports at the University of
Auburn. Included are 10 event tickets, 10 shakers, 10 hotdogs and drinks, 1 autographed item, 1
cookie cake, the kids name on the scoreboard, and PA recognition. (Auburn University, 2013) Another
promotional campaign of the Auburn Tigers is reported on the University website to include Tiger
Sport Camp including sport camp for all major sports at the University of Auburn. The Auburn fan is
also able to subscribe to or download schedules directly from
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Cytokines And Antibodies-Protein Synthesis
Starts with environmental trigger such as sunlight expose which damage cells and cause apoptosis and
the release of nuclear antigens. These stimuli begin a reaction that leads to distrupting to other cells in
the body and exposure of their DNA, histones, and other proteins, particularly part of the cell nucleus.
In individuals with lupus, both B cells and T cells become overactive. The two main consequences of
this increased activity are the production of antibodies that recognize and destroy the body s own cells
and inflammation and can lead to long term, irreversible scarring. The body s sensitized B lymphocyte
cells will produce antibodies against these nuclear.
These antibodies clump into antibody protein complexes which stick to surfaces ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The Infection Fighter B cells and T cells are two important components of the immune system. They
play a role in the inflammation associated with lupus. Both B cells and T cells associate immune cells
called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes help fight infection. B cells and T cells are involved in the immune
system s response to infection. Antigens are foreign bodies (such as bacteria and viruses) that
stimulate the immune system to produce autoantibodies. When a T cell recognizes an antigen it will
produce chemicals (cytokines) that cause B cells to multiply and release many immune proteins
(antibodies). These antibodies circulate generally in the bloodstream, recognizing the foreign particles
and triggering
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Emphasizing The True Meaning Of Poems By Andrew Marvell...
Kinsey Jordan
Mrs. Russler
English Honors I
February 4, 2015
Emphasizing the True Meaning of Poems Around the seventeenth century the poets Andrew Marvell
and John Donne expressed their feelings through poetry. Both John Donne, born in 1572 and Andrew
Marvell, born in 1621 in England, are known for their ideas of metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical
poetry is a persuasive poem that uses a conceit. It focuses on imagery, paradoxes, arguments,
philosophy and religion. Andrew Marvell s To His Coy Mistress and John Donne s A Valediction:
Forbidding Mourning, focus on the theme of love, which was trending at that time. Although both
poems justify the importance and essence of love, the tone differs in each poem making them distant
from each other. The figurative language also makes the two poems different. However, they both
focus on the idea of Carpe Diem, enjoying the moment and not worrying about the future. Through
comparing these poems, the differences and similarities result in the true understanding and
effectiveness of the poems. In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell does not perceive true, fervent
love, but rather that time and beauty will not last. The tone of this poem is sad, but the author seems to
make it happier. There is an example shown in the first stanza;
Had we but world enough and time...we would sit down, and think which way to walk, and pass our
long love s day. (1 4) Marvell appears to be straying from the idea of Carpe Diem; stating that if
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  • 2. Improving Education Through Cultural Diversity In today s society, I ve learned that cultural diversity is important and it has been for many centuries ago. The dictionary states that cultural diversity is the cohabitation of different values, cultural, sex and race in one definite component. In America today cultural diversity has been an everyday expression in the education world. Some have a misunderstanding of what it may mean. We must have some type of order if we plan to be successful when it comes to having a diverse school. This happens within our own learning services where our children and our students are well educated. This thesis is improving education through cultural diversity and how American can see it as trying to co existing in many different way across the world ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I think it is a good ideas to teach children about what is right from wrong when they are young. I like to tell children that they can work better together when they fully understand each other. Now and days students have tons of technology in the classroom that most people feel that will help them learn. Others feel like technology blocks student from learning because they depend on google. I ve heard some students say that if you don t know the answer then you can just google it. Children are being raised in the technology generation where technology is everywhere. But why stop children from using technology when that s all that is big shown on television, in the media, magazines, radio, etc. From reading a new article from Pinellas County School District I learned that the children from Tarpon Springs Elementary school are via video chatting with student from Greece. I find that to be a great idea to have children interact through technology. Why? Because the questions that the children are asking some teacher do not know because they have never been to Greece to experience the things that the children over there have experienced. In case of emergency, how do you get off the island (Reeves, 2016). A fifth grader asked that question, I felt that whatever question that the children asked were all good questions. In the article it did not state all the questions but I m pretty sure that some students had question about their school activities in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Mental Endurance in Endurance Shackleton s Incredible Voyage Mental Endurance in Alfred Lansing s Endurance Shackleton s Incredible Voyage In Endurance Shackleton s Incredible Voyage, Alfred Lansing recounts the tale of one of the greatest successes of the Twentieth Century. Ironically, Lansing s detailed account of the 1915 Trans Antarctic Expedition illuminates the stark reality that Sir Ernest Shackleton s expedition did not fulfill its goal. In fact, the expedition never even set foot upon the continent that they had intended to cross. The outstanding success of that motley crew of adventurers was in their ability to endure the harsh Antarctic climate. Despite having their ship crushed by an ice cap, spending the dark Antarctic winter hopelessly alone, suffering through a stormy voyage in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to endure, one must get along with himself to prevent the self pity that cripples the human organism, and he must also cooperate with his peers unless he wants to abandon any help he might have received from the resourceful human community around him. There it is then, Shackleton s indefatigable trait, the positive attitude that permits people to explode through obstacles by the means of cooperation of mind, body, and peers. While I am not as experienced in the faculty of endurance as Shackleton was, my trials as a distance runner have bequeathed me with a concrete idea of what endurance is. My debilitating cramps, my slogs through mud pits that were formerly legitimate trails, and my stomach emptying wretches on the side of the sizzling track have enstilled in me the prerequisite for a belief that what I am doing really matters. When I fail to maintain a positive mental attitude, my exhausted legs slow in their powerful dance; they simply refuse to go any faster as the blanket of apathy envelopes me. Although my running horror story pales in comparison to Shackleton s epic of frostbite and starvation, the workout early on a rainy Saturday morning in November required that I suck it up and believe in what I was doing. I had already run three one mile repeats at a ridiculously fast rate of speed over the trail with the biggest hill in site. When Coach asked ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Compare Utopia And A Man For All Seasons In Utopia and A Man for All Seasons, written by Thomas More, More analyses politics through different perspective. More travels to Antwerp as an ambassador for England and King Henry the VIII. Here More is introduced to Raphael Hythloday, a veteran traveler. Hythloday has a great depth of knowledge and understanding of governments of many nations and in the book it recounts their conversations.Utopia gives readers insight in the the ways politics are influenced and through More s and Raphael s experience one can notice the different ways persuasion is used with in politics. Raphael s story about theft and punishment can be used to note how to persuade advisors to the Kings, and More s ideas between civilized and academic advice can be used to persuade the King. In A Man for All Seasons, More is faced with the decision to save his life or protect his integrity. Raphael s and More discuss the effects of why the punishment for thievery is unnecessary and ultimately ineffective when it comes to solving the problem. This conversation depicts a perfect way in which advisors can be persuaded to a contrasting idea, because Morton, head advisor to the King, doesn t believe in the new way Raphael thinks thievery should be punished but then is convinced by parts of Raphael s ideas. More brings up the idea that the most effective way to influence public affairs is to gain the confidence of some great king and give him advice (20). Raphael s disagrees, Kings are more interested in the science of war than in useful peacetime techniques (20). Though Raphael doesn t believe going directly to the king to advise, he also sees many problems with the councillors. Advisors are either too wise to need, or too conceited to take advice from anyone else (20). Raphael brings up that he has even seen this in England, which transitions their conversion into the punishment for thievery. Raphael believes that the death penalty is too severe, and as a deterrent it s quite ineffective (22). Most steal when they are desperate and no penalty on earth will stop people, and it would be more effective to provide everyone with some means of livelihood so that they wouldn t steal in the first place (22). This applies to more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Un Peacekeeping Has Become An Important Component Of Conflict UN peacekeeping has become an important component of conflict management across the globe, involving complex multi dimensional missions with mandates to help establish long and lasting peace. Peacekeepers represent and help implement the values of international community in their activities in conflict areas. Unfortunately, some peacekeepers have engaged in exploitative and abusive sexual relations with the beneficiary population that they serve. Often these transgressions followed by impunity for a myriad of institutional and cultural reasons. The efforts of the UN to address sexual misconduct are either curtailed by their competences as an organization or deficient. This study argues that the UN would benefit from a new approach ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A conclusion and discussion follows. II. Sexual Misconduct In Peace Operations The record of peacekeeper sexual misconduct has a long history stretching back as far as the UN mission in Cambodia (UNTAC) in 1992 (Simic, 2009, p. 396; Hebert, 2011, p. 124). The UN was ill prepared for this behavior in peace operations. The UN Special Representative to Cambodia, Yasushi Akashi infamously said in 1993 in response to peacekeeper sexual abuse of the local population: boys will be boys (Neudorfer, 2014, p. 13). In 2000, the UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted Resolution 1325 to begin integrating more women into the peacekeeping process and mainstreaming a gendered perspective in the organization (1325 ####). In 2002, the UNHCR and Save the Children UK issued a report naming more than 40 humanitarian agencies exploiting refugees in West Africa, which served as catalyst for the UN and other agencies to make more effective policies to combat sexual misconduct (Spencer, 2005, p. 172). In 2002, the UN established the Inter Agency Standing Committee Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises (Hebert, 2011, p. 125). The UN Secretary General (UNSG) issued a bulletin in 2003 to establish a zero tolerance policy for sexual misconduct (Odello Burke, 2016, p. 840; Spencer, 2005, p. 172). Additionally, an advisor was appointed to the UNSG concerning sexual misconduct by UN peacekeepers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Character Analysis opportunity to explore concepts. Meld life experiences with curiosities to create new situations. I strongly believe that as you write more and more about a character, that they begin to reveal more and more about themselves, from the standpoint that two unintentionally related traits may organically foster another by extension of themselves, in this way the characters are revealing parts of themselves to the author before the author reveals them to the reader. Johnson s attitude of Writing when he feels like it seems to be laid back. So his encouragement to writer s blocks is perfectly aligned with his writing views. Stop! That one word says a lot, but he continues. ... Just stop writing. What??? Yes. Give your mind space... He uses ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So much is happening in our world that would make one wonder how to survive in this world, Johnson says, People need to be good to each other and the animals we share this planet with, devote your energy to things that bring you joy, skip the newspaper and have a treat that takes you back to your happiest memory instead, what s the worst that could happen? With Johnson s life experiences and style of writing, it s no wonder that a good story with a criss cross narrative like the writing of Jonathan Kellerman s Billy Straight who alternates his narratives between 12 year old Billy and Detective Petra Connor. But no matter what he reads, he says he will always have an everlasting place in my heart for Lewis Carroll s Through the Looking Glass and Alice s Adventures in Wonderland As a songwriter, photographer, freelance writer, video editor, lotion creator, and now a writer, it s no wonder why Johnson would be stimulated by this quote Why sometimes I ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Alice in Lewis Carroll s, Through the Looking Glass. And if he had to encourage another writer who s seeking to become a writer, he says this to them, Just try...I am so green to all this, but what I do know is that a great deal has changed in 7 years but this story stayed with me and every word I wrote down became this book. But what always made me think it was impossible was the times sitting with this story and not knowing how I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. An Exploratory Research.. EXPLORATORY RESEARCH REPORT Contents Introduction and background 3 Importance of the research 3 Scope of the report 3 Research problem/question amp; Objectives 3 Method 4 Methodological considerations and assumptions 4 Sample considerations 5 Data collection and framework, and analytical considerations 5 Ethical considerations 5 Analysis 5 Findings and Recommendations 6 Limitations 7 References 8 APPENDIX A 9 APPENDIX B 26 Introduction and background Importance of the research As a marketing manager, it is important to know consumers attitude towards a certain product which then leads to the intension to purchase and the actual behaviour. The importance of this research is to predict intention of the behaviour, which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Given that the research problem in this report is ambiguous, the basic research method adopted is exploratory research. The role of exploratory research is to clarify and define a problem at the initial stage of the research. Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar and Babin (2011), suggest that exploratory research is not intended to provide conclusive evidence and is conducted with the expectation that subsequent research will be required to provide such conclusive evidence. Thus, exploratory research is the foundation of the research process which will lead to descriptive research, and maybe causal research. There are many exploratory methods that can be used to conduct research. These include field studies, action research, depth interviews, focus groups and desk research. This exploratory research utilised one qualitative method to collect data, which will help gain an insight of the research problem before further research is performed. The method chosen was in depth interviews which are relatively unstructured and extensive interviews in which the interviewer asks many questions and probes for in depth answers (Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar, amp; Babin; 2011). Zikmund, Ward, Lowe, Winzar, and Babin, (2011) also suggest that there is no one perfect method which can meet all research objectives. In depth interviews have been conducted with four members of the public who currently live in Australia and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Futility And Wilfred Owen s The Happy Warrior Poets of WW1 use various poetic techniques such as metaphors, similes, imperatives, biblical references, alliteration, rhetorical questions, personifications, sibilance, irony, ellipsis, contrast and rhyming in their poetry to depict the horror and destruction caused by war, and send a powerful message to their readers. Wilfred Owen s Futility and Dulce et Decorum Est , Siegfried Sassoon s Suicide in the Trenches and Herbert Read s The Happy Warrior are all poems which reflect on this, as well as depict the psychological and physical damage the war has on the young soldiers and convey a profound pity towards them. The poem Futility , written by Wilfred Owen, incorporates many poetic techniques to depict how the war pours lives into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the very beginning, Sassoon incorporates a sibilance, I knew a simple solider boy , used to draw attention to what the soldier was like before the war, which is discussed throughout the first stanza. The tense and tone of the second stanza change and discuss the happenings during the war and how the soldier is struggling to deal with it, living in the winter trenches, cowed and glum . In the second line of the stanza, Sassoon also uses an alliteration, to a create a more explicit picture. The third line shows how Sassoon sees the soldier putting a bullet through his brain , which is also described using an alliteration to create a longer lasting effect of horror. Sassoon ends the stanza by saying No one spoke of him again , where he highlights what a dishonourable act this soldier s portrayed to have committed. The third stanza develops an aggressive tone where Sassoon expresses his anger towards the smug faced crowds at home Who cheer when s soldier lads march by as he believes that it was there fault that this happened to the soldier. He incorporates a imperative and tells the smug faced crowds to Sneak home as they are cowards. Sassoon also includes an aabb rhyme throughout the poem which he has incorporated so the poem ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Heart And Vascular Institute Clinical Specialty Area The clinical area chosen was the Heart and Vascular Institute through one of the hospital systems I am employed with. I had been involved with a project that studied the readmissions experienced within the hospital system and established heart failure (HF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders (COPD) were our highest readmission problems. Our organization had found that millions of dollars had been left on the table since the Centers for Medicare Medicaid (CMS) handed down their final ruling in 2012 regarding reduced payments for preventable readmissions (CMS.gov, 2016). One of the outcomes of the project was the development of the rapid diuresis unit (RDU) through our Cardiac Decision Units (CDU) at several campuses. I often wondered how the RDU of the CDU was set up and how they function within the system. This is my opportunity to see the operation firsthand, the clientele it serves, the staff, and potential education needs that the department faces. Developing as an Advanced Nurse Educator The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) published report titled The Essentials of Master s Education in Nursing (2011), where the core framework for all masters educated nurses is laid out to prepare for the dramatic changes seen in the delivery of healthcare today and in the future (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). I am excited to be with Walden s vision to implement some advanced practice into the MSN in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Fast Lane Infrared Bubble Toy Helicopter 1. Introduction Engineers adapt engineering design process to plan as well as consider different relevant variables in different design stages in order to create a pragmatic product. Also, according to Ertas (1996), the engineering design is defined as the decision making process in different scientific ways to meet desired needs within stated objectives. A good designer who should take into account in different design issues and relevant factors during the process of engineering design which can help to put concepts and ideas into products in effective ways. In this essay, I would like to choose a toy called The Fast Lane Infrared Bubble Helicopter to talk about three factors that might affect the conceptual design, the preliminary design or the detailed design. This essay mainly divides into five parts. They are the introduction, safety factors, economic concerns, human factors and ergonomics as well as conclusion. 2. Safety Factors Safety factor is one of the important factors that we should consider in engineering design process especially for toy industry. According to Ng Tyson (2014) lecture 7, failure to meet the safety requirements, regulations and standards may cause serious result in lawsuits for damage under the product liability laws. Also, brand names would be seriously affected by the issue. Therefore, design engineers must consider the above consequences seriously. They must pay attention to minimize safety issues and the threat of litigation in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Eric Pulier Research Paper If you think that Eric Pulier is only an entrepreneur, then you probably don t know about him. He is one of those few persons in the USA who has raised more than 100 millions of dollars through his business. He is not only a technologist, but he is also a popular columnist, published author, public speaker, and philanthropist. After founding over fifteen companies, Pulier has become one of the nation s most successful entrepreneurs. Some of the companies founded and co founded by him include Media Platform, Akana, ServiceMesh, Desktone, US Interactive and Digital Evolution. Mr. Pulier s contribution to the charity is also commendable. He investment ventures also include several charitable organizations in addition to many venture capital funds. eComapnies, Trident Capital and Monitor Ventures are some of the venture capital funds of Mr. Pulier. His alliance with new and notable investments in the technology market will be announced soon. Today, Pulier is an active investor in various new technology and media companies. His investment ventures also support numerous seed level startups in this industry in the past few years. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pulier started this company after he moved to Los Angeles in 1991. People Doing Things primarily deals technology usage and addresses education and health care issues through latest and innovative technology. Later in 1994 Pulier founded interactive agency Digital Evolution, which then merged with US Interactive LLC in 1998. Pulier s Starbright World is a private social network that chiefly deals with health issues of ill children. Through this private social network, children with a chronic illness can share their stories, chat with others, post comments and meet others with similar health ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Hillary Clinton Women s Rights Are Human Rights Speech... In the past, women didn t have as many rights as men. They were seen as men s possessions who were only allowed to cook, clean, and make babies. Women weren t allowed as many privileges as men such as voting. But as the years went by, changes were made. Women were granted many of the same privileges as men, but they were still being mistreated in some perspectives. On September 5, 1995 in Beijing, China, Hillary Clinton delivered a speech about this issue at the United Nations Fourth World Conference for Women in front of 180 countries. Her speech was called Women s Rights are Human Rights . She gave this speech to express her concern over the mistreatment women have been facing. Clinton directed her speech to governments and other organizations to argue why they need to help improve women s rights. Clinton uses ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade her audience that women should be treated equally. Clinton uses ethos in her speech to persuade her audience by showing them your credibility. Ethos is an effective way to persuade an audience. This helps to show the audience that the speaker knows what they re talking about. As First Lady and Senator, Clinton shows she has credibility on the topic by saying Over the past 25 years, I have worked persistently on issues relating to women, children, and families. Over the past two and a half years. I ve has the opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing women in my own country and around the world (Clinton 2). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Charles Manson Manson The 1960s was a decade of revolution focusing on establishing peace and love throughout the world. Throughout these ten years many social and cultural changes occurred leaving the United States to be young and vibrant. In 1969 much of the youth was embraced in the Summer of Love focusing on peace, love, and peaceful protests. Individuals were advocating for their personal beliefs in a way they never did before. However this all came to a crashing end in August when eight influential individuals were found murdered in their own homes. On August 9, actress Sharon Tate, Wojciech Frykowski, Abigail Folger, and Jay Sebring were found at Tate s home and one day later, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were found murdered in the same brutal fashion. In 1971 jurors found cult leader Charles Manson and three of his followers guilty of all murders and was sentenced to life imprisonment. This would have been Manson s third imprisonment. Although Manson was a sadistic psychopath, he was heavily influenced by music, especially the Beatles. Cult followers claim Manson often quoted the Beatles and the Bible , as he believed that the Beatles were prophets of God. In turn, many songs from The White Album and the Beatles themselves drastically played into Manson s perspective on life and eventually the Tate LaBianca murders of 1969. Charles Manson lived a difficult childhood. With a fifteen year old mother who was sent away to prison when he was four, Manson quickly developed a narcissistic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay On Safety Health O tema segurança do paciente tomou notoriedade desde a publicação do relatório intitulado To err is human: building a safety health system (Errar é humano: construindo um sistema de saúde seguro), elaborado pelo Committee on Quality of Health Care in América (Comitê para a qualidade do cuidado em saúde na América) do Ins¬titute of Medicine (IOM) que resultou numa maior sensibilização acerca dos danos aos pacientes que podem ser provocados por erros através da assistência à saúde. Esse relatório mostrou que cerca de 44 a 98 mil pacientes morrem anualmente como consequência de erros que poderiam ser evitados nos hospitais (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 2011). Com a projeção mundial a partir da divulgação do relatório, surgiram inúmeras ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A Rede propiciou o lançamento, em 2013, do Programa Nacional de Segurança do Paciente do Ministério da Saúde que regulamenta as ações nos serviços de saúde para garantir a segurança do paciente (BRASIL, 2014). Desde então, estão sendo realizadas iniciativas para sensibilizar e avaliar as situações de segurança nos serviços de saúde. Entretanto, ainda é necessário entender melhor, além de aprimorar as evidências e conhecimentos referentes ao tema a fim de compartilhar as informações válidas acerca da temática para as equipes responsáveis pela assistência e cuidado ao paciente. Nesse processo, a equipe de saúde é imprescindível na prevenção de complicações advindas de eventos adversos que estão presentes na prática assistencial (DUARTE et. al., 2015). Diante disso, algumas estratégias de ensino têm sido preconizadas como, por exemplo, a Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) que é um método de qualificação profissional que leva a problematização com participação reflexiva e crítica pelas equipes de saúde por médio e longo prazo (SILVA; WEGNER; PEDRO, 2012). Além disso, é fundamental que a temática seja inserida de forma transversal nos currículos dos profissionais de saúde desde a sua graduação para que haja uma construção efetiva da cultura de segurança do paciente, visto que o tema ainda é pouco abordado nos programas de ensino, e quando ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Discuss The Health Effects That Pesticide Exposure Caused... Week Three Discussion Judith Amang South University What are the health effects that the pesticide exposure caused in humans? Pesticides are commonly used in agricultural production to prevent or control pests, diseases, and other plant pathogens maintain a high product quality. Even though, pesticides guideline is firm, to function with reasonable certainty and minimize the impact on human health and the environment, serious concerns have been raised about health risks resulting from pesticide exposure consume in food and drinking water, and inhale in the air. Therefore, the pesticide exposure disrupts the transmission of the nerve impulses, by reducing the ability of the enzyme cholinesterase to regulate the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Safest Sprint Starting Position For American Football... In What is the Safest Sprint Starting Position for American Football Players? a research article from Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, authors Bruno Bonnechere, Benoit Beyer, Marcel Rooze, and Jan Serge Van Sint, argue that out of the three sprint start positions in football (2 , 3 , and 4 point), the 2 point stance is the least dangerous. To prove this, a study was conducted on these positions and compared each to the safety levels in relation to American football. The results justify that the 2 point stance is safer than the 3 point or 4 point positions. Bonnechere et al. supports their claims by conducting a biomechanical analysis on twenty five males, all young and fit, and recording measurements in different areas (Bonnechere et al., 2014). However, the study exemplified field of view (FOV) and kinetic energy, and their relation to sprint starting positions and safety. Field of view is [a] ratio between the height of the head and Verticality [,] (Bonnechere et al., 2014). An increase in FOV will lower the injury risk, because players are more alert of their environment. Ergo, they can avoid injury. According to the averages of each stance and the categories, initial position and motion, [t]he FOV is increased when adopting a 2 point starting position because the trunk is more vertical, (Bonnechere et al., 2014). Simply, when the angle between the body s trunk and head is approximately straight, the FOV is high. Besides field of view, the study analyzed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. 1992 Presidential Election Campaign Analysis During his acceptance speech in 1988, Republican Vice President, George H. W. Bush, said, read my lips, no new taxes (Bush as cited by Matthews, 2004). Unfortunately, in the wake of financial pressure President Bush in 1990 implemented a new tax on the American people. The failure to honor this declaration brought into question President Bush s credibility and trust, and ultimately followed him to the 1992 Presidential Election (Jamieson, 1996). However minimal the phrase, the impact of his trustworthiness plagued Bush to the ballot box costing him reelection. The presence of credibility, likability, and charisma in a political candidate are precious characteristics needed in the electoral process. These characteristics have the power to move voters in an electoral process and ignite action (Borchers, 2005; Burrell, 2008; Conger, Kanungo Menon 2000; Choi, 2006; Goethals, 2005; Levine Boaks, 2014; Rejai Phillips, 2004). During the 2008 Democratic primaries, a strong strategic initiative from the Obama campaign, in conjunction with negative media framing, did the only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Voter will perceive the candidate s charisma through the sacrifice of the candidates personal goals for the greater goals of the group. This results in higher identification and motivation (Conger, Kanungo, Menon, 2000; Goethals, 2005). Some of the most influential elected leaders effectively made use of constituents emotions to inspire and ignite action in voters. The invoking of emotions during Barack Obama s there are no red state, there are no blue states, just the United States of America speech during the 2004 Democratic National Convention, undoubtedly resonated with future Democratic delegates and voters to transcend him to the Presidency in 2008 (Gelman, Park, Shor Cortina, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. How Did Andy Warhol Influence Pop Art Andy Warhol paper / Period 6 Andy Warhol was definitely an intriguing and controversial character. He paved the way for an entirely new art style, pop art; he even went on to take the title of the Pope of Pop . There were many reasons why people were drawn to him and the controversy that surrounded him. Andy Warhol was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As an artist he would go on to become a prominent figure in pop culture. He created strange movies of people sleeping or eating and while his pop art was slightly less weird they still strayed along the lines of different. The pop art movement occurred around the late 1950s in the United States. This new style of art emphasized popular imagery which was made identifiable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Writing Notes And Playing Video Games Essay So you get home after a hard day at the office and you boot up your computer, but today you say to yourself, I m tired of writing notes playing video games, I want to create something ! Your girlfriend or your wife walk by you as you stare at the wall and she says, what are you dreaming about ? Then you tell her that you really wanted to be a computer programmer instead of a shoe salesman. Then she says to you, you should have gone to college a few years to learn a computer language ! But your 50 years old now and you don t have time and patience like you use to. Well, I ll tell you something, every application that comes out on the market isn t created by someone who sits down in front of a computer and punches in hours hours of c++ code or visual basic scripts. Hey! Let s face it, it s the year 2007 and software technology is going forward faster that you think. You don t have to sit in front of a computer for years cranking out a bunch of computer code just to make a light blink anymore! The are applications out there in cyber space that will allow you to create self running applications with color graphics, video, sound, music and animation in them by simply using a drag drop interface. Maybe this doesn t mean much to you but, you can certainly use your brain to do more creating rather than coding. Heck, I ve seen people create some pretty awesome applications, music players, small games etc. And all without knowing a bit of computer language. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Importance Of Eternal Life First, let s be absolutely clear on what God wants for each of us. He wants us to have all of the blessings of eternal life. He wants us to become like Him. To help us do that, He has given us a plan. This plan is based on eternal truths and is not altered according to the social trends of the day. (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.) My dear brother I want you to be sure that you know how much the Lord loves you and to have clear that he gave us commandments, but at the same time free will. This means that you have the power to choose how to live your life. As the Lord loves you I love you too, and I want to see you shining and doing what makes you happy, but I can assure you that out of the Lord´s path you will not be as happy as you would if ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We are to follow them in marrying and providing physical bodies for Heavenly Father s spirit children. Obviously, a samegender relationship is inconsistent with this plan. (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.) In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. As we were commandment to be fruitful and multiply we need to focus on the plan and follow this commandment. Our responsibilities to learn and understand the doctrine of the plan, to uphold and be examples of righteous marriage, and to teach correct principles in the home and at church may cause us to wonder if we are equal to the task. We are ordinary people who must accomplish a most extraordinary work. (Elder David A. Bednar Ensign, Jun 2006, 82 87.) The Lord loves us and want us to follow the plan, but if we decide to do not do it is when we break his commandments and when its consequences follow, and yes he still loves us. But he expects us to live the commandments and to repentance whenever we break them. Do not feel attack by the Church or by the ordinances instead ask for the guide of the Lord and pray with a humble heart search of the truth. Doubts are fine as long as we find answers to them. I weep with admiration and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage Chapter 2 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage TRUE/FALSE 1. The manufacturer of Macho brand martial arts products was implementing a strategic plan when it sponsored a local karate tournament for teenagers. ANS: F Such a short range decision is typically a tactical plan or operating decision, not a strategic plan. PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 1 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level III Application 2. Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a large property insurance company, owns a large chain of jewelry stores and has recently purchased Russell Corporation, a manufacturer of sporting goods. Berkshire Hathaway uses a market penetration strategy. ANS: F Berkshire Hathaway uses a diversification strategy. PTS: 1 OBJ: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Developing a cost competitive advantage can enable a firm to deliver superior customer value. ANS: T PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 6 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level VI Evaluation 15. As marketers gain more experience in marketing a product, costs tend to decrease, which is an example of the maturity effect. ANS: F This is an example of the experience curve, which means costs decline at a predictable rate as experience with a product increases. PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 6 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking KEY: CB E Model Product MSC: BLOOMS Level IV Analysis 16. Niche competitive advantages are quite common. ANS: T
  • 22. The text lists several examples of how companies have created niche competitive advantages. PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 6 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level II Comprehension 17. To be useful, marketing objectives should be realistic, measurable, time specific, and based on sales. ANS: F Useful marketing objectives should be realistic, measurable, time specific, and compared to a benchmark. They do not have to be based on sales. PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 7 TOP: AACSB Reflective Thinking KEY: CB E Model Strategy MSC: BLOOMS Level II Comprehension 18. The company s objective is to increase sales next year. This is an example of a well stated objective. ANS: F This objective is not specific or compared to a benchmark. PTS: 1 OBJ: 02 7 TOP: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Business Enviroment Unit 1 Task 1 Unit 1: Business Environment Assignment 1 Understanding the Purpose of Business of Marks and Spencer PLC Introduction This assignment will focus on identifying the mission, values and key objectives of Marks and Spencer PLC and also access the influences of three of their stakeholders. It will also explain the responsibilities of the organisation and the strategies employed to meet them, overall showing a general understanding of the purpose of business of Marks and Spencer. Categories of Organisation Marks and Spencer plc is a public limited company this means that they trade on stock markets such as the London stock exchange, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Any finance option that they choose to use, interest will need to be paid on top, e.g. 25% interest on a 10,000 loan = £10,000 payable + £2,500 interest is the charge for having the loan, which makes the total payable £12,500 to the creditor. Another factor is also secured and unsecured the term given if the money borrowed is secured against a physical thing like property, this can be extra security for the finance company to ensure that a loss is not made, if a person has no or limited history of credit. Marks and Spencer can be a creditor in the sense that they provide finance options to their customers on goods and services. The customer would then be referred to as a debtor because they owe £x to Marks and Spencer, It can be risky because Marks and Spencer can suffer a loss if the customer/debtor cannot afford to pay the balance back. Although can be a lucrative for Marks and Spencer because the customer will need to pay interest on the items taken on credit. The Central government has a big influence on the operations and way of business that Marks and Spencer chooses to adopt, because of the legislation that Marks and Spencer must keep up to date and also put into to practice for example to maintain safe, legal, fair way of business etc. There are also issues in today s economy with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Poseidoon s Accomplishments Strong, courageous, protective, exuberant, mighty. All words used to describe the god of the sea. With a strike to the ground by his magnificent trident, the earth trembles. Described sometimes as Zeus second in command, it would only make sense for the ruler of 75% of the earth to take over as president of Mount Olympus. Poseidon s qualifications are endless. Commander of navigation over water, protector of sailors and worshipped as a god of fertility, He is the child of Rhea and Cronus, as well as the brother of Zeus, Hades, Hermia, Demeter and Hera. And Cerberus, who protects the gates of the underworld, would easily be the most fitting vice president. With Poseidon and Cerberus in command, Olympus would be in a more stable condition than it previously was both ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Yet another aspect overlooked... Poseidon has his own kingdom underwater!) He and his two brothers, Zeus and Hades, divided all the land up into three territories; Zeus became ruler of the sky, Hades had jurisdiction over the underworld, and poseidon, of course, hailed over all the water in the universe, as stated in Poseidon Facts and Information on Greek God Poseidon. and Greek Mythology: Poseidon. Sailors and merchants worship him because he helps them navigate around the world via watercraft, which was obviously a prime example of how humanity developed into traders. Tales of poseidon s shapeshifting abilities are also very prominent. his preference of becoming a steed, for example (since he is also the god of horses), and his ability to pass his shapeshifting powers unto others gained him much fame. This was also described in Greek Mythology: Poseidon. and Poseidon Facts and Information on Greek God Poseidon. With poseidon and his incredible and various abilities on the throne of mount Olympus, threats will clearly be obsolete for his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Inversion Persuasive Essay Some people may think the idea of being inverted upside down doesn t fall under the category of fun. While it might take some getting used to, the benefits of suspending your body in an inverted position are tremendous. The idea has been around a lot longer than you might think. Inverting the human body has long been a practiced art of both medicine and therapy. Today, using a unique type of inversion swing, it s found its way into the ancient practice of yoga. Inversion Therapy The practice of inversion has been around for centuries. There are descriptive pictorial drawings of the concept, which date back to 3,000 B.C. Inversion therapy is used all over the world by medical professionals, physical therapist and athletic trainers. Inverting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, as users become more comfortable using an inversion swing, it is an incredible way to develop core strength and stability. Fitness enthusiasts are always looking for inventive ways to exercise their core. · Back Pain One of the most frequently reported benefits of different types of inversion therapy is the reduction in back pain. Chiropractors use different types of inversion equipment to reduce compression problems between the vertebrae. The spinal cord is the single most important part of the active body, so the benefits garnered from using an inversion swing can be dramatic. Unlike standard inversion boards, or gravity boots that suspend you upside down by your ankles, an inversion swing allows you to move. This is an excellent tool to help with back issues because it removes the forces of gravity. As you invert your body, the compression between your vertebrae is eliminated. It allows you to improve your posture and work on increasing flexibility if you suffer from a chronic stiff back. Regular use of an inversion swing for back problems reduces pain as it helps develop a better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Comparing Hammurapi s Laws And The Book Of Exodus Goring Ox Law Many people do not realize how many laws people had to follow in the ancient east. The Hammurapi s Laws and the readings from Exodus 21 23 have many similar qualities. But just like everything else they can be analyzed differently when they are being compared. While throughout both readings they talk about the goring ox law. And seeing how that one specific law can be viewed differently it shows how unlike the two places were. In one place they were realizing how much God does for them, and how he provides to them if they follow his laws or commandments. Whereas in the other (around Hammurapi) location Hammurapi just talks about they are following the laws, and them getting nothing in return. In the book of Exodus, it shows how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, in The New Interpreter s Study Bible it shows just that If the ox has been accustomed to gore in the past and its owner has been warned but has not restrained it, and it kills a man or a woman, the ox should be stoned, and its owner shall be put to death. And that is the same in Hammurapi s Laws as well. But what also is noticed is that if you have money you can pay off your death. As it is stated in Exodus 20 40, the owner of that ox can pay for redemption If ransom is laid upon him (the owner of the ox), he must pay whatever is laid upon him to redeem his life. The NRSV rendering ... the owner shall pay whatever is imposed for the redemption of the victim s life. It does not seem right because the victim is dead so the money should not count for it. But it goes into explaining that the victims life is an interpretative addition. And throughout those two examples, you can see that the owner of the ox is only penalized if he knows his ox is killing people. If he does not know that his ox is killing people he does not get penalized or in other words put to death. Also, the ox is only killed if the owner knows about it. If the authorities do not contact the owner then the ox lives. In the bible the slave s lives are more valued then when they were killed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Online Censorship And Freedom We salute those who have served or are serving our nation. We express gratitude to those brave men and women for their service to keep our American freedom. But why does freedom end once it involves technology? In this past year, more people have been questioning their online privacy. From a young age we are taught how to be careful on the internet, however our predator is no longer a 50 year old man pretending to be 13 year old Jessica. Our newest online threat is how fragile Americans privacy is online. Internet users, in The United States, personal information is being sold so that advertisements can appeal to them while they browse the internet. Other countries have already set laws in place to protect internet users. The United States ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The United States started this project to develop a secure protocol to allow the military to anonymously communicate with people such as spies. Tor works by relaying one s internet connection through multiple volunteers internet connection from other countries, making the connection virtually impossible to trace back. Just because one uses Tor, it does not mean that they are a volunteer as well. Volunteers set up Tor relays so that other people can browse anonymously, most of these volunteers are located in countries where internet privacy is taken very seriously. One might claim that if the government initiated Tor, then it would contradict the idea that The United States is attempting to eliminate internet privacy. Roger Dingledine, The co founder of Tor says, The United States government can t simply run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only. Because then every time a connection came from it people would say, Oh, it s another CIA agent. If those are the only people using the network (Almost Everyone Involved in Developing Tor). Tor is a tool that relies on other users to work efficiently, without other users it would make a government official easy to point out. Nonetheless, this does not mean the US government have not used Tor in the past to spy on everyday American users that wish to have online privacy. This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but it is indeed a fact. In 2013, whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked confidential information concerning the Unites States government surveillance programs. In other words Edward Snowden exposed proof that the government was spying on Americans online. Those who use Tor merely want online privacy, but Edward Snowden revealed that even with Tor the government spies on its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Descriptive Essay On Farm Ever since I was little I have always wanted to be a farmer and have animals. When I was about 7 years old my family moved to town and we sold our animals. Ever since we moved I have wanted to move back to the country so I can have land and animals again. My uncle inherited farmland from his father (my great uncle). With the help of new machinery and other agricultural advances he has improved and expanded his farmland. Since I hope to have a farm of my own I began working with my uncle last summer. My uncle is in his 50 s and doesn t have any children with his wife, so I am hopeful that if I help him on his farm and learn how to do things he will sell or give me the farm. In February I asked him if I can work with him and he said yes! When I began working with him, he gave me jobs that nobody wants to do. He told me to take a weed eater and cut weeds down a field a mile long. When I thought I was done with that, he told me to cut the weeds around his hay barns. I hated doing that, but I knew it would get better if I didn t quit. I was seeing coyotes on his land and asked him if I can come and shoot them. My girlfriend got me an electronic coyote call for my birthday, which is in September, which means it is easier to call them in. When dove hunting on his farm got slow I decided to use the call I got. I set it in the middle of a field and turned it on. As I was standing on the edge of a corn field talking to my cousin, I looked to my left and saw two coyotes coming in. I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Horror Of Horror Movies People seek ways to entertain themselves. It may be by spending some time outdoors, staying home playing with their siblings or playing games. For many years, one thing that has been an entertainment for people and it is movies. Movies entertain people and it allows them to hang out with friends; it even allows family to bond. Movies are ways that allow someone step outside their homes. Movies have different types of genre. Movies vary from action, comedy, fantasizes, heartwarming, romance etc. All types of movies entertain people, but the one that takes it all is horror movies. Horror movies allow friends to bond, helps face fear and it is best known for its thrill. How do horror movies bond friends? Horror movies are made to scare the viewers. Some horror movies are too gore which makes the person not want to see it alone. Going in pairs or even a group allows the person to feel safer. Having friends beside them allows the person to feel secure when a scary scene is on. Horror movies not only allow friends to hang out in the movie theater, but also outside the theater. After the movie it allows friends to go out to eat and chat about the movie. It keeps people wanting to talk about their favorite part and the part that made them jump or scream. A horror movie is the best way to bond friends. Even if the movie is infamous it is still a great way to hang out with friends. Horrors movies don t necessarily make people go out to theaters to see it. People can easily ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Slumdog Millionaire Ambition Ambition is an eager, and sometimes insatiable desire to fulfill something in one s life; it is when they seek something that is beyond them or their circumstance. In fact, ambition allows an individual to look for significance in a life that is otherwise devoid of meaning. Moreover, it is a prevalent force that harbours their accomplishments and considerably influences the outcomes in their lives. Jamal Malik, the hero of the film, Slumdog Millionaire, effectively portrays this idea as he attempts to surpass the afflictions of his youth by pursuing a meaningful life with his one true love. Through this character, the director, Danny Boyle illustrates how an individual s ambition may instil in them the power to overcome even the greatest ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, he lives in a society where the predominant caste system inherently assigns each individual with a predetermined role. Thus, children like Jamal, Salim, and their companion, Latika, become both socially and spatially excluded by society. In fact, they are denied the same opportunities as regular children and their freedoms are regulated by the absent, yet restrictive influence of the social system. It is absent because these kids lack the basic necessities to aid them in their survival; they are on their own, with no one to look out for them except for themselves. On the other hand, the same system limits these kids by denying them access to resources that would help improve their situation (i.e. education, healthcare, etc.). Through the fates of such characters, the viewer is given glimpses into the relatively unexplored, misunderstood and complex world of street children, as their live their lives outside the conventional view of childhood. More often than not, those who are born into such impoverished conditions, remain in the same state, up until their death. Jamal, for instance, becomes a chai wallah...[who serves] tea [to] people. His mobility is restricted, and his opportunities are limited due to his lack of education and reduced social status. It also is implied that this is the fate that society has set out for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Mexico From 1876 To 1911 Question 1: From 1876 to 1911, The regime of Porfirio Diaz ruled Mexico and he was overthrown by a popular uprising in the end. Then a stable populist, nationalist government called Institutional Revolutionary Party came to the stage of history with its inward looking economic policy. This policy and social system were defended by an iron triangle of industrial oligarchs, politicians and labor unions until the late 1970s when new oil discoveries, high price of oil and large loans from foreign banks thrown the Mexican economy to a feverish boom. At that time, a few financial problems occurred, meaning there was a risk that Mexico would fail to pay on time as negligible. Within a few months, the crisis spread through most of Latin America and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Picky Eater By Julia Alvarez At some point of a kid s life, they want to be picky about something. They want to have some control of their little world where adults are constantly telling them what to wear, what to do, and what to eat. Food, for instance, is an easy topic where kids will fight for some independence. Throwing, yelling, crying and even bribing were the essence of a battle at dinner tables. Because some parents would automatically give in to their children s need, the kids often think they won the battle but technically they didn t. In the story, Picky Eater , Julia Alvarez tells a story of her childhood experience of home meals where her and her sisters were also picky eaters, despite having healthy food served to them. Meals, she said, at home were battlegrounds. Even if you won the dinner battle, refusing to clean your plate or drink your engrudo, you inevitably lost the war (Alvarez 145). Battlegrounds at home can occur but it doesn t have to end up being messy if the parents know how to handle the situation properly. In Picky Eater Alvarez mentioned that her parents particularly her mother was very strict on the type of food the children ate. Getting food from en la calle was strictly forbidden (Alvarez 144) because they might get sick catching some kind of disease from people who have prepared their food. Also, because Alvarez and her sisters were very thin, having leftovers on their plate wasn t allowed. To ensure her kids got all the nutrition they needed, the mother had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The American Culture And History Coming from afar, alone in this foreign land of freedom and liberty, I was chosen to meet with my grandma from the USA. I am delighted to chat up with some Silents from America, and it s my chance to soak up some American culture and history. As a foreigner who never had the opportunity to talk to someone older than 50 in America; it s a pleasure to observe how thing will end up. Initially, I am not suspecting much nor less from the conversations, but to my amazement, it opened my eye quite a bit to how different culture have different styles of generation core values and perspectives in life. And as a Thailand born Taiwanese college student who flew all the way from Asia to America, this is a blessing to experience. Carolyn Zeiger is seventy three years young and a retired licensed psychologist. She used to work as a meditative practitioner for individuals who has Parkinson s Disease (Based on email description). I am glad that we have something in common even before we meet in person. As the students pair up with their intergenerational partner, I scanned the room attempting to find an old lady with short white hair and a pair of glasses (Based on her photo I saw in the intergenerational webpage). Like a child looking for his parents, I spotted Carolyn, and she made eye contact with me. She is a bit shorter than me, and her voice is astoundingly serene and soothing. Her laugh has a nonchalant positivity in it, which makes me want to laugh along side too. Both of us ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On Red Panda I think the red panda should be kept in the zoo because it is categorised as a vulnerable species. The population of the red panda is fewer than 10,000, some say as few as a couple of thousand, remain in the wild. Almost 50% of the red panda live in the Eastern Himalayas in China. The loss of nesting trees and bamboo is causing a decline in red panda populations across much of their range because their forest home is being cleared. Also, the red panda are often caught in traps and die even though the traps were meant for wild pigs and deers. In addition, they are poached for their distinctive pelts in China and Myanmar. To prevent further decrease in the red panda s population, they should be protected, maybe in the enclosures. The captive population of red pandas provides a backup population for the wild population. The red panda lives for 13.4 years in enclosures, while in the wild the average lifespan is 8 to 10 years. Also, the gained knowledge about the panda s situation may awake interest from visitors to the zoo to help save them. The red pandas live in the Eastern Himalayas where there are a lot of bamboo. They eat the youngest, most tender shoots and leaves of the bamboo plant which they like a lot. There are fewer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fortunately, their favourite bamboo species still thrives in parts of the Himalayas. Bamboo is very high in indigestible fiber, making it very difficult to extract the nutrients, but is available in winter when their other preferred foods (such as insects) are not. When food is scarce they can spend 13 hours a day looking for and eating bamboo. In colder temperatures, they slow their low metabolic rate further and their thick fur allows them to conserve their body heat. Similar to pandas, it can be assumed that red pandas started eating bamboo because in the glacial age, bamboo was one of the few foods that the red panda did not need to compete ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. AlA Comparative Analysis of Promotional Campaigns between... Compare and Contrast of Promotional Campaigns Between Competing Sports Organizations Objective The objective of this study is to compare and contrast promotional campaigns of competing sports organizations. This study will document incentivization tactics employed and how these tactics differ. As well, this study will examine how the incentives are communicated to the consumer and answer what is the ratio between price based and non price based incentives. Introduction For the purpose of this study the sports organizations chosen are those of Alabama college football teams at the University of Auburn and the University of Alabama. These two teams are long time rivals in the Southeastern Conference and when the two play one another, it creates a great deal of competition and excitement in the Southern states. I. Auburn Tigers A visit to the Auburn Tiger s website reveals many promotional campaigns including the Kids Club Birthday Parties which includes Birthday Party packages for all key sports at the University of Auburn. Included are 10 event tickets, 10 shakers, 10 hotdogs and drinks, 1 autographed item, 1 cookie cake, the kids name on the scoreboard, and PA recognition. (Auburn University, 2013) Another promotional campaign of the Auburn Tigers is reported on the University website to include Tiger Sport Camp including sport camp for all major sports at the University of Auburn. The Auburn fan is also able to subscribe to or download schedules directly from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Cytokines And Antibodies-Protein Synthesis Starts with environmental trigger such as sunlight expose which damage cells and cause apoptosis and the release of nuclear antigens. These stimuli begin a reaction that leads to distrupting to other cells in the body and exposure of their DNA, histones, and other proteins, particularly part of the cell nucleus. In individuals with lupus, both B cells and T cells become overactive. The two main consequences of this increased activity are the production of antibodies that recognize and destroy the body s own cells and inflammation and can lead to long term, irreversible scarring. The body s sensitized B lymphocyte cells will produce antibodies against these nuclear. These antibodies clump into antibody protein complexes which stick to surfaces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Infection Fighter B cells and T cells are two important components of the immune system. They play a role in the inflammation associated with lupus. Both B cells and T cells associate immune cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes help fight infection. B cells and T cells are involved in the immune system s response to infection. Antigens are foreign bodies (such as bacteria and viruses) that stimulate the immune system to produce autoantibodies. When a T cell recognizes an antigen it will produce chemicals (cytokines) that cause B cells to multiply and release many immune proteins (antibodies). These antibodies circulate generally in the bloodstream, recognizing the foreign particles and triggering ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Emphasizing The True Meaning Of Poems By Andrew Marvell... Kinsey Jordan Mrs. Russler English Honors I February 4, 2015 Emphasizing the True Meaning of Poems Around the seventeenth century the poets Andrew Marvell and John Donne expressed their feelings through poetry. Both John Donne, born in 1572 and Andrew Marvell, born in 1621 in England, are known for their ideas of metaphysical poetry. Metaphysical poetry is a persuasive poem that uses a conceit. It focuses on imagery, paradoxes, arguments, philosophy and religion. Andrew Marvell s To His Coy Mistress and John Donne s A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, focus on the theme of love, which was trending at that time. Although both poems justify the importance and essence of love, the tone differs in each poem making them distant from each other. The figurative language also makes the two poems different. However, they both focus on the idea of Carpe Diem, enjoying the moment and not worrying about the future. Through comparing these poems, the differences and similarities result in the true understanding and effectiveness of the poems. In To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell does not perceive true, fervent love, but rather that time and beauty will not last. The tone of this poem is sad, but the author seems to make it happier. There is an example shown in the first stanza; Had we but world enough and time...we would sit down, and think which way to walk, and pass our long love s day. (1 4) Marvell appears to be straying from the idea of Carpe Diem; stating that if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...