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oil­less cultivation of high value vegetables in greenhouse fo
enhancing water­use and nutrient efficiency through micro
oil­less cultivation of high value vegetables in greenhouse fo
and nutrient efficiency through micro
Dr . Rohitashw Kumar
Professor and Head
College of Agricultural Engineering,
SKUAST-K, Shalimar
Bell pepper
What is hydroponics?
he term hydroponics was first used in the
930s by a California researcher named W. F.
is a combination of two Greek wordsis a combination of two Greek words
ydro means “water” and ponics
ogether they mean “water labor.”
What is hydroponics?
was first used in the
930s by a California researcher named W. F.
is a combination of two Greek words—is a combination of two Greek words—
ponics means
ogether they mean “water labor.”
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
The nutrient
ions are moved,
ally by a pump. A wick or the anchor of the
growing medium helps flow of
nutrients to plants' roots.
nutrients are
reused in
the system
A wick or the anchor of the
growing medium helps flow of
nutrients to plants' roots.
nutrients are
reused in
the system Nutrients are
not reused in
the system
ii. NON-
iv. POT
The six basic types of hydroponic systems are:
ck system
ep water culture
trient film technique
b and flow
ip system
The six basic types of hydroponic systems are:
1. Wick system
stem is considered the most simple type of Hydroponic system
ks by pumping the nutrient solution from the reservoir up to the plants via the capillary movement lik
rowing media of the grow tray.
Fig.. Wick system
1. Wick system:
stem is considered the most simple type of Hydroponic system
ks by pumping the nutrient solution from the reservoir up to the plants via the capillary movement lik
2. Deep water culture:
s a recovery Hydroponic system.
s by hanging a net pot with plants held by a floating Styrofoam platform so that the roots are subme
nt solutions.
Fig.Deep water culture
2. Deep water culture:
s by hanging a net pot with plants held by a floating Styrofoam platform so that the roots are subme
water culture
3.Nutrient film technology:
orks by continuously flowing nutrient solutions onto the grow tray.
n't need a timer. The solutions run through the roots
f the plants till its reaches the channels' end then drains back to the reservoir.
oes not need any growing medium.
Fig.Nutrient film technology
film technology:
orks by continuously flowing nutrient solutions onto the grow tray.
n't need a timer. The solutions run through the roots
f the plants till its reaches the channels' end then drains back to the reservoir.
film technology
4.Ebb and flow
d Flow method works by using a timer to set the pump to pull the nutrients from the reservoir to the
he nutrient surrounds plants 'roots, it drains back to the system.
Fig. Ebb and flow
and flow:
d Flow method works by using a timer to set the pump to pull the nutrients from the reservoir to the
he nutrient surrounds plants 'roots, it drains back to the system.
5.Drip system
systems, growers use a timer to set the pump to draw the nutrient solutions through a network of dr
drip lines will drop tiny amounts of water onto the plants.
Fig. Drip system
systems, growers use a timer to set the pump to draw the nutrient solutions through a network of dr
drip lines will drop tiny amounts of water onto the plants.
Fig. Drip system
ype of system, plants are hung in the air, so no growing media are used.
r controls the nutrient water pump to spray onto the root systems constantly.
ay cycle is quite quick because the roots are exposed to the air and need sufficient moistures.
Fig. Aeroponics
ype of system, plants are hung in the air, so no growing media are used.
r controls the nutrient water pump to spray onto the root systems constantly.
ay cycle is quite quick because the roots are exposed to the air and need sufficient moistures.
Hydroponic growing media
choosing a growing medium for the Hydroponic system, these are the traits th
be taken into account:
od aeration and drainage.
htweight enough to work with and carry around.
ganically made and environmentally friendly.
Hydroponic growing media
choosing a growing medium for the Hydroponic system, these are the traits th
htweight enough to work with and carry around.
ganically made and environmentally friendly.
ommon Types of Growing
Growing media About
Coconut coir Coconut Coir, or also called
"Coco-tek", "Cocopeat", and
"Ultrapeat" is an organic
material created from the
coconut shell husks.
Perlite It is created by expanding
volcanic glass under extremely
high temperature.
Consequently, countless small
white particles pop out like
Media Used
Pros Cons
", "Cocopeat", and
i. Able to hold water and
the air well.
ii. Organic made.
iii. Renewable &
environmental friendly
i. Does not hav
ii. Uncompresse
several uses.
volcanic glass under extremely
Consequently, countless small
i. Lightweight
ii. High oxygen retention
iii. Reusable
i. Too lightweig
some Hydrop
ii. Dust from th
Growing media About
Rockwool This material is created by
melting rocks and spinning
them into bundles of filament
Expanded clay pellets Expanded clay pellets are small
marble shaped balls created by
heating the clays until it
expands into small round
Pros Cons
them into bundles of filament
i. Hold water very well.
ii. Good oxygen retention.
iii. Has a variety of sizes and
i. Not environm
friendly - Roc
almost not ab
dispose of.
ii. Dust from th
iii. Not pH neutr
Expanded clay pellets are small
marble shaped balls created by
i. Great oxygen retention.
ii. Reusable.
i. Poor water re
ii. Heavy.
Growing media About
Growstones The porous rocks created
from recycled glass is a
versatile medium that can fit
most hydroponic system.
Vermiculite It's a mined material that isVermiculite It's a mined material that is
made from expanded
pebbles under extreme heat.
It is often used in
combination with perlite
because of its poor drainage
Pros Cons
versatile medium that can fit
i. Great air to water ratio.
ii. Lightweight.
i. Potential damage
plant root types
of its clinging.
ii. Hard to clean.
It's a mined material that is i. Great moisture and i. Expensive.It's a mined material that is
pebbles under extreme heat.
because of its poor drainage
i. Great moisture and
nutrient retention
i. Expensive.
ii. Retain too muc
1960 with 3 billion population over the World, per
lion people it is only 0.25 ha and by 2050, it may
nd. Hydroponics on roof top will be solution (Sardare
ay by day soil fertility is degrading due to intensive
ydroponic production increases crop quality and productivity
wer water and nutrient costs associated with water
ydroponic technology can be an efficient mean for
osystems such as deserts, mountainous regions.
il born disease can be minimized. Helps in efficient
ansplant shock is reduced
per capita land was 0.5 ha but presently, with 6
may reach at 0.16 ha. So there may be shortage of
Sardare and Admane 2013)
intensive cultivation to meet the need of growing
productivity. By precise control of fertilizer
water and nutrient recycling.
for food production from extreme environmental
efficient uptake of nutrient
Soilless cultures fall into two general categories:
Substrate culture:
Substrate culture is the cultivation of crops in a solid, inert or non
Water culture :
In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr
Soilless culture is a generic name for all the methods of growing crops either in a medium, excep
or without medium. Hydroponics is a method of growing crops in a liquid medium (the
In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr
Soilless substrates can be divided into two groups:
Organic substrates:
Peat moss, Wood Residues ,Rice hulls and Coconut peat
Inorganic substrates :
Perlite ,Sand ,Vermiculite, Calcined clays, Pumice and Rockwool .
Soilless cultures fall into two general categories:
Substrate culture is the cultivation of crops in a solid, inert or non-inert medium instead o
In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr
is a generic name for all the methods of growing crops either in a medium, excep
is a method of growing crops in a liquid medium (the fertigation
In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr
Soilless substrates can be divided into two groups: -
Peat moss, Wood Residues ,Rice hulls and Coconut peat
clays, Pumice and Rockwool .
Plant Needs
What is needed for a plant to survive?
•Nutrients (usually soil)
•Anchorage (root system)
Plant Needs
What is needed for a plant to survive?
The advantages of hydroponics are significant including
•-Superior taste, quality, appearance, uniformity, and extended shelf life of hydropo
•-No sterilization of growing media required and plant nutrition is easily and comp
controlled within the nutrient reservoir.
•-No weeding, no cultivation, no soil borne diseases or insects. Allows uniform wa
availability to plants.
•-Closer plant spacing is possible and movable plant channels allow greater produ
from equal areas.
•-Less water required and less fertilizer needed, and root zone heating and cooling
made possible.
The advantages of hydroponics are significant including
Superior taste, quality, appearance, uniformity, and extended shelf life of hydropo
No sterilization of growing media required and plant nutrition is easily and comp
No weeding, no cultivation, no soil borne diseases or insects. Allows uniform wa
Closer plant spacing is possible and movable plant channels allow greater produ
Less water required and less fertilizer needed, and root zone heating and cooling
Why hydroponic system?
ponics has several obvious benefits:
Better growth rate: Hydroponically grown plants enjoy a 20
oil, grown in the similar conditions.
droponics saves water:1/20th of total water is needed to grow plants under soil
mparison to soil-based culture. This soilless growing method uses only 10% water in comparison to s
soils needed: This comes with two great benefits:
We can grow crops anywhere whether in arable or heavily contaminated places. It saves the lands by
wing plants in convenient locations like large-scale indoor greenhouses, or even in an apartment.
All of the weeds and soil-related pests and disease are eliminated in a Hydroponic
ective use of nutrients: All nutrients are added to the solution, and the operator is in 100% control o
ing the specific amounts of nutrients that plants need. Unlike the soil, nutrients are not lost because t
held in the reservoir.
Why hydroponic system?
Hydroponically grown plants enjoy a 20-30% better growth rate than those in th
of total water is needed to grow plants under soil-less culture in
soilless growing method uses only 10% water in comparison to s
This comes with two great benefits:
We can grow crops anywhere whether in arable or heavily contaminated places. It saves the lands by
scale indoor greenhouses, or even in an apartment.
related pests and disease are eliminated in a Hydroponic system.
All nutrients are added to the solution, and the operator is in 100% control o
ing the specific amounts of nutrients that plants need. Unlike the soil, nutrients are not lost because t
Potential downsides of hydroponic system
al expenses: initial investments to get necessary equipment for the system, includin
roponic air pump, timer, lights, air filters, fans, containers, growing media, nutrient
nical knowledge and experiences: Depending on the scale and types of the system
to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor.to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor.
m failure and power outage: The plants are depending on you for their survival. I
wer outage happens, they face a great risk of death in a few hours when the plant roo
ed watering and get dried.
Potential downsides of hydroponic system.
initial investments to get necessary equipment for the system, includin
roponic air pump, timer, lights, air filters, fans, containers, growing media, nutrient
Depending on the scale and types of the system
to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor.to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor.
The plants are depending on you for their survival. I
wer outage happens, they face a great risk of death in a few hours when the plant roo
Some early adopters of hydroponics
YO: In Tokyo, land is extremely valuable due to the surging population. To feed th
ns while preserving valuable land mass, the country has turned to hydroponic rice
ice is harvested in underground vaults without the use of soil.
use the environment is perfectly controlled, four cycles of harvest can be performed
ally, instead of the traditional single harvest.
AEL: Hydroponics also has been used successfully in Israel which has a dry and ari
mpany called Organitech has been growing crops in 40
iners, using hydroponic systems.
y grow large quantities of berries, citrus fruits and bananas, all of which couldn't nor
own in Israel's climate.
Some early adopters of hydroponics
In Tokyo, land is extremely valuable due to the surging population. To feed th
ns while preserving valuable land mass, the country has turned to hydroponic rice
ice is harvested in underground vaults without the use of soil.
use the environment is perfectly controlled, four cycles of harvest can be performed
ally, instead of the traditional single harvest.
Hydroponics also has been used successfully in Israel which has a dry and ari
has been growing crops in 40-foot (12.19-meter) long ship
y grow large quantities of berries, citrus fruits and bananas, all of which couldn't nor
560 m560 m2 Polyhouse
Beds prepared with 1Beds prepared with 1-1.5 % slope
Beds covered with weed matBeds covered with weed mat
Laying of trough on bedsLaying of trough on beds
Placing spacing trays on troughPlacing spacing trays on trough
Placing coco-peat slabs and drip linespeat slabs and drip lines
Fertigation system
Desired EC: 2.0 – 3.0 dS/m Desired
Acidification is done to adjust pH
Example: 0.26 ml phosphoric acid (85 %) per liter of nutrient solutio
to lower pH from 7.2 to 6.2
Fertigation system
Desired pH : 5.8 - 6.5
phosphoric acid (85 %) per liter of nutrient solutio
Fertigation system
Fertigation system
Pressure gauge
Dissolving Tanks
• Mono-potassium phosphate
No fertilizer containing
• Mono-potassium phosphate
• Potassium Sulphate
• Magnesium Sulphate
• Manganese Sulphate
• Copper Sulphate
• Zinc Sulphate
×Never combine acids with microelements in chelate form
Dissolving Tanks
• Calcium Nitrate
No fertilizer containing
phosphates and sulphates
• Calcium Nitrate
• Potassium Nitrate
• Iron Chelate
• Zinc EDTA
• Borax
• Ammonium Molybdate
Never combine acids with microelements in chelate form
Nursery Raising (Cucumber)Nursery Raising (Cucumber)
Transplantation 6.10.2016Transplantation 6.10.2016
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
EC, pH of leachate and nutrient solution and EC of slab
ystem for collecting leachate
Leachate observation
and nutrient solution and EC of slab
Measurement of dripper discharge
How Do You Know if You Fertilize Enough?
Graph Your Substrate EC:
EC decreases:
Plant takes up more than provided
EC Increases :
Provided more than the plant takes upProvided more than the plant takes up
EC Constant
provided what the plant takes up
ou Fertilize Enough?
Visualize Substrate EC in aC in a Graph:
Leachate CollectionLeachate Collection
Crop as on 30.10.201630.10.2016
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Crop as onCrop as on 06.12.2016
Cost estimation
Item Price
WeedWeed MatMat 30/m2
TroughTrough 160/mTroughTrough 160/m
Spacing traysSpacing trays 22
Cocopeat slabCocopeat slab 60
Roller hooksRoller hooks 20
Cost estimation
Units Cost (Rs.
560 m2 16800
240 m 38400240 m 38400
600 13200
420 25200
1260 25200
V1­KAFKA 3.2
V3­PBRK­4 3.1
Cucumber yield as influenced by different
autumn planted crop. (Kg/plant)
V3­PBRK­4 3.1
V4­PBRK­13 3.1
V5­F1­HYBRID 2.9
Mean yield (kg/plant) 3.10
Fertigation level
85% 70%
Mean yiel
2.7 2.4 2.78
3.0 2.7 3.00
2.6 2.4 2.70
different hybrids/Varieties and fertigation level during
2.6 2.4 2.70
2.4 2.2 2.57
2.5 2.2 2.53
2.64 2.38
Tomato cultivation
in polyhouse
Tomato cultivation
Bed preparationBed preparation
Covering beds withCovering beds with plastic sheet
Drainage systemDrainage system
Drainage systemDrainage system
Nursery Raising (Tomato)Nursery Raising (Tomato)
TransplantationTransplantation - 14.10.2016
Crop as on 8.11.2016Crop as on 8.11.2016
Crop as on 8.12.2016Crop as on 8.12.2016
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Leachate observation
m for recording leachate observations
Leachate observation
Tank for collecting overall
leachate from polyhouse
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Nursery Raising (Capsicum)Nursery Raising (Capsicum)
TransplantationTransplantation - 24.10.2016
Crop as on 8.11.2016Crop as on 8.11.2016
Crop as onCrop as on 8.12.2016
Leachate CollectionLeachate Collection
Leachate observation
m for recording leachate observation
Leachate observation
Measurement of dripper dis
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Schmutzdecke (bio-film)
Plant growth is not limited by the availabili
factors which are lacking the most
ity of growth factors (nutrients),but by those
Area and production in
Crop 2014-2015 2015-
Area Production Area
Tomato 767 16385 774
Capsicum 32 183 46
Table.1: Area and Production of tomato and Capsicum
Area and production in Jammu and Kashmir during 2014
Crop 2014-2015 2015-
Area Production Area
Tomato 3.58 88.09 3.58
Capsicum 1.05 23.16 1.05
and production in India during 2014-2017
-2016 2016-2017
Production Area Production productivity
18732 809 19697 24.4
228 46 379 8.20
Area in ‘000 Ha
Production in ‘000 MTArea and Production of tomato and Capsicum
Area and production in Jammu and Kashmir during 2014-2017
-2016 2016-2017
Production Area Production productivity
88.09 3.58 88.09 24.60
23.16 1.05 23.16 22.06
Horticultural Statistics at a Glance. 2017
Establishment of crop
Experimental farm, Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar
Temperate region
34° 08’ 30.5” N latitude
74° 51’ 42.0” E longitude
Elevation of 1605 m above mean sea level
Protected conditions in a plastic poly-house
Walk-in tunnel type poly-house
Orientation of greenhouse- North-South direction
Dimensions- 17m×3m×3.5m
Establishment of crop
Experimental site SKUAST-K Shalimar
Design and develop soilless cultivation system for
tomato and capsicum under protected condition.tomato and capsicum under protected condition.
Design and develop soilless cultivation system for
tomato and capsicum under protected condition.tomato and capsicum under protected condition.
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Surface preparation and drainage for soilless culture
 Surface were levelled with 2% slope along the drainage pipe
 5% slope toward the drainage pipe
 Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface
Design of soilless
 Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface
 50mm PVC pipe with holes drilled at every 20cm used for
drainage pipe
 Shade net mesh were used to cover the drainage pipe
 Drainage channel were covered with gravels
 Mesh were used to cover the drainage
Surface preparation and drainage for soilless culture
Surface were levelled with 2% slope along the drainage pipe
Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface
soilless Systems
Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface
50mm PVC pipe with holes drilled at every 20cm used for
Shade net mesh were used to cover the drainage pipe
Design of drainage system for soilless system
Design of drainage system for soilless system
Design of drip for soilless
Material used for drip system
 Tank 500l capacity for treatment 1 and 200l for others
 50mm diameter PVC pipe for submain
 50 mm control ball valve
 500mm tee, elbow and end cap 500mm tee, elbow and end cap
 16mm lateral
 16mm GTO
 16mm control valve
 End cap 16 mm
 100micron screen filter
of drip for soilless Systems
Tank 500l capacity for treatment 1 and 200l for others
ig: 2. Drip irrigation system for soilless cultureig: 2. Drip irrigation system for soilless culture
Head loss in soilless system
ead loss in soilless system
A1 = area of small lateral
A2 = area of main pipe
V= velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity
K= 0.32 at Cc = 0.62
V= velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity
K= 0.5
Submain PVC
Laterals (tomato)
Laterals (capsicum)
Head loss in different component of drip fertigated soilless system
Sudden contraction
PVC Fittings
Filter head loss
Total head loss
Head loss (m)
2.28 × 10-4
5.64 10-3
6.68 10-3
Head loss in different component of drip fertigated soilless system
9.09 10-5
8.49 10-5
Slow sand filtration
 Slow sand filtration was initially developed by John Gibb
(Huisman et al.,1999)
 Slow sand filtration is considered to be a reliable, low-cost
and Pythium can be eliminated completely by this method,
(90–99.9 per cent) removed by this method. (Runia et al.,
 Flow rate was kept between 100 lm-2 h-1 to 300 lm-2 h-1 Flow rate was kept between 100 lm-2 h-1 to 300 lm-2 h-1
compared to higher flow rates
 The formation of a biological active layer upon top of
(Wohanka et al., 1999).
 bacterial densities of 107 to 108 cfu.cm–3 were found, decreasing
and remaining at this level even in deeper layers
Slow sand filtration
Gibb in Scotland in 1804 to obtain pure water for his Bleachery
cost solution to eliminate soil-borne pathogens Phytophthora
method, but Fusarium spp., viruses and nematodes are only partly
, 1997; Van Os et al., 1997b; Ehret et al., 2001)
1 but the flow rate of 100 lm-2 h-1 increases the performance1 but the flow rate of 100 lm-2 h-1 increases the performance
of the sand in the filter appeared to be of great importance
decreasing rapidly within the first centimetres to 106 cfu cm–3
The essential components of a slow filter are
1. A filter tank
2. An inlet structure
3. A bed of fine sand or other filter media, gravels
4. An underdrainage system
5. An outlet structure including a flow meter and control valves
regulate the velocity of water flow through the filter bed
The essential components of a slow filter are
• Two Tank of 200l each
Material used for filter unit
control valves to
filter bed
• Two Tank of 200l each
• PVC elbow of 50 mm diameter
• Outlet pin 50 mm diameter
• Gravel
• Sand
• mesh
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
protected structure
Standardization of fertilizer dose
solution for capsicum and tomato
under soilless growing mediaunder soilless growing media
Standardization of fertilizer dose
solution for capsicum and tomato
under soilless growing mediaunder soilless growing media
Macro nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system
Major nutrient Content in plant Nutrient solution
Nitrogen (N) 2 %– 3%
4% - 5%
100ppm to 200ppm
Phosphorus (P) 0.2% -0.5%
0.5% - 1%
30ppm to 50ppm
Potassium (k) 1.25% -3%
Initially >5%
100ppm to 200ppm
Calcium (Ca) 0.5% - 2% 100ppm to 200ppm
Magnesium (Mg) 0.2 % - 0.5% 50ppm
Sulfur (S) 0.15% - 0.5% 50 ppm
Macro nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system
Nutrient solution Form of utilization Sources
100ppm to 200ppm Calcium nitrate
Potassium nitrate
Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium sulfate
30ppm to 50ppm Mono hydrogen phosphate
(HPO42- )
or di hydrogen phosphate
Ammonium dihydrogen
Phosphoric acid
100ppm to 200ppm K+ ions Potassium nitrate(KNO2)
Potassium sulfate (K2SO4)
Potassium chloride (KCL)
100ppm to 200ppm Divalent cation (Ca2+) Calcium nitrate (CaNO3)2. 4H2O
Calcium sulfate (CaSO4)
Divalent cation (Mg2+) Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4.
Sulfate (SO42-) Potassium sulfate (K2SO4
Magnesium sulfate
Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4
Micro nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system
Micronutrients Content in plant Nutrient solution
Boron (B) 10ppm 50ppm 0.3ppm
Chlorine (Cl) 20ppm
Copper (Cu) 2% -10% 0.001ppm -Copper (Cu) 2% -10% 0.001ppm -
Iron (Fe) 50ppm – 100ppm 2 ppm – 3ppm
Manganese (Mn) 100ppm 0.5ppm
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.5ppm 0.05ppm
zinc 15ppm 50ppm 0.05ppm
nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system
Nutrient solution Form of
Borate (BO33-)
Molecular boric
acid (H3BO3)
Boric acid (H3BO3)
Cl- (KCl )potassium chloride
(CaCl2) calcium chloride
.01ppm Copper sulfate CuSO4..01ppm Copper sulfate CuSO4.
3ppm Fe2+ Chelated form Fe (FeEDTA
and FeDTPA)
Manganese sulfate
Ammonium molybdate
Zn 2+ Zinc sulfate (ZnSO4.7H2O)
Stock solution for soilless culture
Calcium nitrate
Magnesium sulfate
Potassium sulphate
NPK (19%, 19% 19%)
Iron chelate
Manganese sulfateManganese sulfate
Zinc sulfate
Copper sulfate
Sodium molybdate
Stock solution for soilless culture
Nutrient Hoagland &
Hewitt Cooper
N 210 168 200
P 31 41 60
K 234 156 300
Ca 160 160 170
Mg 34 36 50
Table.2: Concentration of nutrient indifferent hydroponic stock solution
S 64 48 68
Fe 2.5 2.80.064 12
Cu 0.02 0.065 0.1
Zn 0.05 0.54 0.1
Mn 0.5 0.54 2.0
B 0.5 0.054 0.3
Mo 0.01 0.04 0.2
Concentration ranges of essential mineral elements according to various authors (adapted from
Cooper, 1988; Steiner, 1984; Windsor & Schwarz, 1990
Cooper Steiner Experiment
200-236 168 217
60 31 50
300 273 200
170-185 180 200
50 48 50
Table.2: Concentration of nutrient indifferent hydroponic stock solution
68 336 112
12 2.4 3
0.1 0.02 0.1
0.1 0.11 0.3
2.0 0.62 0.1
0.3 0.44 0.5
0.2 --- 0.01
Concentration ranges of essential mineral elements according to various authors (adapted from
Cooper, 1988; Steiner, 1984; Windsor & Schwarz, 1990
nt parameter Fruit parameter Quality parameter
nt height (m) Fruit size of each
treatment (cm)
Vit c (mg/100g)
nt diameter
Average weight of
fruit (gram)
Tss (⁰brix)
Observation recorded
m) fruit (gram)
of nodes Disease (if any)
of fruit per node
st flower
iation (days)
parameter Plant parameter Fruit parameter Quality paramet
Plant height (m) Fruit size (cm) Vit c (mg/100g)
Plant diameter
Fruit thickness
Tss (⁰brix)
Observation recorded
(mm) (mm)
no of fruit per
Average weight of
fruit (gram)
Disease (if any)
First flower
initiation (days)
Micro climatic data and solution data recorded
Micro climatic data
Daily 1 hour interval relative humidity. (%)
Micro climatic data and solution data recorded
Solution data
Ph of solution. (1-14)Ph of solution. (1-14)
Ec of solution. (mS/cm2 )
Media: Coco
 C100= 100% of fresh solution
 C =50% of fresh solution, 50 % C50=50% of fresh solution, 50 %
 C70= 70 % of fresh solution, 30 %
 C80= 80% of fresh solution, 20 %
% leachate% leachate
% leachate
% leachate
Tomato (LycopersiucumLycopersiucum esculentum)
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
eatment Yield (kg) Number of nodes
Mean± SD Min. Max. Mean± SD
2.40 ± 0.50 ab 1.81 2.98
7.00± 1.00
2.95 ± 0.55 b 2.53 3.40
7.80 ± 1.10
Table.4 Effect of different concentrations and leachate on
height (m) in tomato plant (Lycopersiucum
2.49 ± 0.54--ab 1.65 3.16 7.60 ± 0.11
2.24 ± 0.36 a 1.65 2.53 6.80 ± 0.45
2.52 ± 0.50 1.65 3.40
7.30 ± 0.97
alue 0.138 0.333
alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
of nodes Plant height (m)
SD Min. Max. Mean± SD Min. Max.
1.00a 6 8 2.25 ± 0.20a 1.96 2.47
1.10a 7 9 2.29 ± 0.38a 1.90 2.70
Effect of different concentrations and leachate on Yield (kg/plant), number of nodes and plant
Lycopersiucum esculentum)
0.11a 6 9 2.18 ± 0.31a 1.80 2.50
0.45a 6 7 2.27 ± 0.24a 1.90 2.50
0.97 6 9 2.25 ± 0.27 1.80 2.70
alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
Yield (kg/plant)
Fig.9: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on Yield (kg/plant), number of nodes and plant
height (m) in tomato plant (
c0 c1 c2 c3
yield 2.4 2.94 2.49 2.24
Plant height (m)
of different concentrations and leachate on Yield (kg/plant), number of nodes and plant
height (m) in tomato plant (Lycopersiucum esculentum)
C100 C90 C80 C70
plant height (m) 2.251 2.294 2.18 2.274
Fruit diameter (cm) Fruit height (cm)
mean± SD Min. Max. mean± SD
0 5.54 ± 0.18c 5.3 5.7 4.94 ± 0.17
Table.3: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on
weight (g) in tomato plant (
1 5.58 ± 0.33c 5.2 6.0 4.80 ± 0.38
2 4.84 ± 0.15b 4.7 5.1 4.38 ± 0.13
3 4.50 ± 0.23a 4.3 4.7 4.26 ± 0.08
otal mean 5.11 ± 0.52 4.3 6.0 5.12 ± 0.35
value .0001 0.0001
alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
Fruit height (cm) Diameter of plant (mm)
SD Min. Max. mean± SD Min. Max.
0.17b 4.8 5.2 7.92 ± 0.12a 7.67 8.30
Effect of different concentrations and leachate on fruit diameter (cm), Fruit height (cm) and fru
tomato plant (Lycopersiucum esculentum)
0.38b 4.4 5.4 7.73 ± 0.22a 7.00 8.33
0.13a 4.2 4.5 7.73 ± 0.33a 6.70 8.67
0.08a 4.2 4.4 7.71 ± 0.33a 7.30 8.60
0.35 4.3 6.0 7.78 ± 0.25 7.17 8.48
alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
fruit width (cm)
Fig.10: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on fruit diameter (cm), Fruit height (cm)
and fruit weight (g) in tomato plant (Lycopersiucum
C100 C90 C80 C70
fruit width (cm) 5.54 5.58 4.84 4.5
fruit height (cm)
of different concentrations and leachate on fruit diameter (cm), Fruit height (cm)
Lycopersiucum esculentum)
C100 C90 C80 C70
fruit height (cm) 4.94 4.8 4.38 4.26
atment First flower initiation after transplanting
Vitamin C (mg/100g)
mean± SD Min. Max. mean± SD
15.80 ± 0.84a
15.00 17.00
31.37 ± 0.97c
17.20 ± 1.30ab
16.00 19.00
29.62 ± 0.88b
Table.4: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on flower initiation (days after transplanting)
vitamin C (mg/100g) and SSC (⁰brix) in tomato plant (
16.00 19.00
18.40 ± 1.14bc
17.00 20.00
28.42 ± 0.86ab
19.20 ± 1.33c
18.00 21.00
26.98 ± 1.50a
al mean
17.65 ± 1.69 15.00 21.00
29.09 ± 1.93
alue 0.002 0.0001
lues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
Vitamin C (mg/100g) SSC (⁰brix)
Min. Max. mean± SD Min. Max.
30.43 32.46
3.02 ± 0.16a
2.80 3.20
28.40 30.42
3.36 ± 0.11b
3.20 3.50
leachate on flower initiation (days after transplanting),
tomato plant (Lycopersiucum esculentum)
28.40 30.42 3.20 3.50
27.00 29.20
4.04 ± 0.18c
3.80 4.20
24.00 28.50
4.48 ± 0.21d
4.20 4.70
24.50 32.46 3.73 ± 0.61 2.80 4.70
lues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
Capsicum (CapsicumCapsicum annuum )
Table.9: Variation of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato (
Treatment Yield (kg/ha)
C100 255998
C90 313598
C80 265598
C70 238931
Treatment Yield (kg/ha) NUE
(kg/ha.kg N)
C100 255998 98.36
C90 313598 148.75
C80 265598 159.45
C70 238931 187.35
Table.10: Variation of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato (
of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato (lycopersicum esculentum)
Water used
Water use efficiency
1301 196.72
1171 267.75
1041 255.12
910 262.29
(kg/ha.kg N)
(kg/ha.kg P)
(kg/ha.kg K)
98.36 393.44 98.36
148.75 595.02 148.75
159.45 637.80 159.45
187.35 749.41 187.35
of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato (lycopersicum esculentum
Table.11: Variation of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in capsicum (
Treatment Yield (kg/ha) Water used
T1P0 243200 1561.6
T1p1 241920 1561.6
T1P2 166400 1561.6
T2P0 259840 1405.44T2P0 259840 1405.44
T2P1 200960 1405.44
T2P2 202240 1405.44
T3P0 160000 1249.28
T3P1 183040 1249.28
T3P2 157440 1249.28
T4P0 177920 1093.12
T4P1 160000 1093.12
T4P2 158720 1093.12
of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in capsicum (capsicum annuum)
Water use efficiency
(kg/ha.kg N)
(kg/ha.kg P)
(kg/ha.kg K
77.86 311.47 77.86
77.45 309.83 77.45
53.27 213.11 53.27
102.70 410.84 102.72
102.70 410.84 102.72
79.43 317.74 79.43
79.94 319.77 79.94
80.04 320.18 80.04
91.57 366.29 91.57
78.76 315.06 78.76
116.25 465.03 116.25
89.49 357.97 89.49
103.71 414.85 103.76
Treatments Estimated fruit
yield (tha­1)
Total cost of
T1 2.40 8959944
Table.12: Cost benefit ratio of Tomato (lycopersicum
T1 2.40 8959944
T2 2.94 10994597
T3 2.49 9295941
T4 2.24 8362614
Total cost of
Net returns (Rs ha­1) BCR
3454795.67 5505148.33 1.59348
lycopersicum esculentum)
3454795.67 5505148.33 1.59348
3283596.74 7711001.21 2.34834
3112397.81 6183544.09 1.986746
2941198.88 5421415.52 1.843267
Hydroponic nutrient guide
ents in the water are what the soilless growers are in total control to let plants reach
otential growth. Nutrients required by plants are:
acronutrients: As the name implies, macronutrients
ounts. These include Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus
gnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S).
cro Nutrients: Micronutrients are required in smaller amounts. Yet, they still play a
portant role in plant growth. These include Zinc
ron (Bo).
H range of 5.5 to 6.5 is optimal for the availability of nutrients from most nutrient
ons for most crops.
Hydroponic nutrient guide
ents in the water are what the soilless growers are in total control to let plants reach
Nutrients required by plants are:
macronutrients are the ones that plants need in
N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca),
Micronutrients are required in smaller amounts. Yet, they still play a
growth. These include Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe) an
H range of 5.5 to 6.5 is optimal for the availability of nutrients from most nutrient
ess Culture(Hydroponics) at SKUASTess Culture(Hydroponics) at SKUAST-K
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
oncentration of nutrients in ppm by different author’s with the
trient Hoagland & Arnon Hewitt
N 210.00 168.00
P 31.00 41.00
K 234.00 156.00
Ca 160.00 160.00
Mg 34.00 36.00
S 64.00 48.00
Fe 2.50 2.80
4 0.02 0.07
Zn 0.05 0.54
Mn 0.50 0.54
B 0.50 0.05
Mo 0.01 0.04
in ppm by different author’s with the experimental trail at SKUAST­
Cooper Steiner
200-236 168.00 217
60.00 31.00 50.
300.00 273.00 110
170-185 180.00 200
50.00 48.00 50.
68.00 336.00 86.
12.00 2.40 3.0
0.10 0.02 0.1
0.10 0.11 0.3
2.00 0.62 0.1
0.30 0.44 0.5
0.20 --- 0.0
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation
Future scope of the technology
ng 2nd world war US army developed hydroponic garden to supply vegetable to the
opulation increases and arable land declines due to poor land management, rapid
nization and industrialization people will turn to new technologies like hydroponics
e additional channels of crop production.
potential to use hydroponics in third world countries like Africa and Asia, where wa
ies are limited is high.
oponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extensoponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extens
oponics research plans in place.
o Covid-19 people are restricted to their homes and cant go to market to buy veget
these times hydroponics can be of great use.
best thing about this we can grow plants without having land.
Future scope of the technology
world war US army developed hydroponic garden to supply vegetable to the
opulation increases and arable land declines due to poor land management, rapid
nization and industrialization people will turn to new technologies like hydroponics
potential to use hydroponics in third world countries like Africa and Asia, where wa
oponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extensoponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extens
19 people are restricted to their homes and cant go to market to buy veget
these times hydroponics can be of great use.
best thing about this we can grow plants without having land.
Head loss in different component drip system as submain
m), lateral capsicum (6.68 × 10-3 m), sudden contraction
loss In filter (0.50 m).the total head loss by different component
The coefficient of uniformity recorded was 95.83% which
Temperature was highest on the day time during 12 am
Temperature was highest on the day time during 12 am
and 30 to 45 °C and the highest temperature was during
to 45 °C.
Relative humidity was highest on the day time during
11am 6 pm (19 % to 35 %). The data recorded reveal
Data recorded during the preparation of solution is showing
2.01 dS/m and 5.36 to 7.10) of the solution during crop
submain PVC (2.28 × 10-4 m), Laterals (tomato) (5.64 × 10
contraction (9.09 × 10-5 m), PVC fitting (8.49 × 10-5 m), hea
component of drip was 0.5127 m.
which is in acceptable range.
am to 4 pm a minimum during 4 am to 6 am as12 to 20 °
am to 4 pm a minimum during 4 am to 6 am as12 to 20 °
during month of September at the harvesting time goes u
during 8 pm to 6 am (94 % to 97.5 %) and minimum durin
reveal that during high relative humidity there is le
showing that there is a fluctuation of EC and pH as (1
crop period of different concentration of leachate in fres
Maximum growth parameters in tomato were non-significant affected by the different concentrations and
Fruit parameters of tomato i.e. fruit length, fruit width, average fruit weight, yield were found maximum in
fresh solution and 90 % fresh with 10 % leachate. Standard size of fruit were produced as Fruit length of
4.94 cm and fruit width 5.54 cm average fruit weight was 76.6 grams and max fruit yield was found
Conclusion (Tomato)
The highest WUE in tomato was for C90 90 % fresh + 10 %
was in C100 fresh solution (196.75 kg/ ha.mm)
The highest FUE in tomato i.e. nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) and
potassium use efficiency KUE was for treatment C70 (70 % fresh solution + 30 %
In case of tomato the highest benefit cost ratio was recorded in C
C3 (1.99)
significant affected by the different concentrations and
fruit length, fruit width, average fruit weight, yield were found maximum in
fresh solution and 90 % fresh with 10 % leachate. Standard size of fruit were produced as Fruit length of
4.94 cm and fruit width 5.54 cm average fruit weight was 76.6 grams and max fruit yield was found
90 % fresh + 10 % leachate (267.75 kg/ ha-mm) and the lowest
nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) and
(70 % fresh solution + 30 % leachate).
In case of tomato the highest benefit cost ratio was recorded in C2 (2.35) this was followed by the treatment
Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation

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Hydroponics, Soil-less Cultivation

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  • 3. What is hydroponics? he term hydroponics was first used in the 930s by a California researcher named W. F. erike. is a combination of two Greek wordsis a combination of two Greek words ydro means “water” and ponics abor.” ogether they mean “water labor.” What is hydroponics? was first used in the 930s by a California researcher named W. F. is a combination of two Greek words—is a combination of two Greek words— ponics means ogether they mean “water labor.”
  • 5. HYDROPONIC SYSTEM TIVE PASSIVE The The nutrient ions are moved, ally by a pump. A wick or the anchor of the growing medium helps flow of nutrients to plants' roots. The nutrients are reused in the system HYDROPONIC SYSTEM RECOVERY NO RECOV A wick or the anchor of the growing medium helps flow of nutrients to plants' roots. nutrients are reused in the system Nutrients are not reused in the system
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  • 8. 1. Wick system stem is considered the most simple type of Hydroponic system ks by pumping the nutrient solution from the reservoir up to the plants via the capillary movement lik rowing media of the grow tray. Fig.. Wick system 1. Wick system: stem is considered the most simple type of Hydroponic system ks by pumping the nutrient solution from the reservoir up to the plants via the capillary movement lik
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  • 10. 3.Nutrient film technology: orks by continuously flowing nutrient solutions onto the grow tray. n't need a timer. The solutions run through the roots f the plants till its reaches the channels' end then drains back to the reservoir. oes not need any growing medium. Fig.Nutrient film technology film technology: orks by continuously flowing nutrient solutions onto the grow tray. n't need a timer. The solutions run through the roots f the plants till its reaches the channels' end then drains back to the reservoir. film technology
  • 11. 4.Ebb and flow d Flow method works by using a timer to set the pump to pull the nutrients from the reservoir to the odically. he nutrient surrounds plants 'roots, it drains back to the system. Fig. Ebb and flow and flow: d Flow method works by using a timer to set the pump to pull the nutrients from the reservoir to the he nutrient surrounds plants 'roots, it drains back to the system.
  • 12. 5.Drip system systems, growers use a timer to set the pump to draw the nutrient solutions through a network of dr drip lines will drop tiny amounts of water onto the plants. Fig. Drip system system: systems, growers use a timer to set the pump to draw the nutrient solutions through a network of dr drip lines will drop tiny amounts of water onto the plants. Fig. Drip system
  • 13. 6.Aeroponics: ype of system, plants are hung in the air, so no growing media are used. r controls the nutrient water pump to spray onto the root systems constantly. ay cycle is quite quick because the roots are exposed to the air and need sufficient moistures. Fig. Aeroponics 6.Aeroponics: ype of system, plants are hung in the air, so no growing media are used. r controls the nutrient water pump to spray onto the root systems constantly. ay cycle is quite quick because the roots are exposed to the air and need sufficient moistures. Aeroponics
  • 14. Hydroponic growing media choosing a growing medium for the Hydroponic system, these are the traits th be taken into account: od aeration and drainage. htweight enough to work with and carry around. usable. neutral. onomical. ganically made and environmentally friendly. Hydroponic growing media choosing a growing medium for the Hydroponic system, these are the traits th htweight enough to work with and carry around. ganically made and environmentally friendly.
  • 15. ommon Types of Growing Growing media About Coconut coir Coconut Coir, or also called "Coco-tek", "Cocopeat", and "Ultrapeat" is an organic material created from the coconut shell husks. Perlite It is created by expanding volcanic glass under extremely high temperature. Consequently, countless small white particles pop out like popcorn. Media Used Pros Cons ", "Cocopeat", and i. Able to hold water and the air well. ii. Organic made. iii. Renewable & environmental friendly i. Does not hav drainage. ii. Uncompresse several uses. volcanic glass under extremely Consequently, countless small i. Lightweight ii. High oxygen retention iii. Reusable i. Too lightweig some Hydrop systems. ii. Dust from th particles.
  • 16. Growing media About Rockwool This material is created by melting rocks and spinning them into bundles of filament fibers. Expanded clay pellets Expanded clay pellets are small marble shaped balls created by heating the clays until it expands into small round pellets. Pros Cons them into bundles of filament i. Hold water very well. ii. Good oxygen retention. iii. Has a variety of sizes and shapes. i. Not environm friendly - Roc almost not ab dispose of. ii. Dust from th particles. iii. Not pH neutr Expanded clay pellets are small marble shaped balls created by i. Great oxygen retention. ii. Reusable. i. Poor water re capacity. ii. Heavy.
  • 17. Growing media About Growstones The porous rocks created from recycled glass is a versatile medium that can fit most hydroponic system. Vermiculite It's a mined material that isVermiculite It's a mined material that is made from expanded pebbles under extreme heat. It is often used in combination with perlite because of its poor drainage capacity. Pros Cons versatile medium that can fit i. Great air to water ratio. ii. Lightweight. i. Potential damage plant root types of its clinging. ii. Hard to clean. It's a mined material that is i. Great moisture and i. Expensive.It's a mined material that is pebbles under extreme heat. because of its poor drainage i. Great moisture and nutrient retention capacity. i. Expensive. ii. Retain too muc
  • 18. INTRODUCTION 1960 with 3 billion population over the World, per lion people it is only 0.25 ha and by 2050, it may nd. Hydroponics on roof top will be solution (Sardare ay by day soil fertility is degrading due to intensive pulation.pulation. ydroponic production increases crop quality and productivity wer water and nutrient costs associated with water ydroponic technology can be an efficient mean for osystems such as deserts, mountainous regions. il born disease can be minimized. Helps in efficient ansplant shock is reduced INTRODUCTION per capita land was 0.5 ha but presently, with 6 may reach at 0.16 ha. So there may be shortage of Sardare and Admane 2013) intensive cultivation to meet the need of growing productivity. By precise control of fertilizer water and nutrient recycling. for food production from extreme environmental efficient uptake of nutrient
  • 19. Soilless cultures fall into two general categories: Substrate culture: Substrate culture is the cultivation of crops in a solid, inert or non soil Water culture : In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr Soilless culture is a generic name for all the methods of growing crops either in a medium, excep or without medium. Hydroponics is a method of growing crops in a liquid medium (the In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr Soilless substrates can be divided into two groups: Organic substrates: Peat moss, Wood Residues ,Rice hulls and Coconut peat Inorganic substrates : Perlite ,Sand ,Vermiculite, Calcined clays, Pumice and Rockwool . Soilless cultures fall into two general categories: Substrate culture is the cultivation of crops in a solid, inert or non-inert medium instead o In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr is a generic name for all the methods of growing crops either in a medium, excep is a method of growing crops in a liquid medium (the fertigation In this system, plants cultivated directly in nutrient solution circulated without any substr Soilless substrates can be divided into two groups: - Peat moss, Wood Residues ,Rice hulls and Coconut peat clays, Pumice and Rockwool .
  • 20. Plant Needs What is needed for a plant to survive? •Water •Sunlight •Air •Nutrients (usually soil) •Anchorage (root system) Plant Needs What is needed for a plant to survive?
  • 21. The advantages of hydroponics are significant including •-Superior taste, quality, appearance, uniformity, and extended shelf life of hydropo vegetables. •-No sterilization of growing media required and plant nutrition is easily and comp controlled within the nutrient reservoir. •-No weeding, no cultivation, no soil borne diseases or insects. Allows uniform wa availability to plants. •-Closer plant spacing is possible and movable plant channels allow greater produ from equal areas. •-Less water required and less fertilizer needed, and root zone heating and cooling made possible. The advantages of hydroponics are significant including Superior taste, quality, appearance, uniformity, and extended shelf life of hydropo No sterilization of growing media required and plant nutrition is easily and comp No weeding, no cultivation, no soil borne diseases or insects. Allows uniform wa Closer plant spacing is possible and movable plant channels allow greater produ Less water required and less fertilizer needed, and root zone heating and cooling
  • 22. Why hydroponic system? ponics has several obvious benefits: Better growth rate: Hydroponically grown plants enjoy a 20 oil, grown in the similar conditions. droponics saves water:1/20th of total water is needed to grow plants under soil mparison to soil-based culture. This soilless growing method uses only 10% water in comparison to s iculture. soils needed: This comes with two great benefits: We can grow crops anywhere whether in arable or heavily contaminated places. It saves the lands by wing plants in convenient locations like large-scale indoor greenhouses, or even in an apartment. All of the weeds and soil-related pests and disease are eliminated in a Hydroponic ective use of nutrients: All nutrients are added to the solution, and the operator is in 100% control o ing the specific amounts of nutrients that plants need. Unlike the soil, nutrients are not lost because t held in the reservoir. Why hydroponic system? Hydroponically grown plants enjoy a 20-30% better growth rate than those in th of total water is needed to grow plants under soil-less culture in soilless growing method uses only 10% water in comparison to s This comes with two great benefits: We can grow crops anywhere whether in arable or heavily contaminated places. It saves the lands by scale indoor greenhouses, or even in an apartment. related pests and disease are eliminated in a Hydroponic system. All nutrients are added to the solution, and the operator is in 100% control o ing the specific amounts of nutrients that plants need. Unlike the soil, nutrients are not lost because t
  • 23. Potential downsides of hydroponic system al expenses: initial investments to get necessary equipment for the system, includin roponic air pump, timer, lights, air filters, fans, containers, growing media, nutrient nical knowledge and experiences: Depending on the scale and types of the system to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor.to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor. m failure and power outage: The plants are depending on you for their survival. I wer outage happens, they face a great risk of death in a few hours when the plant roo ed watering and get dried. Potential downsides of hydroponic system. initial investments to get necessary equipment for the system, includin roponic air pump, timer, lights, air filters, fans, containers, growing media, nutrient Depending on the scale and types of the system to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor.to own specific knowledge to set up, maintain and monitor. The plants are depending on you for their survival. I wer outage happens, they face a great risk of death in a few hours when the plant roo
  • 24. Some early adopters of hydroponics YO: In Tokyo, land is extremely valuable due to the surging population. To feed th ns while preserving valuable land mass, the country has turned to hydroponic rice uction. ice is harvested in underground vaults without the use of soil. use the environment is perfectly controlled, four cycles of harvest can be performed ally, instead of the traditional single harvest. AEL: Hydroponics also has been used successfully in Israel which has a dry and ari te. mpany called Organitech has been growing crops in 40 iners, using hydroponic systems. y grow large quantities of berries, citrus fruits and bananas, all of which couldn't nor own in Israel's climate. Some early adopters of hydroponics In Tokyo, land is extremely valuable due to the surging population. To feed th ns while preserving valuable land mass, the country has turned to hydroponic rice ice is harvested in underground vaults without the use of soil. use the environment is perfectly controlled, four cycles of harvest can be performed ally, instead of the traditional single harvest. Hydroponics also has been used successfully in Israel which has a dry and ari has been growing crops in 40-foot (12.19-meter) long ship y grow large quantities of berries, citrus fruits and bananas, all of which couldn't nor
  • 25. 560 m560 m2 Polyhouse
  • 26. Beds prepared with 1Beds prepared with 1-1.5 % slope
  • 27. Beds covered with weed matBeds covered with weed mat
  • 28. Laying of trough on bedsLaying of trough on beds
  • 29. Placing spacing trays on troughPlacing spacing trays on trough
  • 30. Placing coco-peat slabs and drip linespeat slabs and drip lines
  • 31. Fertigation system Desired EC: 2.0 – 3.0 dS/m Desired Acidification is done to adjust pH Example: 0.26 ml phosphoric acid (85 %) per liter of nutrient solutio to lower pH from 7.2 to 6.2 Fertigation system Desired pH : 5.8 - 6.5 pH phosphoric acid (85 %) per liter of nutrient solutio
  • 33. Dissolving Tanks • Mono-potassium phosphate No fertilizer containing Calcium • Mono-potassium phosphate • Potassium Sulphate • Magnesium Sulphate • Manganese Sulphate • Copper Sulphate • Zinc Sulphate TANK A ×Never combine acids with microelements in chelate form Dissolving Tanks • Calcium Nitrate No fertilizer containing phosphates and sulphates • Calcium Nitrate • Potassium Nitrate • Iron Chelate • Zinc EDTA • Borax • Ammonium Molybdate TANK B Never combine acids with microelements in chelate form
  • 34. Nursery Raising (Cucumber)Nursery Raising (Cucumber)
  • 37. Leachate EC, pH of leachate and nutrient solution and EC of slab ystem for collecting leachate Leachate observation and nutrient solution and EC of slab Measurement of dripper discharge
  • 38. How Do You Know if You Fertilize Enough? Graph Your Substrate EC: EC decreases: Plant takes up more than provided EC Increases : Provided more than the plant takes upProvided more than the plant takes up EC Constant provided what the plant takes up ou Fertilize Enough?
  • 39. Visualize Substrate EC in aC in a Graph:
  • 41. Crop as on 30.10.201630.10.2016
  • 44. Crop as onCrop as on 06.12.2016
  • 45. Cost estimation Item Price WeedWeed MatMat 30/m2 TroughTrough 160/mTroughTrough 160/m Spacing traysSpacing trays 22 Cocopeat slabCocopeat slab 60 Roller hooksRoller hooks 20 Total Cost estimation Units Cost (Rs. 560 m2 16800 240 m 38400240 m 38400 600 13200 420 25200 1260 25200 1,18,800
  • 46. Cultivar 100% V1­KAFKA 3.2 V2­MULTISTAR 3.3 V3­PBRK­4 3.1 Cucumber yield as influenced by different autumn planted crop. (Kg/plant) V3­PBRK­4 3.1 V4­PBRK­13 3.1 V5­F1­HYBRID 2.9 Mean yield (kg/plant) 3.10 Fertigation level 85% 70% Mean yiel (kg/plant 2.7 2.4 2.78 3.0 2.7 3.00 2.6 2.4 2.70 different hybrids/Varieties and fertigation level during 2.6 2.4 2.70 2.4 2.2 2.57 2.5 2.2 2.53 2.64 2.38
  • 47. Tomato cultivation in polyhouse Tomato cultivation polyhouse
  • 49. Covering beds withCovering beds with plastic sheet
  • 54. Crop as on 8.11.2016Crop as on 8.11.2016
  • 55. Crop as on 8.12.2016Crop as on 8.12.2016
  • 57. Leachate observation m for recording leachate observations Leachate observation Tank for collecting overall leachate from polyhouse
  • 63. Nursery Raising (Capsicum)Nursery Raising (Capsicum)
  • 65. Crop as on 8.11.2016Crop as on 8.11.2016
  • 66. Crop as onCrop as on 8.12.2016
  • 68. Leachate observation m for recording leachate observation Leachate observation Measurement of dripper dis
  • 71. LAW OF THE MINIMUM Plant growth is not limited by the availabili factors which are lacking the most LAW OF THE MINIMUM ity of growth factors (nutrients),but by those
  • 72. Area and production in Crop 2014-2015 2015- Area Production Area Tomato 767 16385 774 Capsicum 32 183 46 Table.1: Area and Production of tomato and Capsicum Area and production in Jammu and Kashmir during 2014 Crop 2014-2015 2015- Area Production Area Tomato 3.58 88.09 3.58 Capsicum 1.05 23.16 1.05 and production in India during 2014-2017 -2016 2016-2017 Production Area Production productivity 18732 809 19697 24.4 228 46 379 8.20 Area in ‘000 Ha Production in ‘000 MTArea and Production of tomato and Capsicum Area and production in Jammu and Kashmir during 2014-2017 -2016 2016-2017 Production Area Production productivity 88.09 3.58 88.09 24.60 23.16 1.05 23.16 22.06 Horticultural Statistics at a Glance. 2017
  • 73. Establishment of crop Experimental farm, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar Temperate region 34° 08’ 30.5” N latitude 74° 51’ 42.0” E longitude Elevation of 1605 m above mean sea level Protected conditions in a plastic poly-house Walk-in tunnel type poly-house Orientation of greenhouse- North-South direction Dimensions- 17m×3m×3.5m Establishment of crop Experimental site SKUAST-K Shalimar
  • 74. Design and develop soilless cultivation system for tomato and capsicum under protected condition.tomato and capsicum under protected condition. Design and develop soilless cultivation system for tomato and capsicum under protected condition.tomato and capsicum under protected condition.
  • 76. Surface preparation and drainage for soilless culture  Surface were levelled with 2% slope along the drainage pipe  5% slope toward the drainage pipe  Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface Design of soilless  Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface  50mm PVC pipe with holes drilled at every 20cm used for drainage pipe  Shade net mesh were used to cover the drainage pipe  Drainage channel were covered with gravels  Mesh were used to cover the drainage Surface preparation and drainage for soilless culture Surface were levelled with 2% slope along the drainage pipe Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface soilless Systems Mulching plastic were used for covering the surface 50mm PVC pipe with holes drilled at every 20cm used for Shade net mesh were used to cover the drainage pipe
  • 77. Design of drainage system for soilless system • Design of drainage system for soilless system
  • 78. Design of drip for soilless Material used for drip system  Tank 500l capacity for treatment 1 and 200l for others  50mm diameter PVC pipe for submain  50 mm control ball valve  500mm tee, elbow and end cap 500mm tee, elbow and end cap  16mm lateral  16mm GTO  16mm control valve  End cap 16 mm  100micron screen filter of drip for soilless Systems Tank 500l capacity for treatment 1 and 200l for others
  • 79. ig: 2. Drip irrigation system for soilless cultureig: 2. Drip irrigation system for soilless culture submainsubmain
  • 80. Head loss in soilless system • ead loss in soilless system
  • 81. A1 = area of small lateral A2 = area of main pipe V= velocity g = acceleration due to gravity K= 0.32 at Cc = 0.62 V= velocity g = acceleration due to gravity K= 0.5
  • 82. Component Submain PVC Laterals (tomato) Laterals (capsicum) Head loss in different component of drip fertigated soilless system Sudden contraction PVC Fittings Filter head loss Total head loss Head loss (m) 2.28 × 10-4 5.64 10-3 6.68 10-3 Head loss in different component of drip fertigated soilless system 9.09 10-5 8.49 10-5 0.50 0.5127
  • 83. Slow sand filtration  Slow sand filtration was initially developed by John Gibb (Huisman et al.,1999)  Slow sand filtration is considered to be a reliable, low-cost and Pythium can be eliminated completely by this method, (90–99.9 per cent) removed by this method. (Runia et al.,  Flow rate was kept between 100 lm-2 h-1 to 300 lm-2 h-1 Flow rate was kept between 100 lm-2 h-1 to 300 lm-2 h-1 compared to higher flow rates  The formation of a biological active layer upon top of (Wohanka et al., 1999).  bacterial densities of 107 to 108 cfu.cm–3 were found, decreasing and remaining at this level even in deeper layers Slow sand filtration Gibb in Scotland in 1804 to obtain pure water for his Bleachery cost solution to eliminate soil-borne pathogens Phytophthora method, but Fusarium spp., viruses and nematodes are only partly , 1997; Van Os et al., 1997b; Ehret et al., 2001) 1 but the flow rate of 100 lm-2 h-1 increases the performance1 but the flow rate of 100 lm-2 h-1 increases the performance of the sand in the filter appeared to be of great importance decreasing rapidly within the first centimetres to 106 cfu cm–3
  • 84. The essential components of a slow filter are 1. A filter tank 2. An inlet structure 3. A bed of fine sand or other filter media, gravels 4. An underdrainage system 5. An outlet structure including a flow meter and control valves regulate the velocity of water flow through the filter bed The essential components of a slow filter are • Two Tank of 200l each Material used for filter unit control valves to filter bed • Two Tank of 200l each • PVC elbow of 50 mm diameter • Outlet pin 50 mm diameter • Gravel • Sand • mesh
  • 87. Standardization of fertilizer dose solution for capsicum and tomato under soilless growing mediaunder soilless growing media Standardization of fertilizer dose solution for capsicum and tomato under soilless growing mediaunder soilless growing media
  • 88. Macro nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system Major nutrient Content in plant Nutrient solution Nitrogen (N) 2 %– 3% 4% - 5% 100ppm to 200ppm Phosphorus (P) 0.2% -0.5% 0.5% - 1% 30ppm to 50ppm Potassium (k) 1.25% -3% Initially >5% 100ppm to 200ppm Calcium (Ca) 0.5% - 2% 100ppm to 200ppm Magnesium (Mg) 0.2 % - 0.5% 50ppm Sulfur (S) 0.15% - 0.5% 50 ppm Macro nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system Nutrient solution Form of utilization Sources 100ppm to 200ppm Calcium nitrate Potassium nitrate Ammonium nitrate Ammonium sulfate 30ppm to 50ppm Mono hydrogen phosphate (HPO42- ) or di hydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-) Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate Phosphoric acid (H2PO4-) 100ppm to 200ppm K+ ions Potassium nitrate(KNO2) Potassium sulfate (K2SO4) Potassium chloride (KCL) 100ppm to 200ppm Divalent cation (Ca2+) Calcium nitrate (CaNO3)2. 4H2O Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) Divalent cation (Mg2+) Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4. 7H2O) Sulfate (SO42-) Potassium sulfate (K2SO4 Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4.7H2O) Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4
  • 89. Micro nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system Micronutrients Content in plant Nutrient solution Boron (B) 10ppm 50ppm 0.3ppm Chlorine (Cl) 20ppm Copper (Cu) 2% -10% 0.001ppm -Copper (Cu) 2% -10% 0.001ppm - Iron (Fe) 50ppm – 100ppm 2 ppm – 3ppm Manganese (Mn) 100ppm 0.5ppm Molybdenum (Mo) 0.5ppm 0.05ppm zinc 15ppm 50ppm 0.05ppm nutrient and concentration in hydroponics system Nutrient solution Form of utilization Sources Borate (BO33-) Molecular boric acid (H3BO3) Boric acid (H3BO3) Cl- (KCl )potassium chloride (CaCl2) calcium chloride .01ppm Copper sulfate CuSO4..01ppm Copper sulfate CuSO4. 5H2O 3ppm Fe2+ Chelated form Fe (FeEDTA and FeDTPA) Manganous (Mn2+) Manganese sulfate (MnSO4.H2O) Molybdate MoO42- Ammonium molybdate [(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O] Zn 2+ Zinc sulfate (ZnSO4.7H2O)
  • 90. Stock solution for soilless culture Reagent Calcium nitrate Magnesium sulfate Potassium sulphate NPK (19%, 19% 19%) Iron chelate Manganese sulfateManganese sulfate Boron Zinc sulfate Copper sulfate Sodium molybdate Stock solution for soilless culture g/500l 540 260 66.5 131.5 12.5 0.900.90 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.064
  • 91. Nutrient Hoagland & Arnon Hewitt Cooper N 210 168 200 P 31 41 60 K 234 156 300 Ca 160 160 170 Mg 34 36 50 Table.2: Concentration of nutrient indifferent hydroponic stock solution S 64 48 68 Fe 2.5 2.80.064 12 Cu 0.02 0.065 0.1 Zn 0.05 0.54 0.1 Mn 0.5 0.54 2.0 B 0.5 0.054 0.3 Mo 0.01 0.04 0.2 Concentration ranges of essential mineral elements according to various authors (adapted from Cooper, 1988; Steiner, 1984; Windsor & Schwarz, 1990 Cooper Steiner Experiment (trail) 200-236 168 217 60 31 50 300 273 200 170-185 180 200 50 48 50 Table.2: Concentration of nutrient indifferent hydroponic stock solution 68 336 112 12 2.4 3 0.1 0.02 0.1 0.1 0.11 0.3 2.0 0.62 0.1 0.3 0.44 0.5 0.2 --- 0.01 Concentration ranges of essential mineral elements according to various authors (adapted from Cooper, 1988; Steiner, 1984; Windsor & Schwarz, 1990
  • 92. Tomato nt parameter Fruit parameter Quality parameter nt height (m) Fruit size of each treatment (cm) Vit c (mg/100g) nt diameter m) Average weight of fruit (gram) Tss (⁰brix) Observation recorded m) fruit (gram) of nodes Disease (if any) of fruit per node st flower iation (days) Capsicum parameter Plant parameter Fruit parameter Quality paramet Plant height (m) Fruit size (cm) Vit c (mg/100g) Plant diameter (mm) Fruit thickness (mm) Tss (⁰brix) Observation recorded (mm) (mm) no of fruit per plant Average weight of fruit (gram) Disease (if any) First flower initiation (days)
  • 93. Micro climatic data and solution data recorded Micro climatic data Daily 1 hour interval relative humidity. (%) Micro climatic data and solution data recorded Solution data Ph of solution. (1-14)Ph of solution. (1-14) Ec of solution. (mS/cm2 )
  • 94. Media: Coco Treatments:  C100= 100% of fresh solution  C =50% of fresh solution, 50 % C50=50% of fresh solution, 50 %  C70= 70 % of fresh solution, 30 %  C80= 80% of fresh solution, 20 % Coco-peat % leachate% leachate % leachate % leachate
  • 98. eatment Yield (kg) Number of nodes Mean± SD Min. Max. Mean± SD 2.40 ± 0.50 ab 1.81 2.98 7.00± 1.00 2.95 ± 0.55 b 2.53 3.40 7.80 ± 1.10 Table.4 Effect of different concentrations and leachate on height (m) in tomato plant (Lycopersiucum 2.49 ± 0.54--ab 1.65 3.16 7.60 ± 0.11 2.24 ± 0.36 a 1.65 2.53 6.80 ± 0.45 tal ean 2.52 ± 0.50 1.65 3.40 7.30 ± 0.97 alue 0.138 0.333 alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005 of nodes Plant height (m) SD Min. Max. Mean± SD Min. Max. 1.00a 6 8 2.25 ± 0.20a 1.96 2.47 1.10a 7 9 2.29 ± 0.38a 1.90 2.70 Effect of different concentrations and leachate on Yield (kg/plant), number of nodes and plant Lycopersiucum esculentum) 0.11a 6 9 2.18 ± 0.31a 1.80 2.50 0.45a 6 7 2.27 ± 0.24a 1.90 2.50 0.97 6 9 2.25 ± 0.27 1.80 2.70 0.932 alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
  • 99. 2 2.5 3 3.5 (kg/plant) Yield (kg/plant) Fig.9: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on Yield (kg/plant), number of nodes and plant height (m) in tomato plant ( c0 c1 c2 c3 yield 2.4 2.94 2.49 2.24 0 0.5 1 1.5 Yield(kg/plant) Treatment 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 Plantheight(m) Plant height (m) of different concentrations and leachate on Yield (kg/plant), number of nodes and plant height (m) in tomato plant (Lycopersiucum esculentum) C100 C90 C80 C70 plant height (m) 2.251 2.294 2.18 2.274 2.05 2.1 2.15 Plant Treatment
  • 100. reatment Fruit diameter (cm) Fruit height (cm) mean± SD Min. Max. mean± SD 0 5.54 ± 0.18c 5.3 5.7 4.94 ± 0.17 Table.3: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on weight (g) in tomato plant ( 1 5.58 ± 0.33c 5.2 6.0 4.80 ± 0.38 2 4.84 ± 0.15b 4.7 5.1 4.38 ± 0.13 3 4.50 ± 0.23a 4.3 4.7 4.26 ± 0.08 otal mean 5.11 ± 0.52 4.3 6.0 5.12 ± 0.35 value .0001 0.0001 alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005 Fruit height (cm) Diameter of plant (mm) SD Min. Max. mean± SD Min. Max. 0.17b 4.8 5.2 7.92 ± 0.12a 7.67 8.30 Effect of different concentrations and leachate on fruit diameter (cm), Fruit height (cm) and fru tomato plant (Lycopersiucum esculentum) 0.38b 4.4 5.4 7.73 ± 0.22a 7.00 8.33 0.13a 4.2 4.5 7.73 ± 0.33a 6.70 8.67 0.08a 4.2 4.4 7.71 ± 0.33a 7.30 8.60 0.35 4.3 6.0 7.78 ± 0.25 7.17 8.48 0.93 alues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
  • 101. 4 5 6 7 fruitwidth(cm) fruit width (cm) fruitheight(cm) Fig.10: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on fruit diameter (cm), Fruit height (cm) and fruit weight (g) in tomato plant (Lycopersiucum C100 C90 C80 C70 fruit width (cm) 5.54 5.58 4.84 4.5 0 1 2 3 fruitwidth(cm) treatment fruitheight(cm) 3 4 5 6 fruitheight(cm) fruit height (cm) of different concentrations and leachate on fruit diameter (cm), Fruit height (cm) Lycopersiucum esculentum) C100 C90 C80 C70 fruit height (cm) 4.94 4.8 4.38 4.26 0 1 2 fruitheight(cm) treatment
  • 102. atment First flower initiation after transplanting (Days) Vitamin C (mg/100g) mean± SD Min. Max. mean± SD 15.80 ± 0.84a 15.00 17.00 31.37 ± 0.97c 17.20 ± 1.30ab 16.00 19.00 29.62 ± 0.88b Table.4: Effect of different concentrations and leachate on flower initiation (days after transplanting) vitamin C (mg/100g) and SSC (⁰brix) in tomato plant ( 16.00 19.00 18.40 ± 1.14bc 17.00 20.00 28.42 ± 0.86ab 19.20 ± 1.33c 18.00 21.00 26.98 ± 1.50a al mean 17.65 ± 1.69 15.00 21.00 29.09 ± 1.93 alue 0.002 0.0001 lues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005 Vitamin C (mg/100g) SSC (⁰brix) Min. Max. mean± SD Min. Max. 30.43 32.46 3.02 ± 0.16a 2.80 3.20 28.40 30.42 3.36 ± 0.11b 3.20 3.50 leachate on flower initiation (days after transplanting), tomato plant (Lycopersiucum esculentum) 28.40 30.42 3.20 3.50 ab 27.00 29.20 4.04 ± 0.18c 3.80 4.20 24.00 28.50 4.48 ± 0.21d 4.20 4.70 24.50 32.46 3.73 ± 0.61 2.80 4.70 0.0002 lues with different superscript are statistically significant at p<0.005
  • 104. Table.9: Variation of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato ( Treatment Yield (kg/ha) C100 255998 C90 313598 C80 265598 C70 238931 Treatment Yield (kg/ha) NUE (kg/ha.kg N) C100 255998 98.36 C90 313598 148.75 C80 265598 159.45 C70 238931 187.35 Table.10: Variation of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato ( of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato (lycopersicum esculentum) Water used (mm) Water use efficiency (kg/ha.mm) 1301 196.72 1171 267.75 1041 255.12 910 262.29 NUE (kg/ha.kg N) PUE (kg/ha.kg P) KUE (kg/ha.kg K) 98.36 393.44 98.36 148.75 595.02 148.75 159.45 637.80 159.45 187.35 749.41 187.35 of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in tomato (lycopersicum esculentum
  • 105. Table.11: Variation of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in capsicum ( Treatment Yield (kg/ha) Water used (mm) T1P0 243200 1561.6 T1p1 241920 1561.6 T1P2 166400 1561.6 T2P0 259840 1405.44T2P0 259840 1405.44 T2P1 200960 1405.44 T2P2 202240 1405.44 T3P0 160000 1249.28 T3P1 183040 1249.28 T3P2 157440 1249.28 T4P0 177920 1093.12 T4P1 160000 1093.12 T4P2 158720 1093.12 of fertilizer use efficiency for different treatments in capsicum (capsicum annuum) Water use efficiency (kg/ha.mm) NUE (kg/ha.kg N) PUE (kg/ha.kg P) KUE (kg/ha.kg K 155.73 77.86 311.47 77.86 154.91 77.45 309.83 77.45 106.55 53.27 213.11 53.27 184.88 102.70 410.84 102.72 184.88 102.70 410.84 102.72 142.98 79.43 317.74 79.43 143.89 79.94 319.77 79.94 128.07 80.04 320.18 80.04 146.51 91.57 366.29 91.57 126.02 78.76 315.06 78.76 162.76 116.25 465.03 116.25 125.29 89.49 357.97 89.49 145.19 103.71 414.85 103.76
  • 106. Treatments Estimated fruit yield (tha­1) Gross returns Total cost of T1 2.40 8959944 Table.12: Cost benefit ratio of Tomato (lycopersicum T1 2.40 8959944 T2 2.94 10994597 T3 2.49 9295941 T4 2.24 8362614 Total cost of cultivation Net returns (Rs ha­1) BCR 3454795.67 5505148.33 1.59348 lycopersicum esculentum) 3454795.67 5505148.33 1.59348 3283596.74 7711001.21 2.34834 3112397.81 6183544.09 1.986746 2941198.88 5421415.52 1.843267
  • 107. Hydroponic nutrient guide ents in the water are what the soilless growers are in total control to let plants reach otential growth. Nutrients required by plants are: acronutrients: As the name implies, macronutrients ounts. These include Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus gnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S). cro Nutrients: Micronutrients are required in smaller amounts. Yet, they still play a portant role in plant growth. These include Zinc ron (Bo). H range of 5.5 to 6.5 is optimal for the availability of nutrients from most nutrient ons for most crops. Hydroponic nutrient guide ents in the water are what the soilless growers are in total control to let plants reach Nutrients required by plants are: macronutrients are the ones that plants need in N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Micronutrients are required in smaller amounts. Yet, they still play a growth. These include Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe) an H range of 5.5 to 6.5 is optimal for the availability of nutrients from most nutrient
  • 108. ess Culture(Hydroponics) at SKUASTess Culture(Hydroponics) at SKUAST-K
  • 110. oncentration of nutrients in ppm by different author’s with the trient Hoagland & Arnon Hewitt N 210.00 168.00 P 31.00 41.00 K 234.00 156.00 Ca 160.00 160.00 Mg 34.00 36.00 S 64.00 48.00 Fe 2.50 2.80 4 0.02 0.07 Zn 0.05 0.54 Mn 0.50 0.54 B 0.50 0.05 Mo 0.01 0.04 in ppm by different author’s with the experimental trail at SKUAST­ Cooper Steiner Exper (tra 200-236 168.00 217 60.00 31.00 50. 300.00 273.00 110 170-185 180.00 200 50.00 48.00 50. 68.00 336.00 86. 12.00 2.40 3.0 0.10 0.02 0.1 0.10 0.11 0.3 2.00 0.62 0.1 0.30 0.44 0.5 0.20 --- 0.0
  • 112. Future scope of the technology ng 2nd world war US army developed hydroponic garden to supply vegetable to the opulation increases and arable land declines due to poor land management, rapid nization and industrialization people will turn to new technologies like hydroponics e additional channels of crop production. potential to use hydroponics in third world countries like Africa and Asia, where wa ies are limited is high. oponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extensoponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extens oponics research plans in place. o Covid-19 people are restricted to their homes and cant go to market to buy veget these times hydroponics can be of great use. best thing about this we can grow plants without having land. Future scope of the technology world war US army developed hydroponic garden to supply vegetable to the opulation increases and arable land declines due to poor land management, rapid nization and industrialization people will turn to new technologies like hydroponics potential to use hydroponics in third world countries like Africa and Asia, where wa oponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extensoponics also will be important to the future of the space program. NASA has extens 19 people are restricted to their homes and cant go to market to buy veget these times hydroponics can be of great use. best thing about this we can grow plants without having land.
  • 113. Head loss in different component drip system as submain m), lateral capsicum (6.68 × 10-3 m), sudden contraction loss In filter (0.50 m).the total head loss by different component The coefficient of uniformity recorded was 95.83% which Temperature was highest on the day time during 12 am Conclusion Temperature was highest on the day time during 12 am and 30 to 45 °C and the highest temperature was during to 45 °C. Relative humidity was highest on the day time during 11am 6 pm (19 % to 35 %). The data recorded reveal temperature. Data recorded during the preparation of solution is showing 2.01 dS/m and 5.36 to 7.10) of the solution during crop solution. submain PVC (2.28 × 10-4 m), Laterals (tomato) (5.64 × 10 contraction (9.09 × 10-5 m), PVC fitting (8.49 × 10-5 m), hea component of drip was 0.5127 m. which is in acceptable range. am to 4 pm a minimum during 4 am to 6 am as12 to 20 ° onclusion am to 4 pm a minimum during 4 am to 6 am as12 to 20 ° during month of September at the harvesting time goes u during 8 pm to 6 am (94 % to 97.5 %) and minimum durin reveal that during high relative humidity there is le showing that there is a fluctuation of EC and pH as (1 crop period of different concentration of leachate in fres
  • 114. Maximum growth parameters in tomato were non-significant affected by the different concentrations and leachate Fruit parameters of tomato i.e. fruit length, fruit width, average fruit weight, yield were found maximum in fresh solution and 90 % fresh with 10 % leachate. Standard size of fruit were produced as Fruit length of 4.94 cm and fruit width 5.54 cm average fruit weight was 76.6 grams and max fruit yield was found 8.0kg/plant. Conclusion (Tomato) 8.0kg/plant. The highest WUE in tomato was for C90 90 % fresh + 10 % was in C100 fresh solution (196.75 kg/ ha.mm) The highest FUE in tomato i.e. nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) and potassium use efficiency KUE was for treatment C70 (70 % fresh solution + 30 % In case of tomato the highest benefit cost ratio was recorded in C C3 (1.99) significant affected by the different concentrations and fruit length, fruit width, average fruit weight, yield were found maximum in fresh solution and 90 % fresh with 10 % leachate. Standard size of fruit were produced as Fruit length of 4.94 cm and fruit width 5.54 cm average fruit weight was 76.6 grams and max fruit yield was found 90 % fresh + 10 % leachate (267.75 kg/ ha-mm) and the lowest nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), phosphorous use efficiency (PUE) and (70 % fresh solution + 30 % leachate). In case of tomato the highest benefit cost ratio was recorded in C2 (2.35) this was followed by the treatment