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I Need To Write An Essay
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I Need To Write An Essay I Need To Write An Essay
Improving the Health and Nutrition for Students Essay
There have been a lot of theories written on how we develop from birth to adulthood; the basis of it is
explained within the three domains, physical, cognitive and social emotional development and
although they seem like three separate areas they in fact relate closely together.
Arnold Gesell a theorist wrote a theory on physical development and explained how a child develops
using age norms, he noted how a child grows and changes from a baby to a teenager going through
puberty, how a brain develops, which in turn develops gross motor skills, which are running, skipping,
jumping, throwing and catching, and fine motor skills are described with writing, threading and using
Cognitive development refers to how the brain develops, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a teacher we can assist with a student s physical development by creating a classroom where the
student can interact while learning, allowing free time to play with sand or play dough. Just these two
activities can assist with fine motor skills and including free time to play in the playground can
encourage gross motor skills to continue growing,
As a student becomes older and goes through puberty and other changes it is important that we as
teachers address this issue by explaining it all and making sure they realise they can contact the
teacher or a student counsellor for help.
To assist a student s cognitive development a teacher must provide a bright and cheerful learning area,
organise a reading area for the students to have, and realize that different students are at different
levels with their cognitive abilities. Reading to young students every day can encourage their
imaginations to grow and encourage their listening skills.
The physical activity level of young children has received increasing attention nationally because of
the rapid rise in children s obesity. Research tells us that the percentage of obese children ages 2 to 5
has doubled in the past 30 years (Ogden, Flegal, Carroll, Johnson, 2002).
Physical activity is important for every age group, I have chosen the ages six to ten years, (middle
childhood). At this age we find students are very active while playing, always running around and role
playing, however without
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Teenage Wasteland By Anne Tyler
Teenage Wasteland by Anne Tyler is focused on two characters: Donny, an emotionally unstable
teenager; and Daisy, Donny s mother, who is trying her best to help get her child on the right path.
Although, the main character begins the story as an innocent child, Tyler displays how the confusion
and lack of communication devolves Donny. Donny feels his mother Daisy and his father are too
controlling and give him no freedom. While his mother on the hand, thinks she can control him
entirely. As a child, Donny was a very blonde haired youngster almost white. As he grew older and
went through different events in his life his hair turned dark. The more stressful situations Donny
encounters the darker a person overall he becomes. As he progresses from a toddler to a young adult
different outside sources such as school, family, and friends affect Donny s personality and his self
esteem. For example, most of Donny s childhood, he felt the world revolved around him and any
decision he made. This is when he began degressing and becoming depressed he was not the center of
intention anymore altering his life as he knew it. Then as his sister Amanda was born, he saw all the
attention his parents once gave him dwindle away. As a result of feeling unnoticed or unimportant,
Donny began acting out in school. His mother feels embarrassed because she was once a school
teacher and could not believe one of her own would be acting out in class. Donny s principal decided
it would be a good idea
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Nonviolent Communication Essay
As a volunteer at the Palmer Munroe Teen Center I received the opportunity to return to the
community, in which I spent most of my childhood, and work with the at risk teens in the Nonviolent
Communication (NVC) Program. I volunteered twice a week for 12 weeks, helping to teach teens new
methods of handling conflict, recognizing, and understanding their own emotions. By pairing one on
one with a different teen each class, each teen had the chance to verbally release their frustrations.
After doing this, the teen and I would then search for a word that best described the feeling that they
were experiencing, and then deduce better ways they could have responded to the situation. This
experience is meaningful, firstly because I not only was a
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Managing a School Effectively
Changing role of the school principal
The techno century s Leadership From Principals to CEO (Chief Education Officer)
The techno century s principalship From Principals to CEO (Chief Education Officer)
The role of the principal is multi faceted. The techno century s principalship in its epitomized role is
about ensuring the relevance of aims, content, practices, and outcomes of formal education to digital
generation. In accepting this coveted role, individual and organisational capability will be imperative,
as will the development of individuals and communities to create and walk the new paradigms.
Modern school leadership also includes networking. School leaders will have to work ... Show more
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These shall be leaders having a strong moral purpose and commitment to working to help all schools
improve performance. This view that, in the techno century the days of the self contained, stand alone
school will be superseded, is also argued by the eminent Australian educationalist Hedley Beare: The
best schools are part of a living ecology of learning localities and sites, and can access learning
modules from almost anywhere. The school, therefore, acts not as a sole and exclusive provider of
programs for students enrolled, and does not assume its own curriculum offerings are confined to its
own campus. Rather, it acts as a learning broker to find, contract in, and then manage what is available
on its web of contacts. The opportunities for leadership within this model are immense. The walls of
the school are removed and educators of all levels can contribute to the development of individuals,
groups, schools, and networks both national and international. The challenge for each nation is to
develop the culture and the capacity for the new style of leadership.
Now as effective leadership is recognised as a key feature of successful schools, however, is the style
of leadership needed in the techno century the same as what was required in the 20th century? We can
use examples from industry and business to help us understand leadership for the techno century. Jim
Collins has a five level hierarchy of leadership: Level V: Executive. Builds enduring
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The Jade Peony Essay
Thesis: one s personal culture and sense of tradition will always be a strong part of the self, regardless
of external factors which can have a profound influence on one s life.
Subtopic 1: one s value, habits and loyalty to his culture and tradition are not easily changed.
Example: But we collect for the heart, Kiam Kim, Father said. We help all the people of China. I was
puzzled. Even those who kill other Chinese? Yes, Father said. Of course. But never help the Japanese?
Never. (Page 208)
Explanation: This discussion is between Kiam Kim and his father, which is a Chinese family in
Canada for a long time.At that time, there is just a war between China and Japanese, and ... Show
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Although she is in Canada, but she still memorizes the Old China and cares about the things
happening here. When the war between China and Japan is broken out, she is always worried about
the Old China s situation although there is not any war in Canada, so no soldiers are needed. But Kiam
Kim s father said Canada never needs soldiers . Poh Poh thinks about her country, the old China,
which needs so many soldiers to attend to the war. So she said Need soldiers in China! because the
culture of China has such a influence to her.
Subtopic 3: We are all placed in a category and perceived in a certain way become of our background
s culture, and the human aspect of prejudgment will probably never changed.
Example: Overnight, the news ran through Chinatown. Perfect Meiying had given herself to a
Japanese boy. She had to do something and failed terribly. She had bled to death. Two ambulance
arrived, and a crowd gathered to watch them take away the bundled body.
Explanation: When the war between China and Japan becomes more and more intensely, every
Chinese people including the aboard hate Japan because Japan invade their land and attack their
compatriots. But Meiying, who is a wonderful girl in Chinatown, has a boyfriend as a Japanese
people. In that time, it is such a terrible thing because the Chinese people believe that people who has
communication with Japanese is a traitor. Meiying keeps the secret for such a long time but
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How Did Andrew Jackson Influence The Ideologies Of Government
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were two influential political figures in two very different eras.
Each formed their own democracy that helped shape the way people think about American
government and continually held their own ideologies. Consequently, the ideologies the two
presidents supported were changed also at many points throughout their terms. The continuities and
changes of their ideologies will be examined throughout this paper
Thomas Jefferson was a towering personality who wrote the declaration of American Independence
and became the third President of the country. He was the founder of the Democratic Republican Party
and even served as the Secretary of State in the cabinet of George Washington. He was first elected
President in 1801 and is known as the President who purchased Louisiana from France. During his
second term, he passed a bill that banned the import of slaves into the country. His vision contained
many philosophical principles, which allowed him to believe that the will of the people provided the
best results when it came to directing the government. (UShistory.org, 2012)
Jackson was the 7th President of the US and considered as a great democratic President by the
historians. He is hailed for his role in protecting liberty and democracy. He is also known for his
policies that supported power for individual states though he wanted a strong federal government too.
He is the President who was strongly against a central bank and, in fact, ensured
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Truman Capote Rhetorical Analysis
In Kansas of the year 1959, there happened to be murders of a pretty popular family in a small town
called Holcomb. These murders led to an extremely intense investigation. Truman wrote a nonfiction
book about this whole situation, his story follows the lives of the murderers before, during and after
murders took place. It also shows the panic and anxiety of the citizens who also lived in Holcomb, and
finally the consequences the murderers received. The famous author Truman Capote used rhetorical
devices such as foreshadowing, symbolism and imagery to set an intended tone and enhance his
writing style.
Capote used foreshadowing to create a mystery and suspense for the reader to get them interested
early. He establishes that four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six human lives. (5) This warns the
readers that someone will die and creates suspense knowing people will die we just don t know who.
After we learn more about the Clutters, he shows a discussion between Mr. Clutter and some hunters
that want to use his land and then as Mr. Clutter is leaving, the author reminded the audience that a
death was going to occur by stating: he headed for home and the day s work, unaware that it would be
his last. (13) Additionally, Capote also foreshadows that Perry and Dick are going to be the murderers
by giving subtle hint; for instance, in the backseat of the Chevrolet sedan was a twelve gauge pump
action shotgun, brand new. (22) This was used to foreshadow that an illegal
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Discussion Questions On The Transition-To Hip Ratio
It is physical activity readiness questionnaire to find out more about your physical ability before
engaging in any physical activity. It only takes approximately 3 minutes to fill up the questionnaire. It
is an easy and convenient way to do some self assessment before any activity. It will help you to
assess yourself to find if you are fit for the activity at this particular moment.
and Waist to Hip Ratio:
The waist to hip ratio (WHR) can identify abdominal obesity. WHR is determined by dividing the
waist measurement by the hip measurement.
c. Explain to the client the process/procedure involved in each of the health and fitness tests you
conduct. Online students must provide a written example of how you explained the process/procedure
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Example 2:
What kind of job do you do? Does it require any physical activity?
How do you get to work?
Task B:
1. Would you refer this client to a medical practitioner based on the results of the health screen and
fitness assessments? Explain:
I wouldn t refer the client to a medical practitioner as I couldn t identify any health issues that would
prevent her to do physical activity. Her goals mainly refer to approaching a healthy lifestyle and shed
a little weight.
2. Summarise one long term and one short term goal you identified with the client. Give an example
of what you would do to motivate your client to overcome their obstacles and meet their goals?
a) Short term goal:
Shed a little weight.
Example of how you will motivate the client to reach this goal:
I would urge her to start keeping an eating diary. I would follow up with her every fortnight in order to
make necessary adjustments that will help her achieve her goal.
b) Long term goal:
Maintaining desired weight and toned muscles
Example of how you will motivate the client to reach this
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Different Kinds Of Polymers And Polymers
A polymer is a large molecule that is made from many small repeating chemicals called monomers. In
the Greek language, polymer literally means many parts. Polymers are being used more and more in
medical devices, such as drug delivery, screws, plates, fixation pins, suture anchors and many other
applications. Some of the most useful polymers for medical uses are poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and
poly(glycolic acid) (PGA). They are useful in medicine because of the fact that they can degrade
within the body to lesser components that will cause very minimal negative effects. Scientists have
found many different ways to control the degradation of these two polymers. Combining two or more
different kinds of monomers during polymer formation is called copolymerization. Changing the
amount of different kinds of monomers during copolymerization of either poly(lactic co glycolic)
(PLGA) or PLA can change degradation characteristics. [2] For example, combining lactic acid and
glycolic acid to make PLGA will degrade quicker. There are also stereo copolymers, such as L lactic
acid, and D lactic acid which are the same chemical, but are mirror images of each other (figure 1).
These can be combined to also lower the degradation times of PLA or PGLA. Figure 1. Difference
between L and D lactic acids (Gupta et al, 2007)
Synthesis of PLA and PLGA Synthesis of PLA is started through the fermentation of bacteria. There
are several types of bacteria that produce L , D lactic acid or a
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Allusion In The Bluest Eye
In a time where racial hierarchies were deemed as the standard of moral law, segregation,
discrimination, and inequality was seen on every corner of industrial America. The Bluest Eye by Toni
Morrison centers around the life of Pecola Breedlove, a young African American girl who lives in an
abusive, broken home desperately yearning for blue eyes. Morrison s novel is able to provide a clear
depiction of how racial prejudice and idealized standards of white beauty contribute to the
demoralization and subjugation of African American women in an era of deep racial divides.
Characterized by allusion, symbolism, dialectical language, and a plethora of other literary devices,
Morrison is able to display the unfortunate plague of self hatred in the ... Show more content on
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She is able to describe the characters in a way that the reader is able to see in full perspective the
extent of the Breedlove s unfortunate, degrading situation. The Breedlove s ugliness is unique ,
relentlessly and aggressively ugly (Morrison 38). Using vivid imagery, Morrison describes their
crooked noses , irregular hairlines and heavy eyebrows (Morrison 29). This ugliness, however, did not
stem from their physical features alone, but from conviction (Morrison 29) as they merely accepted
their ugliness and held it on a pedestal for the world to see. The ugliness that is present is not only
directly seen but also continuously felt by the Breedloves. Their acceptance of society s label on their
apparently ugly features without questioning the basis for their ridicule, eventually leads to self hatred.
Morrison is able to use the Breedlove family to generalize the effects of racism on the entire black
community as she represents characters that hate themselves merely because of what others define
them as. The perpetual animosity present within black individuals because of white culture, leads
them to hate their own racial identity. Pecola Breedlove in the novel fell the most victim to this lack of
self appreciation as racially based beauty standards and her abusive family who also fell victim to
discrimination ultimately lead to her insanity. In the end,
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Eve Teasing Research Paper
These days Eve Teasing issues are basic that spread all over on the planet. Regular part of young
ladies and ladies confronting these issues and no one can help the casualty s even bunches of young
ladies get humiliated to tell the police of every one of these matters. These Eve teasing issues are truly
terrifying and irritating too for those young ladies or ladies who confronting it in general premise. In
some cases young ladies not comprehend what they do to stop these things and finally they leaving
their occupation or may quit going all through the roads where she confronting the catcallers. Leaving
the employment and quit experiencing those roads that not the determination. Presently don t be
apprehensive from all these jabber matters simply utilize Best Self Defense Stun Guns in USA that
giving complete security to battle these sorts of issues without taking help of anybody. With these
guns you can shoot the assailant which that aggressor get deadened or can be obviousness for 60 ...
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Activity USA Home Products is one of them who give 100%satisfaction to their clients. They offer
numerous sorts of Best Stun Guns, they not so much a firearm yet yes they don t made for playing so
above all else understanding every one of their rules before utilizing the immobilizers. Presently we
present you the claim to fame of all the Self Defense Stun Guns! Ultra Compact Stun Gun: Ultra
Compact Stun Gun simple to open, complete and work, simply touch somebody s body basically by
this weapon for 2 seconds and they will bring a stun and that the aggressor misfortune their parity,
perspective furthermore muscle control. Self Defense Stun Gun: Self Defense Stun Gun is correct
decision for security monitors, regular people and law requirement for insurance in precarious
circumstances. It has given high and solid yield voltage up to 2000 kilo
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Biscuit Persuasive Speech
We live in a world where getting out of bed is a struggle but we all know, no one can say no to a warm
chicken biscuit to start off their day. A special treat once in a while is always a good thing before you
have to sit in a math class first thing in the morning. Providing a hot breakfast once a month would get
students excited and even bring in a little extra cash for the school. Kids love anything that comes
from Chick Fil A and would be ecstatic at the sound of having the opportunity to buy their own biscuit
from Chick Fil A right here at school. Where though? you might ask, Right here in the school kitchen.
The biscuits could be served over the counter where the microwaves are located. A regular biscuit
from Chick Fil A cost around
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Hotfix Essay
A hotfix can address either a single issue or a cumulative set of issues. Hotfix includes documentation
that indicates what files, tables, code, or functions are changed by the hotfix. Vulnerabilities in the
software are fixed by operating system patch.
Service Pack
Service pack is an update to a software that fixes existing problems and delivers product
improvement. It is a collective set of hotfixes and updates. Service packs may also contain additional
fixes for problems found internally
Hotfix and service packs are updates usually released to fix bugs in programming code, patch security
vulnerabilities and provides support to the new hardware.
Establishing Security Bassline Steps
If you want to establish a secure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ping Sweeps involve utilizing ICMP to systematically go up and down available host IDs in a
particular subnet. Each host that returns an echo reply is enumerated and may be used in further
exploits once that hast has been discovered. Ping Sweeping is a technic that allows an attacker that
simultaneously probe and test multiple systems running on a target computer and figure out whether
they are connected to the internet or not. Port Scans involve probing up and down open ports on hosts
that have been discovered by a previous ping sweep. Different exploits can be leveraged against each
host based on that host s open ports. The host s open ports indicate the services it offers and the
protocols it allows through its firewalls and filters and this reveals the particular vulnerabilities that
apply to it.
Mitigate malware effects on a machine
First let s talk on how you get malware, now it s often installed in your computer without your
knowledge when you visit certain websites. Sometimes these are good websites that are compromised
by malware creators and other times they are simply bad sites built to distribute malicious software.
Malware may also be installed when you download a file that aperies to be legitimate but is actually
doing thing that you really don t expect it to do. Malware has been known to do thing like to delete
data on your computer steal personal information such as credit card information, password, send
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Appointed Place of Duty Essay
It is always important to be where you are supposed to be. In the Army, every leader stresses the fact
on being on time or being at the right place or being in the right uniform. So if you have to ask
yourself is it important to be where you are told to be? I think most Soldiers and Leaders will tell you
that is very important. It is my responsibility to be where I am supposed to. It is all about
accountability. You have to keep track of your Soldiers. It is your responsibility and your leader s
responsibility. They are responsible for your actions as well you. In the articles of military justice a
Soldier can be charged with Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C.
886, makes it a crime to fail to go ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Note: if the absence was terminated by apprehension, add the following element (d) That the absence
was terminated by apprehension. (4) Abandoning watch or guard. (a) That the accused was a member
of a guard, watch, or duty; (b) That the accused absented himself or her self from his or her guard,
watch, or duty section; (c) That absence of the accused was without authority; and Note: If the absence
was with intent to abandon the accused s guard, watch, or duty section, add the following element (d)
That the accused intended to abandon his or her guard, watch, or duty section. (5) Absence from unit,
organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises. (a) That the accused
absented himself or herself from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty at which he or she was
required to be; (b) That the absence of the accused was with out authority; (c) That the absence was
for a certain period of time; (d) That the accused knew that the absence would occur during a part of a
period of maneuvers or field exercises; and (e) That the accused intended to avoid all or part of a
period of maneuvers or field. (1) In general. This article is designed to cover every
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The Importance Of Electronic Communication
Just buying your groceries, you can see dozens of people texting, emailing, or using social media, we
live in a world where this consider commonplace and natural.Cellphone have taken over the planet to
the degree that of the 7.5 billion people on the planet roughly 6 billion have cellphones, while only 4.5
have access to working toilets (ASAPScience, 2016). While you yourself probably text and social
network multiple times throughout the day, have you ever consider trying to live a month without it.
Per day, U.S. teens spend about 7.5 hours using their phones, computers, and other devices, a number
has likely increased (Learning to Talk, 2). Technology has replaced many tasks and electronic
communication is now replacing human connection. The increasing use of electronics to communicate
is eroding real human connection and depriving people of necessary social skills and damaging our
health. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but if so, real experience must be worth a billion.
However, shockingly, ... a third of cell phone users prefer sending text messages to talking (Learning
to Talk, 2). Growing up, we learn how to act and speak from our family. We do not start out knowing
how to talk, and our family members teach us how to argue, persuade, joke, insult, lie,and be sarcastic;
but while you learn a lot from your parents, even more social progress comes from watching the way
your friends talk and behave. If your preferred line of communication becomes typed out
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Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens Essay
From the end of the eighteenth century to the start of the nineteenth century, London was a city with a
high wrongdoing rate. From 1745 to 1820, there were 115,000 individuals who made their living by
theft, prostitution, cheat and other criminal acts. It is terrible when we realize that the aggregate
populace of London around then was only 960,000.
Probably there was no other author in Victoria time that had such an in number worry about
wrongdoing, and fused such a great amount of depiction of wrongdoing in his functions as Charles
Dickens (1812 1870) did. Oliver Twist was the second novel of Dickens distributed in a serial
structure in a magazine titled Bentleyʼs Miscellany run independent from anyone else from February
1837 to April 1839 when Dickens was still a columnist. In England, from the 1830s to the 1840s, a lot
of wrongdoing books were distributed. Oliver Twist was composed simply During that period. Most
faultfinders and book commentators of Dickens lifetime based their surveys of Oliver Twist on one
standard: how reasonable this novel was. Particularly, depictions of a group of lawbreakers in London
in this novel pulled in consideration and were the engaging point for quite a while.
Oliver Twist builds associations between the criminal characters themselves and additionally this
present reality conditions which motivated their generalizations. The states of destitution and an
absence of family being fixed to culpability are established
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The Code Of Conduct And How The Corporate Governance Is...
This paper will discuss the code of conduct in place for G.E. It will define the ways in which the code
is adhered to and how the corporate governance is respected and modified. This will define the
principles of a code of conduct per the module and the code of conduct for General Electric will be
defined on how GE delivers its code of conduct and how it is either modified or updated continuously.
General Electric Corporation has a code of conduct in place as follows:
GE s commitment to total, unyielding Integrity is set forth in GE s compliance handbook, The Spirit
The Letter. The policies set forth in The Spirit The Letter govern the conduct of all GE employees and
are supplemented by compliance procedures and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No matter how high the stakes, no matter how great the challenge, GE will do business only by lawful
and ethical means. When working with customers and Suppliers in every aspect of our business, we
will not compromise our commitment to integrity. (General Electric Compliance Resource, 2009).
General Electric has the bullet points from above on every business divisions website and the Code of
Conduct for GE in consistent for all their employees. In other words, no adjusted codes based on
various countries throughout the world. This also brings one to believe that employees will sign the
agreement and be held accountable at all levels of the organization as well. It would seem that it does
not allow special privilege as an option to opt out of participating and adhering to their code of
conduct. Supposing one would want to opt out, it would be making a statement that they do not agree
and therefore cannot work for General Electric. There are other codes of conduct for suppliers and
vendors of multinational corporations. GE has various codes of conduct in place for these.
According to Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach:
General Electric has their code of conduct policies ranked sixth in the world for the Fortune 500
companies to work for. (www.ethisphere.com). It is involved in transportation equipment
manufacturing, electrical products
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Creating A Website For An Effective Website
Having a website allows your network to benefit from an online presence and educate customers to its
business. But what does it take to create such a website? What are the steps needed to create and
operate an effective website, a site that encourages customers to do business with you? Technically,
the creation of a single site is not something difficult: thousands of new sites are appearing on the web
on a daily basis. But this apparition proves to be a handicap in terms of appearance and operation.
Here are 6 steps to create a site likely to leave a favorable impression in the minds of customers,
actual and potential. 1. Think about the goal, to the look and feel of your site Begin this discussion by
assessing other similar sites in your industry or other network sites. Determine what you think is
useful or not useful at these sites. Ask yourself the following questions: What connection is there
between fashion design, use of illustrations and colors or tone of the text and the activity itself? Does
the site offers easy access to the information that most customers have an immediate need? Will they
want to visit it again, and why? Is it clear that the information will be updated on a regular basis? The
fact to consider other sites allow you to better understand what you expect from yours. 3. Remove a
domain name Your domain name is the Internet address that users type into their browser to find your
site. For example, www.votreentrepise.com. You must file all domain
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The Imperfection Of The Greek Parthenon
The Athenian Greeks at the height of their power built a temple called the Parthenon which was a
monument to their core values of perfectionism, humanism, and rationalism. It is important to
understand that the human eye has imperfections which deceive the mind, so one can understand the
unique steps that were taken to achieve the illusion of perfection to the human eye. The Greeks loved
perfection, and as seen in the Parthenon, the Greek architects purposely made the Parthenon imperfect
to account for the imperfections in the human eye. This was done so that when one views the
Parthenon with the naked eye, it appears to be perfectly symmetrical, straight, and proportional. The
entire Parthenon does not have a single right angle. An example of the Greeks compensating for the
imperfections of the human eye is seen in the base of the Parthenon, which from a picture or in real
life looks perfectly straight, but in reality it is actually curved slightly upward. It is curved because the
Greeks knew that if you have a perfectly flat base for a building, it appears curved to the human eye.
To account for that, the Greeks made it so that the base was already curved. The Greeks also curved
the columns of the Parthenon inward, because if the columns were straight, it would appear to be
curving outward. Again, the Greeks knew about how the human eye deceives the mind, and decided
that they must trick the eye to please the mind. This was all done because the Greeks strived for
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The New Zealand Government
Government Essay:
The New Zealand government at both a Local and National level is an excellent example of a modern,
Representative Democracy. Different election systems, including First Past the Post (FPP), Mixed
Member Proportional (MMP) and Single Transferable Vote (STV), are used to allow electors to select
representatives to sit on Councils, Boards and in Parliament. Some elements of Constitutional
Monarchy are present in the New Zealand system of democratically elected representatives within a
constitutional Monarchy contrasts well with the dictatorship of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.
Central Government in New Zealand is based on the democratic system with Political Parties voted
into Parliament based on the will of the people. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In a parallel system to National Government is Local Government who is responsible. For the
management and operation of our cities, towns and local environments. The country is divided up into
city and District councils. Representatives of the community are democratically elected to sit on
councils and represent the needs and views of citizens. Each council is supported infrastructure of
local Government employees who carry out the duties of the council. These duties cover every aspect
of the everyday life including running services such as rubbish removal and sewerage, through to
Maintaining Facilities such as parks and reserves to town planning and Resource Management Act
Compliance and even traffic wardens. Councils are funded through rates which are a levy charged to
individual households and businesses based on the value of their property or industry. Local councils
may introduce bylaws which only apply to the citizens or business located within that councils area.
These local bylaws give each council the opportunity to create rules for how that city or district can
As systems of government, Democracy and Dictatorship exhibit key differences in how leaders are
elected, power is distributed and how people are governed. Nations that have a democratic element are
those where the people have a substantial say, through a system of voting, about who is representing
them in the government, and where leaders are not governing for life. In
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A Fluorescent Mirna Sensor For The Study Of Exrna And Drug...
A Fluorescent miRNA Sensor for the Study of exRNA and Drug Delivery
Abstract: Increasing evidence suggests cell to cell communication is possible through extracellular
RNAs (exRNAs). RNA (including mRNA, miRNA, or lincRNA) has, on many accounts, been found
packaged inside extracellular vesicles (EVs) which may traverse through a variety of bodily fluids to
be taken up by a recipient cell. The biological significance of exRNAs is largely unknown. However,
preliminary studies suggest they may play a role in a variety of important biological processes,
including stem cell maintenance, apoptosis, and cancer metastasis. Furthermore, there is much hope in
eventually utilizing EVs as a drug delivery vector to supply damaged tissues with therapeutic RNAs.
Such a system could overcome the immunological challenges associated with viral vectors. Advances
in understanding the biology of exRNA transfer have been hindered by a lack of dynamic methods for
detecting changes in RNA concentration in vivo. Northern blotting, microarray, and PCR based
approaches are invasive, and sometimes lack sensitivity when dealing with small quantities of RNA.
While evidence of their significance is growing, to date no exRNA has been shown to enter and
function in a cell in vivo. To address these issues, I have been working on the development of a sensor
system for detecting exogenous small RNAs. This molecular sensor will exploit the ability of
microRNAs (miRNAs) to bind to, and repress, target
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Essay On Athenian Women Vs Spartan Women
Athens and Sparta were two city states or polis in Ancient Greece, they shared the same language and
religion but they had completely different ideas on the way of living. Athenians believed that
individuals should be free as long as they acted within the laws of Hellas, and Spartans believed in
fighting for there polis. Spartan women were much more independent that athenian women. If I were a
young women in Ancient Greece (so many years ago) I would want to live in Sparta.
As a young woman in Ancient Greece, I would choose to live in Sparta over Athens because of their
education. Spartans got a much better education. Spartans learnt about music, mathematics, war /
Trireme, strength and culture, compared to Athenian men who only get taught ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In Athens the women had to wear full top to toe clothing. They weren t allowed to go outside of their
house if they weren t covered top to toe in clothing. But in Spartan it was the complete opposite.
Spartan women were allowed to exercise outdoors in light clothing. Well they actually didn t have to
wear clothing. Spartan women were typically called thigh flashes because when they ran they lifted up
their dresses and showed her thighs as they ran.
There is more equality in Sparta than Athens. In Athens women were not regarded as important. They
had to cover themselves in clothes, they weren t allowed to take part in anything. The women weren t
allowed to be educated only men got an education and women weren t allowed to vote. Athenian
women had very few rights, let alone legal rights. They had no rights to wander through the town,
without a reason, and were basically controlled by the men.
But in Sparta, both women and men got an education. Also in Sparta women didn t have to cover top
to toe and in athens the women had to be completely covered in clothing. The women didn t fight but
were very supporting of the men and they had to keep healthy so their kids would be healthy for
fighting for there
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It Is Too Little Air Traffic Control
1. The fact that some airplanes collide is evidence that there is too little air traffic control. Evaluate.
This is a false statement because airplane collision can be eliminated through the provision of better
safety control measures. This is a measure of opportunity cost by the Airplane Company whereby
safety is traded off by other factors to reduce cost of air traffic control and substitute it with other
company cost such as charges incurred during air flights. Opportunity cost is the value of the forgone
in order to take an alternative action. This can be seen as an economizing behavior that makes use of
unlimited resources so as to satisfy other unlimited wants.
Opportunity cost makes people to make a choice between what is more ... Show more content on
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Immigrants going back to their native country would also benefit me in my native country as there
would be a reduced population in the country and an increase in labor market to fill the gap left behind
by the foreigners. Therefore, when there is an increase in the flow of immigration in the country there
would be higher incomes for other productive factors which are in complement with the immigrants
but also it will lead to lower income to other factors that create competition with the immigrants.
3. When a group of Russian officials touring American farms asked who told the farmers how much to
produce in order to supply the appropriate amounts of goods, the farmers said that no one told them.
But the Russians were convinced that farmers were concealing something. What would you have told
the Russians?
There is a market trend of supply and demand in an economy and this is measured through the
equilibrium process and the actors that affect supply and demand. The farmers are the market
suppliers and hence they determine their produce by measuring the equilibrium market prices and
quantities. The suppliers are aware that when the prices of commodity increases the demand of the
same commodity decrease and when demand increases supply decreases until the market reaches an
equilibrium point. There are various factors that affect
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Serial Killers Essay
Serial Murder The mind behind the crime! Thesis statement: Serial Murderers are not just murderers
but also victims of the rotten hand they were dealt. Abstract I. Definition History A. The Most
Infamous Killer B. Myth Theory 1. WereWolves 2. Vampires III. Causes A. Serial Killer
Characteristics B. Theories VI. Case Studies A. Charles Manson 1. Bibliographical Info 2. Childhood
Trauma B. John Wayne Gacy 1. Bibliographical Info 2. Childhood Trauma V. The Female Serial Killer
IV. Closing
Abstract Thesis Statement #8220; God, I #8217;ve never done anything. Help me, help me, help me!
God, why is this happening? Help ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1). The perfect ingredients for a blockbuster thriller. Myth Theory Serial murder. It is the stuff of
horror films and, in fact, the legends of vampires and werewolves may well have begun when
mutilated bodies of ancient serial killers were found. Even today there are deranged vampire killers
like Richard Quentin Chase, and killers who seem normal, even charming, like Ted Bundy while they
conduct their own campaigns of carnage. (Mind of a Killer, intro) III. Causes: SERIAL KILLER
CHARACTERISTICS R. Ressler, A. Burgess, and J. Douglas executed a study involving 36
incarcerated serial killers, and compiled the data collected into a chart of childhood behavior traits
among serial killers (p. 29).
Frequency of Reported Behavior Indicators in Childhood BEHAVIOR # OF CHILDREN WITH
BEHAVIOR PERCENTAGE WITH BEHAVIOR % Daydreaming 28 82 Compulsive Masturbation 28
82 Isolation 28 71 Chronic Lying 28 71 Enuresis (bed wetting) 22 68 Rebelliousness 27 67
Nightmares 24 67 Destroying Property 26 58 Fire Setting 25 56 Stealing 27 56 Cruelty to Children 28
54 Poor Body Image 27 52 Temper Tantrums 27 48 Sleep Problems 23 48 Assaultive to Adults 25 38
Phobias 24 38 Running Away 28 36 Cruelty to Animals 28 36 Accident Prone 24 29 Headaches 21 29
Destroying Possessions 25 28 Eating Problems 26
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Oil Vs Hemp Oil
Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil vs. Hemp Oil
In the medical marijuana, there seems to be some confusion regarding the difference between hemp oil
and CBD or cannabidiol oil. As both products gain notoriety, more research is pursued, more doctors
make recommendations, and more consumers turn to and experiment with these oils as alternative
therapeutic treatments for a varying number of diseases, the need to inform the public is crucial. In
2009, in an attempt to respond to the misbranding of CBD products as hemp oil, the Hemp Industries
Association (HIA) asserted, Our Hemp Industries Association position regarding this distinction calls
on makers of CBD products to brand and market their products truthfully and clearly, so as to not
further the confusion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
THC is the psychoactive chemical that is known to produce a high or stoned feeling when smoked by
users. CBD, however, is non psychoactive as a result of a lack of affinity for CB1 receptors in the
brain. The levels of THC and CBD in both hemp and cannabis vary which make the oil extracts two
very different products.
According to the HIA, Hemp oil...contain low levels of CBD, typically less than 25 parts per million
(ppm). In contrast, CBD extracts are produced either directly from cannabis flowers that are up to
15% CBD (150,000 ppm)... Source http://www.thehia.org/HIAhemppressreleases/3346474 The
presence of CBD in hemp is one of the main reasons that it is being marketed by some as CBD oil,
which is highly inaccurate. Hemp also naturally contains very minimal levels of THC (between 0.3%
1.5%), which is not enough to trigger a psychoactive response when consumed. In contrast, CBD rich
oil naturally has higher levels of CBD than hemp which would require a considerable amount to
extract a useful amount of CBD. Hence, industrial hemp is not an optimal source of CBD rich oil,
despite being present in the natural growing hemp plant. However, there have been references to CBD
rich hemp oil that is extracted from hemp plants that are specifically and uniquely bred to produce
potent natural occurring CBD. If such is the case, it is imperative that consumers to do their own
research when considering using hemp oil to treat one ailment or
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Gender Roles In The Cult Of True Womanhood
A gender role is a social role that shows the acceptable behaviors and attitudes based on a person s
sexuality. Gender roles and stereotypes are centered on the concepts of femininity and masculinity.
Gender roles differ with each culture in the way that they are accepted. Gender roles date all the way
back to the Industrial Revolution, which took place around the 19th century. Men did all the hard labor
while the women looked after the cottages and cared for the children during this time, that was the
gender norms back then.
Women s gender stereotypes came through The Cult of True Womanhood, which was an idea that
came about in 1820. True Womanhood according to The Cult of True Womanhood, were piety, purity,
and submissiveness. In human ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During World War 2 there were many deaths of men and this created a depression of workmen in the
factories as the men had to leave their jobs and go fight in the war. Women started working in the
factories but they were mainly the lower and middle class women, while the upper class women
stayed at home and cared for their children. Women were allowed to work in the factories during
World War 2 as the leaders said it was only temporary, this allowed the men not to get so uptight about
the women coming in and working. Men were still the dominant sex at this time. It wasn t until 1948
when the Women s Armed Service Integration Act actually recognized women as a permanent part of
the armed forces. This act had a huge impact on the women as it led to more equality between women
and men. Many social gender norms were challenged through this time such as women served in the
military and women were given jobs in the factories, this was never allowed before World War
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Nancy Newhall s This Is The American Earth
Portraying the sublime evolved as industrialization speed up manufacturing. Adams aimed for a wider
audience, as he believed only when the public sees the beauty of the wilderness would they understand
why conservation mattered. Adams understood the photographer could play a vital role, rousing
awareness and inciting action. He saw this as his personal mission (Spaulding, 1995, pp. 217 218).
This was evident in Adams iconic partnership with Nancy Newhall and in their book, This Is the
American Earth published in 1960. Theirs was the quintessential book, bringing conservation
philosophy and nature photography to coffee tables across the nation (Spaulding, 1995, p. 310).
Throughout the book, they promoted John Muir s philosophy that expressed ... Show more content on
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In 1963, Porter shared his trip down the Colorado River to capture what would be lost if technological
hubris prevailed. The Place No One Knew portrayed fragments of the canyon rather than broad
sweeping scenic landscapes. Many criticized the book for too many close up and abstract images that
contrasted light and dark features of the canyon even though it did convey the hidden beauty of the
canyon. Although costly, $25, The Place No One Knew was a large format book with color images
and elegant craftsmanship of typographer and lithographer. One reviewer commented, the book
needed to be so large and to contain such high quality prints and exquisite typography. By buying the
book, particularly given its expensive price, Americans could gain atonement; through consumption,
they could help pay for the sins of the nation (Dunaway, 2005, p. 181). Critics claimed Porter s photos
demonstrated a duality between portraying the aesthetics of nature with scientific understanding for
what is at stake. The Sierra Club continued work to protect the Colorado River along with advocating
protection for other natural resources. They published more books communicating the struggles
between progress and protection and this style of photography, I argue, lives on in contemporary
works (see Ch.
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Comparison Of Liberty Bell March And Star Wars
Yesterday, I watched the concert band rehearse for their district concert which took place later that
night. As a whole, the music that they selected was well suited to the capability of the musicians.
However, the Liberty Bell March was executed much better in comparison to Star Wars: The March,
as the former appeared to be slightly easier for the band to play. For instance, the Liberty Bell March
by Sousa was the first piece that the musicians performed. This song from the late romantic period and
is very cheery in nature. Within this song, the band had long phrases and good pitch. Also, the
dynamics throughout the march were overall good, but the pianissimo sections could be quieter. The
blend of this song could have been a little bit better,
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Mate Selection Theories
Mate Selection Theories in Action Choosing a life partner is a crucial task that majority of individuals,
if not everyone, partake in sometime during their lifetime. This process is otherwise known as mate
selection (White, Martin, Bartolic, 2013). Since mate selection is such an important aspect of any
individual s life, it would make sense that it is an area that has been researched extensively. There are
a number of mate selection theories in existence, but this paper will focus on looking at biosocial
theory and equity theory specifically. I find biosocial theory quite intriguing because it is something I
can see while living out my everyday life. This specific mate selection theory states that women are
more selective of partners ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ashley was originally the underbenefitter in the relationship (she was not receiving as much as she
should) while Brock was the overbenfitter (he was receiving way more then he should) (White et al.,
2013). Ashley would go out of her way to do everything for him, while there were days Brock would
barely give her the time of day. This eventually caused distress and Ashley attempted to restore equity
by asking Brock for more. Though Ashley tried to believe that their relationship was more equitable
after this, the real changes were not there and so Ashley left the relationship. This is a perfect example
of the mate selection theory that is equity
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Intracardiac Shunt Report
The calculation of the intracardiac shunt ratio between the pulmonary and systemic circulation can
determine the size of the shunt. The stroke volume in a normal heart is equal across the four cardiac
valves, therefore equal on the right and left sides of the heart. However, when an intracardiac shunt is
present the stroke volume of one side of the heart exceeds the stroke volume of the other side of the
heart. Typically the intracardiac shunts are directed left to right due to higher pressures in the left heart
and aorta. The increased blood flow returning to the left heart from the lungs results in a dilated left
heart in the presence of ventricular septal defect. In order to calculate the intracardiac shunt ratio, the
pulmonary venous circulation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Several studies have shown that spontaneous closure occurs with small defects that have a diameter of
less than 3mm. Patients with muscular and perimembranous defects can expect for spontaneous
closure to occur (Zhang et al., 2015). However, when significant shunting produces problems,
treatment is unnecessary. Diuretics are often the first in line to relieve symptoms. Afterload reduction
may also be used to promote systemic flow from left ventricle, reducing left to right shunting as a
result. Defects that need surgical correction are often closed by placing a patch directly over it from
the right ventricular side. Larger muscular apical defects require banding the pulmonary trunk to
correct the pulmonary and systemic resistances and minimize shunting. Closing a defect for patients
with Eisenmenger physiology would be detrimental since it would worsen the pulmonary
hypertension by causing suprasystemic right ventricular systolic pressure. Cardiac catherization may
be needed in these circumstances (Spicer et al., 2014). The prognosis is excellent for isolated
ventricular septal defects. Patients who need surgical repair can also anticipate an excellent prognosis
with zero mortality and minimal morbidity, without significant changes to the quality of life.
Echocardiography plays a significant role in improving the prognosis for patients by
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Paul Gauguin And Henri Matisse
Primitivism was a cultural attitude that arose in Europe during the late 19th and 20th century in
opposition to the increasingly decadent and materialistic European culture. Rather than an artistic
movement, primitivism is a European conception of foreign civilizations and lands as simple , less
developed, and naive. This is an important distinction to make, because primitivism was defined in the
eyes of the Europeans who saw foreign civilizations as unsophisticated, indicating that the concept of
primitivism is heavily biased in the view of the Europeans. Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse were two
artists that were highly influenced by the concept of primitivism, and some similarity can be depicted
in their works such as the use of female nudes, vivid colors, and artistic techniques. However, their
definition and methods of achieving primitivism differ heavily, due to the fact that the vagueness of
primitivism allows it to be a self defined concept. These similarities and differences can be seen
through the two works of art The Spirit of the Dead Watching by Paul Gauguin, and The Blue Nude by
Henri Matisse, and the way they depict women in each of the pieces.
The first important similarity between the two pieces is the obvious use of the reclining female nude.
The female figure was a popular subject matter for the primitivists of this time, because society
viewed women to be more natural than men, who were more civilized. Society assumed that women s
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Time to Practice – Week One
University of Phoenix Material
Time to Practice Week One
Complete both Part A and Part B below.
Part A
Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They)
Hate Statistics. This data is available through the Student Textbook Resources link.
1. By hand (without using SPSS), compute the mean, median, and mode for the following set of 40
reading scores:
31 | 32 | 43 | 42 | 24 | 34 | 25 | 44 | 23 | 43 | 24 | 36 | 25 | 41 | 23 | 28 | 14 | 21 | 24 | 17 | 25 | 23 | 44 | 21 |
13 | 26 | 23 | 32 | 12 | 26 | 14 | 42 | 14 | 31 | 52 | 12 | 23 | 42 | 32 | 34 |
MEAN: 28.375
MEDIAN: 25.5
MODE: 23 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What measure of central tendency would you use and why?
5. For the following set of scores, compute the range, the unbiased and the biased standard deviations,
and the variance. Do the exercise by hand.
31, 42, 35, 55, 54, 34, 25, 44, 35
Why is the unbiased estimate greater than the biased estimate?
6. Use IBM® SPSS® software to compute all the descriptive statistics for the following set of three
test scores over the course of a semester. Which test had the highest average score? Which test had the
smallest amount of variability?
Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | 50 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 49 | 47 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 46 | 46 | 55 | 49 | 48 | 55 | 48 | 53 | 45 | 49
| 49 | 47 | 49 | 52 | 45 | 50 | 48 | 46 | 50 | 55 | 53 |
7. This practice problem uses the data contained in the file named Ch. 3 Data Set 3. There are two
variables in this data set. The data sets can be found through the Sage Materials in the Student
Textbook Resource Access link, listed under Academic Resources. Using IBM® SPSS® software,
compute all of the measures of variability you can for height and weight. Copy and paste the output
from IBM® SPSS® into this worksheet.
Variable | Definition | Height | Height in inches | Weight | Weight in pounds |
8. Review the following frequency distribution. Create a histogram either by hand or by using some
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The Risk Of Individual Investments
To remedy for the latter, the risk of individual investments in the portfolio is mapped to more common
market risks when we compute VaR. Before we proceed with an example involving bonds, two terms
have to be defined: coupon bond and a zero coupon bond. A coupon bond is a debt investment in
which an investor loans money to a company for a period of time. The company, the borrower, in
return promises to make interest payments called coupons over a defined period of time and also pay
the full amount of the loan at the end of the period. A zero coupon bond on the other does not pay
coupon interest. Suppose that we want to determine the VaR of a 10 year coupon bond with annual
coupons C in our portfolio. First, we break the 10 year coupon ... Show more content on
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Finally, we compute the Value at Risk by using the weights on the standardized instruments that we
previously computed. Again, before we proceed with an example involving this time forward contract,
we should define what a forward contract is and how it is used in financial markets. Futures contracts
are contractual agreement to buy or sell a particular commodity or financial asset at a predetermined
price in the future. The contract usually details the quantity and quality of the underlying asset to be
delivered in the future. Suppose now that we want to find the VaR of a six month dollar to euro
forward contract. We compute the VaR going through the following four steps: We first map the
standardized market risks and instruments underlying this security. Second, we determine the position
needed to be taken in the standardized instruments. We then estimate the variances and covariance of
these instruments and we finally compute the VaR in the forward contract.
Step 1: Again, we are looking forward to map the standardized market risks and the instruments
underlying this security. The market variables that affect the six month forward contract are the six
month risk free rate in each currency (dollar and euro) and the spot exchange rate. We hence match up
the previous market factors respectively to a six month zero coupon dollar bond, a six month zero
coupon euro bond and the spot dollar to euro.
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Identity And Identity
Throughout history, one important question has stood out to us as a species: what defines us? What
makes a person who they are? Is it the way we look or act, or even what we eat? Andy Hinds, author
of his own blog Beta Dad and contributor to the New York Times blog Motherlode categorizes his
identity not by what he eats or wears, but by his differences from societal norms, namely his
disinterest in sports. Likewise, Larry Lehna, University of Michigan Dearborn graduate and
accomplished author of an autobiography, uses his experiences after getting out of prison to portray
how the change his environment and the views of others affected who he was. In a similar way, Dana
Canedy, author of A Journal for Jordan; A Story of Love and Honor and editor at the New York Times,
attempts to explain to her son the importance of embracing his culture and the dangers of rejecting it.
These authors display the universal truth that identity is shaped by societal views, environment, and
family history.
To begin, the views of society are often monumental in the moulding of one s identity. Hinds has felt
the societal pressures first hand in the form of sports shaming. Hinds, raised far from the influences of
any sports team, never really got into sports. As an adult, this has caused him many awkward
encounters of trying to go along with it or having to inform people of his disinterest in sports. He
recalls one such encounter of talking to his ...neighbor, a sports obsessed gay guy, [who] had
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  • 3. Teenage Wasteland By Anne Tyler Teenage Wasteland by Anne Tyler is focused on two characters: Donny, an emotionally unstable teenager; and Daisy, Donny s mother, who is trying her best to help get her child on the right path. Although, the main character begins the story as an innocent child, Tyler displays how the confusion and lack of communication devolves Donny. Donny feels his mother Daisy and his father are too controlling and give him no freedom. While his mother on the hand, thinks she can control him entirely. As a child, Donny was a very blonde haired youngster almost white. As he grew older and went through different events in his life his hair turned dark. The more stressful situations Donny encounters the darker a person overall he becomes. As he progresses from a toddler to a young adult different outside sources such as school, family, and friends affect Donny s personality and his self esteem. For example, most of Donny s childhood, he felt the world revolved around him and any decision he made. This is when he began degressing and becoming depressed he was not the center of intention anymore altering his life as he knew it. Then as his sister Amanda was born, he saw all the attention his parents once gave him dwindle away. As a result of feeling unnoticed or unimportant, Donny began acting out in school. His mother feels embarrassed because she was once a school teacher and could not believe one of her own would be acting out in class. Donny s principal decided it would be a good idea ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Nonviolent Communication Essay As a volunteer at the Palmer Munroe Teen Center I received the opportunity to return to the community, in which I spent most of my childhood, and work with the at risk teens in the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Program. I volunteered twice a week for 12 weeks, helping to teach teens new methods of handling conflict, recognizing, and understanding their own emotions. By pairing one on one with a different teen each class, each teen had the chance to verbally release their frustrations. After doing this, the teen and I would then search for a word that best described the feeling that they were experiencing, and then deduce better ways they could have responded to the situation. This experience is meaningful, firstly because I not only was a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Managing a School Effectively MANAGING A SCHOOL EFFECTIVELY Changing role of the school principal The techno century s Leadership From Principals to CEO (Chief Education Officer) Abstract The techno century s principalship From Principals to CEO (Chief Education Officer) The role of the principal is multi faceted. The techno century s principalship in its epitomized role is about ensuring the relevance of aims, content, practices, and outcomes of formal education to digital generation. In accepting this coveted role, individual and organisational capability will be imperative, as will the development of individuals and communities to create and walk the new paradigms. Modern school leadership also includes networking. School leaders will have to work ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These shall be leaders having a strong moral purpose and commitment to working to help all schools improve performance. This view that, in the techno century the days of the self contained, stand alone school will be superseded, is also argued by the eminent Australian educationalist Hedley Beare: The best schools are part of a living ecology of learning localities and sites, and can access learning modules from almost anywhere. The school, therefore, acts not as a sole and exclusive provider of programs for students enrolled, and does not assume its own curriculum offerings are confined to its own campus. Rather, it acts as a learning broker to find, contract in, and then manage what is available on its web of contacts. The opportunities for leadership within this model are immense. The walls of the school are removed and educators of all levels can contribute to the development of individuals, groups, schools, and networks both national and international. The challenge for each nation is to develop the culture and the capacity for the new style of leadership. Now as effective leadership is recognised as a key feature of successful schools, however, is the style of leadership needed in the techno century the same as what was required in the 20th century? We can use examples from industry and business to help us understand leadership for the techno century. Jim Collins has a five level hierarchy of leadership: Level V: Executive. Builds enduring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Jade Peony Essay Thesis: one s personal culture and sense of tradition will always be a strong part of the self, regardless of external factors which can have a profound influence on one s life. Subtopic 1: one s value, habits and loyalty to his culture and tradition are not easily changed. Example: But we collect for the heart, Kiam Kim, Father said. We help all the people of China. I was puzzled. Even those who kill other Chinese? Yes, Father said. Of course. But never help the Japanese? Never. (Page 208) Explanation: This discussion is between Kiam Kim and his father, which is a Chinese family in Canada for a long time.At that time, there is just a war between China and Japanese, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although she is in Canada, but she still memorizes the Old China and cares about the things happening here. When the war between China and Japan is broken out, she is always worried about the Old China s situation although there is not any war in Canada, so no soldiers are needed. But Kiam Kim s father said Canada never needs soldiers . Poh Poh thinks about her country, the old China, which needs so many soldiers to attend to the war. So she said Need soldiers in China! because the culture of China has such a influence to her. Subtopic 3: We are all placed in a category and perceived in a certain way become of our background s culture, and the human aspect of prejudgment will probably never changed. Example: Overnight, the news ran through Chinatown. Perfect Meiying had given herself to a Japanese boy. She had to do something and failed terribly. She had bled to death. Two ambulance arrived, and a crowd gathered to watch them take away the bundled body. Explanation: When the war between China and Japan becomes more and more intensely, every Chinese people including the aboard hate Japan because Japan invade their land and attack their compatriots. But Meiying, who is a wonderful girl in Chinatown, has a boyfriend as a Japanese people. In that time, it is such a terrible thing because the Chinese people believe that people who has communication with Japanese is a traitor. Meiying keeps the secret for such a long time but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. How Did Andrew Jackson Influence The Ideologies Of Government Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were two influential political figures in two very different eras. Each formed their own democracy that helped shape the way people think about American government and continually held their own ideologies. Consequently, the ideologies the two presidents supported were changed also at many points throughout their terms. The continuities and changes of their ideologies will be examined throughout this paper Thomas Jefferson was a towering personality who wrote the declaration of American Independence and became the third President of the country. He was the founder of the Democratic Republican Party and even served as the Secretary of State in the cabinet of George Washington. He was first elected President in 1801 and is known as the President who purchased Louisiana from France. During his second term, he passed a bill that banned the import of slaves into the country. His vision contained many philosophical principles, which allowed him to believe that the will of the people provided the best results when it came to directing the government. (UShistory.org, 2012) Jackson was the 7th President of the US and considered as a great democratic President by the historians. He is hailed for his role in protecting liberty and democracy. He is also known for his policies that supported power for individual states though he wanted a strong federal government too. He is the President who was strongly against a central bank and, in fact, ensured ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Truman Capote Rhetorical Analysis In Kansas of the year 1959, there happened to be murders of a pretty popular family in a small town called Holcomb. These murders led to an extremely intense investigation. Truman wrote a nonfiction book about this whole situation, his story follows the lives of the murderers before, during and after murders took place. It also shows the panic and anxiety of the citizens who also lived in Holcomb, and finally the consequences the murderers received. The famous author Truman Capote used rhetorical devices such as foreshadowing, symbolism and imagery to set an intended tone and enhance his writing style. Capote used foreshadowing to create a mystery and suspense for the reader to get them interested early. He establishes that four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six human lives. (5) This warns the readers that someone will die and creates suspense knowing people will die we just don t know who. After we learn more about the Clutters, he shows a discussion between Mr. Clutter and some hunters that want to use his land and then as Mr. Clutter is leaving, the author reminded the audience that a death was going to occur by stating: he headed for home and the day s work, unaware that it would be his last. (13) Additionally, Capote also foreshadows that Perry and Dick are going to be the murderers by giving subtle hint; for instance, in the backseat of the Chevrolet sedan was a twelve gauge pump action shotgun, brand new. (22) This was used to foreshadow that an illegal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Discussion Questions On The Transition-To Hip Ratio It is physical activity readiness questionnaire to find out more about your physical ability before engaging in any physical activity. It only takes approximately 3 minutes to fill up the questionnaire. It is an easy and convenient way to do some self assessment before any activity. It will help you to assess yourself to find if you are fit for the activity at this particular moment. and Waist to Hip Ratio: The waist to hip ratio (WHR) can identify abdominal obesity. WHR is determined by dividing the waist measurement by the hip measurement. c. Explain to the client the process/procedure involved in each of the health and fitness tests you conduct. Online students must provide a written example of how you explained the process/procedure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Example 2: What kind of job do you do? Does it require any physical activity? How do you get to work? Task B: 1. Would you refer this client to a medical practitioner based on the results of the health screen and fitness assessments? Explain: I wouldn t refer the client to a medical practitioner as I couldn t identify any health issues that would prevent her to do physical activity. Her goals mainly refer to approaching a healthy lifestyle and shed a little weight. 2. Summarise one long term and one short term goal you identified with the client. Give an example of what you would do to motivate your client to overcome their obstacles and meet their goals? a) Short term goal: Shed a little weight. Example of how you will motivate the client to reach this goal: I would urge her to start keeping an eating diary. I would follow up with her every fortnight in order to make necessary adjustments that will help her achieve her goal.
  • 10. b) Long term goal: Maintaining desired weight and toned muscles Example of how you will motivate the client to reach this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Different Kinds Of Polymers And Polymers A polymer is a large molecule that is made from many small repeating chemicals called monomers. In the Greek language, polymer literally means many parts. Polymers are being used more and more in medical devices, such as drug delivery, screws, plates, fixation pins, suture anchors and many other applications. Some of the most useful polymers for medical uses are poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(glycolic acid) (PGA). They are useful in medicine because of the fact that they can degrade within the body to lesser components that will cause very minimal negative effects. Scientists have found many different ways to control the degradation of these two polymers. Combining two or more different kinds of monomers during polymer formation is called copolymerization. Changing the amount of different kinds of monomers during copolymerization of either poly(lactic co glycolic) (PLGA) or PLA can change degradation characteristics. [2] For example, combining lactic acid and glycolic acid to make PLGA will degrade quicker. There are also stereo copolymers, such as L lactic acid, and D lactic acid which are the same chemical, but are mirror images of each other (figure 1). These can be combined to also lower the degradation times of PLA or PGLA. Figure 1. Difference between L and D lactic acids (Gupta et al, 2007) Synthesis of PLA and PLGA Synthesis of PLA is started through the fermentation of bacteria. There are several types of bacteria that produce L , D lactic acid or a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Allusion In The Bluest Eye In a time where racial hierarchies were deemed as the standard of moral law, segregation, discrimination, and inequality was seen on every corner of industrial America. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison centers around the life of Pecola Breedlove, a young African American girl who lives in an abusive, broken home desperately yearning for blue eyes. Morrison s novel is able to provide a clear depiction of how racial prejudice and idealized standards of white beauty contribute to the demoralization and subjugation of African American women in an era of deep racial divides. Characterized by allusion, symbolism, dialectical language, and a plethora of other literary devices, Morrison is able to display the unfortunate plague of self hatred in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She is able to describe the characters in a way that the reader is able to see in full perspective the extent of the Breedlove s unfortunate, degrading situation. The Breedlove s ugliness is unique , relentlessly and aggressively ugly (Morrison 38). Using vivid imagery, Morrison describes their crooked noses , irregular hairlines and heavy eyebrows (Morrison 29). This ugliness, however, did not stem from their physical features alone, but from conviction (Morrison 29) as they merely accepted their ugliness and held it on a pedestal for the world to see. The ugliness that is present is not only directly seen but also continuously felt by the Breedloves. Their acceptance of society s label on their apparently ugly features without questioning the basis for their ridicule, eventually leads to self hatred. Morrison is able to use the Breedlove family to generalize the effects of racism on the entire black community as she represents characters that hate themselves merely because of what others define them as. The perpetual animosity present within black individuals because of white culture, leads them to hate their own racial identity. Pecola Breedlove in the novel fell the most victim to this lack of self appreciation as racially based beauty standards and her abusive family who also fell victim to discrimination ultimately lead to her insanity. In the end, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Eve Teasing Research Paper These days Eve Teasing issues are basic that spread all over on the planet. Regular part of young ladies and ladies confronting these issues and no one can help the casualty s even bunches of young ladies get humiliated to tell the police of every one of these matters. These Eve teasing issues are truly terrifying and irritating too for those young ladies or ladies who confronting it in general premise. In some cases young ladies not comprehend what they do to stop these things and finally they leaving their occupation or may quit going all through the roads where she confronting the catcallers. Leaving the employment and quit experiencing those roads that not the determination. Presently don t be apprehensive from all these jabber matters simply utilize Best Self Defense Stun Guns in USA that giving complete security to battle these sorts of issues without taking help of anybody. With these guns you can shoot the assailant which that aggressor get deadened or can be obviousness for 60 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Activity USA Home Products is one of them who give 100%satisfaction to their clients. They offer numerous sorts of Best Stun Guns, they not so much a firearm yet yes they don t made for playing so above all else understanding every one of their rules before utilizing the immobilizers. Presently we present you the claim to fame of all the Self Defense Stun Guns! Ultra Compact Stun Gun: Ultra Compact Stun Gun simple to open, complete and work, simply touch somebody s body basically by this weapon for 2 seconds and they will bring a stun and that the aggressor misfortune their parity, perspective furthermore muscle control. Self Defense Stun Gun: Self Defense Stun Gun is correct decision for security monitors, regular people and law requirement for insurance in precarious circumstances. It has given high and solid yield voltage up to 2000 kilo ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Biscuit Persuasive Speech We live in a world where getting out of bed is a struggle but we all know, no one can say no to a warm chicken biscuit to start off their day. A special treat once in a while is always a good thing before you have to sit in a math class first thing in the morning. Providing a hot breakfast once a month would get students excited and even bring in a little extra cash for the school. Kids love anything that comes from Chick Fil A and would be ecstatic at the sound of having the opportunity to buy their own biscuit from Chick Fil A right here at school. Where though? you might ask, Right here in the school kitchen. The biscuits could be served over the counter where the microwaves are located. A regular biscuit from Chick Fil A cost around ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Hotfix Essay Hotfix A hotfix can address either a single issue or a cumulative set of issues. Hotfix includes documentation that indicates what files, tables, code, or functions are changed by the hotfix. Vulnerabilities in the software are fixed by operating system patch. Service Pack Service pack is an update to a software that fixes existing problems and delivers product improvement. It is a collective set of hotfixes and updates. Service packs may also contain additional fixes for problems found internally Hotfix and service packs are updates usually released to fix bugs in programming code, patch security vulnerabilities and provides support to the new hardware. Establishing Security Bassline Steps If you want to establish a secure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ping Sweeps involve utilizing ICMP to systematically go up and down available host IDs in a particular subnet. Each host that returns an echo reply is enumerated and may be used in further exploits once that hast has been discovered. Ping Sweeping is a technic that allows an attacker that simultaneously probe and test multiple systems running on a target computer and figure out whether they are connected to the internet or not. Port Scans involve probing up and down open ports on hosts that have been discovered by a previous ping sweep. Different exploits can be leveraged against each host based on that host s open ports. The host s open ports indicate the services it offers and the protocols it allows through its firewalls and filters and this reveals the particular vulnerabilities that apply to it. Mitigate malware effects on a machine First let s talk on how you get malware, now it s often installed in your computer without your knowledge when you visit certain websites. Sometimes these are good websites that are compromised by malware creators and other times they are simply bad sites built to distribute malicious software. Malware may also be installed when you download a file that aperies to be legitimate but is actually doing thing that you really don t expect it to do. Malware has been known to do thing like to delete data on your computer steal personal information such as credit card information, password, send ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Appointed Place of Duty Essay It is always important to be where you are supposed to be. In the Army, every leader stresses the fact on being on time or being at the right place or being in the right uniform. So if you have to ask yourself is it important to be where you are told to be? I think most Soldiers and Leaders will tell you that is very important. It is my responsibility to be where I am supposed to. It is all about accountability. You have to keep track of your Soldiers. It is your responsibility and your leader s responsibility. They are responsible for your actions as well you. In the articles of military justice a Soldier can be charged with Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 10 U.S.C. 886, makes it a crime to fail to go ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Note: if the absence was terminated by apprehension, add the following element (d) That the absence was terminated by apprehension. (4) Abandoning watch or guard. (a) That the accused was a member of a guard, watch, or duty; (b) That the accused absented himself or her self from his or her guard, watch, or duty section; (c) That absence of the accused was without authority; and Note: If the absence was with intent to abandon the accused s guard, watch, or duty section, add the following element (d) That the accused intended to abandon his or her guard, watch, or duty section. (5) Absence from unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises. (a) That the accused absented himself or herself from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty at which he or she was required to be; (b) That the absence of the accused was with out authority; (c) That the absence was for a certain period of time; (d) That the accused knew that the absence would occur during a part of a period of maneuvers or field exercises; and (e) That the accused intended to avoid all or part of a period of maneuvers or field. (1) In general. This article is designed to cover every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Importance Of Electronic Communication Just buying your groceries, you can see dozens of people texting, emailing, or using social media, we live in a world where this consider commonplace and natural.Cellphone have taken over the planet to the degree that of the 7.5 billion people on the planet roughly 6 billion have cellphones, while only 4.5 have access to working toilets (ASAPScience, 2016). While you yourself probably text and social network multiple times throughout the day, have you ever consider trying to live a month without it. Per day, U.S. teens spend about 7.5 hours using their phones, computers, and other devices, a number has likely increased (Learning to Talk, 2). Technology has replaced many tasks and electronic communication is now replacing human connection. The increasing use of electronics to communicate is eroding real human connection and depriving people of necessary social skills and damaging our health. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but if so, real experience must be worth a billion. However, shockingly, ... a third of cell phone users prefer sending text messages to talking (Learning to Talk, 2). Growing up, we learn how to act and speak from our family. We do not start out knowing how to talk, and our family members teach us how to argue, persuade, joke, insult, lie,and be sarcastic; but while you learn a lot from your parents, even more social progress comes from watching the way your friends talk and behave. If your preferred line of communication becomes typed out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens Essay Introduction From the end of the eighteenth century to the start of the nineteenth century, London was a city with a high wrongdoing rate. From 1745 to 1820, there were 115,000 individuals who made their living by theft, prostitution, cheat and other criminal acts. It is terrible when we realize that the aggregate populace of London around then was only 960,000. Probably there was no other author in Victoria time that had such an in number worry about wrongdoing, and fused such a great amount of depiction of wrongdoing in his functions as Charles Dickens (1812 1870) did. Oliver Twist was the second novel of Dickens distributed in a serial structure in a magazine titled Bentleyʼs Miscellany run independent from anyone else from February 1837 to April 1839 when Dickens was still a columnist. In England, from the 1830s to the 1840s, a lot of wrongdoing books were distributed. Oliver Twist was composed simply During that period. Most faultfinders and book commentators of Dickens lifetime based their surveys of Oliver Twist on one standard: how reasonable this novel was. Particularly, depictions of a group of lawbreakers in London in this novel pulled in consideration and were the engaging point for quite a while. Oliver Twist builds associations between the criminal characters themselves and additionally this present reality conditions which motivated their generalizations. The states of destitution and an absence of family being fixed to culpability are established ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Code Of Conduct And How The Corporate Governance Is... Abstract This paper will discuss the code of conduct in place for G.E. It will define the ways in which the code is adhered to and how the corporate governance is respected and modified. This will define the principles of a code of conduct per the module and the code of conduct for General Electric will be defined on how GE delivers its code of conduct and how it is either modified or updated continuously. General Electric Corporation has a code of conduct in place as follows: GE s commitment to total, unyielding Integrity is set forth in GE s compliance handbook, The Spirit The Letter. The policies set forth in The Spirit The Letter govern the conduct of all GE employees and are supplemented by compliance procedures and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No matter how high the stakes, no matter how great the challenge, GE will do business only by lawful and ethical means. When working with customers and Suppliers in every aspect of our business, we will not compromise our commitment to integrity. (General Electric Compliance Resource, 2009). General Electric has the bullet points from above on every business divisions website and the Code of Conduct for GE in consistent for all their employees. In other words, no adjusted codes based on various countries throughout the world. This also brings one to believe that employees will sign the agreement and be held accountable at all levels of the organization as well. It would seem that it does not allow special privilege as an option to opt out of participating and adhering to their code of conduct. Supposing one would want to opt out, it would be making a statement that they do not agree and therefore cannot work for General Electric. There are other codes of conduct for suppliers and vendors of multinational corporations. GE has various codes of conduct in place for these. According to Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach: General Electric has their code of conduct policies ranked sixth in the world for the Fortune 500 companies to work for. (www.ethisphere.com). It is involved in transportation equipment manufacturing, electrical products ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Creating A Website For An Effective Website Having a website allows your network to benefit from an online presence and educate customers to its business. But what does it take to create such a website? What are the steps needed to create and operate an effective website, a site that encourages customers to do business with you? Technically, the creation of a single site is not something difficult: thousands of new sites are appearing on the web on a daily basis. But this apparition proves to be a handicap in terms of appearance and operation. Here are 6 steps to create a site likely to leave a favorable impression in the minds of customers, actual and potential. 1. Think about the goal, to the look and feel of your site Begin this discussion by assessing other similar sites in your industry or other network sites. Determine what you think is useful or not useful at these sites. Ask yourself the following questions: What connection is there between fashion design, use of illustrations and colors or tone of the text and the activity itself? Does the site offers easy access to the information that most customers have an immediate need? Will they want to visit it again, and why? Is it clear that the information will be updated on a regular basis? The fact to consider other sites allow you to better understand what you expect from yours. 3. Remove a domain name Your domain name is the Internet address that users type into their browser to find your site. For example, www.votreentrepise.com. You must file all domain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Imperfection Of The Greek Parthenon The Athenian Greeks at the height of their power built a temple called the Parthenon which was a monument to their core values of perfectionism, humanism, and rationalism. It is important to understand that the human eye has imperfections which deceive the mind, so one can understand the unique steps that were taken to achieve the illusion of perfection to the human eye. The Greeks loved perfection, and as seen in the Parthenon, the Greek architects purposely made the Parthenon imperfect to account for the imperfections in the human eye. This was done so that when one views the Parthenon with the naked eye, it appears to be perfectly symmetrical, straight, and proportional. The entire Parthenon does not have a single right angle. An example of the Greeks compensating for the imperfections of the human eye is seen in the base of the Parthenon, which from a picture or in real life looks perfectly straight, but in reality it is actually curved slightly upward. It is curved because the Greeks knew that if you have a perfectly flat base for a building, it appears curved to the human eye. To account for that, the Greeks made it so that the base was already curved. The Greeks also curved the columns of the Parthenon inward, because if the columns were straight, it would appear to be curving outward. Again, the Greeks knew about how the human eye deceives the mind, and decided that they must trick the eye to please the mind. This was all done because the Greeks strived for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The New Zealand Government Government Essay: The New Zealand government at both a Local and National level is an excellent example of a modern, Representative Democracy. Different election systems, including First Past the Post (FPP), Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) and Single Transferable Vote (STV), are used to allow electors to select representatives to sit on Councils, Boards and in Parliament. Some elements of Constitutional Monarchy are present in the New Zealand system of democratically elected representatives within a constitutional Monarchy contrasts well with the dictatorship of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Central Government in New Zealand is based on the democratic system with Political Parties voted into Parliament based on the will of the people. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a parallel system to National Government is Local Government who is responsible. For the management and operation of our cities, towns and local environments. The country is divided up into city and District councils. Representatives of the community are democratically elected to sit on councils and represent the needs and views of citizens. Each council is supported infrastructure of local Government employees who carry out the duties of the council. These duties cover every aspect of the everyday life including running services such as rubbish removal and sewerage, through to Maintaining Facilities such as parks and reserves to town planning and Resource Management Act Compliance and even traffic wardens. Councils are funded through rates which are a levy charged to individual households and businesses based on the value of their property or industry. Local councils may introduce bylaws which only apply to the citizens or business located within that councils area. These local bylaws give each council the opportunity to create rules for how that city or district can operate. As systems of government, Democracy and Dictatorship exhibit key differences in how leaders are elected, power is distributed and how people are governed. Nations that have a democratic element are those where the people have a substantial say, through a system of voting, about who is representing them in the government, and where leaders are not governing for life. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. A Fluorescent Mirna Sensor For The Study Of Exrna And Drug... A Fluorescent miRNA Sensor for the Study of exRNA and Drug Delivery Abstract: Increasing evidence suggests cell to cell communication is possible through extracellular RNAs (exRNAs). RNA (including mRNA, miRNA, or lincRNA) has, on many accounts, been found packaged inside extracellular vesicles (EVs) which may traverse through a variety of bodily fluids to be taken up by a recipient cell. The biological significance of exRNAs is largely unknown. However, preliminary studies suggest they may play a role in a variety of important biological processes, including stem cell maintenance, apoptosis, and cancer metastasis. Furthermore, there is much hope in eventually utilizing EVs as a drug delivery vector to supply damaged tissues with therapeutic RNAs. Such a system could overcome the immunological challenges associated with viral vectors. Advances in understanding the biology of exRNA transfer have been hindered by a lack of dynamic methods for detecting changes in RNA concentration in vivo. Northern blotting, microarray, and PCR based approaches are invasive, and sometimes lack sensitivity when dealing with small quantities of RNA. While evidence of their significance is growing, to date no exRNA has been shown to enter and function in a cell in vivo. To address these issues, I have been working on the development of a sensor system for detecting exogenous small RNAs. This molecular sensor will exploit the ability of microRNAs (miRNAs) to bind to, and repress, target ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay On Athenian Women Vs Spartan Women Athens and Sparta were two city states or polis in Ancient Greece, they shared the same language and religion but they had completely different ideas on the way of living. Athenians believed that individuals should be free as long as they acted within the laws of Hellas, and Spartans believed in fighting for there polis. Spartan women were much more independent that athenian women. If I were a young women in Ancient Greece (so many years ago) I would want to live in Sparta. As a young woman in Ancient Greece, I would choose to live in Sparta over Athens because of their education. Spartans got a much better education. Spartans learnt about music, mathematics, war / Trireme, strength and culture, compared to Athenian men who only get taught ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Athens the women had to wear full top to toe clothing. They weren t allowed to go outside of their house if they weren t covered top to toe in clothing. But in Spartan it was the complete opposite. Spartan women were allowed to exercise outdoors in light clothing. Well they actually didn t have to wear clothing. Spartan women were typically called thigh flashes because when they ran they lifted up their dresses and showed her thighs as they ran. There is more equality in Sparta than Athens. In Athens women were not regarded as important. They had to cover themselves in clothes, they weren t allowed to take part in anything. The women weren t allowed to be educated only men got an education and women weren t allowed to vote. Athenian women had very few rights, let alone legal rights. They had no rights to wander through the town, without a reason, and were basically controlled by the men. But in Sparta, both women and men got an education. Also in Sparta women didn t have to cover top to toe and in athens the women had to be completely covered in clothing. The women didn t fight but were very supporting of the men and they had to keep healthy so their kids would be healthy for fighting for there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. It Is Too Little Air Traffic Control 1. The fact that some airplanes collide is evidence that there is too little air traffic control. Evaluate. This is a false statement because airplane collision can be eliminated through the provision of better safety control measures. This is a measure of opportunity cost by the Airplane Company whereby safety is traded off by other factors to reduce cost of air traffic control and substitute it with other company cost such as charges incurred during air flights. Opportunity cost is the value of the forgone in order to take an alternative action. This can be seen as an economizing behavior that makes use of unlimited resources so as to satisfy other unlimited wants. Opportunity cost makes people to make a choice between what is more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Immigrants going back to their native country would also benefit me in my native country as there would be a reduced population in the country and an increase in labor market to fill the gap left behind by the foreigners. Therefore, when there is an increase in the flow of immigration in the country there would be higher incomes for other productive factors which are in complement with the immigrants but also it will lead to lower income to other factors that create competition with the immigrants. 3. When a group of Russian officials touring American farms asked who told the farmers how much to produce in order to supply the appropriate amounts of goods, the farmers said that no one told them. But the Russians were convinced that farmers were concealing something. What would you have told the Russians? There is a market trend of supply and demand in an economy and this is measured through the equilibrium process and the actors that affect supply and demand. The farmers are the market suppliers and hence they determine their produce by measuring the equilibrium market prices and quantities. The suppliers are aware that when the prices of commodity increases the demand of the same commodity decrease and when demand increases supply decreases until the market reaches an equilibrium point. There are various factors that affect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Serial Killers Essay Serial Murder The mind behind the crime! Thesis statement: Serial Murderers are not just murderers but also victims of the rotten hand they were dealt. Abstract I. Definition History A. The Most Infamous Killer B. Myth Theory 1. WereWolves 2. Vampires III. Causes A. Serial Killer Characteristics B. Theories VI. Case Studies A. Charles Manson 1. Bibliographical Info 2. Childhood Trauma B. John Wayne Gacy 1. Bibliographical Info 2. Childhood Trauma V. The Female Serial Killer IV. Closing Abstract Thesis Statement #8220; God, I #8217;ve never done anything. Help me, help me, help me! God, why is this happening? Help ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1). The perfect ingredients for a blockbuster thriller. Myth Theory Serial murder. It is the stuff of horror films and, in fact, the legends of vampires and werewolves may well have begun when mutilated bodies of ancient serial killers were found. Even today there are deranged vampire killers like Richard Quentin Chase, and killers who seem normal, even charming, like Ted Bundy while they conduct their own campaigns of carnage. (Mind of a Killer, intro) III. Causes: SERIAL KILLER CHARACTERISTICS R. Ressler, A. Burgess, and J. Douglas executed a study involving 36 incarcerated serial killers, and compiled the data collected into a chart of childhood behavior traits among serial killers (p. 29). Frequency of Reported Behavior Indicators in Childhood BEHAVIOR # OF CHILDREN WITH BEHAVIOR PERCENTAGE WITH BEHAVIOR % Daydreaming 28 82 Compulsive Masturbation 28 82 Isolation 28 71 Chronic Lying 28 71 Enuresis (bed wetting) 22 68 Rebelliousness 27 67 Nightmares 24 67 Destroying Property 26 58 Fire Setting 25 56 Stealing 27 56 Cruelty to Children 28 54 Poor Body Image 27 52 Temper Tantrums 27 48 Sleep Problems 23 48 Assaultive to Adults 25 38 Phobias 24 38 Running Away 28 36 Cruelty to Animals 28 36 Accident Prone 24 29 Headaches 21 29 Destroying Possessions 25 28 Eating Problems 26 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Oil Vs Hemp Oil Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil vs. Hemp Oil In the medical marijuana, there seems to be some confusion regarding the difference between hemp oil and CBD or cannabidiol oil. As both products gain notoriety, more research is pursued, more doctors make recommendations, and more consumers turn to and experiment with these oils as alternative therapeutic treatments for a varying number of diseases, the need to inform the public is crucial. In 2009, in an attempt to respond to the misbranding of CBD products as hemp oil, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) asserted, Our Hemp Industries Association position regarding this distinction calls on makers of CBD products to brand and market their products truthfully and clearly, so as to not further the confusion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... THC is the psychoactive chemical that is known to produce a high or stoned feeling when smoked by users. CBD, however, is non psychoactive as a result of a lack of affinity for CB1 receptors in the brain. The levels of THC and CBD in both hemp and cannabis vary which make the oil extracts two very different products. According to the HIA, Hemp oil...contain low levels of CBD, typically less than 25 parts per million (ppm). In contrast, CBD extracts are produced either directly from cannabis flowers that are up to 15% CBD (150,000 ppm)... Source http://www.thehia.org/HIAhemppressreleases/3346474 The presence of CBD in hemp is one of the main reasons that it is being marketed by some as CBD oil, which is highly inaccurate. Hemp also naturally contains very minimal levels of THC (between 0.3% 1.5%), which is not enough to trigger a psychoactive response when consumed. In contrast, CBD rich oil naturally has higher levels of CBD than hemp which would require a considerable amount to extract a useful amount of CBD. Hence, industrial hemp is not an optimal source of CBD rich oil, despite being present in the natural growing hemp plant. However, there have been references to CBD rich hemp oil that is extracted from hemp plants that are specifically and uniquely bred to produce potent natural occurring CBD. If such is the case, it is imperative that consumers to do their own research when considering using hemp oil to treat one ailment or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Gender Roles In The Cult Of True Womanhood A gender role is a social role that shows the acceptable behaviors and attitudes based on a person s sexuality. Gender roles and stereotypes are centered on the concepts of femininity and masculinity. Gender roles differ with each culture in the way that they are accepted. Gender roles date all the way back to the Industrial Revolution, which took place around the 19th century. Men did all the hard labor while the women looked after the cottages and cared for the children during this time, that was the gender norms back then. Women s gender stereotypes came through The Cult of True Womanhood, which was an idea that came about in 1820. True Womanhood according to The Cult of True Womanhood, were piety, purity, and submissiveness. In human ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During World War 2 there were many deaths of men and this created a depression of workmen in the factories as the men had to leave their jobs and go fight in the war. Women started working in the factories but they were mainly the lower and middle class women, while the upper class women stayed at home and cared for their children. Women were allowed to work in the factories during World War 2 as the leaders said it was only temporary, this allowed the men not to get so uptight about the women coming in and working. Men were still the dominant sex at this time. It wasn t until 1948 when the Women s Armed Service Integration Act actually recognized women as a permanent part of the armed forces. This act had a huge impact on the women as it led to more equality between women and men. Many social gender norms were challenged through this time such as women served in the military and women were given jobs in the factories, this was never allowed before World War ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Nancy Newhall s This Is The American Earth Portraying the sublime evolved as industrialization speed up manufacturing. Adams aimed for a wider audience, as he believed only when the public sees the beauty of the wilderness would they understand why conservation mattered. Adams understood the photographer could play a vital role, rousing awareness and inciting action. He saw this as his personal mission (Spaulding, 1995, pp. 217 218). This was evident in Adams iconic partnership with Nancy Newhall and in their book, This Is the American Earth published in 1960. Theirs was the quintessential book, bringing conservation philosophy and nature photography to coffee tables across the nation (Spaulding, 1995, p. 310). Throughout the book, they promoted John Muir s philosophy that expressed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1963, Porter shared his trip down the Colorado River to capture what would be lost if technological hubris prevailed. The Place No One Knew portrayed fragments of the canyon rather than broad sweeping scenic landscapes. Many criticized the book for too many close up and abstract images that contrasted light and dark features of the canyon even though it did convey the hidden beauty of the canyon. Although costly, $25, The Place No One Knew was a large format book with color images and elegant craftsmanship of typographer and lithographer. One reviewer commented, the book needed to be so large and to contain such high quality prints and exquisite typography. By buying the book, particularly given its expensive price, Americans could gain atonement; through consumption, they could help pay for the sins of the nation (Dunaway, 2005, p. 181). Critics claimed Porter s photos demonstrated a duality between portraying the aesthetics of nature with scientific understanding for what is at stake. The Sierra Club continued work to protect the Colorado River along with advocating protection for other natural resources. They published more books communicating the struggles between progress and protection and this style of photography, I argue, lives on in contemporary works (see Ch. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Comparison Of Liberty Bell March And Star Wars Yesterday, I watched the concert band rehearse for their district concert which took place later that night. As a whole, the music that they selected was well suited to the capability of the musicians. However, the Liberty Bell March was executed much better in comparison to Star Wars: The March, as the former appeared to be slightly easier for the band to play. For instance, the Liberty Bell March by Sousa was the first piece that the musicians performed. This song from the late romantic period and is very cheery in nature. Within this song, the band had long phrases and good pitch. Also, the dynamics throughout the march were overall good, but the pianissimo sections could be quieter. The blend of this song could have been a little bit better, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Mate Selection Theories Mate Selection Theories in Action Choosing a life partner is a crucial task that majority of individuals, if not everyone, partake in sometime during their lifetime. This process is otherwise known as mate selection (White, Martin, Bartolic, 2013). Since mate selection is such an important aspect of any individual s life, it would make sense that it is an area that has been researched extensively. There are a number of mate selection theories in existence, but this paper will focus on looking at biosocial theory and equity theory specifically. I find biosocial theory quite intriguing because it is something I can see while living out my everyday life. This specific mate selection theory states that women are more selective of partners ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ashley was originally the underbenefitter in the relationship (she was not receiving as much as she should) while Brock was the overbenfitter (he was receiving way more then he should) (White et al., 2013). Ashley would go out of her way to do everything for him, while there were days Brock would barely give her the time of day. This eventually caused distress and Ashley attempted to restore equity by asking Brock for more. Though Ashley tried to believe that their relationship was more equitable after this, the real changes were not there and so Ashley left the relationship. This is a perfect example of the mate selection theory that is equity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Intracardiac Shunt Report The calculation of the intracardiac shunt ratio between the pulmonary and systemic circulation can determine the size of the shunt. The stroke volume in a normal heart is equal across the four cardiac valves, therefore equal on the right and left sides of the heart. However, when an intracardiac shunt is present the stroke volume of one side of the heart exceeds the stroke volume of the other side of the heart. Typically the intracardiac shunts are directed left to right due to higher pressures in the left heart and aorta. The increased blood flow returning to the left heart from the lungs results in a dilated left heart in the presence of ventricular septal defect. In order to calculate the intracardiac shunt ratio, the pulmonary venous circulation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Several studies have shown that spontaneous closure occurs with small defects that have a diameter of less than 3mm. Patients with muscular and perimembranous defects can expect for spontaneous closure to occur (Zhang et al., 2015). However, when significant shunting produces problems, treatment is unnecessary. Diuretics are often the first in line to relieve symptoms. Afterload reduction may also be used to promote systemic flow from left ventricle, reducing left to right shunting as a result. Defects that need surgical correction are often closed by placing a patch directly over it from the right ventricular side. Larger muscular apical defects require banding the pulmonary trunk to correct the pulmonary and systemic resistances and minimize shunting. Closing a defect for patients with Eisenmenger physiology would be detrimental since it would worsen the pulmonary hypertension by causing suprasystemic right ventricular systolic pressure. Cardiac catherization may be needed in these circumstances (Spicer et al., 2014). The prognosis is excellent for isolated ventricular septal defects. Patients who need surgical repair can also anticipate an excellent prognosis with zero mortality and minimal morbidity, without significant changes to the quality of life. Echocardiography plays a significant role in improving the prognosis for patients by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Paul Gauguin And Henri Matisse Primitivism was a cultural attitude that arose in Europe during the late 19th and 20th century in opposition to the increasingly decadent and materialistic European culture. Rather than an artistic movement, primitivism is a European conception of foreign civilizations and lands as simple , less developed, and naive. This is an important distinction to make, because primitivism was defined in the eyes of the Europeans who saw foreign civilizations as unsophisticated, indicating that the concept of primitivism is heavily biased in the view of the Europeans. Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse were two artists that were highly influenced by the concept of primitivism, and some similarity can be depicted in their works such as the use of female nudes, vivid colors, and artistic techniques. However, their definition and methods of achieving primitivism differ heavily, due to the fact that the vagueness of primitivism allows it to be a self defined concept. These similarities and differences can be seen through the two works of art The Spirit of the Dead Watching by Paul Gauguin, and The Blue Nude by Henri Matisse, and the way they depict women in each of the pieces. The first important similarity between the two pieces is the obvious use of the reclining female nude. The female figure was a popular subject matter for the primitivists of this time, because society viewed women to be more natural than men, who were more civilized. Society assumed that women s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Time to Practice – Week One University of Phoenix Material Time to Practice Week One Complete both Part A and Part B below. Part A Some questions in Part A require that you access data from Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics. This data is available through the Student Textbook Resources link. 1. By hand (without using SPSS), compute the mean, median, and mode for the following set of 40 reading scores: SUMMARY 31 | 32 | 43 | 42 | 24 | 34 | 25 | 44 | 23 | 43 | 24 | 36 | 25 | 41 | 23 | 28 | 14 | 21 | 24 | 17 | 25 | 23 | 44 | 21 | 13 | 26 | 23 | 32 | 12 | 26 | 14 | 42 | 14 | 31 | 52 | 12 | 23 | 42 | 32 | 34 | MEAN: 28.375 MEDIAN: 25.5 MODE: 23 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What measure of central tendency would you use and why? 5. For the following set of scores, compute the range, the unbiased and the biased standard deviations, and the variance. Do the exercise by hand. 31, 42, 35, 55, 54, 34, 25, 44, 35 Why is the unbiased estimate greater than the biased estimate? 6. Use IBM® SPSS® software to compute all the descriptive statistics for the following set of three test scores over the course of a semester. Which test had the highest average score? Which test had the smallest amount of variability? Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | 50 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 49 | 47 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 46 | 46 | 55 | 49 | 48 | 55 | 48 | 53 | 45 | 49 | 49 | 47 | 49 | 52 | 45 | 50 | 48 | 46 | 50 | 55 | 53 | 7. This practice problem uses the data contained in the file named Ch. 3 Data Set 3. There are two variables in this data set. The data sets can be found through the Sage Materials in the Student Textbook Resource Access link, listed under Academic Resources. Using IBM® SPSS® software,
  • 35. compute all of the measures of variability you can for height and weight. Copy and paste the output from IBM® SPSS® into this worksheet. Variable | Definition | Height | Height in inches | Weight | Weight in pounds | 8. Review the following frequency distribution. Create a histogram either by hand or by using some other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Risk Of Individual Investments To remedy for the latter, the risk of individual investments in the portfolio is mapped to more common market risks when we compute VaR. Before we proceed with an example involving bonds, two terms have to be defined: coupon bond and a zero coupon bond. A coupon bond is a debt investment in which an investor loans money to a company for a period of time. The company, the borrower, in return promises to make interest payments called coupons over a defined period of time and also pay the full amount of the loan at the end of the period. A zero coupon bond on the other does not pay coupon interest. Suppose that we want to determine the VaR of a 10 year coupon bond with annual coupons C in our portfolio. First, we break the 10 year coupon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finally, we compute the Value at Risk by using the weights on the standardized instruments that we previously computed. Again, before we proceed with an example involving this time forward contract, we should define what a forward contract is and how it is used in financial markets. Futures contracts are contractual agreement to buy or sell a particular commodity or financial asset at a predetermined price in the future. The contract usually details the quantity and quality of the underlying asset to be delivered in the future. Suppose now that we want to find the VaR of a six month dollar to euro forward contract. We compute the VaR going through the following four steps: We first map the standardized market risks and instruments underlying this security. Second, we determine the position needed to be taken in the standardized instruments. We then estimate the variances and covariance of these instruments and we finally compute the VaR in the forward contract. Step 1: Again, we are looking forward to map the standardized market risks and the instruments underlying this security. The market variables that affect the six month forward contract are the six month risk free rate in each currency (dollar and euro) and the spot exchange rate. We hence match up the previous market factors respectively to a six month zero coupon dollar bond, a six month zero coupon euro bond and the spot dollar to euro. Step2: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Identity And Identity Throughout history, one important question has stood out to us as a species: what defines us? What makes a person who they are? Is it the way we look or act, or even what we eat? Andy Hinds, author of his own blog Beta Dad and contributor to the New York Times blog Motherlode categorizes his identity not by what he eats or wears, but by his differences from societal norms, namely his disinterest in sports. Likewise, Larry Lehna, University of Michigan Dearborn graduate and accomplished author of an autobiography, uses his experiences after getting out of prison to portray how the change his environment and the views of others affected who he was. In a similar way, Dana Canedy, author of A Journal for Jordan; A Story of Love and Honor and editor at the New York Times, attempts to explain to her son the importance of embracing his culture and the dangers of rejecting it. These authors display the universal truth that identity is shaped by societal views, environment, and family history. To begin, the views of society are often monumental in the moulding of one s identity. Hinds has felt the societal pressures first hand in the form of sports shaming. Hinds, raised far from the influences of any sports team, never really got into sports. As an adult, this has caused him many awkward encounters of trying to go along with it or having to inform people of his disinterest in sports. He recalls one such encounter of talking to his ...neighbor, a sports obsessed gay guy, [who] had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...