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[I3 d]03 interactivity
8. 주차별 강의계획

주    날짜                     주제                     내용         교재

 1   09/07   Introduction        Ice Braking | Orientation

 2   09/14   인터랙티브 입체영상 트렌드      인터랙티브한 입체영상 시장 소개

 3   09/21   다양한 사용자 인터랙션 소개     인터랙션 디자인 히스토리

 4   09/28   상호작용성 소개            인터랙티비티에 대한 동향 및 방법 소개

 5   10/05   서비스 디자인 세미나         학교 주관 서비스 디자인 컨퍼런스

 6   10/12   인터랙티브 월(1)          전체 프레임워크 소개 및 기획

 7   10/19   인터랙티브 월(2)          Open Framework을 통한 제작(1)
                                                             교수님 진행

 8   10/26   인터랙티브 월(3)          Open Framework을 통한 제작(2)

 9   11/02   중간고사                - 인터랙티브 월 기획 및 제작 프레젠테이션

                                 - 인터랙티브한 환경에서의 입체영상
10   11/09   인터랙티브 입체영상 기획
                                 - 사용자와 인터랙티브 입체영상

11   11/16   인터랙티브 입체영상 디자인(1)   - 전체 네비게이션 및 정보 설계

12   11/23   인터랙티브 입체영상 디자인(2)   - 인터페이스 및 인포메이션 디자인

13   11/30   인터랙티브 입체영상 후반작업     - 인터페이스 디자인 후반작업

14   12/7    인터랙티브 입체영상 포팅       - 기기 포팅

15   12/14   기말고사                인터랙티브 입체영상 기획 및 제작 프레젠테이션
operate the machine
operate the machine
| pre-computer

             Before computers, there wasn’t “interaction design.”
                 – useful
                 – usable
                 – desirable
                 – affordable for the right people
                 – appropriately complex
                 – appropriately styled
                 – appropriately transparent in function and use
                 – overall, having “good fit” with people, context,
                   activity, result
goal of “operating the machine.”

operate the machine
| back in the day

                •   design was engineering design:
                    make faster, bigger machines, expose their guts
                    through controls
                •   people adapt to the machines
                •   people speak the language of the machines
                •   no designers involved, but lots of clever engineers –
                    emergence of a new set of skills, new disciplines

operate the machine
| characteristic statement of the time

people are seen
as components        The Five Elements of System Design
in a system of
production                   personnel selection
                              personnel training
                               machine design
                                  job design
                            environmental design
| a current statement of the goal of “human factors”

“minimize the
 damage and          Good Designs:
 inconvenience”    • design against misuse,
                     unintended uses, and abuses
                   • design for all sizes, shapes,
                     attitudes and personalities people
| input and output: people adapt to the machines

punch card,
80 columns, to hold 80
characters or numbers

paper tape, also encoding
characters with holes.

                            For fun, go make images of punch cards that say anything you want:
| wiring the ENIAC with a new program

Mauchly and Eckert

                     Great description here: www.computinghistorymuseum.org/teaching/lectures/pptlectures/7b-eniac.ppt
| front panel switches


TI 980

| configure switches, run batch, output to tape
| preparing punch cards
| online processing

Steve Russel

| operator console

IBM System 360
| remote terminals attached to the S/360

IBM 3270

80 columns x 24 lines
a.k.a., “80 cards”

                        Don’t laugh. These are very hip boys.
| at home, it’s still the switches – but what to do with it?

MITS Altair 8800

One of the first
commercially available
home computers. You
ordered it. You built it. You
operated it through front
panel switches.
| command line interfaces

Very efficient once you
learned them.

Still, the emphasis is
“operate the machine.”
| “user friendliness”

providing clear help and
easy to remember command

Paul Heckel’s Elements of
Friendly Software Design.
| in the meantime, a few people were thinking differently

Doug Englebart

Doug Englebart’s 1968 demo
at SRI. He demonstrated
most of the ideas we
associate with modern desk-
top computing:
-the mouse hypertext,
-objects in the interface,
-dynamic file linking,
-two people at different
locations communicating
over network audio and
This work was done from a
human-centered point of
view, and the demo is
required viewing. Watch it,
remember it’s 40 years ago,
and think about how
progress is made in this field.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MPJZ6M52dI
“you can actually talk to the computer”

Ivan Sutherland

Englebart, Sutherland and
others were shifting from
“operating the machine” to
providing people with useful
tools. Englebart sought to
“augment the human

use the software

operate the machine
•   shift in focus from controlling the computer to using
                       applications and tools
                   •   trying to make it so people have to adapt less to use
                       the machines’ capability
                   •   design is still done mostly by engineers, few specialists
                   •   still mostly thought of as “computer human factors”

use the software

operate the machine
use a spreadsheet

                                   use a word processor
use the software
                                      play a game
operate the machine
| a tool for home and small business calculations

Dan Bricklin

Finally people had a reason
to buy a home computer
(specifically, an Apple II): so
they could use VisiCalc, the
first spreadsheet.

                                  THE place to learn about Visicalc: www.bricklin.com/visicalc.htm
                                  Download a working version!
|Interface and interaction ideas that survived 25 years (so far)

VisiCalc’s design has lived long:

 “It was interactive in a WYSIWYG way:

• Point to change a value
• Instant automatic recalculation based on formulas stored in
  the cells referencing other cells
• Scroll left/right/up/down
• The input, definition, formatting and output were all
  merged into a natural, program-by-example interface
• Labels and formulas distinguished by first character typed
• A1, B1, SUM(A1..A7)
• Realtime scrolling
• Numeric and text formatting
• Status and formula lines”
a tool for writing

Seymour Rubenstein &
John Barnaby

WordStar had a very
complicated interface, but
once you invested the time
to learn it, it was very
powerful. Now there was
another reason to buy a
home computer: to create,
format, store, and edit text

                               Find WordStar history here: http://www.wordstar.org/wordstar/history/history.htm
quick reference card

   A few WordStar commands
   (^ indicates one should hold
   down the Ctrl key)
| the future could usually be seen before it arrived

Xerox STAR, 1981                      Microsoft Windows 1.01, 1985

                   Xerox Alto, 1972
perform a task

use the software

operate the machine
•   wordstar was so complex yet so popular, it invited both
                       complaint and competition
                   •   the success of Lotus 1-2-3 over Visicalc was partly due
                       to ease of use and appropriate power
                   •   its use in large companies led to an emphasis on ease
                       of learning, ease of use, reduced errors, saved time
                   •   this eventually led to a professional emphasis on people
                       doing a task rather than “a tool with good controls”
perform a task

use the software

operate the machine
draw a picture
                                       create a brochure

perform a task                                   create a budget

                                                    compose music

use the software

                                                   troubleshoot the aircraft
operate the machine
| the mac taps into pent-up desire for ease and pleasure of use

Think of a world full of command-line interfaces…


All 39 pages of advertising that Apple bought in a 1984 issue of newsweek are available here:
| the software design manifesto

Mitch Kapor      “The Roman architecture critic Vetrivius advanced the notion
1990              that well-designed buildings were those which exhibited
                  firmness, commodity and delight. The same might be said of
                  good software. Firmness: a program should not have any
                  bugs which inhibit its function. Commodity: a program should
                  be suitable for the purposes for which it was intended.
                  Delight: the experience of using the program should be a
                  pleasurable one. Here we have the beginnings of a theory of
                  design for software.”

live, learn, work, play

perform a task

use the software

operate the machine
•   after twenty years of trying to help people perform
                              tasks, we realized success depended on expanding the
                              scope of view
                          •   most good work now involves an effort to fit context of
experience                    use, characteristics of individuals, patterns of life
live, learn, work, play
                          •   most good work now attempts to go beyond
                              expressed need to latent or masked needs

perform a task

use the software

operate the machine
manage a
                          household   compose music

                                                      run a business
live, learn, work, play

                                                          learn math

perform a task

                                                          buy, use, &
                                                          maintain a car

use the software

                                                  immerse in a fantasy
operate the machine
| art and engineering

If your primary
concern is to make
something cool or
interesting happen
on the screen, you
are probably in the
camp of artists or
engineers. As
opposed to…
| interface

…interface design,
which is concerned
with the person in
front of the screen,
with understanding
and communication.
But interface design
often takes a fairly
static view of things…
| interaction

When we add time,
we see the
conversation back
and forth between
people and
| design to support a person doing an activity in context

To do a good job of interaction design, we have to
understand as much as we can about the context, the
activity, what else is going on, where people’s attention
is focused, what happens before and after, what their
goals are, and so on.
design a vase

Shelley Evenson by way of
Chris Pacione contributes this
exercise to help us
understand how interaction
design these days differs from
the days of “making tools.”

Suppose I asked you to
design a vase. You would
sketch or model any number
of forms, most of them
probably looking like a cousin
of the vase shown here.
| design a way to enjoy flowers

But suppose I asked you
to design a way for people to
incorporate plants into their life,
or a way for people to enjoy

Contemporary design has
changed the questions.
| the cycle of experience

          Awareness                                                Retention


        Attraction                                          Compelling


                     tip of the hat to john rheinfrank and shelley evenson
| interaction design’s many layers of concern

                  does the product connect with business goals?

                  repeated interaction, activities in context

                  interface in use through time by different people

                  presentation of information and controls

                  information & functionality
                  categories, types, attributes, relationships

live, learn, work, play

accomplish a task

use the software

operate the machine
we are used to
designing for individuals
we’re learning to account
    for differences in
 But the machines often
  stay most prominent
now, more often, the
  machines fade to the
     background –
   we design for what
happens between people
 through the machines
or we make it possible for
  people to build things
   together through the
      machines – the
   construction is in the
    foreground, not the
and now we are learning
to account for variations
  in groups, genres of
[I3 d]03 interactivity
Who’s the user?
What is the interface?
How is it used?
Who can afford it?
| before 1945 : new invention
| 1945-1955 : the calculator
| 1955-1965 : the giant brain
| 1965-1980 : the white collar labor
| 1980-1995 : productivity tool
| 1995- : networked ubiquity
[I3 d]03 interactivity
Voice recognition
[I3 d]03 interactivity
Find Future Interaction/Interactivity from
Movie/game/on your dream/….

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[I3 d]03 interactivity

  • 2. 8. 주차별 강의계획 주 날짜 주제 내용 교재 1 09/07 Introduction Ice Braking | Orientation 2 09/14 인터랙티브 입체영상 트렌드 인터랙티브한 입체영상 시장 소개 3 09/21 다양한 사용자 인터랙션 소개 인터랙션 디자인 히스토리 4 09/28 상호작용성 소개 인터랙티비티에 대한 동향 및 방법 소개 5 10/05 서비스 디자인 세미나 학교 주관 서비스 디자인 컨퍼런스 6 10/12 인터랙티브 월(1) 전체 프레임워크 소개 및 기획 최유주 7 10/19 인터랙티브 월(2) Open Framework을 통한 제작(1) 교수님 진행 8 10/26 인터랙티브 월(3) Open Framework을 통한 제작(2) 9 11/02 중간고사 - 인터랙티브 월 기획 및 제작 프레젠테이션 - 인터랙티브한 환경에서의 입체영상 10 11/09 인터랙티브 입체영상 기획 - 사용자와 인터랙티브 입체영상 11 11/16 인터랙티브 입체영상 디자인(1) - 전체 네비게이션 및 정보 설계 12 11/23 인터랙티브 입체영상 디자인(2) - 인터페이스 및 인포메이션 디자인 13 11/30 인터랙티브 입체영상 후반작업 - 인터페이스 디자인 후반작업 14 12/7 인터랙티브 입체영상 포팅 - 기기 포팅 15 12/14 기말고사 인터랙티브 입체영상 기획 및 제작 프레젠테이션
  • 6. | pre-computer Before computers, there wasn’t “interaction design.” – useful – usable – desirable – affordable for the right people – appropriately complex – appropriately styled – appropriately transparent in function and use – overall, having “good fit” with people, context, activity, result
  • 7. goal of “operating the machine.” operate the machine
  • 8. | back in the day • design was engineering design: make faster, bigger machines, expose their guts through controls • people adapt to the machines • people speak the language of the machines • no designers involved, but lots of clever engineers – emergence of a new set of skills, new disciplines operate the machine
  • 9. | characteristic statement of the time people are seen as components The Five Elements of System Design in a system of production personnel selection personnel training machine design job design environmental design
  • 10. | a current statement of the goal of “human factors” “minimize the damage and Good Designs: inconvenience” • design against misuse, unintended uses, and abuses • design for all sizes, shapes, attitudes and personalities people
  • 11. | input and output: people adapt to the machines punch card, 80 columns, to hold 80 characters or numbers paper tape, also encoding characters with holes. For fun, go make images of punch cards that say anything you want: http://www.facade.com/legacy/punchcard
  • 12. | wiring the ENIAC with a new program ENIAC 1946 Mauchly and Eckert Great description here: www.computinghistorymuseum.org/teaching/lectures/pptlectures/7b-eniac.ppt
  • 13. | front panel switches DEC PDP-8 TI 980 1960’s
  • 14. | configure switches, run batch, output to tape
  • 16. | online processing Spacewar Steve Russel 1962 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmvb4Hktv7U
  • 17. | operator console IBM System 360 1960’s
  • 18. | remote terminals attached to the S/360 IBM 3270 1970’s 80 columns x 24 lines a.k.a., “80 cards” Don’t laugh. These are very hip boys.
  • 19. | at home, it’s still the switches – but what to do with it? MITS Altair 8800 1975 One of the first commercially available home computers. You ordered it. You built it. You operated it through front panel switches.
  • 20. | command line interfaces Very efficient once you learned them. Still, the emphasis is “operate the machine.”
  • 21. | “user friendliness” providing clear help and easy to remember command names. Paul Heckel’s Elements of Friendly Software Design.
  • 22. | in the meantime, a few people were thinking differently mouse Doug Englebart 1964 Doug Englebart’s 1968 demo at SRI. He demonstrated most of the ideas we associate with modern desk- top computing: -the mouse hypertext, -objects in the interface, -dynamic file linking, -two people at different locations communicating over network audio and video. This work was done from a human-centered point of view, and the demo is required viewing. Watch it, remember it’s 40 years ago, and think about how progress is made in this field. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MPJZ6M52dI
  • 23. “you can actually talk to the computer” sketchpad Ivan Sutherland 1963 Englebart, Sutherland and others were shifting from “operating the machine” to providing people with useful tools. Englebart sought to “augment the human intellect.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKM3CmRqK2o&feature=related
  • 25. shift in focus from controlling the computer to using applications and tools • trying to make it so people have to adapt less to use the machines’ capability • design is still done mostly by engineers, few specialists • still mostly thought of as “computer human factors” use the software operate the machine
  • 26. use a spreadsheet use a word processor use the software play a game operate the machine
  • 27. | a tool for home and small business calculations visicalc Dan Bricklin 1979 Finally people had a reason to buy a home computer (specifically, an Apple II): so they could use VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet. THE place to learn about Visicalc: www.bricklin.com/visicalc.htm Download a working version!
  • 28. |Interface and interaction ideas that survived 25 years (so far) VisiCalc’s design has lived long: “It was interactive in a WYSIWYG way: • Point to change a value • Instant automatic recalculation based on formulas stored in the cells referencing other cells • Scroll left/right/up/down • The input, definition, formatting and output were all merged into a natural, program-by-example interface … • Labels and formulas distinguished by first character typed • A1, B1, SUM(A1..A7) • Realtime scrolling • Numeric and text formatting • Status and formula lines”
  • 29. a tool for writing wordstar Seymour Rubenstein & John Barnaby 1979 WordStar had a very complicated interface, but once you invested the time to learn it, it was very powerful. Now there was another reason to buy a home computer: to create, format, store, and edit text documents. Find WordStar history here: http://www.wordstar.org/wordstar/history/history.htm
  • 30. wordstar quick reference card A few WordStar commands (^ indicates one should hold down the Ctrl key)
  • 31. | the future could usually be seen before it arrived Xerox STAR, 1981 Microsoft Windows 1.01, 1985 Xerox Alto, 1972
  • 32. perform a task use the software operate the machine
  • 33. wordstar was so complex yet so popular, it invited both complaint and competition • the success of Lotus 1-2-3 over Visicalc was partly due to ease of use and appropriate power • its use in large companies led to an emphasis on ease of learning, ease of use, reduced errors, saved time • this eventually led to a professional emphasis on people doing a task rather than “a tool with good controls” perform a task use the software operate the machine
  • 34. draw a picture create a brochure perform a task create a budget compose music use the software troubleshoot the aircraft operate the machine
  • 35. | the mac taps into pent-up desire for ease and pleasure of use Think of a world full of command-line interfaces… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhsWzJo2sN4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTHlG8USUg&feature=related hello.
  • 36. All 39 pages of advertising that Apple bought in a 1984 issue of newsweek are available here: http://www.aci.com.pl/mwichary/computerhistory/ads/macnewsweek
  • 37. | the software design manifesto Mitch Kapor “The Roman architecture critic Vetrivius advanced the notion 1990 that well-designed buildings were those which exhibited firmness, commodity and delight. The same might be said of good software. Firmness: a program should not have any bugs which inhibit its function. Commodity: a program should be suitable for the purposes for which it was intended. Delight: the experience of using the program should be a pleasurable one. Here we have the beginnings of a theory of design for software.” www.kapor.com/homepages/mkapor/Software_Design_Manifesto.html
  • 39. experience live, learn, work, play perform a task use the software operate the machine
  • 40. after twenty years of trying to help people perform tasks, we realized success depended on expanding the scope of view • most good work now involves an effort to fit context of experience use, characteristics of individuals, patterns of life live, learn, work, play • most good work now attempts to go beyond expressed need to latent or masked needs perform a task use the software operate the machine
  • 41. manage a household compose music run a business experience live, learn, work, play learn math perform a task buy, use, & maintain a car use the software immerse in a fantasy operate the machine
  • 42. | art and engineering If your primary concern is to make something cool or interesting happen on the screen, you are probably in the camp of artists or engineers. As opposed to…
  • 43. | interface …interface design, which is concerned with the person in front of the screen, with understanding and communication. But interface design often takes a fairly static view of things…
  • 44. | interaction When we add time, we see the conversation back and forth between people and machines
  • 45. | design to support a person doing an activity in context To do a good job of interaction design, we have to understand as much as we can about the context, the activity, what else is going on, where people’s attention is focused, what happens before and after, what their goals are, and so on.
  • 46. design a vase Shelley Evenson by way of Chris Pacione contributes this exercise to help us understand how interaction design these days differs from the days of “making tools.” Suppose I asked you to design a vase. You would sketch or model any number of forms, most of them probably looking like a cousin of the vase shown here.
  • 47. | design a way to enjoy flowers But suppose I asked you to design a way for people to incorporate plants into their life, or a way for people to enjoy flowers. Contemporary design has changed the questions.
  • 48. | the cycle of experience Social Reputation Awareness Retention Extension Attraction Compelling Interaction Orientation tip of the hat to john rheinfrank and shelley evenson
  • 49. | interaction design’s many layers of concern strategy does the product connect with business goals? experience repeated interaction, activities in context interaction interface in use through time by different people interface presentation of information and controls information & functionality categories, types, attributes, relationships
  • 50. connect experience: live, learn, work, play accomplish a task use the software operate the machine
  • 51. we are used to designing for individuals
  • 52. we’re learning to account for differences in individuals. But the machines often stay most prominent
  • 53. now, more often, the machines fade to the background – we design for what happens between people through the machines
  • 54. or we make it possible for people to build things together through the machines – the construction is in the foreground, not the technology
  • 55. and now we are learning to account for variations in groups, genres of connections
  • 58. Who’s the user? What is the interface? How is it used? Who can afford it?
  • 59. | before 1945 : new invention
  • 60. | 1945-1955 : the calculator
  • 61. | 1955-1965 : the giant brain
  • 62. | 1965-1980 : the white collar labor
  • 63. | 1980-1995 : productivity tool
  • 64. | 1995- : networked ubiquity
  • 65. NEXT
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