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IA Spy School
         Joe Dyer | March 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          Spy                               IA
                                           ●Contextual Inquiry
         ●Interrogation Tech


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          Spy                               IA
                                           ●Contextual Inquiry
         ●Interrogation Tech
         ●HUMINT Collection


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          Spy                               IA
                                           ●Contextual Inquiry
         ●Interrogation Tech
         ●HUMINT Collection
                                           ●Competitive Analysis
         ●OSINT Collection


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          Spy                               IA
                                           ●Contextual Inquiry
         ●Interrogation Tech
         ●HUMINT Collection
                                           ●Competitive Analysis
         ●OSINT Collection


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          Spy                               IA
                                           ●Contextual Inquiry
         ●Interrogation Tech
         ●HUMINT Collection
                                           ●Competitive Analysis
         ●OSINT Collection
                                           ●Usability Testing


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                            Spy School 101
                              1.   How to read lips
                              2.   Survive a bar fight
                              3.   Fight a shark
                              4.   Size up a an armed threat
                              5.   Stop a car with no brakes
                              6.   Survive a fall


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School
           IA Spy School

                                Learn to read lips by
                              watching a DVD on mute
                               with subtitles on to get
                             used to the mouth shapes.
                             Then turn the subtitles o
                             to see if you can interpret
                              what the characters are

           PART 1: You Are Already a Spy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          This is Intelligence Agent
     The Spy as
    Spying involves an individual
    obtaining information or “intelligence”
    that is considered secret or


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          This is Intelligence Agent
     The Spy as
    Spying is represented in the media as
    something done to manipulate, blackmail or
    otherwise exert power over another party.

    But spying provides an information
    gathering model for those in the
    information business to be used in a not-
    so-evil way.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

        This an Intelligence Agent
             is very
                             1.Gathering Intelligence
                             2.Creating a Network
                             3.Leveraging intelligence to
                               influence decision-makers


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

               This Is
          Problem Solving,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                                        This Is
                                                    Problem Solving


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                            Gaining Influence With
                             Key Decision Makers


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                      Remember, the best way to
                                      survive a bar fight is to make
                                      people think that you are
                                      about to bring a level of
                                      violence completely out of
                                      proportion to the situation.
                                      You have to act CRAZY!

            PART 2: Gathering Intelligence

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     Types of Intelligence
                          ●   OSINT - Open Source Intelligence
                          ●   HUMINT - Human source intelligence
                          ●   COMINT - Communications Intelligence
                          ●   SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
                          ●   MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence
                          ●   GEOINT - Geospatial Intelligence
                          ●   TECHINT - Technical Intelligence
                          ●   FININT - Financial Intelligence
                          ●   IMINT - Imagery Intelligence (aerial/satellite)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     Types of Intelligence
                          ●   OSINT - Open Source Intelligence
                          ●   HUMINT - Human source intelligence
                          ●   COMINT - Communications Intelligence
                          ●   SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
                          ●   MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence
                          ●   GEOINT - Geospatial Intelligence
                          ●   TECHINT - Technical Intelligence
                          ●   FININT - Financial Intelligence
                          ●   IMINT - Imagery Intelligence (aerial/satellite)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     OSINT Intelligence
                          Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a
                          processing discipline that involves finding info
                          from publicly available sources and analyzing it
                          to produce actionable intelligence.

                          ●Overt, publicly available sources
                          ●Not covert or classified sources
                          ●Not related to open-source software


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     OSINT Intelligence
                          This is no dierent that conducting competitive
                          analysis and market research.

                          ●Same as getting to know your competition
                          ●Basic project pre-production analysis


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                   Examples of Open Source Intelligence


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                                Linked In

                                               ●Work History
                                               ●Professional Organizations


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                                               ●Personal Information
                                               ●List of 25
                                               ●Political Afiliations


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                                               ●What They Like
                                               ●What They Dislike
                                               ●Where They Eat
                                               ●Random Thoughts


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                                               If a picture is worth a
                                               thousand words, then
                                               Flickr is worth several


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                                               Take a break from googling
                                               yourself and use Google to
                                               research decision makers.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                               Executive Bios

                                               Companies often have
                                               online biographies for
                                               executives and senior


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                      HUMINT Intelligence


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                      HUMINT Intelligence
                          You already do this today but you don’t call it


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School



Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                             ●Listening is the best method
                              ever developed to gather
                             ●You learn a lot more with
                              your mouth shut and your
                              ears open


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                             ●Body Language
                             ●How decision maker treats
                             ●Who influences them


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     Every single encounter,
                                          your internal
                                     microphones should be
                                     on and cameras rolling.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    Successful HUMINT Gathering Occurs When:

                    ●You are more devoted to acquiring
                     information than to imparting it.

                    ●You are prepared to like the person you are
                     studying. People sense when they are liked
                     and open up. Dislike causes you to focus on
                     negative observations.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


                    ●You are trying to create afinity
                    ●Afinity is the precursor to rapport


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

              While researching this presentation …


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

      What We Know:                    ● United States Marine Corps Pilot
                                           (Approx 10-12 yrs)
                                       ●   Commissioned Oficer, College
          Boeing 737                   ●   Currently flies Boeing 737s for
                                           Southwest Airlines
                                       ●   Brother currently flies for
                                           American Airlines
                                       ●   Concerned about the economy’s
                                           eects on airline industry
                                       ●   Although concerned, is optimistic
                                       ●   Married, has a teenaged daughter
                                       ●   Drives a late model Hunter Green
                                           Honda Pilot
                                       ●   Gregarious, outgoing personality


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

        What We Can Predict:
        ●Emotional stamina

        Marines are used to doing much with very little resources.
        Yet, senior airline pilots earn a very handsome salary. His
        choice of vehicle shows he values frugality and


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  Characteristics of a Good Intelligence Agent

                    ● Be perceptive about people
                    ● Be able to work well with others under dificult
                    ● Learn to discern between fact and fiction
                    ● Be able to distinguish between essentials and
                    ● Have a large amount of ingenuity
                    ● Pay appropriate attention to detail
                    ● Be able to express ideas clearly, briefly and, very
                      important, interestingly
                    ● Learn when to keep your mouth shut

                          Source: The Craft of Intelligence by Allen Dulles


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                            Playing dead may work on
                                            a bear but won't deter an
                                            aggressive shark. Play dead
                                            and you'll soon be dead.
                                            You have to make the
                                            shark see you as a strong,
                                            credible threat.

  PART 3: The IAs Deliverable: The Dossier

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect                   ●Myers-Briggs personality types


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect                   ●Myers-Briggs personality types
                                     ●Known passionate topics  gotchas


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect                   ●Myers-Briggs personality types
                                     ●Known passionate topics  gotchas
                                     ●Consistent or unusual behaviors


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect                   ●Myers-Briggs personality types
                                     ●Known passionate topics  gotchas
                                     ●Consistent or unusual behaviors
                                     ●Pertinent downward pressures


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect                   ●Myers-Briggs personality types
                                     ●Known passionate topics  gotchas
                                     ●Consistent or unusual behaviors
                                     ●Pertinent downward pressures
                                     ●Leadership Style
                                     (Autocratic, consensus builder, etc)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                     ●Resume and background history
   What To Collect                   ●Myers-Briggs personality types
                                     ●Known passionate topics  gotchas
                                     ●Consistent or unusual behaviors
                                     ●Pertinent downward pressures
                                     ●Leadership Style
                                     (Autocratic, consensus builder, etc)
                                     ●Communication or learning style
                                     (visual, auditory, emotive, etc)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    Tools of the Trade
                   •Flame Thrower Lighter
                   •Explosive Toothpaste 
                   •Garrote Watch 
                   •Ski Pole/Gun 
                   •Aston Martin DB5


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    Tools of the Trade
                    ●Contact Manager Software
                    ●Personal Info Managers 
                    ●Pen and Paper 

                            Use these tools to build a mnemonic library


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                            The Most Important
                              Tool of the IA:

                               The Dossier


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     Anatomy of a Dossier

                                                ●Contact Info
                                                ●Web Info
                                                ●Profile Info


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

    Dossier Example

    ●John Q Public
    ●Chief Marketing Oficer
    ●Acme Corporation

                                       The Dossier


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                          Contact Information


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                                        Web Information


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School



Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

   Profile Information

   ●Communication Style
   ●Leadership Style


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

   Profile Information



Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

   Profile Information



Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School
             IA Spy School

 Know Your Target


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School
           IA Spy School

                              Remember, even a gun
                              wielded by a four-year-old is
                              more dangerous than a 400
                              pound gorilla, so even if the
                              gunner doesn't look
                              physically threatening, never
                              forget that your real problem
                              is the gun.

                       PART 4: The Spy Network

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                                The Spy Network:
                                                   What it is
                                               The network is you and
                                               your colleagues.

                                               If you are an agency,
                                               maybe you have trusted
                                               agents on the inside to
                                               feed you intelligence.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                             The Spy Network:
                                            How To Create One
                                               Take what you learn here
                                               and organize yourselves.

                                               Make sure it is a network
                                               of people you trust.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                               The Spy Network:
                                               Why It’s Beneficial
                                               The whole is greater than
                                               the sum of its parts.

                                               Everyone on your team
                                               has the ability to influence
                                               decision makers.

                                               The more you try to exert
                                               influence by yourself, the
                                               less successful you will

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                    Car got no brakes? Use
                                    friction to slow your
                                    vehicle. Driving through
                                    gravel or dirt can slow
                                    your vehicle
                                    considerably. Avoid
                                    ditching in water as your
                                    chances of surviving
                                    aren't so good.

     PART 5: Spy Games: Putting It Into Action

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  The Five Tactics
                  to Influence
                  Decision Makers
                  The Art of Project Management

                  by Scott Berkun


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  The Five Tactics to Influence Decision Makers

                   1.     The Group Meeting
                   2.     The Jedi Mind Trick
                   3.     Flanking Your Objective
                   4.     The Indirect Request
                   5.     The Direct Request


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                            The Group Meeting


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  The Group Meeting
                  Sometimes, a group meeting is the only way to
                  resolve a question of power.

                  Know in advance who will attend; use intelligence

                  Predict questions/comments and prepare
                  responses based on your objective.

                  This is the most dificult tactic to


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  When to Choose The Group Meeting

                  ● Sometimes, a group meeting is the only way to
                     resolve a question of power.

                  ● Perhaps power or decision making is shared. You
                     need to influence more than one person.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                       The Jedi Mind Trick
       This isn’t the
       social media
      solution you’re
        looking for.
                                                        This isn’t the
                                                        social media
                                                        solution I’m
                                                         looking for.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  The Jedi Mind Trick
                  ● You can plant seeds and water them with
                    someone else’s ego.
                  ● Force a discussion, identify a problem and
                    ask for help in finding a solution.

                     Don’t oer the answers yourself but instead
                     ask questions  make points that lead
                     Target toward the outcome you want.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                  When to Choose The Jedi Mind Trick

                  ● You don’t think a direct request will work.
                  ● Target feels like they have to always be right.
                  ● Use only if you have the subtlety and
                     improvisational skills that few possess


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                   Flanking Your Objective


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    Flanking                ● Exploit the power of peer

                                            ●Invest in the support from
                                              others to voice similar

                                            ●Choose carefully among
                                              the people to use as


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    When to Flank           ● When the direct requests
                                               have failed

                                            ● When the target is a
                                               consensus builder

                                            ● When the target is on the
                                               fence and needs
                                               additional push


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                          The Indirect Request


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    Be Indirect            ●Enlist the support of
                                             another person to make
                                             requests for you,
                                             someone who works for
                                             Target who happens to
                                             have influence on the
                                             issue in question.

                                           ●Preferably somebody
                                             with considerable clout
                                             with Target.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                   When to Choose The Indirect Request

                   ● Target just doesn’t like you or is currently upset
                          with you for some other reason.

                   ● Target exists several layers above you in the
                          organization and it is not appropriate to
                          approach directly.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     The Direct Request


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                     The Direct Request
                          ● Ask the person who has the
                            power you need directly.
                          ● This could be an conversation,
                            an email, or a meeting
                            exclusively for this purpose.
                          ● Keep in mind: The more
                            formal the request, the
                            greater the odds that others
                            will be involved.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                    When to Use The Direct Request
                          ●When you have rapport with the
                          ●As often as possible as this is the
                           tactic that is most within your ability
                           to control the outcome


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School
           IA Spy School
                                      When you fall from a
                                      great height onto land,
                            PART V    you will usually bounce.
                                      Some people who survive
                                      the initial impact (often
                                      with a feet-first landing)
                                      suer a fatal injury on
                                      their second impact.

                  PART 6: Spy Code of Conduct

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

           ● Why spying is good: Every agent should be
                establishing relationships at every level of
                the hierarchy to include the senior
                executive and CEO levels.

           ● This intelligence gathering and relationship
                building is equally important to both the
                decision maker and the agent.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

           ●     Check with the policies of your company.
           ●     Know when to be a trustworthy confidant.
           ●     Never betray a confidence.
           ●     Know what is and is not on the record.
           ●     Don’t use anything you learn to hurt anyone.
           ●     Don’t engage in gossip.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                                INTRUDER ALERT!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

            How To Respond If Your Cover Is Blown

           ● It is our job to know our audience
           ● We are just doing our due diligence
           ● We don’t get to dictate, we influence
           ● The research on decision makers is flattering


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                            In Conclusion


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

          This is very
    You too can become Intelligence Agent by:
                             1.Gathering Intelligence
                             2.Creating a Network
                             3.Leveraging intelligence to
                               influence decision-makers


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                            If You Remember
                               One Thing …


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School

                                                  The James Bond Martini
                                                   Source: Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

                                                   ●3 parts Gordon's English Gin
                                                   ●1 part vodka
                                                   ●½ part Lillet Kina
                                                   ●Shaken, not stirred


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
IA Spy School


     ●The Craft of Intelligence: America's Legendary Spy Master on the Fundamentals of
      Intelligence Gathering for a Free World by Allen W. Dulles
     ●From the Bureau to the Boardroom: 30 Management Lessons from the FBI by Dan
     ●Hit the Ground Running: Winning Secrets for Keeping Your Career on Track and
      Moving Forward by Gene Garofalo
     ●The Art of Project Management by Scott Berkun
     ●Images: iStockphoto, stockxchange, Flickr


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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  • 1. IA Spy School Joe Dyer | March 2009 joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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  • 3. IA Spy School Spy IA ●Contextual Inquiry ●Interrogation Tech joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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  • 5. IA Spy School Spy IA ●Contextual Inquiry ●Interrogation Tech ●Ethnography ●HUMINT Collection ●Competitive Analysis ●OSINT Collection joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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  • 7. IA Spy School Spy IA ●Contextual Inquiry ●Interrogation Tech ●Ethnography ●HUMINT Collection ●Competitive Analysis ●OSINT Collection ●Personas ●Dossiers ●Usability Testing ●Waterboarding joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 8. IA Spy School Spy School 101 1. How to read lips 2. Survive a bar fight 3. Fight a shark 4. Size up a an armed threat 5. Stop a car with no brakes 6. Survive a fall joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 9. IA Spy School IA Spy School Learn to read lips by watching a DVD on mute with subtitles on to get used to the mouth shapes. Then turn the subtitles o to see if you can interpret what the characters are saying. PART 1: You Are Already a Spy joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 10. IA Spy School This is Intelligence Agent very The Spy as important Spying involves an individual obtaining information or “intelligence” that is considered secret or confidential. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 11. IA Spy School This is Intelligence Agent very The Spy as important Spying is represented in the media as something done to manipulate, blackmail or otherwise exert power over another party. But spying provides an information gathering model for those in the information business to be used in a not- so-evil way. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 12. IA Spy School This an Intelligence Agent is very Becoming important 1.Gathering Intelligence 2.Creating a Network 3.Leveraging intelligence to influence decision-makers joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 13. IA Spy School This Is Problem Solving, Right? joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 14. IA Spy School This Is Problem Solving joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 15. IA Spy School Gaining Influence With Key Decision Makers joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 16. IA Spy School Remember, the best way to survive a bar fight is to make people think that you are about to bring a level of violence completely out of proportion to the situation. You have to act CRAZY! PART 2: Gathering Intelligence joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 17. IA Spy School Types of Intelligence ● OSINT - Open Source Intelligence ● HUMINT - Human source intelligence ● COMINT - Communications Intelligence ● SIGINT - Signals Intelligence ● MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence ● GEOINT - Geospatial Intelligence ● TECHINT - Technical Intelligence ● FININT - Financial Intelligence ● IMINT - Imagery Intelligence (aerial/satellite) joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 18. IA Spy School Types of Intelligence ● OSINT - Open Source Intelligence ● HUMINT - Human source intelligence ● COMINT - Communications Intelligence ● SIGINT - Signals Intelligence ● MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence ● GEOINT - Geospatial Intelligence ● TECHINT - Technical Intelligence ● FININT - Financial Intelligence ● IMINT - Imagery Intelligence (aerial/satellite) joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 19. IA Spy School OSINT Intelligence Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a processing discipline that involves finding info from publicly available sources and analyzing it to produce actionable intelligence. ●Overt, publicly available sources ●Not covert or classified sources ●Not related to open-source software joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 20. IA Spy School OSINT Intelligence This is no dierent that conducting competitive analysis and market research. ●Same as getting to know your competition ●Basic project pre-production analysis joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 21. IA Spy School Examples of Open Source Intelligence joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 22. IA Spy School Linked In ●Education ●Work History ●Contacts ●Professional Organizations joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 23. IA Spy School Facebook ●Personal Information ●Photos ●List of 25 ●Political Afiliations joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 24. IA Spy School Twitter ●What They Like ●What They Dislike ●Where They Eat ●Random Thoughts joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 25. IA Spy School Flickr If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Flickr is worth several quadrillion. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 26. IA Spy School Google Take a break from googling yourself and use Google to research decision makers. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 27. IA Spy School Executive Bios Companies often have online biographies for executives and senior leaders. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 28. IA Spy School HUMINT Intelligence joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 29. IA Spy School HUMINT Intelligence You already do this today but you don’t call it this. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 30. IA Spy School Hello? joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 31. IA Spy School Listening ●Listening is the best method ever developed to gather information. ●You learn a lot more with your mouth shut and your ears open joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 32. IA Spy School Observing ●Body Language ●How decision maker treats others ●Who influences them joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 33. IA Spy School Every single encounter, your internal microphones should be on and cameras rolling. joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 34. IA Spy School Successful HUMINT Gathering Occurs When: ●You are more devoted to acquiring information than to imparting it. ●You are prepared to like the person you are studying. People sense when they are liked and open up. Dislike causes you to focus on negative observations. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 35. IA Spy School Remember: ●You are trying to create afinity ●Afinity is the precursor to rapport joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 36. IA Spy School While researching this presentation … joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 37. IA Spy School What We Know: ● United States Marine Corps Pilot (Approx 10-12 yrs) ● Commissioned Oficer, College Graduate Boeing 737 ● Currently flies Boeing 737s for Southwest Airlines ● Brother currently flies for American Airlines ● Concerned about the economy’s eects on airline industry ● Although concerned, is optimistic ● Married, has a teenaged daughter ● Drives a late model Hunter Green Honda Pilot ● Gregarious, outgoing personality joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 38. IA Spy School What We Can Predict: ●Emotional stamina ●Patient ●Honest ●Generous ●Loyal Marines are used to doing much with very little resources. Yet, senior airline pilots earn a very handsome salary. His choice of vehicle shows he values frugality and economy. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 39. IA Spy School Characteristics of a Good Intelligence Agent ● Be perceptive about people ● Be able to work well with others under dificult circumstances ● Learn to discern between fact and fiction ● Be able to distinguish between essentials and nonessentials ● Have a large amount of ingenuity ● Pay appropriate attention to detail ● Be able to express ideas clearly, briefly and, very important, interestingly ● Learn when to keep your mouth shut Source: The Craft of Intelligence by Allen Dulles joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 40. IA Spy School Playing dead may work on a bear but won't deter an aggressive shark. Play dead and you'll soon be dead. You have to make the shark see you as a strong, credible threat. PART 3: The IAs Deliverable: The Dossier joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 41. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 42. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect ●Myers-Briggs personality types joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 43. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect ●Myers-Briggs personality types ●Known passionate topics gotchas joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 44. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect ●Myers-Briggs personality types ●Known passionate topics gotchas ●Consistent or unusual behaviors joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 45. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect ●Myers-Briggs personality types ●Known passionate topics gotchas ●Consistent or unusual behaviors ●Pertinent downward pressures joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 46. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect ●Myers-Briggs personality types ●Known passionate topics gotchas ●Consistent or unusual behaviors ●Pertinent downward pressures ●Leadership Style (Autocratic, consensus builder, etc) joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 47. IA Spy School ●Resume and background history What To Collect ●Myers-Briggs personality types ●Known passionate topics gotchas ●Consistent or unusual behaviors ●Pertinent downward pressures ●Leadership Style (Autocratic, consensus builder, etc) ●Communication or learning style (visual, auditory, emotive, etc) joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 48. IA Spy School Tools of the Trade •Flame Thrower Lighter •Explosive Toothpaste  •Garrote Watch  •Ski Pole/Gun  •Aston Martin DB5 joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 49. IA Spy School Tools of the Trade ●iPhone ●Contact Manager Software ●Personal Info Managers  ●Blackberry ●Pen and Paper  Use these tools to build a mnemonic library joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 50. IA Spy School The Most Important Tool of the IA: The Dossier joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 51. IA Spy School Anatomy of a Dossier ●Contact Info ●Web Info ●Profile Info joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 52. IA Spy School Dossier Example ●John Q Public ●Chief Marketing Oficer ●Acme Corporation The Dossier joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 53. IA Spy School Contact Information joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 54. IA Spy School Web Information joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 55. IA Spy School Profile Information joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 56. IA Spy School Profile Information ●Communication Style ●Leadership Style ●Focus/Priorities joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 57. IA Spy School Profile Information ●Political/Organizational ●Personal ●Myers-Briggs Assessment joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 58. IA Spy School Profile Information ●Myers-Briggs Assessment joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 59. IA Spy School IA Spy School Know Your Target joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 60. IA Spy School IA Spy School Remember, even a gun wielded by a four-year-old is more dangerous than a 400 pound gorilla, so even if the gunner doesn't look physically threatening, never forget that your real problem is the gun. PART 4: The Spy Network joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 61. IA Spy School The Spy Network: What it is The network is you and your colleagues. If you are an agency, maybe you have trusted agents on the inside to feed you intelligence. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 62. IA Spy School The Spy Network: How To Create One Take what you learn here and organize yourselves. Make sure it is a network of people you trust. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 63. IA Spy School The Spy Network: Why It’s Beneficial The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Everyone on your team has the ability to influence decision makers. The more you try to exert influence by yourself, the less successful you will be. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 64. IA Spy School Car got no brakes? Use friction to slow your vehicle. Driving through gravel or dirt can slow your vehicle considerably. Avoid ditching in water as your chances of surviving aren't so good. PART 5: Spy Games: Putting It Into Action joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 65. IA Spy School The Five Tactics to Influence Decision Makers The Art of Project Management by Scott Berkun joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 66. IA Spy School The Five Tactics to Influence Decision Makers 1. The Group Meeting 2. The Jedi Mind Trick 3. Flanking Your Objective 4. The Indirect Request 5. The Direct Request joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 67. IA Spy School The Group Meeting joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 68. IA Spy School The Group Meeting Sometimes, a group meeting is the only way to resolve a question of power. Know in advance who will attend; use intelligence accordingly. Predict questions/comments and prepare responses based on your objective. This is the most dificult tactic to control. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 69. IA Spy School When to Choose The Group Meeting ● Sometimes, a group meeting is the only way to resolve a question of power. ● Perhaps power or decision making is shared. You need to influence more than one person. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 70. IA Spy School The Jedi Mind Trick This isn’t the social media solution you’re looking for. This isn’t the social media solution I’m looking for. YOU joe.dyer@travelocity.com TARGET joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 71. IA Spy School The Jedi Mind Trick ● You can plant seeds and water them with someone else’s ego. ● Force a discussion, identify a problem and ask for help in finding a solution. Don’t oer the answers yourself but instead ask questions make points that lead Target toward the outcome you want. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 72. IA Spy School When to Choose The Jedi Mind Trick ● You don’t think a direct request will work. ● Target feels like they have to always be right. ● Use only if you have the subtlety and improvisational skills that few possess joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 73. IA Spy School Flanking Your Objective joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 74. IA Spy School Flanking ● Exploit the power of peer pressure. ●Invest in the support from others to voice similar arguments. ●Choose carefully among the people to use as surrogates joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 75. IA Spy School When to Flank ● When the direct requests have failed ● When the target is a consensus builder ● When the target is on the fence and needs additional push joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 76. IA Spy School The Indirect Request joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 77. IA Spy School Be Indirect ●Enlist the support of another person to make requests for you, someone who works for Target who happens to have influence on the issue in question. ●Preferably somebody with considerable clout with Target. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 78. IA Spy School When to Choose The Indirect Request ● Target just doesn’t like you or is currently upset with you for some other reason. ● Target exists several layers above you in the organization and it is not appropriate to approach directly. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 79. IA Spy School The Direct Request joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 80. IA Spy School The Direct Request ● Ask the person who has the power you need directly. ● This could be an conversation, an email, or a meeting exclusively for this purpose. ● Keep in mind: The more formal the request, the greater the odds that others will be involved. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 81. IA Spy School When to Use The Direct Request ●When you have rapport with the target ●As often as possible as this is the tactic that is most within your ability to control the outcome joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 82. IA Spy School IA Spy School When you fall from a great height onto land, PART V you will usually bounce. Some people who survive the initial impact (often with a feet-first landing) suer a fatal injury on their second impact. PART 6: Spy Code of Conduct joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 83. IA Spy School Ethics ● Why spying is good: Every agent should be establishing relationships at every level of the hierarchy to include the senior executive and CEO levels. ● This intelligence gathering and relationship building is equally important to both the decision maker and the agent. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 84. IA Spy School Ethics ● Check with the policies of your company. ● Know when to be a trustworthy confidant. ● Never betray a confidence. ● Know what is and is not on the record. ● Don’t use anything you learn to hurt anyone. ● Don’t engage in gossip. joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 85. IA Spy School INTRUDER ALERT! joe.dyer@travelocity.com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 86. IA Spy School How To Respond If Your Cover Is Blown ● It is our job to know our audience ● We are just doing our due diligence ● We don’t get to dictate, we influence decisions ● The research on decision makers is flattering joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 87. IA Spy School In Conclusion joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 88. IA Spy School This is very You too can become Intelligence Agent by: important 1.Gathering Intelligence 2.Creating a Network 3.Leveraging intelligence to influence decision-makers joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 89. IA Spy School If You Remember One Thing … joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 90. IA Spy School The James Bond Martini Source: Casino Royale by Ian Fleming ●3 parts Gordon's English Gin ●1 part vodka ●½ part Lillet Kina ●Shaken, not stirred joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009
  • 91. IA Spy School Sources ●The Craft of Intelligence: America's Legendary Spy Master on the Fundamentals of Intelligence Gathering for a Free World by Allen W. Dulles ●From the Bureau to the Boardroom: 30 Management Lessons from the FBI by Dan Carrison ●Hit the Ground Running: Winning Secrets for Keeping Your Career on Track and Moving Forward by Gene Garofalo ●The Art of Project Management by Scott Berkun ●Wikihow.com ●Wikipedia.org ●Images: iStockphoto, stockxchange, Flickr joe.dyer@travelocity.com joe.dyer@travelocity. com Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Editor's Notes

  1. Why spy school? I noticed a lot of similarities
  2. additional training thru out that newly minted Intel agents will need
  3. spying by nature is clandestine if they knew they would change behavior like the hawthorne effect
  4. Spying gives us a model for information gathering that is inherently good
  5. Today’s presentation will cover these three high-level themes:
  6. we think this is our job. problem solving and documenting it
  7. we assume you already good at the fundamentals of information architecture and experience design
  8. It all comes down to getting to yes
  9. this assumes nobody wants to get into a bar fight but the life of an Intel agent is unpredictable
  10. Here are the many disciplines of intelligence collection there is no lack of work at the CIA
  11. for our purposes we are only going to focus on these two
  12. We are not talking about state secrets here open and freely available sources of information
  13. Open source analysis is not much than what you are doing today. some might call it due dilligence
  14. Let;s look at some examples of Open Source
  15. what members of sr management dont have Linked In profile chock full of standard resume fodder
  16. I happen to be friends with C-Level company officers although they are more reserved than your college buddies they still tend to put a lot of personal information online. A LOT.
  17. when twitter is working, it too is an open source of intel Getting a bit more abstract but still a window into the soul Starbux and Zappos and other companies
  18. If you have access to a flickr stream, bonus points for you
  19. you might be surprised by what you learn if you haven’t been stalking them already
  20. Look to your own company bios or if you are the agency of record the company you are providing service BASED on these sources alone, you should have a good baseline profile started
  21. People watching being sociable but today we will look at taking it up to a new level
  22. Let’s talk about your greatest info collection asset
  23. every spy worth his or her salt keep their targets talking and talking
  24. overt behaviors you should be looking for and of course writing all of this down
  25. You are a living breathing recon sattelite
  26. people like to do business with people they like and trust. when you encounter these decision makers, make them feel at ease
  27. My own spy story of the mundane but it will illustrate my point
  28. be perceptive, a good listener, team player I am done pounding on listening and we will move on but you can see how important it is to the process coming up
  29. CEO handouts VP who worked with Duran Duran
  30. even bosses have bosses
  31. The primary tool of the intelligence agent is The Dossier. Everything we discuss can be expressed as a deliverable: The Dossier.
  32. The primary tool of the intelligence agent is The Dossier. Everything we discuss can be expressed as a deliverable: The Dossier.
  33. Whiz bang vs. number crunchers
  34. The whole point of building up the Dossiers is to know your target
  35. on the second bullet, let’s be clear that we are talking about tips on how to deal with certain senior managers
  36. Here is a tip: boast for one another
  37. studies show that we dont like it when we blow our own horn. boast for one another
  38. if there is no show, gravel, dirt or friction inducing materials guard rails are good for slowing down. not so good for paint jobs
  39. only slightly modified from some of the material in ch 16
  40. Least desirable to most desirable How much you can control the situation
  41. The other attendees can exert their politics on the situation so you really have to do your homework
  42. Think steering committees. or standards bodies, etc
  43. spend no time on this slide
  44. there is a real life Jedi mind trick called the Labeling Technique
  45. be careful. this is a form of manipulation and there can be consequences if you are caught
  46. spend no time on this slide
  47. Flanking is a military term You can choose to still apply direct influence or not
  48. some decision makers are only comfortable hearing from several voices before making a decision
  49. spend no time on this slide
  50. Get a surrogate to make the request for you somebody that your target will listen to
  51. Maybe you have burned a bridge or you just don’t have an in with this person
  52. do not spend time on this slide
  53. very powerful tip: politicians do it all the time Can I count on your support? the key is to get them to verbalize the agreement then they are likely to comply
  54. Another tip: mirror your target MBA students were studied negotiating deals 67% versus a paltry 12.5%
  55. Your good ideas, sea changing maybe need to compete well in the arena
  56. Mostly Golden Rule material here Please police yourselves. you would not want to be policed
  57. BE completely HONEST but frame your response in the following ways
  58. Take your observations skills to the next level You can be really influential if you do it as part of a team The whole point of this is to influence those in power particularly in large enterprises
  59. Actual recipe taken from Bond’s instructions to the bartender. Casino Royale 1953