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Value added services on a Mobility Broker Platform:
The role of M2M in the pilot of Leuven

Karl De Backer
IT Architect Public Sector

   Vlaamse Overheid - 2 juni 2010

                                               © 2010 IBM Corporation
Mobile Monday


  M2M at IBM
  Intelligent Transport Systems
  Road User Charging in Belgium
  Mobility Platform for Value Added Services
  Leuven scope

                                                © 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Scope into M2M market

          Device                                   Svc. Delivery     Vertical
           (SIM)                                     Platform      Applications

                                 Today´s Telcos/SP Focus

Service Platform and middleware
Enablement of Telco's as information broker
Not focus on M2M only, also other ways of communication

                                                                             © 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM M2M Experience - Telenor Use Case

                                          Business need:
                                            Intent on expanding its revenue base with high-value
                                            services, Norway-based Telenor set its sights on the
                                            fast-growing market for "machine-to-machine" (M2M)
                                            services, targeting small and mid-sized businesses for
                                            whom M2M have been out of reach due to cost and
                                            complexity, as well as larger enterprises looking for a
                                            low-cost, entry-level M2M solution.

                                            Telenor teamed with IBM to create the first-ever hosted
                                            M2M offering. By creating a flexible, low-cost shared
                                            services platform, Telenor has drastically expanded the
                                            number of companies that can make a strong business
                                            case for offering M2M.

                                            Increased wireless traffic over Telenor's network
   "By enabling us to be the first
   Nordic telecom service provider to       A new revenue stream for Telenor, leading to higher
   offer a hosted M2M service, IBM           average revenue per user (ARPU)
   has helped us to open a new door         Enhanced ability to leverage the growth of M2M and
   for the rapid growth of the market.“      move up the wireless value chain
                                            Improved ability to penetrate the small and mid-sized
   – Rolv-Erik Spilling, manager,            busi-ness market
   Telenor Business Norway

                                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Intelligent Transportation Systems

 Innovation & Business

  Holistic analysis of ITS
   projects using IBM
   maturity model
  Focus on transport
                                Road User Charging               Integrated Fare             Transport Info
   authority’s IT                and Tolling (RUC)              Management (IFM)            Management (TIM)
   framework: use of open
                                Technology and services       Transit payment system     End-user traveler
   standards, SOA
                                 assets that scale across      Cross-modal / inter-        advice e.g. internet,
  Enable common                 highway / city / national                                  511, PDAs etc
                                                                modal capability
   solution components           schemes
                                                             Universal/Integrated         Network optimization
   e.g. CRM, payment
                                Design, build and operate    transportation accounts      Cross-modal / inter-
   systems, enforcement
                                 schemes                                                    modal information
  Framework for future                                      Extendable to other
                                On board units, detection    services, e.g. parking,      Design and build
   solutions, e.g. parking
                                 and validation, software     retail, identification
   management, Pay As
                                 platform/rating engine,
   You Drive insurance                                       Design, build and
                                 financial clearing house,
                                 Business Process             operate schemes
                                                                                                     © 2010 IBM Corporation
Mobility Trends and Local Situation
Density of road network
Congestion on main roads and secondary roads
Three regions with different priorities
Changes in taxation policy of government

Road User Charging is one of options for mobility

  Increased importance of in-car technology
  Floating vehicle data
  Value added services
         •  Dangerous goods
         •  E-call

  Why Leuven?

                                                    © 2010 IBM Corporation
Parameters for price calculation

    Category of vehicle       Use of vehicle                Context

                            DISTANCE           TIME   DISTANCE              TIME

                                                            + context

                                       PLACE                     PLACE

                                                               Road blockage (accident)
                                                               Infrastructure works
        Vehicle Category
                                                               Weather (smog)
        Number of axles
                                                               Events
        CO2 emission
                                                               Number of passengers
        Exceptions
        …
                                                                 Smart Mobility
7                                                                        © 2010 IBM Corporation
Some requirements for Belgian solution
  GPS
  All Roads
  Importance of map-matching
  Extendable to all cars
  Intelligent enforcement
  Flexibility
  Phases
  EETS – interoperability

  Value added services

                                         © 2010 IBM Corporation
For functions: position, map-matching, price, payment

                                                    Sat 12th Jan
         Determine     Use satellite (or other)
    A     Position      to determine position
                                                    Set of timed lat/long points
                                                    describing each trip.

                       Perform Map Matching
                        (if required)                   Sat 12th Jan
    B     Usage
                                                        Band A Road = 30miles
                                                        Band B Road = 13miles
                       Apply scheme rules to
                        determine usage

                                                    Sat 12th Jan
         Calculate     Apply scheme tariffs to
    C      Fee          usage to determine fee
                                                    Band A Road = $4
                                                    Band B Road = $3

                       Pay Journey Fee(s)              Jan Total
    D    Payment       Perform Clearing
                                                        Band A Road = $24
                                                        Band B Road = $14

9                                                                    © 2010 IBM Corporation
Functions on OBU versus Backend

                                                                                                                B Determine Usage
                                                                                                                C Calculate Fee
        A Determine Position
                                                                                                                D Take Payment

                                                                          R Transmit Data                       S Maintain Remote Device
                                                          Road Usage
                                                          Fee Summary
                                                         Journey Points

                                  On Board Unit (OBU)                                                         Back-end

     Characteristics:                       Characteristics:                Characteristics:                Characteristics:

       No maps needed in OBU                 Maps needed +                  Tariffs needed + updates       Intelligent OBU
                                               updates                        Processing capacity and        Back-end for maintenance
       Large data transmission to
                                                                               maintenance OBU
        back-end                              Two-way                                                        Pre-payment supported
                                               communication                  Fee information visual for
       Processing capacity back-end                                                                          Flexibility constraints
       Source data for smart mobility                                        Privacy protected              Interoperability constraints

                                                                              Evidence constraints

10                                                                                                                           © 2010 IBM Corporation
Showcase Brussels-Leuven Partners involved

                                                   OBU      Positioning

                                                     Secure ID            GPS Satellite


                                                                            Central Server
Roadpricing/Mobility      Mapmatching
  Central Server

11                                                                         © 2010 IBM Corporation
Example of trip on Showcase

12                            © 2010 IBM Corporation
Leuven Scope

  How can User Road Charging change the behavior of a driver?
    –  Three phases of each 2 months:
         •  Measure normal user behavior
        •  Drive with incentive
        •  Behavior with no incentive

  Demonstrate Value Added Services
    –  eCall
     –  Mobile payments with Ping-Ping
     –  Pay As You Drive
     –  Contextual Traffic Information

  Funding from Government to start project

13                                                               © 2010 IBM Corporation

Karl De Backer
+32 2 655 56 90

14                          © 2010 IBM Corporation

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Mobility Broker Platform: the role of M2M in the pilot of Leuven - IBM

  • 1. Value added services on a Mobility Broker Platform: The role of M2M in the pilot of Leuven Karl De Backer IT Architect Public Sector Vlaamse Overheid - 2 juni 2010 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 2. Mobile Monday Agenda   M2M at IBM   Intelligent Transport Systems   Road User Charging in Belgium   Mobility Platform for Value Added Services   Leuven scope © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 3. IBM Scope into M2M market Module/ Device Svc. Delivery Vertical Pipe (SIM) Platform Applications Today´s Telcos/SP Focus Service Platform and middleware Enablement of Telco's as information broker Not focus on M2M only, also other ways of communication © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 4. IBM M2M Experience - Telenor Use Case Business need: Intent on expanding its revenue base with high-value services, Norway-based Telenor set its sights on the fast-growing market for "machine-to-machine" (M2M) services, targeting small and mid-sized businesses for whom M2M have been out of reach due to cost and complexity, as well as larger enterprises looking for a low-cost, entry-level M2M solution. Solution: Telenor teamed with IBM to create the first-ever hosted M2M offering. By creating a flexible, low-cost shared services platform, Telenor has drastically expanded the number of companies that can make a strong business case for offering M2M. Benefits:   Increased wireless traffic over Telenor's network "By enabling us to be the first Nordic telecom service provider to   A new revenue stream for Telenor, leading to higher offer a hosted M2M service, IBM average revenue per user (ARPU) has helped us to open a new door   Enhanced ability to leverage the growth of M2M and for the rapid growth of the market.“ move up the wireless value chain   Improved ability to penetrate the small and mid-sized – Rolv-Erik Spilling, manager, busi-ness market Telenor Business Norway © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 5. IBM Intelligent Transportation Systems Innovation & Business Transformation Consulting   Holistic analysis of ITS projects using IBM maturity model   Focus on transport Road User Charging Integrated Fare Transport Info authority’s IT and Tolling (RUC) Management (IFM) Management (TIM) framework: use of open   Technology and services   Transit payment system   End-user traveler standards, SOA assets that scale across   Cross-modal / inter- advice e.g. internet,   Enable common highway / city / national 511, PDAs etc modal capability solution components schemes   Universal/Integrated   Network optimization e.g. CRM, payment   Design, build and operate transportation accounts   Cross-modal / inter- systems, enforcement schemes modal information   Framework for future   Extendable to other   On board units, detection services, e.g. parking,   Design and build solutions, e.g. parking and validation, software retail, identification management, Pay As platform/rating engine, You Drive insurance   Design, build and financial clearing house, Business Process operate schemes Services © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 6. Mobility Trends and Local Situation Density of road network Congestion on main roads and secondary roads Three regions with different priorities Changes in taxation policy of government Road User Charging is one of options for mobility Trends   Increased importance of in-car technology   Floating vehicle data   Value added services •  Dangerous goods •  E-call   Why Leuven? © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 7. Parameters for price calculation Complexity Category of vehicle Use of vehicle Context DISTANCE TIME DISTANCE TIME + context PLACE PLACE   Road blockage (accident) Parameters:   Infrastructure works   Vehicle Category   Weather (smog)   Number of axles   Events   CO2 emission   Number of passengers   Exceptions   … Smart Mobility 7 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 8. Some requirements for Belgian solution   GPS   All Roads   Importance of map-matching   Extendable to all cars   Intelligent enforcement   Flexibility   Phases   EETS – interoperability   Value added services © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 9. For functions: position, map-matching, price, payment Sat 12th Jan Determine   Use satellite (or other) A Position to determine position Set of timed lat/long points describing each trip.   Perform Map Matching (if required) Sat 12th Jan Determine B Usage Band A Road = 30miles Band B Road = 13miles   Apply scheme rules to determine usage Sat 12th Jan Calculate   Apply scheme tariffs to C Fee usage to determine fee Band A Road = $4 Band B Road = $3   Pay Journey Fee(s) Jan Total Take D Payment   Perform Clearing Band A Road = $24 Band B Road = $14 9 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 10. Functions on OBU versus Backend B Determine Usage Network C Calculate Fee A Determine Position D Take Payment R Transmit Data S Maintain Remote Device Road Usage Fee Summary Journey Points On Board Unit (OBU) Back-end Characteristics: Characteristics: Characteristics: Characteristics:   No maps needed in OBU   Maps needed +   Tariffs needed + updates   Intelligent OBU updates   Processing capacity and   Back-end for maintenance   Large data transmission to maintenance OBU back-end   Two-way   Pre-payment supported communication   Fee information visual for   Processing capacity back-end   Flexibility constraints user   Source data for smart mobility   Privacy protected   Interoperability constraints   Evidence constraints 10 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 11. Showcase Brussels-Leuven Partners involved Secure OBU Positioning GPS Secure ID GPS Satellite Vignette Secure Attachment M2M Secure Transfer eCall Central Server Roadpricing/Mobility Mapmatching Central Server 11 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 12. Example of trip on Showcase 12 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 13. Leuven Scope   How can User Road Charging change the behavior of a driver? –  Three phases of each 2 months: •  Measure normal user behavior •  Drive with incentive •  Behavior with no incentive   Demonstrate Value Added Services –  eCall –  Mobile payments with Ping-Ping –  Pay As You Drive –  Contextual Traffic Information   Funding from Government to start project 13 © 2010 IBM Corporation
  • 14. Questions? Karl De Backer karl_de_backer@be.ibm.com +32 2 655 56 90 14 © 2010 IBM Corporation