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IBM Social Media Boot
                         Camp Alumni Update
                 Helping Build Your Social Authority
                                     August 8, 2012

  Kick-Start Your Content                                 Embeddable
   Marketing                                             Videos for Your
    Program                                                   Blog
Content marketing is all the                          Employees want to bring their
rage these days, but what                             own devices into the workplace,
exactly is it and how do you                          but many haven't considered
manage a content marketing                            security challenges these devices
program?                                              create.
At IBM Midsize Business,                              IBM has been a leader in raising
we've had a successful                                awareness about mobile security
content marketing program in place for more           trends and helping midsize
than a year. We publish new articles of interest      businesses balance the need to
to midmarket professionals every day. These           satisfy employee demands with
keyword-optimized stories are designed to             the need to protect information.
attract search engines, and since our Midsize         This three-minute video highlights
Insider site was added to Google News, traffic        some of the most significant
has exploded!                                         security threats that have
Content marketing is all about attracting             emerged on mobile platforms.
customers to your website with information that       Embed it in your blog when you
interests them. In July, we recorded a webinar        communicate about this
that showcases the IBM influencer program             important topic.
focused on the essentials of content marketing
and how we apply them at IBM midsize                  Here's another embeddable video
businesses. The webinar is free, and I invite you     you can use. "Smarter
to watch and learn what's working for us. Then        Commerce and the Value Chain"
apply these techniques to your own content            is about putting customers at the
marketing program.                                    center of your business and
Here's a link to the webinar. Let me know what        serving them on their terms. It
you think!                                            gives examples of how real
                  Best,                               customers have reinvented
          Leslie Reiser                               themselves by creating real-time
                                                      visibility into their businesses.
                                                      Use it as a building block for your
                                                      own thoughts on this important


Tweeting Thought
Here's a good way to use Twitter to promote
content assets: Pull out interesting data points
and tweet them individually.
For example, this IBM/Frost & Sullivan white
paper on new approaches to CRM talks about
how mobility is changing customer behavior.
While that topic may not generate a lot of
excitement on Twitter, some of the statistics       Mobile Apps Grab
contained within the white paper are fascinating.
For example, here are some factoids that can        Customers When
be posted on Twitter to promote the white
paper:                                              They're Away from
                                                       the Desktop
    ·    12% of the US population refers to         Mobile computing is growing by
         social media before making a purchase.     leaps and bounds, and mobile
         #IBMCRM http://ibm.co/MsrPOf               apps are one of the best ways to
    ·    Up to 85% of data is unstructured. How     capture the attention of
         do you try to capture it? #IBMCRM          customers when they're out of the
         http://ibm.co/MsrPOf                       office. IBM has two apps that
    ·    On average, 23% of an organization's       demonstrate the company's
         data is inaccurate, incomplete or out of   thought leadership and
         date. #IBMCRM http://ibm.co/MsrPOf         technology innovation in areas
                                                    that are top-of-mind for
The secret of Twitter is to arouse people's         technology professionals.
interest. Factoids are an excellent way to do
that.                                               The IBM THINK app for kids,
                                                    innovators and forward thinkers
                                                    captures the best of the 2011
                                                    NYC THINK exhibit, where
                                                    visitors were immersed in a film
                                                    and interactive experience across
                                                    40 oversized digital screens that
                                                    displayed how technology can
                                                    improve our daily lives. The app
                                                    provides an illustrated timeline
                                                    documenting our quest to
                                                    measure the world and shows
                                                    how maps help us to explore new
                                                    ways to organize information.
                                                    Available for both iPad and
                                                    Android platforms, it's a free
                                                    download that stimulates the
                                                    imagination while reinforcing
                                                    IBM's creativity. Learn more here.

        Making the Case for                         The IBM Cloud for Midsize
                                                    Businesses iPad app is full of
                                                    case studies, videos, white


papers and other resources
                                                      about cloud solutions for midsize
       Managed Services                               companies. It includes
Andy Monshaw has a bylined article on                 comprehensive content from
Huffington Post that could provide some good          third-party analysts, IBM, our
fodder for your own customer outreach. Andy           Business Partners and other
makes the case that small retailers today can         experts. Learn more here.
get an advantage over their larger competitors
by anticipating what customers need before            You can use these apps in your
they specifically ask. "All small retailers have to   own social channels by building
do is take a step back, look around and gain a        content around ideas presented
little analytic insight to see the next big trend     in them and by tweeting details
around the corner that will attract the individual    that are relevant to your
consumer," he writes.                                 audience. Promote these apps to
One way to do this is through the use of              your customers as part of your
managed service providers, which can deliver          own content marketing efforts.
the best technology quickly via the cloud. If
cloud services are part of your growth plan, then
link to this article and embed the accompanying
video to build on Andy's proposition.

       Featured Alum:
                                                           Tip of the
    Wirehead Technology
We like to keep an eye on what our Boot Camp              Week: Curate
alumni have been doing to build social capital,
and we've been particularly impressed by the               Factoids
work of Wirehead Technology.
                                                        There's no shortage of
Wirehead is a small, Chicago-based IT service           remarkable information
provider that specializes in the mobility,              about the growth of social
healthcare, retail, real estate and education           media, and the folks at
markets. It doesn't have a big staff or budget,         Wikibon have done a nice
but you wouldn't know that from its big social          job of assembling some of
footprint.                                              the more notable statistics
                                                        into this aggregation of
                   We particularly like the             facts. This is a tactic you
                   Wirehead Mobility Blog, which        can use in your own content
                   is a curated collection of           marketing programs.
                   thematic articles drawn
                   mostly from other sources on         When you come across
                   the Web. Wirehead CIO                statistics that validate the
                   Howard Lee (left) updates the        importance of your
blog at least three times a week, with Monday's         marketing services,
post devoted to mobile and social media                 bookmark them and


marketing, Wednesday's to wireless industry          assemble them into a single
news and Friday's to healthcare, mobile health       page. Then tweet individual
and security.                                        statistics and link back to
                                                     your master collection. Be
Nearly all of the content is summaries and links     sure to include a source link
to articles on other websites. This technique is     for each bit of information as
called "curation," and it's one of the most cost-    a way of thanking the
efficient ways to generate material for your blog.   originator.
Content creators appreciate the link from
Wirehead, and the topic selection helps              If you're really ambitious,
establish the company's expertise in target          steal a page from Wikibon
markets. Readers appreciate the way the blog         and create a big infographic.
keeps them up to date on developments in their       People love to share these
industry.                                            visual summaries on
                                                     Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit
Howard started the blog about 18 months ago          and Digg, and the traffic
and maintains it rigorously. He explained to us      they can generate is nothing
that social media drives most new business at        short of amazing.
Wirehead."Nearly all of our clients have come in
because they see the blog and get in touch with      This collection of 72
us," he said. As a result, Wirehead doesn't have     Fascinating Social Media
to do any advertising. "This is all about            Marketing Facts and
information, which is more important than            Statistics for 2012 is another
advertising," Howard said.                           example of how you can
It doesn't stop there. You can also find             aggregate relevant content
Wirehead on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube,              to build your own social
Google+ and even Pinterest. And did we               capital.
mention its 14 Facebook pages? That's a topic
for another article.

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  • 1. IBM Social Media Boot Camp Alumni Update Helping Build Your Social Authority August 8, 2012 Kick-Start Your Content Embeddable Marketing Videos for Your Program Blog Content marketing is all the Employees want to bring their rage these days, but what own devices into the workplace, exactly is it and how do you but many haven't considered manage a content marketing security challenges these devices program? create. At IBM Midsize Business, IBM has been a leader in raising we've had a successful awareness about mobile security content marketing program in place for more trends and helping midsize than a year. We publish new articles of interest businesses balance the need to to midmarket professionals every day. These satisfy employee demands with keyword-optimized stories are designed to the need to protect information. attract search engines, and since our Midsize This three-minute video highlights Insider site was added to Google News, traffic some of the most significant has exploded! security threats that have Content marketing is all about attracting emerged on mobile platforms. customers to your website with information that Embed it in your blog when you interests them. In July, we recorded a webinar communicate about this that showcases the IBM influencer program important topic. focused on the essentials of content marketing and how we apply them at IBM midsize Here's another embeddable video businesses. The webinar is free, and I invite you you can use. "Smarter to watch and learn what's working for us. Then Commerce and the Value Chain" apply these techniques to your own content is about putting customers at the marketing program. center of your business and Here's a link to the webinar. Let me know what serving them on their terms. It you think! gives examples of how real Best, customers have reinvented Leslie Reiser themselves by creating real-time visibility into their businesses. Use it as a building block for your own thoughts on this important area.
  • 2. Tweeting Thought Leadership Here's a good way to use Twitter to promote content assets: Pull out interesting data points and tweet them individually. For example, this IBM/Frost & Sullivan white paper on new approaches to CRM talks about how mobility is changing customer behavior. While that topic may not generate a lot of excitement on Twitter, some of the statistics Mobile Apps Grab contained within the white paper are fascinating. For example, here are some factoids that can Customers When be posted on Twitter to promote the white paper: They're Away from the Desktop · 12% of the US population refers to Mobile computing is growing by social media before making a purchase. leaps and bounds, and mobile #IBMCRM http://ibm.co/MsrPOf apps are one of the best ways to · Up to 85% of data is unstructured. How capture the attention of do you try to capture it? #IBMCRM customers when they're out of the http://ibm.co/MsrPOf office. IBM has two apps that · On average, 23% of an organization's demonstrate the company's data is inaccurate, incomplete or out of thought leadership and date. #IBMCRM http://ibm.co/MsrPOf technology innovation in areas that are top-of-mind for The secret of Twitter is to arouse people's technology professionals. interest. Factoids are an excellent way to do that. The IBM THINK app for kids, innovators and forward thinkers captures the best of the 2011 NYC THINK exhibit, where visitors were immersed in a film and interactive experience across 40 oversized digital screens that displayed how technology can improve our daily lives. The app provides an illustrated timeline documenting our quest to measure the world and shows how maps help us to explore new ways to organize information. Available for both iPad and Android platforms, it's a free download that stimulates the imagination while reinforcing IBM's creativity. Learn more here. Making the Case for The IBM Cloud for Midsize Businesses iPad app is full of case studies, videos, white
  • 3. papers and other resources about cloud solutions for midsize Managed Services companies. It includes Andy Monshaw has a bylined article on comprehensive content from Huffington Post that could provide some good third-party analysts, IBM, our fodder for your own customer outreach. Andy Business Partners and other makes the case that small retailers today can experts. Learn more here. get an advantage over their larger competitors by anticipating what customers need before You can use these apps in your they specifically ask. "All small retailers have to own social channels by building do is take a step back, look around and gain a content around ideas presented little analytic insight to see the next big trend in them and by tweeting details around the corner that will attract the individual that are relevant to your consumer," he writes. audience. Promote these apps to One way to do this is through the use of your customers as part of your managed service providers, which can deliver own content marketing efforts. the best technology quickly via the cloud. If cloud services are part of your growth plan, then link to this article and embed the accompanying video to build on Andy's proposition. Featured Alum: Tip of the Wirehead Technology We like to keep an eye on what our Boot Camp Week: Curate alumni have been doing to build social capital, and we've been particularly impressed by the Factoids work of Wirehead Technology. There's no shortage of Wirehead is a small, Chicago-based IT service remarkable information provider that specializes in the mobility, about the growth of social healthcare, retail, real estate and education media, and the folks at markets. It doesn't have a big staff or budget, Wikibon have done a nice but you wouldn't know that from its big social job of assembling some of footprint. the more notable statistics into this aggregation of We particularly like the facts. This is a tactic you Wirehead Mobility Blog, which can use in your own content is a curated collection of marketing programs. thematic articles drawn mostly from other sources on When you come across the Web. Wirehead CIO statistics that validate the Howard Lee (left) updates the importance of your blog at least three times a week, with Monday's marketing services, post devoted to mobile and social media bookmark them and
  • 4. marketing, Wednesday's to wireless industry assemble them into a single news and Friday's to healthcare, mobile health page. Then tweet individual and security. statistics and link back to your master collection. Be Nearly all of the content is summaries and links sure to include a source link to articles on other websites. This technique is for each bit of information as called "curation," and it's one of the most cost- a way of thanking the efficient ways to generate material for your blog. originator. Content creators appreciate the link from Wirehead, and the topic selection helps If you're really ambitious, establish the company's expertise in target steal a page from Wikibon markets. Readers appreciate the way the blog and create a big infographic. keeps them up to date on developments in their People love to share these industry. visual summaries on Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit Howard started the blog about 18 months ago and Digg, and the traffic and maintains it rigorously. He explained to us they can generate is nothing that social media drives most new business at short of amazing. Wirehead."Nearly all of our clients have come in because they see the blog and get in touch with This collection of 72 us," he said. As a result, Wirehead doesn't have Fascinating Social Media to do any advertising. "This is all about Marketing Facts and information, which is more important than Statistics for 2012 is another advertising," Howard said. example of how you can It doesn't stop there. You can also find aggregate relevant content Wirehead on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, to build your own social Google+ and even Pinterest. And did we capital. mention its 14 Facebook pages? That's a topic for another article.