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Unleashing the Power of HRM for
Fostering Entrepreneurial Success
in the Future of Work
Dr. Preeti Bhaskar
University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra, Oman
30 June 2023


What is the future of work?
The ‘future of work’ describes predictions about what work habits, places, and practices might look
like in the coming decades.
Many trends that are changing workplaces, workforces, and the nature of work
Pandemic accelerated those trends almost
overnight and forever changed how we look
at the workplace of the future.


Source : https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/what-is-meant-by-the-future-of-work.aspx


• 71% of executives plan to spend more on
Artificial intelligence in the coming year
Deloitte survey (2020 )
• 86% of executives surveyed expect to see AI
becoming a mainstream technology in their
businesses (PWC reporting, 2022)
According to a 2019 Oxford Economics study,
in the next 20 years, global robot production
will increase at an even more rapid rate,
reaching 20 million by 2030.
88% of small business owners say automation
allows their company to compete with larger
companies (Zapier,2021).
The top five industries in terms of integration use
are: startups, agencies, marketing, education, and
customer service (Paperform, 2022).


Gig workers are independent contractors, online
platform workers, contract firm workers, on-call
workers, and temporary workers
Gig workers has steadily rise, expanding by over
15% since 2010 ( ADP report, 2020).
India’s gig workers may service 90 million jobs in
next 8-10 years (Mint, 2021)
Crowdsourcing is a practice of obtaining ideas,
services, solutions, or content from an individual or
group of people (the crowd). People involved in
crowdsourcing sometimes work as paid freelancers,
while others perform small tasks voluntarily.
businesses look to social media platforms like Twitter,
Facebook, and Instagram to gather ideas for new
products and services.
Netflix uses crowdsourcing to help improve its
entertainment platform.It launched the Netflix Prize
competition to see who could improve Netflix's
algorithm to predict user viewing recommendations and
offered the winner $1 million


Remote workers are earning almost $8,600 more
on average than their in-office peers (Fortune, 2023)
41% of workers will continue to work remotely on
an indefinite basis (Gartner, 2020)
A fluid work schedule is a flexible arrangement
where the specific working hours and location can
vary or be adjusted based on individual needs,
project requirements, or personal preferences.
This system allows companies
to bring in people just for the short Term for new
A collocated workspace refers to a physical office
or workspace where individuals from different teams
or organizations work together in the same location.
It is a shared space where employees or
professionals from various companies or
departments come together to collaborate,
communicate, and work on their respective tasks or
projects within the shared office


Future of work is reshaping the
entrepreneurial landscape in
several ways, creating both new
opportunities and challenges for


Shaping the Entrepreneurial Landscape in the Future of Work
• Technological
advancements, such
as automation,
ChatGPT, big data
analytics, are
disrupting industries
and business models.
• This disruption
creates openings
for entrepreneurs
to leverage
technologies and
develop innovative
solutions that
address evolving
market needs.
• The future of work is
characterized by a shift
towards remote and
flexible work
arrangements. The rise of
remote work, freelancing,
and the gig economy has
created a more flexible
and decentralized
• Entrepreneurs can
tap into this trend
by building virtual
teams, accessing
talent from around
the globe, and
adapting their
business models to
flexible work
• The rise of the gig economy
provides entrepreneurs with
access to a pool of freelance
talent, enabling them to
assemble project-specific
teams quickly.
• Entrepreneurs can
leverage freelancers for
specific tasks or
projects, reducing
overhead costs and
gaining access to
specialized expertise.
• The gig economy also
offers opportunities for
entrepreneurs to launch
platforms or
marketplaces that
connect freelancers
with clients, fostering
within the ecosystem.
• Consumer preferences
and expectations are
evolving, driven by
digitalization and
changing demographics.
Entrepreneurs need to
understand and cater to
these changing
preferences to remain
• There is a growing
demand for
sustainability, social
responsibility, and
digital integration,
offering entrepreneurs
opportunities to
innovate and
differentiate their


HRM: Enabling Entrepreneurial Innovation
HRM's role in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives and
contributing to entrepreneurial endeavors
Real-world examples of organizations successfully
integrating entrepreneurship, innovation, and HRM
Real-Life Company Tales: How Poor HRM Practices
Led to Startup Catastrophes


Article link: https://www.samas.icu/how-poor-human-resources-management-can-lead-to-failure-for-startups/
Joey V. Price is the founder and CEO of Jumpstart:HR. The company offers HR outsourcing and consulting for startups and small
Joey V. Price - a recent SHRM Top 30 Under 30 awardee. His HR and Career Management expertise has been featured in publications
such as Forbes.com, Inc.com, SHRM's HR Magazine, Workforce Management Magazine, and more.


Real-Life Company Tales: How Poor HRM Practices Led to Startup
• TinyOwl was an Indian food delivery startup that faced significant challenges and eventually shut down in 2016. Poor HRM
practices were cited as one of the factors contributing to its failure.
• During its operations, TinyOwl faced employee protests and labor disputes. There were reports of non-payment of salaries,
layoffs without proper compensation, and a lack of transparency in communication. These issues led to a deteriorating work
environment, low employee morale, and a decline in overall performance. The company struggled to manage employee relations
effectively, contributing to its downfall.
• AskMe was an Indian online classifieds and marketplace platform that ceased operations in 2016. Poor HRM practices were
identified as one of the reasons behind its failure.
• Employees of AskMe reported delayed salaries, non-payment of dues, and a lack of transparency from the management. The
company faced a severe cash crunch, which further exacerbated the HR-related issues. The poor HRM practices, including financial
mismanagement and lack of employee support, led to a breakdown in trust and negatively impacted the company's ability to
sustain its operations.
• Stayzilla was an Indian online marketplace for booking homestays and alternative accommodations. The startup gained popularity
and raised significant funding, but it faced challenges that led to its shutdown in 2017. Poor HRM practices were identified as one of
the contributing factors.
• Reports suggested that Stayzilla had a toxic work environment with a lack of clear communication and a high-pressure culture.
Employees reported instances of intimidation, harassment, and non-payment of salaries. The company's CEO was arrested in
connection with a case filed by a vendor, which further added to the negative image of the company. The poor HRM practices,
including the reported mistreatment of employees, damaged the company's reputation and resulted in a loss of trust.


HRM's role in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives and contributing to
entrepreneurial endeavors
Talent acquisition and
• Attracting and selecting the right
talent for entrepreneurial initiatives to
thrive in an entrepreneurial
Building an entrepreneurial
• Fostering a climate of innovation,
encouraging creativity, and promoting
a mindset that embraces calculated
• By investing in employees' Training
and development, HRM ensures that
employee have the necessary skills to
contribute effectively to
entrepreneurial initiatives.
• Provide opportunities for employees
to explore entrepreneurial roles within
the organization, such as leading new
initiatives or intrapreneurial projects.
Performance management and
• HRM can design performance
evaluation methods that focus on
outcomes, innovation, and initiative-
taking, rather than solely relying on
traditional measures like meeting
targets or following predefined
processes. HRM can design provide
reward systems for innovative idea or
initiatives that support
intrapreneurship and entrepreneurial
Change management and
organizational agility
• Entrepreneurial initiatives often
involve navigating change and
uncertainty. HRM plays a vital role in
change management by supporting
employees through transitions,
facilitating open communication, and
creating an agile organizational
structure that can adapt to evolving
market conditions.
• HRM professionals act as change
agents, helping employees embrace
new ideas, processes, and


From Ideation to Success:
Real Case Examples Showcasing the Power of HRM-Driven Entrepreneurship in India"
Flipkart introduced the "Intrapreneurship Program," which allows employees to work on their own
entrepreneurial ideas within the company. This initiative promotes a culture of innovation, empowers
employees to take risks, and nurtures their entrepreneurial spirit.
Zomato offers its employees stock options, allowing them to become stakeholders in the business. This strategy
not only attracts and retains top talent but also aligns the employees' interests with the long-term success of the
company. Zomato's HRM practices foster entrepreneurial mindset among employees had contributed to the
growth and sustainability of Zomato
OYO conduct recruitment drives at top management institutes to attract entrepreneurial talent.
Additionally, OYO invests significantly in training and development programs for its employees, providing
them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the dynamic startup environment. These HRM
practices have played a vital role in OYO's expansion and establishment as a leading player in the hospitality
Freshworks, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company encourages employees to take ownership of their
projects and provides them with the autonomy to make decisions. Freshworks also promotes cross-
functional collaboration and idea-sharing through initiatives like hackathons and innovation challenges.
These HRM practices have not only led to the development of innovative products but have also fostered a
sense of intrapreneurship among employees.


• Entrepreneurial
ecosystems are
coworking spaces,
and startup
• These ecosystems
provide support,
mentorship, and
opportunities for
knowledge exchange,
and access to funding.
• In the future of work,
innovation and
creativity are highly
valued. Entrepreneurs
who can bring fresh
ideas, disrupt
established industries,
and develop novel
solutions have a
significant advantage.
• There is a growing
demand for
thinking within
organizations as well,
leading to the rise of
• Traditional business
models are giving
way to more agile and
lean approaches.
• Entrepreneurs are
methodologies like
lean startup and
design thinking,
enabling them to
iterate quickly, gather
customer feedback,
and pivot as needed.
• This allows for faster
innovation, and
adaptation to market
• As the nature of work
entrepreneurs need to
continuously upgrade
their skills and adapt
to new technologies
and market dynamics.
• Lifelong learning and
upskilling are crucial
for entrepreneurs to
stay relevant, seize
opportunities, and
navigate challenges.
• Entrepreneurs can
leverage online
learning platforms,
industry networks,
and mentoring
programs to enhance
their knowledge and
• Recognize the
importance of
diversity and
inclusivity in
Embracing diverse
backgrounds, and
experiences can fuel
innovation and lead to
more successful
• Creating initiatives
and programs that
promote diversity in
entrepreneurship can
help ensure equal
access to
opportunities for
individuals from
different genders,
ethnicities, and socio-
Nurturing Entrepreneurial Success in the Future of Work


•HRM can ……
Identify and nurture entrepreneurial talent within the organization.
•Create a culture of innovation and risk-taking.
•Attract individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset through effective
•Provide training programs for entrepreneurial skills development.
•Empower employees to pursue innovative ideas (intrapreneurship).
•Offer flexible work arrangements for entrepreneurial pursuits.
•Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
•Establish incentive systems to motivate entrepreneurial behavior.
•Promote diversity and inclusion for innovative thinking.
•Evaluate and provide feedback for continuous learning.
•Leverage technology and data analytics for entrepreneurial
Unleashing the Power of HRM for
Fostering Entrepreneurial Success in the
Future of Work


Thank You


Dr. Preeti Bhaskar
University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra ,Oman
Preeti.bhaskar52@gmail.com or
Unleashing the Power of HRM for Fostering Entrepreneurial Success in
the Future of Work

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  • 1. Unleashing the Power of HRM for Fostering Entrepreneurial Success in the Future of Work Dr. Preeti Bhaskar University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra, Oman 30 June 2023
  • 2. What is the future of work? The ‘future of work’ describes predictions about what work habits, places, and practices might look like in the coming decades. Many trends that are changing workplaces, workforces, and the nature of work Pandemic accelerated those trends almost overnight and forever changed how we look at the workplace of the future.
  • 4. ELEMENTS • 71% of executives plan to spend more on Artificial intelligence in the coming year Deloitte survey (2020 ) • 86% of executives surveyed expect to see AI becoming a mainstream technology in their businesses (PWC reporting, 2022) According to a 2019 Oxford Economics study, in the next 20 years, global robot production will increase at an even more rapid rate, reaching 20 million by 2030. 88% of small business owners say automation allows their company to compete with larger companies (Zapier,2021). The top five industries in terms of integration use are: startups, agencies, marketing, education, and customer service (Paperform, 2022).
  • 5. ELEMENTS org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/what-is-meant-by-the-future-of-work.aspx Gig workers are independent contractors, online platform workers, contract firm workers, on-call workers, and temporary workers Gig workers has steadily rise, expanding by over 15% since 2010 ( ADP report, 2020). India’s gig workers may service 90 million jobs in next 8-10 years (Mint, 2021) Crowdsourcing is a practice of obtaining ideas, services, solutions, or content from an individual or group of people (the crowd). People involved in crowdsourcing sometimes work as paid freelancers, while others perform small tasks voluntarily. businesses look to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to gather ideas for new products and services. Netflix uses crowdsourcing to help improve its entertainment platform.It launched the Netflix Prize competition to see who could improve Netflix's algorithm to predict user viewing recommendations and offered the winner $1 million
  • 6. ELEMENTS -and-samples/hr-qa/pages/what-is-meant-by-the-future-of-work.aspx Remote workers are earning almost $8,600 more on average than their in-office peers (Fortune, 2023) 41% of workers will continue to work remotely on an indefinite basis (Gartner, 2020) A fluid work schedule is a flexible arrangement where the specific working hours and location can vary or be adjusted based on individual needs, project requirements, or personal preferences. This system allows companies to bring in people just for the short Term for new projects A collocated workspace refers to a physical office or workspace where individuals from different teams or organizations work together in the same location. It is a shared space where employees or professionals from various companies or departments come together to collaborate, communicate, and work on their respective tasks or projects within the shared office
  • 7. Future of work is reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape in several ways, creating both new opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs
  • 8. Shaping the Entrepreneurial Landscape in the Future of Work Digital Disruption • Technological advancements, such as automation, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, big data analytics, are disrupting industries and business models. • This disruption creates openings for entrepreneurs to leverage emerging technologies and develop innovative solutions that address evolving market needs. Remote and Flexible Work • The future of work is characterized by a shift towards remote and flexible work arrangements. The rise of remote work, freelancing, and the gig economy has created a more flexible and decentralized workforce. • Entrepreneurs can tap into this trend by building virtual teams, accessing talent from around the globe, and adapting their business models to accommodate flexible work arrangements. Gig Economy and Freelancing • The rise of the gig economy provides entrepreneurs with access to a pool of freelance talent, enabling them to assemble project-specific teams quickly. • Entrepreneurs can leverage freelancers for specific tasks or projects, reducing overhead costs and gaining access to specialized expertise. • The gig economy also offers opportunities for entrepreneurs to launch platforms or marketplaces that connect freelancers with clients, fostering entrepreneurship within the ecosystem. Changing Consumer Expectations • Consumer preferences and expectations are evolving, driven by digitalization and changing demographics. Entrepreneurs need to understand and cater to these changing preferences to remain competitive. • There is a growing demand for personalized experiences, sustainability, social responsibility, and digital integration, offering entrepreneurs opportunities to innovate and differentiate their offerings
  • 9. HRM: Enabling Entrepreneurial Innovation HRM's role in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives and contributing to entrepreneurial endeavors Real-world examples of organizations successfully integrating entrepreneurship, innovation, and HRM Real-Life Company Tales: How Poor HRM Practices Led to Startup Catastrophes
  • 10. Article link: https://www.samas.icu/how-poor-human-resources-management-can-lead-to-failure-for-startups/ Joey V. Price is the founder and CEO of Jumpstart:HR. The company offers HR outsourcing and consulting for startups and small businesses. Joey V. Price - a recent SHRM Top 30 Under 30 awardee. His HR and Career Management expertise has been featured in publications such as Forbes.com, Inc.com, SHRM's HR Magazine, Workforce Management Magazine, and more.
  • 11. Real-Life Company Tales: How Poor HRM Practices Led to Startup Catastrophes TinyOwl • TinyOwl was an Indian food delivery startup that faced significant challenges and eventually shut down in 2016. Poor HRM practices were cited as one of the factors contributing to its failure. • During its operations, TinyOwl faced employee protests and labor disputes. There were reports of non-payment of salaries, layoffs without proper compensation, and a lack of transparency in communication. These issues led to a deteriorating work environment, low employee morale, and a decline in overall performance. The company struggled to manage employee relations effectively, contributing to its downfall. Askme.com • AskMe was an Indian online classifieds and marketplace platform that ceased operations in 2016. Poor HRM practices were identified as one of the reasons behind its failure. • Employees of AskMe reported delayed salaries, non-payment of dues, and a lack of transparency from the management. The company faced a severe cash crunch, which further exacerbated the HR-related issues. The poor HRM practices, including financial mismanagement and lack of employee support, led to a breakdown in trust and negatively impacted the company's ability to sustain its operations. Stayzilla • Stayzilla was an Indian online marketplace for booking homestays and alternative accommodations. The startup gained popularity and raised significant funding, but it faced challenges that led to its shutdown in 2017. Poor HRM practices were identified as one of the contributing factors. • Reports suggested that Stayzilla had a toxic work environment with a lack of clear communication and a high-pressure culture. Employees reported instances of intimidation, harassment, and non-payment of salaries. The company's CEO was arrested in connection with a case filed by a vendor, which further added to the negative image of the company. The poor HRM practices, including the reported mistreatment of employees, damaged the company's reputation and resulted in a loss of trust.
  • 12. HRM's role in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives and contributing to entrepreneurial endeavors Talent acquisition and recruitment • Attracting and selecting the right talent for entrepreneurial initiatives to thrive in an entrepreneurial environment. Building an entrepreneurial culture • Fostering a climate of innovation, encouraging creativity, and promoting a mindset that embraces calculated risk-taking. • By investing in employees' Training and development, HRM ensures that employee have the necessary skills to contribute effectively to entrepreneurial initiatives. • Provide opportunities for employees to explore entrepreneurial roles within the organization, such as leading new initiatives or intrapreneurial projects. Performance management and rewards • HRM can design performance evaluation methods that focus on outcomes, innovation, and initiative- taking, rather than solely relying on traditional measures like meeting targets or following predefined processes. HRM can design provide reward systems for innovative idea or initiatives that support intrapreneurship and entrepreneurial endeavors Change management and organizational agility • Entrepreneurial initiatives often involve navigating change and uncertainty. HRM plays a vital role in change management by supporting employees through transitions, facilitating open communication, and creating an agile organizational structure that can adapt to evolving market conditions. • HRM professionals act as change agents, helping employees embrace new ideas, processes, and technologies.
  • 13. From Ideation to Success: Real Case Examples Showcasing the Power of HRM-Driven Entrepreneurship in India" Flipkart introduced the "Intrapreneurship Program," which allows employees to work on their own entrepreneurial ideas within the company. This initiative promotes a culture of innovation, empowers employees to take risks, and nurtures their entrepreneurial spirit. Zomato offers its employees stock options, allowing them to become stakeholders in the business. This strategy not only attracts and retains top talent but also aligns the employees' interests with the long-term success of the company. Zomato's HRM practices foster entrepreneurial mindset among employees had contributed to the growth and sustainability of Zomato OYO conduct recruitment drives at top management institutes to attract entrepreneurial talent. Additionally, OYO invests significantly in training and development programs for its employees, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the dynamic startup environment. These HRM practices have played a vital role in OYO's expansion and establishment as a leading player in the hospitality industry. Freshworks, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company encourages employees to take ownership of their projects and provides them with the autonomy to make decisions. Freshworks also promotes cross- functional collaboration and idea-sharing through initiatives like hackathons and innovation challenges. These HRM practices have not only led to the development of innovative products but have also fostered a sense of intrapreneurship among employees.
  • 14. Collaborative Ecosystems • Entrepreneurial ecosystems are flourishing, comprising incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, and startup communities. • These ecosystems provide support, mentorship, and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and access to funding. Innovation and Creativity • In the future of work, innovation and creativity are highly valued. Entrepreneurs who can bring fresh ideas, disrupt established industries, and develop novel solutions have a significant advantage. • There is a growing demand for entrepreneurial thinking within organizations as well, leading to the rise of intrapreneurship. Agile and Lean Approaches • Traditional business models are giving way to more agile and lean approaches. • Entrepreneurs are embracing methodologies like lean startup and design thinking, enabling them to iterate quickly, gather customer feedback, and pivot as needed. • This allows for faster experimentation, innovation, and adaptation to market demands. Changing Skill Requirements • As the nature of work evolves, entrepreneurs need to continuously upgrade their skills and adapt to new technologies and market dynamics. • Lifelong learning and upskilling are crucial for entrepreneurs to stay relevant, seize emerging opportunities, and navigate challenges. • Entrepreneurs can leverage online learning platforms, industry networks, and mentoring programs to enhance their knowledge and capabilities. Promote diversity and inclusivity • Recognize the importance of diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship. Embracing diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences can fuel innovation and lead to more successful businesses. • Creating initiatives and programs that promote diversity in entrepreneurship can help ensure equal access to opportunities for individuals from different genders, ethnicities, and socio- economic backgrounds. Nurturing Entrepreneurial Success in the Future of Work
  • 15. Conclusion •HRM can …… Identify and nurture entrepreneurial talent within the organization. •Create a culture of innovation and risk-taking. •Attract individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset through effective recruitment. •Provide training programs for entrepreneurial skills development. •Empower employees to pursue innovative ideas (intrapreneurship). •Offer flexible work arrangements for entrepreneurial pursuits. •Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. •Establish incentive systems to motivate entrepreneurial behavior. •Promote diversity and inclusion for innovative thinking. •Evaluate and provide feedback for continuous learning. •Leverage technology and data analytics for entrepreneurial initiatives. Unleashing the Power of HRM for Fostering Entrepreneurial Success in the Future of Work
  • 17. Dr. Preeti Bhaskar University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibra ,Oman Preeti.bhaskar52@gmail.com or preeti.bhaskar@utas.edu.om https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=RXkVRWM AAAAJ&hl=en https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Preeti-Bhaskar https://www.linkedin.com/in/preeti-bhaskar- a8242a25/ https://www.slideshare.net/preeti52 https://www.instagram.com/preety.bhaskar/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/preeti.bhaskar.9 Unleashing the Power of HRM for Fostering Entrepreneurial Success in the Future of Work