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The General Quiz
Conducted by Arnav Sinha
(MnA Knowledge Solutions)
•  These are the Prelims and the Finals of the General Quiz
conducted as part of IISER Mohali’s cultural fest, Insomnia
2016, on March 6, 2016.
•  The Prelims, with their answers, begin from the nest slide.
•  If you want to jump to the finals, please begin from Slide 54.
The General Quiz
Conducted by Arnav Sinha
•  25 Questions; each answer worth 1 point
•  Multiples of 5 are starred questions, meant to
break a tie
•  If tie remains after using these questions, we’ll
compare questions from the top
•  No Negatives, so please take a shot at all the
questions – nothing worse than kicking yourself (or
your team-mate) on missing qualification by that
one answer you missed writing!
Q. 1
Monument dedicated to which
famous European?
Ivan Pavlov, the Russian
physiologist, known for his
experiments concerning
conditioning in dogs
Q. 2
This Twitter acccount has been steadily gaining followers
worldwide over the last few months.
What is this person’s claim to fame?
Neel Sethi is playing Mowgli in Disney’s live action
movie The Jungle Book
Q. 3
In Open Era Tennis Singles, across men
and women, the 2nd longest match winning
streak belongs to Steffi Graf (66 matches in
1989-90), and the 3rd longest to Martina
Navratilova (58 in 1986-87).
Who holds the longest streak?
Martina Navratilova (74 in 1984)
Q. 4
For half points apiece, fill in the two blanks. This whopper of a
tweet/headline is from Feb 2014. The lady is Baroness Michelle
Mone, a well-known British entrepreneur, whose company deals in
a specific category of products.
She is known for establishing the company MJM International,
which sells lingerie products under the brand Ultimo.
Q. 5*
Which play, played many times to ovations by
Dr Shriram Lagoo?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 6
In the list of longest wars on Wikipedia, the longest is 770 years
(Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula), and the shortest is 12 years
(Napoleonic Wars).
There are 4 wars listed as ongoing. Two of the shorter ones are War
in Afghanistan (37 years and some loose change) and ‘War on
Terror’ (14 years). The longest is the Karen conflict in Myanmar (66
Which is the 2nd longest ongoing war?
North Korea vs South Korea
Q. 7
Results from the 2014
Lok Sabha Elections
based on decreasing order
of vote%.
Who/what is blanked
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 8
‘A hitman often hired by Latin American mafias to kill someone’.
What 7-letter word that gained more widespread familiarity in 2015?
The word would have been heard again by millions and millions of
people a few times on the 28th-29th of last month.
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 9
In 2005, the US edition of which widely selling general interest
magazine adopted the slogan “America in your pocket”?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 10*This font, based on certain current affairs, has been
referred to as ‘_______ Bold’. Fill the blank.
Hillary (or Clinton) Bold
Q. 11
Parliament generally has very little time for scrutinizing the
expenditure demands of all the ministries. Plus, other
pressing political matters eat into the time allocated for the
So, once the prescribed period for the discussion on
demands for grants is over, the speaker applies the
`_______', - a final cut, so to speak - and all the outstanding
demands for grants, whether discussed or not, are put to
What 10-letter word fills the blank, connected more with
French heads?
Q. 12
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India, the University of
Wisconsin-Madison (UW) and the Indo-US Science and Technology
Forum (IUSSTF) partnered in 2009 to jointly develop the prestigious
_____ Program.
The ______ Program is a summer internship program for Indian students
(currently enrolled in B.Tech., M.Tech. and M.Sc. programs in
Biotechnology and allied areas) to undertake a summer research internship
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and partner US Universities. Who
is this program named after?
Har Gobind Khorana
Q. 13
According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna saved the residents of a
village from Indra’s anger by lifting the Govardhan for an entire week,
foregoing all food. The compensation from the indebted villagers is the
reasoning behind the number of food items that form a part of the
Mahaprasad at the Jagannath temple in Puri.
How many food items?
56, and hence the term Chhappan Bhog
Q. 14
What widely disproved, but still believed, wrong done by the libido of
the Swedish person of science on the left was corrected by the Canadian
person of science on the right?
Fields Medal
Person on the left is Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler, who is supposed
to have had an affair with the unmarried Alfred Nobel’s wife
Q. 15*
Identify the little boy in the
Omar Abdullah
Q. 16According to creator
Danny Boyle, the attire of
which fictional TV (and
film) personality was the
inspiration for the design of
the space-suit in his film
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 17Known as the ‘biquoquet’ and worn at the
time of mourning, the head feature of this
dress gives its name to a bodily feature, found
in many. The etymology of this feature (in
English) seems to stem from the belief that it
can lead to early spousal bereavement.
There’s also a mourning cap called the Mary
Stuart cap, which enhances this feature
What body feature are we talking about?
Widow’s Peak
Q. 18
Identify the poet?
Bahadur Shah Zafar
Q. 19According to People’s Daily Online in China news story
in 2015, the International Butler Academy at Chengdu
has been doing very well in the last few years. China’s
growing millionaires are particularly keen on house-
keepers who can polish silverware, iron perfect creases
into tablecloths and identify the correct cutlery for an
eight-course banquet – and they want them to do it in
perfect style.
This effect is known commonly in China’s media as
The ________ _______ Effect. What fills the blanks?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 20*
Identify the cartoonist.
Q. 21
Two products from a North-India based business
group. What is the group’s flagship brand – the largest
revenue generator for them by far?
The Group is Mohan Meakin Ltd
Q. 22
& 23
Russell Brand performing at the Closing ceremony of
the 2012 London Olympics.
Q. 22: Which song is he performing?
Q. 23: What/who is he dressed as?
22. I Am The Walrus by The Beatles
23. Willie Wonka
Q. 24
•  Chief Editor, Yog Sandesh
•  Chairman & MD, _______ ________
•  MD, ________ Bio Research Institute
•  MD, Vedic Broadcasting Ltd
•  MD, ________ Food and Herbal Park
•  Chancellor, _________ University
•  Co-author of books such as:
•  Secrets of Indian herbs
•  Bhakti Gitanjali
•  Vitality Strengthening Astavarga Plants
•  Vaidika Nitykarma Vidhi
Pehchan Kaun?
Q. 25*
This iconic photograph
mimics the famous painting it
is inspired by. Name the
painting/photograph. The
painting has more than people
in it.
American Gothic
The General Quiz
Conducted by Arnav Sinha
Round One
Infinite Bounce - Clockwise
•  13 Questions; each answer worth 10 points on
Clockwise IB and no negatives
•  Each team can pounce four times in the round
•  Pounces count whether right or wrong
•  In case of part points, the new question goes to the
team next to the one answering the 2nd part
Q. 1
Located in Gloucestershire, England, this large country house is
famous, among other things, for a collection of life-sized portraits of
horses by the artist John Wootton.
A popular story goes that to prevent these valuable paintings from
getting spoilt by the children playing in the Great Hall in the 1860s,
the original rubber or lead parts were removed in a key component
of the game. What game, what instrument?
Badminton, Shuttlecocks
(This is the Badminton House, from which the sport
Poonah got its new name)
Q. 2
Tongzhi is a slang term used since the 1990s by
members of the LGBT community in China to refer
to each other. It was first adopted in this sense at the
Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in Hong Kong in
1989 and has gained common currency since then.
This is considered a sign of cultural changes in
mainstream Chinese life, considering that the word
had a very common use in a very different sense in
more conservative times.
What is the corresponding English word for tongzhi,
in which sense it was used socially and politically in
China through most of the 20th century (and is still
used in limited circles)?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 3
Location of a valley in Germany,
close to Dusseldorf.
The valley has been famous for a
scientific discovery since the 1850s,
even though most of us wouldn’t
know that it is named after a 17th
century pastor, Joachim _____, who
used to come here for the peace it
provided him for his compositions.
The surname was a Greek
translation of his family name
What surname, or what connection?
Neander, giving its name to Neanderthal
Q. 4
A fata morgana is a complicated optical effect that
occurs when there are multiple layers of air currents
at different temperatures, which magnify images and
refract light, seeming to create objects, and sometimes
entire cities on the horizon.
Named after King Arthur’s shape-shifting half sister
Morgan Le Fay from mythology, the specific set of
conditions that cause this effect often happen with
weather changes preceding a storm.
This is the generally accepted scientific explanation
for what myth (and now pop-culture element) that
first seems to have been mentioned in a 1790 book
called Travels in various part of Europe, Asia and
Africa during a series of thirty years and upward?
Appearance of The Flying Dutchman, and the bad luck it is
supposed to bring.
Q. 5
2008 2009
In what manner will the winner
of Miss Israel 2004, whose first
name means ‘wave’ and
surname means ‘riverbanks’,
join this non-exhaustive club in
Gal Gadot will become the next actress to portray Wonder
Woman. Some of the actresses in the earlier slide have only
voiced the character, while some have played her in live action
Q. 6
Thematic elements from an 1899 novella, considered
racist by many postcolonial literature experts, are
reflected in the two most famous works of poetry of a
Nobel-winning British man of literature.
For instance, these lines from part III of a poem,
Red sails
The barges drift
With the turning tide
appear to be inspired by this passage from page 1 of the novella:
In the offing the sea and the sky were welded together without a joint, and in
the luminous space the tanned sails of the barges drifting up with the tide
seemed to stand still in red clusters of canvas sharply peaked, with gleams of
varnished spirits.
Identify the poem and the novella.
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 7
What sporting connect do these images have? One of them was more
successful than the others.
Logos of the candidature teams from different cities for hosting the
2020 Olympics. Tokyo’s won (of course, there’s more to winning than
a beautiful logo).
Q. 8
Ornithogalum is a genus of perennial plants mostly native to southern
Europe and southern Africa. The genus also has a three word common
name that gives it a Biblical connection. What?
Star of Bethlehem
Q. 9
The 1905/06 tour of this team of the British Isles and France is
considered one of the most important series in the country’s rich
sporting history. The team won 34 of the 35 matches played, with the
only match lost to Wales, who had prepared very well and also used
home-ground advantage to the fullest. This included singing of the
Welsh anthem, making it the first sporting fixture where the national
anthem was sung before the match.
a)  What was the anthem supposed to be a psychological counter to?
b)  This team was given a nickname on this tour for the first time,
which has persisted. What nickname?
The team was the New Zealand national rugby team. The anthem was
meant to counter the effect of The Haka. This was also the series in
which the ‘All Blacks’ name became popular.
Q. 10
This celebrated book tells the story of
Kingsley Ibe, fresh out of college with an
engineering degree, but unable to find a job.
He turns for a loan to his uncle, who is
nicknamed ‘Cash Daddy’, because he runs a
lucrative business of 419ers.
What do 419ers do and why are they thus
A 419er is that distant uncle of yours who is leaving you his huge
wealth and just wants your personal details.
These Nigerian spammers are known as 419ers because Section
419 in the Nigerian Law deals with the crime of spamming.
Q. 11
Metal handicraft from _____, it was
developed in the 14th century C.E.
during the rule of the Bahamani
The term ’____ware' originates from
the township of ____, which is still the
chief centre for the manufacture of the
unique metalware.
Due to its striking inlay artwork, it is an
important export handicraft of India
and is prized as a symbol of wealth.
The metal used is a blackened alloy of
zinc and copper, inlaid with thin sheets
of pure silver. Name the place or the
handicraft form.
Bidriware from Bidar
Q. 12
About 50 years old now, this lady has been
living with her husband Sharif Ahmed (an
automobile showroom owner) and two
children in a posh locality of Chetpet in
Chennai for the last 10 years.
The family, described as cordial by the
neighbors, tries to keep a low profile, and is
provided round-the-clock security by the Tamil
Nadu Police special armed force unit.
She was in the news briefly earlier this year, but
this doctor’s real claim to fame is from an
internationally covered incident over 25 years
ago, which also made her unpopular in her
own state.
What was this incident all about?
This is Rubaiya Sayeed, Mufti
Mohammad Sayeed’s daughter, who was
kidnapped by JKLF in 1989 and released
in exchange for 5 terrorists a few days
This incident is considered a watershed in
the history of terrorism in the Kashmir
valley, resulting in its strengthening.
Was in the news again when her father
passed away earlier this year.
Q. 13
Spring Zouk is the name of a festival that was held February 3–5, 2012
at Udupi beach on St Mary’s Islands. The festival was a project
coordinated by the state government and various sponsors to attract
international tourism.
Why did a rave party at the festival prove a little too costly for two
gentlemen called Laxman Savadi and CC Patil?
The two BJP cabinet ministers were caught watching a video from the
rave party in the Karnataka Assembly.
Round Three
Visual Connect
•  18 Elements, with an exhaustive theme common
to them
•  The 18 Elements are shown in six sets of three
only as a matter of convenience; no significance to
the specific grouping chosen
•  No individual identification required
•  Each team can attempt the theme once after every
question is revealed; scoring at that stage given on
the corresponding question slide
•  The general area of the theme is ‘basic sciences’.
Q. 1/6
1. In the vast legendarium of JRR Tolkien, Boromir of
Gondor was named after Boromir, son of _____, of the
Line of Bëor
2. 3. In Norse mythology, Freyja, is a
goddess associated with love, beauty,
fertility, gold, war and death, and is
attested as having nine additional
names: Gefn, Hörn, Mardöll, Skjálf,
Sýr, Thröng, Thrungva, Valfreyja, and
Q. 2/6
4. A five-cent coin struck by the United States mint,
composed of 75% copper, has been in issue since 1866.
5. ______ is a historically
important town in the
Hassan district. People are
likely to confuse its name
with an equally famous holy
shrine in Kolkata.
Philosopher’s Wool has been one
of the oldest tricks of alchemists
to impress people by converting a
solid into powdered form.
Q. 3/6
7. ______ salts are used as psychiatric medication,
including for major depressive disorders when other
antidepressants don’t work, and is prescribed for bipolar
disorder as well.
9. A derogatory term for Japanese people, it’s a portmanteau word for
the weird stuff they read and who they are.
______ glass, or ‘smalt’, when ground as
a pigment, is a deep blue colored glass.
One variety, the Bristol blue glass
(shown here) is very popular with
Q. 4/6
10. A very recent term - most historians agree on the
18th century - to a historical and cultural-linguistic region
in Northern Europe characterized by a common ethno-
cultural North Germanic heritage and mutually
intelligible North Germanic languages.
11. 12.
Q. 5/6
13. Joint venture between Delhi-based Jaina Group and
Bangalore-based UTL Group. The company is a
manufacturer of both mobile phones and tablets
14. 15.
Q. 6/6
17. 18.
1.  Boron
2.  Copper
3.  Vanadium
4.  Nickel
5.  Belur (Beryllium)
6.  Zinc
7.  Lithium
8.  Cobalt
9.  Manganese
10. Scandium
11. Titanium
12. Nitrogen
13. Karbonn (Carbon)
14. Chromium
15. O2 (Oxygen)
16. Fluoride (Fluorine)
17. Neon
18. Irons (Iron)
Connect: The 18 Groups or Families of the Periodic Table
(Coincidentally, on March 6, 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev presented his
first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society)
Round Three
Infinite Bounce - AntiClockwise
•  13 Questions; each answer worth 10 points on
AntiClockwise IB and no negatives
•  Each team can pounce four times in the round
•  Pounces count whether right or wrong
•  In case of part points, the new question goes to the
team next to the one answering the 2nd part
Q. 1
Kitty Genovese was a NY City woman who was
stabbed to death outside her apartment building in
Queens in March, 1964. At the time she was
working as a bar-tender and sharing her flat with her
romantic partner Mary Ann Zielonko.
Since the murder was in broad daylight and there
were thirty-eight witnesses, the perpetrator Winston
Moseley was apprehended easily a few days later
and the prosecution had no trouble getting him a
The incident gave birth to a psychological study of
the ‘Genovese Effect’, which scientists have still not
been able to give a definite explanation for, even
though there have been similar incidents across
cultures, including a very notable one a few years
back in India.
What is the Genovese Effect?
Genovese Effect, or ‘bystander effect’, where a large group of
onlookers do not try to overcome one or few perpetrators, or even
refuse to come to the help of the victim after the perp has fled.
Q. 2
In the popular book Age of Ambition: Chasing
Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China, the
author relates several quaint aspects of the Chinese
One such incident occurs around March 2011, when
after a season of sandstorms, residents of Beijing visit
the flower markets on the edge of the capital to bring
home some color. But on this occasion, the flower
sellers have received an unusual order – do not sell
_______. No matter what the price offered, no
_______. And if anyone comes around asking to buy
it, jot down the license plate number and call in.
Fill the blank, and give the reason for this strange
order from the powers-that-be.
Jasmine. This was the period of the Jasmine Revolution in the
Middle East, and the Chinese Government was fearful of the symbol
of this revolution encouraging people in Beijing to stage their own
Q. 3
This lady, who already has a few
movies in the South to her credit, is
scheduled to get her really big break
with a film in 2016 for which the
male lead has supposedly been paid
a fee of INR 50 Cr. The film’s genre
on IMDb is given as ‘Adventure,
Drama, History, Romance, War’.
Which film, whose principal on-site
photography has taken place at Bhuj
in Gujarat?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 4
This 2015 film is based on the true story of LA resident Maria
Altmann, who along with her lawyer fought the Austrian government
for almost a decade to reclaim art belonging to her aunt taken by the
Nazis. What was the most expensive piece in this collection, which
sold for USD 135 mn in 2006?
Portrait of Adele
Bloch-Bauer I by
Gustav Kilmt, the
Austrian painter. Ms
Bloch-Bauer was
Altmann’s aunt.
Q. 5
The ______ ______ Curve was
introduced in 2012 as a relationship
between inequality and
intergenerational immobility.
It is symbolic of a dangerous world-
wide trend that the greater the income
inequality in a country, the greater the
chance of the son’s generation
inheriting the father’s poor economic
conditions. It is ironically named after a
novel where the title character shows a
high degree of mobility, rising from a
bootlegger to leading the social set in a
New York locality.
Which novel?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 6
In 2014, on the occasion of its 60th anniversary,
Sports Illustrated narrowed down its 3,069 covers to
32 and had a readers’ vote to choose the most iconic
cover of all time.
The landslide winner was the March 3, 1980 cover,
called the ‘Miracle on Ice’. This referred to the 1980
Winter Olympics ice-hockey semi-final game in
which the US team, made up of amateur and
collegiate players, defeated the powerful Soviet
Union team.
The cover that featured an image from the match was
unique for another reason. What was different about
this cover, which would be a rare occurrence on SI
No headline or text
describing the story.
According to the designer, it
was not needed because
everyone in the country
knew about it.
Q. 7
DKT International is an NGO that works in the field of family
planning and HIV prevention. It is named after Dharmendra
Kumar Tyagi, a late Indian official, who played a pioneering role in
popularizing these concepts in the 1950s in India.
What symbol, now seen in India and many other countries, did Mr
Tyagi design?
IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz
Q. 8Connect a gentleman called Salman Ahmad and his
friends Nusrat Hussain and Ali Azmat to these two
images (show the connect to at least two entities).
Bond’s book made into the
Shyam Benegal film; Vikas
Khanna’s restaurant; the
Pakistani band
Q. 9
In ODIs, among Indians, Roger Binny did it twice in the 1980s,
Kapil Dev did it once in 1992, Virender Sehwag did it once in 2003
and Irfan Pathan did it once in 2005.
What rather difficult thing to do, and who holds the record among
all the countries at 45?
Opening the batting and bowling in the same match;
Manoj Prabhakar
Q. 10
Hyalinobatrachium dianae is a species of glass frog discovered in
Costa Rica and first reported in April 2015.
The discovery attracted substantial interest in popular media, unusual
for such creatures.
After the news went viral, an American media company released an
official interview, where the interviewee talked about the creature,
saying, for example, “Googly eyes run in our family”.
Who was the interviewee?
Kermit the Frog. The company was Disney.
Q. 11
In the Lok Sabha, after new members are elected, the first person to
be sworn in is the pro tem speaker, who then swears in the other
MPs. All this happens normally on the same day.
For the current Lok Sabha though, for the first time in history, the
pro tem speaker, Kamal Nath, was the only Lok Sabha MP sworn in
for 24 hours. How come?
The Lok Sabha was dismissed to mourn Gopinath Munde’s death,
and the remaining swearing-in ceremony was postponed by a day.
Q. 12
Tobias _____ (1544 – 1631) is
remembered for running a lucrative
stable business that handled the mail-
delivery between London and
Cambridge. Also rented out horses,
when not on delivery errands.
On discovering that his fastest horses
were getting overworked, he
established a strict rotation system,
allowing customers to rent only the
next horse in line.
What contribution to the English
language has this gentleman made as a
result of the manner in which he
conducted his business?
Hobson’s Choice.
The appearance of a free choice where only one choice is offered.
Facebook: Quizmasters.India
Twitter: @arnavsinha
Tele: +91 96197 30040
Q. 13
Saw your face last night on the tube
Strong fine snake in a sucker's vacuum
15 clicks and it's time to say bye
15 trips and a love that won't die
Me and myself killed a world today
Me and myself got a world to save
Broadcast dead revolution don't pay
Strapped up freaks on the Lazarus
I can tell just by the climate, and I can
tell just by the style
I was born and raised on Venus and I
may be here a while
Cause every supersonic jerk off who
plugs into the game
Is just like every subatomic genius who
just invented pain
This single, titled ______ _____
_____, from their 1995 album
was the first successful one by
the band Monster Magnet.
It is supposed to be about rock
stars who always seem to be
negative (hence the word ______
in the title), and whose lyrics
always seem to deal with
depression and such things.
For what blockbuster reason are
many film fans, even those not
into music, likely to have dug up
information on this song this
The song is called Negasonic Teenage Warhead, which was the
inspiration for the name of the minor Marvel character seen this
year in Deadpool.
Facebook: Quizmasters.India
Twitter: @arnavsinha
Tele: +91 96197 30040

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IISER Mohali Insomnia 2016 General Quiz

  • 1. Jigyasa: The General Quiz Conducted by Arnav Sinha (MnA Knowledge Solutions) /Quizmasters.India @arnavsinha
  • 2. •  These are the Prelims and the Finals of the General Quiz conducted as part of IISER Mohali’s cultural fest, Insomnia 2016, on March 6, 2016. •  The Prelims, with their answers, begin from the nest slide. •  If you want to jump to the finals, please begin from Slide 54.
  • 3. Jigyasa: The General Quiz PRELIMS Conducted by Arnav Sinha /Quizmasters.India @arnavsinha
  • 4. RULES •  25 Questions; each answer worth 1 point •  Multiples of 5 are starred questions, meant to break a tie •  If tie remains after using these questions, we’ll compare questions from the top •  No Negatives, so please take a shot at all the questions – nothing worse than kicking yourself (or your team-mate) on missing qualification by that one answer you missed writing!
  • 6. Q. 1 Monument dedicated to which famous European?
  • 7. Ivan Pavlov, the Russian physiologist, known for his experiments concerning conditioning in dogs
  • 8. Q. 2 This Twitter acccount has been steadily gaining followers worldwide over the last few months. What is this person’s claim to fame?
  • 9. Neel Sethi is playing Mowgli in Disney’s live action movie The Jungle Book
  • 10. Q. 3 In Open Era Tennis Singles, across men and women, the 2nd longest match winning streak belongs to Steffi Graf (66 matches in 1989-90), and the 3rd longest to Martina Navratilova (58 in 1986-87). Who holds the longest streak?
  • 12. Q. 4 For half points apiece, fill in the two blanks. This whopper of a tweet/headline is from Feb 2014. The lady is Baroness Michelle Mone, a well-known British entrepreneur, whose company deals in a specific category of products.
  • 13. z. She is known for establishing the company MJM International, which sells lingerie products under the brand Ultimo.
  • 14. Q. 5* Which play, played many times to ovations by Dr Shriram Lagoo?
  • 16. Q. 6 In the list of longest wars on Wikipedia, the longest is 770 years (Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula), and the shortest is 12 years (Napoleonic Wars). There are 4 wars listed as ongoing. Two of the shorter ones are War in Afghanistan (37 years and some loose change) and ‘War on Terror’ (14 years). The longest is the Karen conflict in Myanmar (66 years). Which is the 2nd longest ongoing war?
  • 17. North Korea vs South Korea
  • 18. Q. 7 Results from the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections based on decreasing order of vote%. Who/what is blanked out?
  • 20. Q. 8 ‘A hitman often hired by Latin American mafias to kill someone’. What 7-letter word that gained more widespread familiarity in 2015? The word would have been heard again by millions and millions of people a few times on the 28th-29th of last month.
  • 22. Q. 9 In 2005, the US edition of which widely selling general interest magazine adopted the slogan “America in your pocket”?
  • 24. Q. 10*This font, based on certain current affairs, has been referred to as ‘_______ Bold’. Fill the blank.
  • 26. Q. 11 Parliament generally has very little time for scrutinizing the expenditure demands of all the ministries. Plus, other pressing political matters eat into the time allocated for the ministries. So, once the prescribed period for the discussion on demands for grants is over, the speaker applies the `_______', - a final cut, so to speak - and all the outstanding demands for grants, whether discussed or not, are put to vote. What 10-letter word fills the blank, connected more with French heads?
  • 28. Q. 12 The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India, the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) and the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) partnered in 2009 to jointly develop the prestigious _____ Program. The ______ Program is a summer internship program for Indian students (currently enrolled in B.Tech., M.Tech. and M.Sc. programs in Biotechnology and allied areas) to undertake a summer research internship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and partner US Universities. Who is this program named after?
  • 30. Q. 13 According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna saved the residents of a village from Indra’s anger by lifting the Govardhan for an entire week, foregoing all food. The compensation from the indebted villagers is the reasoning behind the number of food items that form a part of the Mahaprasad at the Jagannath temple in Puri. How many food items?
  • 31. 56, and hence the term Chhappan Bhog
  • 32. Q. 14 What widely disproved, but still believed, wrong done by the libido of the Swedish person of science on the left was corrected by the Canadian person of science on the right?
  • 33. Fields Medal Person on the left is Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler, who is supposed to have had an affair with the unmarried Alfred Nobel’s wife
  • 34. Q. 15* av? Identify the little boy in the image.
  • 36. Q. 16According to creator Danny Boyle, the attire of which fictional TV (and film) personality was the inspiration for the design of the space-suit in his film Sunshine?
  • 38. Q. 17Known as the ‘biquoquet’ and worn at the time of mourning, the head feature of this dress gives its name to a bodily feature, found in many. The etymology of this feature (in English) seems to stem from the belief that it can lead to early spousal bereavement. There’s also a mourning cap called the Mary Stuart cap, which enhances this feature artificially. What body feature are we talking about?
  • 42. Q. 19According to People’s Daily Online in China news story in 2015, the International Butler Academy at Chengdu has been doing very well in the last few years. China’s growing millionaires are particularly keen on house- keepers who can polish silverware, iron perfect creases into tablecloths and identify the correct cutlery for an eight-course banquet – and they want them to do it in perfect style. This effect is known commonly in China’s media as The ________ _______ Effect. What fills the blanks?
  • 44. Q. 20* Identify the cartoonist.
  • 45. ‘z.
  • 46. Q. 21 Two products from a North-India based business group. What is the group’s flagship brand – the largest revenue generator for them by far?
  • 47. The Group is Mohan Meakin Ltd
  • 48. Q. 22 & 23 Russell Brand performing at the Closing ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. Q. 22: Which song is he performing? Q. 23: What/who is he dressed as?
  • 49. 22. I Am The Walrus by The Beatles 23. Willie Wonka
  • 50. Q. 24 •  Chief Editor, Yog Sandesh •  Chairman & MD, _______ ________ •  MD, ________ Bio Research Institute •  MD, Vedic Broadcasting Ltd •  MD, ________ Food and Herbal Park •  Chancellor, _________ University •  Co-author of books such as: •  Secrets of Indian herbs •  Bhakti Gitanjali •  Vitality Strengthening Astavarga Plants •  Vaidika Nitykarma Vidhi Pehchan Kaun?
  • 52. Q. 25* This iconic photograph mimics the famous painting it is inspired by. Name the painting/photograph. The painting has more than people in it.
  • 54. Jigyasa: The General Quiz FINALS Conducted by Arnav Sinha /Quizmasters.India @arnavsinha
  • 56. RULES •  13 Questions; each answer worth 10 points on Clockwise IB and no negatives •  Each team can pounce four times in the round (+20/-10) •  Pounces count whether right or wrong •  In case of part points, the new question goes to the team next to the one answering the 2nd part
  • 57. Q. 1 Located in Gloucestershire, England, this large country house is famous, among other things, for a collection of life-sized portraits of horses by the artist John Wootton. A popular story goes that to prevent these valuable paintings from getting spoilt by the children playing in the Great Hall in the 1860s, the original rubber or lead parts were removed in a key component of the game. What game, what instrument?
  • 59. Badminton, Shuttlecocks (This is the Badminton House, from which the sport Poonah got its new name)
  • 60. Q. 2 Tongzhi is a slang term used since the 1990s by members of the LGBT community in China to refer to each other. It was first adopted in this sense at the Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in Hong Kong in 1989 and has gained common currency since then. This is considered a sign of cultural changes in mainstream Chinese life, considering that the word had a very common use in a very different sense in more conservative times. What is the corresponding English word for tongzhi, in which sense it was used socially and politically in China through most of the 20th century (and is still used in limited circles)?
  • 63. Q. 3 Location of a valley in Germany, close to Dusseldorf. The valley has been famous for a scientific discovery since the 1850s, even though most of us wouldn’t know that it is named after a 17th century pastor, Joachim _____, who used to come here for the peace it provided him for his compositions. The surname was a Greek translation of his family name Neumann. What surname, or what connection?
  • 65. Neander, giving its name to Neanderthal
  • 66. Q. 4 A fata morgana is a complicated optical effect that occurs when there are multiple layers of air currents at different temperatures, which magnify images and refract light, seeming to create objects, and sometimes entire cities on the horizon. Named after King Arthur’s shape-shifting half sister Morgan Le Fay from mythology, the specific set of conditions that cause this effect often happen with weather changes preceding a storm. This is the generally accepted scientific explanation for what myth (and now pop-culture element) that first seems to have been mentioned in a 1790 book called Travels in various part of Europe, Asia and Africa during a series of thirty years and upward?
  • 68. Appearance of The Flying Dutchman, and the bad luck it is supposed to bring.
  • 69. Q. 5 1991 2013 2008 2009 2014 2010 In what manner will the winner of Miss Israel 2004, whose first name means ‘wave’ and surname means ‘riverbanks’, join this non-exhaustive club in 2016?
  • 71. Gal Gadot will become the next actress to portray Wonder Woman. Some of the actresses in the earlier slide have only voiced the character, while some have played her in live action films.
  • 72. Q. 6 Thematic elements from an 1899 novella, considered racist by many postcolonial literature experts, are reflected in the two most famous works of poetry of a Nobel-winning British man of literature. For instance, these lines from part III of a poem, Red sails The barges drift With the turning tide appear to be inspired by this passage from page 1 of the novella: In the offing the sea and the sky were welded together without a joint, and in the luminous space the tanned sails of the barges drifting up with the tide seemed to stand still in red clusters of canvas sharply peaked, with gleams of varnished spirits. Identify the poem and the novella.
  • 75. Q. 7 What sporting connect do these images have? One of them was more successful than the others.
  • 77. Logos of the candidature teams from different cities for hosting the 2020 Olympics. Tokyo’s won (of course, there’s more to winning than a beautiful logo).
  • 78. Q. 8 Ornithogalum is a genus of perennial plants mostly native to southern Europe and southern Africa. The genus also has a three word common name that gives it a Biblical connection. What?
  • 81. Q. 9 The 1905/06 tour of this team of the British Isles and France is considered one of the most important series in the country’s rich sporting history. The team won 34 of the 35 matches played, with the only match lost to Wales, who had prepared very well and also used home-ground advantage to the fullest. This included singing of the Welsh anthem, making it the first sporting fixture where the national anthem was sung before the match. a)  What was the anthem supposed to be a psychological counter to? b)  This team was given a nickname on this tour for the first time, which has persisted. What nickname?
  • 83. The team was the New Zealand national rugby team. The anthem was meant to counter the effect of The Haka. This was also the series in which the ‘All Blacks’ name became popular.
  • 84. Q. 10 This celebrated book tells the story of Kingsley Ibe, fresh out of college with an engineering degree, but unable to find a job. He turns for a loan to his uncle, who is nicknamed ‘Cash Daddy’, because he runs a lucrative business of 419ers. What do 419ers do and why are they thus named?
  • 86. A 419er is that distant uncle of yours who is leaving you his huge wealth and just wants your personal details. These Nigerian spammers are known as 419ers because Section 419 in the Nigerian Law deals with the crime of spamming.
  • 87. Q. 11 Metal handicraft from _____, it was developed in the 14th century C.E. during the rule of the Bahamani Sultans. The term ’____ware' originates from the township of ____, which is still the chief centre for the manufacture of the unique metalware. Due to its striking inlay artwork, it is an important export handicraft of India and is prized as a symbol of wealth. The metal used is a blackened alloy of zinc and copper, inlaid with thin sheets of pure silver. Name the place or the handicraft form.
  • 90. Q. 12 About 50 years old now, this lady has been living with her husband Sharif Ahmed (an automobile showroom owner) and two children in a posh locality of Chetpet in Chennai for the last 10 years. The family, described as cordial by the neighbors, tries to keep a low profile, and is provided round-the-clock security by the Tamil Nadu Police special armed force unit. She was in the news briefly earlier this year, but this doctor’s real claim to fame is from an internationally covered incident over 25 years ago, which also made her unpopular in her own state. What was this incident all about?
  • 92. This is Rubaiya Sayeed, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s daughter, who was kidnapped by JKLF in 1989 and released in exchange for 5 terrorists a few days later. This incident is considered a watershed in the history of terrorism in the Kashmir valley, resulting in its strengthening. Was in the news again when her father passed away earlier this year.
  • 93. Q. 13 Spring Zouk is the name of a festival that was held February 3–5, 2012 at Udupi beach on St Mary’s Islands. The festival was a project coordinated by the state government and various sponsors to attract international tourism. Why did a rave party at the festival prove a little too costly for two gentlemen called Laxman Savadi and CC Patil?
  • 95. The two BJP cabinet ministers were caught watching a video from the rave party in the Karnataka Assembly.
  • 97. RULES •  18 Elements, with an exhaustive theme common to them •  The 18 Elements are shown in six sets of three only as a matter of convenience; no significance to the specific grouping chosen •  No individual identification required •  Each team can attempt the theme once after every question is revealed; scoring at that stage given on the corresponding question slide •  The general area of the theme is ‘basic sciences’.
  • 98. Q. 1/6 1. In the vast legendarium of JRR Tolkien, Boromir of Gondor was named after Boromir, son of _____, of the Line of Bëor 2. 3. In Norse mythology, Freyja, is a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, gold, war and death, and is attested as having nine additional names: Gefn, Hörn, Mardöll, Skjálf, Sýr, Thröng, Thrungva, Valfreyja, and Vanadís. 30/-10
  • 100. Q. 2/6 4. A five-cent coin struck by the United States mint, composed of 75% copper, has been in issue since 1866. 5. ______ is a historically important town in the Hassan district. People are likely to confuse its name with an equally famous holy shrine in Kolkata. Philosopher’s Wool has been one of the oldest tricks of alchemists to impress people by converting a solid into powdered form. 6. 25/-10
  • 102. Q. 3/6 7. ______ salts are used as psychiatric medication, including for major depressive disorders when other antidepressants don’t work, and is prescribed for bipolar disorder as well. 8. 9. A derogatory term for Japanese people, it’s a portmanteau word for the weird stuff they read and who they are. ______ glass, or ‘smalt’, when ground as a pigment, is a deep blue colored glass. One variety, the Bristol blue glass (shown here) is very popular with collectors. 20/-10
  • 104. Q. 4/6 10. A very recent term - most historians agree on the 18th century - to a historical and cultural-linguistic region in Northern Europe characterized by a common ethno- cultural North Germanic heritage and mutually intelligible North Germanic languages. 11. 12. 15/-10
  • 106. Q. 5/6 13. Joint venture between Delhi-based Jaina Group and Bangalore-based UTL Group. The company is a manufacturer of both mobile phones and tablets 14. 15. 10/-5
  • 109. ANSWER
  • 110. 1.  Boron 2.  Copper 3.  Vanadium 4.  Nickel 5.  Belur (Beryllium) 6.  Zinc 7.  Lithium 8.  Cobalt 9.  Manganese 10. Scandium 11. Titanium 12. Nitrogen 13. Karbonn (Carbon) 14. Chromium 15. O2 (Oxygen) 16. Fluoride (Fluorine) 17. Neon 18. Irons (Iron)
  • 111. Connect: The 18 Groups or Families of the Periodic Table (Coincidentally, on March 6, 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev presented his first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society)
  • 112. Round Three Infinite Bounce - AntiClockwise
  • 113. RULES •  13 Questions; each answer worth 10 points on AntiClockwise IB and no negatives •  Each team can pounce four times in the round (+20/-10) •  Pounces count whether right or wrong •  In case of part points, the new question goes to the team next to the one answering the 2nd part
  • 114. Q. 1 Kitty Genovese was a NY City woman who was stabbed to death outside her apartment building in Queens in March, 1964. At the time she was working as a bar-tender and sharing her flat with her romantic partner Mary Ann Zielonko. Since the murder was in broad daylight and there were thirty-eight witnesses, the perpetrator Winston Moseley was apprehended easily a few days later and the prosecution had no trouble getting him a sentence. The incident gave birth to a psychological study of the ‘Genovese Effect’, which scientists have still not been able to give a definite explanation for, even though there have been similar incidents across cultures, including a very notable one a few years back in India. What is the Genovese Effect?
  • 115. ANSWER
  • 116. Genovese Effect, or ‘bystander effect’, where a large group of onlookers do not try to overcome one or few perpetrators, or even refuse to come to the help of the victim after the perp has fled.
  • 117. Q. 2 In the popular book Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China, the author relates several quaint aspects of the Chinese government. One such incident occurs around March 2011, when after a season of sandstorms, residents of Beijing visit the flower markets on the edge of the capital to bring home some color. But on this occasion, the flower sellers have received an unusual order – do not sell _______. No matter what the price offered, no _______. And if anyone comes around asking to buy it, jot down the license plate number and call in. Fill the blank, and give the reason for this strange order from the powers-that-be.
  • 118. ANSWER
  • 119. Jasmine. This was the period of the Jasmine Revolution in the Middle East, and the Chinese Government was fearful of the symbol of this revolution encouraging people in Beijing to stage their own protests.
  • 120. Q. 3 . This lady, who already has a few movies in the South to her credit, is scheduled to get her really big break with a film in 2016 for which the male lead has supposedly been paid a fee of INR 50 Cr. The film’s genre on IMDb is given as ‘Adventure, Drama, History, Romance, War’. Which film, whose principal on-site photography has taken place at Bhuj in Gujarat?
  • 121. ANSWER
  • 123. Q. 4 This 2015 film is based on the true story of LA resident Maria Altmann, who along with her lawyer fought the Austrian government for almost a decade to reclaim art belonging to her aunt taken by the Nazis. What was the most expensive piece in this collection, which sold for USD 135 mn in 2006?
  • 124. ANSWER
  • 125. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Kilmt, the Austrian painter. Ms Bloch-Bauer was Altmann’s aunt.
  • 126. Q. 5 The ______ ______ Curve was introduced in 2012 as a relationship between inequality and intergenerational immobility. It is symbolic of a dangerous world- wide trend that the greater the income inequality in a country, the greater the chance of the son’s generation inheriting the father’s poor economic conditions. It is ironically named after a novel where the title character shows a high degree of mobility, rising from a bootlegger to leading the social set in a New York locality. Which novel?
  • 128. ANSWER
  • 130. Q. 6 In 2014, on the occasion of its 60th anniversary, Sports Illustrated narrowed down its 3,069 covers to 32 and had a readers’ vote to choose the most iconic cover of all time. The landslide winner was the March 3, 1980 cover, called the ‘Miracle on Ice’. This referred to the 1980 Winter Olympics ice-hockey semi-final game in which the US team, made up of amateur and collegiate players, defeated the powerful Soviet Union team. The cover that featured an image from the match was unique for another reason. What was different about this cover, which would be a rare occurrence on SI covers?
  • 131. ANSWER
  • 132. ve No headline or text describing the story. According to the designer, it was not needed because everyone in the country knew about it.
  • 133. Q. 7 DKT International is an NGO that works in the field of family planning and HIV prevention. It is named after Dharmendra Kumar Tyagi, a late Indian official, who played a pioneering role in popularizing these concepts in the 1950s in India. What symbol, now seen in India and many other countries, did Mr Tyagi design?
  • 134. ANSWER
  • 136. Q. 8Connect a gentleman called Salman Ahmad and his friends Nusrat Hussain and Ali Azmat to these two images (show the connect to at least two entities).
  • 137. ANSWER
  • 138. Bond’s book made into the Shyam Benegal film; Vikas Khanna’s restaurant; the Pakistani band
  • 139. Q. 9 In ODIs, among Indians, Roger Binny did it twice in the 1980s, Kapil Dev did it once in 1992, Virender Sehwag did it once in 2003 and Irfan Pathan did it once in 2005. What rather difficult thing to do, and who holds the record among all the countries at 45?
  • 140. ANSWER
  • 141. Opening the batting and bowling in the same match; Manoj Prabhakar
  • 142. Q. 10 Hyalinobatrachium dianae is a species of glass frog discovered in Costa Rica and first reported in April 2015. The discovery attracted substantial interest in popular media, unusual for such creatures. After the news went viral, an American media company released an official interview, where the interviewee talked about the creature, saying, for example, “Googly eyes run in our family”. Who was the interviewee?
  • 143. ANSWER
  • 144. Kermit the Frog. The company was Disney.
  • 145. Q. 11 In the Lok Sabha, after new members are elected, the first person to be sworn in is the pro tem speaker, who then swears in the other MPs. All this happens normally on the same day. For the current Lok Sabha though, for the first time in history, the pro tem speaker, Kamal Nath, was the only Lok Sabha MP sworn in for 24 hours. How come?
  • 146. ANSWER
  • 147. The Lok Sabha was dismissed to mourn Gopinath Munde’s death, and the remaining swearing-in ceremony was postponed by a day.
  • 148. Q. 12 Tobias _____ (1544 – 1631) is remembered for running a lucrative stable business that handled the mail- delivery between London and Cambridge. Also rented out horses, when not on delivery errands. On discovering that his fastest horses were getting overworked, he established a strict rotation system, allowing customers to rent only the next horse in line. What contribution to the English language has this gentleman made as a result of the manner in which he conducted his business?
  • 149. ANSWER
  • 150. Hobson’s Choice. The appearance of a free choice where only one choice is offered.
  • 152. Q. 13 Saw your face last night on the tube Strong fine snake in a sucker's vacuum 15 clicks and it's time to say bye 15 trips and a love that won't die Me and myself killed a world today Me and myself got a world to save Broadcast dead revolution don't pay Strapped up freaks on the Lazarus plane I can tell just by the climate, and I can tell just by the style I was born and raised on Venus and I may be here a while Cause every supersonic jerk off who plugs into the game Is just like every subatomic genius who just invented pain This single, titled ______ _____ _____, from their 1995 album was the first successful one by the band Monster Magnet. It is supposed to be about rock stars who always seem to be negative (hence the word ______ in the title), and whose lyrics always seem to deal with depression and such things. For what blockbuster reason are many film fans, even those not into music, likely to have dug up information on this song this year?
  • 153. ANSWER
  • 154. Story. The song is called Negasonic Teenage Warhead, which was the inspiration for the name of the minor Marvel character seen this year in Deadpool.