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The SAD Reality
The World isfilledwithcompleteCorruptionandeveryone afterMoneymore thanthe People they
love andwe don’tknowwhat’simportant.We all know onlyone thingwe have to follow the Crowd
and getlostin the echo.
That is we all are in an Endlessloopof Subconscious Program.
If you ask yourFamilytheysaywhattheydreamedof and theypushyoutowardsthe thingthey
If you ask anotherguywho’sfromyour Friendscircle. He maysaygettinga joband succeedinginlife
and live asame life overandoverwithoutmovingfromaPlace where youbornand without
knowingjustbelievingthe liesthe Societyalwayspreach.
If you ask a Child.Youwill gettoknowwhat Life is.
They say I wantto be happyand I wantto flyand I wantmy momand dad to be happyand theyhad
infinite dreams andeachand everythingcrushedinfrontof theireyeswhentheygrew up.They
have no otherchoice butkill theirdreamsandlive afake life andkill one anotherformoney
(Corporate Life andCompanies).
This Are the images that Define the Reality that we are Live in
Take a goodlookand be proudfor what youdone to youand You People Boastingaboutyour
countryand Pride,Family,friends,NeighboursBe happysono one will see longenoughtosaythis
because we are killingitinchbyinchincludingthiswholeplanet
So let’scome backto the Topicwe were discussing.sowhenyou’reakidyoubeeninspiredbythe
Personwhoyoulove itmay be your Father, Brother, Mom or Friendora Leader.
But whatif I saytheyall Programmedinthe same Matrix. We all been trappedinside this.atthe
same time we beenProgrammedbythe Mediaandpeople all have asame Mentality.If youa high
School guyyou will have one thinggettingascore and fallinginlove andgetintoagang and fight
Same for eachand every personandhistaste we all beenprogrammedandwe don’tevenknow
whatis life means.If youaskolderpersonhe sayhe wants to be happy.Whenhe was young.He also
followedthe Crowd.Youknowwhybecause eachandEveryperson needs a Recognitioninthis
Society.sothe bestwaytokill thiskindof OddDucks isto Control the SheepandKill all of themand
make themlike theyare weakor mentally unstable.The one whocan’teventhinkbeyondthis
illusionNormalandfree thinkersmentallyunstable.
Illuminati and  their agenda 2.0
I am not talkingaboutthe People whorulesnow.Iamtalkingaboutthe Pigswhomade thisRules.
So inthisPsychological Warfare we all aPuppetsanddisposable thingwhichcanworkand die for
the Systemandthe bank.
We don’trealize anything.Because the worldaroundyoucompletelycontrolledbyMoney.If you
had moneytorun a Normal life youconcentrate onthatthan more of thisshit.
You needmoneyforbuyingfood,travel,runningyourdailylife youneedMoney.
So we all beenchasingthisone anddon’trealize insteadof makingmoneyforLiving.We live to
make moneyandfollowthe Wrongones.
Because I sawa Movie ittellsme Ihave to rob a bankto make Moneydo a heistandbecome
If you’re smart and strongyougo withthis.If you’re not Strongand smart thenyouwill be a slave
like me.
In thiscategorysome People veryrare make itto the topby chasingtheirdreamsand eventhey
banishedbythisCorporate Entities.
So letme ask a simple Question.Why you’re makingmoney.Tokeepyourself happyandyourfamily
It became a cycle.You earnmoneybyrunningbehinditandas a parentyou thinkyoursonwant to
be a happypersonsoyou give himeverythingandmake himaThug and he just waste all the money
and became salve tothisSystemandhisson will compensatethisbecausehisfathergave himbirth
and identitysohe will endedupanormal life andhissontake back byworkingall anddie.
Thisis the cycle of the Money.
If you lookclosely the onlyone gettingrichisthe pigswhoownthe bank.
In the endno one ishappyand what we are makingin thisworldanythingProductivenothing.
We all readin the newspaperthere will be small column.Where someone didsomethinggoodandit
beeninthe corner.Where mostof the motherfuckersdoheistandwe call thema heroof the
Gettingsomethingthe ads.The more adstheymake theymore program theydo.
Example Pepsi andcoke.
Do themmakingthisworldbetterplace bydrinkingyou’re gettinganythingotherthanCancerand
So justfor a Brand theyare drinkingthe waterof India, chinawhere all the People dependson
So soontheywill fightone anotherandthe governmentneedsmoneyandthisbrandshave huge
ProfitintheirPortfolioandGDPtheycan’t remove.
So inthe end,The Governmentthatwe payfor whichwe believe.Protectingusbecome aPuppetin
theirStringand Lostthe Sightof everythinganddonothing.
How a GovernmentWorks.
Theycollecttax from everyone and theyGive safetyandProtectionandFoodandShelterandtake
care of yourCityand yourwhole life.
But anyone askedthistothe Government.
The nextone is Business.
People done businessforreal Life Problemsnotsolongago. Before 60 to 70 Years. Now we all do
businessjustformakingProfitandFightone another.
Andkillingthe Customer.
We make the customerbuysomethinghe don’twantwhichdoesn’tmethisneed.
But we program themto buythiswaste and Makingthemsuffer.
Same Pepsi andCoke.
By drinkingyougetnothingatthe same time bymakinga bottle theygetnothing.
If you checkthe bestinventionsare nothingbutveryFew.
Tele communication,Internet,Musicindustry,andthe worstthingsare Social Media,Media,
EducationSystem, The Historywe beenthought,the religionyoupeople holdingforandthe rules
theymade.The science Projectslike CERN etc.
So inthisSystemandlife style have youfoundyourself happy?Thislife islikerobbingfromthe
People and sellingittothe Highersandmakingmoneyforthat PimpWork.
Thisis whatthe Bank Does.
The bank youinvesttheypromise youtheywillpayacertainamount inreturn.Andpay youand
eventhoughtheylose alotin the back Ground.
Have you everwondered?
Moneyis somethingholdbyFederalReservestheyare the One whocontrolsthe Flow of the Money.
I printhow muchI want and I make myPeople RichandI kill all the People around the Worldand
Make rulesandMake all of the People Suck attheirownPeople Blood.
Little Confusing?Let’s GobackinTime and Findthe Real Killersof thisModernWorld.
Whenwe all were evolvingwe all haddifferentkingsandmoneywe had.sowe come toa general
Policy.Like WorldBank.
Andthe Real killerswere living behindthisdose anyone knows.
Let’sgo back to the UK Expedition.
The whole worldRuledbyOne Country.Andtheyall takenall the Knowledge anddestroyeditand
made all the thingsfor themselvesandeventhoughtheylefttheydestroyedall the countriesthey
ruledandMade all of thema puppetinthismodernworld.
Rightnowwe all are followingthe same Systemaroundthe world.The bestwaytocontrol the
People istokill theiroriginandonce it’sbeensevered.Theyall become aPuppetwhobelieve.
Anything.it’seasytocontrol andBrain wash.
So the one who controls everything.Have youeverwonderedwhodo this?There isanOrganization
calledIlluminati andFree masonsand itgoesbyso many Names.
Illuminati and  their agenda 2.0
Thisare the some of the Infoand they’re behind.Everythingandthey’re gonnamake aMove after
postingthisandif I am Gone and missed.It’snotbychance please PeopleWake up.Ourteamis so
deadly.Iam Makingthisis ina Hurry.
So followthisSystemandDie withthisSysteminthe End.
Illuminati and  their agenda 2.0
Thisis all we got weather you’re aBlack or White we all goannaDie in thisSystemBydepression
and BankLoan and Debt.
Illuminati and  their agenda 2.0
Eitheryou wake up and Workon thisor Die with the System.ALL you have TO do is
Stand Up and Unite under this One Cause.
Some Illegal Programs by the Illuminati
Programming Through Movies and TV and Series.
Sex Kitten (Beta Programming)
How it’s DONE:
MY main Source Website:

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Illuminati and their agenda 2.0

  • 1. The SAD Reality The World isfilledwithcompleteCorruptionandeveryone afterMoneymore thanthe People they love andwe don’tknowwhat’simportant.We all know onlyone thingwe have to follow the Crowd and getlostin the echo. That is we all are in an Endlessloopof Subconscious Program. If you ask yourFamilytheysaywhattheydreamedof and theypushyoutowardsthe thingthey didn’thad. If you ask anotherguywho’sfromyour Friendscircle. He maysaygettinga joband succeedinginlife and live asame life overandoverwithoutmovingfromaPlace where youbornand without knowingjustbelievingthe liesthe Societyalwayspreach. If you ask a Child.Youwill gettoknowwhat Life is. They say I wantto be happyand I wantto flyand I wantmy momand dad to be happyand theyhad infinite dreams andeachand everythingcrushedinfrontof theireyeswhentheygrew up.They have no otherchoice butkill theirdreamsandlive afake life andkill one anotherformoney (Corporate Life andCompanies). This Are the images that Define the Reality that we are Live in Take a goodlookand be proudfor what youdone to youand You People Boastingaboutyour countryand Pride,Family,friends,NeighboursBe happysono one will see longenoughtosaythis because we are killingitinchbyinchincludingthiswholeplanet
  • 2. So let’scome backto the Topicwe were discussing.sowhenyou’reakidyoubeeninspiredbythe Personwhoyoulove itmay be your Father, Brother, Mom or Friendora Leader. But whatif I saytheyall Programmedinthe same Matrix. We all been trappedinside this.atthe same time we beenProgrammedbythe Mediaandpeople all have asame Mentality.If youa high School guyyou will have one thinggettingascore and fallinginlove andgetintoagang and fight etc. Same for eachand every personandhistaste we all beenprogrammedandwe don’tevenknow whatis life means.If youaskolderpersonhe sayhe wants to be happy.Whenhe was young.He also
  • 3. followedthe Crowd.Youknowwhybecause eachandEveryperson needs a Recognitioninthis Society.sothe bestwaytokill thiskindof OddDucks isto Control the SheepandKill all of themand make themlike theyare weakor mentally unstable.The one whocan’teventhinkbeyondthis illusionNormalandfree thinkersmentallyunstable.
  • 5. I am not talkingaboutthe People whorulesnow.Iamtalkingaboutthe Pigswhomade thisRules.
  • 6. So inthisPsychological Warfare we all aPuppetsanddisposable thingwhichcanworkand die for the Systemandthe bank. We don’trealize anything.Because the worldaroundyoucompletelycontrolledbyMoney.If you had moneytorun a Normal life youconcentrate onthatthan more of thisshit. You needmoneyforbuyingfood,travel,runningyourdailylife youneedMoney. So we all beenchasingthisone anddon’trealize insteadof makingmoneyforLiving.We live to make moneyandfollowthe Wrongones. Because I sawa Movie ittellsme Ihave to rob a bankto make Moneydo a heistandbecome gangster. If you’re smart and strongyougo withthis.If you’re not Strongand smart thenyouwill be a slave like me. In thiscategorysome People veryrare make itto the topby chasingtheirdreamsand eventhey banishedbythisCorporate Entities. So letme ask a simple Question.Why you’re makingmoney.Tokeepyourself happyandyourfamily happy.dotheylivinginthatsituation. It became a cycle.You earnmoneybyrunningbehinditandas a parentyou thinkyoursonwant to be a happypersonsoyou give himeverythingandmake himaThug and he just waste all the money and became salve tothisSystemandhisson will compensatethisbecausehisfathergave himbirth and identitysohe will endedupanormal life andhissontake back byworkingall anddie. Thisis the cycle of the Money. If you lookclosely the onlyone gettingrichisthe pigswhoownthe bank. In the endno one ishappyand what we are makingin thisworldanythingProductivenothing.
  • 7. We all readin the newspaperthere will be small column.Where someone didsomethinggoodandit beeninthe corner.Where mostof the motherfuckersdoheistandwe call thema heroof the business. Gettingsomethingthe ads.The more adstheymake theymore program theydo. Example Pepsi andcoke. Do themmakingthisworldbetterplace bydrinkingyou’re gettinganythingotherthanCancerand illness. So justfor a Brand theyare drinkingthe waterof India, chinawhere all the People dependson Farming. So soontheywill fightone anotherandthe governmentneedsmoneyandthisbrandshave huge ProfitintheirPortfolioandGDPtheycan’t remove. So inthe end,The Governmentthatwe payfor whichwe believe.Protectingusbecome aPuppetin theirStringand Lostthe Sightof everythinganddonothing. How a GovernmentWorks. Theycollecttax from everyone and theyGive safetyandProtectionandFoodandShelterandtake care of yourCityand yourwhole life. But anyone askedthistothe Government. The nextone is Business. People done businessforreal Life Problemsnotsolongago. Before 60 to 70 Years. Now we all do businessjustformakingProfitandFightone another. Andkillingthe Customer. We make the customerbuysomethinghe don’twantwhichdoesn’tmethisneed. But we program themto buythiswaste and Makingthemsuffer. Example: Same Pepsi andCoke. By drinkingyougetnothingatthe same time bymakinga bottle theygetnothing. If you checkthe bestinventionsare nothingbutveryFew. Tele communication,Internet,Musicindustry,andthe worstthingsare Social Media,Media, EducationSystem, The Historywe beenthought,the religionyoupeople holdingforandthe rules theymade.The science Projectslike CERN etc.
  • 8. So inthisSystemandlife style have youfoundyourself happy?Thislife islikerobbingfromthe People and sellingittothe Highersandmakingmoneyforthat PimpWork. Thisis whatthe Bank Does. The bank youinvesttheypromise youtheywillpayacertainamount inreturn.Andpay youand eventhoughtheylose alotin the back Ground. Have you everwondered? Moneyis somethingholdbyFederalReservestheyare the One whocontrolsthe Flow of the Money.
  • 9. I printhow muchI want and I make myPeople RichandI kill all the People around the Worldand Make rulesandMake all of the People Suck attheirownPeople Blood. Little Confusing?Let’s GobackinTime and Findthe Real Killersof thisModernWorld. Whenwe all were evolvingwe all haddifferentkingsandmoneywe had.sowe come toa general Policy.Like WorldBank. Andthe Real killerswere living behindthisdose anyone knows. Let’sgo back to the UK Expedition. The whole worldRuledbyOne Country.Andtheyall takenall the Knowledge anddestroyeditand made all the thingsfor themselvesandeventhoughtheylefttheydestroyedall the countriesthey ruledandMade all of thema puppetinthismodernworld. Rightnowwe all are followingthe same Systemaroundthe world.The bestwaytocontrol the People istokill theiroriginandonce it’sbeensevered.Theyall become aPuppetwhobelieve. Anything.it’seasytocontrol andBrain wash. So the one who controls everything.Have youeverwonderedwhodo this?There isanOrganization calledIlluminati andFree masonsand itgoesbyso many Names.
  • 11. Note: Thisare the some of the Infoand they’re behind.Everythingandthey’re gonnamake aMove after postingthisandif I am Gone and missed.It’snotbychance please PeopleWake up.Ourteamis so deadly.Iam Makingthisis ina Hurry.
  • 14. Thisis all we got weather you’re aBlack or White we all goannaDie in thisSystemBydepression and BankLoan and Debt.
  • 16. Eitheryou wake up and Workon thisor Die with the System.ALL you have TO do is Stand Up and Unite under this One Cause.
  • 17. Some Illegal Programs by the Illuminati : Programming Through Movies and TV and Series. https://hollywoodsubliminals.wordpress.com/ Sex Kitten (Beta Programming) https://themonarchfiles.wordpress.com/tag/beta-sex-kitten/ https://hollywoodsubliminals.wordpress.com/project-monarch/sex-kitten/ https://www.nicholson1968.com/nicholson1968s-post/sex-kitten-programming-occult- symbolism-katy-perry How it’s DONE: https://www.mediocremonday.com/tag/sex-kitten-programming/ https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/newly-revealed-secrets-dead-playboy-playmate-describe- life-beta-kitten-slave/ https://powerofdeception.wordpress.com/tag/sex-kitten/ MY main Source Website: https://hollywoodsubliminals.wordpress.com/