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Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Energizer Bunny
Social Media Campaign
Denisse Leon
West Virginia University
April 20, 2016
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................................................ 4
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5
Opportunity......................................................................................................................... 5
Current Social Media Channels .......................................................................................... 6
Facebook ...........................................................................................................................6
Google +..........................................................................................................................11
Competitor ........................................................................................................................ 12
Accounts Snapshot ...........................................................................................................12
Audience ........................................................................................................................... 16
Females ...........................................................................................................................16
Generation Y/Millennials, Marital Status, Race and Income ................................................16
Social Network Participation .............................................................................................19
Objectives and Measurement............................................................................................ 22
Increase brand engagement by 20% within 12-months. .......................................................22
Increase brand exposure by 10% within 12-months. ............................................................23
Improve SEO by 20% within 12-months. ...........................................................................23
Channels............................................................................................................................ 24
Facebook .........................................................................................................................24
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Vine ................................................................................................................................26
Editorial Calendar ............................................................................................................. 27
Creative Samples............................................................................................................... 28
Facebook .........................................................................................................................29
Vine ................................................................................................................................30
Google +..........................................................................................................................31
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 32
References......................................................................................................................... 33
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Executive Summary
Social media has become an integrated part of everyday communications, and has
revolutionized the way companies connect with its customers. Understanding the demographic,
psychographic, geographic and behavioral characteristics in the consumer market, can help to
define influencers and advocates for the brand.
As DeMers suggests, using social media to build brand loyalty with customers requires
understanding customers’ wants and needs. Companies can do so by strategically marketing to
the target audience and actively listening to their feedback, it can help the brand to “earn a
reputation for quality and responsiveness” (DeMers, 2013).
This paper will look at the Energizer Bunny presence in Social Media and the potential
the brand has to increase its awareness, develop a community of brand advocates, drive website
traffic, and in turn increase sales and revenue.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Since 1989, the Energizer Bunny has been an iconic element of the Energizer brand
representing the “boundless energy and innovation - that's positivenergy™” (About The Bunny.,
n.d.). The Energizer Bunny campaign was originally created to “one-up the already firmly
established Duracell bunny in the highly lucrative rabbit/battery market” (Culkin, 2011).
“Intended as a one-time parody,” the cool pink bunny with sunglasses soon became a popular
pop-culture icon describing the long-lasting batteries that keep on going and going and going….
(The Advertising Century, 1999).
Creating a social media strategy that fits best for the Energizer Bunny will require to have
a better understanding of the unique purpose and use of the wide-range of platforms, in order to
“select those that offer the best potential for reaching your ideal audience and broadcast the type
of media” (Levy, 2013).
In 2009, the Energizer Bunny went social and – through the Energizer Bunny timeline on
the Energizer.com website – fans were encouraged to follow the energized hop adventures of the
Bunny (About The Bunny., n.d.). Energizer currently has two different social account brands,
one for the Energizer brand that focuses on the business and operations of the company, and one
for the Energizer Bunny that was originally created to deliver more fun and entertaining content
(Washenko, 2014).
Overall, the personality of the Energizer Bunny has a tremendous opportunity to
strengthen the brand by further capitalizing on the Energizer Bunny character to deliver the
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
message of the brand because “mascots are naturally a better fit for mobilizing fans,”
(Washenko, 2014).
Currently, the Energizer Bunny social presence is only on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,
Periscope, Flickr, and Google+ but not as active or engaging as it could be. There is a huge
opportunity to develop a group of brand advocates and evangelist among Millennials and up and
coming generations by fully embracing the fun and quirky personification of the brand.
Current Social Media Channels
The current Facebook page has about 364,135 likes since the account was first opened in
2009, exactly 20 years later when the Energizer Bunny was first introduced.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
According to its Facebook page Short Description, “you’ll find humor & personality
that’s kept the Energizer Bunny going for 20+ yrs. Our philosophy: we can better the world
through our products, programs & passion, that's positivenergy™!” (Energizer Bunny –
Facebook, n.d).
The overall look of the page does not give much distinctiveness between the Energizer
company page and the Energizer Bunny page, both pages have the same cover and profile
photos, making it seem like it is more about pushing a product rather than allowing for the
personality of the Bunny to shine.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
The company’s posts are so sporadic, its last post was on February 12, 2016 and the one
before was on August 5, 2015.
The inconsistency in the company’s posting rate is also reflected in the audience
engagement and content. Some posts would have over 13K likes with over 1K shares, while
others barely make it to 16 likes and 3 shares.
The community engagement also varies from people sharing about the outreach programs
sponsored by the Energizer Bunny to mostly complaints, and unfortunately it does not seem like
the page is very engaged to respond back to the comments made by its audience.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
The Twitter account has currently 8565 followers and since the account was opened in
2009, it has tweeted only about 1,388 times.
The about section of the page describes it as a “Celebrity Spokesbunny - America's
favorite pink, flip-flop wearin', shade sportin', never stoppin' Energizer Bunny” (Energizer
Bunny – Twitter, n.d.).
Much like Facebook, its content post rate is so sporadic, the last tweet was made on
November 25, 2015. Surprisingly, the only two consistent hashtags used (although used
sporadically) are #thatspositiveenergy and #PoweringSafety which are often used by the main
Energizer accounts to refer to its batteries and to the “Change Your Clock Change Your Battery”
campaign. But unfortunately, even when the company seems to sort of consistently use the same
hashtags, the account does not show much listening to try to engage its audience in conversation
since most of its posts are one way.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
With only 126 subscribers and only 71,550 views, the YouTube account This is one of
the least used accounts by the Energizer Bunny. The company joined the social network on
March 2, 2006, and its oldest video traces back to 5 years ago, a PSA for safety.
The account currently shows 49 published videos, most of them showing the engagement
of the Energizer Bunny in the community. The last video in the account was published on
October 28, 2014.
Once again, the engagement has been almost none. Under the discussion tab two people
posted comments three years ago and none of them were responded or acknowledged to say the
least. The lack of engagement could potentially be a source of a negative PR crisis in the future.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Google +
Looks like there were two accounts created representing the Energizer Bunny, one of
them has 3 followers with 8,492 page views; while the other one has 0 followers and only 5,823
None of them have acquired a personalized Google+ url, which makes it harder to
identify which is the official page.
After looking at each of the accounts, the overall strategy for the three more active
networks seems to be only one-way. The content, other than engaging and entertaining, appears
to be an afterthought of recycled content mainly generated to promote products rather than
engage its audience. There is also a lack of distinctiveness between the main Energizer account
and the Energizer Bunny, failing to deliver the brand promise of the personification of the
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
According to Daoud, “When it comes to social media marketing, researching your
competition not only keeps you apprised of their activity, it gives you an idea of what’s working
so you can integrate those successful tactics into your own efforts” (2014).
The two top competitors for the Energizer Bunny are Duracell and Rayovac. All three
companies specialize in selling battery products, and while the product is similar, the content
delivered through its social sites differ drastically as well as its number of followers.
Accounts Snapshot
Duracell Rayovac
Facebook 364,135 6,380,376 509,937
Twitter 8,565 79.7K 31.9K
YouTube 125 27,379 449
Instagram n/a 1,012 2,347
Pinterest n/a n/a 1.7K
Vine n/a 2,784 432
LinkedIn 28,015 as
Energizer Holdings, Inc.
6,869 2,832
Snapchat n/a n/a n/a
Periscope 92 1,513 n/a
Flickr 2 n/a 9
Google+ 3 n/a n/a
Tumblr n/a n/a n/a
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Duracell’s overall content reflects “The Hero” archetype style by promoting “themselves
as good quality and superior to their competition,” after all “when your product is a power
supply, your message needs to be powerful too” (Lindsay, 2015).
The official Facebook page is easy to recognize because of the blue circle with a check
mark next to the company’s name that recognizes the page as a verified page.
The company is also present on Twitter and YouTube. In addition, the level of audience
engagement is clearly higher than its competitors. Scripted dialogues are also set in place to deal
with complaints from customers.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Duracell’s video content sets itself apart by the use of good storytelling and high quality
production. Its overall content strategy seems to be more directed to address current trends to
highlight its products.
The overall branding and content for Rayovac reflects “The Regular Guy” archetype that
“appreciates quality and dependability” while embracing honesty and dependability (Lindsay,
Rayovac’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are both verified pages, and while its
YouTube account is not, all of them have done a great job at connecting with its audience.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
The company generates brand advocates and engagement in its networks through
contests, questions and giveaways. In addition, its #FanFriday giveaway creates a great platform
to highlight its customers, make the brand a lot more personalized and generate even more brand
Rayovac does a great job at engaging its audience with a mix of content between
promotional items, questions, contests, and even highlighting customers that after experiencing
the connection with the brand can have the potential to become brand advocates.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
According to The Pew Research Center, “65% of adults now use social networking sites
– a nearly tenfold jump in the past decade” (Perrin, 2015). In social media, like in any other
tactic in the marketing roam, reaching the right people begins by defining the company’s target
audience. According to John Hall, “Without an audience, your content can’t have an impact”
(Hall, 2014). Defining the target audience will help the organization to choose the right platform
to communicate and develop “genuine, human relationships with customers and prospects.”
(Yerian, 2013).
Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre suggest that “Women now drive the world economy”
by contributing to almost $13 trillion to the $20 trillion in annual consumer spending. In
addition, the article also suggests that “Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of
home furnishings…92% of vacations…91% of homes… 60% of automobiles…51% of
consumer electronics” (Silverstein, and Sayre, 2009). These numbers support the idea of
focusing on females as one of the segmented groups.
Generation Y/Millennials, MaritalStatus, Raceand Income
The Generation Y or most commonly known as the millennial generation – born between
1982 and 2,000 – now account for “83.1 million and represent more than one quarter of the
nation’s population,” exceeding the baby boomers (US Census, 2015). A survey by the Urban
Land Institute Foundation suggests that among the millennial population: Gender: 51% are
female and 49% male; Race: 74% white, 16% black and 10% other; Marital Status: 64% single,
34% married and 2% Divorced or widowed; and 76% have a car (Lachman, and Brett, 2013).
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
The survey also found out that Gen-Yers’ Household Income accounts for 53% between
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
In summary, the target audience for the Energizer Bunny Social Media Plan consist of
female creative entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 to 35. These females have artistic and
creative tendencies, and fall into the middle to upper-middle class income range. While many of
them are either single or married and with kids, they have an independent spirit, and also have
active social lives.
Social Network Participation
Millennials are no strangers to social media, in fact, it is one of the largest user groups.
According to RealityMine, “Millennials and women are generally the most active social media
users” especially on Facebook and Pinterest (RealityMine, 2015).
Social media is part of the millennials’ digital life, this is how this generation gathers
information and connects with one another. A survey by the American Press Institute suggests
that “76 percent of these Facebook Millennials cite seeing what their friends are talking about
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
and what’s happening in their friends’ lives, as a main reason they turn to Facebook. A clear
majority (58 percent) cite using Facebook to find things that entertain them, such as funny lists,
articles, or videos (American Press, 2015).
Although historically, women use social media more than men, a report from the Pew
Research Centers shares that LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Digg or Slashdot are not the most
popular networks among women (Anderson, 2015).
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
In addition, while the batteries business seems like it is losing power, Energizer has
introduced several new products to stay relevant to the demanding energy market. It’s latest
product, Energizer EcoAdvanced is “A battery made with recycled batteries” (The Energizer®
EcoAdvanced® Story, n.d.). Because of the eco-friendly nature of the product, it has the
potential to connect with millennials that are the “most willing to pay extra for sustainable
offerings” (Nielsen, 2015). In addition, the report shares that “brands that establish a reputation
for environmental stewardship among today’s youngest consumers have an opportunity to not
only grow market share but build loyalty among the power-spending Millennials of tomorrow”
(Nielsen, 2015).
Another of the commonalities between the Energizer Bunny and the target audience is
actually their generation. The Energizer Bunny was introduced in 1989 when the mocking
commercial appeared on television for the first time. The remarkable character of the brand soon
became a cultural icon that almost every millennial was familiar with.
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Objectives and Measurement
The Energizer Bunny presence in Social Media has a lot of potential by providing the
brand opportunities to increase its brand awareness, develop and community of brand advocates,
drive website traffic, and in turn increase sales and revenue. The time and effort invested into
each of the designated platforms will determine the company’s social ROI; which in turn will
allow the company to strengthen “a relationship between a brand and its consumers” (Gibs,
By focusing in specific objectives and measurements, will allow the company to better
determine the platforms that would work best to accomplish the company’s overall goals and
strategically develop content that targets its intended audience.
Increase brand engagement by20% within12-months.
Metrics: Likes, Shares, Comments, Pins, Retweets, +1, Favorites
Metrics Review: Once a week.
Analyzing Tools: Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, Pinterest Analytics, Iconosquare
Platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest
Strategies Overview
Through the use of contests, photos, videos, wall topics and questions, the Energizer
Bunny will engage its users and create an environment where Likes, Shares, Comments, Pins,
Retweets, +1, and Favorites are a common occurrence (Teck Kong, 2014). The company must
review analytics once a week to understand the best times users are connecting with the brand
and make adjustments as needed. According to Ian Cleary, “Having the data means you can
analyze it even further and maybe start changing the data to predict future results” (Cleary,
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Increase brand exposure by 10% within 12-months.
Metrics: Reach, Impression, Views
Metrics Review: Twice a week
Analyzing Tools: Hashtags, Facebook Insights, Hootsuite, Social Mention
Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google +
Strategies Overview
The unique personality of the Energizer Bunny will be used as the main brand identity
for this goal. A designated hashtag will allow us to push the brand while creating conversations
with the users. In addition, Social Mention will be used to track any conversations that use
keywords such as technology, bunnies, energizer, science, how-to, etc. By listening to such
conversations the company will be able to make a connection with the person that mentioned one
of the designated keywords and begin a conversation. In addition, Hootsuite will be used to
“create a content schedule” to “develop the brand story” and begin to create conversation
through consistent posts (Kushner, 2016).
ImproveSEO by 20% within12-months.
Metrics: Page views, unique visitors, keyword ranking and length of visits
Metrics Review: Once a month
Analyzing Tools: Google Analytics
Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google +
Strategies Overview
According to Chloe Mason Gray, “While social shares may or may not affect a
webpage’s position in search listings, your social profiles definitely influence the content of your
search results” (Gray, n.d.). For this reason, is important to ensure consistency in the company’s
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
bio by using the same keywords across all the social network platforms. Inbound links will also
be used to link back to the content. And on the website, “pre-populated media sharing buttons for
Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook with links to the website” will be added
(Redsicker, 2014). The measurement of this goal will be through Google Analytics, this will also
allow the organization to identify “what social media outlet sends the best traffic” and look at the
most used social media traffic sources (Lockard, 2012).
Currently, the Energizer Bunny social presence is available on Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, Periscope, Flickr, and Google+ but not as active or engaging as it could be. The many
different platforms, however, have spread the brand too thin, hindering the brand image across
all platforms. According to Matei Gavril, “Opting for multiple platforms at one time will
negatively impact your brand since you won’t be able to reach your potential audience” (2016).
In order to create the best social media strategy for the Energizer Bunny, we will have to
start by having a better understanding of the unique purpose and use of the wide-range of
platforms. This will allow us to “select those that offer the best potential for reaching your ideal
audience and broadcast the type of media” (Levy, 2013).
Facebook is one of the most powerful networks to “build brand loyalty and reputation”
(Powers, 2015). According to data by Digital Insights, Facebook has 1.28 billion monthly active
users and counting (Ajmera, 2014).
This platform is perfect for the Energizer Bunny because according to the American
Press Institute, “88% of Millennials get news from Facebook” (American Press, 2015). However,
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
in order to build trust among the current and future audiences, the quality, quantity and diversity
of the content would have to be improved dramatically. The content on the Energizer Bunny
page would have to be more personalized to highlight the actual personality of the character
rather than relying on the Energizer products only.
In addition, by utilizing Facebook as one of the main platforms will allow the company to
increase its brand engagement, brand exposure and improve SEO.
This platform has revolutionized the way people communicate with only 140 characters.
Because the primary purpose of this platform is to “share breaking news and quick updates,
promotes new products, content, or brand contests, collects instant feedback from your
audience,” this is the perfect platform for the Energizer Bunny to include in its Social Media
Channels portfolio (Powers, 2015).
This platform will allow the brand to reach the intended audience because as Buffer
explains that “if you are interested in a younger, tech-savvy crowd” then Twitter is a most to
have (Lee, 2014).
While the Energizer Bunny already uses Twitter, content will have to be improved and
the amount of posts will need to increase to start generating engagement and meet the proposed
Currently the Energizer Bunny is not present in Instagram, however, opening an account
in this particular channel will allow for the character to visually display the brand while
providing content that can overlap with Twitter (Manafy, 2014). In addition, this platform will
help to target the intended audience because according to Business Insider, “Instagram's user
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
base is heavily dominated by women, something that has more often been associated with
Pinterest” (Smith, 2014).
A great platform to develop and increase brand engagement is Pinterest because this
network is visually driven and targeted to customers that collect images to inform their purchase
decisions (Manafy, 2014). Most of its users are “women, educated, with good incomes” and “it
generates more referral traffic than Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit and Google+ combined” (Frances,
This network is a must to include in the strategy since the main gender for our audience is
creative females.
For the SEO and brand exposure objectives, Google+ is a great network to use. The
platform has 540 million monthly active users, almost double of Twitter users (Ajmera, 2014).
Google+ compatibility with YouTube and Google Hangouts makes it ideal for content sharing
especially among “tech ad engineering companies as well as marketing individual (Scherer,
2014). The post on this platform can be a combination of repurposed content from the other
Vine’s six-second videos provide the opportunity to show the company’s products in
action, increasing brand awareness, while entertaining the audience. In order to be effective the
posts have to be creative and sometimes that can be a challenged with only six-seconds (Miller,
n.d.). This network will provide the brand a great way to “highlight brand advocates” (Hines,
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Editorial Calendar
In order to reach maximum exposure, each network will have different times when
content will be shared, and since almost 48% of the population lives in the Eastern Time zone,
the schedule will be based on EST unless otherwise noted (Zarrella, n.d.).
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Each network will be strategically used to cover each day of the week to generate
ongoing content throughout all the different platforms. All of the networks for the exception of
Facebook will have a minimum of two posts per week, and the times have been determined by
compiled research done by CoSchedule (Neidlinger, 2015). Since Facebook has the largest
audience with over 1.59 billion monthly active users, this particular network will be the only one
with daily posts (Statista, n.d.).
The calendar will display each of the networks in a color-coded format, along with the
proposed posting time and date. For this particular proposal example, the campaign will begin
running throughout the month of November to take advantage of the particular holidays of that
month such as elections and Thanksgiving.
Creative Samples
The Energizer Bunny brand will share a series of fun and lighter posts that will reflect the
personality of the character. From contests, quotes, entertainment, to capitalizing in current
events, the common threat of the content should be fun and engaging to fully leverage it to drive
the most engagement - and therefore leads - for their business (Tjepkema, L. (2015). The posts
will be supported with either graphics or videos, because according to Jeff Bullas “Photos create
a lot of interaction along with quotes” (2011).
For visual consistency, the graphics will include the Energizer Bunny in the lower bottom
of the graphic to help the consumer easily identify with the brand. In addition, the use of
hashtags will be key to increase the “potential to boost the number of people talking about the
brand” (Guerrero, 2015).
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Post #1: Funny and Patriotic
You know the old saying, If you can’t beat
em’, join em! Vote for Energizer Bunny!
Post #2: Contest
This Thanksgiving you don't have to stay
home… Share your best bunny face using
hashtag #ThanksBunny for a chance to join
us at the Macy's Parade! #ad
Post #1: Throw Back Thursday
What does the Energizer Bunny and the
ACME Coyote have in common? #TBT
Post #2: Contest
Enter to win sweepstakes and join the
#ThanksBunny parade in NY! #sweepstakes
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Post #1: Throw back Thursday
Remember when "Floppy Disks" were the
thing? #TBT
Post #2: Funny and engaging
Can you rock the style?
Post #1: Commentary style
Eating healthy will keep you going, but
sometimes natural means packaged
carrots.... #NeverStopGoing
Post #2: Promotional product
Ready for the weekend! Let's go shine the
light to the world! #NeverStopGoing #ad
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
Post #1: Encouraging/Funny quotes
Post #2: Brand exposure
Let's get the weekend started!
Google +
Post #1: Entertainment and audience
Funny couple… Anyone else have
#EnergizerBunnyStyle pictures to share?
Post #2: Entertainment and audience
How fast can you go?
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
The Energizer Bunny’s personality is energetic, fun, smart and never stops going. Mr.
Bunny’s personality has the potential to create engaging and compelling content to reach the
intended target audience across different social media platforms. Each platform specifically
curated content will allow the brand to leverage the power of story-telling through images, video
and hashtags to increase brand awareness and encourage user engagement. “You have to, in a
way, earn it. You do so by using social networking the way it’s supposed to be used – by
clicking, interacting, sharing and giving exposure to others” (Darrell, 2013).
Based on research, the Energizer Bunny’s new target audience consist of creative female
entrepreneurs that want to make a difference with the work they do. By focusing on targeting a
more segmented social group, the new target audience is “much more likely to have a strong
attachment to these social identities than they are to strongly identify with a specific stage of
life” (Patel, 2015).
Consequently, the proposed strategy will focus on three specific objectives to help
position the brand in the minds of the intended target audience, and increase brand exposure,
audience engagement and SEO rankings (Smith, 2013).
Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign
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IMC 641: Social Media campaign for Enegergizer

  • 1. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign Denisse Leon West Virginia University April 20, 2016
  • 2. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary............................................................................................................ 4 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5 Opportunity......................................................................................................................... 5 Current Social Media Channels .......................................................................................... 6 Facebook ...........................................................................................................................6 Twitter...............................................................................................................................9 YouTube..........................................................................................................................10 Google +..........................................................................................................................11 Competitor ........................................................................................................................ 12 Accounts Snapshot ...........................................................................................................12 Duracell...........................................................................................................................13 Rayovac...........................................................................................................................14 Audience ........................................................................................................................... 16 Females ...........................................................................................................................16 Generation Y/Millennials, Marital Status, Race and Income ................................................16 Social Network Participation .............................................................................................19 Objectives and Measurement............................................................................................ 22 Increase brand engagement by 20% within 12-months. .......................................................22 Increase brand exposure by 10% within 12-months. ............................................................23 Improve SEO by 20% within 12-months. ...........................................................................23 Channels............................................................................................................................ 24 Facebook .........................................................................................................................24
  • 3. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 3 Twitter.............................................................................................................................25 Instagram.........................................................................................................................25 Pinterest...........................................................................................................................26 Google+...........................................................................................................................26 Vine ................................................................................................................................26 Editorial Calendar ............................................................................................................. 27 Creative Samples............................................................................................................... 28 Facebook .........................................................................................................................29 Twitter.............................................................................................................................29 Instagram.........................................................................................................................30 Vine ................................................................................................................................30 Pinterest...........................................................................................................................31 Google +..........................................................................................................................31 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 32 References......................................................................................................................... 33
  • 4. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 4 Executive Summary Social media has become an integrated part of everyday communications, and has revolutionized the way companies connect with its customers. Understanding the demographic, psychographic, geographic and behavioral characteristics in the consumer market, can help to define influencers and advocates for the brand. As DeMers suggests, using social media to build brand loyalty with customers requires understanding customers’ wants and needs. Companies can do so by strategically marketing to the target audience and actively listening to their feedback, it can help the brand to “earn a reputation for quality and responsiveness” (DeMers, 2013). This paper will look at the Energizer Bunny presence in Social Media and the potential the brand has to increase its awareness, develop a community of brand advocates, drive website traffic, and in turn increase sales and revenue.
  • 5. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 5 Introduction Since 1989, the Energizer Bunny has been an iconic element of the Energizer brand representing the “boundless energy and innovation - that's positivenergy™” (About The Bunny., n.d.). The Energizer Bunny campaign was originally created to “one-up the already firmly established Duracell bunny in the highly lucrative rabbit/battery market” (Culkin, 2011). “Intended as a one-time parody,” the cool pink bunny with sunglasses soon became a popular pop-culture icon describing the long-lasting batteries that keep on going and going and going…. (The Advertising Century, 1999). Creating a social media strategy that fits best for the Energizer Bunny will require to have a better understanding of the unique purpose and use of the wide-range of platforms, in order to “select those that offer the best potential for reaching your ideal audience and broadcast the type of media” (Levy, 2013). Opportunity In 2009, the Energizer Bunny went social and – through the Energizer Bunny timeline on the Energizer.com website – fans were encouraged to follow the energized hop adventures of the Bunny (About The Bunny., n.d.). Energizer currently has two different social account brands, one for the Energizer brand that focuses on the business and operations of the company, and one for the Energizer Bunny that was originally created to deliver more fun and entertaining content (Washenko, 2014). Overall, the personality of the Energizer Bunny has a tremendous opportunity to strengthen the brand by further capitalizing on the Energizer Bunny character to deliver the
  • 6. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 6 message of the brand because “mascots are naturally a better fit for mobilizing fans,” (Washenko, 2014). Currently, the Energizer Bunny social presence is only on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Periscope, Flickr, and Google+ but not as active or engaging as it could be. There is a huge opportunity to develop a group of brand advocates and evangelist among Millennials and up and coming generations by fully embracing the fun and quirky personification of the brand. Current Social Media Channels Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EnergizerBunny/ The current Facebook page has about 364,135 likes since the account was first opened in 2009, exactly 20 years later when the Energizer Bunny was first introduced.
  • 7. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 7 According to its Facebook page Short Description, “you’ll find humor & personality that’s kept the Energizer Bunny going for 20+ yrs. Our philosophy: we can better the world through our products, programs & passion, that's positivenergy™!” (Energizer Bunny – Facebook, n.d). The overall look of the page does not give much distinctiveness between the Energizer company page and the Energizer Bunny page, both pages have the same cover and profile photos, making it seem like it is more about pushing a product rather than allowing for the personality of the Bunny to shine.
  • 8. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 8 The company’s posts are so sporadic, its last post was on February 12, 2016 and the one before was on August 5, 2015. The inconsistency in the company’s posting rate is also reflected in the audience engagement and content. Some posts would have over 13K likes with over 1K shares, while others barely make it to 16 likes and 3 shares. The community engagement also varies from people sharing about the outreach programs sponsored by the Energizer Bunny to mostly complaints, and unfortunately it does not seem like the page is very engaged to respond back to the comments made by its audience.
  • 9. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 9 Twitter https://twitter.com/EnergizerBunny The Twitter account has currently 8565 followers and since the account was opened in 2009, it has tweeted only about 1,388 times. The about section of the page describes it as a “Celebrity Spokesbunny - America's favorite pink, flip-flop wearin', shade sportin', never stoppin' Energizer Bunny” (Energizer Bunny – Twitter, n.d.). Much like Facebook, its content post rate is so sporadic, the last tweet was made on November 25, 2015. Surprisingly, the only two consistent hashtags used (although used sporadically) are #thatspositiveenergy and #PoweringSafety which are often used by the main Energizer accounts to refer to its batteries and to the “Change Your Clock Change Your Battery” campaign. But unfortunately, even when the company seems to sort of consistently use the same hashtags, the account does not show much listening to try to engage its audience in conversation since most of its posts are one way.
  • 10. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 10 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/energizerbunny With only 126 subscribers and only 71,550 views, the YouTube account This is one of the least used accounts by the Energizer Bunny. The company joined the social network on March 2, 2006, and its oldest video traces back to 5 years ago, a PSA for safety. The account currently shows 49 published videos, most of them showing the engagement of the Energizer Bunny in the community. The last video in the account was published on October 28, 2014. Once again, the engagement has been almost none. Under the discussion tab two people posted comments three years ago and none of them were responded or acknowledged to say the least. The lack of engagement could potentially be a source of a negative PR crisis in the future.
  • 11. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 11 Google + https://plus.google.com/u/0/114790006708989276319/ https://plus.google.com/u/0/105368916374725262472/ Looks like there were two accounts created representing the Energizer Bunny, one of them has 3 followers with 8,492 page views; while the other one has 0 followers and only 5,823 views. None of them have acquired a personalized Google+ url, which makes it harder to identify which is the official page. After looking at each of the accounts, the overall strategy for the three more active networks seems to be only one-way. The content, other than engaging and entertaining, appears to be an afterthought of recycled content mainly generated to promote products rather than engage its audience. There is also a lack of distinctiveness between the main Energizer account and the Energizer Bunny, failing to deliver the brand promise of the personification of the character.
  • 12. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 12 Competitor According to Daoud, “When it comes to social media marketing, researching your competition not only keeps you apprised of their activity, it gives you an idea of what’s working so you can integrate those successful tactics into your own efforts” (2014). The two top competitors for the Energizer Bunny are Duracell and Rayovac. All three companies specialize in selling battery products, and while the product is similar, the content delivered through its social sites differ drastically as well as its number of followers. Accounts Snapshot Energizer Bunny Duracell Rayovac Facebook 364,135 6,380,376 509,937 Twitter 8,565 79.7K 31.9K YouTube 125 27,379 449 Instagram n/a 1,012 2,347 Pinterest n/a n/a 1.7K Vine n/a 2,784 432 LinkedIn 28,015 as Energizer Holdings, Inc. 6,869 2,832 Snapchat n/a n/a n/a Periscope 92 1,513 n/a Flickr 2 n/a 9 Google+ 3 n/a n/a Tumblr n/a n/a n/a
  • 13. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 13 Duracell Duracell’s overall content reflects “The Hero” archetype style by promoting “themselves as good quality and superior to their competition,” after all “when your product is a power supply, your message needs to be powerful too” (Lindsay, 2015). The official Facebook page is easy to recognize because of the blue circle with a check mark next to the company’s name that recognizes the page as a verified page. The company is also present on Twitter and YouTube. In addition, the level of audience engagement is clearly higher than its competitors. Scripted dialogues are also set in place to deal with complaints from customers.
  • 14. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 14 Duracell’s video content sets itself apart by the use of good storytelling and high quality production. Its overall content strategy seems to be more directed to address current trends to highlight its products. Rayovac The overall branding and content for Rayovac reflects “The Regular Guy” archetype that “appreciates quality and dependability” while embracing honesty and dependability (Lindsay, 2015). Rayovac’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are both verified pages, and while its YouTube account is not, all of them have done a great job at connecting with its audience.
  • 15. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 15 The company generates brand advocates and engagement in its networks through contests, questions and giveaways. In addition, its #FanFriday giveaway creates a great platform to highlight its customers, make the brand a lot more personalized and generate even more brand advocates. Rayovac does a great job at engaging its audience with a mix of content between promotional items, questions, contests, and even highlighting customers that after experiencing the connection with the brand can have the potential to become brand advocates.
  • 16. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 16 Audience According to The Pew Research Center, “65% of adults now use social networking sites – a nearly tenfold jump in the past decade” (Perrin, 2015). In social media, like in any other tactic in the marketing roam, reaching the right people begins by defining the company’s target audience. According to John Hall, “Without an audience, your content can’t have an impact” (Hall, 2014). Defining the target audience will help the organization to choose the right platform to communicate and develop “genuine, human relationships with customers and prospects.” (Yerian, 2013). Females Michael Silverstein and Kate Sayre suggest that “Women now drive the world economy” by contributing to almost $13 trillion to the $20 trillion in annual consumer spending. In addition, the article also suggests that “Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of home furnishings…92% of vacations…91% of homes… 60% of automobiles…51% of consumer electronics” (Silverstein, and Sayre, 2009). These numbers support the idea of focusing on females as one of the segmented groups. Generation Y/Millennials, MaritalStatus, Raceand Income The Generation Y or most commonly known as the millennial generation – born between 1982 and 2,000 – now account for “83.1 million and represent more than one quarter of the nation’s population,” exceeding the baby boomers (US Census, 2015). A survey by the Urban Land Institute Foundation suggests that among the millennial population: Gender: 51% are female and 49% male; Race: 74% white, 16% black and 10% other; Marital Status: 64% single, 34% married and 2% Divorced or widowed; and 76% have a car (Lachman, and Brett, 2013).
  • 17. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 17 The survey also found out that Gen-Yers’ Household Income accounts for 53% between $25,000-$74,000.
  • 18. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 18
  • 19. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 19 In summary, the target audience for the Energizer Bunny Social Media Plan consist of female creative entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 to 35. These females have artistic and creative tendencies, and fall into the middle to upper-middle class income range. While many of them are either single or married and with kids, they have an independent spirit, and also have active social lives. Social Network Participation Millennials are no strangers to social media, in fact, it is one of the largest user groups. According to RealityMine, “Millennials and women are generally the most active social media users” especially on Facebook and Pinterest (RealityMine, 2015). Social media is part of the millennials’ digital life, this is how this generation gathers information and connects with one another. A survey by the American Press Institute suggests that “76 percent of these Facebook Millennials cite seeing what their friends are talking about
  • 20. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 20 and what’s happening in their friends’ lives, as a main reason they turn to Facebook. A clear majority (58 percent) cite using Facebook to find things that entertain them, such as funny lists, articles, or videos (American Press, 2015). Although historically, women use social media more than men, a report from the Pew Research Centers shares that LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Digg or Slashdot are not the most popular networks among women (Anderson, 2015).
  • 21. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 21 In addition, while the batteries business seems like it is losing power, Energizer has introduced several new products to stay relevant to the demanding energy market. It’s latest product, Energizer EcoAdvanced is “A battery made with recycled batteries” (The Energizer® EcoAdvanced® Story, n.d.). Because of the eco-friendly nature of the product, it has the potential to connect with millennials that are the “most willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings” (Nielsen, 2015). In addition, the report shares that “brands that establish a reputation for environmental stewardship among today’s youngest consumers have an opportunity to not only grow market share but build loyalty among the power-spending Millennials of tomorrow” (Nielsen, 2015). Another of the commonalities between the Energizer Bunny and the target audience is actually their generation. The Energizer Bunny was introduced in 1989 when the mocking commercial appeared on television for the first time. The remarkable character of the brand soon became a cultural icon that almost every millennial was familiar with.
  • 22. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 22 Objectives and Measurement The Energizer Bunny presence in Social Media has a lot of potential by providing the brand opportunities to increase its brand awareness, develop and community of brand advocates, drive website traffic, and in turn increase sales and revenue. The time and effort invested into each of the designated platforms will determine the company’s social ROI; which in turn will allow the company to strengthen “a relationship between a brand and its consumers” (Gibs, 2014). By focusing in specific objectives and measurements, will allow the company to better determine the platforms that would work best to accomplish the company’s overall goals and strategically develop content that targets its intended audience. Increase brand engagement by20% within12-months. Metrics: Likes, Shares, Comments, Pins, Retweets, +1, Favorites Metrics Review: Once a week. Analyzing Tools: Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, Pinterest Analytics, Iconosquare Platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest Strategies Overview Through the use of contests, photos, videos, wall topics and questions, the Energizer Bunny will engage its users and create an environment where Likes, Shares, Comments, Pins, Retweets, +1, and Favorites are a common occurrence (Teck Kong, 2014). The company must review analytics once a week to understand the best times users are connecting with the brand and make adjustments as needed. According to Ian Cleary, “Having the data means you can analyze it even further and maybe start changing the data to predict future results” (Cleary, 2016).
  • 23. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 23 Increase brand exposure by 10% within 12-months. Metrics: Reach, Impression, Views Metrics Review: Twice a week Analyzing Tools: Hashtags, Facebook Insights, Hootsuite, Social Mention Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google + Strategies Overview The unique personality of the Energizer Bunny will be used as the main brand identity for this goal. A designated hashtag will allow us to push the brand while creating conversations with the users. In addition, Social Mention will be used to track any conversations that use keywords such as technology, bunnies, energizer, science, how-to, etc. By listening to such conversations the company will be able to make a connection with the person that mentioned one of the designated keywords and begin a conversation. In addition, Hootsuite will be used to “create a content schedule” to “develop the brand story” and begin to create conversation through consistent posts (Kushner, 2016). ImproveSEO by 20% within12-months. Metrics: Page views, unique visitors, keyword ranking and length of visits Metrics Review: Once a month Analyzing Tools: Google Analytics Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google + Strategies Overview According to Chloe Mason Gray, “While social shares may or may not affect a webpage’s position in search listings, your social profiles definitely influence the content of your search results” (Gray, n.d.). For this reason, is important to ensure consistency in the company’s
  • 24. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 24 bio by using the same keywords across all the social network platforms. Inbound links will also be used to link back to the content. And on the website, “pre-populated media sharing buttons for Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook with links to the website” will be added (Redsicker, 2014). The measurement of this goal will be through Google Analytics, this will also allow the organization to identify “what social media outlet sends the best traffic” and look at the most used social media traffic sources (Lockard, 2012). Channels Currently, the Energizer Bunny social presence is available on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Periscope, Flickr, and Google+ but not as active or engaging as it could be. The many different platforms, however, have spread the brand too thin, hindering the brand image across all platforms. According to Matei Gavril, “Opting for multiple platforms at one time will negatively impact your brand since you won’t be able to reach your potential audience” (2016). In order to create the best social media strategy for the Energizer Bunny, we will have to start by having a better understanding of the unique purpose and use of the wide-range of platforms. This will allow us to “select those that offer the best potential for reaching your ideal audience and broadcast the type of media” (Levy, 2013). Facebook Facebook is one of the most powerful networks to “build brand loyalty and reputation” (Powers, 2015). According to data by Digital Insights, Facebook has 1.28 billion monthly active users and counting (Ajmera, 2014). This platform is perfect for the Energizer Bunny because according to the American Press Institute, “88% of Millennials get news from Facebook” (American Press, 2015). However,
  • 25. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 25 in order to build trust among the current and future audiences, the quality, quantity and diversity of the content would have to be improved dramatically. The content on the Energizer Bunny page would have to be more personalized to highlight the actual personality of the character rather than relying on the Energizer products only. In addition, by utilizing Facebook as one of the main platforms will allow the company to increase its brand engagement, brand exposure and improve SEO. Twitter This platform has revolutionized the way people communicate with only 140 characters. Because the primary purpose of this platform is to “share breaking news and quick updates, promotes new products, content, or brand contests, collects instant feedback from your audience,” this is the perfect platform for the Energizer Bunny to include in its Social Media Channels portfolio (Powers, 2015). This platform will allow the brand to reach the intended audience because as Buffer explains that “if you are interested in a younger, tech-savvy crowd” then Twitter is a most to have (Lee, 2014). While the Energizer Bunny already uses Twitter, content will have to be improved and the amount of posts will need to increase to start generating engagement and meet the proposed objectives. Instagram Currently the Energizer Bunny is not present in Instagram, however, opening an account in this particular channel will allow for the character to visually display the brand while providing content that can overlap with Twitter (Manafy, 2014). In addition, this platform will help to target the intended audience because according to Business Insider, “Instagram's user
  • 26. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 26 base is heavily dominated by women, something that has more often been associated with Pinterest” (Smith, 2014). Pinterest A great platform to develop and increase brand engagement is Pinterest because this network is visually driven and targeted to customers that collect images to inform their purchase decisions (Manafy, 2014). Most of its users are “women, educated, with good incomes” and “it generates more referral traffic than Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit and Google+ combined” (Frances, 2014). This network is a must to include in the strategy since the main gender for our audience is creative females. Google+ For the SEO and brand exposure objectives, Google+ is a great network to use. The platform has 540 million monthly active users, almost double of Twitter users (Ajmera, 2014). Google+ compatibility with YouTube and Google Hangouts makes it ideal for content sharing especially among “tech ad engineering companies as well as marketing individual (Scherer, 2014). The post on this platform can be a combination of repurposed content from the other platforms. Vine Vine’s six-second videos provide the opportunity to show the company’s products in action, increasing brand awareness, while entertaining the audience. In order to be effective the posts have to be creative and sometimes that can be a challenged with only six-seconds (Miller, n.d.). This network will provide the brand a great way to “highlight brand advocates” (Hines, 2013).
  • 27. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 27 Editorial Calendar In order to reach maximum exposure, each network will have different times when content will be shared, and since almost 48% of the population lives in the Eastern Time zone, the schedule will be based on EST unless otherwise noted (Zarrella, n.d.).
  • 28. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 28 Each network will be strategically used to cover each day of the week to generate ongoing content throughout all the different platforms. All of the networks for the exception of Facebook will have a minimum of two posts per week, and the times have been determined by compiled research done by CoSchedule (Neidlinger, 2015). Since Facebook has the largest audience with over 1.59 billion monthly active users, this particular network will be the only one with daily posts (Statista, n.d.). The calendar will display each of the networks in a color-coded format, along with the proposed posting time and date. For this particular proposal example, the campaign will begin running throughout the month of November to take advantage of the particular holidays of that month such as elections and Thanksgiving. Creative Samples The Energizer Bunny brand will share a series of fun and lighter posts that will reflect the personality of the character. From contests, quotes, entertainment, to capitalizing in current events, the common threat of the content should be fun and engaging to fully leverage it to drive the most engagement - and therefore leads - for their business (Tjepkema, L. (2015). The posts will be supported with either graphics or videos, because according to Jeff Bullas “Photos create a lot of interaction along with quotes” (2011). For visual consistency, the graphics will include the Energizer Bunny in the lower bottom of the graphic to help the consumer easily identify with the brand. In addition, the use of hashtags will be key to increase the “potential to boost the number of people talking about the brand” (Guerrero, 2015).
  • 29. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 29 Facebook Post #1: Funny and Patriotic You know the old saying, If you can’t beat em’, join em! Vote for Energizer Bunny! Post #2: Contest This Thanksgiving you don't have to stay home… Share your best bunny face using hashtag #ThanksBunny for a chance to join us at the Macy's Parade! #ad Twitter Post #1: Throw Back Thursday What does the Energizer Bunny and the ACME Coyote have in common? #TBT https://goo.gl/qLJQql Post #2: Contest Enter to win sweepstakes and join the #ThanksBunny parade in NY! #sweepstakes
  • 30. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 30 Instagram Post #1: Throw back Thursday Remember when "Floppy Disks" were the thing? #TBT Post #2: Funny and engaging Can you rock the style? #EnergizerBunnyStyle Vine Post #1: Commentary style Eating healthy will keep you going, but sometimes natural means packaged carrots.... #NeverStopGoing https://vine.co/v/iTqwWZz1rO6 Post #2: Promotional product Ready for the weekend! Let's go shine the light to the world! #NeverStopGoing #ad https://vine.co/v/iTqimQ5Aid5
  • 31. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 31 Pinterest Post #1: Encouraging/Funny quotes ���✋#EnergizerBunnyWisdom Post #2: Brand exposure Let's get the weekend started! #OnlyTheEssentials Google + Post #1: Entertainment and audience engagement Funny couple… Anyone else have #EnergizerBunnyStyle pictures to share? Post #2: Entertainment and audience engagement How fast can you go?
  • 32. Energizer Bunny Social Media Campaign 32 Conclusion The Energizer Bunny’s personality is energetic, fun, smart and never stops going. Mr. Bunny’s personality has the potential to create engaging and compelling content to reach the intended target audience across different social media platforms. Each platform specifically curated content will allow the brand to leverage the power of story-telling through images, video and hashtags to increase brand awareness and encourage user engagement. “You have to, in a way, earn it. You do so by using social networking the way it’s supposed to be used – by clicking, interacting, sharing and giving exposure to others” (Darrell, 2013). Based on research, the Energizer Bunny’s new target audience consist of creative female entrepreneurs that want to make a difference with the work they do. By focusing on targeting a more segmented social group, the new target audience is “much more likely to have a strong attachment to these social identities than they are to strongly identify with a specific stage of life” (Patel, 2015). Consequently, the proposed strategy will focus on three specific objectives to help position the brand in the minds of the intended target audience, and increase brand exposure, audience engagement and SEO rankings (Smith, 2013).
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