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Immersive retailing
Executive brief

                      How immersive technology can
                      revitalize the shopping experience.
                      Taking customers inside your brand
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 2

                       Contents         Why do shoppers choose to come to your store on any given day? Do they
                                        search for products online first and then come in—or do they start their decision-
         2   Introduction               making process inside the store? How do they feel when they leave? Did you
         4   “Brand” new experience:    offer unique, empowering experiences and services that leave them excited to
             enter here                 come back — again and again? Do individuals feel like your brand is relevant
         9   Immersing the shopper in   to their lifestyle? Do they understand the value of your brand experience over
             an engaging, 360-degree
                                        the commoditized products that you are selling? Or, as they wander from store
                                        to store, do your potential customers forget your brand as it blurs in their
         12 Why IBM?
                                        minds with those of competitors?

                                        These are all important questions, given the tough reality of our commoditized
                                        retail marketplace, where it’s harder and harder to stand out from competitors.
                                        Especially since fickle customers seemingly can choose from ever more channels
                                        and providers. Sure, factors like price and service help attract customers, but to
                                        truly stand out from the competition, retailers need to create customer advocates
                                        who, when they’re ready to make a purchase, think first about the retailer’s store
                                        brand rather than a list of product brands.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 3

                                                  Truly immersive experiences — which connect with shoppers on an emotional
         Why are immersive strategies
                                                  level through personalized dialogues and give them greater control over the
                                                  shopping experience — are the new frontier in retailing. The immersive retail
         Noted retail analyst and supermar-       experience is more about involving the customer than it is about merchandise
         ket guru Phil Lempert thinks there       and merchandising. Think outdoor stores that provide simulated trails or streams
         are five key reasons retailers need       for testing equipment, or appliance stores with test kitchens where customers can
         to consider immersive strategies:        feel what it’s like to actually use products. In other words, for stores in many retail
         • Survival — Stores need to develop      segments to stay ahead of competitors, they will need to generate the excitement
           business models and solutions          of a theme park ride—and become a destination. Of course, being a destination
           that meet customer expectations,       takes a lot of work. Walt Disney said, “Whenever I go on a ride, I’m always think-
           using virtual and augumented real-     ing of what’s wrong with the thing and how it can be improved.” Disney knew:
           ity technolgies, before disruptors     you must constantly improve the experience in order to stay relevant. This
           reshape marketplace segments.          point is underscored by the recent trend of retailers hiring executives from the
         • Brand image — New technologies         entertainment industry.
           present virtually endless opportuni-
           ties to reinforce the brand image.
                                                  Immersive technology solutions — which stimulate people’s visual, auditory,
         • Flexibility and responsiveness —
                                                  olfactory and tactile senses to connect with shoppers on an emotional level
           Integrated technologies can
                                                  to create unforgettable shopping experiences — can open up a whole new
           enable retailers to rapidly
                                                  world of energizing shopping experiences. Combined with flexible, responsive
           respond to changing customer
                                                  business models, they have the potential to transform the way customers interact
           whims more readily.
         • Greater reach — Technologies like      with your brand. This brief explores how immersive technologies and business
           the 3-D Internet can introduce         strategies can create a brand voice that generates renewed excitement about
           potential customers from all over      your store. It also examines IBM’s vision for immersive technologies.
           the world to your stores.
         • Personalized connections — Large
           retailers can use the right mix
           of social technologies to achieve
           similar successes to small brands
           in connecting with customers.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 4

                                                       “Brand” new experience: enter here
         Getting the immersive strategy right

         David Polinchock, chief experience
                                                       “ Consumers are expecting retailers to accommodate how they prefer
         officer of the Brand Experience Lab
                                                         to buy and especially how they naturally tend to think about products.
         and experiential advertising pioneer,
         thinks it’s critical for retailers to start     Most consumers … tend to think about products in terms of the needs
         telling their brand story through the           they fulfill and the life experiences they enhance or facilitate.”
         in-store experience and offers some                                                                 — Yankelovich Monitor1
         important tips.

         • Be true to who you are. It’s impor-
                                                       Because shoppers have so many products to choose from and so many ways
           tant that stores are consistent with
                                                       to buy, shopping approaches and expectations have changed dramatically
           how they market themselves and
                                                       in recent years. Today, customers want to be treated as individuals — not as
           with the technology they use. In
                                                       a buying group. Moreover, as they make decisions about where to shop for
           some cases, the technology may
           be behind the scenes; in others,            many types of purchases, they now expect shopping experiences that are:
           it may be front and center. The
           important thing is to put money             • Relevant and contextual.
           into something relevant to what             • Easily accessible.
           you’re about.                               • Lifestyle oriented.
         • Get it right. Customers see through         • Organized to help the customer succeed (for example, to quickly find
           false or misleading claims, so be             what he or she needs).
           sure to back up your brand mes-
           sage with technology that can help          Given customer expectations, retailers that can connect with customers through
           you deliver on it.                          experiences that are personally relevant, memorable, interactive and emotional
         • Involve customers. Shoppers need            are more likely to increase sales and brand loyalty. This is where immersive
           to feel like they’ve had personal           strategies, which start personalized dialogues with customers and generate
           service and that the problem or             a culture of participation that increases the value of the shopping trip, come
           need they came in to address is             in. At its core, immersive retailing is about involving customers and creating
           taken care of.                              environments that are affective and effective.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 5

         “ It can be surprising how often retailers     In the store, immersive retailing solutions create heightened sensory
          fail to engage shoppers’ needs, which         experiences — that use touching, seeing, tasting and smelling — to foster
                                                        emotional experiences that make customers feel like they’re interacting
          is what immersive retailing is all about.
                                                        with the brand rather than merely browsing items.
          In our recent study of consumer

          perceptions and behavior, Professor           The goals of immersive retailing can range from simplifying the shopping exper-
          Neil Morgan and I found that a                ience and raising awareness of a given scenario or product to making customers
          store’s ability to make an emotional          feel like your store fits their lifestyle. Integrated applications of new and existing
                                                        technologies will enable the experiences. Overall, immersive retailing benefits
          connection with shoppers explains
                                                        shoppers by driving a more personalized, convenient, fun and, ultimately,
          55 percent of the variance in custo-
                                                        memorable shopping experience. It benefits retailers by helping to:
          mer satisfaction and 45 percent of

          the variance in store loyalty.”               • Keep retailers relevant through greater shopper engagement.
           — Dr. Raymond R. Burke, director, Customer   • Create new opportunities to appeal to customers’ lifestyle choices and
             Interface Laboratory, Indiana University
             Kelley School of Business
                                                          stand out from competitors.
                                                        • Enhance flexibility to respond to changing customer whims and competi-
                                                          tive threats.

                                                        “ Even on Madison Avenue, it’s amazing to see how many stores look
                                                          exactly the same, except for maybe colors. The staffs look the same,
                                                          the fixtures look the same — as if they were all done by the same
                                                          designer. Stores should speak to the ‘soul’ of the brand. Otherwise,
                                                          stores are simply manifestations of Web catalogs and customers are
                                                          just as well served shopping online.”
                                                                                                                      — David Polinchock

                                                        Depending on your exposure to new technologies, the idea of taking people into
                                                        your brand using immersive technology and experiences may sound technically
                                                        challenging or too futuristic. So how could it look in your stores and tie into your
                                                        Web sites? Let’s explore several scenarios to help you picture the different types
                                                        of possibilities.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 6

         “ Something that gets our heart          Creating memorable in-store experiences
          racing is the question of how the       The possibilities for immersive strategies in stores are limited only by imagination.
                                                  From an emotional perspective, immersive technology can help retailers create
          retail environment goes from an
                                                  stronger bonds with customers. For example, fashion retailers can create
          inventory management place to
                                                  microenvironments in the store to transport their customers to what feels like
          the social experience place where       a front-row seat at a virtual fashion show in Milan—complete with the smell of the
          retail happens.”                        models’ perfume and brushes of wind as they pass by. It’s possible through
           — David Polinchock                     3-D technology and audio and olfactory systems that closely mimic real life.
                                                  David Polinchock points out that an in-store solution could also be as simple
                                                  as providing fashion tours of stores in the form of celebrity podcasts.

         “ Ubiquitous, behind-the-scenes          Three-dimensional technology can also augment reality to help customers
          technology can play a big role in       highlight their uniqueness. For example, it could enable them to customize an
                                                  item, such as a dress, on the sales floor and see how it would look on them.
          creating a positive brand experience.
                                                  Or customers could more easily try on clothes using virtual dressing rooms
          Consider stores where you have a
                                                  that superimpose clothes on their body image, and they could even share the
          great experience and then must show     fashions with their social network using cell phone technology or the Internet.
          your bag to security when exiting.      Customers could also use their cell phones to obtain information about products
          Technology can help decrease theft      and to locate departments or particular items. Potential benefits include increased
                                                  cross-selling, higher customer satisfaction, increased conversion, fewer returns
          less intrusively.”
                                                  and increased revenue per transaction. Best of all, augmented reality solutions
           — David Polinchock
                                                  provide opportunities for retailers to try new things, partner with other businesses,
                                                  expand their footprint and expose inventory from across partners — all without
                                                  requiring disruptive remodels in stores.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 7

         “ I think Second Life will break down   Redefining the online experience
          the walls between Internet shopping    Immersive technology has the potential to dramatically reshape the retail exper-
                                                 ience, both online and in the store. Retailers can leverage microenvironments to
          and brick-and-mortar stores.”
                                                 more closely interact with shoppers. For example, they can offer 3-D design tools
           — Phil Lempert
                                                 (online and in the store), such as a solution for designing a home entertainment
                                                 system based on room dimensions, and unique experiences in 3-D Internet
                                                 environments, such as the opportunity to co-create new store environments or
                                                 provide product feedback. Phil Lempert thinks it’s critical for retailers to push the
                                                 envelope with 3-D Internet technologies if they want to survive the next revolution
                                                 in retailing. Lempert thinks that successful retailers can leverage technology, like
                                                 the 3-D Internet, to create emotional experiences and develop a relationship with
                                                 the personality of shoppers—not just views of customers that are based on their
                                                 transactional history. To underscore the possibilities and importance of the 3-D
                                                 Internet, Lempert launched Phil’s Supermarket, the first virtual supermarket, which
                                                 is located in the online world of Second Life. Just like in the real world, shoppers,
                                                 in the form of their virtual avatars, can wander through Phil’s, browse items and
                                                 attend food forums, cooking demos and other interest-group-based meetings
                                                 that empower users with the information they need to enhance their relationship
                                                 with food brands that they’re interested in. The key benefit of the more immersive
                                                 experience is that users form more emotional bonds with brands.

                                                 “ Second Life provides a social aspect to the shopping experience
                                                   that you can’t get on the Web. … It also enables you to create a retail
                                                   experience you can change in five minutes at a minimal expense.”
                                                                                                                     — Phil Lempert
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 8

         “ We ask a lot of questions, like when    Blurring the lines between online and in-store
          I’m shopping and see a beautiful         So far, we’ve examined in-store and online scenarios for immersive retailing
                                                   separately. However, the shopping experience of the future is not an either/or
          dress that I think would be great
                                                   option. It’s a multichannel, multiplatform experience. Consider the process of
          for my daughter , why isn’t there a
                                                   remodeling a kitchen, for example. In the store, shoppers can view samples of
          way to easily send a picture of the      items, but there’s no way to actually configure a room to see how it would look
          dress to my wife? If I didn’t have to    when the remodel is complete.
          bring her back to the store to see
                                                   With new technologies, the remodeling process could begin online, where
          it, there’s a better chance I’d buy it
                                                   shoppers create a profile by providing the dimensions of their kitchen and
          on the spot. If I can do it online, I
                                                   features, such as the cabinets they are replacing, including their placement
          should be able to do it in the store.    in the room. They could also narrow the styles of cabinets and colors of tiles
          We call it ‘e-tailing your retail.’”     they’re interested in to streamline the time it will take them in the store. When
           — David Polinchock                      they go to the store, instead of looking at samples, they could enter a scaled 3-D
                                                   re-creation of their kitchen and mix and match their various choices to see and
                                                   experience how they would all look together. Using this information, they could
                                                   then easily choose the best option. This model would enable companies in
                                                   many retail segments to move from product pushers to true solution providers.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 9

                                      Immersing the shopper in an engaging, 360-degree experience

                                      “To stand out in a crowded marketplace, retailers need customer
                                       advocates, not just shoppers.”
                                                                               — IBM Institute for Business Value 2

                                      Clearly, immersive technology in retailing presents compelling opportunities. But
                                      what’s appropriate for the brand experience, and what are the factors that help
                                      define and deliver those experiences? When charting a strategy, it’s important
                                      to consider your business objectives and how you can link them with customers’
                                      expectations for your brand to create advocates. And depending on the retail
                                      segment you’re in, part of the challenge may be rethinking how customers use
                                      your store. Think Starbucks. It’s as much a community meeting place as it is a
                                      coffee shop. The Apple store is as much a help desk, customer support center
                                      and Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) access point as it is a store. And American Girl is as
                                      much a theater, playhouse and museum as it is a store.

                                      Focus on customer expectations to create advocates
                                      What makes the above brands successful? Their customer focus. According
                                      to a 2007 series of IBM surveys that polled nearly 20,000 consumers, those
                                      retailers that integrate customer-focused initiatives throughout their businesses
                                      have a greater number of advocates and often outperform their competitors.
                                      Advocates are defined by three criteria: they are customers who recommend
                                      their retailer to their friends and family, who would increase their purchase
                                      amount if their retailer offered products found at other stores, and who would
                                      stay with their retailer even if another retailer offered a competitive product. IBM
                                      surveyed U.S. consumers from five retail segments — grocery, large-format
                                      apparel, mall-based specialty (MBS) apparel, drugstore and online retailers —
                                      to identify the key retailer attributes that drive consumer advocacy. Knowing
                                      the underlying reasons why customers become advocates enables retailers to
                                      pursue customer-focused initiatives and investments, such as immersive retail
                                      technology solutions, with greater precision and success.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 10

                                      To better understand what retail features, or attributes, are most important to
                                      advocates, IBM studied 14 attribute statements across each retail segment,
                                      and then grouped the 14 attributes into 7 attribute categories. IBM then asked
                                      customers to rate their primary retailer on a scale of 1 to 10, from “strongly
                                      disagree” to “strongly agree.” The survey results showed that, on average across
                                      the segments, the single attribute statement that advocates ranked highest was
                                      “store is pleasant and enjoyable to shop,” which falls into the “store experience”
                                      category. Similarly, the survey showed that the most important attribute category
                                      for advocates is a positive store experience. Advocates want their primary retailer
                                      to provide a pleasant, easy and enjoyable overall shopping experience — all of
                                      which are attributes that immersive technology solutions can help deliver.

                                      Meet varying demographic needs
                                      Today’s marketplace is full of customers with very different relationships to
                                      technology and brands. Traditionalists and baby boomers tend to want help
                                      from store associates with product expertise. Generation X shoppers, on the
                                      other hand, are more comfortable with technology and seek out solutions that
                                      help them form their own opinions and figure things out on their own. Millennials
                                      or Internet generation (iGen) shoppers — the generation whose members have
                                      used the Internet and advanced technology their entire lives — will demand an
                                      arsenal of support from all channels, including a high-touch service experience
                                      based on interactions with self-service technology and associates. As millenn-
                                      ials figure more and more into sales equations, it will be important to pull rather
                                      than push them into sales. Regardless of demographic, all customer advocates
                                      demand access to rich informationso that they can make the right buying
                                      decision the first time.
How immersive technology can
revitalize the shopping experience.
Page 11

          “ Putting a new store environment           Combine your innovative strategy with technology to create immersive environments
           in Second Life with the idea that          An immersive environment is enabled by technology and spatial experiences, but
                                                      it’s fueled by business objectives and customer expectations. Three-dimensional
           it will sell a lot is a recipe for fail-
                                                      Internet, 3-D video, motion-tracking solutions, surround sound, and environmental
           ure. Retailers who go on with the
                                                      design and merchandising can all be key components of immersive retailing,
           intent to learn and figure out what’s       helping to change buying attitudes and deliver the type of experience that keeps
           next — and get to the future faster —      customers coming back. How? A fashion store could enable customers to see
           will succeed.”                             themselves in social situations, such as at a bar or walking down the street, in
           — Phil Lempert                             the clothes they’re interested in. Media stores could transport customers to front-
                                                      row seats of a concert for the artists they’re interested in. Or a craft store could
                                                      provide virtual crafting sessions that enable clients to learn from experts situated
                                                      anywhere in the world.

          “Technology will play an increasing         Of course, immersive technology solutions are only one aspect of next-generation

           role in the shopping process … some        retail technology environments. Ultimately, next-generation stores and Web sites
                                                      will be sense-and-respond environments that morph themselves to meet the
           of the revolutionary developments
                                                      temporal demand of customers’ immediate shopping objectives.
           poised to enhance the shopping

           experience in the near term include        The immersive retailing experience will be delivered via microenvironments that
           smart fixtures that sense and respond       narrow the focus of shoppers’ experiences to “I” and “me.” It will leverage the

           to shoppers, 3-D volumetric video          dynamic aggregation of flexible technology, realtime sales, and rich customer
                                                      data and business rules. And it will be driven by the ability to evaluate inventory,
           displays and telepresence devices
                                                      store and business conditions, along with specific customer preferences, on
           that allow shoppers to consult with
                                                      the fly. An array of technologies will combine to create these environments,
           product experts in remote locations.”      revolutionizing the shopping experience in stores and online. In the store, the
           — Dr. Raymond Burke                        integrated technologies will include radio frequency identification (RFID), kiosks,
                                                      electronic shelf labels, biometrics, digital media, shopping cart companions,
                                                      mobile workforce solutions and the consumer’s own personal device. Online,
                                                      3-D technologies, true user-driven design and collaboration tools will spur the
                                                      turn to innovative, dynamic and user-driven experiences.
Immersive retailing presents a way to take shoppers beyond detached browsing            © Copyright IBM Corporation 2008

into brand and product experiences that they won’t soon forget. When you’re ready         IBM Corporation
                                                                                          IBM Software Group Industry Solutions
to explore this new frontier and forge stronger relationships with customers, IBM         Route 100
can provide the tools and insight to put you on the path to success.                      Somers, NY 10589

                                                                                          Produced in the United States of America
Why IBM?                                                                                  01-08
Given the saturated retail marketplace, creating exciting shopping experiences that       All Rights Reserved.

build advocacy and keep customers coming back is harder than ever. For more               IBM, the IBM logo and ibm.com are registered
                                                                                          trademarks of International Business Machines
than 35 years, IBM has provided leading-edge retail solutions, and we’re working          Corporation in the United States, other countries
hard to provide groundbreaking immersive retailing solutions that are designed to         or both.

open personalized dialogues with customers and deliver real business benefits to           Other company, product and service names may
                                                                                          be trademarks or service marks of others.
retailers. IBM brings solutions to market that enable this total vision for on demand
                                                                                          IBM provides this publication “as is,” without war-
retail operations. A solution is a business-objective-based aggregate of capabilities     ranty of any kind, express or implied, including the
that supports the life cycle of enablement.                                               implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for
                                                                                          a particular purpose. Some jurisdictions do not
                                                                                          allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties
IBM also provides the IBM Retail Integration Framework, a best practice combination       in certain transactions; therefore, this disclaimer
                                                                                          may not apply to you.
of IBM business process, open-standards-based information and security manage-
                                                                                          IBM reserves the right to change specifications
ment software and services that can help hasten solution implementation and               or other product information without notice. This
optimize choice. The Retail Integration Framework can support the infrastructure          publication could include technical inaccuracies
                                                                                          or typographical errors.
flexibility and the people-to-people, people-to-process and process-to-process
                                                                                          References to IBM products and services do not
interactions needed to enable immersive retailing environments. To differentiate          imply that IBM intends to make them available in
your operations and take customers into a whole new brand experience — look               other countries.

no further than IBM.                                                                      The IBM home page can be found at ibm.com®.

                                                                                        1 Call to Action, Yankelovich Monitor, 2006.
For more information                                                                    2 Turning shoppers into advocates, IBM Institute for
                                                                                          Business Value, 2008.
To learn more about immersive retailing and immersive retailing solutions available
from IBM, visit:



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  • 1. Immersive retailing Executive brief How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Taking customers inside your brand
  • 2. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 2 Introduction Contents Why do shoppers choose to come to your store on any given day? Do they search for products online first and then come in—or do they start their decision- 2 Introduction making process inside the store? How do they feel when they leave? Did you 4 “Brand” new experience: offer unique, empowering experiences and services that leave them excited to enter here come back — again and again? Do individuals feel like your brand is relevant 9 Immersing the shopper in to their lifestyle? Do they understand the value of your brand experience over an engaging, 360-degree the commoditized products that you are selling? Or, as they wander from store experience to store, do your potential customers forget your brand as it blurs in their 12 Why IBM? minds with those of competitors? These are all important questions, given the tough reality of our commoditized retail marketplace, where it’s harder and harder to stand out from competitors. Especially since fickle customers seemingly can choose from ever more channels and providers. Sure, factors like price and service help attract customers, but to truly stand out from the competition, retailers need to create customer advocates who, when they’re ready to make a purchase, think first about the retailer’s store brand rather than a list of product brands.
  • 3. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 3 Truly immersive experiences — which connect with shoppers on an emotional Why are immersive strategies level through personalized dialogues and give them greater control over the important? shopping experience — are the new frontier in retailing. The immersive retail Noted retail analyst and supermar- experience is more about involving the customer than it is about merchandise ket guru Phil Lempert thinks there and merchandising. Think outdoor stores that provide simulated trails or streams are five key reasons retailers need for testing equipment, or appliance stores with test kitchens where customers can to consider immersive strategies: feel what it’s like to actually use products. In other words, for stores in many retail • Survival — Stores need to develop segments to stay ahead of competitors, they will need to generate the excitement business models and solutions of a theme park ride—and become a destination. Of course, being a destination that meet customer expectations, takes a lot of work. Walt Disney said, “Whenever I go on a ride, I’m always think- using virtual and augumented real- ing of what’s wrong with the thing and how it can be improved.” Disney knew: ity technolgies, before disruptors you must constantly improve the experience in order to stay relevant. This reshape marketplace segments. point is underscored by the recent trend of retailers hiring executives from the • Brand image — New technologies entertainment industry. present virtually endless opportuni- ties to reinforce the brand image. Immersive technology solutions — which stimulate people’s visual, auditory, • Flexibility and responsiveness — olfactory and tactile senses to connect with shoppers on an emotional level Integrated technologies can to create unforgettable shopping experiences — can open up a whole new enable retailers to rapidly world of energizing shopping experiences. Combined with flexible, responsive respond to changing customer business models, they have the potential to transform the way customers interact whims more readily. • Greater reach — Technologies like with your brand. This brief explores how immersive technologies and business the 3-D Internet can introduce strategies can create a brand voice that generates renewed excitement about potential customers from all over your store. It also examines IBM’s vision for immersive technologies. the world to your stores. • Personalized connections — Large retailers can use the right mix of social technologies to achieve similar successes to small brands in connecting with customers.
  • 4. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 4 “Brand” new experience: enter here Getting the immersive strategy right David Polinchock, chief experience “ Consumers are expecting retailers to accommodate how they prefer officer of the Brand Experience Lab to buy and especially how they naturally tend to think about products. and experiential advertising pioneer, thinks it’s critical for retailers to start Most consumers … tend to think about products in terms of the needs telling their brand story through the they fulfill and the life experiences they enhance or facilitate.” in-store experience and offers some — Yankelovich Monitor1 important tips. • Be true to who you are. It’s impor- Because shoppers have so many products to choose from and so many ways tant that stores are consistent with to buy, shopping approaches and expectations have changed dramatically how they market themselves and in recent years. Today, customers want to be treated as individuals — not as with the technology they use. In a buying group. Moreover, as they make decisions about where to shop for some cases, the technology may be behind the scenes; in others, many types of purchases, they now expect shopping experiences that are: it may be front and center. The important thing is to put money • Relevant and contextual. into something relevant to what • Easily accessible. you’re about. • Lifestyle oriented. • Get it right. Customers see through • Organized to help the customer succeed (for example, to quickly find false or misleading claims, so be what he or she needs). sure to back up your brand mes- sage with technology that can help Given customer expectations, retailers that can connect with customers through you deliver on it. experiences that are personally relevant, memorable, interactive and emotional • Involve customers. Shoppers need are more likely to increase sales and brand loyalty. This is where immersive to feel like they’ve had personal strategies, which start personalized dialogues with customers and generate service and that the problem or a culture of participation that increases the value of the shopping trip, come need they came in to address is in. At its core, immersive retailing is about involving customers and creating taken care of. environments that are affective and effective.
  • 5. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 5 “ It can be surprising how often retailers In the store, immersive retailing solutions create heightened sensory fail to engage shoppers’ needs, which experiences — that use touching, seeing, tasting and smelling — to foster emotional experiences that make customers feel like they’re interacting is what immersive retailing is all about. with the brand rather than merely browsing items. In our recent study of consumer perceptions and behavior, Professor The goals of immersive retailing can range from simplifying the shopping exper- Neil Morgan and I found that a ience and raising awareness of a given scenario or product to making customers store’s ability to make an emotional feel like your store fits their lifestyle. Integrated applications of new and existing technologies will enable the experiences. Overall, immersive retailing benefits connection with shoppers explains shoppers by driving a more personalized, convenient, fun and, ultimately, 55 percent of the variance in custo- memorable shopping experience. It benefits retailers by helping to: mer satisfaction and 45 percent of the variance in store loyalty.” • Keep retailers relevant through greater shopper engagement. — Dr. Raymond R. Burke, director, Customer • Create new opportunities to appeal to customers’ lifestyle choices and Interface Laboratory, Indiana University Kelley School of Business stand out from competitors. • Enhance flexibility to respond to changing customer whims and competi- tive threats. “ Even on Madison Avenue, it’s amazing to see how many stores look exactly the same, except for maybe colors. The staffs look the same, the fixtures look the same — as if they were all done by the same designer. Stores should speak to the ‘soul’ of the brand. Otherwise, stores are simply manifestations of Web catalogs and customers are just as well served shopping online.” — David Polinchock Depending on your exposure to new technologies, the idea of taking people into your brand using immersive technology and experiences may sound technically challenging or too futuristic. So how could it look in your stores and tie into your Web sites? Let’s explore several scenarios to help you picture the different types of possibilities.
  • 6. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 6 “ Something that gets our heart Creating memorable in-store experiences racing is the question of how the The possibilities for immersive strategies in stores are limited only by imagination. From an emotional perspective, immersive technology can help retailers create retail environment goes from an stronger bonds with customers. For example, fashion retailers can create inventory management place to microenvironments in the store to transport their customers to what feels like the social experience place where a front-row seat at a virtual fashion show in Milan—complete with the smell of the retail happens.” models’ perfume and brushes of wind as they pass by. It’s possible through — David Polinchock 3-D technology and audio and olfactory systems that closely mimic real life. David Polinchock points out that an in-store solution could also be as simple as providing fashion tours of stores in the form of celebrity podcasts. “ Ubiquitous, behind-the-scenes Three-dimensional technology can also augment reality to help customers technology can play a big role in highlight their uniqueness. For example, it could enable them to customize an item, such as a dress, on the sales floor and see how it would look on them. creating a positive brand experience. Or customers could more easily try on clothes using virtual dressing rooms Consider stores where you have a that superimpose clothes on their body image, and they could even share the great experience and then must show fashions with their social network using cell phone technology or the Internet. your bag to security when exiting. Customers could also use their cell phones to obtain information about products Technology can help decrease theft and to locate departments or particular items. Potential benefits include increased cross-selling, higher customer satisfaction, increased conversion, fewer returns less intrusively.” and increased revenue per transaction. Best of all, augmented reality solutions — David Polinchock provide opportunities for retailers to try new things, partner with other businesses, expand their footprint and expose inventory from across partners — all without requiring disruptive remodels in stores.
  • 7. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 7 “ I think Second Life will break down Redefining the online experience the walls between Internet shopping Immersive technology has the potential to dramatically reshape the retail exper- ience, both online and in the store. Retailers can leverage microenvironments to and brick-and-mortar stores.” more closely interact with shoppers. For example, they can offer 3-D design tools — Phil Lempert (online and in the store), such as a solution for designing a home entertainment system based on room dimensions, and unique experiences in 3-D Internet environments, such as the opportunity to co-create new store environments or provide product feedback. Phil Lempert thinks it’s critical for retailers to push the envelope with 3-D Internet technologies if they want to survive the next revolution in retailing. Lempert thinks that successful retailers can leverage technology, like the 3-D Internet, to create emotional experiences and develop a relationship with the personality of shoppers—not just views of customers that are based on their transactional history. To underscore the possibilities and importance of the 3-D Internet, Lempert launched Phil’s Supermarket, the first virtual supermarket, which is located in the online world of Second Life. Just like in the real world, shoppers, in the form of their virtual avatars, can wander through Phil’s, browse items and attend food forums, cooking demos and other interest-group-based meetings that empower users with the information they need to enhance their relationship with food brands that they’re interested in. The key benefit of the more immersive experience is that users form more emotional bonds with brands. “ Second Life provides a social aspect to the shopping experience that you can’t get on the Web. … It also enables you to create a retail experience you can change in five minutes at a minimal expense.” — Phil Lempert
  • 8. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 8 “ We ask a lot of questions, like when Blurring the lines between online and in-store I’m shopping and see a beautiful So far, we’ve examined in-store and online scenarios for immersive retailing separately. However, the shopping experience of the future is not an either/or dress that I think would be great option. It’s a multichannel, multiplatform experience. Consider the process of for my daughter , why isn’t there a remodeling a kitchen, for example. In the store, shoppers can view samples of way to easily send a picture of the items, but there’s no way to actually configure a room to see how it would look dress to my wife? If I didn’t have to when the remodel is complete. bring her back to the store to see With new technologies, the remodeling process could begin online, where it, there’s a better chance I’d buy it shoppers create a profile by providing the dimensions of their kitchen and on the spot. If I can do it online, I features, such as the cabinets they are replacing, including their placement should be able to do it in the store. in the room. They could also narrow the styles of cabinets and colors of tiles We call it ‘e-tailing your retail.’” they’re interested in to streamline the time it will take them in the store. When — David Polinchock they go to the store, instead of looking at samples, they could enter a scaled 3-D re-creation of their kitchen and mix and match their various choices to see and experience how they would all look together. Using this information, they could then easily choose the best option. This model would enable companies in many retail segments to move from product pushers to true solution providers. .
  • 9. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 9 Immersing the shopper in an engaging, 360-degree experience “To stand out in a crowded marketplace, retailers need customer advocates, not just shoppers.” — IBM Institute for Business Value 2 Clearly, immersive technology in retailing presents compelling opportunities. But what’s appropriate for the brand experience, and what are the factors that help define and deliver those experiences? When charting a strategy, it’s important to consider your business objectives and how you can link them with customers’ expectations for your brand to create advocates. And depending on the retail segment you’re in, part of the challenge may be rethinking how customers use your store. Think Starbucks. It’s as much a community meeting place as it is a coffee shop. The Apple store is as much a help desk, customer support center and Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) access point as it is a store. And American Girl is as much a theater, playhouse and museum as it is a store. Focus on customer expectations to create advocates What makes the above brands successful? Their customer focus. According to a 2007 series of IBM surveys that polled nearly 20,000 consumers, those retailers that integrate customer-focused initiatives throughout their businesses have a greater number of advocates and often outperform their competitors. Advocates are defined by three criteria: they are customers who recommend their retailer to their friends and family, who would increase their purchase amount if their retailer offered products found at other stores, and who would stay with their retailer even if another retailer offered a competitive product. IBM surveyed U.S. consumers from five retail segments — grocery, large-format apparel, mall-based specialty (MBS) apparel, drugstore and online retailers — to identify the key retailer attributes that drive consumer advocacy. Knowing the underlying reasons why customers become advocates enables retailers to pursue customer-focused initiatives and investments, such as immersive retail technology solutions, with greater precision and success.
  • 10. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 10 To better understand what retail features, or attributes, are most important to advocates, IBM studied 14 attribute statements across each retail segment, and then grouped the 14 attributes into 7 attribute categories. IBM then asked customers to rate their primary retailer on a scale of 1 to 10, from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” The survey results showed that, on average across the segments, the single attribute statement that advocates ranked highest was “store is pleasant and enjoyable to shop,” which falls into the “store experience” category. Similarly, the survey showed that the most important attribute category for advocates is a positive store experience. Advocates want their primary retailer to provide a pleasant, easy and enjoyable overall shopping experience — all of which are attributes that immersive technology solutions can help deliver. Meet varying demographic needs Today’s marketplace is full of customers with very different relationships to technology and brands. Traditionalists and baby boomers tend to want help from store associates with product expertise. Generation X shoppers, on the other hand, are more comfortable with technology and seek out solutions that help them form their own opinions and figure things out on their own. Millennials or Internet generation (iGen) shoppers — the generation whose members have used the Internet and advanced technology their entire lives — will demand an arsenal of support from all channels, including a high-touch service experience based on interactions with self-service technology and associates. As millenn- ials figure more and more into sales equations, it will be important to pull rather than push them into sales. Regardless of demographic, all customer advocates demand access to rich informationso that they can make the right buying decision the first time.
  • 11. How immersive technology can revitalize the shopping experience. Page 11 “ Putting a new store environment Combine your innovative strategy with technology to create immersive environments in Second Life with the idea that An immersive environment is enabled by technology and spatial experiences, but it’s fueled by business objectives and customer expectations. Three-dimensional it will sell a lot is a recipe for fail- Internet, 3-D video, motion-tracking solutions, surround sound, and environmental ure. Retailers who go on with the design and merchandising can all be key components of immersive retailing, intent to learn and figure out what’s helping to change buying attitudes and deliver the type of experience that keeps next — and get to the future faster — customers coming back. How? A fashion store could enable customers to see will succeed.” themselves in social situations, such as at a bar or walking down the street, in — Phil Lempert the clothes they’re interested in. Media stores could transport customers to front- row seats of a concert for the artists they’re interested in. Or a craft store could provide virtual crafting sessions that enable clients to learn from experts situated anywhere in the world. “Technology will play an increasing Of course, immersive technology solutions are only one aspect of next-generation role in the shopping process … some retail technology environments. Ultimately, next-generation stores and Web sites will be sense-and-respond environments that morph themselves to meet the of the revolutionary developments temporal demand of customers’ immediate shopping objectives. poised to enhance the shopping experience in the near term include The immersive retailing experience will be delivered via microenvironments that smart fixtures that sense and respond narrow the focus of shoppers’ experiences to “I” and “me.” It will leverage the to shoppers, 3-D volumetric video dynamic aggregation of flexible technology, realtime sales, and rich customer data and business rules. And it will be driven by the ability to evaluate inventory, displays and telepresence devices store and business conditions, along with specific customer preferences, on that allow shoppers to consult with the fly. An array of technologies will combine to create these environments, product experts in remote locations.” revolutionizing the shopping experience in stores and online. In the store, the — Dr. Raymond Burke integrated technologies will include radio frequency identification (RFID), kiosks, electronic shelf labels, biometrics, digital media, shopping cart companions, mobile workforce solutions and the consumer’s own personal device. Online, 3-D technologies, true user-driven design and collaboration tools will spur the turn to innovative, dynamic and user-driven experiences.
  • 12. Immersive retailing presents a way to take shoppers beyond detached browsing © Copyright IBM Corporation 2008 into brand and product experiences that they won’t soon forget. When you’re ready IBM Corporation IBM Software Group Industry Solutions to explore this new frontier and forge stronger relationships with customers, IBM Route 100 can provide the tools and insight to put you on the path to success. Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A. Produced in the United States of America Why IBM? 01-08 Given the saturated retail marketplace, creating exciting shopping experiences that All Rights Reserved. build advocacy and keep customers coming back is harder than ever. For more IBM, the IBM logo and ibm.com are registered trademarks of International Business Machines than 35 years, IBM has provided leading-edge retail solutions, and we’re working Corporation in the United States, other countries hard to provide groundbreaking immersive retailing solutions that are designed to or both. open personalized dialogues with customers and deliver real business benefits to Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. retailers. IBM brings solutions to market that enable this total vision for on demand IBM provides this publication “as is,” without war- retail operations. A solution is a business-objective-based aggregate of capabilities ranty of any kind, express or implied, including the that supports the life cycle of enablement. implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties IBM also provides the IBM Retail Integration Framework, a best practice combination in certain transactions; therefore, this disclaimer may not apply to you. of IBM business process, open-standards-based information and security manage- IBM reserves the right to change specifications ment software and services that can help hasten solution implementation and or other product information without notice. This optimize choice. The Retail Integration Framework can support the infrastructure publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. flexibility and the people-to-people, people-to-process and process-to-process References to IBM products and services do not interactions needed to enable immersive retailing environments. To differentiate imply that IBM intends to make them available in your operations and take customers into a whole new brand experience — look other countries. no further than IBM. The IBM home page can be found at ibm.com®. 1 Call to Action, Yankelovich Monitor, 2006. For more information 2 Turning shoppers into advocates, IBM Institute for Business Value, 2008. To learn more about immersive retailing and immersive retailing solutions available from IBM, visit: ibm.com/retail REW03002-USEN-00