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    The Era of

                   18 7 0 - 19 14

    Late Nineteenth Century
    European Imperialism

     Colonialism
      Takingdirect control of an area and turning it into
      a colony under a nation’s authority

     Nationalism
      Belief that an ethnic group should rule itself
      Belief that one nation is better than all the others
+  Practice by which powerful nations, particularly European,
     and later American and Japanese, seek to extend and
     maintain political or economic control of one or more
     weaker countries

     Imperialism
      New V. Old

     Motives  for Empire
      Economic
      Political
      Ideological
        Social Darwinism
        Religious
        Humanitarian

      Adventure    and Excitement
Source for         European
                                Raw            Nationalism
                              Materials                            Missionary

                                    E u rop e an
            Markets for
                                     M otive s                          Military
                                                                        & Naval
                                F or C olonization                       Bases


                                                                   Places to
             European                                                Dump
              Racism                                              Unwanted/
                                                                 Excess Popul.

                                Humanitarian     Soc. & Eco.
                   “White         Reasons        Opportunities
Resources and Strategic Areas:
Where are the important geographical areas to control?
British Landlords want to
       make money

Require farmers to grow
 crops they can sell for
 money – not for food

    “Cash Crops”
+   Cash Crops. The agricultural products are grown primarily for
    exporting purposes. Products such as indigo, banana,
    pineapple, coffee or sugar cane are grown to be exported to
    developed countries.

                                                                     But what
                                                                    will we eat?
    Causes of Late 19th Century European

     Culture    / Religion
      Beliefin European / Christian superiority
      Desire to “spread civilization and Christianity to
       the heathens”
         Social Darwinism

     Prestige
      Whoever     has the most must be the best
         “He who dies with the most toys wins!”
“The White Man’s Burden”
 a concept very popular during
  the 1800's and into the 1900's
  that it was the responsibility of
  white Europeans to bring
  "proper" European civilization
  to the nations (mostly brown,
  black, red or yellow) that did
  not have it. 
  The underlying thought was
  that Europeans were correct in
  their beliefs and it was their
  duty to bring everyone in the
  world up as close to the
  European standards as
+  Not all Europeans were
   equally as good - the British
   were the cream of the crop
   Non-Europeans   should accept
   the gift of European
   civilization happily
   Insummary: Europeans were
   responsible for (had the task
   or burden of) educating
   "uncivilized" or "backward"
+      Social Darwinism

     Social     Darwinists – sounds rather racist.
      They  applied evolution to the social order.
      Europeans felt they must “save the savages” and
       “civilize” them
              Missionaries sought to convert “heathen” unbelievers in faraway
              “The white man’s burden” – introducing civilization to the
               “colored” races of the world.

     Intheir view, war was nature’s way of
     eliminating the unfit.
      Using   terms such as “survival of the fittest” Social
       Darwinists insisted that nations and races were
       engaged in a struggle for survival in which only the
       fittest survive and deserve to win.
+ Social Darwinism: Lasting
     It promoted the military build-up that led to World War I.

     It would become the core doctrine of the Nazi party before World
      War II.
         Holocaust and Eugenics

     Provided a “scientific” and “ethical” justification for genocides in
      the 20th century.
Common advertisement during Imperialism
                                          What is being
                                          Where is this taking
                                          How can you tell?
                                          What is going on?
                                          What does it tell us
                                          about imperialism /
                                          Who was the queen
                                          at the time?

    A British Merchant's Home in Colonial India
Britain (United Kingdom)
Includes England, Scotland, Wales,
  Largest          colonial empire
    “Sun never sets on the British Empire”
    Colonies established to protect trading interests in
     Africa and Asia
    Two kinds of colonies
          “White” Colonies (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South
           Africa) Populated mainly by people that moved there from
              Given self-rule
          “Non-white” Colonies (India, Africa)
              Under indirect rule
              Populated mainly by people who are native to the area
              Few people from Britain actually live there – but control the
All the territories the British ever owned
Note: They also had a “sphere of influence” in China
                      as well

    Northwest     Africa and Southeast Asia
    Took colonies to make up for loss of
     Alsace-Lorraine in 1870
    Tended      to use “Direct Rule”
      Control   all aspects of the colony from
French Colonial Empire - 1905
Ignore these parts

     Bismarck originally opposed
     colonial expansion
      Unnecessary   for Germany
      Did not want to threaten France or
     Germany  eventually took
     colonies in 1880s for status
      In   Africa and Asia
    United States

     Did   not get involved in European affairs
     Became    colonial power after 1898
      Spanish-American War
       U.S. gainscontrol of Puerto Rico, Guam,

     Monroe Doctrine allows US to extend
     influence into Latin America
American Territorial Expansion after 1898

    Case Study #1
    Imperialism in Africa
+ Scramble for Africa

  Europe  had been interested in Africa
   for centuries
    Through    the slave trade

  Much     of Africa still unexplored until
   European influence restricted
          to coastline
     Initially difficult to get to
    interior due to geography
     Diseases made exploration
 difficult. (malaria, yellow fever
Technology Encourages Europeans
to explore African interior

 Advances       in medicine
    Quinine   – stops malaria

 Suez   Canal
+ Geographical Impact of the Suez
  Canal, 1869

                              See why the
                               Suez canal
                                   is a
                  10,000 KM    “strategic”
                 16,000 KM
How do you control your empire??
    European Imperialism in Asia
    Britain     trading in India since 1600s
      British
             East India Co. gradually took over
      parts of India
    British government gradually took over
     India in the 1800s
      Sepoy  Mutiny
       Indian soldiers revolt against British East India Co
       Rebellion put down by British army
       British government takes over control from British
        East India Co.
Map of Imperialism in Asia
Growth of British Power in India
    European Imperialism in India

    Consequences     of British Imperialism
     in India
      British educational system established
      Spread of English language
      Railroads tie India together
      Rise of Indian middle class
    European Imperialism in Asia
     China
      Potentially huge market
      Closed to European trade until 1800s
      Opium War (1840)
        Britain forces China to open trade to opium
          Millions of addicts
          Unequal Treaties (Treaty of Nanking) – China
           forced open
      By 1900, China divided into European “spheres
       of influence”
        Parts of China under European control
      Chinese monarchy seriously weakened
    Reaction to Imperialism
    Rise   of Nationalist Movements
      India
       Indian National Congress (1885)
        Group of middle class Indians begin to
         demand independence (Mohandas
      China
        Boxer Rebellion (1900)
        Nationalist Party
    Reaction to Imperialism

     Long    isolated from Western
     U.S. opens Japan to trade in
     Meiji Restoration (1868)
      Faction overthrows Shogun and
       restores Emperor to power
      Japan imports Western ideas and

      Ever   see ….
    Reaction to Imperialism

     Japan   adopts imperialism by 1890s
      Defeats China in 1895
        Takes over Taiwan
      Defeats Russia in 1905
        Gains control of Korea

     Japanese    imperialism worries Europeans
      “Yellow   Peril”

     Different
              reasons for European imperialism
     during late nineteenth century
     European imperialism causes reactions in
     Africa and Asia
     European  imperialism disrupts traditional
     way of life and continues to affect the world


        Nations gaining independence post-WWII

A troublesome
1. The economic
 problems they
2. The need to find
 political systems
 that work for the
 individual nations.
      THE END
     DON’T BE

More Related Content


  • 1. + The Era of Imperialism: 18 7 0 - 19 14
  • 2. + Late Nineteenth Century European Imperialism
  • 3. + Definitions  Colonialism  Takingdirect control of an area and turning it into a colony under a nation’s authority  Nationalism  Belief that an ethnic group should rule itself  Belief that one nation is better than all the others
  • 4. Imperialism +  Practice by which powerful nations, particularly European, and later American and Japanese, seek to extend and maintain political or economic control of one or more weaker countries
  • 5. + Imperialism  Imperialism  New V. Old  Motives for Empire  Economic  Political  Ideological  Social Darwinism  Religious  Humanitarian  Adventure and Excitement
  • 6. Source for European Raw Nationalism Materials Missionary Industrial Activity Revolution E u rop e an Markets for M otive s Military Finished & Naval + Goods F or C olonization Bases Social Darwinism Places to European Dump Racism Unwanted/ Excess Popul. Humanitarian Soc. & Eco. “White Reasons Opportunities Man’s Burden”
  • 7. Resources and Strategic Areas: Where are the important geographical areas to control?
  • 8. British Landlords want to make money Require farmers to grow crops they can sell for money – not for food “Cash Crops”
  • 9. + Cash Crops. The agricultural products are grown primarily for exporting purposes. Products such as indigo, banana, pineapple, coffee or sugar cane are grown to be exported to developed countries. But what will we eat?
  • 10. + Causes of Late 19th Century European Imperialism  Culture / Religion  Beliefin European / Christian superiority  Desire to “spread civilization and Christianity to the heathens”  Social Darwinism  Prestige  Whoever has the most must be the best  “He who dies with the most toys wins!”
  • 11. “The White Man’s Burden” + a concept very popular during the 1800's and into the 1900's that it was the responsibility of white Europeans to bring "proper" European civilization to the nations (mostly brown, black, red or yellow) that did not have it.   The underlying thought was that Europeans were correct in their beliefs and it was their duty to bring everyone in the world up as close to the European standards as possible.
  • 12. +  Not all Europeans were equally as good - the British were the cream of the crop  Non-Europeans should accept the gift of European civilization happily  Insummary: Europeans were responsible for (had the task or burden of) educating "uncivilized" or "backward" peoples.
  • 13. + Social Darwinism  Social Darwinists – sounds rather racist.  They applied evolution to the social order.  Europeans felt they must “save the savages” and “civilize” them  Missionaries sought to convert “heathen” unbelievers in faraway lands.  “The white man’s burden” – introducing civilization to the “colored” races of the world.  Intheir view, war was nature’s way of eliminating the unfit.  Using terms such as “survival of the fittest” Social Darwinists insisted that nations and races were engaged in a struggle for survival in which only the fittest survive and deserve to win.
  • 14. + Social Darwinism: Lasting Implications  It promoted the military build-up that led to World War I.  It would become the core doctrine of the Nazi party before World War II.  Holocaust and Eugenics  Provided a “scientific” and “ethical” justification for genocides in the 20th century.
  • 15. Common advertisement during Imperialism What is being advertised? Where is this taking place? How can you tell? What is going on? What does it tell us about imperialism / colonialism? Who was the queen at the time?
  • 16. + A British Merchant's Home in Colonial India
  • 17. + Britain (United Kingdom) Includes England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland  Largest colonial empire  “Sun never sets on the British Empire”  Colonies established to protect trading interests in Africa and Asia  Two kinds of colonies  “White” Colonies (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) Populated mainly by people that moved there from Britain  Given self-rule  “Non-white” Colonies (India, Africa)  Under indirect rule  Populated mainly by people who are native to the area  Few people from Britain actually live there – but control the government
  • 18. All the territories the British ever owned Note: They also had a “sphere of influence” in China as well
  • 19. + France Northwest Africa and Southeast Asia Took colonies to make up for loss of Alsace-Lorraine in 1870 Tended to use “Direct Rule”  Control all aspects of the colony from Paris.
  • 20. French Colonial Empire - 1905 Ignore these parts
  • 21. + Germany  Bismarck originally opposed colonial expansion  Unnecessary for Germany  Did not want to threaten France or Britain  Germany eventually took colonies in 1880s for status symbols  In Africa and Asia
  • 22. + United States  Did not get involved in European affairs  Became colonial power after 1898  Spanish-American War  U.S. gainscontrol of Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines  Monroe Doctrine allows US to extend influence into Latin America
  • 24. + Case Study #1 Imperialism in Africa
  • 25. + Scramble for Africa  Europe had been interested in Africa for centuries  Through the slave trade  Much of Africa still unexplored until 1880s European influence restricted to coastline Initially difficult to get to interior due to geography Diseases made exploration difficult. (malaria, yellow fever etc)
  • 26. Technology Encourages Europeans to explore African interior Steamboats Advances in medicine  Quinine – stops malaria Suez Canal
  • 27. + Geographical Impact of the Suez Canal, 1869 See why the Suez canal is a 10,000 KM “strategic” location? 16,000 KM
  • 30. How do you control your empire??
  • 31. + European Imperialism in Asia India Britain trading in India since 1600s  British East India Co. gradually took over parts of India British government gradually took over India in the 1800s  Sepoy Mutiny  Indian soldiers revolt against British East India Co  Rebellion put down by British army  British government takes over control from British East India Co.
  • 33. Growth of British Power in India
  • 34. + European Imperialism in India Consequences of British Imperialism in India  British educational system established  Spread of English language  Railroads tie India together  Rise of Indian middle class
  • 35. + European Imperialism in Asia  China  Potentially huge market  Closed to European trade until 1800s  Opium War (1840)  Britain forces China to open trade to opium  Millions of addicts  Unequal Treaties (Treaty of Nanking) – China forced open  By 1900, China divided into European “spheres of influence”  Parts of China under European control  Chinese monarchy seriously weakened
  • 37. + Reaction to Imperialism Rise of Nationalist Movements  India  Indian National Congress (1885)  Group of middle class Indians begin to demand independence (Mohandas Gandhi)  China  Boxer Rebellion (1900)  Nationalist Party
  • 38. + Reaction to Imperialism Japan  Long isolated from Western trade  U.S. opens Japan to trade in 1854  Meiji Restoration (1868)  Faction overthrows Shogun and restores Emperor to power  Japan imports Western ideas and technology  Ever see ….
  • 39. + Reaction to Imperialism  Japan adopts imperialism by 1890s  Defeats China in 1895  Takes over Taiwan  Defeats Russia in 1905  Gains control of Korea  Japanese imperialism worries Europeans  “Yellow Peril”
  • 40. + Conclusion  Different reasons for European imperialism during late nineteenth century  European imperialism causes reactions in Africa and Asia  European imperialism disrupts traditional way of life and continues to affect the world today
  • 41. +  Nations gaining independence post-WWII
  • 42. Decolonisation A troublesome experience 1. The economic problems they inherited 2. The need to find political systems that work for the individual nations.

Editor's Notes

  1. Questions: Europe wants trade with India and China – Why? materials, markets – huge populations, cheap goods What do you need to control in order to get back and forth to India and Asia? Coaling stations, sea routes, Suez Canal, Panama Canal, control the straits (indonesia, red sea, persian gulf, Gibraltar)