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Task 5
Jonah Adshead


An audience of quite
serious body builders
who are concerned
with getting big
Largely a male audience.
Will target the
bodybuilding side of
the gym rather than
the cardiovascular
side of it
People who aren’t really
concerned about the
whereabouts of the ingredients’
origin they just want a highly
fueled drink that will give them
the maximum energy.
A highly fuelled drink full
of caffeine, taurine and
supplements to give
maximum energy for a
Sold as a professional,
workout supplement
that will help
customers get their
dream body.
Energy Drink
Needs to be
something themed
around strength,
power, energy,
Play on the theme of
god like strength and
appearance that this
drink will give you.
Zeus’ Elixir
Imperium means, the power to
command. This reminds me of
the catchphrase a famous ex-
powerlifted and personal
trainer C.T. Fletcher; “I
command you to grow”
C.T is someone that
bodybuilders will
probably know and
so it works well.
“I command
you to grow”
you to grow”
“Gives you the
power of Gods”
This idea will just play on the strength of
Gods theme. Different wordings could be
Opens up


I looked at many different texts on the
internet for the heading of the drink and
decided that these three were the ones I
liked the best.
For the colours I looked at different Ancient
Greek art and armies and these were colours
that cropped up a lot. I think that they are
very strong contrasting colours and so go
well with the theme of this idea.


I think that this text actually
looks quite weak in a larger size.
Because it is so fine it does not
really command attention like
some of the others do and it is
also very simple for a heading.
This does mean that in smaller
sizes it is easier to read however
so this font may be good for the
smaller copy.
This font is slightly better in the
larger sizes as it is heavier and
more decorative and so would
catch the eye better as a
heading. It is easy to read most
of the time but when the font is
very small some of the letters do
clip and make the words difficult
to make out, this may deter me
from using this font for smaller
copy. This problem could be
solved in Photoshop however by
changing the spaces in-between
each letter to ensure they do not


In my opinion this is the best text for a heading. It is bold,
decorative and interesting and draws your attention
immediately. The strange design on some of the letters like the
“A” with no line making it look like an upside down “V” is a well
known typography trait of the Ancient Greeks and so the font
reminds a viewer of them instantly.
Because the font is so decorative it does fail to be easily legible
in smaller sized but I think this font is designed to be used for
headings and not for small copy/


The two fonts that I like the best and have decided to use in my designs are Ancient Greek and
Basilius. Above is an example of how they would work together over some of the colours I have
decided to use for this design.
I think that the Ancient Greek font is very eye catching and because it is so decorative will work
perfectly for the heading. The design of it is themed very strongly on Ancient Greece and you
can see this with the various extra details on the lettering such as the circles on the “I” and the
“E” without the backbone.
The Basilius font also reminds one of Ancient Greece and is still interesting enough to draw the
attention of the customer but is easy to read in small font sizes. On occasion the font does
become challenging to read when made smaller as some letter combinations clip and overlap so
they are hard to make out, if this happens I will just highlight the work and alter the spacing
between each letter until they do not overlap anymore.


Here are a few quick designs of how the packaging for my
product may look. I really like the bold colours as I think that they
grab the attention of a customer and connote strength and power.
I think that the two designs where the heading is straight
across the middle rather than sideways are best as they are easily
readable and I think the one large heading is more eye catching
than two smaller ones. I do however like the lightning in the design
with two headings and I think that that is something I should try to
implement into my main design.
In further development of the designs I would concentrate
on adding more details and different imagery to make it more
exciting, I would work on the positioning of everything to ensure
that they are in the best place but as a basic representation of how
the design could look I am very pleased.


Here is an example of a advert I could do if I took on this idea. This is just one of many different comical ways the
drink could be shown to hugely increase the size and strength of a person who has just drank Imperium. In this
example a man is made fun of by much bigger men at the gym because he is small, he goes outside upset and here
lightning hits a tree creating the superpower drink. He drinks it and gains strength and power from it.
This is clearly a fictional and hyperbolic storyboard idea but it will give the impression that the drink does still give a
lot of strength and power when consumed.


Health conscious
people from around
Aimed at males and
Relentless and Monster
Energy sell themselves as
a very high fueled, un-
natural drink so I want to
go for the opposite.
A more healthy and
natural energy drink to
attract the more health
conscious people out
Trying to sell it as a
healthier alternative to a
tea or coffee could be a
good selling angle.
Energy Drink
Names need to be
happy, positive and
not too intense like
Relentless or
Means to awaken in Japanese.
Really like this name as the oriental
culture is a very healthy one
especially to a western audience so
I think it all would fit in well.
Balance your life
SlogansFits with an oriental theme and
reminds a customer of yingyang and
healthy body and soul
Start your day
Dive at life
All very positive and
happy slogans that
promote happy and
healthy living


I looked at many different oriental themed
texts on Dafont.com and these two were
my favourite.
Many of the texts had too much detail and
I didn’t like them. The two I have chosen
still have very clear oriental themes but
are not too much and that is why I like
The colours I have chosen are bright
and colourful and will attract the attention
of a customer.
They are quite light however and
look natural unlike those you see on
energy drinks such as monster and this is
to give the drink a healthy and organic


Here are the two fonts in a size test. I think that the first one “Font Shui”
works much better over all sizes and is very simple and clear to read. It is
interesting and definitely oriental themed, the lines in the text remind me of
bamboo and so I think the font works very well.
The Second font “Atomic Sushi” is ok looking but does not work in the
smaller sizes at all and I think it is very hard to make out. I also think that even in
the larger sizes Font Shui is more aesthetically pleasing and so that will be the
font I decide to take forward in this design.


Balance your life energy
Above is an image of how the font I have chosen to go with would look over some of the colours I
will use in my design. I think that the font is easily legible over the different colours and in the different
sizes I experimented with previously.


Here are some designs of how the can
packaging could look. I have incorporated the colours I
decided to go with on all of them to see what the text
and the colour scheme would look like with different
I think that the most simple one at the bottom
right is also the most effective and has that Japanese,
oriental appearance I am going for. I will; explore more
simple designs to see what potential they have.
The other designs are good but I think that too
much of all the different colours makes the design a
bit overpowering and doesn’t give the natural, clean
appearance I am trying to achieve.


Above is a simple strip I drew to show how a Mezameru advert could go. In it a person is woken
up early and drudging downstairs and everything looks bleak and grey, once they have drank
Mezameru however the room is bright and colourful and the character eats their breakfast balanced
on the dining room chair like a ninja.
I think this advert would work well as the initial change the drink gives is more subtle and just
makes everything look more colourful and the character is refreshed and awake. I think this is
something that an audience member would want in a morning. The balancing on the chair is just
added for comical affect and I think that this would work in the advert as it would make an audience
customer remember the advert and be more likely to buy the product in the shop.

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Imperium design 1

  • 2. Target Audience An audience of quite serious body builders who are concerned with getting big Largely a male audience. Will target the bodybuilding side of the gym rather than the cardiovascular side of it People who aren’t really concerned about the whereabouts of the ingredients’ origin they just want a highly fueled drink that will give them the maximum energy. Concept A highly fuelled drink full of caffeine, taurine and pre-workout supplements to give maximum energy for a workout. Sold as a professional, workout supplement that will help customers get their dream body. Pre-Gym Energy Drink Names Needs to be something themed around strength, power, energy, determination… Play on the theme of god like strength and appearance that this drink will give you. Zeus’ Elixir Imperium Gladiator Imperium means, the power to command. This reminds me of the catchphrase a famous ex- powerlifted and personal trainer C.T. Fletcher; “I command you to grow” C.T is someone that bodybuilders will probably know and so it works well. Slogans “I command you to grow” “It commands you to grow” “Gives you the power of Gods” This idea will just play on the strength of Gods theme. Different wordings could be explored. Opens up endorsement possibilities
  • 3. I looked at many different texts on the internet for the heading of the drink and decided that these three were the ones I liked the best. For the colours I looked at different Ancient Greek art and armies and these were colours that cropped up a lot. I think that they are very strong contrasting colours and so go well with the theme of this idea.
  • 4. I think that this text actually looks quite weak in a larger size. Because it is so fine it does not really command attention like some of the others do and it is also very simple for a heading. This does mean that in smaller sizes it is easier to read however so this font may be good for the smaller copy. This font is slightly better in the larger sizes as it is heavier and more decorative and so would catch the eye better as a heading. It is easy to read most of the time but when the font is very small some of the letters do clip and make the words difficult to make out, this may deter me from using this font for smaller copy. This problem could be solved in Photoshop however by changing the spaces in-between each letter to ensure they do not overlap.
  • 5. In my opinion this is the best text for a heading. It is bold, decorative and interesting and draws your attention immediately. The strange design on some of the letters like the “A” with no line making it look like an upside down “V” is a well known typography trait of the Ancient Greeks and so the font reminds a viewer of them instantly. Because the font is so decorative it does fail to be easily legible in smaller sized but I think this font is designed to be used for headings and not for small copy/ .
  • 6. The two fonts that I like the best and have decided to use in my designs are Ancient Greek and Basilius. Above is an example of how they would work together over some of the colours I have decided to use for this design. I think that the Ancient Greek font is very eye catching and because it is so decorative will work perfectly for the heading. The design of it is themed very strongly on Ancient Greece and you can see this with the various extra details on the lettering such as the circles on the “I” and the “E” without the backbone. The Basilius font also reminds one of Ancient Greece and is still interesting enough to draw the attention of the customer but is easy to read in small font sizes. On occasion the font does become challenging to read when made smaller as some letter combinations clip and overlap so they are hard to make out, if this happens I will just highlight the work and alter the spacing between each letter until they do not overlap anymore.
  • 7. Here are a few quick designs of how the packaging for my product may look. I really like the bold colours as I think that they grab the attention of a customer and connote strength and power. I think that the two designs where the heading is straight across the middle rather than sideways are best as they are easily readable and I think the one large heading is more eye catching than two smaller ones. I do however like the lightning in the design with two headings and I think that that is something I should try to implement into my main design. In further development of the designs I would concentrate on adding more details and different imagery to make it more exciting, I would work on the positioning of everything to ensure that they are in the best place but as a basic representation of how the design could look I am very pleased.
  • 8. Here is an example of a advert I could do if I took on this idea. This is just one of many different comical ways the drink could be shown to hugely increase the size and strength of a person who has just drank Imperium. In this example a man is made fun of by much bigger men at the gym because he is small, he goes outside upset and here lightning hits a tree creating the superpower drink. He drinks it and gains strength and power from it. This is clearly a fictional and hyperbolic storyboard idea but it will give the impression that the drink does still give a lot of strength and power when consumed.
  • 9. Concept Target Audience Health conscious people from around 25-45. Aimed at males and Females Relentless and Monster Energy sell themselves as a very high fueled, un- natural drink so I want to go for the opposite. A more healthy and natural energy drink to attract the more health conscious people out there Trying to sell it as a healthier alternative to a tea or coffee could be a good selling angle. Healthy Energy Drink Names Names need to be happy, positive and not too intense like Relentless or Monster. “Mezameru” Means to awaken in Japanese. Really like this name as the oriental culture is a very healthy one especially to a western audience so I think it all would fit in well. Splash Refresh Balance your life energy SlogansFits with an oriental theme and reminds a customer of yingyang and healthy body and soul Start your day refreshed Dive at life All very positive and happy slogans that promote happy and healthy living
  • 10. I looked at many different oriental themed texts on Dafont.com and these two were my favourite. Many of the texts had too much detail and I didn’t like them. The two I have chosen still have very clear oriental themes but are not too much and that is why I like them. The colours I have chosen are bright and colourful and will attract the attention of a customer. They are quite light however and look natural unlike those you see on energy drinks such as monster and this is to give the drink a healthy and organic appearance.
  • 11. Here are the two fonts in a size test. I think that the first one “Font Shui” works much better over all sizes and is very simple and clear to read. It is interesting and definitely oriental themed, the lines in the text remind me of bamboo and so I think the font works very well. The Second font “Atomic Sushi” is ok looking but does not work in the smaller sizes at all and I think it is very hard to make out. I also think that even in the larger sizes Font Shui is more aesthetically pleasing and so that will be the font I decide to take forward in this design.
  • 12. MEZAMERU Balance your life energy Above is an image of how the font I have chosen to go with would look over some of the colours I will use in my design. I think that the font is easily legible over the different colours and in the different sizes I experimented with previously.
  • 13. Here are some designs of how the can packaging could look. I have incorporated the colours I decided to go with on all of them to see what the text and the colour scheme would look like with different designs. I think that the most simple one at the bottom right is also the most effective and has that Japanese, oriental appearance I am going for. I will; explore more simple designs to see what potential they have. The other designs are good but I think that too much of all the different colours makes the design a bit overpowering and doesn’t give the natural, clean appearance I am trying to achieve.
  • 14. Above is a simple strip I drew to show how a Mezameru advert could go. In it a person is woken up early and drudging downstairs and everything looks bleak and grey, once they have drank Mezameru however the room is bright and colourful and the character eats their breakfast balanced on the dining room chair like a ninja. I think this advert would work well as the initial change the drink gives is more subtle and just makes everything look more colourful and the character is refreshed and awake. I think this is something that an audience member would want in a morning. The balancing on the chair is just added for comical affect and I think that this would work in the advert as it would make an audience customer remember the advert and be more likely to buy the product in the shop.