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Importance of women literacy and
development with respect to the views of
the youth
NAME OF COLLEGE : Lovely Professional University
ROLL NO’S. : A07, A19, A21, A15
YEAR : 2016


Page 2 of 21
This survey aims to enquiry the role of education in the empowerment of women. In an
exhaustive survey comprising on the basis of 50 sample question the article tries to extract the
status of women, men, attitude towards girls‟ education in society, problems hindering the
education of women, the importance of marriage in women’s life affecting education as well
as the empowerment of women. The article also highlights that educated and economically
empowered women have said a firm no to the prevalent cruelty of the dowry, thus directly
bearing the fruit of economic empowerment. Finally some recommendations have been made
to remove the practice of intra-household and social discrimination of girl child and women.
Empowerment through education has emerged as the only way to put an end to the horrors of
dowry, as established by the survey.
Keywords: Women, discrimination, dowry, education, economic empowerment, survey
‘There isn’t single country in the world-not one-where men and women enjoy completely equal
opportunity… that is why we must change attitudes and policies. The aim must be to give each
and every human being greater freedom to make choices about their own lives....’
-Gro Harlem Brundtland
World Conference on Women, Beijing, 2006
1. Education gives personal benefits for the individual in terms of self-confidence leading to
motivation and interests in society. Social interactions are easier when persons are capable of
reading a newspaper about social and political issues in the community and the rest of the
2 Education gives access to a wider range of job opportunities and in general enables persons
to take advantage of economic opportunities and to participate in local politics.
3. A higher literacy rate facilitates public debates and demands for health care, social security
and other needs. Public discussions enable people to hold politicians accountable for their
promises of improvements in the social service sector. Information on one’s society provides
better possibilities for utilizing the service system.
4 Education indirectly prevents child labour, to the extent that implementation of legislation of
basic education for all children, force parents to send their children to school which again gives
less time for labour. Entering school broadens horizons for young people. This means that
meeting other children and young people could result in new ideas of different opportunities in
the future.
5. Effect of education and literacy enables oppressed groups in a society to become politically
organized. Being a larger group makes it easier 31 to insist on ones rights and demands
concerning social and politically issues. An organized group achieves visibility in the society
and is harder to oppress. The ability to resist operation not only concerns disadvantaged groups
in society, but education does also have positive effects within families when girls are being
educated (Dreze & Sen. 2002). By Dreze and Sen


Page 3 of 21
Women education refers to every form of education that aims at improving the
knowledge, and skill of women and girls. It includes general education at schools and colleges,
vocational and technical education, professional education, health education, etc. Women
education encompasses both literary and non-literary education.
Educated women are capable of bringing socio-economic changes. The constitution of almost
all democratic countries, including India, guarantees equal rights to both men and women.
Primary education is now a fundamental right. When a woman (or a girl) is ensured of her
rights, the society at large is ensured of its sustainability. Realizing the importance of women
education, the government and many non-government organizations took a lot of projects to
spread women education. Literacy programs are being taken in favour of women.
The importance of women education are briefly summarized below:
1. Economic development and wealth:
Education will empower women to come forward and contribute towards the development and
prosperity of the country.
2. Economic empowerment:
So long as women remain backward and economically dependent on men, the helpless
condition of them cannot be changed. Economic empowerment and independence will only
come through proper education and employment of women.
3. Betterlife:
Education helps a woman to live a good life. Her identity as an individual would never get
lost. She can read and learn about her rights. Her rights would not get trodden down. The life
or condition of women would improve a lot, if we take a broad outlook in the field of female
4. Betterhealth:
Educated girls and women are aware of the importance of hygiene. Through health education,
they are empowered to lead a healthy life-style. Educated mothers can take better care of both
herself and her baby.
5. Self-respectandrespect:
Educated women are now looked upon with dignity and honour. They become a source of
inspiration for millions of young girls who make them their role-models.
6. Fairness:
Educated women are more informed of their rights for justice. It would eventually lead to
decline in instances of violence and injustice against women such as dowry, forced-
prostitution, child-marriage, female foeticide, etc.


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7. Choice to choosea professionof her choice:
Educated women can prove be highly successful in the fields of life. A girl-child should get
equal opportunity for education, so that, she can plan to become a successful doctors, engineers,
nurses, air-hostesses, cook, or choose a profession of her choice.
8. Improve poverty:
Women education is a pre-requisite to alleviate poverty. Women need to take equal burden of
the massive task of eliminating poverty. This would demand massive contribution from
educated women. There cannot be much social and economic changes unless girls and women
are given their rights for education. There was a time when people thought that it was not
necessary to educate girls. Now we have begun to realize that girls’ education is essential. The
modern age is the age of awakening of girls. They are trying to compete with men in all spheres
of life. There are many people who oppose girls’ education. They say that the proper sphere of
girls is the home. So, they argue that the money spent on girl’s education is wasted. This view
is wrong, because girl’s education can bring about a silent resolution in the society. There is
several advantage of girls’ education. Grown up educated girls can play an important role in
the development of their country.
They can share the burden of men in the different walk of life. They can serve the society as
teachers, lawyers, doctors and administrators. They can work at banks, hospitals, government
offices and large businesses. They can play an important role during war. Education is a boon
to girls in this age of economic crisis. Gone are the days of plenty and prosperity. Now-a-days
it is difficult for the people of the middle class to make both ends meet. After marriage,
educated girls can add to the income of their husbands. If a woman is educated, she can earn a
living after the death of her husband. Girls’ education is necessary for making our homes happy
places. Our home life would be brightened if we had well-educated wives and mother.
Educated girls can brighten the future of their country by the good upbringing of their children.
Education gives a woman freedom of thought. It broadens her outlook and makes her aware of
her duties and responsibilities. Education empower a grown up girl to become economically
independent. They will be able to stand up for their rights. Girls have all the rights to get
educated. Empowerment of girls and women is necessary to fight against the problem of
gender-inequality. Education of rural girls is equally important. The rural girls are not getting
ample opportunity for education. Education of these girls would have positive impact on both
economy and society.


Page 5 of 21
Personal interviews were conducted to find out the role of women literacy and
development with respect to the views of the youth. The survey took place in Lovely
Professional University over a period of one months (October- November) in the year 2016.
Campus has an area of 600acr.It is situated in the Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab. Its total
population of student & staff is 48, 1603 (appx.). I had personally visited with 2men and
1women all the block of campus in LPU. The answers of the study are organized from personal
interviews with respondents, by using a prepared questionnaire. Raw data relating to the 3 men
and 1women have been analysed and grouped. The language spoken in LPU therefore the
interviews were mostly conducted in different languages as per the university point of view
actually what they are thinking on women literacy and highly educated also chose to give their
answers in English (which is a common language used in LPU i.e. we opted ). The respondents
were chosen randomly from the entire university. In LPU mostly dominated by different
religion and different country students. Data was collected by random pick of students as well
as staff member on that basis we done our survey.
In this survey I collected information from both the male & female, that what they are
thinking about women literacy and development. There were 55% female and 45% male
respondents. Respondents of this survey are from different economic divisions as well as
representing different educational levels. I had the opportunity to interview some people on the
basis of different age group that what they think about women literacy and development and
with respect this, our team member divided survey on different aspect (culture, experience,
poverty, literacy, education & co-education, marriage, income).Even though, we had prepared
a questionnaire, often free discussions emerged particularly with the issues surrounding the
birth of a girl child, the status of women in society, respondent’s own status and problems faced
in the home as well as in society. Other discussions included the view that dowries are an in
human demand with negative effects on poor families, girls of marriageable age, on the right
of parental property, domestic violence and sexual harassment. Thus, although I went there to
complete a questionnaire, as I moved through the university, I could see the real problems and
poverties they faced. Though most of these women were illiterate or educated up to primary
level, the progression in rational and simplicity was shocking and an appreciation opening for
me. Most of them were extremely vocal against the dowry system. It was clear response that
uneducated village women suffered more than the educated and economically independent
women. But as the subsequent discussion will show, almost all female as well as male also
opined against the dowry system irrespective of class, educational qualification, caste and


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Survey results: priorities in general education
The reason for this preference, as narrated by the respondents, is that it is
the social rule that boys must become economically independent. Families place the most
importance on the marriage of their girls. When I asked some of the female’s the reasons for
illiteracy, they responded that it was because of their parent’s negligence that they never had
been to school. The same parents have, however taken many pains to send their sons to school.
According to these respondents, their parents never felt the need for their girls to get educated.
These women, a victim of their parental neglect, told me that they feel very embarrassed when
they are unable to help their small children in their present educational pursuits, however, that
a majority of the female’s expressed a deep interest in educating their daughters And they also
said that income of a family is also one of the major cause which effect the women literacy and
development. We have seen and sensed during the survey.
“We divided the survey in ages and sex”
21-25 5 6
26-30 5 6
31-35 5 6
36-40 5 6
41-45 3 3


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Problems affecting women’s education
The findings of the survey show that even at the primary level of education
poverty is the most important factor shaping opportunities for women’s education. Two of the
elderly respondents mentioned that they worked as domestics to obtain their primary education.
She and her sister faced severe economic problems as well as parental carelessness in their
childhood which deterred them from getting an education. Today they are extremely interested
in educating their grand-daughters. Other problems which discouraged women from getting an
education, as mentioned by the respondents, are parental negligence and early marriage
(TABLE 1). Responsibilities for the family or the death of mother or father also emerged as
reasons for the compulsory failure from school at an early age as girl children had to take care
of their younger brothers. Many poor, uneducated people do not attribute much importance to
the education of girls. Early marriage is another common feature leading parents to withdraw
their girls from school, and once they are gone, very few girls return to school, according to a
senior teacher. In a hurry to get them married, some girls fell into the wrong hand. As a result
they have to suffer a broken marriage at a very small age. Thus, economic problems are the
main burden put off women from getting an education, coupled with early marriage and
parental negligence playing an important part in the ultimately declining status of women.
21-25 3 2 3 3
26-30 2 3 2 4
31-35 4 1 2 4
36-40 2 3 1 5
41-45 2 1 1 2
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45


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Respondents continuing “MARRIAGE”
Even though few girls return to school once they are married, as they age, the goal of obtaining
an education increases. The surveys indicated a number of female decided to continue with
their education. But for the majority (53 percent) of the female, it was not possible for them to
complete their education up to their satisfaction. Female had to stop their studies just on the
ground of getting married. At the same time amongst female (65 percent) who decided to
pursue their studies after marriage, a majority of them were forced to quit halfway. This
discloses the badly low importance of education of a woman in her family. Among all
respondents only 47 percent of female could complete their education satisfactorily after
marriage. Though the percentage is lower than the female who could not complete their studies
sensibly, this does prove some changes in the understanding and attitude towards women’s
education. This is a positive sign where in the LPU has changed for better. (Table 2)
Source of help to complete education for married women
Most of the women who continued their education and completed it satisfactorily,
obtained help mainly from their parents and husbands (31.3% both). They were determined to
fulfil their dreams (31.3%). A very few female cited that they got help from their parents-in-
laws (6.3%). So far, surveys show that parents and husbands have been the constant source of
support for many female in completing their education, a very positive sign.
21-25 3 2 4 2
26-30 4 1 5 1
31-35 2 3 4 2
36-40 5 0 6 0
41-45 1 2 0 3
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45


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Respondents’ continuing “CULTURE”
As we all know that in 17th century, there were a number of schools dedicated to girls, but the
cultural norm was for girls to be informally educated at home. But in 18th century, there was
an increase in the number of girls being educated in schools. It is in especially true for middle-
class families whose rising financial status and social objectives made if an upper-class style
of education for their daughters both needed and probable.
In this survey it was shown that what they are thinking about culture considering women
literacy and development (table 3)
21-25 1 4 6 0
26-30 2 3 5 1
31-35 3 2 4 2
36-40 4 1 3 3
41-45 3 0 2 1
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45
Chart Title


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Respondents’ continuing “EXPERIENCE”
Women who work in male dominated occupations face challenges that differ from those who
work in more gender balanced and female dominated occupations, these are the challenges
affect their retaining and career success. In this survey we study that these women face as
well as how they manage. (TABLE 4)
According the analyses of survey we found that what women face challenges:
 Lack of real transformation because of male resistance and prejudices.
 Physical and health related difficulties women experience.
21-25 4 1 5 1
26-30 3 2 4 2
31-35 3 2 3 3
36-40 2 3 2 4
41-45 0 3 3 0
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45


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Respondents’ continuing “DISCRIMINATION”
It means that gender based discrimination against female children is universal across the world.
It is seen in all the layers of society and various forms. In the poetry, female child has been
treated inferior to male child and this is deeply counted in the mind of the female child. Some
reason that due to this inferior treatment the females fail to understand their rights. This is more
major in India as well as other lesser developed countries (table 5).As per the data available
there seems to be gender difference depending on the location. But in LPU (on the basis of
survey, which we opted). In this there is less discrimination in this university as it was shown
in table as well as graph.
21-25 1 4 6 0
26-30 2 3 5 1
31-35 3 2 4 2
36-40 4 1 3 3
41-45 2 1 2 1
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45


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Respondents’ continuing “POVERTY”
Several factors affect the feminization of poverty and these factors place women at high risk
of poverty. Low income is the major cause, there are many interrelated facts of this problem.
Only mothers at the highest risk for risky poverty because their income is insufficient to end
children. It then lowers their children's chances for good education and food. Low income is a
significance of the social preference women face in trying to obtain formal employment, which
in turn extends the cycle of poverty. As the number of women in poverty increases, the various
causes affecting their poverty must be examined. Poverty is multidimensional and therefore
economic, demographic and socio-cultural factors all overlap and contribute to the
establishment of poverty it is an occurrence with multiple root causes and indexes. (TABLE 6)
This is self-explained by the questionnaire as well as table and graph that how many persons
are in support and how many are in unsupported.
21-25 4 1 6 0
26-30 4 1 5 1
31-35 5 1 4 2
36-40 5 1 3 3
41-45 3 0 3 0
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45


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Respondents’ continuing “INCOME”
In this it was clearly shown that everyone is in support that income is the major cause of
women literacy. (TABLE 7)
21-25 4 1 6 0
26-30 5 0 5 1
31-35 3 2 4 2
36-40 4 1 3 3
41-45 3 0 2 1
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45


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Respondents’ continuing “CO-EDUCATION”
In this survey we analyses that, thinking of persons change according the different age group
young generation think that co-education is good. But we also analyses that older people
think that co-education is not good.
21-25 1 4 3 3
26-30 2 3 4 2
31-35 3 2 2.75 2.25
36-40 4 1 6 0
41-45 3 0 2 1
21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45
Chart Title


Page 15 of 21
Overall this study confirms that women’s status is lesser to men. Women face discrimination
within families as well as in society, where society maintains double standards in the case of
education, marriage, spousal relationships, domestic violence, laws of male-controlled society,
property laws, dowry system, sexual ethics, sexual harassment as well as discriminatory social
dishonour and also less recognition and respect for women’s work.
The survey indicates that prevailing intra-household discrimination in educational matters for
girls and women perseveres. Therefore, a strong message needs to be conveyed in support of
education and economic empowerment as equally important for both the sexes. Education
emerges as the single most important parameter empowering women. Education forms the way
for economic empowerment and raises the status of women. Reducing the gender gap in
secondary and higher education should be the focus area. Marriage only at mature, legal age is
also essential. Women should get married only after receiving an education or after acquiring
some skill, which can make her economically independent. The survey suggests that there
should be more importance placed on the economic empowerment of women. As women rise
in economic status, they will gain greater social standing in the household and the society
permitting better voice in important issues. Not only does economic empowerment support the
position of women, it serves as a warning to dowries. The parental property should be
distributed to sons and daughters on an equal basis so, the responsibility of looking after parents
falls to all issues. As women’s economic power grows, it will be easier for them to take care
of their parents, to become a respectable member of their birth family, and to overcome the
tradition of "son preference."
By Shikhar Maurya
Until the middle of nineteenth century, girls and women were educated only for
traditional household works. Now, the society is witnessing changes in the role-status of
women. There is greater emphasis on education girls and women in the same way as we educate
boys and men. The modern-day parents want to fulfil the aspiration of their children without
gender parity. The educated women should insist on exercising their civil, social, political and
economic rights. This will help improve the overall condition of women in the society. We can
hope for better days while all women of our country will be enlightened and educated.
By Sukhmanpreet Kaur


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Literacy for girls has very far reaching implications both for society as well as the
recipient girl. Literacy for girls is a crucial input for developing/preserving human resource
development, which in the ultimate analysis is a national asset. As far the individual recipient
girl, literacy/education equips her to enjoy the fruits of social justice, social culture and of
social, political and economic rights. Such are the lofty ideals of girls' literacy and in all right
earnest steps have been taken by the Union and State governments to realize them in practice.
And yet, the ground realities of achieving the goal of universalization of education differ from
State to State and from various strata of society to society. Thus, there exists in India now a
dichotomy of 'educationally forward States' and 'educationally backward States'
“There is no tool for developmentmoreeffective than the
empowermentof WOMEN”
-Kofi Annon
By Somara Rahul Chowadary
Based on the research findings, it is concluded that our, society with an aging population, that
will make larger demands upon the nation’s resources, needs youthful population of females
that value and pursue education to create conducive environment for good economic welfare,
political and social stability that will pave way for growth and development. Female students
should enjoy free education at all levels. This exercise serves as great motivation that will give
better opportunities for learning in our society as females are to be molded for embracing
challenges and treating them intelligently for a better nation.
By Faisal Farooq Sheikh


Page 17 of 21
 Johnson, Pamela S. & Johnson, Jennifer A. (2001). The oppression of women in India‟.
Violence against women, 7(9): 1051-1068.
 Mahajan, V.D. (2007). History of Medieval India, New Delhi: Chand Company Private
 www.en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/india#History.


Page 18 of 21
1. Which age group do you belong to?
A. 21-25yrs C. 31-35yrs
B. 26-30yrs D.36-40yrs
E.41-45 yrs.
2. Do you feel that your workplace has a gender inclusive culture?
A. Yes
3. Basedonyour experience do you feel that men and women at your
workplace are treatedequally in the following areas?
(1.Highly Agree 2.Agree 3. Natural 4.Disagree 5. Highly Disagree)
Men& Women treated equally 1 2 3 4 5
Mentreated less favourably
(Recruitment &Selection)
1 2 3 4 5
Women treated less favourably
(Recruitment &Selection )
1 2 3 4 5
Remuneration in terms of
Wages equal
1 2 3 4 5


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4. Is ‘Poverty’ one of the reasons forwomen literacy?
6. Are you feeling ‘HEALTH PROBLEM’is also reasonfor low women
literacy rate?
7. Are women facing ‘DISCRIMINATION’in education?
8. Is women literacyimportant to society?
one of the reasonfor low women literacy rate?
10. Was your careerchoice influenced by the encouragement of others to
pursue educationin more stereotypical female-orientedprofessions?


Page 20 of 21
11. Which strategieshelp women become more sociallyand economically
A. Women working together to challenge discrimination
B. More income sources for women
C. Improved access to education
D. All of the above
12. Why are girls more likely than boys to miss out on secondaryeducation
in the developing world?
A. Because of high school fees, only boys are sent to school
B. Girls are expectedto help out at home
C. Child Marriage restricts girl’s mobility and freedom
D. All of the above
13. Is Lower socio-economic status ofparents affecting the women
educationin India?
A. Agree C. Partially Agree
B. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree
14. The number of women’s educationalinstitutions is much less as
compared with Institutions engage educationin the spread of male
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Disagree
15. Many people still condemn and dislike the idea of co-education?
A. True C. Maybe
B. False D. Disagree


Page 21 of 21
Shikhar Maurya 11606663 10
Sukhmanpreet Kaur 11611195 10
Faisal Farooq Sheikh 11609780 7
Somar Rahul Chowdary 11605933 10

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Importance of women literacy and development with respect to the views of the youth

  • 1. Page 1 of 21 SURVEY REPORT Importance of women literacy and development with respect to the views of the youth NAME OF COLLEGE : Lovely Professional University SECTION : Q1644 GROUP : 1 ROLL NO’S. : A07, A19, A21, A15 YEAR : 2016 TEACHER IN CHARGE : K.P.Abeinya Menon
  • 2. Page 2 of 21 ABSTRACT This survey aims to enquiry the role of education in the empowerment of women. In an exhaustive survey comprising on the basis of 50 sample question the article tries to extract the status of women, men, attitude towards girls‟ education in society, problems hindering the education of women, the importance of marriage in women’s life affecting education as well as the empowerment of women. The article also highlights that educated and economically empowered women have said a firm no to the prevalent cruelty of the dowry, thus directly bearing the fruit of economic empowerment. Finally some recommendations have been made to remove the practice of intra-household and social discrimination of girl child and women. Empowerment through education has emerged as the only way to put an end to the horrors of dowry, as established by the survey. Keywords: Women, discrimination, dowry, education, economic empowerment, survey REVIEW OF LITERATURE ‘There isn’t single country in the world-not one-where men and women enjoy completely equal opportunity… that is why we must change attitudes and policies. The aim must be to give each and every human being greater freedom to make choices about their own lives....’ -Gro Harlem Brundtland World Conference on Women, Beijing, 2006 1. Education gives personal benefits for the individual in terms of self-confidence leading to motivation and interests in society. Social interactions are easier when persons are capable of reading a newspaper about social and political issues in the community and the rest of the World. 2 Education gives access to a wider range of job opportunities and in general enables persons to take advantage of economic opportunities and to participate in local politics. 3. A higher literacy rate facilitates public debates and demands for health care, social security and other needs. Public discussions enable people to hold politicians accountable for their promises of improvements in the social service sector. Information on one’s society provides better possibilities for utilizing the service system. 4 Education indirectly prevents child labour, to the extent that implementation of legislation of basic education for all children, force parents to send their children to school which again gives less time for labour. Entering school broadens horizons for young people. This means that meeting other children and young people could result in new ideas of different opportunities in the future. 5. Effect of education and literacy enables oppressed groups in a society to become politically organized. Being a larger group makes it easier 31 to insist on ones rights and demands concerning social and politically issues. An organized group achieves visibility in the society and is harder to oppress. The ability to resist operation not only concerns disadvantaged groups in society, but education does also have positive effects within families when girls are being educated (Dreze & Sen. 2002). By Dreze and Sen
  • 3. Page 3 of 21 INRODUCTION Women education refers to every form of education that aims at improving the knowledge, and skill of women and girls. It includes general education at schools and colleges, vocational and technical education, professional education, health education, etc. Women education encompasses both literary and non-literary education. Educated women are capable of bringing socio-economic changes. The constitution of almost all democratic countries, including India, guarantees equal rights to both men and women. Primary education is now a fundamental right. When a woman (or a girl) is ensured of her rights, the society at large is ensured of its sustainability. Realizing the importance of women education, the government and many non-government organizations took a lot of projects to spread women education. Literacy programs are being taken in favour of women. The importance of women education are briefly summarized below: 1. Economic development and wealth: Education will empower women to come forward and contribute towards the development and prosperity of the country. 2. Economic empowerment: So long as women remain backward and economically dependent on men, the helpless condition of them cannot be changed. Economic empowerment and independence will only come through proper education and employment of women. 3. Betterlife: Education helps a woman to live a good life. Her identity as an individual would never get lost. She can read and learn about her rights. Her rights would not get trodden down. The life or condition of women would improve a lot, if we take a broad outlook in the field of female education. 4. Betterhealth: Educated girls and women are aware of the importance of hygiene. Through health education, they are empowered to lead a healthy life-style. Educated mothers can take better care of both herself and her baby. 5. Self-respectandrespect: Educated women are now looked upon with dignity and honour. They become a source of inspiration for millions of young girls who make them their role-models. 6. Fairness: Educated women are more informed of their rights for justice. It would eventually lead to decline in instances of violence and injustice against women such as dowry, forced- prostitution, child-marriage, female foeticide, etc.
  • 4. Page 4 of 21 7. Choice to choosea professionof her choice: Educated women can prove be highly successful in the fields of life. A girl-child should get equal opportunity for education, so that, she can plan to become a successful doctors, engineers, nurses, air-hostesses, cook, or choose a profession of her choice. 8. Improve poverty: Women education is a pre-requisite to alleviate poverty. Women need to take equal burden of the massive task of eliminating poverty. This would demand massive contribution from educated women. There cannot be much social and economic changes unless girls and women are given their rights for education. There was a time when people thought that it was not necessary to educate girls. Now we have begun to realize that girls’ education is essential. The modern age is the age of awakening of girls. They are trying to compete with men in all spheres of life. There are many people who oppose girls’ education. They say that the proper sphere of girls is the home. So, they argue that the money spent on girl’s education is wasted. This view is wrong, because girl’s education can bring about a silent resolution in the society. There is several advantage of girls’ education. Grown up educated girls can play an important role in the development of their country. They can share the burden of men in the different walk of life. They can serve the society as teachers, lawyers, doctors and administrators. They can work at banks, hospitals, government offices and large businesses. They can play an important role during war. Education is a boon to girls in this age of economic crisis. Gone are the days of plenty and prosperity. Now-a-days it is difficult for the people of the middle class to make both ends meet. After marriage, educated girls can add to the income of their husbands. If a woman is educated, she can earn a living after the death of her husband. Girls’ education is necessary for making our homes happy places. Our home life would be brightened if we had well-educated wives and mother. Educated girls can brighten the future of their country by the good upbringing of their children. Education gives a woman freedom of thought. It broadens her outlook and makes her aware of her duties and responsibilities. Education empower a grown up girl to become economically independent. They will be able to stand up for their rights. Girls have all the rights to get educated. Empowerment of girls and women is necessary to fight against the problem of gender-inequality. Education of rural girls is equally important. The rural girls are not getting ample opportunity for education. Education of these girls would have positive impact on both economy and society.
  • 5. Page 5 of 21 Methodology Personal interviews were conducted to find out the role of women literacy and development with respect to the views of the youth. The survey took place in Lovely Professional University over a period of one months (October- November) in the year 2016. Campus has an area of 600acr.It is situated in the Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab. Its total population of student & staff is 48, 1603 (appx.). I had personally visited with 2men and 1women all the block of campus in LPU. The answers of the study are organized from personal interviews with respondents, by using a prepared questionnaire. Raw data relating to the 3 men and 1women have been analysed and grouped. The language spoken in LPU therefore the interviews were mostly conducted in different languages as per the university point of view actually what they are thinking on women literacy and highly educated also chose to give their answers in English (which is a common language used in LPU i.e. we opted ). The respondents were chosen randomly from the entire university. In LPU mostly dominated by different religion and different country students. Data was collected by random pick of students as well as staff member on that basis we done our survey. Participants In this survey I collected information from both the male & female, that what they are thinking about women literacy and development. There were 55% female and 45% male respondents. Respondents of this survey are from different economic divisions as well as representing different educational levels. I had the opportunity to interview some people on the basis of different age group that what they think about women literacy and development and with respect this, our team member divided survey on different aspect (culture, experience, poverty, literacy, education & co-education, marriage, income).Even though, we had prepared a questionnaire, often free discussions emerged particularly with the issues surrounding the birth of a girl child, the status of women in society, respondent’s own status and problems faced in the home as well as in society. Other discussions included the view that dowries are an in human demand with negative effects on poor families, girls of marriageable age, on the right of parental property, domestic violence and sexual harassment. Thus, although I went there to complete a questionnaire, as I moved through the university, I could see the real problems and poverties they faced. Though most of these women were illiterate or educated up to primary level, the progression in rational and simplicity was shocking and an appreciation opening for me. Most of them were extremely vocal against the dowry system. It was clear response that uneducated village women suffered more than the educated and economically independent women. But as the subsequent discussion will show, almost all female as well as male also opined against the dowry system irrespective of class, educational qualification, caste and religion.
  • 6. Page 6 of 21 Survey results: priorities in general education The reason for this preference, as narrated by the respondents, is that it is the social rule that boys must become economically independent. Families place the most importance on the marriage of their girls. When I asked some of the female’s the reasons for illiteracy, they responded that it was because of their parent’s negligence that they never had been to school. The same parents have, however taken many pains to send their sons to school. According to these respondents, their parents never felt the need for their girls to get educated. These women, a victim of their parental neglect, told me that they feel very embarrassed when they are unable to help their small children in their present educational pursuits, however, that a majority of the female’s expressed a deep interest in educating their daughters And they also said that income of a family is also one of the major cause which effect the women literacy and development. We have seen and sensed during the survey. “We divided the survey in ages and sex” SEX AGES MALE FEMALE 21-25 5 6 26-30 5 6 31-35 5 6 36-40 5 6 41-45 3 3
  • 7. Page 7 of 21 RESPONDENTS’ COUNTINUING “EDUCATION” Problems affecting women’s education The findings of the survey show that even at the primary level of education poverty is the most important factor shaping opportunities for women’s education. Two of the elderly respondents mentioned that they worked as domestics to obtain their primary education. She and her sister faced severe economic problems as well as parental carelessness in their childhood which deterred them from getting an education. Today they are extremely interested in educating their grand-daughters. Other problems which discouraged women from getting an education, as mentioned by the respondents, are parental negligence and early marriage (TABLE 1). Responsibilities for the family or the death of mother or father also emerged as reasons for the compulsory failure from school at an early age as girl children had to take care of their younger brothers. Many poor, uneducated people do not attribute much importance to the education of girls. Early marriage is another common feature leading parents to withdraw their girls from school, and once they are gone, very few girls return to school, according to a senior teacher. In a hurry to get them married, some girls fell into the wrong hand. As a result they have to suffer a broken marriage at a very small age. Thus, economic problems are the main burden put off women from getting an education, coupled with early marriage and parental negligence playing an important part in the ultimately declining status of women. TABLE 1 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 3 2 3 3 26-30 2 3 2 4 31-35 4 1 2 4 36-40 2 3 1 5 41-45 2 1 1 2 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 NO.OFPERSON'S AGES EDUCATION MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 8. Page 8 of 21 Respondents continuing “MARRIAGE” Even though few girls return to school once they are married, as they age, the goal of obtaining an education increases. The surveys indicated a number of female decided to continue with their education. But for the majority (53 percent) of the female, it was not possible for them to complete their education up to their satisfaction. Female had to stop their studies just on the ground of getting married. At the same time amongst female (65 percent) who decided to pursue their studies after marriage, a majority of them were forced to quit halfway. This discloses the badly low importance of education of a woman in her family. Among all respondents only 47 percent of female could complete their education satisfactorily after marriage. Though the percentage is lower than the female who could not complete their studies sensibly, this does prove some changes in the understanding and attitude towards women’s education. This is a positive sign where in the LPU has changed for better. (Table 2) Source of help to complete education for married women Most of the women who continued their education and completed it satisfactorily, obtained help mainly from their parents and husbands (31.3% both). They were determined to fulfil their dreams (31.3%). A very few female cited that they got help from their parents-in- laws (6.3%). So far, surveys show that parents and husbands have been the constant source of support for many female in completing their education, a very positive sign. TABLE 2 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 3 2 4 2 26-30 4 1 5 1 31-35 2 3 4 2 36-40 5 0 6 0 41-45 1 2 0 3 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 NO.OFPERSON AGES MARRIAGE MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 9. Page 9 of 21 Respondents’ continuing “CULTURE” As we all know that in 17th century, there were a number of schools dedicated to girls, but the cultural norm was for girls to be informally educated at home. But in 18th century, there was an increase in the number of girls being educated in schools. It is in especially true for middle- class families whose rising financial status and social objectives made if an upper-class style of education for their daughters both needed and probable. In this survey it was shown that what they are thinking about culture considering women literacy and development (table 3) TABLE 3 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 1 4 6 0 26-30 2 3 5 1 31-35 3 2 4 2 36-40 4 1 3 3 41-45 3 0 2 1 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 Chart Title MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 10. Page 10 of 21 Respondents’ continuing “EXPERIENCE” Women who work in male dominated occupations face challenges that differ from those who work in more gender balanced and female dominated occupations, these are the challenges affect their retaining and career success. In this survey we study that these women face as well as how they manage. (TABLE 4) According the analyses of survey we found that what women face challenges:  Lack of real transformation because of male resistance and prejudices.  Physical and health related difficulties women experience. TABLE 4 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 4 1 5 1 26-30 3 2 4 2 31-35 3 2 3 3 36-40 2 3 2 4 41-45 0 3 3 0 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 NO.OFPERSON'S AGES EXPERIENCE MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 11. Page 11 of 21 Respondents’ continuing “DISCRIMINATION” It means that gender based discrimination against female children is universal across the world. It is seen in all the layers of society and various forms. In the poetry, female child has been treated inferior to male child and this is deeply counted in the mind of the female child. Some reason that due to this inferior treatment the females fail to understand their rights. This is more major in India as well as other lesser developed countries (table 5).As per the data available there seems to be gender difference depending on the location. But in LPU (on the basis of survey, which we opted). In this there is less discrimination in this university as it was shown in table as well as graph. TABLE 5 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 1 4 6 0 26-30 2 3 5 1 31-35 3 2 4 2 36-40 4 1 3 3 41-45 2 1 2 1 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 NO.OFPERSON'S AGES DISCRIMINATION MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 12. Page 12 of 21 Respondents’ continuing “POVERTY” Several factors affect the feminization of poverty and these factors place women at high risk of poverty. Low income is the major cause, there are many interrelated facts of this problem. Only mothers at the highest risk for risky poverty because their income is insufficient to end children. It then lowers their children's chances for good education and food. Low income is a significance of the social preference women face in trying to obtain formal employment, which in turn extends the cycle of poverty. As the number of women in poverty increases, the various causes affecting their poverty must be examined. Poverty is multidimensional and therefore economic, demographic and socio-cultural factors all overlap and contribute to the establishment of poverty it is an occurrence with multiple root causes and indexes. (TABLE 6) This is self-explained by the questionnaire as well as table and graph that how many persons are in support and how many are in unsupported. TABLE 6 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 4 1 6 0 26-30 4 1 5 1 31-35 5 1 4 2 36-40 5 1 3 3 41-45 3 0 3 0 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 NO.OFPERSON'S AGES POVERTY MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 13. Page 13 of 21 Respondents’ continuing “INCOME” In this it was clearly shown that everyone is in support that income is the major cause of women literacy. (TABLE 7) TABLE 7 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 4 1 6 0 26-30 5 0 5 1 31-35 3 2 4 2 36-40 4 1 3 3 41-45 3 0 2 1 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 NO.OFPERSON'S AGES INCOME MALE YES MALE NO FEMALE YES FEMALE NO
  • 14. Page 14 of 21 Respondents’ continuing “CO-EDUCATION” In this survey we analyses that, thinking of persons change according the different age group young generation think that co-education is good. But we also analyses that older people think that co-education is not good. TABLE 8 MALE FEMALE AGES YES NO YES NO 21-25 1 4 3 3 26-30 2 3 4 2 31-35 3 2 2.75 2.25 36-40 4 1 6 0 41-45 3 0 2 1 SOURCE: FIELD SURVEY 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 Chart Title MALE FEMALE
  • 15. Page 15 of 21 CONCLUSION Overall this study confirms that women’s status is lesser to men. Women face discrimination within families as well as in society, where society maintains double standards in the case of education, marriage, spousal relationships, domestic violence, laws of male-controlled society, property laws, dowry system, sexual ethics, sexual harassment as well as discriminatory social dishonour and also less recognition and respect for women’s work. Implications The survey indicates that prevailing intra-household discrimination in educational matters for girls and women perseveres. Therefore, a strong message needs to be conveyed in support of education and economic empowerment as equally important for both the sexes. Education emerges as the single most important parameter empowering women. Education forms the way for economic empowerment and raises the status of women. Reducing the gender gap in secondary and higher education should be the focus area. Marriage only at mature, legal age is also essential. Women should get married only after receiving an education or after acquiring some skill, which can make her economically independent. The survey suggests that there should be more importance placed on the economic empowerment of women. As women rise in economic status, they will gain greater social standing in the household and the society permitting better voice in important issues. Not only does economic empowerment support the position of women, it serves as a warning to dowries. The parental property should be distributed to sons and daughters on an equal basis so, the responsibility of looking after parents falls to all issues. As women’s economic power grows, it will be easier for them to take care of their parents, to become a respectable member of their birth family, and to overcome the tradition of "son preference." By Shikhar Maurya Until the middle of nineteenth century, girls and women were educated only for traditional household works. Now, the society is witnessing changes in the role-status of women. There is greater emphasis on education girls and women in the same way as we educate boys and men. The modern-day parents want to fulfil the aspiration of their children without gender parity. The educated women should insist on exercising their civil, social, political and economic rights. This will help improve the overall condition of women in the society. We can hope for better days while all women of our country will be enlightened and educated. By Sukhmanpreet Kaur
  • 16. Page 16 of 21 Literacy for girls has very far reaching implications both for society as well as the recipient girl. Literacy for girls is a crucial input for developing/preserving human resource development, which in the ultimate analysis is a national asset. As far the individual recipient girl, literacy/education equips her to enjoy the fruits of social justice, social culture and of social, political and economic rights. Such are the lofty ideals of girls' literacy and in all right earnest steps have been taken by the Union and State governments to realize them in practice. And yet, the ground realities of achieving the goal of universalization of education differ from State to State and from various strata of society to society. Thus, there exists in India now a dichotomy of 'educationally forward States' and 'educationally backward States' “There is no tool for developmentmoreeffective than the empowermentof WOMEN” -Kofi Annon By Somara Rahul Chowadary Based on the research findings, it is concluded that our, society with an aging population, that will make larger demands upon the nation’s resources, needs youthful population of females that value and pursue education to create conducive environment for good economic welfare, political and social stability that will pave way for growth and development. Female students should enjoy free education at all levels. This exercise serves as great motivation that will give better opportunities for learning in our society as females are to be molded for embracing challenges and treating them intelligently for a better nation. By Faisal Farooq Sheikh
  • 17. Page 17 of 21 Bibliography  Johnson, Pamela S. & Johnson, Jennifer A. (2001). The oppression of women in India‟. Violence against women, 7(9): 1051-1068.  Mahajan, V.D. (2007). History of Medieval India, New Delhi: Chand Company Private Limited.  www.en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/india#History.
  • 18. Page 18 of 21 SURVEY ON IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN LITERACY AND DEVELOPMENT (PLEASE TICK ONE OPTION ONLY) NAME: GENDER: MALE FEMALE 1. Which age group do you belong to? A. 21-25yrs C. 31-35yrs B. 26-30yrs D.36-40yrs E.41-45 yrs. 2. Do you feel that your workplace has a gender inclusive culture? A. Yes B.No 3. Basedonyour experience do you feel that men and women at your workplace are treatedequally in the following areas? (1.Highly Agree 2.Agree 3. Natural 4.Disagree 5. Highly Disagree) Men& Women treated equally 1 2 3 4 5 Mentreated less favourably (Recruitment &Selection) 1 2 3 4 5 Women treated less favourably (Recruitment &Selection ) 1 2 3 4 5 Remuneration in terms of Wages equal 1 2 3 4 5
  • 19. Page 19 of 21 4. Is ‘Poverty’ one of the reasons forwomen literacy? A.YES C.STRONGLY AGREE B.NO D.CAN’T SAY 5. “DISCRIMINATIONIS ONE OF THE REASON” forlow women literacy? A.YES C.STRONGLY AGREE B.NO D.CAN’T SAY 6. Are you feeling ‘HEALTH PROBLEM’is also reasonfor low women literacy rate? A.YES C.STRONGLY AGREE B.NO D.CAN’T SAY 7. Are women facing ‘DISCRIMINATION’in education? A.YES C.STRONGLY AGREE B.NO D.CAN’T SAY 8. Is women literacyimportant to society? A.YES C.STRONGLY AGREE B.NO D.CAN’T SAY 9. “EARLY MARRIAGES AND POOR SCHOOLENVIRONMENT” is one of the reasonfor low women literacy rate? A.YES C.STRONGLY AGREE B.NO D.CAN’T SAY 10. Was your careerchoice influenced by the encouragement of others to pursue educationin more stereotypical female-orientedprofessions? A. YES C. STRONGLY AGREE B. NO D. CAN’T SAY
  • 20. Page 20 of 21 11. Which strategieshelp women become more sociallyand economically empowered? A. Women working together to challenge discrimination B. More income sources for women C. Improved access to education D. All of the above 12. Why are girls more likely than boys to miss out on secondaryeducation in the developing world? A. Because of high school fees, only boys are sent to school B. Girls are expectedto help out at home C. Child Marriage restricts girl’s mobility and freedom D. All of the above 13. Is Lower socio-economic status ofparents affecting the women educationin India? A. Agree C. Partially Agree B. Disagree D. Strongly Disagree 14. The number of women’s educationalinstitutions is much less as compared with Institutions engage educationin the spread of male education? A. True C. Maybe B. False D. Disagree 15. Many people still condemn and dislike the idea of co-education? A. True C. Maybe B. False D. Disagree
  • 21. Page 21 of 21 PEER RATING NAME REGISTRATIONNO. PEER RATING Shikhar Maurya 11606663 10 Sukhmanpreet Kaur 11611195 10 Faisal Farooq Sheikh 11609780 7 Somar Rahul Chowdary 11605933 10