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•  The Inbound Opportunity for Publishers – Patrick Shea & Pete
•  Why Publishers Need to Think Like Marketers - Seth Nichols
•  Increasing Digital Revenue Through Lead Generation
Campaigns for Your Advertisers - Rick Kranz
•  Using Audience Data to Deliver Better Results and Drive
Revenue in B2B Publishing - John Yedinak
•  The Line Between Media and Brands is Blurring Fast - Chad
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Patrick Shea & Pete Caputa


Direct mail may have worked in 1965.
But it’s 2015 and marketers are the ones
tasked with driving growth.
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Most important lead sources over the last 6 months.
Source: 2014 State of
Inbound Marketing
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Notice a common theme? They’re inbound channels.


20% of publishers’ current digital ad revenue
comes from content. Two years from now,
publishers project this will jump to 50%.
- Association of Business Information & Media Companies
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Once a upon a time, marketing agencies needed help growing.
1. Difficulty proving ROI of services
2. Difficulty renewing clients
3. Difficulty acquiring new clients
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


1. Difficulty proving ROI of services
2. Difficulty renewing clients
3. Difficulty acquiring new clients
Marketing agencies need help growing.
Now it’s publishers’ turn.
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Unlike agencies, publishers are
poised to succeed with inbound marketing from square one.
> Existing assets help with speed to value
> Decades of credibility in niche industries
> Massive followings & distribution channels
> World-beating content creation machines
> Lacked scalable delivery approach
> Lacked any vertical specialization
> Lacked brand awareness in market
> Marketing themselves was a challenge
Publishers have massive leverage online.
Agencies Publishers
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


$3 Billion
Spent in 2015
Native advertising is the fastest growing form of digital advertising.
2017 Projection
$5 Billion
Source: emarketer
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Competition for the
world’s digital dimes
will remain
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Over 800 magazines were
launched in the last year.
- Marketplace.org (American Public Media)
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Every publisher is in the same business: IMPRESSIONS
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Need to know more about the people in our database.
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


> Drive high quality traffic & leads like no else can
> Package & sell intelligence.
> Build smarter targeting.
> Promote events better.
> Sell additional products.
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Need to know more about the people in our database.


Our differentiator will be actionable intelligence & ROI.
Hold, something tactical
Mary Miller
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Seth Nichols
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


There’s a fundamental disconnect in how publishers
and marketers think.
Publishers value old business models
•  Brand strength
•  Reach
•  Audience Demos
Marketers value campaigns’ ability to increase the sales
•  CMOs are measured/goaled on this
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


This limited scope may solve for now, but will
quickly be outdated and extinct. It’s more
important to sell end results, instead of our means
of getting there.
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Publishers are thinking about railroads.
Marketers are thinking about transportation.


Display campaigns are diminishing in value in terms of the
customers they produce.
All leads are not created equal.
To generate measurable ROI for their advertisers, publishers
and sales teams must align their efforts to look beyond reach
and demographics. This means focusing on quality, rather than
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
1.  Know marketing metrics, funnel metrics, and
marketing language—such as market intelligence,
buyers journey, and campaign best practices.
2.  Produce quality, independent editorial by
understanding context: attract, identify, nurture
and convert high quality prospects.
3.  Focus on quality over reach when planning
circulation and audience development.
4.  Measure ROI and constantly adjust!
Align your sales team with your customers and
organization as a whole. Together your whole team
must be able to:


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
To be a marketing partner, you have to be a
marketer. Publishers have better visibility to pick
up purchase signals and publishers’ content is
more highly valued by prospects.
•  Map content to the buyer’s journey.
•  Use content to pick up explicit and behavioral purchase
•  Use HubSpot workflows, event triggers, CTAs, lead scoring
etc. to paint the bigger picture for advertisers.


To sum it up: Be marketers, not publishers.
1.  Align organization with customer goals.
•  Publishers/sales teams of consultative marketers
•  Content teams understand the buyer’s journey
2.  Use tools and processes your customers use.
3.  Prove your value for each campaign: Return on
Marketing Investment .
4.  Build products for business predictability and inevitable
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Rick Kranz
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Case Study: Dental Products Report
Using Inbound to Drive
•  68% reduced Customer Acquisition Cost
•  545% ROI
•  98% Reduction in Cost-Per-Lead
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Planning: Questions to Consider
•  What resonates with your
•  In terms of the advertiser’s product/
o  Are your subscribers aware of it?
o  Do they think they need it?
o  Do they understand it?
o  Do they want it?
•  What is the advertiser’s goal?
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Planning: Segment your subscribers
•  Interest
•  Demographics
•  Depth of knowledge
•  Intent to purchase
•  What offers they converted on
•  Level of engagement with your
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


Planning: Map subscribers to client’s
Generate sales ready leads
Subscriber segment
Dentists interested in marketing and practice management
Relevant offer
Postcard marketing
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Initial Campaign Steps
1. Reads article on postcard marketing
send user to webinar
2. Watch webinar
send user to consult page
3. Fill out form for consultation


Why is understanding your
audience so important?
Upon seeing a low number of
webinar viewers, DPR
swapped the webinar offer for
an eBook, applicable earlier on
in the buyer’s journey. This
ultimately helped them
generate more qualified leads.
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
1. Read article on postcard marketing
send them to ebook
2. Launch email campaign
send them to ebook
3. Download ebook
enroll in lead nurturing campaign
4. Five step lead nurturing emails
offer a coupon for free design
5. Fill out form for consultation
Revised Campaign Steps


Achievements: Final Results
45 visits
20% conversion
9 Contacts
68% Reduced CAC
545% ROI
98% Reduction in
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
419 visits
45% conversion
181 Contacts


John Yedinak
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


A little about Senior Housing News
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
•  Largest B2B website focusing on the $300 billion
senior housing industry
•  Over 10,000 daily email subscribers
•  5 full time reporters


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
While they were selling out email/website ads by
the first month, it wasn’t enough. They needed to
make a change and find a new source of revenue.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
The problem? They had very little data on their subscribers
aside from email address and company name.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
•  Wanted to be inbound driven
•  Centralized database and integration tools
•  Needed better insight into users to deliver the right
content at the right time
•  Wanted to develop real lead gen program for clients
that delivered qualified leads and grow their
business beyond ads.
Why they chose HubSpot


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
1.  Integrate data from different services.
2.  Create downloadable content to obtain detailed information
about our readers.
3.  Develop a new progressive profiling strategy.
4.  Ask — what do we want to know about our audience?
First things first, they had to develop a data


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Their top of the funnel campaign was composed of:
M One dedicated email
N One article
W Smart CTAs
R Exit intent CTA
To get this data they know it would be all about the
content offer.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
They asked users probing questions
•  Interests
•  Pain points
•  Product/service needs
And guess what? Their readers told them.
Great content resulted in great data.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Results: Over 2 months, the campaign drove almost $8,000 in
revenue through 119 submissions, and 26 highly qualified high-
value leads.
Using this rich data, they created niche highly-
segmented campaigns targeting people by
location, company type, and job title – using
Smart CTAs to drive the right people to a landing


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
•  Inbound is a marathon, not a sprint.
•  Set individual campaign goals one at a time to avoid being
•  Start with a trusted client and cut them a great deal, then continue to
learn from each campaign.
•  Use Custom Event Tracking to dynamically create segments of your
audience to what they read and which topics convert best.
•  Inbound hasn’t detracted from traditional ad spend, only enhanced it.
•  They had to change the sales process.
•  The biggest challenge was determining the right CPL to charge.
Takeaways from implementing inbound:


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
•  Sell more than one product (ex: webinar & white paper).
•  Ask better questions: are you planning on buying soon?
•  Use Smart CTAs to target operators for recurring revenue
each month.
•  Increase the amount of custom content created for clients to
increase that segment of revenue.
What’s next for Senior Housing News?


Chad Pollitt
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Every minute of every day:
•  571 websites are launched
•  350,000 tweets are tweeted
•  48 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded
Most verticals are already oversaturated with content, causing
great content to go unread daily.
We’re in the middle of a content explosion.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Despite smart phone proliferation, increased media
accessibility, demand and consumption… many traditional
media outlets are cutting back.
Blogs, social media, new media, brand, search engines, and
agencies are attempting to fill this media gap.
But, this isn’t a bad thing…


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
•  The media are building marketing agencies.
•  Brands are becoming the media.
•  Agencies are becoming publishers.
•  And search engines are buying media too.
And so the lines are blurring.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Exposure is harder to come by than ever with social reach
diminishing and search getting more crowded.
So what’s filling the content distribution void?


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
The native landscape is beginning to take shape, and the
race for supremacy has begun.


2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
Publishers are in the driver’s seat, poised perfectly
to leverage their publications and their content with:
•  Influencer marketing
•  Bylines
•  Native advertising
•  Email marketing
•  Networking/speaking


To access exclusive resources, share industry news, and join
other media-minded people in discussion:
Join the Inbound Publishing group on
2015 Inbound Publishers Summit

More Related Content

Inbound Publishers Summit 2015 Recap

  • 2. OVERVIEW •  The Inbound Opportunity for Publishers – Patrick Shea & Pete Caputa •  Why Publishers Need to Think Like Marketers - Seth Nichols •  Increasing Digital Revenue Through Lead Generation Campaigns for Your Advertisers - Rick Kranz •  Using Audience Data to Deliver Better Results and Drive Revenue in B2B Publishing - John Yedinak •  The Line Between Media and Brands is Blurring Fast - Chad Pollitt 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 3. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit THE INBOUND OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLISHERS Patrick Shea & Pete Caputa
  • 4. Direct mail may have worked in 1965. But it’s 2015 and marketers are the ones tasked with driving growth. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 5. Most important lead sources over the last 6 months. Source: 2014 State of Inbound Marketing Report 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Notice a common theme? They’re inbound channels.
  • 6. 20% of publishers’ current digital ad revenue comes from content. Two years from now, publishers project this will jump to 50%. - Association of Business Information & Media Companies 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 7. Once a upon a time, marketing agencies needed help growing. 1. Difficulty proving ROI of services 2. Difficulty renewing clients 3. Difficulty acquiring new clients 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 8. 1. Difficulty proving ROI of services 2. Difficulty renewing clients 3. Difficulty acquiring new clients Marketing agencies need help growing. advertisers advertisers advertising Publishers Now it’s publishers’ turn. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 9. Unlike agencies, publishers are poised to succeed with inbound marketing from square one. > Existing assets help with speed to value > Decades of credibility in niche industries > Massive followings & distribution channels > World-beating content creation machines > Lacked scalable delivery approach > Lacked any vertical specialization > Lacked brand awareness in market > Marketing themselves was a challenge Publishers have massive leverage online. Agencies Publishers 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 10. $3 Billion Spent in 2015 Native advertising is the fastest growing form of digital advertising. 2017 Projection $5 Billion Source: emarketer 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 11. Competition for the world’s digital dimes will remain FIERCE. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 12. Over 800 magazines were launched in the last year. - Marketplace.org (American Public Media) 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 13. Every publisher is in the same business: IMPRESSIONS 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 14. Need to know more about the people in our database. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 15. > Drive high quality traffic & leads like no else can > Package & sell intelligence. > Build smarter targeting. > Promote events better. > Sell additional products. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Need to know more about the people in our database.
  • 16. Our differentiator will be actionable intelligence & ROI. Hold, something tactical Mary Miller 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 17. WHY PUBLISHERS NEED TO THINK LIKE MARKETERS Seth Nichols 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 18. There’s a fundamental disconnect in how publishers and marketers think. Publishers value old business models •  Brand strength •  Reach •  Audience Demos Marketers value campaigns’ ability to increase the sales pipeline •  CMOs are measured/goaled on this 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 19. This limited scope may solve for now, but will quickly be outdated and extinct. It’s more important to sell end results, instead of our means of getting there. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 20. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Publishers are thinking about railroads. Marketers are thinking about transportation.
  • 21. Display campaigns are diminishing in value in terms of the customers they produce. All leads are not created equal. To generate measurable ROI for their advertisers, publishers and sales teams must align their efforts to look beyond reach and demographics. This means focusing on quality, rather than quantity. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 22. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit 1.  Know marketing metrics, funnel metrics, and marketing language—such as market intelligence, buyers journey, and campaign best practices. 2.  Produce quality, independent editorial by understanding context: attract, identify, nurture and convert high quality prospects. 3.  Focus on quality over reach when planning circulation and audience development. 4.  Measure ROI and constantly adjust! Align your sales team with your customers and organization as a whole. Together your whole team must be able to:
  • 23. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit To be a marketing partner, you have to be a marketer. Publishers have better visibility to pick up purchase signals and publishers’ content is more highly valued by prospects. •  Map content to the buyer’s journey. •  Use content to pick up explicit and behavioral purchase intent. •  Use HubSpot workflows, event triggers, CTAs, lead scoring etc. to paint the bigger picture for advertisers.
  • 24. To sum it up: Be marketers, not publishers. 1.  Align organization with customer goals. •  Publishers/sales teams of consultative marketers •  Content teams understand the buyer’s journey 2.  Use tools and processes your customers use. 3.  Prove your value for each campaign: Return on Marketing Investment . 4.  Build products for business predictability and inevitable downturns. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 26. Case Study: Dental Products Report Using Inbound to Drive •  68% reduced Customer Acquisition Cost •  545% ROI •  98% Reduction in Cost-Per-Lead 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 27. Planning: Questions to Consider •  What resonates with your subscribers? •  In terms of the advertiser’s product/ service: o  Are your subscribers aware of it? o  Do they think they need it? o  Do they understand it? o  Do they want it? •  What is the advertiser’s goal? 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit ?
  • 28. Planning: Segment your subscribers •  Interest •  Demographics •  Depth of knowledge •  Intent to purchase •  What offers they converted on •  Level of engagement with your content 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 29. Planning: Map subscribers to client’s goal Goal Generate sales ready leads Subscriber segment Dentists interested in marketing and practice management Relevant offer Postcard marketing 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 30. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Initial Campaign Steps 1. Reads article on postcard marketing send user to webinar 2. Watch webinar send user to consult page 3. Fill out form for consultation
  • 31. Why is understanding your audience so important? Upon seeing a low number of webinar viewers, DPR swapped the webinar offer for an eBook, applicable earlier on in the buyer’s journey. This ultimately helped them generate more qualified leads. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 32. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit 1. Read article on postcard marketing send them to ebook 2. Launch email campaign send them to ebook 3. Download ebook enroll in lead nurturing campaign 4. Five step lead nurturing emails offer a coupon for free design 5. Fill out form for consultation Revised Campaign Steps
  • 33. Achievements: Final Results Webinar 45 visits 20% conversion 9 Contacts Overall 68% Reduced CAC 545% ROI 98% Reduction in CPL 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Ebook 419 visits 45% conversion 181 Contacts
  • 35. H HHH A little about Senior Housing News 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit •  Largest B2B website focusing on the $300 billion senior housing industry •  Over 10,000 daily email subscribers •  5 full time reporters
  • 36. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit While they were selling out email/website ads by the first month, it wasn’t enough. They needed to make a change and find a new source of revenue.
  • 37. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit The problem? They had very little data on their subscribers aside from email address and company name.
  • 38. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit •  Wanted to be inbound driven •  Centralized database and integration tools •  Needed better insight into users to deliver the right content at the right time •  Wanted to develop real lead gen program for clients that delivered qualified leads and grow their business beyond ads. Why they chose HubSpot
  • 39. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit 1.  Integrate data from different services. 2.  Create downloadable content to obtain detailed information about our readers. 3.  Develop a new progressive profiling strategy. 4.  Ask — what do we want to know about our audience? First things first, they had to develop a data strategy.
  • 40. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Their top of the funnel campaign was composed of: M One dedicated email N One article W Smart CTAs R Exit intent CTA To get this data they know it would be all about the content offer.
  • 41. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit They asked users probing questions about: •  Interests •  Pain points •  Product/service needs And guess what? Their readers told them. Great content resulted in great data.
  • 42. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Results: Over 2 months, the campaign drove almost $8,000 in revenue through 119 submissions, and 26 highly qualified high- value leads. Using this rich data, they created niche highly- segmented campaigns targeting people by location, company type, and job title – using Smart CTAs to drive the right people to a landing page.
  • 43. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit •  Inbound is a marathon, not a sprint. •  Set individual campaign goals one at a time to avoid being overwhelmed. •  Start with a trusted client and cut them a great deal, then continue to learn from each campaign. •  Use Custom Event Tracking to dynamically create segments of your audience to what they read and which topics convert best. •  Inbound hasn’t detracted from traditional ad spend, only enhanced it. •  They had to change the sales process. •  The biggest challenge was determining the right CPL to charge. Takeaways from implementing inbound:
  • 44. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit •  Sell more than one product (ex: webinar & white paper). •  Ask better questions: are you planning on buying soon? •  Use Smart CTAs to target operators for recurring revenue each month. •  Increase the amount of custom content created for clients to increase that segment of revenue. What’s next for Senior Housing News?
  • 45. THE LINE BETWEEN MEDIA AND BRANDS IS BLURRING FAST Chad Pollitt 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit
  • 46. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Every minute of every day: •  571 websites are launched •  350,000 tweets are tweeted •  48 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded Most verticals are already oversaturated with content, causing great content to go unread daily. We’re in the middle of a content explosion.
  • 47. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Despite smart phone proliferation, increased media accessibility, demand and consumption… many traditional media outlets are cutting back. Blogs, social media, new media, brand, search engines, and agencies are attempting to fill this media gap. But, this isn’t a bad thing…
  • 48. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit •  The media are building marketing agencies. •  Brands are becoming the media. •  Agencies are becoming publishers. •  And search engines are buying media too. And so the lines are blurring.
  • 49. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Exposure is harder to come by than ever with social reach diminishing and search getting more crowded. So what’s filling the content distribution void?
  • 50. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Native.
  • 51. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit The native landscape is beginning to take shape, and the race for supremacy has begun.
  • 52. 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit Publishers are in the driver’s seat, poised perfectly to leverage their publications and their content with: •  Influencer marketing •  Bylines •  Native advertising •  Email marketing •  Networking/speaking
  • 53. HELP US KEEP THE INBOUND PUBLISHING CONVERSATION GOING To access exclusive resources, share industry news, and join other media-minded people in discussion: Join the Inbound Publishing group on Inbound.org 2015 Inbound Publishers Summit