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Income tax presentation (1)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Taxes are paid in the sweat of every man who labors.
James M. Wayne
The payment of taxes gives a right to protection.
• Annual charge levied on both earned
income(salaries, wages, commission) and
unearned income(dividend, interest, rent). In
addition to financing Government operations,
income taxation is designed to distribute
wealth more evenly in a population and to
serve automatic fiscal stabilizer to cushion
the effect of Economic cycles.
• A direct tax that Government
imposes on income generated by the
entities within his jurisdiction.
The whole concept in taxing and income is a modern aspect. It requisites many thing
as accurate account, money economy, expenses and profit and orderly society with
reliable records.
There is enough evidences to show that taxes are levied in India since ancient times.
In Kautilya’s Arthashatra written 2300 years ago also evidence for income tax is found.
Taxes are levied at that times also in terms of kinds like..gold, cattle, grains, forest
resources etc. Principles behind these taxes were also laid down by “Manu” The Great
law giver of our country in his book Manusmriti. He describes as” “the leech, the calf, the
bees take their food little by little even so must the kind draw from his realm moderate
annual taxes.”
According to kautilya” power of government depends upon the strength of treasury” He
states” From the treasury comes the power of government. He regards taxes as the
earning of the sovereign for the services rendered by him to the people affording
them protection and maintaining law and order. He emphasized taxes reward for
the state for giving protection and law to the people by the king.
After the establishment of British rule in India. Due to mutiny in 1857 the British faced an
acute financial crisis . To come out from this crisis they started filling their treasury and for
this they introduced Income Tax Act, This act was introduced by James Wilson who became
British India’s first finance minister, This act came into existence by the ascent of Governor
General on 24th July 1860.This act was divided into 21 parts with more than 259 sections.
of income
tax act
n/ trade
salaries and
After 1860’s in 1886 a separate Income Tax act came into
1917- super tax was introduced.
1918-Income tax act 1918 was passed.
1919-Act X of 1919 imposed duly on excess profit.
1920-Act X of 1919 was abolished.
1922- In come tax act 1922 was introduced.
1939-substantial amendment to Income tax act 1922 was made.
1961-A new act titled” Income Tax Act 1961 came into existence.
1963- Central Board of Revenue Act , 1963 passed under which
CBDT was constituted.
1997-Establishment of tax reforms committee under chairmanship
of Dr. Raja. J. Chelliah
2003-Kelkar task force which followed outsourcing of PAN/TAN,
exemption of dividend income compensated by levy of dividend
distributed tax to be paid by company
If the tax is imposed at the same rate on the persons of different income level, it is
called proportional tax. This tax has qualities like easy to comprehend, easy to pay,
simplicity and continuity of same level of distribution of income. But this tax lacks
the quality of equality
If the rate of tax changes with change in income, it is called progressive tax. Hence,
the rich should pay more and the poor should pay less. The progressive tax has the
qualities of flexibility, economy, more income earning, reduce income inequality,
based on ability to pay. But this tax has demerits like tendency of evasion; conceal
income, arbitrariness, adverse effects on saving and investment. Dalton has
supported the progressive tax in these Words —“The heaviest burden should be
placed upon the broadest backs”
If the high rate of tax is levied to the poor and low rate is levied to the rich, it is
called regressive tax. The tax rate decreases with increases in income.
Tax which is mildly progressive is known as degressive tax. Tax may increase as
income rises, but the rate of increase in tax is not in the same proportion as the
increase in income
Tax slab rate Tax slab rate Tax slab rate
0-2,00,000 NIL 0-2,00,000 NIL 0-2,50,000 NIL
10% 2,00,001-
10% 2,50,001-
20% 5,00,001-
20% 5,00,001-
30% Above
30% Above
Central Board for Direct Taxes(CBDT)
The CBDT is a part of Department of Revenue in the Ministry of Finance.
On one hand, CBDT provides essential inputs for policy and planning of
direct taxes in India, at same time it is also responsible for administration
of direct tax laws through the Income Tax Department. The Central Board
of Direct Taxes is a statutory authority functioning under the Central
Board of Revenue Act, 1963. The officials of the Board in their ex-officio
capacity also function as a Division of the Ministry dealing with matters
relating to levy and collection of direct taxes.
The Central Board of Revenue as the Department apex
body charged with the administration of taxes came into existence as a
result of the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1924. Initially the Board was
in charge of both direct and indirect taxes. However, when the
administration of taxes became too unwieldy for one Board to handle, the
Board was split up into two, namely the Central Board of Direct Taxes
What are the "HEADS OF INCOME”??
Population Tax Payers
In India only 3% of total population pays the taxes
Income tax presentation (1)
221(1) Failure to pay tax arrears
271(1)(c) Concealment of particular income Tax evade 100%-300%of tax
271A Failure to maintain books u/s 44AA 25000
271AA Failure to keep and maintain docs. International
25% of
271 B Failure to get a/c audited Total sales .5% of sale or
100000 (less)
271 BA Fail to furnish report u/s 92F 100000
271C Fail to pay whole or part of tax u/s115O fail to deduct
271E Repay the deposit other than specified Repaid amt Amt to repay
271 F Fail to furnish return of income u/s 139 5000 5000
271 G Fail to furnish document or information 2% of default
272AA Fail to furnish prescribed info u/s 133B 1000
272 B Fail to apply for pan number 10000
272BB(1 Fail to apply for tax deduction a/c 10000
272BBB Fail to apply for tax collection a/c 10000
272A(2) Fail to furnish return 100 per day
Income tax presentation (1)
Income tax presentation (1)

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Income tax presentation (1)

  • 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt Taxes are paid in the sweat of every man who labors. James M. Wayne The payment of taxes gives a right to protection.
  • 3. • Annual charge levied on both earned income(salaries, wages, commission) and unearned income(dividend, interest, rent). In addition to financing Government operations, income taxation is designed to distribute wealth more evenly in a population and to serve automatic fiscal stabilizer to cushion the effect of Economic cycles. MEANING • A direct tax that Government imposes on income generated by the entities within his jurisdiction. DEFINITION
  • 4. The whole concept in taxing and income is a modern aspect. It requisites many thing as accurate account, money economy, expenses and profit and orderly society with reliable records. ANCIENT HISTORY There is enough evidences to show that taxes are levied in India since ancient times. In Kautilya’s Arthashatra written 2300 years ago also evidence for income tax is found. Taxes are levied at that times also in terms of kinds like..gold, cattle, grains, forest resources etc. Principles behind these taxes were also laid down by “Manu” The Great law giver of our country in his book Manusmriti. He describes as” “the leech, the calf, the bees take their food little by little even so must the kind draw from his realm moderate annual taxes.” According to kautilya” power of government depends upon the strength of treasury” He states” From the treasury comes the power of government. He regards taxes as the earning of the sovereign for the services rendered by him to the people affording them protection and maintaining law and order. He emphasized taxes reward for the state for giving protection and law to the people by the king. HISTORY OF INCOME TAX
  • 5. MODERN HISTORY OF INCOME TAX IN INDIA After the establishment of British rule in India. Due to mutiny in 1857 the British faced an acute financial crisis . To come out from this crisis they started filling their treasury and for this they introduced Income Tax Act, This act was introduced by James Wilson who became British India’s first finance minister, This act came into existence by the ascent of Governor General on 24th July 1860.This act was divided into 21 parts with more than 259 sections. Features of income tax act 1860 Income from landed property Income from professio n/ trade Income from salaries and pensions Income from securities, dividends, annuities
  • 6. After 1860’s in 1886 a separate Income Tax act came into existence. 1917- super tax was introduced. 1918-Income tax act 1918 was passed. 1919-Act X of 1919 imposed duly on excess profit. 1920-Act X of 1919 was abolished. 1922- In come tax act 1922 was introduced. 1939-substantial amendment to Income tax act 1922 was made. 1961-A new act titled” Income Tax Act 1961 came into existence. 1963- Central Board of Revenue Act , 1963 passed under which CBDT was constituted. 1997-Establishment of tax reforms committee under chairmanship of Dr. Raja. J. Chelliah 2003-Kelkar task force which followed outsourcing of PAN/TAN, exemption of dividend income compensated by levy of dividend distributed tax to be paid by company
  • 8. PROPORTIONAL TAXATION If the tax is imposed at the same rate on the persons of different income level, it is called proportional tax. This tax has qualities like easy to comprehend, easy to pay, simplicity and continuity of same level of distribution of income. But this tax lacks the quality of equality PROGRESSIVE TAXATION If the rate of tax changes with change in income, it is called progressive tax. Hence, the rich should pay more and the poor should pay less. The progressive tax has the qualities of flexibility, economy, more income earning, reduce income inequality, based on ability to pay. But this tax has demerits like tendency of evasion; conceal income, arbitrariness, adverse effects on saving and investment. Dalton has supported the progressive tax in these Words —“The heaviest burden should be placed upon the broadest backs” REGRESSIVE TAXATION If the high rate of tax is levied to the poor and low rate is levied to the rich, it is called regressive tax. The tax rate decreases with increases in income. DEGRESSIVE TAXATION Tax which is mildly progressive is known as degressive tax. Tax may increase as income rises, but the rate of increase in tax is not in the same proportion as the increase in income
  • 10. Tax slab rate Tax slab rate Tax slab rate 0-2,00,000 NIL 0-2,00,000 NIL 0-2,50,000 NIL 2,00,001- 5,00,000 10% 2,00,001- 5,00,000 10% 2,50,001- 5,00,000 10% 5,00,001- 10,00,000 20% 5,00,001- 10,00,000 20% 5,00,001- 10,00,000 205 Above 10,00,000 30% Above 10,00,000 30% Above 10,00,000 30% MEN WOMEN SENIOR CITIZENS TAX SLAB
  • 11. Central Board for Direct Taxes(CBDT) The CBDT is a part of Department of Revenue in the Ministry of Finance. On one hand, CBDT provides essential inputs for policy and planning of direct taxes in India, at same time it is also responsible for administration of direct tax laws through the Income Tax Department. The Central Board of Direct Taxes is a statutory authority functioning under the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963. The officials of the Board in their ex-officio capacity also function as a Division of the Ministry dealing with matters relating to levy and collection of direct taxes. The Central Board of Revenue as the Department apex body charged with the administration of taxes came into existence as a result of the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1924. Initially the Board was in charge of both direct and indirect taxes. However, when the administration of taxes became too unwieldy for one Board to handle, the Board was split up into two, namely the Central Board of Direct Taxes
  • 12. What are the "HEADS OF INCOME”??
  • 14. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Population Tax Payers 1,155.35 35.00 307.00655 144.103375 billions INDIA USA In India only 3% of total population pays the taxes Interesting facts!!
  • 17. SECTIO N DEFAULT CHARGE PENALTY 221(1) Failure to pay tax arrears 271(1)(c) Concealment of particular income Tax evade 100%-300%of tax 271A Failure to maintain books u/s 44AA 25000 271AA Failure to keep and maintain docs. International transaction 25% of transaction 271 B Failure to get a/c audited Total sales .5% of sale or 100000 (less) 271 BA Fail to furnish report u/s 92F 100000 271C Fail to pay whole or part of tax u/s115O fail to deduct 271E Repay the deposit other than specified Repaid amt Amt to repay 271 F Fail to furnish return of income u/s 139 5000 5000 271 G Fail to furnish document or information 2% of default 272AA Fail to furnish prescribed info u/s 133B 1000 272 B Fail to apply for pan number 10000 272BB(1 Fail to apply for tax deduction a/c 10000 272BBB Fail to apply for tax collection a/c 10000 272A(2) Fail to furnish return 100 per day