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Alhamdulillah, I am so grateful I had carried out the microteachingsuccessfully.
During the process of completing ELT task which entitled “Methodology For Young
Learners”, I had gone through joy and sorrow which here I would like to share some of
them with you. First and foremost, I would feel very lucky to have devoted partner
whose always give me great companionship during carrying out these tasks. Mypartner
is a gorgeous and sweet girl, NurSalsabilabintiDarani.
Enough babbling, let me share a bit survivor I had encountered. As both of us
had completed task 1 and task 2 before we go out for practicum, then we proceed with
Task 3. Task 3 required both of us to carry out a microteaching. Both of us try to come
out with a lesson integrating all the four skills that we had learnt; listening, speaking,
reading and writing. The task requires each of us to choose and conduct any part of the
micro teaching excluding set induction and closure. I choose the presentation part while
Salsabila decided to conduct the production part. Alhamdulillah, everybody gives full
cooperation during my presentation. Salsabila and I had chosen a Teaching and
Learning (T&L) lesson regarding topic food.
Here I would happily share with you my experience before and after I carry out
the lesson.As for presentation part, first and foremost, I displayed a video
regardinghealthy diet and food pyramid. I downloaded the video from a famous website,
YouTube, during the night before. Then, I guided my pupils to stateorally the main idea
from the video. Afterward , I pastedan empty food pyramid on the whiteboard. Then, I
called upon a representative from each group to come to the front to paste the picture of
foods into its nutrition class. Last but not least, to boost up their speaking skill, I guided
my pupils to mention correctly the class of foods in the food pyramid. I also stressed on
the healthy foods should be taken during their daily meals.
During my presentation, I realized few weaknesses which I need to improve. First
and foremost, I found that the video was too long for a microteaching session.
Nevertheless, if I use it for the T&L lesson in classroom, it is just nice. As the
consequence, I realized that some of the pupils get bored and they talk to each other.
Pupils look here and there and this atmosphere clearly shows how much they are
tiresome. They supposed to pay full attention to the video. Deeply from my heart, I was
very upset as I know they already get bored and they cannot digest much information
anymore in a short time.
Luckily, I am a quick-thinker and I thought of the way to stop this mess on the
spot.Without any hesitation, I decided to shorten the duration of the show. I stopped
the video immediately as the food pyramid part ends.Then and there, I started to do the
Question and Answer (Q&A) part. I asked my pupils randomly regardingthe main idea of
the “what-so-called” movie they watch just now. My pop-quiz awakens them from their
daydream. I can see everybody get prepared with their own answer as I started to ask
the first person to state one of the food category highlighted in the video just now.
Everybody was aware and standby in case their names are called out. I can see they
are very committed as everybody courageously answers. As soon as I ask a volunteer
to answer, as fast as lightning, I got many volunteers hands up, full of confidence. All of
them are very high motivated and I love their assertive spirit very much.
I know the purpose of writing this reflection is to reflect the pros and cons I
encountered during handling this lesson. It is important for me and other future teacher
to know which part I made mistake and then how I respond to overcome the flaw.
Hence, here another weaknessI had noticed during my presentation. Awkwardly, I found
that the picture cards I had prepared earlier are very few. As a result,the chance for
pupils to take part is limited. At the beginning, I called a pupil to the front to paste the
picture card correctly according to its food category. I can see other pupils are getting
nervous waiting for their turn. And I know the rest of them are quite upset as they were
not picked. The rest of them just sit and watch from their seat. For that reason, next time
I will ensure that I prepare enough teaching aids so that all of the pupils can participate
in the hands-on activity. As we know, pupils love hands-on activity.
Above and beyond, I also realized little strength during my lesson. I always
praised my pupils who answered correctly.This strategy was able to upsurge my
pupils’ self-esteem. They feel valued and as theconsequence, I can see that they
become more keen and eager to try to answer every time I throw questions. Pupils are
verywarmed by the positive reinforcement. As a teacher, rather than praised my pupils, I
also use another way to engross theirinterests. For instance, when pupils answer
correctly, I asked other pupils to give applause to their friend. It was not just the pupils
who answer feel appreciated, likewise, the other pupils also feelspassionateand they
compete to hands upas soon as I throw questions. I am so excited to see my pupils
motivated to answer. I can feel the active participation atmosphere in my T&L lesson
and it was a very successful lesson. No one stay passive on his/her own seat.
Everybody try to propose their own opinion although they are not certain about the
answer. They just predict the most relevant and pertinent answer. For example, when I
asked “Why did we need fiber in our daily meals even though in small quantity?”As fast
as lightning, Khairunnisaput up her hand and answer “Maybe we need them to avoid
constipation, teacher”. Her answer was funny but it was correct and accepted anyway. I
know she just guess the most relevant answer appear in her mind but I love this positive
feedback because at least she dare to try.
Last but not least, my strength is I am a teacher whose always full of confident
and I have loud and clear voice projection. Therefore, my pupils engaged to the
lessons from beginning till the end. In addition, I also give clear instruction to avoid my
pupils get confused. Full with confidence, I asked them to sit in group and discussed
with their group members pertaining the importance of taking healthy food in daily diet. I
can see that none of my pupils get sleepy. It was because my high and loud voice
attract their attention thus made them focus on my word and they do not dare to sleep
as they are worried questioned by me. I am very particular with the situation when the
teacher talk slowly and pupils all get bored and sleepy. Then, the whole lesson become
sorrow and less energetic.
Above and beyond, the usage of ICT captured my pupils’ interest very much.
As we all know, nowadays communities are surrounded with extraordinary modern
gadgets. Almost everybody got their own hand phones, netbooks, and PS-2
whatsoever. As a teacher, I must be as up-to-date as them. By using such ICT in my
lesson, I can see that my pupils broaden their eyes immediately. This really shows how
much the Z-Generation close to the ICT. The Z-Generation gets used to all these
modernization and they seems very eager to my video. All of useat every day, so do
me. By chance, my video regarding daily diet and food pyramid engaged their attention
and all of them were very excited to watch this video. They watch pupils eat fast food
and consequently he became an obese. They watch a girl keep taking icecream
frequently and as the result, she suffered diabetes and hypertension. I knew that these
scenarios really reflect my pupils’ habit. At the end of the lesson, I am so glad as I ask
them “do you want ever eat ice creamoften?” They straightawayrefused. I can see they
gain the moral value and important lesson from the video instead of enjoying the
fascinating visual and graphic motion.
In the nut shell, during my part conducting lesson, I had discovered my strength
and weaknesses. Nobody was perfect, so do me. But I did notjust give up. I had thought
of the ways to overcome my weaknesses therefore I will be aware and did not repeat
the same mistakes next time.My weaknesses did not weaken me, on the other hand, it
was going to be my benchmark to take these as a lesson and do better soon. As a
teacher, I must be flexible and holistic. I cannot just stick on the rigid things. Otherwise, I
must broaden my mind therefore I will always be a step forward from others. As we
done with all those tasks, I was so satisfied since instead of knowing deeper on how to
conduct a lesson, I am also able to recognize the most suitable strategies to engage my
pupils towards my lesson which I had zero idea about it before. I enjoy the way I learn
as it came in easy way as I had experienced macro teachings during practicum session.
As a conclusion, I am strongly agreed with Madame NorMawar that English is FUN!! 

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Individual reflection

  • 1. INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION Alhamdulillah, I am so grateful I had carried out the microteachingsuccessfully. During the process of completing ELT task which entitled “Methodology For Young Learners”, I had gone through joy and sorrow which here I would like to share some of them with you. First and foremost, I would feel very lucky to have devoted partner whose always give me great companionship during carrying out these tasks. Mypartner is a gorgeous and sweet girl, NurSalsabilabintiDarani. Enough babbling, let me share a bit survivor I had encountered. As both of us had completed task 1 and task 2 before we go out for practicum, then we proceed with Task 3. Task 3 required both of us to carry out a microteaching. Both of us try to come out with a lesson integrating all the four skills that we had learnt; listening, speaking, reading and writing. The task requires each of us to choose and conduct any part of the micro teaching excluding set induction and closure. I choose the presentation part while Salsabila decided to conduct the production part. Alhamdulillah, everybody gives full cooperation during my presentation. Salsabila and I had chosen a Teaching and Learning (T&L) lesson regarding topic food. Here I would happily share with you my experience before and after I carry out the lesson.As for presentation part, first and foremost, I displayed a video regardinghealthy diet and food pyramid. I downloaded the video from a famous website, YouTube, during the night before. Then, I guided my pupils to stateorally the main idea from the video. Afterward , I pastedan empty food pyramid on the whiteboard. Then, I called upon a representative from each group to come to the front to paste the picture of foods into its nutrition class. Last but not least, to boost up their speaking skill, I guided my pupils to mention correctly the class of foods in the food pyramid. I also stressed on the healthy foods should be taken during their daily meals.
  • 2. During my presentation, I realized few weaknesses which I need to improve. First and foremost, I found that the video was too long for a microteaching session. Nevertheless, if I use it for the T&L lesson in classroom, it is just nice. As the consequence, I realized that some of the pupils get bored and they talk to each other. Pupils look here and there and this atmosphere clearly shows how much they are tiresome. They supposed to pay full attention to the video. Deeply from my heart, I was very upset as I know they already get bored and they cannot digest much information anymore in a short time. Luckily, I am a quick-thinker and I thought of the way to stop this mess on the spot.Without any hesitation, I decided to shorten the duration of the show. I stopped the video immediately as the food pyramid part ends.Then and there, I started to do the Question and Answer (Q&A) part. I asked my pupils randomly regardingthe main idea of the “what-so-called” movie they watch just now. My pop-quiz awakens them from their daydream. I can see everybody get prepared with their own answer as I started to ask the first person to state one of the food category highlighted in the video just now. Everybody was aware and standby in case their names are called out. I can see they are very committed as everybody courageously answers. As soon as I ask a volunteer to answer, as fast as lightning, I got many volunteers hands up, full of confidence. All of them are very high motivated and I love their assertive spirit very much. I know the purpose of writing this reflection is to reflect the pros and cons I encountered during handling this lesson. It is important for me and other future teacher to know which part I made mistake and then how I respond to overcome the flaw. Hence, here another weaknessI had noticed during my presentation. Awkwardly, I found that the picture cards I had prepared earlier are very few. As a result,the chance for pupils to take part is limited. At the beginning, I called a pupil to the front to paste the picture card correctly according to its food category. I can see other pupils are getting nervous waiting for their turn. And I know the rest of them are quite upset as they were not picked. The rest of them just sit and watch from their seat. For that reason, next time I will ensure that I prepare enough teaching aids so that all of the pupils can participate in the hands-on activity. As we know, pupils love hands-on activity.
  • 3. Above and beyond, I also realized little strength during my lesson. I always praised my pupils who answered correctly.This strategy was able to upsurge my pupils’ self-esteem. They feel valued and as theconsequence, I can see that they become more keen and eager to try to answer every time I throw questions. Pupils are verywarmed by the positive reinforcement. As a teacher, rather than praised my pupils, I also use another way to engross theirinterests. For instance, when pupils answer correctly, I asked other pupils to give applause to their friend. It was not just the pupils who answer feel appreciated, likewise, the other pupils also feelspassionateand they compete to hands upas soon as I throw questions. I am so excited to see my pupils motivated to answer. I can feel the active participation atmosphere in my T&L lesson and it was a very successful lesson. No one stay passive on his/her own seat. Everybody try to propose their own opinion although they are not certain about the answer. They just predict the most relevant and pertinent answer. For example, when I asked “Why did we need fiber in our daily meals even though in small quantity?”As fast as lightning, Khairunnisaput up her hand and answer “Maybe we need them to avoid constipation, teacher”. Her answer was funny but it was correct and accepted anyway. I know she just guess the most relevant answer appear in her mind but I love this positive feedback because at least she dare to try. Last but not least, my strength is I am a teacher whose always full of confident and I have loud and clear voice projection. Therefore, my pupils engaged to the lessons from beginning till the end. In addition, I also give clear instruction to avoid my pupils get confused. Full with confidence, I asked them to sit in group and discussed with their group members pertaining the importance of taking healthy food in daily diet. I can see that none of my pupils get sleepy. It was because my high and loud voice attract their attention thus made them focus on my word and they do not dare to sleep as they are worried questioned by me. I am very particular with the situation when the teacher talk slowly and pupils all get bored and sleepy. Then, the whole lesson become sorrow and less energetic. Above and beyond, the usage of ICT captured my pupils’ interest very much. As we all know, nowadays communities are surrounded with extraordinary modern
  • 4. gadgets. Almost everybody got their own hand phones, netbooks, and PS-2 whatsoever. As a teacher, I must be as up-to-date as them. By using such ICT in my lesson, I can see that my pupils broaden their eyes immediately. This really shows how much the Z-Generation close to the ICT. The Z-Generation gets used to all these modernization and they seems very eager to my video. All of useat every day, so do me. By chance, my video regarding daily diet and food pyramid engaged their attention and all of them were very excited to watch this video. They watch pupils eat fast food and consequently he became an obese. They watch a girl keep taking icecream frequently and as the result, she suffered diabetes and hypertension. I knew that these scenarios really reflect my pupils’ habit. At the end of the lesson, I am so glad as I ask them “do you want ever eat ice creamoften?” They straightawayrefused. I can see they gain the moral value and important lesson from the video instead of enjoying the fascinating visual and graphic motion. In the nut shell, during my part conducting lesson, I had discovered my strength and weaknesses. Nobody was perfect, so do me. But I did notjust give up. I had thought of the ways to overcome my weaknesses therefore I will be aware and did not repeat the same mistakes next time.My weaknesses did not weaken me, on the other hand, it was going to be my benchmark to take these as a lesson and do better soon. As a teacher, I must be flexible and holistic. I cannot just stick on the rigid things. Otherwise, I must broaden my mind therefore I will always be a step forward from others. As we done with all those tasks, I was so satisfied since instead of knowing deeper on how to conduct a lesson, I am also able to recognize the most suitable strategies to engage my pupils towards my lesson which I had zero idea about it before. I enjoy the way I learn as it came in easy way as I had experienced macro teachings during practicum session. As a conclusion, I am strongly agreed with Madame NorMawar that English is FUN!! 