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Google Developer
Student Clubs (GDSC)
Program Overview
Learn more at goo.gle/GDSC
1. Which company developed the first mobile phone?
a. Motorola
b. Nokia
c. Samsung
d. Apple
2. What does SMS stand for?
a. Short meter service
b. Share more stories
c. Secure messages service
d. Short message service
3. Often pronounced “gooey”, GUI is short for what well-known three-word tech term?
Pop Quiz
Info Session Slides.pdf
• Google Developer Student Clubs are higher education based
community groups for students interested in Google developer
• Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in
growing as a developer are welcome.
• By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer
Helping students bridge the gap between theory and practice
What are Google Developer Student Clubs?
The goal is to equip & empower
students to impact their
communities through
Program Vision
Helping students grow
as developers by
learning and exploring
Google technologies.
Program History
● GDSC launched in 2017 to solve challenges
university graduates were facing finding
employment in the tech industry.
● From Asia to Africa; Europe, Japan, Middle East,
Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and North
America and beyond - there are now 1900+
GDSCs worldwide.
● GDSC trains thousands of student developers on
Google technologies and empower them to solve
real-life problems with their local communities.
3,800+ Alumni
1,900+ Leads
In 113 countries
Where is the program?
GDSC Program in Sub-Saharan Africa
2 3
Build Connect
Students learn Google
technologies like (Android, Google
Cloud, etc) together
Create & build solutions for local
problems through project-based code
labs and content
Share solutions through fun meetups,
study jams and events like demo days
What should students expect?
● Connect with peers
○ Like-minded individuals
○ Collaboration on projects
● Access to Industry Professionals
○ Host talks/workshops/events where guest speakers may be present
○ Members may interact with professionals in the industry
● Career Networking
○ Collaboration with local tech companies
○ Can provide potential access to jobs/internships
● Community Building
○ Global community of developers
○ International opportunities/collaborations
● Resume enhancement
Google Cloud
TensorFlow/ML Progressive Web Apps
Actions on Google
Google Earth Engine
Explore Google technologies
Flutter is an open source framework by
Google for building beautiful, natively
compiled, multi-platform applications
from a single codebase.
Build apps for any screen
Firebase is an app development platform that
helps you build and grow apps and games users
love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of
businesses around the world.
Build your backend infrastructure
Angular is a framework for building user
interfaces. It provides building blocks to help you
quickly set up a maintainable, scalable app.
Angular empowers developers to build apps that
live on the web, mobile, or the desktop.
Build fast and scalable web apps
TensorFlow is an open-source machine
learning framework which provides a versatile
platform for building and training machine
learning models, particularly deep neural
Build ML applications faster
GDSC Solution Challenge
An annual contest that invites students from GDSC
communities to develop solutions for local community
problems in collaboration with the United Nations’ 17
Sustainable Development Goals using one or more
Google technologies.
Participate in the Annual Google
Developer Student Clubs Solution
January April
Solution Challenge
registration opens
February March May June
Learn & Build Phase
March 2024
March 2024
June 2024
Final Solution
May 2024
Top 100 global
team winners
August 2024
Demo Day +
Top 3 Winners Announced!
Solution evaluations!
Round 1
Solution evaluations!
Round 2
June 2024
Top 10
global team winners
Demo Day
Solution Challenge Program Timeline
Getting Involved
with GDSC
✓ Join the club as a member! Go to gdsc.community.dev, find your local club and
✓ Participate in club activities actively.
✓ Join a team and build projects to solve a local problem
✓ Submit your project for the Solution Challenge
How can students join GDSC?
Joining the Community -
How to connect
with us
Whatsapp (Added by Membership Coordinator)
Instagram @gdsc_unibots
How to connect
with us
Mentoring developers of all
skill levels: Zaahra's story as a
GDSC Lead in Mauritius
Dang’s story as a Google
Developer Student Club Lead
Creating a STEM culture on
campus in Uganda
Some Inspiring Success Stories
"GDSC has given me the
opportunity to make a positive
impact on others."
Mileke | GDSC Alumni Babcock
// Join the GDG, Women TechMakers and GDE communities
if (feelingAdventurous) {
const communities = ['GDG', 'Women TechMakers', 'GDE'];
communities.forEach((community) => {
console.log(`Ready for adventure? Join ${community} and discover a world of coding
const joinCommunity = () => {
window.location.href = 'https://developers.google.com/community/';
// Join the developer community and connect with developers from around the world.
// Discover chapter-hosted events, programs to fast-track success, and learn something new!
Remember, learning is a lifelong journey,
so keep exploring and discovering new
things. Keep pushing yourself out of your
comfort zone and trying new things. Keep
learning and growing, and you'll be
amazed at what you can achieve.
Thank you!

More Related Content

Info Session Slides.pdf

  • 1. Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) Program Overview Learn more at goo.gle/GDSC
  • 2. 1. Which company developed the first mobile phone? a. Motorola b. Nokia c. Samsung d. Apple 2. What does SMS stand for? a. Short meter service b. Share more stories c. Secure messages service d. Short message service 3. Often pronounced “gooey”, GUI is short for what well-known three-word tech term? Pop Quiz
  • 4. • Google Developer Student Clubs are higher education based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. • Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. • By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer Helping students bridge the gap between theory and practice What are Google Developer Student Clubs?
  • 5. The goal is to equip & empower students to impact their communities through technology.
  • 6. Program Vision Helping students grow as developers by learning and exploring Google technologies.
  • 7. Program History ● GDSC launched in 2017 to solve challenges university graduates were facing finding employment in the tech industry. ● From Asia to Africa; Europe, Japan, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and North America and beyond - there are now 1900+ GDSCs worldwide. ● GDSC trains thousands of student developers on Google technologies and empower them to solve real-life problems with their local communities.
  • 8. 3,800+ Alumni 1,900+ Leads In 113 countries Where is the program?
  • 9. GDSC Program in Sub-Saharan Africa 280+ Clubs 33 Countries
  • 10. 2 3 Build Connect Learn Students learn Google technologies like (Android, Google Cloud, etc) together Create & build solutions for local problems through project-based code labs and content Share solutions through fun meetups, study jams and events like demo days What should students expect?
  • 11. ● Connect with peers ○ Like-minded individuals ○ Collaboration on projects ● Access to Industry Professionals ○ Host talks/workshops/events where guest speakers may be present ○ Members may interact with professionals in the industry ● Career Networking ○ Collaboration with local tech companies ○ Can provide potential access to jobs/internships ● Community Building ○ Global community of developers ○ International opportunities/collaborations ● Resume enhancement Networking
  • 12. Firebase Flutter Android Google Cloud TensorFlow/ML Progressive Web Apps Actions on Google Google Earth Engine Angular Explore Google technologies
  • 13. Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. Flutter Build apps for any screen
  • 14. Firebase Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love. Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world. Build your backend infrastructure
  • 15. Angular Angular is a framework for building user interfaces. It provides building blocks to help you quickly set up a maintainable, scalable app. Angular empowers developers to build apps that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop. Build fast and scalable web apps
  • 16. TensorFlow TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework which provides a versatile platform for building and training machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks. Build ML applications faster
  • 17. GDSC Solution Challenge An annual contest that invites students from GDSC communities to develop solutions for local community problems in collaboration with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals using one or more Google technologies. Participate in the Annual Google Developer Student Clubs Solution Challenge
  • 18. January April Solution Challenge registration opens February March May June Learn & Build Phase March 2024 Submissions Open! March 2024 Submissions Close! July Mentorship Phase June 2024 Final Solution Submission May 2024 Top 100 global team winners announced! August 2024 Demo Day + Top 3 Winners Announced! Solution evaluations! Round 1 Solution evaluations! Round 2 August June 2024 Top 10 global team winners announced! Demo Day Preparation Solution Challenge Program Timeline
  • 20. ✓ Join the club as a member! Go to gdsc.community.dev, find your local club and join. ✓ Participate in club activities actively. ✓ Join a team and build projects to solve a local problem ✓ Submit your project for the Solution Challenge How can students join GDSC?
  • 22. How to connect with us Whatsapp (Added by Membership Coordinator) Instagram @gdsc_unibots
  • 24. Mentoring developers of all skill levels: Zaahra's story as a GDSC Lead in Mauritius Dang’s story as a Google Developer Student Club Lead Creating a STEM culture on campus in Uganda Dang Dang Zaahra Some Inspiring Success Stories Halimah
  • 25. "GDSC has given me the opportunity to make a positive impact on others." Mileke | GDSC Alumni Babcock University
  • 26. developer_communities.js // Join the GDG, Women TechMakers and GDE communities if (feelingAdventurous) { const communities = ['GDG', 'Women TechMakers', 'GDE']; communities.forEach((community) => { console.log(`Ready for adventure? Join ${community} and discover a world of coding possibilities!`); const joinCommunity = () => { window.location.href = 'https://developers.google.com/community/'; }; joinCommunity(); }); } // Join the developer community and connect with developers from around the world. // Discover chapter-hosted events, programs to fast-track success, and learn something new!
  • 27. Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, so keep exploring and discovering new things. Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying new things. Keep learning and growing, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. Thank you!