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white paper | 2008


  The Value of Having Conversations:

Using Social Media to Deepen
Your Customer Relationships
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

     The Value of Having Conversations:

     Using Social Media to Deepen
     Your Customer Relationships
      Face it: Your business is not what you say it is—it’s what your customers say it is. Social
      media challenges the conventional business wisdom that says the conversation starts with the
      company. In the old world, companies would ask customers what they want, analyze their
      needs, and then formulate their strategic decisions. Today, the dialog starts with customers,
      who themselves provide the data, resources and insights necessary to help transition your
      business using networks as capital and human resources.
         But there’s so much data out there, more than ever before. In this Web 2.0 world, companies
      need to filter through the noise and figure out what’s valuable and what’s not, and it starts by
      engaging with customers in an open, trustworthy way. Those once perfectly formulated and
                                                                                                                    What is
      broad-based marketing messages have become much more individualized: It’s no longer
                                                                                                                    Social Media?..............3
      shouting at customers, but talking with them one to one, asking questions and using their
                                                                                                                    Listen ............................4
      responses to cultivate even more relevant dialog and marketing messages tomorrow.
                                                                                                                    Consider ......................5
         “In the history of our business, our partners have never had so much data on their
                                                                                                                    Participate ....................6
      customers,” says Tony Compton, director of CRM product marketing for Infor. “And because of
                                                                                                                    Create ..........................7
      that, companies are in a position to make decisions based on what they know versus what they
                                                                                                                    Measure ......................8
      think they know. But there is so much data available both from internal/transactional sources
                                                                                                                    Something Old,
                                                                                                                    Something New..........9
      and external/social sources. How do you know what is important and what is not?”
         This white paper will help you build a strategy. We’ll explore how to leverage the data
      obtained in social media networks to meet or exceed the needs of your customers, to under-
      stand their value and what they want. We’ll discuss how to build relationships with them, so that
      those relationships are leveraged with their network, and you’ll begin to understand where and
      how CRM and social media intersect. Ultimately, you will learn how to incorporate a valuable
      social media component into your marketing and CRM initiatives, including a step-by-step
      methodology for finding, gathering, and measuring data effectively.

      In Brief
           Overview:                                                           Getting Started Now:
           Written for the marketing executive, this paper provides a          With more than 74% of the U.S.
           useful framework to begin to assess how an organization             population engaged in using
           can engage in social media to build deeper relationships            social media, companies are
           with its customers.                                                 beginning to wake up to the fact
                                                                               that they need to understand this
           Sidebar Focus:                                                      phenomenon and get into the
           Social media is all about 1to1 communications and therefore         conversation. Look for the
           the strategy doesn’t offer a one-size fits all solution. Sidebars   “Getting Started Now” boxes for
           in the paper focus on the common pitfalls in a social media         ideas, resources and tools to help
           program and special considerations for a B2B enterprise.            an enterprise get started today.

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

     What is Social Media?
     Social media is often defined by the power of its             price for not addressing the bad experience of
     technologies, a set of tools—blogs, wikis, pod-               one disgruntled customer, since a single rant on a
                                                                                                                                 Why is social media
     casts, social networking sites, etc.—that people              blog or social networking site can now reach
                                                                                                                                 so powerful? Now
     use to have conversations with one another. But               thousands—and even millions—of others. A few
                                                                                                                                 the conversations and
     the converse is perhaps a truer and more signifi-             years back, Dell took a beating because of social             activities are online
     cant definition: It’s the conversations and relation-         media bloggers, and to this day if you do a Google            and visible for the
                                                                                                                                 world to see.
     ships themselves, formed by the use of current                Search on the term “Dell Support,” bloggers not
     technologies, which has created a rich set of new             happy with Dell support still come up on the first
                                                                   page of results.2
     tools to generate business. Your goal in this new
     realm should be to use social media to engage
     enthusiasts and existing customers in an interactive
                                                                      How Familiar Are You With the Following Social Media?
     community in order to drive more traffic and
     sales. This creates a highly involved audience that
                                                                      Various forms of social media are experiencing different levels of adoption.
     recognizes and interacts with your brand clearly                 The only constant is that they are all growing.
     and thoughtfully.
        A new report released by Universal McCann,
     “When Did We Start Trusting Strangers,” surveyed
     17,000 web users around the world and describes                                                       52%
     a “new influencer landscape” characterized by
                                                                       40    42%
     three significant trends: the rise in social media,                                 38% 39%     36%                                           35%
     the importance of digital friends and the prolifera-                                                                             33%
                                                                       30                                         31%           30%
     tion of influencer channels.” What this means
     for brands is that they need to participate in an
     influence economy by providing the tools and
     spaces for facilitating the creation experiences
     consumers want to have.
                                                                              Social     Message/    Blogging       Online     Podcasting       Wikis
        “People think of social media as being scary                        Networking    Bulletin                  Video
     and unmanageable,” says Becky Carroll, senior
     consultant, Peppers & Rogers Group. “But have                                                          Source: University of Mass. Dartmouth Center
                                                                                2007       2008                                    for Marketing Research
     we ever been able to really manage a customer’s
     relationship or a customer’s experience? No. The
     customer is their own person, and they are going
     to make their decisions based on their own crite-               Indeed, the key to understanding social media is
     ria, based on their emotions, based on whatever               to understand how it enables and ties together
     other people are telling them. Well, social media             social relationships, and to do that, you need to be
     isn’t really very different than that, except that            a part of them. By joining social communities and
     now all of those conversations and activities are             getting involved in customer conversations and,
     online and visible for all the world to see.”                 ultimately, generating new ones, you can create a
        And that visibility has yielded greater power to           new voice for your company, one that stems
     customers who are more organized and interac-                 directly from customer feedback. The following
     tive than ever before. There are plenty of well-              five-step methodology provides a basic outline for
     documented stories of companies that paid the                 how to tap into the new social media landscape.

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

    What are customers saying about you?                           of the cable operators’ customers, in the latest
    Companies certainly are eager to dispel the                    ratings by the American Customer Satisfaction
                                                                   Index, Comcast scored an all-time low.3
    erroneous information out there that pertains                                                                                Before you jump into
    to their brands or to mitigate bad customer                      In response, Comcast has set up teams of                    the conversation,
                                                                                                                                 it is important to
    experiences. However, before you jump into                     employees who are encouraged to click around
                                                                                                                                 spend a lot of time
    any conversation, Carroll says, it’s important to              social networks or online forums. So has
                                                                                                                                 monitoring the who,
    spend a lot of time monitoring the who, where,                 Southwest Airlines, whose social media team                   where and what of
    and what of your customers. “Find out who is                   includes a chief Twitter officer who tracks Twitter           your customers.
    saying it and where they are saying it,” she                   comments and monitors a Facebook group,
    says. “On blogs? Social networking sites? Are                  an online representative who fact checks and
    there certain customers who are more influential               interacts with bloggers, and another who takes
    than others? What types of things are being                    charge of the company’s presence on sites
                                                                   such as YouTube, Flickr, and LinkedIn.4
    said? Are there a lot of brand advocates, or do
    you have a lot of people who are upset with
    you? These are the things you need to know.”
       Many companies have already created social
                                                                     >   Get Started Now: Take a half hour or more each morning to explore
    media teams who listen in on what is being said
                                                                         the hot topics in your business category in the blogosphere. Find out what
    about their brands on social networking sites
                                                                         the people who have tagged your products on del.icio.us are saying.
    and blogs. For example, Comcast took a hit                           Search sites such as technorati.com, icerocket.com or digg.com to see
    when a single disgruntled user took action, post-                    what your customers and prospects are saying about your company and
    ing a video onto YouTube showing a technician                        your competition.These free resources will put you right in the center of
    who fell asleep at his house while on hold with                      what people are talking about.
    Comcast customer service. Although such
    individual complaints represent a tiny portion

             Why Social Media Initiatives Fail
             Not engaging in social media strategy has become business suicide as customers continue to migrate away from traditional
             communications tools toward social media models. But having a social media strategy just for the sake of having one can
             cause more harm than good. Here are four reasons why social media strategies fail.

             1.There’s no strategy: Being involved in social media is more        3. You’re not honest: If relevance is the key to email
                than having a LinkedIn profile. Listen and engage with               marketing, honesty is the key to marketing in social
                customers to find out their wants and desires, and find              media. “If we can’t trust you to be honest, it will have a
                out where they use social media tools and communities                detrimental effect on the brand,” says Becky Carroll of
                or else you’ll be wasting time and resources.                        Peppers & Rogers Group.

             2. It’s the same old, same old: Just throwing out press              4. You’re not relatable: Speak your customers’ language.
                releases or glorified ads can be damaging to your brand              “Social media is about engaging customers in conver-
                in the social media community. Social media marketing is             sation and building communities around whatever
                no longer about blanket messages; it’s about turning                 tool you’re using,” says Carroll. “It’s about bringing
                those messages into one-to-one conversations.                        marketing back to people.”

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

     Once you know where your customers are                         arriving at his house to fix the problem.
     engaging in conversation about your company,                       On the other hand, there are many who
     products and services, the next step is to embark              consider social networks as “me spaces”—places
     on a fact-finding mission by simply “hanging                   to go to talk to friends—and any interruption can
                                                                                                                                    Be careful. Every
     out” where they are.                                           be difficult for brands. Carroll tells of another
                                                                                                                                    social media tool has
        At this stage, it’s imperative to know why you              Twitter experience, where a well-intentioned                    its own little set of
     are interested in social media, says Carroll: “Are             company executive read a conversation involving                 unspoken rules. So
                                                                                                                                    do your customers.
     you doing it so you can have an opportunity to                 a problem with his company, joined the
     have conversations with customers? Do you want                 conversation in an effort to help and caused
     to spread your word of mouth and energize cus-                 the conversation to immediately shut down.
     tomers to become brand evangelists? Do you                     “They were freaked out,” says Carroll. “It was
     want to use social media for support, as a problem             very Big Brother for them.” So while every social
     solver, to reduce your customer service calls?”                media tool has its own little set of unspoken rules,
        Additionally, understanding where or how                    so do your customers. Therefore, it’s important
     you join customers’ conversations is just as                   to learn how they want to engage.
     important as understanding why. For example,
     a recently reported story in The Boston Globe
                                                                        >   Get Started Now: Put together a group of company executives
     tells of an unhappy Comcast customer typing a                          from different parts of your organization to discuss social media
     quick complaint into Twitter, getting a response                       strategy. Have each individual bring a list of five possible goals for
     minutes later from a user named “ComcastCares”                         using social media as it pertains to his or her department.
     and within 24 hours, a Comcast technician

            Social Media: B2B versus B2C

           People think of social media as a B2C endeavor, but it has grown               Target audiences for B2B companies are narrower, specialized
           significantly as a B2B tool. Email services provider Constant               slices of the social media pie and can be more difficult to track
           Contact created its “ConnectUp!” community in 2005; the commu-              and attract. Therefore, companies have to work harder to create
           nity now has 13,000 people, about ten percent of Constant                   communities around their brand or product. One of the best ways
           Contact’s customers—who do things like share common problems                to do this is to join a professional network, such as LinkedIn,
           and brag about their successes.           The most popular and widely       where content is aligned with a professional function and can
                                                                                       be easy to match with the desires of a B2B marketer.6 Once
           known professional social network is LinkedIn, whose audience
           has more than doubled in the past year, and among the most                  established, create groups around your product categories to
           prominent business niche social networks is ITtoolbox, a 1.3-mil-           attract your customer—supplement your profile with targeted
           lion-member community of information technology professionals.              display ads or sponsor one of LinkedIn’s “Answers” categories.
              Still, it’s important to understand that B2B communities are                The good news is that advertising in “communities of prac-
           defined by unique criteria. Dan Morrison, the co-founder and CEO            tice” can be approached at increasing levels of sophistication,
                                                                                       with the chances for achieving superior results increasing.6
           of ITtoolbox, describes B2C communities as “communities of
           interest” and B2B communities as “communities of practice.” A               Interactive webinars, blogs, podcasting and online videos
           community of interest is an online community where the primary              establish credibility, deliver proof points and offer valuable Q&A
           value is based on the personal or social interests of its members,          opportunities, enabling your customers to develop or deepen
           whereas a community of practice is an online community where                their relationship with your company while helping your sales
           the primary value is based on professional interests.                       departments get smarter about their prospects.

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

    As of October 2008, Accenture had nine corpo-                      sense for your company to join the fray begins
    rate blogs; Cisco twelve; Absolut Vodka posted                     with asking your customers themselves how
    online videos, and Coca-Cola ran the “Virtual                      they like to be contacted. Since many compa-
    Thirst” contest to design a vending machine in                     nies already have some kind of conversation
    Second Life. The Home Depot utilized miroblog-                     with customers, they can use one of the com-                Any queries directed to
                                                                                                                                   your customers should
    ging, online video, ratings and reviews, and                       munications channels in which they already
                                                                                                                                   be context-based
    tagging/social bookmarking, while Pfizer had a                     operate, such as a newsletter, to do that. Or
                                                                                                                                   and relevant to their
    “frame your horse” widget on Yahoo. And                            perhaps when customers interact with your                   environment.
    Hewlett-Packard had nearly 50 executive blogs                      contact center, your reps might ask, “In the
    on topics from storage to small businesses.                        future, how would you like our company to
       Once you know how and where your cus-                           interact with you?” Keep in mind that any
    tomers are interacting, it’s time to engage, and                   queries directed to your customers should be
    there are a number of ways to do it, such as                       context-based, not random, and          relevant to
    writing blog posts or responding to posts                          their environment.
    about products or service issues. “If you go
    where customers are, the conversation is
    already taking place in some community, some
                                                                         >   Get Started Now: Type a list of all the things your customers would
    area, and you can go and learn a lot,” says                              be interested in hearing from you OTHER THAN your products.What are
    Carroll. “You can even try to introduce yourself                         they asking your competitors? What problems can you solve for them?
    over time, and not just come out with your                               How can you position yourself as a partner? Think about how those
                                                                             things can create value for your customer: Does it save them time?
    sales and marketing message, but talk as a per-
                                                                             Money? Give them status? Make them smarter?
    son and get involved. You can learn a lot.”
       Carroll says that knowing how it makes

              Social Networking Growth by Worldwide Region
              Social media usage is growing exponentially all over the world with varying
              degrees of adoption by region.

                                                       June 2007             June 2008             % Change
                Worldwide                                 464,437               580,510                 25%
                Asia Pacific                              162,738               200,555                 23%

                Europe                                    122,527               165,256                 35%

                North America                             120,848               131,255                   9%

                Latin America                                 40,098             53,248                 33%

                Middle East-Africa                            18,226             30,197                 66%

            June 2008 vs. June 2007 Total Worldwide Audience, Age 15+—Home and Work Locations

                                                                                            Source: comScore World Metrix

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

     As you continue to engage in conversations with               estimated “even a 1 percent conversion rate of
     customers that address their needs, you must                  beinggirl.com’s traffic is three times higher than
                                                                   that break-even point.”10
     begin to create a campaign or social media plan
     that also helps achieve your goals. Based on                    Methods for gathering customer insights
     what you have learned in the first three steps,               have evolved and improved as technology and
                                                                                                                        You must engage in
     now you are ready to create content, such as a                communications have become more advanced
                                                                                                                        conversations that
     blog; run a user-generated ideas contest; or, as in           and community focused. For companies that
                                                                                                                        address the customer’s
     the case of Fiskars and Proctor & Gamble below,               engage in social media strategies where the
                                                                                                                        needs but also helps
     work with brand advocates or start your own                   interactions take place somewhere else, the          you achieve your
                                                                                                                        business goals.
     social community.                                             process is more time consuming and tedious,
                                                                   like piecing together millions of tiny puzzles at
     Fiskars, a company that makes crafting tools,                 the same time, although the conversations
     identified community members who were using                   themselves provide valuable data that you can
     its products in the scrapbooking community,                   bring back to your enterprise.
     and created the Fiskateers, a group of brand                    Yet, those companies that create their own
     advocates who are paid to run a website and                   social networking communities, such as Fiskars
     blog for the company. The key part of the move-               and Proctor & Gamble, bring the action onto
     ment was to find passionate people and give                   their own turf, making it easier to monitor cus-
     them the tools and opportunities to talk to one               tomer dialogs and feedback and to apply this
     another and then get out of the way. In other                 knowledge internally. The richest customer
     words, the company was willing to gain more                   insights can be obtained when companies bring
     power by giving it away. It was a risky proposi-              social networks and communication platforms
     tion that paid off; now these passionate advo-                to their own sites for real-time information that
     cates are creating their own marketing tools and              centers directly on their products and brand.
     are stepping up and taking ownership in an
     international brand.8
        It is also reported that branded mentions of
                                                                     >   Get Started Now: Think of places
     Fiskars products have been up more than 400
                                                                         where your customers already gather
     percent on a per-week basis since the program
                                                                         or could gather and work with brand
     began. The program, which now has more than
                                                                         loyalists to establish a new environment
     1,200 members, has successfully de-commodi-                         to create conversation. Determine
     tized Fiskars tools and made crafters value them                    the niche focus of this new social
     beyond price.9                                                      network and the range of content
                                                                         creation tools you will hand over to
     Proctor & Gamble In an effort to market tam-                        your members, such as video sharing
                                                                         and discussion forums.
     pons to girls age 12 to 15, the company created
     an informational and interactive site in which
     this demographic would be interested rather
     than one that was designed to sell product. The
     result was beinggirl.com, which provides girls a
     forum to discuss all things relevant to their lives,
     with subtle tampon branding on the side. The
     strategy was reportedly so successful that it is

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships


     Depending on what your initial goal was for
     wanting to use social media, you can make those
                                                                    Webinar Survey Respondent’s Marketing Mix
     goals a reality by bringing in feedback to product
                                                                    “Which of the following digital, social media tactics do you use currently?”
     teams and updating marketing or branding strategy.
        What’s the value of a visit, comment, link, refer-
                                                                               Email Newsletters
     ral or friend? Social media allows you to transform
     your company into a knowledge base of customer
                                                                                  Landing Pages
     insight and creates value through several criteria:                                                                             48%
                                                                              Online Display Ads
                                                                       Rich Media Demonstration
        Increased revenues: Forming new sales leads
                                                                                Social Networks
        or generating additional income from existing
                                                                                      RSS Feeds
        customers using customer-generated content.
        Engaged customers: Giving customers the
                                                                                   Online Forums
        opportunity to network around a brand or a
                                                                                Video Marketing
        product reinforces the consumers’ connection to                                                            27%
        it and solidifies their loyalty.                                                                         24%
                                                                    Customer Contributed Content
        Buzz builder: If your social media strategy goes              Behavioral Targeting of Ads
        beyond talking and is trying to proactively build                                              13%                   N=120 B2B marketers from
                                                                             Virtual Conferences
        word of mouth, your customers can become                                                                                high tech, services, and
                                                                                                                                             other firms
        evangelists for you, and the value becomes
                                                                                     Mobile Ads
        how many people have been referred to your
        company over a certain period of time.
                                                                                   Virtual Worlds 3%                            Source: Forrester Research
        Competitive market insight: Social media allows
        companies to be privy to conversations once
        only open to friends or family around dinner
                                                                   But keep in mind that while traditional costs have
        tables or on private telephone calls. You can
                                                                   been reduced, there are soft costs associated with
        get in on market trends as they germinate and
                                                                   social media projects, including the time and atten-
        track what your customers are saying about                                                                                 What is the value of
        your competition.                                          tion investments. “People think that social media is            a visit, a comment,
                                                                                                                                   link, referral or a
                                                                   a really cheap way to do things,” says Carroll. “In
                                                                                                                                   friend? It all depends
        Additionally, if you’re using social media for             one sense, it is: you write a blog or use a free blog
                                                                                                                                   on your objectives.
     service and support, there are value opportunities            space and pay someone to write the template for
     there as well, as in the reduction of customer                you, so it’s unique for your company. But the real
     service calls and in making your support more                 cost is in the time and resources involved on the
     effective and efficient. What’s more, social media            back-end to keep it going and to monitor what’s
     enables your customers to support one another,                going on out there.”
     and there is huge value in that: In one example, a
     Constant Contact customer lodged a complaint on
     the Constant Contact forum, which was answered
                                                                     >    Get Started Now: Go back to the
     by a happy Constant Contact customer.11
                                                                          original reasons you established for
     All the company did was give its customers a                         implementing a social media program.
     community in which conversations could take                          Then figure out what kinds of activities
     place, and its customers did the rest.                               you need to measure in order to know
        The costs of enabling this kind of interaction are                if you are meeting those goals.
     far lower than historical data-collecting methods.

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

     Something Old, Something New
     Social media has created a level of brand loyalty             about the methods of data collection that you
     and advocacy that was once thought unimagin-                  already have, says Compton. “It’s compelling
     able. By appealing to the individual’s desires,               to have a social platform where the customer
     dreams, and behavioral markers, companies                     can engage with companies and can contribute
     can fully integrate their brand into customers’               to how a company is perceived,” he says. “But
                                                                                                                          The secret ingredient in
     lifestyles, daily routines, and conversations.                all channels are still in play. Social media is
                                                                                                                          this new marketing
     Then they can create a roadmap based on these                 the new breed of access, but consistency               landscape is not social
     criteria and coordinate and execute social                    across all channels needs to be valuable no            media itself, but having
                                                                                                                          a multi-channel approach
     media campaigns as a key component of their                   matter how customers come into contact with
                                                                                                                          across all media—not
     overall sales and marketing plan.                             your company.”
                                                                                                                          just social media.
        “Traditional marketing efforts—putting numer-                Indeed, view every customer interaction as
     ous pieces of mail in the postal stream, having               an opportunity to learn more about your cus-
     telemarketers call people and even email                      tomers, make them a relevant offer, improve
     campaigns—have become less effective in recent                retention, increase revenue, build loyalty, or
     years,” says Infor’s Compton. “People are on the              strengthen your brand. In the end, the secret
     go and will be compelled to do business with                  ingredient in this new marketing landscape is
     companies that allow them to customize                        not social media itself, but having a multi-
     their experience.”                                            channel approach across all media, including
        Still, this doesn’t mean that you should forget            social media.



     3 http://www.theacsi.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=149&Itemid=157&c=Comcast+Corporation&i=Cable+%26+Satellite+TV

     4 http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/07/07/hurry_up_the_customer_has_a_complaint/?page=2

     5Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies.
      Harvard Business Press. Boston: 2008. (142)




     10Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies.
       Harvard Business Press. Boston: 2008. (122)
     11Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies.
       Harvard Business Press. Boston: 2008. (143)

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships

     Infor delivers business-specific software that helps enterprising organizations of all sizes adapt to
     rapid change. With experience built in, our solutions are helping more than 70,000 companies
     meet their goals in a global marketplace. So go ahead. Be as innovative as you want to be. As ready
     to seize new opportunities. Infor is right beside you. Changing what you expect from a business
     software company.
     For more information visit, www.infor.com.

     Peppers & Rogers Group
     Peppers & Rogers Group is dedicated to helping its clients improve business performance by
     acquiring, retaining, and growing profitable customers. As products become commodities and
     globalization picks up speed, customers have become the scarcest resource in business. They
     hold the keys to higher profit today and stronger enterprise value tomorrow.
        We help clients achieve these goals by building the right relationships with the right customers
     over the right channels. We earn our keep by solving the business problems of our clients. By
     delivering a superior 1to1 Strategy, we remove the operational and organizational barriers that
     stand in the way of profitable customer relationships. We show clients where to focus customer-
     facing resources to improve the performance of their marketing, sales and service initiatives.
     For more information visit, www.peppersandrogers.com

©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.

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  • 1. white paper | 2008 video The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships
  • 2. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships Face it: Your business is not what you say it is—it’s what your customers say it is. Social media challenges the conventional business wisdom that says the conversation starts with the company. In the old world, companies would ask customers what they want, analyze their needs, and then formulate their strategic decisions. Today, the dialog starts with customers, contents who themselves provide the data, resources and insights necessary to help transition your business using networks as capital and human resources. But there’s so much data out there, more than ever before. In this Web 2.0 world, companies need to filter through the noise and figure out what’s valuable and what’s not, and it starts by engaging with customers in an open, trustworthy way. Those once perfectly formulated and What is broad-based marketing messages have become much more individualized: It’s no longer Social Media?..............3 shouting at customers, but talking with them one to one, asking questions and using their Listen ............................4 responses to cultivate even more relevant dialog and marketing messages tomorrow. Consider ......................5 “In the history of our business, our partners have never had so much data on their Participate ....................6 customers,” says Tony Compton, director of CRM product marketing for Infor. “And because of Create ..........................7 that, companies are in a position to make decisions based on what they know versus what they Measure ......................8 think they know. But there is so much data available both from internal/transactional sources Something Old, Something New..........9 and external/social sources. How do you know what is important and what is not?” This white paper will help you build a strategy. We’ll explore how to leverage the data obtained in social media networks to meet or exceed the needs of your customers, to under- stand their value and what they want. We’ll discuss how to build relationships with them, so that those relationships are leveraged with their network, and you’ll begin to understand where and how CRM and social media intersect. Ultimately, you will learn how to incorporate a valuable social media component into your marketing and CRM initiatives, including a step-by-step methodology for finding, gathering, and measuring data effectively. In Brief Overview: Getting Started Now: Written for the marketing executive, this paper provides a With more than 74% of the U.S. useful framework to begin to assess how an organization population engaged in using can engage in social media to build deeper relationships social media, companies are with its customers. beginning to wake up to the fact that they need to understand this Sidebar Focus: phenomenon and get into the Social media is all about 1to1 communications and therefore conversation. Look for the the strategy doesn’t offer a one-size fits all solution. Sidebars “Getting Started Now” boxes for in the paper focus on the common pitfalls in a social media ideas, resources and tools to help program and special considerations for a B2B enterprise. an enterprise get started today. 2 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 3. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships What is Social Media? Social media is often defined by the power of its price for not addressing the bad experience of technologies, a set of tools—blogs, wikis, pod- one disgruntled customer, since a single rant on a Why is social media casts, social networking sites, etc.—that people blog or social networking site can now reach so powerful? Now use to have conversations with one another. But thousands—and even millions—of others. A few the conversations and the converse is perhaps a truer and more signifi- years back, Dell took a beating because of social activities are online cant definition: It’s the conversations and relation- media bloggers, and to this day if you do a Google and visible for the world to see. ships themselves, formed by the use of current Search on the term “Dell Support,” bloggers not technologies, which has created a rich set of new happy with Dell support still come up on the first page of results.2 tools to generate business. Your goal in this new realm should be to use social media to engage enthusiasts and existing customers in an interactive How Familiar Are You With the Following Social Media? community in order to drive more traffic and sales. This creates a highly involved audience that Various forms of social media are experiencing different levels of adoption. recognizes and interacts with your brand clearly The only constant is that they are all growing. and thoughtfully. A new report released by Universal McCann, 60 “When Did We Start Trusting Strangers,” surveyed 57% 55% 17,000 web users around the world and describes 52% 50 a “new influencer landscape” characterized by 40 42% three significant trends: the rise in social media, 38% 39% 36% 35% the importance of digital friends and the prolifera- 33% 30 31% 30% 1 tion of influencer channels.” What this means 20 for brands is that they need to participate in an 16% influence economy by providing the tools and 10 spaces for facilitating the creation experiences 0 consumers want to have. Social Message/ Blogging Online Podcasting Wikis “People think of social media as being scary Networking Bulletin Video Boards and unmanageable,” says Becky Carroll, senior consultant, Peppers & Rogers Group. “But have Source: University of Mass. Dartmouth Center 2007 2008 for Marketing Research we ever been able to really manage a customer’s relationship or a customer’s experience? No. The customer is their own person, and they are going to make their decisions based on their own crite- Indeed, the key to understanding social media is ria, based on their emotions, based on whatever to understand how it enables and ties together other people are telling them. Well, social media social relationships, and to do that, you need to be isn’t really very different than that, except that a part of them. By joining social communities and now all of those conversations and activities are getting involved in customer conversations and, online and visible for all the world to see.” ultimately, generating new ones, you can create a And that visibility has yielded greater power to new voice for your company, one that stems customers who are more organized and interac- directly from customer feedback. The following tive than ever before. There are plenty of well- five-step methodology provides a basic outline for documented stories of companies that paid the how to tap into the new social media landscape. 3 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 4. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships 1.Listen What are customers saying about you? of the cable operators’ customers, in the latest Companies certainly are eager to dispel the ratings by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Comcast scored an all-time low.3 erroneous information out there that pertains Before you jump into to their brands or to mitigate bad customer In response, Comcast has set up teams of the conversation, it is important to experiences. However, before you jump into employees who are encouraged to click around spend a lot of time any conversation, Carroll says, it’s important to social networks or online forums. So has monitoring the who, spend a lot of time monitoring the who, where, Southwest Airlines, whose social media team where and what of and what of your customers. “Find out who is includes a chief Twitter officer who tracks Twitter your customers. saying it and where they are saying it,” she comments and monitors a Facebook group, says. “On blogs? Social networking sites? Are an online representative who fact checks and there certain customers who are more influential interacts with bloggers, and another who takes than others? What types of things are being charge of the company’s presence on sites such as YouTube, Flickr, and LinkedIn.4 said? Are there a lot of brand advocates, or do you have a lot of people who are upset with you? These are the things you need to know.” Many companies have already created social > Get Started Now: Take a half hour or more each morning to explore media teams who listen in on what is being said the hot topics in your business category in the blogosphere. Find out what about their brands on social networking sites the people who have tagged your products on del.icio.us are saying. and blogs. For example, Comcast took a hit Search sites such as technorati.com, icerocket.com or digg.com to see when a single disgruntled user took action, post- what your customers and prospects are saying about your company and ing a video onto YouTube showing a technician your competition.These free resources will put you right in the center of who fell asleep at his house while on hold with what people are talking about. Comcast customer service. Although such individual complaints represent a tiny portion Why Social Media Initiatives Fail Not engaging in social media strategy has become business suicide as customers continue to migrate away from traditional communications tools toward social media models. But having a social media strategy just for the sake of having one can cause more harm than good. Here are four reasons why social media strategies fail. 1.There’s no strategy: Being involved in social media is more 3. You’re not honest: If relevance is the key to email than having a LinkedIn profile. Listen and engage with marketing, honesty is the key to marketing in social customers to find out their wants and desires, and find media. “If we can’t trust you to be honest, it will have a out where they use social media tools and communities detrimental effect on the brand,” says Becky Carroll of or else you’ll be wasting time and resources. Peppers & Rogers Group. 2. It’s the same old, same old: Just throwing out press 4. You’re not relatable: Speak your customers’ language. releases or glorified ads can be damaging to your brand “Social media is about engaging customers in conver- in the social media community. Social media marketing is sation and building communities around whatever no longer about blanket messages; it’s about turning tool you’re using,” says Carroll. “It’s about bringing those messages into one-to-one conversations. marketing back to people.” 4 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 5. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships 2.Consider Once you know where your customers are arriving at his house to fix the problem. engaging in conversation about your company, On the other hand, there are many who products and services, the next step is to embark consider social networks as “me spaces”—places on a fact-finding mission by simply “hanging to go to talk to friends—and any interruption can Be careful. Every out” where they are. be difficult for brands. Carroll tells of another social media tool has At this stage, it’s imperative to know why you Twitter experience, where a well-intentioned its own little set of are interested in social media, says Carroll: “Are company executive read a conversation involving unspoken rules. So do your customers. you doing it so you can have an opportunity to a problem with his company, joined the have conversations with customers? Do you want conversation in an effort to help and caused to spread your word of mouth and energize cus- the conversation to immediately shut down. tomers to become brand evangelists? Do you “They were freaked out,” says Carroll. “It was want to use social media for support, as a problem very Big Brother for them.” So while every social solver, to reduce your customer service calls?” media tool has its own little set of unspoken rules, Additionally, understanding where or how so do your customers. Therefore, it’s important you join customers’ conversations is just as to learn how they want to engage. important as understanding why. For example, a recently reported story in The Boston Globe > Get Started Now: Put together a group of company executives tells of an unhappy Comcast customer typing a from different parts of your organization to discuss social media quick complaint into Twitter, getting a response strategy. Have each individual bring a list of five possible goals for minutes later from a user named “ComcastCares” using social media as it pertains to his or her department. and within 24 hours, a Comcast technician Social Media: B2B versus B2C People think of social media as a B2C endeavor, but it has grown Target audiences for B2B companies are narrower, specialized significantly as a B2B tool. Email services provider Constant slices of the social media pie and can be more difficult to track Contact created its “ConnectUp!” community in 2005; the commu- and attract. Therefore, companies have to work harder to create nity now has 13,000 people, about ten percent of Constant communities around their brand or product. One of the best ways Contact’s customers—who do things like share common problems to do this is to join a professional network, such as LinkedIn, 5 and brag about their successes. The most popular and widely where content is aligned with a professional function and can be easy to match with the desires of a B2B marketer.6 Once known professional social network is LinkedIn, whose audience has more than doubled in the past year, and among the most established, create groups around your product categories to prominent business niche social networks is ITtoolbox, a 1.3-mil- attract your customer—supplement your profile with targeted lion-member community of information technology professionals. display ads or sponsor one of LinkedIn’s “Answers” categories. Still, it’s important to understand that B2B communities are The good news is that advertising in “communities of prac- defined by unique criteria. Dan Morrison, the co-founder and CEO tice” can be approached at increasing levels of sophistication, with the chances for achieving superior results increasing.6 of ITtoolbox, describes B2C communities as “communities of interest” and B2B communities as “communities of practice.” A Interactive webinars, blogs, podcasting and online videos community of interest is an online community where the primary establish credibility, deliver proof points and offer valuable Q&A value is based on the personal or social interests of its members, opportunities, enabling your customers to develop or deepen whereas a community of practice is an online community where their relationship with your company while helping your sales 6 the primary value is based on professional interests. departments get smarter about their prospects. 5 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 6. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships 3.Participate As of October 2008, Accenture had nine corpo- sense for your company to join the fray begins rate blogs; Cisco twelve; Absolut Vodka posted with asking your customers themselves how online videos, and Coca-Cola ran the “Virtual they like to be contacted. Since many compa- Thirst” contest to design a vending machine in nies already have some kind of conversation Second Life. The Home Depot utilized miroblog- with customers, they can use one of the com- Any queries directed to your customers should ging, online video, ratings and reviews, and munications channels in which they already be context-based tagging/social bookmarking, while Pfizer had a operate, such as a newsletter, to do that. Or and relevant to their 7 “frame your horse” widget on Yahoo. And perhaps when customers interact with your environment. Hewlett-Packard had nearly 50 executive blogs contact center, your reps might ask, “In the on topics from storage to small businesses. future, how would you like our company to Once you know how and where your cus- interact with you?” Keep in mind that any tomers are interacting, it’s time to engage, and queries directed to your customers should be there are a number of ways to do it, such as context-based, not random, and relevant to writing blog posts or responding to posts their environment. about products or service issues. “If you go where customers are, the conversation is already taking place in some community, some > Get Started Now: Type a list of all the things your customers would area, and you can go and learn a lot,” says be interested in hearing from you OTHER THAN your products.What are Carroll. “You can even try to introduce yourself they asking your competitors? What problems can you solve for them? over time, and not just come out with your How can you position yourself as a partner? Think about how those things can create value for your customer: Does it save them time? sales and marketing message, but talk as a per- Money? Give them status? Make them smarter? son and get involved. You can learn a lot.” Carroll says that knowing how it makes Social Networking Growth by Worldwide Region Social media usage is growing exponentially all over the world with varying degrees of adoption by region. June 2007 June 2008 % Change Worldwide 464,437 580,510 25% Asia Pacific 162,738 200,555 23% Europe 122,527 165,256 35% North America 120,848 131,255 9% Latin America 40,098 53,248 33% Middle East-Africa 18,226 30,197 66% June 2008 vs. June 2007 Total Worldwide Audience, Age 15+—Home and Work Locations Source: comScore World Metrix 6 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 7. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships 4.Create As you continue to engage in conversations with estimated “even a 1 percent conversion rate of customers that address their needs, you must beinggirl.com’s traffic is three times higher than that break-even point.”10 begin to create a campaign or social media plan that also helps achieve your goals. Based on Methods for gathering customer insights what you have learned in the first three steps, have evolved and improved as technology and You must engage in now you are ready to create content, such as a communications have become more advanced conversations that blog; run a user-generated ideas contest; or, as in and community focused. For companies that address the customer’s the case of Fiskars and Proctor & Gamble below, engage in social media strategies where the needs but also helps work with brand advocates or start your own interactions take place somewhere else, the you achieve your business goals. social community. process is more time consuming and tedious, like piecing together millions of tiny puzzles at Fiskars, a company that makes crafting tools, the same time, although the conversations identified community members who were using themselves provide valuable data that you can its products in the scrapbooking community, bring back to your enterprise. and created the Fiskateers, a group of brand Yet, those companies that create their own advocates who are paid to run a website and social networking communities, such as Fiskars blog for the company. The key part of the move- and Proctor & Gamble, bring the action onto ment was to find passionate people and give their own turf, making it easier to monitor cus- them the tools and opportunities to talk to one tomer dialogs and feedback and to apply this another and then get out of the way. In other knowledge internally. The richest customer words, the company was willing to gain more insights can be obtained when companies bring power by giving it away. It was a risky proposi- social networks and communication platforms tion that paid off; now these passionate advo- to their own sites for real-time information that cates are creating their own marketing tools and centers directly on their products and brand. are stepping up and taking ownership in an international brand.8 It is also reported that branded mentions of > Get Started Now: Think of places Fiskars products have been up more than 400 where your customers already gather percent on a per-week basis since the program or could gather and work with brand began. The program, which now has more than loyalists to establish a new environment 1,200 members, has successfully de-commodi- to create conversation. Determine tized Fiskars tools and made crafters value them the niche focus of this new social beyond price.9 network and the range of content creation tools you will hand over to Proctor & Gamble In an effort to market tam- your members, such as video sharing and discussion forums. pons to girls age 12 to 15, the company created an informational and interactive site in which this demographic would be interested rather than one that was designed to sell product. The result was beinggirl.com, which provides girls a forum to discuss all things relevant to their lives, with subtle tampon branding on the side. The strategy was reportedly so successful that it is 7 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 8. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships 5.Measure Depending on what your initial goal was for wanting to use social media, you can make those Webinar Survey Respondent’s Marketing Mix goals a reality by bringing in feedback to product “Which of the following digital, social media tactics do you use currently?” teams and updating marketing or branding strategy. What’s the value of a visit, comment, link, refer- 68% Email Newsletters ral or friend? Social media allows you to transform 66% Webinars your company into a knowledge base of customer 50% Landing Pages insight and creates value through several criteria: 48% Online Display Ads 46% Rich Media Demonstration Increased revenues: Forming new sales leads 42% Social Networks or generating additional income from existing 38% RSS Feeds customers using customer-generated content. 35% Blogs Engaged customers: Giving customers the 33% Online Forums opportunity to network around a brand or a 32% Video Marketing product reinforces the consumers’ connection to 27% Podcasts it and solidifies their loyalty. 24% Customer Contributed Content 13% Buzz builder: If your social media strategy goes Behavioral Targeting of Ads Widgets/mash-ups beyond talking and is trying to proactively build 13% N=120 B2B marketers from 10% Virtual Conferences word of mouth, your customers can become high tech, services, and other firms 6% Advergames evangelists for you, and the value becomes 6% Mobile Ads how many people have been referred to your 5% Personas company over a certain period of time. Virtual Worlds 3% Source: Forrester Research Competitive market insight: Social media allows companies to be privy to conversations once only open to friends or family around dinner But keep in mind that while traditional costs have tables or on private telephone calls. You can been reduced, there are soft costs associated with get in on market trends as they germinate and social media projects, including the time and atten- track what your customers are saying about What is the value of your competition. tion investments. “People think that social media is a visit, a comment, link, referral or a a really cheap way to do things,” says Carroll. “In friend? It all depends Additionally, if you’re using social media for one sense, it is: you write a blog or use a free blog on your objectives. service and support, there are value opportunities space and pay someone to write the template for there as well, as in the reduction of customer you, so it’s unique for your company. But the real service calls and in making your support more cost is in the time and resources involved on the effective and efficient. What’s more, social media back-end to keep it going and to monitor what’s enables your customers to support one another, going on out there.” and there is huge value in that: In one example, a Constant Contact customer lodged a complaint on the Constant Contact forum, which was answered > Get Started Now: Go back to the by a happy Constant Contact customer.11 original reasons you established for All the company did was give its customers a implementing a social media program. community in which conversations could take Then figure out what kinds of activities place, and its customers did the rest. you need to measure in order to know The costs of enabling this kind of interaction are if you are meeting those goals. far lower than historical data-collecting methods. 8 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 9. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships Something Old, Something New Social media has created a level of brand loyalty about the methods of data collection that you and advocacy that was once thought unimagin- already have, says Compton. “It’s compelling able. By appealing to the individual’s desires, to have a social platform where the customer dreams, and behavioral markers, companies can engage with companies and can contribute can fully integrate their brand into customers’ to how a company is perceived,” he says. “But The secret ingredient in lifestyles, daily routines, and conversations. all channels are still in play. Social media is this new marketing Then they can create a roadmap based on these the new breed of access, but consistency landscape is not social criteria and coordinate and execute social across all channels needs to be valuable no media itself, but having a multi-channel approach media campaigns as a key component of their matter how customers come into contact with across all media—not overall sales and marketing plan. your company.” just social media. “Traditional marketing efforts—putting numer- Indeed, view every customer interaction as ous pieces of mail in the postal stream, having an opportunity to learn more about your cus- telemarketers call people and even email tomers, make them a relevant offer, improve campaigns—have become less effective in recent retention, increase revenue, build loyalty, or years,” says Infor’s Compton. “People are on the strengthen your brand. In the end, the secret go and will be compelled to do business with ingredient in this new marketing landscape is companies that allow them to customize not social media itself, but having a multi- their experience.” channel approach across all media, including Still, this doesn’t mean that you should forget social media. Footnotes 1http://www.universalmccann.com/Assets/strangers_reportLR_20080924101433.pdf 2http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2007/02/25/social-media-saga-continues-as-company-advances-towards-dell-swell/ 3 http://www.theacsi.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=149&Itemid=157&c=Comcast+Corporation&i=Cable+%26+Satellite+TV 4 http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/07/07/hurry_up_the_customer_has_a_complaint/?page=2 5Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press. Boston: 2008. (142) 6http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/10017.asp 7http://www.beingpeterkim.com/2008/09/ive-been-thinki.html 8http://brainsonfire.com/blog/2006/07/13/want-power-then-give-it-away/ 9http://www.mpdailyfix.com/2007/12/social_media_marketing_whos_fu.html 10Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press. Boston: 2008. (122) 11Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press. Boston: 2008. (143) 9 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.
  • 10. The Value of Having Conversations: Using Social Media to Deepen Your Customer Relationships Infor Infor delivers business-specific software that helps enterprising organizations of all sizes adapt to rapid change. With experience built in, our solutions are helping more than 70,000 companies meet their goals in a global marketplace. So go ahead. Be as innovative as you want to be. As ready to seize new opportunities. Infor is right beside you. Changing what you expect from a business software company. For more information visit, www.infor.com. Peppers & Rogers Group Peppers & Rogers Group is dedicated to helping its clients improve business performance by acquiring, retaining, and growing profitable customers. As products become commodities and globalization picks up speed, customers have become the scarcest resource in business. They hold the keys to higher profit today and stronger enterprise value tomorrow. We help clients achieve these goals by building the right relationships with the right customers over the right channels. We earn our keep by solving the business problems of our clients. By delivering a superior 1to1 Strategy, we remove the operational and organizational barriers that stand in the way of profitable customer relationships. We show clients where to focus customer- facing resources to improve the performance of their marketing, sales and service initiatives. For more information visit, www.peppersandrogers.com 10 ©2008 Peppers & Rogers Group. All rights protected and reserved.