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Sect 09 My Inquiry Based Project

         by Stacy Roeschlein
Inquiry based project presentation
My goal in my inquiry based project was to discover if I could find
               theme-related Internet-based sources such as wikis, blogs, podcasts,
               videos, and other forms of narrative resources similar to those in the
               “Civil War and the Southern family” example on http://webinquiry.org.
               I wanted to be able to use these resources to teach curriculum-
               mandated vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. I narrowed
               my research to the specific Spanish Level I house theme asking, “Why
               have particular architectural and interior design and décor elements
               developed in Spanish homes? How would you design your dream
               home incorporating 3 or more of these elements?” Based on Dr.
               Thornburg’s criteria, this topic focus meets the requirements of a good
               question. Identifying important questions is one of the 21st century
               literacy skills according to Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004.
               Therefore in class I will use Dr. Thornburg’s criteria to do group
               question brainstorming.

Stacy Roeschlein
Join    Log In   Explore   Help                                                    Search    s
       What is a good question?

                          David Thornburg, "Forget The Future, It's The
Photo taken from David Thornburg, “Forget the Future, It’s the Present that Concerns Me: Preparing Students For Today’s World” on
Vimeo.com                 Present That Concerns Me: Preparing Students
Technology and                        21 st
                                          Century Literacy
                                 Skills for the Future
                                  By David Warlick

• What skills do I need to provide for my
• What does the workplace need them to be
  able to do?
• What should I incorporate into Inquiry Based
  Learning Projects to support the development
  of these skills for their working future
  outside of school?

                                                         Photo taken from www.don.johnston.com

Industrial Age: Wanted a workforce that could be directed

Digital Age: Wants a workforce that teaches itself using the
resources it finds

                                                               (David Warlick)
21st Century information is:



Operates without containers (the reader has as much
control as the publisher)

                                                      (David Warlick)
What is 21st Century literacy?
Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information
to learn and accomplish goals.
      use the Internet and other ICTs to:
         identify important questions
         locate information
         critically evaluate the usefulness of that information
         synthesize information to answer those questions
         communicate the answers to others

                                                            (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
Identify important questions

                  My Essential Question
Can personal, native-speaker letters, videos,
 blogs, or other resources similar to those in
  the “Civil War and the Southern family”
 example on http://webinquiry.org be found
and used to teach vocabulary, grammar, and
 sentence structure within the theme of why
 particular architectural and interior design
   or décor elements developed in Spanish
What is 21st Century literacy?
Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information
to learn and accomplish goals.
      use the Internet and other ICTs to:
         identify important questions
         locate information
         critically evaluate the usefulness of that information
         synthesize information to answer those questions
         communicate the answers to others

                                                            (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
locate information
         critically evaluate the usefulness of that information

               Keeping my topic in mind, I followed the recommendations of this
               course and experimented with different search engines and key word
               searches. I found this an eye-opening experience, as previously I did
               not believe there was any difference in search engines. I determined
               that www.yahoo.com and www.webcrawler.com were the best search
               engines for what I was looking for. Therefore, in my class and as I
               design inquiry based learning experiences, I will list the different
               search engines as a resource. I will have the students do just what we
               did here - take one part of the project and practice with 3 different
               engines and search strategies.

Stacy Roeschlein
TOPIC                        FOCUS

                                               (Keyword search scavenger hunt, Reading the Web)

Learning which key words generate productive
searches and evaluating websites and information
for usefulness and validity takes a lot of time!

               Read the URL
               Examine the content
               Ask about the author
               Links to and from the website
                                                 (Article Get REAL, How to Validate Information on the W
Technology and 21st Century Literacy
          The Changing Work Environment
               By David Thornburg

                              Photo from www.edutopia.org
Expectations of the New Workforce
• Collaboration with peers – Millenniums are used to
  social networking          (David Warlick)

  – Intellectual work, intellectual capital, can be delivered
    from anywhere.
  – It can be disaggregated, delivered, distributed, produced,
    and put back together again – this gives a whole new
    degree of freedom to the way we do work, especially
    work of an intellectual nature.
  – You can innovate without having to emmigrate.
    (Thomas Friedman 2005)
Collect and Highlight, Then Remember                          Tools
                                                                           Plans and Pricing
           Social Bookmarking Sites enable
             Feature Tools                                                    Feedback
                                                                           Sign In
                      Diigo for iPad

      Collaboration across time and geography.
                      Your all-purpose digital library on iPad!
                      Diigo Power Note for Android
                      Your memory booster on the go!
                                                                           Join Diigo
                      Diigo offline reader for iPhone
                      Read bookmarks offline on iPhone
                       Students can use this resource to collaborate on their research.
                      Tools for desktop browsers
                      Bookmark, Highlight, screenshot...in one place!
             Get Started Now! Educator ?
             Get started here »

Welcome to
Delicious helps you find cool stuff
and collect it for easy sharing. Dig
                                                                        Collect and High
into stacks created by the community,
and then build your own!
                                                                        Feature Tools     (www.diigo.com)

                                                                           Diigo for iPad
                                                                           Your all-purpose digital libr
                                                                           Diigo Power Note for Andr
                                                                           Your memory booster on the
                                                                           Diigo offline reader for iPh
             Diigo vs. Alternatives, or Why Diigo?
Web search textual vertigo!                         Photo from http://ladconciergegropu.com

Make a chart of website titles and URLs, brief annotations, and tags.
This enables the student to think critically and efficiently about tag
categories and website descriptions. This will help when it is time to
synthesize data.

           My next discovery was the existence of social bookmarking sites such as
           www.delicious.com and www.diigo.com. These are spectacular tools for the 21st century
           skill of collaboration with others to solve problems. However, as I bookmarked websites, I
           started to get lost in tagging. I believe providing a chart or graphic organizer would be
           helpful to prevent “textual and tagging vertigo.” As Dr. Douglas Hartman suggests,
           mapping out or recording learning as a student conducts research will help keep the student
           on track. Making a chart of my website titles and URLs, brief annotations, and tags helped
           me become more aware of what I was using as tags and become more efficient in my
           descriptions. It also helped me generate new key word searches. I will have students do
           this also as it is a useful skill in organizational knowledge. Handout E-2 Questions about
           the URL on p. 181 and the evaluation charts in section 07 helped me critically evaluate
           each source, who is the parent company, and what might be the reason for a website design
           and the message angle influencing it. The location and critical evaluation of information
           are two more of the 21st century literacy skills.

Stacy Roeschlein
The Internet Search
for usable blogs, wikis, podcasts, and websites

               Image from www.seminarpaper.com
The History                                                            LOS CIGARRALES

                                                                                                                                  leave a comment

                                                                                                                                                    A Great Spain Photo Blog…
                                                                                                                                                                                Posted in General

                                                                                                                                                                                                    October 12th, 2011 at 9:35 am

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Written by Ben Curtis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spain podcasts, and even learning Spanish, at our sister site Notes in Spanish.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    If this is your first visit then ¡Bienvenido! You’ll find endless information about Life in Spain, Spanish food, travel in Spain, our famous


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Welcome to Notes From Spain!
Definitely not in Kansas anymore: A pathway along the Noguera Ribagorzana river, which separates Aragon and Catalunya in

                                                                                                                           Se da en Toledo una rareza
                                                    of Spanish

                                                                                                                           arquitectónica y es que bellos e
                                                                                                                           históricos edificios se entremezclan
                                                                                                                           con los usos y costumbres de la

                                                                                                                           actual ciudad moderna y es habitual
                                                                                                                           que esconda construcciones con

                                                    Homes                                                                  siglos de antigüedad que se han

                                                    By Kate Wharmby Seldman, eHow                                          incluido poco a poco, recuperado

                                                    Contributor                                                            para su intervención en la vida del
                                                    Spanish-style homes are                                                nuevo milenio.

                                                    popular today in Southern
                                                    California and Arizona, as                                             Un ejemplo de esta circunstancia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Errant in Iberia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Learn Spanish
                                                    well as Florida and Texas.

                                                                                                                           son Los Cigarrales, cortijos otrora


                                                    The      architectural   style                                         usados como casas de recreo por la
                                                    originated in the ornate                                               burguesía toledana y hoy día
                                                    buildings of 17th- and 18th-                                           reconvertidos en vergeles de paz en
                                                    century Spain. California                                              las riberas del Tajo, especialmente
                                                    missions of the18th-century                                            al sur de la ciudad.
                                                    California also influenced
                                                    this    style.   Spanish-style                                         Construcciones de estética rústica,
                                                    homes combine simple red                                               señorial,       algunos      incluso
                                                    roofs and stucco walls with                                            conventual, se rodean de bellos
                                                    complicated wrought iron                                               jardines, terrazas o patios repletos
                                                    detailing and colorful tile                                            de plantas y flores
                                                    work. Does this Spark an
What is 21st Century literacy?
Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information
to learn and accomplish goals.
      use the Internet and other ICTs to:
         identify important questions
         locate information
         critically evaluate the usefulness of that information
         synthesize information to answer those questions
         communicate the answers to others

                                                            (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
My final discovery was disappointing. After hours of searching, generating different key
           words, and scanning several blogs, wikis, and websites, I determined that the use of
           resources similar to those in the “Civil War and the Southern family” example are difficult,
           if not impossible, to locate for my purpose of teaching vocabulary, grammar, and sentence
           structure within the home theme. Many blogs and wikis had inappropriate content on them
           for K-12 education. Others did not have enough depth of information on the theme of
           Spanish housing. In Section 08 you can read my synthesis of Spanish homes from two
           valid websites. Handout S-1 Text Map on p. 215 was an excellent graphic organizer for
           synthesis. The Synthesis Self-Checker, S-13 p. 229, will also be used in my class. I also
           found good information on Wikipedia and Regional tourism sites, such as the Los
           Cigarrales site, regarding specific regions of Spain and housing styles. Unfortunately, this
           text was written in an advanced level of Spanish, which level I and II students would not
           comprehend. Likewise, the Notes from Spain blog had podcasts and text about Spanish
           culture. This style of blog is common and I believe would create a “textual vertigo”
           leading students off track from the thematic goal.

Stacy Roeschlein
Synthesize information to answer those questions
What is 21st Century literacy?
Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information
to learn and accomplish goals.
      use the Internet and other ICTs to:
         identify important questions
         locate information
         critically evaluate the usefulness of that information
         synthesize information to answer those questions
         communicate the answers to others

                                                            (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
communicate the answers to others

      Sharing information online through wikis, blogs, and
       other tools.
                                                  (Dr. Douglas Hartman)
In conclusion, for this house theme, I could not use personal narratives, podcasts, wikis, or
           blogs for research. However, we could use them as vehicles to share our own research
           information and to create our presentations. My preference, though, would be to use iBook
           Author software throughout the school year and create our own textbook with the results of
           several inquiry projects. In this manner we could create our own podcasts, videos, and
           graphics to support our textual findings. Students could explore a media that inspires their
           own creativity and utilize it to convey the information found in both traditional and 21 st
           century media.

Stacy Roeschlein

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Inquiry based project presentation

  • 1. Sect 09 My Inquiry Based Project by Stacy Roeschlein
  • 3. My goal in my inquiry based project was to discover if I could find theme-related Internet-based sources such as wikis, blogs, podcasts, videos, and other forms of narrative resources similar to those in the “Civil War and the Southern family” example on http://webinquiry.org. I wanted to be able to use these resources to teach curriculum- mandated vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. I narrowed my research to the specific Spanish Level I house theme asking, “Why have particular architectural and interior design and décor elements developed in Spanish homes? How would you design your dream home incorporating 3 or more of these elements?” Based on Dr. Thornburg’s criteria, this topic focus meets the requirements of a good question. Identifying important questions is one of the 21st century literacy skills according to Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004. Therefore in class I will use Dr. Thornburg’s criteria to do group question brainstorming. Stacy Roeschlein
  • 4. Join Log In Explore Help Search s What is a good question? David Thornburg, "Forget The Future, It's The Photo taken from David Thornburg, “Forget the Future, It’s the Present that Concerns Me: Preparing Students For Today’s World” on Vimeo.com Present That Concerns Me: Preparing Students
  • 5. Technology and 21 st Century Literacy Skills Skills for the Future By David Warlick • What skills do I need to provide for my students? • What does the workplace need them to be able to do? • What should I incorporate into Inquiry Based Learning Projects to support the development of these skills for their working future outside of school? Photo taken from www.don.johnston.com
  • 6. Workforce Industrial Age: Wanted a workforce that could be directed Digital Age: Wants a workforce that teaches itself using the resources it finds (David Warlick)
  • 7. 21st Century information is: Networked Digital Abundant Operates without containers (the reader has as much control as the publisher) (David Warlick)
  • 8. What is 21st Century literacy? Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information to learn and accomplish goals. use the Internet and other ICTs to: identify important questions locate information critically evaluate the usefulness of that information synthesize information to answer those questions communicate the answers to others (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
  • 9. Identify important questions My Essential Question Can personal, native-speaker letters, videos, blogs, or other resources similar to those in the “Civil War and the Southern family” example on http://webinquiry.org be found and used to teach vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure within the theme of why particular architectural and interior design or décor elements developed in Spanish homes?
  • 10. What is 21st Century literacy? Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information to learn and accomplish goals. use the Internet and other ICTs to: identify important questions locate information critically evaluate the usefulness of that information synthesize information to answer those questions communicate the answers to others (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
  • 11. locate information critically evaluate the usefulness of that information Keeping my topic in mind, I followed the recommendations of this course and experimented with different search engines and key word searches. I found this an eye-opening experience, as previously I did not believe there was any difference in search engines. I determined that www.yahoo.com and www.webcrawler.com were the best search engines for what I was looking for. Therefore, in my class and as I design inquiry based learning experiences, I will list the different search engines as a resource. I will have the students do just what we did here - take one part of the project and practice with 3 different engines and search strategies. Stacy Roeschlein
  • 12. TOPIC FOCUS (Keyword search scavenger hunt, Reading the Web) Learning which key words generate productive searches and evaluating websites and information for usefulness and validity takes a lot of time! Read the URL Examine the content Ask about the author Links to and from the website (Article Get REAL, How to Validate Information on the W
  • 13. Technology and 21st Century Literacy Skills The Changing Work Environment By David Thornburg Photo from www.edutopia.org
  • 14. Expectations of the New Workforce • Collaboration with peers – Millenniums are used to social networking (David Warlick) – Intellectual work, intellectual capital, can be delivered from anywhere. – It can be disaggregated, delivered, distributed, produced, and put back together again – this gives a whole new degree of freedom to the way we do work, especially work of an intellectual nature. – You can innovate without having to emmigrate. (Thomas Friedman 2005)
  • 15. Collect and Highlight, Then Remember Tools Plans and Pricing Social Bookmarking Sites enable Feature Tools Feedback Sign In Diigo for iPad Collaboration across time and geography. Your all-purpose digital library on iPad! Diigo Power Note for Android Your memory booster on the go! Join Diigo Help Diigo offline reader for iPhone Read bookmarks offline on iPhone Students can use this resource to collaborate on their research. Tools for desktop browsers Bookmark, Highlight, screenshot...in one place! Tr Get Started Now! Educator ? Get started here » Welcome to Delicious! Delicious helps you find cool stuff and collect it for easy sharing. Dig Collect and High into stacks created by the community, and then build your own! (www.delicious.com) Feature Tools (www.diigo.com) Diigo for iPad Your all-purpose digital libr Diigo Power Note for Andr Your memory booster on the Diigo offline reader for iPh Diigo vs. Alternatives, or Why Diigo?
  • 16. Web search textual vertigo! Photo from http://ladconciergegropu.com Make a chart of website titles and URLs, brief annotations, and tags. This enables the student to think critically and efficiently about tag categories and website descriptions. This will help when it is time to synthesize data.
  • 17. collaborate My next discovery was the existence of social bookmarking sites such as www.delicious.com and www.diigo.com. These are spectacular tools for the 21st century skill of collaboration with others to solve problems. However, as I bookmarked websites, I started to get lost in tagging. I believe providing a chart or graphic organizer would be helpful to prevent “textual and tagging vertigo.” As Dr. Douglas Hartman suggests, mapping out or recording learning as a student conducts research will help keep the student on track. Making a chart of my website titles and URLs, brief annotations, and tags helped me become more aware of what I was using as tags and become more efficient in my descriptions. It also helped me generate new key word searches. I will have students do this also as it is a useful skill in organizational knowledge. Handout E-2 Questions about the URL on p. 181 and the evaluation charts in section 07 helped me critically evaluate each source, who is the parent company, and what might be the reason for a website design and the message angle influencing it. The location and critical evaluation of information are two more of the 21st century literacy skills. Stacy Roeschlein
  • 18. The Internet Search for usable blogs, wikis, podcasts, and websites Image from www.seminarpaper.com
  • 19. The History LOS CIGARRALES leave a comment A Great Spain Photo Blog… Posted in General October 12th, 2011 at 9:35 am Written by Ben Curtis Spain podcasts, and even learning Spanish, at our sister site Notes in Spanish. If this is your first visit then ¡Bienvenido! You’ll find endless information about Life in Spain, Spanish food, travel in Spain, our famous 4 comments Welcome to Notes From Spain! Definitely not in Kansas anymore: A pathway along the Noguera Ribagorzana river, which separates Aragon and Catalunya in Se da en Toledo una rareza of Spanish 9 arquitectónica y es que bellos e históricos edificios se entremezclan con los usos y costumbres de la Style 10 actual ciudad moderna y es habitual que esconda construcciones con share Homes siglos de antigüedad que se han 2 By Kate Wharmby Seldman, eHow incluido poco a poco, recuperado share Contributor para su intervención en la vida del Spanish-style homes are nuevo milenio. 22 popular today in Southern California and Arizona, as Un ejemplo de esta circunstancia Errant in Iberia Learn Spanish well as Florida and Texas. Podcasts son Los Cigarrales, cortijos otrora About Home The architectural style usados como casas de recreo por la originated in the ornate burguesía toledana y hoy día buildings of 17th- and 18th- reconvertidos en vergeles de paz en century Spain. California las riberas del Tajo, especialmente missions of the18th-century al sur de la ciudad. California also influenced this style. Spanish-style Construcciones de estética rústica, homes combine simple red señorial, algunos incluso roofs and stucco walls with conventual, se rodean de bellos complicated wrought iron jardines, terrazas o patios repletos detailing and colorful tile de plantas y flores work. Does this Spark an idea?
  • 20. What is 21st Century literacy? Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information to learn and accomplish goals. use the Internet and other ICTs to: identify important questions locate information critically evaluate the usefulness of that information synthesize information to answer those questions communicate the answers to others (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
  • 21. My final discovery was disappointing. After hours of searching, generating different key words, and scanning several blogs, wikis, and websites, I determined that the use of resources similar to those in the “Civil War and the Southern family” example are difficult, if not impossible, to locate for my purpose of teaching vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure within the home theme. Many blogs and wikis had inappropriate content on them for K-12 education. Others did not have enough depth of information on the theme of Spanish housing. In Section 08 you can read my synthesis of Spanish homes from two valid websites. Handout S-1 Text Map on p. 215 was an excellent graphic organizer for synthesis. The Synthesis Self-Checker, S-13 p. 229, will also be used in my class. I also found good information on Wikipedia and Regional tourism sites, such as the Los Cigarrales site, regarding specific regions of Spain and housing styles. Unfortunately, this text was written in an advanced level of Spanish, which level I and II students would not comprehend. Likewise, the Notes from Spain blog had podcasts and text about Spanish culture. This style of blog is common and I believe would create a “textual vertigo” leading students off track from the thematic goal. Stacy Roeschlein
  • 22. Synthesize information to answer those questions s y n t h e s i s
  • 23. What is 21st Century literacy? Literacy is the skills involved to resourcefully use information to learn and accomplish goals. use the Internet and other ICTs to: identify important questions locate information critically evaluate the usefulness of that information synthesize information to answer those questions communicate the answers to others (Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004)
  • 24. communicate the answers to others Communicating  Sharing information online through wikis, blogs, and other tools. (Dr. Douglas Hartman)
  • 25. In conclusion, for this house theme, I could not use personal narratives, podcasts, wikis, or blogs for research. However, we could use them as vehicles to share our own research information and to create our presentations. My preference, though, would be to use iBook Author software throughout the school year and create our own textbook with the results of several inquiry projects. In this manner we could create our own podcasts, videos, and graphics to support our textual findings. Students could explore a media that inspires their own creativity and utilize it to convey the information found in both traditional and 21 st century media. Stacy Roeschlein